
alesterI hope it's OK to run a LP project that is just a community, and isn't releasing actual software03:39
beunoit sure is03:40
alesterI've been working on Drizzle and I'm really impressed, both with LP and Bazaar03:41
alesterso we're gonna host the website stuff on LP rather than Google Code03:41
beunothat's perfectly fine03:42
beunoas long as it's open source, it's aaaal good03:42
alesterwell, it's just HTML for the website so far. :-)03:43
alesteris us03:44
alestergotta fix up DNS03:44
beunoit's a perfect fit for LP, so feel free to use anything you'd like03:45
alesterAlso, I'm going to post ISOs of Windows Vista, and kiddie porn.03:53
beunoas long as it's open source (?)03:54
alesterSo glad Canonical is doin' this.  Thanks, all.03:56
alesterAnd lest anyone reading logs thinks I'm serious: I was kidding about the ISOs and kiddie porn. :-)03:56
saivannDoes someone know what the new functionnality "Does this bug affect you?" of launchpad exactly does?04:51
beunosaivann, it will be used to decide which bugs affect more people04:52
beunosi, I think the feature is still incomplete04:53
saivannbeuno : thanks for the answer, then I think that bug 149775 might be closed in a near future :)04:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 149775 in ubuntu "Adding tags and voting on bug reports" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/14977504:53
beunosaivann, yeap, sounds like it04:53
EagleScreenI have one bug report that i want to separate in two different reports, to do it, i must remove an affected package, and also a nominaton for release, ¿How can I do it?05:35
Hobbseewhere you'd normally change an affected package, make it blank05:35
Hobbseethe other: you can't, afaik05:35
Hobbseeunless you decline the nomination for release for the whole bug05:36
wgrantEagleScreen: If you want to split it, you'll have to file a new one.05:38
wgrantTo get rid of a package or nomination, you would generally mark it as Invalid or Won't Fix, depending on what it is and whether LP feels like documenting things today.05:39
EagleScreenthanks you05:40
EagleScreenthe problem is that now the three afected packages has nomination for Hardy, and they only should have nomination for Intrepid05:55
EagleScreenthe package that was nomination for Hardy is now separate to another report05:56
EagleScreenand maked as Invalid05:56
EagleScreenso I would like to can revoke nomination for Hardy05:58
wgrantEagleScreen: Mark them as Won't Fix.05:58
EagleScreenI cannot edit Importance, but I think that wouldn't solve my problem06:00
wgrantEagleScreen: It's a status. Maybe you don't have privileges.06:00
wgrantWhich bug?06:00
wgrantBug #25918006:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 259180 in kde-l10n-es "KDE translation packages (kde-l10n-xx) missing on Intrepid" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25918006:01
wgrantSo they're not approved yet.06:01
* wgrant declines them.06:01
wgrantThere's probably little point having an Intrepid task.06:02
wgrantWhat does RM Hobbsee think?06:02
wgrantOr RA or RE, whatever your title may be.06:02
Hobbseeoh look, another user throwing out ultimatums.06:04
Hobbseeif it should be fixed in intrepid, and should be on the release team radar, then i think it should have an intrepid task, iirc.06:04
wgrantThis hasn't been publicised well.06:05
wgrantBut that would make sense.06:05
Hobbseeno.  there was a really good summary of it in one of the recent meetings, though06:05
Hobbseewould be good to publicise that06:05
wgrantI'm tempted to reject the bug, really.06:05
Hobbseeon what basis?06:06
EagleScreenI think these packages are necessary on Intrepid06:06
wgrantHobbsee: The ultimatum.06:06
Hobbseewgrant: you can't reject bugs because the user is being a pain in the neck.06:07
wgrantHobbsee: Sure I can.06:07
Hobbseewgrant: nor can you write comments such as "don't let the door hit you on your way out"06:07
Hobbseewell, okay.  you *shouldn't* do that.06:08
HobbseeEagleScreen: can you define missing?  these packages definetly appear in my apt-cache.06:08
HobbseeEagleScreen: all 55 of them.06:09
EagleScreenHobbsee i am going to check it, my be they have been uploaded yet06:09
Hobbseelooks like they were last updated on sept 8.06:09
EagleScreenthen i will test them and if they works i will mark the bug as fixed06:10
EagleScreenbut my initial issue of nomination continues here06:12
Hobbseeit should be nominated.06:13
Hobbseeif it should be fixed in intrepid06:13
HobbseeOTOH, based on the bug title, ti should be marked as fix released.06:13
wgrantHobbsee: But everything *should* be fixed in Intrepid.06:13
EagleScreeni want remove Hardy nomination after having separated the bug in two06:13
HobbseeEagleScreen: you can't.06:14
EagleScreenanybody can't?06:14
Hobbseewgrant: that's true.  But stuff that should be on the RT's radar, and fixed in intrepid, and is going to have someone to fix it.06:14
wgrantNobody can.06:14
HobbseeEagleScreen: nope.06:14
wgrantUnless you want to find a LOSA, but I don't they'd do it.06:14
HobbseeEagleScreen: you probably should open another bug saying that they don't work, if they don't.06:15
Hobbseerather than mangling titles, etc.06:15
EagleScreenyes, i think06:16
EagleScreensome packages has version 4.0.9806:16
EagleScreenwill works them on KDE 4.1.1?06:16
Hobbseepresumably.  try it.06:17
Hobbseethey may not have had more translations added to them in a while, though06:17
cwilluis the openid provider broken right now?07:36
cwillulivejournal gives me "No claimed id: no_identity_server: The provided URL doesn't declare its OpenID identity server." when I try to login with https://login.launchpad.net , and I have no openid thingy under my user profile.  I was able to use it with stackoverflow a week ago however07:38
lukshi, is there a way to make the Launchpad Janitor not close inactive questions as Expired?08:28
luksthere is an option for bug reports, I'd like to do the same for answers08:29
wgrantluks: I don't know of an option, but there might be one deviously hidden somewhere.08:32
wgrantluks: I happen to have a copy of the names of fields in that schema floating around, and there's Product.enable_bug_expiration, but nothing similar for Answers.08:37
luksif I file a bug report, is there any chance of getting it implemented or would it be a waste of everybody's time? :)08:38
persialuks: Filing a bug report at least starts the conversation.  Be patient, as there's a bit of a queue.08:40
wgrantIf you wanted some irony, you could ask a question about it on the launchpad project. They often expire a couple of times before somebody gets to them...08:41
dholbachfor launchpadlib.resource.HostedFile is there an easy way to get just the URL of the file? (let's say I'd like to get the mugshot of a person and display it somewhere)09:33
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thumperdholbach: best person to ask is leonard when he starts09:50
dholbachthanks thumper09:52
thumperdholbach: np09:52
dholbachthekorn: do you know if there's anything in the launchpadlib world that gets me from u'2008-06-05T04:04:48.830632+00:00' to some more useful time format? :)09:54
dholbach(apart from time.strptime())09:55
thekorndholbach, no, I don't think so,09:56
Odd_Blokedholbach: I'm not sure that having a NIH'd time library in launchpadlib would be desirable.09:56
thekornI'm using strptime()09:56
dholbachthanks thekorn09:57
dholbachOdd_Bloke: no, not a time library :)09:57
dholbachbut a UTC timestamp would be nice :-)09:57
Odd_Blokedholbach: I see what you mean, sure. :)09:58
* wgrant would have expected launchpadlib to return a datetime or similar.10:00
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salutishello all. yesterday I removed 3 packages from my PPA. now I can't upload new packages, every time I try, I receive mail with this error - "Rejected: File ........ already exists in PPA for Rudolf Adamkovic, but uploaded version has different contents." - what can I do? please help10:42
bigjoolssalutis: https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA#Deleting packages10:43
salutisbigjools: so, I must increase version :(10:44
bigjoolssalutis: yes, why is that bad?10:45
salutisbigjools: because, I am only in testing stage, repository is not used by real people. I don't want write to changelog, because it's only testing :( so, thanks for URL - I will increase versions and my testing repository will be moved back to my own server...10:47
bigjoolssalutis: right - the version bump is necessary because there's no way of knowing if your packages were downloaded and used by someone.  Re-using the same version Would Be Bad.10:48
bigjoolssalutis: regarding bug 275509, I am trying to re-create it.  Do you have available the package upload that originally caused the problem?10:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 275509 in soyuz "Error trying to upload a package from a user that contains unicode chars on profile name " [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27550910:55
salutisbigjools: it was problem with all packages until I changed name in profile10:57
bigjoolssalutis: okay, would you mind signing a small package for me that I can test on our dogfood server?10:57
salutisbigjools: yes10:59
bigjoolssalutis: thank you - can you upload something to upload.dogfood.launchpad.net please11:00
bigjoolsyou won't get any email confirmations but I will see your upload on the server11:00
salutisbigjools: Uploading to dogfood (via ftp to upload.dogfood.launchpad.net)... Successfully uploaded packages.11:01
salutisbigjools: it's 'salutis-connect' package11:02
bigjoolssalutis: thank you!  very helpful, I'll let you know how I get on11:02
salutisbigjools: perfect11:02
bigjoolssalutis: the signing key you used is not registered in dogfood, can you use the one that is?11:08
salutisbigjools: i am only this one GPG key and I know nothing about dogfood. so, I don't know what can I do :)11:18
bigjoolssalutis: dogfood is an old copy of the production database, so you might have changed your key?11:19
bigjoolsit has your key ID as C60968A511:19
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salutisbigjools: yes, it was my old key and it's rejected11:24
salutisbigjools: new one is B0298FA811:25
bigjoolssalutis: what is its fingerprint?11:25
salutisbigjools: fingerprint of new key is EE66 FB0F 6895 D743 FF98 34CF DF28 A983 B029 8FA811:27
bigjoolssalutis: great, thanks11:27
salutisbigjools: np11:28
bigjoolssalutis: I sent you an email, can you decrypt and confirm the new dogfood key please!11:33
salutisbigjools: fyi: Your MobileMe Mail is currently unavailable. We apologize for this service interruption and are working hard to resolve the problem.11:34
wgrantPastebin solves world hunger.11:35
bigjoolsalready there :)11:35
wgrantDo any non-production Launchpad instances receive mail?11:35
bigjoolsyes but we capture it all11:35
wgrantI knew that about sending.11:36
wgrantBut it seems most non-production instances lack the appropriate cron jobs to receive it.11:36
wgrant(I presume)11:36
bigjoolssalutis: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/52047/11:36
bigjoolswgrant: I see - ummm, I'm not sure11:37
elmostaging at least can receive email11:37
wgrantelmo: Hmm, I thought I tried that when I needed it.11:37
elmowell, I say 'can', I mean on the MX/MTA level.  whether or not anyone's listening/caring, I don't know ;-)11:38
salutisbigjools: confirmed11:38
bigjoolssalutis: awesome, thanks for your help11:38
salutisbigjools: np :)11:38
bigjoolssalutis: umm, sorry to bother you again, can you become an ubuntero on dogfood so I can do test uploads to your PPA11:41
salutisbigjools: and how to do that?11:43
bigjoolssalutis: go to https://dogfood.launchpad.net/~salutis11:44
bigjoolssign the CoC11:44
salutisbigjools: I signed up at http://www.cocdirectory.com/COCs%20Sign-up%20Form.htm11:48
salutisbigjools: hah, just joking :) done11:48
bigjoolssalutis: thank you again :)11:49
salutisbigjools: np11:51
bigjoolssalutis: well, I can't re-create that bug, your test package uploaded ok with UTF-8 in your LP name :(11:52
salutisbigjools: :(11:53
wgrantIs it the LP displayname and not Maintainer or Changed-By?11:53
bigjoolsdefinitely not the latter two, we have explicit tests for those11:53
bigjoolshe gets the problem in production when his display name in LP has UTF-8 in it11:54
wgrantFun, fun.11:54
bigjoolshe's not the only one who's had this issue, someone emailed -users about it too11:55
persiaWait, are there any users in LP whose names *don't* contain UTF-8 data?11:55
wgrantI think it used to work.11:55
wgrantpersia: I hope not.11:55
wgrantThough I have had an email come from LP with an illegal unencoded Latin-1 From.11:55
bigjoolsgrrr I hate these11:57
persiaI get a fair amount of bug notifications from users whose names are only expressed in Hangul or Hanzi, but don't generally look at the mail very carefully.11:57
wgrantpersia: This wasn't bugmail; normal LP mail seems to work fine.11:57
persiaAh.  That makes more sense then, as I didn't think it was that broken.11:58
wgrantPython 3 will be nice, with its enforced unicode/bytes split. It will be less easy to code in stupid bugs like this.11:59
bigjoolsutf8 is the bane of my life12:00
persiabigjools: Why?12:00
bigjoolswell, combined with Python throwing wobblies12:00
persiabigjools: Well, consider that we could be asking to support the various different ISO-2022-* encodings ...12:01
persiaYeah.  UTF8 is your saviour: only one source of encoding madness :)12:01
wgrant... until Microsoft decides to use UTF-16 for everything instead.12:02
persiaUm.  Microsoft *does* use UCS-2 for nearly everything.12:02
wgrantThey do.12:03
wgrantUnlike the rest of the world which uses UTF-8.12:03
persiaRight, but it's foolishly trivial to switch between the two.  Try that with KO18 vs. EUC12:03
persia(even ignoring little things like KO18-R vs, KO18-U or EUC-KR vs. EUC-JP)12:05
wgrantDoes anybody actually use !(ASCII|Unicode) any more?12:05
persiaISO-2022-jp is still the most common encoding for email here.12:05
persiaSince *all* the handsets (even the linux ones) do that, it makes it hard to convince anyone UTF-8 is useful, unless they need to type in Cyrillic.12:07
wgrantpersia: Do they at least decode UTF-8?12:09
persiaSome very small percentage can handle UTF-8.12:10
persiaAt issue is that email is 85% handset based here, so the volume of workstation or laptop originated mail is sufficiently small that any problems are considered to be problems with the computers.12:11
persiaMicrosoft, Apple, GNOME, and Mozilla all have special workaround patches.  I don't know about other clients.12:11
bigonis there anyway to completely remove a gpg key from a lp account?12:12
persiabigon: There's no way to completely remove a gpg once it's in the keyservers.  Are you sure you don't want to revoke it instead?12:12
persias/gpg/gpg key/12:12
persia(maybe it can be removed from LP, but that's different)12:13
bigonyeah I will send the revoked key to the ubuntu keyserver12:13
persiaThat ought revoke it on all the keyservers.  As someone who foolishly let a subkey expire, I can say that Soyuz respects that sort of thing.12:13
persiabigon: Mind you, if you just want to get it off LP, but still retain exclusive control, revocation is a big hammer.12:14
wgrantWhy do you want it entirely off LP?12:14
wgrantOthers cannot see it if it is deactivated.12:14
bigonyeah I know, I've revoked the key (someone steal my laptop :(12:14
wgrantOoh, fun.12:15
persiaThat's annoying.12:15
bigongood news to begin a new week12:15
Dominicoh, was it insured?12:15
bigonthey break into my apartment, so the insurance should work12:21
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danilosmdke: ping13:23
mdkedanilos: (In case I'm not around at the moment, please provide a bit of information about what you want and I will respond when I get back)13:23
Odd_BlokeHas there been any recent news about Launchpad becoming free software?13:49
wgrantOdd_Bloke: Before OSCON next year, I believe.13:50
Odd_Blokewgrant: Do you have a link I could reference?13:50
wgrantIt wasn't very well publicised.13:51
* Odd_Bloke found http://arstechnica.com/journals/linux.ars/2008/07/23/mark-shuttleworth-launchpad-to-be-open-source-in-12-months13:52
wgrantBut there are a few like http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=NjYwOA13:52
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andrea-bsHow can I know how many people have clicked on "this bug affects me too"?14:44
salgadoandrea-bs, so far that information is not being displayed anywhere.  intellectronica should be able to tell us where we plan to display it14:50
andrea-bssalgado: is there a blueprint or a bug task for that?14:51
andrea-bssalgado: found :)14:52
salgadoandrea-bs, https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/malone/+spec/malone-me-too14:52
intellectronicaandrea-bs, salgado: you probably will never be able to know exactly how many people are affected, but eventually this information will be used to help you find relevant bugs to look at14:52
andrea-bsintellectronica: I think that knowing more or less the number of people affected would help to set the bug importance, at least for Ubuntu: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Importance14:55
persiaintellectronica: Is there a reason that the number of people who pressed the button won't be visible?  Especially for packages with smaller userbases, this is interesting (where 8 could be most users)14:56
intellectronicaandrea-bs: yes, that's the idea, but what you want to know is not so much how many users are affected for each bug, but how bugs related to one another on that axis14:56
intellectronicapersia: the risk with displaying the number of users is that it will invite people to use this feature as a 'voting' facility. it isn't, and we want to design in in such a way that helps project collect useful information about which bugs happen a lot, rather than to emulate brainstorm14:58
intellectronicawe might make it available via the api at some point, if it proves useful for some cases14:59
persiaintellectronica: I understand.  My point is that setting the numbers against some range is only useful for a few packages with lots of bugs (e.g. firefox).  For packages with fewer users, the button won't do anything for those userbases.14:59
andrea-bsintellectronica: how about displaying the number only to bug contacts?14:59
persiaintellectronica: For example, if I have 10 people reporting that kourou has a display issue, it's probably critical.  If I have 10 people reporting that firefox crashes on a given web page, I'm significantly less concerned.15:00
intellectronicaandrea-bs: interesting idea. i think we might want to consider that15:00
intellectronicastill, given a list of bugs you can fix, whether one is affecting 1000 users and the other 500, or one is affecting 100 users and the other 50, doesn't make much difference. the one affecting most users is the one you'll want to look at first15:01
persiaNot necessarily, it depends on who you are.15:02
intellectronicapersia: for example?15:02
persiaFor example, if you're a flavour developer, you're interested in report counts on bugs against your flavour, and bugs against other flavours may not be as important.15:02
persia(hence my comparison of kourou with ~10 confirmed users, and firefox with ~10,000,000 confirmed users)15:03
intellectronicapersia: sure, but sorting within the criteria you've defined (using, say, tags, or packages, or whatever) will still be correct15:03
persiaSo, if you're flavour doesn't have very many users, the affected number that is a criticial priority is lower than for a flavour with more users.15:03
persiaintellectronica: This is only for sorting?  There won't be any way to search for bugs that hit some criteria?15:04
intellectronicapersia: for now it's onlt for collecting data. but yes, the initial use case is sorting15:05
persiaintellectronica: OK.  I'd like more, as that's not very useful for me.15:06
intellectronicapersia: what else do you think will be useful for you?15:06
persiaintellectronica: But getting the data model, etc. integrated first is probably good.  The fact that it's not yet useful isn't a statement it shouldn't be done.15:06
Hobbseeintellectronica: i wonder if that will go the way of packages removals for ppa - a kind of useful feature, but so limited to not be of very much use at all...15:07
persiaintellectronica: I want to be able to highlight issues that are affecting a significant number of users of a given flavour (I work on three flavours, none of which are Ubuntu Desktop), to build task lists, etc. and identify what needs to get done for certain milestones.15:07
intellectronicaHobbsee: i don't see how this has anything to do with package removals from ppas, tbh15:07
intellectronicapersia: well, that's something you can do with sorting, no?15:08
persiaintellectronica: The problem is identifying the cutoff point.15:08
Hobbseeintellectronica: only in that they both appeared to be very useful, but actually aren't so useful?15:08
persiaIf there's 200 hours of work needing doing in a week, that means there's a need for a bunch of people to coordinate.  If there's 30, then only a couple people can do it, and there's more bandwidth to work on future stuff.15:09
intellectronicapersia: i would say that the cutoff point is defined by the resources you've got to throw at the problem. if you've got no one to fix the bug, it doesn't really matter how important it is15:09
Hobbseeor, are perceived to be, anyway15:10
persiaintellectronica: That assumes I want to apply all available resources to fixing bugs, and none to developing features in the future, or working upstream.  That's not a safe assumption for any of the flavours with which I work.15:10
intellectronicaHobbsee: that's always a possibility. it's still worth trying out some stuff15:10
Hobbseeintellectronica: indeed.  I hope it can be made more useufl, before it's released :)15:10
intellectronicaHobbsee: in this particular case, just search for the huge amount of "me too" comments in bugs to see that there is a feature there wanting to become a reality15:11
Hobbseeintellectronica: the comments that i've seen in multiple channels so far about it have basically been "when did this appear?"  and "how do I see how many people have agreed with this?"15:11
Hobbseeintellectronica: indeed.  It's a good idea!15:11
intellectronicaHobbsee: for the next release, i don't think that this feature will become much more useful. there will be some additional tweaks to make the UI better, but i don't think we'll make anything other than being able to mark the bug as affecting you available. but we'll follow that with some goodies for querying too15:12
Hobbseeintellectronica: ahhh, pity.15:12
persiaWell, it's a time thing.  If querying usefully becomes possible, it can become useful.  No reason to hold it out-of-trunk just because it's not useful yet.15:14
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salutishello all. salutis here again :) I have problem with PPA. I uploaded 3 packages and status is Built and Published. but I can't install packages on my system (No candidate version found for <package-name>). can anyone help me, please?17:15
bigjoolssalutis: you can browse your archive http://ppa.launchpad.net/salutis/17:17
bigjoolsand see if what you're expecting is there17:17
salutisbigjools: yes, it is. I can 'apt-get source' my packages, but I want install binary versions :(17:18
bigjoolssalutis: what is the package name/version please17:19
geserbigjools: is "published" the published date/time of the source or the binaries?17:19
geserI guess salutis should give it some more time (published 16 min ago)17:19
salutis8 minutes17:20
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salutisah, I will wait...17:20
bigjoolssalutis: yes,it takes some time to publish, give it a while17:21
salutisok guys, it's working - bigjools & geser - thanks!17:23
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AirBenderHi, any issues with the servers? because I've tried to send a bug report, but the uploading process fails19:37
AirBenderthe file is 7MB in size...19:38
salgadothe file size is likely to be the reason why it failed19:39
salgadointellectronica, do we have a size limit on attachments?19:39
salgadoAirBender, where does that file come from?19:40
AirBenderis a crash report from apport(ubuntu)19:41
AirBendertargzipped(actually it's 9.5 MB)19:41
AirBenderok, so, would be great to know the size limit19:41
salgadoAirBender, I don't think it's failing because of a size limit (I asked just to be sure).  I'm guessing the upload is timing out and the bug reporting fails thanks to that19:43
AirBenderwell, actually, after the failed bug report, I tried to upload the file as an attachment posting in the bug thread, and it failed in the uploading process...19:44
AirBenderthen I see the message"Please try again, otherwise tell the guys in IRC... bla bla bla"19:45
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salgadoAirBender, did you get an OOPS id when it failed?19:52
intellectronicasalgado: yes, we do19:53
intellectronica(though i don't remember what it is off the top of my head. let me check)19:53
AirBenderem nop, I don't know what this is is like an error code?19:54
salgadoAirBender, yes, when something goes wrong you should get an OOPS page with a unique OOPS id19:56
AirBenderI only get a page with 4 lines19:57
AirBendersaying Please try again in green19:58
kikosalgado, it's an apache timeout I believe20:01
kikoand it happens because the connection's been left open for too long20:01
AirBenderyes, I think so20:02
AirBendermay be a customized apache error page20:02
kikoAirBender's right on the money20:02
kikosalgado, there is a bug open for this. what I'd like to suggest (it's crazy, so warning)20:03
kikois to check whether or not AirBender would be able to upload the same file using sftp:// into a .bzr directory of a random branch he has write access to.20:03
kikosalgado, IYSWIM you will see how evil I can be20:03
salgadokiko, and then link to that file from the bug report?  or can he use the file's URL when attaching it to a bug?20:05
kikosalgado, well.. I just wanted to check whether or not the upload would succeed. if it would, then I am suggesting we generalize the SFTP service we have to allow uploading other stuff apart from .bzr branches. crazy? :)20:06
kikosalgado, as to his specific problem, I guess my best suggestion right now is using something like easyshare :-/20:07
AirBenderso the problem is just the uploading time?20:08
salgadoAirBender, it seems so.  can you try what kiko suggested?20:09
kikoAirBender, yeah. if you're not super-fast it times out.20:09
kikoAirBender, IIRC sidnei has a script to upload using wget in fact!20:09
kikoor curl20:09
AirBenderbut I don't have access to the server(if you want me to use sftp)20:11
AirBendercurl sounds good, but I don't know where to upload20:16
AirBenderwell it's not that urgent anyway20:16
AirBenderit's just pidgin crashing then you try to send a tar.gz file 0D20:17
salgadoAirBender, you can register a new branch at https://code.launchpad.net/people/+me/+addbranch and then upload the file using sftp20:18
salgadoas kiko suggested20:19
salgadoAirBender, or you can upload the file to a hosting service like easyshare/dropbox and link to it from the bug report20:19
AirBendermmm well, don't even know if the report is needed, since there's no too much activity in this bug, but good sugestion anyway20:21
=== salgado is now known as salgado-bbl
dogihi all21:00
dogion this page https://code.launchpad.net/bitbox in my lauchpad testing process i added 2 vcs trunks21:03
doginow is wanted the delet them but i dont find the right button ...21:03
dogii want to delet them, but i dont know how to do that21:04
mwhudsondogi: you want to delete both of them?21:06
rockstardogi, when you go to the branch page, it's the red icon next to the title.21:07
mwhudsonrockstar: these branches are owned by ~vcs-imports though :)21:07
rockstarmwhudson, Good thing we know some members of vcs-imports then.  :)21:08
dogiyupp both vcs es21:08
dogi ~vcs-imports/bitbox/bitbox there21:09
dogiis no red logo21:09
mdkedanilo[home]_: pong?21:12
mwhudsondogi: done21:28
dogithx mwhudson21:38
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Verterokmwhudson: thanks for the cleanups to my logging branch ;)22:48
mwhudsonVerterok: np!22:49
=== salgado-bbl is now known as salgado-afk
=== bac is now known as bac_afk
keesdoes anyone have examples of how to get a list of files from a PPA using the LP API code?23:48
wgrantkees: You can't.23:48
cprovkees: LP API doesn't cover PPAs yet23:48
wgrantBug #27602023:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 276020 in soyuz "No API to manipulate PPAs and buildds" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27602023:49
keescprov: oh... the docs for "archive" mention PPA23:49
* wgrant hadn't noticed that that was exposed yet, but it does seem to be.23:50
keeswgrant: I'm not sure it does very much23:53
wgrantIt doesn't.23:54
wgrantIt seems to just expose the attributes of an Archive object, and nothing more.23:54
* kees starts writing xpath to screen-scrape...23:54

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