
Hamradebian should have a better bug tracking system! it's just.... old!00:07
chrisccoulsonHamra - I just saw this synaptic wishlist you sent to debian00:19
chrisccoulsongenerally, it's a good idea to quote the ubuntu bug number in bugs that are forwarded upstream :)00:20
Hamraok, it's the first time i do anything upstream, i'll remember next time00:21
Hamrais this bug 275590 really valid? it could be his hardware, or could be an unintentional double-click, it happens 1 in 50 times!00:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 275590 in firefox-3.0 "(Double) clicking problem in Firefox 3.0.3" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27559000:22
chrisccoulsonthats a difficult one. i'm sure i've seen people talk about mouse clicking problems in firefox before00:25
chrisccoulsonit would be worth finding out if firefox is the only application that it happens in00:25
Hamrain bug 266946, on what basis was it actually confirmed and set as high? is there any proof that firefox actually doesn't need any of these packages?00:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 266946 in firefox-3.0 "firefox installs unnecessary packages" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26694600:41
wgrantHamra: There is proof. Common sense, and thinking the dependency chain through.00:45
wgrantI think it's a duplicate, however.00:45
wgrant(the problem stems from firefox's Recommends of ubufox)00:46
Hamragood night everybody01:28
ubottu5-a-day is a community event where each person will take 5 bugs a day and work on them. Everyone is invited to help no matter your abilities! More information available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/5-A-Day03:40
Hobbseeyeesh.  only 1595 karma!  I must have been inactive for a while!03:41
Hobbseeand i haven't even hit the stats for yesterday.  shameful.03:43
dholbachgood morning04:07
mrooneydholbach: hello!04:36
dholbachhi mrooney04:36
mrooneythis rhythmbox patch for bug #42686 is making me understand more C than I anticipated04:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 42686 in rhythmbox "audioscrobbler password saved configuration file" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/4268604:38
mrooneyif only devs would integrate patches instead of waiting until they can no longer be remotely cleanly applied to be interested in them04:38
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bucket529Need bug#268677 changed to Wishlist - Debian is working on a package, but it's not finished.05:21
bucket529Need bug#194212 changed to Wishlist. Packaging Request05:35
Hobbseebug 19421205:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 194212 in ubuntu "[Feature Freeze Exception]OpenProj" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19421205:36
Hobbseehm, that'd be a workflow bug.05:36
Hobbseedebian bug 44203205:37
ubottuDebian bug 442032 in wnpp "ITP: openproj -- A desktop replacement for Microsoft Project. It is capable" [Wishlist,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/44203205:37
* Hobbsee wishes the guy would have changed the title to something a little more approriate, too.05:39
* Hobbsee marks it invalid anyway05:40
Hobbseedholbach: can i have a pony?05:55
dholbachHobbsee: did you ask your parents first?06:06
Hobbseedholbach: no.  but i did feature on 5-a-day :P06:07
dholbachI'll check with Santa... I think there was something about "asking ones parents about the pony" in the rulebook06:08
* dholbach goes out for a run06:08
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salty-horsehi. I have some problems with libgdl dependencies that prevent it from being upgraded. is it a known problem?13:58
Hobbseesalty-horse: which problem?14:00
salty-horseI have libgdl-1-0 in version 0.7.11-1. there's an upgrade available to 2.24.0-1, but python-gnome2-extras has not been updated, and it depends on the older version14:01
salty-horsealso, python-gnome2-extras-dev HAS been updated, but it depends on a newer python-gnome2-extras which doesn't exist14:02
persiasalty-horse: There's been a bit of a catch and loop with build timings.  It ought be sorted reasonably soon.  Check the build state on LP if you want to watch the progress.14:03
salty-horsepersia, it's been like this for about a week14:03
salty-horseI'll check the builds on lp14:03
persiasalty-horse: Yes, there's been a lot of confusion about it.  I think I saw traffic indicating it might be sorted earlier today, although either I could be mistaken, or those sorting it could be mistaken.14:04
salty-horseSetting up libc6 (2.8~20080505-0ubuntu7) ...14:09
salty-horseinit:io.c:724: Assertion failed in nih_io_message_send: message != NULL14:09
salty-horseAborted (core dumped)14:09
salty-horsepersia, here's the problem. what do I do now? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-python-extras/2.19.1-0ubuntu10/+build/72479514:26
persiasalty-horse: Well, you can check who uploaded it 23 minutes ago, and if you think you have a solution to the problem, perhaps chat with them to share your results.14:27
persiaIf you don't have a solution yet, you can wait for them to try again.14:27
salty-horsepersia, I think that build fails for a long time now. seb128 made the last change14:27
persiaIf you watch the build status, you'll be able to see progress on resolving your issue.14:27
persiasalty-horse: Look at your link again.  Last build started 24 minutes ago.14:28
salty-horsewhat does it mean? maybe it rebuilds it again and again, failing each time?14:28
persiasalty-horse: The problem may have been around for a while, but that doesn't mean it's being ignored: in this case you can see it being actively worked on.14:29
persiaNo, when it fails it waits for a developer to take some action.14:29
salty-horseI'll wait then14:29
salty-horsehi seb128. aware of https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-python-extras/2.19.1-0ubuntu10/+build/724795 ?14:32
* Hobbsee mutters something to seb128 about telling people off for sending mails about test building, and then not test building himself. :)14:34
Hobbsee[23:32] <salty-horse> hi seb128. aware of https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-python-extras/2.19.1-0ubuntu10/+build/724795 ?14:34
seb128bah, people start getting annoying, if you can't deal with installability issues don't run an unstable distro14:35
seb128Hobbsee: I never said I was testing my builds and didn't tell people off for that, I told you off for ranting about things you don't do yourself14:36
Hobbseeseb128: i usually do.  I thought that one was safe.14:36
Hobbseeseb128: besides, i wasn't rantin.14:36
Hobbseeer, ranting14:36
seb128well, if you give public advice you should be carreful to apply those to yourself for the days after giving the lesson ;-)14:37
* persia thinks it's good to ask people to test build, and good to poke people when they don't. Helps us all get the right practices.14:37
Hobbseeseb128: if my pbuilder hadn't exploded, like my akregator (again) and my email, i would have.14:37
seb128persia: I do test builds locally but that one is somewhat sbuild specific apparently14:38
persiaseb128: I know.  I don't fault you it not building.  I've local sbuild if I can test it for you.14:38
seb128persia: that's ok lool debugged a similar issue in pygtk this morning so we just have to apply the same fix but thanks14:39
persiaseb128: It's more that I think Hobbsee was right to remind people to test build & test install, as we'd been seeing a lot of growth in unmetdeps, and I think you were right to poke her when she missed because we all ought help identify anything that needs help.14:39
persiaseb128: You think the pygtk fix will also work for -extras?  That's great news.14:39
seb128yes, that's the same xvfb issue14:41
salty-horsecan anyone help me debug this warning?15:07
salty-horseSetting up capplets-data (1: ...15:07
salty-horseWARNING: Failed to parse default value `??????????? ?????? ;gtk-theme-selector.desktop,???????????? ??????????? ???;default-applications.desktop,??????????? ????;gnome-cups-manager.desktop]' for schema (/schemas/apps/control-center/cc_actions_list)15:07
salty-horsegconf-editor doesn't give me details on /schemas/apps/control-center/cc_actions_list15:08
seb128salty-horse: control-center.schemas has a broken translation15:10
salty-horsewhere can I look for it? I don't even have /usr/share/applications/gtk-theme-selector.desktop15:11
salty-horsekees, here? I get an assert when upgrading to the latest glibc: init:io.c:724: Assertion failed in nih_io_message_send: message != NULL15:12
salty-horseseb128, where should I report it?15:13
Hobbseebug 27385615:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 273856 in libx11 "Thai language input not work correctly" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27385615:35
salty-horseHobbsee, any idea what to do with my broken translation issue?15:41
Hobbseesalty-horse: no.15:42
salty-horseany idea where to look or who to ask, or even what package should I file a bug under?15:42
seb128salty-horse: report it on bugzilla.gnome.org against the broken locale if that's not fixed yet16:09
salty-horseseb128, how can I figure out which locale is it? I have no idea how to debug it.. that's why I'm asking here16:26
lfaraoneIs it bad practice to set priority on your own bugs?16:36
lfaraoneLike setting 235941 to "low"?16:36
persiabug #23594116:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 235941 in firefox-3.0 "Desktop cannot be switched via keyboard when location bar is open" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23594116:36
persialfaraone: It's discouraged, except in the case of setting to "Wishlist" when you're sure it's not important, or if you're someone who has taken responsibility for a given class of bugs anyway.16:37
lfaraonepersia: Ok.16:38
persiaFor example, I try to triage and fix *every* bug in wildmidi or freqtweak.  As a result, I often triage my own bugs there, because I'm likely to coordinate the fix.  Similarly, when I report an issue complaining about some dialog text that's not quite right, I'll set it to wishlist.  For other bugs, I tend to try to find someone else to triage them (perhaps as trade for triaging their bugs).16:39
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keessalty-horse: is the init bug related to locale?  I'm confused after reading the backlog.  :P17:07
salty-horseno, it's a different problem :)17:07
salty-horseand I have no idea where that coredump was written to :)17:08
salty-horse(I used "sudo aptitude")17:08
keessalty-horse: when does the init problem happen?17:14
salty-horsewhen I configure the package after installation17:14
salty-horseright after the "setting up libc6" message17:15
PiciIf you're using Intrepid, then there are few other people reporting the same libc6 coredump in #ubuntu+1, I'm not sure if any bugs have been logged yet, and I'm not going to try the upgrade myself until I have physical access to my computer.17:16
salty-horsePici, I am using intrepid17:16
seb128salty-horse: does that break the upgrade?17:17
salty-horseno. it continues. but I'm not sure if things are ok17:18
seb128salty-horse: did you open a bug about that yet?17:18
salty-horsenope, because I'm not sure what the problem is17:18
salty-horseshould I just open a bug with the error and my specs?17:19
seb128well, bug reports are there to report issues, they are useful even if you are not able to figure what the bug is ;-)17:19
salty-horseok, I will17:19
seb128just copy the upgrade log and the error17:19
keesinit:io.c:724: Assertion failed in nih_io_message_send: message != NULL17:22
keesAborted (core dumped)17:22
keesit didn't do that when I used dpkg locally17:23
salty-horsekees, I'm reporting it now17:23
keessalty-horse: thanks.  I'm moving to #u-devel to see if doko or Keybuk know what's happening17:24
keessalty-horse: looks like a bug in upstart17:29
salty-horsekees, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/glibc/+bug/27595817:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 275958 in glibc "nih_io_message_send assert when upgrading package" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:43
mrooneypedro_: regarding that rhythmbox bug, hadess isn't interested; his preferable patch uses gnome-keyring instead of using the md518:42
mrooneywhich I guess I can agree with, although doing that would take a lot more research on my part18:42
copyofjohanbug 14746418:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 147464 in nfs-utils "Heavy network activity (eg: torrent/nfs file transfers) causes Hard System Locks and/or Network Freezes." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/14746418:49
copyofjohanwhat could i do help testing?18:50
mrooneyis there a way to trigger a remote bug watch update?18:57
bdmurraymrooney: nope, just wait18:57
Hamrawhat does the "denied for gutsy by ..." mean?18:57
mrooneyyou mean declined?18:58
Hamrayes :P18:58
mrooneyhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/147464/comments/80 might help18:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 147464 in nfs-utils "Heavy network activity (eg: torrent/nfs file transfers) causes Hard System Locks and/or Network Freezes." [Undecided,New]18:59
Hamralol, that's where i noticed this message18:59
mrooneyRight I know you noticed it in the bug19:00
mrooneybut that specific comment explains it19:00
Hamraah, you're pointing to comment 80? ok thanks19:00
Hamrathis is a really old bug, with loads of people experiencing it, so why is it still marked new?19:03
mrooneyHamra: I don't know which package to confirm it against19:48
mrooneyIs everyone in Intrepid getting a logout dialog on shutdown like in bug #25279519:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 252795 in gnome-session "pressing the "Power" button shows a logout dialog" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25279519:49
lfaraonemrooney: I think that'd be expected behavoir, it's controlled in the ACPI preferences.19:51
jdongmrooney: yeah that's expected behavior though I'm not convinced either it's the right behavior.19:53
jdongwhen I push the power button I expect to be greeted with options controlling the power state of my system19:53
jdongsuch as shutting down, restarting, suspending, hibernating, or turning off the display19:53
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lfaraonejdong: So, wishlist, or low?19:57
mrooneyjdong: yeah, it definitely seems like a power button should allow you to alter the power state19:58
mrooneyespecially since Hardy worked that way19:58
jdonglfaraone: I'd say leave untriaged, continue discussion on ubuntu-devel-discuss list19:59
jdonglfaraone: and basd on initial developer opinions triage it19:59
Hamrai use KDE here, this can happen if i uncheck "offer shutdown options" in session managment, maybe there's something similar in GNOME?20:07
mrooneyNot that I can find20:09
chrisccoulsonanyone here speak a bit of french? looking through the log of someone with a failed upgrade, and I see this line: "ERROR got an error from dpkg for pkg: 'php5-cli': 'sous-processus post-installation script tué par le signal (Interrupt)"21:14
chrisccoulsonbasically saying the post-installation script was interrupted right?21:14
chrisccoulsonby the user?21:14
hggdhsub process post-installation script killed by the signal interrupt21:15
Hamrai guess it means there was an interrupt signal, which could possibly mean a ctrl+c21:15
chrisccoulsonwhich is basically CTRL+C isn't it?21:15
chrisccoulsonyou beat me to it hamra;)21:15
bdmurraychrisccoulson: which bug?21:16
chrisccoulsonbug 22006621:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 220066 in update-manager "[Hardy] Corrupted FS after upgrade" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22006621:16
chrisccoulsonone of the ones from the hug day last week21:16
bdmurraybug 138535 sounds similar21:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 138535 in php5 "package php5-cli 5.2.3-1ubuntu5 failed to install/upgrade: Unterprozess post-installation script mit Signal (Interrupt) getötet" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13853521:21
chrisccoulsonwell spotted21:22
affluxchrisccoulson: 220066: user pressed ctrl+c when being asked for what to do with differing config files.21:23
affluxI'll look at the german one21:23
chrisccoulsonwhich bit of the log tells us that they interrupted when being asked what to do with the conffiles?21:24
affluxapt-term.log, line 2046 (long line with a lot of control characters) is very likely the dialog for the conffiles21:25
affluximmediatly followed by "sous-processus post-installation script tué par le signal (Interrupt)"21:25
affluxlooks suspicious in my opinion. Same goes for the 138535 by the way.21:26
chrisccoulsonthats strange. it seems unlikely that two users would interrupt it exactly the same point21:27
hggdhit is not really strange: a dialog is shown there, so that gives the user a lot of time to decide what to do21:28
chrisccoulsonthats true. but why haven't we seen more users interrupt conffile prompts for other pacakges?21:29
chrisccoulsonor maybe we have?21:29
hggdh*that* I cannot answer ;-)21:29
affluxI haven't21:29
affluxmaybe bdmurray has ;)21:30
bdmurrayNot I, but I have some lists of post-installation script apport-package bugs someone could look at21:31
affluxsounds like a good target for a hugday, after intrepid release maybe21:32
chrisccoulsonthe description in bug 138535 actually says that the upgrade hung at installing php5-cli, which would explain why the user interrupted it21:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 138535 in php5 "package php5-cli 5.2.3-1ubuntu5 failed to install/upgrade: Unterprozess post-installation script mit Signal (Interrupt) getötet" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13853521:32
chrisccoulsonmaybe the same happened for bug 22006621:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 220066 in update-manager "[Hardy] Corrupted FS after upgrade" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22006621:32
chrisccoulsonunfortunately, the logs do not say why it hung21:33
chrisccoulsoni think the only way to work that out is probably to do a gutsy -> hardy upgrade21:33
affluxI can imagine that the users did not read the last lines. They just noticed that it stopped there for quite some time and that's why they try a ctrl-c21:34
james_wI believe you can get a package hang if a package misuses ucf21:34
hggdhbug 221856 sounds identical21:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 221856 in openct "package openct 0.6.14-2 failed to install/upgrade: sous-processus post-installation script tu? par le signal (Interrompre)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22185621:34
james_wucf displays debconf like prompts as well21:34
chrisccoulsonits funny you should say that james_w. i've just looked in the postinst script for php5, and there is a workaround for legacy php5 packages which use ucf21:34
chrisccoulsonto take care of the upgrades from dapper -> hardy21:34
james_wchrisccoulson: can you stick it in a pastebin please?21:35
chrisccoulsonno problem;)21:35
james_whmm, doesn't have the same code as I've seen fixed, but I don't know if that means it doesn't have the bug21:36
affluxsticking to my theory (ctrl-c at the prompt): we probably don't have too many reports for that, because most users don't use the readline frontend.21:37
chrisccoulsoni'm not going to claim i know anything about ucf;)21:37
ubottuDebian bug 474587 in boxbackup-client "boxbackup-client: improve handling of ucf" [Normal,Closed]21:37
chrisccoulsonanyway, i'll mark the two bugs as duplicates for now, as it is obvious that something goes wrong21:37
chrisccoulsonthanks james_w21:38
james_wit may be a red herring of course21:38
chrisccoulsoni just thought actually - you say that the postinst script doesn't look like others that have been fixed previously. i suppose it could have already been fixed, as this bug is from april and i downloaded the latest source package21:39
chrisccoulsoni'll have a look through the change history21:39
james_wah, good idea21:41
james_w--debconf-ok may be a keyword21:41
* afflux bets on the users just missed the dialog ;)21:42
affluxs/dialog/debconf readline frontend/21:43
chrisccoulsonjames_w - i'm just comparing the php5 postinst to the diff in the debian bug you pointed me too21:54
chrisccoulsonthe main difference is the addition of the "--debconf-ok" option, which doesn't exist in the php5 postinst script21:54
james_wyeah, and moving the db_stop21:55
james_wI don't really know what the cause of the hang without it is21:55
chrisccoulsonme neither, as i don't really know much about ucf21:55
chrisccoulsonjust looking at the man page for ucg21:56
chrisccoulsonucf even21:56
chrisccoulsonsecond sentence in21:57
chrisccoulsonbug 24380922:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 243809 in ucf "ucf UI issues can cause upgrade failures" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24380922:02
chrisccoulsonlooks related22:02
chrisccoulsondoes the gnome splash screen work for anyone in intrepid?22:13
bdmurraychrisccoulson: which screen?22:14
chrisccoulsonwhen i log in from GDM, there doesn't appear to be a gnome splash as the desktop loads22:15
chrisccoulsoni can manually run the helper from the command line after the desktop has loaded, and the splash appears22:16
chrisccoulsonjust not when the desktop loads22:16
bdmurrayhmm, I don't recall22:17
murdokthe spanish repository isn't working good... :-/23:10
murdokW: Imposible obtener http://es.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/intrepid/universe/binary-i386/Packages.bz2  Hash Sum mismatch23:10
Hamrawhich reminds me. when the main repo is updated with new packages. how long does it approximately take for the mirrors to get updated?23:13
Nafallodepends on the mirror23:14
mrooneyanyone know anything about the status of the dawn of ubuntu wallpapers being options for Intrepid since they were relicensed, re bug 214711?23:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 214711 in ubuntu-wallpapers "'Dawn of Ubuntu' wallpaper doesn't have correct license to be included" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21471123:14
wgrantSome will take hours, some will take days, some appear to take weeks.23:14
Nafallosome will be instant23:14
Hamraso there is real slow mirrors that take weeks? that's just great!23:15
NafalloI haven't experienced any.23:15
wgrantSome particularly pathetic .au ones do.23:15
bdmurraywgrant: do you know much about powersave or did you just upload it?23:16
wgrantbdmurray: I just uploaded it a few releases ago, and I've been TIL ever since, and regretting it.23:16
Hamraa week ago i was wondering why the hell some packages that i'm sure got upgraded were still unavailable, until someone in #kubuntu suggested i use any mirror other than Main Server, and that did the trick23:17
bdmurrayHamra: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors might be interesting23:18
wgrantHamra: Those mirrors update instantly. They are the mirrors that mirrors mirror from.23:18
Hamrathanks :D23:19
bdmurraywgrant: I ran across bug 256737 and it looked like it might be important23:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 256737 in powersave "[apport] package powersaved 0.14.0-8ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: underprosessen post-installation script returnerte feilstatus 127" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25673723:19
wgrantbdmurray: No clue.23:20
keeswow, 273761 is just racking up dups.23:45
greg-gbug 27376123:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 273761 in upstart "init u|telinit u crashes with SIGSEGV in main()" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27376123:45
seb128something doesn't work correctly, launchpad is supposed to list bugs which have a similar title23:49
mrooneyseb128: maybe users aren't working correctly :)23:50
bdmurraysbeattie: just committed a bug pattern for that23:50
seb128so either that's buggy or users just don't read the list in which case launchpad should perhaps force them to enter "yes I read the list and I know there is a bug which has a similar title but I still want to send this one" or something ;-)23:51
sbeattieyeah, I committed an apport filter pattern for that, but the apport retracers may not be caught up on working through the dupe stacktraces.23:52
bdmurrayah, that's true23:53
seb128the retracer queue is empty23:55

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