
RafikI would like to add #ubuntu-arabic to the channels list15:25
RafikCan I simply add it to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat or is there any process i have to follow15:27
PiciIs this a LoCo?15:30
RafikPici, yes, it's a team for support in Arabic language15:44
Rafikmore info in English : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Ubuntu-Arabic/Proposal15:46
PiciRafik: Hm.. looks good to me.  Have you seen our IRC channel setup documents: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcTeam/Coordination ?15:56
RafikPici, yes.16:01
LjLRafik, there is already a LoCo channel for arabic, though17:31
ubottuFor the Arabic language or Saudi Arabia you are invited to join للغة العربية رجاء انظم #ubuntu-sa17:31
RafikLjL, thanks17:33
Rafiksa is for Saudi Arabia, however is a single country while there is 21 others with Arabic as official language17:34
LjLthat's true17:34
LjLbut it says for the arabic language *or* saudi arabia17:34
LjLit's not merely for people from saudi arabia17:35
LjLin my opinion, it would be better to have one place for support in one language17:35
Rafikwe wanted to have a single team for the arabic language, that's wy we created Ubuntu-arabic17:35
Rafikfor the language, not geographical location17:35
LjLi see17:36
LjLare you in contact with the saudi arabia team too?17:36
RafikSyntux did17:36
Rafikubuntu-arabic is supposed to be the union of all arabic LoCos17:37
LjLthat sounds like a good idea to me17:37
Rafikyep, thanks17:37
LjLi'm just unsure about the channel name. all other local support channels follow the two-letters thing...17:38
LjLalthough there is, i admit, an overlap between loco and support17:38
Rafikar is for Argentina, so for Arabic I don't see how to name it differently17:39
LjLno, you're right, the rule is country abbreviation17:39
LjLin other channels it simply works like this17:39
Rafikhey Syntux17:39
LjLthe teams involved decide on one channel to "sacrifice" for support (so to say)17:40
SyntuxGood day17:40
LjLmind, i'm not sure that's the best idea, either...17:40
LjLhello Syntux17:40
RafikSyntux, we are talking about #ubuntu-arabic17:40
SyntuxGood day LjL :-)17:40
Syntuxwhat about it ?17:40
LjLmostly just the name, as far as i can see, which i'm not sure about17:41
LjLSyntux: as far as the rest go, you can confirm it's a joint effort between arabic-speaking teams to provide support?17:41
SyntuxLjL, sure, I can confirm that, it's one of our goals17:42
SyntuxWe planned to request changes from IRC team and Ubuntu website to refer to #Ubuntu-Arabic instead of SA and to Ubuntu Arabic instead of Israeli team on the website but we thought it's better to do so when we are approved.17:43
Syntuxbut it would be wonderful if we can get that kind of recognition now.17:43
RafikSyntux, however sa isn't approved yet17:43
LjLwait - instead of the israeli team?17:43
SyntuxLjL, yeah, if you check http://www.ubuntu.com/support/local you will find that Israeli team is listed for Arabic support when they cannot provide support in Arabic language.17:44
SyntuxI believe that was at time when none of us existed but now we should take that responsibility and maybe extend anything Israeli team has built for Arabic support.17:45
LjLuh, you know what, i wasn't even aware of that page17:45
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines17:45
Syntuxyou know, it's the time to file a bug against that point, I'm doing it now17:46
LjLSyntux: well yes, the israeli part just seems wrong, unless there's something i'm missing...17:46
ubottuלשיחות בשפה העברית ולגישה לקהילת המשתמשים העברית אנא הקלד:17:47
ubottu/join #ubuntu-il17:47
SyntuxLjL, as I mentioned, maybe they were the closest to support Arab user before we exists but now we should take the responsibility.17:47
SyntuxLjL, you know Arabic language is formal in Israeli at least IIRC17:47
LjLi see17:47
LjLwell, did you discuss it with the israeli team anyway?17:48
SyntuxLjL, No, I tried to contact some of them to discuss another issue but we had communication problem; I don't know Hebrew and they aren't good in English.17:49
RafikSyntux, in arabic ?17:49
SyntuxLjL, anyhow, I'm not sure if it's critical, I mean if there is an Arabic team then it's the Arabic interface and all Arabic related issues should be forwarded to the team instead of any other team.17:50
SyntuxRafik, it wasn't an option.17:50
LjLwell, for me it's critical that irc people involved in related projects (or for that matter, overlapping projects) are properly communicating17:50
LjLlack of that easily results in a mess, in my experience17:51
LjLif they don't speak arabic though, then the information about that on the ubuntu.com page must be just plain wrong...17:51
SyntuxLjL, I believe so, a plain wrong :-)17:51
Rafikshall we join #ubuntu-website ? :)17:52
LjLmaybe, though i'd like to ask an israeli team member about it, too17:52
LjLthere must be one who speaks english17:53
RafikLjL, or may be we should write them in Arabic ?17:53
SyntuxLjL, Rafik LP bug 27597117:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 275971 in ubuntu-website "Ubuntu Local support - Arabic Language" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27597117:54
SyntuxLjL, yeah we should fine one who can communicate in English or Arabic to get it done17:54
SyntuxLjL, but reviewing the history and what we currently have tells that it's plain wrong, on the website they listed Hebrew team and on IRC they recognize -SA team.17:55
SyntuxI believe something went wrong or something were lost in translation :-)17:55
RafikSyntux, <Ddorda> there is no Arabic support here18:00
Rafikon #ubuntu-il18:00
LjLDdorda is an Israel Team member, so that should be accurate18:00
ubottuFor the Arabic language or Saudi Arabia you are invited to join للغة العربية رجاء انظم #ubuntu-sa18:13
LjLwhat does the arabic part say?18:13
LjL(aside from probably being in the wrong order)18:15
LjLRafik, Syntux?18:17
Rafiki'm back, sorry18:26
Rafik"for Arabic language please join"18:27
Rafikyou welcome18:28
Rafikwill you update it ?18:28
LjLRafik: can you translate "For the Saudi Arabia local team, please join ..." for me?18:28
Rafikwhat about " The Saudi Arabia loco team channel" => قناة الفريق المحلي للعربية السعودية18:30
Rafikor best18:31
Rafik للانظمام لقناة الفريق المحلي للعربية السعودية :18:32
* Nafallo can see weird characters18:32
LjLthat works18:32
Rafikto join the Saudi Arabia loco team channel18:32
* LjL can see weird characters too, they say "Nafallo", weird and funny sequence of letter...18:32
* Rafik ايضا يرى ذلك18:33
Rafik(see that too)18:33
NafalloI was more... my irssi works! :-P18:34
Nafallocan see UTF-8 and stuff18:34
LjL!no sa is <reply> For Arabic language support, please join #ubuntu-arabian  للغة العربية رجاء انظم - For the Saudi Arabia team, join #ubuntu-sa للانظمام لقناة الفريق المحلي للعربية السعودية18:34
ubottuI'll remember that LjL18:34
ubottuFor Arabic language support, please join #ubuntu-arabian  للغة العربية رجاء انظم - For the Saudi Arabia team, join #ubuntu-sa للانظمام لقناة الفريق المحلي للعربية السعودية18:34
LjLRafik: does that read right in your client?18:34
LjLerr, except i wrote -arabian18:34
LjL!no sa =~ s/arabian/arabic/18:35
ubottuI know nothing about sa =~ s/arabian/arabic yet, LjL18:35
LjL!sa =~ s/arabian/arabic/18:35
ubottuI'll remember that LjL18:35
ubottuFor Arabic language support, please join #ubuntu-arabic  للغة العربية رجاء انظم - For the Saudi Arabia team, join #ubuntu-sa للانظمام لقناة الفريق المحلي للعربية السعودية18:35
LjL!arabic is <alias> sa18:35
ubottuBut arabic already means something else!18:35
ubottuFor Arabic language support, please join #ubuntu-arabic  للغة العربية رجاء انظم - For the Saudi Arabia team, join #ubuntu-sa للانظمام لقناة الفريق المحلي للعربية السعودية18:35
ubottuarabic is <alias> sa - added by LjL on 2007-01-22 19:07:4218:36
RafikI'll rewrite for !sa and give another for !arabic18:36
LjLRafik: perhaps better to have them in the same factoid, at least for now, as people in #ubuntu are probably used to giving !sa to arabic speakers18:37
LjLsurely, editing stuff written half left-to-right and half right-to-left is a mess :|18:40
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