
csilkis it possible to get packages added to the intrepid freeze at any point (except the next freeze) during intreoids life span?00:05
csilkor the life span of any release for that matter00:05
csilkwait.. sorry, stupid question00:05
csilkignore that00:05
=== ScottK-vacation is now known as ScottK
persiasuperm1: Oops.  Hadn't even thought about that.  Much better.00:24
superm1persia, i sent the collective of our patches to the upstream mailing list. they're pretty slow at responding though, so i wouldnt expect to see them accepted upstream before they're determined at our level00:36
persiasuperm1: Thanks!  I'm not worried about when they accept/reject them, but getting them there should make this easier for jaunty.00:37
superm1persia, ack00:37
ElbrusI heard people use debdiff to see differences between uploads to mentors...01:39
ElbrusBut if I read the man-page it talks about changed files in the package.. How to see changes in the debian dir with debdiff?01:40
persiaElbrus: You can use filterdiff to extract only the changes in the debian/ directory.  For packages where patches are applied at build-time, it's a good idea to review changes outside debian/ to make sure there aren't any.  For packages that apply patches at packaging-time, it's important to also inspect the changes outside debian/ to see the effects of these patches.01:41
Elbruspersia: aren't patches always unapplied (that is reversed) on packaging-time? At least with pdebuild?01:46
persiaElbrus: Well, sorta, but not necessarily.01:46
persiaEssentially, all the patches live in the diff.gz, so no matter how patches are applied in a package, it is true that patches are applied at build time, just because the package is unpacked.01:47
persiaSome people use something like quilt, or dpatch, or cdbs's simple-patchsys to manage their patches.  In this case, the patches are applied from the diff.gz into debian/patches/* or ./patches/*, and then later applied against the code at build-time.01:48
Elbruspersia: so I want to see the differences in the diff.gz file, but how to do that in a sensible sense (if it is large)?01:48
persiaOther people use other techniques to manage patches (e.g. layered VCS), and so the patches apply to the sources directly in the diff.gz01:49
superm1persia, Marcel (whom just commented on that bug) is upstream.  his comment makes this whole problem most curious01:49
Elbruspersia: the package I am now talking about uses quilt, but I did not come up with it, but I need a bug patched to build my package01:49
persiaElbrus: lsdiff, debdiff, filterdiff, and similar help, but really it's a matter of either reading all the changes, or determining that you don't have to read some somehow (this is often dangerous)01:50
persiaElbrus: If it uses quilt, you oughtn't see any changes outside debian/ but also there shouldn't be any changes outside debian/ : if there are, quilt isn't being used in the typical fashion.01:50
Elbruspersia: I do want to see the difference, to check if I ONLY changed the debian/patches directory01:51
persiaElbrus: Right.  debdiff foo.dsc bar.dsc | lsdiff will show you the files you changes.01:51
persiasuperm1: OK.  In that case we simply don't know why it's broken.  Have you heard anything else to indicate any way it could be fixed for 0.28?01:52
superm1persia, well we've *tried* it with 0.2801:53
superm1persia, and it didn't work01:53
persiasuperm1: Right.  0.28 is broken.  1.5 works.  On the other hand, based on what Marcel says, I'm not sure that we've identified the reason.  It may be possible to write a patch that fixes 0.28.01:54
persiaOn the other hand, I think the general state of 1.5 is better than the general state of 0.28 at this point: it's a matter of time to track down the issue (I *much* prefer crashes to this sort of thing: nice map), and fix it vs. the risk of BlueZ 4.x in intrepid.01:55
persiaIf you heard something to indicate not only that the problem has nothing to do with btusb, but that the problem is known, or there is a solution, I think 0.28 is the safer choice.  If you've not heard anything, then 1.5 at least has the benefit of working.01:56
superm1persia, well the question then is what is the risk of bluez 4.x at this point01:56
superm1that's not elaborated on the bug right now01:57
persiaWell, it's a new version that hasn't gotten much testing, vs a version that has gotten a bunch of testing (and doesn't happen to work).01:57
superm1persia, well given that i've not seen reports of this failed keyboard pairing - yet we both saw it immediately, i'm not so sure that its gotten a much of testing...01:58
superm1persia, but "theoretically" has received more testing :)01:58
persiaWe don't know what bugs may lurk.  It works better for you and I and crevette and mlind, but that's not exactly widespread testing.01:58
persiaRight :)01:58
persiaPersonally, I don't think anyone really tested 3.x in intrepid properly, except for a bunch of us looking at Symbian obex testing back in June.01:59
* Hobbsee waves01:59
superm1from coming into this late, it looks like the bluetooth stack isn't properly triaged much either01:59
superm1there's still bugs from feisty marked as "New"01:59
persiaNo.  slytherin has been trying to keep track since mid-Hardy, but nobody has really been on top of it.02:00
csilksuperm1, yup, thats a problem with public bug trackers02:03
persiacsilk: No, rather it's an issue when nobody is watching a subsystem.  Having it public doesn't automatically mean people don't track things.02:10
csilkpersia,  having it public means you get alot of reports and there is never enough people to triage effectivelt never mind fix02:11
persiacsilk: I disagree.  Find me open untriaged bugs against wildmidi or freqtweak :)  It's a matter of having someone who cares, not about whether it's public.02:12
csilkpersia, when its public there will always be a report that no one cares about02:19
persiacsilk: I disagree, but it's not worth arguing about.  It's just that some people care for some packages, and when that happens, it works.02:20
csilksounds about write, my intention over the next 3 weeks is to get stuck in with some of the less cared about bugs and hack away at some fixes02:21
csilkuniversity workload is really kicking my arse right now though02:21
csilkpersia, quick question, does feature freeze also mean bugfix freeze?02:33
csilki'm not talking about system critical bugs here of course, i'm talking about old-ish bugs that havent really been looked at in any detail yet02:34
Hobbseecsilk: i don't think so?02:35
persiacsilk: Depends on the bugs.  If it's broken, you can fix it.  If it ought to include support for freon collection devices, you'll want to wait for Jaunty.02:35
Hobbseeanyone looking for a bug to fix?03:18
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superm1persia, well unfortunately can't test the dist-upgrade still.  update-manager wants to have all it's packages authenticated for some silly reason.  I'll have to poke more in update-manager code to find out how to disable that i think03:48
dholbachgood morning04:07
nhandlerGood morning dholbach04:31
dholbachhi nhandler04:33
=== bddebian2 is now known as bddebian
ElbrusI just filed bug 275688 with patch because it would allow my to build a new package WinFF (bug 172804). Would anybody be interested in syncing with Debian?05:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 275688 in fpc "Please sync fpc 2.2.2-3 (universe) with patch from bug #260464  and lazarus 0.9.24-0-12 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27568805:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 172804 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] winff - GUI ffmpeg batch video converter" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17280405:17
ElbrusWinFF is a graphical user interface for FFmpeg.05:19
nxvldholbach: wow, this should be a record, what time is it in berlin? 5 am?05:36
nxvldholbach: good morning!05:36
dholbachnxvl: now it's 6:3805:37
LaserJockany MOTU Release around?05:37
nxvldholbach: but ypu are here since 505:38
dholbachnxvl: yeah, didn't sleep so well, so I thought "why not get up early and get some work done?" :)05:38
nxvlheh, i always do the same "why not stay until late and get some work done"05:39
nxvlbut now i use to sleep well05:39
nxvlLaserJock: when you have so much fun at work it starts to be normal05:40
LaserJockdoes  anybody know what the current FF status is regarding upstream bug fix only releases?05:41
HobbseeLaserJock: file a bug and upload it, iirc.05:41
iulianGood morning.06:24
iulianjames_w: Congratulations!06:27
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slytherinany idea why does an opensuse user reports a problem on launchpad? bug #27569907:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 275699 in bluez-utils "HFP Testing " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27569907:52
siretartjames_w: welcome, mate! :)07:54
bobbojames_w: congratulations!08:05
slytherinjames_w: Congratulations. :-)08:06
RAOFHobbsee: I see you've noticed that anjuta needs more than just a rebuild :)08:21
wgrantRAOF: Are forum people really thick enough to miss three bold requests for their Xorg log, or am I missing something?08:54
Aron_I wonder who is maintaining the Anjuta IDE package?08:54
wgrantNobody in particular, but it is known that it is broken.08:55
RAOFwgrant: Yes.  Forum people are thick enough to miss three bold requests for their Xorg log.08:55
wgrantRAOF: Sigh.08:55
wgrantAnd then there's that guy complaining that monitors aren't detected properly, and then refusing to report bugs to get quirks added...08:56
wgrantLovely, lovely.08:56
RAOFIt seems that many forum denizens are not particularly interested in helping, but much more in bitching.08:56
wgrantAdmittedly it might be a good idea to have an "Add resolution" button in gnome-display-properties, but still...08:57
RAOFThere's perhaps something to those complaints, though; we'll likely never inhabit a world where all monitors report correct DDC values.  Screen Resolution should probably have some sort of 'advanced' tab for adding extra resolutions.08:57
wgrantxrandr exposes it, so it can't be impossible.08:58
RAOFIt'd actually be pretty easy, I think.08:58
wgrantAs would I.08:58
RAOFYou'd call out to xrd or whatever it is that calculates a modeline, pipe that to xrandr, and hope the monitor doesn't explode.08:58
wgrantIt might also be a good idea to scrape the hwdb data out of LP.08:58
RAOFOh, _that's_ where the hardware information database goes?08:59
wgrantIt is.08:59
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wgrantIt's also exposed, but the pages aren't linked.08:59
wgrantI can't work out if there's a full index under /+hwdb, unfortunately...09:00
RAOFWoah!  Crazy.  There's my laptop.09:06
DKcrossHOla motus!09:12
huatsmorning everyone09:17
didrocksmorning huats :)09:18
DKcrosshuats,  didrocks  hi !:p09:19
huatshey DKcross09:20
huatsplop didrocks09:20
DKcrosshuats, hey!:p09:20
DKcrossspeak spanish ?09:20
huatsjust a little09:21
huatsbut there are lots of guys here who speak spanish09:21
huatsnxvl, by instance09:21
huats(and hello by the way nicolas)09:21
DKcrosshuats,  sorry09:32
DKcrossi go..:$ my english isnt very well..09:33
DKcrossgoodbye man09:33
DKcrosstalk soon09:33
huatsjames_w: congratulations !!! you really really deserve it :)09:33
james_wthanks huats09:34
stefanlsdgrats james_w!09:41
Adri2000bobbo: why did your upload close #273586 ?10:01
james_wpersia: hi, could I be added to u-u-s please?10:05
persiajames_w: Indeed.  Congratulations.10:06
james_wthank you10:06
=== Ng_ is now known as Ng
directhexcoo, james_w gets to be my personal pet sponsor for universe. neato!10:28
* james_w runs10:29
directhexif only i worked on packages in universe10:29
RAOFjames_w: Never fear - directhex's main targets are mono, which you can't sponsor.  You're safe!10:29
RAOFAlso, grats.10:30
stefanlsdWe can still do FFE's for universe stuff - right?10:44
directhexaren't we in beta freeze? i forget the timetable10:48
wgrantBeta freeze doesn't practically affect universe.10:50
RAOFExcept that uploads need a manual shove (which doesn't require any authorisation, just an archive admin to press the button), right?10:58
slytherinanyone willing to test DVD playing with totem-gstreamer with a fix backported from gstreamer CVS? I don't have access to a DVD drive right now.11:11
slytherinthis is on intrepid11:11
HobbseeRAOF: yeah.  damn.11:12
HobbseeRAOF: did you want to fix it?  :)11:12
RAOFHobbsee: Not particularly; autofoo patching isn't my idea of a good time.11:17
RAOFslytherin: Yeah, I'll bite.11:17
slytherinRAOF: give me 5 minutes. The build has failed. Trying to debug.11:18
RAOFslytherin: Cool.  Are you considering updating to the new core & base releases?  Looks like they should be done in a couple of days.11:19
RAOFslytherin: Or are you just cherrypicking a couple of patches to fix dvd subpicture autoplugging?11:19
slytherinRAOF: Chery picked a fix so that it will go in beta.11:20
slytherinRAOF: I am not a core dev. seb128 said he will look into updates after beta11:20
RAOFYeah, seb's likely to be on top of the soon-to-be gstreamer releases, if they're worth breaking freeze for.11:21
slytherinwhat is meaning of this - Architecture: @linux@11:23
ScottKjames_w: Congratulations.11:23
james_wthanks ScottK11:23
RAOFslytherin: Some context?11:23
RAOFslytherin: The meaning seems pretty obvious - the architecture is Linux :)11:23
slytherinRAOF: gst-plugins-base also build alsa plugin. But looks liek @linux@ in control.in file is not getting replaced. And hence build failure.11:24
RAOFOh, that's debian/control autogeneration madness?11:25
Hobbseehuats: but, does it actually work?11:26
slytherinRAOF: Yes. Any idea how could I fix it?11:26
RAOFNot really; autogeneration is very much a per-package thing, because it's heavily discouraged in general.11:27
huatsHobbsee: the fact that the new anjuta does not depend on libgdl-gnome-1-0 is true11:27
Hobbseehuats: well, even the rebuild did that.  I asked if it ran.11:27
Hobbseehuats: i added a debian bug to that bug.11:27
huatsHobbsee: it was working on my computer11:28
Hobbseehuats: good.11:28
huatsbut I still need to work on it11:28
persiaErr..  Beta has affected several parts of universe since hardy.  Please be careful when uploading anything that is a reverse dependency of any of the binary packages of xubuntu-meta, mythbuntu-meta, ubuntustudio-meta, or mobile-meta.11:29
huats(and I would rather wait on the debian sync, since I have talked with the DM and the next version is about to be available)11:29
Hobbseehuats: fair enough.  I just saw the grave bug in debian, and didn't know if you'd seen it11:30
huatsno pb :)11:30
huatsright now, the libgdl update had some other side effects... I am trying to work on that and after I ping the DM again...11:32
slytherinRAOF: it might be the case that debhelper 7.x provides appropriate substitution for @linux@11:38
slytherinRAOF: ping11:57
sistpoty|workhi folks12:18
stefanlsdsistpoty|work: heys!12:22
sistpoty|workhi stefanlsd12:22
siretarthey sistpoty|work! how are you?12:23
stefanlsdsistpoty|work: i wanted to ask, when you have some time to maybe read something I wrote about symbols, and just check i am on the right track...12:23
sistpoty|workhi siretart.. I'm fine, how about you?12:23
sistpoty|workstefanlsd: if it's not too long, just show it to me ;)12:24
stefanlsdsistpoty|work: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/stefanlsd/dpkg-gensymbols12:25
james_wthanks Laney12:25
Laneyjames_w: Hm?12:25
Laney(and congrats)12:25
siretartsistpoty|work: I'm doing okay12:26
james_wLaney: you provided my first upload12:26
Laneyjames_w: The Geordi rebuild?12:26
stefanlsdsistpoty|work: might be a bit long. heh.   seems like the symbol stuff isnt that well known.12:26
james_wassuming I didn't mess it up :-)12:26
Laney(I don't mind if you accidently stole the credit, apparently that's easy to do if you miss some flag)12:27
stefanlsdjames_w: do you have a work plan for the MOTU school stuff?  Like, how could we get involved etc?12:28
* Laney high fives james_w 12:28
* james_w high fives Laney 12:29
james_wstefanlsd: no, I don't really. You would like to run sessions?12:29
sistpoty|workstefanlsd: I must admit, that I haven't used dpkg-gensymbols yet myself, but what you've written looks quite good12:32
stefanlsdjames_w: i would like to get involved. just not sure how. i enjoy teaching in general. writing docs about something etc.12:32
sistpoty|workstefanlsd: however the main use for symbol files afaict is in debian to ease the transition from unstable to testing, so it's not that relevant for ubuntu12:33
persiasistpoty|work: Don't we gain the same benefit of proper dependency tracking in terms of determining if everything is ready for release?12:34
sistpoty|workpersia: hm?12:34
james_wstefanlsd: cool, if you have a session you would like to run then we can set it up easily.12:35
persiasistpoty|work: While we don't have an unstable->testing model, I'd think that the results of the symbol files would still improve the accuracy of our package relationships, so we could presumably better identify packages that needed adjustment prior to release.12:35
sistpoty|workhi geser12:36
geserHi sistpoty|work12:36
sistpoty|workpersia: well, the only real benefit I can see is that symbol files means that someone touching a library *must* check the abi12:36
sistpoty|workpersia: others than that, I see no real benefit12:37
stefanlsdsistpoty|work: i guess its also useful to see if the ABI has remove anything, and then upstream can be notified and asked to please not break the ABI12:37
persiasistpoty|work: Right, which strikes me as a *huge* benefit when it comes to our haphazard manner of syncing some stuff from experimental, some from unstable, some from testing, pulling stuff from upstream, and throwing it all together.12:37
stefanlsdsistpoty|work: it can also help us determine that we can move the ABI lib forward  (by depends) and we would know that the functionality is actually still there, or why we cant...12:38
stefanlsdbut it seems kinda like the use of symbol files etc is optional, and not many packages do it..12:39
sistpoty|workstefanlsd: yes, but you should do this when maintaining a library anyway ;)12:39
brooniestefanlsd: A large part of that is because symbol files are a relatively recent innovation.12:42
stefanlsdbroonie: yeah. do you know if its a debian lib standard now? im not sure.  i think not many people know how to work with them also.  (i didnt at all, and now i know a little).12:43
broonieIt's certainly best practice.12:43
stefanlsdbroonie: ok, cool. so maybe we'll be seeing more of them...12:44
stefanlsdi guess i'll see if i can link my doc somewhere better so devs / motu's can find it better...12:44
siretartmr_pouit: you seem to be in charge about ffmpeg in medibuntu. please contact me before you do the next merge.12:44
brooniesistpoty|work: As well as testing transitions the symbol files are also there to help make upgrades, especially if someone's doing a partial upgrade.12:45
brooniesistpoty|work: They don't *force* ABI checks, sadly (they only check for changed symbol names, not for anything else).12:46
sistpoty|workbroonie: yeah, that's true, but I must admit that even that alone is s.th. which I've seen a few library maintainers not doing :/12:47
persiachecking for changed symbol names is a big step forward, and may well hit some percentage of ABI changes.  partial upgrades are more of a boon for developers than target users, who are expected to (but may not) upgrade from release to release.12:48
brooniepersia: indeed, but practically speaking the most common partial upgrade case is pulling in some core tools first so that the rest of the upgrade goes more smoothly.12:49
persiabroonie: True.  It's the testing to try to make that never required for Ubuntu Release -> Ubuntu Release that is supposed to obviate that, but there's certainly *lots* of people who track development, or use alphas & betas.12:50
brooniePlus you have your upgrade manager tool for desktop users which can do things like that with nasty tricks if it has to.12:52
broonieThe other thing symbol files can help spot is unneeded dependencies - if no version is identified then the dep isn't needed.12:54
persiaThat's something I'd like to see.  I'm unhappy with the volume of packages some packages pull, and don't need.12:55
RainCTjames_w: congrats!13:44
james_wthanks RainCT13:44
LaneyRainCT: Do you know of any reason for lines 110-113 in pbuilder-dist.new in u-d-t? They seem to break stuff13:54
RainCTLaney: that self.base should be a self.proxy o_O13:57
LaneyRainCT: That doesn't seem to be needed anyway. I'm behind a proxy and with just commenting out those lines it still works fine13:58
RainCTLaney: I guess pbuilder will already know about your proxy if you created the tgz with the bash pbuilder-dist13:59
LaneyI didn't13:59
Laneypbuilder seems to detect it fine itself13:59
RainCToh, I'll delete it then14:00
RainCTLaney: is pbuilder-dist.new working fine for you (beside that)?14:00
LaneyRainCT: I nailed another bug (bzr merge lp:~laney/ubuntu-dev-tools/dev)14:02
LaneyWith the code in that branch it's running great14:02
Laneydoh, accidently added an unrelated line in my latest commit :(14:04
Laney(still needed though)14:04
RainCTLaney: merged, thanks :)14:19
amikropCan I tell distutils not to place my data_files in /usr/foo but in /etc/foo?15:18
persiaamikrop: You don't want data_files in /etc.  I forget what things are to be called that go there, but it's a different name.15:20
bobboAdri2000: sorry I didnt have time to change the debdiff and it was uploaded earlier. I have re-opened the bug.15:47
bobbojames_w: thanks for all the sponsoring today :)15:47
james_wbobbo: no problem, really glad I am able to help :-)15:47
james_wbobbo: have you had a chance to look at bzr?15:48
bobbojames_w: not yet, but i'll have a look today or tomorrow. I'll send you an email with a list of things I think look important when I have a look at it15:49
james_wbobbo: great, thanks15:49
bddebianjames_w: Congrats.  I thought you were MOTU ages ago. :)15:50
james_wthanks bddebian, I was it's been like 8 hours now, that's ages15:50
fbondHi.  Is there any way to install recommends for a package after the package has already been installed (with --no-recommends)?15:54
fbondErr, --no-install-recommends, rather...15:54
Laneyfbond: sudo apt-get install --fix-policy --install-recommends15:56
Laney(will get all uninstalled recommends)15:56
fbondLaney: Hm.  I really only want to install recommends for certain (already installed) packages.15:56
fbondMaybe if I name those packages for that command?15:56
directhexotherwise known as the "where's my tomboy gone?" fix for lenny15:58
mrooneyhello! is there a guide for making patches in the Ubuntu kosher way? I tried diff -crB but it isn't giving me something comparable to the original patch I was working with16:01
Laneymrooney: debdiff old.dsc new.dsc16:02
mrooneyLaney: oh my then I am going about it all wrong16:04
mrooneyI was just trying to generate a patch from the source folders16:04
mrooneythat is how the upstream patch was, it seems like I should keep it that way for them to consider it16:05
mrooneyspecifically bug 4268616:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 42686 in rhythmbox "audioscrobbler password saved configuration file" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/4268616:05
Laneymrooney: Are you using an SVN copy of rhythmbox?16:08
persiamrooney: diff -urN is the common way used to generate patches, although the means by which they are applied to packages differs on a per-package basis (but there are only 6 or 7 common ones)16:09
mrooneyLaney: well I am patching based on an apt-get source16:11
mrooneywhich I believe is based on an SVN checkout16:11
directhexmrooney, look in the debian/ folder. if there's a patches folder in there, then that package uses a patch system16:11
directhexmrooney, svn-maintained packages are VERY unlikely to accept non-patchsys patches16:11
persiadirecthex: Note that some packages use ./patches as well.16:12
directhexpersia, really? which patchsys does that?16:12
persiadirecthex: dpatch and quilt both support it.  I think it was the recommended default for DBS (but very few people like DBS anymore)16:12
persia(mind you, "support" in the sense that it works if you fiddle things properly)16:13
directhexpersia, within pkg-mono, *every* package in svn has only a "debian" folder. upstream remains unmolested outside that folder.16:14
persiadirecthex: That's a common way to do things in pkg-foo on alioth when using SVN.16:14
directhexpersia, i do pkg-foo on alioth using SVN!16:15
Laneymrooney: Anyway, if you're wanting to submit a patch to upstream I'd get it applying cleanly and working on a fresh SVN checkout, then use "svn diff [files]" to generate the patch to attach to the bug.16:15
mrooneywell I am trying to do the first part :)16:16
mrooneyI need to generate the patch16:16
persiadirecthex: Yep :)16:16
Laneysvn diff will give you the patch16:16
mrooneyahh ok16:16
mrooneyit seems like, rhythmbox just has rhythmbox_0.11.6svn20080916.orig.tar.gz and rhythmbox_0.11.6svn20080916-0ubuntu1.diff.gz16:17
directhexpersia, apparently my monodoc update is finally uploaded, albeit in UNAPPROVED16:17
mrooneyand then the resulting directory16:17
persiaExcellent.  Now you need approval.16:17
directhexpersia, it's not beta-critical. it's certainly release-embarrassing though should it be missed16:18
persiadirecthex: Does it fix a bug?  Is the bug milestoned?16:18
directhexpersia, 25685316:20
persiadirecthex: Hmm.  Perhaps I wasn't clear :)  I'm not motu-release or ubuntu-release, so I can't help much.16:21
persiaEssentially, uploads are approved if they fix bugs that in the eyes of the release managers ought to be fixed for beta.16:21
directhexpersia, i'm less stressed about intrepid shipping with an embarrassing mono stack than i was. as long as it's in the release, then i'm not fussy16:22
ScottKFor Universe they are supposed to just shove stuff through.16:22
persiaIf your bug is milestoned, this is nearly guaranteed.  If your bug is in universe, this is nearly guaranteed.  If your bug does not match these criteria, it's best to ask.16:22
mrooneypersia: thanks, I think -urN was what I was looking for!16:22
mrooneyI wonder what that means.16:23
directhex              Output NUM (default 3) lines of unified context.16:24
directhex              Recursively compare any subdirectories found.16:24
directhex              Treat absent files as empty.16:24
directhex              Treat all files as text.16:24
directhex              Try hard to find a smaller set of changes.16:24
mrooneythanks :)16:25
mrooneyare you suggesting that is the preferred method?16:25
persiadirecthex: That's cleaner, but it's not what debdiff does (last I looked)16:27
directhexpersia, i rarely use debdiff. i contribute upstream to pkg-foo ;)16:28
directhexinfact, dpatch-template is what i use a lot more than anything else ;)16:28
persiaHrm.  OK.  I use debdiff even when I am committing to pkg-foo on alioth.16:28
persiaNot so much to generate the patches, but to review my work.16:28
Adri2000bobbo: ok, thanks16:44
=== superm1 is now known as superm1|away
persiasuperm1|away: That's a pleasing surprise.  I've just gotten a desktop install up for testing, and the updates look great!16:52
=== asac_ is now known as asac
=== superm1|away is now known as superm1
superm1persia, yeah upstream accepted variations of a few of the patches I put together.  they're still on the edge about the hbox patch of yours, but i updated it nonetheless for the new version and more feedback17:08
persiasuperm1: Understandably.  Unless you're actually trying to use it at 800x600 on a high-DPI device, it's not clear why being horizontal is better.17:14
superm1persia, I bounced upstream's latest feedback about the hbox patch to you if you'd like to provide some more input on it17:14
* persia first finishes the latest test report.17:14
persiasuperm1: Ah.  Looks great for me, but I see the point of the complaint with http://launchpadlibrarian.net/18041980/gnome_bt_too_large.png17:18
superm1persia, well try with the latest stuff on the PPA though.  upstream took off the labels from those buttons17:19
superm1did you pair w/ a person not a device btw?17:19
superm1jdong, ^ robot theories.....17:20
persiaThat makes it *much* better for me, but I don't have any currently working low-DPI environments.17:20
brettaltonI'm looking to package two pieces of web software. Kohana, a PHP5 framework and LimeSurvey. I've looked into how to package and have created folders for each module of Kohana (kohanaphp2.2, kohanaphp2.2-modules and kohanaphp2.2-vendor) including the creation of DEBIAN/{control, copyright, postinst, prerm}, but I'm stuck on what to do with postinst and prerm.17:20
brettaltonCan anyone help me?17:20
azeemwhat do you mean, what to do?17:23
brettaltonya, just not sure what to program in there?17:23
azeembrettalton: also note that DEBIAN/* files usually get autocreated by debhelper scripts17:23
persiasuperm1: Which is the communication from upstream?  I still seem not to have it.17:23
brettaltonazeem: oh, then I may be lost in how to actually create .deb files. Can you send me a link to a tutorial by chance?17:23
superm1persia, I bounced it to your @canonical.com addy from my @dell.com address17:24
superm1it should have come from Bastien Nocera17:24
persiaAh.  I'll see if I can find out where it went then.17:24
azeembrettalton: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/ I guess17:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about packaging-guide17:25
geser!packaging guide17:25
ubottuThe packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports17:25
superm1persia, hadess is the suffix to the email17:25
persiasuperm1: volume isn't the issue, it's destination.  @ubuntu.com is easy.  Other addresses are harder and less reliable.17:25
superm1persia, i'll rebounce then to @ubuntu.com17:26
brettaltonubottu: thank you!17:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about thank you!17:26
persiaThanks, as I don't seem to have received it anywhere else.17:26
brettaltonis he a bot?17:26
persiabrettalton: Indeed.17:27
brettaltonodd. Thank you17:27
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging17:27
persiaIt's the u[bot]tu that ought give it away :)17:27
* sistpoty|work heads home... cya17:28
brettaltonpersia: that and he didn't pass the Turing test ;)17:30
persiabrettalton: I suspect you'll want to read the turning test.  Assigning gender means that ubottu wins.17:30
geserHi iulian17:42
sebnerhi geser :)17:43
geserHi sebner17:44
iulianHello geser.17:46
=== DrKranz is now known as DktrKranz
mr_pouitsiretart: okay, no pb19:44
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=== smarter_ is now known as smarter
Zelutif I need to find out where a package came from (ie; main, universe, etc) what tool can I use?20:04
superm1apt-cache policy $PACKAGE20:05
geserI prefer "apt-cache madison $PKG"20:07
=== mterry is now known as mterry_afk
directhexoh, nice20:08
directhexdidn't know that one20:08
directhexhm. should i add lpia support to my mono repo, considering the debs are built already?20:10
Zelutthank you.20:18
directhexUploading pool/main/m/mono/mono-runtime_1.9.1+dfsg-3ubuntu2~dhx3_lpia.deb: [....] done.20:27
nxvljames_w: congratulations!!20:39
directhexanyone know of a good guide to setting up a buildd?20:41
=== mterry_afk is now known as mterry
geserdirecthex: IIRC NCommander did setup a buildd, perhaps he knows a good guide for it21:04
directhexgeser, found a slightly old one on debian.org, an associate is hacking on it to make it good for hardy21:05
directhexgeser, stupid xen and lack of powerpc21:05
james_wthanks nxvl21:06
sebnerjames_w: congratulations :D21:20
james_wthanks sebner21:22
* NCommander wakes up21:24
NCommanderWho has summoned my buildd knowledge21:24
sebnerNCommander: geser ;)21:24
* NCommander pokes geser's beard with the point stick of DOOM21:25
NCommandermy l and y keys are brokend21:25
directhexwell, it was sorta me21:25
NCommanderwhat do you want to know Mr. Directhex21:26
directhexwell, it was sorta SeveredCross on gimpnet, unless you know a magic way to build ppc packages without a ppc box21:26
directhexNCommander, apparently not a package in hardy21:29
sebnerdirecthex: only bleeding edge is TRUE -> intrepid :)21:29
NCommanderdirecthex, why do you need access to pwoerpc21:30
NCommanderdirecthex, http://wiki.debian.org/qemubuilder?highlight=(qemu)21:30
directhexNCommander, someone asked about ppc support for my mono repo. there's about 72 meg of arch-specific packages across the entire repo, per arch21:31
directhexand most of that is webkit-dbg21:31
NCommanderdirecthex, I have a PPC box you can use as a porters box21:31
directhexNCommander, ooh, that could be handy. is it running a buildd?21:32
directhexor is it manual pbuildering time?21:32
NCommanderit runs hardy21:35
NCommanderhey, its ScottK21:55
ScottK-laptopYes, back from vacation off the grid.21:56
=== jussi01_ is now known as jussi01
NCommanderScottK, how was vacation?22:03
directhexcuba, now THAT was an off the grid vacation22:09
directhexthe poshest hotels provide $10-per-30-mins internets at sub-dial-up speeds22:09
highvoltageg'night motus22:10
slavikany chance for evolution with openchange in intrepid? gnome roadmap shows gnome 2.26 having openchange22:10
slavik2.26 would be in 9.04 though22:10
james_wanyone familiar with swig?22:51
* directhex swigs some rum22:54
ZehRiqueHello there. Could anyone answer me which package "gtk-engine" I should request for downloading at Rosetta to make the pt_BR upstream?23:31
james_wgilir: hi, are you around?23:41
james_wgilir: I just want to check on bug 267479 before uploading23:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 267479 in avant-window-navigator "Candidate revision avant-window-navigator 0.2.6-8ubuntu1" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26747923:41
gilirjames_w: yes ?23:41
james_wplease see my comment23:42
kirklandpersia: ping23:47
=== superm1 is now known as superm1|away
gilirjames_w: hum yes, just a mistake23:51
james_wgilir: cool, thanks, I'll fix it23:51
james_wjust testing the packages now23:51

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