
vk5fossasac: you 'bout?03:24
=== vk5foss is now known as kgoetz
jtvMorning everyone07:47
ftaarmin76, http://jldugger.livejournal.com/19151.html09:20
* armin76 yawns09:23
gnomefreakyay lots of OO.o-3.0 updates :)10:19
gnomefreakasac: when i run autoconf2.13 no matter what dir im in it tells me it cant read changelog10:34
gnomefreakusing dpatch10:34
asacgnomefreak: autoconf2.13 doesnt read changelog at all ;)10:36
gnomefreaki know hence the problem10:36
gnomefreaki run dpatch-edit-patch it puts me in tmp/* and no matter where i go gives me same error10:37
gnomefreaki ran it both ways with patch name and without i get same thing, when im in tmp/* im supposed to run it in mozilla dir. but i cant cd into mozilla dir.10:39
gnomefreakasac: fta2 here are commands and dir listed something isnt right here for some reason i cant enter mozilla dir. to run autoconf10:48
gnomefreakhttp://pastebin.mozilla.org/544534 link <<10:48
fta2what do you have inside ubuntu-0.x/ ?10:49
gnomefreaksame issue if i run it in mozilla dir. for some reason dpatch is removing build-area all to gether10:50
gnomefreakfta2: debian10:50
fta2do a ls -l after line 7310:50
fta2no tarball?10:50
gnomefreaktotal 410:51
gnomefreakdrwxr-xr-x 6 gnomefreak gnomefreak 4096 Sep 26 09:36 debian10:51
gnomefreakfta2: its in tarballs dir10:51
fta2then you forgot to merge, is that from a branch?10:51
gnomefreakfta2: debian is yes10:51
fta2bzr bd --merge10:51
fta2then go to build-area and edit your patch10:51
gnomefreakk ill try10:52
fta2asac, did you have a look at my QT page?10:52
gnomefreaki dont want it to build yet :(10:53
gnomefreaki guess it has to10:53
fta2doesn't matter, interrupt it10:54
fta2just after the patches are applied10:54
fta2so if it's an embedded tarball, it will be already unpacked10:54
gnomefreakfta2: http://pastebin.mozilla.org/54455311:02
gnomefreaki should not get that error at all11:02
fta2run it two levels above11:03
asacfta2: qt?11:03
fta2it is looking for the debian dir, not mozilla11:03
fta2asac, Sep 28 20:34:51 <fta>   asac, i've experimented a bit with the QT support in 3.1. I've drafted my ideas on the wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/QT  please let me know what you think11:04
fta2ok, lunch time, cu11:04
* gnomefreak thought mozilla was working on porting QT11:05
fta2read 1st :)11:05
gnomefreakwaiting for it11:05
fta2it didn't do the port myself, i'm not crazy enough11:05
gnomefreakwe cant just add ...-qt to control i guess11:07
gnomefreakrunning dpatch-edit-patch in ~/lightning-sunbird-builds/work/build-area/lightning-sunb11:10
gnomefreakremoves mozilla dir11:10
gnomefreakah its not using a patch system i misread .patch for .dpatch11:17
gnomefreakit is using quilt but i dont rememmber quilt using series file11:20
asacfta2: why do we need a new source package for ffox 3.1?11:31
gnomefreakok fuck sunbird for now i have to fix a patch or 2 and cant do it now, ill be back later i have to clean carpets11:38
fta2asac, how do you do a build-dep of xul-qt vs xul-gtk then?11:38
asacfta2: why is firefox build depending on qt/gtk peculiarities?11:45
asacfta2: my quess is that a ffox buil against -gtk _should_ work against -qt11:45
fta2well, i didn't try that yet.12:47
fta2i will12:47
fta2but not today12:47
jcastroasac: do you guys have a specific person that looks after thunderbird or is it a general team effort?16:37
asac_17:37 < jcastro> asac: do you guys have a specific person that looks after thunderbird or is it a  general team effort?16:45
asac_17:42 < asac> jcastro: anything specific?16:45
jcastroasac: yeah just a few questions - which is the preferred source name, thunderbird or mozilla-thunderbird?16:51
jcastrowe have 216:51
asac_jcastro: mozilla-thunderbird is the _old_ one16:52
asac_thunderbird the new one16:52
asac_and thunderbird-3.0 will be tbitrd 3.016:52
asac_in the end it will be like firefox16:52
jcastroare you guys making an effort to open upstream tasks as you triage?16:53
asac_jcastro: the answer is obvious isnt it ;)16:55
jcastrowell, I meant "from now on" :p16:55
=== asac_ is now known as asac
wikzfta2: why is NSS_DYNAMIC_SOFTOKN set to 0 using the patch .is it something to do because we don't build it as static but as shared ?16:56
asacjcastro: personally, i cannot really commit that. we dont have the resources to properly triage all bugs - as sad as it is. we would need support from QA here.16:57
jcastroasac: *nod*16:57
asacjcastro: so what we do is to try to spot serious bugs16:57
asacand work on those16:57
asacjcastro: if firefox would be split in multiple packages16:58
asacthat would be better16:58
asaclaunchpad is just not usable anymore for that package16:58
asaci mean, i see a bug ... then i get another mail about a dupe and i cannot find the other bug anymore16:58
jcastroI suspect it's the same thing with the kernel team16:59
asacjcastro: so on top of lack of time we are also struck by the fact that launchpad isnt really good at doing large packages with lots of bugs17:00
asacjcastro: yeah. i think linux probabyl gets even more bugs17:00
jcastrook so really, the lack of upstreamable tasks is just a symptom of a larger problem, is what you're trying to say?17:01
asacbut the bugs can be much easier isolated ... like bug in driver X, Y, Z .... so it might be even easier for new folks to help17:01
asacjcastro: there are multiple things:17:01
asac1. too many bugs17:01
asac2. too many low severity bugs or wishlist bugs17:02
asac3. too many unreproducible bugs17:02
asac(this is a *serious* issue ... most bugs are just not reproducible and without that you cannot forward)17:02
asac4. hard upstream bug process17:04
asacjcastro: and maybe as a higher reason: too high noise for anyone17:05
asacjcastro: we might be able to streamline the community better17:07
asacbut then someone has to take the lead on it ... e.g. constrantly blog how to triage firefox bugs et al ... and so on17:08
asacjcastro: i just picked a random bug: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox-3.0/+bug/20034417:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 200344 in firefox-3.0 "firefox 3.0 gets mixed up with fonts" [Undecided,Incomplete]17:14
jcastroI see17:15
asacjcastro: though this is certainly one of the bugs with the higher likelyhood to get to something when properly triaged17:17
asacjcastro: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-mozillateam-bugs/2008-September/thread.html17:18
asacok that month had the eula bug ;)17:19
asacso 2.5k - 3k mails a month17:20
asac_all_ on mostly the same package ... not like gnome or other componentized software projects where each package buglist can mostly be seen on 1-3 bug pages17:21
asacso: launchpad + high bug load + high bar to effectively triage bugs ... are the factors that make firefox-3.0 a bug mess ;)17:22
asacok ;)17:22
asachope thats enough17:22
asacwow in may we had 4500 bugmail ;)17:23
asaci guess thats the month that killed all our efforts to keep on top firefox-3.017:24
jcastroor, so in normal english, basically, you're drowning in bugs and the last thing you need is someone telling you to make the process longer. :)17:24
asacjcastro: yeah. ... at least when we dont want to cause pain on mozilla side17:25
* jcastro nods17:26
asacjcastro: i could easily say for each incoming bug: please test with upstream build17:26
asacjcastro: and then tell him to forward upstream on his own ;)17:26
asacjcastro: or tell the community triagers to do that17:26
asacjcastro: but in the end they most likely will start posting the initial bug reporters description upstream17:26
asacand not following up in upstream tracker17:27
asacthat doesnt make sense17:27
asacjcastro: actually i am not that concerned about not many bugs getting forwarded. i am concerned about the bug flood making it hard to spot the important bugs and gems and forward them17:28
fta2asac, so, what about bug 274187 now?17:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 274187 in ubuntu "FFe - firefox 3.1 and xulrunner 1.9.1 for intrepid/universe" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27418717:53
sebnerfta2: you know I like bleeding edge but what sense does it make to have 3.1 alpha in intrepid?17:53
jcastroasac: so do you think the firefox "project" should be like split up into other components? Or will that make it worse?17:55
fta2sebner, just read the first 2 comments on the bug18:00
sebnerfta2: ok but it's still an alpha18:01
fta2sebner, beta 1 is expected soon18:01
sebnerfta: ah, I see. so thumps up :D18:01
fta2and the package is ready and usable as it is18:01
fta2i'm working on the kde version too but that's not what i want to push now18:02
sebnerfta2: I know that it is usable. I'm using your ppa version :P18:03
fta2i know, a lot of people are using my ppa apparently. would be nice to have some real stats from lp18:04
* sebner is wondering if we have something like debian popcon in general for ubuntu18:06
fta2in a way, it's also a problem... i can't experiment as much as i want to and push everything i do/touch18:07
sebnerfta2: sure but it's alpha software and a private PPA. f*ck them who complain when something is b0rken18:07
fta2i guess popcon doesn't make the difference between ppa and repo18:07
fta2i often see my ppa in blogs, in the forum, even in bugs18:08
sebnerfta2: the software is cool and your packaging skills great. your fault :P18:09
fta2ok, going for a beer, friends waiting18:10
asacjcastro: the project wont help ... we need that split on the package18:35
asacjcastro: let me think18:35
asacjcastro: i think we could do all triage in multiple upstream products18:35
asacbut i doubt that that is feasible as we have to also maintain the package task status18:35
asacand projects in launchpad are quite heavy weight ... e.g. i cannot search for bugs in selected multiple projects18:36
asacjcastro: so yes, i like the idea, but no, i dont think that that helps ... the split helps but we get other burdens that will annihilate the win of the split18:38
ftacdbs is not very friendly when you want more than 1 build :(22:19
ftaasac, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=93342922:49
asacfta: at lesat not a problem due to this security update round22:54
ftahttp://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/rev/61642beb4c16fc1e5140ae96bceb5743ae0bab08   ???22:57
asacfta: not sure what that means23:05
[reed]fta: it was a screw-up23:10
ubottuMozilla bug 412610 in Startup and Profile System "MAXPATHLEN too small for glibc's realpath()" [Normal,New]23:11
fta[reed], what is that UPDATE_PACKAGING_R5 tag for?23:12
ftaor which project?23:13
[reed]build automation23:13

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