
Seeker`who is bobertdos?00:05
LjLsomeone who was concerned with the bot being borken, i spose00:05
LjLgwyo has joined this channel (n=lala@65-101-171-249.desm.qwest.net). <- this guy gives me a highlight, might be a false positive since i have a lot of highlights, but for the record00:06
Seeker`LjL: any idea which highlight it triggers?00:07
LjLSeeker`: no :)00:07
LjLthe highlight list should have a searchbox...00:08
LjLoh, it triggers desm.qwest.net00:09
LjLguess it's a false positive then00:09
stdinthe only thing I see from the tracker is someone from desm.qwest.net who used the exploit in #u00:10
LjLwell maybe they did it in other channels too so i put them on highlight00:11
* LjL seriously ponders clearing - gasp - the entire list00:12
LjLbut then i also always say i should get a decent bouncer, i've said that for the past year, and i'm still on muh00:15
MyrttiGood morning!05:41
MyrttiTis a bit nippy outside...06:40
bazhang@bansearch daft_punk10:25
ubottuNo matches found for daft_punk!n=smacky@s0106001320b09d92.ed.shawcable.net in #ubuntu-ops10:25
ikoniabazhang: he's been walking the line for a few days10:26
ikoniasorry you got lumbered with that10:26
bazhangikonia, I saw from the bantracker he was kicked earlier10:26
bazhangsorry not to be around much lately10:26
ikoniahe's making random comments like all theexports are in ##linux because ubuntu is easy (paraphrasing) getting annoying and it's miss-leading10:27
bazhangI saw that. 10:27
ikoniabazhang: keep your eye on rohan too, I'm %99.9 certain he's teh user dmseg (the little painful troll) he's been in / out a few times as r2r and roha and is concerning me a bit10:30
bazhangikonia, will do.10:30
ikoniais ubuntu QA a different auth system than launchpad ?10:47
ikoniaughh another account needed10:49
ikonianot sure if I should raise a blueprint or a brainstorm10:49
MyrttiI feel like I need a whack on the head11:28
jussi01Myrtti: there you are :D11:30
Piciikonia: I think we need a factoid that explains the Ubuntu packaging/release philosophy.  With mention of !backports and !worksforme.12:31
ikoniayes, that sounds good12:31
ikoniaI'm pondering wording12:31
PiciAs am I.12:32
jussi01!release | Pici12:32
ubottuPici: Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases12:32
Picijussi01: /me looks12:32
ikonianot quite fitting for the dicussion12:32
PiciWe're all out here.13:50
PiciHow about Caffeinated Brains?13:51
Myrttischnappi das kleine krokodiiiillll13:52
ubottuIn ubottu, erUSUL said: pt is <reply>Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.14:07
Myrttinative English speakers around?14:08
Myrttico-operation, co operation or cooperation?14:08
jriblast one14:09
Myrttiif that word were Finnish, it would be the first14:10
PiciEnglish often doesn't make any sense.14:11
ikoniaaccording to my english graduate desk buddy14:12
ikonia(I had to check, even as an english speaker)14:12
naliothikonia: archaic usage, i imagine14:13
* nalioth never got any red marks for spelling it "cooperation" in school14:13
Myrttibut it has a hyphen-ish ring to it14:13
ikoniait's a funny one14:13
Myrttinalioth: where did you got to school again...?14:13
naliothMyrtti: i suspect the British used a hyphen with it14:14
MyrttiI'll go with the hyphen then14:14
Myrttiif in doubt, use en_GB14:14
naliothMyrtti: as i said 'used" (past tense)   http://www.google.com/search?q=define%3Acooperation&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-814:15
naliothi've not seen co-operation in years (and then only in ancient books)14:15
naliothhmmm "alternative spelling of cooperation"  > http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&safe=off&q=define%3Aco-operation&btnG=Search14:16
naliothMyrtti: i suspect cooperation is the accepted version14:16
* Myrtti moar coffee14:29
* Pici buys ikonia a new keyboard and/or fingers15:43
ikoniahmm ?15:49
ubottuIn #ubuntu, Nixot said: ubottu: My sound is crappy!15:53
Seeker`I suspect that cooperate and cooperation are valid, as the word is based on the latin word cooperari16:10
ikoniacheck out Seeker` mr brain box16:11
Seeker`ikonia: "askoxford.com" ftw16:12
LjLPici: why, what time zone was i in? :P17:30
LjLalso, it says "now with maps!", except that all i get is an annoying "the google maps api rejected your request" dialog...17:30
PiciLjL: I was playing around with the IRCTeam map, I wasn't sure it was working though, since I didnt see any of the 'thumbtacks' on the maps.17:31
LjLPici: well, at least you can see the map17:31
PiciLjL: Yes! A blank map of the world. How exciting.17:32
stdinsomeone's having fun in -bots18:07
jdongI think I need to clean up some of my street^H^H^H^H^H alt nicks...19:19
* PriceChild wonders whether this is the end of j-dizzle19:25
jdongnah that's staying19:26
jdongsome of the other ones are pretty absurd :D19:26
Tm_Thi kids19:26
LjLjdong: well, why do you want to get rid of nicknames that suit you so well then?20:12
ubottu__mikem called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (umillumin)20:53
stdinwasn't mibbit (or all web gateways) banned in -ot sometime before?20:55
LjLi'm pretty sure, because -proxy-users always said in the topic that people could join it20:56
stdinI just had a vague memory of some mibbit user in here asking about -ot some time20:56
=== jussi01_ is now known as jussi01
PiciIt was banned at some point, because I remember unbanning it.22:03
LjLoh wait22:11
LjLperhaps i remember too, i have some vague memories of screaming about it22:11
MyrttiHello kids22:18
ompaulPici, ?22:26
ompaulMyrtti, you lie22:26
ompaulMyrtti, have a hot cup of tea 22:26
ompaulI can has older age than kidz22:26
MyrttiSure, when I get home22:27
Myrttiompaul dear, I love you22:27
ompaulMyrtti, thanks :)22:27
* Myrtti huggles jussi0122:29
jussi01Im off to bed. got to drive to helsinki tomorrow. nini all22:29
MyrttiLife, my friends, is magnificent22:29
MyrttiNini j22:30
MyrttiWhen do birds suddenly appear every time you are near...22:33
MyrttiOh. 22:33
* Myrtti continues only with humming22:34
LjLmessed up Gutsy, wrong version of libc6 (don't know where from, current sources.list is fine), it's a server that cannot be rescue booted, suggestions?23:58

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