
phaidrosmy irc live on my server, just need a dumb term with ssh :)00:00
[Solars]so it said it re-added00:00
[Solars]cat /proc/mdstat shows all00:01
[Solars]but still inactive00:01
phaidrosbut all are in?00:02
[Solars]all 4 parts00:02
phaidroshm, what does swapon -a say?00:04
phaidros(maybe use /dev/md2 in fstab)00:04
[Solars]swapon -a still gave same complaint00:05
phaidroshm, ok.00:05
phaidrosso: mdadm --stop /dev/md200:05
[Solars]the raid needs to be active00:05
phaidroswe shut it down00:06
[Solars]also... blkid doesn't show uuid for that device00:06
[Solars]kk lets stop it!00:06
phaidrosand reassemble with: mdadm --assemble ..00:06
phaidrosthat would rebuild the created (once with --create) raid device00:06
[Solars]got an error!00:07
[Solars]after entering00:07
phaidroswhat does it say?00:07
[Solars]mdadm --assemble /dev/md2 /dev/sda2 ... /dev/sdd200:08
[Solars]i got00:08
[Solars]mdadm:/dev/md2 assembled from 3 drives - not enough to start array while not clean - consider -force00:08
phaidroshm, strange00:10
[Solars]so i guess gotta figure out how to clean the four drives00:10
phaidroswhat does your /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf say about that md2 ?00:10
phaidros(maybe only 3 listet)00:11
[Solars]shows it with 4 drives with raid 500:12
phaidrosso, 3 possibilities: use --force for assemble or try assamble with --scan (to see what is does)00:12
phaidros2nd: leave as is00:12
[Solars]erm lets break it then reassemble with scan00:12
phaidros3rd: consider having a non raid swap. (i usually not raid my swaps) and mount 4 of them with same prio :)00:12
[Solars]or can i run scan w/o breaking00:12
phaidrosnope. assemble wants to setup new imho. but try00:13
phaidrossomeone with the same issue :)00:15
=== ScottK-vacation is now known as ScottK
[Solars]failed to RUN_ARRAY /dev/md2: Input/Output error00:17
[Solars]using the cmd mdadm --assemble --scan --force00:17
phaidroshm, I'm runnind out ideas now ..00:18
phaidroswhat does fdisk say about sdd ?00:19
[Solars]wonder if i have to use the alt-cd and go to rescue mode and rebuild that partition00:19
[Solars]fdisk shows all partitions00:19
phaidrosnope. it is not in use. so you could rebuild it00:20
phaidrosjust be careful about device numbering00:20
phaidrosmaybe deleting in fdsik is not so clever ..00:20
phaidrosnot sure00:20
phaidrosis it a server machine?00:21
[Solars]i rebooted just to see if it would work... all points are shown in /proc/mdstat but are syncing00:22
phaidrosgood :)00:22
[Solars]this isn't used as a server machine00:22
phaidrosthis will take a while, after that either swapon or creating mkswap before should work :)00:22
[Solars]but not shown in mount00:22
phaidrosswap is never shown in mount00:23
phaidrosyou only see with swapon -s00:23
* flyback swears this is the last canucking time he spends half or all of his weekend working on work stuff even just remote00:23
phaidroslol @ flyback00:23
phaidrosisn't it always 'terminal-time' ?00:24
phaidrossometimes i even find it very refreshing :)00:24
phaidrosodd, eh?00:24
[Solars]erm swapon -on doesn't show anything00:24
phaidrosswapon -s00:24
[Solars]er i ment -s00:25
phaidrosyeah, because the device is still under rebuild00:25
[Solars]and mkswap /dev/md2 complains about not having enough space00:25
phaidrosuntil this is done, waiting is the game :)00:25
[Solars]so i gotta wiat00:25
phaidrosargh --00:25
phaidrosrebuild is done?00:25
[Solars]lemme check again00:25
phaidrossometimes this can take ages (it lasted 2 hours for my partition this afternoon :-/)00:26
[Solars]i might be wrong about it rebuilding... entry for /dev/md2 is00:27
[Solars]md2 : inactive sda2[0](s) sdb2[3](s) sdc2[2](s) sdd[2](s)00:28
[Solars]sdd[2] is new as long with the (s)'s00:29
phaidroswhy inactive??00:29
[Solars]doesn't say00:29
phaidroswell, I throw the towel .. sorry, no idea00:29
=== flyback is now known as limpBizkit
[Solars]can mdadm check stats?00:29
=== limpBizkit is now known as flyback
phaidrosuhm .. wait00:29
phaidrosmdadm --detail or like this00:29
phaidrosand mdadm --examine00:30
phaidrosdetail for mdX, examine for sdX00:30
phaidrosor vice versa00:30
[Solars]it just shows the device is not active fter "mdam --details /dev/md2"00:31
phaidroswhat I would do now is the following:00:32
phaidrosstop md200:32
phaidrosset for all sdX2 devices: mdadm --zero-superblock /dev/sdX200:32
[Solars]examining each shows each partition active and part of raid500:32
phaidros(which deletes the mdadm conf from the partition)00:32
phaidrosand afterward recreate the md200:33
phaidrosmdadm --create /dev/md2 --level=5 --raid-device=4 /dev/sdX2 /dev/sd2 ..00:33
phaidrosmkswap and swapon -s00:33
phaidrosif that fails consider something very unusual ..00:34
[Solars]erm does that also recreate /etc/fstab entry00:34
phaidroswhen using mkswap /dev/md2 it tells a new uuid00:34
phaidrosso take that uuid into fstab *or* just write /dev/md2 in fstab :)00:34
phaidros(I used to see the direct device name fail, but can't remember why)00:35
[Solars]everything worked up to "mkswap /dev/md2"00:38
[Solars]"swapon -s didn't work00:39
[Solars]or rather showed nothing00:39
phaidrosmkswap worked?00:43
phaidrosnow try swapon /dev/md000:43
phaidrosafter that you would see something with swapon -s00:43
[Solars]that worked!00:44
[Solars]i copied the UUID to fstab00:44
[Solars]for the mount point for swap should be "none"?00:45
[Solars]kk lets reboot00:46
phaidrosswap is just used be the kernel if ram gets to full00:46
[Solars]it rebooted00:51
[Solars]and swap worked00:51
[Solars]i guess i'll load up irssi00:52
phaidrosso, 2a.m. here. gotta go00:53
* [Solaris]2 waves to [Solars] 00:59
* [Solars] waves to [Solaris]200:59
[Solaris]2this is going to take some getting used to01:00
[Solaris]2diffentl nees to be configured so ic an see stuff01:01
[Solars]working on getting irrsi color scheme working right lol01:29
drake_test 2.001:31
[Solars]looks alot better01:31
[Solars]green/black with linux standard01:32
* flyback bbl01:34
=== drake_ is now known as [Solaris]
lukehasnonameso apparently usermod -G writes OVER the user's current groups02:41
lukehasnonamewhich is megagay02:42
lukehasnonameso now my (currently) headless server has no sudo-capable user02:43
vk5fossnice work.02:43
vk5foss-a ftw02:43
lukehasnonameya, after rereading the man page I saw that02:43
lukehasnonameso now my plans for the night must be appended as I cannot setup the VMs I wanted to do, since one of my roommates' brothers stole my server monitor so he could play WoW with us02:44
lukehasnonamehow do I install suggests in apt-get?03:04
vk5fossi think you can set it in apt.conf03:07
lukehasnonameeh, like on a case by case03:07
lukehasnonamethere are --no-install-recommends and --install-recommends (default) switches03:07
vk5fossor with something like `-o Install::Suggests`03:07
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chmackraut: moin moin09:47
scuserhi all, does anyone know which package should I install to get the file /etc/auth-client-config/profile.d/krb-auth-config ?09:49
chmacscuser: I think there's a command that can tell you which files are in which packages10:03
chmacscuser: I'm not sure what it is though!10:03
hadsdpkg -L10:05
hadsOnly for installed packages though so doesn't help the situation.10:05
chmacscuser, hads: http://www.debian.org/doc/FAQ/ch-pkgtools.en.html#s-filesearch10:07
hadsscuser, chmac: http://packages.ubuntu.com/10:09
chmachads: Neat, I didn't realise there was a filename search on there, useful to know10:10
scuserhi all, can anyone help me with this error "ldap_sasl_bind(SIMPLE): Can't contact LDAP server (-1)"10:38
IOUi dont know if this is the right place, but does anyone know of any good ways of tracking everything that users do on my server? They log in via SSH11:20
philsfIOU: have you looked into acct?11:51
philsfIOU: what else do you need?11:52
scuserhi all, does anyone know where could I find libnss-ldap.conf file ?13:36
slangasekdoesn't exist in Ubuntu, it's called /etc/ldap.conf instead; do you have documentation that refers to libnss-ldap.conf?13:37
=== fReAkY[t] is now known as freaky[t]
milestonehi all13:52
milestonei have a queation with openldap as the authentication backend. I have installed and configured ldap-auth-config and ldap-auth-client. Authentication works on my ubuntu server13:53
milestoneonly id -g <users> does not show the users memberships13:53
ivokszul: ping14:02
zulivoks: pong14:03
ivokszul: i have a working drbd setup :)14:04
zulivoks: really cool? what did you do?14:04
ivokszul: but, the problem is that it requires changes in kernel and userland14:04
ivokszul: i skiped 8.2.6 and moved to 8.2.7~rc114:04
zulivoks: shouldnt be a problem I think14:04
zulshouldnt be a problem after beta I think14:05
zulivoks: can you send me a diff of the kernel changes?14:05
ivoksok, i'll prepare patches14:05
ivokszul: sure14:06
ivoksi don't have it atm, but i'll create one14:06
zulivoks: no problem14:06
ivoksand that bacula bug... it could be a user error14:06
zulwhich one? :)14:06
ivokssince reported on bacula bug list said that patch fixed a problem14:07
ivoksthe one that's stalling 7.1 revison in hardy :D14:07
zulah the strippath one14:07
ivoksnever mind that... first things first - drbd14:07
Kamping_Kaisermilestone, backend to what?14:08
ScottKAny idea why the Ubuntu Server survey asks about how Synaptic can be improved to better support Ubuntu server?14:16
NafalloScottK: lol14:16
ScottKNafallo: In fairness it did say apt/synaptic, but it seems odd to mention it at all.14:17
NafalloScottK: s/synaptic/aptitude/ :-)14:18
Kamping_Kaiserno idea.14:18
Kamping_Kaiseri should really get around to doing the survey too14:18
stka_3-21I'm close to getting nuts with ubuntu-server 8.04 and TLS. Everytime I set "TLSCipherSuite HIGH:MEDIUM:+SSLv2" the openldap Server isn't starting anymore all I get is "main: TLS init def ctx failed: -1"14:28
stka_3-21I read al lot of postings in the Web, all with the same problem but no solution14:29
Kamping_Kaiserstka_3-21, drove me nuts as well - and if i was at work, i could look at my notes and tell you what fixed it :\14:31
stka_3-21Kamping_Kaiser: so you got a solution?14:32
Kamping_Kaiserstka_3-21, pretty sure we did14:32
stka_3-21would it be possible that when I give you my e-mail adress that you can give the solution?14:33
Kamping_Kaiserstka_3-21, looks like we dropped that line from the config file. i only have TLSCACertificateFile TLSCertificateFile TLSCertificateKeyFile14:33
* Kamping_Kaiser is ssh'd to the host14:33
stka_3-21When I remove the line openldap ist starting, but I can't get a connection then with "ldapserch -x -ZZ -H ldap://host.home"14:34
stka_3-21so there is no TLS connection possible14:35
Kamping_Kaiserdo you have the correct cert/key/ca files?14:35
stka_3-21yes, I verified it three or four times even rebuild the certificates14:36
zulstka_3-21: permissions are correct?14:36
Kamping_Kaiserwhat sort of error do you get connecting?14:37
stka_3-21ldap_start_tls: Connect error (-11)14:37
Kamping_Kaisersorry, /me -=> bed14:38
Kamping_Kaisergood luck with it14:38
ScottKstka_3-21: You really ought to find a way to avoid SSLv2.  It's no longer considered cryptographically secure.  In Intrepid (I think) openssl is buit without SSLv2 support.14:38
stka_3-21in /var/log/syslog there is only http://phpfi.com/35827114:38
Kamping_KaiserScottK, thats one reason we dropped the linel from our config14:39
Kamping_Kaisermy memory is it may not even be valid in 2.4, but dont quote me14:39
stka_3-21ScottK: "gnutls-cli -l" tells me that I can use SSL 3.0 so I change to "SSLv3" but still the same14:40
ScottKOK.  I don't have a solution to your problem, just wanted to point that out.14:41
stka_3-21I would drop the line if I can figure out what to do to get a connection to my openldap via TLS14:41
ivoksin intrepid none of our ssl libraries support sslv214:43
ScottKWhich is wonderful news.  Thanks again for your work on that.14:43
ivoksi was just loud :D14:43
stka_3-21so what shoud I do to get openldap running with TLS14:44
stka_3-21this is how it looks now http://phpfi.com/35827514:45
ivoksso.. problems with ldaps client?14:47
ivoksboth server and client are ubuntu?14:50
stka_3-21at the moment I try it from the same maschine14:50
ivokstelnet localhost 636 works?14:51
stka_3-21i don't use ldaps14:52
stka_3-21i did't this befor with suse and debian and it allways worked14:53
stka_3-21Here are my entries from /etc/ldap/ldap.conf http://phpfi.com/35828014:56
ivoksare those keys signed?14:57
stka_3-21self signed14:58
ivoksTLSVerifyClient never14:58
stka_3-21I never had any Problems with self signed certificates14:58
stka_3-21ivoks: that's default14:59
stka_3-21I can give it a try14:59
ivokson client, add:14:59
ivoksTLS_REQCERT allow14:59
stka_3-21still the same15:01
stka_3-21ldap_start_tls: Connect error (-11)15:01
ivoksok, stop the ldap server on server15:01
ivoksand run it like this:15:02
ivokssudo slapd -d127 -h "ldap:///" -u openldap -g openldap15:02
stka_3-21ok is running15:03
ivoksgive me a second...15:03
felimwhiteley_Hi All, I'm trying to troublshoot a bug on Server at the moment (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-meta/+bug/273313)15:04
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 273313 in linux-meta "TSC Clocksource Unstable Switches To acpi_pm But Server clock freezes/becomes unusable" [Undecided,New]15:04
felimwhiteley_Any of you evr run the dbeug kernel, not sure if it give me a more verbose dump of what's going on as of right now I can't find anything15:04
ivoksgnutls-cli -s --insecure -p 389 server_ip15:05
ivokswithout -s15:05
ivoksdoes that work?15:06
stka_3-21ivoks: the result http://phpfi.com/35828515:07
ivoksso, the server doesn't do TLS15:07
ivokscan you paste your /etc/ldap/slapd.conf?15:07
stka_3-21yes mom15:07
stka_3-21here ist is http://phpfi.com/35828615:08
stka_3-21That's the the result from "ls /etc/ssl/zertifikate/"15:11
stka_3-21demoCA  ldapcert.pem  ldapkey.pem15:11
ivoksdo you see any problems in terminal where you started openldap?15:11
lagasoren: did you ever get around to adding proper vbox support to ubuntu-vm-builder?15:12
stka_3-21no Problem at all. The logfile is clean15:12
ivoksthere's no log file15:12
ivoksyou started slapd in debugging mode15:12
stka_3-21in /var/log/syslog15:12
ivoksforget that now15:13
ivokscheck the terminal where you started slapd15:13
stka_3-21you mean when I start slapd over the cli15:13
ivokssudo slapd -d127 -h "ldap:///" -u openldap -g openldap15:13
ivoksyou could try with -d6415:14
stka_3-21I see all the messages from loding the schema files and the opening of the database15:14
sorenlaga: Nope.15:14
ivoksstka_3-21: ok, kill that15:15
ivoksstka_3-21: add loglevel 64 to /etc/ldap/slapd.conf15:15
ivoksstka_3-21: and start slapd normaly; /etc/init.d/slapd start15:15
lagasoren: why not pull vbox references from ubuntu-vm-builder till it actually works? or are there cases where it works?15:15
stka_3-21that's waht I get for TLS when starting over cli http://phpfi.com/35828815:16
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sorenlaga: AFAICS, the vbox "pluin" in the old ubuntu-vm-builder is a no-op.15:16
sorenlaga: I don't use VirtualBox myself. I don't know what it needs to work.15:16
stka_3-21ivoks: that's the result http://phpfi.com/35828915:17
lagasoren: see bug #244309 - it will fail.15:17
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 244309 in ubuntu-vm-builder "ubuntu-vm-builder fails on vm_target_conversion for vm type vbox (dup-of: 218029)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24430915:17
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 218029 in ubuntu-vm-builder "ubuntu-vm-builder vbox output defaults to x86 Architecture" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21802915:17
ivoksstka_3-21: ok, now connect with gnutls-cli15:18
sorenlaga: I'm not surprised. What file format does virtualbox use?15:19
stka_3-21ivoks: here is the result http://phpfi.com/35829015:20
lagasoren: they use some XML to describe the virtual machine and probably a homegrown image format. it can also use vmdk or you can use vditool to convert images AFAIK15:20
ivoksstka_3-21: just for fun, let's enable ldaps15:21
ivoksstka_3-21: in /etc/default/slapd15:22
ivoksstka_3-21: SLAPD_SERVICES="ldap:/// ldaps:///"15:22
stka_3-21I dit it an restartet openldap15:23
ivoksstka_3-21: gnutls-cli --insecure -p 636 server_ip15:23
stka_3-21tcp        0      0   *               LISTEN      5418/slapd15:23
stka_3-21that works :-)15:24
ivoksbut that's not what you want15:24
stka_3-21not realy15:24
ivoksyou want TLS over 38915:24
stka_3-21yes like I did it befor15:25
ivoksis there a bug about this?15:26
stka_3-21"ldapsearch -x -ZZ -H ldaps://ldapserver.home.stka" is still not working15:26
stka_3-21ldap_start_tls: Can't contact LDAP server (-1)15:26
ivoksldapsearch -x -H ldaps://ldapserver.home.stka15:27
stka_3-21ldap_sasl_bind(SIMPLE): Can't contact LDAP server (-1)15:29
ivokstry with IP15:29
ivoksit should work; you've already connected with gnutls-cli15:29
stka_3-21the same15:30
ivoksand telnet server_ip 636 works?15:30
stka_3-21Connected to
ivokscheck syslog15:33
ivoksthen your client is broken15:33
ivoksyou are missing:15:34
ivoksTLS_REQCERT allow in /etc/ldap/ldap.conf15:34
ivokson client15:36
stka_3-21I put it in, yes it was missing15:36
ivoksi guess ldaps works, but ldap (with -Z) doesn't15:36
stka_3-21But -ZZ forces the Server to authenticate with a certificate15:37
ivoksonly if you have TLS_REQCERT demand15:38
stka_3-21That's what I got now http://phpfi.com/35829415:39
ivoksreport a bug, if it isn't already reported15:41
ivoksi can't look into this deeper atm...15:41
stka_3-21ivoks: here is the result with a "-d 1 " using ldapsearch http://phpfi.com/35829715:42
ivoksTLS: peer cert untrusted or revoked15:43
stka_3-21ivoks: but why?15:43
ivoksdid you import server's certificate on the client?15:43
stka_3-21client and server ist the same maschine15:44
ivoksi know15:44
ivoksbut you need to import server's certificate on client, so that client can trust the server15:45
stka_3-21And normaly I don't need a client certificate15:45
ivoksnot client certificate15:45
ivoksserver's certificate15:46
ivokshow does your client know who is the real server?15:46
ivokshe can't know if it doesn't have some proof15:46
ivoksand that's a certificate15:46
ivoksyou'll also need to add openldap user to ssl-cert group15:47
stka_3-21That was the thing15:47
stka_3-21I found out what it was15:47
stka_3-21ivoks: this line "TLS_CACERT /etc/ssl/zertifikate/demoCA/cacert.pem" was missing in /etc/ldap/ldap.conf15:48
stka_3-21I should not work the day after a marathon run15:48
ivoksthat's how you tell your client to trust all certs signed by that key15:48
ivoksgreat... :)15:49
ivoksso, that's solved15:49
ivoksnow, can i get back to drbd? :)15:49
stka_3-21yes I know. I got that in my workshop as well. But sometimes it ist better to do something esle15:49
stka_3-21yes it's solved. Thank you so much for youre help15:49
stka_3-21I think I finish for today and go to bed ;-)15:50
lagasoren: i'm looking at the vmware scripts now. vbox support shouldn't be too hard to add. why was a noop vbox template added?15:52
sorenlaga: I don't remember.15:53
sorenlaga: Please don't work anymore on ubuntu-vm-builder.15:53
sorenlaga: It's being replaced with a python implementation.15:53
sorenlaga: http://launchpad.net/vmbuilder15:53
lagasoren: oh. in intrepid?15:53
sorenlaga: Yes.15:53
lagaah. does trunk work well now?15:53
ivokspython python clap clap clap :D15:54
lagalooks a lot cleaner than the bash one ;)15:56
ivoksidentetion and everything :)15:56
lagaif i didnt have so much on my plate already, i would have added vbox support :(15:58
sorenlaga: Same here :)15:59
laga"We intentionally  do not document the specifications of these files, as we must reserve the right to modify them in the future"16:02
lagavirtualbox on their xml files. thankls virtualbox16:02
laga"VBoxManage" is a configuration interface. maybe that's going to work16:03
sorenlaga: If you can come up with a way to take som raw disk images, and some settings (number of cpu's, amount of memory, etc.) and turn that into a virtualbox VM, I'll be happy to do the actual implementation.16:16
laganow that's a plan. i'll get back to you16:17
ivokshm... guys...16:27
ivokshow about maintaining server team's git for kernel?16:27
sorenYou don't want to do that.16:29
ivoksi don't :D16:30
ivoksbut chuck has it's tree16:30
ivoksi guess i'll send patches to him16:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about powersave16:32
Rioting_pacifistim trying to setup powernowd or a similar powersaving daemon on my old laptop to turn it into a server (it no longer has a screen) but neither cpufreqd or powernowd seam to work16:34
Rioting_pacifistmpd requires x11-common is this right? :S im new to servers but isnt x11 for desktops?16:40
ivoksmpd doesn't require x11-common16:42
sorenYes, it does.16:43
sorenby extension.16:43
sorenmpd -> libaudio2 -> libxt6 -> libx11-616:43
ivoksthat might be...16:43
Rioting_pacifistis it better to use xmms2 then as that doesnt seam to require any x11 components?16:46
sorenxmms is a gui application.16:46
ivoksthat's a non-gui app16:46
sorenReally? Wow16:47
ivokshaving x11-common isn't that strange on servers16:47
ivoksthere are some server related services that depend on it16:47
* soren nods16:47
Rioting_pacifistso either is good then? ok thx16:48
ivoksyeah.. i think some fonts pull it in16:48
Koonx11-common is installed on servers now16:49
Koonthrough openssh-client / xauth (bug 270512)16:49
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 270512 in openssh "openssh-client could suggest xauth rather than recommend it" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27051216:49
Koonlibx11-6 is installed through wpasupplicant -> libdbus-1-3 -> dbus -> consolekit (bug 270500)16:50
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 270500 in dbus "libdbus-1-3 shouldn't recommend dbus, makes up a heavy minimal seed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27050016:50
* Koon drops out of sight16:52
Rioting_pacifistisnt that rediculously easy to fix?16:52
KoonRioting_pacifist: you mean those two bugs ?16:52
KoonRioting_pacifist: you'd need first that everyone agrees those are bugs and not features.16:53
* Koon really drops out of sight now16:54
Rioting_pacifist1st one clearly is a bug, the only argument for it is that other software may need it, but if that is the case then the other software will install it openssh does not need xauth so should only suggest it16:54
didrocksjdstrand: around?16:57
jdstranddidrocks: hi! (yes)16:57
didrocksjdstrand: hi!16:57
didrocksjdstrand: did you have the time to have a look at making ufw case insensitive merge proposal?16:58
didrocks(I say that because I make a smarter/better code yesterday that I pushed using list comprehension)16:58
jdstranddidrocks: briefly (sorry for the delay). I plan to look at it more extensively today, and decide whether it can go into intrepid or should be jaunty material16:58
didrocksjdstrand: no pb, just look at the very last commit :)16:59
jdstranddidrocks: either way, I'll likely commit today if their are no issues16:59
didrocksjdstrand: ok, keep me in touch. I always backlog on hl :)16:59
jdstranddidrocks: cool, thanks17:00
didrocksthanks to you!17:00
[Solaris]infinity: /names17:19
ivoks[Solaris]: ?17:20
[Solars]ivoks... err gotta get used to irrsi .. but anyways had a ton of fun trying to figure out why my /swap partition/raid was inactive and part of it was not "added" at boot up17:28
ivoksmaybe you didn't format it as swap17:29
[Solars]it was missing 1 of the four raid drives17:29
[Solars]it all was all formated17:29
[Solars]it was all partitioned17:29
[Solars]basically what we did was17:30
[Solars]./mdadm --stop /dev/md2 && /mdadm <erased the superblocks on the 4 drives> && /mdadm --create /dev/mda2 <list the partitions) && mksawp /dev/mda2 && swapon /dev/mda217:31
[Solars]dunno if i am going to stick with irssi or not kinda annoying at times :P17:35
lagaheretic ;)17:36
[Solars]last time before this that i used a cli irc client was bitchx17:37
[Solars]and that was many years ago17:37
FFEMTcJhas anyone downloaded and installed a copy of ubuntu server reciently on a cd?20:25
FFEMTcJI keep getting an error that a file is corrupt.. ive downloaded a couple times form different servers and made a bunch of cd's to no avail20:26
FFEMTcJand the most recient cd i made gives an error of there was a prolem reading data from your cd20:27
[Solars]tried burning the cd as slow as possible>20:28
FFEMTcJ[Solars]: i burnt them at 2x.. 1x is the only thing slower20:28
[Solars]worse case scenerio you can get the desktop version, and install the server tools you need and remove the gnome desktop and x20:28
[Solars]sometimes even 1x makes a difference20:29
FFEMTcJill try it again20:29
FFEMTcJ./dists/hardy/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz is showing as failed md5 verification20:30
[Solars]not good then20:34
DatabaseHow does one configure Postfix for multiple domains?20:40
FFEMTcJ[Solars]: so burning slower might not fix that?20:41
[Solars]you did a md5 verification on the iso?20:47
[Solars]if the iso checks ok20:47
[Solars]then burning slower may fix it20:47
[Solars]might even try different media20:48
=== MenZa_ is now known as MenZa
_rubenFFEMTcJ: and perhaps the cd burner and/or reader is broken/dieing?20:57
ivoksDatabase: easily :)20:58
DatabaseWell, I am a complete n00b to it, so be gentle. :P20:59
ivoksyou want an easy way to add new users?21:00
ivoksDatabase: http://www.opensourcehowto.org/how-to/mysql/mysql-users-postfixadmin-postfix-dovecot--squirrelmail-with-userprefs-stored-in-mysql.html21:01
ivoksDatabase: this should be more than good start21:01
Databaseweb-based admin panel.21:01
DatabaseI approve of this.21:01
ivoksDatabase: follow this tutorial only if you don't plan to allow shell access21:03
DatabaseI don't.21:03
ivoksthen... great21:03
DatabaseIt's only acecssible from inside my network, as well :)21:04
DatabaseI'm using Lighttpd.21:05
DatabaseDoes that matter massively?21:05
ivoksthat's irrelevant21:05
DatabaseOh, good.21:05
ivoksyou are setting up mail server21:05
DatabaseI know, but I rtfm'd. ;)21:06
Database... not far enough, apparantly.21:06
DatabaseIt does support Lighty.21:06
RediXeHow do I check what service's are running? mainly apache21:57
ivokstelnet localhost 8021:58
[Solars]ivoks what irc client are you running?21:59
=== jussi01_ is now known as jussi01
RediXeYeah, just realized that apache and mysql aren't running... Not sure how to start them either ...    they're not in the /etc/init.d/21:59
ivoksRediXe: if they aren't there, then they aren't installed21:59
dana_goodRediXe: did you do a LAMP install?22:00
[Solars]ivoks heh figued.. gotta find a client for me :P22:00
RediXeivoks, They were running before I restarted the server.               dana_good, I installed knowledge tree which installs apache and mysql. Just not sure where.22:00
ivoksknowledge tree?22:01
RediXeYeah it's a document management system ... I found what I was looking for22:02
RediXeI just need to add the command to start up22:03
dana_goodRediXe: that's good, you might want to see if theres a support channel for knowledge tree if its installing things in nonstandard locations22:06
cyris|hey everyone. i have a question regarding a new server I setup just recently. this new server is behind a NAT router. This server uses my isp's name server to resolve queries. Since this machine is behind this NAT router, what would be its proper hostname?22:06
RediXedana_good, well I was more curious on testing if it was running and something else was the issue. (and there channel is dead)22:07
RediXeHow would I add something to start with boot?22:08
RediXe@reboot in crontrab is what I found.22:08
RediXeThat doesn't seem right to me22:09
hads@reboot is useful if you want to start something as a normal user.22:12
hadsI do that for screen sessions22:12
mathiazRediXe: if you don't have proper init scripts, you can always modify /etc/rc.local22:40
RediXeI'll look into it more tomorrow .. I'm about to be off work for the day.22:40
=== robnyc is now known as robnyc|R61
mathiazkirkland: did you add the virtulization task to the installer ?23:59

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