
sacabonosbobertdos, y doesn't firefox prompting for flash update then?00:00
Davidgfhgfhhey guys im using a hp a710y and i installed ubuntu using wubi but when i try and boot into ubuntu i get this error messege does anybody know what this means etxunit.drc317sednot found initunable to execute binsh for rc-defaultno such file or directory  initrc default main process (6871) terminated with status 25500:00
gmm46i need help with a game00:00
gmm46i installed alien arena just now but it wont run00:01
^paradox^Agent_bob: i just sent a test page from that and waiting for it to print00:01
gmm46i click on it in the games menu but it comes up as a black scree00:01
lost_boy432can't mount my external hdd and i can't find it in fstab or mtab. can anyone help please?00:01
gmm46n then disapears00:01
Davidgfhgfhhey guys im using a hp a710y and i installed ubuntu using wubi but when i try and boot into ubuntu i get this error messege does anybody know what this means etxunit.drc317sednot found initunable to execute binsh for rc-defaultno such file or directory  initrc default main process (6871) terminated with status 25500:01
gmm46how will i fix that00:01
gmm46also i have another problem00:02
bobertdossacabonos: because 10 is in its second release candidate00:02
Agent_boblost_boy432 it wont be in fstab  and not in mtab until mounted.00:02
gmm46i installed wine 1.1.3 because as said on all the websites i check it should run psobb00:02
bobertdossacabonos: but it's very stable now, especially since FF 3.0.300:02
gmm46but when i run it it logs me out of my computer00:03
gmm46help please???!!!!00:03
Agent_boblost_boy432   sudo fdisk -l  # find the device node for the filesystem you want to mount.    then  sudo mount /dev/device_node /mnt00:03
bobertdossacabonos: the best part is that it doesn't need libflashsupport00:03
Agent_boblost_boy432 if it errors tell us.00:03
^paradox^Agent_bob: there were like ten jobs backed up where i tried to send other test pages00:03
gmm46hello who will help me?00:03
^paradox^i cancelled those. it says purged. does that mean it deleted them?00:04
LjLgmm46: try asking in #winehq00:04
con-manjoin #wine00:04
LjLgmm46: i also suggest putting your questions in a *single* line00:04
sacabonosbobertdos, so how should I go with the installation?00:04
Hqrsiemore like...join #whine...00:05
aguitelanyone use firefox 3.1 ?00:05
bobertdossacabonos: The first thing is to leave absolutely no trace of flash 9 in your system, so purge flashplugin-nonfree and libflashsupport.00:05
Agent_bob^paradox^ ok check that the printer is not "paused" in cups00:06
csilkaguitel,  yeah00:06
csilkit sucks on ubuntu00:06
gwyoCanaris_ still in 800x600. ugh.00:06
Agent_bob^paradox^ i used to see that if the printer accidently got paused.00:06
gwyoCanaris_ didn't know that trying to use an external monitor would mess things up so bad00:06
Davidgfhgfhhey guys im using a hp a710y and i installed ubuntu using wubi but when i try and boot into ubuntu i get this error messege does anybody know what this means etxunit.drc317sednot found initunable to execute binsh for rc-defaultno such file or directory  initrc default main process (6871) terminated with status 25500:07
^paradox^lol how do i check if its paused from that site?00:07
frozenskunkCan anyone please give me some help getting my remotes to work with a commandIR in mythbuntu? I've been asking for hours in the mythbuntu room without a single response...00:07
Agent_bob^paradox^ uh00:08
^paradox^state says idle accepting jobs00:08
okasawhat is the website that is primarily used to post temporary code to show it to others (using a generated URL)?00:08
Agent_bob^paradox^ "pause" it and then "resume" it ?00:08
bobertdos!paste okasa00:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about paste okasa00:08
bazhangokasa, paste.ubuntu.com00:08
bobertdos!paste | okasa00:08
ubottuokasa: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)00:08
waxbyteshi all00:09
frozenskunkPastes to http://paste.ubuntu.comPastes to http://paste.ubuntu.comPastes to http://paste.ubuntu.com00:09
aguitelcsilk, how is it ?00:09
bobertdosaguitel: He said it sucks :p00:09
Canaris_gwyo, that sucks.. But if I was U I would just go with hardy anyway. MUCH better hardware detection00:09
Davidgfhgfhhey guys im using a hp a710y and i installed ubuntu using wubi but when i try and boot into ubuntu i get this error messege does anybody know what this means etxunit.drc317sednot found initunable to execute binsh for rc-defaultno such file or directory  initrc default main process (6871) terminated with status 25500:09
gwyoCanaris_ thanks for your help00:09
aguitelbobertdos, many bugs?00:09
^paradox^stop printer and then start printer there?00:09
Canaris_gwyo, just get it from ubuntu.com and reinstall00:09
lost_boy432Agent_bob: I tried sudo fdisk -l but i dont know how to find the device node00:10
ASrocki currently have a wiered and wireless connecton to my ubuntu comp...how do i tell it to default to the wireless00:10
bobertdosaguitel: I don't know, but I would guess quite a few since development started not that long ago.00:10
gwyoCanaris_ not upgrade through update manager?00:10
Agent_boblost_boy432 you can "pastebin" the output and we'll find it for you.00:10
sacabonosbobertdos, done with the purge00:10
Agent_bob!pastebin > lost_boy43200:10
ubottulost_boy432, please see my private message00:10
gwyocan anyone else tell me why I can't get my laptop to boot into normal un-safe mode? Here's my xorg.conf: http://pastebin.com/d6cb5cffe00:11
^paradox^Agent_bob: did u read my pastebin http://rafb.net/p/r113tc58.html ?00:11
Agent_bob^paradox^ yes but didn't see anything that explained the issue00:11
Canaris_gwyo, NO! Do u have many files that u want to keep?00:12
gwyoCanaris_ yeah, i do00:13
^paradox^i dont know whats going on. it is getting the test pages00:13
csilkaguitel,  same as the previous version, crashes at the sign of flash and javascript on the same page00:13
Davidgfhgfhhey guys im using a hp a710y and i installed ubuntu using wubi but when i try and boot into ubuntu i get this error messege does anybody know what this means etxunit.drc317sednot found initunable to execute binsh for rc-defaultno such file or directory  initrc default main process (6871) terminated with status 25500:13
^paradox^and on the vista pc its connected to it prints files from that pc fine00:13
gwyoCanaris_ i kinda wanted to hold off until Ibex came out00:13
csilkand has some stupid save tabs button that doesnt actually save tabs00:13
Canaris_gwyo, just copy them to another partition (which you should have done anyways) or burn it onto a CD. Updating a messed up system is never a good idea00:13
bobertdossacabonos: In a terminal, type: locate libflashplayer.so to make sure everything is gone -- better safe than sorry. The archive is here: http://download.macromedia.com/pub/labs/flashplayer10/flashplayer10_install_linux_091508.tar.gz00:13
nteloshi mporei na voitheisei....exo eeepc kai thelo drivers gia wi fi se ubuntu 7.1000:13
sacabonosbobertdos, Do I have to restart my computer or something, because when I opened firefox and went to about:plugins I still see "Shockwave Flash 9.0 r124" as enabled, am I missing something?00:13
Agent_bob^paradox^ i know this will sound stupid.  but did you try turning off the printer itself and then back on and testing ?00:14
Canaris_gwyo, well updating from 8.04 to 8.10 is easier then from 7.XX to 8.1000:14
sisifHello guys. One quick question. How well does the driver for BCM4401-B0 wifi card works in 8.04 ? (right now using ndiswrapper)00:14
sacabonosbobertdos, ha, good thing u just mentioned that :D00:14
bazhang!gr | ntelos00:14
ubottuntelos: #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes00:14
^paradox^well i can do that. didnt think to but worth a shot ;-)00:14
nteloshi can somenody tells me where i can find wi fi support for eee pc i have ubuntu 7.1000:15
Davidgfhgfhhey guys im using a hp a710y and i installed ubuntu using wubi but when i try and boot into ubuntu i get this error messege does anybody know what this means etxunit.drc317sednot found initunable to execute binsh for rc-defaultno such file or directory  initrc default main process (6871) terminated with status 25500:15
Hqrsientelos madwifi00:15
sacabonosbobertdos, the locate command gave me this. /home/username/.mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so00:15
gwyoCanaris_ could you look at my xorg.conf to see what's wrong?00:15
aguitelntelos, http://www.ubuntu-eee.com/index.php00:15
fiyawerxdoes anyone know of an mp3 player that you can drag url's into that will play them as a stream? its a pain opening up a separate window for each one you want to sample00:16
gwyoCanaris_ http://pastebin.com/d6cb5cffe00:16
fiyawerxwinamp used to do it, but i havn't found one yet that will on linux00:16
Hqrsiehowever intrepid ibex promises extended wifi support on subnotebooks00:16
droopsta915does anyone know why my computer wont come back on after i suspend? I have to power off then back on every time.00:16
^paradox^any certain amount of time to leave it off for?00:16
frozenskunkmythtv / commandIR help anyone?00:17
bobertdossacabonos: Assuming you did completely purge flashplugin and libflashsupport, I suppose that one will be safe to manually delete. rm that file00:17
Agent_boblost_boy432 hmmm disk is not detected.00:17
sacabonosbobertdos, OK will do now00:17
Agent_boblost_boy432 is it turned on ?00:17
Davidgfhgfhhey guys im using a hp a710y and i installed ubuntu using wubi but when i try and boot into ubuntu i get this error messege does anybody know what this means etxunit.drc317sednot found initunable to execute binsh for rc-defaultno such file or directory  initrc default main process (6871) terminated with status 25500:17
Agent_boblost_boy432 plugged in ?00:18
ubottugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto00:18
Canaris_gwyo, hmm looks alright00:18
Canaris_gwyo, sorry man. looks like you're gonna have to reinstall00:18
lost_boy432Agent_bob: Yes, the light it has is on and everything. I also have my hiptop phone and usb flash drive connected00:18
vbman11hi all!00:19
adrianalguien me puede decir como puedo entrar a otros canales00:19
T00Lany wiki how to load kernel from the grub-command-line?00:19
gwyoCanaris_ damn. Thanks though00:19
bazhangadrian, /join #channel00:19
Agent_boblost_boy432 unplug the usb cord to the drive and replug it,  then pastebin the output of   dmesg | tail00:19
sacabonosbobertdos, ok done its not there in the about:plugins00:19
aguiteladrian, pon /join #ubuntu-es00:20
Canaris_gwyo, no prob. but trust me setting it up from scratch is gonna improve many things. and next time have a extra partition for all the file that are non-system files!!00:20
lost_boy432Agent_bob: okay00:20
Davidgfhgfhhey guys im using a hp a710y and i installed ubuntu using wubi but when i try and boot into ubuntu i get this error messege does anybody know what this means etxunit.drc317sednot found initunable to execute binsh for rc-defaultno such file or directory  initrc default main process (6871) terminated with status 25500:20
T00L!grub command line00:20
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:20
vbman11so I want to update to 8.10 but I want to make sure I don't have the intel ethernet card. could I just do an "lspci" or is there another command(my ethernet card is on my motherboard)?00:20
^paradox^ok well i turned the printer off and back on and a page printed00:20
bobertdossacabonos: Okay, then download the tar.gz for Linux: http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10.html00:20
adrianpero yo digo para entrar en otro canal que no sea este00:20
adriancomo tengo que ahcer00:20
adrianpara entrar por ejemplo en el canal valencia00:21
Agent_bob^paradox^ all working now ?00:21
^paradox^but ive just sent another test page and it hasnt00:21
^paradox^it showed up as job1900:21
Agent_bobah man////00:21
ubottugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto00:21
vbman11so I want to update to 8.10 but I want to make sure I don't have the intel ethernet card. could I just do an "lspci" or is there another command(my ethernet card is on my motherboard)?00:21
Agent_bob^paradox^ ok i relent.  that issue is over my head.   maybe someone else can help00:22
mcbridedI'm attempting to configure, compile and install a kernel (operating systems class) using intrepid alpha 6...I successfully configured but going to compile I am getting make file errors: http://pastie.org/28104500:22
^paradox^it came up as active, went away, it even looks like it completed00:22
gmm46ok so anyway00:22
bobertdosadrian: Es que no puedes entrar el canal?00:22
mcbridedanyone able to clue me in as to what I should do now?00:22
lchhello, I installed exim and I want only to be able to send mail, not receive mail, over a smtprelay, can somebody tell me how to set that up?00:22
Agent_bob^paradox^ i've only had printer issues one time myself....    sorry man.  maybe someone else knows more about it.00:22
gmm46I want to run alien arena. only problem is that when i start it a black screen comes up and then exits the game. How could i fix this?00:23
^paradox^how do i completely delete all these jobs? theyre still showing up as 19, 20, etc00:23
RickZillaAny aurdor users in here, or any other recommendations for linux-based hard disk multitrack recording?00:23
gmm46*Note* i installed alien arena through the Add and remove app00:23
lost_boy432Agent_bob: in case your wondering i unplugged my flash drive and phone so only my hdd is connected. I only have 3 usb ports00:23
sacabonosbobertdos, I extracted the file now I have 2 files flashplayer-installer, libflashplayer.so should I copy this libflashplayer.so to my plugins dir only?00:24
Agent_bob^paradox^ in the system admin printer   you can delete jobs00:24
Davidgfhgfhhey guys im using a hp a710y and i installed ubuntu using wubi but when i try and boot into ubuntu i get this error messege does anybody know what this means etxunit.drc317sednot found initunable to execute binsh for rc-defaultno such file or directory  initrc default main process (6871) terminated with status 255+00:24
^paradox^sys > admin > printing?00:25
Agent_boblost_boy432 yeah i'm looking at the post,  it seems that the usb count is 33 now.   why is it so high you been trying to fix this for a while ?00:25
bobertdossacabonos: Yeah, you can either do that, or you can run the installer from the terminal (using sudo) and give it the path /usr/lib/firefox-3.0.3 to install directly (and globally) to Firefox.00:25
Agent_bob^paradox^ think so.00:25
Canaris_Davidgfhgfh, dont use wubi00:25
inasmuDavidgfhgfh: did you hibernate windows or shut it down normally?00:25
mcbridedanyone able to give me a hand compiling a kernel by chance?00:26
lost_boy432Agent_bob: All day :D00:26
Davidgfhgfhcanaris: i tryed using the cd but it didnt work either00:26
^paradox^ah see just now the printer acted like it was going to print. but stopped before the paper went in00:26
^paradox^lol unbelievable00:26
ASrockis there a way i can make icons on the panel flash a different color when something happens like if i get a message and i have the window minimized00:26
Agent_boblost_boy432 give me a sec.00:26
bobertdos!work | Davidgfhgfh00:26
ubottuDavidgfhgfh: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.00:26
gmm46a hello i need help00:26
inasmugmm46: whats your problem?00:27
Canaris_gmm46, go!! ;)00:27
gmm46i installed alien arena but when i run it it exits on itself00:27
Davidgfhgfhubottu: it doesnt work....it loads about quarter of the way after install and freezes...but instead of getting and error messege with wubi....it doesnt have an error messege it just stays and doesnt do anything00:27
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:27
gmm46nothing but black screen appears before exiting00:28
^paradox^maybe if i restart the vista pc. just grasping at straws here lol00:28
firewolfIs it true that ubuntu hates AMD and ATI?00:28
Canaris_gmm46, start it from a terminal and see if it gives u any errors00:28
inasmugmm46: do you have the proper video card/sufficient ram to run it? alien arena uses pretty intensive specs, if I recall corectly00:28
thiebaudefirewolf:i think those card makers hate linux00:29
gmm46ok hang on00:29
bobertdosDavidgfhgfh: What's your system like, spec-wise?00:29
gmm46lol just wait00:29
ASrockati is starting to have linux support for their cards..00:29
frozenskunk1Can anyone please give me some help getting my remotes to work with a commandIR in mythbuntu? I've been asking for hours in the mythbuntu room without a single response...00:29
inasmufrozenskunk1: is there some reason its not working with lirc? I thought that was supported better00:30
Davidgfhgfhbobertdos: hpa710y 2.4 ghz processor p4 2gb of ram 160 gb harddrive00:30
gmm46ok i tried it in the teminal and the same thing happened00:30
bobertdosfirewolf: Yeah, that's probably more accurate. To the developers' credit though, it's difficult engineering those drivers.00:30
gmm46only i got an error messege00:30
gmm46ill paste it in00:30
gmm46using /home/austin/.alien-arena/data1/ for writing00:30
gmm46using /home/austin/.alien-arena/arena/ for writing00:30
gmm46execing default.cfg00:30
gmm46couldn't exec config.cfg00:30
gmm46Console initialized.00:30
FloodBot1gmm46: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:30
inasmu!pastebin | gmm4600:30
ubottugmm46: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)00:30
K_DallasHi guys! I have used ubuntu in VM under windows but now it is the first time that I am using VM to use windows under ubuntu. Which one of these options would let me do it easier and would offer the larger support for programs that I would like to install under windows (e.g. britannia, chessmamster, comsol (or femlab)) thanks00:30
frozenskunk1If you believe the claims, it is supported easily. I have been up and down every doc I can find, and can't get it going.00:31
^paradox^suppers ready00:31
K_Dallasthe options: vmware workstation, xen (I still dont know how to use it), parallel, virtualbox00:31
AbigailDHow do I automount my network shares in my computer? EG: other computer shares on this computer00:31
frozenskunk1inasmu: have tried mode2, irw, changing lircd.conf's, etc. and no luck00:31
sifunkK_Dallas: i've always had success with vbox and vmware00:31
bobertdosDavidgfhgfh: So Ubuntu stalls mid-installation or mid-boot?00:32
Davidgfhgfhmid boot00:32
Davidgfhgfhbobertdos: mid boot00:32
inasmuK_Dallas: I use VirtuaBox OSE and it works for everything I need00:32
K_Dallassifunk, vbox is very easy to setup what about vmware?00:32
sacabonosbobertdos, now it shows Shockwave Flash 10.0 r12 in about:plugins, I'll check youtube now00:32
thiebaudedavidgfhgfh:how much memory do you have?00:32
K_Dallasinasmu, oh, good to know. thanks00:32
firewolfhow do I add repos?00:32
benjickwrong chan, sorry :P00:32
sifunki honestly dont remember too much about vmare, it's been a while.. but vbox would be my first choice00:33
frozenskunk1inasmu: have tried all the troubleshooting methods I can find, still no luck. I had it working before, and girlfriend updated the box and overwrote all config files, haven't gotten it working again since 8.04 was released.00:33
sacabonosbobertdos, I have one more question. If that hanging happend again isn't there anyway to kill firefox/flashplayer instead of restarting the system?00:33
gmm47so now what00:33
Davidgfhgfhbobertdos: i tried installing with cd worked fine but wouldnt boot and no error messege with wubi it works fine but doesnt boot and i get the error messege i posted aboce00:33
K_Dallassifunk, i have used vbox with windows host, i will try it the other way around then, thanks00:33
Agent_boblost_boy432  A user with an AOpen AK73Pro motherboard reported that turning off the BIOS option "Assign IRQ for USB" solved this problem for him.00:33
frozenskunk1hardware is all ok, can get it (sort of) going under knoppmyth, but since I can't stand trying to work on things uder knoppmyth...00:33
Davidgfhgfhthiebaude: 2gb of ram00:33
inasmuhrm, are you sure the updating didn't just move the old config files? sometimes dpkg will append ".old" or something to an old config file instead of removing it00:33
thiebaudeplenty of memory00:34
firewolfhow do I add repos?00:34
sifunkK_Dallas: not a problem, hope you get things working00:34
thiebaudedavid:did you burn your cd?00:34
lost_boy432Agent_bob: Thanks! but... how do I do that?00:34
Davidgfhgfhthiebaude: yes and i checked integrity from the install screen and i checked md5 sum00:34
thiebaudedavid:did you burn it at the slowest speed possible?00:35
bobertdosDavidgfhgfh: Two things, do a memtest to make sure your RAM isn't bad, and try pressing escape during boot to enter text mode and see what you can see when it hangs.00:35
firewolfWhere or how do I add repos?00:36
thiebaudefirewolf:software sources00:36
Davidgfhgfhbobertdos: i did that also the other night like two nights ago it took like overnight and a little while longer everything was 100%00:36
Davidgfhgfhbobertdos: someone in this room told me to do it along with the integrity checks and md5 thing00:37
thiebaudebobertdos:the checksums have to match00:37
bobertdosDavidgfhgfh: advice that I think most people here will echo00:38
bobertdosDavidgfhgfh: also try booting into recovery mode00:38
Agent_boblost_boy432 then that screen wasn't bios it was ntldr00:38
bobertdossacabonos: yes, in the terminal, killall firefox-bin00:38
amrikHi I need help locating which package has the gdk/gdkkeysyms.h header00:38
sacabonosbobertdos, will try to full screen now00:39
Canaris_Davidgfhgfh, have u ever tried booting directly from the liveCD?00:39
K_DallasQ: Is a 11-character wide password good enough for admin or it is overkill? thanks00:39
Davidgfhgfhcanaris: yes and it hangs at screen too and doesnt boot00:39
unopamrik, http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=gdkkeysyms.h&mode=exactfilename&suite=hardy00:40
sacabonosbobertdos, wow, thanks bobertdos it worked wonderfully perfect thanks for all the help00:40
HqrsieK_Dallas: 11c is good as long as it's strong00:40
bobertdossacabonos: You're quite welcome.00:40
K_DallasHqrsie, it is pretty strong, has everything in it ;)00:40
sacabonosbobertdos, also this version seems to be faster with seeking in video00:40
KlrSpzanyone have any success with sdlmame? Docs and such are extremely limited and i'm confused on if a menu should display my roms or if i HAVE to start them manually (which doens't make for a fluid interaction via an HTPC)00:41
sifunkyou should be good then, you never never go overkill on password strength imo00:41
amrikunop: this is very useful feature. thanks!00:41
unopamrik, if you install the apt-file package, you can search offline using this command.  apt file gdkkeysyms.h00:41
K_Dallassifunk, ok :) thanks00:41
bobertdossacabonos: That's because flash 10 (as long as the environment is set up just right) uses the GPU even more than 9 did.00:41
Canaris_Davidgfhgfh, weird00:41
unopamrik, sorry, apt-file search gdkkeysyms.h00:41
B3z3rk3rhey all00:42
sacabonosbobertdos, good to know, I think it really is faster00:42
netsurf3can someone tell me what on earth just happened here? http://pastebin.com/m46fff4b700:42
bobertdossacabonos: It's good to hear someone say that, because sometimes, I have a hard time telling.00:42
bobertdossacabonos: Just be careful about upgrading that now. Always get rid of the old one. Since flash 10 seems to work out well for you, I'll give you this: http://blogs.adobe.com/penguin.swf/00:45
amrikunop: alright well this doesnt fix my problem for some reason. I am trying to compile bochs and it cannto find gdk/gdkkeysyms.h even after installing those packages00:45
subdolusHey guys! Every time I go to watch anything in mplayer, it plays in black and white... Is there a setting somewhere for this?00:45
Daft_PunkI have 2 ubuntu computers, 1 is desktop, 1 is laptop. i want to make share folder on desktop and access it using laptop, I think i made the share but don't know how to access it. help plz00:46
unopamrik, why not use bochs available from the repos?00:46
subdolusamrik: you probably need the 'dev' versions of those packages00:46
unopamrik, but to address your problem.  sudo apt-get build-dep bochs  #installs the necessary libraries to build bochs00:46
amrikunop: alright well i need to compile some special modifications to bochs which si why i cant use the one in the repository00:47
unopamrik, right, well - sudo apt-get build-dep bochs00:48
kebomixhello , i have program in .tar.gz file , how to install it ?00:48
=== con-man_ is now known as con-man
unop!build > kebomix00:48
ubottukebomix, please see my private message00:48
Canaris_kebomix, tar xvzf FILENAME00:48
sacabonosbobertdos, ok thanks again I'll aptitude purge first before updating00:48
fiyawerxerk.. all of the sudden any movies i play have like 90% blue tint in any player I try - anyone know what would cause that?00:49
fiyawerxlike peoples skin look likes smurfs00:49
RickZillaWhere can I go to find out how much space on my hard drive is available?00:49
fiyawerxit only appears in videos tho, my normal desktop is perfectly ifne00:49
demontagerwhere is compiz config in Ubuntu, Gnome desktop?00:50
amrikunop: it still cant find the header file, but its certainly in the file system under /usr/include/gtk-2.000:50
amrikunop: i think bochs might have some issues compiling...00:50
unopamrik, you've run build-dep ?00:50
inasmuRickZilla: df -h will tell you00:50
unopamrik, are you modifying configure options at all?00:51
amrikunop: certainly00:51
Daft_PunkI have 2 ubuntu computers, 1 is desktop, 1 is laptop. i want to make share folder on desktop and access it using laptop, I think i made the share but don't know how to access it. help plz00:51
unopamrik, you might need to 'make clean'  and try again00:51
unop!samba > Daft_Punk00:51
ubottuDaft_Punk, please see my private message00:51
inasmuRickZilla: df -h, there's a space between the df and the -h, the "-h" just means "display in human readable format"00:51
Daft_Punkunop, i dont have windows00:52
unopDaft_Punk, samba can't be installed on windows :)00:52
RickZillaok...just type that into the terminal?00:52
amrikunop: i modified the source to use <gtk-2.0/gdk/gdkkeysyms.h> instead but this doesnt have some of the keybindings its looking for00:52
unopDaft_Punk, samba helps with filesharing on linux too00:52
inasmuRickZilla: yeah, if you type that in the temrinal it'll show you how much space is available on all your mounted partitions00:53
Daft_Punkunop, well the link u gave me seems to be pertaining to windows shares00:53
RickZillainasmu:  Thanks for the help, I'll check it00:53
con-manI got guitar hero working with Wine thanks to the guys in #winehq but I cant get the guitar controller working, has anyone here gotten it to work?00:53
inasmuRickZilla: if you don't want to use the terminal, you can just right click on the drive in Nautilius, that might be easier00:53
ASrockhow do i set what internet connection ubuntu connects to by default?00:53
unopDaft_Punk, windows shares are SMB shares - the same kind that samba creates and uses00:53
inasmuRickZilla: I should probably have told you about the Nautilis thing first, from the context menu you should be able to open up "properties" and see how much space is ls left00:54
unopDaft_Punk, i suppose you could pretend your serving computer is a windows computer for the purposes of setting this up00:54
unopDaft_Punk, there really is no difference to the client, it really does not mind which OS the server is running. (with reference to samba)00:55
RickZillaSorry...just starting out with ubuntu...where do I go to get to Nautilus?00:55
unopor SMB really00:55
inasmuRickZilla: sorry, thats the name of hte file browsing program, if you go to Places -> Harddrive or something (I forget the names of the places in Places) that'll launch Nautilius00:55
RickZillainasmu:  Thanks a ton, I'll check it out00:56
unopamrik, well it's hard to say what's gone wrong there - if you're modifying source, you have to know what you are doing and how to get yourself out of tricky situations if you run into them.00:56
hardcorelinuxdoes compiz run faster/better with Xgl?00:57
kebomixi have graphics card sis , 64mb , does it support ubuntu graphic ?00:58
Bogus8anyone familiar with SABnzbd?00:59
hardcorelinuxkebomix, lost my net connection, did you figure out the heat problem?00:59
Gambit-hi chaps00:59
kebomixhardcorelinux: no not yet :( ,  can u help my friend , he have sis grahics card , 64 mb does it support ubuntu graphics ?00:59
Gambit-I have several ubuntu boxes, but I notice over time that it seems like the repositories never get updated with any further versions of popular packages.  Is that just a fact of life, or am I doing soemthing wrong?00:59
hardcorelinuxkebomix, it should there is a sis driver01:00
kebomixhardcorelinux: so ubuntu dont get driver automatically ?01:00
hardcorelinuxit is there as part of xorg install01:00
hacked_kernelWhat is linux-virtual package?01:01
con-mananyone know how to make the guitar hero PC controller working with linux? I have GH3 running with wine01:01
amrikunop: true. bochs is also known to not be the easiest program to compile in the world.01:01
Daft_Punkunop, i have no problem connecting to my windows shares using samba, but it wont let me connect to my ubuntu shares, it says "Error: failed to mount windows shares"01:01
GrenyarisI have a raid1 2 disk array, it is valid and works under the live cd. However, when I try to install (I want to use the raid for the "root" partition) hardy, the partitioning tool won't let me do raid, nor does it recognize /dev/md0 as a valid partition...any thoughts?01:01
ryan__How do you set it so that maximized windows are unanchored?01:01
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Bogus8anyone familiar with SABnzbd? or know anything about filters for cherrypy ?01:03
ajhtiredwolfis it possible to make a symbolic link to a network folder? I am wanting a program to access files that are on a different machine.01:03
hardcorelinuxajhtiredwolf, what type of share is it?01:04
ajhtiredwolfhardcorelinux, I just right clicked on the folder and checked share, the are media files01:05
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hardcorelinuxajhtiredwolf, never mind, just mount them locally: mount -t cifs //server/share /mount/point01:05
ajhtiredwolfhardcorelinux, i can access the files by going to network and finding the machine, but can't directoy link to them01:05
IntuitiveNippleajhtiredwolf: Yes, indirectly. If you mount the remote share in the file-system you can sym-link to it.01:05
singwolfhi evryone01:06
amrikhi now I have an issue running bochs. it cannot seem to find a library libreadline.so.4. in /usr/lib there was file called libreadline.so so I tried symlinking it to libreadline.so.4 but thiss does not work (it still thinks it cannot find it)01:06
=== Galka is now known as Zaiden
GrenyarisOk, maybe I should ask this another way...is there any way to use a different partitioning editor (gparted, or similar) during install...not the default ? OR is there a way to include the partitioning parameters in a command line for the install, or in an install config?01:08
KenBWsince Intrepid's beta is coming up does anyone know what theme it's going to be using?01:08
hardcorelinuxamrik, ls -l /usr/lib/libreadline.so.4?01:08
ajhtiredwolfIntuitiveNipple, hmmm it gave me this mount error: can not change directory into mount target /media/network01:08
fiyawerxis anyone familiar with a player i can use to just drag and drop url's into it's playlist?01:08
KenBWfiyawerx: its*01:09
KenBWfiyawerx: </pedant>01:09
creeedI get this error after upgrading Gutsy to Hordon, unable to make backup link of `./bin/dir' before installing new version: Operation not permitted.. I cant upgrade coreutils ans I get trouble on booting the new Kernel, I have to edit the boot Parameter to the old one, any suggestion please?01:10
jeppdoes anyone know a mediaplayer which can uses proxies?01:10
IntuitiveNippleajhtiredwolf:  check the mount command, and that the directory exists01:10
gam3r111can someone help me with01:11
gam3r111* Linux01:11
gam3r111To get The Wiinstrument running under Linux, install the following libraries via01:11
gam3r111your favorite package manager or by hand:01:11
gam3r111glew (glew.sourceforge.net)01:11
gam3r111libpng (www.libpng.org)01:11
gam3r111zlib (www.zlib.net)01:11
FloodBot1gam3r111: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:11
IntuitiveNippleajhtiredwolf: This guide might help you http://www.thatsquality.com/ubuntu/mounting-windows-smb-file-shares-using-cifs01:12
rdw200161jepp: more often than not, you can get proxies working from System->Preferences->Network Proxy01:12
gam3r111Ddoes anyone know how to install wii music01:12
gam3r111**wii instrumens01:12
KjoeryInstalling Ubuntu off of USB key, how's it done? Searches have only yielded how to install ONTO.01:13
jepprdw200161, I know. however there are still some player which doesn't care if I have done so. ie rhythmbox or exaile01:13
netsurf3what happened here? anyone know? http://pastebin.com/m449abc2701:13
amrikhardcorelinux: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 21 2008-09-28 19:48 /usr/lib/libreadline.so -> /lib/libreadline.so.501:13
IntuitiveNippleKjoery: That's correct. Install the Live CD image *onto* the USB stick then use it like a Live CD to run the *installer*01:13
KjoeryEr, oh01:13
KjoerySo I should follow the "installing ubuntu onto USB key" directions, and then just install it again from there?01:14
hardcorelinuxamrik, since it is looking for libreadline.so.4 just symlink libreadline.so.4 to libreadline.so01:14
amrikhardcorelinux: this binary is built for i386 and i am on 64-bit platform, do i have to get the 32-bit libreadline.so.4?01:14
rdw200161Kjoery, first, you must have a BIOS that supports booting from USB01:14
amrikhardcorelinux: already tried that but I dont think its looking there for it01:14
KjoeryI do.01:14
* Khisanth crosses fingers and attempts an upgrade :)01:15
ajhtiredwolfIntuitiveNipple, not sure, directory does exists, im using sudo mount.cifs //  /media/test01:15
Kjoery(ASUS P5K)01:15
IntuitiveNippleajhtiredwolf: compare your mount options with those in that guide I linked you to - in there it discusses the error you are reporting01:15
rdw200161Kjoery: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick01:15
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KjoeryI feel silly now.01:16
KjoeryI guess I should've searched harder01:16
ajhtiredwolfIntuitiveNipple, oh sorry didnt see the link, thanks01:16
rdw200161Kjoery, no prob01:16
DavidCanariasI'm having a problem burning a film to DVD can anyone advise or help me please?01:16
amrikhardcorelinux: any ideas?01:16
rdw200161DavidCanarias: have you tried K3B?01:17
IntuitiveNippleKjoery: It is slightly counter-intuitive, and I should know :)01:17
jeppno one here using proxies?01:17
Grenyarisis there a website or other reference for installing ubuntu manually...i.e. copying the files over by hand into the correct partitions, etc...?01:17
rdw200161jepp: i was for my phone01:17
droopsta915whats my computer doing when the screenfades to a grey?01:17
rdw200161jepp: where i used my phone to provide internet01:18
DavidCanarias rdw200161: Yes I am using K3b, but it doesn't read on the DVD player01:18
IntuitiveNippleGrenyaris: Look for guides on using debootstrap01:18
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rdw200161DavidCanarias: so you're trying to rip the DVD?01:18
IntuitiveNippleGreyhound-: This might get you started, I put a script with it: http://tjworld.net/wiki/Linux/Ubuntu/BuildChroot01:19
DavidCanarias rdw200161: What happened is that I have a CD burnt in a fotoshop from a video camrecorder. I've tried all sorts to import and burn. I can read it OK on my computer01:19
IntuitiveNippleGrenyaris: : This might get you started, I put a script with it: http://tjworld.net/wiki/Linux/Ubuntu/BuildChroot01:19
kitty_anyone have a good idea how to re-do the mbr or just make my XP partition bootable again ? during a re-install of ubuntu it managed to get messed up01:19
rdw200161kitty_: you could get the grub boot cd01:20
kitty_grub works to boot ubuntu or other devices01:20
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kkathmanhow does one stop/restart apache2  ?01:20
rdw200161kitty_: it'll boot windows too01:20
kitty_but hd0,0 won't load to work with ntldr01:20
kkathmanwithout rebooting01:20
hardcorelinuxamrik, what dow ldd <your-program-that-does-not-run> say? msg me01:21
rdw200161kkathman: /etc/init.d/apache restart01:21
kkathmanthanks :)01:21
IntuitiveNipplekitty_: It sounds like you may only need to edit the chainloader for Windows XP in /boot/grub/menu.lst01:21
kitty_i have it01:21
kitty_when i even type the command in manually it just says "starting..." and freezes there01:21
kitty_root (hd0,0) chainloader+1...01:22
kkathmanrdw200161,  is it apache or apache2 ??01:22
DavidCanarias rdw200161: which option would you use to burn a video DVD en k3b??01:22
kkathmancuz I'm getting apache not found (even at sudo)01:22
IntuitiveNipplekitty_: Is Windows in the first partition on the disk?01:22
rdw200161kkathman: do you know if it's installed?01:22
kkathmanrdw200161,  yes its installed01:22
mib_sjghi1f8anyone know how I can make lottanzb the default app in firefox so it opens nzbs automatically01:22
kitty_yes, i have a 1G partition with windows on it01:22
IntuitiveNipplekitty_: 1G ? you got Windows in 1GB??!?01:23
rdw200161kkathman: you should have the directory, /etc/apache2 if that's installed01:23
kitty_yeah it fits easily01:23
Lucifer_Hello, I'm installing Ubuntu 8.04, but I want to install it over an Ubuntu 7.10 partition. [My partitions are NTFS with windows XP and ext3 with Ubuntu 7.10]. Does anyone know how to install 8.04 over the entire 7.10 partition?01:23
IntuitiveNipplekitty_: That is impressive :)01:23
creeed!grub | kitty_01:23
ubottukitty_: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto01:23
kkathmanrdw200161,  I do01:23
IntuitiveNipplekitty_: ok... it sounds as if your issue isn't the boot-loader/MBR, it's the Windows boot-loader in the first partition... did you shrink or resize the Windows partition?01:23
kitty_i'm not installing windows, windows was on it, i re-installed ubuntu and now the windows boot manager won't load01:23
kkathmanrdw200161,  using apache2 restart worked01:24
kitty_no i didn't01:24
kitcheLucifer_: do you want to update or do a fresh install? since you just select the partition you want to format and format it if you want a full new install01:24
rdw200161kkathman: good deal!01:24
Lucifer_well, I have ubuntu 7.10 on a computer with no internet, so I'm installing with a live cd01:24
kkathmanrdw200161,  Im trying to get mhash installed but I dont know exactly where to install it01:24
emma!info mplayer > emma01:24
IntuitiveNipplekitty_: So, just to be absolutely clear, you get the GRUB menu, you choose Windows, and when Windows boot-loader is called it freezes/crashes at some point?01:24
ubottuemma, please see my private message01:24
kitcheLucifer_: well to update you want the alternate cd01:24
kitty_i'm half tempted to just fdisk /mbr the thing and let windows fix it, but then i'd have to fix it again for ubuntu01:25
kkathmanthe extension directory in php.ini is ./  which indicates root I guess01:25
emmaubottu - i know when a get a private message, thanks. :)01:25
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:25
Lucifer_which alternate cd?01:25
kitty_i get the grub menu, i am booted from the grub installation on the hd, on this computer01:25
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kitty_if i choose or type in the commands for my windows install, it just says "starting ..." and freezes01:25
theblueHi all, I'm running Hardy on an IBM ThinkPad T60,01:26
thebluehow do I get the wifi working?01:26
kitchekitty_: sounds like you need to fix your windows files first boot into a windows install disc go to recovery console and type fixmbr01:26
IntuitiveNipplekitty_: OK, then that suggests the Windows boot loader is having problem. Can you boot Ubuntu, mount the Windows partition, and show me the contents of the Windows \boot.ini file please?01:26
mib_sjghi1f8anyone know how I can make lottanzb the default app in firefox so it opens nzbs automatically01:26
kitty_i do fix mbr and i'll have to reinstall grub01:26
kitty_multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(6)\WINNT="Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server" /fastdetect01:27
kitty_and another entry is C:\$WIN_NT$.~BT\BOOTSECT.DAT="Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server Setup"01:28
mikebotI have a question about the program 'screen': I know that ctrl-a + S gives me a split screen, but how do I switch between the splits?01:28
kitchemikebot: ctrl+a TAB01:28
TannI'm trying to get my Linksys WPC100 laptop card to work, but I haven't found any answers online. lspci says its atheros. I'm on ubuntu studio if that has any affect on it.01:28
theblueHow do I get the wifi to work on a ThinkPad T60?01:28
histoTann: you should ask the studio people.01:29
kitcheTann: go to the ubuntu-studio channel01:29
IntuitiveNipplekitty_: That partition(6) looks wrong, I'd have expected it to be partition(0) if Windows is in the first primary partition on the disk01:29
mikebotkitche: Thanks... when I switch to the other I can;t seem to do anything...01:29
GodfatherofEireI just tried to set up a new sound scheme, but the system wont play the sounds, even in the correct format, any ideas?01:29
kitchemikebot: yeah you eon't until you create a new shell in it01:30
IntuitiveNipplekitty_: apologies, I meant I'd have expected it to be partition(1) - partitions number from 1, devices from 001:30
TannJust making sure because studio and ubuntu are almost the same.01:30
mikebotkitche: How do I do that?01:30
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kitchemikebot: ctrl+a C01:30
lepineis an mdadm device supposed to be formattable into more than one partition?01:31
lepinei currently have /dev/md0 formatted as ext301:31
IntuitiveNipplekitty_: See this reference: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/10287301:31
kitchemikebot: if you d ctrl+a N it makes a "clone" of your one window just incase you hit N sometime :)01:31
lepineseems to me it would make more sense that an md device would ressemble more a drive than a partition01:32
lepineam i crazy?01:32
mikebotkitche: yikes, somehow I got htop in both of them./01:32
johnhI need a bit of help with a dual booting problem. Anyone care to help?01:32
kitchemikebot: then you most likely pressed the wrong key01:32
kitcheyou wanted C not N01:33
ed0n0ni am trying to compile a program and configure tells me I need Qt (header and libraries). I have installed libqt3-headers and libqt3-mt and -mt-dev also but still fails when checking for Qt. What can I do? Please help01:33
devslashnullhas anyone here installed ubuntu in parallels01:33
mikebotkitche: Haha, I think you're right.01:33
IntuitiveNippleed0n0n: gt4 maybe?01:33
kitcheed0n0n: you want qt3-dev but depends which qt you need01:33
GodfatherofEireI'm having trouble with the sound scheme in Ubuntu, I have the sounds, but when I try to set them as default sounds, Ubuntu wouldn't recognize them.01:33
IntuitiveNippleed0n0n: qt4 even01:33
K-RichCan anyone tell me how to change the default app that runs when i insert a dvd? it used to be under preferences > prefered applications but now i can't find it.01:33
ed0n0nits  configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 3.0.3) (headers and libraries)01:34
kaiHey, Does anyone have a minute to help me with an MBR issue on Ubuntu?01:34
mikebotkitche: (I'm concurrently trying to learn to type on a dvorak board, on my qwerty hardware... makes it difficult.)01:34
ed0n0nkitche: cannot get qt3-dev01:34
danbh_intrepidK-Rich: its in nautilus01:34
robinjemand da?01:34
K-Richdanbh_intrepid: thanks01:35
GodfatherofEireI need help with my sound scheme, anyone care to help?01:36
rdw200161GodfatherofEire: I can try01:36
rdw200161GodfatherofEire: what are you trying to do?01:36
kaiI need help with a Disk Error after trying to dual-boot, anyone care to help? :)01:36
ed0n0ncould be qt3-dev-tools?01:37
GodfatherofEireChange the default system sounds, like start-up and shut-down01:37
K-Richdanbh_intrepid: well, how to i umm customize it, it now open totem and i want it to run the command 'vlc dvd:///dev/scd0'01:37
mikebotkitche: Got it, thanks!01:37
GodfatherofEireI have the sounds, but when I set them to play, they dont play when they're supposed to01:37
mikebotkitche: And it works, thanks.01:38
danbh_intrepidK-Rich: sorry mate, I'm running intrepid, and its obvious here, once you enter the nautilus settings.   Hardy is probably different01:38
Canaris_Quick questions: What's really the difference between fstab and mtab?01:38
rdw200161GodfatherofEire: did you try System->preferences->sound?01:38
GodfatherofEireWhere I set it up01:38
GodfatherofEireWasn't working, so I came here01:38
TannI'm trying to get my Linksys WPC100 laptop card to work, but I haven't found any answers online. lspci says it has an athero chipset.01:39
ed0n0nanyway i think somethings worng with this app http://f4l.sourceforge.net/01:39
Revanyone knows about a lightweight picture viewer that would allow me to directly delete pictures from it?01:39
rdw200161GodfatherofEire: I don't know then :(01:39
GodfatherofEireOh well, thanks anyway01:39
Revi mean, i can browse pics and delete them directly without having to write down the name, and then to go in my file system to delete it manually ?01:39
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Revristretto doesnt allow me to do that unfortunately :/01:39
unstableWhat is a good rss feed reader, that integrates with ubuntu/gnome defaults. What is the best now a days?01:40
danbh_intrepidTann: try ndiswrapper01:40
Canaris_unstable, liferea01:41
unstablethanks Canaris_01:41
Canaris_unstable, you're welcome01:41
jigphello guys good morning..how to hide my folders?it seems that when I use a regular user on my desktop, I can still view and copy my admin user folder...how to hide my admin user folder from my users so that they cannot access or look or copy my folders? thanks01:42
Canaris_jigp, chmod it accordingly01:43
creeed!info upgrade > creeed01:43
ubottucreeed, please see my private message01:43
jigpCanaris_ : I will type in the console?01:44
GodfatherofEireI'm also having a problem with hibernating and putting my computer in standby, when I do, it only locks out the screen, but doesnt put it in standby or hibernate.01:44
kaiSomeone please help me with GRUB error :(01:44
mikeroi, help with Hardy installation?01:45
Canaris_jigp, http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/Chmod01:45
Canaris_kai, what is it?01:45
mikerI tried installing it twice, but I log in, and it takes me back to the login screen01:46
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)01:46
hardcorelinuxmiker, does a console login work?01:46
kaiCanaris_: After installing windows on second partition, (Alongside Ubuntu and linux swap,) I noticed the MBR was removed (Grub; as expected to write for windows MBR thinger) and now I am trying to reinstall GRUB from a live CD as my computer gives me a disk error when I turn it on01:47
mikerconsole login/01:47
hardcorelinuxmiker, Ctrl+Alt+F1, login there01:47
mikerwill I be able to do that and keep files and software, or is it like Failsafe GNOME?01:47
kaicanaris_: So, my dilemma is trying to install GRUB from a live Ubuntu CD (Hardy 8.04)01:47
Canaris_kai, use the livecd to boot into your actual system not into the livecd01:48
kaiHow do I do that, Canaris_?01:48
bartbearlier today I had sound, now all of a sudden after an automatic update I have no sound at all in any program any ideas?01:48
mikerconsole login - "will I be able to do that and keep files and software, or is it like Failsafe GNOME?"01:48
Canaris_dont get the liveCD, but the alternate CD from ubuntu.com01:48
hardcorelinuxbartb, run alsamixer in a console01:49
Canaris_kai, dont get the liveCD, but the alternate CD from ubuntu.com01:49
kaiCanaris_: Care to explain a bit more? I'm not sure what you mean (While you explain What this alternate CD from ubuntu, I'll be getting it now)01:49
bartbit says pulseaudio unable to connect invalid server01:49
hardcorelinuxmiker, it is a non-GUI login, just to test your account01:50
Canaris_kai, u german?01:50
GodfatherofEir1Anyone who can help me with my hibernate/standby problem?01:50
kaiCanadian, Canaris_01:50
LaQuirrELLhello room   hope all is well with everyone01:50
mikerhardcorelinux, sorry but what does that mean? xD01:50
csilkGoddamnDevil,  do you need hibernate?01:50
IntuitiveNipplekai: You can also "sudo apt-get install grub" from the LiveCD, then use "grub setup hd(0) hd(0,1)" - those parameters need to match your partition layout01:50
csilkyou clearly have some acpi issue01:50
csilkprobably a bug01:50
hardcorelinuxmiker, did you manage to switch to Ctrl+Alt+F1?01:51
csilkwho the hell hibernates anyway?01:51
bartbhardcorelinux, it says pulseaudio unable to connect invalid server01:51
Canaris_kai, just as it says: "This CD does not include the Live CD, instead it uses a text-based installer."01:51
kai:P THank you, IntuitiveNipple. Great name btw01:51
Canaris_kai no gui, but extra options01:51
LaQuirrELLi have a new sata harddrive i want to put on my ubuntu system      how do i format the drive in ubuntu?01:51
hardcorelinuxbartb, is your pulseaudio running /etc/init.d/pulseaudio status?01:51
Canaris_kai, and its gonna let u boot into an already existing installation01:51
kaicanaris_ I love my GUI though :( The command prompt scares me01:52
Canaris_LaQuirrELL, use gparted - apt-get install gparted01:52
mikerhardcorelinux - no, I'm in the Failsafe GNOME, the account is working, I want to know if the console login will allow me to keep apps and files01:52
mikerbecause this is for permanent use01:52
Canaris_kai, no command prompot just not an xserver gui. just try it, its really easy01:52
LaQuirrELLok  Canaris  ty01:52
GodfatherofEir2Bloody hell.01:52
hardcorelinuxmiker, so you can logon in FailSafe, but cannot into a normal GNOME session?01:52
mikerhardcorelinux - exactly.01:53
bartbhardcorelinux, nothing happens when I type that in01:53
GodfatherofEir2To answer Csilk's question, I do need the hibernate function because I have a laptop with poor battery life01:53
LaQuirrELLi am going to be removing an old ide drive and i want to transfer the files to the new sata     anything special i need to do?01:53
Canaris_LaQuirrELL, nope :)01:53
csilkGodfatherofEir2, very unfortunate for you then, it's probs a bug01:53
csilkhit the bug tracker with your issue01:53
csilkcheck if anyone else has the sameissue and hardware01:54
GodfatherofEir2I will01:54
LaQuirrELLok   that was too easy    lol  ty Canaris  c u all l8r01:54
csilkif so there may be a fix, if not open a new bug report01:54
csilkmy goddam housemate smokes way too much weed, it stinks the damn house out, how should i solve this problem??? FIRE????01:54
Kingsy101can someone tell me the name of a decent html/code editor for use on ubuntu?01:55
Jimm-After I added a new partition for /home the usplash has been replaced by a text-boot, I've got start-up manager installed but nothing has changed, any ideas?01:55
csilkKingsy101,  any number of text editores01:55
csilkassuming you ONLY want to fo html01:55
bartbhardcorelinux, nothing happens, just goes back to prompt01:55
hardcorelinuxbartb, there is something wrong with you pulseaudio setup(that status call returns nothing, for me too)01:55
kaicsilk: Replace marijuanna with herbs from the local market :) That's a quick turn-off for any weed smoker.01:55
kaiOnce he takes a puff of that, he'll regret it :P01:56
andrilanyone use QuickStart - i know it's for noobs01:56
Canaris_What's really the difference between fstab and mtab?01:56
csilkhmm, messing with her stash might not be a good solution01:56
Kingsy101anything stand out? I just want a nice GUI that makes editing html easy.. if anyone has had experience with a one?01:56
kaiouuu a she, that smokes weed...01:56
kaican I have her phone number, Csilk? ;)01:56
csilkyeah, god damn hippy01:56
kaiXD hahaha01:56
csilkbelieve me you w0ouldnt want it01:56
kaiOkay, tell her this:01:57
bartbhardcorelinux, any suggestions?01:57
blueapples!offtopic kai01:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about offtopic kai01:57
kaisudo pkill weed01:57
blueapples!offtopic | kai01:57
ubottukai: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:57
blueapples!offtopic | csilk01:57
ubottucsilk: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:57
jigphello guys is there a way to change my user account name? like now its "jigp". Q: how to change "jigp" into "jigpalomo" ?I tried System>UserandGroup > but there is now rename a user account there....01:58
csilkjigp, you cant01:58
csilkyou can make a new user with the name you want though01:58
=== agib is now known as agib|away
csilkthen transfer you home dir to that new user01:58
csilki did that a few days ago01:58
andrilwhich channel takes care of compiz?01:58
stroyanjigp: sudo usermod -l newname oldname01:58
csilkstroyan,  i didnt think you could do that?01:59
blueapplesAndril, #compiz01:59
Makro1hello, i got an issue with an external usb drive (ntfs), i can mount and unmount without problems the drive but i can't write files on it, everytime i got an input/output error, smartmontools says drive status is OK...any clue?01:59
bartbanyone have any ideas how to fix a jacked up pulseaudio?? you can't remove it without removing the ubuntu desktop01:59
blueapplesAndril, #compiz-fusion, sorry01:59
stroyancsilk: I haven't tried it myself.  But man usermod says it can.  It won't rename the home dir though.01:59
jigpcsilk stroyan : I can or I can't? "csilk: jigp, you can't"01:59
andrilblueapples: thanks it worked01:59
Kingsy101can anyone suggest one?01:59
l337ingDisorderanyone here familiar with gDevilsPie?01:59
csilkjigp,  apparently you can, although you will have permissions problem with everything in /home/username02:00
csilkyou can easily sort that out though02:00
blueapplesandril I guess I'm not sure if they will handle non fusion stuff, probably worth a shot02:00
stroyancsilk: That won't change the user id.  The permissions shouldn't need changing.02:00
andrilblueapples: cool...and cool name02:01
persiaHello.  I'm thinking about installing Ubuntu on a Windows machine for the first time, but need to make sure I don't break the Windows installation.  Could someone point me at documentation to make the necessary adjustments to prepare the system for this type of installation?  I've been reading the i386 installation guide, but it doesn't appear to have a section about this.02:01
stroyanjigp: I would warm up a backup user account before experimenting with it.02:01
csilkstroyan, i was so sure this wasnt poissible i wnt to the extreme of creating a new user, mv the /home folder and chowinng everything02:01
bartbshould I reinstall esound since pulseaudio sucks?02:01
persiabartb: You may be just as happy to disable pulseaudio and use libesd-also for your esd clients.  esd is unfortunate in lots of ways.02:02
xbxbHow come opera and gnome have folders in /root/, although I never started them as root (I haven't even activated the root account and I never did "sudo opera")?02:02
thiebaudepersia:are you going to dual-boot?02:02
SamKfor some reason my ati driver only installed properly for root user, can someone help?02:03
bartbpersia, use libesd-alsa? how do I disable pulseaudio and use that02:03
persiathiebaude: Unlikely, but I need to be able to in case I need hardware support.02:03
blueapplesperisa have you started with trying the liveCD?02:03
persiabartb: I think it's asoundconf unset-pulseaudio to turn pulseaudio off.  Using ALSA is a matter of changing the preferences in your apps.02:04
alecwhwhy isn't TKinter included on Ubuntu's python installation, like this FAQ suggests: http://www.python.org/doc/faq/gui/#id302:04
persiablueapples: I've booted a liveCD, but I've not run the partitioner, as I fear damaging Windows (usually I just do a full format, but can't for this particular computer)02:04
bartbpersia, any idea why my pulseaudio just stopped working all of a sudden?02:05
dr_willisSamK,  'drivers' under linux dont install that way.. You may want to clarify the problem a bit.  Tell the chennel what the root user can do that  a normal user cant..02:05
persiabartb: Sorry.  My knowledge of pulseaudio doesn't extend that far :)02:05
tsrkIs there a reason that anope irc services aren't in the ubuntu packages?02:05
ubottupython is a popular Object Oriented scripting language included in Ubuntu. For more on Python please see http://www.python.org02:05
thiebaudepersia:you won't damage windows, since its on a different partition, if you install ubuntu02:05
ketchupz57Helpz! I'm having an issue with 8.04 LTS and Avant. It installs and when finished, it launches for a second and then Goes right Away! I'm scanning the forums and only one post mentioning it, but it doesn't appear anyone else has a solution.02:05
blueapplesperisa yeah that's what I would recommend too (full format) - it's always much clearer... there are tools to resize existing partitions, but I don't like the disclaimers on them. i'm trying to find the one i used before ...02:05
ketchupz57any idears?02:05
bartbis there an irc channel for pulseaudio problems02:05
persiathiebaude: Ubiquity will automatically resize my NTFS partition?02:06
blueapplesthiebaude, i imagine that perisa's hard drive is fully formatted ntfs02:06
csilktshine,  yes, no one has packaged it yet, assuming their license aggress to distribution i wouldnt mind doing it02:06
SamKumm when i do fglrxinfo as regular user it says "OpenGL version string: 1.4 (2.1.7979 Release)" and when i do it with sudo it says "OpenGL version string: 2.1.7979 Release"02:06
hardcorelinuxketchupz57, you need have compiz enabled for AWN to work02:06
tsrkcsilk, were you saying that to me?02:06
blueapplesperisa i know that knopix has one built it, you may want to use their live cd to prep your drive. it's dangerous though.02:06
fvwmnethi erverybody02:06
tsrktshine ain't my nick :(02:06
csilktsrk,  yeah, tab complete got the wrong name02:06
tsrkok :P02:06
ketchupz57hardcorelinux I did install and comfigure compiz.02:06
persiablueapples: I'd love to format it, but I got this particular computer for half price in return for promising to keep Vista on it for 24 months.  I have no intention of using Vista, but I can't format.02:06
blueapplesperisa i think that's what i used02:06
[Solars]heh is there a gnome screensaver that plays a whole game of chest ? :P02:06
tsrkI would love an anope package cause I don't like compiling :P02:07
hardcorelinuxketchupz57, open a terminal and type 'avant-window-navigator'02:07
ketchupz57I've been using Compiz for some time now, and I just reinstalled Ubunutu for the latest version.02:07
dr_willisSamK,  i would guess they differ a little bit - due to the permissions/security features of X and how sudo differts from gksudo.. is there some 'real' problem/somthing not working?02:07
persiablueapples: So there's no known safe way to resize?  I ought just try to image the entire drive (with dd or something), and restore if I am asked about something?02:07
thiebaudepersia:setting up ubuntu from the live cd, you have options on how you patition the hd.you can make partitions for a dual boot, or you can wipe the whole drive and install ubuntu only.02:07
blueapplesthere is a tool that can do it on the knoppix live-cd02:08
ketchupz57harcorelinux, it works from cmd. Why?02:08
hardcorelinuxketchupz57, not sure man02:08
xbxbHow come opera has a folder in /root/, although I never started it as root (I haven't even activated the root account and I never did "sudo opera")?02:08
blueapplesperisa oops, that's for you. there's also partition magic, but that is proprietary and sort of expensive02:08
SamKwell when i use sudo i get direct render, but usually i don't, so most 3D stuff doesn't work well02:08
ketchupz57so, can I expect that it will only load after each startup from cmd?02:08
persiablueapples: Do you happen to know the name of the tool?  I suspect it's also in Ubuntu.02:08
persiathiebaude: These options include resizing NTFS partitions safely?02:09
thiebaudepersia:is it gparted?02:09
blueapplesperisa I know it wasn't in the past, but I am checking for the name, just a sec02:09
hardcorelinuxketchupz57, just add it to you start-up sesssion, "Preferences->Session", log out and log on, see if it started02:09
ketchupz57ok, thanks harcorelinux02:09
ketchupz57later, all. Thanks!02:09
=== spastic_teapot is now known as spasticteapot
blueapplesperisa knoppix has http://qtparted.sourceforge.net/ on it02:09
dr_willisSamK,  to run gui apps as root - you should use gksudo. not sudo.  I cant imagine what 3d stuff you need to run as root, or why performace would differ in the apps between root and the normal user02:10
blueapplesperisa which is not installed on my 8.04, so i don't think it's on the live cd either - could be though, worth a check02:10
balroghow can i get raw disc access to my ipod to install rockbox?02:10
persiablueapples: Ah, that's just a parted front-end, so it ought be good.  You successfully resized NTFS with this?02:11
kaibalrog: start IPod in DISC recovery mode02:11
blueapplesperisa I am trying to remember how far I got. I *believe* I did. It was a really, really long time ago however, first time I was exposed to linux in college02:11
Fatpersia:  you do not need to format your drive!  The install option on the live CD will walk you through partitioning your drive and setting up for dual boot of Vista nd Ubuntu..02:12
SamKdr_willis, for example if i try to run a game with wine, it runs very slowly, and I'm guessing it's because I don't have direct rendering as a regular user. When i do sudo glxgears, I also get a much higher FPS.02:12
persiablueapples: Understood :)  I've not actually tried to do this sort of thing since NTFS existed :)02:12
persiaFat: And it automatically resizes my NTFS safely?02:12
balrogkai: any idea of how to do that?02:12
kaibalrog: What model of Ipod do you have? (The generation)02:13
blueapplesFat, I'm sorry, does Ubuntu include partition resizing tools? I already had free space in my latest install and I have only a single box so I don't know.02:13
dr_willisSamK,  Ive given up on ati cards.. of course wine and ati has always been an issue.. I would check the forums to see if  other ati users have similer issues.. sounds like it could be some bug in the ati drivers02:13
kaiBlueapples: Boot from live disk, there is a partition resizing tool on that.02:13
cua0whats the easiest way to reconfigure xorg for a new videocard?02:13
kaiBlueapples: Sys>Admin>Partitioning Editor02:14
blueapplesthere you go perisa, i guess it does have something.02:14
SamKdr_willis, ok thanks:)02:14
thiebaudepersia:the live cd has patitioning options on it02:14
persiablueapples: thiebaude: Fat: kai: Thank you.  You've given me the confidence to just let ubiquity do the partition resizing.02:14
thiebaudepersia:your welcomed02:14
balrogkai: generation 5 (60 gb video)02:15
blueapplesperisa I have heard these tools are much better than they were back in the day, I think you'll be safe, I hope so anyway ;) I need to do this myself soon on my desktop so let me know how it goes02:15
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persiakai: Also, System - > Administration -> Partitioning editor is gparted.02:15
kai^^ Persia: thank you02:15
blueapplespersia: kai: is that only on the live cd? I don't see it on my install02:15
persiablueapples: apt-get install gparted.02:15
Fatpersia:  It checks your drive for other operating systems and the drive size.  The asks if you want to partition your drive and you can determine the size of the partition you wish to allocate for Ubuntu.  It will then set up the drive as requested and install the OS.  The instsallation also asks a few other questions but they are elementary and do not have to do with dual booting or partitioning.  Just be sure to read ea02:16
Fatch screen of the inatallation proceedure carefully as you proceed so as not to miss anything.02:16
DCPomwhich package do you need to use citric?02:16
kaiBlueapples: Only on live, sorry02:16
* persia is off to find a USB key to actually perform the install02:17
blueappleskai of course i can install it on my install, but just wanted to know if it was already available on live. that's good to know for the future, didn't know that02:17
blueappleskai so thanks =D02:17
kai:D Your welcome! Damn, third person i've helped with linux today <3. I'm getting better.02:17
persiablueapples: You can always install additional software in the live environment with apt-get as well.02:17
thiebaudehope everything works out, persia02:17
persiathiebaude: Thanks :)02:17
blueapplespersia just sits on the ram disk then I guess?02:17
brad89jfsjklhanyone have any lock ups lately?02:17
persiablueapples: In the tmpfs unionfs overlay, but basically, yes.02:18
Killer--Tuxhow can i share files between host (linux) VirtualBox (windows xp02:18
kaibalrog: Center and lower Ipod button, hold for at most 10 seconds02:18
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox02:18
blueapplesbrad89jfsjklh, yeah actually, the GLMatrix screen saver locked up everything for me a few hours ago, couldn't even get to console 1 to do a cleaner restart02:18
balrogyep, didnt see your pm until recently02:18
dr_willisKiller--Tux,  virtualbox can share a 'directory' btween guest and host with the guest-addons installed in the guest os.. OR you could just set up samba on both  server/guest and share stuff as if they were 2 seperate machines.02:19
brad89jfsjklhi just upgraded in the last few days it has at random times02:19
blueapplesbrad89jfsjklh, other than that, it has been pretty stable. this is a new install for me though, haven't been in linux for awhile because of work02:19
thiebaudebrad:did you upgrade to 8.10?02:20
Killer--Tuxdr_willis can you help me configure that02:20
brad89jfsjklhno i have not upgraded to 8.10 yet02:20
thiebaudebrad:how much memory do you have?02:21
blueapplesi'm afraid of 8.10. i got everything working. i don't want to disturb it heh02:21
dr_willisKiller--Tux,  not really. I learned how to do it by reading the virtualbox docs/wiki page.  You install the guest addations  and under linux mount the directory, its a special filesystem. and configure virtualbox server to share a directory.    OR just use samba/ssh/other ways to transfer files likeyou would from 2 actual physical machines.02:21
brad89jfsjklhhow can i upgrade? I thought i would wait for the final release02:21
Red_WraithHello all.02:21
thiebaudeblueapples:i had bad luck with 8.10 and went back to 8.0402:22
thiebaudebrad:i think 8.10 beta is here now02:22
Killer--Tuxdr_willis i have samba already installed but when i try to share the folder it tells me permission denied02:22
kaiRed_Wraith: Hi :)02:22
brad89jfsjklhhiI tryed 8.10 alapha 5 on the live cd and it lock up a few times02:22
thiebaudebrad:upgrade -d, if im not mistaken02:22
blueapplesthiebaude 8.10 is tempting because I'm on a MacBook, but as of now, everything I know of that it fixes I have fixed myself to my satisfaction, so, I think I'm sitting on 8.04 for quite awhile02:23
dr_willisKiller--Tux,  i normally edit the samba smb.conf file and share the users homes , i rarely share a specific directory. and ive never used the little share-wizard feature of gnome.02:23
Red_WraithCan someone help me? I have a package I MUST remove, but it refuses to purge, even when forced. Error message: http://paste.ubuntu.com/51880/02:23
thiebaudeblueapples:when i had 8.10  i went to view flash videos, firefox would always crash02:24
blueapplesthiebaude really? on 32 bit?02:24
thiebaudeblueapples:on 32 bit intel02:24
Red_WraithYes kai?02:25
kaiRed_wraith: sudo pkill vidia?02:25
blueapplesthiebaude, yeah no thanks lol I'll be sticking with 8.0402:25
kainvidia-glx ******02:25
roukoundoes anyone knows what is the directory that contains the source code of the shell commands?02:25
thiebaudeblueapples:i might wait for the next LTS02:25
Red_WraithOkay, then what?02:25
kaiNow try to purge delete it02:25
blueapplesthiebaude, when is the final scheduled? it might be okay. i'll try the live-cd i guess02:25
Red_WraithNo going.02:26
balrogkai: i get a different error this time02:26
roukoundoes anyone knows what is the directory that contains the source code of the shell commands?02:26
Red_Wraithhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/51884/ kai02:27
kaibalrog, pastebin then link in PM02:27
thiebaudeblueapples:sometime around the middle of oct02:27
stroyanroukoun: Your question does not make much sense to me.  What shell commands are you thinking of?02:27
kaiSorry, not Balrog P02:27
ubottuIntrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - #ubuntu+1 for discussion | Warning lots of broken software between now and October!02:27
kaiRed_Wraith, PM link please.02:27
roukounstroyan: e.g mkdir or ls02:27
spasticteapotI wonder if Intrepid will have less !@#$ bugs?02:27
bobertdosroukoun: That's almost a better question for a dev channel.02:28
cua0did there not used to be an xconfigure command? wtf? i can't find anything to reconfigure X for my new card.02:28
thiebaude8.04 is soo stable for me02:28
danbh_intrepidspasticteapot: please bring it to #ubuntu+102:28
Kingsy101has anyone in here used the editor Screem?02:28
roukounbobertdos: ok02:28
Killer--Tuxdr_willis can you help me setting up usb on virtual box02:28
stroyanroukoun: The source code for various packages can be downloaded with "apt-get source <packagename>".  You can see what package each command is in by installing dlocate.02:28
rootHi all!02:28
thiebaudehi root02:28
=== root is now known as Guest74220
bobertdoscua0: Mostly, we just have people manually edit xorg.conf (/etc/X11/xorg.conf)02:28
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tijuanahi again! (i'm not root xD =P)02:29
roukounstroyan: thanks02:29
cua0bobertdos: yea, i was in there, but it's looking like i was using a 'generic' screen, and i can't for the life of me remember how to manually set it up. lol.02:29
stroyanroukoun: "sudo apt-get install dlocate; sudo update-dlocatedb"; dlocate <cmd>02:29
thiebaudeyup i see tijuana02:29
bobertdos!x | cua002:29
ubottucua0: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto02:29
dr_willisKiller--Tux,  i was thinking the USB port stuff was disabled on the virtualbox in the repos.. you must install the one from the viurtalbox homepage.02:30
thiebaudethe x window is the desktop02:30
stroyanroukoun: ls and mkdir are in the "coreutils" package.02:30
XDydr_willis; it is?02:30
danbh_intrepiddr_willis: I think you have to pay for usb support on vbox02:30
tijuanaI'm here 'cause i've got a problem with my ubuntu - and i'm a cpomplete newbie02:30
Kingsy101if not Screem then any other GUI ubuntu html editor?02:30
bobertdosstroyan: I totally forgot about that :p02:30
tijuanathe thing is I've got a via unichrome video card02:30
XDyI'm running repo vbox humm.. have not tried any usb device tho02:30
Loganhoupthere are absolutely tons kingsy02:31
retro89dsaffdsavbox yes u have to pay for the usb support02:31
Killer--Tuxdr_willis let me go ahead and try that02:31
roukounstroyan: thanks again!!!02:31
Kingsy101I know, thats why I am asking, I am hoping someone could recommend one they have had experience with (i.e a decent one)02:31
XDyhow much is usb support?02:31
danbh_intrepidKiller--Tux: in case you missed it, you have to pay for usb support02:31
danbh_intrepidXDy: check the website, its one of the ways they make money02:32
tijuanaI installed kubuntu 8.04 and the screen would redraw in a very bizzare way every ten seconds or so02:32
balrogKingsy101: i prefer eclipse for just about everything, as they got a lot of stuff right02:32
tijuanaThe Openchrome wiki said I should consider updating to the latest version of drm02:32
Killer--Tuxdanbh_intrepid ?!?02:32
blueapplesbalrog for HTML? really? it's sort of... heavy don't you think?02:32
balroganybody know how to get rockbox to recognize my ipod?  5th gen 60GB video02:33
Kingsy101thats what I was thinkin... blueapples do you have a suggestion?02:33
danbh_intrepidKiller--Tux: in vbox, the free version has no usb support, and the paid version does02:33
balrogblueapples: oh gosh yes, its terribly heavy, but i like it...02:33
tijuanaso I went and downloaded version 2.3.1 using git and compiled it according to the instructions on dri's webpage02:33
Kingsy101what about a lighter option?02:33
Loganhoupthe only other wel development program I know of is quanta plus. I like to use programs like eclipse and netbeans02:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bluefish02:34
blueapplesbalrog: Kingsy101 you know I really like the built in text editor. it seems to do the job.02:34
nourahello guys I am having trouble with resume/hibernate on my sony vaio02:34
Loganhoupmainly because I program in alot of languages02:34
danbh_intrepid!html | Kingsy10102:34
ubottuKingsy101: html is HyperText Markup Language, used to build web pages. WYSIWYG editors: KompoZer (was Nvu), Iceape Composer, Amaya - Development environments: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem - For a howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com/02:34
tijuananow every time I log in after the desktop loads I get a white screen and the mouse cursor02:34
blueapplesokay so what's the command to shut off the touchpad while typing? lol... I did not just quit on purpose02:35
ubottuFor a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad02:35
=== agib|away is now known as agib
Kingsy101I think I am going to give KompoZer02:36
Kingsy101a shot02:36
Kingsy101is there a apt-get command to download/install that? or do you just have to download it?02:37
Red_WraithI have a package which refuses to uninstall, even when forced, someone please help! http://paste.ubuntu.com/51891/02:37
Loganhoupjust open up synaptics or add/remove and check the programming sections02:37
blueapplesKingsy101 bluefish looks good too but I haven't had a chance to use it much. personally what I want is the publish functionality of Coda on Mac OS - it detects file changes and with one or two clicks in the sidebar uploads all the new files to the project's FTP directory. very slick.02:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about eclipse02:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about netbeans02:37
Loganhoup!do you know anything?02:38
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:38
BabamHey, I just "obtained" a collection of roms, and it came as a .uif, uhh what do I do with that?02:38
Red_WraithLoganhoup: doesn't work. Read the pastebin http://paste.ubuntu.com/51891/02:38
Loganhoupwhat doesnt work?02:38
usserBabam, roms for what?02:38
Makro1hello, i got an issue with an external usb drive (ntfs), i can mount and unmount without problems the drive but i can't write files on it, everytime i got an input/output error, smartmontools says drive status is OK...any clue?02:38
Killer--Tuxhow do i open a folder with root privileges02:39
Babamusser: Some mario games, so roms for ye olde consoles, games that I own mind you02:39
nourahello guys I am having trouble with resume/hibernate on my sony vaio. Hibernate works with s2both, but only from the terminal. GUI's don't work...as for suspend I still cant figure it out02:39
tijuanaRed_Wraith I know nothing about linux but it seems the uninstall script is looking for a file that doesn't exist02:39
carandraugKiller--Tux: "gksudo nautilus"02:39
blueapplesMakrol unless I have missed something, linux has no reliable NTFS filesystem driver than can write to discs safely02:39
tijuanatry creating the file or deleting the entry from the install script02:39
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE02:39
Falling-InfernoCan someone help me with this problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=93189502:39
Red_WraithWhere can I find the install script?02:39
IntuitiveNippleRed_Wraith: try making sure the directory exists, then re-run the commands: sudo mkdir -p /usr/X11R6/lib02:40
usserBabam, you'll have to use magiciso on wine to convert them to iso's02:40
Makro1blueapples: ahm..well i was using the drive for months without a trouble..02:40
tijuanaah... hmm... that's too advanced a topic for me02:40
Kingsy101Komposer isnt in the list in add remove.. :(02:40
usserBabam, magiciso should have a free converter on their site02:40
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE02:40
Babamusser: okay, and from there?02:40
tijuanai'd go with making the file by hand02:40
blueapplesMakrol then I must have missed something ;) i guess I can't help any further than that02:40
cua0can someone grab me the "02:40
tijuanaanyone can help me out?02:41
ubottuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions02:41
usserBabam, from there they are just regular cd images that u can mount anywhere, or if your emulator supports it load it directly02:41
usserBabam, what are we talking about here snes?02:41
cua0can someone grab me the "Driver" line from /etc/X11/xorg.conf for an nvidia card?02:41
elmo_hey all is there a way i can get virtualdj on ubuntu?02:41
ubottuFUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) is a !kernel driver that allows non-root users to create their own filesystems. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_in_Userspace for more on FUSE.  Some examples of filesystems that use FUSE are !ntfs-3g, sshfs and isofs. A full list of Filesystems that use FUSE is here:  http://fuse.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/FileSystems02:41
Babamusser: Actually NES through 64 really, huge collection of Mario games02:42
Falling-InfernoCould some help me with my problem: it is related to the problem with opening up windows over and over and over agian because when a Object is mounted it opens up the contents of it. Well its a bug and its opening it over and over and over agian. I need to turn that feature off how would I do so?02:42
Kingsy101if you wanted to install KompoZer and its not in the add/remove list is there a way of installing it without downloading it from the site?02:42
usserBabam, yea i suppose you just mount the iso files somewhere cause i dont think nintendo roms ever came on cds02:42
Loganhoupkingsy101: run sudo apt-get install kompozer02:42
Babamusser: Is there a N64 emu for ubuntu btw?02:43
usserBabam, yea sure take a look at mupen6402:43
Red_WraithIntuitiveNipple: I think making the directory may have worked...02:43
amdpoxKingsy101, try synaptic02:43
carandraugsonata is front-end for mpd. However, when I choose to install sonata, mpd is not considered a dependencie (it took me some time to figure out why sonata was not working). Where should I point this out so it can be corrected?02:43
Kingsy101got it02:43
Babamusser: thanks :D02:44
Red_WraithThank you IntuitiveNipple, I'm going to reboot as EnvyNG finished it's run now.02:44
IntuitiveNippleRed_Wraith: Yeah, it's an 'installer' update thing, one package removes the directory before others that need it02:44
amdpoxcarandraug, is it for mpd exclusively?02:44
Red_WraithI'll keep that in mind, thanks.02:44
tijuanano one? :(02:44
Kingsy101ok, once its installed, I have been wondering this for a while, is there a way of getting an icon in the bar in the top of the screen so I can run it run there?02:44
Kingsy101you know like you can with say firefox02:45
amdpoxKingsy101, yes02:45
amdpoxright click panel -> add to panel -> application launcher02:45
Makro1mm i got the libntfs-3g23 installed, i 'm guessing if i will need to install something more to be able to write on  this drive again02:45
xbxbHow come opera has a folder in /root/, although I never started it as root (I haven't even activated the root account and I never did "sudo opera")?02:46
carandraugamdpox: hmmm, now that you mention that, I never seen anywhere saying that it's exclusive for mpd, only that it's a front-end for mpd. But SMplayer also doesn't say that it's exclusively a front-end for mplayer and has mplayer has dependencie02:46
ubottuFor an informative description of the Hardware Abstraction Layer , go to this site : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hardware_abstraction_layer02:46
Kingsy101amdpox - ok done that, where do you find a list of programs?02:46
Makro1it was working without a trouble and whe i do the update on friday it starts with this input/output error thing02:46
smelia1hello guys i have eee pc and i download ubuntu i have prob thats its dont read usb Cd room + usb modem but its read flash02:46
amdpoxKingsy101, what?02:46
Kingsy101say, kompozer (just installed) where would it be...?02:46
Yhapsterhey guys02:46
mikebotCan I set up a dual boot if I already have ubuntu installed?02:46
Yhapsteri'm having a problem with my titlebars on my windows disappearing after a while02:47
amdpoxis it not somewhere in the applications menu?02:47
Yhapsterany solutions?02:47
Falling-InfernoHow would I disable HAL? Because it is causing automounting over and over and over agian02:47
amdpoxKingsy101, if it's in the apps menu you can just drag it from there to the panel02:47
balrogmikebot: its harder because windows xp will overwrite grub regardless02:47
carandraugamdpox: the definition of sonata (in their website) is "An elegant music client for MPD"02:47
amdpoxif not, you have to do "custom application launcher" and put kompozer and choose an icon02:47
Kingsy101amdpox - ah yea, I have it... thanks02:48
mikebotbalrog: Is there a way I can set aside a partition full of data, uninstall ubuntu, then install xp and ubuntu and retain that original partition full of data?02:48
carandraugmikebot: that's possible. Just be careful when installing the OS, to not erase it by accident02:48
mikebotcarandraug: Would it be better to just wait until the new update to do this? And is there a special sort of windows I should install? Like one of those versions with SP2 included or something?02:49
balrogmikebot: um, sort of, but you dont uninstall ubuntu.  all you do is partition your disk with ubuntu, install windows (yeah, being careful) into the free space, and then use something like supergrub or the ubuntu livecd to recover grub.02:49
K_DallasHi guys! Q: Does USER ID have any effect on that user priviledge? Thanks02:49
mikebotbalrog: Oh, OK, thanks.02:49
Makro1ahm..the cD installer of ubuntu is an livecd? i wanna get it for to do some test on the hard drive with a system without the update02:50
balrogmikebot: make sure you (theoretically) know how to do it beforeyou begin, though02:50
mikebotbalrog: I think theoretically knowing how to do it is all I know.02:51
smelia1how i can make ubuntu read the cd inside usb external cd room02:51
dennisWangFloodBot1: remove hal services. later handling load hal yourself02:51
aurynnRunning 8.04-amd64 on an ati 3850 and 24" samsung display. Autodetect can't figure out it's a widescreen panel02:51
aurynnHow do I go about fixing this?02:51
Yhapsterhey sorry guys, i really need help with this problem. i can't start firefox right now, or terminal. I can't click any of the system menus, nor does the shutdown button in the top corner work. this is an intermittent problem that my GF's laptop has, and i've only been able to reproduce it right now02:51
Yhapsteri can't use google, so any help is appreciated02:51
carandraugmikebot: I haven't used Windows for a long time. But if people have installed Windows after Ubuntu, without erasing the Ubuntu partition, it's also possible to install Windows without erasing a partitin full o data02:51
mn_im trying to do the directions here http://www.linux-ntfs.org/doku.php?id=ntfs-en#how_do_i_change_the_permissions_of_a_mounted_ntfs_volume and can't figure out how to do it.  Help please?  (im trying to reset my permissions on my Windows partition)02:51
ketchupz57anyone know how to add Trash Applet to AWN manually? The extras aren't included in the latest ubuntu package.02:51
mikebotcarandraug: OK, thanks.02:52
jimdandyHi People!!! :-) I'm trying to configure wpasupplicant, but I need some help..02:52
amdpoxketchupz57, you need to compile from svn02:52
mikebotIs there a way to make the font size in the ttys smaller?02:52
ketchupz57amdpox, any help on doing that?02:52
balrogmikebot: oh, and if you want to access the ubuntu partition from windows, be sure to free up hard drive space before the ubuntu partition02:52
carandraugYhapster: can you Ctrl+Alt+F2 to go to a tty (use Ctrl+Alt+F7 to come back to a graphical interface)02:52
mikebotbalrog: OK.02:53
Yhapstercarandraug: yes I can :)02:53
dennisWangFalling-Inferno: remove hal services. later handle loading hal yourself02:53
kaicarandraug: sexy :)02:53
amdpoxketchupz57, they've moved to bazaar actually02:53
kaicarandraug: that turn on and off xserver?02:53
amdpoxketchupz57, http://wiki.awn-project.org/index.php?title=InstallingFromSource02:53
fgarceseduardohello, i want to install ubuntu on a aaspire one, but i've read that ubuntu 8.04 have some problems with the wifi and sound, there's a chance that the intrepid version solve this?02:53
kaifgarceseduardo, I have an Acer Aspire 8920G, My sound works - for the most part - fine, PM for further discussion02:54
mn_so is anyone able to help me?02:54
=== agib is now known as agib|away
jimdandyI am following the wpasupplicant wiki page on help.ubuntu.com, but I ran into trouble. I wrote my wpa_supplicant.conf, but the command to test it is failing. I am asking for some help please.02:54
kaimn_ What's your issue?02:54
mn_im trying to do the directions here http://www.linux-ntfs.org/doku.php?id=ntfs-en#how_do_i_change_the_permissions_of_a_mounted_ntfs_volume and can't figure out how to do it.  Help please?  (im trying to reset my permissions on my Windows partition)02:55
xbxbHow come opera has a folder in /root/, although I never started it as root (I haven't even activated the root account and I never did "sudo opera")?02:55
carandraugYhapster: do you have htop installed? It can help to see if anything's wrong there. You can also linx (terminal browsers) to google02:55
tijuanaI created a new user and now i'm back in! :D02:55
ketchupz57amdpox, sorry maybe I misunderstood, but is compiling the same as installing from source? I'm a little unfimiliar with some of the termonology, but I've installed lots of stuff from source and ran the config. I'm not sure if doing this, that way will get me the extras I'm looking for. Are you saying that it will?02:55
jimdandyYhapster: that's lynx really02:56
aurynnanything I could look at to manually hit XOrg into outputting 19x12?02:56
carandraugkai: no. It just takes you away from the xserver. But X keeps running02:56
BigBlueKenAnybody know how to get a dual boot to work right?02:56
XDyso how does one get the "closed" features for vbox02:56
jimdandyBigBlueKen: Dual boot what?02:56
fgarceseduardokai: thak's, but in theory, theres a differene at the hardware part?02:56
BigBlueKenWindows XP Pro and Ubuntu02:56
mikebotIs there a way to make the font size in the ttys smaller?02:56
fgarceseduardoand i've got an idea, what abot ubuntu MId? I'ts posible to install it on the aaone?02:57
carandraugmikebot: do you have configured the tty resolution in menu.lst?02:57
dennisWangmn_: automount or handle to mount?02:57
mikebotcarandraug: I don't know what that means.02:57
jimdandyBigBlueKen: So you have your 2 Os's installed, but can't boot windows?02:57
carandraugmikebot: what's your screen resulution?02:57
kaiNot sure what you mean, I'm not the best with linux but Acer hardware always seems to bugger up, fgarceseduardo. Switching to OSS4 worked fine for me. My sound works great :)02:57
mikebotcarandraug: 1280x80002:58
BigBlueKenIs there a way you can IM me seperate from this forum?02:58
mn_denniswang: whatever is best.  i want to change my permissions on win permanently but the mount point doesn't have to be permanent02:58
mikebotcarandraug: I'm going to get out of this tty, brb.02:58
RudyValenciaAnyone in here have success with a BCM4306 mini-PCI card working under both GUI and console?02:58
Yhapstercarandraug: ok, htop's installed what should i look for?02:58
dennisWangmn_: try umask=002:58
shadowhywindhay all is there a command to see who is logged in using sftp?02:58
mikebotcarpediem: OK, 1280x80002:59
mikebotcarandraug: 1280x80002:59
fgarceseduardokai: thank's i'm gonna try install ubuntu but, i'm going to wait the intrepid version, meanwhile i'm going to install f902:59
mikebotcarpediem: Sorry, wrong person.02:59
BigBlueKenJimdandy - my IM on yahoo is BigBlueKen02:59
kai^^ Good luck02:59
carandraugYhapster: anything that may be hogging resources. Try killing stuff and see if any of them unblocks the xserver and if any of them refuses to be killed03:00
mn_denniswang: i can't even do the second command there03:00
=== agib|away is now known as agib
mn_it says ... not found (in several places)03:00
carandraugmikebot: that's a pain to get in tty. VGA doesn't like that resolution. You need to add some fancy things to your kernel. It's better to go with 1024x768 in the tty (less of an hassle)03:01
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carandraugmikebot: "gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst"03:01
mikebotcarandraug: Oh, wait, I don't know how to check the resolution for the tty, I just told you the visual display resolution.03:01
dennisWangmn_: do you want to automount?03:01
nichewhat does it mean to "show the long listings for files" ?03:01
triddleDoes anyone know how I can paravirtualize ubuntu under Centos 5.2? I tried using the dvdrom but no go. Then I tried doing it from the repositories, but I couldn't find them. I'm looking for a link that I can plug into the virt-manager install source box.03:01
danbh_intrepidniche: like with ls? it shows the information about the file, instead of just the file name03:02
mikebotcarandraug: OK, I'm in that.03:02
dennisWangmn_: if ntfs-3g had installed correctly03:02
pawanwhats up03:02
cua0what's the nvidia module name for xorg.conf? (i tried nv and nvidia, the only one i can get to work at all is vga with depth of 8 (320x240 resolution)03:02
nichedanbh_intrepid, like with ls -l?03:02
FAJcua0: try using that res and then enabling nvidia through system>administration>hardware drivers, and then restart once it installs03:03
niche"drwxr-xr-x  15 root root  4096 Sep  1 15:49 home" so does this mean that I have read and execute permissions for this?03:03
danbh_intrepidniche: yes, well, thats the ls command, and the -l does enable the "show long listings" option03:03
cua0FAJ: yea, you cant' move the windows around enough to see them to change anything.03:04
carandraugmikebot: you know what that file works? You need to add the option vga=773 to the kernel line. You can also use vga=ask. That way it will ask you what resolution to use after grub03:04
danbh_intrepidniche: sorta03:04
FAJcua0:  o ok...03:04
XDyvery cool.03:04
FAJcua0:  what is your vid card?03:04
mikebotcarandraug: Where do I add that? There's a lot of stuff going on in here..03:05
dennisWangmn_: or if windows partition was compressed03:05
danbh_intrepidniche: is a directory, so you cant execute that.  I think it means the default permissions of files created there?  Im not sure03:05
XDithank for showing me the powers of tty guys03:05
XDiusing irssi03:05
xbxbHow come opera has a folder in /root/, although I never started it as root (I haven't even activated the root account and I never did "sudo opera")?03:05
Kingsy101is there a way of getting apache to run on startup? rather than have to start it everytime I boot the computer in the console?03:05
mn_denniswang: i used the cacls command so that no one has access to C:\ so my system can't boot03:05
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XDiis there another easier way to get to gui, other than ctrl alt f703:06
cua0FAJ: got it working with vesa driver, going to try to change from within x now.03:06
FAJcua0:  ok....03:06
amdpoxXDi, what's easier than that?03:06
FAJcua0:  tell me how it goes then :)03:06
XDyamdpox, idk it's just one too many keys to press I think03:06
K_DallasQ: Would I be able to create a VM (with VBox) if the user is an unpriviledged user? Thanks03:07
aurynnNothing on making xorg do what I want, then?03:07
amdpoxK_Dallas, no reason why not03:07
dennisWangmn_: you mean if windows cant boot03:07
mn_I cannot boot windows03:08
carandraugmikebot: look for a line like this "## ## End Default Options ##" this mark the begining of the boot options you see on grub03:08
nicheWhat is 'which df' and how do I find it?03:08
mikebotcarandraug: Yes, I see that.03:08
amdpoxniche, which tells you where an application is03:08
GuNeYfreinds php script free ?03:08
GuNeYfreinds php script free ?03:08
amdpoxdf is a command to give you the disk usage of all your drives03:08
dennisWangniche: which is a command. may type whereis df to find out03:09
DigitalFizthere ya go repeat yourself that might work03:09
K_Dallasamdpox, the thing is that after having created the VM, when I try to change settings on CD etc VBOX gives me the warning that ... HOST USB Proxy service (verr_file_not_found) ...03:09
K_DallasBTW, amdpox that user is in vboxusers group03:09
GuNeYfreinds php script free ?03:09
Kingsy101does anyone know? is there a command I can execute that will mean apache is started on startup automatically?03:09
csilkkingsley, it should do that automatically on its own03:10
ketchupz57Anyone try to install AWN from source? I'm trying to, and I'm getting "/usr/bin/ld: crt1.o: No such file: No such file or directory"03:10
csilkis it not?03:10
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IntuitiveNippleKingsy101: update-rc.d03:11
XDiapparently alt + arrow03:11
XDimoves to next tty screen03:11
cchapmanwhat package is bdftousplash and pngtousplash in?03:11
carandraugmikebot: every option has at least 4 lines (Tittle, root, kernel and initrd. Some will also have quiet). You probably use the first option in GRUB. That corresponds to the first set of lines. On the line that start by kernel, add, to the end of that line,  "vga=ask" or "vga=773"03:11
mikebotcarandraug: I put 'vga=ask' anywhere after that?03:11
ketchupz57Anyone know how to create a trash can applet in AWN manually?03:11
IntuitiveNipplecchapman: dpkg-query -S  bdftousplash03:11
Kingsy101IntuitiveNipple - what does that command do?03:11
mikebotcarandraug: So it now says: kernel/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-19-generic root=UUID=ff160e8a-07c3-4ef3-8733-f0df73f2a702 ro quiet splash vga-ask03:11
carandraugmikebot: http://www.mepis.org/node/2992 take a look at this to see other vga values03:12
nouraHello, I figured out how to hibernate my system using "s2both", but how do I automate it? As in when closing the lid of the laptop, X minutes of inactivity? As opposed to manually doing it in the terminal?03:12
IntuitiveNipplecchapman: If you don't have them installed, http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=bdftousplash&mode=exactfilename&suite=hardy&arch=any03:12
GodfatherofEireMore sound issues, a warning about not being able to cache a file03:12
IntuitiveNippleKingsy101: man update-rc.d03:12
dennisWangketchupz57: seems that doesnt find ld command, should be your environment figure problem03:12
carandraugmikebot: it's "vga=ask" not "vga-ask". Othe than that yes, it's like that03:12
mikebotcarandraug: Oops, OK, cool, now what do I do? :)03:13
cchapmanIntuitiveNipple: Thanks03:13
ketchupz57dennisWang, the ld command exist in the location. I see and understood the error, but it doesn't make sense.03:13
dennisWangketchupz57: look at results of "echo $PATH" command03:14
ketchupz57dennisWang, I'm really trying to add a trashcan applet to AWN but the extras was not included in the last Ubuntu release, so I'm trying to compile from scratch. I would be just as happen with a trashcan applet being added manually and skip manually configuring, but I can't sem to figure out how.03:14
carandraugmikebot: reboot. That option is loaded with the kernel. Maybe it's possible to change it the middle but I don't know how03:14
IntuitiveNippleketchupz57: It means the package you've build hasn't created that file, so ld can't do anything with it. Maybe you need to check the build-dependencies of the source and install any additional requried libraries and development headers03:15
mikebotcarandraug: OK, I'm going to try it... brb03:15
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aurynnDownloading all the patches certainly takes a bit03:15
ketchupz57dennisWang, I do not see echo $PATH in my config.log.03:17
ketchupz57if you are asking me run this verbose please explain03:17
aurynnHow do I manually set the resolution on Xorg?03:17
dennisWangketchupz57: maybe when this software package was compling, you should specify path. example for ./configure --help03:18
Axlehow can I get a list of what drives I have installed?03:18
ketchupz57dennisWang, where would you suggest I put it?03:19
dennisWangketchupz57: type echo $PATH in shell console03:19
FAJAxle:  what do you mean?03:19
rohanaurynn: edit your xorg.conf (not recomended)03:19
Axleubuntu is not recognizing my new hard drive03:19
carandraugAxle: lsmod lists you the modules (drivers) that are loaded03:19
ketchupz57dennisWang, /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games03:19
Axlecarandraug: not drives, drives03:19
dennisWangketchupz57: type whereis ld03:20
mikebotcarandraug: When I did ask it gave me weird options to choose from (I chose '6'), and now my ttys are flashing crazy-like.03:20
FAJAxle:  what is the hardware?03:20
carandraugAxle: run "sudo fdisk -l"  -l is a lowercase L not an uppercase i03:20
ketchupz57dennisWang, ld: /usr/bin/ld /usr/share/man/man1/ld.1.gz03:20
aurynnrohan: Mm. I was afraid of that.03:20
carandraugmikebot: I don't know what the option 6 was. I have vga=773 and a 1280x800 monitor. That way it skips the step of asking me stuff03:21
dennisWangketchupz57: what problems did you input the command of ./configure03:21
dennisWangketchupz57: detail03:22
ketchupz57dennisWang, I did not input any problems. I simply cd to the AWN folder I downloaded, and ran ./configure.03:22
Axle/dev/sdb1 is listed in fdisk, but when I try to mount it, I get the error "can't find /dev/sdb1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab03:22
Axleany idea what is wrong?03:22
rohanaurynn: always use the correct format and refresh rate03:23
carandraugAxle: what command did you use to mount?03:23
ketchupz57dennisWang, in the config.log is says /usr/bin/ld: crt1.o: No such file: No such file or directory03:23
TannI just installed the ndiswrapper driver for my network card, but when I open firefox the computer completely freezes up. Anyone know whats goign on?03:23
Axlecarandraug: sudo mount /dev/sdb103:23
IntuitiveNippleketchupz57: did you see my comment?03:23
Allan_Rhaehello all03:23
carandraugAxle: you have to point the mount point03:23
ketchupz57dennisWang, I read all your comments, maybe I misunderstood.03:24
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Matir`Is there a way to disable apport for a particular shell?  I'm trying to debug something for class and my core files are disappearing03:24
Axlecarandraug: if I wanted to mount it as /media/Axle, what would the command be?03:24
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dennisWangketchupz57: seems that crt1.o is AWN's file03:24
grendal_primehey guys hows it going. Im trying to send something from my treo phone to my laptop via bluetooth.  its just a picture, i send stuff between my phone and my wifes phone both ways no problem..and i send stuff from my laptop to my phone, no problem, but when i try and send it to the laptop from the phone i just gives an cannot connect error. I dont see an error log anywhere03:24
juanhello,has someone installed  pascal in  knoppix?03:24
dennisWangketchupz57: if AWN is completed?03:24
carandraugAxle: if you just want to do that, you must put that information in fstab. Otherwise, use "sudo mount -t partition_fyle_system /path_to_device /path_to_mount_point"03:24
Axlehow do I put that info in fstab?03:25
ketchupz57dennisWang, it did not complete, because I cannot run the make command. I'm not following you when you say "if AWN is completed?". Are you asking is it already installed?03:25
hacknperlDoes anyone here know of a program for Linux that will can paper documents and store them in a search-able database?  I know there is stuff like PaperPort for windows.  I never used one before but if anyone can steer me in the right direction i would appreciate it!03:25
Axlesudo mount -t NTFS /dev/sdb1 /media/Axle03:26
mikebotcarandraug: OK, I'll try that.03:26
Axlewould that work?03:26
kevin__Can someone help? Whenever I open an application (whether it be a terminal or firefox, etc..) the window starts off at the top of the screen such that it's "CLOSE" and File/Edit/Window/Help etc... is off the screen entirely.03:26
carandraugAxle: is this an in internal hdd that you want mounted at bootup or you an external hdd? If it's the former, you should add it to the fstab03:26
IntuitiveNippleketchupz57: Read my previous comment!03:26
IntuitiveNippleketchupz57: It means the package you've build hasn't created that file, so ld can't do anything with it. Maybe you need to check the build-dependencies of the source and install any additional requried libraries and development headers03:26
rohanhacknperl: take a left from the next junction :-p03:26
izinucshacknperl, that would be called a document manager..  not sure but would be nice03:26
Axlecarandraug: how would I use fstab to recognize my internel hdd?03:26
carandraugAxle: please use my nick on the messages for me. I can't see them well otherwise03:27
hacknperli like to stay right  :)03:27
dennisWangketchupz57: i mean if AWN is a whole package03:27
Axlecarandraug: I did use your name...03:27
Axle(09:26:54 PM) Axle: carandraug: how would I use fstab to recognize my internel hdd?03:27
hacknperli been dieing to get rid of my file cabinet and clean my office up03:27
dennisWangketchupz57: downloaded and used tar xf xxxx?03:27
carandraugAxle: I figure you don't know how to edit fstab. Pastebin the ouput of "cat /etc/fstab" and "sudo fdisk -l"03:27
sullyva86Can anybody help me with my firefox?If it crashes or isn't closed before logout/shutdown it doesn't show my pages from last time?03:28
IntuitiveNipplehacknperl: Yeah, a paperport alternative would be fab!03:28
carandraugAxle: not always, [03:26] <Axle> internal [03:26] <Axle> would that work? [03:26] <Axle> sudo mount -t NTFS /dev/sdb1 /media/Axle03:28
ketchupz57dennisWang, yes. I downloaded 0.2.6  which I was told was an acutal release, so additional libraries were not needed.03:29
carandraugAxle: I said pastebin. Don't pm me all that03:29
IntuitiveNipplehacknperl: Have you looked at Maxview?03:29
hacknperlhas anyone here ever used PaperPort?  i been considering buying it and trying to run it in WINE03:29
carandraug!pastebin | Axle03:29
ubottuAxle: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)03:29
hacknperlnever heard of Maxview03:29
danbh_intrepid!appdb | hacknperl03:29
ubottuhacknperl: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org03:29
ketchupz57intuitiveNipple, sorry I missed your comment. The package I downloaded was 0.2.6. I didn't mean to ignore you, it is a complete package, so additional libraries aren't needed, so I've been told.03:29
izinucshacknperl, searching synaptic I found "referencer" not sure if it will  work the way you want... there are also document managers that are web based.. you could run them with a lamp install on your desktop machine.. but maybe a little overkill03:29
dennisWangsullyva86: you may use firefox package isnt installing03:29
Axlecarandraug: I sent it to you in private message03:30
fbcAnyone have any idea on what to do with an idle server?03:30
sharavHi, can anyone help me? i turned off the power to my computer and ubuntu doesn't start anymore, it gets me to grub. I have no idea what to do now to get it working again. I installed ubuntu with the install inside windows option. anyone have any idea?03:30
IntuitiveNippleketchupz57: It sounds as if the configure script expects otherwise :)03:30
Kaifbc: use it? :)03:30
aurynnfbc: doorstop. :)03:30
IntuitiveNipplehacknperl: http://maxview.sourceforge.net/03:30
danbh_intrepidfbc: turn it off03:30
hacknperlYeah i know what WINE is.  I was just curious about PaperPort if it worked with wine  :)03:30
ketchupz57IntuitiveNipple, if it doesn't what would you suggest I need?03:30
mikebotcarandraug: Works perfectly--thanks for your help!03:30
hacknperlthanks for the help though guys.,... im gonna check out your suggestions03:30
Axlecarandraug: http://paste.ubuntu.com/51929/03:31
carandraugsonata is front-end for mpd. However, when I choose to install sonata, mpd is not considered a dependencie (it took me some time to figure out why sonata was not working). Where should I point this out so it can be corrected?03:31
danbh_intrepidhacknperl: please see the link ubottu gave you.  It tells you about wine compatibility for specific apps03:31
roukouncan anyone help me with how to post in the ubuntu forum?03:31
fbcKai, yeah, but to do what?  I thought of turning into a media server..03:31
hacknperloh ok :)03:31
carandraugmikebot: no problem. The resolution you have in the tty it's 1024x768 but since it's only text there, it's not disfigured03:31
Kaifbc :P Not sure, I was just trying to be a smart***. ^^ sorry03:31
IntuitiveNippleketchupz57: You'd have to examine the configure script to see what it checks for. As dennisWang said earlier, try "./configure --help"03:31
mikebotcarandraug: Hrm, but for some reason gtypist says that the data exceeds screen length.03:32
oscillocamfbc: help with some distributed processing03:32
carandraugAxle: I've seen it. Give me one minute to figure it out03:32
dennisWangketchupz57: pastebin contents of "./configure --help" to me03:32
izinucshacknperl, I also found knowledge tree from this link http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=9561103:33
ketchupz57IntuitiveNipple, http://wiki.awn-project.org/InstallingFromSource#AWN_From_Source That is the source that is leading me on this install. Per what I have found from what I've looked at and read Ubuntu 8.04 LTS has the latest compents required.03:33
carandraugAxle: I forgot to ask you one other command "ls -lF /dev/disk/by-uuid/" pastebin that one as well, please03:33
Canaris_Quick question. I am running Ubuntu desktop 8.04 and it works just fine. i got an old Computer in the basement that i wanna use as a Home-Server. Unfortunately Ubuntu-Server has some trouble with the wifi-usb-stick and I am too lazy to fix it. It works fine under Ubuntu-desktop though. I really just need a LAMP Server and some Samba shares. But are there any bigger issues with using Ubuntu-Desktop as a server?03:33
IntuitiveNippleketchupz57: Are you building on Hardy?03:33
ketchupz57dennisWang, the contents are lenghty. Would you mind if I PM them to you?03:34
Axlecarandraug: http://paste.ubuntu.com/51932/03:34
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IntuitiveNippleketchupz57: "Dependencies: There are a number of header/library packages needed to compile/install Awn" - the headers are likely what you have to sort out03:35
dennisWangketchupz57: paste to pastebin.com, i think.03:35
sharavanyone know how i can get ubuntu working again?03:35
stroyanroukoun: What trouble are you having posting to ubuntuforums?03:36
FAJsharav: we need explanation03:36
Canaris_sharav, whats the prob?03:36
usserCanaris_, not really, its just that u wont get full perfomance out of it due to xorg and other crap that desktop has installed by default03:36
sharavi turned off the power to my computer and ubuntu doesn't start anymore, it gets me to grub. I have no idea what to do now to get it working again. I installed ubuntu with the install inside windows option. anyone have any idea?03:36
ketchupz57dennisWang, too late my friend.03:36
Canaris_sharav, dont use wubi03:36
TannI just installed the ndiswrapper driver for my network card, but when I open firefox the computer completely freezes up. Anyone know whats goign on?03:36
FAJsharav:  are you using wubi?03:37
ketchupz57dennisWang, with out intelligence I pasted it to you, not realizing I  was kicking myself for character limit.03:37
roukounstroyan: i searched everywhere to find out how to make a new post but i didnt really understand how to do it03:37
FAJwait yes nvm03:37
Canaris_sharav, there are many free partitioning tools out there. just install ubuntu on an extra partition (5gb is enough). much better choice03:37
sharavi think so... i just downloaded the iso for ubuntu from ubuntu.com and did the install as a windows program03:37
sharavis that wubi?03:37
IntuitiveNippleketchupz57: Did you get the source from the bazaar VCS, or use the tar-ball ?03:37
FAJsharav:  yes03:37
carandraugAxle: are you sure you didn't miss any line?03:37
nichehow can I find the file .profile through terminal?03:37
dennisWangketchupz57: ^>^, sleeping?03:37
sharavyeah, i'll do that next time03:37
ketchupz57dennisWang, Inuitive nipple, can't I just forget this and manually just make a trash can applet for AWN manually?03:38
sharavbut is there any way of recovering ?03:38
ketchupz57dennisWang, I'm awake and rubbing my tumb on forehead.03:38
sharavit was my first time ever trying ubuntu and i really loved it until this happened03:38
Canaris_usser, ok good to know. didnt expect any issues, but upon installation of ubuntu-server i noticed there are special server-kernels, so I was wondering03:38
dennisWangketchupz57: sorry. i can only help you a little03:38
IntuitiveNippleketchupz57: Did you check that you have all the dependencies installed? They do provide a handy table: http://wiki.awn-project.org/Dependency_Matrix03:38
sharavso nothing i can do to recover?03:38
Canaris_sharav, probably not no03:39
FAJsharav:  install ubuntu on it's own partition03:39
ketchupz57dennisWang, its ok. This is really just beyond my scope, and this is a buggy package from the get go.03:39
roukounstroyan: can you give some instructions?03:39
FAJsharav:  and then take all of the info off of your old partition03:39
Canaris_FAJ, thats what i said too03:39
FAJo sorry Canaris_ i just saw his question03:39
stroyanroukoun: First create an account.  Then look for an appropriate forum category.  Then read a few postings and the sticky FAQ postings.  Then click on the "New thread" link.03:39
sharavso what technically happened that shutting off the computer caused it to never start again?03:39
Axlecarandraug: sorry, I didn't see you say anything.  No, I didn't miss copying anything.  What is missing?03:39
Canaris_FAJ, oh no offence!. I just agreed with you :)03:39
FAJlol it's all good, you made it to the catch before i did ;)03:40
dennisWangketchupz57: sorry. not familiar with AWN. only know how to complile installing package03:40
sharavso this wouldn't happen if it was installed on it's own partition?03:40
FAJsharav:  a mouse ate the cord, a windows file got funky (most likely), anything really03:40
carandraugAxle: I figured it out already. The file is just more outdated than I thought. It has lines in there that he no longer uses (old partition that are no more)03:40
Canaris_dennisWang, why dont u install it using apt-get?03:40
FAJa memory sector of windows went bad...03:40
roukounstroyan: i have already created an account but my questions was how to make a new post not a new thread03:40
FAJsharav:  can you boot to windows?03:40
ketchupz57IntuitiveNipple, any idea if I can just make a applet for the trash can manually? I'm feeling this isn't going to be worth while to compile this tonight. If I can't work around this I will likely continue compiling tomorrow.03:40
sharavyeah i'm in windows right now03:40
sharavwindows seems to be working fine03:40
Canaris_sharav, there could be sooo many things. really, just delete it of windows and install it on a seperate partition.03:41
FAJsharav:  then you could prolly just uninstall ubuntu and reinstall.  but if you use wubi, like you were it is HIGHLY unstable, b/c it's windows stuff.03:41
untermenschdo the fingerprint readers that are on HP laptops work with Linux?03:41
IntuitiveNippleketchupz57: The best way to do that is copy the source of one of the simple applets in gnome-applets and adjust it to suit03:41
Canaris_untermensch, some do, but not all of them. there was wiki once but i dunno the link03:41
ketchupz57IntuitiveNipple, link me?03:41
stroyanroukoun: If you want to reply to an existing thread click on the "New reply" link.  If you want to start a new topic then you want "New thread".03:42
untermenschCanaris_: what determines if they do or don't?03:42
Canaris_untermensch, depends on who's the manufacturer03:42
ketchupz57I'm not finding the source for the trash can applet...03:42
ketchupz57I've been trying to get around having to compile..03:42
Canaris_untermensch, i'm sure google will help03:42
Kaiuntermensch :P tell me if you can find them or not :P I have one installed on my Acer and I'd like to use it03:42
sharavthanks guys so what's the best idiot proof way to create a partition and install ubuntu again with the lowest risk to anything happening to windows? i gotta keep windows around for my wife's work03:42
untermenschKai: i'll let you know03:42
dennisWangCanaris_: hmm. i am always using blfs. i only want to settle installing AWN from scratch problem by ketchupz5703:42
Canaris_sharav, just use the livecd its al graphical03:43
dennisWangCanaris_: my system hasnt package control system03:43
BigBlueKenAnybody really, really good with Ubuntu and can help me solve a dual boot problem I am experiencing with Ubuntu and Windows XP?03:43
stroyanroukoun: The links are white text on a grey background at the top and bottom of the forum pages.03:43
roukounstroyan: thanks!!!03:44
Canaris_dennisWang, oh u're using LFS?. not bad. I was looking into that once, but it way too hard03:44
sentinel23hey, anyone ever encountered GRUB "Error 2: Bad file or directory type"?03:44
Canaris_BigBlueKen, go03:44
IntuitiveNippleketchupz57: How about trying this. Change to a clean fresh directory. Do "sudo apt-get install bzr". when that is done, do "bzr co lp:awn awn", then do "cd awn". then do "sudo apt-get build-dep avant-window-navigator", then build it using "fakeroot debian/rules binary"03:44
nteloshallo...i want t ask something stuoid but can someone explain me how i change directory in the terminal...imnewbie03:44
zcat[1]ntelos: 'cd'03:45
Canaris_BigBlueKen, whats the problem?03:45
sharavwill do... so how do i avoid this from happening again? the reason i turned off the power was because i was trying a windows game in wine and it loaded in full screen and my monitor just displayed "out of range" and i had no idea how to ctrl alt del out of it, nothing responded so i just shut off the power.... that was probably dumb... what should i do next time?03:45
ketchupz57IntuitiveNipple, before doing that maybe tell me how to copy a trash can applet command so i can just manually add it to AWN?03:45
zcat[1]sharav: ctrl-alt-backspace ?03:45
dennisWangCanaris_: ya. i am using LFS. if you trying several times, you can too03:45
Canaris_sharav, nobody can say that. but if u have it on a seperate partition its much easier to analyze03:45
=== Ardha is now known as erniy_acyik
IntuitiveNippleketchupz57: I have no idea what you mean by "a trash can applet command"03:46
BigBlueKenCanaris_ the problem is that when I choose Windows XP at the boot menu, it cycles me right back to the boot menu again03:46
Canaris_dennisWang, I think it would help a lot understanding "Core-Linux" which sounds very interesting to me03:46
marupaAnyone know of a good 'black' theme for ubuntu, and for compiz?03:47
ubbuntu-newbiegetting an error while installing wine with apt-get install wine:03:47
Canaris_BigBlueKen, have u changed anything? has it ever worked?03:47
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.03:47
cchapmananyone here know how to autologin with a registered nick to IRC?03:47
ubbuntu-newbieThe following packages have unmet dependencies:03:47
ubbuntu-newbie  wine: Depends: libasound2 (> 1.0.14) but 1.0.13-1ubuntu5 is to be installed03:47
ubbuntu-newbie        Depends: libgphoto2-2 (>= 2.4.0) but 2.3.0-0ubuntu4 is to be installed03:47
ubbuntu-newbie        Depends: libgphoto2-port0 (>= 2.4.0) but 2.3.0-0ubuntu4 is to be installed03:47
ubbuntu-newbie        Depends: libldap-2.4-2 (>= 2.4.7) but it is not installable03:47
FloodBot1ubbuntu-newbie: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:47
ubbuntu-newbie        PreDepends: dpkg (>= 1.14.12ubuntu3) but 1.13.24ubuntu6 is to be installed03:47
dennisWangCanaris_: ya. it would help more you understanding linux03:47
Ka1ubbuntu-newbie sudo aptitude install wine03:47
BigBlueKenCanaris_ Windows XP worked before I installed Ubuntu.  I haven't changed anything yet.  Trying to but I scared to death.03:47
ketchupz57IntuitiveNipple, In AWN i can manually add a launcher or an applet. The trash can is simply an applet. If I can browse to where the applet actually exist, I can manually add it to AWN. The other alternative is running a command. If you tell me how to open the gui trashcan at cmd then I can add it manually to AWN that way.03:47
cchapmananyone here know how to autologin with a registered nick to IRC?03:48
TeslaTonycchapman: What's your IRC client?03:48
cchapmanTeslaTony: gnome xchat03:48
ubbuntu-newbie@ka1 no it says broken package03:48
histocchapman: look at he server settings in xchat for freenode. You can specify user and pass03:48
marupacchapman, when you are choosing a server, click properties/settings.03:48
Ka1sudo apt-get update03:49
TeslaTonycchapman: That's pretty easy. When you start XChat, it displays a channel list. Select Freenode, the click "Edit." It's pretty self-explanatory from there03:49
corrideati guys!03:49
corrideatHi guys!03:49
IntuitiveNippleketchupz57: I'm not sure where the trash applet lives03:50
sentinel23hi :)03:50
ubbuntu-newbie@ ka1 no03:50
ubbuntu-newbie@ ka1 same error03:50
ubbuntu-newbiebroken package03:50
corrideatI've accidentally rmed some files from my filesystem.03:50
Ka1Check PM ubbuntu-newbie03:50
corrideatIs there any way I can recover them.03:50
MooseMultiple displays in Ubuntu.. an easy way to make it work?03:51
sentinel23boot into a liveCD and copy them over (...?)03:51
ketchupz57Intuitive, very discouraging. It can be so easy, yet it is so hard!03:51
IntuitiveNippleketchupz57: If you can add applets by their ID, it is "OAFIID:GNOME_Panel_TrashApplet"03:52
ntelossorry can somebody tells me how i can go to my videos for example from the terminal ?03:53
ntelossorry im newbie03:53
ketchupz57IntuitiveNippple, hmm let me try that!03:54
Phree_Beerdo you know where the videos are stored?03:54
xxploitwatch them from terminal or just change directory? change director would be something like cd Videos/03:54
ntelosok  thanks03:55
FluxDHey all, how do you view the permissions of a folder thru command line?03:55
ketchupz57InuitiveNipple, no dice :( I have to browse to it, or cmd it.03:56
dennisWangketchupz57: maybe AWN needs depend on some packages. at first you should see content of README or INSTALL03:56
Phree_Beeranyone up for tackling a screen resolution issue?03:56
bastid_raZorFluxD; ls -al03:56
ketchupz57any idea how to load it from CMD?03:56
FluxDbastid_raZor, thanks ls -al fodler name ?03:56
ketchupz57I did that dennis, the extras which include the trash can are not included in this package.03:56
bastid_raZorFluxD; yes03:56
ketchupz57AWN is a few month or weeks away from that. :(03:56
taknikinrver irc.dal.net03:56
lucaxanyone know a dock like awn that runs without compiz?03:57
bastid_raZorlucax; you could get cairo-dock to do that.03:57
Phree_Beerever since the last kernel upgrade, I've lost the 1024x768 resolution03:57
dennisWangketchupz57: what do you mean the trash03:57
Anon5917trash is nothing but recyle biin03:58
DistortWould there happen to be any gentlemen/ladies in the room willing to help me get from 800x600 resolution to 1024x768?~03:59
ASrockDistort: what video card u using?03:59
Phree_Beerlol.  I have the same problem :)03:59
c0mp13371331337lucax: Sim-dock is another one that works without compiz.  I used it for a while, before upgrading my rig so I could use compiz.04:00
DistortNvidia GeForce 6800, I believe04:00
kevin__Can someone help? Whenever I open an application (whether it be a terminal or firefox, etc..) the window starts off at the top of the screen such that it's "CLOSE" and File/Edit/Window/Help etc... is off the screen entirely.04:00
lucaxc0mp13371331337, does it have animations like awn?04:00
ASrockDistort: open synaptic and download 'envyng-core' and 'envyng-gtk' just search for envyng and it will be the top 204:01
c0mp13371331337lucax: Not as configurable as AWN, but very similar.04:01
lucaxill give it a shot, but still... i cant find cairos web page...04:02
c0mp13371331337lucax: http://sourceforge.net/projects/simdock/04:03
FluxDlucax, http://www.cairo-dock.org ?04:03
TannI've just installed my wireless devices ndiswrapper but i can't connect to any networks.04:03
lucaxthanks people!04:03
DistortASRock: synaptic says they're already installed, what do I do now?04:04
c0mp13371331337kevin__: Hold down the ALT key and click the viewable part of the window to drag it into full view.04:05
Phree_Beermy video is listed (by lshw) as a VT8378 [S3 Unichrome] Integrated Video04:05
marupaDoes anyone know of any good dark themes?04:05
carandraugTann: does your wireless appears?04:05
kevin__c0mp13371331337, yea I can think of a zillion ways to manually move the window each time it opens, but it would be nice to not have to do that.04:06
ASrockDistort: go to Applications->System Tools->Envyng04:06
carandraugTann: can you "iwlist scan"?04:06
Tanncarandraug but when It connect it disconnects when I try to access the internet.04:06
c0mp13371331337kevin__: Does it seem like the resolution is running off the top of the screen or something?04:06
kevin__c0mp13371331337, no the resol seems fine.04:07
c0mp13371331337kevin__: Running compiz?  Or metacity?04:07
kevin__c0mp13371331337, is there a combiz specific channel?04:07
carandraugTann: define access the internet? Don't kill me for asking but for some people it means open up firefox04:07
kevin__c0mp13371331337, im thinking that my fiddling with compiz is what did it04:07
TopBunny98 Is there I way to enable suspend mode in kde4?04:07
carandraugTann: that was a "?" too much. My mistake04:08
Tanncarandraug: Anything. Connecting piding, pinging something, opening firefox.04:08
c0mp13371331337kevin__: Could be.  I know there are options in there for configuring where windows open.  You could try saving your current settings as a profile, then resetting everything to default and seeing if that solves it.04:08
quaalhow do i recreate whatever magic happens when gnome is started with my external monitor plugged into my laptop and it just automatically knows the external monitors resolution (1680x1050) and puts it in system/preferences/screen resolution04:09
Tanncarandraug: Sorry it took so long. I can iwlist scan04:10
TopBunny98 Is there I way to enable suspend mode in kde4?04:10
TannIt does come up with the networks in the area.04:10
DistortASRock: It gave me a couple errors about not "Unable to lock the administration directory", but it seemed to run a lot of code... did it do what it is supposed to do or do I have to fix the administration thing?04:11
carandraugTann: have you tried manually ifconfig to connect to a network? 'cos I can't see what's going wrong other than that. Are you using xp drivers in ndiswrapper? I've heard they are prefered over Vista drivers04:11
Tanncarandraug: Yes I'm using the XP driver. Let me try with ifconfig04:12
=== agib is now known as agib|away
FlyingBishopHey, I'm running into a problem when I install multiple web browsers04:13
aurynnGah, graphics autodetect is worthless.04:13
FlyingBishopOpen Office and pidgin fail to recognize the correct one as the desktop default04:13
blackvdI need of some help with this problem http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5865362#post5865362 can't figure out where to go with this. At the point of backing up ~/ and reinstalling? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, thanks.04:14
lucaxi see a black background in cairo dock, whats that?04:14
BigBlueKenCan anybody please help me to get my system to actually do the dual boot?04:14
carandraugFlyingBishop: define the default one in System > Preferences > Preferred applications04:14
FlyingBishopIt is04:14
FlyingBishopIt is firefox04:14
FlyingBishopThunderbird respects this04:14
FlyingBishopat the least04:14
user01my open office is extremely slow and buggy04:15
accelei have a problem with sound on ubuntu. i get start up sounds but no sound after that using creative audigy 2 soundcard04:15
acceleanyone able to help?04:15
user01like i go to highlight text and it freezes04:15
oris1024anybody here?04:16
accelei've checked and unchecked digital/analogue output in volume control but it doesnt help04:16
carandraugFlyingBishop: check what browser appears in Pidgin "Tools > Preferences >Netwrok"04:17
user01i thought maybe it was compiz, but i switched it off and it is still doing it04:17
DigitalFizwhere would i find info on making my sound setup in ubuntu better?04:17
FlyingBishopopenoffice has really strange behavior... it launches epiphany, and seems to background itself, then after I close epiphany, it gives me a "you don't seem to have a browser installed" message and tells me to install one04:17
FlyingBishoppidgin is set to system default04:17
=== agib|away is now known as agib
shingenhaving a problem with a USB drive, won't detect now, has before, but it works fine on windows...04:18
user01anyway i think im going to use abiword instead04:18
user01im thinking maybe its java04:18
FlyingBishopAnd I'd rather not hack this, since clearly at least OpenOffice is also following some weird preferences04:18
bobertdosDigitalFiz: Define 'better"04:18
Cpudan80user01: openOffice isnt even written in Java04:18
accelei have a problem with sound on ubuntu. i get start up sounds but no sound after that using creative audigy 2 soundcard04:18
DigitalFizbobertdos,  my sounds very choppy and even when its all the way up its not very loud only distorted04:18
carandraugFlyingBishop: what exactly happens when you follow a link in pidgin?04:18
Cpudan80user01: well parts of it are I guess - but not the highlighting thing04:18
FlyingBishopit launches epiphany04:19
FlyingBishopno worries04:19
FlyingBishopbut I want it to launch Firefox04:19
DigitalFizbobertdos, nevermind only seems to be doing it in flash, know anything about that?04:19
user01Cpudan80, right but i figured the java parts were interfering with the highlighting parts04:19
FlyingBishopAlso, it appears to use the most recently installed browser04:19
carandraugDigitalFiz: try "alsmixer" in a terminal and try tab to see if there's more bars that don't appear at first04:19
FlyingBishopIf I install dillo it would use that04:19
eightyeightanyone recommend a good stereo mic headset for ubuntu?04:20
accelei have a problem with sound on ubuntu. i get start up sounds but no sound after that using creative audigy 2 soundcard. pleeease help me04:20
eightyeightlooking to teach an online class this week, and i need something reliable04:20
funkjaIs there a way/package that will put a user specified pop up in the notification bar every hour?04:21
carandraugFlyingBishop: maybe some fancy package that you have installed for better integration of epiphany with pigin? Also, use my nick in messages. It's almost impossible to see them otherwise04:21
bobertdosDigitalFiz: Are you referring to the lack of audio in flash 9?04:22
DigitalFizaudi is working just really crappy it seems04:22
lepineeightyeight: plantronics makes good ones ... albeit a bit expensive04:22
lepinebut comfortable and good audui quality04:22
acceleanyone able to help me?04:22
kevin__c0mp13371331337, in case you were interested, the item in COMPIZ that needed modifcation was PLACE WINDOW.04:22
eightyeightlepine: how expensive? gotta ballpark figure?04:22
FlyingBishopcarandraug: I don't think so. I also had this problem after I installed dillo04:23
bobertdosDigitalFiz: and how's your audio elsewhere?04:23
carandraugDigitalFiz: but it can be another volume bar, whose existence you are unaware of that is set too low (my sound card varies sound based on 5 bars)04:23
oklinuxwhat is a comparable apps that similar to veoh player ?04:23
lepine~50-70$ iirc04:23
carandraugFlyingBishop: hmm, I don't know then. Can't help you. Sorry04:23
lepinethat was quite a while back though04:23
DigitalFizbobertdos, it seems fine, i jumped the gun on this one i was having audio problems all around but it seems to have been fixed by changing to the linux mixer thing04:24
lepinegiven there's bluetooth and all now ... must have gone done quite a bit04:24
eightyeightlepine: not bad. looknig at a logitech set for about $50 as well04:24
c0mp13371331337kevin__: Excellent, so you were able to get that fixed?04:24
kevin__c0mp13371331337, yea, thanks.04:24
bobertdosDigitalFiz: As far as flash, are you set to Pulse? Have you tried switching to Alsa04:24
Oxygenfa1How do I check syslog ?04:25
c0mp13371331337kevin__: No problem.  Glad to hear you were able to get that taken care of.04:25
carandraugDigitalFiz: but I remember a line I once added to /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base that supposedly reduces noise. However, it may dependent on the sound card04:25
lepineeightyeight: http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=plantronics&btnG=Search+Products&cid=5679874248046200760#ps-sellers ... looks like what i've got ... ~30$04:25
acceleplease can someone help?04:25
lepineOxygenfa1: tail /var/log/syslog04:25
accelei have a problem with sound on ubuntu. i get start up sounds but no sound after that using creative audigy 2 soundcard04:26
quaalhow do i recreate whatever magic happens when gnome is started with my external monitor plugged into my laptop and it just automatically knows the external monitors resolution (1680x1050) and puts it in system/preferences/screen resolution04:26
bobertdosaccele: Have you done basic tests in System->Preferences->Sound?04:27
accelenone of them work04:28
bobertdos!sound | accele04:28
ubottuaccele: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP304:28
oklinuxjim_p are you here ?04:28
acceleok thanks bobert, i'll give it a go04:28
Tanncarandraug: I don't know the ifconfig stuff04:29
lucaxis it possible to configure 3d acceleration to start with one specific user and not the first one that logs in?04:29
bobertdosoklinux: He isn't, may we help you?04:29
oklinuxIm looking for a apps that is similar to veoh player ?04:30
dennisWangdooble: you should go to #ubuntu-cn04:30
danielm_mcanyone ever got a matrox dualhead2go working with linux?04:31
Tanncarandraug: sorry to sound rather stupid. I've never needed to use ifconfig04:32
bobertdosoklinux: What type of player is that?04:32
oklinuxsome kind of video player04:32
keystr0kAnyone know of a good screenshot utility other than the default?04:32
carandraugTann: ok. It's the network encrypted?04:32
keystr0kI am recent Windows convert and really miss having a powerful screenshot utility.04:33
Tanncarandraug: yeah04:33
carandraugTann: sudo ifconfig interface_name essid essid_name key key_for_essid up04:33
nicheOk so the permissions "drwxr-xr-x" would convert to 755 in octal, correct guys?04:33
marupaCan anyone answer my question?04:33
bobertdosoklinux: There are all sorts. We've got VLC, MPlayer, you can install Totem-gstreamer, or Totem-xine.........There's xine player itself. Take your pick, basically.04:33
BigBlueKenbobertdos - are you good with dual boots04:34
lucaxi have an intel gma and i want one user to use 3d acceleration not the first one that logs in, how can i do that?04:34
bobertdosBigBlueKen: I can hold my own :)04:34
thinkfasthey all, i just split a file up into 1gb parts, its called home_aa home_ab etc.04:35
thinkfasthow do i join it back together?04:35
carandraugTann: did you understood it?04:35
BigBlueKenI have been trying - unsuccessfully to dual boot my laptop to Windows XP04:35
thinkfasti just want to make sure im using the correct flags etc04:35
complex_numberso if you have a 64 bit processor and 4GB of ram, use 64 bit linux?04:35
oklinuxbobertdos: do you mind look at the link http://www.veoh.com/downloadFlow.html04:35
ushimitsudokicomplex_number: that's what i do on this machine. 64 bit works fine for me04:36
bobertdoscomplex_number: and the general answer is also yes04:36
nicheOk so the permissions "drwxr-xr-x" would convert to 755 in octal, correct guys?04:36
bobertdosoklinux: oh, streaming tv.............I'm not good in that area........04:37
shingenhow do I troubleshoot USB hdd issues?04:37
Tanncarandraug: it returns "essid: Unknown host"04:37
carandraugTann: upps, sorry, it's iwconfig "sudo ifconfig interface_name essid essid_name key key_for_essid"04:37
keystr0kanswered my own question. this seems to be a promising screenshot utility: http://gscrot.ubuntu-projekte.de/04:38
sethbcso whats the best way to upgrade to intrepid now?  is there an easy way with dist-upgrade/full-upgrade?04:39
Tanncarandraug: "sudo ifconfig wl     No such device"04:39
accelebobert, im still having problems with my sound :S04:40
sethbcevery time i try to upgrade from hardy to intrepid, i get a couple of errors for packages that shouldn't be installed04:40
sethbcor have to be changed etc.04:40
accelei followed the troubleshooter but it didnt solve anything04:40
sethbcjust trying to help people test the upgrdae path for intrepid04:40
ushimitsudokisethbc: #ubuntu+1 is probably better for those questions04:41
sethbcushimitsudoki: good all sir04:41
accelehas anyone here had a problem with their audigy 2 sound card where it plays start up sound but nothing else?04:41
lucaxhow do i disable DRI for specific users?04:42
carandraugTann: can you pastebin "iwlist scan"?04:43
Tannsmilefafa: hellp04:43
Tanner, hello04:43
gwhipis there a way to use a real root password instead of sudo to do something with root privileges04:44
complex_numberhow do I use flash with 64 bit firefox?04:44
yokobrhey guys..04:44
thinkfastget the 32bit version04:45
thinkfastput it in your 86 folder04:45
complex_numberthinkfast: why?04:45
yokobrmy ubuntu stops the sound04:45
yokobrim listening to a music and then it stops randomly04:45
izinucsgwhip, sudo -i   defeats the purpose though.. but if you're experienced enough and might be use to other distros that have a root account ... go for it.04:45
ushimitsudokicomplex_number: here is how i did it: http://meandubuntu.wordpress.com/2008/08/20/flash-10-rc-on-ubuntu-amd64/ I think there is a PPA repo somewhere also04:45
yokobrive installed pulseaudio, but it says that the device is busy04:46
locainexhello, does anyone know if there is a public wine channel? i just got autokicked from the main one04:46
complex_numberwhat's better, installing 32 bit firefox or 64 bit firefox with nspluginwrapper?04:47
gwhipi've used sidux and used to typing in root password - plus it just seems safer instead of user account password for root privileges04:47
locainexty izinucs04:47
Tanncarandraug: http://pastebin.com/d4c0029a104:47
izinucsgwhip, sudo is temporary.. used only for the command you want to initiate.. if you have lots to do as root at the terminal then sudo -i04:48
gwhipizinucs: thanks04:48
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locainexusing nvidia twinview, i set up my meta modes to 1280x1024 1280x1024, but the monitor resolution settings has it to 2560x102404:49
locainexid prefer to have it as twin screens, not one large desktop. anyone know what i can do?04:50
yokobrif anyone knows..04:50
yokobrMy sound driver stops randomly04:51
carandraugTann: after "ifconfig wlan0 up" run "iwconfif wlan0 essid nienhouse key get_the_key_here"04:51
yokobrim listening to a music, and then it stops...04:51
danbh_intrepidyokobr: try switching to alsa in gstreamer-properties04:51
quaalhow do i recreate whatever magic happens when gnome is started with my external monitor plugged into my laptop and it just automatically knows the external monitors resolution (1680x1050) and puts it in system/preferences/screen resolution04:51
ushimitsudokilocainex: compiz can set "viewports" so you can constrain windows maximizing to one screen. Some things will still show up centered though. If you set up truly separate X screens, you can not drag windows between monitors04:51
danbh_intrepidyokobr: or, wait for intrepid, where these problems are supposed to be fixed.  The beta is only in a few days...04:52
complex_numberwhat's faster, using 32 bit firefox with flash on AMD64 or 64 FF with nspluginwrapper on AMD64?04:52
locainexthanks ushimitsudoki04:52
locainexdont want to run two separate x sessions04:52
complex_numberushimitsudoki: are you a Japanese?04:52
shaun_anyone know how i can name resolution in my private network04:52
locainexon the same note i guess. is it possible to run dual monitors AND svideo out on the same X session?04:53
yokobr Error opening PCM device hw:0:Device is busy04:53
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yokobrdanbh, are you brazilian?04:53
ushimitsudokilocainex: also, other WM have different support for dual monitors, so you might prefer how one system handles them. For example, I prefer XFCE a bit in this area, so if you really want to try some things out, you might like to try a few WMs as well04:53
ushimitsudokicomplex_number: no04:53
locainexis compiz supported by fluxbox yet? ;)04:54
danbh_intrepidyokobr: sorry, I only speak english, if thats what you are asking.   Try #ubuntu-es or maybe #ubuntu-br04:54
locainexactually i miss my old fvwm setup. wonder if i still have my configuration lying around04:54
Tanncarandraug: http://pastebin.com/d56629d2304:54
locainexoh yeah and what ever happened to beryl??04:54
locainexno more 3d desktop cube?04:54
danbh_intrepid!compiz | locainex04:55
ubottulocainex: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion04:55
yokobrdanbh, nope.. ive asked just because bh its a city here.04:55
danbh_intrepidyokobr: ah, the bh is part of my name04:55
yokobrit didnt worked..04:55
ushimitsudokilocainex: beryl is rolled into compiz and it has the cube (and sphere in the latest version which is pretty cool)04:55
locainexah cool!04:55
locainexlookin at the link now04:55
locainexbeen on fiesty forever now.. just upgraded to hardy04:56
complex_numbershould I use 64 bit firefox or 32 bit firefox?04:57
danbh_intrepidcomplex_number: you should use 32bit everything04:57
complex_numbereven 32 bit ubuntu?04:58
[Solars]complex_number if you are using a 64 bit system use 64 else use 3204:58
complex_numberI have 4GB ram, core 2 duo 3.12Ghz04:58
danbh_intrepidcomplex_number: if you're asking me, yes04:58
[Solars]ubuntu-desktop comes preinstalled with firefox04:58
danbh_intrepidcomplex_number: I have 4g ram, but it gets knocked down to 3.  Its not like I need more than 2 anyway, hence my opinion04:59
nichehey guys, I'm wanting to change my permissions for a directory to only be able to run ls -ld command, how would I go about doing this?05:00
michaesaurhow do i enable flash?05:00
[Solars]danbh_intrepid i have 4+ GB of ram and its not knocked down to 305:00
danbh_intrepid[Solars]: whats it knocked down to?05:00
[Solars]system uses <500MB05:00
carandraugTann: is it WEP?05:01
carandraug!flash | michaesaur05:01
ubottumichaesaur: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash05:01
nicheI have 1GB of ram and ubuntu runs smooth as butter... lmao05:01
Captain-MurphyI need help, very badly05:01
complex_numbergosh should I use 32 bit or 64 bit, everyone is contrary'=05:01
DigitalFizif you want less problems use 32bit05:02
* complex_number flips a coin05:02
Captain-MurphyI have broken synaptic, and update manager and I don't know whats wrong or how to fix it.05:02
nicheCaptain-Murphy, how did you do it05:02
fallorewhat's the easiest way for me to access files (mp3) that i have on my ubuntu partition from windows?05:02
carandraugTann: I think you need wap_supplicant to do that from the terminal and I don't know how to do that. Never had to worry with it before05:02
complex_numberwhat kind of problems do you get with 64 bit?05:02
nichefallore, can't you just load the folder with rhythmbox?05:02
Captain-MurphyI tried to update, I got an error after it downlaoded the new files, something about not being able to update or exicute a line about dpkg05:02
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nicheI can read my windows partition just fine through ubuntu05:03
Captain-Murphynow whenever I open either synaptic or update manager, they load for a second and then instantly close05:03
Tanncarandraug: yeah, thats the part that lost me int the tutorials.05:03
falloreniche: yes, in linux. i'm trying to get to the files from windows.05:03
nichefallore, oooh, there is a program... let me look it up05:03
Captain-MurphyI tried killing the processes and rebooting and now I don't know what to do05:03
nichefallore, http://www.fs-driver.org/05:04
TannI've just installed my wireless devices ndiswrapper but when It connect to a network, it disconnects when I try to access the internet.05:04
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aussieHey all am looking for source code for moblin can anyone help me out?05:04
Oxygenfa1Tann, what card do you have ?05:04
Captain-MurphyI'm really kinda freaked out right now05:04
TannOxygenfa1: Its a Linksys WPC110005:05
danbh_intrepidCaptain-Murphy: can you pastebin the exact error?05:05
Tanncorrection: Linksys WPC10005:05
devinhow do i auto start the dialler in Huawei E220 when i stick it to the USB05:05
Captain-MurphyI don't get an error anymore05:05
carandraugTann: maybe this tutorial will help you http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Wpa_supplicant05:05
nichehey guys, I'm wanting to change my permissions for a directory to only be able to run ls -ld command, how would I go about doing this?05:05
danbh_intrepidCaptain-Murphy: great, so its working05:05
Captain-MurphyI don't even know how, the programs just open and close instantly05:06
falloreniche: that looks like it'll be perfect, thanks a bunch. though, do you know if that will let music players access those files or just me to browse to them?05:06
Captain-Murphyhardly enough time to even see them05:06
danbh_intrepidCaptain-Murphy: ah, lets try the terminal: sudo apt-get update05:06
carandraugniche: do you really want to limit it to do that command, or do you want to limit to read only?05:06
falloreniche: oh i think i just read that it does. thanks!05:06
nichecarandraug, yes... it's for a homework assignment05:06
nichefallore, ah great, I wasn't sure05:07
carandraugCaptain-Murphy: try opening that program from the terminal and see what appears05:07
complex_numberWhat problems do you run into when you use 64 bit ubuntu?05:07
Tanncarandraug: I really don't feel like messing arround with wpa_supplicant05:07
Captain-Murphyhold on a second05:07
nichecarandraug, just to that command I believe05:07
carandraugniche: I believe it's "chmod -R 444 /path_to_folder" Take a look at 6th paragraph of description on "man chmod"05:08
ridatahow do you manually mount a usb device?05:09
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nichecarandraug, oh ok thanks a lot! Also... it says "Set permissions for the temp directory to the minimum required" what would that be ?05:09
danbh_intrepidcomplex_number: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions#AMD64%20Processors05:09
carandraugridata: "sudo mount -t filesystem_type /path_to_device /path_to_mount_point" and you'll need to create the mount point in advance05:09
michaesauri guess flash sucks on x86-64.05:10
formodemichaesaur, I have no problems with it.05:10
ridatacarandraug: Thanks. Okay, where do I find a file system type? it is a camera.05:10
carandraugniche: I believe that wuld be read only. But 444 means readable by everyone. You can make it readable by root only if you want05:11
michaesauri'll try nonfree again later.05:11
complex_numberwhat is BiArch?05:11
donavan_can anyone tell me why Im getting really slow dvd playback in totem is this an issue with totem or an issue with my USB DVD drive05:11
carandraugridata: "sudo fdisk -l"05:11
TannI've just installed my wireless devices ndiswrapper but when It connect to a network, it disconnects when I try to access the internet. (My laptop card is a Linksys WPC100)05:12
danbh_intrepiddonavan_: try vlc05:12
carandraugridata: but for example, if it says HPFS/NTFS for example, you need to use ntfs-3g in the command. You need to be able to interpret it05:12
carandraugTann: ndiswrapper is know for sometimes not do well with WPA. Have you ever tried to connect to a non protected network?05:13
donavan_danbh thanks i'll check it out05:14
fallorecan you expand your ex2 partition after you've defined it during the install and how would i go about doing so?05:14
ridatacarandraug: I'm assuming this is it: Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System /dev/sdb1              21      167680     1005958+   6  FAT16. So it is FAT16, mount doesn't like that or 'fat' so what would I use?05:14
carandraugridata: use vfat05:15
nichecarandraug, can you tell me why when a directory is set as executable only the ls -ld command works but not ls -l?05:15
ridatacarandraug: it's working now, thanks a bunch for your help.05:16
bobertdosfallore: Use the LiveCD and gparted to resize the partition.05:16
carandraugridata: no problem. Glad to help05:16
Tanncarandraug: no not yet05:16
fallorebobertdos: is there a way to do it that doesn't involve redownloading the .iso?05:17
carandraugniche: is that your homework? Take a look at man ls and look what the option -d does05:17
devinhow do i run a script in ubunu when i plug a USB modem05:17
devinit shoud auto run05:17
carandraugniche: but to tell you the truth, I don't know05:17
carandraugTann: try it. At least you'll know if it has something to do with it05:17
chao1Hello, I have a problem. I have an mp3 file that I would like to make a portion of into a ringtone on my phone. I have used audacity before to do this and now when I attempt to play the file it tells me Error while opening sound device. Please check the output device settings and the project sample rate.'05:17
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bobertdosfallore: Well, do you have even an older cd?05:18
fallorebobertdos: yeah i think i do.05:18
krunkon the main ubuntu download page it says ppc arch is no longer supported for recent ubuntu versions05:18
carandraugTann: if that's possible. I realize that may not be possible in your case. But even MacDonald's have unprotected networks for clients nowadays (or at least they don in Europe)05:19
ridatachao1: go to edit>preferences>Playback>Device and change it to another output device.05:19
bobertdosfallore: Well, any way you can.........The point is that the partition you resize can't be mounted while you're changing it.05:19
krunkbut some digging led me to cdimage.ubuntu.com where there is a ppc iso of 8.0.4 available05:19
chao1ridata: I tried that. same message05:19
ridatachao1: how many output devices do you have?05:19
falloreso could i do it in windows with a program there, bobertdos ?05:19
krunkam I to assume that this image is not ot be relied on? wil it bork my laptop?05:19
ridatachao1: usually there are a few, and choosing the right one seems to have fixed the problem for me.05:20
krunknot physically, but destroy my osx install perhaps..05:20
aussiehow do i run a img file on a virtual machine?05:20
Makro1this external hard drive is mounted, i can see the files, but i can't write, if i do sudo mkdir i get the same input/output error but the dir is created, smarttools says tha the drive is ok...any clue?05:20
bobertdos fallore: If you can find a program that will read ext2, yes, or I suppose if you install the ext2 driver. I know where that is if you want a link.05:20
Tanncarandraug: I don't live near any open wireless connections05:20
nkrypted1hey guys I have a question, I have a 64 bit amd turion and currently am running on x64 ubuntu 8.04, I've been having problems with the 64 bit packages, is it better to change to 32 bit or would I be losing out/having issues with it?05:21
fallorebobertdos: someone linked me to http://www.fs-driver.org/ , is that right?05:21
nkrypted1bobertdos, I was under the impression more distros are running off of reiser05:21
Captain-MurphyI made the mistake of following a friends advice before I logged on here and did sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a05:21
chao1ridata: any ideas why it changed? It was working and I haven't used it in a couple months.05:21
donavan_dandh:  I just installed VLC and I get nothing ... is there a plugin or something that I need for DVD playback05:21
danbh_intrepidnkrypted1: go 32bit05:21
nkrypted1donavan_, you need to install the medibuntu repository and libdvdcss205:22
Captain-Murphyhopefully this will fix it, but I hope I don't mess up something else while I reconfig EVERYTHING05:22
crushymy screen got messed up05:22
ridatachao1: I'm not nearly as knowledgeable as some of the other guys here, but my guess would be some upgrade changed default audio settings.05:22
nkrypted1Captain-Murphy, isn't that part of the fun, messing things up05:23
carandraugTann: some shoopings also have open wireless connection for people to use when they go there to study (common practice where I live). Or, if it's your home, and it's up to you, you could try to open it for some time (for test purposes only. At least you'ld know if it was WPA fault or not)05:23
jmsthinganyone want to help me with a ubuntu installation issue?05:23
donavan_nkrpted I know I have the libdvdcss2 installed I will check on the other I can get playback in totem but its really slow05:23
danbh_intrepidCaptain-Murphy: just ctrl+c out of it05:23
bobertdosfallore: yes05:23
crushymy screen got messed up , its only showing 640X480 resolution, how to fix it how to install display driver all over from beginning , any one help please05:23
nkrypted1donavan_, ati video card?05:23
complex_numberso I should use 32 bit ubuntu05:23
complex_numbergot it05:23
bobertdosnkrypted1: reiser?05:23
K_DallasQ: After installing dnsguardian and squid as they are packaged for 8.04, would I get a decent web filtered system or I need to set up the proxy etc? I woldnt mind some fine tuning along the ride but I would like to know what I get just after the installation. Thanks05:23
complex_numbersome things aren't built for 64 bit, like flash05:23
Tanncarandraug: I just did. And the system froze up right when it connected05:24
donavan_nkrypted yeah05:24
complex_numberergo 32 has the least probs05:24
nkrypted1complex_number, I'm not seeing any major performance boosts at least in desktop computing (I know there are major benefits on the server side)05:24
jmsthingI have tried downloading the ubuntu iso twice and It won't work.05:24
nkrypted1bobertdos, reiserfs05:24
chao1ridata: oic. I missed the question about how many output devices i had. I have 7, one OSS, five ALSA, and one JACK05:24
Captain-Murphybut  danbh_intrepid05:24
crushyjmsthing from where u downloaded? and what method?05:24
bobertdosnkrypted1: oh, well that could be, I don't keep up on that aspect as much05:25
danbh_intrepidCaptain-Murphy: ?05:25
carandraugTann: the symptoms are different from before05:25
jmsthingdownloaded from the MIT server given on the ubuntu site05:25
crushywhat problems u are facing?05:25
Captain-MurphyI okay05:25
Captain-Murphyits over05:25
nkrypted1jmsthing, what are you trying to do?05:25
jmsthingfirst time it burned to disc but wouldn't boot the kernel05:25
jmsthingnow the burn failed05:26
crushydid you checksum image?05:26
jmsthingchecksum wouldnt work05:26
nkrypted1and beyond that is your burner in good shape?05:26
crushyif checksum wouldnt work, then u have bad iso05:26
jmsthinghow could I have a bad iso twice?05:26
jmsthingfrom two diff servers05:26
nkrypted1jmsthing, poor connection?05:27
jmsthingconnection is fine05:27
crushytry downloading using a torrent, may be that will help, sometimes some isp gives fake packets leaving files corrupted, my personal experience dont know theory behind that05:27
carandraugjmsthing: it's probably not a server fault but your downloading05:27
nkrypted1crushy, comcast did that05:27
jmsthingI tried torrents but not enough peers05:27
jlvyor the plausibility that the burn itself was bad?05:27
=== robnyc|mobile is now known as RobNyc|R61
crushyshall i give you a link? jmsthing?05:27
danbh_intrepidjmsthing: if you use a torrent, I think you can just put the file that you already d'led in its place, and it will just correct the corrupted parts, instead of getting the whole thing05:28
carandraugjmsthing: not enough peeers to get the iso in what time? Be patient05:28
crushyby the way i just downloaded ubuntustudio 8.04 and ubuntu desktop 8.04 day before yesterday alot of seeders there05:28
jmsthinglike 2 days05:28
jmsthinghow could I repair my iso?05:29
carandraugjmsthing: are you downling the 8.04 desktop 32bits? I downloaded it in 2 hours05:29
jmsthingyes took me 305:29
crushysame here carandraug05:29
carandraugjmsthing: I meant 2 hours in torrent05:29
donavan_nkrypted :  where can I get the medibuntu repository05:29
crushycarandraug i just checked the torrent and its giving 170 seeds right now, why dont u try now?05:29
jmsthingwell someone give me a link to the best torrent then05:30
evilbugwow... it never took me longer than ~12mins@2mbps05:30
carandraugjmsthing: ^what crushy just said05:30
pengocommand line tool for checking memory usage?05:30
danbh_intrepidpengo: free   or top05:30
carandraugpengo: free05:30
[Solars]pengo i think top would work05:30
[Solars]or free05:30
jmsthingso where can I find the torrent I need?05:31
danbh_intrepidsame place you got the isa05:31
carandraugpengo: if you want something that updates constantly, give htop a try (it's a nice interface for top)05:31
crushyhere u go jm : http://ftp.hostrino.com/pub/ubuntu/cdimage/hardy/ubuntu-8.04.1-desktop-i386.iso.torrent05:31
evilbugjmsthing- http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.0405:32
cellofellowI have an app (Lanshark) that uses broadcast packets to detect other systems running the same app. It doesn't work if I have UFW enabled. Disable the firewall and it works fine. How do I tell UFW to allow broadcast packets?05:32
evilbugjmsthing- look down for the image you're looking for with a ".torrent" extension.05:32
complex_numberwhy doesn't everyone install gNewSense?05:32
pengohow do i sort top/htop by memory? the man page confuses me05:32
complex_numberit's debian with all the non-free stuff removed05:32
jmsthingholy crap is downloading fast05:33
cellofellowcomplex_number: correction: gNewSense is Ubuntu with the non-free stuff removed.05:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about intel05:33
crushymy ubuntu is only showing 640x480 resolution, i tried installing everything like envyNG nvidia driver from their website etc, but nothing helped me to get back big resolution what seems to be the problem, how to install it from start? or fix it05:33
cellofellowcomplex_number: Debian is all-free too, with non-free being strictly optional.05:33
complex_numberWhy does Ubuntu keep non-free stuff in it?05:33
jmsthingomg it's done already05:33
complex_numberwhy don't they do what gnewsense does?05:34
crushyu need to run that file in a bit torrent client @ jmsthing05:34
carandraugjmsthing: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04.1-desktop-i386.iso.torrent  this is the official one, in Ubuntu's site05:34
crushyi think u are just download torrent file only05:34
halpHey guys, unning off a live CD. Ubuntu foobared on me. I installed some firmware for a tv capture card. When I rebooted it took a while to come back up. Then I was met with just a blink cursor. I tried again and nothing happened. I then selected ubuntu recover mode. THat took a while, and then froze at something about Face font... I don't remember. Anyway. I got to the login... sigh of relief, then tried to type in my 05:34
jmsthingno the torrent completed05:34
cellofellowcomplex_number: Because a small amount of very popular hardware only works with non-free drivers and firmware.05:34
the_alamoever since the firefox update my flash isn't working.  does anyone know how i would fix it?05:34
jmsthingsays 100% in bit torrent05:34
crushywhich operating system u are using jmsthing?05:34
jmsthingwindows xp05:35
carandraugjmsthing: hmm, are you sure it just didn't found the previous iso in your homefolder?05:35
crushyhow much size its showing u?05:35
crushyand whats the speed of your connection?05:35
jmsthingmy internet connection is 100mb/s05:35
carandraugjmsthing: that was too much fast. If he found the previous iso in your home folder, it would check the hash, not download it05:36
crushyif am not wrong i only know that 100 mbps is available in japan throughout05:36
carandraugjmsthing: well, just check the md5sum and well know05:36
halpCan I just install over the OS and will ubuntu leave my files  ?05:36
crushywhich place do you live jmps05:36
jmsthingwould that correct any errors in the iso?05:36
crushyi guess thats the speed of connection between ur modem/router to ur pc port05:37
halpCause you know ... I can't start my computer anymore05:37
crushyhalp you can personally backup ur files from within windows using ntfs file utility that will locate your linux partition, so that u can backup them05:38
jlvyif you install over an existing os your files will be wiped when your hd is formatted, backup your files before you decide to do a fresh isntall05:38
danbh_intrepidjmsthing: you would have to start the torrent program, then stop it, and then replace the iso that the torrent created with your old iso.  Then restart your torrent program, and ask it to recheck the file, AFAIK05:38
cellofellowufw broadcast packets anyone?05:38
halpI don't have windows : )05:38
crushywhich os u are using now?05:38
donavan_Trying to get DVDs to play Totem play slowly , xine says I dont have a dvd drive (USB drive connect), VLC seems to do nothing, I know that the libdvdcsss2 is installed and Im running and ATI card if that matter05:38
jmsthingwhere is the download for the md5sum program?05:39
crushylive cd will do @ halp05:39
complex_numberjmsthing: for windows?05:39
halpWhat I want to do is have my current ubuntu install forget all the changes I made to it, and rebuild my hardware so I can go back to how things were when I installed it05:39
crushyhold on jmsthing let me give ya link05:39
complex_numbergoogle hashcalc05:39
halpI am in a live CD right now lol.05:39
Captain-MurphyI think I know what happend, and I seriously need help05:39
Captain-Murphysomehow, I fucked up dpkg05:39
halp"halp: Hey guys, unning off a live CD. Ubuntu foobared on me. I installed some firmware for a tv capture card. When I rebooted it took a while to come back up. Then I was met with just a blink cursor. I tried again and nothing happened. I then selected ubuntu recover mode. THat took a while, and then froze at something about Face font... I don't remember. Anyway. I got to the login... sigh of relief, then tried to t05:39
Captain-Murphywhen I run sudo apt-get check or anything else I get Reading package lists... Done05:39
Captain-MurphySegmentation faulty tree... 50%05:39
Captain-Murphyand it brings me back to the terminal05:40
crushybackup ur files to other drive or a pen drive than do the fresh install @ halp05:40
halpRight now I don't care about the card I was trying to install, Imma chucking it or something. Right now I just want ubuntu to work again. The easiest way for this is if Ubuntu figured out my computers hardware again.05:40
Captain-MurphyPlease, update manager doesn't work, synaptic doesn't work, apt-get doesn't work, and I think dpkg is damaged...05:41
crushyhow to reinstall display driver all from scratch in ubuntu ?05:41
halpYeah, maybe I'll qpated, move to that partician and try the 64bit distro this time : )05:42
devslashnulldoes anyone here use parallels ?05:42
Makro1is ntfsfix dangerous? can i lose files if i use it ?05:42
crushyyour hardware configuration @ halp?05:42
matiuAfter doing apt-get install phpmyadmin, how does one make it so I can browse to http://localhost:phpmyadmin ?05:42
halpWell, I figured, why doesnt it recognize my keyboard ? It did 8 minutes ago right ? So some config file must of changed. I have a webcam that isnt working anymore because I was screwing around with drivers too.  I'd like to just have everything go back to normal05:43
jmsthingwhat do i do after i run the checksum program on the file?05:43
MindhazingsquidI'm having graphic/drivers issues, is there, perhaps, anyone who can help me please?05:43
Captain-MurphyDoes anybody know anything about dpkg?05:43
crushyanybody who can help me installing the nvidia drivers as my screen is not getting bigger than 640/480 resolution05:43
mylogiccrushy: give me your system specs05:44
halpCause I have so much stuff configured, its not a matter of loosing porn or something, it's tons of programs that I configured for months every night05:44
jimmygoonCaptain-Murphy, What is the exact error message when you try to use "apt-get" from the Command Line?05:44
halpRIght now Im on live CD cause I can't even type in my user name on boot05:44
crushyafter installing md5 u have to run it and check the file which u donwnloaded by browsing and calculate its checksum with the checksum given on website05:44
carandraugCaptain-Murphy: try getting your problem in just on line. It will it easier for others to follow (which will increase the chances of getting help). Include the command you did that started all that. Also, I'm not going tohelp you 'cos I have no idea on how to solve it, sorry05:44
therealnanotubehalp: well, you can always back up to an external disk, then do a fresh install, and restore what you need.05:44
crushyits m2n mx se plus asus motherboard with athalon dual core cpu05:44
halpThat seems to be the only answer05:45
carandraugjmsthing: you burn it if the md5sum is correct05:45
mylogiccrushy: I was speaking mostly about your graphics card ;p05:45
crushynvidia ge force 6100 gpu onboard @ mylogic05:45
mylogicah, ok05:45
mylogicone second05:45
Captain-Murphythanks for the response carandraug05:45
crushyyes right05:45
halpWOuld be great if ubuntu had a roll back feature or something05:45
jmsthingidk i though u had to compare the results of the checksum to something05:45
Captain-MurphyI think I'm just goind to do a fresh install05:45
crushyyep missing that also @ halp :(05:45
halpSucks that just because I make installed something, that everything is fubar now05:45
jimmygoonCaptain-Murphy, I'm sure there is a fix your your problem05:46
jimmygoonCaptain-Murphy, running to reinstall every time there is a problem is a good way to burn yourself out of linux05:46
halp" running to reinstall every time there is a problem is a good way to burn yourself out of linux" I AGREE05:46
carandraugCaptain-Murphy: no problem. You're not getting ignored, maybe the ones that are activate here right now don't know. And getting your problem spread in several lines with other people lines in the middle makes it hard to follow05:46
jim_pjimmygoon: me too05:47
crushymylogic ? u there05:47
mylogiccrushy: how much dedicated memory does your card have?05:47
jmsthinganyone know where to find the checksum for ubuntu?05:47
jimmygoonI don't understand people that come here asking for help and then ignore those who try to help?05:47
crushyit shares memory from the RAM05:47
ChuanQihi all05:47
jim_pjmsthing: from the .iso file?05:47
jimmygoonIt's hard to answer questions that go like " AHHH. I need help1!111!!! /part"05:47
ChuanQiis there anyway to fix the intel-HD soft sound issue?05:48
jmsthingi just ran checksum on the iso but idk how to verify it05:48
sentinel23should be on the download page05:48
carandraugjmsthing: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes05:48
crushyright now 128 mb given to it05:48
mylogicah, ok, so it's on board video05:48
mylogiclet's see what I can find here05:48
ChuanQii had ubuntu 8.04 installed on benQ S41 notebook05:49
ChuanQieverything works fine except the sound is riciculous soft05:49
ChuanQieven thought already set to max level05:49
MindhazingsquidWhen I preview  a screensaver it runs just fine, but when it runs itself (because the time passes) it's just a black screen.  Also my WINE programs don't run either. also because of driver errors.05:49
crushyyou mean its low @ chuanQi?05:49
carandraugjimmygoon: you mean Captain-Murphy? He's been here for some time now. Maybe he left before seeing your message. Followed someones advice with some command wth dpkg and screw apt-get05:50
ChuanQithat's right, volume is 'low' even set to max05:50
sullyva86how do i set partitions so the mount point doesn't change on a restart?05:50
crushywhich sound device you have @ chuanQi?05:50
jimmygoonCheck for hardware volume switches, then system volume (in the tray) then in the actual application05:50
jimmygooncarandraug, you mean he ran a command to fix dpkg or ran a command recommended here and then wound up with a broken dpkg?05:50
ChuanQii am using a built-in intel-HD (965chipset) sound card05:50
carandraugChuanQi: have you got all the bars on mac in the volume manager? My volume is dependent on 5 of those bars05:51
jmsthingok checksum matches05:51
jmsthingso why wouldnt the iso burn?05:51
darkbishopsullyva86: wat do u mean ur mount point change on reboot?05:51
crushyare you sure you plugged in the jack in right socket?05:51
crushy@ chuanQi05:51
carandraugjimmygoon: he ran a command someone else outside recommended. It broke synaptic, apt-get, aptitute so he came here05:51
ChuanQithe on screen control for sound is set to 'max'05:52
crushyit should burn , did you give it a try now? @ jmsthing05:52
carandraugjimmygoon: the command that was recommended that cause all this had something to do with dpkg05:52
jimmygooncarandraug, ah, hm.05:52
therealnanotubejmsthing: what happens when you try to burn the iso?05:52
ChuanQii also set the volume in the sound setting to max05:52
ChuanQithe out come is the same ...05:52
crushychuanQi, goto the preference and check all the boxes there, then raise volume of all , try?05:52
jimmygooncarandraug, well, it could be a variety of things... but like I said, error msgs help. "dpkg is broken" isn't helpful when its IRC :P05:53
ChuanQii had tried all the setting in the preferences05:53
therealnanotubesullyva86: in /etc/fstab05:53
crushy:-s where is mylogic :D05:53
jmsthingwould i be able to boot the iso from a flash drive?05:53
ChuanQii also tried on pulseaudio server and alsa driver05:53
mylogiccrushy: right here, doing a little research on your problem ;)05:54
ChuanQiboth appear to have a very 'low' sound output from the speaker05:54
crushywow, thats nice :D05:54
crushychuanQi read this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound05:54
jmsthinganyone know?05:54
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows05:54
carandraugjimmygoon: I know. He stated the problem before. That's what I was poiting to him. He should state his problem again and not be based on the principle that people will scroll the channel log looking for what he said half an hour ago05:54
crushyyes it does @ jmsthing05:54
ChuanQiyeah, i checked with that page before too :(05:55
ChuanQieven read the sound how-to in the forum05:55
jmsthingso all i need to do is put the iso on my drive and set my bios to boot from my drive?05:55
crushywhat device it showing u in mixer tab of sound in preferences? @ ChuanQi05:55
therealnanotubejmsthing: i know there is a way to boot from usb if your motherboard supports it... but not sure if you would start with the ISO...05:55
crushyno you need syslinux @ jmsthing05:55
mutableHi. I'm getting strange problem. I had Kubuntu. Once when I tried to login (kdm) screen just blinked and X restarted. Now I instaled Ubuntu (8.04) and same thing happens :(. I have no idea what's wrong ...05:55
therealnanotubemutable: try running in safe graphics mode?05:56
crushyif the motherboard have usb boot option then it will start using iso for sure05:56
ChuanQithat's the first one05:56
carandraugChuanQi: run alsamixer in a terminal. Put all bars to the top. Sometimes not all bars appear, try pressing tab to see if more bars come up and put those to the top as well05:56
crushycan u show me screenshot of ur volume control? @ chuanQi05:56
mutabletherealnanotube: Same, says "look at ~/.xsession-errors" but this file is empty05:57
crushycarandraug, he said he enabled all boxes in preferences05:57
mutableI can login from VT, and even create files at /home, so home partition seems to be OK05:57
ChuanQii will try to run the alsamixer in a terminal again tonight05:57
crushywell after enabling all checkboxes u have to close volume control and open it again to see the boxes in some of the installation or should i say most of05:57
ChuanQicrushy, will show you later, the notebook is not with me now05:57
mylogiccrushy: I may have a solution for you, hold on real quick05:57
crushyyep holding on , mylogic05:58
ChuanQieverything is working fine except the low volume and 'mic' doesn't seem working05:58
subonewhats a good app for popping up reminders?05:58
ChuanQiwebcam is working (surprisingly!)05:58
crushyjmsthing u still there?05:58
crushymost of the webcams working in linux nowdays @ chuanQi, cheers05:58
crushycheck this jmsthing http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/7280/05:58
jmsthingim going to try virtual box05:58
mutableHowever it started after I installed (and mounted /home) Ext2IFS in windows. One day WinXP refused to read from that drive (or offer me to format it), and since then I got this :(.05:59
mylogiccrushy: http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_ia32_1.0-8174.html05:59
mylogicgive that a run05:59
mylogicsee if it works, I believe it offers a kernel patch05:59
ChuanQicool, thanks for the advises crushy & carandraug06:00
therealnanotubemutable: run fsck on the disk, make sure there are no errors06:00
crushyyour welcome chuanQi, live long ubuntu:D06:00
crushychecking mylogic06:00
AgentHeXi'm looking to test 8.10 alpha 6.  there's a warning in the testing page about the intel GigE driver doing horrible things to the NIC, but i don't think i am affected.  lsmod | grep 'e1000' returns nothing.  am i safe?06:01
crushyi tried that already @ mylogic :(no help06:01
mutabletherealnanotube: I'll first try make my home dir on  parition (eg. /)06:01
mylogicnothing? hmm06:01
crushynothing, if you want i can give you ssh also06:01
mylogiccrushy: yeah, let me check that out if you don't mind06:02
mutabletherealnanotube: damnit, now it works :) i'll fsck it06:02
crushyalright gonna pm u06:02
mylogicbored as hell with nothing else to do, heh06:02
EVilre all06:02
douweihello everyone06:02
douweiI am new to Ubuntu06:02
suboneanyone read my question?06:02
therealnanotubemutable: heh good luck. :)06:03
mylogicsubone: I use Evolution06:03
subonemylogic: ok06:03
therealnanotubemutable: since you said it stopped working after winxp messed with the disk, i think it's pretty likely that the partition is messed up. :)06:03
mylogiccomplete with alarm and reminders, and syncs with my mobile phone :)06:03
mutabletherealnanotube: I can login from VT and move on it and create files on it :\06:04
therealnanotubemutable: well yea, but maybe like one of the files related to x is borked... you won't know until you fsck the partition and make sure there are no errors.06:04
subonemylogic: so a task will popup a warning or what06:04
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows06:05
therealnanotubesubone: korganizer has good reminders06:05
suboneanything from gnome?06:05
mutabletherealnanotube: sure, it's second time this week windows messed up my disk06:05
mylogicsubone, yup06:05
mylogicyou can set alarms or whatever you want06:05
therealnanotubemutable: that's one reason to keep your windows away from your *nix disks. :)06:05
mylogicvisual and audible alarms06:05
suboneah ok i found it ty06:05
ChuanQianyone had problem with the intel wireless 4875abgn on WEP/WAP connection?06:06
mutabletherealnanotube: yeah, maybe i should stop playing games :)06:06
donavan_Thanks to everyone that helped with the DVD playback issue ... one problem still the play back looks a bit pixilated any ideas06:06
ChuanQimine doesn't seems to work very stable with the WAP/WAP206:06
therealnanotubemutable: lol, well, that's a different question altogether. :) but at least i might suggest setting up a separate fat32 partition for the data you want to share between winxp and ubuntu. that has always worked for me, back in the days when i dual-booted.06:07
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jigpChuanQi : you are quiting pf?and you want t o replace pf with ubuntu?06:08
jigpChuanQi : hehehe06:08
ChuanQijigp: what do you mean?06:09
ChuanQiwaht is pf?06:09
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B|ackPantherDo i need any additional hardware to implement MythTV or all i need is an internet connection ?06:09
mylogiccrushy: did you try the NEWEST driver from nvidia http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_ia32_173.14.12.html06:09
jmsthingi booted from the is in virtual box06:09
jeff_I mistakenly set my KUBUNTU display for dual monitor now I can't get into KDE ... what file to edit?06:10
ChuanQijigp: sorry, i got it now :P06:10
=== Guest11708 is now known as lu5tic
jmsthingso now that i can boot in virtual box i can check the iso06:10
lu5ticim fucking lost with this linux stuf06:11
donavan_lu5tic what are you trying to do06:11
lu5ticinstall a flash player06:11
therealnanotubelu5tic: should be available in synaptic, package "flashplayer-nonfree"06:12
jmsthingi'm so excited06:12
lkrocksthonehow to do06:12
jmsthingdoes anyone know if I can install ubuntu to my system from virtual box?06:12
l3dI would like a easy to use wedpage maker app kinda like webdwarf or sitespinner? But for linux    I have tried bluefish and too code like06:13
scunizijmsthing, so you're running ubuntu in VB and would like to install it to your HD?06:13
shepherdhi i need help1!!!06:13
shepherdi i just installed vmware, and i going to install xp, but vmware wont detect my cd rom drive, who should i discribe it as a device06:13
shepherdwhat is the location of a standard ubuntu cd drive?06:13
lu5tickflashplayer.......inside graphics univers folder?06:13
scunizijmsthing, if it's installed in VB there is no way to move it to a standard install... if you have the cd's just do it again for "real"..06:13
therealnanotubeshepherd: /dev/cdrom06:13
scunizishepherd, or /dev/cdrom006:14
jmsthingi cant I'm having issues burining the iso06:14
jmsthingbut the iso is fine cause i ran the check from the iso06:14
yokobrhey guys06:14
fantomasIs there a good backports repository for Hardy?06:14
yokobrmy alsa driver stops randomly06:15
darkbishopi got problem with my network.i manage to join my network and eveyone(windowsXP) can c my share file.. but when i click on network i cant c any single computer in my network.any idea?06:15
scunizijmsthing, have you tried burning at 4x or the slowest possible speed for your cdrom?06:15
shepherdit says there is no such file or directory06:15
jmsthingi tried at 2x06:15
donavan_cant you just map the iso as the drive I know you could in VMware with windows as the host os06:15
devslashnullhey guys if i download the standard kernel from kernel.org and want to compile it on hardy, is there anything special that i need to do ?06:15
yokobri have to use oss driver, aways, but it only runs 1 program at time06:15
mutabletherealnanotube: thx for support, it looks it'll take some hours, cya06:15
therealnanotubemutable: ok good luck :)06:16
scunizijmsthing, there is a way to put the iso on a usb key.  There's also a "net" install that goes on a usb key.. that might work for you.06:16
=== mehteenager is now known as MrObvious
scunizidonavan_, install requires a clean boot to the installer.06:16
jmsthingI think I will try to burn the iso once more and move from there06:16
therealnanotubejmsthing: if all else fails... you could try burning it on some other computer, or order a shipit cd. :)06:17
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging06:17
devslashnullanyone ???06:17
hale3rdcan someone help with my dell xps 1330 issue?  my media buttons go crazy06:17
donavan_scunizi: yeah I wasnt sure havent tried VMware under linux yet ... I just knew it would let you in windows thought it was worth a try06:18
jmsthingwell see the reason i tried in vb is because the iso wouldn't burn06:18
=== the_mgt_ is now known as the_mgt
scunizidonavan_, sure you could install it into vmware.. but can't go from vmware into a fresh install on a partition.06:18
jmsthingsee the reason i tried in vb is because the iso wouldn't burn06:18
shepherdits weird, the cd drive will spin when i load up vmware but it wont detect the drive or load the disk06:18
donavan_scunzi:  ahh I missed that part of the problem06:19
therealnanotubedevslashnull: http://www.howtoforge.com/kernel_compilation_ubuntu06:19
shepherdwhats legacy emulation06:19
lu5ticthres no flashplayer-nonfree in my synaptic06:19
scunizishepherd, you have to attach the cdrom to the vm using the vmware console .. or if you're running the beta version there's an icon on the bottom right of the screen that you can right mouse click on.06:20
=== jim_p is now known as jim_p-busy
scunizilu5tic, there is..06:21
therealnanotubelu5tic: did you enable the universe and multiverse repositories?06:21
donavan_try just searching for "flash"   is should be down a little was just under flashblock06:21
crushylolz my bad06:22
crushyhttp://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=120109 this worked for me:D06:22
crushythanks for help everyone06:22
crushyjmsthing check your pm06:22
hale3rdanybody running a dell xps 1330?06:24
Daft_PunkWhen I go to http://games.yahoo.com/console/tx using firefox, this window comes up and says "The application has requested permission to establish connections to games.yahoo.com. Do you want to allow this action?" and regardless if i press allow or cancel it will work but this comes up all the time and it is annoying plz help :)06:24
scunizihale3rd, vostro 140006:25
ekowHow come when I write something to a DVD in Ubuntu, XP views the disc as blank?06:26
hale3rdscunizi, cool :)06:26
hale3rddo you have media buttons?06:26
scunizihale3rd, yep.06:26
hale3rddo they work?  mine work, but sometimes they go nuts and loop06:26
hale3rdmaking me pissed!06:27
vikrantekow can u view the contents in ubuntu06:27
scunizihale3rd, outside of the volume control I havent tried...06:27
ekowvikrant: yes06:27
hale3rdwell, it's the volume that seems to go nuts06:27
vikrantwhat speed have u written the dvd?06:27
Daft_Punkhale3rd, the volume control on my laptop is a jog dial :)06:27
donavan_ekow: could be a wrong format I know this used to be an issue years ago but I have been out of the linux scence for a while06:28
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:28
hale3rddaft, oh... :)06:28
ekowvikrant: just selected "maximum speed possible"06:28
hale3rdthanks though06:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lan06:28
ekowdonavan: ok06:28
hale3rdi have stupid led media buttons that go nuts on me06:28
Muhammad_SaadHi, I have a problem. When I set a gateway address for eth0 (local home network), it also effects ppp0 and I am not able to browse using my dial-up connection. Can someone help?06:28
CVirusDoes NetworkManager use wpa_supplication for wpa networks ?06:28
vikranthave u tried writing another dvd06:29
Daft_PunkWhen I go to http://games.yahoo.com/console/tx using firefox, this window comes up and says "The application has requested permission to establish connections to games.yahoo.com. Do you want to allow this action?" and regardless if i press allow or cancel it will work but this comes up all the time and it is annoying plz help :)06:29
ekowvikrant: kind of hesitant06:29
vikranttry a slower speed06:30
vikrantsee if tht helps06:30
john__Hi! Can anyone tell me where I find all the cookies stored in ubuntu PLZ!06:30
scuniziMuhammad_Saad, not really sure but ppp0 is DSL right? if so you have to "dial" into the connection with a password.. if you've setup your box to do that then if you have a router make the router do the connection for you.. most will06:30
gamma-xanyone know of a flash drive bootloader.06:31
Muhammad_Saadscunizi, ppp0 is dial-up modem.06:31
jmsthingdoes ubuntu have something like windows task manager?06:31
Daft_Punkjmsthing, htop06:31
gamma-xlike as to choose wich usb livecd/usb i want to use?06:31
jmsthinghow do i access it?06:31
Daft_Punkjmsthing, download it from synaptic or add/remove06:31
scuniziMuhammad_Saad, aarrgg. that I don't know how to fix..sorry.06:31
Muhammad_Saadjmsthing, gnome-system-monitor06:31
darkbishopsame.. nvr hear tat problem06:31
danbh_intrepidjmsthing: gnome-system-monitor06:32
Muhammad_Saadscunizi, OK. Thanks for willing to help. :)06:32
darkbishopi cant view my windows network computer.....there nothing inside my workgroup06:32
darkbishopcan anyone hep06:32
john__Where r the cookies stored PLZ ....06:32
hale3rdscunizi, any idea how i might fix my media buttons :)06:32
scuniziMuhammad_Saad, np.. maybe ubottu has an answer.. I'll see if there's a link.06:32
scunizi!ppp0 | Muhammad_Saad06:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ppp006:33
Rat409!swat | darkbishop06:33
ubottudarkbishop: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.  Also see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/21209806:33
hale3rdok :)06:33
scunizihale3rd, nope .. sorry.. did you upgrade from Gutsy?06:33
hale3rdclean install06:33
Daft_Punk!dialup | Muhammad_Saad06:33
ubottuMuhammad_Saad: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up06:33
Muhammad_Saaddarkbishop, perhaps the name of the workgroup is different on both computers.06:33
jmsthinghas anyone seen ubuntu ultimate gamers edition?06:34
scunizihale3rd, check dell's linux support forum?06:34
hale3rdyeah.   nothing there06:34
danbh_intrepidjmsthing: whats that?06:34
john__Does anyone know where I can find all the stored cookies plz???06:34
darkbishopMuhammad_Saad: all the windows computer can c my computer and take file from it.06:34
scunizihale3rd, it's actually on ubuntuforums.org.. maybe post there and see if anyone can provide an answer.06:34
jmsthingits a release that has a lot of extras06:34
hale3rdok.  good idea06:34
jmsthinghold I'll post a link06:34
Muhammad_Saaddarkbishop, then perhaps it is some problem with samba or its configuration. Try asking at #samba06:35
donavan_any one know how to install icon packs from gnome-look.org06:35
darkbishopMuhammad_Saad:ok thxxx06:35
vikrantjohn wht do u wana do with the cookies06:35
Daft_Punkdonavan_, extract the icon folder to /home/yourname/.icons06:36
donavan_thank you06:36
Muhammad_SaadDaft_Punk, Thanks for providing help.06:36
edrickno you have to check this06:36
Muhammad_Saaddarkbishop, That is my duty to help others. :)06:37
gamma-xanyone know of a flash drive bootloader.06:37
Gnea!usb | gamma-x06:37
ubottugamma-x: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent06:37
Daft_PunkWhen I go to http://games.yahoo.com/console/tx using firefox, this window comes up and says "The application has requested permission to establish connections to games.yahoo.com. Do you want to allow this action?" and regardless if i press allow or cancel it will work but this comes up all the time and it is annoying plz help :)06:37
Rat409gamma-x: syslinux06:37
Gneagamma-x: or do you mean something else?06:37
Muhammad_SaadDaft_Punk, perhaps there is a bug in Firefox. :-/06:38
Gneaedrick: and that has what to do with ubuntu?06:38
darkbishopMuhammad_Saad:i suddently know what happen.eventually i didnt start my samba.06:38
danbh_intrepidjmsthing: dated, dont both06:38
Muhammad_Saaddarkbishop: :D06:38
jmsthingyeah but I want to know where to get those games06:39
gamma-xRat409, thanks.06:39
danbh_intrepidjmsthing: any game in particular?06:39
CViruscan wpa_supplicant search for encrypted and also "unencrypted" networks ?06:39
jmsthingno they just look cool and I wouldn't mind trying them since i get little gaming on ubuntu06:39
Daft_PunkMuhammad_Saad, probably but i cant find another functioning browser. opera wont work with java for some reason even if i specify the correct java directory06:39
edricka wrong paste06:40
danbh_intrepidjmsthing: go to AddRemove, select all software, and look at the gaming section06:40
CVirusMuhammad_Saad, where are you from may I ask ?06:40
jmsthingk thanks06:40
danbh_intrepidjmsthing: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games06:40
Muhammad_Saadjmsthing, you may be interested in the playdeb repository. http://www.playdeb.net06:40
Muhammad_SaadCVirus, from Pakistan. :)06:41
CVirusMuhammad_Saad, pleased to meet you .. I'm from Egypt06:42
Muhammad_SaadDaft_Punk, then try asking at #firefox if there is some configuration to be done.06:42
scunizijmsthing, checkout www.getdeb.net06:42
Muhammad_SaadCVirus, me too. :)06:42
Muhammad_SaadCVirus, I mean I am pleased to meet you too.06:43
CVirusgot that06:43
scuniziDaft_Punk, you might also try deleting /home/<username>/.mozilla  ... it will reload itself.. actually don't delete it just rename it.06:44
Peddycan someone help me with dhcp3-server please? I get a 'failed' message when trying to run it. Thanks :)06:44
Daft_Punkscunizi, dont know if that would work since it happens to this linux box and this other linux box that was just installed today (fresh install) so...06:45
Daft_Punki think might be java?06:45
PeddyHey, Daft_Punk06:45
Peddydo you like Daft_Punk?06:45
scuniziDaft_Punk, how many versions of java do you have installed.?  . you might want to eliminate all but vs606:45
Daft_Punk!offtopic | Peddy06:45
ubottuPeddy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!06:45
Daft_Punkscunizi, im not sure how to check what ones are installed06:46
darkbishopcan i have some help please.i can c all the computer in my workgroup?06:46
jmsthinganyone know what vurn speed I should use for my ubuntu disc06:46
scuniziDaft_Punk, you could use Synaptic and search for java.. It should return everything with a java reference and you'll see the primary packages that enable java in ubuntu.. if the little box next to any of those is colored then it's installed.06:47
scunizijmsthing, slow... slow... SLOW06:47
jmsthinglike 2x?06:47
Muhammad_SaadDaft_Punk, type in the address bar: "about:plugins" to see what plugins are installed.06:47
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ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about smbfs06:48
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scunizijmsthing, yep.. I've done mine at 4 but I also found that the cd's at the bottom of the spool seem to have issues.. (100 cd spool)06:48
jmsthingill play it safe with 2x06:48
Daft_PunkMuhammad_Saad, doesnt say anything directly about java just "GCJ Web Browser Plugin (using IcedTea) 1.0"06:48
scunizijmsthing, what prog. are you using to burn?06:48
mefisto__jmsthing: some burners actually are more reliable at more than the slowest it can do. it depends on your burner (and the media you're burning on too), so you would probably know best06:49
scunizijmsthing, windows?06:49
jmsthingyeah so i can install ubuntu06:49
ajax4Hey guys...I'm using a completely updated Hardy...but I just learned that a newer version of Java came out months ago but it's not yet in the repositories. Will I have to wait until the next major version to get updated Java?06:49
Muhammad_Saaddarkbishop, I think you should try asking at #samba. They will know better than us.06:49
scuniziajax4, a newer updated version for linux or windows..?06:50
ajax4scunizi: Linux.06:50
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darkbishopMuhammad_Saad, no one there.. i think eveyone gone home for eid mubarak already..06:50
scuniziajax4, you can always ask in #ubuntu+106:51
shepherdwhat is the best thing to play games with?06:51
scunizishepherd, a computer :)06:51
darkbishopshepherd, offcouse XboX06:51
shepherdno wine of vmware or some other thing i dont know about06:51
ajax4scunizi: Well, I'm sure the newest version of Java will be in the next version of Ubuntu. I'm just wondering whether I should install the Java binaries off their site or if Hardy will be updated with the new Java version.06:52
devslashnulli dont understand something about ubuntu. i installed amarok and it said that it would take up 131MB of additional space. when i uninstalled it, it said it would free up 31MB. so what happened to the other 100MB ???06:52
scuniziajax4, they might be in backports.. not sure if they will be officially backported to hardy06:52
ajax4devslashnull: That 131mb prob consists of other libraries that amarok needs but that won't get uninstalled when you uninstall amark.06:53
Muhammad_Saaddarkbishop, :D . Then try at the Ubuntu forums. It will take a little time but you will most probably be able to solve your problem. I wish I could help you but I do not know much about samba.06:53
ajax4devslashnull: amarok.06:53
devslashnullthats dumb06:53
devslashnullwhat if i want to uninstall them ?06:53
shepherdi read virtualbox doesn't have 3d accleration06:53
ajax4devslashnull: You can as long as other programs don't rely on those libraries.06:54
darkbishopMuhammad_Saad, np.. im here to learn... so reading wont hurt..... thx for the point..06:54
scunizidevslashnull, those other libraries are part of kde that are necessary to run amorak06:54
devslashnullim on ubuntu06:54
nydocI am new to ubuntu. Can someone tell me I can learn more about how to use the terminal?06:54
Oxygenfa1Hey guys, I got some folders in the trash I can't delete because I don't have permission06:55
scunizidevslashnull, ubuntu is gnome  which can run kde programs with the library dependancies..06:55
Oxygenfa1They were read only copied from a cdr. How do I get rid of them ?06:55
Oxygenfa1dev/null ? Breakcore ?06:55
ajax4nydoc: What kinds of things do you want to use the terminal for?06:55
scuniziOxygenfa1, gksudo nautilus ... then navigate to the trash and delete..06:55
nydocI am not sure what the terminal can do?06:56
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scunizinydoc, almost everything06:56
Oxygenfa1HMmm what would the path to the trash be ?06:56
nydocNothing is explained in the documentation06:56
ubottuThe location of Trash has changed in 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash06:57
ajax4nydoc: Well you can run programs from the terminal. You can also run your own scripts. Do a search for "bash scripting" in google.06:57
scuniziOxygenfa1, once in nautilus you might need to ctrl+h to show the hidden directories.06:57
Muhammad_Saaddevslashnull, if you want to uninstall the additional packages, you may want to check File->History to see what packages got installed with amarok.06:57
nydocI will try that. thanx06:57
devslashnullok thanks06:58
ajax4nydoc: you're welcome06:58
scunizidevslashnull, you can also google "pure gnome" there's a line in  the link that will eliminate all traces of kde06:58
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erikjaHow do I get access to a ubuntu computer via my lan with for instance winscp ?07:00
koala_maninstall openssh-server07:01
erikjakoala_man, thank you07:01
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:03
CaptainMurphyI need some serious help installing ubuntu 8.04lts07:04
ajax4CaptainMurphy: You need to be more specific.07:04
CaptainMurphyI'm installing over a partition that had ubuntu 8.04 and was seriously damaged (dpkg was broken) however I'm having a problem installing it07:04
erikjakoala_man, works like a charm, thanks!07:05
CaptainMurphyI tried to install over that partition in gparted, I selected that partion, made it the root, set it to be formated07:05
PoisonArrowis there a way to get a userlist of people inside a channel without actually being in the channel07:05
CaptainMurphyhowever when it was installing I recieved a whole bunch of errors aboutfiles that were either "damanged on teh CD/DVD or on the hard disk"07:06
allorderPoisonArrow: /list #channel07:06
CaptainMurphybut I burned another copy of the cd off a new download of the iso and the same thing happend and I checked the cd for consistancy which makes me think its trying to read files off the old install on that partition - does that make any sense at all?07:06
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BubblesTrouble#join C++07:07
BubblesTroublejoin #C++07:07
CaptainMurphycan anyone help me install ubuntu over an old partition of ubuntu?07:08
ajax4CaptainMurphy: You could try wiping the old partition using Gparted. You can download and burn a bootable CD of that program off their site.07:08
Rat409BubblesTrouble:  try /join07:08
CaptainMurphyI have one, Can I use it to wipe only that partition?07:08
scuniziCaptainMurphy, if it's the live cd you might use the partition editor to delete the partition then recreate it and format it as ext3.. then continue with the install.. remember that for future installs it's easier with 3 partitions for ubuntu .. root.. swap.... and /home .. root=8-12 gigs... swap=1gig max and the rest /home07:09
ajax4CaptainMurphy: Yes, you would format the partition. I don't know if that's your problem but you can try it.07:09
jmsthingok I have finally burned a disc so I'm off to try it now07:09
gamma-xRat409, u use syslinux? havin some trouble understanding it... and also do i have to put a usb iso on there like backtrack? or can they be live cd ido's07:09
jmsthingat 2AM lol07:09
Aaqilhi how to completely remove wine and chrome with it from my ubuntu?07:09
CaptainMurphyI have 4 partitions 1 windows 2 ubunto 3 swap 4 storage (ntfs)07:10
CaptainMurphyI thought ubuntu used gparted07:10
CaptainMurphybut for some reason when I selected the second partition to be formated it didn't seem like it spent any time formating it07:11
ajax4Aaqil: Check your ~/.wine folder. Most of the installed programs for wine should be stored in there.07:11
CaptainMurphyand then threw a bunch of errors at me07:11
Rat409gamma-x: i know what it does but not up on it hmm07:11
scuniziCaptainMorgan, gparted is the partition editor.. 3 swaps?  back it down to 1 even if you have multiple installs of other os's07:11
gamma-xRat409,  ok thanks anyway.07:11
CaptainMurphyI have 1 swap07:11
CaptainMurphy1 windows os07:11
CaptainMurphy1 storage partition (no os)07:11
CaptainMurphyand one that I want to be windows07:12
CaptainMurphyI mean ubuntu07:12
CaptainMurphysigh its getting late07:12
Rat409gamma-x: try here  http://www.pendrivelinux.com/07:12
scuniziCaptainMorgan, ah you were just numbering them.. missed that.07:12
CaptainMurphyeverythings going wrong today07:12
CaptainMurphythe reason I'm re-installing is that somehow I damaged dpkg07:13
CaptainMurphyso I couldn't update anything or fix anything07:13
CaptainMurphyI don't even know how sh*t like that happens07:13
scuniziCaptainMorgan, jump up and down on 1 foot and bang forehead with hand once..07:13
CaptainMurphyI've already tried that with a wall instead of my hand07:13
scuniziCaptainMorgan, this is a good argument for a seperate /home partition.. that way you won't loose your data.07:14
ajax4CaptainMurphy: When you selected format for that partition, did you select "apply" ?07:14
Aaqi1hi , how to completely remove wine and chrome with it?07:15
ajax4CaptainMurphy: I think the button is called "apply"...it writes all the changes you make to the disk at once.07:15
ajax4Aaqil: Check your ~/.wine folder. Most of the installed programs for wine should be stored in there.07:15
Aaqi1ajax4: where is that?07:15
Aaqi1Aaqi: hello that was me alias07:15
scuniziAaqi1, /home/<username>/.wine07:15
ajax4Aaqil: It's a hidden directory in your home directory called "wine". Inside are directories that contain all the programs you install while using wine.07:15
vr8mfhi, how can i instal or configure beryl in ubuntu 8.04?07:15
CaptainMurphyI hit apply07:16
arooni-mobilename of a program that remembers what i've copied to the clipboard and easily allows me to recall it.07:16
ajax4CaptainMurphy: You have to select the partition, mark it as formatted, and hit apply. Did you do all that?07:16
Aaqi1ajax4: so i should manually delete files from that directory?07:16
CaptainMurphyI'm using my gparted live cd now to do just that07:16
CaptainMurphyits really working at it07:16
ajax4Aaqil: Is there a directory in "wine" called "drive_c" ?07:16
Aaqi1ajax4:  yup07:17
ajax4CaptainMurphy: You said before it did it quickly and didn't seem to go thru with it. Is it working now?07:17
CaptainMurphybefore I was using the ubuntu manual partitioner07:17
CaptainMurphyand that didn't work07:17
ajax4Aaqil: That's what wine uses as your windows drive c. Erasing that directory is just like erasing your C: drive on windows.07:18
Aaqi1ajax4: there was some terminal command to un install some thing what was that please07:18
CaptainMurphynow I'm using the gparted live cd, and it seems to be working07:18
Aaqi1sudo removeall wine?07:18
CaptainMurphygoing to throw the ubuntu cd in there again and hopefully this time it won't vomit everywhere and die07:19
BidgetCan anyone help me set up my dual display system? I have it set to twinview and I have a CRT monitor and a regular TV. The monitor is at 1600x1200 and the tv is 640x480, but instead of making 2 seperate displays it sets it as one big display thats 2240x1200, and then the part of the desktop that is "below" the tv is just cut off. Also when I fullscreen a video it spans across both displays and looks terrible... Someone the other night men07:19
Bidgettioned something about xinerama but I'm not quite sure what that is. Anyone have experience with this sort of thing?07:19
ajax4Aaqi1: I think its sudo aptitude remove wine07:20
scuniziBidget, do you have a nVidia card?07:20
Aaqi1thanks ajax :D07:20
Bidgetnvidia 8800gt07:20
arooni-mobilehow do i move things on the panel (from side to side)?07:20
Aaqi1How to add some application to my start programs that i log in to ubuntu and it runs automatically?07:21
ajax4arooni: right click then select MOVE. You might have to unlock them first.07:21
Bidgetactually I think it might have been you that mentioned xinerama the other day but I could be wrong haha07:21
arooni-mobilehow do i move things on the panel (from side to side)?  things like temperature, word definitions, program icons etc.....07:21
ajax4arooni-mobile: right click then select MOVE. You might have to unlock them first.07:21
scuniziBidget, you might install nvidia-settings .. it might allow you to change all the settings.. also.. I found that when connecting an external display (second monitor) I have to totally shut down and then start back up again.. sometimes is works .. sometimes not.07:21
Bidgetscunizi, I have tried restarting multiple times and it is still doing the same thing, will try nvidia settings though07:22
arooni-mobilethanks ajax407:22
Bidgetscunizi, actually nvidia-settings is what Ive been using already haha07:22
scuniziBidget, ah.. after shutting down and restarting.. have you run the configuration line at the first part of /etc/X11/xorg.conf?07:23
arooni-mobileajax4, should i lock everything to the panel?07:24
Bidgetscunizi, Im not sure exactly what you mean so Im thinking probably not haha07:24
scuniziBidget, but leave out the "-phigh" part and it will ask questions.07:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about remove07:25
scuniziBidget do a .... cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | less and look for the line and write it down..07:25
ajax4arooni-mobile: It's up to you. They usually stay in place just fine but if you find that you are always accidentally moving them you might considering locking them.07:25
Bidgetscunizi, ok and which line should I be looking for?07:25
Aaqi1how to add gmail checking to my start up programs?07:25
scuniziBidget, it's toward the top of the file.. dpkg-reconfigure xorg something something.07:26
Bidgetscunizi, ok and after I write this down what should I be doing with it?07:26
scuniziBidget .. type it into a terminal07:26
Bidgetscunizi, k07:26
Bidgetscunizi, but leave out the -phigh like you said?07:27
scuniziBidget, yep07:27
Bidgetscunizi, k will let you know how it goes07:27
arooni-mobileso i tried installing glipper & kllipper (programs that remember what you put on the clipboard... but i can't figure out how to launch them let alone get them to run :P.  i tried gnome-do to launch as well as looking on the applications => submenus.07:28
falloreall of a sudden my ubuntu is not privileged to mount my windows partition, anyone know why?07:28
Bidgetscunizi, its asking if it should use kernel framebuffer device interface but Im not sure what that is exactly...??07:28
scuniziBidget, use the default07:28
Bidgetscunizi, ok so... it didnt actually do anything all it did was ask me about my keyboard and mouse07:30
michaesauranyone know how to get exaile to work?07:30
Daft_Punkmy java works fine in opera (latest version) but does not work in mozilla. java is located at /usr/java/jre(version). how can i get it working in firefox? (i think firefox is using an older version of java)07:30
CaptainMurph1here goes round three installing ubunut07:30
michaesaur!exaile | michaesaur07:32
ubottumichaesaur, please see my private message07:32
Bidgetscunizi, I typed sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg but all it did was ask me about my mouse and keyboard settings. Should I maybe try including the -phigh part of the command?07:32
CaptainMurph1same problem!!!07:33
CaptainMurph1right at 25%07:33
scuniziBidget, first restart x and see if it worked..07:33
CaptainMurph1the following file did not match it's source copy on the CD/DVD:07:33
administratorcan u help me?07:33
Uplinkbye everyone =]07:33
darvishhow do you alt+tab out of a fullscreen games back to desktop? is that possible?07:34
Aaqi1administrator: help me you are admin07:34
CaptainMurph1this particular error is often due to a fualty CD/DVD disk or drive, or faulty hard disk. it may help tot clean the cd/dvd ...blah balh balh07:34
CaptainMurph1WHY IS THIS HAPPENING!?!?!?!?07:34
scunizidarvish, depends on the game if you can or not and what the keystrokes are.07:35
darvishscunizi, oh i see, thank you07:35
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CaptainMurph1I've checked the disk for errors, it said none07:36
CaptainMurph1then I try to istall and I gett this07:36
administratori want install an emulator on my ubuntu07:36
administratorwhat should i do07:36
CaptainMurph1ajax are you still there?07:37
Bidgetscunizi, so now nvidia-settings is telling me that Im not using an nvidia driver and to use nvidia-xconfig but when i try to do that it says that the data in /etc/X11/xorg.conf is incomplete because it's missing a driver line07:37
fallore!enter | administrator07:37
ubottuadministrator: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:37
Bidgetscunizi, so it backed up my xorg and made a new one... what should I do now?07:38
CaptainMurph1Can anybody help me install ubuntu over an old partion of ubuntu that no longer works!?07:38
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scuniziBidget, ok... do the reconfigure line again and add the -phigh07:38
Bidgetscunizi, k07:38
scuniziBidget, then restart x07:38
ajax4CaptainMurph1: What are the system specs?07:39
Ademanhey where did the trash directory go to? it used to be ~/.Trash  but iirc it moved to ~/.config/trash or something like that, anyone remember specifically?07:39
Bidgetscunizi, no change07:39
_haywire_CaptainMurph1 why don't you delete or format the partition and start fresh -- also did you burn your iso using hte slowest burn speed possible?07:39
scuniziBidget, did you restart x?07:39
Bidgetscunizi, when I added the -phigh it also didnt even ask me any questions07:39
Bidgetscunizi, yes07:39
CaptainMurph1I just did07:39
CaptainMurph1I jsut did07:39
ajax4CaptainMurph1: What are the system specs?07:40
CaptainMurph1I went in with a DIFFERENT live cd and deleated and created a new partiion07:40
scuniziBidget, check the System/Admin/hardware section and see if nvidia drivers are still tagged07:40
CaptainMurph1god damn it this worked before why does it fail now?07:40
CaptainMurph1I can't tell you very well off the top of my head07:41
Bidgetscunizi, there is a line there for the nvidia driver but the "enabled" box is unchecked, should I check it?07:41
CaptainMurph1I'm in the liveCD mode of ubuntu because the install failed07:41
scuniziBidget, yes07:41
bastid_raZor!trash | Ademan07:41
ubottuAdeman: The location of Trash has changed in 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash07:41
Bidgetscunizi, k07:41
CaptainMurph1maybe you can tell me how to get my specs from there?07:41
Bidgetscunizi, restart x now?07:41
ajax4CaptainMurph1: You can try the alternate (not live) CD07:41
Ademanthanks bastid_raZor07:41
Bidgetscunizi, oh actually it's telling me I will need to do a system restart, I'll be back in a minute or two07:41
scuniziBidget, after it loads and is done.. it should prompt you to restart..07:41
Bidgetscunizi, yeah it did, brb07:41
CaptainMurph1whats the alrernate?07:42
_haywire_CaptainMurph1 are you trying to install with the live cd running?07:42
CaptainMurph1no no no07:42
CaptainMurph1I tried to install right off the CD07:42
CaptainMurph1that didn't work07:42
_haywire_what happened?07:42
CaptainMurph1I got hit with errors copying files over for some dumb reason that makes no sense07:42
ajax4CaptainMurph1: Low-spec'd systems have problems installing with the live CD.07:42
CaptainMurph1then it loaded the live CD becuase it got errno5] input/output error07:43
CaptainMurph1its a high spec machine07:43
CaptainMurph12 gigs ram, dual core07:43
|Juan|im trying to use the bless hex editor but whenever i try to save a file i get an error saying "There is not enough free space on the device to save file" even though its a 2mb file and i have 50gb free07:43
CaptainMurph138 gigs for this partition07:43
=== |Juan| is now known as Juan
fallore!enter | CaptainMurph107:43
ubottuCaptainMurph1: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:43
_haywire_captmurph and this same disc has worked in the past for install07:43
falloreall of a sudden my ubuntu is not privileged to mount my windows partition, anyone know why?07:43
CaptainMurph1and it had a working version of ubuntu on it for about half a year07:43
=== Juan is now known as |Juan|
|Juan|im trying to use the bless hex editor but whenever i try to save a file i get an error saying "There is not enough free space on the device to save file" even though its a 2mb file and i have 50gb free07:44
c0mput3rwhy does my sound like crap?07:44
CaptainMurph1sorry... I'm sorry, I'm just getting really frustrated with this process where everythign is failing and I don't understand why. I'll keep them to one line.07:44
ajax4fallore: Have you modified fstab recently?07:44
falloreajax4: nope, not to my knowledge07:44
c0mput3rsounds distorted07:44
Bidgetscunizi, alright its restarted, should I try enabling my tv as a display now?07:44
ajax4fallore: Usually when that happens your permissions are incorrect in fstab.07:45
falloreajax4: if it helps, every so often my rhythmbox will not let me play music from that partition and i have to reboot or restart x multiple times till it sorts itself out07:45
KazaLitedoes fsck work fine on NTFS?07:45
scuniziBidget, yep07:45
_haywire_CaptainMurph1 did u check md5 checksums on your cd disc? burn another iso using your burners slowest setting if you can07:45
c0mput3rsounds like the sounds is "too loud" when i have the sound low?07:46
CaptainMurph1I didn't check the md507:46
CaptainMurph1but I did run the self test that the ubuntu cd has on it07:46
_haywire_if the cd's popping up it's prolly all right then and if the live cd runs07:46
ajax4fallore: I forget which lines you add to fstab for windows...lemme see if I can find that07:46
_haywire_CaptainMurph1 do you have 7.04 around you can try07:47
scuniziBidget .. one thing I found with my tv hooking it to my laptop is that you have to have the tv on and the computer off.. then boot.. if the tv doesn't display properly you might try turning the tv off and then back on again.. sometimes they have problems picking up the signal from the video card correctly.07:47
CaptainMurph1I might hold on.  Does anyone have the md5 for ubuntu-8.04.1-desktop-i386.iso07:47
Bidgetscunizi, still doing the same as before07:48
Bidgetscunizi, I also restarted x and that doesnt help at all07:48
c0mput3rcan some1 help with sound?07:48
bastid_raZorc0mput3r; you could check alsamixer07:49
Bidgetscunizi, is there a way to set it up so they are 2 seperate displays and there isnt a big patch of dead space under the tv that I cant see?07:49
_haywire_sound check: can you hear me now?07:49
scuniziBidget, you have the wrong resolution..07:49
c0mput3rit didnt sound llike crap b407:49
ham_does someone know how to install oicq in ubuntu07:49
c0mput3rsounds like the sounds is "too loud" when i have the sound low07:49
Bidgetscunizi, what do you mean?07:49
jim_phello again07:49
wariskamparhello, how do I get city code to use in conky weather script07:49
scuniziBidget, what are you trying to set it for.  the rez on the tv side?07:49
Bidgetscunizi, they are both set to what they should be07:49
_haywire_ham_ it's not in the repository?07:49
scuniziBidget, which is?07:50
Bidgetscunizi, the tv is 640x480 and the monitor is 1600x120007:50
c0mput3rsound gets distorted07:50
bastid_raZorwariskampar; google your weather city code07:50
scuniziBidget, what did you try to set the tv for? with nvidia settings07:50
Bidgetscunizi, 640x480...07:50
c0mput3ru know when u have sound too loud? and the sound gets distorted? but i have the volume low07:50
scuniziBidget, lcd tv07:50
Bidgetscunizi, no07:50
Bidgetscunizi, regular tv07:50
bastid_raZorwariskampar; #conky may also have more detailed help; they are a bit slow but have all the answers07:51
scuniziBidget, how are you hooking it up.. what kind of cable?07:51
Bidgetscunizi, component07:51
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scuniziBidget, hang on a sec.07:51
Bidgetscunizi, it shouldnt be anything to do with the cables I can have both displays working fine in windows xp (I dualboot)07:51
pewbengHi. If I try to boot (k)ubuntu 8.04.1 in desktop mode or try to install it, "Loading Linux Kernel" gets stuck at 52%. Any ideas?07:52
Bidgetscunizi, I would just really like to get it working in ubuntu so I can be windows-free :)07:52
ham_haywire, how to check if in repository?07:52
ham_i am newer to ubuntu07:52
nate_Hi I just installed Nvidia-settings, I got my dual monitors set up and everything, BUT when i restart my computer the logon screen shows up on the extended monitor and i want it to be on the laptop monitor.07:52
Bidgetnate_ I am trying to set up both my displays and am having problems, are both of your displays the same resolution?07:53
CaptainMurph1I checked the MD507:53
ham_where to find the application program running on ubuntu07:53
CaptainMurph1the codes match.07:53
nate_no, they are different. my laptop is 1280/800 and my monitor is 1024/76807:54
_haywire_ham_ system > administration > synaptic package manager07:54
Bidgetnate_, when you're using them is there a sort of blank spot underneath one of the displays? do you get what I mean?07:54
scuniziBidget, 480x440 might fix the display07:54
mistformc0mput3r, stop recording manuer spreaders?07:54
Bidgetnate_, cause I am using a monitor and a tv and the tv is 640x480 and the monitor is 1600x1200 and below the tv it gets cut off its weird07:54
Bidgetscunizi, ok will give it a shot07:55
thedesthey, i seem to have some problem installing ubuntu cause of bad blocks.. i tried fsck with cf but it doesnt seem to do the trick, any ideas?07:55
Bidgetscunizi, I dont have the option of 480x440...07:55
ham_haywire, synaptic package manager can find all software ubuntu supported?07:55
sullyva86anybody know how to get virtualbox to work with usb?07:55
nate_no, i have that set up correctly. the resolutions are good on both. no weird spots. maybe its because one monitor is such a high resolution and the other is really low?07:55
mistformc0mput3r, first of all, do a hardware check. make sure the speakers are plugged in correctly, there are no shorts or frays in the cable, etc07:55
scuniziBidget, how are you going from a computer to the component cables?  is there an interface box  or something?07:56
Bidgetnate_, Im not sure but its like instead of setting both displays independantly it makes one big display of 2240x1200 and then the part below the tv is cut off its really annoying and I cant figure it out lol07:56
nate_or do you have the little boxes lined up and not overlapping?07:56
Bidgetscunizi, there is an adapter that plugs into my video card that has the component cables coming out07:56
bastid_raZorBidget; you could look in X Server Display Configuration in Nvidia-settings to see if you can move the Layout of the tv monitor down07:56
nate_im trying to make my primary monitor my laptop i think thats what i need to do?07:57
pewbengIf I try to boot (k)ubuntu 8.04.1 in desktop mode or try to install it, "Loading Linux Kernel" gets stuck at 52%. Any ideas?07:57
Bidgetbastid_raZor, yeah but all that would do is create a blank spot above the monitor07:57
_haywire_ham_ yes but you may have to add the universal repositories and/or user contributions07:57
ham_haywire, thank you07:57
mistformham_, you need the good ubuntu repositories to be able to find the supported updates.07:57
_haywire_ham_ your welcome :)07:57
nate_does anyone know the difference bw CRT/DFP on the monitor settings?07:57
Bidgetnate_, there should be an option in your settings to set which is the primary display, I have one on mine its just a little checkbox underneath the position and resolution settings07:58
mistformwhen I try to connect to a fps server, it says "Invalid GUID"07:58
bastid_raZorBidget; then the resolution your card is pushing to the tv is not big enough, with component it does not resample the image and displays the exact resolution, if your tv is 1280x1024 but your card pushed 800x600 then it will have blank spots07:58
ajax4fallore: I can't find it...but have to step away from my comp for a few minutes. I'll be back.07:58
scunizinate_, crt is the larger boxy monitors and dfp is a digital flat panel07:58
bastid_raZorBidget; using an S-Video cable will fix the problem.07:58
falloreokay, ajax4, thanks07:58
Bidgetbastid_raZor, I dont have s-video out only component07:59
Bidgetbastid_raZor, actually I said that wrong, I have s-video out but my tv doesn't have s-video in07:59
nate_hmm okay07:59
Doctehhey whats the pidgen console client called07:59
bastid_raZorBidget; you'll need to get the tv resolution set correctly, otherwise you'll have blank spots.07:59
amygdalaHello! I lost autostart for cd/dvd and sd-card. However, usb-flash properly and regularly autostarts. Can anyone help?08:00
scunizibastid_raZor, her tv is a standard one.. not a plasma or lcd.. difficult to believe that a standard tv could display 1280x1024 but it might if it was real quality08:00
Bidgetbastid_raZor, but it is set correctly... its set at 640x480, its not the resolutions that are the problem its that instead of setting the displays independantly with the tv at 640x480 and the monitor at 1600x1200, its creating one large display thats 2240x1200 that spans across both displays, and because I can only see 640x480 on the tv the part below is cut off08:00
CaptainMurph1I checked the md5 and its correct. I downloaded two open source burning programs for windows (what I'm running on this junktop right now) and neither of them burn at any speed lower than "maximum"  do you know any programs I can use to burn this cd slower so it might not have errors in the exact same place as another cd that I burned maybe months ago?08:00
Bidgetbastid_raZor, but I just want to be able to set it so it doesnt span across both displays... get what I mean?08:00
ajax4CaptainMurph1: Yes?08:01
Bidgetscunizi, Im pretty sure I should only be setting this tv to 640x480 I dont want to wreck it or anything08:01
nate_well im gonna restart and see if this worked :)08:01
bastid_raZorBidget; are you using xinerama or twinview? i assume you have an nvidia card?08:01
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Bidgetbastid_raZor, I am using twinview, whats xinerama? someone mentioned I should try it the other night but I dont know what it is or how to configure it08:02
bastid_raZorscunizi; that resolution was an example.08:02
scunizibastid_raZor, she's using twinview and would like to setup xinerama..08:02
Bidgetbastid_raZor, and yeah its an 8800gt08:02
ajax4fallore: Post your fstab to pastebin so I can take a look at it.08:02
bastid_raZorBidget; in nvidia-settings you can set xinerama08:02
Bidgetbastid_raZor, where...? the only options I have are disabled twinview or seperate x screen (requires restart)08:02
Bidgetbastid_raZor, do I have to install something seperately to get it to show up?08:03
scuniziBidget, sounds like seperate x screen08:03
falloreajax4: how do i view it?08:04
CaptainMurph1Does anybody know an open source cd burning program for windows that burns at a slower speed than  "maximum" or is that my hardware acting up?08:04
Bidgetscunizi, well I tried the seperate x screen thing yesterday and it didnt seem to help, and I couldnt figure out how to go from one display to the other it was a little strange08:04
ajax4fallore: the fstab file?08:04
dn4Does anyone know how to use winetricks to install dotnet208:04
Bidgetscunizi, it also ran VERY slowly08:04
_haywire_CaptainMurph1 try infrarecorder08:04
falloreyes, ajax408:04
bastid_raZorBidget; can you pastebin your xorg.conf?08:05
Bidgetbastid_raZor, sure one sec08:05
_haywire_CaptainMurph1 if that don't work try deepburner08:05
ajax4fallore: fstab is at /etc/fstab. You can use any text editor to view it.08:05
CaptainMurph1I tried infracoder and CDvurnerXP08:05
Bidgetbastid_raZor, http://paste.ubuntu.com/51996/08:05
ajax4CaptainMurph1: Did you check the md5sum of the iso file you downloaded? Or the burned cd itself?08:06
_haywire_captmurph i use nero and it does but it's complete bloat ware08:06
Bidgetbastid_raZor, I notice in there that it actually mentions xinerama but in my nvidia-settings it doesnt show up anywhere08:06
jafais anyone using the new Seagate 1.5TB drives with Hardy? I keep getting "ata frozen", "resetting" errors in the kernel log (Ubuntu locks up for 30 sec each time it happens). Same install worked fine with 500GB Seagates.08:07
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:08
jim_phow do i ask the bot about the name of the nvidia default drivers package?08:08
jafamultiple 1.5TB drives - error seen on each. The specific command is a flush-to-disk command08:08
bastid_raZorBidget; you have the exact same setup i have, you're sure 640x480 is the largest resolution your tv can handle?08:09
Bidgetbastid_raZor, I definitely dont want to push it...08:10
WIGGMPkk9copy keeps crashing in the middle of a rip, im using Ubuntu Hardy Heron amd64, any thoughts??08:10
Bidgetbastid_raZor, since I cant see xinerama in my nvidia-settings is there a way that I can change to xinerama by changing one of the lines in xorg.conf?08:10
ajax4WIGGMPk: Some DVD's have a new copy protection that causes that to happen.08:10
bastid_raZorBidget; it isn't going to do any harm, rather display too large for the screen.08:10
WIGGMPkajax4: whats the work around then?08:11
willwork4fooI'm trying to research a cheap USB wifi adapter that will work "out-of-the-box" as much as possible on my WPA2 wifi network, on the latest version of Kubuntu.... does anyone have any recommendations?08:11
WIGGMPkajax4: what copy protection would that be? because I need an equivalent to DVD Shrink & DVD Decrypter and there doesnt seem to be on for linux08:11
FinnishI'm trying to run a script, but i get "Must be root to run this script...", although I have sudo in front08:12
Bidgetbastid_raZor, like on line 85 in xorg.conf would I just be able to change that to Option    "Xinerama" "1" or something?08:12
ajax4WIGGMPk: Try DVD Shrink and if it does the exact same thing, then it's the disc not the program.08:13
bastid_raZorBidget; http://www.paralipsis.org/2006/01/enabling-xinerama-in-ubuntu/08:13
WIGGMPkajax4: i dont want to try DVD Shrink, that involves installing Windows on another machine or a virtual machine... this seems completely unnecessary08:14
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Bidgetbastid_raZor, thanks a lot :)08:14
Daisuke_Idoif you don't want to troubleshoot potential problems, that's up to you, he's just trying to help08:14
ajax4WIGGMPk: I can't say for certain whether the disc your trying to backup is crashing because of the copy protection or the program you are using. If it's the copy protection, there is not much you can do.08:14
Daisuke_Idoyou can run it under wine as far as i know08:14
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ajax4WIGGMPk: Install vobcopy...run vobcopy -m and see if it also locks up.08:15
bastid_raZorBidget; be sure to make a backup of your current xorg.conf before making any changes.08:15
WIGGMPkajax4: well I know for a fact its able to be copied.. it uses bad sectors to throw a wrench in the works.. but it pains me to see that theres no alternative for this08:15
legend2440Bidget: just a thought when i se up tv out i had to add a line  under   Section "Device"  that says   Option        "TVFormat" "NTSC-M" in order for it to look right on my tv    (ntsc-m is for us and canada)08:16
Bidgetbastid_raZor, right08:16
amygdalaHello! I lost autostart for cd/dvd and sd-card. However, usb-flash properly and regularly autostarts. Can anyone help?08:16
Bidgetlegend2440, hmm interesting08:16
FinnishHow do I update grub?08:16
Bidgetlegend2440, well once I get it set up even close to the way I want I will worry about that haha :D08:16
WIGGMPkajax4: what im trying to ask is, why isnt there a SLEW of programs available? its seems like there is only 5, and half arent maintained08:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nvidia-glx-new08:18
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots08:18
bastid_raZorBidget; legend2440 is actually on to a possible fix. looking at my box that is connected via svideo to a TV i have several options that you're missing08:18
Bidgetbastid_raZor, I see... but enabling xinerama would be my first step anyway, right?08:18
AussieGuyif I run an application inside a trimmed-down ubuntu in xen (on ubuntu) how would I go about accessing the files inside my app from the host os?08:19
bastid_raZorBidget; i would try the options first, it may be an easier fix. let me give you my xorg and you can pick out what you may need.08:19
ajax4WIGGMPk: The programs in the repositories have been sufficient for my needs. I don't know if even Windows programs would work on your DVD, which is why I suggested you try it and see.08:19
Bidgetbastid_raZor, ok08:19
JoshooaI need help, I installed Ubuntu on my sister in law's laptop, gateway mx3215, and I can't see the entire screen! The right right and bottom of the screen is just gone, can't see at all, the resolution is 1600x1200 it says and 0Hz refresh rate, I have options for other resolutions but none work and refresh rate has no other options. I have to guess click to even hit the log out button. I think everything is installed okay and I have done a08:19
WIGGMPkajax4: ive copied this DVD once before.. but installing Windows to test it again is just a step backwards.. please enlighten me.. what programs do you use?08:20
ajax4WIGGMPk: I don't back up DVD's very often. When I do I use vobcopy or DVD::RIP. A few have freezed up when ripping regardless of the program I've tried.08:21
WIGGMPkajax4: DVD::RIP eh? ive tried that, and the application itself looks messy08:22
Daisuke_Idoit's more for ripping to AVI08:22
WIGGMPkajax4: and doesnt seem to work for me btw amd6408:22
xyzonehandbrake is better08:22
=== Compaq is now known as neo_chen
bastid_raZorhttp://pastebin.com/m33566aeb Bidget08:22
Daisuke_Idothough it is a very nice piece of software08:22
JoshooaNo one has any idea how to get the screen to show me the whole desktop? I'm desperate I can't even fully use the computer like this08:23
WIGGMPkxyzone: can handbrake rip to ISO and decode modern encryption?08:23
xorandcould someone tell me or link me to how Ubuntu runs shutdown from the gnome desktop without needing a password from the user?08:23
xyzoneWIGGMPk, don't know, for that k9copy works fine, if it's crashing that's not normal08:23
Daisuke_IdoWIGGMPk: i assume you've got all of the proper packages (libdvdcss, etc)08:23
WIGGMPkxyzone: well it is08:23
WIGGMPkDaisuke_Ido: yes very much so08:23
xyzoneI've ripped with k9copy on 64 before08:23
Daisuke_IdoWIGGMPk: what program does copy that particular disc?08:24
ajax4WIGGMPk: Admittedly, I think the selection of DVD Ripping software on Linux is not as good as that for Windows. However, it does the job for me. If you find the software unsatisfactory there is not much I can do about that.08:24
cedric30I synchonised my contact list from my PocketPC using synce, it had downloaded the contact but I have no more contact into evolution... How can I add this contact into evolution and where are they?08:24
xyzoneso, it could be a bad disk, (bastard copy protection, don't buy these discs)08:24
`jivesi love the command line dvdripping on linux08:24
WIGGMPkajax4: seems im better writing me own *cry*08:24
`jivesits the shizznizz08:24
WIGGMPkDaisuke_Ido: DVDFab Decrypter08:24
WIGGMPkDaisuke_Ido: unfortunatly its for Windows08:24
Daisuke_Idocan always see how well it'll run under wine :)08:24
ajax4`jives: You use vobcopy?08:25
xyzoneif you're buying bad dvds that's your own fault08:25
WIGGMPkDaisuke_Ido: thats not an avenue I want to presue08:25
`jivesajax4: i think i type the comand dvdshrink. its been a while now.08:25
WIGGMPkDaisuke_Ido: i dont see why the linux user should have to run to wine and a windows application all the time.. frankly it pisses me off (pardon my french)08:25
xyzonenever mind that, why does xine updates keep breaking vorbis sound in mkv08:26
`jivesi find wine runs apps too slowly..08:26
WIGGMPkscrew wine altogether...08:26
sullyva86jives: have you tried virtualbox?08:26
WIGGMPkexcept for the dev's.. that are doing a wonderful job08:26
CaptJagerso whats the difference between wine and crossover pro08:27
xyzoneit really seems like the world hates vorbis, although its the better lossy format08:27
Daisuke_Ido`jives: wine tends to run at or above native speed, i dunno what you're using it for...08:27
WIGGMPkDaisuke_Ido: I need an application that can break modern encryption and rip DVD's to an ISO re-compressed for DVD5 format.. Is there a native linux app that can do that?08:28
WIGGMPkDaisuke_Ido: preferably for the gnome desktop08:28
Daisuke_IdoWIGGMPk: you're left with three options - run the program that works somehow, get on the devs to implement the new protection for the other rippers, or write your own.08:29
neo_chenthis is my document and I am writing it, but it's chinese, I don't know that do you know.  http://netkiller.hikz.com/book/website/08:29
bastid_raZor!piracy | WIGGMPk08:29
ubottuWIGGMPk: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o08:29
Daisuke_Idoyou don't like wine, that's fine, i don't either, but sometimes it's the only choice08:29
WIGGMPkbastid_raZor: i live in Sweden, its legal08:29
bastid_raZorWIGGMPk; the discussion of it is not legal here, though.08:30
xyzonethe dvd encryption spec was done years ago, there is no new encryption08:30
AussieGuydoes ubuntu server edition come with a desktop?08:30
WIGGMPkbastid_raZor: so, i cant legally copy my OWN DVD's? or discuss it anywhere?08:30
xyzoneI can assure you some "new encryption" will even fail on regular DVD players if they're too old08:30
bastid_raZorWIGGMPk; #ubuntu-offtopic is better suited ;)08:30
Daisuke_IdoAussieGuy: no, that's why it's called the server edition.  however, you can install any desktop you want08:30
xyzoneand that is complete bull08:30
DistortMy internet connection seems to be running noticeably slower since I started using Linux, any ideas/suggestions?08:30
WIGGMPkbastid_raZor: im not asking what is better suited.. im asking if im legally allowed to discuss coping my own personal backups?08:31
DistortUbuntu*, my bad08:31
xyzoneyou can copy whatever you want in your own home08:31
bastid_raZorWIGGMPk; here, no. ubuntu-offtopic yes.08:31
axyjoWIGGMPk: your hostname suggests that you're located in america. Eastern Pennsylvania.08:31
WIGGMPkbastid_raZor: the offtopic channel doesnt yield any answers to my problem08:31
=== mija_na is now known as mija
WIGGMPkaxyjo: right now I am.. visiting relatives08:31
redshadowheroCould setting certain .wav files for the system sounds somehow crash the system sounds?08:31
WIGGMPkaxyjo: or maybe im just using a USA based proxy?08:31
Daisuke_Idothen right now this discussion isn'08:31
Daisuke_Idot happening08:32
WIGGMPkwhat is the world coming to...08:32
axyjoWIGGMPk: i'm pretty sure that freenode's based in america, where this is illegal.08:32
axyjo(not just the servers, i mean the organization)08:32
WIGGMPktalking about it is illegal... like im plotting some global domination effort08:32
Daisuke_IdoWIGGMPk: oh no, people are following the laws of their locality!  what's next?  cats and dogs living together?  it'll be anarchy!08:32
legend2440Distort: http://www.ubuntu-unleashed.com/2008/05/howto-tweak-your-internet-connection.html08:33
Daisuke_Idoit's network policy, get over it.08:33
AussieGuyit also makes a good hypervisor, which is good for my purposes08:33
WIGGMPkbastid_raZor: so I guess using the phrase "In theory" is out of the question lol08:34
JoshooaIt's still legal to copy your own DVDs for your own personal use in America08:34
WIGGMPkJoshooa: oh?08:34
JoshooaIt's just that everyone is actually sharing them with everyone08:34
axyjobut i'm pretty sure it's illegal to share08:34
JoshooaWIGGMPk: That's everything I ever read says08:34
Daisuke_IdoJoshooa: well thanks for the duh.  it is NOT permitted for discussion here, end of story08:34
WIGGMPkJoshooa: so technically im well within my rights?08:35
Daisuke_Idoto copy, yes08:35
axyjoto discuss, no, i think.08:35
JoshooaWIGGMPk: I'm all with you, I think you're fine08:35
Daisuke_Idoto bug people incessantly when you should be at the very least filing bug reports, no.08:35
AussieGuymy friend does some sales work....anyhow once he was showing a movie which is banned in australia, which he downloaded. and the cops walked in08:35
AussieGuythey didnt do anything though08:35
WIGGMPkso how do I dance around this to find out which application is going to be more comparable to windows equivalents ???08:35
Daisuke_IdoTRY THEM08:35
amygdalaNone to help with lost automount?!?08:36
JoshooaWIGGMPk: Yes, just download EVERY program and Try it, duh08:36
Eisenhowergoogle the app08:36
JoshooaWIGGMPk: :)08:36
Daisuke_Idoor hey, there's always google08:36
Daisuke_Idoi mean, it says it's a search engine, it might be able to return some sort of search result for the apps you're looking for08:36
Daisuke_Idomaybe...  i could be wrong about that though08:37
sjovandoes anybody of you know how you can get a line that shows you where the pagewidth ends in a openoffice spreadsheet?08:37
Joshooasarcasm is off topic!08:37
Daisuke_IdoJoshooa: but it's legal in the US!08:37
Daisuke_Idoyou see where this discussion is going08:37
WIGGMPkDaisuke_Ido: you sure abou that08:37
Daisuke_Idono, not sure at all, but i'll be sure to give the president a call to check up on that just as soon as i can08:38
JoshooaDaisuke_Ido: K so if you're using my argument now than you're previous spiel about the DVDs is now null08:38
Distortlol @ "null"08:38
Daisuke_IdoJoshooa: did you miss the sarcasm bit?08:38
JoshooaDistort: wasn't the word I wanted, but I'm tired08:39
JoshooaDaisuke_Ido: Did you miss mine?08:39
Daisuke_Idoit's late, i've got a bit of a headache, i can't get to sleep and i have to be up in 3 hours08:39
sufyanhello, I am not sure how I did this but firefox is taking a very long time loading the webpages, the download speed is fine. I haven't used IRC in something like 5 or 6 years, so if you can tell me where to ask my question, that will be great aswell.08:39
Daisuke_Idoso...  take anything i say with a grain of salt08:39
Distortsufyan: I'm having the same issue~08:40
JoshooaDaisuke_Ido: My point is, this room is about using Ubuntu, and he was asking about using Ubuntu, if everyone should use Google, why come here at all? That's all I'm saying08:40
sufyanDistort: The webpages take time but downloads are fast?08:40
nckhow to read back the boot message ?08:41
Daisuke_IdoJoshooa: he was asking about dvd copying software - that's fine.  he kept whining when people gave him solutions.  THAT's where it got irritating :\08:41
Distortsufyan: Downloads are faster than loading webpages, but they are still slow.08:42
dn4where are wine PRograms files located?08:42
Daisuke_Idodn4: /home/user/.wine/drive_c/08:43
Daisuke_Idowhere user is your username08:43
ogzyis there any way at ubuntu to take the effects without restarting the xorg after i had changed the xorg.conf, i am adding Virtual part at a Subsection08:43
Daisuke_Idoogzy: nope08:44
bastid_raZorogzy; you have to restart X .. ctrl alt backspace will keep you from rebooting the entire box08:44
WIGGMPkDaisuke_Ido: i think "whining" is a strong word dont you? yes, i was given solutions but I have already tried those solutions and I came to this chatroom to find out about any other application that my "google" search might have overlooked..08:45
xyzoneWIGGMPk, it's your disc08:46
xyzonemost likely08:46
nckubuntu cant shutdown or reboot. it freezes , i have to ctrl+alt=backspace to shutdown the gdm. how to fix it?08:46
Zuolaihi, I'd like to have one of the specials keys of my keyboard to launch gvim. There is no such action yet in the keyboard shortcuts settings program - how can I add it?08:47
ubottuIntrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - #ubuntu+1 for discussion | Warning lots of broken software between now and October!08:47
aptg3tm0o<Zuolai> are using metacity or compiz?08:48
waanIs it possible to have desktop effects without compiz? I like the sliding between workspaces but don't want all the compiz overhead.08:49
aptg3tm0o<Zuolai> are u using metacity or compiz?08:49
Zuolaiaptg3tm0o: metacity08:49
aptg3tm0o<Zuolai> you should be able to add it through gconf-editor08:49
Zuolaithanks, will try08:50
BidgetCan someone help me set up xinerama? It is not showing up in my nvidia-settings so I tried to do it manually by editing my xorg.conf http://paste.ubuntu.com/52010/ I followed this tutorial http://www.paralipsis.org/2006/01/enabling-xinerama-in-ubuntu/ anybody know where I went wrong?08:50
aptg3tm0o<Zuolai> go to /apps/metacity/global_keybindings08:50
aptg3tm0o<Zuolai> the /apps/metacity/keybindings_commands08:50
aptg3tm0o<Zuolai> then /apps/metacity/keybindings_commands08:51
Zuolaiaptg3tm0o: and then I edit one of the run_command_X?08:51
Zuolaiaptg3tm0o: where do I configure which command gets executed?08:51
aptg3tm0o<Zuolai> yes, you should edit the unused one08:52
aptg3tm0o<Zuolai> /apps/metacity/keybindings_commands08:52
Zuolaiaptg3tm0o: thanks!08:52
aptg3tm0o<Zuolai> ur welcome08:52
Altarihey guys, i'm trying to install the patch for hostap drivers to allow injection in heron08:53
Altariaaand having a bit of trouble doing so :\08:53
Altariwho could i speak to about this?08:53
Zuolaiaptg3tm0o: how do i get the right keycode?08:54
waanAre there any alternatives to compiz for the gnome desktop?08:54
Zuolaiaptg3tm0o: i think i need something like "0xb7" but "xev" shows totally different codes08:54
aptg3tm0o<Zuolai>why would u need a keycode?08:54
Zuolaiaptg3tm0o: it's a special key08:55
aptg3tm0o<Zuolai>just put like <Alt> for example08:55
Zuolaiaptg3tm0o: it's one of the special keys on my keyboard, not a regular key08:55
aptg3tm0o<Zuolai>um u can check in a terminal08:56
Zuolaiaptg3tm0o: i found it by using the normal dialog08:56
BidgetCan someone help me set up xinerama? It is not showing up in my nvidia-settings so I tried to do it manually by editing my xorg.conf http://paste.ubuntu.com/52010/ I followed this tutorial http://www.paralipsis.org/2006/01/enabling-xinerama-in-ubuntu/ anybody know where I went wrong?08:56
aptg3tm0o<Zuolai>i forgot the command08:56
JoshooaDoes anyone have ANY ideas what would cause Ubuntu to not display the entire desktop or be stuck at a supposed 0Hz refresh rate?08:56
Zuolaiaptg3tm0o: it works, thanks08:56
aptg3tm0o<Zuolai>good then08:57
omgdhey, is there a way to install ubuntu without using the graphical installer?08:57
bastid_raZorJoshooa; your resolution is incorrecdt08:58
bastid_raZoromgd; the alternate cd08:58
koala_manomgd: get the alternative cd08:58
AronI wonder who is maintaing the Anjuta IDE package?08:58
Joshooabastid_raZor: I wish it was that easy, I can't even change the resolution, only 1600x1200 is clear, everything else comes out as that crazy jumble of lines where you can't see anything, and no matter what, refresh rate is 0, that has to be an error. No matter what rez I choose, only 1600x1200 is clear, but no bottom or right side of desktop08:59
koala_manAron: apt-cache show anjuta should say08:59
bastid_raZorJoshooa; which video card?08:59
Joshooabastid_raZor: Built in one on a laptop09:00
Altarianyone able to help?09:00
omgdah, tnx!09:00
BidgetCan someone help me set up xinerama? It is not showing up in my nvidia-settings so I tried to do it manually by editing my xorg.conf http://paste.ubuntu.com/52010/ I followed this tutorial http://www.paralipsis.org/2006/01/enabling-xinerama-in-ubuntu/ anybody know where I went wrong?09:00
thehi folks09:05
=== the is now known as darkone
darkonehello all09:06
darkoneI broke synaptic in ubuntu09:06
k1dugarhello everyone, I want to install debian gdm default theme which is moreblue (I think). can someone tell me from where I can get it.09:06
k1dugardarkone: sudo apt-get update -f09:08
darkoneok hold on09:08
nd_I wonder, I cannot find a mod_access package for apache2... but it does not seem to be included by default..?09:10
darkoneMalformed lie 53 in source list/etc/apt/sources.list (dist parse)09:11
darkonemalformed Line 53 in source list09:11
vondererhi there. is there any way to fix kopete-kde4 crashes on login to ejabberd servers?09:12
Dogim linux newbie09:12
Dogi need help09:12
Dogi got ubuntu gutys gibbon 7.1009:12
Joshooayay we got  a new one, what09:12
balroganybody know why this is segfaulting on line 30?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/52015/09:12
Joshooa's the prob09:12
Dogit won't boot09:12
Daft_PunkDog, why dont u get hardy heron?09:12
vondereris there any way to fix kopete-kde4 crashes on login to ejabberd servers?09:13
Dogill see that later coz it will take me time to download 700megs09:13
Doggot a slow net09:13
k1dugardarkone: you have to fix your source.list. you can  sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list and fix line no 5309:13
JoshooaDog: Did it used to boot?09:13
Dogits shows error"noapic09:13
Dogsomething like that09:13
darkonety  kl09:13
Dogit used to come till that load screen09:14
Daft_Punkmy suggestion was hardy, im a noob too09:14
Dogthen blank out09:14
Doghelp me linux pros09:15
k1dugarDog: you did you already installed it09:16
Doglet me explain i put the disc boot it then in options i give command acpi=off and boot then the ubuntu load screen appers after sometime it just blanks out(its a live cd)09:17
Daft_Punkmos_, this is english only09:18
JoshooaDog: what if you don't do acpi=off?09:18
zcat[1]dog try the alternative cd, for some reason some machines just don't like the live one but they'll install juts fine off the alt.09:18
Daft_Punk!ch | mos_09:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ch09:18
Daft_Punk!chinese | mos_09:18
ubottumos_: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk09:18
zcat[1]ran into two of these last week..09:18
Dogcan u link me to a alternate cd09:18
Doglatest ubuntu09:18
k1dugarDog: you can try noapic not acpi=off09:18
Daft_PunkDog what is your download speed for internet09:18
zcat[1]ubuntu.com, get ubuntu, all mirrors, pick a mirror, scroll down for the different disks..09:19
Daft_Punk!ubuntu | dog09:19
ubottudog: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com09:19
Daft_Punk!mandarin | mos_09:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mandarin09:19
Joshooanoapic, pci=noapci, and acpi=off are all different params you could use09:19
Daft_Punk!japanese | mos_09:19
ubottumos_: 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい09:19
Daft_Punk!chinese | mos_09:19
ubottumos_: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk09:19
Dogmy net download speed in 256kbps09:20
Dogor 30KBPs09:20
zcat[1]looked like chinese to me, not jap..09:20
JoshooaI really hope mos is saying, "How do I change my font back into english????"09:20
kinghello, is there any posibilities that i can manage to build or configure my ubuntu server to handle 4 isp connection09:20
k1dugarDog, you have good speed, you can also do online install09:20
Dogis it09:20
Dogbut how?09:20
zcat[1]hehe, probably.. or 'how do I change my keyboard layout back to en'09:20
Joshooazcat[1]: That would be awesome, cause he'll get answers on the other rooms, but wont be able to read them! *cackle*09:21
k1dugarDog: did you try noapic or pic=noapic (as suggested by Joshooa)09:21
zcat[1]I keep mine in Māori .. don't really know a word of it (apart from 'rorohiko') but I like to be able to do macrons09:21
k1dugarDog: pci=noapic09:22
Dogi have tried noapic09:22
Dogand nolapic09:22
Daft_Punkzcat[1], i love you09:22
Joshooak1dugar: Hey I just said it was a valid param that i found I didn't suggest it09:22
Dogand vga=77109:22
Dogcoz i also had that frequecy error09:22
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Joshooak1dugar: this is the info I was referring to     run without I/O APIC ("noapic"09:22
Joshooakernel param), no ACPI-based PCI routing ("pci=noapci"),09:22
Joshooaor completely without ACPI ("acpi=off").09:22
JoshooaDang sorry didn't think it'd paste enters!!09:23
nd_ Why is there no mod_access as external package or such? Was there a reason for this decision?09:23
Liorhey , im running ubuntu 2 years now and i decide to upgrade my computer to a complete new one. how can i know the parts i choose will work with 8.04 or 8.10 ? there is a company i shall stick with ? intel-based or so ?09:23
Daft_PunkLior, best to use intel for processor and LAN card and geforce for graphics09:23
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Daft_PunkLior, you could use other products like ATI and such, but they are not supported as much09:24
Dogguys tell me what commands to chose while booting09:24
zcat[1]bah no, intel for graphics!!!09:24
Dogto avoid out of frequency error09:24
k1dugarDog: which version you want, 7.10 or 8.0409:24
Dogand acpi error09:24
Daft_Punkzcat[1], are you insane? intel graphics? that would suck hard... get geforce :p09:24
xnvDaft_Punk: Uh, why Intel for processor?09:24
zcat[1]nvidia are the only holdouts now, intel have gone Open, ami and via are following..09:24
Liori see , what about the Mboard ? intel chips ?09:24
xnvLior: http://www.ubuntuhcl.org/09:24
zcat[1]recent intel graphics are not so bad.09:24
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=== NickNick is now known as Milos
Daft_Punkxnv, amd is not power efficient and intel has better processors than AMD at the moment (they are beating AMD in the market), regardless if AMD is slightly faster, it generates more heat and can burn out without sufficient heatsinks09:25
k1dugarDog: latest is 8.04 as stable but 8.10 which will be released after a month09:25
xnvDaft_Punk: So in other words, you're giving your opinion about processors, not about their compatibility with Ubuntu. Thanks for clearing that up.09:25
Dogi can update 8.04 to 8.10 later right without formatiing09:25
Daft_Punkxnv, in other words, processors dont have compatibility issues with ubuntu... just graphics and LAN cards for the most part09:26
JoshooaDaft_Punk: I thought intels got insanely hot without heatsinks?09:27
Daft_PunkJoshooa, they did a test on them, without a heatsink on an intel the processor freezes up until the heatsink is put back on. with amd if the heatsink is taken off, it will literally start smoking and possibly burn the mobo09:27
xnvDaft_Punk: I think that video is like 10 years old09:27
wangorsorry, in my ubuntu 7.10 in console, when I double press tab it suggests me what can I input. In example i type down chown <tab><tab> it lists me all the users. How can I make my own application have that functionality ?09:28
k1dugarDog: you can download http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/releases/hardy/release/ an "Alternate install CD"09:28
Daft_Punkxnv, its not 10 years old, it was done while playing UT2, plus that still applies to today09:28
k1dugarDog: sure you can update09:28
xnvDaft_Punk: I've seen no evidence of that, so I doubt you have.09:28
nd_wangor: Write a supporting file for the shell you use. See the documentation of your shell on how to do this...09:28
zcat[1]the intels throttle back.. doesn't mean they don't generate ore heat under normal operating conditions though.. my understanding is that AMD do more work per clock cycle and therefore use slightly less power and generate less heat for the same workload09:28
Dogk thx09:29
k1dugarDog: its just one command and its updated09:29
Daft_Punkxnv, by your comments i am assuming you are using AMD, there is no problem with that, im just saying that you have to have better heat dissipation, and that some of the newer high end intels are better than the higher end AMD's since intel is releasing quads and soon octas09:29
JoshooaDaft_Punk: Yeah I saw a vid like that, pretty sure from TomsHardware, but I swore it was the intels that would smoke and AMDs just froze up the game. Researching now :)09:29
wangornd_: thanks09:29
Daft_PunkJoshooa, mk let me know how that goes :p09:29
DawnLighthello. i have an ibm netvista thin client here. it is an old thingy. the first problem with it is that it doesn't want to use pxe boot despite that i configure it's bios to do so. so it uses NFS. despite that i tell it not to do so. so i use nfs to give it the pxelinux.0 image and it fetches it and then it says that it is an unsupported file type... why?09:29
Dogk thx kl dugar09:29
zcat[1]xnv: he's correct that intels throttle back, he's not correct in assuming that this means they're 'better' in the sense of being more efficient or running cooler or whatever09:30
k1dugarI want to install debian gdm default theme which is moreblue (I think). can someone tell me from where I can get it.09:30
k1dugarDog: welcome09:30
xnvDaft_Punk: Again, I don't think you have any empirical evidence of this. And no, I don't use AMDs, but I don't avoid them.09:30
k1dugard1g1t: can't find it there09:31
arooni-mobilei get this often when trying to sync files between my dekstop ubuntu and laptop ubuntu:  The file /home/chasetoys/.unison/lk8ae5244da92b5f7fca7b2fa9ac3d695c on host BigArooni should be deleted09:31
arooni-mobile ... how do i fix?09:31
Daft_Punkxnv, you don't have any empirical evidence against what im saying, so you shouldn't be so quick to dismiss it09:31
Daft_Punkzcat[1], in the "better" intels, i am talking about the NEW high end intels vs the newer AMD's on the market, if your comparing older processors, its more difficult, since AMD has a higher FSB it performs better at a lower clock rate09:32
zcat[1]I've always preferred AMDs and NVIDIA but since Intel have gone a lot more Open Source friendly lately I'd be looking at an intel chipset the next time I buy a machine.. including intel graphics (I don't care about gaming that much, I just want compiz to work..)09:32
JoshooaDaft_Punk: Damn you intel! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgOmMAasqto09:33
zcat[1]anyhow, about the AMD burnout thing, yes.. Toms Hardware did a video ages back. Pull the heatsink off an AMD and it bursts into flames. Do the same with an intel and it clocks back to some really low clock speed to keep the temperature under control09:34
linxehI thought AMD fixed that ?09:34
xnvDaft_Punk: I wasn't quick. I tried to find out if you had any. And saying "you can't prove me wrong, so I'm right" is a logical fallacy.09:34
Daft_Punkxnv i didnt say i was 100% right due to a lack of evidence against what I am saying, that was an assumption on your part09:35
xnvzcat[1]: Yes, you got it right... "ages back"09:35
Daft_PunkJoshooa, i bet it smelt like hot dogs:)09:35
zcat[1]No idea if they ever 'fixed' that .. I'm simply saying the video does exist. I've seen it. daft_punk seems to recall seeing it.09:35
xnvDaft_Punk: "i didn't say I was 100% right"? You mean I have to wait for you to say "I'm 100% right" before I question the advice you give people?09:35
Daft_Punkzcat[1], the only reason that happens is because of a higher FSB pushing through more data through a slower clock rate, it just uses more energy and creates more heat on smaller chips, which means it needs a stronger method of cooling compared to that of intel...09:36
zcat[1]personally I'd say amd user to be slightly ahead of intel, right now I think they're about even.09:37
darkonethank you..  i am just going to have to re-install the OS i don't want to wreck the OS any farther09:37
Daft_Punkxnv, ok obviously "advice" is biased, regardless who gives it, it is the advise of that person based on personal experiencecs. you are comparing apples and oranges here (windows and linux) both have pros and cons that outweigh eachother, i dont know why you are fixated on making this into an issue09:37
rohanyo yo09:37
=== sean is now known as Guest65641
Joshooaman I haven't played with a yo yo in forever09:37
chmacHow can I find out when mailman 1:2.1.9-10 will be released for Hardy?09:38
zcat[1]Daft_Punk: nothing to do with how much heat each chip generated, it was because AMD kept going full speed when the heatsink got removed.. Intel had circutry to protect against it by dropping the clock speed09:38
xnvDaft_Punk: I guess I was annoyed that someone asked for compatibility info and you gave them product advocacy.09:38
rohanheh Joshooa , iam a mixer in a club iam talkin about the "yo"09:38
=== mk is now known as Guest5690
rohanchmac: as soon as the new versions re released we will have some changes from our side as well and it will aper in synaptic09:39
zcat[1]at normal clock speeds AMDs and Intels put out about the same amount of heat..09:39
chmacrohan: It's out already, and there's a bug (albeit a small one) in .909:39
zcat[1].. and need about the same amount of cooling to keep running safely and/or at full speed09:39
chmacrohan: Is there somewhere I can report that the new version is out? I'm not really finding my way round launchpad09:40
Joshooazcat[1]: point?09:40
rohanDaft_Punk: iam sorry could you please pm me a copy of your quesry09:40
Daft_Punkxnv, that person asked about intels and graphics cards, I just said that intel is better to use for LAN and NVIDIA for graphics as they are the most compatible for ubuntu, I dont know why I said CPU exactly as that isnt really a compatability issue with ubuntu09:40
Daft_Punkrohan, of my what?09:40
zcat[1]anyhow, if you plan to run gNewSense ou want intel video ;)09:40
rohanDaft_Punk: iam sorry could you please pm me a copy of your query/discussion topic09:41
chmacLet me spin my question another way. If I manually edit /etc/logrotate.d/mailman will it still be updated when the new mailman is release?09:41
chmacOr will my changes prevent the file being updated by apt?09:41
rohanchmac: yep09:41
chmacrohan: It will still be updated?09:41
xnvDaft_Punk: Maybe we just interpreted differently... "how can i know the parts i choose will work with 8.04 or 8.10 ? there is a company i shall stick with ? intel-based or so ?" ... to me that is not asking if one is better than the other, but if one will work better with Ubuntu09:41
gmicI use windows xp for some stuff still while having ubuntu too and using grub. Now I want need to change xp to vista. Will Grub be overwritten or something when I install vista?09:42
rohanchmac: apt will check for version if new/latest  exists if not it will update09:42
chmacrohan: If I edit the file, does apt do any type of integrity check before updating?09:42
zcat[1]gmic: almost certainly09:42
rohanchmac: configure sources properly if a source/mirror is not available it will not be updated09:42
zcat[1]!grub | gmic09:42
ubottugmic: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto09:42
rohanchmac: only executables and libreries not for config files09:43
gmicthanks, reading...09:43
ntinos_or you can create one grub09:43
AdvoWorkHi there, whats the best way to install WINE? from the reps or from their site?09:43
chmacrohan: Ok, it's an executable I think, but I'll check, thanks09:43
zcat[1]gmic: grub is pretty easy to reinstall anyway...09:43
rohanchmac: any time09:44
PeddyCan someone please help me with installing dhcp3-server? Thanks :)09:44
Theebhello, im having trouble with my sessions, everytime i restart, i end up with the same session.09:44
gmiczcat[1], I guess the link you showed me will be enough (and hopefully simple enough to reinstall grub)09:44
zcat[1]AdvoWork: for a recent wine, add their repos ...09:44
JoshooaAdvoWork: You should follow the instructions on their site to add the repository to your computer09:44
rohanPeddy: what kind of help?09:44
PeddyTheeb go to system>preferences>session>session options>untick that box09:44
Peddyrohan whenever it gets run from init.d/ it says 'fail'.09:45
TheebPeddy,  i did , :(09:45
scuserhi all, does anyone know which package should I install to get the file /etc/auth-client-config/profile.d/krb-auth-config ?09:45
rohanpeddy: check configs are they ok?09:45
TheebPeddy, it doesnt help09:45
PeddyTheeb sorry I'm a noob :P can't help you there. ask others09:46
zcat[1]Hmmm.. bleeding edge wine.. I wonder if I can get MSIE7 and/or Office2007 working it that ;)09:46
AdvoWorkJoshooa on the wine site i assume?09:46
sbehhi, how to i re-install locales? i'm not able to locale-gen because localedef hangs with 100% cpu09:46
Peddyrohan: i installed the default configs as well09:46
rohanscuser:whow! lol ive never herd of such a search criteria09:46
Peddyrohan: it can't stop or start.09:46
klon1hello all09:46
zcat[1]I'll start with the MSIE7 installer...09:46
TheebPeddy,  ya man im noob also :p09:46
scuserrohan: so ?09:46
Theebplus my openoffice crushes everytime i save the file09:47
rohanpeddy: config not only hold network settings many other things as well09:47
rohanpeddy: have a look o your config files DHCP will fail if settings are wrong09:48
Peddyk i'll pastebin it09:48
tyberionhrmmm, If I run gnome-terminal --window-with-profile <other then default> -e 'screen -RR -U' it first opens a window with default profile, then one with the profile i specify, how can I just use the profile.. so I dont want 2 terms to be opened, any idea?09:49
Peddyrohan, does is /etc/dhcp/dhcp3/dhcp.conf the *only* conf file dhcpd-server relies on?09:49
rohanpeddy: yes09:49
AdvoWorkhmmm, ive followed the instructions on the site to add WINE to the repositories, now what though? install from package manager?09:50
rohan!DHCP3 > rohan09:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dhcp309:50
Peddyrohan I got a bunch of filenames wrong there09:50
JoshooaAdvoWork: If you added the key then the repo, sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get install wine09:50
Peddyrohan: but that doesn't matter, what I was trying to ask  is there only 1 config file?09:50
rohanpeddy: yes09:51
AdvoWorkJoshooa thanks09:51
Peddyrohan: ok, then I'm 100% sure it's not a config problem. Besides, I've purged and reinstalled.09:52
JoshooaAdvoWork: No problem, I would have answered sooner but I'm installing ubuntu on a laptop and watching Planet Earth09:52
CyberClownPlanet Earth is awesome....watched a few hours of that earlier - sorry to be OT >.>09:52
Peddyrohan are there any logs I can check?09:53
Daft_PunkCyberClown, yeah i got it all on blu-ray, isnt that stuff awesome?09:53
ntinos_ubuntu support blue-ray?09:54
AdvoWorkanyone here installed Sage on ubuntu? using WINE?09:54
Daft_Punkntinos_, yeaaaaah09:54
JoshooaOkay, so if I boot up a 7.10 CD, I can see my entire desktop, but the install fails, if I use my 8.04, it can't handle showing me the entire desktop for some reason, where do I go about finding what changed that ruins Ubuntu usage on the laptop? Anyone?09:54
Daft_Punkhardy does09:54
Peddyomg it's daft punk09:54
JoshooaXubuntu 8.04 does it too, and I have no more cds to try and burn 7.10 again09:55
jaksa- Nautilus Actions is located in System > Preferences. With Nautilus-actions, create two scripts. One will be used to coverflow, and one to preview. You will need to fill in the sections Name, Path, and Parameter in each09:55
rohanpeddyL syslog or other log deamons also try "dmesg  | grep -i DHCP or dhcp"09:55
Daft_PunkPeddy, omg u know me or omg my name is Daft_Punk ?09:55
PeddyNever mind.09:56
Peddyme? rude?09:56
Peddy(18:45:39) Peddy:09:56
PeddyHey, Daft_Punk09:56
Peddy(18:45:44) Peddy:09:56
Peddydo you like Daft_Punk?09:56
Peddy(18:45:49) scunizi:09:56
FloodBot1Peddy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:56
jaksahow this works?09:56
Daft_PunkPeddy, no :s09:57
Daft_Punkoh wait, didnt you start this convo before and i said go to offtopic channel?09:57
zeth-ubuntuMy Pidgin completely crashed and fails to load ... I tried restarting and also completely removing it and reinstalling it .../ but nothing is mking it work again09:57
JoshooaDaft_Punk: LoL09:57
Peddyno you said $offtopic | Peddy09:57
rohanpeddy: what were you trying to do?09:57
zeth-ubuntunow I am haivng to use Kopete .. but I want to get back Pidgin09:57
Daft_PunkPeddy, yeah same thing...09:58
Daft_Punk!offtopic | Peddy09:58
ubottuPeddy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!09:58
zeth-ubuntuplease help09:58
Daft_Punkzeth-ubuntu, try amsn or emesene?09:58
Joshooazeth-ubuntu: What did you do to break it? Did you purge when you removed it?09:58
rohanzeth-ubuntu: please explain better09:58
JoshooaDaft_Punk: He wasn't pidgin back09:58
Peddyrohan: it's complicated, but I need to get dhcpd-server or w/e working.09:58
Peddyrohan: for more info: http://www.howtoforge.com/bluetooth_pand_debian_etch09:58
JoshooaDaft_Punk: wants* wow what a typo09:59
zeth-ubuntuPidgin just crashed on its own ... no telling why09:59
Daft_PunkJoshooa, yeah i know :)09:59
Daft_Punki was offering a solution that i KNOW of :p09:59
Peddybtw, does anyone in the channel have any experience in setting up bluetooth PANs? :P09:59
JoshooaPeddy: I did it once and one time only, never got it to work again10:00
PeddyDaft_Punk: personal area networks10:00
PeddyI want to share the internet on my box w/ my mobile phone via BT10:00
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Joshooazeth-ubuntu: So try sudo apt-get purge pidgin, after that, sudo apt-get install pidgin10:01
zeth-ubuntuthis is what I get when I try to start pidgin: libnm_glib_nm_state_cb: dbus returned an error.  (org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown) The name org.freedesktop.NetworkManager was not provided by any .service files*** glibc detected *** pidgin: double free or corruption (fasttop): 0x0862b588 ***10:01
Daft_PunkPeddy, if your wireless chip supports it (if u are using a laptop or have wireless on ur desktop), u could make ur system into a router basically and if ur phone has wifi u could pick it up that way, but i am unsure of BT10:02
PeddyDaft_Punk: yeah my phone doesn't have wifi otherwise I could just connect to the local wlan10:03
Daft_PunkPeddy, a phone with BT but no wifi? strange :p10:04
PeddyDaft_Punk: lol all phones have BT these days, even $120 (cheap) ones.10:04
Daft_PunkPeddy, i wouldnt know, i only have an expensive phone :(10:05
Peddyrohan: there's nothing about dhcpd in the logs.10:05
AdvoWorkanyone ever used crossover for linux/windows compatability?10:05
PeddyDaft_Punk: my phones not a $120 :P what phone do you have?10:05
n00bis anyone able to give assistance for usb issues?10:05
zeth-ubunturohan: this is what I get when I try to start pidgin from the terminal: zeth@zeth-ubuntu:~$ pidgin libnm_glib_nm_state_cb: dbus returned an error.  (org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown) The name org.freedesktop.NetworkManager was not provided by any .service files Segmentation fault zeth@zeth-ubuntu:~$10:05
Daft_PunkPeddy, sony ericsson p990i (imported)10:05
PeddyDaft_Punk: nice, I have w950. we're UIQ3 brothers.10:06
PeddyDaft_Punk: have you modded your phone?10:06
Daft_PunkPeddy, newp...10:06
HappyHatercomparing tracking devices?10:06
Daft_PunkPeddy, dont really care about phones that much TBH10:06
n00bPeddy, what program do you use? bitpim by anychance?10:06
Peddyn00b: for what?10:07
bozyI will exit10:07
n00bmodding your phone10:07
mijashitt... the ubuntu update had killed my thunderbird10:07
Peddyaha, no.10:07
moncojhr_hey guys, when i try to log into courier i disconnected and in syslog it says something like "cannot find Maildir"10:07
Daft_PunkPeddy, do u mean unlocked? or actual OS mods10:07
Peddygo to uiq-look.org. Me and a friend set it up :)10:07
PeddyDaft_Punk: actual OS mods. and unlocked. but mine was imported anyway :P10:08
moncojhr_I tried to make a folder Maildir in all the obvious places but no change10:08
rohanzeth-ubuntu: try altrenatives if you want10:08
Daft_PunkPeddy, yeah aren't all imports unlocked?10:08
Peddyyeah pretty much10:08
Matic`MakovecNoka N95 8GB is better then all anyways and this is Ubuntu channel.10:08
Peddyn00b: are you having trouble with bitpim?10:08
zeth-ubunturohan: I would use kopete ... but how do I get it to make a noise when someone says my name?10:08
xbxbxbIs there a log of mounted and unmounted devices that survives reboots/shutdowns (something like logging it the HDD)?10:08
mijadoes some one know something about the update problem / thunderbird get broken?10:09
Daft_PunkMatic`Makovec, we are talking about sony ones... which pwn IMO, cuz its sony10:09
n00bPeddy, i havent tried bitpim on ubuntu yet - but i do use it for my lg on windoz10:09
rohanzeth-ubuntu" you mean pinging just like irc right?10:09
zeth-ubunturohan ... I think so10:09
Peddymy favourite mods for UIQ3 are louder volume and menu unlocking.10:09
Matic`MakovecNokia is way better then Sony when it comes to such devices...but seriously, this _is_ Ubuntu channel10:09
AdvoWorkif wine doesnt open a program, can i find out why? its flashing up something(the app intro screen) then closing10:09
rohanzeth-ubuntu: -----> #kde10:09
Daft_PunkMatic`Makovec, then stop talking about nokia phones!10:09
Matic`MakovecYou people started an offtopic conversation10:10
JoshooaAdvoWork: You could try opening it through a terminal so you can read the output10:10
Matic`MakovecBut anyway.10:10
rohanAdvoWork: dll crash liberary problem, invalid settings , resorce problem10:10
n00bnokia phones have their place - but being able to hack the crap out of a phone without diego is pretty nice ;)10:10
AdvoWorkJoshooa how would i do that?10:10
Daft_PunkMatic`Makovec, you are continuing it, 2 wrongs dont make a right my son10:10
Zeesteri can't update firefox 3.0 and xulrunner, update gives a 404, how to fix this?10:10
user__what's the default audio cd burner that comes with ubuntu desktop?10:10
Peddyn00b: are you into phone modding?10:10
xbxbxbIs there a log of mounted and unmounted devices that survives reboots/shutdowns (something like logging it the HDD)?10:10
n00band peddy - i am :D10:11
hateballuser__: Brasero10:11
user__thanks n00b and hateball10:11
dragon_hi !10:11
Peddyn00b: fantastic :D what phones do you have?10:11
Daft_Punk!offtopic | n00b Peddy10:11
ubottun00b Peddy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!10:11
n00byour welcome user__ :D10:11
JoshooaAdvoWork: open a terminal and do      wine /home/user/.wine/drive_c/....10:11
n00blmao you have pm peddy10:11
Peddy!hypocrite | Daft_Punk10:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hypocrite10:12
Zeesteri can't update firefox 3.0 and xulrunner, update manager gives a 404, how to fix this?10:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hyprocrisy10:12
JoshooaAdvoWork: You know, wherever the program is that you were opening with wine10:12
xbxbxbwhy is this the only channel where I *never ever* get an answer to my questions, no matter whether they are trivial or not?10:12
PeddyI like Barney! What about you, good sirs?10:12
user__I remember using another audio cd creator.. it wasn't brasero.. is there another default one?10:12
user__I forgot which one it was10:13
Daft_Punkxbxbxb, because it requires patience and you need to keep asking the question every couple minutes until someone who KNOWS the answer... answers you10:13
Daft_PunkPeddy, seriously, lets keep it to ubuntu support now plz10:13
Joshooaxbxbxb: Cause as soon as you say anything everyone yells at you for being off topic?10:13
kane77user__, there is k3b which is fairly "standard"10:13
user__kane77: hmm.. it wasn't that either.. it was small10:13
user__I really liked it10:13
xbxbxbDaft_Punk:  I do this all the time. Once I asked a question about 10 times over some hours. Then I asked it in #linux, got a reply within 5 min.10:13
AdvoWorkthe errors its showing are like Unimplemented action, QueryInterface no implemented, some classes unregistered, then finally DllCanUnloadNow :/10:13
kane77user__, gnomebaker?10:14
user__kane77: no that wasn't it either.. I don't mind k3b but it won't convert my mp3s to wave format first.. before burning10:14
hateballuser__: Serpentine10:14
user__hateball: yeah! that was it10:14
JoshooaIsn't getting something to run in Ubuntu or getting Ubuntu to run some program or anything that involves going around in or adjusting settings for Ubuntu still considered Ubuntu support? It's like, if anything ever breaks, there's a sub room I need to know of about Ubuntu10:14
kosharixbxbxb you just got an answer to that question10:14
hateballuser__: Brasero will convert on the fly tho10:14
xbxbxbkoshari:  funny.10:14
kane77user__, do you mean to burn mp3's to audio cd?10:14
JoshooaAdvoWork: What are you trying to run?10:14
user__hateball: hmm I tried that and it told me that it doesn't have a codec10:15
Daft_Punkxbxbxb, so maybe your questions are too advanced for this channel?10:15
user__kane77: yup.. sorry that's what I meant10:15
kane77user__, k3b can do this as well, but you have to install a package10:15
hateball!info ubuntu-restricted-extras | user__10:15
ubottuuser__: ubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used restricted packages. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 15 (hardy), package size 3 kB, installed size 32 kB10:15
rohanZeester: a 404 hm..10:15
kosharithere are some very smart cookies at the ##linux chat10:15
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kane77user__, it's called libk3b-mp3 or something like this10:15
kosharii have had some very specific help there10:15
user__okay thanks kane7710:16
user__I will give it ahot10:16
rohankoshari: for ubuntu help you come here and we are not for hire or anything10:16
kane77user__, libk3b2-mp3 to be specific ;)10:16
kosharirohan neither are the folk @ ##linux10:17
Zeesterrohan, aptitude update has fixed the problem10:17
AdvoWorkJoshooa im trying to run sage10:17
Daft_Punkppl who use gentoo and debian would not use this channel they would most likely be in #linux, therefore more "experts" are in #linux comapred to #ubuntu (by logic)10:18
moncojhr_im going to cry soon10:18
babaklinuxfoe runnung a program wich wrote with c++ what commands have to use?10:18
ikoniaDaft_Punk: thats one of the most nonsense staments I've heard, please keep that sort of offtopic randomness to other channels10:18
ikoniababaklinux you need to compile it with a compilers, gcc is the "norm" on most liniux platforms10:19
ikonialinxu platforms10:19
Daft_Punkikonia, dont be jumping to assumptions, i was just putting together what koshari and xbxbxb said... take a chill pill10:19
ikoniaDaft_Punk: no, please keep that sort of nonsense out of this channel10:19
joerackCan someone help me with my webcam? It's a little too dark10:19
ikoniajoerack: what application are you using to "use" the webcam10:20
kosharibabaklinux if you downlaoded the code check if there is a make and install file10:20
kosharibabaklinux or config10:20
Daft_Punkikonia, you no!10:20
ikoniajoerack Hmmm, not sure about webcam support in skype and how it uses10:20
jakobubunt is the best linux ewer'10:20
bazhangDaft_Punk, what is the issue10:21
mijaafter the ubuntu update my thunderbird is no longer working... doe's some one know something about this issue10:21
ikoniaDaft_Punk: please, I'm just requesting you keep that sort of nonsense out of the channel.10:21
joerackunfortunately I cannot change settings like in windows's skype10:21
n00bmija did you search the thunderbird-mozilla forums?10:21
mijanope only ubuntu forums10:21
mijabut a good idea10:21
ikoniamija: there was an update a day or so ago for some of the core libraries for thunderbird/firefox, it may sound obvious but if you have done this updated with thunderbird or firefox running,you need to restart them10:21
mijaikonia: i had restartet 3 times10:22
ikoniajoerack: sorry, but I really have little idea about how skype on linux deals with webcams10:22
bazhang!pm > Daft_Punk10:22
ubottuDaft_Punk, please see my private message10:22
AdvoWorkam i right in thinking "fixme" errors have no fix?10:22
ikoniamija: no problem, I had to make sure you'd tried it10:22
ikoniamija: what is the problem ?10:22
mijai get only a watch (small icon) if i will write an e-mail... if i would disable pgp or lightnig extension i get an xml error message10:23
hateballAdvoWork: You're refering to Wine?10:23
Daft_Punkbazhang, hey you asked, so i told...10:23
ikoniamija when did you update ?10:23
shashi1I want to add my own location in "Places" menu. How can i do this in Ubuntu 8.04 GNOME 2.22 ?10:23
mija1 hour before10:23
ikoniamija: so today ?10:24
bazhangDaft_Punk, please chat elsewhere; this is ubuntu support only.10:24
mijayes i do it today10:24
mijaCET +0110:24
ikoniamija: Hmmm not sure what's out today and whats required, again, this may sound obvious, but rebooting the box to make sure your updates are applied is a good step forward before panicing10:24
kosharishashi1 its enabled by default in the bookmarks area10:24
hateballshashi1: Enter some folder and bookmark it10:24
mijaikonia: ok i will reboot my machine again... be back in 5 minutes10:25
Daft_Punkbazhang, what are you talking about? you asked what the issue was, i told you, and now you are saying i am chatting? whatever10:25
ikoniamija I know its "obvious" but it doesn't hurt to make sure updates are applied10:25
=== mija is now known as mija_na
n00banyone in here good at trouble shooting usb drive issues :D10:26
ikonian00b: depends on the issue10:26
moncojhr_hey guys, when i try to log into courier i disconnected and in syslog it says something like "cannot find Maildir", I tried to make a folder Maildir in all the obvious places but no change10:27
ikoniamoncojhr_: you don't make a Maildir it needs to be ain a specific format, there are tools like maildirmake10:27
n00busb issue: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=93254310:27
AdvoWorkhateball yeah10:27
=== mija_na is now known as mija
moncojhr_ikonia: alright, ill try that.. again, although i did try to do that before10:28
ikonian00b can you define "crash" please10:29
n00busing 128 fat drive10:29
n00bi plug the drive in10:29
n00bhotplugged - it opens a nautilus and i can navigate around10:29
Flannel!enter | n00b10:29
ubottun00b: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!10:29
shashi1ok. thank you.10:29
mijaikonia: it looks like that i am be stupid.... but the reboot of the complete machine solve's the problem.... i don't know why. The only thing why a reboot is needed are on kernel upgrades. But for only one package?....10:29
hateballAdvoWork: Well then there's no real fix, just work in progress :) You can disable the error messages for speed increases tho.10:30
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n00bsay i go to xfer a 3mb file - no problems - i go to xfer an 80mb file, it will transfer about 50mb of it and then stop - do the compiz grey out, and my mouse will stop working - sorry about the punctuation10:30
ikoniamija nah, if libraries update that the desktop needs you need to restart X (which a reboot does)10:30
ikonian00b so your whole desktop goes grey ?10:31
mijaikonia: i believe you.. but i have made a ctrl + alt + backspace10:31
ikonian00b is it possible your flooding the bush10:31
n00bjust that nautilus and file progess window - all other apps run fine10:31
n00bdefine: flooding the bush10:31
ikoniamija depends what was updated10:31
ikonian00b the bus10:31
Joshooan00b: gross :-D10:31
mijaikonia: easy... important is that it works10:31
n00blol - i only do 1 file operation at a time - and only one file at a time - no multiple10:32
ikoniamija I'll look at what the recent updates are today10:32
ikonian00b yes but you have lots of devices hanging off that bug10:32
ikonian00b: try removing anything but a disk and testing it, then add the next disk test it, add the next disk, test it, add the mouse, test it, etc etc10:32
n00bfrim the laptop 2 things are plugged in 1. the hub (which has the mouse and mouse charger) and 2. the drive10:32
n00bwill do tests, brb10:33
ikonian00b: your post says you have 3 drives plugged in10:33
ikonian00b: 2 mouse devices, 3 disks10:33
ikoniaall into the hub10:33
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n00bi mean that i HAVE 3 drives - but to clarify i only use 1 at a time10:33
ikoniaahh, I see10:33
ikonian00b: when your desktop hangs, and you do modprobe, as it eh ehci_hcd module loaded BEFORE you re-do the modprobe10:34
n00bdo not understand what you wish me to do in that last comment - it has not locked up, but it is transferring at 3mb/s (normal is around 11)10:35
ikonian00b you said compiz goes "grey"10:36
rohann00b: it is 3mb/s because the hub is stressed out10:36
ikoniathat is normally associated with a desktop not responding10:36
ikonian00b: is the hub powered ?10:36
n00binteresting... no hub is used atm - just 1 usb drive directly to the laptop10:37
patrikI have a question regarding software RAID. I've set up a 4 disc raid array (which is really fast) but sometimes during flushing the system stops responding for a second or two. This is quite annoying. I know Sofware RAID uses more CPU but I cannot see a significant increase in CPU usage when this happens. Any ideas?10:37
tyberionwhats a good commandline based app for playback of shoutcasts?10:37
ndani want to plug a computer into a computer into a monitor and one computer to display what was on the other computer.  so is there some sort of vga in card?10:38
rohanpatrik: i hope your ubuntu files are not in the array10:38
ikoniapatrik I assume you used mdadm to build the array, which raid level did you use what raid controller are you using10:38
n00btyberion - I use kstreamripper - you can either listen to, or rip then10:38
moncojhr_ikonia: i made the maildir using maildirmake and its still not finding it, i have no idea where im ment to be making it10:38
scuserhi all, can anyone help me with this error "ldap_sasl_bind(SIMPLE): Can't contact LDAP server (-1)"10:38
rohanndan: better detail10:38
ikoniamoncojhr_ can you show me the error please.10:38
patrikikonia:  rohan: Everything is on my RAID 0 array.10:38
ikoniascuser: it means your authing against an ldap server, and it can't connect to the ldap server to auth10:39
ikoniapatrik: and this is software raid, not fake raid (you used mdadm to create the array)10:39
ndanrohan: tv tuner card.  but using vga connections.  vnc has fps problems.  viewing multiple computers on one screen... including games10:39
rohanpatrik: then you have your own answer10:39
patrikikonia: It's software RAID, I used the ubuntu installer to set it up.10:39
tyberionn00b: wwaaa thats some kdde thingie:) are there even any alternatives?10:39
scuserikonis: I've specified the server IP and it's trying to connect but couldn't what may be the reason for that?10:40
n00btyberion - it works in ubuntu - search for kstreamripper in synaptic10:40
ndanbasically i'm planing 5 computers connected as one with the 5th being the hub displaying the four computers around a cube.10:40
rohanndan:is english your native language if you have language problems tell us our native language and we will transfer to the specific channel10:40
ikoniascuser wrong bind credentials, server not avaialble, your not authorized to use the server, could be anything10:40
rohanndan: i need full deatil please10:41
thirdyMy Netbeans stops from typing after some time, anyone experienced this? Using Hardy10:41
scuserikonia: but I can connect to it from a client installed on the server's machine but not from remote machine10:41
n00bi believe ndan is looking to have 4 computers display as their own desktop and have the 5th computer display them on the cube accordingly10:41
patrikrohan: Can you explain to me why this happens? Do I get a huge flood of IRQs because of the RAID 0 setup when flushing?10:41
scuserikonia: that means that the server is working well10:41
ndannoob: exactly10:42
rohanpatrik: os files also get stressed out when flushing10:42
ikoniascuser so maybe it's not listening on the right interfaces, maybe you have not setup remote authorization, maybe a typo in the config file10:42
ikoniascuser just because you can connect locally does not mean the server is "working"10:42
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ndann00b: so how do i get this fifth computer to processes the data for the four computers...  no vgi in port in a computer10:43
rohanndan: i see the hub pc should have a very good vga10:43
zeth-ubuntucan someone say my name10:43
rohanndan: use KVM switch10:43
rohanzeth-ubuntu: ??10:43
zeth-ubuntuthanks rohan ... just testing the notifications10:43
n00bndan - i have no clue how to do that, but like rohan said, you will need a very good video card10:44
patrikrohan: Ok. I'll get a new disc for the OS then. Thanks for the help.10:44
rohanndan: extermly good if you siad games for even 30fps from 4 computers thats huge!10:44
rohanpatrik: your welcome10:45
rohanndan: for better VNC performance install dfmirage driver in all systems and setup a 1gbps lan10:46
ndank will check these ideas out10:46
rohanndan: your welcome10:47
Lofde_audacious just crashed, now theres like a "duh-duh-duh-duh" audio repeating over and over again, how do i clear that off and reset the audio system ASLA i guess without logging out and logging back in (or restarting) :(10:49
ndanrohan:kvm switch won't work at all...  n that won't fix the fps latency in vnc.10:49
rohanndan: why not kVM?10:50
shubbarHow can I run a command for a specific user?10:50
ndansee if you have four tv tuner in cards you can put 4 shows around a cube.  i want this principle around a desktop... using other desktops as the "show"10:50
moncojhr_ikonia: ok i've been able to progress  :-D but now im getting permission denied on my maildir10:50
ikoniamoncojhr_ change the permissions10:51
ikoniamoncojhr_: remember your mail server needs write access to dump mail into it, and you need "read" access to read from it10:51
ikoniamoncojhr_: this all depends on your setup10:51
padeehi all. its me again. again with the same problem: external soundcard m-audio delta1010. any sound-specialist available? it would be so helpful...10:51
zeth-ubuntuhow do I get a transparent theme?10:52
zeth-ubuntuhow do I get a nice transparent theme?10:53
rohanndan: sorry i cant further hepl you out bye10:53
koshar1zeth-ubuntu emerald10:53
philsfIf gnome-keyring dies, how can I restart it in a way that I can reuse the files/pipes/sockets that were in use for ssh-agent?10:54
ntinos_some site is: http://art.gnome.org/themes/gdm_greeter/10:54
ndanso i reckon.  take the four computer's vga's.  convert them to svideo take the svideo use a tv-tuner card without latency.10:54
ntinos_and http://www.gnome-look.org/10:54
thirdyI saw vixta, "ABN - AbsolutelyNo Config." is really attractive, any other distro with the same goal?10:57
bazhangthirdy, do you have an ubuntu support question10:58
scuserhi all please can any one tell me how to configure slapd to enable remote connection I can connect locally but not remotely10:58
zeth-ubuntuhow do I get emerald themes to work?10:59
padeei have an ubuntu support question...10:59
bazhangthirdy, chat about that in #ubuntu-offtopic please10:59
thirdybazhang, ow sorry11:00
=== smaila2 is now known as smaila
Lofde_audacious just crashed, now theres like a "duh-duh-duh-duh" audio repeating over and over again, how do i clear that off and reset the audio system ASLA i guess without logging out and logging back in (or restarting) :(11:01
koshar1zeth-ubuntu emerald --replace11:02
ubottuLa comunidad local de Argentina se puede encontrar en #ubuntu-ar y en su canal de offtopic: #ubuntu-ar-cafe11:02
zeth-ubuntukoshar1 : do I have to do that command everytime I boot up?11:02
padeehi. sorry for disturbing, but I need some hints about the whole sound architecture in 8.04.11:04
koshar1zeth-ubuntu no you can change the properties in the compiz settings tl make emerald the default window decorator11:04
tyberionhrm anyone ehre making use of lastfm?11:05
moniahi, i've installed lirc and lineak to use my pctv usb remote and now i don't know which of them is working? how to find it?11:05
koshar1tyberion i am11:05
||arifaXwhat the hell is wmaster0 ?11:05
tyberionkoshar1: if you are using, can u still playback other stuff ?!11:06
koshar1tyberion yes, the player just uses a plugin, are your troubles alsa related?11:06
^Devious^hey all11:07
Joshooa||arifaX: You can ignore that, it's an internal part that you don't have to worry about11:07
tyberionkoshar1: yea... i cant do anything else:*11:07
tyberionkoshar1: anything to get rid of that problem?11:08
||arifaXJoshooa ok. for now enought but want to understand it. I got another question. this network manager thingy supports profiles what am i doing wrong, I cannot save profiles eg. one for work one for at home aso11:08
koshar1tyberion set your player to use pulse audio11:08
tyberionkoshar1: which player? I cant switch to taht option in lastfm11:09
Joshooa||arifaX: It's just how mac80211 manages devices, creates one master and as many secondary (your wlan0 for example) and then communicates with the master, and it has to be visible now for QoS stuff, You should be able to google more info.11:11
koshar1tyberion then it would be your browser,11:11
ikoniaJaqueline: stop that now please11:11
JoshooaThat'lll stop her11:11
||arifaXJoshooa ok but why does network manager not save profiles or doesn't seem to work correctly?11:11
tyberionkoshar1: I switched audacious to use PulseAudio.. but still I cant get it to work11:12
Joshooa||arifaX: I don't know about that I don't use them, my computer just connects to internet for me11:12
||arifaXJoshooa ok11:12
Joshooatyberion: IMO, you should remove PA and just use ALSA cause they rushed PA into 8.04 and I've had nothing but issues with it and never got everything to work on my comp til I went to all ALSA11:12
tyberionJoshooa: o well, ALSA works fine indeed, the only problem is when I use lastfm which is only suited for playing back ALSA it seems, I just cant use ANY other sound events:*11:13
koshar1tyberion it would appear your browser plugin is hogging the audio11:13
tyberionkoshar1: hmm.. what can I do11:14
koshar1wait for puse support?11:14
Joshooatyberion: So your mixing isn't working right then11:14
tyberion..and until then :/11:14
tyberiononly way is to switch to Shoutcast I guess.. damnit11:15
PucKidhi everyone (:11:16
PucKidwhat are you tryng to do tyberion ?11:16
MDaltonStyberion: You don't have to use shoutcast. There are plenty of other radio station on the internet.11:16
tyberionhm Im trying to use lastfm BUT not if I cant use any other sound operations then ://11:16
tyberionMDaltonS: like which onee:-)11:17
PucKidwierd enough for me, i don't know how, but nowadays it works that multiple softwares can play sound at the same time11:17
MDaltonStyberion: what do you listen to?11:17
PucKidi have a situation myself, how can i change the default applications under ubuntu, i mean default applications for certain file tpyes ?11:17
tyberionMDaltonS: all kind of stuff, sometimes chill,rnb,classical.. soundtracks, like stuff by hans zimmer, and so on... nightwish too.. plenty11:18
koshar1PucKid through nautilus is one way11:18
qstnI use Ubuntu 8.04 on my laptop. I get a constant download of 5kib/s in the network history graph in my gnome-panel. I have no applications that interact with the internet open. No firefox, pidgin, checkgmail, nothing. But still all the time this transfer keeps happening. How do I find which program is initiating this, and where is the connection being established? Also note I do not have any programs in my Sessions.11:18
tyberionMDaltonS: which app you use for playing them back?11:18
PucKidkoshar1: could you explain the steps please?11:19
MDaltonSqstn: Use netstat. System > Adminstration > Networking Tools11:20
koshar1PucKid open nautilus, browse to dir with such file, left click >open with11:20
MDaltonSqstn: Netstat will show you what has open connections to your computer, and on what port etc.11:20
PucKidthank you koshar111:20
TeiseiWhen I start Update Manager, my screen will become full brightness ... Why is that ? Anybody else with the same problem ?11:21
qstnI selected Active Network services in Netstat. It doesn't tell me which program initiated the connection and what is the network speed at which the transfer is taking place.11:21
qstnMDaltonS, ^11:21
MDaltonStyberion: I use rhythmbox and amarok to play most of my music. I find with those two I can play most things.11:21
tyberionMDaltonS: which one for streaming?11:21
MDaltonStyberion: Rhythmbox for streaming (because I like the interface more - only reason)11:22
qstnMDaltonS, Also note that all the connection it shows have ip source what does this mean?. And one of the service has ip I am chatting on IRC yet I don't see a different ip source in there.11:22
MDaltonSqstn: Are you looking at the addresses in the "Milticast information" menu?11:23
teimourymay I ask about a problem?11:23
JoshooaPucKid: I believe under System > Preferred Applications you can find some of those options11:24
teimourywith my wifi11:24
PucKidJoshooa: the problem is, those are only some (:11:24
qstnMDaltonS, Where is that menu? I am looking at Network tools > Netstat > Active network services11:25
qstnteimoury, !ask11:25
teimouryI got airpace wifi pci-e card and I installed madwifi and also windows driver. I have my harware in the list but not in network (ifconfig)11:25
pozxdcc send #611:25
qstn!wifi | teimoury11:25
ubottuteimoury: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs11:25
teimouryI don't know how to enable11:25
qstnMDaltonS, Any idea?11:26
MDaltonSqstn: Honestly, the interface has VERY limited functionality. Call the commands from the terminal if you can.11:26
teimourythank you. I will try it11:26
MDaltonSbleh. He left before I could give him the commands...11:27
zambai need help with ubuntu eee.. i don't get the wireless configuration alternatives in nm-applet11:30
zambai have installed wpasupplicant11:30
zambathe wireless card is a atheros ar242x 802.11abg11:31
figociao a tutti come poso fare a mettere un collegamento della cartella tmp nell' elenco delle risorse?11:31
mib_h39iheWhere do I install the NVIDIA drivers?11:31
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:31
Zirodayzamba: what can't nm-applet do?11:32
defryskzamba, it sounds like you need madwifi-hal11:32
zambadefrysk: ok, installing it now11:33
zambamadwifi-tools, i presume?11:34
defryskzamba you need http://madwifi.org/ticket/1192 and follow these instructions: http://madwifi.org/wiki/UserDocs/FirstTimeHowTo11:34
zambadefrysk: thanks for that :)11:34
figociao a tutti come faccio a mettere un collegamento della cartella tmp nella lista delle risorse?11:34
Ziroday!it | figo11:35
ubottufigo: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)11:35
defryskzamba, you have an atheros model that doen not work in hardy , it does in intrepid tho11:35
osamabinladenis there winamp for linux???11:35
philsfIf gnome-keyring dies, how can I restart it in a way that I can reuse the files/pipes/sockets that were in use for ssh-agent?11:35
mib_h39iheI have a 9800GTX Nvidia card, ubuntu doesn't have restricted binaries for it does it?11:35
zambadefrysk: but how can ubuntu eee not support this?11:35
defryskzamba, so read the howto , its pretty straitforward11:35
Zirodayosamabinladen: no, but there is xmms which is similar. Also see !media11:35
zambadefrysk: i mean.. it's eee, they all have an atheros card?11:35
zambadefrysk: and the distro is called ubuntu eee..? that puzzles me11:35
dr3mro_any one help me with this boot chart http://img72.imageshack.us/img72/1248/hardy200809291vt4.th.png11:35
Zirodaymib_h39ihe: not yet, you can use envy (in the repos) to get the drivers though11:36
defryskzamba, i dont know , but i had to use this11:36
zambadefrysk: this makes no real sense11:36
jimqodehello, how do I change the page size in gschem? I would like a bigger page.11:37
defryskzamba, well sorry if I am wrong :s11:37
zambadefrysk: i can do iwlist ath0 scan just fine11:37
tyberionanyone here doing java?11:37
Zirodayzamba: the distro is not officially supported or affiliated from Ubuntu and they work seperate from ubuntu. Ubuntu is merely thier base11:37
FlynsarmyIs there any way of making wine think an iso is an actual cd? i'm trying to install creative studio but i'd rather not burn 5 200meg images onto 5 seperate cds11:38
Zirodaytyberion: try in ##java11:38
zambaZiroday: hm, ok11:38
tyberionZiroday: well I got a linux/java related question, are there any apps for creating usecase diagrams for ubuntu?11:38
Moniker420xchat user11:38
Zirodayzamba: you might want to try reinstall or contact the ubuntu eee devs :)11:38
Zirodaytyberion: you could use Dia, but I am not sure if thats fit for what you need.11:39
Pspomg I got digitemp and ds18s20 working :d11:39
FlynsarmyOr in ubuntu is there a way to mount an iso into a virtual cd drive? (not just make it some random folder)11:39
Ziroday!iso > Flynsarmy11:40
ubottuFlynsarmy, please see my private message11:40
ZirodayPsp: wonderful, you might want to add to the wiki on how you got it working if not there already11:40
FlynsarmyZiroday, does that not just create a folder with the contents inside and not create a virtual cd drive?11:40
ZirodayFlynsarmy: ah sorry, misunderstood you. I am not sure how to do that but you could ask in #winehq11:41
bonkhello, do you have any recommendations on how to format a 1TB external drive?11:42
bonkone big chunk ok?11:42
Zirodaybonk: any normal formatting software will work11:42
CaptJagerneed to add a non official repo to my list11:42
CaptJagerany clue how11:42
dn4how do I save youtube videos to muh puter?11:43
ZirodayCaptJager: certaintly. Go to System > Administration > Software Sources11:43
koshar1Flynsarmy can you do it through winecfg11:43
ZirodayCaptJager: go to Third Party Software and Add. Insert the repo and you're good to go :)11:44
Zirodaydn4: you could use a firefox extension11:44
CaptJagertrying to add the new wine at http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/wine/wine-1.1.5.tar.bz211:44
bonkZiro: I mean is it ok to format it in a 1tb partition, or should I hack it up, and ext3 is fine?11:44
aarHi, I've got a process running on port 8080 (not sure what it is, but googling raised the alarm bells, as some trojans seem to use this port). Is there any reason for concern? DF PROTO=TCP SPT=35836 DPT=8080 WINDOW=5840 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=011:44
Zirodaybonk: ext3 should run fine on 1TB partition11:45
koala_manaar: what does netstat/lsof say it is?11:45
tyberionhurm, ive got a little problem which I guess, all of you people now how to solve.. when browsing in terminal, and u do cd <beginning name of next folder>, and you dont know exactly how its called, you press tabtab, but if I see a large collection of folders there, going over many many sites, how can I simply continue writing, without going down all the list first??11:45
Zirodaydn4: also take a look at the program in the repo's youtube-dl11:45
koala_mantyberion: hit q, then type11:46
Zirodaytyberion: you have to wait for it to finish, if its a serious issue you can ask in #bash11:46
Zirodaytyberion: or do as koala_man said :)11:46
tyberionkoala_man: are there any other commands besides q>11:46
aarkoala_man, I haven't used that command before. How would I run netstat?11:46
DeepoI have a little problem11:47
tyberionkoala_man: very nice, thanks11:47
koala_manaar: netstat -lp11:47
DeepoI had reinstalled ubuntu11:47
ActionParsnipyo yo yo11:47
Deepobut it doesn't let me choose the 1280x960 resolution that I had before11:47
Deepoany idea ?11:47
koala_mantyberion: not that I know of for bash, but the 'more' command looks the same and have others11:47
ActionParsnipDeepo: is it an intel graphics card?11:47
ZirodayDeepo: make sure you have the drivers installed11:48
aarkoala_man, I wish I had known of that before! The process is not listed though. It has probably stopped running.11:48
Ziroday!nvidia | Deepo11:48
ubottuDeepo: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:48
ActionParsnipDeepo: have you installed the nvidia drivers?11:48
Deepowith the ubuntu assistant11:48
Deepoand rebooted11:48
koshar1Deepo its not xorg enforcing an edid policy,11:48
Deepohow do I know that ?11:48
koshar1some older lcd monitors dont send the correct edid word to the xorg server therefore limiting the possable resolution11:49
Deepokoshar1, it's not an lcd11:49
koala_manaar: many root kits hide processes. if you're concerned, you could try connecting to it from localhost and from other computers11:49
HappyHaterxorg sucks at figuring out what your monitor is... gksu displayconfig-gtk is a lifesaver11:49
koshar1i had to place a newer lcd monitor on one machine , restart the xserver, save the edid info and replace the monitor recently11:50
ActionParsnipDeepo: you could edit xorg.conf to use the desired resolution. Is the nvidia logo showing at boot?11:50
DIFH-iceroothow to remove mysql-server complet! so that there are no conf or database files anymore? apt-get remove mysql-server was not deleting all11:50
ActionParsnipHappyHater: I use websearches to get the specs for my own monitor11:50
Deepoit's not showing at boot11:50
Psplsb_release what it does?11:50
ActionParsnipDeepo: then the driver probably isnt loading (or are you disabling it with an option)11:50
Pspwhat does lsb_release do?11:51
ActionParsnipDeepo: are you using the nologo option in xorg.conf?11:51
Deepodirect rendering: Yes11:51
Deeposerver glx vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation11:51
Deeposerver glx version string: 1.411:51
ActionParsnipcool enough11:51
Deepo        Driver          "nvidia"11:51
Deepo        Option          "NoLogo"        "True"11:51
=== netkiller_ is now known as neo_chan
ActionParsnipDeepo: edit your resolution lines in xorg.conf to be the res you want11:51
ActionParsnipDeepo: yeah, thats wh you dont get the logo11:52
aarkoala_man, ok thanks!11:52
DeepoI don't have resolution lines !11:52
ActionParsnipDeepo: then add the to the screen section11:52
Pspwhat does lsb_release do?11:52
ActionParsnipDeepo: this should help11:52
ActionParsnipDeepo: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2289811:52
Deepothanks :)11:52
ActionParsnipPsp: man lsb_release11:53
ZirodayPsp: it displays information about your current install. man lsb_release explains more and lsb_release gives you all the information you need11:53
ActionParsnipPsp: type man lsb_release in terminal11:53
ZirodayPsp: sorry running the command lsb_release -a gives you all the information from lsb_release11:54
ActionParsnipPsp: every command you have on your system has a man page11:54
dn4how does one convert a .flv file to .avi?11:54
ActionParsnipPsp: you can even type man man for a manual on the manual pages11:54
Pspoh ok11:54
ActionParsnipdn4: ffmpeg -i input.flv output.avi11:55
koshar1dn4 avi is simply a container, you can use keepvid to save as mpeg4 and place that in a avi container11:56
dn4save as mpeg4?11:56
ActionParsnipdn4: Avidemux now supports .flv files11:56
* dn4 is now a bit lost11:57
koshar1dn4 you can using keepvid, but actionparsnips solution may be quicker if you have already donloaded the flv11:57
whykingwhere can I find the file that specifies a package? there is a wrong dependency in one package and I would like to fix that11:57
whykingin gentoo it is /usr/local/portage11:57
whykingis there something similar for ubuntu?11:58
ActionParsnipdn4: or .flv files there is a realy easy porgram for converting most media files especiall .flv files winff that uses the ffmpeg codec to covert the file. http://biggmatt.com/files/winff-0.33-i386.deb11:58
ActionParsnipwhyking: you use apt to install binaries11:58
ActionParsnipwhyking: sudo apt-get install /path/to/file.deb; sudo appt-get -f install11:59
whykingActionParsnip, sure.. but the .deb file has the wrong dependency set11:59
whykingso I would like to fix that11:59
whykingI can't install it this way11:59
ActionParsnipwhyking: apt-get will resolve dependancies for you. Is that how you mean?11:59
whykingthe package needs libgsl0 but this has been replaced by libgsl0ldbl12:00
figojoin ubuntu-it12:00
whykingso it can't install the dependency libgsl012:00
whykingso where can I find the specification of the dependencies? there has to be a file for that or sth12:01
ActionParsnipwhyking: you could force it if libgsl0ldbl provides libgsl0, you could symlink it maybe12:01
whykingActionParsnip, ok, but where would I create that symlink12:02
waanIs AvantWindowManager supposed to open and have no visible bar or icons?12:02
ActionParsnipwhyking: not sure, try finding the lib then symlinking it to the name the app expects, is there not a package which expects the newer lib?12:03
ActionParsnipwaan: its meant to have a small few (maybe even 1)12:03
whykingActionParsnip, /var/lib/dpkg12:03
ActionParsnipwaan: try closing it and removing the setting folder in your profile (ls -a will show you)12:04
waanActionParsnip, tthats the problem I can't find the setting file12:04
rajecGuys I wanted to translate will_paginate plugin by using Globalite so I did =>       :previous_label => '&laquo;' + :previous_label.l, eve I have previous_label: value in my yml file and I've restarted server I got __localization_missing__12:04
ActionParsnipwaan: then websearch you must, see where the settings are (it may be ~/.avantwindowmanager or similar)12:04
ActionParsnipwaan: thats a fairly common naming convention12:05
music_I'm having a problem with a machine. I'm ssh'd in, so it is connected, but it can't seem to see out/apt-get or resolve www.google.com (unknown host). The gateway is set to (not sure how to check this without having a browser) -- also don't seem to have X11 over the ssh (ssh -X). could someone please help me?12:05
waanActionParsnip, yup its not there i'll have to search for a bug fix12:06
ActionParsniphave you set the name server in /etc/resolv.conf12:06
ActionParsnipwaan: thats all i can really help as Im completely inexperienced with docks12:06
waanActionParsnip, yeah no probs thanks i'll keep trying, maybe theres a way to add icons so it pops back up. I'll read the docs12:07
GamingXIs the Transmission bittorrent client any good? I haven't seen any good reason to use it. Anyone know of a good alternative?12:07
ubottuTorrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P12:07
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
ActionParsnipGamingX: i use ktorrent but thats due to alleigence more than anything12:09
ActionParsnipGamingX: give it a go, if you like it, use it12:09
ActionParsnipGamingX: ktorrent has a web interface too which needs some extra packages installing but its what I use12:09
music_or is there another/decent chatroom for networking issues...?12:10
ActionParsnipmusic_: if its ubuntu related then yes12:10
Dreadhey i need to grant the www-data user access to a file owned by my user in my home dir, how would i do that? groups?12:10
music_ActionParsnip, yes another?12:11
ActionParsnipmusic_: here is ok12:11
simone_ho bisogno di aiuto!12:11
GamingXActionParsnip: Thanks12:12
simone_io scrivo sperano che qualcuno mi risponda..12:12
GamingXI'll give it a go12:12
music_ActionParsnip, have you seen my Q above? ---don't suppoose you have any offers :?12:12
ActionParsnipDread: ive not played with funky permissions yet but id make a group, add user and www-data to it then give everyone in that group full access to the folder12:12
DreadActionParsnip, ok i'll see if i can figure that out, thanks12:12
ActionParsnipmusic_: have you added the dns to /etc/resolv.conf? can you ping IP addresses rather than names12:13
ActionParsnipmusic_: can you ping your router12:13
waanDoes anybody have problems with AvantWindowManager, I've removed the .config/awn directory but the dock still doesn't show up12:14
ActionParsnipmusic_: can you ping
ActionParsnipwaan: id imagine a tonne of folks would use it in #compiz as its some eye candy rubbish12:14
waanActionParsnip, I just want a dock that's all. The metacity one uses up a whole line even if it's small, any other ideas?12:15
ActionParsnipwaan: www.ask.com www.google.com12:16
milliganI'm having a problem with backuppc. I've installed it from the intrepid repos, so I have version 3.1.0-3ubuntu2. I'm missing a lot of menuoptions. Anyone know why ?12:16
ActionParsnipwaan: ive really got no idea12:16
mick02Hey all. Just wondering if anyone has any experience using VirtualBox in Ubuntu. I've got it running a Windows XP virtual machine but I can't get USB emulation working. Can anyone help me out???12:16
whykinga package wants to install a dependency which has been renamed (libgsl0 became libgsl0ldbl), how could I fix that in the best way?12:16
whykingcreate an alias for that package?12:16
music_ActionParsnip, can ping router, can ping (google - thanks for tip ;)) but not www.google.com - this mean it's dns? and what would fix that?12:16
ActionParsnipmick02: have you turned it on in the box setup?12:16
DecryptHello. Is there a way to set two ip's to one networkcard?12:16
music_and i can ping too12:16
music_(thank you ActionParsnip  ^^12:16
ActionParsnipmusic_: yes, you are failing dns. add the nameservers name to /etc/resolv.conf12:16
music_ActionParsnip, is the nameserver my router/modem?12:17
ActionParsnipmusic_: yes12:17
supershortmy vga card is Trident Cyberblade i7, how do i change my computer to normal graphics mode12:18
ActionParsnipmusic_: you could also add the ips of nameservers that your router has stored12:18
ActionParsnipmusic_: sudo nano /etc/resolv.conf12:18
mick02ActionParsnip Yeah I've turned it on although it says that there are 0 active even though I've got USB devices plugged in12:18
ActionParsnipsupershort: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21570812:19
b17676 metrix12:19
ActionParsnipmick02: is your mouse usb?12:19
music_ActionParsnip, /etc/resolv.conf has in it 'nameserver' ---it's the only entry, but it's there. I'm having issues talking to my router though because I'm ssh & it appers to be refusing X11 support12:20
fiyawerxmusic_, try adding nameserver
AaqilHow to get latest Piding in ubuntu?12:20
mick02ActionParsnip Yeah the mouse is USB and it works OK but none of my USB keys or Externall HDD will work12:20
ActionParsnipmick02: this may help, remember to backup the files you edit before playing: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=2366065&postcount=7212:20
ikoniaAaqil: don't, let ubuntu give you it's supported versions12:20
DecryptHello. Is there a way to set two ip's to one networkcard?12:21
ActionParsnipAaqil: sudo apt-get install pidgin12:21
ikoniaDecrypt: sure12:21
Aaqilikonia: ouh ouh :(12:21
music_fiyawerx, aswell (sorry - a bti scared without checking in case I loose ssh link12:21
ikoniaDecrypt: its called virtual interfaces12:21
music_fiyawerx, as well as router address (
DecryptOke I search on that. Thanks12:22
mick02ActionParsnip Thanks for the link. I'll check it out.12:22
fiyawerxmusic_, yeah, just put it on the next line12:22
AaqilActionParsnip: that already installed old :(12:22
fiyawerxyou can have multiple nameservers, that will at least rule out one thing12:22
ikoniaAaqil what do you want in the new version ?12:22
ActionParsnipAaqil: you could uninstall what you have then apt-get clean then reinstall12:22
ikoniaAaqil: what is it in the new version that you want12:22
ikoniaActionParsnip how is that going to get him the latest version ?12:23
Aaqilikonia: bug fixes some other looks etc i always want up to date softwares12:23
parabolIm having a problem with ubuntu and obexpushd12:23
ikoniaAaqil which bug fixes12:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about moo12:23
ActionParsnipikonia: as it will remove the old, then pull down the latest one from repos12:23
ikoniaActionParsnip he wants newer than repo12:23
parabolmay somebody help? when I try to run obexpushd it give me: BtOBEX_ServerRegister: Address already in use12:24
ActionParsnipikonia: ah12:24
paraboland BtOBEX_ServerRegister: Address already in use12:24
the_eraserhow do i enable the album browser in banshee? :(12:24
ikoniaparabol something is listening on that port already then12:24
parabolups OBEX_GetFD(): Illegal seek12:24
fiyawerxi have 2.5.1 installed from repo - but im using the Ibex install12:24
parabolhow do I change taht ikonia ?12:24
ikoniafiyawerx: use the ubuntu packaged version12:24
ikoniaparabol: it's already listening/started12:25
fiyawerxikonia, reread what i just said12:25
the_eraseranyone into banshee?12:25
ikoniafiyawerx: ibex support is in #ubuntu+112:25
parabolhmm how? it was not installed!12:25
parabolhow do i stop it?12:25
fiyawerxikonia, im not asking for any help, I was giving an alternative12:25
ikoniaparabol: how did you try to start it12:25
paraboland restar it with new parameters12:25
ikoniafiyawerx: I apologise12:25
fiyawerx2.5.1 is the newest version of pidgin iirc12:25
ActionParsnipparabol: sudo /etc/ini.d/<servicename. stop | start | restart12:25
fiyawerxsame with xchat, the newest is in the ibex repo's but not the regulra ones12:25
parabolgoing to reboot again to see if it stops12:25
parabolthanks ActionParsnip12:26
ikoniaparabol: it won't12:26
ikoniaparabol: not if its set to auto start12:26
music_fiyawerx, ActionParsnip -- still no joy :/ Am i correct in thinking that the router should be the nameserver, and that it should just get it's names from being online?12:26
parabolit not on etc/init.d12:26
ikoniamusic_ a router is not a name server12:26
ActionParsnipmusic_: true, you can also add the nameservers the router uses too which will go out to the world as they are not in your network12:27
the_eraserwhy is banshee 0.13 in hardys repos when 1.2 is latest stable? :(12:27
ikoniathe_eraser: possibly because it's not been updated yet12:27
Aaqilmany ubuntu soft are not old versions in repos :((12:28
Aaqilare now*12:28
ikoniaAaqil: many silly people want to update to the newer releases with no need or understanding of what it means12:28
music_and could this nameserver issue be why I can't get X over ssh? could it be related?12:28
the_eraserikonia: this version has no album/artist browser :(12:28
ikoniathe_eraser so ?12:28
* Aaqil hates ikonia12:29
ikoniaAaqil that is not appropriate12:29
the_eraserikonia: so there is need :(((12:29
ikoniathe_eraser: for you12:29
ikoniathe_eraser: for the mass majority, who knows, speak to the package mainterin to find out if there is a reason it's not been updated, or if it could be updated12:30
ActionParsnipthe_eraser: you could use amarok12:30
Aaqilamarok also older version in repos :((12:30
the_eraserActionParsnip: im in gnome12:30
Skrythe_eraser, use banshees ppa12:30
ikoniaAaqil no it's not12:30
the_eraserwhats ppa12:30
ikoniaAaqil: it's just not bleeding edge12:30
parabolthank you problem solved with killall obexpush ---I was lame :P12:31
the_eraserguess i have to wait for intrepid :(12:31
parabolhave anice day ya all12:31
Skrythe_eraser, https://edge.launchpad.net/~banshee-team/+archive12:31
ikoniathe_eraser why, who said it was updated in intrepid, speak tot he package maintainer12:31
ActionParsnipthe_eraser: you can install kde apps in gnome, you'll just install kdeslibs too12:32
the_eraseri dont want to cause trouble to package maintainers12:32
ikoniathe_eraser thats not causing trouble12:33
ikoniathe_eraser: asking if there is a reason it's not been updated is fine, making a request to have it updated, nothing wrong with that12:33
Aaqilhey i found some plugins in package manager for pidgin :D12:33
ikoniathe_eraser: just ask politly, and you'll find it not a problem12:33
the_eraseri'll use that ppa thingy i think12:33
d0lphin_n0elis there some software to ubuntu that can control the bass and treable in rythmicbox player ?12:33
the_eraserikonia: ok :)12:34
bullgard4[GNOME] How to call the gThumb Image Viewer via the panel menu bar?12:34
JuJuBeeI am using kubuntu.  What do  install to use gnome?  gnome-desktop-environment? or just gnome?12:34
ikoniaJuJuBee ubuntu-desktop package12:35
ActionParsnipJuJuBee: gnome-desktop12:35
* ActionParsnip know ikonia is right12:35
JuJuBeeThanks ikonia.  ActionParsnip: that doesn't exist in my list.12:35
* ActionParsnip hacks ubuntu repos to add a sneaky app ;)12:35
NixotCan anyone get me some help?12:35
ikoniaNixot: if you ask a question maybe12:36
NixotI am having problems running 3D apps.12:36
ljsoftnetNixot, was your PC problem?12:36
AaqilActionParsnip: :-s12:36
ActionParsnipNixot: have you installed graphics drivers?12:36
NixotI have a good graphics card.12:36
ikoniaNixot: what card is it12:37
NixotI am running dual boot with Windows.12:37
NixotWindows apps run great12:37
ikoniaNixot: what card is it12:37
antonio_Nixot: you probably have to install proper drivers12:37
Nixotbut same apps in Ubuntu freeze computer.12:37
dr_willisNixot,  You may want to give details OF what card you have... not  vague statements. :)12:37
ikoniaNixot: what card is it12:37
le_mischaikonia: a good one :-D12:37
NixotOK... ATI Sapphire Radeon X700 Pro.12:37
DEViUSanyone knows where the theme directory for gnome ubuntu is12:37
ikoniaahhh ati12:37
ikoniaDEViUS: /usr/share/theme12:37
PiciDEViUS: ~/.themes/12:37
NixotDevius: gnome-look.org12:37
* ActionParsnip groans at ati12:37
NixotATI is bad then?12:37
ActionParsnip!ati | Nixot12:37
ubottuNixot: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:37
ikoniaNixot: I'm sorry to say youd card is not a good card for liunx12:37
NixotOK... I'll try that.12:38
=== Nixot is now known as Nixot-looking-at
mefisto__and nvidia is a good card for linux? I think the difference is minimal12:38
dr_willisI guess ATI has still not delivered on its promise of better Linux drivers eh...12:38
DEViUSikonia: hey installed some emerald theme, but i hated it, so after removing it, i tried rolling back to the default theme, but the emerald theme left traces, what should i do to get the default back again12:39
ikoniamefisto__ certainly better driver support12:39
dr_willismefisto__,  depends on the card. i imagine.. I for one doubt if i ever buy an ATI card any time sook.12:39
ActionParsnipno idea and not bothered, im sticking with tried and tested nvidia12:39
ikoniaDEViUS: what traces12:39
zeth-ubuntuhow do I get emerald themes to work automatically as I log in?12:39
* defrysk prefers intel12:39
ActionParsnipzeth-ubuntu: add a startup item for emerald --replace12:39
DEViUSikonia: some icons and window border designs12:39
dr_willis3dfx! :)12:39
=== Nixot-looking-at is now known as Nixot
zeth-ubuntuActionParsnip  : thanks12:40
ikoniaDEViUS: are you trying to switch back to the default emerald theme, or the default gnome meta-city theme ?12:40
* Aaqil likes chrome with ubuntu12:40
NixotOK, enabled drivers. Now I must restart computer. Thanks very much for link, ubottu!12:40
DEViUSikonia: i need the 100% old default-theme that comes on after setup12:40
ikoniadisable emerald then, and return to meta-city12:41
* fiyawerx would like chrome a lot better if he didn't enjoy so many ff extensions - hopefully moz will at least grab some of the good code from chrome and integrate it12:41
ActionParsnipzeth-ubuntu: just make a small bash script then add it to ~/.kde/Autostart folder12:41
DEViUSikonia: how do i disable emerald, because i don see any prefrences for it12:41
defryskzeth-ubuntu, install fusion-icon12:41
ActionParsnipfiyawerx: whats so good in chrome thats not already done in firefox?12:41
ikoniaDEViUS how did you enable it ?12:41
dr_willisI agree with defrysk  zeth-ubuntu  - use fusion-icon :)12:41
fiyawerxActionParsnip, what a lot of the engine bits12:41
defryskActionParsnip, webkit is faster12:42
zeth-ubuntudefrysk : where from ... how .... why?12:42
DEViUSikonia: just installed it via pkg. mgr.12:42
defryskzeth-ubuntu, apt-get.....12:42
fiyawerxv8, webkit, uses separate processes for tabs, sandboxing12:42
ikoniaDEViUS so you must have started it to be able to use it, as it doesn't start by default12:42
DEViUSikonia: yes i did12:42
ikoniaso kill it12:42
defryskzeth-ubuntu, its a simple tool for managing compiz-emerald etc etc12:42
DEViUSikonia: but when i wanted to remove it12:42
DEViUSikonia: it left traces12:43
ikoniakill emerald12:43
ikoniathen re-apply the gnome theme from theme manager12:43
fiyawerxDEViUS, what "traces" ?12:43
ActionParsnipdefrysk: webkit?12:43
DEViUSfiyawerx: window border and icons12:43
=== m_newton is now known as m_newton|schooL
DEViUSikonia: how do i kill emerald12:44
defryskDEViUS, in gnome : metacity --replace12:44
ActionParsnipdefrysk: whats that?12:44
NixotWhoever helped me earlier, thanks! My games now run at a great FPS!12:44
defryskActionParsnip, google12:44
zeth-ubuntudefrysk  : if I install that do I need to manually tell emerald to start with the session?12:44
NixotNow I need more help...12:44
ActionParsnipdefrysk: i prefer ask.com12:44
JuJuBeeI have an external HD (usb/firewire).  If it is not connected at startup, I get permission denied when I connect it.  I have to connect  it then restart.  Why?12:44
ActionParsnipdefrysk: ill check it12:44
=== tim_ is now known as Razz
RazzGoodday everyone12:45
NixotWhen I open a 3D game, it keeps flashing. What do I do to fix it?12:45
defryskzeth-ubuntu, you can use the fusion-icon gui for that12:45
zeth-ubuntudefrysk  : cool ... thanks12:45
ljsoftnetNixot, have you tried disabling desktop effects?12:45
zeth-ubuntudefrysk  : will fusion-icon start with login?12:45
NixotI'll try that, ljsoftnet.12:46
defryskzeth-ubuntu, when you start is it docks in the notification are and you can tic the always start up with.... option12:46
ndanaight so vnc like repeatedly takes a picture of your desktop and sends it over a network right?12:46
ActionParsnipdefrysk: apparently its based on konquerors khtml library, interesting12:46
dr_willisndan,  sort of.. but theres a lot more to it then that. :)12:46
NixotHey... It worked!12:46
ndandr_willis: well thats the basis why you can't exceed like 5 fps.   how does FreeNX transfer, is it the same way?12:47
NixotNow, can you tell me how to get sound please?12:47
ActionParsnipNixot: desktop effects make a lot of stuff not work right12:47
zeth-ubuntudefrysk  : where is that option ... I can't see it12:47
bimosee you all later ;)12:47
NixotI am running on-board Realtek AC97 audio.12:47
* incapacitant is away: Buzy but on the look out.12:47
dr_willisndan,  i dont use freenx, - but vnc does do compression, and takes shortcuts.. Like only sending the info that changes I belive.12:47
ActionParsnipNixot: run lspci and look at the line that says about your soundcard, then websearch from there12:47
defryskzeth-ubuntu, I am not using it , but I'm sure you can find it ;)12:48
NixotI see, Action Parsnip. It sayd in feisty, it's an experimental feature. It dowan't do that anymore.12:48
DEViUSthis emerald ruined all my eye candy12:48
ndani'm trying to find a loophole around playing a game remotely with decent fps.12:48
DEViUSi cant even enable desktop effects12:48
ActionParsnipNixot: ive seen it do crazy stuff in here, even disabling left mouse click12:48
ktwoHi, i want ubuntu to show up the last user at login (so that i have to type only the passwort - not the user) is that possible and if yes where will i have to set it12:48
dr_willisndan,  use xdmcp if its on a local lan. and on Linux machines.12:48
NixotAhhhhhhh! Too much information! Is there a parametre that only shows sound?12:48
dr_willisndan,  or ssh/x forwarding12:49
NixotAction Parsnip, in Feisty when I activated wobbly windows, EVERYTHING wobbled so I disabled it. Then it wouldn't let me drag windows.12:49
ActionParsnipNixot: read the screen12:49
ActionParsnipNixot: one line will say what soundcard you have12:49
dr_willisive had wobbly windows get 'stuck maxamizing' and just sit there and wobble for a few min. :)12:49
ndandr_willis: thanks looking it up....12:49
ActionParsnipNixot: ive had desktop effects enabled for about an hour before i got frustrated and switched back to fluxbox12:50
NixotMultimedia audio controller? Is that it?12:50
ActionParsnipNixot: sounds good12:50
NixotWhat's fluxbox12:50
feugan3333Hi all. I think the last security update for thunderbird, has made thunderbird unusable.12:50
feugan3333Is anyone aware of any issues?12:50
ActionParsnipNixot: instead of gnome / kde / compiz ... i use fluxbox12:50
* Aaqil kisses ActionParsnip12:50
NixotOh, right.12:50
Aaqil /quit me and my ubuntu :X12:50
ActionParsnipNixot: gimme a sec, ill get you a screen grab12:51
NixotI've used Gnome and KDE, I prefer KDE but use Gnome on ubuntu because kubuntu was crappy in my opinion12:51
Nixot nVidia Corporation CK804 AC'97 Audio Controller (rev a2)12:51
ndandr_willis: so over xdmcp the graphical rendering is done on which end.  user or server?12:51
NixotWhat shall I do with that information?12:52
ActionParsnipNixot: http://i270.photobucket.com/albums/jj93/andrew_woodhead666/MyScreenshot.png?t=122268910812:52
dr_willisndan,  it would be done at the local end thats displaying the  stuff.12:52
NixotWow, action parsnip. Minimalistic!12:52
ActionParsnipNixot: indeed, and fast12:52
dr_willisndan,  thats how it was done years ago.. the server had all the ram.. the client had the gfx power.. :) but  for a game.. it still wont be as good as locally i imagine12:53
NixotI had something like that on windows once - three boxes. Once for the tasks, one systray, and one virtual desktops. It drove me up the wall after a while!12:53
ActionParsnipNixot: have you tried changing you sound prefs to ALSA?12:53
NixotWait a bit. Let me do that...12:53
ndandr_willis:  so.... i wonder the latency tho.  say you have two decent computers with a crossover connecting them.  you connect to the other one with XDMCP and run wow from the other.  would it work without lag?12:54
ActionParsnip!hi | coguar12:54
ubottucoguar: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!12:54
CoguarIm new on linux, ans sry about bad english12:54
ktwoHi, i want ubuntu to show up the last user at login (so that i have to type only the passwort - not the user) is that possible and if yes where will i have to set it12:54
dr_willisndan,  i doubt if you will ever get 'without lag'12:54
NixotActionParsnip: Didn't work. Sorry. I clicked ALSA, then pressed Test, and there was a big error.12:55
NixotActionParsnip: I can retype the error if you want...12:55
DEViUShelp me plz, my computers  candy is all gone thanks to emerald, and it dosent switch back12:55
Coguari have problem instaling Xfi under ubuntu12:55
dr_willisDEViUS,  tried 'compiz --replace' in a terminal yet?12:55
ndandr_willis: can you XDMCP with a virtual computer?12:55
Coguari get sound to work with oss but i have message no sound device12:55
dr_willisndan,  like virtualbox/vmware/qemu - yes.12:56
DEViUSdr_willis: nope12:56
NixotDid ActionParsnip go?12:56
TrXanyone using Backuppc + RsyncD?12:57
DEViUSdr_willis: it stops at this part  [Software rasterizer detected, abortingaborting and using fallback: /usr/bin/metacity ]12:57
ActionParsnipktwo: System->Administration->Login Window12:57
dr_willisDEViUS,   so its running 'metacity --replace' then eh?12:57
ActionParsnipktwo: Under Local Tab, select one of the themes: -Happy GNOME with Browser -Human List12:57
ActionParsnipktwo: If there is only one user, it will be pre-selected.12:57
dr_willisOh wait.. emreald is a decorator.. the command to replace it is not compiz --replace its somthing else..12:58
DEViUSdr_willis: i have no idea, i didnt have a mess like thiss before12:58
NixotActionParsnip: Yuo are a GOD. I disabled system sounds and software sound mixing. It worked!12:58
ndandr_willis: and can you see what is on that box with the virtual machine minimized?12:58
NixotActionParsnip: Thank you VERY much for being patient.12:58
ActionParsnipNixot: awesome (i have the same card ;))12:58
NixotActionParsnip: And helpful, of course.12:58
dr_willisndan,  of course. You dont need X running   to use xdmcp :)12:58
ActionParsnipNixot: we all like to help12:58
vr8mfhi, i just install ubuntu 8.04, and it's great. Visual, stability etc. But i want to know how can i play with icons. I mean, visual effects. Can you help me , at least with an internet page?12:58
DEViUSdr_willis: i have no idea, i didnt have a mess like thiss before12:59
ndandr_willis: you are the most helpful person i've met this evening, n i've been workin on this prb for a while.  thank you12:59
ActionParsnipvr8mf: are you on about the cbe and wobbly windows12:59
Ganandorfhi good day guys i was told a while back from a friend that i was experiencing a kernel freeze what do i do to resolve that12:59
dr_willisDEViUS,   gtk-window-decorator --replace     to get the gtk window decorations back12:59
dr_willisDEViUS,  see the some what out of date docs at --> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion13:00
ActionParsnipGanandorf: id check logs with your log viewer13:00
naaddeI has problem13:01
vr8mfActionParsnip: no, i'm new. But where can i inform about it?13:01
ActionParsnipnaadde: wassup?13:01
ActionParsnipvr8mf: #compiz13:01
naaddeI have a japanese mailfriend and I sent some letters with him, I used to see his japanese characters13:01
ActionParsnip!compiz | vr8mf13:01
naaddebut not anymore13:01
ubottuvr8mf: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion13:01
naaddesomething has happened that changed it so I cannot see them, I can still write them here こんにちわ13:01
GanandorfActionParsnip:  i cannot get into the system it won't boot it goes to the loading screen and then stops and my lights on my keyboard begin to flash13:02
ushimitsudokinaadde: Perhaps your email client is not detecting the encoding correctly?13:02
vr8mfActionParsnip: i'l give  a try. Thank you13:02
DEViUSdr_willis: it does nothing13:02
ActionParsnipGanandorf: then press esc when grub loads and boot an older kernel13:02
naaddeushimitsudoki: firefox -> hotmail13:02
naaddeand I used to see them13:02
ActionParsnipGanandorf: then read the logs13:03
ndandr_wallis: wait am i reading this wrong or do i loose my x when i connect to the other x through xmdcp?13:03
dr_willisDEViUS,  you got deeper issues then if that did not give back your normal desktop.   'metacity --replace'  should also give back the normal desktop13:03
ActionParsnipnaadde: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Japanese_Input_and_Fonts_in_Ubuntu_7.1013:04
naaddeActionParsnip: is that the same for 8.04?13:04
ActionParsnipnaadde: id imagine so yes13:04
DEViUSdr_willis: it aint do me no good13:04
DEViUSi need some serious attention, my computers eyecandy is all gone and ruined, i cant even get back the default ubuntu theme, plz, plz plz, help me13:06
Vladimir[LV]Hello! How i can enable FIREWALL included in ubuntu-server?13:07
Vladimir[LV]And configure?13:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ufw13:07
ActionParsnipDEViUS: what do you get when you metacity --replace13:07
ActionParsnip!firestarter | Vladimir[LV]13:07
ubottuVladimir[LV]: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).13:07
DEViUSActionParsnip: it gives nothing13:07
ActionParsnipDEViUS: how have you made desktop effects load at boot?13:08
Vladimir[LV]ActionParsnip: thank you :-)13:08
=== datacrusher is now known as dtcrshr
DEViUSActionParsnip: "how have you made desktop effects load at boot"  i dont get what you mean13:10
ActionParsnipDEViUS: well the default is metacity but you are now using emerald. If you remove what makes emerald autoload then reboot you should be ok13:11
DEViUSActionParsnip: plz, tell me how13:11
ubottuTo add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot13:11
ActionParsnip^ maybe13:11
DEViUSActionParsnip: its not there13:13
ActionParsnipDEViUS: i dont use gnome or desktop effects so im not muh use here but maybe folks in #compiz can help some13:13
calanyahello. I need a little help with xubuntu, in regards to an external monitor and a laptop.13:13
calanyasorry, wrong channel. :-)13:13
* ActionParsnip chants "once again compiz breaks things"13:14
koala_mananother one bites the fairy dust13:14
CVirusHow can I list my startup scripts ?13:15
ActionParsnipCVirus: cd /etc/ini.d; ls13:15
CVirusActionParsnip, I mean control them13:16
DEViUSi need some serious attention, my computers eyecandy is all gone and ruined, i cant even get back the default ubuntu theme, plz, plz plz, help me13:16
CViruswhich ones starts on boot and which doesnt13:16
padeeits me again... problem with alsa, esd, m-audio delta1010... it would be great to have someone who could give me some hint...13:16
legend2440CVirus: open system>admin>bootup manager. if its not there make sure bum is installed13:18
ActionParsnippadee: do you have a soundcard as well os onboard sound?13:18
ActionParsnipos = as13:18
ActionParsnippadee: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-753894.html13:18
hamdoes someone know how to install mp3 player13:19
ActionParsnipham: you have a few already13:19
ace_suareshow to make upstart recognize a new file/program that need to start at boot? Is rebooting the whole machine the only way ?13:19
ActionParsnipham: totem can play them13:19
=== agib|away is now known as agib
hateballham: Totem (Movieplayer) is the default player13:20
padeeactionparsnip, i got one soundcard onboard (this one is switched off in the BIos) and the PCMCIA-card connected to the external delta101013:20
hamActionParsnip totem?13:20
ActionParsnipham: when you try you will need to install some codecs (if yu dont have them) this si managed for you13:20
DEViUSi need some serious attention, my computers eyecandy is all gone and ruined, i cant even get back the default ubuntu theme, plz, plz plz, help me13:20
mirexham: yes. There are few already, but if you want something fancy, then there are many mp3 players around, and you first should choose one. I suggest Amarok. You install it through your 'Synaptic manager', just search for 'amarok' and install it.13:20
ActionParsnippadee: does asoundconf list shoe the card13:21
ActionParsnip!mp3 | ham13:21
ubottuham: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats13:21
ActionParsnip!player | ham13:21
ubottuham: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs13:21
hamthank all of you. I will try.13:21
padeeactionparsnip, yes, its recognized. the problem is, that under system/preferences/sound i can click on the ALSA-tab and i hear the test sound. but no other device (mplayer, vlc, firefox) lets hear sound...13:22
hamI want a mp3 player ,just like the winnap in windows.13:22
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/13:22
shoot^guys, anyone know how to export settings from rhythmbox? eg. all my postcast subscriptions? I'm trying to migrate to my new laptop.13:22
Piciham: Audacious may be the most similar then.13:22
ActionParsnippadee: have you tried editting the sound settings for those apps?13:22
erUSULham: audacious is like winamp13:23
padeeactionparsnip, no. how do i do that?13:23
ActionParsnippadee: open each app. its usually settings -> configure <appname>13:23
hamokay,I will try the audacious13:23
DEViUSi need some serious attention, my computers eyecandy is all gone and ruined, i cant even get back the default ubuntu theme, plz, plz plz, help me13:24
erUSULshoot^: ~/.gnome2/rhythmbox/* ?13:24
padeeactionparsnip, that i did in vlc and bmp...13:24
padeeactionparsnip, without being able to hear any sound13:24
erUSUL!generic | HoNgOuRu13:25
ubottuHoNgOuRu: Background to the decision to replace -686, k7 and -smp kernels with -generic can be found here https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-August/019983.html (the -386 kernel is still available if needed)13:25
shoot^erUSUL: thanks :)13:26
ActionParsnippadee: try a reboot13:26
erUSULshoot^: no problem13:26
DEViUSi need some serious attention, my computers eyecandy is all gone and ruined, i cant even get back the default ubuntu theme, plz, plz plz, help me13:26
DEViUSisnt there anyone who can help me13:26
ActionParsnipDEViUS: you could uninstall all the eyecandy stuff13:26
ActionParsnipthen reboot13:26
defryskapt-get remove compiz13:27
shoot^DEViUS: you could try explaining the problem a little better then "IT HAS ALL GONE AARGHHH!!ONE ELEVEN1!"13:27
shoot^DEViUS: what did you do right before it vanished?13:27
CVirusActionParsnip, sorry I didn't get your message13:27
DEViUSshoot^: i installed emerald13:27
shoot^ok, that *shouldn't* have done any damage... but thats not to say it didn't!13:28
padeeactionparsip, i rebooted already a couple of times... strange is, that the welcome sound of ubuntu, the login sound and the test beep is there, but any other audio signal is not hearable...13:28
CVirusHow can I control my startup scripts ?13:28
shoot^DEViUS: so what do you get when you boot at the moment? a command line? or a GUI without effects?13:29
defryskpadee, doubleclick the volume icon in the tray , it opens the volumemanager , and check if pcm and master are open13:29
padeedefrysk, alsa-mixer sais, that all the input and output channels from the delta1010 are open...13:30
DEViUSshoot^:GUI with no eeffects13:30
ActionParsnipCVirus: http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2005/09/09/removing-or-editing-a-startup-script/13:30
defryskpadee, do as i said please13:30
naaddesudo apt-get update said this13:31
naaddeW: GPG error: http://archive.ubuntulinux.jp gutsy/ Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 058A05E90C4ECFEC13:31
naaddeW: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems13:31
DEViUSshoot^:GUI with no eeffects13:31
padeedefrysk, thats what i did: it opens "VOLUME CONTROL M-AUDIO DELTA 1010 (Alsa Mixer)", thats the title of the window, and all channels are on maximum13:32
defryskpadee, ok , sorry13:32
CaptJageranyway to make ubuntu boot without any user or password but still have the protections of theym not being able to add anything  or change anything just run what is on the box?13:32
thale__anyone really good with evolution?13:33
thale__specifically relating to the Novell Groupwise integration?13:33
CaptJagerwant to put a box in my bar with ubuntu on it for ppl to play with but do not want them to change anything13:33
hateballCaptJager: Make a user account and do all the settings you want. Then copy that profile to say... /root, and have it delete /home/user, and copy back the contents on reboot13:35
hateballCaptJager: It's what I do... works quite well. They *could* install stuff in that users ~/, but after a reboot it'd be gone13:35
CViruswhat is runtime 0 and 6 ?13:35
PiciCaptJager: Don't put the user in the admin group, use sabayon and/or pessulus to lockdown the gnome session. Setup auto-login13:35
ActionParsnipCaptJager: you can enable autologin but with a normal user who is not a member of admin so they cant sudo13:36
CaptJagercan ya walk me through this13:36
PiciCVirus: 0 is halt, 6 is reboot.13:36
scuserhi all, does anyone know where could I find libnss-ldap.conf file ?13:36
CVirusPici, thanks13:36
CaptJagerActionParsnip, that is what I am looking for13:36
ActionParsnipCaptJager: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutoLogin13:37
PiciCaptJager: Both Pessulus and Sabayon are in the repositories13:37
hateballOh right... I totally forgot about Sabayon13:37
PiciCaptJager: http://www.linux.com/feature/6206013:37
CaptJagerwhat would you suggest in a bar/tavern setting wireless keyboard and mouse on a 47" lcd13:38
CaptJagerif no sudo thay cant really mess anything up right13:39
NiKeCRu666hello, i have a problem, i installed virtualbox and i have lost sound and wifi, I only get it work restarting system in recoverymode, after a normal restart it still doesn work. i found a solution in the forums but i dont know how to do those steps. please help.13:39
ActionParsnipCaptJager: they will only have user access so they can access very little13:39
hateballOnly that users ~/ CaptJager. So even if you do use lockdown tools... keep a copy of the profile for fast restore13:39
ActionParsnipCaptJager: that will also help protect against malware / virus'13:39
ActionParsnipCaptJager: and is why you shuld not log on as root13:40
CaptJagerthought there was no viruses for linux13:40
ActionParsnipCaptJager: id set the root password too incase some smart guy trys to log in as it13:40
ActionParsnipCaptJager: there are a few, they just do very little due to the user model13:40
thale__Anyone familiar with OpenSuSE?13:40
ActionParsnipCaptJager: there are virus' for all oSes13:41
CaptJageraction the ppl here  think linux is charlie browns buddy13:41
jim_pNiKeCRu666: what wifi card and what sound card have you got? which virtualbox version did you install (ose or non-ose)?13:41
hateballthale__: probably in #opensuse13:41
thale__I am looking to enable a feature SuSE has but I don't know how13:41
NixotHi, err...13:41
jim_pNiKeCRu666: can we see the solution too?13:41
ActionParsnipCaptJager: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Linux_computer_viruses13:41
NixotI followed some advice earlier, from ActionParsnip.13:41
NixotHowever now my sound is all crackly.13:41
j_Anyone else use 3G internet here?13:41
CaptJagerActionParsnip, antivirus?13:41
NixotIs there a way to fix this?13:42
thale__hateball: but I want to enable something in Kubuntu, I just know it works this way in SuSE13:42
ActionParsnip!antivirus | CaptJager13:42
ubottuCaptJager: antivirus is something you don't really need on Linux, unless you serve windows clients. ClamAV and aegis are decent linux virusscanners. Also see !linuxvirus13:42
NiKeCRu666jim_p: ok, this s the webpage,post #5,  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=79205413:42
CaptJagerk so no real desktop issues13:42
NixotMy sound is all crackly when I play 3D games13:43
NixotCan someone help me please?13:43
ActionParsnipNixot: turn down software volume, then crank speakers13:43
sonecagood morning all...13:43
Picithale__: If you explain what feature you want, we may be able to help you.13:43
NixotActionParsnip: How do I do that?13:44
ActionParsnipNixot: use whatever mixer you use to lower the volume levels13:44
NixotActionParsnip: You mean the speaker icon at the top?13:45
thale__When you plug a thumb drive in, it creates the automounts it under /media in sync mode13:45
thale__that way it can just be unplugged without worrying about unmounting it manually13:45
murlidharwhere are the bugs filed ?13:46
doctorowWhat's the preferred way to get Hardy to recognize and use a USB webcam?13:46
ActionParsnip!bugs | murlidhar13:46
ubottumurlidhar: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots13:46
murlidharah thanks ActionParsnip13:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 275650 in xserver-xorg-input-mutouch "mutouch driver in hardy is Y axis Inverted" [Undecided,New]13:48
NixotCan someone help me fix my crackly sound?13:49
padeecan someone help me fixing my delta1010?13:49
NixotOK then...13:49
=== fReAkY[t] is now known as freaky[t]
taxmanhi all, F-Spot is failing on an image transfer from my camera, does anyone remember what the default transfer program in Gutsy was? I can't seem to recall and I don't have any old images lying around13:52
HardyHeronwhat's a good DVD software for ubuntu13:53
Milyardobuy buy buy :)13:54
thale__So no one has any ideas on how to enable that?13:54
Milyardoenable what thale__ ?13:54
thale__I believe it's called subfs13:54
HardyHeronWhat's a good DVD software for ubuntu!13:55
thale__basically when you plug a thumbdrive in, it gets automounted under /media in sync mode13:55
=== Pierreb is now known as Lesidn
lettfetiHi. i installed kde to try it out and am now unable to login with GNOME. i just get an empty screen. I dont want to remove kde completely just wondering if you know of any quickfix please note i'm relatively new to a unix based system13:55
HardyHeronis VLC the best player in ubuntu?13:56
HardyHeronwhat's the best media player in ubuntu?13:56
mirexi vote for vlc.13:57
uthombest is pretty subjective, I use and like VLC but there are many good clients available13:57
the_eraseri dont like vlc13:57
the_eraserxine ftw13:57
HardyHeronwhat's wrong with vlc?13:57
the_eraserit has its own codecs which are crappy13:58
erUSUL!best | HardyHeron13:58
ubottuHardyHeron: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.13:58
erUSULtaxman: try gthumb or gtkam or just nautilus (if the camera emulates usb-storage)13:59
the_eraserThe BESTEST player is vlc, because 1 people (50%) said so! <-- lol13:59
php_ini_alguem aqui fala minha linguaa ?14:00
php_ini_bom dia !14:00
ubottuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt por ajuda em português. Obrigado.14:01
Vladimir[LV]How i can restart my iptables?14:01
l33<Vladimir[LV why14:02
taxmanerUSUL: gtkam  seems to be worrking, but that''s not the one that was default on gutsy. Unfortunately it doesn't emulate usb mass storage. The gutsy default was actually easier to use than F-Spot14:03
ZeroA4!pt | php_ini_14:03
ubottuphp_ini_: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt por ajuda em português. Obrigado.14:03
v3ctorthe_eraser: the best would be `mplayer -vo caca`14:04
ZeroA4who can change bot msgs ? "por ajuda" is not right in portuguese "para ajuda" would be better14:05
=== lipsin_ is now known as lipsin
narcoclepsyMy apt (and thus entire system) is incredibly hosed, please help :-014:05
CaptJagernot me I am lucky if i type in the right channel14:05
narcoclepsyI read through bug reports, tried erasing /var/cache/apt/*.bin14:05
erUSULtaxman: gthumb14:05
narcoclepsyno improvement14:06
erUSUL!info gthumb | taxman14:06
ubottutaxman: gthumb (source: gthumb): an image viewer and browser. In component main, is optional. Version 3:2.10.8-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 1506 kB, installed size 8392 kB14:06
l33<narcoclepsy explain14:06
narcoclepsyi did an apt-get update14:06
narcoclepsyit segfaults14:06
l33strace apt-get14:06
=== syl is now known as Guest14049
erUSULZeroA4: /msg ubottu pt is <reply>Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.14:07
jribnarcoclepsy: what were some of the last things you did before it started segfaulting?14:07
narcoclepsyi just use my computer14:07
narcoclepsyto code.14:07
narcoclepsyso i had a synaptics update message14:07
narcoclepsyso i clicked on it to update and it barfed.14:07
narcoclepsyi tried minimalizing my sources.list to cut out any bad repositories, didn't have any effect14:08
l33barfed...good word14:08
jribZeroA4: thanks14:08
l33strace apt-get14:08
narcoclepsywant be to pastebin it?14:08
ZeroA4erUSUL, i know!14:08
ZeroA4jrib, thanks for what ? you can change the bot msg ?14:09
jribZeroA4: yep, I did it14:09
adantei just plugged a usb mass storage device in. it did not automount, and dmesg does not tell me what device it is, how do i find out so i can mount it?14:09
murlidhari am trying to compile gtk-gnutella from the source file .14:09
imperfect-Anyone using ubuntu on a macpro?14:10
erUSULjrib: ZeroA4 i sent the edit request14:10
ZeroA4jrib, great ! thank you :)14:10
imperfect-And if so, did you get the front audio to work?14:10
imperfect-I can only get sound out of the back14:10
imperfect-It's annoying14:10
murlidharand i am not able to compile it . has anyone been able to compile it ?14:10
jribmurlidhar: gtk-gnutella is in the repositories, no need to compile14:10
murlidharjrib: it's the old version14:10
jribmurlidhar: so?14:10
murlidharjrib: i get a warning that my client is too old .14:10
ZeroA4erUSUL, err, thanks... i misread you14:10
jrib!compiling > murlidhar14:10
ubottumurlidhar, please see my private message14:10
l33adante, if it's not in dmesg it's not being detecged14:11
l33try another usb port14:11
thale__Ok, anyone know where I can get submount thru apt?14:11
Ardhaa-aan nih14:11
murlidharjrib: also it uses gtk1.2 where as i want gtk2.014:11
Ardhaapa nih14:11
erUSULZeroA4: well i told you how to do it FYI and then did it myself ;)14:11
adantel33: it is showing up in dmesg but it is not registering as a device?14:11
narcoclepsyl33: http://rafb.net/p/C1H8Q413.html14:12
adantel33: http://pastebin.com/m5337b76614:12
murlidharjrib: i have read the read me file for installing it . Run from the top of the source tree:14:12
murlidharfakeroot debian/rules binary14:12
murlidharwhat does this mean14:12
jribmurlidhar: k, look over the wiki then or give more specific descriptions of what is happening14:12
ZeroA4erUSUL, yeah... but i misread and "thinked" you was just repeating the bot sending me to ubuntu-br... sorry... and thanks again!14:12
ActionParsnipyo yo yo14:13
jribmurlidhar: it's a command you run.  Creates a .deb14:13
erUSULZeroA4: no problem14:13
taxmanerUSUL: thanks, didn't realize that did import as well.14:13
murlidharjrib: yeah what does run from the top of the source mean ?14:13
erUSULtaxman: no problem14:13
imperfect-man this sucks.14:13
murlidharjrib: the source directory where the source file is ?14:13
imperfect-Alsamixer wont even let me turn the headphone up14:13
jribmurlidhar: the top-level directory that you exctracted14:13
l3319Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/security.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_hardy-security_universe_binary-i386_Packages) = 11914:14
l33write(2, "\n", 114:14
l33)                       = 114:14
FloodBot1l33: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:14
ActionParsnipl33: use pastebin14:14
murlidharjrib: i did that but :(14:14
murlidharRun from the top of the source tree:14:14
murlidharfakeroot debian/rules binary14:14
ActionParsnip!paste | l3314:14
ubottul33: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)14:14
jribmurlidhar: what is your question?14:14
narcoclepsyl33 what?14:14
thale__Is there a way I can configure the dns resolver to use cascade across more than one server for names?14:15
murlidharjrib: /usr/bin/fakeroot: 166: debian: not found14:15
needhelphi, when I try to play a .ram file from a website with FireFox, mplayer plug-in starts, loads the file, and then stops before outputting any sound. How to fix?14:15
l33I thought you said it segfaulted?14:15
l33I guess you've tried a minimal apt-sources and apt-get update?14:15
ActionParsnipneedhelp: you'll need helix or realplayer14:15
jribmurlidhar: sudo apt-get install build-essential devscripts14:15
ActionParsnip!realplayer | needhelp14:16
ubottuneedhelp: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats14:16
murlidharjrib: thanks14:16
narcoclepsyl33: it was. i rebooted though...14:16
narcoclepsyl33:  ok so it appears the main issue now is "prblem with mergelist"14:17
mez_is it possible to sync two instances of evolution14:17
jribmurlidhar: Actually, rereading your error: if you do have fakeroot, then you are in the wrong directory.  There should be a debian/ subdirectory where you are14:17
* incapacitant is back (gone 01:29:36)14:17
l33good luck14:17
murlidharjrib: /home/murlidhar/gtk-gnutella-snapshot14:17
erUSUL!away > incapacitant14:17
ubottuincapacitant, please see my private message14:17
l33narco what version of ubuntu you usu14:18
jribmurlidhar: you're compiling a snapshot?  Why aren't you using a release?14:18
murlidharjrib: what's the difference ?14:18
scawtdoes anyone know how to use ansi characters in ubuntu's terminal?14:18
scawtlike for BitchX or custom zsh prompts14:19
jribmurlidhar: well if you're just grabbing whatever is the latest thing in SVN it may be broken depending on how the project manages their svn repository14:19
murlidharjrib: k then i will download a release then14:19
l33so. anyone know how I can achive this14:20
jribmurlidhar: k14:20
narcoclepsyl33: 8.04 32bit14:20
jribl33: best to just repeat your question since most people have no idea what "this" is14:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 275650 in xserver-xorg-input-mutouch "mutouch driver in hardy is Y axis Inverted" [Undecided,New]14:21
dtcrshrhi folks, iv got an issue with cd burning. On the comand line (mkisofs, genisoimage and cdrecord) iv tryed MANY situations with joliet, long names, rock ridge.. just to name a few, and always the output media from my backup goes with wrong characters. Iv tryed inputting on the cli uft-8, but none gets right. If i record the folder with gnomebaker, with joliet and ridge selected the media goes fine, i can read in windows and so on. Is there a way to use g14:21
jribl33: are you mrnaan?14:22
Glu3Is there anyway to fix flash video's choppiness?14:22
jribl33: after you apt-get source, apply the patch, then rebuild14:23
jrib!pm | l3314:23
ubottul33: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.14:23
aLaNalguien podria decirme porque aparecen 2 usuarios en la data que me tira gkrellm?14:24
jribl33: take a quick look at 'man patch'.  It's very readable.  poke me if you're stuck14:24
jrib!es | aLaN14:24
ubottuaLaN: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.14:24
balle_my totem movie player is running in slow motion playing .avi files, does anybody know how to fix this?14:25
l33I am no14:25
narcoclepsyl33: jsyk i think i got it, I had to remove /var/lib/apt/lists/* && apt-get -f install && apt-get update14:25
sonecahelo folks, i am working on Pidgin. There is an issue on Blocked users. Even when the contact is blocked, he also can send messages to user, and vice-versa. So, i want to help the team, making a patch to this issue, in libpurple and pidgin. Anyone else is working with this?14:25
l33okay., I'll give that a try14:25
balle_fixed itself..14:25
l33thanks jrib14:25
balle_thx anyway14:25
narcoclepsythx for taking a look :-)14:25
l33narcolepsy....no sleeping on the job again.14:25
dotok I can write japanese now very easily on my computer14:26
simooHi, is there a reason Ubuntu does not come installed with the liberation font set14:26
dotand I saw my japanese friends old e-mails14:26
christian__alguien habla español14:26
erUSULdtcrshr: genisoimage -J -joliet-long -input-charset UTF-8  ?? just reading through the genisoimage man page can give a few clues14:26
jrib!es | christian__14:26
ubottuchristian__: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.14:26
erUSUL!es | christian__14:26
dotbut I cant see my friends newest mail14:26
narcoclepsyl33: ;-) with my daily coffee intake thats impossible. I don't know HOW it happened... but moving along!14:26
dtcrshriv tryed that erUSUL14:26
ActionParsnipsoneca: write the devs an email with as much info as possible, really go overboard and be polite, they may be able to advise14:26
dtcrshrmy command line was just equal as this, with a few more triggers14:27
dtcrshrlike -V"$current date" and stuff14:27
oyvind_hello! does anyone know how to get skype on the 64bit version?14:27
JonathanDmy bud is booting off the livecd, and being prompted (graphical prompt) for a user+pass14:27
dotbe right back14:27
JonathanDI don't recall this being the case...14:27
ActionParsnip!skype | oyvind_14:28
ubottuoyvind_: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto14:28
=== alif is now known as imntoguest
=== imntoguest is now known as imnoguest
erUSULdtcrshr: then dunno.... you can burn a disk with some gui app and see what command line they are using to generate the image on the process list (i know Places>cd burner uses genisoimage)14:28
zoed!hi | alif14:29
ubottualif: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!14:29
zoedyeah, hi imnoguest14:29
dtcrshri got only gnomebaker on the gui14:29
imnoguesthi zoed14:29
JonathanDdid something change to require a pass on teh livecd?14:30
ktwois it possible to remove the bootup logo and instead showing up what the PC is loading?14:30
l33jrib: the package already has a diff? can I just diff the source and do apt-get -b ? or do I have to do other things14:30
jribl33: what do you mean by "the package already has a diff"?14:30
zoedktwo: yes: remove the kernel parameter "quiet"14:30
l33 xserver-xorg-input-mutouch_1.1.0-3.diff.gz14:31
erUSULktwo: edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and remove the quiet and splash kernel parameters on all the kernel lines14:31
jribl33: no, that's something different14:31
l33ok no problem,14:31
ktwook thx, got it14:31
zoedktwo: If you want it to be easy, install startup manager14:31
jribl33: you need to go inside the directory you got and apply patch14:31
l33just doing that now.14:32
l33I presume I can use the diff from xorg?14:32
l33or do I need a patch?14:32
murlidharjrib: /usr/bin/fakeroot: 166: debian/rules: not found14:33
jribl33: they're the same14:33
jribmurlidhar: paste the output of 'ls -d debian'14:33
murlidharjrib: here also i get the same error14:33
murlidharjrib: ls: cannot access debian: No such file or directory14:34
crushyMURLIDHAR: i want to install a webserver as guest os in ubuntu, which virtual machine i should use?14:34
jribmurlidhar: you are in the wrong directory14:34
ikoniacrushy a webserver is not an OS14:34
murlidharcrushy:  sorry i can't help u14:34
jribmurlidhar: did you extract the tarball you downloaded?14:34
ikoniacrushy: a webserver is an application, you neeD an OS already running to get an web server installed14:34
l33I don't think I can use the patches http://gitweb.freedesktop.org/?p=xorg/driver/xf86-input-mutouch.git;a=summary as the driver has moved on somewhat !!!14:35
murlidharjrib: yes14:35
jribl33: you need to diff the right versions14:35
MaimsterHow's everyone doing today?14:35
crushywhat i mean is i will install ubuntuserver and make it webserver, then which one i must use to make guest14:35
jribmurlidhar: did you cd into the directory you extracted?14:35
samssshello all, i have a question, what desktop could i use to use awn as default panel without having any other panel?14:35
ikoniacrushy you don't make an application the guest14:35
murlidharjrib: /home/murlidhar/gtk-gnutella-0.96.514:35
l33I presume I need to get a source deb for 1.2.0?14:35
ikoniacrushy: you need a OS running as a host, then a virtual machine, then install an OS on the virtual machine(that is a guest) then install the application on that virtual machine14:36
crushyi dont want to trouble my main pc as i use it for personal use , iw ill install ubuntu server in guest os to make it webserver14:36
Vladimir[LV]What port uses BIND9? Thanks!14:36
WhitorHi. Whenever I uncheck an adapter box in -Network- settings, The box does this little uncheck then recheck itself dance ... its annoying. If I uncheck it again, it sticks. any ideas ?14:36
murlidharjrib: it shows a dir called debian14:36
crushythats why i want to know which virtual application to use :-s14:36
ikoniacrushy if windows is your host, use vmware14:36
deltarayIs there a list of md5sums for the install discs somewhere?14:36
ikoniacrushy: or microsoft virtual PC14:36
ikoniacrushy: or seem more advice in ##windows14:36
jribmurlidhar: where did you get that file from?14:37
deltarayWait, nevermind14:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bind914:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bind14:37
crushyikonia i know all that , but thanks for the concern :(, i want the opinion about best virtualization software to install server14:37
zoed!info bind14:37
ubottuPackage bind does not exist in hardy14:37
zoed!info bind914:37
ubottubind9 (source: bind9): Internet Domain Name Server. In component main, is optional. Version 1:9.4.2-10 (hardy), package size 261 kB, installed size 744 kB14:37
erUSUL!virtualizers | crushy14:37
ubottucrushy: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications14:37
ikoniacrushy: I've just given you the two options for a windows host - vmware or microsoft vitual pc14:37
erUSUL!best | crushy14:37
ubottucrushy: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.14:37
ikoniacrushy: ##windows will help you more with Virtualisation on windows14:37
murlidharjrib: http://downloads.sourceforge.net/gtk-gnutella/gtk-gnutella-0.96.5.tar.bz214:38
crushywhat about linux host ikonia?14:39
murlidhar!moring | jkyle14:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about moring14:39
murlidhar!morning | jkyle14:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about morning14:39
izikehi, i removed my nvidia card from my desktop and now it work with the ati onboard card, the only problem is that when using fglrx it work soooooooo slow, i mean really really slow for 2D and when i try to enable compiz it say it cant, what could it be??14:39
ikoniacrushy: you just siad you didn't want to use linux to trouble your windows OS14:39
crushyno no14:39
ikonia!ati | izike14:39
ubottuizike: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto14:39
murlidhar!hi | jkyle14:39
ubottujkyle: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!14:39
jribmurlidhar: it works fine for me here.  Pastebin your terminal session14:40
crushywhat am saying i have linux host14:40
crushyand i want to know which virtualization sofware will work best for a ubuntu server host so to make it as webserver14:40
murlidharjrib: u mean when i ./Configure -d  ?14:40
crushyi hope it will be easy to get me now? is it14:40
jkylejust installed ubuntu and xfce on my ibook hoping for a bit better performance. the video seems a bit "laggy" though, do I need to install 3rd party drivers or some such?14:40
jkyleglxgears displays, so it does have 3d support14:41
jribmurlidhar: with everything you ran and the errors14:41
erUSULjrib: which graphic card? and also is the ibook ppc?14:41
ubottuThere are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !kvm is the preferred approach in Ubuntu.  See also !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications14:41
murlidharjrib: geeze it's making the make file now :/14:41
jribmurlidhar: you don't need to run that command...14:42
jkyleerUSUL: ppc: yes, card: mobility radeon 920014:42
ubottukvm is the preferred virtualization approach in Ubuntu. For more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM14:42
murlidharjrib: eerr now it's asking to which compiler i want to use ?14:42
deltarayI'm having problems writing the iso of the alternative for 8.04 amd64.  The md5sum is right, but it has now complained on two discs that it is overburning the disc.14:42
* jrib watches as murlidhar ignores him14:42
murlidharjrib: then how to i do it14:43
josephpicheDoes anyone know an open source solution to data recovery for a flash drive?14:43
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox14:43
ubottuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player", only for Feisty and Edgy), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. Instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers14:43
erUSULjkyle: well then your options are quite limited... not checked but i doubt ati has drivers for ppc14:43
jribmurlidhar: pastebin all the commands you have run and their output14:43
murlidharjrib: alright14:43
erUSULjkyle: you will have to use the radeon driver (as you are now if you have 3d)14:43
jkyleerUSUL: drats. kinda makes *nix seem not so snappy :(14:44
_2i took my own advice and switched from #kubuntu to #ubuntu for this Q because it's not kde related in any way.14:44
jribmurlidhar: actually just wipe what you have done and just pastebin what happens when you run 'fakeroot debian/rules binary' (including the command you run) on a freshly extracted gtk-gnutella source14:44
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion14:44
_2anyone know why if /sys is not mounted standard networking fails ?14:45
nowimprovedanyone know how to change the color of my username and host in xterm14:45
_2i searched all of /etc  and can't see any reason it should http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/324914:45
erUSUL_2: well current linux is too dependent on the /sys filesystem to run it without it14:45
jribnowimproved: google "bash color prompt"14:45
oyvind_i have no idea what I typed, but damn did it work. thank you ubuntu for freeing me from that damned windows tyranny!14:46
_2erUSUL then it needs fixed.   but that doesn't answer my question tho14:46
murlidharjrib: http://www.pastie.org/28136214:46
r00tintheb0xGood morning all14:46
_2erUSUL there is nothing network related that is searching /sys that i can find14:46
jribmurlidhar: open README.Debian and install all of the packages it tells you to install there14:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sys14:47
murlidharjrib: k14:47
erUSUL_2: what needs fixing? sys is as necessary as /proc or any other essential kernel system you can not run without it. the question is why are you trying to run without it ??14:47
_2erUSUL neither are necessary imo14:47
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josephpicheDoes anyone know any open source data recovery solutions for flash drives?14:48
_2erUSUL false statement "you can not run without it."  of course i can.14:48
erUSUL_2: well  your opinion does not count as much as the opinion of all the kernel developers i'm afraid14:48
erUSUL_2: imho of course14:49
_2erUSUL of course.14:49
nonix4How do I configure sensorsd.conf so that it won't spam my logs about unconnected sensors?14:49
koala_man_2: are you sure you want to use ubuntu as a basis for not using /sys?14:49
nonix4well actually sensors3.conf, but whatever :)14:50
erUSUL!info testdisk | josephpiche phtorec from this package14:50
ubottujosephpiche phtorec from this package: testdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.8-1 (hardy), package size 690 kB, installed size 2640 kB14:50
_2koala_man heh. linux is linux is linux14:50
koala_man_2: linux is linux and ubuntu is not.14:50
erUSUL_2: as you said the kernel will run but essential funcionality breaks14:50
_2koala_man non-sense14:50
koala_man_2: distribution vs kernel14:51
_2erUSUL essential ?    as in "automount" and "dhcp"   that kind of essential ?14:51
josephpicheerUSUL: thanks14:51
dothow can I change my fonts and color on the text14:52
dotin terminal and irssi14:52
erUSUL_2: no as, and i quote, "... standard networking fails ?"14:52
waandot, check the terminal profile14:52
ikoniadot: normally done in preferences in the terminal profile14:52
=== outbri is now known as ridata
=== ridata is now known as outbri
waandot, you can make a custom color theme if you like14:53
erUSUL_2: anyway maybe there is a way to do what you want. ask in linux-kernel@vger.kernel.org or linux-netdev@vger.kernel.org ) or both send to the first and cc the second)14:54
koala_man_2: when it fails, what do you have to do to get it working?14:55
_2erUSUL {<erUSUL> _2: no as, and i quote, "... standard networking fails ?"} that's not because /sys is essential but because, and i quote (ubuntu)" is too dependent on the /sys filesystem"  i.e. someone saw a simple way to look for a card rather than using "what was" normal methoods.    all that is actually failing is "automatic" module selection/inserting at boot time;  i can modprobe the driver and ifup the card    < koala_man also14:56
koala_man_2: so it works if you add the module to be autoloaded?14:57
_2!es > aLaN14:57
ubottuaLaN, please see my private message14:57
erUSUL_2: then if you know the workaround (just put the module name in /etc/modules ) what's the problem ??14:57
ikonia!es | aLaN14:57
ubottuaLaN: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.14:57
ikoniaugh lag14:58
mkdigitalhi guys can someone help me? ubuntu crashes everytime i try to access my webcam on my acer aspire one14:58
_2koala_man doesn't autoload. but i can manually load it  or script it to load at boot time.14:58
ikoniamkdigital: defien crash please14:58
ikoniadefine crash sorry14:58
mkdigitalsystem freezes and does not respond to anything14:58
samsssThe following Python modules could not be found: Xlib.  There are a few possible explanations for this... what library do i have to install?14:58
koala_man_2: as in loaded on boot, not as in being found necessary by the autodetection14:58
mkdigitali can only move the mouse14:58
ikoniamkdigital: does the caps lock light come on / off when you press caps14:59
mkdigitalwhen i try it now i have to reboot14:59
mkdigitalbut i cant for example go to a terminal via ctr alt 114:59
_2erUSUL my question was "does anyone know why...  i searched all of /etc and cant see any reason"14:59
mkdigitalthe wiki says the webcam works15:00
roukounhi all15:00
mkdigitali installed the driver, and it is loaded properly15:00
zimbresWhere do i find the version of my g++?15:00
koala_manmkdigital: is it gspca? what do you use to view it?15:00
koala_manzimbres: g++ --version15:00
_2erUSUL you answer was accurate "too dependant on /sys"15:00
roukouni want to configure fluxbox in my pc and i have a few questions to do.. so can i post here or there is a fluxbox irc?15:01
erUSUL_2: udev and modprobe scan the sys filesytem looking for devices attached to the system to create the device nodes /dev/ etc15:01
mkdigitalluvcview -f yuv15:01
mkdigitaland with skype15:01
mkdigitalboth crashes15:01
_2erUSUL ok it's probably udev,  that makes sense.15:01
erUSUL_2: i really think that running a linux system (no matter how smaall even a soho router) without /sys/ is a bad idea15:02
mkdigitali did exactely that15:02
roukouni want to configure fluxbox in my pc and i have a few questions to do.. so can i post here or there is a fluxbox irc?15:02
milostrifecan anyone tell me how to add/change themes on ubuntu and where to get them please?15:02
doumowhat's a bash file?15:02
_2erUSUL ok.  you probably think not using any partitions is too.15:02
=== TheDreamer is now known as Youri
Kl4mroukoun: well, #fluxbox15:03
ikoniamilostrife gnome-lookg.org15:03
kingmilohey guys, does ubuntu have dynamic backgrounds?15:03
_2erUSUL so i do a lot of things that are in your openion "bad ideas"  i can live with that :)15:03
roukounkl4m: thanks15:03
erUSUL_2: running entairly in ram is not as bad an idea... there a few livecd that can do exactly that15:03
ikoniamilostrife just drag them into theme manager15:03
murlidharjrib: how long does it take to run . it is still making15:03
doumomilostrife: right click on desktop and change desktop background15:03
_2erUSUL i didn't say ram i said no partition15:03
milostrifeikonia, is there any other sites as i can find any that work15:03
murlidharjrib: k it's over now15:03
ikoniamilostrife they all work on gnome-look.org15:03
doumowhat's a bash file?  can I make one?  what can they do for me?15:04
Kl4mdoumo: a "bash" file would be any script that begins with #! /bin/bash , that the shell would execute15:04
bofh80kingmilo, good question, it's so dumb that this has not been implemented. apparently there is a program that hooks up and downloads backgrounds from flickr and changes them too. but i can't remember what it's called :(15:04
_2erUSUL as in i'm installed on /dev/hda15:04
kingmilothanks bofh80, i dont know either, needs to happen : )15:04
Kl4mdoumo: so a bash file is a script read by Bash15:04
milostrifeokies ty15:04
doumoKl4m: does it have to go into the /bin/bash?15:04
dotnow I edited the default profiles "colors"15:04
murlidharjrib: it's working thank you very much15:05
dottext color is black and background is white15:05
dotstill not working15:05
murlidharjrib: :)15:05
doumoKl4m: is there a website or something to explain how to make one and what they can do for me?  i want to learn them15:05
dotits stil grey and white15:05
jribmurlidhar: no problem, you need to install the .deb now (or run it from there if you want  too)15:05
Vladimir[LV]How i can view used ports? In command line?15:06
bofh80kingmilo, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-set-flickr-images-as-ubuntu-desktop-wallpaper.html15:06
murlidharjrib: yeah i just ran from src/gtk-gnutella now i am installing it :)15:06
_2doumo a bash file is a shell script that uses the BASH inturpretor    same as a perl script uses the perl inturpretor15:06
schmidtmVladimir[LV]: netstat15:06
kingmilobofh80: thanks. i also heard that there is a program that allows 3d backgrounds, a bit resource intensive i would imagine, but it would be nice to have say a fish tank effect as ur background, almost like a screensaver u know what i mean?15:07
Kl4mdoumo: Bash a.k.a. the Bourne Again Shell. Just Google it15:07
Vladimir[LV]I need to write rule in my firewall (iptables) for BIND9 DNS server?15:08
_2Vladimir[LV] netstat <plus switches>    man netstat for details15:08
Vladimir[LV]or it works fine without it?15:08
bofh80kingmilo, ah so you would like an 'animated' background. they tried this in windows98 it doesn't work very well lol. However there are simply applets / desklets that should do this job . . .15:08
Vladimir[LV]_2 i know x)15:08
dotnow its good15:08
dotthank you15:08
dotgood bye15:08
kingmilobofh80: no, your first assumption was correct, just thought id throw that out there ;)15:09
doumoKl4m: i have it doesn't give me anything then garbage.  a lot of searches about a application in linux or how do change bash for this program.  it just confuses me15:09
bofh80anyone on turning on an  aquarium for your background ?  nice idea! :)15:09
ikoniabofh80: it's terrible15:09
Vladimir[LV]I need to write rule in my firewall (iptables) for BIND9 DNS server? or it works fine without it?15:10
ikoniaVladimir[LV]: depends what your current rules are15:10
bofh80ikonia, lol. how bad? tell me how lol . :D gotta be better than staring at the same wallpaper on two different monitors running two seperate X servers off the same box :)15:10
erUSULVladimir[LV]: you need to allow udp connection on the dns port; don't you?15:10
ikoniabofh80: waste of resources, quite destracting and can be awkward to kill15:10
ikoniaerUSUL: needs tcp too15:10
_2Vladimir[LV] as ikonia said + you probably want to block outside access to dns for security reasons15:11
bofh80ikonia, i c. that is it bad lol15:11
ikoniaerUSUL: udp is for rndc15:11
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erUSULikonia: ok, thanks for the info15:11
bofh80ikonia, anything cool desktop wise we might like? sounds like you've tried qutie a bit :D15:11
Vladimir[LV]erUSUL, _2, ikonia: bind9 uses 53 port.. its udp or tcp?15:11
ikoniaVladimir[LV]: both15:11
Kl4mdoumo: seriously. It's easy to find a million tutorials for bash. http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Bash-Prog-Intro-HOWTO.html . The problem of course is that for bash to be useful, you need to know the unix commands15:11
ikoniabofh80 depends what you define as cool, maybe read up on comiz15:11
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Vladimir[LV]ikonia thanks champ x)15:11
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doumoKl4m: hahhah, i think know some.  thank you sir for the reading15:12
kingmiloikonia: your right, however progression says that it will be the norm one day15:12
ikoniakingmilo:  ?15:13
bofh80ikonia, the fish15:13
kingmiloikonia: regarding 3d wallpaper15:13
bofh80ikonia, comiz = compiz? i use that :)15:13
ikoniabofh80: look at project looking glass if you want to really think ourside the box15:13
PPKumahi, im following a tutorial for setting a wireless network https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Router#Router%20Hardware, but im getting this error when trying to set the device on master mode http://www.pastie.org/28138315:14
ikoniabut we are dipping a bit offtopic there15:14
_2kingmilo heh i have always wondered how many people were like me and always disable all wall paper from their desktop15:14
bofh80i don't understand. sun make all these cools things, and then make the gui side look like something from 198315:15
ikoniabofh80: how is sun anything to do with it ?15:15
kingmilohah _215:15
ikoniabofh80: what cool things are you talking about ?15:15
bofh80ikonia, not suns project lookin glass?15:15
nibsa1242can someone point me towards a good guide for network printer setup in Ubuntu (my printer is directly wired to the network, I know its IP address, but I don't know how to add it as a printer)15:16
ikoniabofh80: yes, but the gui is looking glass, so I don't know how it can look like it's from 198315:16
bofh80ikonia, the 3d effects look cool. but the programs they have up in java (the 2d window of the application) lol.15:16
jim_pnibsa1242: are there other pcs on the network with windows?15:17
bofh80ikonia, wow, they've been working on this for some time now.15:17
nibsa1242jim_p: yes, there are, however, they are not sharing the printer. Its a large office type machine (copies/ faxes/ scans/ etc).15:18
|neon|i did a command    export CC=/usr/bin/gcc-4.2   and now some apps are giving errors about path not found any ideas how can i rever this thx15:18
doumoKl4m: hahah,  i did hello world bash file.  i made my first bash.  thank you sir.  i think i am on the right path now15:18
frithis it me or has domainmonster.com vanished?15:18
_2|neon|  export CC=/usr/bin/gcc   maybe15:19
jim_pnibsa1242: give me one moment to "revolve" the gears in my head15:21
mez_how do i mount a .iso file in ubuntu (like in windows with daemon tools)15:21
* jim_p opens google15:21
Pici!iso | mez_15:21
ubottumez_: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.15:21
|neon|mez_: use acetoneiso15:21
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mez_thx pici15:21
tarelerulzAll the media players I have mplayer , vlc and totem all seem to have the same problem.  The brightness , grama etc all seem to be off .  Have any of you had that happen to you15:21
nibsa1242jim_p: ok, thats fine. Basically, I work in a small office. There are a bunch of windows pc. I've got my laptop here with Ubuntu on it. I want to print to the office printer. Other people with windows can print to the office printer just fine.15:22
_2tarelerulz yeah full screen they are all dark15:22
MaxJaysanyone know any software like Studio64, but less memoryrequiring and funktional in ubuntu?15:22
jim_pnibsa1242: then you do need samba15:22
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.  Also see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/21209815:23
greedoshould i rather use freenx or nomachine nx ?15:23
greedowhich works best ?15:23
ljsoftneti already have installed lm-sensors and get it to work, is it ok if i type in "sudo sensors-detect"?15:23
_2ljsoftnet why not15:23
srdgamehi everyone15:23
srdgamewho has used the sbox2?15:24
nibsa1242jim_p: I don't see why I would need samba, as even with all of the windows machines turned off the printer (which is directly wired into the network) still prints. I thought Samba is only if one of the windows machines is sharing the printer and acting as a print server.15:24
tarelerulz_2 full screen and any size they all seem to do the samething.  The movies I watch all seem to look like triped on acid  and every time I start one of them again after configure them right .  As soon as open a movie in any of them they look bad again15:24
kingmilogreedo, are u trying to establish a remote connection from outside of ur network or on ur lan?15:24
greedokingmilo: both, but mainly through DSL15:24
_2tarelerulz you using 3d effects ?15:25
jim_pnibsa1242: because you want to use the printer that is shared on a windows network. Plus the networks name15:25
scampbelltalerulz: what video card are you using?15:25
tarelerulz_2 nope . I don't use any effects15:25
_2tarelerulz hmmm i don't know then.15:25
_2tarelerulz vidio driver ?     colour depth ?15:26
BlinnyWhat is the difference between a 'pref(' line and a 'user_pref' line in FireFox 3's prefs.js files?15:26
_2both of which are /etc/xorg.conf thangs15:26
nibsa1242jim_p: if all of the office computers were off, it wouldn't be on a windows network anymore... it would be on a linux network... but anyhow if Samba will work, then I'll set it up that way15:26
tarelerulz1280x800 refresh rate 60 hz15:26
beilabsHey guys15:26
scampbelltarelerulz: I had trouble with color/gamma on ATI cards, not horrid but they were off.    For VLC, Mplayer I had to change the defaults for the video and audio.  Video was defaulting to x11 or xv when gl worked bested for me, audio was going through pulseaudio which tended to chop things up.15:27
beilabsCan anyone here tell me what disadvantage there is to using swap space?15:27
beilabsor too much of it?15:27
Blinnybeilabs: It's slower than RAM.15:27
jim_pnibsa1242: i think samba is the safest choice15:27
adantei've plugged in a usb device. It shows up as /dev/sde with no sde1 or sde2. When I fdisk /dev/sde and 'p', it shows sde1 and sde2 - how do i make them show in the /dev so i can mount them?15:27
scampbelltarelerulz: Also, if you are playing high def then go with with either 1280x720 or 1920x1080 resolution so you don't have to work hard at scaling.15:27
tarelerulzHow would I see what the video card is ?15:27
beilabsBlinny, any other ones?15:27
_2kehan  hehhe.  ok i'm leaving now.15:27
scampbelltarelerulz: from the command line use 'lspci' to list the cards on your pci bus, you should find it in that list15:29
IntuitiveNipplebeilabs: The more swap is used, the more disk contention occurs, and therefore the system can get into swap loops where multiple applications are trying to do work and keep causing each other to swap out15:29
scampbelltarelerulz: lspci | grep -i vga  we'll probably find only the video card15:29
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beilabsIntuitiveNipple, Thanks for that....15:30
HardyHeronI want to type Japanese in ubuntu, how do I do it?15:30
Vladimir[LV]HardyHeron: you are from japan? :)15:30
scampbelltarelerulz: did you find the video card?15:31
jim_pnibsa1242: have a look here http://www.linuxdevcenter.com/pub/a/linux/2005/01/13/lnxckbk_samba.html15:31
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tarelerulzmy video card intel corporation mobile gm965/gl960 integrated graphics controller (rev 0c)15:32
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scampbelltarelerulz: I have a coworker with one of those on a laptop, it doesn't seem well supported.  Let me ask him if he got anywhere with it.15:33
scawti've seen trouble with the latest intel gfx chipsets15:34
martijn81how do enable raid1 on my ubuntu system? i already had i configured once, but i do not have any read access on it currently, what todo?15:34
scawtthe latest intel drivers had bug15:34
scampbelltarelerulz: he hasn't worked on his at all.  I'm afraid I don't have an answer other than I suspect it's the video card.  Is that a laptop you're working with (old dell perhaps?)15:34
Le-Chuck_ITAhi there, I have  a friend with ubuntu and a brand new ipod (video).  I know ubuntu very well but never had an ipod - he doesn't know ubuntu that much and has an ipod15:35
Le-Chuck_ITAthe idea is that he should be able to connect the ipod and use it trough rhythmbox15:35
jrib!ipod | Le-Chuck_ITA15:35
ubottuLe-Chuck_ITA: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod15:35
Le-Chuck_ITA"liberating your ipod" - that's what I wanted to hear :)15:35
nibsa1242jim_p: ok... I'll install samba; I was trying to follow the directions here https://help.ubuntu.com/7.04/printing/C/printing.html but that wasn't working... I had to install a package and it seems promising.15:36
nibsa1242jim_p: thanks for that link15:36
ikonianibsa1242 try the 8.04 docs15:36
ubotturockbox is an open source firmware replacement for audio players from Archos, iRiver, Apple (iPod), and iAudio. See http://www.rockbox.org/ to get started!15:37
Le-Chuck_ITAthanks all and ubottu too :)15:38
CartoonCatHello all15:38
CartoonCatI need some help performng some Evil15:39
_LiNuX_ /server chat.mad.gr 666715:39
bofh80tarelerulz, can you double check compiz has not magically enabled itself? it does appear to affect video play back under ubuntu with this card. can you check System > Preferences > Appearence, then the Visual Effects tab, and make sure it is on NONE ?15:39
CartoonCatIve got a box with both a ATi and nVidia card in it15:39
CartoonCatI want 3 display devices but so far, can not get the ati drivers to paly nice with the nvidias15:39
ikoniaCartoonCat mixing like that can be quite problematic15:40
funkjaI wrote a simple program that pops up a wxWidgets window. It works fine when I run it directly from command line but it does not work when I run it from cron. Any idea why?15:40
_LiNuX_ /server chat.mad.gr 666715:40
ikoniafunkja check the cron log15:40
bofh80CartoonCat, no kidding. there have been reports of this working under windows. i've not heard of anyone attemping it on linux :) what is the first wall you are running into then?15:40
funkjaikonia: all it says is that it runs15:40
ikoniabofh80: it is possible, I've done it, it can be quite troublesome15:40
jim_pfunkja: execution rights?15:40
ikoniafunkja: are you sure your don't mean the job run and completed, but the command didn't15:40
ikoniafunkja: what line is cron using to launch it15:41
tarelerulznothing turned on compiz . I thought maybe there was not much I could do15:41
bofh80tarelerulz, is it only when  you hit full screen that the movie goes mad?15:41
thenullman1I'm having a problem with grub I believe.  Dual booting w2k and xub. installed w2k 1st and no problem there, once grub installed, can't shutdown and power back up - restarts work, suspend/sleep in w2k works, not in xub - but that could be b/c of system resources - it doesn't break grub to sleep in xub, but when coming out I get background and no icons for like 5-10 min and then I gave up.  So if anyone can help I'd appreciate it15:41
thenullman1(9:40:49 AM) thenullman1: I reinstalled xub last night - same problem15:41
thenullman1(9:41:29 AM) thenullman1: reinstalling grub on sda5 fixes problem until next shutdown and when I do that it gives me options to reinstall grub on sda1, 2, 5,6, but 2 and 6 are read-only15:41
thenullman1(9:41:39 AM) thenullman1: I partitioned right on reinstall of OS15:41
FloodBot1thenullman1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:41
funkjaikonia: I have this in root's crontab "* * * * * /home/funkja/bin/gospel"15:41
ikoniafunkja: thats going to run it ever minute ?15:42
thenullman1no flood15:42
funkjaikonia: until I get it to work it will15:42
ikoniathenullman1: that was a glood15:42
CartoonCatikonia, I am seeing that. But, unless I can get 3d rendering working on the ATi, I need the nvidia cause it works15:42
thenullman1that's my post from #xubuntu15:42
thenullman1that noone answered15:42
ikoniathenullman1: so, ? thats still flooding the chhannel15:42
thenullman1how many lines is flooding15:42
ikoniaCartoonCat what method are you using for the X servers, 3 seperate ones ?15:42
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ikoniathenullman1: normally 3 is the everage15:43
bofh80tarelerulz, i spose we could check what driver X is uusing. in a terminal type     cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep Driver15:43
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thenullman1ok, now I know15:43
bofh80tarelerulz, hopefully that says Intel on at least 1 line ?15:43
thenullman1but can anyone help15:43
Terminatormy audio is all gone on my laptop..15:43
Terminatorany ideas?15:43
NixotI would like help in themes15:44
NixotI install GTK 2 themes onto Ubuntu15:44
ikoniaNixot what's the problem15:44
jim_pTerminator: have you muted anything accidentaly?15:44
NixotCan I install GTK 1 themes too?15:44
funkjaTerminator: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting15:44
ikoniaNixot sure15:44
tarelerulzI just checked my video players and they don't seem to do that weird color problem15:44
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jim_pNixot: yes you can, but gtk1 themes will be used only in gtk1 apps like gmplayer15:44
jim_pNixot: ot gxine15:45
CartoonCatikonia, no, will i need to? I started with trying to get the ATi to work (its onboard 9100 with compisite out) using XRander15:45
tyberion_ne1 who knows mutt can tell me whether its worth it?15:45
the_darkside_986I'm having trouble reinstalling GRUB via Ubuntu live cd after running a Windows install CD. When I try "root (hd0,5)" and "setup (hd0)" I get the error "Error 17: Cannot mount selected partition" even though I am sure that is the correct partition. It is /dev/sda6. I can even mount and umount it, read files, etc.15:45
ikoniaCartoonCat one of the big limitations I had was loading multiple drivers into xorg, the way I got around with was to launch 2 xservers, one with ati, one with nvidia, then link them all with xinerama15:45
nowimprovedare there any other emulator to run windows besides qemu and vmware15:45
funkjaDo cron jobs run in an enviornment where they have access to my display?15:45
Terminatorjim_p, I think not..15:46
ikoniafunkja no15:46
ikoniafunkja: you need to setup an environment first15:46
TerminatorI checked all audio devices15:46
ikoniakurumin what ?15:46
Terminatorfor muting..15:46
bflhey, i've got a dell latitude e6500 and my sound is doing strange. It works, but i can't use it with the volume applet. Any ideas?15:46
funkjaikonia: okay thanks.15:46
CartoonCatikonia, ah crapolies, that will make my wine get very upset i think, plus the overhead of 2x X servers,15:46
kuruminDO U WANT SEX?15:46
jim_pnowimproved: virtualbox15:46
ikoniaCartoonCat I don't think it will cause wine issues, but there may be issues dragging it from the nvidia-> ati screen, I don't know to be honest15:47
CartoonCatmmmms, wells, lets first see if we can get the ati 3d working15:48
NixotI would like help in...15:48
Nixot...applications: Is there a linux port for winamp?15:48
philippe_Hello. I want to add an icon to a program I run without installation (no icon). When I click the icon button when I create a link in the menu, I can't select any image filetype. How to select one?15:48
vxworkshi all, I got nVidia Corporation MCP51 High Definition Audio sound card. How do I install it on mey ubuntu 7.10 system ?15:48
ikoniaNixot: no, but there are alternatives, like armok15:48
jidmhi. whats the correct way to create a .deb from source? checkinstall should work good?15:48
* Nixot shudders15:48
bflnixot: audacity15:48
NixotUgh, amarok.15:48
the_darkside_986Why do I keep getting this error trying to restore Grub: "Error 17: Cannot mount selected partition"15:49
ikoniaNixot I said such as, there are others, look in the repo15:49
NixotAudacity is an editor... sowwy.15:49
Demianhello, if I start up the computer my screen goes black after the boot screen. I can't go to the 'terminal' with ctrl-alt-F*. If I boot in recovery mode, do a hardware detection for x and then resume boot it boots normally. The pc is a fuji siemens, I found more problems regarding this system but no solution that works for me. Plz help anyone15:49
the_darkside_986It is a perfectly valid partition, and I can read/write files on it to prove it.15:49
NixotIs there any better repos?15:49
NixotLike for other software?15:49
bflnixot: audacious i mean :)15:49
ikoniaNixot: the ubuntu repos' have 1000+ software packages in, have you tried the audio software in there yet ?15:50
SlimeyPeteNixot: google for marillat/nerim.net15:50
MrPeepers310hey has anyone been able to get java applets to work in firefox15:50
nowimprovedthat is what i was looking for jim_p does it have a gui?15:50
NixotI was wondering.15:50
SlimeyPeteNixot: the marillat/nerim repo has some extra stuff in it, but not a huge amount15:50
NixotIt's ok everyone, it's just Winamp has great visualizations :)15:50
CartoonCatikonia, could you look at the ubuntu binary ati driver page and help me parse this, It says is a radeon (yup) is a 9xxx above 9500 (no) OR is X300 series (nope, R200) OR has TV out (Yup) . To me, that reads it will work.15:50
bofh80bfl, yes i do that all the time :) audacious is great, should be default15:50
NixotSlimeyPete: Will do that now.15:50
MrPeepers310hey has anyone been able to get java applets to work in firefox15:50
ikoniaCartoonCat sorry, not sure I follow your question15:51
tarelerulzI spoke too soon  I ran totem ,vlc and xbmc and once I restarted them  . I color messed up again15:51
IdleOne!java MrPeepers31015:51
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:51
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository15:51
IdleOne!java | MrPeepers31015:51
ubottuMrPeepers310: please see above15:51
NixotSlimeyPete: Two results.15:51
CartoonCatikonia, the binary ati driver requirements here : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI15:51
Nixotubottu: Can you help me?15:51
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:51
SlimeyPeteNixot: I think it's called debian-multimedia now. the packages *used* to tend to work okay in ubuntu... but I haven't used it for a while so your mileage may vary15:52
jim_pnowimproved: to set the gtk1 theme?15:52
ikoniaCartoonCat yes, I got that, whats the issue ?15:52
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CartoonCatok, the 2nd line, the OR conditions for support15:52
Agent_bob   howto make an .ogg of the sound contained in a mpeg2 ?15:52
Nixotubottu: help15:52
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots15:52
ikoniaCartoonCat ati or radoen driver ?15:53
Nixotubottu: My sound is crappy!15:53
CartoonCatThey need to be rewrote, they say 9xxx (9500 or higher) and then say OR X300, OR tv out15:53
goukiDid anyone had the error 'the protocol doesn't match' under TMSNC?15:53
Nixotubottu: Ubottu?15:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ubottu?15:53
CartoonCatATi driver15:53
Nixotubottu: I have sound problems.15:53
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:53
ikoniaCartoonCat log in and edit it15:53
jim_pnowimproved: install and use gtk-theme-switch15:53
=== kiosk is now known as mike
CartoonCatikonia, i woudl but first I want ot be <sure> that its 9500 AND X300 or tv-out15:54
nowimprovednevermind It looks like it has a gui jim_p but it does not look like i can install it because of the kernel issue15:54
greedokingmilo: so? any suggestion for freenx vs nomachine ?15:54
vxworkshi all, I got nVidia Corporation MCP51 High Definition Audio sound card. How do I install it on my ubuntu 7.10 system ?15:54
ikoniaCartoonCat I'm terrible with ati15:54
ikoniagreedo what ?15:54
jim_pnowimproved: can you repeat your problem? i got confused?15:54
CartoonCatikonia, i seam to be also lol15:54
tarelerulzAngent_bob, I would love to hear the answer you get too.  I try to do a lot of trancoding and don't get much of any where15:54
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CartoonCatIs there a ati/nvidia driver support channel? seams needed lol15:55
ikoniaCartoonCat: #ati and #nvidia15:55
Agent_bobtarelerulz i'll give it a few minutes and repost incase someone might have dias15:55
* CartoonCat slaps forhead15:55
nowimprovedjim_p, http://pastebin.ca/121366515:56
CartoonCatTY Agent_bob15:56
kingmilogreedo: sorry, yes install freenx server and use the nomachine client to connect.. .15:56
Agent_bobikonia i think that was for you "<CartoonCat> TY Agent_bob"15:56
CartoonCatdoh doh doh15:56
panerai_go#join adhearsion15:56
CartoonCati shoudl sleeps15:56
greedodoes it work with compiz enabled ?15:57
greedodoes nx work with compiz enabled ?15:57
CartoonCatYes Yes it was for ikonia15:57
scampbelltarelerulz: Have you tried forcing different video drivers. Like in mplayer try  -vo x11 -vo xv and -vo gl  options?15:57
jim_pnowimproved: this > virtualbox-ose-modules-2.6.24-20-generic obviously needs the 2.6.24-20-generic kernel. do you have it installed (the kernel)?15:57
scampbelltarelerulz: one at a time of cours.e15:57
pistorewww.firmiamo.it/finepenamai           grazie15:57
Agent_bobscampbell     howto make an .ogg of the sound contained in a mpeg2 ?15:58
tarelerulzscampbell I have not try that .   Mplayer just clash any more plus I don't know if vlc or totem have options like that15:58
nowimprovedno i have 2.6.24-19 ubuntu does not seem to have that kernel available15:59
nowimprovedunless I install it manually15:59
scampbelltarelerulz: vlc has those options.  settings -> preferences then click on advanced options, then select video -> output modules  and there is a drop down to force the various drivers.15:59
scampbellAgent_bob: haven't really done much with creating oggs.  I'm a rabid audiophile and despise compressed sound so it's not of much interest to me.16:00
tarelerulzscampbell: I would like to say you have been one of the more helpful people I have met on here in longtime and thank to other that have helped me too16:01
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scampbelltarelerulz: it just happens that I built an HDTV box for myself so I've stepped in a lot of this already :)16:01
kingmilogreedo: should16:02
netboathi all16:02
aarHi, I'm sure this is a silly question, but I really can't figure it out. How do you identify a process blocked by iptables (and logged as a syslog entry) on the netstat output?16:03
htangdo anyone know how to install eclipse/qt on ubuntu?16:03
ubottudma is Direct Memory Access/Addressing. It makes hardware transfer data faster, and is almost always enabled in Ubuntu 6.06. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DMA16:04
ikoniahtang: open the package manager, mark the package click install16:04
tarelerulzWell, codecs , are a big interest of mine.  Plus it all ways seem like Linux use all all ways on the out side looking in .  Like the ipod don't use a format that 99% of the world use for video files. the xbox 360 use .wmv .  Plus there are so many good codecs out there that no one seems to use.16:04
Agent_bobsorry i was cut off.16:04
Agent_bob   howto make an .ogg of the sound contained in a mpeg2 ?16:04
usamahashimiHello Everyone!16:04
usamahashimiHow can I enable DMA?16:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about netstat16:05
htangwhich packages should I choose? It's too much.16:05
ikoniahtang eclipse, thats it,16:05
htangand what about the Qt and how to integrate both of them with each other?16:06
RipperJdoes anyone know how you can make a command like ./crx into a regular command like crx without having to cd DIRECTORY then ./crx16:06
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about arts16:06
l33man netstat16:06
ikoniahtang get the ecplipse package, it will do ti all for you16:06
ikoniahtang: eclipse depnds on QT so it will get it all for you16:06
scampbellaar: netstat won't tell you, syslog will only show rules that have the -log option.  the answer is, it depends on how you generated your iptables.  iptables -L -v will show you the counters on all the rules, you can watch to see what changes but there may be better ways again, depending on how the rules were made.16:07
aarRipperJ, you add it to bash16:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about artsd16:07
ikoniaRipperJ: set it in your $PATH variable16:07
Agent_bob!fishing > DensuX16:07
ubottuDensuX, please see my private message16:07
ikoniaaar: bash is a shell, how do you add a command to your shell ??16:07
htangyes, I will have a try. thank you.16:07
Agent_bobikonia command_name() { command ; }16:08
aarikonia, alias foo="original command"16:08
RipperJi did...what i did was export=$PATH:/usr/local/games/alienareana2008 where crx is and when i type crx nothing16:08
ikoniaaar ok , so an "aslias"16:08
htangikonia: thanks again.16:08
ikoniaRipperJ make sure its' executable16:08
Agent_bobor function16:08
ikonials -la /usr/local/games/alienareana2008/crx16:08
fairyfivefuck i forgot to do my chem homework16:08
kingmilolater guys.16:08
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scampbellaar: a good approach is to use tcpdump or wireshark to make sure the packets in question actually arrive at the nic and are on the ports you expect.   (tcpdump/wireshark capture -before- iptables drops packets)16:08
ikoniafairyfive: that language is not needed or welcome16:08
fairyfivewrong chan16:08
RipperJi chmod +x crx typed in crx nothing16:09
ikoniaRipperJ ls -la /usr/local/games/alienareana2008/crx16:09
evifi thought i was in a diff channel16:09
scampbellRipperJ:  ./crx  assuming crx is in the current directory.16:09
aarscampbell, you mean sniff my own packets to identify what is being blocked?16:09
Agent_bobRipperJ path16:09
RipperJyes it is16:09
RipperJi did that in its path/directory16:09
ikoniaRipperJ ls -la /usr/local/games/alienareana2008/crx16:09
RonzOhey hey...my laptop has stopped automatically mounting drives, cd's, etc. any idea how to make it mount them again?16:09
RipperJfor all 3 its 77716:10
scampbellaar: Perhaps it would be better to back up a bit,  what is it that you are trying to get working?16:10
RonzOi can mount them manually...but its more of a hassle than anything16:10
RipperJcrx is 77716:10
Agent_bobRipperJ commands are only searched for in your $PATH16:10
ikoniaRipperJ: show me the output16:10
ikonia RipperJ ls -la /usr/local/games/alienareana2008/crx16:10
RipperJ-rwxrwxrwx 1 fella root 649252 2008-09-28 13:32 /usr/local/games/alienarena2008/crx16:10
ikoniaRipperJ: paste that exact command16:10
scampbellaar: yes, make sure you know what packets you are trying to let through and  that they are actually being sent to the computer and that you have configured your firewall to allow them.16:10
ikoniaRipperJ: now show me "echo $PATH"16:10
aarscampbell, after setting up a few iptable rules, I am getting logged blocked traffic (as one would expect), but I can't figure out how to identify what processes are generating taht traffic.16:10
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RipperJfella@ubuntu:/usr/local/games/alienarena2008$ echo $PATH16:11
crhylovewhy does cheese only work half the times I boot up?  The other half it does not find my webam.16:11
crhyloveI have a TV card and a webcam.16:11
ikoniaRipperJ you don't have /usr/loca/games in ther16:11
RipperJhey i exported it yesturday16:11
RipperJand i seen it in $path16:11
Agent_bobikonia it would also need /usr/local/games/alienareana200816:11
w_nicramcan anyone tell me how to see/monitor current ssh sessions?16:11
ikoniaRipperJ $path and $PATH are different things16:11
ikoniaAgent_bob yes16:11
scampbellaar: oh, I see.  I misread.  Yeah,   netstat --inet -n -p  will attempt to tie process id's to tcp conversations.16:11
RipperJi used $PATH16:12
RonzOhey hey...my laptop has stopped automatically mounting drives, cd's, etc. any idea how to make it mount them again?16:12
RonzOi can mount them manually...but its more of a hassle than anything16:12
ikoniaAgent_bob I just couldn't be bothered typing out the whole path16:12
RipperJlet me see hold on16:12
RipperJmaybe its in $path16:12
ikoniaRipperJ it's not int here now16:12
aarscampbell, thanks!16:12
RipperJno its not in echo $path16:12
ikoniaRipperJ: have you rebooted since you did that16:12
walkerajcan anyone tell me where gnome stores the pixmaps for the various default mouse cursors?16:13
RipperJikonia yeah i rebooted and now i dont see the path /usr/local/games/alienarena2008 the last time and it showed me that path in $PATH16:13
ikoniaRipperJ if you reboot you lose your path16:13
ikoniaRipperJ: you have to set it in your bash_profile so that each time it's sourced16:13
RipperJikonia okay i didnt know that16:13
RipperJoh alright then wheres it located at again ikonia16:14
RipperJikonia ill figure it out16:14
ikoniaRipperJ: in your home dir16:14
hamwhich photo viewer software is easy to use ,just like the ACDSee in windows16:14
RipperJikonia ok thanks16:14
Agent_bobRipperJ to make a path sticky add it to your .bash_bashrc or .profile     for system wide path settings  /etc/bash_bashrc and /etc/profile are used16:14
hamubuntu is great16:14
bofh80Agent_bob, avidemux   might of use to you? do you need to remove the audio from an audio/video source?16:14
RipperJAgent_bob thank you copy and pastd onto notes16:15
Agent_bobbofh80 i just want to copy the audio out seperately16:15
bofh80Agent_bob, then apt-get or synaptic and install avidemux16:15
Agent_bobbofh80 k ill give it a lookC16:16
v4vijayakumarI don't remember I created a 'root' used in my system, is there any default password for it16:16
ghindoHi, I somehow managed to get my Desktop icons to disappear.  I know there are items on the desktop (or so ls tells me), but I can't *see* them on the desktop.  What should I do?16:16
ikoniav4vijayakumar you didn't create a root user, one already exists16:16
Agent_bobv4vijayakumar no. it's locked by default16:16
ikoniav4vijayakumar: the one that already exists has no password16:16
v4vijayakumarhow to unlock it?16:17
Agent_bob!sudo > v4vijayakumar16:17
ubottuv4vijayakumar, please see my private message16:17
ikoniav4vijayakumar you don't16:17
ikoniav4vijayakumar: what do you want to do ?16:17
v4vijayakumarwhen I did "apt-get source pidgin", it failed saying "Check if the 'dpkg-dev' package is installed", but when I tried to "apt-get install dpkg-dev", it again failed saying "E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?"16:17
ikoniav4vijayakumar put sudo infront of the command16:17
ikoniasudo apt-get source pidgin16:17
Agent_bob!gksudo > v4vijayakumar16:18
ubottuv4vijayakumar, please see my private message16:18
hamv4vijayakumar, you should be the root user16:18
v4vijayakumarok ikonia16:18
v4vijayakumarbut, I am the only user :)16:18
Agent_bobham you mean "root jr." don't you16:18
hamAgent_bob, yes root user16:19
ikoniaham: no16:19
ikoniaham: you shouldn't be the root user16:19
ikoniaham: ubuntu's security model is designed to not need to be the root user16:19
Agent_bob!sudo > ham16:19
ubottuham, please see my private message16:19
hamikonia,why?but i meet the same problem,i swith to the root user, its okay16:20
formando2ois malta?16:20
ikoniaham: you just need sudo16:20
walkerajcan anyone tell me where gnome stores the pixmaps for the various default mouse cursors?16:20
hamikonia, yes , sudo is okay16:20
v4vijayakumarubottu is awesome :)16:21
Agent_bobif you can "sudo *" you are "root jr." aka "little root"    which is the default "ubuntu" way.16:21
v4vijayakumaris it like, root is always locked in ubuntu?!16:22
hamAgent_bob, what does root jr means?16:22
Agent_bobv4vijayakumar yes16:22
=== formando2 is now known as perneco
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE)16:22
v4vijayakumarham, junior16:22
julian__Hey guys so im getting a hp mini note later today and it doesnt have a cd drive. how would i install ubuntu16:23
ikoniajulian__: you'll struggle, have to do a usb install, or network install16:23
julian__i figured a usb install16:24
Agent_bob!install > julian__16:24
ubottujulian__, please see my private message16:24
julian__the thing is, i have to do it in front of the person im buying it from because he wants to make sure i reformat hard disk16:24
hamubuntu can't log in as root user16:24
Xcercawhats to program to put a live iso on a usb stick ?16:24
hamjust can log in as normal user16:24
ikoniaham: no, you shouldn't be using root16:24
ikoniaham: as you've been told16:25
mez_how do i start the VNC server? synaptic says its already installed (vino) but i cant find it in the menu16:25
dasginganinjaHi, can somebody help me  in installing an lga775 stock heat sink fan?  PM me please!16:25
julian__thanks for the links ubottu16:25
Agent_bob!install | Xcerca16:25
ubottuXcerca: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate16:25
hamwhen  i install the ubuntu, i can only log on ubuntu as root user16:25
v4vijayakumarjust wondering.. anyone here know zulu..?16:25
scampbellv4vijayakumar: you could just use london, it's zulu16:26
scampbellassuming you want +0 GMT timezone.16:26
* Agent_bob thinks ham doesn't understand what "root" means.16:26
Xcercathanks bob16:26
Gneaham: orly?16:26
hamscampbell, can you explain what does the root means16:27
v4vijayakumarwhat the word london means in zulu?16:27
mez_how do i start the VNC server? synaptic says its already installed (vino) but i cant find it in the menu16:27
scampbellham: in what context?  root user on a unix system?  file system root?  tree root?16:28
mez_how do you get that run box anyway? there used to be some shortcut or something. a textbox from which you can run any program?16:28
Agent_bobmez_ alt+f216:28
hamubuntu's root user is different with suse linux16:28
bofh80mez_, check System > Preferences > Remote Desktop16:29
hamscampbell root user on a unix system16:29
scampbellham: ubuntu, by default, puts no usuable password on the 'root' account and forces you to use 'sudo' to gain the root user privileges.16:29
Agent_bobham no.  root on ubuntu is root on suse is root on fedora is root on slackware is root on......16:29
scampbellham: ubuntu and fedora (and all unices really) have a root user, it's just that ubuntu's has no password by default.16:29
hamhow can log on ubuntu using the root user16:30
ikoniaham you don't16:30
hamin ubuntu, you must has two users16:30
ikoniaham: you use your normal acount16:30
hamat least16:30
ikoniaham you do have two users16:30
bofh80scampbell, it has no password or a random one? . . .16:30
ikoniaham: your user and the root one16:31
hamone is root16:31
ikoniaham: yes, this has been said16:31
scampbellIt's locked, no entereable password16:31
Agent_bob"has no password" is a little confusing to some.   "has no password" is not the correct way to say it, it is "account is locked"   meaning that you can't login into that account.    note that an account can be locked with or without a password.16:31
evifdoes anyone have a bcm4310 wlan?16:31
hamother is you define when you install ubuntu system16:31
scampbellyou can override this easily with 'sudo passwd root' and set one.16:31
tobi_bOhey folks, especially the iPod User ;) What tool do u prefer to get your pod filled with data?!16:31
hambut in suse linux you can only have one root user.16:31
ikoniatobi_bO I tunes16:31
scampbellhowever, that's not ubuntuish and you may have issue later with things you alter as root.16:31
ikoniaham your not making any sense16:31
rebel52i fucking dropped my cookie on the floor16:31
bofh80scampbell, oh i c. thanks. does setting the password manually then enable it? (as i did when i first movied to ubuntu cos of confusion)16:31
pyrokayhow do you ssh into a server and run a program on the server in one command?16:31
evifwindows media player16:31
scampbellbofh80: yep16:32
bofh80scampbell, i c. thanks. i'll make sure never to do that again :) . not that i did on this install anyway :)16:32
tobi_bOhrhr Ò.ó16:32
scampbellpyrokay:   ssh user@server ls   runs ls on server as user.16:32
ghindoHi, I somehow managed to get my Desktop icons to disappear.  I know there are items on the desktop (or so ls tells me), but I can't *see* them on the desktop.  What should I do?16:32
pyrokayjust the command after the login? cool16:32
tobi_bOikonia / does itunes work on ubuntu?16:32
ikoniatobi_bO through wine it can16:32
hami am newer to ubuntu16:33
hambut i use suse linux for some time16:33
Agent_bobwhy is copying from dvd so slow ?   1.77 MB/s   dvd to hdd ?16:33
tobi_bOikonia / kay Il try, thx a lot16:33
Agent_bobshould be like 6X that   no?16:33
hamAgent_bob, depend you DVD driver16:33
=== TMarkey is now known as eth01
hammay you computer busy with other work16:33
Agent_bobmay ham not know16:34
urthmoverpyrokay: you might find this helpful too http://www.webmonkey.com/tutorial/Automate_a_Remote_Login_Using_SSH-Agent16:34
Agent_bobdoes the "medibuntu" stuff come into play when simply copying from dvd too ?16:34
jesselucasIs it possible to have multiple groups own the same file or folder? I want to give groupA write access to a folder, but groupB just read.16:35
Agent_bobjesselucas in that situation just make groupa own it and  chmod it to 77516:36
Agent_bobjesselucas only matters when you have a third requirement to add to that...16:36
afhhey have an issue with ATI.. was installing updates then had to reboot... after I rebooted I lost my display.. I can't get it back.. Due to ENVY. I'm on a live CD.. is there a way of getting it back? I have absolutely no display and not tty terminals so everything would have to be done on the CD... any suggestions?16:36
jesselucasAgent_bob: Thanks! What would be the solution if I had a third requirement?16:37
=== KIAaze|away is now known as KIAaze
Agent_bobjesselucas then it gets sticky  ;/16:37
jesselucashaha, I'll just stick to chmod then :)16:37
afhanyone have a solutions16:37
Agent_bobafh reinstall your vidio driver16:38
afhAgent_bob: I can't even get into the desktop or failsafe terminals16:39
Agent_bobafh you rebooted because of a kernel upgrade i assume. and thus the driver is not usable with the new kernel, you'll have to upgrade the driver or boot the older kernel.16:39
jochmenopen the xorg.conf with livecd and set it to vesa or boot ubunutu in rescue mode16:39
ubottuTo rescue a broken system, boot the alternate install CD and select "Rescue a broken system"16:40
aurynnis there code to work with Time Machine backups on Ubuntu?16:40
Agent_bobafh "i can't" ?     err you mean you don't know how yet ?   :)     you could chroot into the system from that liveCD for one thing.16:40
afhAgent_bob, aurynn: http://pastebin.com/m28b1889a that's my current xorg.conf what am I changing?16:41
jochmenati to vesa i think16:41
Agent_bobati to vesa   yep16:42
afhAgent_bob: lol where's that16:42
afhAgent_bob: http://pastebin.com/m28b1889a16:42
aurynnI got fglrx working last night, with the latest drivers16:43
aurynnit was a bit of a pain16:43
afhwell it doesn't work..16:43
afhI installed envy.. to update the drivers..16:43
Agent_bobafh fglrx to vesa then16:44
jochmenin section device16:44
ikoniaafh: envy can damage your system16:44
Agent_bobikonia hard or soft ?16:44
aurynndownload fgrlrx from ati; install based on instructions; works16:44
ikoniaAgent_bob ?16:45
jochmenmabey there is the old xorg.conf .bak16:45
ubottuenvyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) we suggest you use envyng if every other (official/supported) method fails! it can have various results from works, to fails!!!  if you want the very latest drivers from the manufacturer you use them at your own risk16:45
Agent_bobikonia i've never recommended envy just asking if it "can damage your system" hard or soft    dammage ?16:45
afh01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV515 [Radeon X1300]16:45
jochmentake a look in the file list16:45
ikoniaAgent_bob ioooh, just software bork16:45
Agent_bobikonia i know that there are things that can hard dammage a system   svgatextmode for example, can fry some monitors if not configured propperly.16:46
afhbrb just restored a backup let's hope that works16:47
Agent_bobmost modern monitors are beyond that now tho.16:47
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knoppixis anyone there16:48
ikoniaknoppix: 1000+ people are16:48
Agent_bobikonia hdparm is another one that can...16:48
ikoniaAgent_bob: surly16:48
aurynnanything on how to read a time machine backup in ubuntu?16:49
jochmenwhats the file extension of time machine?16:49
=== TheDreamer is now known as Youri
mez_if you address his name then he will notice it16:52
aurynnjochmen: Extension? It's a directory tree with various amounts of hard-linked goodness in it. However, it doesn't have the format I expected16:52
aurynnand I figured someone else figured this out already16:52
Piciaurynn: Perhaps try asking in ##linux, as its definitely not Ubuntu specific.16:52
SiDiDoes anyone know what piece of software exactly manages the desktop? Only nautilus, or compiz too? (i mostly mean : draw background and icons on desktop)16:52
aurynnPici: thanks, I will16:53
noodlesgcSiDi its nautilus16:54
afhI restored a backup... is there anyway of getting envy to weork?16:54
SiDiok Thanks noodlesgc16:54
bbt1hello, need help to detect USB on kernel 2.2.2616:55
jochmenremove with synaptic and reinstall16:55
SiDiI'm just thinking of coding some stuff to can manage what files i'd display on each of my 4 desktops... bored of having 4 desktops but them being all the same16:55
SiDiAnd as i didn't manage to find anything seeming to do it for me.. :P16:55
chubsSiDi, noodlesgc, No, it is not nautilus. nautilus is a file manager16:55
Agent_bobwell poo!  i have a vlc running i can't kill ;/16:55
Picichubs: Nautilus also draws the icons on the desktop.16:55
chubsOh, I didn't realize his question was icon specific16:56
chubsI thought he was asking for the wm16:56
Xcercawhats the command to list the filesystems and see what they are mounted as ?16:56
PiciXcerca: mount16:56
crushyor better gui run gparted from administration16:56
bbt1hello, need help detecting USB on kernel 2.2.2616:57
Picibbt1: What version of Ubuntu are you running that has that kernel?16:57
Xcercacrushy thx16:57
bbt1want to install xubuntu but now is redhat 6.216:58
crushyyour welcome!16:58
afhikonia: is there any way of getting envy to work on ATI?16:58
louloute_coin coin16:58
crushywhich graphic card ikonia?16:58
Picibbt1: We only support Ubuntu here, please join #rhel or #fedora or ##linux for RedHat support questions.16:59
afhcrushy:  01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV515 [Radeon X1300]16:59
crushyonboard @ afh?16:59
afhcrushy: yeah17:00
afhcrushy: at least I think17:00
noodlesgcchubs nautilus manages the desktop icons17:00
crushydo you have nvidia-glx-new?17:01
aurynndoes ubuntu keyrings act as an ssh key agent?17:01
amaranthdo you use arch?17:01
afhcrushy: dunno lol.17:01
crushyah is it fresh install ?17:01
afhcrushy: yeah17:01
Khisanthmy fonts seems to have gone on a diet17:01
ahmed2255hi guys, can anyone help me. I am trying to change the icons under the places menu. I couldnt find anything on the net about it.17:02
SiDiahmed2255, those are managed with nautilus17:02
zewm_ahmed2255: System > Preferences > Appearance17:02
crushyits a laptop right?17:02
SiDiIt's the shortcuts you have on the left, when you open a nautilus window, ahmed225517:02
zewm_Customize Theme > Choose new icons17:02
afhcrushy: no it's desktoop17:02
crushywhen u ifinished installation did u see any notification for restricted drivers available?17:03
Dan`bedEnter if you dare: Registrations = free hosting for vB/PHPBB and Moderator  www.geotrix.net/forums   the future in forums NOW RECRUITING / SIGNUP REFER PHEN0M  HEAD ADMIN17:03
Dan`bedEnter if you dare: Registrations = free hosting for vB/PHPBB and Moderator  www.geotrix.net/forums   the future in forums NOW RECRUITING / SIGNUP REFER PHEN0M  HEAD ADMIN17:03
Dan`bedEnter if you dare: Registrations = free hosting for vB/PHPBB and Moderator  www.geotrix.net/forums   the future in forums NOW RECRUITING / SIGNUP REFER PHEN0M  HEAD ADMIN17:03
FloodBot1Dan`bed: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:03
Dan`bedEnter if you dare: Registrations = free hosting for vB/PHPBB and Moderator  www.geotrix.net/forums   the future in forums NOW RECRUITING / SIGNUP REFER PHEN0M  HEAD ADMIN17:03
crushydo one thing go >> system>> administration>> hardware drivers17:04
ahmed2255zewm, that changes all icons based on themes17:04
ahmed2255zewm, i want to change the music, pictures and documents icons under the places menu specifically17:04
afhcrushy: not is use17:04
crushytick that let it install it @ afh17:04
crushytick and apply17:05
harisundWhy doesnt' the command "dhclient -r" release my IP address anymore? Why am I forced to use network manager? Or is there another DHCP client being used?17:05
flipvernooijdoes anyone know when the php5 package is updated fixing the zend memory manager bug,..or some other fix/workaround, we have this bug on our development server and I would hate to custom compille php for this17:05
zewm_ahmed2255: Open up the parent folder then right click and select "properties" of the folder you want to change the icon for. Once that window is open click on the icon itself on the top left and it asks you for a new image file to replace it with.17:05
dwhsix|laptopdon't know if this is toshiba laptop specific: suddenly the screen brightness control is doing its own thing17:05
afhcrushy: I won't lose display am I?17:05
dwhsix|laptope.g. darker/lighter randomly every few seconds..17:05
crushyhopefully no17:06
dwhsix|laptopanyone ever run into this?17:06
crushyas far as i know its supported17:06
ahmed2255zewm, done that and it does change the icons in nautilus, but does not reflect the change in the places menu17:06
zewm_ahmed2255: Have you restarted X since you did that?17:06
SiDiahmed2255, maybe you could browse on the web how to modify an existing theme17:06
afhcrushy: do I have to reboot after?17:06
KDB9000Can someone help me with natatalk? I enabled ssh so it would be secure but after a restart it turned the ssh off and I can't connect from a mac any more.17:07
psykidellicHi, I am trying to search for music files and pipe it to mplayer with xargs: find . -name '*.ogg' | xargs -i mplayer {} , it loads up the first song and then none of the operation keys work. But if I play a file individually or use mplayer /dir/* - everything works. Whats wrong with my find command?17:07
ahmed2255zewm, yes, many times.. i seem to have come with something on the net though, i'll try it and i'll update you with the results.17:07
Pici!zh | lvfeilove17:08
ubottulvfeilove: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk17:08
crushydwhsix? does that happen even if you are using keyboard or mouse?17:08
crushyafh: yes17:08
htanghi,all.good evening! which software do download fast?17:08
nibsa1242how do I set up a printer to work that has an account code? I can print, but right now it says "invalid account" because I'm not being prompted for my accounting code17:09
Awsoonnubottu: you stole my one chance ot use the little chinese i know!17:09
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:09
htanghow about axel and wget?17:09
tyberion_anyone using mutt?17:09
crushylolz awsoonn:D17:09
ahmed2255zewm, nothing so far17:09
Awsoonnrobots... replacing humands daily....17:09
ahmed2255it seems that the places menu is not as integrated with nautilus as i originally thought.17:10
crushybut they cant replace humanity:p17:10
harisundDoes anyone know what DHCP client Ubuntu uses? I want to release my IP address manually, and don't want to use any network manager GUI17:10
sipiorpsykidellic: any quotes or white space in the track names?17:11
crushyharisund: try sudo dhclient -r eth0 where eth0 is ur ethernet card17:11
sipiorpsykidellic: you might try just echoing the result, to make sure that the command is being interpolated  in the way that you think it is :-) Also, look at the -print0 option for find, and the matching -0 switch in xargs.17:12
htanghi. which download software is the fastest to download package?17:12
javiergwhich takes up more resources metacity for compiz? I don't have any of the effects enabled.17:13
Picihtang: repository packages?17:13
crushyin software sources choose the closest and fast server17:13
nikki__htang: You mean using a package manager? Or download a .deb and use it?17:13
ybwhat could be causing my installation to take 2 mins to boot? it didn't do this in the past. surely not the fact that i only have 100mb left on my hdd.17:13
htangI want to download some .tar.gz package with software tools ?17:13
thermoplyaeis anyone familiar with the package latex-beamer?  i'm having a rough time getting it to cooperate17:14
ybthermoplyae: not me, but guys in #latex might help17:14
=== luis_lopez is now known as luis_lopez_away
crushyumm, u need download accelerator17:14
psykidellicsipior: Ok. One second :)17:14
nikki__htang: I use an addon called 'DownThemAll' for firefox.17:14
Picihtang: Normally you would install software from the repositories.  Otherwise it doesnt matter what tool you use.17:14
htangdownload .deb or .tar.gz and use it. which download software is the best?17:14
crushyubottu: Download accelerator17:14
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:14
ikoniahtang deb17:14
Pici!software | htang17:14
ubottuhtang: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents17:14
thermoplyaeyeah, but i'm not sure it's latex's fault17:14
ikoniahtang but you shouldn't need to download anything, it's all in the ubuntu repos17:14
Picicrushy: ubottu is a bot.17:15
nikki__Just wget it. :-)17:15
dwhsix|laptopcrushy: I had a theory it was happening w/ mouse use... but no... happens even if I don't touch anything17:15
sipiorthermoplyae: can you be more specific regarding the problem?17:15
nikki__htang: If you need something from an official repo, it should already be in your sources.list. If its from an unofficial one, add it to your sources.list.17:15
NixotI've got online play problems17:15
crushy!Axel htang17:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about axel htang17:15
jasuus hi ... I run ubuntu 8.04 and recently upgrade firefox from 3.02 to 3.03....ever since then, my system crashes occasionally when visiting web pages, cnn and nytimes have both done it...anyone else have this issue?17:16
crushyi know pici :D17:16
crushyam new to community :)17:16
nikki__You guys know a good console (probably ncurses-based) music player? With playlisting and stuff and quick keyboard shortcuts?17:16
crushytrying to learn some17:16
NixotI need help with online play17:16
nikki__Just something I can open in a split window beside my text editor during long coding grinds. :P17:16
NixotI am using ubuntu 8.04.17:16
ikoniaNixot online play of what17:16
thermoplyaesipior: certainly.  i installed the ubuntu package and read through some of the beamer tutorial and made a skeleton file to test it out.  here's a pastebin of the skeleton and the compilation error: http://pastebin.ca/1213736 http://pastebin.ca/121373517:16
htangI use Axel too/17:16
crushydwhsix|laptop: it only happens when u are idle17:17
chubsnikki__, i think amp is the one i used. give me a minute and i'll find out for sure17:17
dragonfinixot: be a little more specific maybe17:17
dwhsix|laptopcrushy: no, unfortunately17:17
Nixotikonia: Sauerbraten - all servers I try to select are listed as either newer protocol or older protocol17:17
dwhsix|laptopboth when idle and when active17:17
nikki__chubs: Thanks! I'll check it out.17:17
NixotMy protocol is 255.17:17
crushygoto screensaver and disable it if you dont want that17:17
Nixotthe others are wither 254 or 25617:17
thermoplyaegoogling on the error message wasn't much help; seems this works for everyone else17:17
Nixothow do I change my protocol??17:17
crushyand in power management make display as much as delayed u want17:18
htangI use Axel to download somethings today. but the speed is slow at 5.5Kbps17:18
crushyhtang: whats your actual download speed17:18
Mister_masque /server irc.vulgarisation-informatique.com17:18
dwhsix|laptopcrushy: I'm not convinced it's that but I'll try turning all those off for now and see what happens17:19
crushydwhsix: it only happens when u dont touch keyboard or mouse? right?17:19
chubsnikki__, gamp is the one you want, amp is really old17:19
dwhsix|laptopcrushy: no -- happens when I am and when I'm not...17:19
nibsa1242My office has a printer with Job Accounting turned on. How do I send my accounting code to the printer?17:19
crushyhtang: i mean your actual download speed17:19
nikki__chubs: Ok, I'll check it out.17:19
crushyoh ok , got u know17:19
NixotAnyone? :'(17:19
htangoh , sorry. the actual download speed is 5.2kb/s.17:19
sipiorthermoplyae: can you also pastebin the log file slides-singer.log?17:19
dwhsix|laptopcrushy: but... essentially disabled the screensaver/power mgmt stguff seems to have stopped it17:20
dwhsix|laptopso methinks something is wonky in there17:20
dwhsix|laptopthanks for pointing me in that direction17:20
dragonfinixot: sorry I'm not familiar with the game , i ntruth I'm trying ot get my radeon 9200 working under Ubuntu.17:20
crushyseems so, glad that it worked out17:20
crushyhtang: your internet speed in terms of kbps? the maximum that your service provider can provide you17:21
Twinkletoes|WI just installed 8.04 server, but need X installed so can use it as a terminal server.  Do I have to install the deskop version?17:21
psykidellicsipior: Hmm. Its the same effect. Its starting the first track on the search list but then none of the keys work in mplayer.17:21
thermoplyaesipior: here we are http://pastebin.ca/121374317:21
psykidellicI did a cat on the output and the file name is being parsed correctly.17:21
nikki__chubs: gamp is a gui one, I was talking about console-based. :P17:21
xnvTwinkletoes|W: Should need to, no.17:21
chubsnikki__, an ncurses gui. which is what you asked for?17:21
nikki__chubs: Are you sure? I just searched on Google, and it seems that gamp is a gui one.17:22
Twinkletoes|Wxnv: In that case I'm confused... I'll keep reading, but thanks :)17:22
chubsif you want console based than you're probably stuck with mpg123, but you can run an ncurses gui in the console of course17:22
nikki__chubs: A GTK gui one.17:22
htangmy band width is 1.5M, so the download speed is 5.2kb/s. it's too slow , is it?17:22
xnvTwinkletoes|W: I could be wrong, but I don't see why. If you want X, install the packages.17:22
chubsnikki__, my apologies, there are multiple gamp projects it appears. search gamp ncurses17:22
nikki__chubs: Ok, I'll check it out.17:23
psykidellichtang: thats very slow!17:23
HaZiLLawhats the easiest way i could stream/import mp3's from my windows pc to ubuntu ?17:23
crushythats way too slow17:23
crushyfrom where you downloading the stuff? link?17:23
Twinkletoes|Wxnv: PResumably I'm going to need X installed if it wil lbe a Linus Terminal Server17:23
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htangmy band width is 1.5M, so the download speed is 5.2kb/s. it's too slow , isn't it? how to increase this slow rate?17:23
xnvTwinkletoes|W: You may need X, but that doesn't mean you need to install the desktop version. You can install the server version and then install X.17:24
anothermanI increased the size of panel, how do I now decrease the size of shortcut icons on it?17:24
=== njpatel is now known as njpatel_away
crushyhtang: can you do a speedtest here ->> http://speedtest.net17:24
anothermanthey became too big17:24
orgthingyhow can i change default applications in terminal17:24
Twinkletoes|Wxnv: Ah, that's someting I can understand - thank you :)17:24
dragonfiHazzilla: since I could never get  windows file sharing to work ,I usually just put a liveCD ubuntu and scp the files, or are you interested in live streaming? then I belive VLC can do it17:24
|neon|i did a command    export CC=/usr/bin/gcc-4.2   and now some apps are giving errors about path not found any ideas how can i rever this thx17:24
htangcrushy: ok , let me see!wait a moment.17:25
nikki__chubs: Ok, I found it. Looks cool, will check it out. :)17:25
sipiorthermoplyae: hey, is the < > bracket syntax correct on the \mode line in the document source?17:25
noodlesgc|neon| close that terminal and open a new one and that could fix it17:25
xnv|neon|: Open a new terminal session?17:25
thermoplyaesipior: i thought that was wacky too, but yeah, that's what's in the beamer manual :/17:26
nibsa1242where is the cups folder located in a standard ubuntu install?17:26
deeverdo i see things correctly and it still impossible to just plugin a usb-disc and have WRITE access as a regular user?17:26
crushypici: i want to install ubuntu server as guest, there i will be running apache and mysql , any suggestion which virtualizer i should use , which wont hang and have almost no bugs? and can give good speed as well17:27
sipiorthermoplyae: is it an essential line? you might try leaving things out until the problem goes away. i assume regular latex processes with no errors?17:27
noodlesgcnibsa1242 /usr/share/cups/17:27
WoodsDogwhat's the best way to tell what has locked my sound card?  it happens all the time!17:27
Picicrushy: I don't have any opinions on virtualizers, I've not had to use any of them, sorry.17:27
thermoplyaeyeah, other latex documents process fine.  i'll keep tinkering, i guess17:27
crushypici: its ok, thanks17:27
comicinkerWoodsDog: Maybe it's flash?17:27
sipiorthermoplyae: the problem definitely occurs before line 10, so there's not much to exclude :-)17:27
nibsa1242noodlesgc: thanks17:27
noodlesgcdeever when you put in a usb drive you should have write access as a regualr user17:27
kyhrosWoodsDog: try   ps axu |grep alsa or ps axu |grep oss17:28
afhcrushy: that broke the display.. forgot to mention I had envy installed.  I'm just going to stil with what I have I guess.17:28
Piciorgthingy: Some default tools can be configured with 'sudo update-alternatives --config <tool>' or alternatively (pun intended?) you can modify your user's environment variables in ~/.profile or ~/.bashrc, such as setting $EDITOR or $PAGER.17:28
sipiorcrushy: virtualbox is quite nice17:28
WoodsDogcomicinker, it might be flash...17:28
deevernoodlesgc: i don't...how do i make the automount mechanism mount it rw?17:28
WoodsDogalthough i don't see any flash processes17:28
crushyah, but u didnt mention that u instlal envy, u were said that its fresh install, anyways u can remove envy and try restricted drivers17:29
orgthingyPici : thanks Pici, i really appreciate it17:29
thermoplyaesipior: deleting everything but the \documentclass line still causes the error :/17:29
noodlesgcdeever not exactly sure, it always just worked for me17:29
crushysipior:  i tried that, for my windows it was hanging, but would that be good for ubuntuserver?17:29
afhcrushy how would I do that?17:29
htangcrushy: how to test my board band rates?17:29
nikki__WoodsDog: Use jackd, pulseaudio or the like.17:29
crushyhtang: choose a server listed there n click, it will show ur speed soon17:30
WoodsDognikki__, what is jackd, or pulseaudio? does it come with Ibex?17:30
comicinkerWoodsDog: you don't use zattoo, do you?17:30
tzdhi guys. Just reinstalled kubuntu 8.04 and wanted to delete a few former items in kdeinit. Where do i find kdeinit please?17:30
sipiorthermoplyae: the same error? odd. i expected something else would fail first. have you tried multiple input texts?17:30
htangcrushy: thank you!17:30
=== hfsdo_ is now known as hfsdo
nikki__WoodsDog: They allow you to share /dev/dsp along with other things.17:30
WoodsDogcomicinker, what's zattoo?17:30
WoodsDognikki__, I will look into that...17:30
RebanAnyone have experience with T.V cards? (making them work)17:31
thermoplyaeyou mean other beamer files?  yeah, i tried a couple of the samples, same error17:31
crushyafh: did u instlal using .deb17:31
aurynnI love the stretchy effect in compiz.17:31
crushyaurynn: i like fire and 3d scroll :D17:31
afhcrushy: no apt-get install envyngtk17:32
crushysudo dpkg -P envygtk17:32
profxavierI just updated a software package (openfire), but its not working properly --- how do I roll back to my previous version?17:33
crushyafh: sudo dpkg -P envygtk17:33
afhcrushy:  will that interupt my display or have to reboot. because I went into the ENVYNG and selected "uninstall ATI driver"17:33
sipiorthermoplyae: hmm...i would say that if you have no troubles with ordinary latex processing, you might want to consider filing a bug against the package, or at least get in touch with folks working on latex-beamer.17:34
crushyafh: it wont, just in case if your display doesnt seem to work, press ALT + F2 and type dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg17:34
thermoplyaeyeah, probably a good idea.  i just had a friend test it (not on ubuntu), and it compiled straight away with him, so that's what signs point to17:35
thermoplyaethanks for your time17:35
sipiorthermoplyae: yep, good luck17:35
bunjeehow do I install adobe flash player from saved file on desktop?17:36
crushysipior: i am installing virtualbox 2.02, hope it wont hang my webserver ...17:36
Rebangnomeradio "no sound" help17:36
aurynncrushy: how does one get more options for effects?17:37
sipiorcrushy: i don't see why it would.17:37
crushyaurynn: sudo apt-get install fusionicon17:38
profxavieranyone, help with falling back a package release.....17:38
afhcrushy: can I uninstall it via apt-get?17:39
deeverhow do i make the automount mechanism mount a usb disk rw for a regular user?17:39
crushyaurynn: sorry it should be > sudo apt-get install fusion-icon compizconfig-settings-manager17:39
crushyyes u can afh17:39
ubotturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free17:39
crushyafh: sudo apt-get remove envy*17:40
BalachmarHi, I am having trouble using automount and sshfs: I get the following error in my logs: bmt-nb83 automount[12775]: lookup(yp): map auto.shh: Local domain name not set17:40
aurynncrushy, thanks17:40
afhcrushy will this jack up my display?17:40
thermoplyaesipior: nevermind, figured it out, just me being an idiot.  i had some remnants of a failed xcolor installation lying around that latex could apparently still see, and it was choking on them.  no surprise :/17:41
aurynnhow do I make Evolution use a non-standard SMTP port?17:41
crushyafh: if you dont get display back, just use this at prompt, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg17:41
sipiorthermoplyae: well, good you got it sorted, anyway :)17:41
aurynnah, nvm, got the damn thing to work17:42
psykidellicsipior: I just created 4 simple text files and did: find . -name '*.txt' | xargs -i cat {} and it worked. Do you think it might be an issue mplayed?17:42
martin_guys can i ask u something ?17:43
nikki__martin_: No! :P17:43
martin_yesterday i instaled ubuntu and i dont know how to install MP3 or DVD ?!?17:43
nikki__martin_: You mean play mp3 files?17:43
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ozzloyi'm having trouble connecting to the web17:44
martin_i cant listen to music17:44
stdinmartin_: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats17:44
ozzloyi can resolve google.com's ip, but not ping it17:44
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ozzloyi can ping the router, and my own ip17:44
nikki__martin_: Open Totem, play an mp3 file, it should alert you and automatically get you install the GStreamer things.17:44
K_DallasHi guys! I just installed dansguardian + tinyproxy and they are working great. I am pretty impressed with their filtering performance. My Q: Can I have different config file for different users? Thanks (running 8.04)17:44
ozzloyand i don't know where to go from here.17:44
kitcheozzloy: well they might have put up a black hole now to stop pings as well17:45
martin_ok thanks17:45
bunjeehow do I install adobe flash player from saved file on desktop?17:45
kyhrosI use openbox and i want to configure a trayer someone can u tell me wich trayer is in the link, up? (http://www.box-look.org/content/preview.php?preview=1&id=88739&file1=88739-1.jpg&file2=&file3=&name=Nano)17:46
danbh_intrepidI need help removing a package that is crashing out on the removal process17:47
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sipiorpsykidellic: try running "bash -x", and then try your mplayer command in that shell. the shell should echo back exactly the command it's running17:47
comicinker!flash | bunjee17:48
ubottubunjee: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash17:48
comicinkerdanbh_intrepid: maybe try sudo apt-get install -f17:49
psykidellicsipior: it showed the following in order, + xargs -0 -i mplayer {} and then +x find . -name '*.ogg' -print017:49
danbh_intrepidcomicinker: sorry, I need someone with more knowledge than that.  This is a more serious error, at the dpkg level.  No apt-get command will help.  I need a way to manually remove the package, AFAIK17:50
nox-HandWhat is the chmod permissions of a normal home directory? I messed up mine17:50
nox-HandI wish to do a chmod -R <right value> /home/nox to fix it17:50
danbh_intrepidnox-Hand I think its 64417:51
danbh_intrepidbut not with the -R17:51
ethana2Can you package a ~/.bashrc in a .deb?17:51
RebanCan someone help me with getting my radio to work with a gigabyte tv card?17:51
nox-HandRight will have a look17:51
comicinkernox-Hand dont do that!17:51
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ethana2I have a set of standard aliases I'd like to just be able to roll out with a whole other set of stuff17:51
comicinkerdanbh_intrepid: can you post  the error message somewhere?17:52
ozzloyi can ping internal network ips, and i can resolve google.com to an ip, but i can't ping it.  how do i troubleshoot this?17:52
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nox-Handcomicinker: What am I then to do? (just did, but I know my way around command line, I am in it now, just not sure how to reset it right)17:53
danbh_intrepidcomicinker: http://paste.ubuntu.com/52140/17:53
sipiorozzloy: may not be anything to troubleshoot. may simply be that outgoing icmp traffic is controlled by your internet provider.17:53
lee986321any one here using a ps3?17:54
sipiorozzloy: does normal traffic work?17:54
profxavierI just updated a software package (openfire), but its not working properly --- how do I roll back to my previous version?17:54
ethana2lee: #ubuntu-ps317:54
elysiumozzloy: none the google ips are pingable17:54
ozzloysipior: no, i can't surf the web.  and this used to work17:54
slaw6Hi! I have a little question. Is it safe to upgrade 7.04 (Feisty) to Hardy by replacing "feisty" with "hardy" in sources.list, and then manually upgrading debs? I know it's recommended to upgrade to 7.10 first, but I wouldn't like to do this.17:54
slaw6Unfortunately, I cannot use a CD.17:54
comicinkerdanbh_intrepid: can you remove it by dpkg --remove wicd ?17:54
comicinkera, sh... ok17:55
xompheh friggen17:55
lee986321thank you ehtan 217:55
xomp!flash | lu5tic17:55
ubottulu5tic: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash17:55
lee986321erg ehthan 2 lol17:55
sipiorozzloy: so, what's your network setup like?17:55
ozzloyelysium: they used to be.  interesting i don't seem to be able to ping them right now17:55
danbh_intrepidcomicinker: I belive -r === --remove17:55
ubottuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.17:56
sipiorlu5tic: old keyboard?17:56
ozzloyelysium: actually i can't even ping my own server from this box.  i think something's screwy on my network17:56
danbh_intrepidcomicinker: I ran the command anyway, same error17:56
xomplu5tic, contrary to popular belief, caps lock is not cruise control for cool..17:56
sipiorozzloy: yeah, that's a bad sign :-)17:56
ethana2I'm not very linux compatible either, gcc doesn't have a backend for target human_brain yet17:56
aurynnIs there a way to shrink the UI elements in default Gnome? Everything feels huge.17:56
ozzloysipior: i'm not exactly sure.  i'm at an office.  i think i'm behind 1 router and that's it17:56
ozzloybut this whole setup used to work17:56
elysiumozzly, can u ping localhost or
ethana2it also pisses everyone off...17:57
ethana2right click on the file, 'extract here'17:57
nox-Handlu5tic: I believe if you do not stop writing caps only you may end off getting kicked out of the channel :] --- we are good enough at reading lower case.17:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about allcaps17:57
ethana2then navigate to the directory in a terminal17:57
ethana2and ./ the .sh17:57
The-Compiler!capslock (even if it makes it more visible, it just is not the right thing) | lu5tic17:57
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:57
The-Compiler!capslock | lu5tic17:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about capslock17:57
Altariany wireless gurus around?17:57
regeyathis is visible too, eh?17:57
The-Compilerokay, anyway17:57
The-Compiler!ask | Altari17:57
ubottuAltari: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)17:57
danbh_intrepid!usage > The-Compiler17:58
ubottuThe-Compiler, please see my private message17:58
ubottuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.17:58
ozzloyelysium: i can ping my own network assigned ip and
ozzloyelysium: i can ping the gateway too17:58
Altarii'm trying to install a patch for hostap drivers to allow packet injection in heron.17:58
crushy!keyboard lock17:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about keyboard lock17:58
nox-Handlu5tic: Unpack the .tar.gz, it should be double clickable from your desktop. Then go go Accesories -> terminal, and open that up. Type this: "cd Desktop" and then cd "WHATEVER the folder with the installer is called"17:58
danbh_intrepidcomicinker: I figured it out, if you are curious17:58
lu5ticok ill try17:58
Altarii'm trying to install a patch for hostap drivers to allow packet injection in heron. having difficulty doing so, as the only patches available seem to work on gutsy..17:58
nox-Handlu5tic: In that folder there will be a .sh file.   Type "./ <nameofthatfile>.sh" and the installer will run.17:58
profxavierI just updated a software package (openfire), but its not working properly --- how do I roll back to my previous version?17:58
sipiorThe-Compiler: do you think it's ironic when you become more annoying than the person you were trying to put down in the first place?17:58
nox-Handlu5tic: Gotta go, good luck! :)17:59
The-Compilersipior: Yup, I do :D17:59
regeyasipior: do you think rain on your wedding day is ironic?17:59
Altarisipior; i don't see how my question was annoying17:59
sipiorAltari: i was not speaking to you, sir17:59
Altarisipior; i've asked that same question in here more than once to no response17:59
danbh_intrepidcomicinker: well, I knew the error was happening in one of the removal scripts,  I had already nixed the postrm script, and but it was the prerm script that was the problem17:59
BalachmarI am getting the following error trying to use sshfs + automount:bad map format: found indirect, expected direct exiting17:59
comicinkerdanbh_intrepid: so... ?18:00
sipiorregeya: i've always said so.18:00
Rebanregister <r3b@n31n> <reba@anf.co.za>18:00
* regeya points out there's not one example of irony in "Isn't It Ironic"18:00
Altarican anyone help me? i'm trying to install a patch for hostap drivers to allow packet injection in heron. having difficulty doing so, as the only patches available seem to be for gutsy. Is there any way to make such a change within heron?18:00
Alfangerya t'il des français ici ?18:01
sipiorregeya: that's nice.18:01
regeyasipior: do you enjoy being irritating?18:01
danbh_intrepidcomicinker: well, I deleted that script so the removal would finish.  Now I can at least reinstall or install something else.  I dunno what the consequences are...  But that doesn't matter since this is a test install18:01
The-CompilerReban: that was a fail. I think you should change your password now, we've seen it ;) And you have to write /ns or /msg NickServ before it18:01
comicinkerdanbh_intrepid: I see18:02
psykidellicsipior: So I let the music play and mplayed correctly moves to the next track. It is just not responding to any keyboard. Maybe I can create a temporary playlist from the find and pass it to mplayer...that probably might work.18:02
Altarican anyone help me? i'm trying to install a patch for hostap drivers to allow packet injection in heron. having difficulty doing so, as the only patches available seem to be for gutsy. Is there any way to make such a change to the hostap drivers in heron?18:02
Balachmaranyone an expert on autofs?18:03
sipiorpsykidellic: good luck. sounds like a fair bit of work for not much payoff. still, i spend plenty of evenings that way :-)18:03
mikeypizanoi deleted my swap and i cant hibernate18:03
deeverhow do i make the automount mechanism mount a usb disk rw for a regular user?18:03
crushyalright friends18:04
crushygood night and God bless everyone :-h see ya all laters18:04
xomphas anyone experienced random crashing with firefox here of late? seems to crash without warning when browsing the internet.18:05
sipiorAltari: well, you might get very lucky, if the source code hasn't changed much between versions. might be worthwhile to compare the two versions with diff, see if the patch might work.18:05
bobertdosxomp: What version?18:06
Altarisipior; i've followed the tutorials for patching the drivers as per ubuntuforums18:06
Altarii get to where it's time to make18:06
Altariand make refuses to run18:06
Altari(wrong version)18:06
Altarii've even tried editing the makefile to remove the kernal version checking18:06
comicinkerdeever: add the userrights to the specific user to access the external storages18:06
The-Compilerxomp: run it in a terminal and watch out for errors18:06
Altariit just won't run18:06
The-Compiler!terminal | xomp18:06
ubottuxomp: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal18:06
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sipiorAltari: and running gutsy isn't an option?18:06
Altarisipior; is there a simple way to downgrade?18:07
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sipiorAltari: not really, no :-)18:07
hwildehelp! I have a presentation in 15 minutes and I can't get my laptop to export the display to the projector!18:07
Altarisipior; unfortunately it'd mean that i would have to format, and reinstall correct? :p18:07
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slaw6Hi! I have a little question. Is it safe to upgrade 7.04 (Feisty) to Hardy by replacing "feisty" with "hardy" in sources.list, and then manually upgrading? I know it's recommended to upgrade to 7.10 first, but I wouldn't like to do this. Anyone tried to do something like this?18:07
slaw6Unfortunately, I cannot use a CD.18:07
hwilde!downgrade > Altari18:07
ubottuAltari, please see my private message18:07
sipiorAltari: more or less, yeah18:07
Altarithanks hwilde18:08
danbh_intrepidslaw6: no18:08
hwildeslaw6, why don't you use the update manager?18:08
hwildehelp! I have a presentation in 15 minutes and I can't get my laptop to export the display to the projector!18:08
comicinkerhwilde: get another laptop18:08
RebanCan someone please help me with getting my radio to work? Hardware: GT-PTV-AF-RH Software: gnomeradio18:08
hwildecomicinker, it has to be linux tho - all of them are the same18:08
Altarisipior; i guess i'll just have to format then18:08
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slaw6hwilde, update manager wants to upgrade to 7.10, I would like to Hardy (in single step)18:08
hwildeslaw6, that is not possible.18:09
bobertdoshwilde: This may sound stupid, but does your laptop have a function key for switching displays? Most of them do.18:09
profxavierI just updated a software package (openfire), but its not working properly --- how do I roll back to my previous version?18:09
danbh_intrepidslaw6: AFAIK, the only path supported is 7.04 -> 7.10 -> 8.0418:09
Spragiehow can i mount my secondary drive so it has write priviledges in x ?18:09
hwildebobertdos, yeah but it doesn't do anything in Linux.  fn F7 does it in windows tho18:09
Altariformat time18:09
danbh_intrepidslaw6: the other option is to do a clean install of 8.0418:09
Altarithanks guys18:09
kingtekrinwhich cd burning program burns iso's right?>18:09
comicinkerhwilde: connect the projector, make shure it waits for a signal, try sudo dpkg--reconfigure xorg18:10
Altariwhere's a source of older ubuntu versions?18:10
Altariie; to download?18:10
Altarithey available readily on the site?18:10
elysiumhwilde, have you tried, System->Preference->Screen Resolution check Clone??18:10
slaw6danbh_intrepid: yes, however, I'm asking about the non-supported option: is replacing feisty->hardy in sources.list and upgrade or dist-upgrade safe?18:10
hwildeelysium, check clone??18:10
slaw6fresh install - unfortunately cannot be used18:11
elysiumput a check mark on option "clone" top right corner18:11
comicinkertop left corner18:11
Rebangnomeradio "no sound" please help, gigabyte TV & FM tuner card18:11
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elysiumyes left18:11
danbh_intrepidslaw6: of course not, thats why its not supported!18:11
hwildeelysium, i don't have that option18:11
kingtekrinwhich burning programs burns ISO's right?18:11
hwildekingtekrin, brasero18:12
kingtekrinhwilde: thanks18:12
AltariWhere can i get 7.10 ubuntu?18:12
elysiummmm what about "detect Displays"?18:12
Altarianyone know?18:12
slaw6danbh_intrepid: Oh, so I have to do two upgrades... I hope it will not be necessary in the future. Thank you for the answers!18:12
bobertdoshwilde: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-78570.html -- I don't know if I can find anything better in 10 minutes :p18:13
Altari!versions > Altari18:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about versions18:13
Altari!version > Altari18:13
ubottuAltari, please see my private message18:13
hwildebobertdos, well 48 minutes now I missed that deadline.   so i have til 2oclock18:13
danbh_intrepidslaw6: np18:13
Altarithankyou very much comicinker18:13
Altarislow website18:14
=== rugrat is now known as hwilde
mbomanI am hunting for a download program that handles RSS for download selection and can handle both http and ftp downloads as well as torrent files18:16
tarelerulzI have some videos that I was using flash player in firefox to play . It was messing up for what ever reason.  I was wondering could I use flash play the install with firefox out side of  firefox to play videos ?18:16
tmapjcould anyone tell me how to set up my sound card in ubuntu?18:17
Rebaneingnomeradio no sound, can someone help?18:17
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP318:17
IdleOne!sound | tmapj18:17
ubottutmapj: please see above18:17
RebaneinI'll try that18:18
bunjeehow do I install adobe flash player from saved file on desktop?18:18
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash18:19
LjL!flash | bunjee18:19
ubottubunjee: please see above18:19
bobertdosbunjee: Ignoring for a moment that the factoids have already been tossed at you, is there a reason flash 9 in the repos doesn't work out for you?18:20
kingtekrin!virtualbox | kingtekrin18:20
ubottukingtekrin, please see my private message18:20
bobertdostarelerulz: klash looks like the only one available. It is a K program of course, so you'll need a few libraries, not the whole environment, fortunately :)18:21
cwydfqhow to learn linux18:21
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comicinkerlearning by doing18:22
cwydfqcan you help me?18:22
bobertdoscwydfq: and reading our wikis18:22
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comicinkerwe will try our best, will we?18:22
cwydfqwhat  is  wikis18:23
cwydfqyes ,I believe  we will18:23
bobertdos!wiki | cwydfq18:23
ubottucwydfq: http://wiki.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu development documentation wiki. If you are looking for system help, please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community - the Ubuntu community documentation.18:23
C10uDhello there18:23
tyberion_hm does anybody know whether there is an application that lets u train 10-finger writing?18:23
edistar2hi! which deamon handles the volume/display brightness buttons?18:23
tmapjcan anyone help me? i cant get my system to play videos on youtube then play an mp318:24
Slarttyberion_: there are many.. I tried some of them a while ago.. don't really remember all the names.. tuxtyping is one though.. more of a game really18:24
vladodessittyberion: simple one is tuxtype18:24
AdamHi all.18:24
tmapjmy system crashes a lot when trying to play audio on multiple programs18:24
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bobertdostmapj: Unfortunately, that's a bug in Pulse, and you can't do much about it other than to switch the Sound preferences and gstreamer-properties to ALSA.18:25
tyberion_Slart, vladodessit thank u:)18:25
Slarttyberion_: of course you've already looked through synaptic, searching for "typing" and such... or?18:25
vladodessittmapj: it highly depends on your hardware18:25
tmapjbobertdos, so everyone has that error?18:25
tmapjvladodessit, then what can i do to fix it?18:26
ambroseI'm having problems with my sony vaio Fn, Av mode keys.18:26
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ambrosecan anyone help out18:26
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bobertdostmapj: Well, in terms of playing flash and music at the same time, especially. It varies a bit for everyone though.18:26
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krabadori've a problem with NTFS partition, day by day, mounting in fstab, everyday,18:27
tmapjbobertdos, i dont try to play them at the same time, i just try to play them one at a time with both open.18:27
mathi_anyone know where I can see the cron's getting executed ?18:28
vladodessitkrbador, make sure you scan your NTFS partition in windoze18:28
ambrosecrontab i think18:28
vladodessitThere are could be some errors18:28
Slartmathi_: crontab -L lists one crontab.. check the switches for accessing other users lists18:28
Slartmathi_: sorry.. it is crontab -l, lower case L18:29
Twinkletoes|WI've installed X on Ubuntu server, how do I get it to start automatically at boot?18:29
bobertdostmapj:  Well, in any case, I would recommend switching everything over to ALSA.18:29
mathi_thank you, but actually I know there is a file getting updated real-time, which shows the cron's getting executed with the time18:30
tmapjbobertdos, how do you do that?18:30
mathi_somewhere ...18:30
Slartmathi_: a log of some kind?18:30
mathi_I need the logging of the cron's18:30
tarelerulzWhat is the differents between the flash player you install as stand alone app and the one install via the plugin firefox18:31
edistar2hi! which deamon handles the volume/display brightness buttons?18:31
bobertdostmapj: In System->Preferences->Sound switch everything you can over to ALSA. Hit alt+f2 (for the Run dialog) and open gstreamer-properties. Make sure the playback for that is set to ALSA too.18:31
jeff_I fubared my monitor/display settings now kdm displays in some virtual window and I'm left not being able to login to kde ... how do I get my monitor settings back to normal?18:32
mikebotI think I froze my tty1 while running screen... is there any way to kill everything that is going on in that tty?18:32
bobertdostarelerulz: Well, fundamentally, not much, other than the standalone doesn't have to sit inside a browser.18:32
Slartmathi_: where did you read this? sure it was on an ubuntu system? crontab can be set to do things in many ways.. it might differ between linux distros18:32
mathi_Slart  how am I able to know wehn a cron gets executed ?18:33
mathi_I don't know what distro I am using right now :$ don't know how to check18:34
metrixI have multiple machines that need to modify/read the same files.  I hear that using NFS can cause issues in circumstances like these...  does anyone know of an alternative?18:34
Slartmathi_: you check the crontab =).. or enable logging and look at whatever is logged18:34
trigpinwhats the difference between gshadow and -gshadow im confussed18:34
tarelerulzbotertdos , The reason I ask is  when I play the flash videos in firefox they had some sort of problem . I thought maybe I could run flash player with out using firefox.  Is that even possible18:35
tyberion_Slart: ofc:D18:35
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jeff_VLC and Kaffeine both play flashes stand-alone IIRC18:36
comicinkertarelerulz: you can use totem standalone for viewing youtube videos18:36
Slartmathi_: my crontab jobs gets logged into the syslog.. don't know if it's all of them though.. I don't think I've changed the default setup18:36
Slarttyberion_: ah.. good..just had to.. ahem.. check =)18:37
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jeff_so if KDM is running and I can't STARTX because it's already started, how do I get to my Xwindows?18:37
tarelerulzI have try use vlc , totem and mplayer ,but none of the work right all the way.  Like one will not let me fastforward  one has no sound stuff like that .  Flash seems to be the only thing that does it right18:37
ktwois there a specific channel for intrepid issues?18:37
Slart!intrepid | ktwo18:38
ubottuktwo: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - #ubuntu+1 for discussion | Warning lots of broken software between now and October!18:38
unopjeff_, you can use xinit to start an X session on another display - i believe there's an example in the manpage18:38
trigpinwow "  Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 " thats tomorow18:38
bobertdostarelerulz: Okay, let's focus on that problem then. How exactly was flash "screwing up?"18:38
jeff_er, -118:39
SlimeyPeteMon Sep 29 18:39:05 BST 200818:39
Slarttrigpin: eh.. wrong month.. we're in september18:39
trigpinoh  my bad wrng month18:39
unoptrigpin, which universe are you in? :)18:39
Slarttrigpin: scared me there..18:39
comicinkertarelerulz: in totem, there is a plugin for youtube. it will embed a new sidebar for searching videos on youtube18:39
barigadoes anyone know where i can get the service manual of an acer 1360 for free ?18:39
unopacer's website?18:40
barigado they provide service manuals ?18:40
a-l-p-h-a_Is there an app that will allow me to open an PDF, change the orientation of individual pages, and save the PDF again?  If so, what?18:40
Slartbariga: not here.. that's for sure.. google or ask Acer.. they should have at least a pdf18:40
ubottupdf is the Portable Document Format created by Adobe; viewable in GNU/Linux with xpdf/kpdf/evince, and also adobe reader (free download, but closed source)18:40
ubottuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME), Ark (KDE), or Xarchiver (XFCE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression18:40
a-l-p-h-a_IdleOne: thanks!18:40
SlartAltari: there are some tools for working with pdf's.. can't rememeber what they were called.. something like imagemagick for pdf's..18:41
jeff_how can I return to normal display settings after mistakenly sending display to a non-existent monitor?18:41
tarelerulzbobertdos , it stiped on frames stuff like that .  So I thought if I could use flash play that installed into firefox I could play the videos right.  So far I have not seen anything ,but .so files  share libs link files18:41
jim_pSlart: pdf-edit18:41
supertankerHey, what's the minimum system requirements to run a web server? I have a computer with 450mhz PIII, 256MB ram. It's the only computer I have that I can spare at the moment18:41
IdleOnesupertanker: that should be fine18:41
jim_psupertanker: as soon as it has a nice ethernet card, it can run as a server. your specs are fine18:42
supertankerI just don't really trust the heatsink in that computer, but thanks.18:42
jeff_heck you can run a pda as a web server18:42
supertankerIt's got a nice standard Kingston 10/100018:42
supertankerDecent for my needs18:42
koala_mansupertanker: people have C64s running as web servers.18:42
IdleOnesupertanker: then change the heat sink18:42
Slartjim_p: that sounds like the one.. thanks18:42
bobertdostarelerulz: okay, well either try that totme plugin that was mentioned, maybe klash, and if nothing else, I can try to help you tweak Firefox's flash -- you choose18:43
dattasAlright, so man did not get installed for some reason, the man pages seem to be there, but the command is gone: "$ which man which: no man in (paths here)" how do I get it installed without having to re-install the entire os?18:43
lamurhey guys can you guys help me?i want to extract files, but i don't know the command18:44
jeff_you should man man to find that out18:44
tarelerulzBobertdos is that wild thing to try to do ? Not seen anything in the firefox files that links to a  executable .18:44
trigpinlamur , what kind are they ?18:44
comicinkerlamur: unp18:44
jeff_did you try apt-get man? (just guessing)18:45
jeff_apt-get install man18:45
deevercomicinker: "userrights"?18:45
bobertdostarelerulz: You mean you're trying to find an executable flash from within Firefox??? Such a thing does not exist.18:45
hspaansapt-get install manpages18:45
lamurtrigpin they are rar files18:45
lamursorry tar18:45
hspaanstar -zxf <filename>18:46
trigpinlamur , man tar18:46
dattasjeff_, it selects man-db instead, hspaans, it says it is already installed and trying to remove them fails, is there like source code for it? I don't mind building from source18:46
tarelerulzbobertdos:  Thanks for trying to help me.   If there is no executable to run flash how does firefox use it ?18:47
silverpower*sigh* I used manual partitioning to make sure it'd leave my partition table alone, and the stupid thing *still* decides it'd be cute to eat it.18:47
jeff_what file can I change my monitor settings in?18:48
bobertdostarelerulz: libflashlayer.so is just a plugin file. That plugin gets referenced whenever Firefox detects something of the swf mimetype.18:48
lamurwhat is the the best certification that i can do now guys18:48
PsyonikHi, I have recently installed PiTiVi. When I try to import video files into the program, it freezes, and when I try dragging them into it straight from the source, it closes.18:48
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots18:48
PsyonikWhat can my problem be?18:48
kingtekrin700 billions bail out bill has just failed, stock markets down 600 points :update:18:49
* jeff_ sheds a tear for the poor brokers and bankers, the humanity!18:49
supertankerNow I just need to find a hard drive quiet enough for me to sleep at night18:49
bobertdoskingtekrin: useful information to be sure, but don't do that here18:49
kingtekrinok srry18:50
PsyonikCan nobody help me?18:50
bobertdosEven so, I agree with jeff_ :D18:50
silverpowerIs there a reason why the manual partitioner needs to sanitize my partition table? I hid my NTFS partition for a *reason* - to keep the XP installer from messing with it.18:51
lamursomebody please tel me what certification is the best now18:51
Denisenetwork security certification?18:52
hypn0the markets dropped over 3 hrs ago, a bit late :-))18:52
nubaehey there... I recently read there was a ocr program that also reads the ocred text out loud... any ideas on which program that might be, google is not giving me anything useful...18:52
lamurtanx denise18:52
silverpowerInstead the Ubuntu (kubuntu 8.04) installer decides to shrink the extended partition to perfectly fit the Linux partitions, and deletes my NTFS partition.18:53
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lamureh i fegot to tell you guys that i from suriname18:53
Slartnubae: I haven't really seen any good ocr software for linux.. but text-to-speech stuff is available.. festival is one I think18:53
casp3my notebook doesnt change into standby when closing it, how can i change it?18:53
PsyonikFine. No help.18:53
PsyonikI'll be leaving18:54
nubaeSlart: what I read was something new that both ocrs and then reads it out... made particularly for blind people18:54
nubaebut Ill check out festival, rings a bell18:54
scampbellsilverpower: if you did something to obscure a partition from the partition table then it's probably gonna get hosed when something else manipulates the partition table.18:54
ktwohow can i use the "radeonhd" driver instead of "radeon" the chipset is x1600 and is supported18:54
lamurdenise network security in what linux are windows18:54
silverpowerscampbell, I set the hidden flag, which changed the partition type to a 'hidden' but still valid entry.18:55
Deniseboth no?18:55
jeff_network security in windows? is that a joke?18:55
silverpower(In gparted, I mean.)18:55
lamurdenise please18:56
deltarayAre there some instructions somewhere for getting DVD playback working under Hardy Herron?18:56
trigpingeneral question what /etc/-gshadow different from /etc>/18:56
Slart!dvd | deltaray18:56
ubottudeltaray: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs18:56
lamurnetwork security in what linux or windows18:56
trigpingeneral question what /etc/-gshadow different from /etc/-gshadow18:57
scampbellsilverpower: isn't 'hidden partition' a microsoft concept and not actualy a function of standard partition table.  do   fdisk -l /dev/hda  (assuming hda is the disk in question ) and tell us if you see the partition.18:57
trigpingeneral question what /etc/-gshadow different from /etc/gshadow18:57
SiDiHas anyone ever heard of a script/feature that would allow you to select different wallpapers and icons to display on each of your desktops (without modifying the actual Desktop folder) ?18:57
Slartlamur: I don't know what the original question was.. but since you're asking in here I'd go with "linux".. otherwise you'd be in #ubuntu-offtopic, not wouldn't you?18:57
silverpowerscampbell, that's the problem. Ubuntu deleted the damn thing and then shrunk my extended partition to 'free' the empty space.18:58
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silverpowerTestDisk is picking it up, at least.18:58
lamuryes slart thanx18:58
flandercanhi, can anyone point me to some documentation for cli auto login . I am trying to create a device that will boot into a perl cli menu driven application not sure how to get a cli app to be the only thing the user sees. I am running 8.04 server.18:59
Slartscampbell: gparted has a "hidden" flag for my boot partition.. I'm not going to try to set it.. but it's in the "manage flags" dialog18:59
lamurhey slart do you now how to setup a server with ubuntu 8.0418:59
silverpowerSlart, that's the one, yeah.19:00
Slartlamur: just setting up a server isn't so hard.. it's when you want it to do stuff that it can get messy =)19:00
scampbellSlart: yeah, but it's really an MS thing I think.    That's the problem with their 'extensions', they only work with their stuff :(19:00
jeff_ah ... relief ... thank gooodness for xorg.conf.failsafe19:00
scampbellI'm trying to find document on how they do it.19:00
Slartscampbell: I find it strange that gparted would implement a flag that the ubuntu installer promptly ignores..19:00
silverpowerscampbell, alternate partition types.19:00
Slartscampbell: but who knows.. there are many strange things out there =)19:01
scampbellsilverpower: If it was just a parition type then it wouldn't delete it.  Unknown partitions are definately left alone. It had to be 'not in the parition' table.  But let me continue to try to find reference, there may be a way out.19:01
scampbellSlart: I work in large scale computing, we don't accept 'strange things' :)19:02
Slartscampbell: I agree fully.. hunt them down and destroy them.. I can hold your drink while you do it ;)19:02
tajenhi, I am wondering if "Wubi" works on Vista?19:02
SiDitajen, since when is there anything working under Vista ?19:03
flandercanhi, can anyone point me to some documentation for cli auto login . I am trying to create a device that will boot into a perl cli menu driven application not sure how to get a cli app to be the only thing the user sees. I am running 8.04 server.19:03
trigpintajen , work fine19:03
silverpowerscampbell, the partition in question is a logical partition within an extended partition - but the extended partition has been shrunk to 'free' this 'free space'.19:03
tajenok, I just googled it, and the first hit from 17. jan 2007 said it did not, so just had to make sure :)19:04
trigpintajen , however if you want to try ubuntu quick easyer to use live cd19:04
scampbellOkay, here's what they do. The hidden partition must be at the end of the disk.  they then move the 'last cylinder' up to before the hidden parition.  If this is truly correct then your fdisk -l /dev/hda should show the disk being actually smaller than it is.19:04
Slartscampbell: here's a list of many many partition types.. there's at least 10 different "hidden" partition types.. OS/2, Novell, Microsoft etc etc..19:04
Slartscampbell: http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/partitions/partition_types-1.html19:04
scampbellmind you, I'm reading other folks info from the net here so we want to see if that what they did.19:05
scampbellYes, but  if they used one of those then the paritioner wouldn't touch it unless told to.19:05
lamurcan anyone tell me which command shutsdown the pc19:05
Slartlamur: sudo shutdown -h now19:05
scampbellThe one that's nasty is the one I'm describing where they shrink the disk to make it look like that area of disk doesn't exist.19:05
fophillipsWhat pacakge provides the evince python module?19:06
lamurthanx slart19:06
Slartlamur: shutdown -h shuts it down, shutdown -r reboots it.. now is needed because it wants to know when to shut it down.. you can do stuff like shutdown -r +10 to make it reboot in 10 minutes19:06
silverpowerscampbell, Fedora's variant doesn't do this - all I wanted to do was set the mount points. I didn't want it messing with my partitions in the first place.19:06
silverpower*sigh* That'll teach me to use a GUI installer.19:07
lamurthanx agian19:07
silverpower(Since the CLI installer's accepted whatever bizarre setup I feed it without complaint, demur or mutilation of table entries. Just saying.)19:08
TannI'f I were to install the madwifi package from the ubuntu repositories, how would I configure it.19:08
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JuJuBeeAnybody here use cssh?19:09
scampbellsilverpower: don't know what to tell you. I've not seen any paritioners mangle the table unless told to.  I'm guessing you have no backup.19:10
silverpowerscampbell, not for the majority of the data, no.19:10
Guest42197hi guys can u help me i have a problem and since i'm new to linux, i don't know what to do..19:10
scampbellsorry to hear that.  Do you know what cylinders the NTFS parition started and ended with?   are they in use now?  If not just recreate the partition.19:11
SlartGuest42197: just ask your question/describe your problem19:11
silverpowerNot the exact cylinders, no (TestDisk finds a valid NTFS partition in the 'gap'). The problem is I can't restore it because I've used up all my primary partition entries.19:12
ktwohow can i use the "radeonhd" driver instead of "radeon" the chipset is x1600 and should be supported. sorry if thats trivial but i dont know that19:12
silverpowerIs it safe to extend the Extended partition back to its original boundaries (all the way to the end of the disk)?19:12
scampbellsilverpower: yeah, you could actually allocate to an extended but then you couldn't boot off it anyway.19:12
=== haptiK is now known as barseflesh
JuJuBeeI  have been using cssh fine for over a year and all of a sudden today it is not working.  Telling me unkown host for all computers in the list.  I can still ssh using the same username to all of these hosts.  Any ideas?19:13
silverpowerscampbell, it's a data partition, not OS (the boot partitions for XP and Linux are elsewhere). :)19:13
scampbellsilverpower: you can zap one of the primaries for ubuntu and put in the NTFS to recover your data.   The rude statement "Always backup first" is already ringing in you ears so I won't say it :)19:13
scampbellsilverpower: as long as the start and end cylinders are correct you should be able to do it.19:14
scampbellI don't have anything handy here I can do that do to say exactly how to do it :(19:15
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deeverhow do i make the automount mechanism mount a usb disk rw for a regular user?19:15
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=== hacker is now known as Richnl
oklinuxwillwork4foo I clean windows for a living19:17
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willwork4foooklinux: excellent...19:17
scampbellsilverpower: how many partitions on that disk now and is one of them an extended?19:18
cappslockeAnyone else having issues lately with firefox?19:18
zewm__Mine crashes often.19:18
cappslockeI just updated, and now firefox doesn't startup at all. No errors reported in syslog19:18
oklinuxwindows xp willwork4foo not glass windows19:18
flandercandont get the flash problem anymore thankfully19:18
willwork4fooI've got a bit of a nightmare here, and I've been working on this for ages with no joy. Does anyone know of any good guides for getting a USB-connected printer to share itself out properly from a Kubuntu machine onto a Mac OSX client19:18
willwork4footis giving me the headaches19:18
notwisthttp://paste.ubuntu.com/52181/ <- something is really weird with my ping feedback. Any ideas?19:19
zewm__try speedtest.net19:20
zewm__see if you get any better results19:20
legend2440cappslocke: in terminal type   firefox-3.0  se if there are errors19:20
Slartnotwist: odd times indeeed.. it's the same if you run it again?19:20
cappslockelegend2440: There's not for me, but apparently its a seg fault: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox-3.0/+bug/27497719:21
rjellisojoin #ubuntu-dc19:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 274977 in firefox-3.0 "Firefox 3.0.3 doesn't start after update" [Undecided,Invalid]19:21
haxhey can i ask a question to you about ubuntu ? ^^19:21
scampbellfor firefox issues, be sure you have 'security updates' and 'recommended updates' enabled.  There is a known issue where having only 'security updates' enabled will leave you with a problem.19:21
Picihax: Just ask, thats what this channel is for,19:21
=== icewolf is now known as icewolf_blade
cappslockei'm going to try installing the dev trunk instead of the latest release to see if that will get me going19:21
haxenglish or german ? :D19:21
Pici!de | hax19:22
ubottuhax: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de19:22
haxahhh thx :D19:22
scampbellfirefox issues: synaptic -> settings -> repositories -> updates to check that you have 'security' and 'updates' enabled.19:22
Deniseit says no updates19:23
Denisealways the same19:23
silverpowerscampbell, okay, my table's sane again but I lost my actual XP partition.19:23
Deniseno updates found in the repositories19:23
cappslockescampbell: both hardy-security and hardy-updates are enabled =[19:24
scampbellcappslocke: ok, that was the one that I knew of that caused issues.19:24
cappslockescampbell: lets see what happens if i use the dev trun19:24
scampbellcappslocke: you might just  mv .mozilla svmozilla   so you get new configs, in case it's just a config issue.19:25
gazhi, are there any generic cd/dvd writer drivers for ubuntu. Im using hardy on my hp dv2750 laptop everything seems to be working fine but just come to burn a disk and a few programs (gnomebaker, k3b, nero) cannot find the drive.  It's a "Lightscribe Super Multi DVD Writer (+/-R +/-RW) with Double Layer support" i am not sure who the manufacturer is.19:25
gazive done a search but couldnt find them drivers19:25
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silverpowerMy data partition was dirty, but ntfsfix is fine with it now.19:26
cappslockescampbell: ive actually fully removed /etc/mozilla as well as ~/.mozilla, after having completely removed firefox. then tried reinstalling, and no luck19:26
=== icewolf is now known as icewolf_blade
scampbellcappslocke: did you try running from a command line to see if any usuable error message appears?19:27
cappslockeAND, oddly enough, it works as root user ~_~19:27
cappslockeyes, it just sits there, hold19:28
scampbellcappslocke: oh, big hint.  I hosed mine up once by doing a   sudo firefox   it created config files only readable by root under my home directory.  Try   find ~ -user 0  to find root owned files under you home directory.19:28
scampbellcappslocke: and the way out is to just chown the affected files of course.  I hope that's the issue.19:29
cappslockescampbell: hmm, thanks for the hint, ill try that19:30
cappslockeright now my console decided to freeze ~_~19:30
scampbellcappslocke: that's odd.  do you have lots of odd issues like that?19:30
Richnlcan somebody give me a hint how to setup a server19:30
cappslockescampbell: sigh, no, this *just* happened.19:30
scampbellcappslocke: ok, was just concerned there might be deeper issues.19:31
Deniserichnl use meny to set up a server as a slave19:31
Deniseu are good at it19:31
ubottu1337 i5 nigh-inc0mpr3h3n5ib13 70 u5 n00bs, 4nd n0b0dy c4r35 if UR 4 1337 h4x0r. Giv3 i7 4 r357.19:31
=== admin__ is now known as amarnath
cappslockescampbell: heh, im actually now having to ssh into my own box from a windows box using putty in order to manage it via command line T_T19:31
cappslockebecause terminal is suddenly dying.19:31
cappslockeim just going to have to reboot it19:32
Richnlhow am i supose to do that denise? i am just a beginner19:32
Denisea beginner19:32
DeniseI just have tips for a pro19:32
DeniseI dont know how to start for a beginner19:33
Richnlit's fine19:33
=== tiago is now known as t_ferreira
Richnlbut where do i do it in the terminal denise19:34
silverpowerscampbell, thanks for the help - I'm suddenly reminded just why I hate the Intel partition table design, though. :p19:34
notwistSlart: it happens and then it doesnt, then it may happen again. During the times i cant reach webpages etc19:34
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Deniseopen terminal19:35
SiDiIs there anyone having trouble running Compiz on two user sessions at a time here (if possible using an Intel X3100 GPU), by chance ?19:35
Denisebe sure to be roo19:35
Denisethe type server SET19:36
Richnloke denise give me hint, but this time with a command19:36
Deniseserver SET19:36
Deniseu will see how it is19:36
Deniseand then u will see ur options19:37
histowhy is there no java plugin for 64bit?19:37
Slartnotwist: are you doing something weird to your computer clock? synching the clock ten times a second or something like that?19:37
SiDiHello, I've got a friend having trouble to run Compiz on 2 different opened user sessions at a time, anyone knows what to do about that?19:38
ZnowHi there! I have a Zepto Titan a15 laptop that I want to install Ubuntu on to. Ive tried with several discs now, and it crashes at the loading bar(the one that goes from side to side)... now ive burned the alternate installer down to cd, and when I try to isntall ubuntu, it goes on to a black screen with a "_" blinking... what should I do?19:38
nowimprovedI just downloaded VMware-Workstation-6.5.0-118166.i386.bundle what do I do with it?19:38
notwistSlart: im pretty sure I'm not. Also the ping replies come up really fast so something seems weird. Im pinging on an xp box btw through an ubuntu server router19:38
notwistSlart: but as I said, it comes in periods when surfing completely halts19:39
histo!info sun-java6-plugin19:39
=== HD is now known as Guest64907
ubottusun-java6-plugin (source: sun-java6): The Java(TM) Plug-in, Java SE 6. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 6-06-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 1 kB, installed size 40 kB19:39
rytyhello. What is the script called that gets ran to start Gnome?19:40
maek0nowimproved, in terminal: sudo sh VMWareworkstationblahblahblah.bundle19:40
rytyor, gdm rather.19:40
nowimprovedi did not relize it was an installer maek0 I got it19:40
=== e is now known as Guest30278
Znowcould anyone help me?19:41
Guest30278in ubuntu..while browsing the internet through firefox browser, I have observed that the keyboard BACK button does not take to the previous page. We have to click the back button of the browser...the same nedds to be rectified19:41
xomp!anyone | Znow19:42
ubottuZnow: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?19:42
notwistSlart: do you think rebooting the ubuntu server would help? It's been on for like 30 days or so but I've been updating and installing stuff pretty frequently19:42
Znowxomp whatfor?19:42
Znowive stated a problem, please help me, instead of that.19:42
xomp!ask | Znow19:42
ubottuZnow: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)19:42
comicinkerZnow: maybe the boot option all_generic_ide could help19:42
shepherd_i just installed vmware.  but i am unable to boot from my xp cd because it does not detect my cd drive.19:42
CartoonCatanyone know if the ubuntu/kbuntu livecd has the oss ati drivers enabled on it??19:42
Znowhow do I solve my problem? is there anyone I can talk with privatly instead of talking in the channel(confusing) ?19:43
usamahashimiHello Everyone!19:43
usamahashimiHow can I disable adept_notifier?19:43
ebil|workHi, I'm on ubuntu 8.x and when I connect using putty, all the " symbols show up as an a with an angle thingy overtop of it19:43
comicinkerZnow: maybe the boot option all_generic_ide could help19:43
CartoonCatTuxMaster, ?19:44
cezarhello, can someone explain to me why archive manager is assigned to the rar format but it is unable to open rar files19:44
Znowcomicinker, down know how to define the boot option19:44
Znowthats why I need a person to talk with19:44
=== tuna-fish is now known as tuna
usamahashimicezar, sudo apt-get install rar unrar will fix your problem19:44
cezarusamahashimi: thanks!19:45
comicinkerZnow: welcome to irc ;)19:45
usamahashimicezar, np19:45
Znowcomicinker, been using irc for 3 years now, no thanks mate :)19:45
usamahashimicezar, you can also add "ace" to your list19:45
Znowcan you help me out or not?19:45
cezarone more question--in emerald my close/max/min buttons vanish constantly, I've googled fixes and none of them work and most of them are already set on my system. Are there any ways to fix it19:45
usamahashimicezar, sorry never used emerald19:46
Slartnotwist: uptime shouldn't really do these kinds of things.. but it can't hurt to give it a try19:46
Znowcomicinker ?19:46
cezar /quit19:46
trigpinshould gshadow be encrepted an un readble to humans if so how come it plain text ?19:47
usamahashimiHow can I disable adept_notifier?19:47
damaranzigwhenever i open gxine it blanks out gnome...must be something about MIT Xv extensions but what is it? help anyone?19:47
Znowcan anybody help me?!?!?19:48
ebil|worknm. fixed my error. I needed to set my terminal to UTF-819:48
Znowim starting to freak out... been asking for help for a long time19:48
comicinkerZnow: see private message19:48
LolaChico /msg ubottu etiquette19:49
ebil|workZnow, what is your issue? (I missed it)19:49
damaranzigwhenever i open gxine it blanks out gnome...must be something about MIT Xv extensions but what is it? help anyone?19:49
SlartZnow: try just repeating your question every 5 minutes or so.. it will give people just getting back or logging in a chance to see it.. and remind the people that are here that it still hasn't been solved19:49
trigpinwhere are linux pasword stored i looked in gshadow and passwd all ** out ?19:50
histouggh so many problems iwth java and amd6419:51
xubutry shadow file19:51
trigpinxubu, ah thanks , good to know19:53
histougghh i think i'm going to put 32bit back on.19:53
JampiterHi, what would be the best software for exporting an MPEG video to DVD in Ubuntu?19:54
magnetron!info devede | Jampiter19:55
xubudevede is good for making DVD's19:55
ubottujampiter: devede (source: devede): program to create video DVDs. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.6-0.0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 1128 kB, installed size 2592 kB19:55
damaranzigis it ok to add lines in the anacron? help anyone?19:56
JampiterThanks magnetron :19:56
damaranzig!MIT Xv extensions | damaranzig19:57
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mit19:58
damaranzig!gxine extensions19:58
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gxine19:58
codercottonhey all, trying to set up a bunch of similar scripts in cron.daily.  none have a '.' in them (http://is.gd/3i2u), but only the first in alphabetical order seems to fire.  is it required to prepend a number to these cron.daily scripts?19:59
shepherd_ if i go into the dev folder should i see a folder call scd0?+20:00
konkfireTHalgun español?20:01
magnetron!es | konkfireTH20:01
ubottukonkfireTH: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.20:01
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up port-forwarding (for games, torrents, webservers) see http://portforward.com - also see !firewall20:01
magnetron!es | konkfire20:02
ubottukonkfire: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.20:02
ubottuSecurity Updates are dealt with here:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Security - See also !root, !firewall and !server20:02
magnetron!msgthebot > Nt_nT20:02
ubottuNt_nT, please see my private message20:02
ElijahDuBarryVThow to shtdown iptables forever to the time when i need it?20:02
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ambrosei need help on sony vaio hotkeys20:02
ambrosefn, av mode20:02
kathey. does anyone know how to add a launcher to the Applications menu?20:02
codercottonhey all, trying to set up a bunch of similar scripts in cron.daily.  none have a '.' in them (http://is.gd/3i2u), but only the first in alphabetical order seems to fire.  is it required to prepend a number to these cron.daily scripts?20:03
CaptainMurphyHey everybody, I'm back again, 12 hours later20:03
damien__Does anyone know how to get a wireless Xbox360 controller to work in ubuntu? I have the adapter thing.20:03
konkfireTHque tal?20:03
magnetronElijahDuBarryVT, iptables is an integral part of you operating system. you cannot shut it down. however, you can reset it so it won't block any traffic.20:03
CaptainMurphySo I have the errno 5 input/output error on install. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=600126 I read through that forum post but I didn't find any real solutions. Does anybody know if this has been dealt with?20:03
konkfireTHalgun español?20:03
maek0kat System > Preferences > Main Menu20:04
=== damien__ is now known as DamienGray
DamienGray Does anyone know how to get a wireless Xbox360 controller to work in ubuntu? I have the adapter thing.20:04
bunjeeanyone help me install a graphics card?20:04
magnetron!es | konkfireTH20:05
ubottukonkfireTH: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.20:05
ElijahDuBarryVThow to reset iptables20:05
notwistElijahDuBarryVT: if you do "man iptables" theres a flag for flushing it i think20:05
Minty95newbie question how do I update a program version ??, Tomboy notes for instnace20:06
katmaek0, thanks :D20:06
katmaek0, i feel stupid for not seeing that!20:06
notwistMinty95: if you installed the program through the package handler it updates automatically20:06
maek0kat, nah it just takes some getting used to20:07
notwistMinty95: or rather it shows you when updates are available20:07
ubuntuuserHello, I followed https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows and when i get to grub it says it cant install and when i poen partition manager it says I have a blank hard drive! Halup!20:07
=== noway is now known as _haywire_
=== sjrch is now known as jaek
aliriobuenas tardes20:08
_haywire_anyone answer on why when my ubuntu 8.04 goes to sleep mode it shuts down wlan0....20:08
thiebaudeubuntuuser:you wouldn't want to re-install ubuntu again?20:08
Minty95notwist, it was alraedy installed with ubuntu and i'm uptodate with all updates but am running an older version20:08
alirioahí alguien que hable español20:08
magnetron!es > alirio20:08
ubottualirio, please see my private message20:08
uxiwhen I restart my computer the sound levels reset....and on the startup the sound is on maximum levels....how can I solve this?20:08
ubuntuuserthiebaude, I dont get your question?20:09
iljcu__Hello I am new to linux ubuntu and want to install a game named "wolfenstein ET" so i downloaded it but now i'm getting an error, I cannot find glibc-2.0. Is there anyone who can help me?20:09
=== j is now known as Guest20396
thiebaudeubuntuuser:you already have ubuntu on your computer?20:10
ubuntuuserthiebaude, yes20:10
ubuntuuserthiebaude, it seems when I followed the instructions to get grub back it wiped my partition table20:11
ubottuNederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl20:11
damaranzigiljcu_: try "sudo gksu" then type "adept_manager" type glib...select the thing you need20:11
gandalf__anyone can helpme?20:12
KIAazewith what?20:12
gandalf__hi KIAaze :)20:12
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)20:12
gandalf__i've a "famous problem" with my wifi connection20:13
_haywire_anyone know how to keep wlan0 always on without having to reboot or reissuing ifconfig/iwconfig commands20:13
thiebaudeubuntuuser:i wish i had an answer for you20:13
gandalf__[21:13] <_haywire_> anyone know how to keep wlan0 always on without having to reboot or reissuing ifconfig/iwconfig commands20:13
gandalf__this is my problem20:14
FloodBot1gandalf__: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:14
_haywire_hey gandalf__ least i'm not alone20:14
gandalf__no :°20:14
gandalf__i've read that this is a famous problem for most users20:14
gandalf__but i'venot found a solution20:14
gandalf__sorry for my english :D20:14
NinjArchhello i don't find the ubuntu fr20:14
KIAazeyou mean your wifi connection goes down randomly?20:15
_haywire_ahh of course.... it sucks... how can i set my system up to sleep later then20:15
_haywire_KIAaze yes but mostly when the monitor gets suspended20:15
comicinker!punctuation | gandalf__20:15
ubottugandalf__: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:15
KIAazemaybe just doing "killall nm-applet" might help, altough I'm not sure20:15
NinjArchil y a quelqu'un qui parle fr ?20:15
Seveas!fr | NinjArch20:15
KIAazeoui, moi20:15
ubottuNinjArch: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr20:15
gandalf__KIAaze: no, after i reboot my computer, i must to reset all settings in my wlan comnfiguration20:15
NinjArchsalut kiaaze20:16
gandalf__ciao a tutti20:16
_haywire_KIAaze i'm running a manual setup though20:17
ubuntuuserHello, I followed https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows and when i get to grub it says it cant install and when i open partition manager it says I have a blank hard drive!20:18
=== slash__ is now known as slash_Network
KIAazenow for my problem: I tried running xterm as root from crontab trying different solutions and now I can't run any GUIs at all. I keep getting "Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 key" messages.20:19
ashpI'm just about to start trawling through bugreports, but did anyone elses network bust in -4 kernel?20:20
ashpoh, they disabled e1000, that makes sense20:21
freedumManhow do i see who is the creator of a package ...I noticed we are either way behind or I am and I want to verufy20:21
LjLfreedumMan: apt-cache show packagename | grep Maint20:21
=== slash__ is now known as slash_netwok
[Solars]in ubuntu to install virtualbox I would just apt-get install virtualbox?20:23
ubottuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs20:23
=== robnyc|R61 is now known as robnyc
=== sdwrage_ is now known as sdwrage
macvrhi guys.... i was trying to move my home folder to new partition.... i used this guide>>>http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome  ....i used the copy command as sudo find ... i have a problem now... when i start i'm not able to login to my user account... i get error in 1> .dmrc file was not created by user and is being ignored 2> .ICEauthority is not able to lock.......????? how do i correct this?20:24
LjL!virtualbox | [Solars]20:25
ubottu[Solars]: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox20:25
Doctehmacvr: you copied it as root? chown it20:25
macvrdoc> s as root20:25
[Solars]ljl but is there an amd64 version?20:25
Doctehmacvr: next time cp -Rpv place1 place220:25
macvrdoc???... i'm a noob20:25
Doctehwell maybe skip the v, but I like to see what im copying20:25
iamringo So I can't get cd audio to play within programs running through wine. Other sound works fine, just not cd audio...any ideas?20:25
Doctehmacvr: I'm too hardcore to actually read that howto ;)20:26
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org20:26
keystr0klooking for a good GUI SVN client (rapidSVN isn't working so well...)20:26
onthefence928anyone here gotten WoW to run easily on hardy heron?20:26
onthefence928i can't seem to get it installed20:26
Doctehcan you log in as anyone on that computer? like a text console?20:26
LjL[Solars], i think so. http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/virtualbox-ose reports so.20:26
macvrdocteh> how do i correct the errors NOW?20:26
Doctehmacvr: you want to do like sudo chown -R macvr /home/macvr20:27
macvrdocteh... i have only 1 user20:27
[Solars]LjL so i just need to apt-get install virtualbox-ose to get it?20:27
LjL[Solars]: if all goes well, yes.20:27
damaranzigwhenever i open gxine it blanks out gnome...must be something about MIT Xv extensions but what is it? help anyone?20:27
Doctehmacvr: log in at the console then20:27
Doctehmacvr: you want to do like: sudo chown -R macvr /home/macvr20:28
freedumManLjL, dang why is pidgin so far behind they are at 2.5 now?20:28
uxiwhen I restart my computer the sound levels reset....and on the startup the sound is on maximum levels....how can I solve this?20:29
macvrso the command has my USERNAME twice? or does it have group?20:29
Doctehchown person /where/there/stuff/is20:29
ubottuEdubuntu is an Ubuntu derivative aimed at schools and educational institutions. For more info, see http://www.edubuntu.org20:29
LjLfreedumMan, are you aware that once an Ubuntu release is out, packages in it are NOT updated, except for security patches and critical bugfixes?20:29
Doctehso ya i guess it does have your username twice20:30
LjL!backports | freedumMan20:30
ubottufreedumMan: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging20:30
macvrdocteh>anything else i need to do?20:30
magnetroni am trying to run the realtime -rt kernel, but ubuntu only starts in low-graphics mode when i try. i have installed the restricted modules package. i have a nvidia card. how do i solve this?20:30
LjLfreedumMan: i do believe Pidgin 2.5 is already in backports, however.20:30
brk3hey, does anyone know the name of the lightweight scriptable gui toolkit that comes with ubuntu?20:31
freedumManLjL, reading now20:31
Doctehmacvr: maybe chown macvr:users /home/macvr20:31
^paradox^im still working on my printer sharing problem20:31
brk3i remember there definatly is one that someone used to make a moblock gui with before..20:31
Doctehim not 100% sure :) but just the username will be fine20:31
damaranzigwhenever i open gxine it blanks out gnome...must be something about MIT Xv extensions but what is it? help anyone?20:31
LjLfreedumMan: the main Ubuntu repositories aim for stability, not bleeding-edge20:32
^paradox^just as a refresher im trying to share the printer an hp psc 1110 over a network with two computers. the computer the printers hooked up to is a windows vista home pc. im trying to share it to this pc running ubuntu 8.04.20:32
profxavierI just updated a software package (openfire), but its not working properly --- how do I roll back to my previous version?20:32
freedumManLjL, besides source compile ...can i install this newer version myself from repo's or not20:32
^paradox^ive installed samba, samba-common, smbfs. ive configured it and set the vista pc to share files and printers. the printer receives test pages sent to it but doesnt print them. they show up in the job list saying spooling and the printer physically tries to print them, but to no effect.20:32
macvrdocteh> do i have to enter the file names after..."sudo chown -R macvr /home/macvr" or just the command will do?20:32
brk3found it20:32
LjLfreedumMan: yes, from the backports repo, if it's available there (and i think it is).20:32
freedumManLjL, im under the assumption this is what backports does20:32
freedumManLjL, cool so i'll add the repo carefully20:33
_switchcat_Does anybody know ACMarina who posts to the Ubuntu forums?  I was interested in following up on something he mentioned he was going to try...20:33
Doctehthe command i want you to do will go through everything20:33
macvrdocteh> oh... ok... so it does everything.... thank u...20:34
^paradox^ive ran printing troubleshooter and opened the cups error log both of which ive put in this pastebin http://rafb.net/p/MDLSCv88.html20:34
^paradox^im bacv20:35
kajoHey, stupid question, but I'm a novice- I need to edit a hardware profile I have in VMware fusion, but all the options are greyed out; I assume this is because I'm not root? But I can't figure out how to open vmware as root.... any help?20:35
DigitalNinjahow do I install mailparse in Hardy Heron?20:36
Databasekajo: Tried sudo?20:36
kajowell, the question is, "sudo ___"20:36
kajoWhat do I fill the blank in with?20:36
kajoI can tab up to "sudo vmware/"20:36
kajoand then a further tab shows this:20:36
kajo~$ sudo vmware/20:36
kajoProfessional  Windows       XP20:36
^paradox^ok so im really in need of hand with this. been 5 days now20:37
SiDikajo, i presume it would be "gksudo vmware"20:37
LjL^paradox^: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/samba/+bug/39484 and http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-353654.html might help20:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 39484 in samba "cups smb printing backend no longer works" [High,Fix released]20:37
kajowhy gksudo and not sudo?20:37
supertanker"Building Thin Client system"...what does that mean?20:37
SiDibut maybe its vmw or vm-ware or something, just type 1/2 letters, and then type Tab and see what the terminal proposes for autocompletion20:37
LjL!gksudo | kajo20:37
ubottukajo: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)20:37
kajothank you.20:38
kajohowever, it didn't seem to do anything. :\20:38
freedumManLjL, works like a charm thank you !20:38
Richnl# /#ubuntu20:38
LjLRichnl: you *are* in #ubuntu20:38
=== StoneApple is now known as StoneNewt
SiDikajo, at worse, right click in ur apps menu, and type edit. then go to the menu item that matches VmWare and right click -> properties, and there you can see whats the name of the command to start it20:39
LjLkajo: what didn't do anything?20:39
Richnlljl do you know how to setup a server20:39
SirBlchey.. having a weird issue.. my LAMP setup refuse to install any modules to apache2, it claims it don't exist. I'm running 8.04 LTS ubuntu server20:39
LjLRichnl: err, that's a bit generic a request. what sort of server?20:39
kajogksudo vmware did nothing20:39
DigitalNinjaHow do I install or load mailparse in ubuntu?20:39
SiDiRichiH, try to go on ubuntu.org and seek a little.20:39
RichnlDHCP server20:40
Richnlor a dns server20:40
SiDikajo, at worse, right click in ur apps menu, and type edit. then go to the menu item that matches VmWare and right click -> properties, and there you can see whats the name of the command to start it20:40
LjLkajo: oh. well, i only saw the gksudo-related part of your question. what's the output of "which vmware"?20:40
kajokajo@dasg:~$ sudo vmware/20:41
kajoProfessional  Windows       XP20:41
jarekit is anymore polish?20:41
LjLkajo: i said "which vmware", not sudo vmware20:41
LjL!pl | jarek20:41
ubottujarek: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl20:41
kajoIs "which vmware" a command? I type that in and get nothing. I assume you wanted me to press tab after "vmware"20:42
jareksą jacyś polacy tu?20:42
kajowhich vmware comes up with nothing.20:42
LjLno, i want you to type just that. it's a command.20:42
SiDi!pl | jarek20:42
SiDiDamn, that makes a fool of me.20:42
ubottujarek: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl20:42
LjLkajo: ok, then "vmware" is not the vmware command name20:42
kajoI found the command name, and used gksudo just now.20:43
SiDikajo, http://www.google.com/search?q=run+vmware+in+command+line20:43
kajoBut it didn't solve me problem.20:43
LjLkajo: you can do as sidi said, or just guess... for VMWare Player, the command used to be "vmplayer", if you're using server, perhaps it's "vmserver"20:43
jarek!pl |jarek20:43
ubottujarek, please see my private message20:43
kajoOk, but I'm running workstation.20:43
kajotrying to edit the hardware profile of my virtual station.20:43
^paradox^im afraid i just dont know how to set it up for printer sharing. im trying to setup printer sharing over our network. the printer is connected to my wifes pc which runs windows vista home. this pc the on i wanna print to it from runs ubuntu 8.0420:43
kajoAnd even though I ran it as gksudo, I still have all these options grayed out.20:44
kajoAny help?20:44
SiDikajo, there seem to be several guides, the best would be to google for the one that fits your needs. Not much people use VMWare, to tell you the truth.20:44
SirBlchey.. having a weird issue.. my LAMP setup refuse to install any modules to apache2, it claims it don't exist. I'm running 8.04 LTS ubuntu server20:44
supertanker...Wait a second20:44
supertankerWhat is LTSP?20:44
supertankerIsn't that Long Term Service Provider?20:44
supertankerWhat the heck am I installing?!20:44
SiDisupertanker, what's wrong with LTS ?20:44
LjLjarek: /join #ubuntu-pl20:44
jarek /join #ubuntu-pl20:44
supertankerSidi, I thought I was installing a web server, not some weird terminal server20:44
kajoThanks, SiDi.20:45
kajoI'll try.20:45
jarek /join #ubuntu-pl20:45
^paradox^ive already setup the vista pc to share the printer and files etc20:45
kajoThanks LjL20:45
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coil7237I'm setting my ip/subnet using exalt, static ip.  But it keeps reverting to dhcp, knocking me offline.  What application, exalt, other, would keep doing this?20:45
macvrdocteh> u there? the login prob[sudo chown] was solved.... thank u....20:46
SiDisupertanker, a decent server is run without X server for performance reasons. That would be insane, and if you ask why at someone working on hosting companies they'll laugh at you.20:46
SiDisupertanker, try windows server 2003 if you want a server that overwastes resources.20:46
^paradox^maybe someone could pm me and we could run through the steps together? Goofee had pmd me a couple days ago, but had to leave in the middle20:47
supertankerSidSo wait, this is just X + a web server and supporting programs right?20:47
supertankerThat's what I want20:47
supertankerSoNot X20:47
supertankerTerminal only20:47
SiDiIf you want a X server i recommand using the non-server version (or find out a guide about how to install an X server)20:47
supertanker(I don't want X is my point)20:47
Deccoi've installed php5, mysql and apache2.. they are all running and working, but php5 won't talk to sql.. trying to install drupal :&/20:47
leslieviljoenanyone know of an IRC client that can group people's text into threads?20:47
supertankerThis is just a command line Linux server?20:48
leslieviljoenthis is terrible?20:48
SiDiAgain, supertanker, i would recommand a light X server environment if you really need it.20:48
kajoI'm having no luck finding a guide, SiDi20:48
supertankerSidi, I don't need or want X. I just thought that LTSP was some weird SSH ish thing20:48
supertankerBut if it's just a command line Linux system I'm happy20:48
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SiDisupertanker, that's what its meant to be : performances before anything else. but i think you can find easily on the web how to install an x serv on your server (or just use the home version)20:48
deeverhow do i make the automount mechanism mount a usb disk rw for a regular user?20:49
SiDikajo, maybe more explanations on the VMWare official webby? ;)20:49
subsumeI've placed a script in my cron.daily but it doesn't appear to be working, but I'm not getting root emails about it either. What can be going wrong?20:49
subsumeI've placed a script in my cron.daily but it doesn't appear to be working, but I'm not getting root emails about it either. What can be going wrong?20:49
subsumeDo I need to register it within cron?20:49
supertankerI'm setting up a server on a 450Mhz PIII, so performance is good :P Thanks Sidi for clearing that up20:49
SiDioh okey supertanker, all my apologizes20:49
LjLsupertanker: it's a command line Linux system, with a kernel more adapter to typical server needs, and of course, you can also use it as an SSH server.20:49
SiDisupertanker, i thought you were complaining about what it is :P You can try AlternateCD for installs on machines with old/weak hardware too20:50
leslieviljoensubsume: is the script executable?20:50
e-ogma_Hi, I'm having a little trouble installing ubuntu 8.04 ALTERNATE. It installs ok, but the X is not working. there is no image data going to the screen on F7. can anyone help?20:50
supertankerSidi, I got the alternate CD (Thank god :P)20:50
TuxMastermr burns20:50
SiDisupertanker, i myself might install Ubuntu on my P II in little time (more for fun that actual utility tho :P)20:50
supertankerI was just panicking whe nI saw it meant something else20:50
supertankerIt's almost done installing20:50
coil7237deever, have you tried making your regular users part of whatever group (disk iirc) has permissions for the drive?20:50
subsumeleslieviljoen: its -rwxr-xr-x 1 me staff 25345 Sep 25 00:15 automysqlbackup.sh.2.520:51
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subsumedoes it need to be owned by root?20:51
=== e-ogma_ is now known as e-ogma
SiDie-ogma, i didn't try the AlternateCD yet, but i think the X server is optional with AlternateCD install20:51
keystr0kAnyone know of a (GUI) subversion client that is better than RapidSVN?20:51
DistortAnyone here willing to tackle a slow internet connection issue?20:51
supertankerWhat's going on?20:51
SiDisupertanker, that was an attack from MicrosoftZor ! (sorry couldn't resist)20:51
mateogdmsetup gives me a "segmentation fault"20:52
SiDiNo they all logged in at same time too. Some dude playing with bots.20:52
supertankerWell thanks for your help all20:52
e-ogmaSiDi, really?! because, startx is running... it just doesn't work.20:52
LjLnetwork problems20:52
supertankerIf I can get Linux to regognize my modem I'll be great20:52
SiDiDistort, we still can try20:52
mateoany idea ?20:52
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supertankerI take it most hardware modems (Old giant ISA cards) will work?20:52
SiDie-ogma, that would need further investigation but i can't help you on this ;) Maybe ask about AlternateCD install and X server on the forums20:52
nikki_Hey guys! This is actually a pretty old problem, but I fixed it and forgot about it.20:52
supertankerI love hardwarem odems20:52
leslieviljoensubsume: check that it has the same permissions and ownership as everything else20:53
nikki_The latest 2 nvidia drivers listed in EnvyNG don't work for me.20:53
SiDie-ogma, probably the fastest way to get an answer if noone got a similar case under hand to help you find out what's wrong.20:53
subsumeleslieviljoen: it doesn't.20:53
subsumethe rest are different20:53
nikki_But the 3rd one (72.something) works.20:53
supertankerBut what's this "Thin Client" thing it's making?20:53
supertankerSidi, do you know?20:53
leslieviljoensubsume: well try and make it the same then20:53
DistortSiDi: still try what? :o20:53
SiDinikki_, the 173.x didn't work for me when i tried them. I'ld recommand to stay with the official repository ones (169.x, working good here with 8800 GTS 320mb)20:53
DigitalFizwhats +J?20:54
SiDisupertanker, never heard of that Thin Client thingy20:54
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leslieviljoensubsume: also, try and use the same command interpreter (check that line 1 is the same as the others)20:54
nikki_SiDi, how do I get the latest official repo one?20:54
nikki_SiDi, is it on apt-get.20:54
leslieviljoensubsume: though that shouldn't cause a problem20:54
Deccoanyone wanna help me with php5/mysql.. seems like php5 dont see that mysql is running missing config someplace maybe ?20:54
nikki_If so, I'll aptitude search for it.20:54
SiDinikki_, i think it is20:54
v0lksmananyone know how to reconfigure mouse drivers for the MX Revolution?  It suddenly stopped working today.  Tried on another machine and it works fine...Buttons still work but no motion on Ubuntu... :(20:55
kajoSiDi, I don't see anything about my problem.20:55
nikki_I'm hoping the whole thing doesn't break again. SiDi what exactly didn't work for you in the latest?20:55
SiDinikki_, if your GPU is recent, it should be nvidia-glx-new. You can check on Ubuntu docs what driver fits most with your GPU, and then remove --purge yours and install those from repo.20:55
kajoEveryone just acts like it shouldn't be grayed or something.20:55
SiDinikki_, my X server was crashing when i was turning them on, and on system boot.20:55
SiDiDistort, what did you mean?20:55
nikki_SiDi, for me, the screen was 'flickering' and making crazy artifacts.20:56
nikki_SiDi, it was same for 96.*.20:56
SiDikajo, try to use the forums then, i really don't know about VMWare's inner workings.20:56
mrmateogdmsetup gives me a segfault20:56
mrmateoany idea ?20:56
SiDinikki_, what card do you have ?20:56
nikki_Nvidia GeForce FX 560020:56
windmillwhat is in the ~/.cache directory?   mine is about 300MB20:57
SiDiOk then it won't be the nvidia-glx-new.20:57
sophie_Trying to install xubuntu-desktop by "task" in synaptic results in the removal of ubuntu-desktop and evince in favor of xubuntu-desktop and evince-gtk... I thought this would allow me to have both desktops available.. what's happening?20:57
nikki_SiDi, thanks for checking, so which one should I install then?20:57
SiDiwindmill, it's likely that this comes from the trash folder that is inside .cache20:57
SiDinikki_, give me a sec, i'll find you a doc link20:57
nikki_SiDi, thanks a lot. You seem to be really busy on the ircs. :)20:57
* [Solars] ponders if he can find his old games and see if there are some *nix drivers20:58
profxavierhow do I find older packages? I updated to the latest Openfire today, found that it didnt work, wasnt able to roll back to 3.6.0, and I cannot find old .debs on their website... ?20:58
SiDinikki_, i'm meant to find some gnome devs to discuss with them about an idea i had (i dont often have ideas :P)20:58
DistortSiDi: My internet connection seems to be averaging at 10-20kB/s, I expect at least 60kB/s+ though, any idea what the issue could be?  It only seems to be slow on Ubuntu.20:58
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nikki_SiDi, I see. Best of luck with it! :)20:59
windmillSiDi, There are lots of file ending in .db in there20:59
SiDiDistort, it would be good to find a packet tracker to see if something is using your bandwidth. Are you using WiFi or something similar by the way ?20:59
dn4how do I watch cspan.org videos ?20:59
SiDiwindmill, .db is likely to be related to databases. It depends on what you got installed on your computer.21:00
SiDiDamn there isn't a search button on english doc, or what ?21:00
nikki_SiDi, where exactly would you look for the docs? I can do it myself.21:00
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DistortSiDi: I'm using a wireless adaptor that gets signal from my nearby DSL router.21:00
SiDinikki_, i think you'll find it on the nvidia site. There are 3 kinds of nvidia drivers : legacy, normal, and new, if i remember well. For each, there's a list of supported cards.21:01
e-ogmaSiDi: i've serched google, and asked around... Before, i tried to run live 8.04, but after the ubuntu progress bar the screen would just shut black with the power led blinking... now, its the same. I'm using an old PCI 64 DRAM video card, do you think it would be that?21:02
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SiDiDistort, it could be that a daemon is using bandwidth, or you're not using the most optimised drivers.21:02
Mariuscan i eat mushrooms that have hairs?21:03
SiDiBest is to google "slow wifi ubuntu", and eventually to add the exact name of your WiFi adaptor21:03
dn4has ubuntu figured out a way to watch cspan's live streams?21:03
zer0ohi guys can somebody help me with wicd?21:03
SiDiMaybe, e-ogma.21:03
barigatalking about drivers does anybody know if the proprietary driver works stable ?21:03
barigathe one of nvidia21:03
SiDiI think there is an output when you start X, at Ctrl+Alt+F8, e-ogma21:04
profxavierhow do I find older packages? I updated to the latest Openfire today, found that it didnt work, wasnt able to roll back to 3.6.0, and I cannot find old .debs on their website... ?21:04
SiDiMaybe this will help you to find what's crashing it, e-ogma.21:04
fignutsi've installed ubuntu on my laptop, everything is fine but i have no sound21:04
SiDibariga, you can install those that ubuntu suggests you to use in the "Peripheral Drivers" window in System -> Settings menu.21:05
histo!sound > fignuts21:05
ubottufignuts, please see my private message21:05
bobertdos!sound > fignuts21:05
so_is there an easy way to upgrade to 2.6.27-rc4 ?21:05
profxavierfignuts, sound in which application (please be specific, possibly the one ur using to test the sound)21:05
fignutsin any21:05
fignutsfrom the sounds manager in administration21:05
fignutspreferences, rather21:06
SiDifignuts, google "ubuntu + the name of your sound card"21:06
barigaSiDi: i know but i wanna know if the nvidia driver is stable and won't mess up my os :)21:06
supertankerWhatever this "Thin  Client" is, it's taking ages to compress21:06
nikki_An 'i' to the left of a package in the search result list in aptitude means its installed right?21:06
ejerthe one ubuntu supplies works fine bariga21:06
seandwhere would i go to ask someone to update the Qt packages in the repository?21:06
SiDifignuts, it's likely that you need to install particular drivers. it happens with old or new or exotic sound cards. Search the docs + google and you'll find guides for most of the cards.21:06
macvrhi guys....i'm a noob... i moved my home folder to new partition and now the home folder has a lost&found folder with only root access...wheras the lost+found in my root is accesible by me...do i need to change the permissions?21:06
profxavierfignuts, i wrote the part in brackets () to ask which specific application you are attempting to get sound to work on21:06
barigathx ejer21:06
SiDibariga, this one doesnt at all for me (whilst others did and forced me to reinstall it all :P)21:06
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SiDihehe supertanker, time to make coffee then ;)21:07
seandanyone know?21:07
funkjaI'm trying to start a graphical application via cron. Let's say that I want my Exaile, my music player, to open and play a song every minute. I put in my cron tab "* * * * * 'env DISPLAY=:0.0 exaile'" to setup my display enviornment and start the application. I can see in my syslog that it ran the command but my music player did not start. Any ideas on how to make this work?21:07
SiDiseand, i think you can ask on forums, or maybe in the developers part of the site. maybe they don't update it because they're checkin for compatibility glitches.21:07
Deccoanyone wanna help me with php5/mysql.. seems like php5 dont see that mysql is running missing config someplace maybe ??21:07
supertankerPoor Pentium III21:07
nikki_SiDi, 23:06 < nikki_> An 'i' to the left of a package in the search result list in aptitude means its installed right?21:07
macvrhi guys....i'm a noob... i moved my home folder to new partition and now the home folder has a lost&found folder with only root access...wheras the lost+found in my root is accesible by me...do i need to change the permissions?21:08
tyberion_hmm how can I get a list of all files that are in a package, I got via apt-get install...?21:08
profxavierDecco, I think thats been a known issue21:08
SiDinikki_, yes it does.21:08
ejerseand: you should search launchpad first https://launchpad.net/ubuntu21:08
Slart_funkja: just one thing.. that would start exaile every second.. not every minute, iirc21:08
seandk thanks SiDi21:08
nikki_SiDi, thanks, sorry for bugging you. :P21:08
Deccoprofxavier, and how do i fix ?21:08
profxavierDecco, have you scanned the forums about it... if not, thats a good idea21:08
sjurhello all21:08
SiDinikki_, you may have to uninstall your drivers in a first time "sudo aptitude purge XXX" if you use aptitude, "sudo apt-get autoremove --purge XXX" if you use apt-get.21:08
seandoh okay thanks ejer21:08
jhaigHow can I configure apache to allow me to use perl?  I have installed the apache perl packages but I can only use it in the cgi-bin directory.  Thanks?21:08
Deccoprofxavier, i have tho.. that's why i'm here21:08
* SiDi is completely lost :D21:09
seandbut ejer, i did just get it yesterday, so it probably isn't updated21:09
ejerjhaig: that is normal21:09
bobertdostyberion_: Read the manual for apt-cache. The showpkg command would be a good starting point.21:09
Slart_funkja: nevermind me.. I'm lost and wrong =)21:09
sjurhow do i browse into a folder on my desktop using terminal?21:09
ejerseand: they will not update it in current release unless it is security fixes etc21:09
Slart_funkja: crontab updates once a minute.. no matter what I think I've read21:09
funkjaSlart_: haha okay, thought so.21:09
histosjur: cd /home/sjur/Desktop21:09
seandejer: wow that sucks21:09
seandejer: bug fixes are important too21:10
ejersjur: cd ~/Desktop/yourfolder21:10
funkjaSlart_: any ideas on how to start a program that uses X21:10
jhaigejer: But it is possible to enable it throughout.  I've done it on (dare I say it) other Linux distributions but the configuration set up for Apache on Ubuntu is different.21:10
SiDiseand, in fact ejer is right : it's about launchpad :D21:10
ejerseand: they will do bug fixes21:10
Marie_untuI have been working in a text document with Abiword, I saved the file and after restart the pc the file only has 1 page, is there any way to recover the lost data?????21:10
profxavierhow do I find older packages? I updated to the latest Openfire today, found that it didnt work, wasnt able to roll back to 3.6.0, and I cannot find old .debs on their website... ?21:10
seandejer: do i have to let them know about the bug, then?21:10
SiDisjur, you should be able to do with "cd" to move and "ls" to display. use "man cd" and "man ls" for more details and options21:10
Slart_funkja: I would make a script then make sure the script runs as it should when started from a terminal.. then try starting it from crontab.. just to separate things21:10
macvrhi guys....i'm a noob... i moved my home folder to new partition and now the home folder has a lost&found folder with only root access...wheras the lost+found in my root is accesible by me...do i need to change the permissions?21:10
sjuri get reply no such file or direcdtory21:10
funkjaSlart_: I have gone to a different tty console even and ran 'env DISPLAY=:0.0 exaile' and it works. but it won't work in cron21:11
ejerjhaig: check this, http://www.thesitewizard.com/archive/addcgitoapache.shtml21:11
Hackintosh411Hackintosh411 just made the switch from windows vista to ubuntu 8.04!21:11
ejer!bugs | seand21:11
ubottuseand: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots21:11
seandno no it's not in ubuntu it's in qt21:12
seandthe non-updated package21:12
SiDi"cd FOLDERNAME" to move to the folder named FOLDERNAME. "cd /" to go to the root of your system. "cd ~/" to go to your personal folder. "cd .." to go to parent folder, sjur21:12
jhaigejer: Thanks.21:12
bobertdosmacvr: Unless you actually need something in that folder, I'd leave it be. Otherwise, you can certainly try changing permissions.21:12
Slart_funkja: perhaps the "env" thingy just works in bash.. not sure if crontab starts a terminal first.. try running it as bash -c bla bla bla or whatever the bash switch is to run a  command21:12
ejerseand: qt is a toolkit used in ubuntu, you would usually report bug to ubuntu21:12
SiDisjur, also, "ls" to display the content of the current folder.21:12
funkjaSlart_: good idea21:12
Marie_untuI have been working in a text document with Abiword, I saved the file and after restart the pc the file only has 1 page, is there any way to recover the lost data?????21:12
seandejer: yeah but the bug was fixed in a newer version of qt21:12
Marie_untuHow can i recover data from the computer registry???21:13
seandejer: so i was just asking if i should tell them about it, and ask to update21:13
csilkMarie_untu,  ubuntu has no "computer registry"21:13
Guest85786hi! is there a russian ubuntu channel?21:13
ejerseand: most likely it will be in hardy+1 , if you do not see a bug report, you may want to submit one, but most likely this has been covered21:13
macvrbobertdos> ok... what about the folder in my root ... is it normal to be accesible by the admin user? why i'm asking this is since i had a problem and a lot of file permissions were changed...21:13
SiDiMarie_untu, what the bloody hell is Abiword ?21:13
profxavierhow do I find older packages? I updated to the latest Openfire today, found that it didnt work, wasnt able to roll back to 3.6.0, and I cannot find old .debs on their website... ?21:13
seandwhere would i find hardy+1 ejer? :D21:14
Marie_untuok csilk, so is there any way to recover the data typed???21:14
ejer!interepid | seand21:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about interepid21:14
seandejer: please forgive me lack of knowledge about linux :)21:14
ejer!intrepid | seand21:14
ubottuseand: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - #ubuntu+1 for discussion | Warning lots of broken software between now and October!21:14
seandooh sounds risky21:14
ejerSiDi: abiword is a word processor21:14
Marie_untusidi, it is a word processor, quite known, it comes as default with xubuntu21:14
csilkMarie_untu,  you could try looking in .abiword or w/e the config dir is called. i dont use that app so i'm not your guy21:14
SiDiMarie_untu, it seems your editor didn't actually save the file if there is a part of it missing. And i don't think there is a way to recover it unless AbiWord is able to save current document and propose backups if it crashed.21:15
bobertdosmacvr: It is not normal to be able to access any folder besides home without root privileges.21:15
ejerMarie_untu: it is possible abiword saved a backup of your file called yourfile.abw~21:15
leslieviljoenSiDi: abiword is awesome!21:15
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Guest85786hi! is there a russian ubuntu channel?21:15
SiDileslieviljoen, Marie_untu, ejer, sorry, never heard of it. :) I'ld say that you should check the abiword default folder or if there is a version of your file with a ~ at end of name. that's usually where you find backups.21:16
Marie_untuejer: where abiword saves the backups???21:16
funkjaSlart_: still didn't work. darn it.21:16
SiDiHi Guest85786 : #ubuntu-ru21:16
v0lksmanwhat controls the input of mouse movement in X?  Something killed my mouse today but the buttons still work fine...just can't move the cursor...21:16
Guest85786SiDi, thanks21:16
ejerMarie_untu: go to edit>prefs in abiword > documents, you will see it by default auto saves every 5 mins to yourfile.bak~21:16
funkjaSlart_: Is there a way to get better output from cron?21:16
Marie_untusidi, better for you, abi just destroy my day :)21:16
macvrbobertos> oh....could u post a screenshot of ur root folder... so that i could compare and alter the file permissions to match the emblems?21:16
Slart_funkja: cron has a log-level switch.. check the man page21:16
Slart_funkja: you could try saving the output of your command using some redirection too21:17
ejerv0lksman: even after you restart X?21:17
Slart_funkja: what does your crontab look like now?21:17
alphaewhat is the best solition to protect proxy trojen and other attack?21:17
v0lksmanejer: yep...even reconfigured xorg just to be safe...21:17
Marie_untuejer: yep, it says "File extension: .bak~", but where it is stored???21:17
ejerv0lksman: i know it sounds dumb, but make sure it is plugged in right21:18
funkjaSlart_:  * * * * "bash -c 'env DISPLAY=:0.0 exaile'"21:18
alphaewhat is the best solition to protect proxy trojen and other attack?21:18
SiDiMarie_untu, in the same folder than the document you were working on, i guess.21:18
SiDialphae, there is no trojan/virus on Ubuntu.21:18
csilkalphae,  what?21:18
v0lksmanejer: hahaha...yeah...believe me...I've tried in both USB ports on my laptop...same problem...also tried in my buddies laptop (same thing running windows) and it works so it's not the mouse21:18
Slart_funkja: tried dropping the "env" and just doing "bash -c 'DISPLAY=0.0 exaile'" ?21:18
seandso ejer: in launchpad.net those packages that are built will be in 8.10 but not in 8.04?21:19
SiDiv0lksman, does it just always crash ?21:19
deevercoil7237: well, i've created new partitions on the drive and after that it didn't work anymore...;)21:19
Slart_funkja: also .. make sure crontab doesn't do weird stuff with your 's and "s21:19
DimStarhello.. how would the process be if I'd like to see the library 'libproxy' appearing in your distribution?21:19
v0lksmanSiDi: ?  no crashing...just no mouse motion..buttons work fine...everything else seems ok21:19
ejerseand: when ubuntu is released, they no longer update packages for features on that version, only security stuff, so you will maybe need to wait for next ver21:19
alphae mean irc services like unreal de  sidi21:19
alphaesidi  mean irc services like unreal de21:19
SiDiv0lksman, but i mean it's always? I only had this after huge crash of fullscreen wine apps.21:19
v0lksmanejer: SiDi: dmesg also shows the reciever each time I plug it in or unplug it21:19
seandejer: do you happen to know when 8.10 is scheduled? :)21:19
linnyhello im using tsclient in ubuntu to connect to a win server2003 desktop does anyone know how i can make the ctl alt del keystrokes go to the server rather than the local machine ? thanks21:19
mikebotIS there a terminal torrent client that doesn't run as slowly as does rtorrent?21:19
Slart_funkja: oh.. another thing.. try putting the full path to exaile in there too..21:20
alphae mean irc services like unreal de ???21:20
SiDialphae, you will not receive trojans on linux. This doesnt happen because Linux is cool.21:20
ejerMarie_untu: i am trying to figure it out21:20
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Marie_untuok, i found the back up file, but the data still missing? you know another way..?21:20
* SiDi knows that what he said is obviously a very simplified and shortened version of what it actually is.21:20
funkjaSlart_: okay21:20
ejerMarie_untu: nope21:20
profxavierhow do I find older packages? I updated to the latest Openfire today, found that it didnt work, wasnt able to roll back to 3.6.0, and I cannot find old .debs on their website... ?21:20
v0lksmanSiDi: well it was working this morning...suddenly (while using it) it got chunky then stopped all together...I've rebooted (power off)..no dice...reconfigured xorg, xorg-input-mouse and restarted...no go...21:20
leslieviljoenMarie_untu: I think you are out of luck21:21
Marie_untui created the document with openoffice the i modified it wth abiword, then i saved it and now just 1 page was saved21:21
coil7237deever, what are the partitions formatted as?21:21
bobertdosmacvr: The root directory has octal permissions 75521:21
SiDiMarie_untu, there is nothing to do if in the backup file data wasn't saved either. Is your Hard Drive Disk full, by chance? Did you change the chmod of the wolder in which you work? (i don't know what else it could be)21:21
v0lksmanSiDi: even revoco is still working on the wheel...hahaha21:21
DistortHow do I tell the terminal to change it's directory to the desktop? >>21:21
Marie_untu:) thanks leslievil for not advise21:21
ejerMarie_untu: those 2 programs do not use same format... so funny stuff can happen, stick with one or the other21:21
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coil7237deever, also, did you set them as "users" instead of "user" in fstab?21:22
SiDiv0lksman, if you're not scared of it, you may boot in recovery mode and reset your X server to default.21:22
bobertdosDistort: assuming you're in the home directory, cd Desktop21:22
linny Distort: cd ./Desktop21:22
Marie_untuyep I know that now, but abi should advise you before open the odt file...21:22
ChoiceWhy do I get results from Google UK when I use the firefox default home page?21:22
DistortThanks :D21:22
bobertdosDistort: otherwise, cd ~/Desktop21:22
Marie_untuotherwise people like me will stop using abi21:22
SiDiv0lksman, did you install anything by the meanwhile, btw ?21:22
v0lksmanSiDi: hrm...yeah mebbe...how's that different from dpkg-reconfigure?21:22
macvrbobertdos>i meant th folders inside root[bin.boot,...]21:22
v0lksmanSiDi: nope...no changes to the system today21:22
seandChoice: probably the wrong channel to ask in ;)21:22
Marie_untuanyway, thanks very much for the answers21:22
SiDiDistort, from wherever: "cd ~/Desktop"21:23
profxavieris there maybe an FTP site, where i can get earlier releases of packages?21:23
csilkChoice, either you;re in the UK or thats the way the firefox homepage is working right now?21:23
ejerv0lksman: maybe? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=42158121:23
mez2firefox doesn't start anymore.. it just quits after the "starting firefox" window dissapears21:23
ejerprofxavier: http://packages.ubuntu.com/21:23
csilkChoice, uk and us google are the same anyway unless you specifically click the tab that says "uk search only" or somtheing like that21:23
funkjaSlart_: Sep 29 15:23:01 niniel CRON[22814]: (funkja) CMD ("/bin/bash -c '/usr/bin/env DISPLAY=:0.0 /usr/bin/exaile'") - And it is still not working.21:23
SiDiv0lksman, i'm not sure but i don't know if dpkg-reconfigure really changes everything. It more sounds to me like a GUI to xorg.conf. Reset always worked for me when nothing else did.21:23
deevercoil7237: the automount mechanism doesn't use the fstab...21:23
SiDiv0lksman, of course you'll backup your xorg.conf before :D21:23
jack-desktopwhere is the java jdk folder?21:24
v0lksmanejer: yea saw that bug report...no fix listed though...and I'm in Hardy and not using evdev21:24
idefix_why is linux so careful with allowing its user to make a directory in root?21:24
babaklinuxI want install lm_sensors but when I write this command sudo apt-get install lm_sensors this error appear  Reading package lists... Done21:24
babaklinuxBuilding dependency tree21:24
babaklinuxReading state information... Done21:24
babaklinuxE: Couldn't find package lm_sensors21:24
babaklinux how can I nstall it?21:24
FloodBot2babaklinux: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:24
alphaei need irc support for unreal where can i get info about that?21:24
mikebotOr, how can I run transmission from a terminal?21:24
profxavierejer, nothing comes up for results when searching for Openfire21:24
SiDiprofxavier, all i can say is that it's not recommanded at all.21:24
v0lksmanSiDi: how do you reset?21:24
profxavierSiDi, what isnt ?21:24
kevin---Anyone know how in Xubuntu to reinstall the GNOME network manager and get rid of wicd? I don't wanna screw things up21:24
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ejerv0lksman: they suggest a fix there... acpi grub line, or use ps221:24
alphaei need irc support for unreal where can i get info about that?21:24
ejerprofxavier: is it an ubuntu package?21:25
SiDiprofxavier, using packages not on the official repository. There might be bugs that werent fixed yet.21:25
idefix_babaklinux' flood covered my question :(21:25
profxavierSiDi, i think you meant to reply to someone else, not me21:25
brightwebworksI am using Eclipse Europa with Ubuntu and the java engine slows down my development. Eclipse is just behaving very slow. Anyway to advert this situation?21:25
SiDiv0lksman, you can boot on Recovery mode from Grub for that. And don't forget to "sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf ~/mysexyxorg.backup" before21:25
jnusok - I know this is a little 'offtopic'. I need someone to help me out with some VB for excel... Small problem, used hours @ google and still no answer. Any Excel-script experts who would give their 2 cents?21:25
profxavierejer, yes, its a package available on Ubuntu21:25
mez2firefox doesn't start anymore.. it just quits after the "starting firefox" window dissapears.,, anybody know a solution? i already tried reinstalling firefox21:26
SiDialphae, try an IRC channel that concerns Unreal, not Ubuntu ?21:26
idefix_I give a round of beer21:26
Slart_funkja: hmm.. ok.. let me install exaile and have a go at it21:26
dimebarmez2: if you run it from the console do you get any error messages?21:26
SiDijnus, did you try Wine instead?21:26
Choicehttp://start.ubuntu.com/8.04/   directs me to Google.co.uk  I want to change it but I want ubuntu to get money like firefox does21:26
v0lksmanejer: I must be having a rough day cause I don't see that suggestion on the report...21:26
leslieviljoenbabaklinux: perhaps you are looking for collectd?21:26
ejerprofxavier: no, it does not seem to be21:26
DistortHow do I figure out which package manager I'm using?21:26
babaklinuxI want install lm_sensors but when I write this command sudo apt-get install lm_sensors this error appear http://paste.ubuntu.com/52222/plain/  how can I install it?21:26
funkjaSlart_: okay, thanks.21:26
SiDiDistort, do you usually type aptitude or apt-get ?21:26
ejerv0lksman: i posted a forum link, not a bug report http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=42158121:26
mez2dimebar how do i start it from the console21:27
v0lksmanSiDi: but what am I running in recovery mode to reset?21:27
seandChoice: yeah but firefox is a quality project that has potential21:27
mez2dimebar just typing firefox?21:27
DistortI've never typed either, actually21:27
profxavierejer, yeah, sorry, its not apart of Ubuntu21:27
profxaviermy bad21:27
ejerDistort: you are using apt, whatever you choose is just a frontend to apt21:27
SiDiv0lksman, there are not much options at all, it'll be obvious, don't worry ;) And please confirm you backed up your xorg.conf, just incase :P21:27
mikebotDoes anyone know how to close a window in irssi?21:27
jnusSiDi: sorry - not trying to get excel running on Ø**nix - It runs perfectly. I've got an excel problem. I want to see my formular AND the values which is used.21:27
dimebarmez2: yeah21:27
scales11hi all, i just installed xubuntu onto my ps3 and for some reason the network card (wired) is not getting a connection.  i am not sure it is fully detected21:27
v0lksmanejer: ahh...thanks...wrong window... ;)21:27
mez2dimebar it says Segmentation fault21:27
ejerprofxavier: you will find the packages at their site I assume21:28
profxavierejer, do you know how to go back a package ?21:28
v0lksmanSiDi: hahah...I have backups... :021:28
v0lksmanSiDi: :)21:28
dimebarmez2: just that?  doesn't it say anything before that?21:28
SiDibabaklinux, the package name is probably different. Go on the editor's site or packages.ubuntu.com and search for the good one (you can use apt-cache search XXX to search for XXX too)21:28
ejeruninstall then reinstall profxavier21:28
profxavierejer, no, they don't have them on the site, so im trying to find an FTP or something21:28
mez2dimebar no21:28
profxavierejer, reinstall from what ?21:28
linny scales11: there is a separate room for ps3 http://psubuntu.com/21:28
ejerprofxavier: this is not an ubuntu question really21:28
linnygo there21:28
SiDijnus, #microsoftexcel then :P You'll barely find someone using Excel here ;)21:28
profxavierejer, falling back to a previous package is21:29
kevin---looking to uninstall wicd in Xubuntu but not break GNOME network manager in the process. Any ideas?21:29
snip3rhey everyone, I have been having a small problem with ubuntu recently and I was wondering, If anybody could help me out. Whenever I restart my computer by clicking restart on the shut down icon, my laptop logs me off but stalls when the load bar appears and freezes when the load bar is empty. Does anyone know how to address the issues?21:29
dimebarmez2: in nautilus set 'show hidden files' to true and rename your .mozilla to mozilla~backup21:29
SiDikevin---, no sorry ;x21:29
jnusSiDi: thanks - (Not mee... girlfriends homework :))21:29
Slart_funkja: ok.. crontab edited.. now let's wait and see what happens21:29
kevin---SiDi, aw :(. That's fine then21:29
funkjaSlart_: k21:30
Slart_funkja: ok.. nothing but a log entry in the syslog..21:30
babaklinuxSiDi: I'm reading this http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-to-Install-lm-sensors-on-Ubuntu-47205.shtml21:30
bobertdosmacvr: http://paste.ubuntu.com/52223/21:30
funkjaSlart_: that's all i'm getting too. at least it isn't just my system :)21:30
babaklinuxSiDi: but don't work21:30
jack-desktopwhere can i find the java jdk folder21:30
funkjaSlart_: do you know of another way to do this besides cron?21:30
Slart_funkja: hmm.. I also get a segfault in python just after the command21:30
Slart_funkja: do you get that too?21:30
snip3ranybody know the problem im referring to or has any type of idea in mind?21:30
SiDibabaklinux, maybe the guide isn't up to date or the package was removed for some reason. I would try http://packages.ubuntu.com, or the package editor's website ;)21:30
funkjaSlart_: where would I see that?21:31
macvrbobertdos> thank you... will match it accordingly...21:31
xfmhi all21:31
mez2dimebar same story21:31
xfmI have downloaded gwget, my problem is when i click on a file in gmail, il downloads only a html page. Anyone knows how to configure the prog?21:31
mez2dimebar firefox still doesnt work21:31
ubuntuuser[Q] I followed https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows but when I boot i get an error saying it cant mount if i select any ubuntu options but not if i use grub to boot windows21:31
mikebotDoes transmission-cli not work in 8.04?21:31
ejerprofxavier: change the URL to be the version you want http://www.igniterealtime.org/downloads/download-landing.jsp?file=openfire/openfire_3.6.0a_all.deb21:31
Slart_funkja: in the syslog..21:31
SiDisnip3r, it could be a file/config/package being buggy aswell as hardware compatibility. Is there any output in the Shell (Ctrl+Alt+F1 for shell, Ctrl+Alt+F7 for Graphic UI) ?21:31
funkjaSlart_: I did not see that, no21:32
SiDimikebot, transmission works ok for me, out of the box. check your routeur configuration.21:32
alphaehow can i protect my Unreal3.2.3 irc server against to proxy and trojan attack?21:32
mikebotSiDi: I'm trying to get the command line transmission to work though. When I try to install it from the package manager I get some error..21:33
ejera firewall alphae?21:33
babaklinuxSiDi: how can I understand lm_sensors is in wich category in this page  ?  http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/21:33
profxavierejer, thanks :D21:33
SiDimikebot, sorry, i never tried this. I actually didn't know you could do peer 2 peer in command line.21:33
macvrbobertdos> thank you...21:33
ejermikebot: check out rtorrent for cli torrents...21:33
mikebotSiDi: IT's OK. Thanks for responding though.21:34
mez2what is GDB?21:34
ejerbabaklinux: http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/allpackages21:34
mikebotejer: rtorrent was running relaly slowly for me.. Do you know if transmission-cli is no longer supported or anything?21:34
ejerwhy mikebot21:34
dimebarmez2: do you have mozplugger installed?21:34
SiDihttp://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/allpackages babaklinux. if it's not on this page then search at the editor's website ;)21:34
Gun_Smokertorrent rockes21:34
mez2dimebar i dont think so its a clean install of ubuntu, i didnt install any plugins or anything21:35
mez2dimebar where can i see that anyway?21:35
Cheek1Gun_Smoke: rtorrent .. better than transmissions?21:35
Gun_SmokeCheek1, oh yeah21:35
on5sl1hello, i can't rip to mp3...i've read a lot of topic. I followed the medibuntu guide, instalerd gstremaer ugly + bad and liblame0.21:35
on5sl1Still i can't rip to mp3 :(21:35
Cheek1Gun_Smoke: how so ..?21:35
aho_I have this touchscreen that works out of the box in ubuntu21:35
aho_and I'm trying to get it to work in fedora21:35
mez2dimebar no it is not installed i checked at synaptic21:36
aho_but I don't know what the heck ubuntu is doing under the hood21:36
snip3r_srry messed up somewhere and had to restart21:36
Gun_SmokeCheek1, http://tinyurl.com/yqfnpc21:36
aho_dmesg shows that a usb touch screen device was found, but ubuntu somehow configures it automatically21:36
dimebarmez2: hmm i'm not sure what could be causing it.. and everything's up to date?21:36
snip3r_who ever was helping, are u still here?21:36
aho_is there a log of what device X is seeing ?21:36
dimebarmez2: did firefox replace your .mozilla folder?21:36
mez2dimebar yeah it got replaced21:37
snip3r_ok guys, i have an issues whenever ubuntu restarts or i restart my laptop it freezes when the load up bar empties and i have to do a force shut down, can anybody help?21:38
mez2dimebar yes everything is up to date, i have all repositories enabled and there are no possible upgrades according to apt-get21:38
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dimebarmez2: got flash installed?21:39
leslieviljoenbabaklinux: *sure* you're not looking for *collectd*?21:39
mez2dimebar yes i installed the nonfree flash plugin21:40
snip3ranybody, knw wat im talkin about? my laptop is a lenovo y510, i had this problem resolved but someone helped me solve it earlier, but now the same issue has resurfaced21:40
giovannihi there21:40
dimebarmez2: did you try starting ff with it uninstalled?21:40
DavidCanariasDoes anyone know which program to use in order to take good single shot fotos from a video please?21:40
mez2dimebar no ill try that now21:40
ejeravidemux can do it DavidCanarias21:40
giovannican't set ieee1394 capture audio from gnome mixer (hardy)21:40
klikklakhi all, I'm trying the following: for f in `find . -wholename '*zip'` ; do unzip -o $f -d `dirname $f` ; done.  when echoed or run, it returns names that are split into numerous lines.  whats wrong with it?21:41
davidroderickhow do I transfer news from nntp to a spool file?21:41
mez2dimebar same story21:41
DavidCanariasejer: Thanks I'll try and download it.21:41
ejerklikklak: spaces in names?21:41
Rebaneinnickserv identify r3b@n31n21:41
klikklakejer: I removed those with rename21:41
kathow do i run a script i the po directory?21:42
roukouni have a problem with fluxbox... can anyone help me about how to completely uninstall it and back again?21:42
babaklinuxwho used i2c ?21:42
snip3rany knw wat im  talkin about?21:42
punk3rsnip3r? from palace?21:43
SiDisnip3r, try to google "lenovo y510 ubuntu" then ;)21:43
Flare183!anyone | roukoun21:44
ubotturoukoun: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?21:44
ejerklikklak: i would do : find -name "*.zip" -exec unzip {} \; or similar... try quoting the $f in double quotes21:44
snip3rsidi: i have but that particular problem since it can be considered insignificant is not listen21:44
SiDiroukoun, to uninstall : "sudo apt-get autoremove --purge NAMEOFPACKAGE"21:44
klikklakejer: cool, I'll give it a go21:44
mikebotAnyone know anything about transmission-cli?21:44
giovannikdenlive capture is hurting my ears, any way to lower the volume?21:44
gam3r111does anyone know how to install wii instrument21:44
SiDisnip3r, i just can not help you at all. if it's a laptop known problem there is probably a page about it in the Ubuntu.com documentation.21:44
ejerroukoun: you probably just want to delete ~/.fluxbox21:45
snip3rSiDi: i remember someone helped me once and they did a force somthing that made my laptop do something else if it ever froze21:45
georgy_28roukoun, : apt-get remove --purge, then apt-get install fluxbox21:45
roukounSiDi: thanks21:45
dimebarmez2: it looks like this : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox-3.0/+bug/27497721:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 274977 in firefox-3.0 "Firefox 3.0.3 doesn't start after update" [Undecided,Invalid]21:45
ejermikebot: what is yr question21:45
deeverhow do i make the automount mechanism mount a usb disk rw for a regular user?21:45
mikebotejer: How can I install it?21:45
georgy_28roukoun, : apt-get remove --purge fluxbox21:45
roukounejer: i want to delete the /etc/X11/fluxbox/21:45
ejergeorgy_28: that will not reset anything21:45
klikklakejer: I noticed that find would dump the contents in to the current dir, and I want it in the same place as the zip file.  still, thanks.21:46
roukoungeorgy_28: thanks!21:46
mikebotejer: When I try to install it I get the following error: transmission-cli: Depends: transmission-common (= 1.06-0ubuntu4) ut 1.06-0ubuntu6 is to be installed21:46
mez2lol dimebar i cant open that link because firefox doesnt work. does it have a fix?21:46
ejerklikklak: just a small tweak then21:46
ejermikebot: done an apt-get update recently?21:46
mikebotejer: No.21:46
gam3r111does anyone know how to install wii instrument21:47
dimebarmez2: haha sorry well other people are reporting the same issue you have.  you could try using epiphany for the time being (am sure if a few people have reported the prob it'll be fixed in the very near future)21:47
Stormx2Long shot but.... Anyone know an app which can dump a specific frame of a video to an image?21:47
gam3r111does anyone know how to install wii instrument21:47
ejeravidemux and many others Stormx221:47
bastihow can i list folders and subfolders with ls WITHOUT the including files?21:47
Stormx2!repeat | gam3r11121:47
ubottugam3r111: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience21:47
Slart_Stormx2: mplayer I think can do that..21:47
mikebotejer: Same error though (also has on the next line: 'E: Broken packages'021:47
Slart_Stormx2: I've used it once to make screenshots21:47
Stormx2ejer: Ta very much21:47
gam3r111does anyone know how to install wii instrument21:47
Stormx2Slart_, ah, thanks21:47
ejerbasti: find /yourpath -type d21:47
Stormx2Can someone get gam3r111 to be quiet?21:48
Slart_Stormx2: also videocut will make nice screenshot pages .. or just grab single frames21:48
Stormx2Oh wow21:48
ejeror ffmpeg21:48
gam3r111yea some help please21:48
SiDigam3r111, your issue is pretty uncommon. You should try on Wii specialised forums.21:48
bastiejer, thx21:48
Stormx2Slart_, can't see videocut in the repos21:48
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gam3r111SIDI but the program is for linux21:49
Slart_Stormx2: oh.. google for their site.. they have a repos of their own21:49
ejergam3r111: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CWiiD21:49
Stormx2Slart_, it's in intrepid ;)21:49
ejerStormx2: http://avidemux.org/admForum/viewtopic.php?id=426521:50
SiDiOw, gam3r111. Then the ubuntu forums ;)21:50
gam3r111sidi i looked there21:50
mikebotejer: Do you know what this error means?21:50
Stormx2ejer, hopefully it's possible from CLI :)21:50
Stormx2(I'm sure it will be)21:50
ejerStormx2: no that is a gui, use mencoder or ffmpeg21:51
mez2thanks dimebar21:51
SiDiI mean : go to ubuntu (or generic linux) forums and post about your problem in the games part of the forums, gam3r11121:51
Slart_Stormx2: ah.. you'll have to wait a month then =)21:51
dimebarmez2: no problem.. at least now you can look at the bug report ;)21:51
Stormx2gam3r111: If no one answers your question, don't keep repeating it :|21:51
Stormx2Slart_, nah :)21:51
Slart_funkja: ok.. got it working now =)  export DISPLAY=:0 && exaile21:51
ejerStormx2: http://blog.gwikzone.org/2006/11/27/extract-a-image-screenshot-from-a-video-with-ffmpeg21:52
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funkjaSlart_: great. let me try21:52
Slart_funkja: now I've just got to disable it before I drown in exaile windows21:52
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Stormx2Super duper mr ejer :)21:52
mez2dimebar lol when i try to start epiphany it says segmentation fault21:53
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yanggest ce qu'il y a un gestionnaire semblabe a evolution (courriel, agenda, contact, horraire) qui utilise les lib de KDE ?21:53
Slart_!fr | yangg21:53
ubottuyangg: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr21:53
funkjaSlart_: what does your whole crontab entry look like?21:53
DanCarrhey all21:53
mez2dimebar what does that segmentation fault thing have to do with anyway?21:53
ejereven easier Stormx2 mplayer -frames 1 -vo jpeg outdir=/ tmp:quality=75 path/to/movie.mov (remove space before tmp)21:53
yanggoups wrong windows sorry21:53
Slart_funkja: oh.. I just deleted that line.. it was just  * * * * * export bla bla bla.. the stuff I pasted for you21:53
gam3r111Can someone explain my instructions to me21:54
funkjaSlart_: so you didn't have to use bash?21:54
Slart_funkja: found it here, http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/forum-replies-archive.cfm/839937.html21:54
gam3r111id understand them21:54
Slart_funkja: nope.. no bash.. just the command21:54
DanCarrwas wondering if anyone could offer me some advice??21:54
ejeryangg: kmail21:54
mez2dimebar i think ill just go back to windows lol... amorak keeps crashing too and the max volume is pretty low in ubuntu compared to windows21:54
mirexDanCarr: have you tried asking a question ? :)21:54
DanCarrlol sorry mirex, it's a complicated question with multiple queries21:55
dimebarmez2: which version of ubuntu are you using?21:55
Stormx2gam3r111: Explain your own instructions? What are you on about? :/21:55
CostaRicanQuakerhelp. i was playing some tunes on amarok and all of a sudden it wouldn't play it stopped, so i clos3ed it and then i clicked on some youtube videos i had buffering in some tabs on epiphany then the sound was gone and it also wouldn't play, what's wrong? how do i solve it?21:55
mez28.04 64 bit21:55
Stormx2ejer: That extracts every frame?21:55
yanggi have be looking at it but no "hour plannification" for meeting and job to be done21:55
CostaRicanQuakerit's like multimedia froze21:55
ejerStormx2: no, first one... do you want every frame?21:55
ejerStormx2: it is for making vid thumbnails basically21:56
mez2dimebar 8.04 64 bit21:56
Stormx2ejer, nah, that's fine21:56
Stormx2!es | konkfireTH21:56
Slart_!es | konkfireTH21:56
ubottukonkfireTH: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.21:56
Stormx2I won :O21:56
SiDimez2, you just seem to have a few glitches with your soundcards, plus trouble with firefox. If you don't give up and search around, you may solve them fast.21:56
histoCostaRicanQuaker: possibly the sound system crashed or something. You can try restarted X ctrl+alt+backspace this will log you out21:56
=== Squawk_ is now known as Squawk
DanCarrbasically i'm having an acer aspire one delivered i nthe next couple of days, and i realise there is a project dedicated to the laptop but they people aren't being terribly responsive. i was wondering what the performance is like on the machine with SSD and possibly using a smart card for swap or something?? (first question)21:56
dimebarmez2: hmmm, in synaptic try unticking epiphany-gecko and install epiphany-webkit21:57
davidroderickklikklak: try the find . -print0 option. it uses ASCII0 null character not newline21:57
SiDidimebar, that hurt my eyes :)21:57
slade605Hey guys, I am looking for some help installing ubuntu x64 edition on a power house of a pc, I have had a ton of trouble with it and am willing to offer some sort of reward for your time if anyone is up to the task21:57
Slart_DanCarr: ubuntu isn't optimized for SSD's.. I don't think there is an os that is.. yet.. but it will work.. I run my desktop on a SSD21:57
DanCarri see slart21:58
histoslade605: what problems did you encounter?21:58
mez2dimebar when i untick epiphany-gecko, it also wants to uninstall epiphany itself, and there is no webkit package21:58
davidroderickDanCarr: I am using one now.  What is SSD?21:58
Slart_Solid State Drive21:58
DanCarrsolid state disk21:58
DanCarrratehr than teh 120gb hard drive21:58
Slart_disk, drive, door, dog.. whatever =)21:58
slade605histo: issues with graphical display and general install issues21:58
histoslade605: did you try using the alternate install iso then?21:59
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histoslade605: its a text based installer thats availible on the get ubuntu page. Just check the box that you need the alternate cd.21:59
slade605histo: No, my buddy told me to try Vesa drivers to load because as soon as it starts, it goes out of range on the monitor21:59
DanCarrsecond question is anyone sucessfully managed to set up office 07 through wine yet??21:59
histoslade605: yeah you can try that or on the first menu that comes up on the cd try the "safe graphics option"22:00
davidroderickI see Tesco UK does something like this 8Gb for 200 pounds all in22:00
Slart_DanCarr: haven't tried.. but I suppose there ought to be some info about it in the application database.. appdb.winehq.org22:00
slade605histo: OK, the CD is still downloading, should I get the alternate instead or ..?22:00
DanCarri had a brief look, but it seems most people are having varying levels of success22:00
DanCarrjust wondered if there was anyone first hand on here that had done it sucessfully22:00
bdbdbdok, i've installed ubuntu "inside windows" from hardy heron 8.04 disk and it will not boot -- hangs at boot scripts, any ideas?22:01
histoslade605: if you are having issues witht he live cd I would definately use the alternate iso. I have to use it on my machine to install as well.22:01
kevin---anyone know what's wrong if my wireless PCMCIA card is giving a 169. address when trying to connect wirelessly yet there's no MAC address filtering enabled? I am connecting via WPA and am typing in the correct password22:01
slade605histo: ok, I'll get them both just in case22:01
redheathi everyone22:01
histoslade605: Basically try the normal iso first using safe graphics option. Then if that won't boot you can always install witht he alternate iso.22:02
davidroderickMy question.  How do I get active file from a  nntp server onto my local machine.  Do I have to use Leafnode. Is there anything else?22:02
redheatjust a quick question folks..how can I make linux partitions visible under windows? which program should I use for that?22:02
DamienGrayhow do i chmod all of the files in a directory22:02
DanCarrlast question guys - has anyone sucessfully managed to use their sony erricson mobile phone as a 3g/hsdpa modem via bluetooth (quite specific i know)22:02
redheatand should I format them as ex2 or ex3 to make them visible?22:02
zewm__Damien: chmod <parameters> *22:02
histoDanCarr: i've seen some info on the forums about people tethering their phones.22:02
DanCarrhmm sounds hopeful then histo22:02
DamienGrayzewm__ thank22:03
Slart_DanCarr: hmm.. I've used my nokia phone via bluetooth.. not sure if I had a 3g connection though22:03
Stormx2ejer, if you're interested, what I'm doing is recording a music video show via a TV card, dumping it to an mpeg, then splitting up the videos with a combination of OCR and just detecting colours22:03
_haywire_kevin--- something is wrong.... can you connect through unencrypted22:03
davidroderickredheat: sudo vol_id /dev/sd<number>22:03
georgy_28DamienGray, : with the -R option22:03
DanCarrslart did you have one set up as like gprs?22:03
kevin---red_, ext2 and 3 are not visible in Windows22:03
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DanCarror did you just use it to sync?22:03
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carandraugbdbdbd: try pressing F2 on the GRUB menu and remove splash from the kernel line. Then boot. It should allow to see the errors22:03
davidroderickredheat: sudo gedit /etc/fstab22:03
DanCarri'm sure it is possible if it finds the correct services when you pair the devices22:03
redheatdavidroderick..kevin what should I do to make them visible then22:03
kevin---_haywire_, maybe. I'd have to turn off WPA in the router. Lemme do that and try I guess22:03
DanCarrjust going to be a right pain to set up22:03
SiDikevin---, look for "Ext2fs windows" on google.22:03
redheatdavid, what are these command if I may?22:03
SiDikevin---, that's a driver for reading ext2/3 partitions from windowz22:04
klikklakejer: -execdir did the trick, I should have been looking at find instead of trying recursion22:04
dimebarmez2: on the ubuntu forums someone says they solved it by uninstalling firefox and xulrunner and reinstalling them22:04
nowimprovedcan I download the vmware 5.0 anywhere in the package manager?22:04
redheatno no sorry SiDi, I was asking david about those commands he just typed22:04
kevin---SiDi, Ah cooL! :)22:04
Slart_DanCarr: gprs? I used the internet connection in my phone.. I didn't dial a modem pool somewhere.. if that's what you mean22:04
SiDiredheat, ??22:04
kevin---redheat, do what SiDi recommended22:04
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redheatno I meant thank you SiDi for the help22:05
SiDiredheat, kevin---, you just got me lost :D22:05
DanCarrslart intersting, how did you achieve that then?22:05
_haywire_kevin is wlan issue22:05
DanCarrwas it an option on a program (i'm forgot the phone app name)22:05
* krebs will wait 10 mins before asking...22:05
redheatSiDi, would that program make them visible under windows22:05
SiDiOk i understood after scrolling a little :p You're welcome redheat :)22:05
redheatno problem22:05
krebscan I ask a question?22:06
zewm_j/k, ask away22:06
redheatsure fire away22:06
carandraug!ask | krebs22:06
ubottukrebs: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)22:06
DamienGrayHow do I make files have  rwx-rx-rx permissions22:06
Slart_DanCarr: I called my operator.. I connected to the phone.. told my computer to use it as a modem but dial some weird number.. *1**2 bla bla something.. basically it connected me via the same route as the phones internal browser22:07
davidroderickredheat: can you open a private channel or message to me? I don't know how22:07
carandraugDamienGray: "sudo chmod 777 /path_to_file" I believe22:07
krebsok this is the problem: I have audio card with optical out. it works, I can volume+ and volume- by xmms but no way tochange/mute via gnome22:07
DanCarrhmm i see slart22:07
DanCarrthat sounds familiar to this guide i read22:07
Ubuaew galera22:07
DanCarrproblem is how do i know what number to dial my provider with22:07
carandraugDamienGray: actually, I think it's 75522:07
oscillocam Damien_ chmod 755 file is rwxr_xr_x22:08
DamienGraycarandung: What if they're all in a folder22:08
Ubutem brasiliro ai22:08
Ububrasileiro ai22:08
Slart_DanCarr: I called my operator and kept asking the same question until I finally found a technician.. there were some other settings too22:08
carandraugDamienGray: add the option -R (recursive)22:08
ShadikoI have a question...22:08
carandraug!br | Ubu22:08
ubottuUbu: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.22:08
Kevinhappyfuntim_haywire_, back22:08
carandraugDamienGray: so, "sudo chmod -R 755 /path_to_folder"22:08
DamienGraycarandung: thanks22:09
DanCarri see slart, i'll try and give that a go, give them a good badgering lol22:09
Slart_DanCarr: hehe.. good luck22:09
carandraugDamienGray: no problem22:09
oscillocamDamen_ be careful with -R    ..you have been warned22:09
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DamienGrayoscillocam: ok22:09
Shadikoon the ubuntu cd, if you boot in windows, and see the menu, theres Install inside windows option, does that mean I can dual boot windows and Ubuntu without erasing anything?22:09
Kevinhappyfuntim_haywire_, Umm... Setting the router into open didn't do anything because GNOME network manager isn't allowing me to even connect w/o any encryption -- build I'm using Xubuntu 8.04. I had wicd installed before to get another wireless card working but that didn't work. but uninstalled it.22:09
nowimprovedanyone know how I can make it not ask for a password with sudo -s22:10
carandraugDamienGray: yess. There's probably an option to do it recursively and still ask you if you're sure. Take a look at man chmod22:10
Shadikoon the ubuntu cd, if you boot in windows, and see the menu, theres Install inside windows option, does that mean I can dual boot windows and Ubuntu without erasing anything?22:10
carandraugnowimproved: ies, but are you sure you want that?22:10
nowimprovedyes I am sure carandraug22:11
KevinhappyfuntimShadiko, make sure to back up your data first though!22:11
Slart_nowimproved: you've read the man page for sudo? there are a lot of options in there22:11
_haywire_Kevinhappyfuntim ahh you'll have to manually connect then and set network manager into roaming22:11
carandraugnowimproved: you know how to use vi?22:11
Shadikook thanks22:11
nowimprovedI use vim22:11
Shadikobut what does that option do?22:11
roukoun_join #ubuntu22:11
ShadikoInstall inside windows22:11
roukoun_join #fluxbox22:12
Kevinhappyfuntim_haywire_, is there anyway to reinstall GNOME Network manager now that wicd is gone? I think some files are missing22:12
carandraugnowimproved: ok, so run visudo. It will take you to edit the sudoers but make sure you give no errors. There's an option to there to allow to use sudo without having to give the password22:12
mez2dimebar when i try to uninstall xulrunner, synaptic wants to uninstall "ubunbut-desktop" as well, is that safe?22:12
miguel2802hello everyone22:12
nowimprovedI did that carandraug it dont work22:12
nowimproved %sudo ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL22:13
_haywire_assuming your wlan is going fine then > sudo ifconfig wlan0 down <enter> sudo dhclient -r wlan0 <enter> sudo ifconfig wlan0 up <enter> sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "ESSIDNAME_IN_QUOTES" <enter> sudo iwconfig wlan0 mode Managed <enter> sudo dhclient wlan022:13
_haywire_Kevinhappyfuntim sorry that was for you above22:13
carandraugnowimproved: hmm, can you pastebin "sudo cat /etc/sudoers"22:14
carandraugnowimproved: take a look at /etc/groups. Is your user part of the group sudo?22:15
deeverhow do i make the automount mechanism mount a usb disk rw for a regular user?22:15
oscillocamnowimproved: just be sure only *your* account can only run sudo without a password.22:15
Kevinhappyfuntim_haywire_, see if this works. It's also showing as wlan2 instead of 0 for some reason. I can change that later22:15
Kevinhappyfuntim_haywire_, http://pastebin.ca/121404422:17
Kevinhappyfuntim_haywire_, same issue it seems. No IP, only 169.22:17
carandraugnowimproved: I think by default, users are not part of the sudo group and that's needed to use the nopasswd option. Also, you sure you don't want to tighen up a bit and give that option only to yourself?22:18
Kevinhappyfuntim_haywire_, oops, should I put the router back to open on wireless?22:18
dimebarmez2: yes, sorry i was afk.22:19
infexionjust a question but why would someone need a standalone dhcp client?22:19
bdbdbdok, i've installed ubuntu "inside windows" from hardy heron 8.04 disk and it will not boot -- hangs at boot scripts, any ideas?22:20
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bdbdbdis there a way to save the files from the filesystem?22:20
tanathhow would i install ubuntu from a cd to an external hard drive?22:21
bdbdbdboot from the CD-ROM22:21
tanathbdbdbd, without doing that22:21
_haywire_Kevinhappyfuntim yes open wireless then issue the commands22:21
Kevinhappyfuntimtanath, just select your external HDD to install to22:21
Kevinhappyfuntimtanath, I've done it before but it's kinda screwy22:21
bdbdbdin windows, when you put in the CD-ROM, run the exe on the hardy heron disk22:21
infexiontanath: do you want to install from usb drive?22:21
oscillocambdbdbd what filesystem?22:21
tanathbdbdbd, i don't have windows22:21
bdbdbdit will ask you if you want to install ubuntu22:22
bdbdbdwhat do you have then?22:22
tanathinfexion, install _to_22:22
_haywire_Kevinhappyfuntim i just went through this yesterday when i upgraded from 7.04.... still not sure it's been worth the headache.... maybe should have waiting for 8.1022:22
bdbdbdyou have to be able to boot from the CD-ROM22:22
tanathbdbdbd, ubuntu22:22
bdbdbdoscillocam: the filesystem of ubuntu, how do i repair the boot scripts?22:22
tanathKevinhappyfuntim, i have to run something first. there doesn't seem to be anything on the disc to run22:23
kevinbackagainback again!22:23
kevinbackagaintanath, did you see what I wrote?22:23
infexiontanath: I am not sure what you are attempting to do... you want to install ubuntu to an external drive without booting from the cd and without any operating system22:23
infexiontanath: is this correct?22:23
oscillocambdbdbd I would boot from the Ubuntu CD in expert mode and re-install grub... I could be wrong22:23
kevinbackagain_haywire_, umm... nope! Lol. So it's not a WPA issue. it's an issue w/ something else22:23
kevinbackagain_haywire_, I say that because it didn't connect even if it was open22:24
bdbdbdoscillocam: i'm booted from the disk right now22:24
tanathinfexion, i'm on ubuntu now. i want to install it to a friend'd hard drive, so he can take it home and use it22:24
bdbdbdoscillocam: but the ubuntu filesystem is stored in windows, anyway how can i fix it by repairing the boot scripts / resetting the boot scritps?  it has no network22:24
_haywire_kevinbackagain is the adapter coming on or blinking your router lights at all22:24
infexiontanath boot to cdrom live distro and use that external drive as the partition it installs on22:24
bdbdbdthe "user switcher" keeps crashing22:25
oscillocambdbdbd sorry, I have no experience with Ubuntu -not- on it's own partition22:25
bdbdbdwell, its essentially the same oscillocam22:25
tanathkevinbackagain, apparently not22:25
kevin---why do I keep coming back with 100 different user names! :( Oh well...22:25
bdbdbdhow do you repair the boot scripts of ubuntu?22:25
tanathinfexion, is there no way to do it without rebooting?22:25
kevin---tanath, I've installed to a HDD before that's not inside of the PC. IT's really screwy.22:25
csilkis there a time server i can sync ubuntu with?22:25
tanathkevin---, how so?22:25
BobCFCbdbdbd: boot the liveCD and edit the files?22:26
_haywire_kevinbackagain does iwconfig dispay anything for you22:26
kevin---tanath, well it depends on how your BIOS order is set. Linux sees drive order different than windows. Are you trying to dual boot w/ an external?22:26
bdbdbdBobCFC: I can boot into root mode recovery mode22:26
kevin---_haywire_, it's me now :P22:26
_haywire_heh ok22:26
bdbdbdBobCFC: I need to rebuild the boot scripts, something's gone screwy22:26
jmsthing678I'm new to linux can someone please tell me how to install the driver for my graphics card?22:26
bdbdbdBobCFC without network22:26
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto22:26
tanathkevin---, i'm trying to install ubuntu to an external hard drive for a friend, so he can take it home and use it22:27
kevin---_haywire_, http://pastebin.ca/121405522:27
ubottuInformation about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - See https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/server/C/NTP.html for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)22:27
bahIt is now Monday September 29 2008 05:27:18 PM UTC-4 (EDT). (24 hour time is 17:27:18). 1222723638 seconds since 00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970. (Not counting leap seconds.)22:27
bdbdbd!inside windows22:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about inside windows22:27
kevin---tanath, oh. well it compiles for the hardware. So if your hardware isn't the same as his, it won't work I think. Same w/ Windows.22:27
bdbdbd!boot scripts22:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about boot scripts22:27
tanathkevin---, yeah, i was thinking that22:27
bdbdbd!recovery mode22:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about recovery mode22:27
ubottuTo rescue a broken system, boot the alternate install CD and select "Rescue a broken system"22:27
ubuntu1234How can I compleatly reinstall *not reinstate, tired that with out luck* grub from a live cd?22:28
tanathkevin---, but can it not detect hardware changes, and use the appropriate drivers?22:28
BobCFCsorry bdbdbd i thought it was a grub problem, init and upstart is abit beyond me22:28
kevin---tanath, but he can install it himself on that HDD, but if he has Windows, good luck. Sometimes you'll have to change GRUB to set the USB as hda instead of hdb or have it hd0 depending on something. It's been a month since I did it. It took us forever to get it to work because when we installed it, the USB drive was read as hda in Linux and not hdb. Really difficult since the Windows drive was the main one.22:29
tanathkevin---, no he can't. there's some issues22:29
tanathkevin---, his windows install is corrupted22:29
bdbdbdok, i've installed ubuntu "inside windows" from hardy heron 8.04 disk and it will not boot -- hangs at boot scripts, any ideas?22:29
kevin---tanath, the LiveCD has a boatload of drivers, the Ubuntu you install probably does not22:29
csilkwhen i install ntp support then click "sync with time server" i just get asked to re-install ntp, it's like an endless loop, any dieas?22:29
kevin---tanath, you can just boot to the CD, it won't even touch Windows.22:30
phoenixzbdbdbd: well what exactly is the problem? what shows? error messages?22:30
tanathkevin---, i know.22:30
kevin---tanath, why does he want Ubuntu? There might be other solutions here.22:30
BobCFChe left22:30
rsc-how can i install kernel modules if i have a .ko file?22:30
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kevin---_haywire_, did you get my pastebin?22:30
rsc-do i just copy it to /lib/modules/`uname -r`/ ..?22:30
_haywire_yeah i think your close22:30
oscillocambdbdbd   at what point during boot? does it start to boot at all?22:30
phoenixzrsc-: not entirely sure on this one but try placing it in the kernel modules directory and then modprobe modulename22:31
tanathkevin---, largely from watching me use it, i think22:31
kevin---tanath, ok, so he wants it as his main OS, and probably doesn't wanna reformat the Windows partition?22:31
_haywire_kevin--- i'm redoing my again just to see.... problem with manual install though is wlan0 gets dropped after a few minutes of inactivity and so far the only work around i've found is to hard boot22:31
tanathkevin---, i've already partitioned the drive22:32
kevin---tanath, ah ok. So what IS the friend wanting? Since Windows doesn't boot, I feel like putting Ubuntu on a USB HDD probably isn't the only reason.22:32
tanathkevin---, the plan is to back up some stuff while booted to linux, and kill the partition on the old drive. he has a worm22:32
tanathkevin---, he brought me the hard drive to try to install ubuntu for him, since the boot & live cds weren't working for him22:33
tanathkevin---, brought me his new one, that is22:33
kevin---tanath, ah! Well you can use Ubuntu to repartition the drive that Windows is installed on and you can install Ubuntu into. But the LiveCD's don't work which doesn't make sense. That means that Ubuntu probably won't work. I was gonna suggest just booting from a LiveCD and moving the data onto the external HDD or repartitioning the main drive and installing Ubuntu there and then pulling the data into Ubuntu and having it the22:34
kevin---re as a dual-boot.22:34
tanathkevin---, his old drive with corrupted windows is still at home. he brought me a newer (and bigger) one, which i've split into ext3 & fat3222:35
alteregoadoes the mr kernel support promise sata300tx222:35
carandraug!pastebin > carandraug22:35
ubottucarandraug, please see my private message22:35
jmsthing678can someone please walk me through installing a program I'm new to linux and I don't quite know what to do22:35
alteregoai got a banana called rofs22:36
alteregoawhats a rofs?22:36
Slart_jmsthing678: what program do you want to install?22:36
kevin---_haywire_, so I have to hard boot?22:36
infexiontanath: can you boot onto a live distro on YOUR current machine?22:36
jmsthing678well it's a game. Eternal Lands22:36
magnetronjmsthing678, go to >Applications > add/remove22:36
alteregoarofs, are you great22:36
tanathinfexion, yes, though i'd prefer not to reboot22:36
infexiontanath: that seems like it would be the best option to go into the live cd and install it onto the external hard drive22:37
Slart_jmsthing678: I don't think that is available through the repos.. do you have a site or something for the game?22:37
tanathinfexion, yeah, possibly22:37
infexiontanath: and then he can take it home and do with it what he needs to... problem is if it is not working with live CD's I do not know how it would work with an external hard drive...22:38
infexiontanath: so that presents an issue.22:38
maxbWhat is the proper way to make the dbus-launched wpa_supplicant go away so I can run one manually?22:38
ubuntu1234How can I compleatly reinstall *not reinstate, tired that with out luck* grub from a live cd?22:38
infexiontanath: but all is worth trying22:38
=== the_eraser is now known as apt-get
kevin---apt-get, lol22:39
mez2dimebar it didnt work...22:40
ozzloyhey, how do i tell what linux distro is on a server?  i have root on it22:40
ozzloyit has yum and not apt-get, so i'm guessing a version of redhat/fedora22:41
oscillocamozzloy: cat /etc/motd22:41
ozzloyoscillocam: blank22:41
_haywire_kevin--- was your usb dongle found during installation of ubuntu22:41
BobCFCjmsthing678: did you try the instructions here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EternalLands22:41
dimebarmez2: i don't know what else to suggest i'm afraid22:41
oscillocamozzloy: i didn't see the message about yum22:41
BobCFCjmsthing678: you need to add a 3rd party repo then you can find it in synaptic22:42
ozzloyoscillocam: thanks anyways22:42
BobCFCthe bit you want is in heading "Install using GUI tools"22:42
e-ogmahello, i got my just installed ubuntu 88.04 ALTERNATE, to open gm, but cannot configure monitor or video card... The preferences>screen resolution doesn't allow changes and there aren't any options for video/graphics on administrator menu. help?22:42
ozzloynm, i found it.  thanks anyways22:43
deeverhow do i make the automount mechanism mount a usb disk rw for a regular user?22:46
kevin---_haywire_, what do you mean? It's a PCMCIA card. I just popped it in. Lights are working suprisingly.22:46
nananuuWhy my ubuntu alvay for deleting files asks premission how to disable it?22:47
Gamminananuu: rm -r ;)22:47
coil7237I'm setting a static ip with "exalt" gui.  I thought I removed the daemon for dhcp3 some months ago.  But I keep getting knocked off line and exalt indicates that it is reset back to dhcp.  What is doing this? I didn't remove (purge) the dhcp3 config files, but set the static ip I want in the config file as well. (gnome/enlightenment/2.6.22)22:47
nananuuGammi, in Terminal?22:48
Nimrodhey, dose any one know how can i select, lets say, 100K fils in MC?22:48
danbh_intrepidcoil7237: what about the interfaces file?22:48
bobertdosdeever: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab22:48
Gammior you can use the "Shift + delete"... you will still be promt. but it will skip the trash bin and just... be deleted;)22:48
=== Anonymous_ is now known as gtr_punk_er
nananuuGammi, I eaven can`t delete using shift22:49
Doctehanyone here have a domain with godaddy? I want to know if you can specify an IP address as a domain server22:49
coil7237danbh_intrepid, this is what I have in interfaces, I'm using eth1: auto lo22:49
coil7237iface lo inet loopback22:49
coil7237auto eth022:49
coil7237iface eth0 inet dhcp22:49
coil7237auto eth122:49
FloodBot2coil7237: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:49
coil7237iface eth1 inet dhcp22:49
BobCFCnananuu: which files are you trying to delete, if it in in ur home folder it wont ask, if not you shouldnt delete them really22:49
nananuuBobCFC,  in may MP3 player and may folders22:50
nananuubut now in mp322:50
bobertdosnananuu: You have to use sudo in the terminal to rm files in the filesystem any other place than home.22:51
Gammiwhat hapens if you do the "sudo rm -r /bin/rm" ?22:51
DigitalFizGammi, the world will end22:51
BobCFCfile in use22:51
nananuubobertdos,  whats rm?22:51
Mr_Fixitlol @ world ending22:51
zewm_nananuu: rm means remove22:51
coil7237danbh_intrepid, sorry about the flood, here's the link: http://paste.ubuntu.com/52250/22:52
nananuuWhat must then I do now?22:52
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danbh_intrepidcoil7237: erm, please use the pastebin, as suggest next time, but it looks like you have eth0 and eth1 set to use dhcp.   Thats what iface eth0 inet dhcp means.   If you dont want it to use dhcp, and you want to use another program to configure, just delete any references to those interfaces.  LEAVE THE ONE FOR lo22:52
evelyettehi, does rtl8187 support WPA2?22:52
Gamminananuu: you can also type "sudo nautilus" in terminal to get a GUI of the file system; )22:52
danbh_intrepidcoil7237: yeah, they are all set to dhcp.  I suspect thats why you are having a problem22:52
Gamminananuu: but be carefull!22:52
coil7237danbh_intrepid, should I just delete "dhcp" or the lines completely?22:53
bobertdosGammi, nananuu: If you're going to do that, it's better to use gksudo22:53
nananuueee user sharing is disabled22:53
danbh_intrepidcoil7237: for whatever interface you want configured separately, completely.  but remember to leave the 2 lines about lo alone22:53
Gammibobertdos: I use su, then the comando... i don't like the... sudo thingy:P but i aslo use the & at the end;)22:53
coil7237danbh_intrepid, thanks!22:53
BobCFCGammi: he means that because its an x program not command line you should use gksu or gksudo22:54
nananuuThe problem is when the files have the emblem read only22:55
GammiBobCFC, but why? why not just use su or sudo... ?22:55
nananuuand I cant delete them22:55
bobertdosGammi: Because sudo doesn't always set up the environment properly for X applications. Sometimes, it raises the users privileges, but still interfaces with the user's profile when it SHOULD interface with root's.22:56
BobCFCGammi: the gk versions ask for password in a window not command line.. i think the problem is if sudop crashes when as root somehting happens to permissions and u might get stuck. i never had a problem though22:56
Delvien_I am trying to bind the F7 key with Xbindkeys. and i need help on what the "Command" whould be22:57
sisifHello. Anyone here uses the new BCM43xx driver ?22:57
GammiBobCFC, bobertdos: I never got problems with that either... but i don't use sudo... but i will reamember it.. thanks..22:57
CartoonCatsisif, i have,  but i droped it as i got better hardware. what ya need22:58
Mr_Fixitnananuu, if you go into the terminal. you can delete the files with sudo rm -rf <--- that's not the smart way to do it if you are unsure what you are doing22:58
sisifCartoonCat : do you had any problems with encrypted wifi connections ?22:58
Mr_Fixitnananuu, type Alt F2 and type in "sudo nautilus" and delete the files in there22:58
jmsthing678um... i just moved my application to an other workspace how do I get it back?22:59
Mehrabhey everybody23:00
CartoonCatsisif, I used it on few encrypted aps, so no not really, WPA is a bit ticky, WEP was fine23:00
nananuuhttp://img213.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotoe6.png Mr_Fixit  and others thats what apears when I try to delete them23:00
sisifCartoonCat : I see.23:00
jmsthing678um... i just moved my application to an other workspace how do I get it back?23:00
Biggzopen the workspace it's at and move it back?23:00
Mr_Fixitnananuu, do Alt F2 and "sudo nautilus"23:01
bobertdos!gksudo | Mr_Fixit23:01
ubottuMr_Fixit: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)23:01
jmsthing678how do I open  the workspace?23:01
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Mr_Fixitoh yea gksu nautilus23:01
mristermusichello there. I need some help.23:01
nananuuMr_Fixit,  and now?23:01
Mr_Fixit<--- used to CLI23:01
Mr_Fixitnow go delete the files you want..23:02
sisifCan anyone recomend me a nice network manager, besides WICD ?23:02
BobCFCwe need to stop it mounting as root in the first place really23:02
Mr_Fixitgksu nautilus is how you can delete anything you need23:02
bobertdosas long as you're careful :)23:02
mristermusicman..I have a sweet linux but know nothing about it.23:02
Mehrabdoes anybody know a software to merge multiple pdf files?23:03
Mr_Fixitwell bobertdos it's more safe than them doin rm -rf23:03
jmsthing678yes can some one please tell me how to access my other workspace??23:03
mristermusicclick on the square in the corner23:03
Mr_Fixitjmsthing678, Ctrl Alt Left arrow23:03
DigitalFizanyone know how i can make the volume controls on my logitech keyboard work on 8.04?23:03
nananuuMr_Fixit,  no the same23:03
taknikinDoes anyone here know how to disable backtrace?23:04
Mr_Fixitnananuu, click the arrow on there and tell me the reason why it doesn't let you?23:04
jmsthing678why doesent that button show up in the bottom like it used to?23:04
bobertdosMr_Fixit: In a way, I suppose, but it's still more dangerous because giving a novice root control of Nautilus pretty much gives them license to do whatever they want, which is an easy way to damage the system.23:04
mristermusichey how does one learn to use this23:04
BobCFCjmsthing678: you can rightclick on the panel and add it again..choose add to panel then scroll down to workspaces23:04
Mr_Fixitvery true bobertdos..... BUT they need to learn somewhere (o;23:05
jmsthing678thanks I'm a ubuntu noob23:05
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nananuuMr_Fixit,  The file "Bloodhound Gang" cannot be moved to the trash.23:05
mristermusici neeeed to make youtube videosss workk23:05
nananuuand whith shift it does not eaven work23:05
bobertdos!flash > mristermusic23:05
ubottumristermusic, please see my private message23:05
mristermusichey you...can u watch videos?23:06
Mr_Fixitnananuu, are you sure you are using "gksu nautilus"?23:06
mristermusic1376 ignoring bastards23:06
nananuuMr_Fixit,  I think so23:07
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Mr_Fixittry again...23:07
Mr_FixitAlt F2 "gksu nautilus"23:07
deeverbobertdos: *automount*, not static mount23:07
kebomixhello . i downloaded real player 11 in .bin file , and dont know how to set up it ?23:07
nananuuMr_Fixit,  nothing23:08
BobCFCmristermusic: goto applications->add/remove make sure show is set to all availible, then type RESTRICTED in search, tick ubuntu-restricted-extras and that will install flash, you need to reestart firsfox23:08
bobertdosdeever: Editing fstab is HOW you manage automounting.23:08
jmsthing678I officially think ubuntu is the best OS ever23:08
Mr_Fixitwow jmsthing678 you must be a noob23:08
kebomixjmsthing678: me too as im new to linux :D23:08
martinawarei guess he is23:08
jmsthing678yes I installed Ubuntu last night at 2:30 am23:09
BobCFCdamn missed him23:09
kebomix i downloaded real player 11 in .bin file , and dont know how to set up it ?23:09
Mr_Fixitpoor fellow.... well jmsthing678 don't count your eggs before they hatch23:09
thiebaudei agree jmsthing67823:09
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats23:09
deeverbobertdos: wrong, the mount points explicitely set of plugged-in media are stored somewhere else to...23:09
Mr_Fixitlinux is a noob nightmare lol23:10
jmsthing678well I have yet to see any downsides to ubuntu23:10
Sylphid|worki have speakers plugged into the headphone jack in my laptop... is it possible to play sounds out both the headphone jack and build in speakers?23:10
jmsthing678at least none that matter to me23:10
gray--no downsides until things break :)23:10
kebomixi have fat 32 partition and every time i reboot , i have to mount it again , any solution 4 that ?!23:10
Mr_Fixitjmsthing678, is your flash and java and sound all working?23:10
jmsthing678sound works23:10
jmsthing678idk about flash or java haven't checked23:10
SpacerattI have a Ralink RT2561 wireless card and it worked flawlessly last time I installed ubuntu, but this time it completely refuses to work23:11
bobertdosdeever: Yes, but if you add fstab entries, I do believe those take precedence.23:11
SpacerattIt is in a different slot, and I have a new graphics card23:11
unop!fstab > kebomix23:11
ubottukebomix, please see my private message23:11
Spacerattdoes either of them matter?23:11
Mr_Fixitif they don't work jmsthing678 there are non-free packages in the repositories23:11
excess^I've got a wierd problem and I'm not sure whether it's Ubuntu or Amarok, but I have a second HDD that I use to store my music collection, but when I try to set Amarok music collection folder to my second HDD it only displays my local drive. Any advice?23:11
onthefence928i'm in the middle of installinga  program on wine and i just realized that i won't be able to install it's expansion for lack of room23:11
excess^btw, it automounts.23:11
martinawarei do not agree with you, fixit, linux, and particularly ubuntu is a nightmare for noob coming from windows, unexperimented users (with any os) leanr faster with ubuntu, as far as i was able to see.23:11
Mr_Fixitnananuu, did you delete your bloodhound gang yet?23:12
bobertdosdeever: Besides, I interpret your question as having a flash drive plugged in all the time, and therefore allowing it to mount on boot, correct?23:12
deeverbobertdos: but i don't want to fill up the systems fstab with user-specific devices....23:12
nananuuMr_Fixit,  noo23:12
deeverbobertdos: no, a usb drive23:12
onthefence928how do i move wine to another partition while having everything stil work?23:12
bobertdosdeever: yeah, they're equivalent terms.........I think there might be separate articles for what you want to do. Let's see here...23:13
Mr_Fixitnananuu, again.... are you sure you are using gksu nautilus and not just the regular nautilus?23:13
unoponthefence928, move the ~/.wine directory to the new partition and leave behind a symlink pointing to the new location23:14
onthefence928unop how do i "leave behind a symlink"23:14
nananuuMr_Fixit,  but how can I set when they always are radable and delatable?23:14
nananuuok try again23:14
kebomixhow to play RMVB Fiels ?23:15
Mr_Fixitnananuu,  that is in the file properties.. and can only be changed by the owner or root23:15
unoponthefence928, not sure using the GUI - but  at the command line.  ln -s /path/to/new/.wine ~/.wine23:15
deeverbobertdos: the main issue is actually that i can't mount newly created partitions on a usb disk...23:15
bobertdosdeever: So you want to autmount in what way?23:15
Spacerattis there anyone here who might be able to guide me through getting my wireless card working?23:15
bobertdosoh, oh........hmm23:15
nananuuMr_Fixit,  I`m the owner but why they alvays are only readable?23:16
Sylphid|workis it possible to play sounds out both the headphone jack and build in speakers?23:16
unop!wireless | Spaceratt , read this first23:16
ubottuSpaceratt , read this first: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs23:16
BobCFConthefence928: if you drag and drop with middle mouse button you can choose Create Link23:16
PeanutzMwhat is the easiest way to set up a shell command to run from the applications menu? .. say for example I have a script that starts dreamweaver ... however.. I do not want the terminal window to stay open the rntire time23:16
deeverbobertdos: ...the fat32 partition on it when it was fresh from the shop was no problem...23:16
e-ogma(ubuntu 8.04 alternate) Apparently I need the driver for my screen (794MBplus), but on samsung's site i can only download an executable file. is there any way to extract the driver from the windows installer?23:16
nananuuMr_Fixit, gksu nautilus or gksudo nautilus23:16
Mr_Fixitnananuu, right click the file and look for the tab that says "permissions"23:16
onthefence928BobCFC: thanks a lot that's very useful23:17
nananuuI know23:17
Mr_Fixitnananuu, both of those are the same23:17
deeverbobertdos: ...but then i've reformatted with ext3 and no user writable automounts any longer! :(23:17
roukounis there any command for creating a launcher?23:17
bobertdosPeanutzM: Either use the run menu (Alt+F2) or in the terminal, put a & after the executable name.23:17
unopdeever, you're going to have to give users the permissions necessary to write to the partition.23:18
arkibottoom sucks..23:18
taknikinDoes anyone here know how to disable stack protection on ubuntu?23:19
roukounis there any command for creating a launcher?23:19
nananuuMr_Fixit,  yes I shure. ok thanks for help it`s werry late I`m going to sleep. Thanks guys :)23:19
thiebaude!stack protection23:19
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:19
Mr_Fixitby nananuu23:19
bobertdosdeever: Well, I'm afraid I don't really understand what you're getting at, because every tutorial out there uses fstab for automounting. So I may not be of any further help.23:19
donnyroukoun: what kind of "launcher" are you talking about?23:19
BobCFCroukoun: right-click on the desktop23:19
unoproukoun, you could create a symlink to the executable - but you don't have control over the icon then - it could look a bit ugly.23:19
taknikinthiebaude: I wish it was that easy23:19
deeverunop: but with fat32, this was not a problem...is this due to its lack of any permissions?23:20
thiebaudehaha, taknikin23:20
roukoundonny: a launcher for an app on the desktop23:20
deeverbobertdos: np, thank you! :)23:20
unopdeever, fat32 has no concept of permissions and ownership23:20
donnyroukoun: if you're using gnome, and you know where your application is on the main gnome menu, you can right cilck the icon in the menu, and there are choices for creating those kinds of launchers\23:20
linxuz3rhi was running ubuntu on my usb hdd in school and all of a suddent my terminal wont launch or firefox lags could this be X11 problem if how do i fix this please help me????????????23:20
roukounBobCFC: i want to know if there is any command available to do it23:20
deeverunop: this is what i was saying...;)23:20
BobCFCdeever: make sure the folder for the mount point is not owned by root only23:21
unopdeever, well, what were you saying?23:21
roukoundonny: i use fluxbox and i want to do it with a command23:21
sisifOk. I`m tring to get my wifi card (bcm4311) to work with the new bcm43xx driver. Up untill now I was using ndiswrapper. So I blacklisted the b43, b43legacy, ndiswrapper and ssb modules in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist, I`ve unload ndiswrapper via "ndisrapper -r driver", did a update-initramfs -u and rebooted. My kernel is 2.6.24-21-generic. I get a eth2 in "iwconfig", but when I do "iwlist scannig" I get nothing. Any sugestion on what might be wrong ?23:21
outbri linxuz3r: why do you think firefox lagging and the terminal not launching are connected?23:21
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unopBobCFC, permissions of mount points change after you mount a volume on them - that's not going to address his problem23:21
donnyroukoun: i used to be a big fluxbox user, but i never created any desktop icons or anything. in fact i didn't even know fluxbox *had* a desktop/launchers23:22
linxuz3routbri: thats what i experienced23:22
deeverunop: so it's just not the automount mechanism's responsibility if the mounted volume is not fat32?23:22
Tricyclethiefanyone able to help/point me to where i can get dual monitors working in 8.04 with an ati video card23:22
mez2how do i get the green bars out of videos? i tried VLC, mplayer and totem and they all have green bars somewhere23:22
outbri linxuz3r: I'd suggest reinstalling firefox to clear up the lagging on that23:22
linxuz3routbri: what could be the causes of terminal not responding? or terminal not launching23:22
BobCFCunop: when i create a folder in /mnt as root then mount in fstab it is readonly unless i change the mountpoint owner23:23
donnylinxuz3r: are you booting a PC with the operating system on the USB HDD, or are you running a virtualized system within a host OS already running on the PC?23:23
linxuz3rok ill try that what about terminal23:23
Fuse_hahahaah world is fucked. Brazilian stock exchange collapsed. Irish stock exchanged collapsed. Canada's is buckling, America's suffered worst drop in history.23:23
Fuse_we're gonners23:23
linxuz3rim booting pc with os in usb hdd23:23
roukoundonny: it has!23:23
donnyroukoun: i didn't know!23:23
outbriTricyclethief: try running nvidia-settings23:23
donnylinuxmain: does this problem persist after you reboot?23:23
unopdeever, i'm not sure what that means exactly - what are you expecting 'automount' to do exactly?23:23
deeverunop: in other words: almost everyone out here does not use sth different than fat32 for external media?23:23
linxuz3ranyone played warhammer?23:23
DigitalFizFuse_, we're all gonna die ahhhh!23:23
donnylinxuz3r:  does this problem persist after you reboot?23:23
zewm_I have23:23
roukoundonny: anyway.... thanks23:23
gray--socialism ftw23:23
linxuz3rdonny yes23:24
deadinsidehey I need some help23:24
BobCFCmez2: there is a key to hide the bottom line, i forget, you can cut a pixel off the top bottomleft or right hang on23:24
Tricyclethiefrun nvidia settings for an ati card?23:24
deeverunop: mount && set the permissions23:24
unopdeever, you could say that - it depends on where you will be using your removable media23:24
Fuse_digitalfiz: I reckon it'll just usher in the era of responsible capitalism, personally. Do away with this silly 'free market knows all' notion.23:24
linxuz3rit was not doing that same problem the first time i booted and i ran of the usb hdd with ubuntu in it for several hours23:24
donnylinxuz3r: are you familiar with the "virtual terminal" you can get to with Control+Alt+F# key combination?23:24
unopdeever, permissions are not controlled by automount - atleast not with ext323:24
linxuz3rdonny im not in ubuntu right now23:24
donnylinxuz3r: but are you familiar with it?23:25
unopdeever, permissions are actually an entirely different issue - you set them once and they stick forever23:25
donnylinxuz3r: were you experiencing any problems with that terminal?23:25
outbriTricyclethief: oh, sorry, no. That's what I use for my nvidia card. not sure what ati uses23:25
leslieviljoenI apologise for all the popping in and out23:25
linxuz3rits monitor terminal23:25
linxuz3ri did not try that23:25
linxuz3rwhen i go back to school ill do that23:25
PeanutzMthanks I got it working23:25
linxuz3rtrying to install in school windows xp on usb hdd23:25
donnylinxuz3r: well i'm not necessarily an authority on the subject, but finding out whether or not you have a problem with that vt will help diagnose what the problmem is23:25
deadinsidehey all you friggen linux professors help me23:25
RobertWHurstdo any of you know about Garnome, i'm runing a full compile and I'm getting hungup on firefox, it won't build properly. I tried Garnomes IRC but it was deserted23:26
Tricyclethiefoutbri yeah =\ ive tryd the catalyst program and i get dual monitor non cloned at log in screen but once i enter username/pass it kicks it back to clone23:26
linxuz3rok ill try that23:26
leslieviljoenI am testing my IRC client23:26
unopBobCFC, if you created a directory under /mnt as root and mounted a volume that was owned by some other user - the directory then reflects the permissions and ownership of the volume23:26
donnylinxuz3r: you might try sticking the USB HDD into a running system and checking its entire memory to make sure that it's working properly (ie. cat /dev/sda0 > /dev/null or something similar)23:26
donnylinxuz3r: one possible problem that comes to mind is that your flash HDD might be failing, and that certain system calls may lock up when attempting to access information at the damaged area23:27
Spacerattthe wireless troubleshooter didn't help23:28
mez2bobCFC a key?23:28
Spacerattthe problem is that I have a RT2561 which is supposed to be supported out of the box23:28
donnylinxuz3r: this will cause a number of processes to freeze up, and may result in a cascade failure that ultimately freezes your entire system, or it may remain isolated. that sort of problem can be frustrating to troubleshoot, so i strongly recommend verifying the integrity of the entire hdd23:28
Spacerattbut it's not working at all23:28
BobCFCmez2: yes sorry im looking cant find it yet23:29
BobCFCmez2: i read on a forums someone said about greenline at bottom, a reply was press this key such as crtl-K etc and it chops off the bottom line, its a problem on windows too not a linux thing23:30
bobertdosdeadinside: How may we help you?23:30
Xcercai have ubuntu on my laptop and desktop , how would i be able to network them together for file sharing (they are already on the same lan )23:30
BobCFCmez2: cant find which key but there are four keys too chop a line off top bottom left right23:31
linxuz3rdonny how do i verify the integrity of my hdd?23:31
bobertdos!nfs| Xcerca23:31
ubottuXcerca: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.23:31
mez2bobcfc i never have it on windows23:31
linxuz3rdonny: how do i verify the integrity of my hdd?23:31
donnylinxuz3r: you might just plug it into another system and run the appropriate filesystem check utility, now that i think about it23:31
donnylinxuz3r: please be patient, you shouldn't repeat yourself so quickly23:32
linxuz3ri added :23:32
leslieviljoenYay, I have threaded IRC23:32
LjLleslieviljoen, use #test for testing please23:32
leslieviljoenThis makes much more sense23:32
donnyleslieviljoen: wow seriously? i was *just* thinkign in my head "gee maybe i should try and write a threading IRC client"23:33
linxuz3rdonny: is it fsck?23:33
leslieviljoenAre there people in test?23:33
donnyleslieviljoen: what's the name of the software?23:33
LjLleslieviljoen: type /who #test and you'll find out23:33
bobertdoslinxuz3r: There's more than one way to do it. I usually just use tune2fs to set the current and maximal mount counts to force a check on bootup, and set them back when I'm done.23:33
Spacerattcan anyone help me with this?23:33
=== Cream is now known as Invisible_Cat
donnylinxuz3r: almost certainly23:33
LjLor for that matter, join and find out23:33
donnyLjL: maybe she joined, saw no one, and didn't know if it was her fancy IRC client messing up or not ;)23:34
Spacerattthe RT2561 is supposed to work by default on ubuntu 8.04 right?23:34
linxuz3rdonny whats the whole command?23:34
leslieviljoendonny: I adjusted a very basic Ruby client23:34
LjLdonny: but i know for a fact that there is someone ;)23:34
donnyleslieviljoen: available publicly?23:35
leslieviljoenhmmm, my client doesn't support WHO yet!23:35
donnylinxuz3r: probably just `fsck /path/to/hdd/device`23:35
linxuz3rdonny: is it the partition or the device?23:35
donnylinxuz3r: you should probably also umount it first, since many systems will auto-mount your hdd23:35
* Mr_Fixit wonders what sudo rm -rf / does and decides to go check it out23:35
benjickNO DONT23:35
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bruenigMr_Fixit: good idea23:35
donnylinxuz3r: the partition23:35
benjickyou forgot &23:35
bruenigMr_Fixit: I will do the same, let's blog about it later23:35
Slart_Mr_Fixit: dont do that here..23:35
=== consolelover is now known as consolover
Mr_Fixitsounds good bruenig23:36
Mr_Fixitmeet back here in ten?23:36
bruenigten eastern?23:36
lost_boy432I need help mounting my usb devices. They aren't being recognized.23:36
bruenigor ten minutes?23:36
leslieviljoendonny: do you know Ruby? I can send it to you. But it's really raw and basic at the moment23:36
alteregoacan someone help me setup a raid5 partition?23:36
alteregoai got 4 drives sda1 to sda423:36
leslieviljoendonny: the one thing it does properly is put everyone's conversations together23:36
ubotturaid is Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID wto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto23:36
LjLMr_Fixit: please, don't suggest that, directly or indirectly, ever.23:37
steveydoteuwhat are the advantages if any of altering the CONCURRENCY=none to =shell in /etc/init.d/rc23:37
donnyleslieviljoen: no, but i've been looking for a good reason to learn it (and i love django too much for rails to be that reason ;)23:37
overrunhey guys can anyone tell me a good alternative to convert x to dvd from windows...23:37
alteregoathank you23:37
bruenigMr_Fixit: never ever you hear23:37
Mr_Fixitsuggest what?23:37
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outbrilost_boy432: sudo mount -t file_system_type /device_location /mount_point23:37
leslieviljoendonny: so I can finally understand what's going on in this forum!23:37
bachirhi all23:37
LjLMr_Fixit: the command you were "wondering" about23:37
bachirfirst sorry for my bad english23:37
Slart_overrun: huh? "convert x to dvd from windows" ? what's that supposed to mean?23:37
bachirthis is my problem23:37
Mr_Fixiti just wanted to see how many of you would freak out about it23:37
bachiri wanna make color o my konsole23:37
bachirbut i don't know how23:37
donnyleslieviljoen: it is quite a mental excercise to make sense of the intertwining conversation ;)23:37
alteregoai think i use xfs23:37
bachiri'll give you my .bashrc23:38
Catdaemon`how do I diagnose wicd/anything else hanging when trying to get an IP and also hanging when trying to authenticate WEP?23:38
bruenigMr_Fixit: you realize about 5% of the channel is in the process of removing their filesystem now23:38
lost_boy432outbri: so I just type that in terminal and hit enter?23:38
leslieviljoendonny: Once you use Ruby, htere's no going back. I dumped my entire Perl childhood23:38
Slart_overrun: you want a windows program to create dvd's23:38
BobCFCmez2: are u there i found it23:38
unopMr_Fixit, people in here have a tendency of copying commands and running them blindly - best not mention dangerous commands at all.23:38
donnyleslieviljoen: so i've heard!23:38
bruenighat on, hat off23:38
alteregoafnordpy /dev/hda to /dev/hdganja23:38
bruenigwas that a threatening hat?23:38
lorbsso i've been spending the last few hours trying to connect my 2wire 802.11g usb adapter to my ubuntu box, installed ndiswrapper and loaded up the driver from the disc but wlan0 just isn't showing up23:38
Mr_Fixitwell thanks LjL23:39
outbrilost_boy432: yep. but you have to fill that command in to fit what you're doing, and the mount point will have to be created before you can mount to it23:39
donnyleslieviljoen: lately i'm a big fan of haXe (silly name, prudent technology, check out haxe.org)23:39
overrunslart_ nope23:39
leslieviljoendonny: well if you want to hack at i23:39
overrunI want a linux alternative to that particular program23:39
donnyleslieviljoen: definitely!23:39
bachirthis is my .bashrc : http://404upload.fr/fichier-0264410001222727964.html23:39
leslieviljoendonny: it, what's your email so I can send it over?23:39
alteregoawhatever wine might it23:39
bachiri wanna make color o my konsole23:39
bachirbut i don't know how23:39
Slart_overrun: something that makes video-dvd's ? try devede23:40
donnyleslieviljoen: i have /msged it to you23:40
Slart_!info devede | overrun23:40
ubottuoverrun: devede (source: devede): program to create video DVDs. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.6-0.0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 1128 kB, installed size 2592 kB23:40
bruenigthis is my .bashrc: http://rafb.net/p/096qqE90.html23:40
LjLbachir: you want to change the background color of your terminal?23:40
leslieviljoendonny: but I warn ya, it's ugly and I'll be putting a gnome interface on it soon23:40
bachirLjl, i want to change colors23:40
bachirnot the background23:40
donnyleslieviljoen: code is ugly? or ui is ugly?23:40
lost_boy432outbri: I know the file system is FAT32 but I dont know how to define the device location or mount point23:40
LjLbachir, the colors of "ls" then?23:40
lost_boy432outbri: its connected by usb23:41
bachiri want that al the commands be coloried23:41
bachirwait, i'll show you a screen23:41
XThiefCan anyone help me? I'm trying to install build-essencial by apt-get and i'm getting this error The following packages have unmet dependencies:23:41
XThiefbuild-essential: Depends: libc6-dev but it is not going to be installed or23:41
XThiefDepends: g++ (>= 4:4.1.1) but it is not going to be installed23:41
XThiefE: Broken packages23:41
FloodBot2XThief: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:41
LjLXThief: pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list23:41
XThiefone second LjL23:41
bachiri want some thing like that: http://www.siteduzero.com/uploads/fr/files/94001_95000/94232.png23:42
donnybachir: that is super ugly23:42
yao_ziyuani want to create a link "/usr/bin/jap" which issues this command: "java -jar /home/yaoziyuan/programs/jap/JAP.jar". how?23:42
bruenigbachir: you want to change your PS1 variable23:42
outbrilost_boy432: in a terminal, create a directory in /media. mkdir /media/usbdevice. then you have to find out where the usb device is at right now.23:42
XThiefLjL http://paste.ubuntu.com/52263/23:42
linxuz3rdonny: it is cleaned23:43
jmsthing678anyone know how to install flash player in ubuntu?23:43
dmsupermanyao_ziyuan: Make a .desktop launcher23:43
linxuz3rdonny: root@p5n-e-sli:~# fsck.ext3 /dev/sdb323:43
linxuz3re2fsck 1.40.8 (13-Mar-2008)23:43
linxuz3r/dev/sdb3: clean, 157016/4603904 files, 1217323/18396433 blocks (check after next mount)23:43
dmsuperman!flash | jmsthing67823:43
ubottujmsthing678: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash23:43
lorbsanyone want to try and help me get my USB wireless adapter working?23:43
yao_ziyuandmsuperman: ok23:43
bachirbruenig: yes, but i don't know how23:43
outbrilost_boy432: enter this 'sudo fdisk -l' and that'll show you where it is at.23:43
linxuz3rdonny: so is it still hdd problem23:43
jmsthing678 23:43
bachirthis is the hole .bashrc:  http://404upload.fr/fichier-0264410001222727964.html23:44
thiebaudejmsthing678:synaptic has flashplugin-nonfree23:44
bachirwhat should i change exactly?23:44
LjLbachir: remove the # from "#force_colored_prompt=yes" in .bashrc, if you want the two-colors thing in the "you@your-desktop$/directory/"23:44
LjLbachir: to change all the text into green, that can be done with the menu in your terminal23:44
BobCFCbachir: try this http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/howto-linux-unix-bash-shell-setup-prompt.html23:44
leslieviljoendonny: both!23:44
bachirok thanks23:44
mikeypizanoi need some help, i deleted my swap partition23:44
outbrilost_boy432: so your command will look like 'sudo mount -t vfat /output_of_fdisk /media/usbdevice23:44
bachirthat doesn't workd :(23:45
leslieviljoendonny: but I'll improve it quickly and then send you what I do23:45
linxuz3rdonny: yo dude23:45
dmsuperman"And invisibility will help you against a giant wave? I wasn't aware that Tsunamis basically hunted those vulnerable islands and coastlines down for large scale destruction."23:45
XThiefLjL http://paste.ubuntu.com/52263/23:45
Catdaemon`here's the problem I'm having - wicd is hanging here and I cannot figure out why -> http://xs131.xs.to/xs131/08401/snapshot2658.png23:45
SeanTaterIs it dangerous to kill ksmserver23:45
outbrinegro: try /join #irc-hispano23:45
bruenigspammer, kill the spamer23:45
bruenighe is spamming23:45
LjLXThief: i've seen it. it looks good from what i can see23:45
sanestohello every body,23:45
sanestoi had installed xubuntu hardy, all its perfect, but i have 2 problems,23:45
sanesto1-when the xubuntu is under loading to turning on, i cant watch the loading screen, but i just can watch a black screen.23:45
sanesto2-when i click (ctrl alt F1) i have a very large screen, like this photo:23:45
FloodBot2sanesto: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:45
sanestoso can you help me plz, thx in advance23:45
bachiri should restart the PC after this modification, or just re open the konsole?23:45
dmsuperman!support | sanesto23:46
ubottusanesto: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org23:46
LjLbachir: i think just reopen the console23:46
XThiefLjL i have ubuntu 7.1023:46
LjLXThief: i noticed that23:46
dmsupermanIt's such an ancient pitch23:46
dmsupermanBut one that I'd never switch23:46
bachirLjL: this doesn't work23:46
BobCFCbachir: no reboot just close terminal23:46
dmsupermanCause there's no nicer witch than you23:46
bachir:( :( :(23:46
XThiefLjL you know what could be the problem?23:46
LjLXThief: type "sudo apt-get install libc6-dev", and pastebin the error23:46
bachiri reboot it but it doesn't work23:46
bachirnothig change23:46
danageplease help... my starters dont start anything anymore. when i click something there is just "starting xyz..." nothing happens23:47
=== LrdMtrod is now known as LordMetroid
mikeypizanoi tried to rebuild the 6gb swap partition, but wont take hold, i hit swapon but reboot or reset and its no longer a swap partition23:47
xompsanesto, looks like something that happened to me when I installed then removed KDE4 on my laptop. You can login with your username and password then type "start x" and your desktop will appear.23:47
XThiefLjL my ubuntu is in spanish but here is the error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/52264/23:47
xomp!es | XThief23:48
ubottuXThief: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.23:48
LjLXThief: type "sudo apt-get update" and then try again23:48
dmsuperman!wma | dmsuperman23:48
ubottudmsuperman, please see my private message23:48
LjLnot a problem, i can read spanish.23:48
BobCFCbachir: you need to save changes to the .bashrc file in your home folder23:48
ubottuNederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl23:48
ArrPirateHi. I'm trying to figure out the temperature of my hard drives, cpu cores, etc. However, whatever I try either reads 0 as the temperature or says there's no sensors23:48
ubottuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubottu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.23:48
bachirBobCFC: that exactly what i did23:48
kerneli am frensh23:48
XThiefLjL same error23:48
oscillocammikeypizano: did you add the swap partition in /etc/fstab?23:48
BobCFCmez2: did u see my message?23:48
mikeypizanono, how do i do that23:48
xomp!fr | kernel23:49
ubottukernel: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr23:49
mikeypizanooscillocam, may i pm u?23:49
sanestoxomp: its problem to appearing my desktop23:49
LjLXThief: ok, bear with me then and try a couple more apt commands23:49
LjLXThief: apt-cache policy libc623:50
sanestobut the problem23:50
sanestoits when i go to the console23:50
sanestoctrl alt f123:50
sanestothe screen its very large23:50
XThiefLjL sorry, what does bear with me mean?23:50
sanestobut i can go to my esktop by ctrl alt f723:50
xompsanesto, I know, just login at that large screen there with your username/password, you will then be at a prompt. At that prompt type "start x" and press enter.. BOOM HEADSHOT! I mean BOOM Desktop :)23:50
LjLXThief: "have some patience because it might need a few attempts"23:50
lorbsi can't get wlan0 to show up with my wireless adapter, installed ndiswrapper, installed driver from the cd, installed wpa_supplicant and i'm not exactly sure what im doing with that but i can't seem to get anything to work with it23:50
BobCFCbachir: try typing bash after you save changes to that file23:51
lost_boy432outbri: I made the directory but i dont know where my ipod is. How do I find it?23:51
bachirBobCFC: ok23:51
BobCFCbachir: but closing terminal shoudl do same thing23:51
lost_boy432outbri:nvm i saw your last msg23:51
bachirBobCFC: nothing changed23:51
XThiefLjL http://paste.ubuntu.com/52265/23:51
vbman11does anyone know of an app like windows movie maker23:52
outbrilost_boy432: in the output, look for the vfat, FAT16 or whatever device that is the same size as your ipod23:52
krunk-I installed ubuntu on my iBook G4 in an attempt to get a bit more snap out of it. But the gui is slower and less responsive than leopard was. I've tried using the fbdev and radeon/ati drivers, but neither work well (the dbdev are the better of the two). (radeon mobility 9200) Any suggestions on how I could improve things?23:52
donavan_anyone out there know why I am getting flashing graphics whenever I play games Im using an ATI 1650 its seems to work fine aside from this23:52
LjLXThief: ok, this is not good. you have a version of libc6 (the most important library in your system) that's different from what Gutsy (7.10) should have.  have you ever used third-party repositories, or Automatix?23:52
vbman11does anyone know of an app like windows movie maker23:52
XThiefLjL probably thierd party repositories23:53
sanestoxomp, start : unknown job:x23:53
donnyleslieviljoen: wait is this a server or a client? or is it both?23:53
XThiefLjL does it have a fix?23:53
leslieviljoendonny: just a client23:54
xompsanesto, try without the space "startx"23:54
lost_boy432outbri: It's a 30 gb FAT32 Ipod but it doesn't show up http://paste.ubuntu.com/52266/plain/23:54
LjLXThief: well, i can tell you how to revert to the correct version, but i really cannot guarantee that won't have adverse effects, because there might be several other packages installed with the wrong version23:54
brewany suggestion how to power save on a laptop23:54
donnyleslieviljoen: ah ok, that's what i thought. cool i will take a look at this as soon as i get back from buying a chair23:54
LjLXThief: perhaps you also used Hardy repository at some stage by mistake?23:54
roe_I installed the flash-nonfree package from multiverse on hardy but youtube videos still won't play23:54
XThiefLjL maybe, i dont know hahaha, i have installed a lot of things, and i dont remember23:55
bachirgood bye all, i'll try to resolve that after23:55
bachirthanks anyway ;)23:55
thiebauderoe_:you use firefox?23:55
xompI swear firefox is broken since these latest updates23:55
BobCFCroe_: did you try the whole ubuntu-restricted-extraas package?  i found that worked better than indiviual flash23:55
xompfirefox randomly crashing when viewing facebook without notice or warning23:55
XThiefLjL the adverse effects could be lost all the data?23:55
Glu3hi, what do I need to install to allow my pidgin plugins to be configured?23:55
LjLXThief: well, "sudo apt-get --reinstall install libc6=2.6.1-1ubuntu10" will get the correct version of libc6 installed -- but as i said, it might also break your system (which is already broken)23:55
ubuntuHow can i reinstall grub from the live cd?23:56
erUSUL!grub | ubuntu23:56
ubottuubuntu: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto23:56
LjLXThief: no, but it could be an inability to even start Ubuntu, so you'd need to rescue the data using a live CD23:56
outbrilost_boy432: Sure enough. I'm not quite sure then. Try switching it to a new usb port and running that comman again.23:56
thiebaudexomp:are you on ubuntu 8.04?23:56
XThiefLjL its a server and i have some important files23:56
xompthiebaude, yah23:56
xompthiebaude, my mum visits facebook like every day and after her pc done the firefox updates it's just crashing like crazy23:57
deeverhow do i set a label on a partiton?23:57
XThiefLjL i dont have access to the computer, so i cant put a live cd haha23:57
erUSULdeever: depends on the filesystem23:57
thiebaudexomp:can you install flash from the adobe website?23:57
LjLXThief: if it's a server, then the situation must be evaluated carefully. will you wait a couple of minutes while i do something, then i'll try to see if there's a safer way of reverting to a sane Gutsy?23:57
deevererUSUL: i though it...:(23:57
xompthiebaude, never tried, I used the flash-nonfree package from synaptic with no probs.23:57
Guma_I waswondering if ATI 3650 is suported in 8.04 or next version out of the box. I have two of such cards in my system driving 3 displays.23:58
erUSULdeever: so what's the partition filesystem? ext3; ntfs; vfat?23:58
XThiefLjL ok, take your time, and thank you for helping me. I will get something to eat meanwhile23:58
bobertdosroe_: You could try flash 10 or maybe Mozilla's own build of Firefox.23:58
lost_boy432outbri: same output with all three ports23:58
roe_bobertdos, I'd like to keep to the package system23:59
JRW135hello can someone help with a question about ubuntu?23:59
thiebauderoe_:i kept searching google for a way to install flash 10 amd finally did, but dont know what website it was.23:59
erUSUL!ask | JRW13523:59
ubottuJRW135: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)23:59
JRW135before i install ubuntu i would like to know if i can use other Windows based programs, specifically NetObjects fusion, a website builder23:59

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