
Odd-rationaleMyrtti: hey, thanks for the tip about terminator... it is just awesome!00:00
* flyback swears this is the last canucking time he spends half or all of his weekend working on work stuff even just remote00:23
cody-somervillefloating, hmm?00:25
cody-somervilleflyback, hmm?00:25
=== flyback is now known as limpBizkit
=== limpBizkit is now known as flyback
* flyback bbl01:34
* SmoothPorcupine still has no luck with TS + mic03:18
=== zoredache_ is now known as zoredache
telephoneI'm running 8.04 and am wondering how to make my laptop monitor turn off when closing the lid?09:00
telephonecurrently it doesn't even go blank, it just stays on09:00
telephoneany ideas?09:00
favrotelephone: what brand/model of lappy is it?09:02
telephonedell latitude d63009:02
cody-somervilleYou can configure it in the gnome power manager settings09:05
telephoneis there anything I can do from the terminal?09:06
telephoneI remember some type of power manager from Ubuntu09:06
telephonebut not really in Xubuntu09:06
telephoneoh wait, I see some power settings through the Screensaver09:15
homebrewciderhaving a bit of trouble getting my new monitor working through DVI, can anyone help please09:27
homebrewcideris it a case of editing my xorg.conf file?09:28
cody-somervilleProbably not09:28
homebrewciderany ideas?09:31
cody-somervillesudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh09:33
cody-somervillethat'll probably do the trick09:33
homebrewciderwhat's the phigh part?09:35
favrosudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg maybe?09:37
homebrewcideryeah, that's what I was thinking09:37
favroit seems most folks plug only into dvi and it works - *most*09:38
homebrewcidernope, not me09:40
homebrewciderstill not09:41
homebrewciderlog out?09:41
favrodo you have options for diff resolutions in xorg.conf?09:41
favroyou have to logout/in after doing the reconfigure09:42
homebrewcidernot after running that command i don't09:42
homebrewciderwill log out09:42
homebrewciderno, no joy09:53
homebrewciderthat dpkg script just stripped back xorg.conf to basically nothing, no resolution options09:54
TheSheephomebrewcider: try sudo displyconfig-gtk09:54
homebrewciderdetects plug and play at 640 x 48009:59
homebrewciderno, no DVI, anything else I can do?10:31
favroyour monitor wasn't listed in displayconfig-gtk?10:32
homebrewcideryes, now shows up there as lcd, but dvi doesn't seem to be working10:33
favrowhats's your vid card then?10:35
homebrewcidergeforce 8800gt10:35
homebrewciderin my nvidia xserver settingd, my monitor still shows up as crt10:36
favroit seems you need to use the nvidia driver for dvi10:44
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:44
vussvillemhello! has anyone had success with adesklets on Xubuntu?10:58
favroI played with it a while ago - worked ok10:59
vussvillemI installed two desklets - Calendar and Menu. Everything seems to be OK. Except that when I run in terminal: desklets. There is some flashing on the screen but desklets do not appear11:02
vussvillemAlso. When I had downloaded the desklets and installed them, I was asked weather I want to register them or test them I chose register without knowing what that actually means :)11:04
MyrttiI prefer screenlets myself...11:05
favroI can't remember how to work adesklets - I've moved to conky11:08
favrovussvillem: adekslets --xfce4 -i is how you start it11:10
vussvillemfavro: I have already done that. I installed Menu and Calendar. Then went to the ~/.desklets directory and installed them by "./****.py". Then did adesklets or adesklets --xfce4 without any success. Screen just flashed but no desklets appeared.11:13
vussvillemI am interested in menu and calendar and maybe sticky notes, but conky is for system monitor only?11:15
favroI use conky for system email weather (sometimes) fuzzy clock etc11:16
favrovussvillem: some reading for you - http://adesklets.sourceforge.net/forum_archive/topics/341.html11:18
vussvillemfavro: thank you very much! But I seem to have some other issue11:23
favrodo you get an error showing in terminal at all?11:24
vussvillemIf I do "desklets :" I get that "press tab for hints | 0 >>>"11:27
vussvillemOK, when I tried "adesklets --user" I had to point where I want the desklets appear and they appeared :D11:37
favrovussvillem: about half way down here - http://adesklets.sourceforge.net/doc/en/Frequently-asked-questions.html11:37
vussvillemThank You fo your time, Favro. You have been very patient with me. I'll check it out later, but if the answer was really in the FAQ, then just excuse me of being so stupid :)11:45
favrohehe np :)11:45
whykingwhere can I find the database of the deb packages?12:02
whykinglike gentoo has /usr/local/portage12:02
whykingTheSheep, locally12:02
TheSheepwhyking: /var/lib/dpkg12:03
whykingTheSheep, thanks!12:03
whykingTheSheep, one package wants to a dependency which has been renamed12:03
whykingTheSheep, do you a good way to fix that?12:04
whykingit wants libgsl0 which has been replaced by libgsl0ldbl12:05
whykinghm.. damn12:05
whykingis there a way to create an alias or sth?12:06
bill--22hi . when 4.6 xfce add to xubuntu 8.10?12:28
ubottuFor installing on low memory systems, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LowMemorySystems.  See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements.12:29
nnullhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LowMemorySystems#Install%20an%20entire%20lightweight%20system -- how do i install so its blank and i can do this?12:33
knomennull, what do you mean?12:34
favronnull: I use the server cd for a lightweight desktop - there is also a net install and a minimal install12:35
Skryi used minimal install and from it installed command line only system12:35
nnullhow do you do minimal install12:35
Skryget cd-image, burn, boot, enter cli at prompt12:37
nnullSkry¬ i dont need to install?12:37
nnullburn,boot,enter cli12:38
nnullshouldnt install be after boot or?12:38
Skryjust read that link favro pasted :P12:39
nnullwow its tiny12:40
favro10mb iirc12:40
nnullwth is the 4 gig of stuff that comes in a normal ubuntu install heh12:41
Skryremember to do commandline install when your installing12:42
knomei find this a bit misleading: ubuntu is associated with gnome imho, and now they brand the minimal cd as ubuntu :P12:44
* nnull agree's12:45
favrowhat else could it be called?12:48
favrofair enough :)12:48
Skryisnt there minibuntu already?12:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about minibuntu12:59
Skryminimal cd is minimal only on size, it will install gnome and everything by default12:59
Skrythere's also this one http://ubuntulite.tuxfamily.org/13:00
calanya_hello. I need a little help with xubuntu, in regards to an external monitor and a laptop.13:15
mirexHi !13:18
mirexI have installed xubuntu 8.04 and I'm happy with it.13:18
nnulli cant find ubuntulite irc chan13:19
nnullits not where it says it is on their site13:19
nnullthis iswhat i mean13:19
nnullanything for old pcs is old and gone13:19
knomennull, why not use the minimal cd?13:20
nnullbecause knowone answered my question of: "if the minimal cd is only 10 mb, whats the 4 gig of stuff that comes in normal ubuntu/x/k/server/any ?13:21
knomennull, the minimal cd doesn't include any software13:21
nnulli know13:21
knomennull, neither a desktop environment13:21
favrothe server is 0nly about 450mb13:21
nnullbut if hardy heron itself is 10 meg whats all the stuff it installs?13:22
knomennull, libraries, software, de, ...13:22
nnullhmm k13:22
knomennull, minimal is just command line13:23
nnullso is a server install tho13:23
knomennull, of course you can install all the same stuff for it13:23
nnulland its 500 odd meg or 450 as favro said13:23
knomennull, server install has some server software13:23
knomennull, i think apache, php, mysql etc.13:23
knomennull, minimal doesn't have those13:23
nnullahh k13:24
favroit does? I can't find it13:24
nnulland apache etc are big huh?13:24
knomefavro, woot? :)13:24
knomennull, well bigger than just a command line...13:24
nnullhmm k13:24
knomennull, if you want absolute minimal system, use minimal.13:24
knomennull, you can install whatever you like in it13:24
nnullbut i will download alot huh13:25
knomennull, that's a choice one has to make13:25
knomennull, if you download the normal cd, you will anyway dl a lot13:25
nnullbut i guess no more then if i downloaded the iso's with the extra stuff on it im not using..13:25
nnullknome¬ yea13:25
knomennull, yes.13:25
Skryi tought that difference between minimal and alternative was that minimal fetches packages from net which alternative has on cd13:36
Skryboth can be used to install minimal system13:36
knomeSkry, i'm not 100% sure, but that sounds logical13:36
knomeSkry, but of course minimal is quicker to dl13:36
Skrytrue. juist did minimal install yesterday :)13:36
knomeif i had a spare monitor, i'd try a minimal installation13:37
knomeand i will have in few months \o/13:38
Skrywell, which ever media you're about to use you need to start it by typin cli or cli-expert at boot prompt13:39
Skrydont remember if alternate has graphical menu for that or not, but at least with minimal you have to13:40
Skryi did minimal install on my "spare" pc, 2.4GHz P4, i setup raid0 array where i installed and i must say everything just flies13:42
knomei have a lot of spare pcs13:48
knomebut not monitors13:48
hubatkahi there, for some reason I have no audio. Using intel hardware - http://paste.ubuntu.com/52091/14:21
Skryhubatka, is every channel in alsamixer unmuted?14:34
hubatkaSkry: yes, everything in unmuted14:35
thenullman1so I'm not sure if any of you were in here yesterday, but I'm having a problem with grub I believe.  Dual booting w2k and xub. installed w2k 1st and no problem there, once grub installed, can't shutdown and power back up - restarts work, suspend/sleep in w2k works, not in xub - but that could be b/c of system resources - it doesn't break grub to sleep in xub, but when coming out I get background and no icons for like 5-10 min and 14:40
thenullman1I reinstalled xub last night - same problem14:40
thenullman1reinstalling grub on sda5 fixes problem until next shutdown and when I do that it gives me options to reinstall grub on sda1, 2, 5,6, but 2 and 6 are read-only14:41
thenullman1I partitioned right on reinstall of OS14:41
hubatkaSkry: nope, compaq desktop14:42
thenullman1vidd, where r u15:53
ron_ohow would one go about decompressing an entire directory with tar.gz files in it?16:39
ron_omy command is: tar -xvf *.tar.gz16:39
ron_otar: <name>.tar.gz: Not found in archive16:39
ron_obut I can decompress individual ones by name.16:40
Awsoonnhi all, I'd like to give xubuntu a go to see if it saves my system on memory use compared to ubuntu. Is there a way to remove all of the packages ubuntu-desktop brings with it so that I can have the equivilant to xubuntu without a total reinstall?16:40
AwsoonnI have to be ready for this thursday's hugday afterall :)16:41
ron_oAwsoonn, there probably is but a non-expert is best not to try it.16:41
ron_ois your /home directory on a different partition?16:41
Awsoonnmy level of knowlage is not expert, but I'm not afraid of anything.16:42
Awsoonnnope /home is on same partition :D for this computer at least16:42
ron_owhy do you think there are so many distros of ubuntu? for one thing with ubuntu,you get all these application that startup with the system, especially the hog nautilus.16:42
Awsoonn*nods* running te default system on 256MB of ram.. not fun16:43
ron_othat means you'd need to save everything from /home and then reinstall from scratch.16:43
ron_oIMHO, that's your best bet.16:43
ron_oAwsoonn, I have less than that, but I went from xubuntu to fluxbox. Perhaps you should do the same.16:43
ron_oI'm doing great with fluxbox window manager and I just use xubunutu for all the help you get.16:44
ron_owhat cpu?16:44
AwsoonnI might go back to fluxbox... but not this week.16:45
Awsoonncp is a 1.6 i think16:45
* Awsoonn looks16:45
ron_oahh, better than mine.16:45
ron_o1 Ghz here. :/16:45
Awsoonnwow, you really use that machine?16:45
ron_oand to think, my other computer is just sitting there with a core2duo and 2 gig RAM. :`(   the mobo went.16:45
ron_ooh it ain't bad at all.16:45
ron_oexcept for video that is too high a resolution.16:46
Awsoonnhow do you install fluxbox usually? just use an xubuntu disc and apt-get fluxbox?16:46
ron_oAwsoonn, yes, or you can go straight to fluxubuntu. :)16:46
Awsoonnor I can grab some gentoo action16:46
ron_obut I like this combo. From time to time I'll use xubuntu to help me out.16:46
ron_ohehe, gentoo. :)16:46
ron_othere's a great tutorial on setting fluxbox,  but gentoo is a pain in the arse.16:47
* Awsoonn has a secret love of gentoo but no cd's16:47
ron_oI used Sabayon and it really isn't for the average folk.16:47
Awsoonnblack cds that is16:47
Awsoonnoh, havn't heard of that one16:47
ron_oblack cds?16:47
Awsoonn*perks up and googles*16:47
ron_oSabayon is a derivative of Gentoo but it comes with a fricking broken tree to start. It's just Gentoo with everything added, and, man, what a pain.16:48
ron_oI'll never try that one again.16:48
ron_ohmm, getting off topic here.16:48
Awsoonnwhat, this channel has a topic?16:48
ron_oyah, xubuntu. And they are pretty strict.16:48
Awsoonngood thing they arn't here16:48
Awsoonnyou're herea getting me to board the flux ship16:49
ron_obtw, I asked this question earlier. You might know it: how would one go about decompressing an entire directory with tar.gz files in it?16:49
ron_oI love fluxbox. Man is it easy.16:49
Awsoonnlike, a dir of tar files?16:49
ron_o<ron_o> my command is: tar -xvf *.tar.gz16:49
ron_o<ron_o> tar: <name>.tar.gz: Not found in archive16:49
Awsoonn:/ kk just a sec16:50
* ron_o is way too used to gui. I'm starting to get into CLI now.16:50
Awsoonnyea, what the * does is adds all the filenames that match to the endo fo the line there.16:57
Awsoonnso really what you'd have to do is write a short bash script to do it for you so that it only untars one file at a time and goes through all the files that match your filextention16:58
Awsoonnthat's how I'd do it16:58
Awsoonn*nods* maybe there is a better way though.16:59
ron_oI don't get why the wildcard doesn't work for tar is all.16:59
Awsoonnwell, lets say you have 2 tarball in a dir17:00
Awsoonnit will expand the command17:00
ron_ohehe, I got it: http://gleez.com/articles/it-systems/unzip-untar-all-tar-gz-files-specified-directory17:00
ron_oit just took some time to find it with google.17:00
Awsoonnfind $UNTAR_PATH *.tar.gz -exec tar xzvf {} \;   <= sexy17:02
ron_ofinding it in the tar.gz file?17:02
ron_othat's the issue?17:02
Odd-rationaleAwsoonn: were you looking for something like this? http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce17:02
Awsoonnthe problem is that bash will expand the command 'tar -xf *.tar' to 'tar -xf 1.tar 2.tar 3.tar'17:02
ron_othis command worked. Look down a little bit: for i in *.tar.gz; do echo working on $i; tar xvzf $i ; done17:03
Awsoonnand tar itself can only untar one thing at a time,17:03
AwsoonnOdd-rationale: oooh you are the man17:03
Odd-rationalei started using fluxbox again as well... pcmanfm is a great file manager...17:04
ron_oI like it..17:04
Odd-rationalefluxbox? or pcmanfm?17:05
Odd-rationaleheres my screenie: http://imagebin.ca/view/Jrt2xM08.html17:05
ron_ohow is pcmanfm on resources?17:05
ron_oI like thunar. but like to try others.17:05
Odd-rationaleron_o: probably lighter than thunar...17:05
ron_oI like the page you gave about going back to xubuntu.17:06
Odd-rationaleron_o: but les features... like video thumbnailing...17:06
ron_oI can always try.17:06
Odd-rationaleplus pcmanfm has tabs... :)17:06
AwsoonnI like being able to listen to pandora and ssh..... XD17:06
Awsoonnthat's all I wanted17:06
Awsoonnand how I ended up in here17:07
ron_oI was laughing the other day at how much help you get from linux OSs compared to, at least, Windows.17:09
ron_olike 80% of the time I get an reply to my question within a half hour.17:09
Odd-rationalecommunity support ftw!17:09
Awsoonnyes indeed17:10
Awsoonndo you deal with RHEL often?17:10
ron_opcmanfm isn't in the repos..17:12
ron_oI know there's a deb file, but I hate when I need to go find the dependancies.17:13
Odd-rationale!find pcmanfm17:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about find pcmanfm17:13
Odd-rationalei think there is a PPA17:14
Odd-rationalepersonal package archive17:14
Odd-rationalelaunchpad feature17:14
ubottuWith Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.17:14
Odd-rationale deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/lxde/ubuntu hardy main17:15
Odd-rationale deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/lxde/ubuntu hardy main17:15
Odd-rationalethose are it ^17:15
Odd-rationalepcmanfm is the official fm of lxde.17:16
Odd-rationaleron_o: i am assuimg you know how to add repos... ?17:18
ron_oyah.. :)17:21
ron_oI gotta upgrede to hardy....17:28
ron_o soon.17:28
ron_ojust a bit paranoid. This is my only PC working ATM17:28
zoredachemake a full backup...  Then you can upgrade without worrying17:28
zoredacheif anything breaks, just restore17:28
Awsoonnfixing is half the fun anyhoo17:28
* Awsoonn is indeed member of bugsquad17:29
Awsoonnwell, I ran the command to make my system pure xubuntu... I'm gonna reboot and see if ti worked.. :)17:29
AwsoonnI hope to see you soon17:29
Awsoonn*also my only working computer atm*17:30
=== hfsdo_ is now known as hfsdo
thenullman1anyone know how to fix grub17:31
thenullman1I can't shutdown and come back up without error1817:31
thenullman1restart works17:34
zoredacheso is this a pure linux system, or a dual-boot setup?  When you say restart works, where you booted to windows before the restart, or what?17:34
zoredachegoogle seems to suggest error18 is a BIOS issue...17:35
thenullman1dual boot, loaded w2k 1st then installed xubut17:35
thenullman1bios didn't have problem with only windows on the machine...17:35
thenullman1so I think it's grub, but idk17:35
thenullman1the bios sees the size of the drive17:35
thenullman1I've seen what ur looking at I think17:36
thenullman1what are typical partion percentages17:36
zoredachehow old of a computer are we talking about...   One of the issues is related to having a bios that won't allow botting past 8gb.17:36
thenullman1I have about 11gb to work with and I just did a / and a swap17:37
thenullman1drive is 20gb, but yes, it's an old sony vaio pcgr505ts17:37
thenullman1I did a bios update17:37
thenullman1p3 800mhz, laptop, 128mb ram17:37
AwsoonnIf you're comfortable with changing BIOS settings, you could check harddisk mode. If it's LBA or AUTO try changing it to NORMAL.17:37
zoredachethenullman1: swap should be about 2 times the size of ram.17:38
thenullman1I didauto partition with the free space left17:38
thenullman1I think it gave it 384 swap and the rest /17:38
zoredachethats fine17:38
thenullman1I could try the bios setting awsoonn17:38
zoredacheunless you know you need partitions a certain way, just letting it auto detect is usually a good choice17:39
thenullman1would it possibly lose my config or would I be able to change it backafter trying?17:39
thenullman1idk why it showed this, butI've hadto reinstall Grub and sda1,2,5,6 showed up as options17:39
zoredacheloose your config from changing the bios?  No, you shouldn't loose anything17:39
thenullman12 and 6 are r/017:39
thenullman1I didn't think so17:40
Awsoonnsda# # # # are partitions on that disk17:40
thenullman1but wouldthe xub. setup show the windows partition?17:40
thenullman1I should only have 317:41
Awsoonncan you paste bin me the output of sudo fdisk -l17:41
thenullman1it's fat3217:41
Awsoonnthe sda# # # show partions, not file syste, it woudl not care what is on there at taht point, you could have your cat in there for all it knows.17:41
thenullman1ok,might take mea bit - have to boot into xub. - I'll do now and be back17:42
* Awsoonn promises to learn to type soon17:42
thenullman1ok, but why the 4th17:42
Awsoonnwhy the 4th is missing?17:42
thenullman1no why there at all17:42
zoredachebecause you didn't create a 4th17:43
thenullman1w2k is 1, 2 idk, 5 is /, 6 is swap17:43
zoredache2 is most likely the extended partition17:43
thenullman1that makes sense17:43
thenullman1it said it was r/o17:43
thenullman1ok,Awsoonn,I'll paste that in a few min.17:44
=== tuna-fish is now known as tuna
Awsoonnsee, hdd's used to be only devisable into 4 partitions,called primary partitions, then as zoredache says, 5 and up are logical partions17:44
thenullman1I remember that now17:46
Awsoonnhey, best low resouces instant mesenger?17:49
Awsoonnis there something better than pidgin?17:49
knomeAwsoonn, bitlbee :P17:49
knomethenullman1, pidgin, formerly gaim17:49
Awsoonnknome: are you serious? a CLI IM program?17:51
* Awsoonn is skeptical17:52
knomeAwsoonn, you didn't say cli17:52
knomeAwsoonn, or not cli17:52
knomeAwsoonn, :P17:52
thenullman1oh, I didn't see awsoonn's 2nd line17:52
Odd-rationaleor finch.... uses libpurple like pidgin...17:52
knomeAwsoonn, and yes, i'm serious; i use it every day17:52
Odd-rationalebut bitlbee is not nesecarily cli....17:52
Awsoonnohhh I seee..17:53
Odd-rationaleyou can use xchat with bitlbee17:53
Awsoonnthis is awesome!17:53
Awsoonnor irssi17:53
Awsoonn*nods* I think you just made my day knome, how do I get started with it?17:53
knomeAwsoonn, connect to im.bitlbee.org with an irc client17:54
knomeAwsoonn, it gives you instructions17:54
thenullman1awsoonn: http://pastebin.com/m60dc620617:56
Awsoonnthenullman1: did you play with teh bios options?17:58
AwsoonnI saw a few reports of that helping.17:58
thenullman1not yet17:59
thenullman1lemme try17:59
Awsoonnknome: to you use im.bitlbee.org or your own computer as the server?18:00
knomeAwsoonn, i use testing.bitlbee.org, it always runs the latest rev18:00
Odd-rationaleAwsoonn: of course you're always safer using your own server...18:01
knomeAwsoonn, of course you're always safer when not using any im client at all...18:01
Awsoonn*nods* I prefer to jsut unplug from teh internet and then jack in for 30 seconds for e-mail only18:03
knomeOdd-rationale, you should always wear a foliohat18:03
knomeAwsoonn, oh no, in 30 seconds your back account and life will be get robbed18:04
knomeoh sorry, you won't have a life if you're that paranoid18:04
Awsoonnbut only ASCII e-mails with a valid pgp signed message from ppl I have physicly excahgne fingerprints18:04
knomeAwsoonn, >__<18:04
knomeAwsoonn, that comment reminds me of one my friends18:05
knomeAwsoonn, he *always* does that18:05
thenullman1so I'm not seeing an option to change it in the bios18:09
thenullman1it is in lba mode18:09
thenullman1I can change 32 bit i/o to enabled18:09
thenullman1it has preset stuff18:10
thenullman1user is you enter the parameters, auto it selects them, cdrom and removable18:11
thenullman1I can disable lba mode control "enabling lba causes logical block addressing to be used in place of cylinders, heads & sectors"18:13
thenullman1is that what I want?18:13
thenullman1that didn't work18:16
thenullman1I got error 18 right away18:16
thenullman1maybe b/c I was in the bios too long18:16
Awsoonnyou can stay in teh bios all day, no effect18:19
Awsoonnturing off lba was our goal to test18:19
Awsoonnso if you turned it off and got error 18 I'm at a loss.18:19
thenullman1I turned off lba mode control18:22
thenullman1now I have to reinstall grub, boot into xub. and shutdown to see if it still causes same error18:23
Awsoonnsweet, I hope it works for you!18:23
thenullman1I just thought it was weird I got the error after making the change in the bios18:23
Awsoonnit is.18:23
thenullman1b/c from my testing, the error doesn't happen when I restart, only when totally shutdown18:24
thenullman1so I restarted and went into bios...18:24
Awsoonnwhich is odd in itself18:24
Awsoonndid it do anythign new?18:38
Awsoonnwell, I'd put it back as you found it and give #ubuntu a shout18:39
thenullman1a buddy of mine said to put a 10 second delay in the bios18:39
thenullman1yeah, I tried #ubuntu18:39
thenullman1no one cares in there18:39
thenullman1it's a crazy place18:39
Awsoonnto say the least18:39
thenullman1maybe I'll just try another time in there18:39
thenullman1or use the helpdesk-type thing ubuntu has now18:39
* Awsoonn perks up18:40
Awsoonnoh, taht18:40
AwsoonnXD I thought there was something new on the block18:40
Awsoonnyou can try to post a question in launchpad for sure, while your at is post on the forums18:40
Awsoonnthere's smart ppl out there, just have to find them.18:41
Awsoonnsorry, I'm not one of them18:41
knomeAwsoonn, did you set up bitlbee already?18:41
Awsoonnknome: I apt-get installed it... and got busy18:41
Awsoonnso nope, it's on the stack18:41
thenullman1thx for trying18:42
Awsoonnhey, if you can tell me a program for winblows that can give me a report of installed software and hardware, I'll be closer to poping the only thing left on the stack18:42
thenullman1I wish vidd was here18:42
thenullman1he had some good ideas18:42
thenullman1I got one18:42
thenullman1but it's free to try I think18:43
knomeAwsoonn, windows installed software?18:43
thenullman1total network scan18:43
thenullman1gives a ton of info18:43
thenullman1there's another uninstaller that will sometimes show what add/remove doesn't, but id remember what it's called again18:43
knomethenullman1, format?18:43
thenullman1u want me to?18:44
thenullman1I formatted the linux stuff18:44
knomethenullman1, lol no:D18:44
knomethenullman1, i meant that format is an alternative for add/remove ;)18:44
thenullman1doesn't ring a bell18:44
thenullman1this was a couple of years ago I used18:44
knomeding ding18:44
thenullman1maybe it is same18:44
* knome rings the bells18:44
Awsoonnstop pickin' on thenullman, he doesn't even exist18:45
Awsoonnhow would you like to not exist18:45
knomeoh, true18:45
thenullman1so I'm a n00b to irc also, what's the *** that people put b/f actions18:47
knomethenullman1, /me does things18:48
* thenullman1 does things18:48
Awsoonnthenullman1: http://www.softinventive.com/products/total-network-inventory/ is this the proram you were talkign about?18:50
thenullman1free to try18:50
thenullman1there's a free one too I think, I don't remember the name... dern18:51
thenullman1try http://www.majorgeeks.com/download4387.html18:51
thenullman1SIW might have programs18:52
=== tuna-fish is now known as tuna
DaveDixonIIxUbuntu randomly logs me off at random points while in use. can anyone help me/20:08
Odd-rationaleDaveDixonII: could be an xorg issue... what driver? have you checked your /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old ?20:12
* DaveDixonII hopes he doesn't freese while checking.20:13
DaveDixonIIWhat am i looking for exactly in this file?20:14
Odd-rationaleDaveDixonII: errors and such... look near the end...20:15
DaveDixonIIAll i got is this:20:15
DaveDixonII(II) intel(0): xf86UnbindGARTMemory: unbind key 020:15
DaveDixonII(II) intel(0): xf86UnbindGARTMemory: unbind key 120:15
DaveDixonII(II) intel(0): xf86UnbindGARTMemory: unbind key 220:15
DaveDixonIIFatal server error: Caught signal 4. Server aborting20:16
DaveDixonIIThe second paste is right above the first.20:16
Odd-rationalelooks like xorg crashed...20:17
DaveDixonIIHere are the problems i have: xubuntu randomly freezes and i have to shut down. Windows randomly close, and i randomly get logged out.20:22
DaveDixonIIand now, the panels just disappeared (even know i know how to bring that back up) Anyone out there?20:26
Odd-rationaleDaveDixonII: i really don't know what the issue could be... tried booting into recoverymode and select fix xorg ?20:27
DaveDixonIIOk, i will try that. Brb.20:28
Awsoonnwhat woudl #xub recomend for a PIII 800mhz 128MB ram 20GB HDD?21:20
Odd-rationaleAwsoonn: puppylinux21:20
DaveDixonIIWell, i still need to fix the freezing issue.21:24
AwsoonnOdd-rationale: anything else? I didn't care for puppy to much21:32
Awsoonnalthough, they have released a new version since I last tried....21:33
Odd-rationaleAwsoonn: ubuntu cli ?21:33
Awsoonnneeds Gooy21:33
favrodoesn't the xubuntu alternate cd work with 128mb?21:34
Awsoonnso, there's no reall good solution here is what I'm feeling huh?21:37
Awsoonn256 is THE minimum.21:37
favroahh - I used gutsy with a pent3 and 128mb...21:38
Awsoonnand how did that work for you?21:38
Odd-rationaleAwsoonn: puppy is a good solution... you just don;t like it... :P21:39
favroit was fine - did all that was expected21:39
=== jussi01_ is now known as jussi01
frank_I was curious about installing xubuntu on a stylistic 3400 tablet, anyone available ?23:18
frank_What I am wondering, is it possible to put the hard drive in my computer here and copy the files to the hard drive and run the installation?23:23

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