
nixternalhola people00:38
JontheEchidnay hello thar00:39
seeleRiddell: hmm.. can you still call Tea "tea" if you don't serve tea?01:18
ScottKRiddell: kleopatra is not essential to get GPG and S/MIME working for Kontact (which is why we didn't promote it for Gutsy).  It does add certificate management U/I that is hugely helpful for S/MIME and so I always use it.  Since we try to be user friendly, I think we want it, but it's not essential.03:21
ScottKapachelogger: ^^^03:23
Arbymorning all08:37
davmor2Morning :)08:38
Tonio_hi there09:22
Tonio_hum.... am I the only one who gets an ldap protocol issue when starting konversation ? that may be due to the fact I'm using ldap in kontact and konversation tries to get them somehow....09:30
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yuriyfun konsole bug -- different windows seem to want to stay the same size10:03
Riddellseele: I never have tea with my tea10:12
davmor2Riddell: on wubi I'm still getting the lightbulb telling me that "incomplete Language Support" but when you click on it it opens up a window with english greyed out and an install button but it doesn't install anything :-/10:25
Riddelldavmor2: only one?  I get three10:28
davmor2I get one but it never goes away10:29
Riddellyep, needs work post beta10:29
davmor2Riddell: I'll note a bug on it shortly10:29
davmor2Riddell: should jockey autostart on Kubuntu like it does on Ubuntu and xubutnu?10:31
Riddelldavmor2: yes10:31
Riddellit does too, no idea if it shows up though, I don't have any non-free hardware10:32
davmor2well it hasn't yet system has been on for a while.  I'll confirm with a really install rather than a wubi one after10:33
eagles0513875is there someone i can talk to bout getting unbanned from motu channel so that i may start helping to pkg things10:50
davmor2Riddell: are you able to do a wubi test on the latest cd's?10:53
davmor2Riddell: I need to confirm a shutdown issue10:55
Riddelldavmor2: not until this afternoon (when girlfriend doesn't need her computer)11:11
davmor2Riddell: well when you get chance just see if you have this issue https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/wubi/+bug/27669311:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 276693 in wubi "Intrepid: Kubuntu Fails to shutdown cleanly" [Undecided,New]11:15
apacheloggerScottK: kleopatra is only the GUI part of the Ägypten stack, and from the selftest it runs at startup I would say half the stack is unusable because of gpgme being compiled without gpgconf12:45
apacheloggersebas: yo, what's the ETA for .2?12:50
rgreeningmorning all12:50
sebasapachelogger: I'm on the release announcement now ... maybe 2 hours or so?12:50
apacheloggersebas: sounds terrific :)12:51
apacheloggereagles0513875: the person who banned you would probably make sense12:59
apacheloggerotherwise the ubuntu irc operators12:59
stdinapachelogger: currently in progress13:02
apachelogger<3 progress :)13:03
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sebasapachelogger: correction, release tomorrow, some last minute fix went in13:27
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seelehuh, canonical marketing is handling UX?  does that mean mpt is going to change departments or is this new UX initiative only concerned with artwork?14:01
Hobbseeseele: UX?14:06
JontheEchidnaScottK: This is about as far as I can get with tooltips: http://paste.ubuntu.com/52820/14:08
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JontheEchidnaFails during the linking of libplasma14:08
JontheEchidnaso I'm probably doing something stupid that I'm not realizing14:08
seeleHobbsee: user experience.. something sabdfl has been throwing around in blog entries14:08
apacheloggersebas: oh kay14:08
Hobbseeseele: oh.  right.14:09
eagles0513875Hobbsee: can i ask you something in pm14:09
Hobbseeeagles0513875: no.14:10
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apacheloggerScottK, Riddell: bug 276588 needs some sponsoring15:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 276588 in kde4libs "package kdelibs5-dev None [modified: /var/lib/dpkg/info/kdelibs5-dev.list] failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/libkjsembed.so', which is also in package libkjsembed-dev" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27658815:07
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\shRiddell: in what package I can find now the libQtGui.so.4 ?15:42
\shah libqt4gui15:43
apachelogger\sh: are you going to backport quassel .2 or should we try to get an exception?15:44
\shapachelogger: try to get an exception..I'm trying to fix ia32_linsd15:44
apacheloggeroh kay15:45
ScottKapachelogger: Did you see JontheEchidna's paste on tooltips?  Could you have a look at it?16:02
ScottKapachelogger: I think 276588 ought to wait until after the beta is out.16:03
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apacheloggerJontheEchidna: what is the linking error?16:05
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: http://paste.ubuntu.com/52639/16:06
JontheEchidnaaseigo said I was missing the tooltip class from libs/plasma/private16:09
JontheEchidnabut I have that in my patch16:09
JontheEchidnaso I'm probably doing something wrong16:09
rgreeningJontheEchidna: should there be a plasma/tooltip.h as well as the plasma/tooltip_p.h?16:13
JontheEchidnargreening: it's plasma/private/tooltip_p.h16:14
apacheloggerprivate header files have _p16:15
apachelogger JontheEchidna: patch looks good to me(tm)16:17
JontheEchidnawell it doesn't work, lol16:17
rgreeningJontheEchidna: so, in the log, tooltipmanager.cpp doesn't recognize the member functions, which means it has no reference (i.e. no header defining them), correct? at least that's how I read it...16:17
apacheloggerrgreening: technically16:18
apacheloggerbut #include <private/tooltip_p.h>16:18
apachelogger    void updateTheme();16:18
rgreeningright, that's why I was thinking you need a public tooltip.h16:19
* rgreening could be wrong though16:19
apacheloggerwell, the slot is public, if the file itself is doesn't really matter there AFAIK16:20
* apachelogger needs to find some food16:21
rgreeningdoes the include line in the .cpp for tooltip_p.h need to come before the tooltipmanager.h include?16:21
rgreeningJontheEchidna: ^16:21
* JontheEchidna pulls up the patch16:24
JontheEchidnain tooltipmanager.cpp16:25
JontheEchidnatooltipmanager.h comes before the tooltip_p.h include16:25
* rgreening wonders if it needs the reverse16:27
rgreeningcause tooltipmanager refs stuff in the private include (just thinking...)16:27
JontheEchidnawell I guess it's worth a shot16:29
JontheEchidnabut it begs the question "how does this stuff work in trunk?"16:30
rgreeninghmm... ok, I'm at a loss.16:32
* rgreening builds it for myself.. testing16:32
JontheEchidnalinking now...16:32
JontheEchidnafails, same error16:32
Riddelldavmor2: bug 276693 is from a kubuntu installed to a windows drive yes?16:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 276693 in wubi "Intrepid: Kubuntu Fails to shutdown cleanly" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27669316:36
davmor2Riddell: yes it's the wubi install16:37
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Riddelldavmor2: when I install with wubi to a windows drive is it supposed to then boot up with ubiquity running?16:46
rgreeningJontheEchidna: I'll see if I can figure it out...16:47
JontheEchidnargreening: thx16:48
davmor2Riddell: First it does the iso prep in windows itself, then it reboots and you should choose kubuntu then you get ubuiquity,  then it reboots and you get KDM16:48
rgreeningJontheEchidna: np...16:48
Riddelldavmor2: why does it need ubiquity?16:52
Riddelldavmor2: anyway, ubiquity doesn't show for me and ps on the console suggests something crashed16:52
Riddellkwin crashes for one16:52
Riddellcontrol-alt-backspace in X and it starts kde fine, shutdown is also fine16:53
smarterRiddell: any news on the i18n issue?16:53
davmor2Riddell: Wubi only handles creation of the virtual partition and how to boot.  Wubi then runs the installer from the modified image it creates in windows.16:54
Tm_Tsmarter: I heard it's sorted in some way, though all translations need acception/review16:54
davmor2so it is basically a standard install just to a virtual partition :)16:55
smarterTm_T: cool16:55
Riddelldavmor2: and does kwin and/or ubiquity crash for you?16:57
davmor2Riddell: No but I get no backdrop which I should have to be honest.  Install went fine it was just the shutdown or reboot I was having issues with16:58
Riddellsmarter: it's bug 27348916:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 273489 in rosetta "Remaining Intrepid template approvals" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27348916:59
Riddellsmarter: doesn't look like language packs have been updated, so I guess it's still not fixed17:00
Tm_TRiddell: I heard it's sorted in some way, though all translations need acception/review17:00
ScottKI'd appreciate it if someone on Intrepid who uses kontact could do a quick test for me ...18:33
ScottKIn a folder that has mail you want to delete, click on the trach icon as fast as you can for 5 - 10 times and see if it gets lost and you end up with no message selected?18:34
JontheEchidnawould kmail be ok?18:34
ScottKShould be the same for that.18:35
JontheEchidnaI clicked it real fast 17 times but I still have a message selected18:35
ScottKMust be me then.18:36
Riddellanyone fancy doing a beta announce wiki page?18:38
apacheloggerRiddell: it's a wiki -> team work would be sensible ;-)19:02
apacheloggerah right, I can't edit :P19:04
apacheloggerRiddell: what content?19:05
apacheloggerlike https://wiki.kubuntu.org/IntrepidIbex/Alpha5/Kubuntu ?19:05
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: what is new since alpha5?19:10
JontheEchidnaKDE 4.1.2 :P19:10
apacheloggerwhat else19:11
JontheEchidnawokring network manager19:11
JontheEchidnaya, rly19:11
JontheEchidnaand bugfixes in general19:11
* apachelogger thinks we should keep a changelog19:11
apacheloggeralso helps with the team reports19:11
apacheloggerAdept 3.0 Beta 219:13
rgreeningapachelogger: write a script to scarf the changelogs and grab the entries > date... :)19:38
rgreeningchangelogs exist already in the packages19:38
* rgreening ducks and hides from apachelogger, lest he hit me with the lart stick19:39
apacheloggerrgreening: not all package changelog entries are useful19:41
apachelogger+ that would mean someone has to maintain the list of packages to generate the changelog from19:41
apachelogger...if we were using bzr... :P19:41
Riddellapachelogger: also what's new in Intrepid at all, since lots of hardy users will be upgrading19:42
jjessewe should give nixternal a hard time for not keeping up with that19:43
jjessehe did the release notes/wiki pages for hardy19:43
jjesseif i recall correctly19:43
* apachelogger thinks nixternal doesn't love us anymore19:44
Riddelljust because he got a job doesn't mean he doesn't love us19:44
jjessehe doesn't love us anymore, thats why he is working w/ rpms ;(19:45
apacheloggergetting a job that doesn't involve kubuntu is pretty unloving19:45
jjesseand the best part is nixternal isn't here to defend himself19:46
rgreeningapachelogger: that's why I ducked... figured for a shot across the bow :)19:46
* apachelogger should start working for novell 19:46
nixternalI just love Riddell now because he supported me!19:46
apacheloggerthat would make stealing patches easier19:46
jjessedang he's hback19:46
nixternaljjesse: I am always here19:46
nixternaljust can't answer all of the time19:46
jjesseeven when we don't want you to be here :P19:46
nixternalbetween the hours of 06:00 and 17:00 CST I am here19:46
* rgreening wishes to work for canonical F/T19:47
nixternalif you want to write SNMP MIB specs, mib readers, and a mib publisher I will be down for the help19:47
apacheloggerrgreening: don't ever start contributing to the kernel then :P19:48
jjessegrin :)19:48
rgreeningI would, just to add to the point 01 %19:49
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ScottKRiddell: It looks to me like kmobiletools got added to kubuntu-desktop when it shouldn't have due to temprorarliy being part of kdepim.21:12
ScottKRiddell: OK if I remove it?21:12
RiddellScottK: go ahead21:34
ScottKRiddell: OK.  Thanks.21:34
ScottKRiddell: Done.22:28
RiddellNew Kubuntu desktop CDs for testing!22:29

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