
=== jaypipes_mysql is now known as jaypipes
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pooliebeuno: hey i think improving lp navigation would be great00:20
beunopoolie, I've been obsessing about it since before I started  :)00:21
poolieme too00:23
beunogood, I really hope I can get a good round of input on this00:24
markhthumper: it looks like sourceforge have completed their cvs upgrade?01:00
kikomarkh, yeah, and Rinchen was talking to them about this01:01
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* wgrant is swallowed by the Launchpad black hole.05:43
wgrantUrsinha: Since you seem to be alive, do you know why all subtabs and subsubtabs (and maybe even subsubsubtabs) have turned into several shades of black/darkgrey? It's rather unlike the rest of LP...05:57
Ursinhawgrant, hey05:57
wgranthttps://edge.launchpad.net/~wgrant/+related-software looks particularly odd with its large number of tabs.05:57
Ursinhawgrant, urgh05:57
Ursinhajust saw it on a code review comment page05:58
Ursinhahave to check if it's on purpose05:58
wgrantI presume so.05:59
wgrant(although the bottom left corner of a selected left-most tab is still the old colour)05:59
Ursinhanow i see05:59
Ursinhahm, no06:00
wgrantI presume they changed to make them more obvious... although it worked, I don't think this was the way to do it.06:00
Ursinhawhere is the old colour?06:00
wgrantAh, just had to clear my cache.06:00
Ursinhawgrant, feel free to file a bug, i'm sure beuno would be happy to hear06:01
wgrantBut I thought the media URLs were by revision...06:01
thumperwgrant: I believe it was to make them more noticeable08:01
thumperwgrant: a bit "in your face" now though08:01
wgrantthumper: That's what I've heard from others, yes.08:02
wgrantthumper: Bug #27661808:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 276618 in launchpad-foundations "New black (sub)subtabs look bad" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27661808:02
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* Hobbsee rants incoherantly.09:54
HobbseeI thought we were going to finally have a release when launchpad *didn't* break!09:55
Hobbseekiko-zzz: seems your fix didn't quite work.  Trying to accept 8 packages results in OOPS-1005EB58.09:56
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wgrantkiko: The old tab colours worked just fine...11:52
kikowgrant, except they didn't, and it was #2 general end-user complaint.11:54
wgrantkiko: What was the complaint? They were unobvious?11:55
kiko(I'm not telling what #1 is!!)11:55
kikoyes, that they were completely invisible11:55
wgrantThis is true.11:55
kikonobody could see them11:55
kikookay I'll tell you the #1 one11:55
kikoit's that you can't see the delete branch icon11:55
kikoit's got a Cloak of Disappearance +3 on it11:55
wgrantYes, that's a nice one.11:55
kikothe #3 one11:56
wgrantThe tabs do look nice, but not inside the rest of the UI.11:56
wgrantWhich is fairly light.11:56
kikosince I am doing laundry11:56
kikois that you can't convert projects to project groups11:56
wgrantThat's a matter of significant confusion.11:56
kikosilly data model11:56
wgrantBut I guess that can't easily be fixed.11:56
kikoit caaaan I think11:56
kikobut not easy easy11:56
kikoas for the tabs11:56
kikothey are now obvious but look like a megadeth album cover11:57
kikowell, without the skeleton11:57
kikoI think it's just a colour thing and actually I told Martin do WHATEVER is easy to fix the problem and don't let it take up too much of your time11:57
kikoso I take the blame for that11:57
wgrant"It really does reach out and slap you" is another comment about them.11:57
kikobut I will also take help in figuring out what the right colours could be11:57
* wgrant is a coder, not a graphical designer, regrettably.11:58
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wgrantkiko: I note bug #276409 is sort of the opposite of that #1 complaint.12:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 276409 in soyuz ""Delete Link" is too easy on distribution source package page" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27640912:06
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kikowgrant, heh, absolutely true13:04
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* Hobbsee waves to kiko, and congratulates him on a performance improvement.13:09
Hobbseekiko: should I reopen the existing bug on queue performance, or file another one?13:12
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kikoHobbsee, I'll talk to julian about it.13:14
Hobbseekiko: OK, cool, thanks.  It died when I tried to accept 8 together, but 4 was OK.13:14
kikothere's something crazy about that oops13:16
wgrantA particular crazy crazy happening. This cannot be good.13:17
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joshuablountThis may be a silly question, but do bugs / blueprints have rss feeds?14:36
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kikojoshuablount, yeah, they do!14:40
joshuablountkiko: Awesome, I'm stoked!14:40
kikomrevell, I'm struggling to find any documentation on help.launchpad.net about RSS for bugs n branches14:41
mrevellkiko: Just a sec, I'll pull up the links14:42
mrevellFor bugs, there's: https://help.launchpad.net/Bugs/Subscriptions#Atom%20feeds14:42
joshuablountkiko: I found them (of course, right after I asked in the channel) for bugs, but Blueprints aren't showing up.14:42
joshuablounthttps://blueprints.launchpad.net/tangocms/+spec/error-log is one example of a blueprint witout a feed ? Or at least a "browser-discoverable" feed.14:43
mrevelljoshuablount: AFAIK, we have feeds for bugs and code. Let me pull out some info on code feeds. AFAIK we don't have blueprint feeds but let me double-check on that14:46
kikojoshuablount, yeah, we don't have RSS for blueprints14:47
mrevelljoshuablount: For code, we have feeds for all branches associated with a person, team or project and feeds for all commits associated with a person, team or project. I don't have a doc link to give you (I'll go write it, as I realise it's missing) but if you navigate to a person, team or project page you'll find the feeds are discoverable from there.14:49
joshuablountkiko: Good to know. I was just looking through mpt 's document on combining the bugs + blueprints and had a few questions I couldn't sort the answers to. Thanks again!14:49
joshuablountmrevell: Thanks!14:49
mrevellnp :)14:49
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rexbronhey everyone, I am getting a timeout error (OOPS-1005EA94) when trying to link a blueprint dependancy. Is this just server load or indicative of something else?15:57
* rexbron notes that this is a consistent error over the last 15 minutes16:00
rexbronkiko: would you be able to shed some light at on this problem? ^16:01
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rexbrondarn it, same problem on both edge and regular lp16:08
philnfor the Elisa project we have a private bzr branch, associated to a specific team... i'd need more of them! what's the process?16:10
kikorexbron, it's a bit of a weird problem16:10
kikohey philn16:10
kikophiln, it depends -- if it's for a canonical contract the request can come via tony espy; otherwise, you should contact bac -- I'll introduce you16:11
philnit's not for a canonical contract this time16:11
philnbac: ping?16:27
bacphiln -- on the phone right now.  i'll contact you in a few minutes.16:28
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
bachi philn, what's up?16:51
philni'd like to have some private bzr branches for the elisa project16:53
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thumperrexbron: looks like a bug to me18:55
Slash_Network[Problem] Hello all, I've fail to signe the code of conduct : I genereted the keys, uploaded public key to ubuntu keyserver, entred my fingerprint key, then I received an email from Launchpad which countain a link to put the singed texte. I'm bloked in this step. Some help will be greatfull.18:58
beunoSlash_Network, are you following: https://help.launchpad.net/YourAccount/ImportingYourPGPKey ?18:59
=== kiko is now known as kiko-phone
Slash_Networkyes, but fail nevertheless19:01
beunoSlash_Network, so, you have to decrypt the message you got19:01
Slash_NetworkI've receive a mail but not encrypted19:02
Slash_Networkit contain User name, Email adress, key details, UID and this link https://launchpad.net/token/ZH73b7BmP3T906L3cvsC19:05
beunohm, I haven't don the CoC thing in a while19:07
Slash_NetworkI haven't receive yet the encrypted email to decrypt, the problem started since ona week19:12
beunoSlash_Network, sorry, I got confused19:12
beunoyou already uploaded your gpg key?19:12
Slash_Networkyeah !19:13
beunook, ignore what I've said up to now19:13
beunowhat's your Launchpad username?19:14
Slash_NetworkSlash Network19:14
beunoit doesn't look like you've completed the gpg upload19:16
Slash_NetworkI upload in the keyserver.ubuntu.com and the command seems to be with no error19:19
beunook, but now you have to confirm that with Launchpad19:20
beunowhich you get by following the link above19:20
beunoat what step are you stuck at?19:20
Slash_Networkokey, step 419:21
beunoSlash_Network, ok, so you got that link19:22
beunoyou decrypted it, and go that link19:22
beunoif you follow that link19:23
beunoyou should be able to confirm your key19:23
Slash_NetworkI have received the email, as I said, but no encryption in at all19:24
beunook, well, follow the link19:25
beunoyou should be able to confirm the key19:25
Slash_Networkhere is the email I received :19:26
Slash_NetworkHere are the instructions for confirming the OpenPGP key registration that we19:26
Slash_Networkreceived for use in Launchpad.19:26
Slash_NetworkRequester details:19:26
Slash_Network    User name    : Slash Network19:26
Slash_Network    Email address: slash_network@hotmail.com19:26
Slash_NetworkKey details:19:26
Slash_Network    Fingerprint : 4C7C1842D909F6211E8153F442FFE3C7E73DC55019:26
Slash_Network    Key type/ID : 2048R/E73DC55019:26
Slash_Network    slash.network@gmail.com19:26
Slash_NetworkPlease go here to finish adding the key to your Launchpad account:19:26
Slash_Network    https://launchpad.net/token/ZH73b7BmP3T906L3cvsC19:26
Slash_NetworkThe Launchpad Team19:26
kiko-phoneoy my eyes19:27
beunoSlash_Network, let's try and not paste a lot of text in the channel in the future19:27
beunofollow that link please19:27
beunoand you should be able to finish the proces19:28
Slash_Networkexcuse me, for the paste19:28
Slash_NetworkI'll tray again, thank you for your replay19:29
beunogood luck!19:29
Slash_Networkyeah !19:29
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zookoIt seems like Rhamphoryncus is on *all* the channels that I'm on.21:18
Rhamphoryncusnaw, only a couple21:18
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kikozooko, it's free to join channels on IRC..21:30
zookoGood thing, too!21:31
jordiKIKO REIS21:34
jordihe is the man21:35
jordikiko: I've started training last week, after two years of complete NADA21:35
jordikiko: soon I'll be able to kick your ass21:36
Nafallokiko: iz not!21:36
* rockstar is wondering why he's been paying to join channels on IRC21:36
Nafallokiko: I had to bribe staff to get the "joinmorechannels" capability :-)21:36
* beuno had to as well21:37
cody-somervillesame here21:37
kikojordi, har har21:37
cody-somerville+u opers unite!21:38
kikojordi, 5th in the national's championships21:38
zooko^-- why does the "Activating the Plugin" part have the comment21:47
zooko# for 0.1021:47
zookoin it?21:47
zookoI'm using trac 0.11.  Do I need that part?21:47
kikozooko, hmm, good question. let me check.21:53
kikozooko, what trac instance do you run?21:53
zookoStarting with http://allmydata.org/trac/tahoe21:53
lagawill launchpad ever get faster? i'm currently branching lp:ubiquity at 70kbps22:10
zookokiko: any word on that trac configuration question?22:11
rockstarlaga, bzr is getting faster everyday.22:12
lagarockstar: bzr might (breaking compatibility with older clients while they're at it ;)), but LP doesnt :)22:14
beunolaga, AFAIK, there aren't any speed issues with code costing22:14
rockstarlaga, what's your geographic location?22:14
beunoI've seen people branch at 1mb/sec22:14
lagarockstar: germany.22:14
zookoHm.  While following those instructions, I now get: $ trac-admin . permission add launchpad XML_RPC22:15
zookoCommand failed: XML_RPC is not a valid action.22:15
lagabeuno: maybe it's just a routing problem with my particular ISP.22:15
rockstarlaga, I'd talk to your ISP.  I have to cross the atlantic, and I get faster speeds than that.22:15
lagai'll ssh to my school.22:15
beunolaga, my guess is that it is ISP issues22:15
beunoI'm way over in Argentina, que get 300kb/sec frequently22:16
lagaactually, let me log into the VPN. that would be even better22:16
zookokiko: any idea why the instructions aren't working for my trac0.11.1?22:17
lagathis is going to be an interesting benchmark22:17
zookoOkay I asked a Question:22:33
lagai'll apologise and hang my head in shame. i can pull around 1M/s, but it goes down a bit in the end. probably due to bzr.22:41
lagai'm just not used to waiting 10 minutes for a checkout ;)22:41
beunolaga, :)22:42
beunowhat branch are you getting?22:42
lagai shouldn't be triaging bugs at 11pm ;)22:43
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zookoYay!  Launchpad-Trac plugin is now installed and turned on: http://allmydata.org/trac/tahoe23:24
beunozooko, w00t!23:25
beunolet us know how that goes23:25
zookoI'm now waiting for launchpad admin to turn it on on their end.23:26
beunozooko, I'm sure BjornT will get to it pretty soon23:27
pooliespiv, jam, lifeless, call in 3m23:58
spivpoolie: unusual choice of channel ;)23:58
pooliei think xchat opened the tab while i was typing23:59
pooliethat's kind of a bug23:59

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