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lagaBenC: where's aufs gone?!08:29
lagaBenC: amitk committed aufs yesterday. these commits are gone now08:29
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BenClaga: probably eaten by my rebase12:14
BenCI can re-apply them12:14
apt_getHi frieds12:24
apt_getI have a Emylex Fiber Channel.  It´s connected and Link-Up.    When I modprobe lpfc, its shows me 'scsi7 :  on PCI bus 0b device 00 irq 16'.   But I cant see the disks.  Whats wrong?12:25
BenCapt_get: what kernel?13:00
lagaBenC: please re-apply them.13:10
BenClaga: I said I would :)13:11
lagaBenC: misinterpretation++;13:11
amitkBenC: did you rebase to -rc8?13:11
BenCamitk: yeah13:14
amitkBenC: laga: pushed the aufs patches again13:15
lagaBenC: i'll be watching your commits ;))13:16
apt_getBenC:  xen kernel '2.6.18-8'13:17
BenCamitk: thanks13:19
BenCapt_get: we've never had a 2.6.18 kernel, so are you actually running ubuntu kernels?13:19
BenCotherwise we can't help much13:19
BenClaga: I don't mind that at all...I make mistakes :)13:20
mjg59BenC: We shipped 2.6.18 in edgy, didn't we?13:20
BenCthat was 2.6.1713:20
BenCwe went 2.6.15, 2.6.17, 2.6.2013:21
mjg59Huh. Yeah.13:21
apt_getits the proper xen kernel13:26
BenCapt_get: well, this is the ubuntu kernel channel....best bet is to talk to the regular kernel channel, and they might even ask you to boot a stock kernel just to test that (since xen is so highly patched)13:30
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munckfishsmb_tp: so there's an naming issue with linux-port-meta? Is it easy to solve?16:07
smb_tpmunckfish, yes it is. it was simply a misunderstanding on my side.16:26
munckfishsmb_tp: ok so is it sat in the queue ready for post-beta?16:28
smb_tpmunckfish, Since ports do not go on any CDs it sounded as they could get up as soon as they are done16:30
munckfishsmb_tp: oh16:31
munckfishsmb_tp: from what cjwatson had said to me I presumed we were going to do CD iso images for the beta16:32
munckfishand that because of this issue we'd miss the official beta16:33
munckfishsmb_tp: confusing :)16:34
smb_tpmunckfish, hm I definitely have to ask him. Yes, well, when I asked it was during the freeze and about the ports package16:34
munckfishsmb_tp: cool. Well whatever you can do is appreciated :). If we miss the beta for PS3 that's fine we can do an unofficial against the next daily after16:35
munckfishanyway - usplash won't be working on PS3 in the beta - my fix for that will go in after anyway16:36
smb_tpmunckfish, I try what I can. :) Ok, whenever you have something, shout.16:43
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munckfishsmb_tp: btw I notice that in the main ubuntu kernel Ben added a patch to add a /proc/version_signature file with the full Ubuntu package version in it16:44
munckfishI think that is something we should get into the ports kernel too16:44
munckfishso the main kernel bug submitting instructions are the same for ports16:45
munckfishsmb_tp: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=ubuntu/ubuntu-intrepid.git;a=commit;h=529f9635c8250d355828710c7e54f1b676dc136516:47
smb_tpmunckfish, I guess this would be usefull.16:49
smb_tpmunckfish, I check whether this applies simply to ports and get it in.16:49
munckfishsmb_tp: great thx16:49
rtgsmb_tp: ports is supposed to be community supported, wherein munckfish does the legwork and presents a pull request to you.16:51
munckfishrtg: ok understood16:51
munckfishI am happy to pull that one in :)16:51
smb_tprtg, I know, but since I would have to pull anyways I can just pull from ben16:51
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munckfishwell smb_tp if it doesn't pull cleanly let me know and I'll integrate and submit. Whatever you decide.16:58
smb_tpmunckfish, applied and push (in progress)17:31
munckfishsmb_tp: thx :)17:33
zafyhi I'm trying to patch the hardy kernel with this :  http://lkml.org/lkml/2008/8/4/110 and I was told by somebody here that it should patch cleanly  but I'm getting this error : http://paste.linuxassist.net/1637519:12
zafycan anyone help19:12
jdongzafy: su to root first.19:13
jdongor echo nvidia.patch | sudo patch -p119:14
jdongthe permission denied error towards the beginning is the funadmental error19:14
johanbrzafy: Easiest thing is probably to look at the file and apply the patch by hand.19:14
zafy echo nvidia.patch | sudo patch -p1 returns patch: **** Only garbage was found in the patch input.19:14
lagait still doesn't work if he uses sudo.19:14
zafyjohanbr, I didn't really think I should do that19:15
lagaalso, you probably meant 'cat nvidia.patch | sudo patch -p1'19:15
zafylaga, so what are you suggesting ?19:15
mjg59zafy: s/echo/cat/19:16
zafymjg59, yeah that returns what I pasted 19:16
mjg59zafy: If cat nvidia.patch | sudo patch -p1 returns the error, the patch is malformed19:17
lagazafy: apply the patch manually ;)19:17
mjg59But if you use echo, then you will definitely get that error.19:17
mjg59Because the string "nvidia.patch" is not a valid patch19:17
zafylaga, okay I'll try19:18
lagai wonder why he can apply the first hunk twice, though.19:18
zafyI dunno19:18
mjg59jdong: Eh? sudo patch will work fine. patch doesn't use stdio for modifications.19:18
jdongmjg59: yeah, you're right :)19:20
jdongdidn't see the 2nd part.19:20
jdonglooks like the patch doesn't apply cleanly then :)19:21
zafyso I should just apply it by hand then ?19:21
jdongyeah, looks trivial enough to do so19:21
zafyokay I just need to compile and install and cross my finger to see if it works19:24
zafyand it it doesn't, I hope I don't have to reinstall19:24
zafythanks guys19:24
jdonghmm what does a sound driver have to do with preventing a reinstall though?19:25
zafyit's just I don't want to mess my already existing kernel and not being able to use it if this one doesn't19:25
zafyit's my first time patching/recompiling and reinstaling the kernel19:27
munckfishsmb_tp: ummm, it seems that the version_signature commit on it's own isn't enough20:02
munckfishSomething's missing in the build infrastructure20:02
munckfishsmb_tp: as now it fails the build at the start in the make silentoldconfig stage20:03
munckfishI'll need to investigate20:03
smb_tpmunckfish, Hm, ok. I might push this to a ports machine as well and see how it fares..20:04
rtgmunckfish: make sure its clean: git ls-files --others | xargs rm -vf20:04
munckfishguys actually20:04
munckfishmaybe debian/rules updateconfigs20:05
munckfishwould fix it20:05
munckfishas this is a new variable which doesn't show up in our configs20:05
munckfishgimme a minute I'll check20:05
munckfishsmb_tp, rtg: ok that was all that was necessary. We just need to update the configs to include the new variable introduced by that change20:07
munckfishI'm about to do a test build now I'll let you guys know if it's all ok20:08
munckfishWhat does (no-op) mean in the newer commit log messages?20:13
munckfishsmb_tp: I've pushed a commit with the updated configs to my tree20:34
munckfishthat stops the build failing immediately20:34
smb_tpmunckfish, pulled20:38
munckfishsmb_tp: thx - what does (no-op) mean in the new commit log messages?20:39
smb_tpmunckfish, Wasn't that no-up? But don't exactly know. BenC ?20:40
munckfishsmb_tp: yes no-up20:40
smb_tpmunckfish, might be no(t)-up(stream)20:40
munckfishsmb_tp: ah that would make sense. Right making a powerpc build now to test it out20:41
Le-Chuck_ITAHello, since hardy iwl3945 is in ubuntu, however since hardy this driver mostly sucks, for me it is so slow to be unusable. Bug is reported in ubuntu and upstream, but intel will never care it seems - they likely have more urgent issues21:07
Le-Chuck_ITAis there any hope that ipw3945 will be put back in kernel?21:07
BenCsmb_tp, munckfish: Means it wont be sent upstream21:11
munckfishsmb_tp: ports builds fine now. And the version sig changes work fine too. cat /proc/version_signature ---> Ubuntu 2.6.25-3.4~danm2-powerpc64-smp. Perfect! Thx21:28
smb_tpmunckfish, The thanks for that go BenC 21:29
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