[11:01] hii every one [11:01] Hello amanulla [11:01] hello [11:02] i want to install and run java on ubuntu [11:02] but im new to ubuntu [11:02] how can i? [11:04] HELLO ARE YOU THERE BUSY [11:08] Just busy and distracted. Sorry. [11:08] Which version of Ubuntu do you have installed? [11:08] 8.04 [11:08] What do you want to do with Ubuntu? [11:08] run java [11:08] What do you want to do with Java. [11:08] html [11:09] So, run tomcat or something? [11:09] yes [11:09] im running tomcat on xp [11:09] OK. Does apt-get install tomcat5.5 work for you? [11:10] but i dont know how to find any [11:10] netbeans,eclipse......... [11:10] any ides [11:10] here [11:10] i just tried with this [11:10] sudo apt-get install ecclipse [11:10] in terminal [11:10] but no use [11:10] ok i will try now [11:11] some error [11:11] E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. [11:11] apt-get install netbeans should work. If it doesn't, I'll be personally annoyed. [11:11] Oh, something is broken in your apt-cache. Run the suggested command. [11:11] oh same error [11:12] what can i do [11:12] What error do you get from dpkg --configure -a ? [11:13] E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied) [11:13] E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root? [11:13] OK. sudo dpkg --configure -a [11:14] i got some screen [11:14] http://paste.ubuntu.com/53405/ [11:14] like above [11:14] OK. Answer the question. [11:15] which one to select [11:15] install the package maintainer's version │ [11:15] │ keep the local version currently installed │ [11:15] │ show the differences between the versions │ [11:15] │ show a side-by-side difference between the versions │ [11:15] │ start a new shell to examine the situation [11:15] Dunno. I usually install the package maintainer's version, but if you made changes, you might want one of the other choices. [11:29] thank u im now installing tomcat [11:30] but i dont know how to open it afetr installation can u [11:32] No idea. I know *lots* of work went into tomcat recently, but I haven't used it since 2001, so anything I might be able to remember is surely out of date. [11:32] There should be some documentation in /usr/share/doc/tomcat5.5/ which might help. [11:32] ok thank you [11:33] for spending your time to help me [11:33] have a nice day [11:33] take care bye [11:33] You too. [13:23] Hi, installing Java on 8.04 LTS Server. Picked openjdk-6-jre-headless, but it wants to install all kind of extras including X11 and GTK. [13:23] Any way to avoid all this? [13:32] Ah, found sun-java5-jre package, which looks a lot nicer! Any reason this package wasn't suggested by the system when I ran "java"? [14:12] cfm: The recommendation is for openjdk because we can fix bugs. the sun binary blob has some bugs that cannot be fixed. With luck, you won't hit them. [14:13] For Intrepid we've spent a lot of time trying to make -headless more -headless, but may not have succeeded entirely. For 8.04, it's unfortunately bloated. Sorry about that. [14:19] slytherin: I didn't give back jhope (or whatever). Just build-depending on sun-java5-jdk isn't enough, because the build-dependency on ant pulls in headless openjdk. You'll need to find some way to advise the build which JDK to use. [14:20] persia: Got it. Will do over weekend. [14:21] slytherin: Great. Poke me when you get it, and I'll try it, as I definitely have some time to focus on Java this weekend. [14:23] * robilad apologizes for missing the last meeting, on the road since yesterday until tomorrow [14:24] robilad: No worries. This close to release, there's not much we can do other than maybe get some plans together for jaunty, and publish some specs for discussion/approval. [14:24] Unless you have some RC issue you want to raise? [14:25] nope [14:26] I'm loving intrepid so far ;) [14:26] It's a bit of an improvement on the Java front :) [14:27] For the next meeting, I think we should try to get some specs together for the server stuff. [14:27] I know Koon pretty much finished the maven spec, and is seeking an approver. [14:27] Is there anything else we want to do other then get more stuff free, and maven? Surely something glassfish related. [14:36] good question - i think the next important bit would be the osgi support (felix) [14:36] Right. We'll need a bit of a roadmap to give to developers at UDS (in December), including a list of targets, and some specs to get completed. [14:37] We'll want to have those drafted in the next 6 weeks or so, so if there's nothing RC outstanding for you, that's probably the best target. [14:59] ok, thanks [15:01] persia: Ah, that makes sense, thanks! I'm going with sun for now purely because of those dependencies. [15:02] cfm: Makes sense. Depending on your use, you may be happy with the intrepid upgrade in another month or so.