[00:00] ? [00:01] in many the irc channel that would get you into the topic! [00:01] Seeker`> I'm not on planet.ubuntu.com :( are you on planet.earth.this-solar-system? I dont think I qualify [00:02] heh [00:02] qdb.us? [00:02] if you want [00:02] you can post it [00:02] nah [00:03] not posting myself [00:04] anyways, I dont think I qualify for planet.ubuntu.com [00:05] arrrr [00:05] 1. I'm not a member [00:06] 2. I dont post to my blog [00:09] and I dont think epopel would be interested in whatI had to say if i did [00:13] epopel is people I thunk [00:14] or Alan Pope's female alter-ego [00:14] typos suck [00:16] Seeker`, or maybe you got that wrong there, it is a matter of opinion, and you are too young to have one ;-) [00:17] surrender surrender [00:19] why am i too young to have one [00:19] how old do you have to be to have one? [00:20] Seeker`, younger than mneptok [00:20] and always two days older than you :) [00:21] * ompaul stops messing [00:21] it is three days [00:22] but don't give yourself away. aaay-aaay. aaaay-AAAAAAAAAAAAAY! [00:22] how old is mneptok [00:23] 2 days younger than God. [00:23] (43) [00:23] mneptok, spot on [00:24] * ompaul is older than god in that case [00:24] hmm lots of paradigims just broke for people there:) [00:24] wow, you two are old :P [00:25] Seeker`, quiet child :P [00:25] mneptok, that was a cheap trick putting that in the channel [00:26] ompaul: raises our Neilsen rating, though. [00:27] mneptok, ain't that a shame [00:27] * ompaul wonders who da king of the whole wide world [00:30] Bono. [00:30] oh wait. he just thinks he is. [00:33] hehe [00:33] it is really just being ruled by prince while king crimson is feeling unwell [00:36] ompaul: the little boy that lives down the lane [00:36] mneptok, this is why purple rain is a consequence of global warming [00:36] note that this winter global warming will be under performing [00:49] what happened to the irc council vote [00:54] they passed the bailout resolution. doors close at midnight saturday. [00:55] ? [01:14] erUSUL called the ops in #ubuntu (pollopolis) [01:18] what's making me think there is a problem with the bots [01:19] nalioth .... [01:19] FB1 is freaking [01:20] * mneptok is about to ban it ... [01:20] fb1 is mine mneptok [01:20] although it's fb1 and fb2 that are quarrelling for the fb1 nickname [01:20] LjL: it's colliding with services, disconnecting, and repeating the process [01:21] mneptok: no, 1 is colliding 2, 2 is colloding 1 [01:21] they both think they own the fb1 nickname [01:21] fixed [01:32] The name Martiini sounds familiar.. and not in a good way. [01:32] Pici: i was highlighted when he joined [01:32] though as you know, that doesn't mean much [01:32] Well the bantracker reveals something, but it wasn't what I was thinking of. [01:54] snuxoll called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (georgetowntimoth) [01:54] __mikem called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (geirha) [03:18] Someone got trolls in my #ubuntu, I'd like a refund. [03:19] i knew we shouldn't have built this distro on a bridge [03:19] mneptok: At least its not on a swamp [03:20] wait... [03:20] why do I have 0 nicks in my #ubuntu? [03:20] Flannel: look again at high tide ;) [03:20] freaking disconnects [03:20] Flannel: wait for the sync ... [03:21] Flannel: Stay on target.... stay on target. [03:21] almost there ... [03:21] Eh? [03:21] My internets went down (along with television) for about 3 hours this morning. [03:22] and apparently when you reconnect, you don't rejoin channels in order [03:27] Well, that was fun. [03:47] ubottu: tell DamienGray-SLEEP about away [04:39] what the hell am I doing awake at this hour [04:40] Not sleeping! [04:56] Why does rodsterling have voice in -offtopic? [04:59] I've got no idea [05:27] * [myg0t]skillztha (n=drew@rh-redwood-cs2-140-190.njit.edu ... will likely be back === PriceChild is now known as Guest79425 === Guest79425 is now known as PriceChild [08:36] Has anyone got a good reference page for dualhead? perhaps an actual ubuntu wiki one? as the one in the factoid sucks... [08:37] !dualhead [08:37] Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama [08:39] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaMultiMonitors is nvidia specific [08:41] Im thinking this http://www.paralipsis.org/2006/01/enabling-xinerama-in-ubuntu/ [08:41] but its weird that there isnt a updated ubuntu wiki one [08:41] the one I psted was for Hardy [08:41] only this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo [08:42] but, don't we let XRandR take care of it now? [08:43] Page you give looks good, except I thought we don't do manual X configs anymore, just let everything auto detect? [08:43] * Flannel has very little idea what he's talking about. [08:44] Flannel: I wish... [08:44] * jussi01 cant get dualhead working, hence he sought this out... [08:45] jussi01: ah, intel works fine OOB for me ;) [08:45] Flannel: clone or big screen? [08:45] jussi01: but, if thats the case, and that link works, I'd say update it. [08:45] cause clone works fine here, good luck with big screen [08:46] I don't remember. I want to say big screen. But it was a bit ago and Ive only done it once. [08:47] be back in a few, going to play with xorg [08:48] going to do the great saturday morning unbanning in #u [08:49] or I could do it a few hours [08:49] jussi01, your call [08:49] jussi01, is missing [08:49] Flannel, ^^ [08:50] ompaul: now is fine [08:50] few hours is fine [08:50] I'll go later then :) [08:50] I'm outa here [09:49] * nalioth is on intrepid now. [09:51] computer quit several times during the upgrade - but after the new kernel got in, the mysterious quits stopped. [10:31] ompaul: bug snarfing disabled in the main channels and offtopic channels now (still enabled in dev-land and here) [10:31] stdin, :-) well good [10:32] I could see someone doing bug 1 bug 2 bug 3 [10:32] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1 (Won't display info) [10:32] Error: Launchpad bug 2 could not be found [10:32] Launchpad bug 3 in rosetta "Custom information for each translation team" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/3 [10:32] that might still be an issu :-) [10:32] morning. [10:33] stdin, which would have had the flood bot doing you know what [10:33] ompaul: it has a 5 bug limit [10:33] stdin, and then a shout for people like you [10:33] ie: even if you post 100 bugs, it'll only show 5 [10:33] stdin, make that count 5 and ignore the sender for a minute :) [10:34] and it's not enabled in #ubuntu, so no floodbots ;) [10:34] aye [10:34] yeah I think anyone doing it in #ubuntu-dev would have a bad day [10:35] I'm pretty sure it won't repeat bugs for a time either [10:42] erUSUL called the ops in #ubuntu (simon49) [10:42] He's gone. [10:43] jpds, i was mr typo for a moment there [10:46] ompaul: Right... [10:46] so you got him [10:58] doorntje, how may we help you [10:59] i've an complain about an ubuntu channel [10:59] doorntje, which channel and what is the complaint [10:59] nja, they gave me an permban because i said anti-rude-mods [11:00] it's in #ubuntu-nl-offtopic [11:00] doorntje, that should be addressed in #ubuntu-irc [11:01] why can't you help me here? [11:01] doorntje, this is not the channel for it. [11:02] okay [11:02] bazhang: yeah, sorry for that, we passed him on from #freenode - forgetting the correct channel for loco channel disputes [11:03] Gary, thanks; got him to -irc :) [11:03] doorntje: don't forget to not idle in this channel, thanks [11:34] irc.dedibox.fr #dedibox [11:37] hrm [11:37] Gary, please tell me mr spammerific above has already been dealt with [11:41] no longer connected [12:33] * Myrtti sings happily [12:47] I WANT A DONUT! [12:48] me to... [12:48] i want a free eeepc [12:48] LjL: Id rather the dell mini thing ;) [12:49] MSI wind. [12:49] jussi01: yeah, i want a free eeepc precisely to see if it's good enough or i buy another [12:49] yeah or that [12:49] PINK MSI Wind [12:49] then if it's not good enough, i want a free, yeah, whatever, wind, dell, acer [12:49] LjL: hehe [12:49] actually the one from one.de is nice [12:49] /kb Myrtti blasphemy [12:50] /kb LjL for being a cheapskate :P [12:50] is the msi wind with the decent battery out even? [12:51] i'm not a cheapskate, i just think my purchases through [12:51] very, very, thorougly through. [12:51] See Im kina over those mini laptops, I want a proper PC, quad core or something [12:51] then i don't make them [12:51] rofl [12:51] LjL: http://www.fonepoint.fi/PublishedService?pageID=9&itemcode=U100XPp [12:51] Akku: Li-Ion 3-kennon :( [12:52] off goes the XP, in comes Xubuntu [12:52] so what [12:52] IT'S PINK [12:52] yeah, and that [12:52] and it's better than eeepc [12:53] Myrtti: the eeepc has a 6 cells battery that actually lasts though [12:53] it's still not pink [12:54] Myrtti: pfff, you can get a pink eeepc 900 with a lousy battery just like the wind, or a non-pink 901 with a decent battery [12:54] what's keeping me from getting an eee right now is the keyboard [12:55] it's just plain not on par with the ones on the others [12:55] i *think* i would get used to it, but thinking isn't being sure [12:56] LjL: nah, the eeepc keyboard sucks [12:56] * Myrtti huggles skype [12:56] well, that's keeping me, and the fact i cannot find one in stores [12:56] jussi01: would you like to fix my microphone on my laptop? [12:56] I got it *almost* working [12:56] LjL: take a trip here, they are *everywhere* [12:56] jussi01: reasons for such drastic sentence? [12:56] jussi01: they're everywhere here too, just not the 901 [12:56] LjL: I hated the one we had at work... [12:56] also, i wouldn't mind if the msi wind and the others were everywhere too, so i could at least compare [12:57] there's only the aspire one around [12:57] * Myrtti yawns [12:57] should get up from bed, right? [12:57] jussi01: well but how long did you use it? i'm absolutely certain you do need some non-negligible adjustment period [12:57] widescreen keys need getting used to for sure [12:57] LjL: have you looked at the one from one.de? that looks real nice, though its via based, not atom [12:58] LjL: yeah true, used it for about 3 days... [12:59] jussi01, i'm not buying something completely unknown to the masses from a foreign internet retailer, with no inland warranty and no real support... i want something i can touch in stores and can read forums over forums about [12:59] i realize that's restricting choices, but that's what i'm like [13:00] LjL: whatever floats your boat mate, just making sure you were aware of it [13:00] :) [13:01] * pleia2 waiting for the mini9s to be pink [13:03] * jussi01 hugs pleia2 [13:03] * LjL wonders what process exactly apparently makes women's hormones excited by the color pink [13:05] * pleia2 hugs jussi01 [13:05] * Myrtti pokes LjL with The Pink Fluffy Pen of Poking™ [13:05] *SQUEEEAK* [13:05] * Myrtti larts LjL with a Nokia Internet Tablet 770 [13:06] LjL: honestly I don't see it a ton in women, moreso in girls, and pink was a recent discovery for me ;) [13:06] * pleia2 does it backwards [13:07] yeah, I had my black/red/white graphic phase for years [13:07] and before that blue [13:08] when i was young, i had a black phase [13:08] then i grew up, and had a black phase [13:08] now i am in a black phase [13:09] yes, well, there is always that [13:10] but i made a promise that when i get a degree, i'll start a lack-of-visible-spectrum-frequencies phase [13:10] If I could motivate myself to finish my thesis, Id actually have a degree... [13:11] if i could motivate myself to start a thesis, i'd actually have some hope of a degree [13:12] but that involves waking up before noon and speaking with people... pff [13:12] rofl [14:00] just got my "big desktop" working :D [14:05] oh, the idiots are on fire now [14:06] * Myrtti yawns and gets up from bed [14:06] thought of today: "How can someone be that goddamned CUTE?!" [14:15] oh, btw. I edited !version to be "lsb_release -rc", as most people seem to want to paste the whole "lsb_release -a" output to the channel [14:22] stdin: nice :) (although we should be doing factoid edits in here so everyone can see them) [14:23] for major edits, sure. but for 's/-a/-rc/' it's a little overkill ;) [14:24] just mentioned in case anyone wondered (though !-version would tell them) [14:27] :) [14:38] erUSUL called the ops in #ubuntu () [14:38] hello erusul, you've found a buggie [14:38] whaaaaa? [14:38] !-ko [14:38] ko aliases: korea, korean - added by Seveas on 2006-06-18 00:11:00 [14:39] !ko [14:39] For Korean help, /join #ubuntu-ko [14:39] LjL called the ops in #ubuntu-ops () [14:39] @config plugins.Encyclopedia.alert [14:39] ['ops', 'op', 'kops', 'calltheops'] [14:39] !callt [14:39] Sorry, I don't know anything about callt [14:39] !calltheop [14:39] Sorry, I don't know anything about calltheop [14:40] !calltheo [14:40] Sorry, I don't know anything about calltheo [14:40] *shrug* [14:40] I think it needs to be a real factoid though [14:40] !callt is nothing [14:40] I'll remember that, stdin [14:40] !callt [14:40] callt is nothing [14:40] stdin called the ops in #ubuntu-ops () [14:40] gerrrr! [14:40] i see [14:40] !forget callt [14:40] I'll forget that, stdin [14:51] !unforget callt [14:51] I suddenly remember callt again, stdin [14:51] !callt [14:51] callt is nothing [14:51] !forget callt [14:51] I'll forget that, stdin [14:52] it's less broken again [15:01] In ubottu, Igg-man said: !no Igg-man is totally awesome! [15:02] !scope > Igg-man [15:52] OT post to here>> http://inx.maincontent.net/inx-1.0.iso.torrent << exists on LP it is ubuntu with no X "Is Not X" is where the INX comes from you can blame an ozzie for it, and it is nice [15:53] * ompaul pings Daviey ^^ that you might get a giggle from [15:53] too late I told em :P [15:53] so he did [15:53] :) [15:54] hmmm? [15:54] the more the merrier [15:54] i'm told there's no cowsay [15:54] LjL: that's a bug I guess ;) [15:55] figlet features prominently though :) [15:55] thoreauputic: also, if that's your connection that's feeding the torrent... find another isp [15:55] LjL: ? [15:55] LjL, we have a few people with the torrent [15:56] LjL, are you saying the host for the box tracker or something [15:56] LjL: there are 5 or 6 seeds from various ISPs [15:56] i'm saying i'm downloading <50kb/s [15:57] LjL: I just tested and got an average of over 500KB/sec , touching 1 MB/sec at times [15:57] LjL, go again [15:57] d/l took about 5 and a half minutes [15:59] *shrug* [16:00] LjL: something odd at your end - it is fast enough here and I'm half a world away from the tracker [16:01] yeah, it appears i was merely using a sucky torrent client. [16:02] LjL, you have appeared :) [16:03] from magic smoke. [16:06] LjL: are you getting better speed now? [16:07] not stellar, but yeah, >100kb/s [16:07] although ompaul's bti is embarassingly slow [16:07] LjL: hard to please :) [16:07] LjL, I could close it [16:07] :P [16:07] I am providing the tracker also [16:08] and it is not here [16:08] ompaul: well, after realizing the client has commands called "kick" and "ban", i'm trying hard to resist the temptation to begin with [16:08] it's a reflex you know [16:08] hehehe [16:08] LjL: hahahah [16:09] LjL, you want my bandwidth that much - sorry to have to tell you it is all I have [16:09] so you won't get any benefit that way [16:09] i know, as i said, rationality tells me i want those nanobits per second [16:10] yah right [16:10] LjL, you should be getting 35 from the torrent server itself [16:10] you're silly [16:10] all of you [16:10] I have that choked [16:11] Myrtti: you haven't had your coffee [16:11] Myrtti, we love you too, now tell us why we are silly [16:11] LjL, you cannot be serious mannnnnn [16:11] LjL: as a matter of fact [16:11] am just now sipping excellent "espresso" [16:11] ompaul: the tracker rtorrent is currently putting out *exactly* 35 as instructed :) [16:11] ta [16:12] I've tried some Segafredo and it was doodah. [16:12] another netsplit is coming [16:12] this Robert's Café Brutal espresso ground nomnom roast is excellent [16:13] LjL: how did you know that? [16:14] magic [16:14] Myrtti: like i knew last time, check -monitor [16:30] LjL: so, now you can offer all INX torrenters your generous bandwidth ;) You seem to have completed your d/l? [16:31] INX? [16:31] 'no answer' came the stern reply... [16:31] thoreauputic: yeah, being behind a NAT though, i'm not entirely sure there will be many leechers who manage to connecto to me :P [16:31] LjL: I'm sure you are capable of working out your port forwarding... [16:32] thoreauputic: it's not my NAT, i can't port forward a thing [16:32] LjL: I'm also behind nat and you were getting 60 KB/sec from me [16:32] ah I see :) [16:32] thoreauputic: bittorrent is smart then [16:33] it tries to be. [16:33] anyway, ktorrent is there seeding, those who are brave can leech [16:33] your seeding client will try to connect to leechers IIRC [16:34] that way the connections opens from the inside and gets through NAT [16:34] Nafallo: it would only be reasonable for it to do that [16:34] Nafallo: i'm not entirely sure how it worked if we were *both* behind NAT, though [16:35] no idea either. that might be the people you wouldn't reach when behind NAT... [16:35] LjL: umm, I have the relevant ports forwarded so it makes no difference - attempts to connect to me sail through the router [16:35] thoreauputic: ah ok [16:35] and hit the torrent port [16:35] PNAT! [16:36] can haz IPv6,kthxbai! [16:36] it isn't rocket science you know :) [16:36] Nafallo: if you have a tunnel with 10mbps bandwidth, i'll consider that [16:36] anyway. bye. I need to head for a party via another things. [16:36] LjL: SixXS [16:36] sounds like a porn site [16:37] JFGI [16:37] :-) [16:37] i did [16:37] that didn't make it sound any less like a porn site [17:59] please have a look at afallenhope in #ubuntu [17:59] i call myself out [18:07] LjL: looking [18:07] jussi01: well, he's stopped answering, i've left a @mark on the BT anyway [18:08] LjL: alrught, he's active in #u right now [18:18] *sigh* [18:18] anyone awake [18:18] no [18:19] good, go back to bed then [18:21] * Gary is bored [18:22] I just configured skype on my laptop [18:22] now I can make video calls ;-D [18:22] woooooo \o/ [18:22] yay!!! [18:23] * Myrtti sees jussi01 online on skype, hides behind a blanket [18:23] Myrtti: nothings set up here... [18:24] not that I'd want to see your face anyway ;-) [18:25] Myrtti: that was uncalled for! [18:27] * Myrtti larts jussi01 with "Handbook of Finnish irony, sarcasm and selfbelittling" [18:36] In ubottu, bobertdos said: media-prefs is If you want to set the default application for your removable media, go to Nautilus->Edit->Preferences->Media [18:43] In ubottu, bobertdos said: media-prefs is In Hardy Heron, default apps for some removable media are set in Nautilus (File Browser)->Edit->Preferences->Media. For older distros, System->Preferences->Removable Media [19:50] Hmm, whats the factoid with that website that'll help figure out packages for sneakernet [19:52] !offline [19:52] If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://apt.byethost14.com/ [19:54] !sneakerent is offline [19:54] I'll remember that, Flannel [19:54] oh [19:54] typos-- [19:54] !sneakernet is offline [19:55] It doesnt have anything after feisty though [19:56] Oh? [19:56] thats annoying. The synaptic thing still works, provided you had internet at some point? [19:56] (a recent package list)? [19:56] Dunny, havent used. [19:56] I really wish AptOnCD worked on windows. [19:57] yeah, that'd be nice [19:57] You don't even have to implement all of the functionality of libapt, just the basics. [19:58] !clone [19:58] To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate [19:59] perhaps the wubi guys would know how to do something like that? [20:00] I have to tell you fellas [20:00] nothing, and I mean nothing beats good coffee and a tomato-mozzarella-basil salad with fresh olive oil and a dash of balsamico [20:01] Myrtti: meh... :P [20:01] I'm not even that big of a salad fan and that sounds good. [20:01] Minus the coffee though. [20:01] http://flickr.com/photos/myrtti/2912076035/ [20:02] Myrtti: Its not something you'd need wubi to do. You'd just have to write a script that knows how to read the packages format, and resolve dependencies [20:02] mmmm [20:03] nah, my salad of choice: chicken, chili, paprika/bell peppers, rae juusto, cherry tomatos, lettuce. mmm... nam nam [20:05] Flannel: yes, but when looking for people who have been doing ubuntu related stuff for windows, wouldn't it be logical to go and ask from known perpetrators? [20:05] Hah, perpetrators. [20:05] jussi01: sure, that's nice thoug [20:05] s/thoug/too/ [20:06] I'm not that big fan of chicken though [20:11] * LjL will try to add gutsy and hardy... [20:50] Myrtti: writing a script like that is just writing a script. If you do it in python, perl, whatever, its not really OS dependant (because we're not using the apt libraries). Wubi people were dealing mostly with ntfs. [20:50] Myrtti: thatd be like asking the ext3 guys to hack GIMP or something [20:52] Flannel: and you seriously think I a) gave it a thought b) know about what's needed c) care? [20:52] :-D [21:05] * jussi01 hugs Flannel... there there, Aunty Myrtti is in a bad mood tonight. :D [21:12] no I'm not [21:12] skype works :-D [21:13] workED damnit [21:41] Skype ♥ [22:22] Dragnslcr called the ops in #kubuntu (Denise) [22:23] err, what? [22:27] LjL: are we repelling boarders? [22:28] Pici: no, grepping logs [22:59] 3rd party lamp suites really annoy me. [23:00] Mhmmm [23:00] Especially since theres no reason to use them on *nix [23:00] yeah [23:00] i build all my lamps [23:01] LjL: I usually break down and buy the bulbs [23:02] no spine, no spine [23:48] !sysreq [23:48] Sorry, I don't know anything about sysreq [23:48] !sys-req [23:48] Sorry, I don't know anything about sys-req [23:49] !search req [23:49] Found: requirements-#xubuntu, hacker, aptproxy, requirements, f5, nonxgl, xfcemem, lol, reqs, nbs [23:49] anyone got any idea? [23:55] ompaul: what about? [23:58] is there a factoid for sys rq [23:58] arrrr [23:58] !sysrq [23:58] In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key [23:58] * ompaul head butts the deskl [23:59] LjL, I guess that was FAIL! [23:59] heh