
unenoughwhat's the easiest way to create an archive of my repo? or at least the latest version of it?01:39
jmlunenough: for what purpose?01:41
RAOFunenough: bzr push sftp://mybackuphost/backup?02:00
AfCUm, er, help!05:20
* RAOF waits for the rest :)05:21
AfCI have a perfectly ordinary Subversion checkout of some upstream project. I want to use Bazaar to track the few files I care about and to shuttle my own patches back and forth. Nothing terribly unusual.05:21
AfCBut I just did `bzr init .` in said checkout and suddenly bzr-svn kicked off starting to do its cache update etc as if I were going to use bzr-svn to pull from Subversion!05:22
AfCa) I didn't expect that05:22
AfCb) I don't really want it to do that.05:22
* AfC wonders what to do.05:22
RAOFThat's kinda wierd, yeah.  I dunno.05:23
AfCI mean, sure I could uninstall bzr-svn, but that's a bit much.05:25
jmlAfC: ooh ooh, I know this05:27
jmlgimme a sec05:27
jmlAfC: bzr --builtin init .05:28
* AfC just did `bzr init --no-plugins .` but that's ridiculous!05:28
AfCThat's a new one on me.05:28
jmlAfC: me too, I found out about it yesterday05:28
jmlAfC: it's in 'help global-options'05:28
AfCjml: Ah. I was just searching help looking for that help page (and not finding it) :|05:29
AfCI just tried to `bzr add` a single file and then bzr-svn kicked off and tried to update its cache again.05:36
AfCThis is not a bzr-svn branch, god damn it!05:36
AfCOh, that's just right royally fucked. `bzr --builtin add filename` doesn't skip the svn plugin.05:37
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pygihi hi gour08:21
gourhello pygi08:22
gouri'd like to fetch pinax project via bzr-svn which contains several external apps referenced in svn.externals. since i'm not at familiar with svn, I wonder if bzr-svn can do the job or am i better using svn?08:37
gourit looks bzr-svn cannot handle it (yet)08:42
QuadducHow do I make the "committer" field in a commit to a local branch use something other than my OS real name, user name and host?09:02
bob2bzr whoami09:03
Quadducbob2: Thanks. I thought I had already done that (using --branch), but it was reset when I re-created the branch.09:06
QuadducHowever, the Bazaar plugin for Eclipse does not seem to respect whoami, and instead just uses my user name.09:09
loswillioshey guys10:07
loswilliosUsing bzr-1.7 I can't check out http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~team-mms/mms/1.1.0 mms-1.1.010:08
loswilliosIt is stalled after a while10:08
Peng_loswillios: Stalled? There's no network activity or anything? Are you sure? It might just be slow.10:16
loswilliosPeng_: it says \ [----    ] bzr get http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~team-mms/mms/1.1.0 mms-1.1.010:17
loswillioserr, \ [---    ] Transferring 0/4 for a while and then there's nothing10:18
bob2the progress bar has stopped, but it is still downloading in the background10:18
loswilliosnope, no progress bar at all10:18
loswilliosjust disappears and I have to kill the process10:19
loswilliosnot even ctrl-c works10:19
loswillioscurrently trying to reproduce on another machine which is faster10:19
Odd_Blokeloswillios: Try running with -Dhttp, that'll log all HTTP activity.10:19
loswilliosbut I left the command sitting for an hour or so10:19
Odd_Blokeloswillios: If it isn't printing to std{out,err}, then look in ~/.bzr.log10:20
* Odd_Bloke --> breakfast10:22
loswilliosok, currently running..10:22
loswilliosis bzr get deprecated? I can't find it in the man page anymore10:23
bob2it has always just been an alias10:23
Odd_Blokeloswillios: It's probably listed in 'bzr help branch'.10:26
Odd_BlokeRight, actually to breakfast.10:27
bob2nice, trying to check it out oom'd my linode11:22
clementeHi, I know how to do self.run_bzr('add hello') in a test, but I would like to translate this to bzrlib's API calls. Is there a guide which tells how to translate each operation?11:55
jmlclemente: no, not really.12:22
jmlclemente: the easiest thing to do is read the source for bzrlib/builtins.py12:22
jmlclemente: although, for that thing specifically, you want something like WorkingTree.open('.').add('hello')12:22
jmlclemente: there's also a hacking guide which might help12:23
clementejml: yes, thanks, that's a help. I also found this http://bazaar-vcs.org/Integrating_with_Bazaar , but it tells about working with real files, and not directly with revisions, commits, inventories etc.12:25
jmlclemente: cool.12:25
dwt_Hey guys, I've got a problem with "bzr shell" from bzrtools12:29
dwt_that is, it kills itself with this error message:12:29
dwt_bzr: ERROR: [Errno 22] Invalid argument12:29
dwt_which according to the debugger occurs here:12:29
dwt_3 dwt@dwcp ...ktive Projekte/otr-messaging/Adium-bzr % BZR_PDB=1 bzr shell12:30
dwt_bzr: ERROR: [Errno 22] Invalid argument12:30
dwt_**** entering debugger12:30
dwt_> /Users/dwt/.bazaar/plugins/bzrtools/shell.py(105)__init__()12:30
dwt_-> readline.read_history_file(self.history_file)12:30
dwt_(Pdb) l12:30
dwt_100          ensure_config_dir_exists()12:30
dwt_101          self.history_file = osutils.pathjoin(config_dir(), 'shell-history')12:30
dwt_102          readline.set_completer_delims(string.whitespace)12:30
dwt_103          if os.access(self.history_file, os.R_OK) and \12:30
dwt_104              os.path.isfile(self.history_file):12:30
dwt_105  ->            readline.read_history_file(self.history_file)12:30
dwt_106          self.cwd = os.getcwd()12:30
dwt_107  12:30
dwt_108      def write_history(self):12:30
dwt_109          readline.write_history_file(self.history_file)12:30
dwt_110  12:30
dwt_Now I'm not sure what might cause this - self.history_file looks great12:30
dwt_the fiel is there and readable too12:30
jmldwt_: this happens immediately on startup?12:30
dwt_(as the tests on the two previous lines should assure)12:30
jmldwt_: which version of bzr & bzrtools?12:31
dwt_bzr: 1.7.112:31
dwt_bzrtools 1.7 (the latest)12:31
dwt_(I just downloaded it)12:31
jmldwt_: can you run the command with -Derror and paste the output to paste.ubuntu.com?12:32
dwt_Do I read the debugger output right that calling readline.read_history_file() immediately bombs? (it seems to be a wrapped c-library)12:34
jmldwt_: it might be worth trying: import readline; readline.read_history_file('/whatever/the/path/is')12:35
dwt_(Pdb) pp readline.read_history_file.__doc__12:35
dwt_'read_history_file([filename]) -> None\nLoad a readline history file.\nThe default filename is ~/.history.'12:35
dwt_This however suggests that it is called correctly, right?12:35
jmldwt_: the error is almost certainly coming from some lower level file operation12:36
jmlthe actual Python call is correct.12:36
dwt_I*'l try the readline call myself12:37
jmldwt_: thanks12:37
dwt_hm, when I try this in an ipython shell12:37
dwt_it works perfectly12:37
dwt_when I try it in a normal python shell12:38
dwt_it bombs12:38
jmldwt_: ok, one more thing to try before I blame high solar electromagnetism12:38
jmldwt_: incidentally, what's the value of self.history_file?12:38
dwt_(Pdb) pp self.history_file12:39
jmldwt_: ok. let's try strace :)12:40
dwt_oh dang12:40
dwt_that would be dtrace for me12:40
dwt_(mac leopard)12:40
dwt_as to why ipython can do it12:40
jmldwt_: I should have guessed from Adium.12:40
dwt_its actually using it's own implementation of readline12:40
jmldwt_: so, if you can paste the last few bits of strace (or dtrace) output to the pastebin, I'd be much obliged.12:42
dwt_I'l try12:42
dwt_But you have to give me some minutes12:42
dwt_as I'm not at all up to speed with dtrace12:42
jmldwt_: with strace, it's just "strace bzr shell"12:43
jmlmy OS X-fu is rusty, I'm afraid.12:43
dwt_yeah, as far as I remember with dtrace12:43
dwt_it should be "sudo dtruss bzr  shell"12:43
dwt_I'm working on it. :)12:43
dwt_so when I try this:12:44
dwt_sudo dtruss python -c "import readline; readline.read_history_file('/Users/dwt/.bazaar/shell-history')"12:44
dwt_I'm getting tons of output12:44
dwt_Hope you can read it. :)12:44
jmlare those the last lines?12:45
dwt_sigaction looks like it died from a signal, right?12:46
jmlwell, there's a syntax error there.12:46
jmlwhat happens when you drop the 'dtruss'12:47
dwt_Just a second12:47
dwt_where exactly do you means I should drop the dtruss?12:49
dwt_as far as I can see I only have it in the right location12:49
jmlI mean, run this: sudo python -c "import readline; readline.read_history_file('/Users/dwt/.bazaar/shell-history')"12:51
dwt_sudo python -c "import readline; readline.read_history_file('/Users/dwt/.bazaar/shell-history');"12:51
dwt_Traceback (most recent call last):12:51
dwt_  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>12:51
dwt_IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory12:51
dwt_Now where's that syntax error.12:51
jmlso, you aren't getting the same output as when you run it as your user.12:52
dwt_all the while the fine sits there just fine12:52
dwt_127 dwt@dwcp ~ % ll /Users/dwt/.bazaar/shell-history12:52
dwt_-rw-------  1 dwt  dwt  2443  7 Aug 10:18 /Users/dwt/.bazaar/shell-history12:52
bob2on HFS?12:53
dwt_do you guys get12:55
dwt_why on earth its a different error message from doing this directly12:55
dwt_vs. calling it via bzr shell?12:55
dwt_when I do it directly it's: IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory12:55
jmldwt_: even without the 'sudo'?12:56
dwt_1 dwt@dwcp ~ % python -c "import readline; readline.read_history_file('/Users/dwt/.bazaar/shell-history');"Traceback (most recent call last):12:56
dwt_  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>12:56
dwt_IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory12:56
dwt_while with bzr I get12:56
dwt_1 dwt@dwcp ~ % bzr shell12:56
dwt_bzr: ERROR: [Errno 22] Invalid argument12:56
bob2no idea, but case-insensitive filesystems make me suspicous12:56
dwt_Even though it seems readline is called exactly the same12:57
jmlbob2: good call!12:57
jmldwt_: what does, python -c "open('/Users/dwt/.bazaar/shell-history')" say?12:57
jmlweird weird weird12:58
dwt_dwt@dwcp ~ % python -c "print open('/Users/dwt/.bazaar/shell-history')"12:58
dwt_<open file '/Users/dwt/.bazaar/shell-history', mode 'r' at 0x62458>12:58
dwt_dwt@dwcp ~ % python -c "print open('/Users/dwt/.bazaar/shell-history').read()"12:58
dwt_shell open AnimatedGrid.xcodeproj/12:58
dwt_help shell12:58
dwt_open AnimatedGrid.xcodeproj/12:58
dwt_ci  -m  "added a new provider and refactored the storage model to use a two dimensional array"12:58
dwt_help push12:58
dwt_bzr info12:58
dwt_bzr push parent12:59
dwt_bzr st12:59
dwt_ls parent/12:59
jmlyeah, we don't need it all :)12:59
dwt_I don't get this12:59
bob2python -c "import os ; print os.listdir('/Users/')"12:59
dwt_dwt@dwcp ~ % python -c "import os ; print os.listdir('/Users/')"13:00
dwt_['.localized', 'dwt', 'Shared']13:00
dwt_I mean what can be the reason for this?13:00
dwt_the path is as case-perfect as it can be13:00
dwt_its also there13:00
dwt_the file is readable13:01
dwt_but still libreadline does not like it13:01
dwt_at all.13:01
dwt_maybe I should try write a c-program that does the same thing13:01
dwt_and see if that fails13:01
dwt_I am considering just rm-ing the history file13:02
jmldwt_: at the least, I think you should file a bug against bzrtools13:02
jmldwt_: well, try moving it out of the way first13:03
dwt_I'l do13:03
dwt_well, moving it out of the way13:03
dwt_seems to allow me to invoke the shell again13:03
jml(the bug should include the -Derror traceback, the python -c 'import readline; ... '  error, the ls -l command and the python -c 'print open(...)')13:03
jmldwt_: hmm13:04
jmldwt_: I am perplexed!13:04
dwt_reinvoking the shell also works13:04
dwt_with history support13:04
dwt_one interesting difference13:05
dwt_the newly created file starts with this line:13:05
dwt_while the old one doesn't13:05
jmldwt_: I wonder... have you upgraded Python recently?13:06
dwt_not that I can think of13:06
dwt_prepending the _HiStOrY_V2_ to the old file13:06
dwt_makes it load again13:06
dwt_so that's the reason13:07
jmlthat sounds like either corruption or version incompatibility13:07
dwt_well, I can try to check my backups13:07
dwt_but I guess that it was never there13:07
dwt_I did update bzr recently13:07
dwt_not python13:07
jmldwt_: what about OS X? Had leopard for a while?13:08
dwt_the last update was from 10.5.4 to 10.5.513:08
dwt_that might have caried a python update of sorts13:08
dwt_I didn't however remember to read that in the release notes13:09
jmlor a libreadline update...13:09
dwt_then again, apple is known to be sloppy at this stuff13:09
dwt_neither anything about libreadline13:09
dwt_so, should I file a bug still?13:09
=== luke-jr is now known as luke-jr_
jmldwt_: no, probably not.13:10
=== luke-jr_ is now known as luke-jr
jmldwt_: I'll mention it to abentley when I next speak with him13:10
jml(or he'll see his name in his IRC logs!)13:10
dwt_I mean, its just a prepend of "_HiStOrY_V2_"13:10
dwt_and everything works again.13:10
dwt_(strange though)13:10
dwt_ok, thanks a lot for your help13:11
jmlwe aren't the only ones :)13:12
dwt_so they stumped it.13:13
dwt_Ah well13:13
dwt_on with the real hacking. :)13:13
dwt_Thanks again13:13
tretlehow do I change the email address associated with bzr whoami?14:34
bob2bzr whoami "Your Name <your@example.org>"14:35
=== lamont` is now known as lamont
aidoshi everyone. I 've had recently a pretty weird behaviour from bzr, after a merge, one of the revision had been "skipped", I had it in the history but none of the modifications had been applied15:15
bob2can you see it in the output of 'bzr log'?15:15
bob2perhaps a later revision undid it15:16
aidosit's what i thought, but none of the following revisions modified the files that should have bee reverted15:17
aidos...that should have been reverted for that behaviour to be normal15:17
aidosany ideas?15:19
bob2have a look at the 'bzr blame affectedfile' output15:19
asabilhi all16:04
asabilwho is actually working on bzr-git ?16:04
clementeasabil: you can see it in the log; the most active seems to be jelmer16:30
asabilclemente: oh ok thanks16:31
asabiljelmer: ping ?16:31
jelmerasabil, hi16:37
asabilhi jelmer, could you please take a look at my bzr-git fixes branch ?16:37
jelmerasabil, thanks, emrged16:45
=== fta_ is now known as fta
clementeHow can I tell Bundle Buggy that a patch has been superseded by another?18:21
jelmerclemente: click "Superseded"18:51
clementejelmer: I suppose I need an account for that18:54
jelmerclemente: ah, could be18:54
jelmerclemente: it will also mark patches as superseded if the new bundle includes a superset of revisions of the old one IIRC18:54
clementejelmer: yes, but in my case it didn't work, because I took my own bundle, merged it in another branch, and commited it again. Only to have the same tree in other computer18:57
clementemaybe there are better ways to copy revisions which can preserve history18:58
clemente(Revision history, but whatever Bundle Buggy is tracking)18:59
=== tretle_ is now known as tretle
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thrope_how can I get bzr log to show the files affected by each revision?20:42
jelmerthrope_: bzr log -v20:43
thrope_also if I do -r-5..-1 on a file that hasnt had a change in those revisions there isn't any output - what options should I use to get the last 5 revisions of that file20:44
thrope_jelmer: right - sorry I don't know I missed that in the help20:44
Peng_thrope_: "bzr log -l 5 some_file"?20:46
LarstiQthrope_: --limit20:46
thrope_oh right - thanks20:47
thrope_trouble is when I use it with --forward I get the first 5 instead of the last 520:49
LarstiQmakes sense to me20:50
thrope_so how I can I get the last 5 revisions of a file in --forward order20:51
thrope_I'm trying to find an alias for a screenfull of revisions with the most recent at the bottom20:52
LarstiQthrope_: you could do something like jam's shortlog plugin20:52
thrope_what is that?20:53
LarstiQhmm, can't seem to find it right now20:54
jelmerwasn't shortlog from uws?20:54
LarstiQjelmer: that's lastlog20:54
LarstiQwhich also might be useful20:55
LarstiQthrope_: a custom logformatter20:55
thrope_ah I tried googling but I think shortlog is too general a term20:55
uwsyeah, "bzr lastlog" is mine20:57
uwstrivial plugin but very useful for me20:58
uwsnote that you can do roughly the same with aliases in ~/.bazaar/bazaar.conf20:58
uws[ALIASES]    last = log -r -10:-1 --forward --short          # for example20:58
uwsonly difference is that my plugin handles branches with < 10 revisions correctly20:58
uwsand that you can give the number on the command line (e.g. bzr lastlog 5)20:59
* uws gone now20:59

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