
JontheEchidnaScottK: jockey has been plauged with similar dbus errors00:02
ryanakcaCould someone review http://ryanak.ca/~ryan/mutt-lambda-1000-16291-1900:17
ryanakca... before I mail it off to kde-games-devel ?00:17
Riddellryanakca: seems ok00:20
Riddellryanakca: we don't override anything from upstream on that do we?00:21
ryanakcaRiddell: I don't see any patches for it00:29
ryanakcaRiddell: I wrote a patch for kds to override it and use the SVG deck instead... but probably not the most efficient way00:30
nixternalRiddell: what needs to be done asap? I have some time tonight00:30
Riddellnixternal: how's your c++?00:37
nixternalmy java is even better and so is my Python right now :P00:37
nixternalNeed to get back into the language I love so much....00:38
Riddellnixternal: in scim-bridge we have a patch which stops it trying to do stuff if scim isn't installed00:39
nixternalhrmm, I noticed scim took over my keyboard today and I couldn't do a darn thing with it00:39
nixternalI uninstalled it for the time being00:39
Riddellnixternal: that seems to work but now if you have scim installed but not running it still has an annoying startup delay when starting qt apps and scim-bridge-client-qt4 is install00:39
nixternalthe issue with scim itself or with the bridge-client-qt4?00:40
Riddellwould be good to have the patch also check that /tmp/scim-socket-frontend-$user also exists00:41
Riddellit's with scim-bridge-client-qt4 (which comes from scim-bridge source)00:41
nixternalwhere is this patch?00:42
Riddellin the scim-bridge source00:42
nixternalgot that, name?00:42
stdinI think patches/51_quiet.dpatch00:42
stdinsounds like it "## DP: Fixes 10-20s delay in launching apps when scim-bridge-client(s) installed but scim is not"00:43
Riddell51 is just to get it to shut up00:43
stdinah, right00:44
Riddelland if that's too easy, try patching kdm to fallback to session "KDE" if "KDE4" is chosen but no longer exists (I don't know where to start for that, havn't looked into it)00:44
* Riddell snoozes00:44
vorianhi everyone00:48
ScottKJontheEchidna: Thanks.  Maybe I should talk to pitti then.00:55
ScottK-laptopDo I need compiz-wrapper for anything?01:15
nixternalheh, I uninstalled that earlier and haven't noticed any problems01:15
* ScottK-laptop removes01:15
nixternalhrmm, that scim crap is silly01:17
nixternalseems to be as easy as adding '&& system ("ls /tmp/scim-socket-frontend-$USER") != 0)01:18
stdinyou need to get $USER though01:18
nixternalbut my lovely gpg agent keeps crashing on me now01:18
stdinunless, maybe, you run "/bin/sh ls /tmp/scim-socket-frontend-$USER"01:19
nixternalsystem does /bin/sh for you01:19
stdinoh, how nice of it :p01:19
nixternalthat would work01:20
nixternalI am not 100% clear as to what Riddell really wanted on that one as I am not familiar with the way scim works at all01:21
stdinI think it should return RETVAL_FAILD when /tmp/scim-socket-frontend-$USER doesn't exist too. so scim is installed, just not running01:22
* stdin thinks01:23
nixternalI think I would patch KDM to check before installing if /usr/share/xsessions/kde4.desktop exists01:23
stdinI tool a look at the KDM code, I'd rather not have to touch it01:23
nixternalOK...are we clear to upload as in no freezes01:23
nixternalstdin: ya, same here...the backend code is actually c which is funky to me01:24
nixternalI haven't messed with C code in probably 10 years, and it has been the best 10 years of my life :P01:24
stdinwouldn't kde4.desktop get removed when upgrading kdebase-workspace-data ?01:30
nixternalyou would think so, but I guess there is a posibility somewhere that Riddell is talking about01:30
stdinoh, I think he means when the session is saved. so when someone upgrades KDM will popup an error about the last session not being valid any more01:32
nixternalwouldn't the kde4 session be saved in ~/.kde4 though? I would think a kde3 session since it would be ~/.kde01:40
stdinI don't know, KDM seems to know what session was last before you login01:42
stdinand what if they were using KDE 3's KDM, then the new one would read ~/.kde and get the last value01:43
ScottK-laptopSo I just updated and restarted and now my clock doesn't fit.  Any suggestions: http://www.kitterman.com/kubuntu/clocknofit.png02:02
ScottK-laptopBTW, file copy/paste works in Konqueror for me now too.  No idea why.02:03
JontheEchidnaScottK-laptop: I found this bug: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=17201402:04
ubottuKDE bug 172014 in general "Cut/Copy permanently grayed out after opening any web page" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]02:04
JontheEchidnait seems to only happen with new windows, and not with new instances02:04
JontheEchidnaThere's a fix committed for 4.1.3 we could cherrypick02:04
yuriywon't 4.1.3 be out before intrepid?02:05
JontheEchidnaif so, probably after Everything Freeze (tm)02:06
ScottK-laptopJontheEchidna: How big a fix is it? If it's not crazy I think we should do it.02:06
ScottK-laptopAny hints on the clock?02:06
JontheEchidnanope, no clue02:07
* JontheEchidna checks the diff for the bugfix02:07
ScottK-laptopK.  Thanks.02:07
JontheEchidnawebsvn is slooow tonight02:07
JontheEchidnaScottK-laptop: It's a 2-line patch02:08
ScottK-laptopThat also explains why some people have the bug and others don.t02:08
ScottK-laptopSounds like we should definitely do it.02:08
ScottK-laptopThere will be others who take that bug about as well as I did and there are enough unavoidable areas with lack of polish we should fix the ones we can.02:09
JontheEchidnaScottK-laptop: got a Launchpad bug number? I can't find it off-hand02:09
* ScottK-laptop looks02:09
ScottK-laptopHey, I got the windows in the tooltips.  That's kind of kool.02:10
ScottK-laptopJontheEchidna: Bug 27712202:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 277122 in kdebase "konqueror cut and copy on contextual menu disabled" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27712202:11
ScottK-laptopJontheEchidna: No, thank you for fixing it.02:12
JontheEchidnaIt's actually quite a coincidence I was browsing the 4.1 branch when you mentioned that02:12
ScottK-laptopI'll take it regardless.02:14
ScottK-laptopJontheEchidna: I linked the bugs in LP.02:32
* JontheEchidna is back02:32
rgreeninghey all02:32
ScottK-laptopNext silly question: So how do I get the RSS articles to list in Akgregator - http://www.kitterman.com/kubuntu/whatRRS.png02:36
JontheEchidnawhoa, same here. Akregator used to work...02:37
ScottK-laptop4.1.1 was the same for me.02:39
JontheEchidnaScottK-laptop: http://paste.ubuntu.com/54843/02:40
JontheEchidnalast time I used akregator was in 4.1.0 for testing, and it worked then02:41
ScottK-laptopThat's gonna make some people grumpy.  I've got a tax deadline tonight and I'm putting a higher priority on the IRS not being grumpy at me than Akregator.  Anyone can see if there are bugs on this?02:42
rgreeningakregator  =works for me02:43
rgreeninghave you tried removing the rc file and try it fresh02:44
JontheEchidnargreening: works now02:46
ScottK-laptopJontheEchidna: kdebase is building.02:47
ScottK-laptoprgreening and JontheEchidna: then I think we ought to consider automating that because it was broken for me with upgrade from a working kde3.02:47
JontheEchidnaheck, it was broken with me from an upgrade from 4.1.002:48
rgreeningI never had an issue with mine at all02:49
ScottK-laptopHmmm.  Maybe release notes then.02:49
rgreeningAnd i did the upgrades from KDE3 to 402:49
rgreeninga while back though... Alpha 2 maybe02:49
ScottK-laptopFixed it for me too.02:51
ScottK-laptopSo get this ...02:52
ScottK-laptopI saved the old config file and diff'ed it to the new one.02:52
ScottK-laptopNo difference.02:52
ScottK-laptopThere's a bug in there somewhere.02:52
* JontheEchidna lol'd02:52
rgreeningis amarok 2 b 2 packaged up yet?02:53
JontheEchidnargreening: kubuntu-experimental ppa02:53
rgreeninghahah.. ScottK-laptop.. that is interesting.02:53
rgreeningwhat if you copy the old file back.02:53
rgreeningJontheEchidna: kool02:53
rgreeningScottK-laptop: possible something diff never picked up on?02:54
ScottK-laptopTrying to move the old file back.02:54
ScottK-laptopPerimssions were the same.02:55
ScottK-laptopFine with the old one moved back.02:56
ScottK-laptopI note that what I was getting looks the same as what I get in the bottom right panel with no article selected.02:59
ScottK-laptopSo the problem is that the top right panel is not opening.02:59
rgreeninghow about with '+' hotkey to advance next article? does that open anything?03:04
ScottK-laptopWith the new tooltip screenshot I can hover over my Konsole task bar icon and tell if the compile is done without having to maximize the window.03:14
ScottK-laptopThat's nice.03:14
rgreeningScottK-laptop: sweet03:21
yuriyapachelogger: nice counter! but it's not valid xhtml, no such thing as a border attribute anymore03:58
ScottK-laptopJontheEchidna: kdebase uploaded.  Thank you for your contribution to Kubuntu04:03
nixternalI want to contribute to Kubuntu04:12
Hobbseenixternal: no, you can't run vista on kubuntu.04:13
nixternalHobbsee: don't run Vista anymore, Mac OSX04:14
Hobbseenixternal: wow!  since when?04:14
nixternalsince never :)04:14
nixternalwas just jokin' on that one04:14
nixternalI am running Windows Mojave now04:14
Hobbseeoh dear.04:15
* Hobbsee isn't sure taht's better.04:15
ScottK-laptopHobbsee: I'm pretty sure most anything is better to run than Vista.05:04
ScottK-laptopI've given up on offering any assitance to people who have it.  I find it pretty well impossible to deal with.05:05
yuriygetting my new laptop, sadly with Vista, in a couple days. debating whether to boot into it at all or wipe it right off05:13
ScottK-laptopMy current one came with XP and will still dual boot due to a few media devices in the family that I can't deal with with Win2K or Linux.05:15
ScottK-laptopAlmost never use it though.05:15
HobbseeScottK-laptop: what media devices?  I thought msot were supported.05:15
ScottK-laptopMy wife uses audible.com for audio books.05:16
ScottK-laptopThey don't do Linux and she has one player that won't work wint Win2K.05:16
ScottK-laptopOne kid has an iPod that wouldn't until recently work with Linux.05:17
ScottK-laptopThat one I just need to find the time to get her migrated.05:17
ScottK-laptopBTW, KDE4 is shaping up pretty nice.  The Ninjas have dealt with a lot of the things that were annoying me last week in the last several days.05:18
ScottK-laptopBeing able to say "Fix my bug and  I'll sponsor you" is nice.05:18
* ScottK-laptop heads off to bed.05:29
ScottK-laptopGood night all.05:30
HobbseeScottK-laptop: great!  I'm thinking of trying it out again.05:35
yuriyyay tooltips05:56
=== Salze_ is now known as Salze
=== davmor2 is now known as davmor2_away
Tonio_hi there ;)10:49
Riddellsalut Tonio_11:01
stdinassuming the person filing bug #279531 comes back saying they used the "kde" package, should it be marked as invalid?11:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 279531 in meta-kde "KDE does not install laguages other than English" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27953111:05
Riddellstdin: there's various issues there, the main one is that system settings tries to run language-selector when it isn't installed11:07
Riddellso I'd turn it into a bug for that11:07
stdinyeah, that sounds good11:08
smarterRiddell: I think we should drop kubuntu.xmodmap, or at least test the stuff that is actually needed(only brightness I think) and remove everything else, lots of keycodes have changed with Xserver1.5/evdev, I spotted the issue with the Insert keys but they may be others11:12
smarterand hi too :)11:13
Riddellvolume is needed11:13
apacheloggeryuriy: you are talking like xhtml was the successor of html :P11:15
ScottK-laptopIs it known and an expected problem that KDE3 apps can't find khelpcenter?11:51
ScottK-laptopKonversation specifically in my case?11:51
apacheloggerScottK: that is not to be expected11:52
apacheloggerit wouldn't find the documentation11:52
apacheloggerbut khelpcenter itself is a bit weird11:52
ScottK-laptop"Could not find service 'khelpcenter'"11:52
ScottK-laptopWorks fine for a kde4 app.11:53
* ScottK-laptop leaves you with that nugget of joy while he goes and collapses for a while (first wave of kids is off to school).11:53
apacheloggermaybe it is expectable11:53
ScottK-laptopThe printing refresh problem seems fixed for me though, just to give some counterbalancing good news.11:54
ScottK-laptopI just remembered I may not have a stock conversation running here.  Let me check another app.11:54
apacheloggerdoesn't work with k3b either11:55
ScottK-laptopNor quanta11:56
ScottK-laptopSee you later.11:56
apacheloggerI think that feature uses some weird way to check if KHC is installed at all (desktop file based)11:56
apacheloggerwhatever desktop file it used for that, it either isn't where it used to be in KDE 3, or it doesn't include the necessary keys anymore11:57
=== davmor2_away is now known as davmor2
Riddelland what a lovely morning it is12:29
stdinRiddell: looks like the qt-language-selector doesn't exist in intrepid (kde4), only in the kde3 version12:38
stdin*qt-language-selector problem12:38
RiddellI have qt-language-selector12:39
Riddellthe package is called language-selector-qt12:39
stdinI mean the intrepid patch (kubuntu_85_language_selector.diff in kdebase) checks for qt-language-selector, the hardy one does not12:40
=== astralja1a is now known as AstralJava
Riddellah, sorted then12:41
apacheloggerstdin: nominate for hardy, provide a patch and get SRU permission :P12:45
apacheloggerRiddell: I guess we should remove amarok-kde4 from intrepid12:45
apacheloggerdo it the same way as with koffice12:46
stdinapachelogger: I have a diff http://stdin.me.uk/diffs/kdebase_3.5.10-0ubuntu1~hardy2-3.debdiff :)12:46
apacheloggerstdin: that should go backports12:46
apacheloggerI suggest getting the same for hardy-updates as well though12:46
* apachelogger has a feeling that most KDE 3 users don't have hardy-backports12:47
Riddellapachelogger: yep12:47
apacheloggerRiddell: I am going to polish amarok-mysql and amarok-kde4 a bit and then dput to members12:49
Riddellapachelogger: excellent12:50
apacheloggerRiddell: what kind of questions do I have to expect from the TB?12:55
Riddellapachelogger: oh, when is that?13:01
apacheloggerRiddell: 14 UTC13:01
Riddellwhat wider aims of ubuntu do you plan to help13:01
Riddell(the answer is kubuntu of course :)13:02
Riddellthis seems to be the last meeting at which anyone was discussed for core-dev http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2008/06/03/%23ubuntu-meeting.html13:06
apacheloggerRiddell: yeah, just read through it13:11
ScottK-laptopRiddell: kde-printer refresh fix worked for me.  Thanks.13:11
* apachelogger is glad they don't ask about drinking habits13:11
stdinapachelogger: shouldn't the bug also affect kdebase (for kde3)? or should it be left as kdebase-workspace13:12
RiddellScottK-laptop: oh great.  what did it fix?13:12
apacheloggerstdin: I would leave it since kdebase is overly crowded as it is13:13
ScottK-laptopFor Hardy/Intrepid up to now it wouldn't notice that the printing was done and go away nicely.13:13
ScottK-laptopI'd have to manually hit 'refresh'.13:13
apacheloggerstdin: usually you should probably just move it compeltely back to kdebase since it doesn't affect -runtime at all13:13
ScottK-laptopToday it went away for the first time for me since Gutsy.13:13
RiddellScottK-laptop: so the little icon in the systray hides?13:14
stdinapachelogger: well I have diffs for -backports and -proposed ready, so I'm just following the sru procedure now13:14
apacheloggerstdin: perfect13:15
RiddellScottK-laptop: did you talk to mvo about bug 277256 ?13:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 277256 in update-manager "Kubuntu upgrade to Intrepid removes needed packages" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27725613:15
stdinapachelogger: I'm a little confused as to what the status should be, it's fixed in -runtime but confirmed in kdebase13:16
ScottK-laptopRiddell: Not yet.13:16
ScottK-laptopOn my list for this morning.13:17
apacheloggerstdin: the hardy task should be confirmed while the -runtime one is fixed, so just mark the -runtime one invalid since it never was an issue in KDE 4 anway and nominate for hardy13:19
Riddellrgreening: just uploaded update-notifier-kde with your patch thanks13:23
rgreeningRiddell: I have the update for qtjambit to send as well (4.4.3)13:24
Riddelloh great13:24
rgreeningI do up the email in a min13:24
Riddellany changes needed?13:24
rgreeningother than update the control file and rules file and the copyright13:25
rgreeningsource iis the same and compiles fine here13:25
stdinRiddell, apachelogger: I've uploaded the diffs for bug #279531 but I can't do anything with the nomination for release (maybe LP has foxed me)13:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 279531 in meta-kde "System Settings tries to run "qt-language-selector" when not installed" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27953113:32
apacheloggerstdin: ubuntu drivers needs to accept the nomination13:43
stdinright-o :)13:43
apacheloggerstdin: https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-drivers/+members13:43
apacheloggerhowdy vorian13:44
vorianhow's things?13:44
apacheloggerI am freaking out because of the TB meeting today :P13:44
voriani'm sad that cylinder/sphere don't work for me13:44
vorianwhat time?13:45
apacheloggerand I am wondering how copying in soyuz works13:45
apacheloggerespecially the cross-series kind of copying13:45
ubottuCurrent time in Etc/UTC: October 07 2008, 12:45:53 - Next meeting: LoCo Council in 6 hours 14 minutes13:45
apacheloggernot even scheduled13:46
apacheloggernixternal: how does one become fridge dood?13:46
apacheloggerThe following source cannot be copied: amarok-mysql-dfsg-5.1 5.1.26rc-0ubuntu1~ppa1 in intrepid (same version already building in the destination archive for Intrepid)13:47
rgreeningRiddell: kubuntu_17_kwin_branch.diff is still enabled in kkdebase-workspace and is still causing repaint issues here.13:53
RiddellI've not seen repaint issues but maybe I'm just lucky13:54
rgreeningI know jtechidna had them last night13:55
Riddellthis is the third version of that patch, the question is does the second version have the repaint issues13:55
rgreeningmind you, they are less frequent, but still there and annoying when they happen13:56
rgreening(or seem to be less frequent)13:56
apacheloggerRiddell: bug 271630 needs a FFe ACK13:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 271630 in kwave "[sync Request] Kwave FTBFS in Intrepid" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27163013:56
ScottK-laptopstdin: I accepted your bug nomination.13:57
Riddellapachelogger: the current version doesn't build?13:58
apacheloggerRiddell: nope, it's KDE 3 depending on kdemultimedia, 0.8 is KDE 413:58
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RiddellI didn't think kwave was maintained at all13:59
Riddellwell, good with me, you can't break a package which is already broken14:00
Riddellwho's this fabrice_sp guy?  do we know him?14:00
apacheloggerRiddell: I was working with him on some package before14:00
apacheloggerRiddell: he packaged mountmanager14:00
Riddellsounds like someone we should conjole into appearing here14:01
apacheloggerIt appears to me that he isn't much of an IRC guy14:02
ScottK-laptopHe was on #ubuntu-motu about midnight my time last night.14:08
txwikinger2Hi folks14:20
jjessehello txwikinger214:20
=== txwikinger2 is now known as txwikinger
* txwikinger wonders if he should do a test of the beta live-CD and installation14:22
apacheloggerI think my pbuilder is broken14:24
ScottK-laptopRiddell: So conversation mvo, done.  Any idea why my clock would suddenly no longer fit (I don't think I changed any settings): http://www.kitterman.com/kubuntu/clocknofit.png14:25
RiddellScottK-laptop: hmm, X decided to change font size?14:28
ScottK-laptopThat'd make sense.  I think I got a new X recently.14:29
ScottK-laptopAnyone else have that problem?14:29
txwikingerWhat will happen with my kde profile if I install intrepid-beta from scratch on use the same user (home is separate partition)14:29
Riddellit'll be used by KDE 414:29
txwikingerAnd messed up?14:30
txwikingeri.e. can't use it anymore with kde3?14:30
Riddellno, everything will work, there will be no problems14:30
Riddellit's not a good idea to downgrade, that's unsupported14:30
txwikingerwell.. I am not talking about downgrade.. I am talking about dual-boot on my laptop14:31
txwikingerMy other computers are still not here14:31
* txwikinger will be cautious and rather use a different user account then14:32
rgreeningtxwikinger: mixing KDE3 and 4 in same home dir may be problematic14:32
txwikingerat least for the testing phase14:32
ScottK-laptopWas there a new guidance-power-manager for KDE 4.1.2?  Seems we still have
apacheloggerScottK-laptop: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/guidance/powermanager-ubuntu14:48
apacheloggerhey emgent14:48
ScottK-laptopapachelogger: Does it need sponsoring?14:49
apacheloggerScottK-laptop: apparently14:50
* apachelogger thought vorian uploaded all of extragear actually14:50
emgentheya apache :)14:50
ScottK-laptopapachelogger: There are a couple of bugs I want to make sure get fixed.  If you'll point me at the package I'll see if they're still there and then fix/upload.14:51
apacheloggerScottK-laptop: how about some bzr fun ;-)14:52
ScottK-laptopapachelogger: Where's the tarball?14:53
ScottK-laptopLet me see what I can amanger14:54
ScottK-laptop... manage14:54
apacheloggerScottK: just branch -> cd powermanger-ubuntu/debian -> bzr-buildpackage --merge -a -> cd ../build-area14:54
ScottK-laptopapachelogger: sftp in Dolphin works great, btw.  Thanks.14:54
apacheloggeryou're welcome :)14:54
apacheloggerhm bzr-buildpackage --merge -e actually14:55
ScottK-laptopapachelogger: I got it.  Hopefully I'll have some time to look at it while stuck in a meeting this afternoon.15:01
apachelogger that said15:02
* apachelogger goes to tb meeting15:02
* ScottK-laptop gets popcorn.15:02
vorianapachelogger: good luck15:03
apacheloggerthanks :)15:03
jjesseyay just got my sponship email for UDS :)15:03
apacheloggertoo bad I can't be there15:03
vorianScottK-laptop: do we need to package gpm?15:03
ScottK-laptopvorian: Looks like it was updated in bzr, but never uploaded.15:04
ScottK-laptopI'll have a look later today.15:04
vorianalrighty, thanks ScottK-laptop15:04
* Riddell gives apachelogger a shoulder massage15:07
Riddelljjesse: yay15:07
apacheloggeruhhh, I should apply for core-dev more often :D15:08
apacheloggervorian: can you try pbuilding kwave from https://edge.launchpad.net/~fabricesp/+archive15:11
apacheloggermy pbuilder fails, and I am not sure if it just me being silly or something broken in the ubuntu base15:12
rgreeningI got my UDS too.. :P15:23
jjessergreening: congrats :)15:23
rgreeningty. u215:23
nixternalwhat's up with Kopete sending HTML markup with my messages?15:29
nixternalanyone heard/seen of that?15:29
rgreeningwho's needs a roommate for UDS? :)15:29
nixternalPlease accept this e-mail as confirmation that Canonical would like to15:31
nixternaloffer you sponsorship in the form of accommodation and travel to15:31
nixternalUbuntu Developers Summit in Mountain View, California:15:31
nixternaljjesse: you and mario again!?!?!15:32
jjessei'm a bastard :015:36
nixternalquit taking my peeps man15:37
jjessenixternal: i'm trying to get top secret information about dell from suprm1 :) :)15:37
nixternaljjesse: he won't give it up, I have tried numerous times15:37
nixternalhe just say "keep watching"15:37
nixternalwell Riddell, you read to hack and party like a rockstar finally? After almost 4 years of me bugging you, we finally get to hack together :)15:38
nixternaland next, Akademy!15:38
jjessewatch out then :)15:38
nixternalI can't believe I have been around here that damn long15:38
jjessethat's a long time :)15:38
nixternaland have yet to go...but I am finally done with school :)15:38
* Riddell holds breath15:45
* jjesse too15:45
nixternalgo apachelogger go15:45
* nixternal crosses fingers15:45
* jjesse cheers for apachelogger15:46
vorianyay apachelogger! Congrats!!!15:46
stdinhe shoots, he scorrrrrrres!15:46
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Welcome to the Kubuntu developers channel | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kubuntu/Todo | apachelogger is elite core-dev!
nixternalPARTY TIME!15:46
apachelogger~order beer for everyone15:47
* kubotu is going to his secret storehouse to get beer for everyone - might take some time.15:47
* kubotu is back and slides beer down the bar to everyone15:47
nixternalI still should have given you a -1 on your application!15:47
apacheloggernixternal: ah, drink your beer :P15:47
* rgreening drinks beer15:48
* nixternal drinsk15:48
nixternaldrinks too15:48
* jjesse drinks beer15:48
* vorian drinks some water and passes his beer to the highest bidder15:48
* apachelogger notes that he forgot to drink his tea15:49
apacheloggernow it's cold :S15:49
txwikingerwhat is cold?15:49
apacheloggerthe ea15:49
txwikingerWell.. call it ice-tea :D15:50
Riddellapachelogger: kwave compile here (not pbuilder)15:51
Riddellas in I didn't try pbuilder, only local system15:51
vorianyeah, i've build kwave as well15:52
apacheloggerRiddell: I guess it is just my pbuilder15:52
apacheloggerthe PPA upload was yesterday15:52
apacheloggerso uploading should be fine15:52
ScottKThat's the first time Dapper has crashed on my probably in a year.15:54
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* JontheEchidna is stuck in Windows :(16:05
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: congrats on core-dev16:05
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: why are you stuck in windows?16:06
JontheEchidnanetwork won't start in Kubuntu16:06
yuriyoh wow, congrats apachelogger!16:06
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: just networkmanager, or not at all?16:07
JontheEchidnanot at all16:07
* apachelogger hands yuriy a beer16:07
JontheEchidnaI can't even ping the router16:07
ScottK-laptopapachelogger: Did you see JontheEchidna found the solution to my Konqueror copy/paste problem.  I uploaded it last night.16:07
rgreeninggrats apachelogger16:07
apacheloggerScottK-laptop: yes, I saw :)16:08
apacheloggerthat's one of the reasons why upstream report linking is so important IMO16:08
ScottK-laptopArk is still my nemesis, but things are definitely shaping up.16:09
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: actually I saw that fix because I was browsing the 4.1 tag in websvn \o/16:09
ScottK-laptopI added the bug link after.16:09
JontheEchidnabut yes, very important16:09
apacheloggeryeah, just saying, if JontheEchidna didn't brows the tag the bug link would have brought the fix to our attention16:10
apachelogger*browse even16:10
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: I found the bug link in the svn commit message :P16:10
ScottK-laptopThis one was rather backwards, but it had a happy ending.16:11
ScottK-laptopJontheEchidna: Did you see what I did to your debian/changelog entry?16:11
ScottK-laptopI think being painfully clear like that really helps the next guy to touch the package.16:11
* JontheEchidna keeps that in mind for the future16:11
rgreeningTry reading my changelog for qt-4.4.3 :)16:13
rgreeningIt's a freakin' novel16:13
* apachelogger hugs rgreening16:13
ScottK-laptopWonderful.  I'm a fan of verbosity in changelogs.16:13
rgreeningme 216:13
JontheEchidnaKDE-on-Windows works pretty well16:14
ScottK-laptopSo what's the score now then: 3 Kubuntu core-dev active and 2 or 3 who hang around and do stuff now and then?16:14
rgreening44 lines or so...16:15
apacheloggerScottK-laptop: you got a dapper around?16:25
ScottKTyping on it now.16:25
ScottKWith Riddell's 3.5.5 update packages.16:25
apacheloggerScottK: can you please try the failsafe session in KDM16:25
* apachelogger doesn't remember whether it launched konsole or xterm in KDE 316:25
ScottKMail me details on what exactly I need to do and I'll give it a shot, maybe tonight.16:26
Riddellnixternal: did you get a patch to scim?16:27
nixternalRiddell: I didn't patch it last night because I was somewhat confused by scim itself, but listening to what you said before you left, I had an idea, but wanted to wait for more info on it16:29
stdinapachelogger: KDM  3 runs "/usr/bin/xterm"16:29
apacheloggerstdin: are you sure about that?16:29
nixternalI think I said add '%% system ( 'ls /tmp/whatever-it-was-$USER' ) != 0' to the line in question in the patch itself16:30
stdinapachelogger: that's what it says in /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc16:30
apacheloggerstdin: don't we override that file?16:30
apachelogger/var/lib/kdm or something16:30
rgreeningapachelogger: my failsafe wasn't working. havent tested recently.16:30
rgreeningapachelogger: xterm was correct. It's failsafe... shouldn't dep on KDE or Gnome16:31
stdinapachelogger: /var/run/kdm/kdmrc agrees with me, FailsafeClient isn't set, and "# Default is "/usr/bin/xterm""16:31
apacheloggerfair enough16:31
rgreeningie. if user accidently borked KDE libs, Konsole wouldn't work... then failsafe wouldn't be so safe16:32
apacheloggerstdin: recommend or depend?16:32
* apachelogger thinks recommend is the way to go16:32
Riddellnixternal: that would seem likely to work16:33
Riddellnixternal: scim is confusing to everyone16:33
stdinapachelogger: doesn't xterm get installed by default?16:33
apacheloggerstdin: well, apparently not16:33
nixternalRiddell: then I shall patch it, should I upload it or what's the deal on it?16:33
Riddellnixternal: well you should edit the code, compile, test and see what happens16:34
Riddellif it fixes the problem then you can make the patch16:34
apacheloggerstdin: ubuntu-desktop depends xterm, maybe we shoudl just do the same16:34
nixternalthe problem was just the slowness of Qt/KDE apps starting up?16:35
apacheloggerrgreening, stdin: xterm is alternatives bound, so if konsole is installed it will use konsole anyway16:36
apacheloggerlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 2008-10-01 02:45 /usr/bin/xterm -> konsole16:36
Riddellnixternal: start one (one a command line) and see16:36
stdinapachelogger: I would have though that would be x-terminal-emulator, not xterm16:37
apacheloggerkde3 recommends xterm | x-terminal-emulator16:37
apacheloggerthat's what I am going to add to the KDE 4 kdm16:37
stdinas long as /usr/bin/xterm points to some compliant terminal emulator it probably doesn't matter16:38
nixternalRiddell: do I need anythong other than the bridge? ie. the client or anything16:38
apacheloggerif kdelibs breaks kdm wouldn't start anyway16:38
nixternalRiddell: nevermind, found it :)16:39
rgreeningapachelogger: perhaps that needs some tweaking... especialy in the case I meantioned.16:40
apacheloggerrgreening: see above16:40
rgreeningjust saw.. :P16:40
* rgreening thinks I should read ahead before sputtering out loud16:40
apacheloggerI am wondering what to do about bug 25918116:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 259181 in kdebase-workspace "KDM background image not displayed correctly on low resolution display" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25918116:41
apacheloggersmarter didn't have the issue in 4.1.0 and I didn't manage to reproduce in a vbox either16:41
apachelogger+ the patch is actually a revert of an upstream change16:42
stdinhmm, are you sure /usr/bin/xterm is am alternative, shouldn't it point to /etc/alternatives/...?16:43
stdinand then the package xterm has "-rwxr-sr-x root/utmp    332852 2008-05-06 00:05 ./usr/bin/xterm"16:43
* stdin starts to get confused16:44
apacheloggerstdin: doesn't matter for the bugfix, does it? :P16:45
apacheloggerbut yeah, there is definitely some strange stuff going on16:45
apacheloggermaybe if xterm itself is installed it will not link to konsole16:45
stdinwell, it still confabulating ;)16:45
apacheloggerRiddell: btw, please take a look at bug 27806616:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 278066 in kdebase-workspace "[Intrepid] Coverswitch is missing textarea showing the name of current selected application" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27806616:46
nixternalis there an issue with debsign in intrepid? all of a sudden my gpg-agent is dying and not letting me sign my packages16:47
* apachelogger didn't notice anything16:48
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: kdebase-workspace needs a retriage again, lots of new bugs16:49
apacheloggerstdin: kdm already recommends xterm | x-terminal-emulator ;-)16:49
Riddellnixternal: I have that16:50
nixternalRiddell: what are you doing to work around that?16:51
Riddellnixternal: unset GPG<tab>16:51
nixternalbuilding the patched scim-bridge now and will test16:54
nixternalif it works Riddell, should I upload it?16:54
Riddellnixternal: I'd like to see the debdiff if possibl16:54
nixternalroger that16:54
nixternalRiddell: Failed to open the panel socket  <- it didn't fix it17:03
nixternalseems the issue lies within the scim-bridge-agent-panel-listener.cpp17:03
rgreeninganyone working on the new digikam beta 417:34
apacheloggersmarter: I added .bzr-builddeb to the gpm branch17:35
rgreeningmind if I take a stab at packaging it?17:35
apacheloggerno, just make sure you assign the bug to you17:36
apacheloggerthere is some floating around17:36
* rgreening searches for digikam 10 beta4 update bug...17:36
rgreeningubottu: fact 317:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fact 317:37
rgreeningkubottu: fact 317:37
apacheloggerRiddell: bug 278722 ... either kubuntu-desktop needs to depend on xterm, or we should add it to the seed .... IMHO former is the better choice since most other -desktop packages depend on it as well17:37
rgreeningkubotu: fact 317:37
kubotufact #3 of 6: JontheEchidna needs moar coffeeee [from JontheEchidna!n=jonathan@ubuntu/member/jontheechidna on Wed Oct 01 23:27:52 +0300 2008 in #kubuntu-bunker]17:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 278722 in kubuntu-meta "Fail Safe login broken due to missing xterm" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27872217:37
smarterapachelogger: so, the policy is to use .bzr-builddeb for every Bazaar branch now? :)17:37
apacheloggersmarter: well, otherwise I will have to use --merge and that makes me grumpy17:38
smarterapachelogger: other solution is to add merge = True to config file17:38
apacheloggerwell, yeah that is what I did17:39
smarterI mean, the ~/.bazaar/stuff config file17:39
smarteror put alias bdm = "bd --merge" in the config file17:39
apacheloggerbut adding it to the global is pretty much screwy because a branch might not be in merge format17:39
smarterbdm is the best solution imho, but unfortunately, bzr bd-do only works when merge = True is in one of the config file17:39
apacheloggerwell, adding the .bzr-builddeb dirs is not exactly much work, so... ;-)17:41
rgreeningapachelogger: d.filoni has assigned the kde4 beta 3 bug to him, but 4 is out. no activity it seems. bug 267182. Should I just reassign to me?17:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 267182 in digikam-kde4 "Update to beta 3" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26718217:41
apacheloggerrgreening: I suggest you should first comment17:42
apacheloggersay if he doesn't respond within 24 hours you are going to start work on beta417:42
smarteromg, linus has a blog17:42
rgreeningk. will do.17:42
apacheloggersmarter: I guess now you need one as well :P17:43
rgreeningI should register one for smarter... :P17:45
rgreeningkubotu: tell me about smarter17:45
kubotubut what's smarter?17:45
rgreeningI swear, that bot gets funnier.17:45
smarteractually I started setting up one in http://smarter.free.fr/blog/ I just need to find a cool theme and start writing things :)17:46
smarterkubotu: chat17:46
kubotuI just don't see any 'advance' option in system settings module or equivalent in KDE4 we dont need arts anymore?17:46
smarterno we don't17:46
apacheloggeramarok 2 beta2 on the way to the kde4 ppa17:53
* smarter just saw the FTBFS in his mailbox :P17:54
seelehow maybe kubuntu people did we manage to get for december?17:58
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: bug 278482 should be dealth with before release17:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 278482 in kdebase-workspace "klipper crashed with SIGSEGV in URLGrabber::slotItemSelected()" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27848217:59
JontheEchidnaEasy backport from 4.1.318:00
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: add the websvn url and assign me18:00
JontheEchidnaHah, I forgot to add it, and I copied the url and everything18:02
* jussi01 hugs JontheEchidna18:03
jussi01JontheEchidna: you touched my bug :D18:04
JontheEchidnayup ^_^18:05
* jussi01 should now go check if his newly ordered HW will work perfectly, while he can still change it. (anyone got a geforce 9500GT?)18:06
rgreeningapachelogger: is amarok beta gonna hit intrepid18:06
* apachelogger pokes rgreening in the eye18:06
apacheloggerread backlog :P18:06
JontheEchidnargreening: did you fix bug 277380?18:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 277380 in kdebase-workspace "After installing updates in Adept and needing to restart, clicking on "restart" tray icon brings up dialog to shut down" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27738018:07
rgreeningthe ppa.. I saw...18:07
apacheloggerwho got some time?18:07
apacheloggeramarok 2 beta 2 news needs to be written18:07
JontheEchidnaI have screenie, and amarok218:07
rgreeningJontheEchidna: checking18:07
JontheEchidnaon windows \o/18:07
JontheEchidnaand it's amarok beta118:07
apacheloggerrighto :P18:08
yuriywhoa, is the default media a DVD now?18:08
apacheloggeryuriy: why do you think?18:08
yuriyapachelogger: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/intrepid/beta/18:09
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: you could write the news18:09
yuriythere's only a DVD18:09
apacheloggermaybe it is18:09
yuriythough the dailys are CDs18:09
apacheloggeryuriy: I think the image server is bogus18:11
apacheloggerthe mirrors provide the CD18:11
rgreeningJontheEchidna: yes. I an edited the bug. mistakenly added a branch... how to remove it?18:11
JontheEchidnargreening: I fixed it, I think18:13
rgreeningJontheEchidna: nm.. fixed. removed the erroneous stuff18:13
JontheEchidnathe status was set back to "New" though18:13
rgreeningty. I'll corerect18:13
rgreeningJontheEchidna: it's funny. I fixed the bug before a report came in.18:15
apacheloggernow he is gone18:42
smarterhttp://doc.trolltech.com/ less green :/18:52
apacheloggerwas too much anyway :P19:00
apachelogger!info libkdcraw-dev intrepid19:01
ubottulibkdcraw-dev (source: kdegraphics): RAW picture decoding C++ library (development). In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.1.2-0ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 11 kB, installed size 128 kB19:01
apacheloggerdevfil: ^19:01
devfilapachelogger: I've checked and it is the old version19:01
apacheloggerlook at the version19:01
apacheloggermaybe digikam depends on 4.2 nowadays19:02
apacheloggerthen we have little chance of packaging it anyway19:02
apacheloggerat least for official intrepid19:02
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: ping20:12
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: pong20:14
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: pino is going berserk because of your okular patch20:15
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: and I don't see the use20:15
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: he was trying to push me to revert for about 20 minutes20:15
apacheloggerwhithout telling me what is actually wrong20:15
apacheloggerand it is wrong20:15
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: .2 doesn't exhibit the issue for me20:16
apacheloggerthe progress indicating dialog gets pushed behind the "no results" dialog once that one was created20:16
JontheEchidnaI guess it'd be ok to revert then, though any sort of popup dialog shouldn't be needed in the first place20:17
apacheloggerit is20:18
apacheloggerthe red search bar is not obvious enough for most people20:18
JontheEchidnaI guess stop signs aren't obvious enough either :/20:18
apacheloggerthe context is missing20:19
JontheEchidnawhatever, it's not worth the pino rampage20:19
apacheloggerbesides, that could mean the search has stopped20:19
apacheloggeryou don't know why20:19
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: are you going to prepare a debdiff?20:19
JontheEchidnacan't, no internets or networking at all in Intrepid20:20
apacheloggeror actually... I already have half the debdiff ;-)20:20
* apachelogger needed to testbuild because pino didn't want to say why the patch is *WRONG*20:20
apacheloggernow I can put my fancy new powers to use \o/20:21
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: anything else fixable for graphics?20:21
* Tm_T talked shortly with Monty "mysql" Widenius today20:21
JontheEchidnamIRC fails at highlighting20:22
Tm_TJontheEchidna: ok20:22
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: maybe bug 276185?20:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 276185 in kdegraphics "Package transitions not handled on upgrade" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27618520:23
apacheloggerlooking at it right now20:23
apacheloggerI am wondering why kdegraphics didn't upgrade20:39
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: bug 27957020:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 279570 in kdebase-workspace "Missing include file taskmanager/taskmanager_export.h" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27957020:51
apacheloggersuper uber high priority20:51
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: so, add _export.h to the install file?21:02
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: look at the patch21:02
apacheloggerit shouldn't change the includes that way21:02
apacheloggerthere references are wrong and not file referenced are installed21:03
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: read the report and the report's recent comment carefully21:03
apacheloggerpretty well explains what the problems21:03
* apachelogger needs to kill amarok, the music is awful today21:03
jjessejust find better music to listen to :)21:04
apacheloggerjjesse: I never find music myself21:06
apacheloggerI only rediscover21:06
apacheloggerthe finding part is clearly within amarok's responsibilities21:07
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: does this mean that trunk has a bug too?21:07
apacheloggertrunk differs too much from 4.121:08
=== mcasadevall is now known as NCommander
apacheloggerScottK: please take a look at bug 279531 for hardy backports22:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 279531 in kdebase-runtime "System Settings tries to run "qt-language-selector" when not installed" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27953122:01
=== rdieter is now known as rdieter_away
apacheloggerkde-l10n is pissed22:19
apachelogger_a lot_22:19
apacheloggerjust read the german thread about the recent launchpad screw up22:20
apacheloggerRiddell: we really not do something, especially in terms of preveting issues22:21
mdikapachelogger, since its about translations: pissed may also refer to hackedicht while "pissed off" is understood correctly in all english dialects ;)22:27
apacheloggerkwwii had a wise sentence about that22:27
apacheloggerbetter to be pissed off than pissed on22:28
apacheloggeror something like that22:28
mdikbuddha would have been proud of him... ;)22:29
* apachelogger just got lost in all the open windows22:35
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: bug 276239 might be kde bug 17207722:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 276239 in kde4libs "ctrl-c (copy) not work in kde4" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27623922:42
ubottuKDE bug 172077 in kdeui ""Copy" functionality broken in file listings and KHTML" [Normal,Unconfirmed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=17207722:42
apacheloggeraddressbar copying works apparently :P22:42
ryanakcabug 278634 is confirmed... what Importance should I set it to? High? If people install Kubuntu in their native language, imho, it's a big turnoff if KDE isn't in that language...22:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 278634 in ubiquity "[Intrepid Beta] KDE does not use the language selected during install" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27863422:45
apacheloggerryanakca: critical22:50
apacheloggermilestone 8.1022:50
apacheloggera lot of people don't speak english22:50
apacheloggerat least not well enough to actually use it22:50
apacheloggerand a lot of them don't know how to get support22:50
apacheloggerthus they won't know how to configure it properly and go back to windows22:51
apacheloggerahoy emgent22:51
apacheloggerwoah, that was an investigation22:56
apacheloggerbug 276185 is caused by kcolorchooser conflicting/replacing kcoloredit (for no reason really), so kcolorchooser upgrade would have removed kcoloredit, the upgrader didn't like that all that much and just decided to not upgrading, which lead to kgraphics not being installed, which lead to kolourpaint not being upgraded to kolourpaint422:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 276185 in kdegraphics "Package transitions not handled on upgrade" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27618522:58
apacheloggerstill kolourpaint4 should have a transitional package IMHO22:58
* JontheEchidna 's head spins22:59
JontheEchidnaso, I really need to figure out why wifi is broken.23:04
JontheEchidnaer, not wifi, wired23:04
kubotuapachelogger is listening to "Qt 4 Dance" by Finn Arild/Trolltech23:15
RiddellI can't click on links in konqueror, they just go to "no such file" error page until I prss F523:49
apacheloggerRiddell: screwed up cache setting maybe?23:51
apacheloggeror knetworkmanager does strange stuff, I read bug reports about konqueror going to offline mode if networkmanager reports offliness23:52
Riddellapachelogger: you're a genius23:52
Riddellmy cache settings were all wrong23:52
ryanakcaRiddell: while you're testing Konqueror, mind testing a bug with Konqueror + LP (haven't tested elsewhere) please? Change the status of a bug to <whatever>. Then try changing it again. Does it remain <whatever> you had changed it to? Now, click on the importance menu, does the status menu change to whatever you set it to the second time?23:58
ryanakcaapachelogger: Congrats! :D23:58
apacheloggerryanakca: thx :)23:59
* ryanakca grumbles and tries to get the tea he spilled out of his keyboard23:59

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