
cjI thought I had a misconfigured bzr :)01:07
_AndrewHi, I took out a copy of my project using bzr branch lp:hardwar and did a commit and now I can't push the changes it says port 22 connection refused01:31
ajmitchsee topic about bazaar.launchpad.net being down01:32
_AndrewWhat's UTC? GMT?01:33
_Andrewok nevermind, thanks01:33
DBObazaar no worky01:36
stgraberDBO: topic01:36
DBOmmm whats the in american dummy time?01:36
spivDBO: which american time? :)01:36
* jml uses http://timeanddate.com/ a lot for that01:37
DBOi would settle for when it will be done relative to now01:38
stgraberEST or EDT ? east coast is currently EDT01:38
DBOoh right01:38
stgraberif you are somewhere on the east coast, it's UTC-401:38
DBOso only 1.5 hours left01:38
spivDBO: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converted.html?day=7&month=10&year=2008&hour=2&min=0&sec=0&p1=0&p2=179 :)01:39
DBOwhat fun things are going on01:39
mwhudsonhardware upgrade01:39
Hobbseeoh, well done launchpad!02:31
Hobbseeit's now easy to find a bugs on a particular package, without manually constructing the URL!02:32
cody-somervilleHow?! :D02:32
=== mthaddon changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com
jmlmthaddon: woot.02:33
Hobbseelaunchpad.net, click ubuntu, put in the package name, click the resulting one, click bugs02:33
Hobbseecody-somerville: ^02:33
poolieis there any way to search for bugs with a quoted string  like "file exists" ?02:34
Hobbseepoolie: yeah, use ''s i recall02:34
pooliedoesn't seem to work for the within-bugs search02:34
Hobbseeoh, a quoted string, rather than just a string.02:35
pooliei think it finds me bugs which have both words but not next to each other, which is unhelpful02:35
poolieno, i don't want the quotes02:35
Hobbseeoh, then maybe it is the double quotes.02:35
Hobbseei remember that you can search for numbers by including them in quotes02:35
Hobbseei thought i'd gotten phrases to work too02:35
Hobbseehm, no, it's certainly not double quotes.02:37
Hobbseeso that's the bug i was never able to reproduce.02:38
pooliewhich one?02:38
* Hobbsee found the good old "launchpad returns search entries that do not fit the search criteria" bug.02:38
Hobbseethe second entry, 276876, does not contain the word "crashes" at all.02:39
pooliewe're just generous :)02:40
pooliei think we might be using some kind of word stemming, stub would know02:41
Hobbseethe closest it contains is "crashed"02:41
spiv"crashed" and "crashes" would both stem to "crash" I suspect.02:42
Hobbseei suspect so02:42
poolieand on the other hand searching for _walkdirs_fs_utf8 does not find a bug that contains that word02:43
* Hobbsee suspects it doesn't handle special characters correctly.02:48
jameshHobbsee: PostgreSQL's full text indexing does perform stemming, so spiv's explanation sounds right02:48
Hobbseejamesh: ahhh.  Interesting.02:49
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lifelessare we still using psql text indices?03:14
mwhudsonfor bug search, yes03:16
alester_am I on dope or doesn't launchpad have list hosting?04:53
wgrantalester_: It does - you can request a mailing list for a team.04:54
wgrantalester_: Hit "Manage addresses", and there's a link down the bottom.04:55
alester_Where is Manage Addresses?04:58
wgrantalester_: In the "Confirmed e-mail addresses" box on the right-hand side of a team page.04:59
wgrantAh, you might not have that if there's no contact address yet.04:59
wgrant"Change contact address" in the green menu on the right, in that case.04:59
alester_on me or on the project?05:00
wgrantalester_: On the team.05:00
alester_is a team different from a project?05:00
wgrantalester_: Yes, they are entirely different concepts.05:00
wgrantA team is a group of other teams or people.05:00
alester_ok, so maybe a mailing list here might not be best.  I'll hit Google Groups.05:01
alester_thanks.  The "team" thing now makes sense re: drizzle05:01
wgrantalester_: Why?05:01
alester_If I'm confused by it, I suspect others might be too05:02
alester_and my project is not at all about code05:02
wgrantWhat is confusing about it?05:02
wgrantA team would likely be called a group in most other contexts.05:02
jameshalester_: a team is a group of people05:03
alester_I know05:03
alester_It makes sense here, but I don't want anyone to be stymied by it.05:04
alester_I'm starting a brand new group of people, and I want to not give anyone a reason to not join up.05:04
jameshso, why wouldn't they want to join via LP?05:05
wgrantjamesh: Because LP is so shiny and nice looking that they'll think it's not real.05:06
wgrantEveryone is used to SF.05:06
alester_Actually, my project is not about (necessarily) code05:06
jameshwell, you don't need a project on LP to have a mailing list05:07
jameshyou need a team05:07
wgrantThis really could be much better documented. I might work on that one day.05:08
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stubjml: Apologies - Thailand is having issues getting to the DC. jtv is seeing it too and he is on a different ISP.09:27
jmlstub: np09:27
jmlstub: for a moment I thought it was my stunningly compelling retort ;)09:27
* wgrant sees the barrier between #launchpad@irc.c.c and here fade.09:29
persiaIs there a time window between branches being available from code.launchpad.net and bazaar.launchpad.net?  If so, how long is this window typically?10:05
wgrantpersia: It used to be half-hourly, but I've not seen a noticeable delay recently... except when branches fail to mirror.10:31
persiawgrant: Thanks.10:34
jmlpersia: it's 2 min minimum10:34
persiaSo, in case anyone can fix it, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/partman-efi/ubuntu/files appears to be the result of a branch failing to mirror.10:34
* jml has a look10:34
jmlpersia: if it failed to mirror, there'd be an error message at https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/partman-efi/ubuntu/10:35
jmlpersia: oh, is it a new branch?10:35
persiaThat would be the first push to the branch, yes.10:36
jmlpersia: ok.10:36
persiaDoes that change the expectations I should have for replication?10:36
jmlpersia: we rolled out some new hardware today for codehosting. one of the cronscripts broke, and that's the one that tells the code browser where to find branches.10:36
persiaAh.  I do hope I'm only reporting an already discovered problem then.  Thanks :)10:37
jmlpersia: so, AIUI, old branches will work ok, but it has no way of learning about new branches. I've been led to believe that will be fixed in the next 12-24hrs.10:37
persiaShould the branches still be available for pull from bzr directly?  Is it only the http browsing that is broken?10:38
* jml hedges his words in case those pernicious leaders-of-belief turn out to be wrong.10:38
jmlpersia: pulling via http might be broken too.10:38
persiaBut bzr+ssh should work?10:38
jmlpersia: yep10:38
persiaOK.  Good.  I've only twice had the experience of not creating a new branch when pushing something :)10:39
jmlpersia: what was the first experience?10:39
persiajml, updating the ubuntustudio.intrepid seeds.10:40
jmlpersia: what happened?10:40
persiaI pushed the branch.  It updated.  Nothing special.  It's just outside of my typical experience.10:40
jmloh sorry, I misunderstood :)10:41
jmlpersia: but hooray for novel bazaar operations!10:41
persiajml, heh.  No, just usually I create an entirely new branch with a first push for anything I do, rather than revisiting anything.10:43
persiaNot that I tried to create something and it didn't work :)10:43
jmljamesh: hi, did you see my post re testresources?10:50
jameshjml: post where?10:52
jmljamesh: http://code.mumak.net/2008/10/testresources-some-examples.html10:52
jameshjml: I hadn't seen it.  Looking now.10:53
jameshjml: instantiating the resource manager in the TestCase definition looks like bad style10:56
wgrantjml: Can I convince bzr to tell LP to remirror a branch? I can't seem to use launchpadlib to do it without finding a new version somewhere...10:56
jameshoops.  /me should read ahead10:56
jmlwgrant: by 'remirror' do you mean 'try mirroring again' or 'throw away the current copy and pull a fresh one'?10:57
wgrantjml: Try mirroring. This is another branch that says "User timeout caused connection failure."10:57
jameshjml: fwiw, for my use of testresources for database handling, I wrote a class that wraps a DB-API module and tracks statement execution and commits10:58
jameshso the resource automatically gets marked dirty, and can tell whether a rollback is sufficient to clean it10:58
jmljamesh: could I have a look at the code? I'd be keen to see it.10:58
jmljamesh: oh, that's cool.10:58
jmlwgrant: bzr itself doesn't have the functionality yet.10:59
jmlwgrant: I had thought the method was exposed in launchpadlib10:59
jml(but you probably know more about launchpadlib than I do)11:00
jameshjml: also, you don't need "(sic)" after OptimisingTestSuite or adsorb11:00
wgrantjml: I can't seem to navigate to the branch with my old version. I guess I'll pull up a newer version.11:00
jamesh(although I thought adsorb was a typo first time11:00
jmljamesh: it's my way of venting frustration at the names.11:00
jmljamesh: and 'sic', although not necessary, isn't false.11:01
jameshjml: adsorb annoyed me: it looks like a typo for a more common word that describes the functionality pretty well11:01
jmlwgrant: if you do figure it out, I'd love it if you sent a patch of the launchpad plugin to the bzr mailing list :)11:02
wgrantYay, that worked.11:07
thekornintellectronica, hi, does your last comment on bug 270792 mean that a new fix is available on staging?11:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 270792 in malone "HTTP Error 503: Service Unavailable when retrieving big collection of messages" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27079211:10
intellectronicathekorn: let me check if it hit staging already. it got commited last night so i don't know if it got deployed yet11:11
intellectronicathekorn: yes, it should be on staging11:11
thekornintellectronica, hmm, it now takes about 84 seconds and results in an httpError like: 'No url for <Message at 0x2aaaacad9b90> because <Message at 0x2aaaacad9b90> broke the chain.'11:13
intellectronicathekorn: and yay, looks like it's ok now (though very slow)11:13
intellectronicathekorn: oh. which bug?11:13
thekornintellectronica, when I try to get the complete list of all messages of bug 111:14
ubottuhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1 (Won't display info)11:14
thekornintellectronica, same code as described in comment #9 on this bug11:15
intellectronicathekorn: yes, i can reproduce :(11:17
intellectronicathekorn: i'll file a new bug, since this looks like a different problem11:17
thekornintellectronica, ok, super, thanks11:17
spivjamesh: yes, "adsorb" does make you feel like the API is being gratuitously obtuse for no real benefit.11:19
jameshspiv: I filed a bug about it, only to be told that it wasn't a mistake :(11:23
spivYeah, I saw.11:25
jmlI've talked to lifeless about it, we're going to kill it in favour of an addTest that does what adbsorbSuite is supposed to do.11:34
jml(sadly, my 'adsorbSuite => addTestFlat' change didn't fly)11:34
bigjoolsdid someone swallow a dictionary?  it's a word specific to chemistry11:36
jmlheh heh11:36
jameshbigjools: correction: specific to chemistry and testing infrastructure11:37
jmlspeaking of which, I encourage you all to use and file bugs against said piece of testing infrastructure!11:38
jameshI have been.11:38
jmljamesh: thank you :)11:39
jameshdespite my complaints about some aspects of the API, it provides a much needed feature and seems to be roughly correct11:39
jameshconcept wise11:39
jmlhmm. I should hack up an extension that allows make() and clean() to return Deferreds.11:40
jml(there has got to be a better way)11:42
nhandler_I started trying out the PPA feature of launchpad. I uploaded a package to my personal PPA, deleted it, and now I am unable to upload a new copy of that same package (same version). Is there any way to do this other than changing the version number?12:41
bigjoolsnhandler_: no, you need to bump the version12:41
kiko-zzznhandler_, short answer, no, long answer, read the FAQs. :)12:41
bigjoolsnhandler_: https://help.launchpad.net/PPA12:42
persianhandler_, Essentially, use a PPA as you would for distribution of packages to users.  If you want to use it for review/discussion of packaging, set ~ppa for both the upstream version and revision codes.12:45
nhandler_bigjools: I just read through that PPA page you linked me to. I know it says that "You should not rely on deletion requests to re-upload the same source version with different contents.". But the reason it gives is because of the restrictions for it to be removed from the archive disk pool. This was the only package in my ppa. No other packages reference it. It also appears to have already been removed from my pool. So is there a ...12:48
nhandler_... reason why it can't be uploaded?12:48
bigjoolsnhandler_: the system does not know if someone downloaded it already.  If you try and make apt download the same version with different files it will not be happy.12:49
bigjoolsso we track internally what was uploaded previously12:49
nhandler_I guess I'll just change the version. Thanks for your help.12:52
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thekornhi leonardr, I've got one question about launchpadlib and caching: should caching also work for collections (like bug_tasks or messages)?14:13
=== abentley changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | abentley is your help contact today
leonardrthekorn: no, it doesn't work for collections yet14:14
leonardrthe problem is that it's very difficult to determine in general when a collection changed14:14
thekornleonardr, ok, thanks that's what I just found out, just wanted to make sure it's not a bug,14:15
james_wnew launchpadlib just built in Intrepid for those who are in to that sort of thing14:19
tretlehow do you add revision changes when pushing code up to launchpad?14:26
tretlethrough bzr?14:26
abentleyRinchen: What should I do with an Answers question that is a request for Ubuntu tech support?14:33
stdinabentley: can't you move it to ubuntu from +edit?14:37
* stdin hasn't used answers. much for a while now14:38
abentleystdin: Good idea14:41
abentleytretle: I don't know what you mean, unless the answer is "bzr push".14:41
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tretleWell I have a branch of a project called hum, This is my first time using launchpad for this type of thing but I figured out how to push changes to my branch up to launchpad.. In the recent revisions section though it only shows the changes to the main branch14:44
tretleI assumed it was taking the changes from the changelog or something but the changelog is empty so I am left scratching my head :D14:45
stdinwhat url are you pushing to?14:46
abentleytretle: I believe that URL displays only trunk.  Lemme see...14:48
tretlebzr push lp:~tretle/hum/tretle_branch14:49
abentleytretle: The last revision you pushed is 9?14:50
abentleytretle: That is the last one available via bzr and also the last one displayed on the page.14:50
tretleah but I pulled the code from the main branch and fixed autogen and then pushed it to my branch14:51
abentleytretle: Is this not your branch?14:52
tretleI am part of the hum development team, but I created my own branch as I am new and I would like to mess around with it without getting in the way to begin with14:52
abentleyRight, and this looks like your branch.14:53
abentleyIt looks like the last revision you pushed is 9.  Is that correct?14:53
abentleyHave you committed since you pulled the code?14:54
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Rinchenabentley, what stdin said :-)14:59
abentleyRinchen: cool14:59
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mrooneyIs it possible to subscribe to new blueprints (or translations and questions for that matter) for Launchpad projects, like bugmail?18:02
cjServer is too old for streaming pull, reconnecting.  (Upgrade the server to Bazaar 1.2 to avoid this)18:03
cjI thought you folks were the new hotness OS!18:03
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abentleycj: It's actually that the server too new, and support for that form of streaming pull was dropped.18:35
cjhaha.  sucks to be lenny, I guess.18:36
cjor, wait.  it's even sid.  haha.18:36
abentleyI'm pretty sure Ubuntu's packaging is based on debian's, so I'd expect up-to-dateness.18:37
cjhurm.  I did an apt-get update and installed yesterday.  deep weirdness.18:37
abentleycj: What're you at?18:37
cj$ dpkg -l | grep bzr18:38
cjii  bzr                             1.5-1.1              easy to use distributed version control syst18:38
cjii  bzrtools                        1.5.0-1              Collection of tools for bzr18:38
abentleycj: That's not so bad.  1.7 is the most recent release (though 1.8 is in rc)18:39
cjah, you must be running from source rather than a .debized package, then?18:40
abentleycj: Yes, launchpad is run from source.18:40
cjhurm.  the checkout is failing.  perhaps I'll just grab the latest version from source.18:42
* cj goes in search of a tarball18:42
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* cj needs to learn to *not* put a v in the tar option list18:43
cjwow.  the python install script is noisy, too18:44
abentleycj: How's checkout failing?18:45
cjabentley: sorry, tar and python scrolled the log off the screen.  From memory, it's showing me a number of '=' characters and the stopping.18:46
cjthe first run got to about 8 '=' chars and the second run (after rm -rf'ing drizzle/) got to about 18 '=' chars18:46
cj(of an 80-char wide screen)18:46
abentleyOh, so possibly just slow.18:46
cjno.  the first one was started last night.18:47
cjunless by 'slow' you mean something different than I think18:47
abentleyOh.  Hmm.18:47
abentleyI wonder if it was caused by us switching servers last night?18:47
cjoh, wait.  I gave up on the attempt I made last night, since you were down.18:48
cjThe first run must have been started this morning.  sorry.18:48
cjmaybe I was just not being patient enough.18:48
abentleycj: "bzr branch lp:drizzle" took 2m19.112s for me, but that is with bzr 1.9dev18:50
cjbzrlib isn't included in bzr-1.7.1?18:51
cjwhere do I get it?18:51
abentleycj: bzrlib is included.18:52
rockstarcj, bzrlib is part of bzr18:52
cjmaybe I didn't set my LD_LIBRARY_PATH or PYTHON_PATH or something in my environment thingy... *sigh*  another language, another environment variable18:53
cjso, what environment variable tells python where to search for python libraries?18:53
abentleycj: You don't actually need to install bzr.  It'll run fine from the unpacked tarball.18:54
abentleycj: To specify the install prefix, you can use the --prefix option to setup.py.18:55
cjabentley: I did, but my ~/.devenv script doesn't include the PYTHON* environment variable that sets its library search path.  do you know what that might be, and where I might set it, assuming the prefix is ~/opt ?18:56
=== bac_afk is now known as bac
cj(using the most recent client seems to be working)18:58
cjthis might anger some folks, though, if it breaks the old version.  But then, it might just be that I'm not patient enough.  I wasn't watching the network traffic to see if it was passing any packets18:58
rockstarcj, your PYTHONPATH should be looking in . for packages and modules19:00
abentleycj: it would be PYTHONPATH=/opt/lib/python2.5 or similar19:00
cjabentley: thanks19:00
cjrockstar: I think setting any path search env to ./ is a security problem waiting to happen.  I might be paranoid, though19:02
rockstarcj, you might be, and are, paranoid.  :)19:02
abentleycj: It is actually the directory containing the running program, not the current working directory.19:04
cjabentley: hmmm... even that seems dangerous.  relative paths in environment variables scare me.19:05
cj$ ./bzr branch lp:drizzle /usr/src/bzr/drizzle19:06
cjare you trying to tell me something? :)19:06
abentleycj: They are not relative paths.  It is an absolute path to the directory containing the currently-running program.19:06
cjand if someone has . in their path and there is a maliciously mis-named program in .?19:07
abentleyAnyone who puts . in their path should be shot.19:08
cjI'd generalize that to "anyone puts a relative path in an environment variable should be shot"19:08
abentleycj: That's fine with me.19:09
cj$ bzr up19:09
cjUnable to obtain lock file:///usr/src/bzr/drizzle/.bzr/checkout/lock19:09
cjwoe.  how do I release my (stale) lock so I can get a lock?19:09
abentleybzr break-lock /usr/src/bzr/drizzle19:10
cjand why was the initial branch command Killed?  Did it spin out of control and consume all of my system memory and swap?19:10
cj$ bzr up19:10
cjTree is up to date at revision 486.19:10
cjmeh.  good enough :)19:10
abentleycj: np19:10
cjcjac@dev0:/usr/src/bzr/drizzle$ ls -a19:11
cj.  ..  .bzr19:11
cjshouldn't there be something more there? :)19:11
abentleycj: bzr revert19:15
cjd'oh.  > /dev/null!19:17
cjmy poor bandwidth costs!19:17
abentleycj: Run everything in screen, and you can just switch if a command gets too noisy.19:17
stefanlsdmwhudson: ping19:18
cjit is in screen, but the buffer is so backed up that ^\-d is going to take a few minutes19:18
cjI should just pipe everything to less :)19:20
JayBeeHello, I am uploading to launchpad using bzr but although my name shows up it is not linked with my launchpad profile. What should I do?19:21
cjalrighty!  Now for the code review :)19:21
stefanlsdDoes anyone know anything about - AssertionError: Non-hosted url u'http://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-security/ubuntu-cve-tracker/master' for hosted branch.  - I pushed with bzr on a stacked url.19:22
abentleyJayBee: Linking revisions to Launchpad accounts is done using the committer-id that shows up in "bzr log".19:22
abentleyYou need to register that email address as an alternate address in Launchpad.19:23
JayBeethank you! Do so I need to set my launchpad e-mail in bzr whoami ?19:23
abentleyJayBee, the e-mail in bzr whoami should be something that Launchpad knows you control.19:24
JayBeethanks abentley!19:25
abentleystefanlsd: Can you give me a traceback (in a pastebin)?19:25
stefanlsdabentley: i believe its actuall this bug - https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-bazaar/+bug/27237219:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 272372 in launchpad-bazaar "Cannot manually stack Bazaar branches on Launchpad branches" [High,Triaged]19:27
abentleystefanlsd: Could you try it with a bzr+ssh URL?19:28
abentley(or sftp, if you're using that)19:28
stefanlsdabentley: would lp:~ be the same?19:29
abentleystefanlsd: Yes.19:29
stefanlsdabentley: kk. trying it with lp:~19:30
abentleyWell, probably.19:30
abentleySpelling out both URLs fully is safest.19:30
stefanlsdabentley: Ignoring request for a stacked branch as repository already exists at the destination location.   - that was with --overwrite.. might have to delete it first?19:30
abentleystefanlsd: Yes, you would.19:31
stefanlsdis there a way to delete a branch?19:32
stefanlsdoh. i see the red minus :)19:32
abentleystefanlsd: Yes.  To me, it looks like a "no entry" street sign.19:33
stefanlsdabentley: heh. yeah. and the pencil edit that doesnt really look like a pencil19:33
* beuno has a trash can icon ready to land in launchpad soon19:35
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abentleybeuno: Great.19:35
stefanlsdbeuno: can you do something re the pencil also?19:37
beunostefanlsd, well, if you can convince me that there's a problem with it, sure19:37
beunoI think it looks fine19:37
beunoit's very yellow, slick, and looks like a pencil, IMHO19:38
stefanlsdi've seen questions from so many people that didnt know that it was a pencil that meant edit.  once you've been told, its ok. but i dont think thats the point.19:38
beunowhat would be a better edit button?19:38
JayBeeit's kind of hard to tell it's a pencil... looks like an italic exclamation mark19:40
beunook, what would make it look more like a pencil?19:41
stefanlsdbeuno: mm. not sure.  i like the yellow though :)  - but yeah, looks like an exclamation.     what about a pencil on notepad?  some kind of 'cleaner' icon?19:42
JayBeehm.. difficult question... maybe if it was in one piece? It is very small so it is hard to make it look more like a pencil.19:44
beunoJayBee, the original mockups where 1 piece/color, and it was much worse  :/19:44
Ursinhabeuno, I always thought that icon was an exclamation mark19:45
beunoUrsinha, really?  you break my heart...19:45
Ursinhauntil the day somebody raised this discussion on lp-users19:45
Ursinhabeuno, I think it's too small for that detail level19:46
JayBeebueno: maybe make it slimmer and taller, like pencils usually are19:46
beunoJayBee, Ursinha could be...  I'll add it to my list and see if I can do something about it.19:47
beunothanks for the input  :)19:47
Ursinhabeuno, np :)19:47
stefanlsdthanks beuno !  :)19:50
stefanlsdabentley: AssertionError: Non-hosted url u'bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-security/ubuntu-cve-tracker/master' for hosted branch.  - yeah. same error19:53
abentleystefanlsd: What was the commandline?19:54
stefanlsdabentley:  bzr push --use-existing-dir --stacked-on bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-security/ubuntu-cve-tracker/master bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~stefanlsd/ubuntu-cve-tracker/dev19:55
abentleystefanlsd: Thanks for humouring me.  We'll get that fixed.19:56
stefanlsdabentley: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2008/09/20/%23launchpad.txt       - search for assertion.   jml had a fix... there19:56
stefanlsdactually mwhudson19:56
mtaylorif I get a soyuz message about PPA exceeding space... is the PPA not auto-deleting old, superseeded packages?20:04
cprovmtaylor: not necessarily. It means your ppa is using more space than what is allowed.20:05
mtaylorcprov: well yeahh.. sorry, poorly worded question20:06
cprovmtaylor: you decide if you can remove some packages you are not using or if you want to request more space.20:06
mtaylorcprov: are old packages auto-deleted, or do I need to do that by hand?20:06
cprovmtaylor: you PPA url, please ?20:06
mtaylorcprov: https://edge.launchpad.net/~ndb-bindings/+archive20:07
cprovmtaylor: they are auto-deleted.20:07
cprovEstimated archive size:          1.3 GiB20:07
cprovmtaylor: it's actually a little bigger in disk (1.5GiB)20:08
mtaylordude. that's a lot of space for 12 packages :(20:08
cprovmtaylor: you have binaries of 30 Mb ;-/20:09
mtayloroh, I don't doubt it20:09
cprovmtaylor: and they are arch:any, so the repo grows very quickly.20:10
cprovmtaylor: don't worry much, ask for more space.20:11
mtaylorok. cool.20:11
mtaylorcprov: thanks20:11
plexqanyone else getting a CA certificate problem pushing to launchpad bazaar?20:11
abentleyplexq: That sounds like an https thing, but we don't support pushing over https.20:13
plexqoh yeah - I'm a dumb ass20:13
plexqwhy the heck was I trying to push over https!20:13
abentleyWe did switch our bzr+ssh server last night, so it has a new key (but also a new IP)20:14
plexqok bzr+ssh worked much better20:14
beunoplexq, you can use lp: urls for convenience20:14
plexqhow do you use lp: with a push?  I'm not sure where to put the username?20:17
beunoplexq, you specify it once with:  bzr launchpad-login <username>20:17
abentleyplexq: You don't need to put the username anywhere.  Just run launchpad-login once, and lp: will put the username in for you.20:18
beunoso, from then on, just use:  bzr push lp:~team/project/branch20:18
beunoor bzr push lp:project20:18
beunoofthe project has a primary dev focus set (and you want to push to it)20:18
beunosame for branch, pull, merge, etc20:18
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j^why is launchpad so slow recently?22:35

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