
=== ALo is now known as ALoGeNo
=== ALo is now known as ALoGeNo
=== ALo is now known as ALoGeNo
=== ALo is now known as ALoGeNo
persialool, I found another workaround for the hda/hdb thing : if one selects the "Advanced" button from the final screen of ubiquity, one can select the target device.  Could you verify this also works for you?  I think it's probably easier to explain to users than the process with the ISO.08:08
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persiaogra, Didn't you solve bug #274786?  It looks solved to me, but I wanted to check before closing it, as it's assigned to you.10:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 274786 in mobile-meta "ubuntu-mobile install should be less agressively preseeded" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27478610:26
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ograpersia, oh, sorry, forgot to close it11:02
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bspencerlool: howdy.  is there a webpage for the next UDS yet?  What are the dates/location ?17:28
persiabspencer, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDSJaunty : we'll see you there?17:29
bspencermaaaayyybe  17:35
bspencerI'd love to go17:36
persiabspencer, It's closer to you this time, isn't it?17:40
bspenceryep.  although I'm not sure the distance is a factor17:40
bspencerbut it is convenient17:41
ograits the "no excuses allowed" UDS 17:41
persiaOne thing that local makes possible, is to only come for a couple days.  I don't know that the schedule is fixed yet, but I do know that in the past people have come to only some days of a UDS to hit some of their key topics.  Depends on how much time you can take in December.17:42
persia(and by "local" I mean "not subject to significant jet lag")17:42
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loolbspencer: Would love to see you there19:44
ogralool, bribe him with a free beer ;)19:48
loolbspencer: There will be free wifi!20:14
looland free software!20:14
bspencerand t-shirts?20:17
ograand CDs20:20
ograand we could promise you one free beer from the team petty cash ;)20:23
loolbspencer: And free hugs20:43
bspencerawww, ubuntu is just like one big geeky family20:44
=== ALo is now known as ALoGeNo
=== ALo is now known as ALoGeNo
=== ALo is now known as ALoGeNo

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