
asacdirecthex: we have a db that i regularly update based on the plugin headers in control00:26
asacso you wont see the result instantly00:26
directhexasac, okay, that's fine, just wanted to be sure00:27
directhexasac, it sounds like there's indeed no xulrunner-addons in debian :/00:27
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asacbdmurray: could you please build libnl locally and then run src/nl-route-dump to get more info about your routes for bug #27706314:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 277063 in network-manager "Wired and wireless connection to the same router cause confusion" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27706314:20
asacbdmurray: i assumet hat apt-get source libnl* and then debuild -b should be good enough to give you that dump binary14:20
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fta[reed], blocking1.9.1-, wanted1.9.1+, what does that mean? not before at least 1.9.2 ?21:54
[reed]means it's not blocking the release of 1.9.1, but it's wanted21:58
[reed]so it may yet be fixed21:58

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