
LjLor it might not00:09
LjLyou were warned thrice about your language, i believe00:09
URGENT-helpI know00:09
LjLi'm sorry too00:10
URGENT-helpso can you please remove the ban, at least temporary00:10
LjLno, you should have thought about it after the first warning. if you had missed it, perhaps after the second warning.00:10
URGENT-helpThe 3rd was just a typo...00:10
URGENT-helpI misspelled the 2nd and I corrected(without thinking what I am correcting)00:11
LjLi'm talking about the *warnings*.00:11
URGENT-helpseriously, what do you win if you are not gonna remove the ban? I really need to speak to somebody in THAT channel. It makes no difference to you or the community for now. It's not like I am some "1337 h4x0r" spamming and systematically breaking the rules. 00:12
URGENT-helpPlease, can you remove the ban? And then we can go on with our lives and everybody is happy? and if it makes you feel any better, you can just ban me right after00:13
LjLi don't win anything, i'm just doing what i'm supposed to do, that is warn about the rules, and if warnings are ignored, ban00:13
URGENT-helpI ignored twice,  just twice. Many people do it much more often than me and they don't get banned00:14
URGENT-helpI "ignored" is better.00:14
URGENT-helpI wasn't paying attention because I was focused on getting help00:14
LjLis "couldn't give a damn" better?00:14
URGENT-helpwhatever you want is OK...00:15
LjLURGENT-help: i'll let you back in00:15
LjLafter you read all of the following00:15
LjL!etiquette > URGENT-help    (URGENT-help, see the private message from Ubotu)00:15
ubottuURGENT-help, please see my private message00:15
LjLtell me when you have, please.00:16
URGENT-helpAsked Ubottu 00:18
URGENT-helpso could you please tell me when I can join #ubuntu?00:19
LjLURGENT-help: so i can be very sure you'll abide to the code of conduct and our irc guidelines now?00:19
URGENT-helpI promise00:20
ubottuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.00:20
LjLshould add that to the list00:20
LjLURGENT-help: mind vacating this channel if you have no further questions here?00:32
URGENT-helpLjL: well, just one more question00:33
LjL@mark #ubuntu-ops URGENT-help Unbanned with some doubts about it, definitely consider re-banning if further bad behavior occurs00:39
ubottuThe operation succeeded.00:39
jribLjL: repeat offenders01:01
LjLban evading, yes01:02
LjLjrib: ah, i see you'd banned them yesterday too. but i banned ones with other nicknames - but extremely similar IPs - just an hour or so ago01:03
jribnope, I just kicked them a few minutes ago and warned01:04
LjLjrib: let's see if this stops them for a bit01:05
Myrttigood morning04:51
FlannelHowdy Myrtti04:51
FlannelYou slept through the world almost ending!04:51
MyrttiI wish04:53
Flannelubottu: tell Bilange about the coc05:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about the coc05:21
Flannelubottu: tell Bilange about coc05:22
ubottuIdleOne called the ops in #ubuntu ()05:51
MyrttiHave a look at stupidroot06:08
Myrttihello kids08:04
jussi01brrrr.... cccccooolllddd....08:05
* Myrtti huggles jussi01 08:07
FlannelWoooooo.  Marching season has officially started.08:22
Myrttijussi01: you there?08:35
=== mneptok_ is now known as mneptok
elkbuntuaim1159, welcome to the complaints department, can i help?10:54
aim1159elkbuntu: hi. just wondering what is this channel for. i'm an op from #ubuntu-ru10:56
Myrttiloco channel issues are handled in -irc10:58
elkbuntuit's for main-channel operators to deal with complaints. #ubuntu-irc is for small channels10:58
Myrttithis is for the main channels10:58
aim1159ok. thanks!10:58
jussi01elkbuntu: you shouldnt say small channels, some of those locos are pretty big... ;)11:09
elkbuntujussi01, i realised that after i said it, but -ru is small, and i wasnt aware how much he'd understand11:11
ikoniacheeky in #ubuntu as cheek111:31
jussi01oh, again...11:32
ikoniawhere ?11:33
jussi01ikonia: was sighing at the fact cheeky was back11:35
ikoniasorry thought he's been dodging again before I spotted11:35
Cheek1anyone here?11:37
Cheek1why did you kick me out ?11:38
ikoniabecause I believed you where ban doding11:38
ikoniaI see that ompaul actually removed the ban so I'm removeing your ban now11:38
ikoniaplease accept my apologies11:38
Cheek1ok well i wasnt 11:39
Cheek1no dont need to appologize 11:39
ikoniaI'm sorry to say this is a stigma that goes with your reputation, and the fact that I foolishly didn't refresh the tracking tools11:40
ikoniathe bands been removed, my mistake and apologies11:40
ikoniaband = ban11:42
Cheek1could i just get back in?11:43
Cheek1coz i spoke to ompaul earlier onewards about the ban iam not sure if you guys were know or if there is a system you can see i have no clue 11:43
ikoniaCheek1 yes you can return, again with my apologies11:44
Cheek1my reputation?11:44
Cheek1how come i cant have my earlier name?11:44
jussi01!register > Cheek111:44
ubottuCheek1, please see my private message11:44
Cheek1hey ikonia its cool crap happens 11:46
ikoniathank you11:46
jussi01Cheek1: now, anything else we can help you with?11:46
Cheek1jussi01: i want my earlier namei dont want to register this name @ all it was given to me 11:47
ikoniayour earlier nick is no longer available, 11:47
jussi01Cheek1: we dont deal with the nicknames here, I suggest you ask in #freenode11:47
ikoniaoh, it's not registered11:47
Cheek1\Type « /nick Cheeky11:51
Cheek1ermm .. for good?11:51
Cheek1yeah .. its wierd .. coz i think it was .. me .. who used that name .. for some reason iam still on irc.. but with two name this and cheeky 11:51
ikoniasomeone else was using that nick until a few minutes ago, if you join #freenode they can explain it to you11:51
Cheek1ok thnks 11:52
* ikonia enjoys a double helping of humble pie11:52
jussi01ikonia: we all make mistakes - dont stress it11:55
ikoniaI'm getting asked in pm now if "we did this to him", I think he's referencing his nick name11:55
ikoniajussi01: learnt to hit refresh every time11:55
ikonia11:56 <Cheek1> did you guys har my ubuntu box or something ?11:57
ikonia11:56 <ikonia> har your ubuntu box ?11:57
ikonia11:56 <Cheek1> harm11:57
MyrttiCOFFEE NAO!?13:04
* elkbuntu jabs Myrtti with the caffeine IV13:11
LjLi joined just at the right moment13:30
PiciRight after a netsplit?13:31
LjLPici: right before. at least it was a small netsplit and not *immediately* after i joined, otherwise bye bye to my connection13:36
elkbuntuit's been going on for at least an hour and a half i know of13:39
LjLelkbuntu: yeah, he's recapping to me13:40
elkbuntuit made the asia/oceania meeting nice and tricky13:40
LjLelkbuntu: i'm a subscriber to the concept that meetings should be held with everyone connected to one server13:41
LjLbecause yes, Murphy does inequivocally say that netsplits will happen during a meeting13:41
elkbuntuheh, we're hard pressed getting a quorum, let alone coordinating connections13:42
ikoniaquorum is a must13:43
ikoniacould someone who is in #ubuntu-meeting see at what point I left13:59
ikoniaI think the netsplit has borked some of my channels as it still shows me as in there, but I can't see anything /topic etc etc13:59
LjLikonia: what server are you on?14:00
LjLikonia: go ask floodbot2 then :P14:03
LjLmaniheer is getting on my nerves14:04
ikoniadamn it auto_Bel.pl didn't work15:55
ikoniadidn't put a forward on, I've sent a pm to mookid to join this channel if he wishes to discuss this futher15:59
ikoniajust as an FYI 15:59
bazhangoh joy :)15:59
ikoniaPici: a user in #ubuntu, just used auto_bleh to forward him here, but for some reason it dodn't put the forward on 16:00
Piciikonia: 10:54:57 >>>> mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@httpd.info!#ubuntu-ops] by ikonia ?16:00
mookidI was summoned16:00
ikoniaPici ooh it did work, Hmmm irssi is playing up16:00
mookidI call to the stand, me16:00
ikoniamookid: thanks for coming16:00
mookidhey no problem16:01
mookidI get a chance to speak to you so I'm a winner here16:01
ikoniait's a quick request to get you to read the ubuntu irc guidelines that where sent to you, as your behaviour in #ubuntu was causing a disruption, so rather than discuss it in #ubuntu it seemed sensible to bring you here16:01
mookidThat's what robert mugabe said16:02
ikoniaif you don't want to discuss this sensibly, thats fine, 16:02
ikoniaI'll leave you be 16:02
mookidso I make a valid point and you tell me I'm not being sensible16:02
mookidthe point is.. if you make vague rules up that don't actually mean anything16:02
mookidwhat exactly do you expect?16:03
ikoniaI'm not discussing robert mugabe, I'm mkaing a polite request for you to read the irc guidelines to participate better16:03
mookidI'm telling you, the rules are nonsensical - 'disruption'.. cmon..16:03
ikoniawhat part is not clear16:04
mookiddefine disruption16:04
ikoniahappy to clarify16:04
mookidin a way which prevents you from making stuf up as you go along16:04
ikoniamaking stuff up ?16:05
mookidI get it.. you're important - I believe you16:05
ikoniaI'm not at all16:05
ikoniadisuption is pretty much anythign that moves the channel away from ubuntu support or helping people16:05
mookidI know several people who complain about your attitude16:05
bazhangmookid, you were being disruptive.16:05
bazhangmookid, your removal was more than righteous16:06
mookidI typed one line.. it was done.. what good does it do anyone to draw more attention to it? other than let you display your massive e-dong to the rest of the channel?16:06
ubottuThe operation succeeded.16:06
ikoniamookid it wasn't one line, you whee asked to stop and carried out16:06
mookidI was asked to stop something I'd already done16:07
mookidhow does that make sense16:07
ikoniayou where asked, then posted more16:07
mookidyou just saw an opportunity to tell someoen what to do16:07
ikoniayou pushed a user out of the channel16:07
ikoniathen tried to defend that16:07
mookidno I didnt16:07
mookidI was clearly joking.. the guy even reacted in a way to say that he knew I was joking16:08
ikoniamookid: then left16:08
ikonia"I get the hint"16:08
mookidI know.. I saw it..16:08
ikoniawas his parting comment16:08
bazhangmookid, it is a support channel not a joke channel16:08
mookidhe parting comment was actually 'fuckers'16:08
bazhangmookid, #ubuntu-offtopic for chit chat and jokes16:08
mookidwhy do you have to proceduralise everything?16:09
ikoniaI didn't see that parting comment or I would have spoke to him about it, 16:09
bazhangmookid, read the links given you16:09
mookidlinux for human beings.. IRC channel for beardy robot-people16:09
bazhangmookid, no need to drag this out.16:09
mookidyeah probably better to kick ban me from here aswell16:09
ikoniamookid honestly, the lines where just to help you get a drift on the channels topic16:10
mookidrather than stand your ground16:10
bazhangmookid, unless that is your intent16:10
ikoniamookid: if you read the guidelines you'll be fine, just helps the channel stay on topic and flow16:10
mookidI just think that attitudes like this arehalf of the problem with open source16:10
ikoniamookid: attitudes like yorus then must be the other half of the issue16:10
PiciIf you cannot follow our channel guidelines then you can show yourself the door.  16:11
mookidpoint proven16:11
mookidhow can you exist in this 'free' movement16:11
mookidand have the gaul to make statements like that16:11
ikoniamookid: it's not a free movment channel16:11
ikoniait's a support channel that has guidlines for participation16:12
bazhangmookid, why prolong this.16:12
mookidwhy not?16:12
bazhangits a very busy channel16:12
mookidthis is interesting me16:12
bazhangand you were being very disruptive16:12
ikoniamookid: please just glance through the documents to get an idea for the channels guidlines16:12
mookidyou sure about that?16:12
ikoniathere is no problem16:12
mookidlook - if you continue to approach shit like this you'll just repel people16:13
ikoniamookid calm down on the language16:13
mookidfuck, sorry16:13
ikoniathats also covered int eh guidlines and will help you not slip up in the main channels16:13
bazhangreminds me of cheeky16:13
ikoniaI didn't want it to come to that, I only removed him from the channel as I didn't want this discussion to start in #ubuntu which is where it would have gone16:14
Piciikonia: sorry, but I think we were just going in circles.16:14
bazhanghe doth protest too much16:14
ikoniaPici: not at all, just dissapointed16:14
Piciikonia: I know the feeling.16:14
ikoniaPici: not with you, that he wouldn't just conform a bit16:14
Piciikonia: Right.  16:14
jussi01shiny new hampster wheels ordered!! :D17:04
ikoniaI expect a blog post17:04
jussi01ikonia: yep, probaly do it when I get it next week17:05
jussi01clarification: Im getting a new PC:17:05
PiciOh. Thats not nearly as exciting.17:05
jussi01Pici: it is for me... go bury your head17:06
* Pici gets the Troll spray17:08
ikoniait's rubbish that everyone who seems to be a bit lost is considered a potential troll....but 9/10 they are17:09
PiciIts unfortunate.17:09
ikoniait is rubbish17:09
ikoniahe is a troll 17:11
ikonialooking at him in offtopic17:11
Pici@bansearch dystopianray17:17
ubottuNo matches found for dystopianray!n=dystopia@pdpc/supporter/student/dystopianray in #ubuntu-ops17:17
ikonianah, not that obvious17:17
ikonia@bansearch dystopianray #ubuntu17:17
ubottuNo matches found for dystopianray!n=dystopia@pdpc/supporter/student/dystopianray in #ubuntu17:17
ikoniaI wonder if language is an issue17:17
PiciHes in in #ubuntu before.  It was before I started putting proper timestamps on my logs, so at least a few months ago.  And he was quite normal then.17:20
PiciBeing the helper too, not the helped.17:20
ikoniahe started off so odd in #ubuntu17:21
ikoniamore so as if he's been in before, why ask what ubuntu is ?17:21
PiciHe is still odd.17:21
ikoniaif he's helping he obviously knows what it is17:21
PiciSame name, ident, and ip.17:22
ikoniasomething odd with it, can help out and has been in #ubuntu before, but claims not to know what ubuntu is, or anything about it17:22
ikoniait started off looking like a beos troll17:22
LjLa beos troll?17:23
LjLwhat a refined sort of troll17:23
PiciIt was weird.17:23
LjLi can haz CP/M flamewarz17:23
ikoniawell, it wasn't a troll, it looked like thats where it was going17:24
Pici12:07:42 <dystopianray> why did mark shuttleworth make an operating system using linux?17:24
LjLwhy is the earth flat, for that matter?17:24
ikoniaare the stars just pin holes in the curtain of night17:25
LjLikonia: that's because some air needs to pass or we'd die suffucated, duh17:27
ikoniacould someone explain this https://launchpad.net/~club-ubuntu18:33
ikoniagenuine question18:33
ikoniaI'm curious to why a "group" that is against the coc is being allowed a launhpad team ?18:33
DavieyYou don't need to agree to the CoC to have a LP team18:35
ikoniaahhh 18:35
ikoniathats where I may have it not straight18:35
ikoniaI thought you had to agree to the coc to get ubuntu teams 18:35
DavieyIt also looks like they've been doing some good work, which is great18:35
ikoniareally ?18:35
ikoniawhere ?18:35
DavieyOne example, 5 a day - they are 11th best proforming team18:36
ikoniaproforming ?18:36
ikonia(sorry - not trying to be dense)18:37
ikoniawhat do you mean by proforming ?18:37
ikoniaperforming in what18:38
Daviey5 a day18:38
ikoniathe launchpad page doens't show much18:38
ikonia5 a day ?18:38
ikoniaagain, not trying to be thick, just not familer with all the terms18:38
ubottu5-a-day is a community event where each person will take 5 bugs a day and work on them. Everyone is invited to help no matter your abilities! More information available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/5-A-Day18:38
ikoniaooh, even a factoid18:38
Pici!5aday is <alias> 5-a-day18:39
ubottuI'll remember that, Pici18:39
ikoniaDaviey how can you see those sort of stats, I couldn't see anything on the wiki page18:39
ikonialaunchpad page sorry18:39
Piciikonia: http://daniel.holba.ch/5-a-day-stats/18:40
ikoniaPici: thats handy, but I meant how did Daviey know that they where doing that and to look there18:40
ikoniaeg: does it list what people are up to / participating in18:40
DavieyFor a team "formed" begining of Aug - that's good IMO18:41
PiciIt lists what the top 50 teams are all time are.18:41
Piciand concidering the rest are mostly loco teams, its pretty good.18:41
ikoniaDaviey depends what they are doing, hence why I was curious to how you got he info as I couldn't see anything, be interested to know what else they are working on 18:41
ikoniaDaviey sorry, I didn't expalin that very well18:42
ikoniaI meant how did you know to look at the 5 a day info, eg: what listed that they where working on the 5 a day18:43
PiciI assume he was looking at 5-a-day for something else and saw them.18:43
ikoniahence my interest/curiosity18:44
ikoniainterested to know how to see what teams are working on in general, as launchpad only shows bugs/answers/blueprints18:46
DavieyI just happend to see them on the stats page.. when the ubuntu uk podcast did our segment :)18:50
ompaulLjL, ?18:52
ompaulohh he away 18:52
ompaulahh well18:53
LjLwhat ompaul?18:59
ompaulLjL, pm18:59
* jussi01 doesnt understand why ljl keeps that "see the message from ubotu" script...19:16
LjLbecause i'd still like ubottu's own message to be removed when i use it, mostly19:17
ubottuDear $DEITY, Give me strength to understand and work with users who question my logic, the rules, netiquette and common sense. Give me resilience to teach them the basics of Linux, Ubuntu, Community Guidelines and IRC. Allow me not to stray to nitpicking, argument, foul language or leisure op abuse. Deliver me my daily xkcd, User Friendly, LWN, /. and Planet Ubuntu, and guard over my encrypted drives. Let it be so.19:35
* jussi01 hugs Myrtti19:35
PiciIts a Myrtti. yay.19:40
jussi01Pici: you need a :D or :) after that or it sounds really sarcastic.... :P19:41
Myrttimy feet *HURT*19:41
Myrttiand I had to say something in front of an audience19:42
jussi01awww... :P19:42
MyrttiMonty Widenius and some other Finnish semi-FLOSS-celebrities19:44
PiciI'm sure you did fine.19:46
Myrttiyeah, I think so too19:46
MyrttiI'm just mad about that the 3 months of work the summercoders did was crammed into a five minute lightning talk each19:46
Myrttiand they had to try to "shout" over people getting drinks and eating19:47
jussi01thats a mongrel...19:47
PiciI'm usually not nervous talking in front of people if I know what I'm talking about.19:47
jussi01Pici: me either, unless they know more about it than me...19:48
LjLPici: why are you always nervous when talking in front of people?20:17
PiciLjL: :P20:17
Tm_TI hated my speech, glad it wasn't important (:)20:18
ubottuDear $DEITY, Give me strength to understand and work with users who question my logic, the rules, netiquette and common sense. Give me resilience to teach them the basics of Linux, Ubuntu, Community Guidelines and IRC. Allow me not to stray to nitpicking, argument, foul language or leisure op abuse. Deliver me my daily xkcd, User Friendly, LWN, /. and Planet Ubuntu, and guard over my encrypted drives. Let it be so.20:29
Myrtti@bansearch Martiini20:56
ubottuNo matches found for martiini!n=ubuntu@80-235-32-224-dsl.mus.estpak.ee in #ubuntu-ops20:56
Myrtti@bansearch Martiini #ubuntu20:56
ubottuNo matches found for martiini!n=ubuntu@80-235-32-224-dsl.mus.estpak.ee in #ubuntu20:56
ompaul@bansearch marti21:02
ubottuNo matches found for marti!*@* in #ubuntu-ops21:02
ompaul@bansearch martini21:02
ubottuNo matches found for martini!*@* in #ubuntu-ops21:02
ompaul@bansearch martini #ubuntu21:02
ubottuNo matches found for martini!*@* in #ubuntu21:03
ompauli thought that nick was spelt some other way21:03
ompaul@bansearch Martiini #ubuntu21:07
ubottuMatch: *!*@80-235-32-224-dsl.mus.estpak.ee by ompaul in #ubuntu on Oct 07 2008 20:04:34 (ID: 5293)21:07
ompaulMyrtti, ^^ it was going to happen21:08
ompauland in pm the complements were flying 21:08
ompaulso much so that I pulled the how to win friends and influence people theme :-/21:08
ompaulhe keeps insulting me ;-) 21:10
ompaulsome people don't learn21:10
ompaulperhaps education has begun21:15
Tm_Tnight, kids, this old fart needs some sleep21:16
ompaulTm_T, old, you is no older than a quark21:20
jussi01PriceChild: Ping22:04
ompaulI wonder how it would be if we were to introduce the floodbots in here with only one function to mute people who say ping ;-)22:05
* ompaul thinks I would be on the banlist forever22:05
* jussi01 goes to ban ompaul22:05
PriceChildjussi01: pong22:05
jussi01PriceChild: got a moment for a quick PM?22:06
ompaul@bansearch ward1983 #ubuntu22:39
ubottuNo matches found for ward1983!n=ward@ in #ubuntu22:39
ompaulLjL, did he / she / it pm you?23:55
LjLompaul: no, but he was trolling #freenode a moment ago, i'm just waiting for half an excuse to ban him23:56
ompaulLjL, I have half of one, I want the other half :)23:56

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