
muffi1what about upload youtube install videos like is in the mythdora page?00:00
muffi1it will increase the number of users00:01
superm1someone did some stuff like that for mythbuntu too already00:01
muffi1but it is not on the mythbuntu site00:01
foxbuntusuperm1, you have got to stop lurking in the shadows00:01
superm1yeah someone should add a link in somewhere00:01
superm1!stab foxbuntu00:01
* Zinn stabs foxbuntu with a rusty spork.00:01
foxbuntuwe need to documentation to become better before youtube videos00:03
Shadow__Xanyone wanna help me on the fact that java applets dont work00:07
tgm4883_laptopsuperm1, i'll get a link on the site for that00:08
tgm4883_laptopi'm adding a press section00:08
tgm4883_laptopor something to that effect00:08
muffi1ok I also have a tip for low powered machines00:09
tgm4883_laptopmuffi1, please file all tips at /dev/null00:10
tgm4883_laptopj/k, whats the tip00:10
muffi1one all is working fine change the window manager from xfce to ratpoison00:10
muffi1after reboot00:10
muffi1it will load ratpoison and then the front end00:10
muffi1acutally xfce is small but ratposion it is way smaller00:11
tgm4883_laptopmuffi1, we would need more testing of that in order to recommend it00:12
muffi1is a lot of testing here00:12
muffi1just apt-get install ratpoison00:12
foxbuntumuffi1, one person using it doesnt not constitute accurate test results00:13
muffi1then select do not login automatically and restart X00:14
muffi1on the settings select from xfce to ratpoison00:14
tgm4883_laptopmuffi1, can you do a how-to and file a blueprint?00:14
randyistwhat makes mythbuntu better than Elisa?00:14
muffi1sure I will00:14
tgm4883_laptoprandyist, well being that a better comparison would be Elisa to MythTV00:15
tgm4883_laptopi'd point to that AFAIK, Elisa doesn't do PVR yet00:15
randyistI see.. i'm just wondering.00:15
tgm4883_laptopor stability00:16
randyistwhat is PVR? ..lol. I have a PVR card.00:16
randyistdon't know waht it stands for00:16
tgm4883_laptopPVR/DVR - Personal Video Recorder/Digital Video Recorder00:16
Shadow__Xpersonal video recorder00:16
randyisti see00:16
tgm4883_laptopbasically Elisa doesn't do TV yet00:16
Shadow__Xjava applets dont work any ideas>?00:17
hadsI was using ratpoison on my old setup, worked fine, so does not using a window manager at all. I don't know why you'd want to replace XFCE with it though unless your box was really very under spec'd.00:53
pteaguehey, i'm having a problem with a particular program...  i right arrow on it hoping to be able to do something with it (like delete it?), but all it does is pop up a window with a message stating "The file for this recording is empty." ... ok, so then how do i set it up to rerecord it at a later date & delete this instance of it?01:55
pteagueok, this isn't good... i'm getting a bunch of these empty files01:56
pteagueok, somethings not right because i know this last 1 was recording last night01:57
rhpot1991does anyone lose sound when using time stretch on recordings with surround sound?02:35
foxbuntupteague, are they HD video recordings from an HDHR by chance?02:38
pteaguei've got a hauppauge pvr-50002:39
foxbuntuoh so analog02:39
pteagueyep, was trying to get a higher quality a couple months ago so i think i changed my default recording settings (went from low quality), but i've not touched the settings for a while & it's only been the last week, maybe week & a half worth of recordings it's done this on02:40
foxbuntuI have had that from time to time, but its usually because the tuner because the tuner becomes unavailbe but isnt reported as such to the backend so it tries to record but receives an empty file that both the backend and frontend cant handle, the reason I have had it happen is the network died for my HDHomeRun02:41
rhpot1991pteague: you've checked disk space and everything02:41
foxbuntuthat as well02:42
pteagueTotal Disk Space: Total space is 589,953 MB, with 91,934 MB used (15.6%)02:43
foxbuntuthats not the issue then02:43
pteague$ df -h / \ /dev/sdc1              37G  2.1G   33G   6% /02:43
foxbuntuwell I would say to look at the logs02:44
foxbuntusee what it did for those recordings02:44
foxbuntu/var/log/mythtv/mythbackend.log in particular02:44
rhpot1991pteague: silly question have you tried rebooting since it has been having the problem?02:44
rhpot1991might be something to try if your logs don't help02:45
foxbuntucould help02:45
rhpot1991resources could be locked up or something02:45
rhpot1991foxbuntu: no issues timeshifting recordings from your HDHR?02:46
foxbunturhpot1991, what do you mean by timeshifting? jumping forward and back?02:46
rhpot1991nah the option where you playback at a greater speed02:47
rhpot1991so it takes you less time to watch02:47
rhpot1991canocical store is slowwwwww now02:47
foxbuntuare you buying more Ubuntu crap?02:47
rhpot1991I never did before02:47
rhpot1991but I think I'm gonna now02:47
rhpot1991I ended up holding off, but haven't seen a laptop bag I like better02:48
foxbuntuwell at any rate, I have never done that with my HDHR so Idk02:48
rhpot1991I'm gonna ask them about a shirt sizing before I order though02:48
rhpot1991I tried to with the last debate, but it defeats the purpose watching it without sound :)02:48
foxbuntuI need to start upgrading my system though02:48
rhpot1991I've done it with recordings from my pvr-x50 with success02:48
foxbuntumy main system is too under powered for HD content02:49
rhpot1991so I believe its a surround sound deal02:49
rhpot1991whats your cpu on it?02:49
rhpot1991I need to try and get HD to playback on my 1900 again02:49
rhpot1991should be usable02:49
rhpot1991as long as its not hogging resources for something else02:49
foxbuntuit plays but I have to pause it every 20 mins or so to let the resources refresh02:50
rhpot1991once upon a time my 1900 played back HD as long as it didn't do ANYTHING else02:50
foxbuntuwell I run my primary backend on the same system02:50
rhpot1991I'm tempted to go mac mini or apple tv for a HD frontend02:50
pteague2008-10-07 20:46:41.841 MPEGRec(/dev/video0) Error: select timeout - ivtv driver has stopped responding02:50
foxbuntupteague, there you go02:50
foxbuntunow to figure out how to fix it02:51
foxbuntupteague, is that system up-to-date02:51
rhpot1991upgrade and reboot and see what happens I say02:52
pteaguejust ran aptitude update; aptitude safe-upgrade -y02:52
foxbuntudo a dist-upgrade02:52
foxbuntuto make sure you grab all the new depends and such02:52
pteagueit was 8.04 when i installed02:53
foxbuntuwell pull the latest and greatest02:53
foxbunturhpot1991, I almost have my new office built, after I get the new server rack in I will be adding the HD PVR to my system finally02:55
rhpot1991nice, then I can finally upgrade my stuffs02:56
rhpot1991I'm thinking I'll hold off on the hdpvr till giftmas02:56
rhpot1991tell someone to get me one then02:56
foxbuntunot a bad idea02:56
rhpot1991whats the going rate 200/250?02:56
foxbuntuI think retail is 24902:57
pteagueafter doing a safe-upgrade on my frontend doing a dist-upgrade nothing's added02:57
foxbuntupteague, frontend?02:57
pteagueok, looks like the reboot fixed it... no problems spewing in the log since reboot02:58
foxbuntuyou need to do it on the backend02:58
rhpot1991I wonder if he got a kernel upgrade and didn't reboot after it02:58
foxbuntucould be02:58
pteagueyeah, i've got a frontend & backend... backend i had already run safe-upgrade & started rebooting before the mention of dist-upgrade02:58
rhpot1991sounds plausable02:58
foxbuntuworks for me :)02:58
pteaguenope...  running dist-upgrade on the backend shows the kernel packages02:59
foxbuntuwell I would say to grab it on the backend to prevent it happening again02:59
rhpot1991shield time03:00
pteagueany idea if listening to internet radio requires routing through the backend?03:01
foxbuntuim not sure, but i dont think so03:03
pteaguei wouldn't think so either, but i've been proven wrong on a number of occasions with mythtv :)03:05
pteaguefinished downloading kernel & rebooting... seeing if it kills radio stream03:14
hadsivtv gets itself messed up sometimes.03:14
foxbuntuhads, bugs? we aint got no stinking bugs03:15
pteagueis it possible to reboot or reset it without having to reboot the entire box?03:15
foxbuntunot for kernel upgrades03:15
pteaguedang... i can reset alsa on my desktop on occasion, but sometimes it's just really bad03:15
hadsYou can occasionally unstick the card with a modprobe -r && modprobe but often it's the firmware so that won't do much.03:16
pteaguei'm hoping someone will make a dual tuner for hd03:18
pteaguewell, radio never stopped :)03:22
foxbuntupteague, the HDHomeRun03:26
pteaguei'm guessing that works pretty well with linux?03:39
tritiumpteague: yes, I have one03:40
tritiumpteague: I believe this is supported as well: http://www.hauppauge.com/pages/products/data_hvr1800.html03:41
tritiumYes, it is: http://www.linuxtv.org/wiki/index.php/ATSC_PCIe_Cards03:41
foxbuntutritium, i think those are beta supported by v4l I actually have two of those cards I am working on testing03:42
pteaguemy current server doesn't have any pcie slots :(03:43
foxbuntuthe HVR1800 is PCI03:44
tritiumfoxbuntu: possibly.  I got that off the linuxtv.org DVB wiki page.03:44
foxbuntutritium, last I heard ATSC was fairly solid but NTSC on the cards was iffy03:45
tritiumYes, the wiki page does state that analog isn't currently supported (or wasn't, as of 2.6.24)03:45
foxbuntuI have been testing the latest build of v4l-dvb on 2.6.2703:47
foxbuntuI have had to back burner it until i get my new office completed but I am almost done there and will have my dev hardware back online soon which makes me happy03:49
tritiumfoxbuntu: :)03:49
pteaguewhat's typical of USA? ATSC?03:49
foxbuntupteague, thats the HD standard in North America03:49
bronsonHow does mythfrontend know what backend server to use?05:33
bronsonThe IP address it's trying to use is wrong, but I can't find it in any of the config files.05:33
superm1it's in the first page of that05:33
bronsonThe database is set up correctly.05:38
bronsonPort 3306 is fine.05:38
bronsonIt's port 6543 that uses the wrong IP address.05:38
superm1yeah i understand that05:38
superm1it's in mythtv-setup that you set which ip address it binds to05:38
bronsonoh, sorry.05:39
bronsonYou said -setup, not control center.05:39
bronsonThe difference between them is blurry in my head...05:39
bronsonI'll try that.05:39
bronsonHm, mythtv-setup: command not found.05:40
superm1from your backend you need to run it05:40
bronsonThis is a frontend-only box...  apparently mythtv-setup requires a backend role?05:41
superm1the frontend reads this info from mysql05:41
bronsonah, got it.05:41
superm1so you configure it inside mysql using the mythtv-setup tool05:41
bronsonOK, I'll have to do that tomorrow when the backend is idle.05:41
bronsonsuperm1, thanks for your help.05:41
superm1no prob05:41
bronsonno amount of grepping would have found that.  :)05:42
okirobI'm having trouble with apt and was hoping I could get some help...13:02
okirobI am unable to post my sources.list because it tripped the spam filter...?13:06
okirobsorry for direct pasting:13:07
okirobmyth:/etc/apt$ cat ./sources.list13:07
okirob# deb cdrom:[Mythbuntu 8.04.1 080705 i386]/ hardy main restricted universe13:07
okirobdeb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy main restricted universe multiverse13:07
okirobdeb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy-updates main restricted universe multiverse13:07
okirobdeb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy-security main restricted universe multiverse13:07
okirobdeb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy-updates main restricted universe multiverse13:07
okirobdeb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy universe multiverse main restricted13:07
okirobdeb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy-security main restricted universe multiverse13:08
okirobdeb http://packages.medibuntu.org/ hardy free non-free13:08
okiroband if it helps: http://mythbuntu.pastebin.com/m70607a3b13:09
okirobback in 15 (afk)13:09
okirobso... nobody here yet?13:40
bronsonokirob, is it still giving you the error?16:17
bronsonIf so, try commenting out lines in sources.list until you find the bad one.16:18
bronsonAnd hopefully you can live without it.  :)16:18
=== kabtoffe_ is now known as kabtoffe
bronsonAnyone know why I can't get mythfrontend to display on my PVR-350?20:57
bronsonI've told it to use the 350 in Setup.  No errors in the logs.20:57
bronsonBut it's still using my main display.20:57
jphillipbronson in setup as in mythtv-setup?21:04
bronsonjphillip, as in the Setup menu in the frontend.21:06
bronsonI don't think mythtv-setup has anything to do with playback...?21:06
jphillipbronson that only applies to video playback so if you go play a video it should now display on there, if you want the menu's to show up you need to hack up your xorg.conf to do so21:07
jphillipthere are examples on the mythtv and ubuntu wiki21:07
bronsonI tried that and got errors.21:08
bronsonDo I need to set up ivtv-fb?  I don't see anything for it in Intrepid's repos.21:08
jphilliplook for ivtv-dev21:12
jphillipthats what I used back in the day21:12
bronsonhm, no package like that in the repos.21:14
bronsonthere's xserver-xorg-video-ivtv21:14
jphillipmight be able to try that21:17
bronsonIt's installed but I'm having a heck of a time finding an x.org configuration for it...21:18
bronsonI guess it's because I don't have the framebuffer driver installed.21:19
bronsonat least, cat /proc/fb doesn't show any output.21:19
bronsonah, "This driver requires the IVTV kernel module provided by the ivtv-source package. "21:21
jphillipyou might just need to modprobe ivtv-dev or ivtv-fb21:26
jphillipif they live on your system21:26
bronsonGot it.  Needed to apt-get install ivtv-source, then modprobe ivtv-fb.21:49
bronsonIt works but it's not accelerating mpeg playback.21:49
bronson"Desired video renderer 'ivtv' not available."21:50
bronsonwow, this playback is pretty crappy isn't it?22:50
bronsonCan't do HD.22:50
bronsonGuess I'll throw this old PVR-350 away...  if it can't record and it can't play back, what's it good for?22:51
bronsonthe radio mabye.  :)22:51
zabbadappwhat could be accessing my second HD and prevent it from ever spinning down? if I force it with hdparm -y it will stop, but spin up a couple of seconds later. It only has backup files and is rarely used. XFS and mounted with noatime.23:18
foxbuntuzabbadapp, magic elves?!23:31
zabbadappfoxbuntu: is there a patch against them?23:35
foxbuntuzabbadapp, yeah, sudo apt-get install evil-gremlins-gtk that should do it23:38

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