
macd__kirkland, I did actually but in a VM...00:02
macd__mathiaz, are there plans to have an apache-worker compatible PHP?00:03
mathiazmacd__: what do you mean exactly?00:03
mathiazmacd__: you'd like to use the threaded version of apache-mpm to run php scripts with mod_php?00:04
macd__yes mpm-worker, over mpm-prefork00:05
mathiazmacd__: well - IIRC the reason why we force mpm-prefork is that there are some php extensions/modules that are not thread safe00:07
mathiazmacd__: that's why we force the use of mpm-prefork.00:07
mathiazmacd__: there was some discussion last year about using mod-fcgid to run php script.00:07
macd__I found some of that on the ML archives00:08
macd__or possibly irc logs00:08
macd__but thanks for the explanation, take it easy00:08
ChipzzI just tried installing the latest intrepid beta00:24
Chipzzwith encrypted LVM00:24
Chipzzand the installation of the base system failed00:25
Chipzzbecause dmraid could not be installed00:25
Chipzzknown issue?00:25
Chipzz(ubuntu-server CD)00:26
Chipzzkirkland, mathiaz: ^^^00:26
Chipzz(not daily image I think though)00:27
mathiazChipzz: do you have a software RAID chipset in your system?00:33
Chipzzhardware raid00:37
Chipzzwhich btw did not work with hardy00:37
mathiazChipzz: what kind of hardware raid ?00:37
Chipzzbut did work with debian etch00:37
Chipzzmathiaz: dell perc00:37
Chipzzmathiaz: not the cheapass "pseudo hardware raid" if that's what you mean :)00:38
mathiazChipzz: do you have the installation logs?00:38
Chipzzsolid, real, scsi hardware raid :)00:38
Chipzzmathiaz: no, but I'm installing with just LVM (not encrypted LVM) now00:38
Chipzzand that failed too00:38
Chipzzwhich file do you want?00:39
mathiazChipzz: /var/log/syslog00:39
Chipzzit says something about malformed Release file00:39
Chipzzon console 400:39
mathiazChipzz: are you using a local proxy?00:39
Chipzzno, installing from cdrom00:40
mathiazChipzz: right - but you've setup network?00:40
Chipzzwithout proxy though00:40
Chipzzlemme copy the message00:40
mathiazChipzz: ok - so it will try to update the packages from the internet00:40
Chipzzbase-installer: Failed to fetch cdrom:[Ubuntu-Server 8.10 _Intrepid Ibex_ - Beta i386 (20080930.2)]/dists/intrepid/Release  Unable to find expected entry  main/binary-i386/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file)00:42
Chipzzbad burn?00:42
mathiazChipzz: may be - could you try to run the check cd option?00:43
ChipzzI can00:43
Chipzzcheck option from the cd bootloader (isolinux) or from the installation menu?00:45
Chipzz(running the one from the installation menu atm)00:45
mathiazChipzz: correct00:46
Chipzzis there a difference?00:47
Chipzzapparently this one checks each file00:47
Chipzzdoes the one from isolinux check the disc as a whole?00:47
mathiazChipzz: I'm not sure actually. I'd guess it's the same.00:47
Chipzzbtw, should there be any reason why it didn't work with hardy?00:48
Chipzzinstalled debian etch on it before, which ran without flaws00:48
Chipzztest successfull00:48
Chipzzso no bad media00:48
Chipzzshall I try a nightly?00:49
mathiazChipzz: that could be an option00:50
Chipzzwhere do I find those?00:52
Chipzzlooking around on cdimage.ubuntu.com atm00:52
mathiazChipzz: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily/00:52
Chipzzwhoops I missed that :P00:53
Chipzzmathiaz: btw, I wonder why it even wants that package01:02
spowerswhat's with this udev rule for renaming my ethernet card to eth1 instead of leaving it alone at eth0?01:02
Chipzzthe hardware RAID is visible to the OS as a SCSI disk01:02
Chipzzit should be totally transparant01:02
mathiazChipzz: I agree.01:02
mathiazChipzz: there should be more clue in the installation logs.01:03
mathiazChipzz: as to why it tries to install dmraid.01:03
ChipzzI can possibly even give you ssh access to the box01:07
Chipzzit has a public IP01:07
Chipzzdepends on how fucked up the base system is I guess01:07
Chipzzbut I did manage to install openssh-client in the /target chroot01:07
Chipzzmathiaz: you want a login?01:08
Chipzz(if you don't because you don't care enough, that's totally fine with me too :))01:09
slestakim in a position to transition a server from win 2003 to lamp and wondered if I could get some info on ubuntu paid support sla01:09
slestakive seen the website and the pricing, but i am really wanting to know the expertise of the support you get from canonical01:10
Chipzzslestak: there's a difference between "support" and SLA I suppose01:10
Chipzz(though I;m not an ubuntu developer nor a canonical employee)01:10
slestaki guess what i am using as a standard is the rhel support i get from dell.  i have always been suprised (happily) at the depth of experience we get from dell for the single poweredge we have with rehl.01:11
slestakand the canonical suport cost much less, but its only a bargain if it is useful.01:11
slestaki am pretty self supporting, but my boss (es) dont sleep well without software support01:12
Chipzz,but you mention something there01:12
slestakhey pay through the nose now, so ive got to get sth01:12
Chipzzsupport you get from dell <-> support you get on rhel01:12
Chipzzdell as a hardware vendor is in a position to give SLA level support01:13
slestakdell techs have given us os support (not for apps)01:13
Chipzzrhel as a software vendor much less I think?01:13
slestaki like ubuntu and use it persnally, im just trying to get a feel if i can take it to work01:13
slestakin the server room01:14
mathiazslestak: there was an article in a linux magazine a couple of months ago where the support from Suse, Redhat and Canonical were compared. Canonical was on pair with Redhat IIRC.01:15
mathiazslestak: and for full disclosure I work for Canonical01:16
Chipzzs/pair/par/ :P01:16
Chipzzmathiaz: anyway, burning the daily image atm01:18
slestakmathiaz: man, i would like to see that.  remember if it was LJ or L FOrmat?01:18
Chipzzyou want more info/a login or should I just try that?01:18
mathiazChipzz: try the latest iso01:19
Chipzzok I'll do that first01:19
mathiazChipzz: yes - it may have been fixed - I'm discussing the issue in #ubuntu-devel ATM01:19
* Chipzz wishes the bloody DRAC would work correctly01:20
ChipzzI'm there too :)01:20
slestakI'll check with sales.  i bet ubuntu marketing will have that article.01:22
slestakthanks for the info01:22
mathiazslestak: it was in the August version of Linux Format01:24
mathiazslestak: august 200701:24
slestakmathiaz: found it, available as pdf.  awesome01:30
slestakim kitting out a lamp server for apache tomcat.  is ubuntu hardy server pretty current and stable with sun jdk?01:31
slestaki guess thats a loaded question.  i'll load it up and try.  thx for the info01:33
robnycanyone here runs X on the server?01:47
gclericno but got an issue?01:50
jdublooks like php5's timezone data in 8.04 is old04:23
jdubcan't see any bugs about timezone stuff under php5 at all tho, which seems odd (even closed)04:24
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 279980 in php5 "php5 using bundled tzdata in hardy?" [Undecided,New]05:06
ajmitchthere are workarounds until the timezone info gets updated05:10
ajmitchlike a timezone extension that overrides the internal info05:10
ajmitchhttp://pecl.php.net/package/timezonedb/ if you need it05:11
jdubhrm, also looks like a php5-timezonedb pacakge was removed from intrepid05:12
* ajmitch only hit the problem on etch with NZDT05:13
jduboh man05:14
jdubrequires building foo ;)05:14
jdubmmm, and only php5 in intrepid uses the system tzdata05:14
ajmitchphpize, make05:14
ajmitchphp is a mess05:15
uvirtbot`New bug: #279980 in php5 (main) "php5 using bundled tzdata in hardy?" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27998005:16
ajmitchit's a little slow05:16
* jdub tries to remember not to build stuff for amd64 on i386 machines...05:24
* ajmitch remembers having exactly that problem recently, sadly enough05:25
jdubajmitch: could you mark that confirmed and importantish?05:34
e-jatjdub, still here?05:43
jdube-jat: hi05:43
e-jati just wanna send ya your pic @ police station :)05:43
e-jatnice post :]05:44
e-jatremember ya case in MY ?05:44
jdubha ha05:45
e-jatwhere should i sent to ?05:45
jdubjdub@bethesignal.org is fine05:45
* jdub connects the dots ;)05:45
e-jatok then ..05:46
e-jatattaching ..05:46
e-jatwonder if u could come too with pia next month05:46
jdube-jat: hopefully, seems it is still being negotiated05:47
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uvirtbot`New bug: #280011 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 (main) "libmysqlclient15off ABI changed without SOVER bump?" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28001107:56
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makkrohey all. I've just installed Ubuntu 64bit and grabbed a xen-image but when I reboot there is no menu where to choose kernel as in Debian, have I missed something?10:18
uvirtbot`New bug: #280123 in dhcp3 (main) "dhcp3-server needs initscript adjustment for network manager managed mode" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28012312:38
zulKoon: ^^^ can you have a look at that when you get a chance13:05
Koonzul: sure13:06
zulKoon: thanks13:06
uvirtbot`New bug: #280176 in samba (main) "hardy->intrepid upgrade failed" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28017614:32
tjaaltonsoren: this change in multipath-tools; "Fix preinst script to modprobe dm-multipath" makes the package install to fail if it's installed by appending the package to pkgsel/include14:43
tjaaltonbecause there's no modules.dep yet14:43
tjaaltonoh, that was already filed as bug 18200914:45
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 182009 in multipath-tools "multipath-tools fails to install when the dm-multipath module is not found" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18200914:45
tjaaltonsoren: hmm, that's a change made by fabbione, which is no longer an employee, right?14:51
ograbut still ubuntu maintainer :)14:53
tjaaltonok, so I'll make him the owner of the bug then :)14:54
RediXeAnyone have any suggestions on offsite backup's? Just looking for thoughts/idea's15:27
ivoksbacula :D15:29
Koonmathiaz: about bug 274365 -- my fear is that it's not easy to "fix" sun-java6 because -bin effectively needs -jre and -jre effectively needs -bin16:47
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 274365 in tomcat6 "Installation over Sun JVM might fail if JVM is not yet configured" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27436516:47
mathiazKoon: hm - I see your point. It may be a bug in dpkg/apt though.16:48
mathiazKoon: the problem is that even though there is this circular dependency it should be sorted out for tomcat6.16:49
Koonmathiaz: the bug is that those two packages should probably just be one, but that's a big change to push now, especially as some packages depend on -bin where they should depend on -jre16:49
mathiazKoon: smart-pm is able to handle that situation correclty.16:49
Koonthat's because it's "smart" :)16:49
mathiazKoon: right - I'll probably sponsor your upload.16:49
mathiazKoon: it's just that adding || true to the init script may not catch other errors.16:50
brouschis there a tomcat6 backport to hardy?16:50
Koonmathiaz: tbh I thought tomcat6 would also fail to start if something else was using port 8080, so that would catch that too. However if the port is taken tomcat6 still starts16:50
Koonmathiaz: we probably need to rewrite the whole usage of jsvc there, to get smarter status and log files16:51
uvirtbot`New bug: #280265 in network-manager-openvpn (universe) "Wrong handle of passwords (dup-of: 275608)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28026516:51
Koonworld-unreadable log files are another bug coming from jsvc usage16:51
Koonbrousch: no16:52
mathiazKoon: worl-unreadable?16:53
brouschkoon, thanks16:53
mathiazKoon: isn't that a good thing16:53
mathiazKoon: OTOH apache2 access logs are also world-readable IIRC16:53
Koonmathiaz: they are created with umask 600, which is kinda restrictive16:54
Koonand hardcoded into jsvc.16:54
mathiazKoon: agreed - 600 is too restrictive16:54
Koonyou cannot fix that unless you put jsvc out of the picture (or you add a feature to it to change that hardcoded umask)16:55
Koonand jsvc handles running as an unpriviledged user.16:55
RediXeWhat is the preferred way to mount a network directory for multiple users? Been using sshfs but having permission issue's so thinking about trying something else.16:55
Koonso that's... complicated.16:55
Koonbut that's one of my improvement plans for Jaunty16:56
Koonin addition to apache integration16:56
Koonmathiaz: I'd also welcome your insights on bug 260687 -- that's a pretty bad one that we should probably target for release16:57
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 260687 in samba "Purging samba breaks login (pam_smbpass.so segfaults)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26068716:57
Koonaka "do not apt-get install libpam-smbpass"16:58
mathiazkirkland: for the virtio issues:17:56
mathiazkirkland: 1. for block device (virtio) only the installer doesn't work17:56
mathiazkirkland: If you install it with a ide bus and then switch to virtio (and modify sda->vda) it works17:57
kirklandmathiaz: leading one to believe that it's the installer issue17:57
kirklandmathiaz: judging by the error message i saw, it looked like a grub problem17:58
mathiazkirkland: probably - the installer may not recognize /dev/vd* devices17:58
mathiazkirkland: I'm checking if virtnet works outside the installer17:58
mathiazkirkland: virtio_net works in an intrepid guest.18:03
mathiazkirkland: so it seems that there is only an issue in the installer.18:03
mathiazkirkland: see bug 257739 on how to start a kvm instance with a virtio_net interface18:04
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 257739 in linux "intrepid guest install with virtio net doesn't work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25773918:04
mathiazkirkland: this is a regression wrt to hardy18:04
kirklandmathiaz: okay18:04
slicslaki dumped some scripts in /etc/cron.hourly but they don't seem to be running18:15
jmedinaslicslak: did you read the cron logs?18:15
mathiaznijaba: looking at the minimal install for the -server iso. It will install the -server kernel flavor.18:25
mathiaznijaba: how would we get the -virtual flavor?18:26
mathiaznijaba: ie - how do we get the equivalent of JeOS ?18:26
nijabamathiaz: first step: net linux-image-virtual need to be built18:26
nijabamathiaz: which was not the case last time I hecked with soren18:26
mathiaznijaba: right - there is a package linux-image-virtual but it doesn't ship the right stuff apparently (it has the -server bits in it)18:27
nijabamathiaz: then soren said that it could be preseeded.  I was arguing with him that it hould be the default18:27
mathiaznijaba: correct - however the description may mislead people18:28
nijabamathiaz: when I said default, I mean default for the minimal install18:28
mathiaznijaba: the description is: Install a minimal system18:28
mathiaznijaba: there isn't any mention of virtual environment there18:28
nijabamathiaz: yes, this is poorly chosen if the goal is to provide an alternate to JeOS18:28
mathiaznijaba: if -virtual is installed by default, most of the install on real hardware will not work18:28
mathiaznijaba: ok.18:29
* nijaba should have brought it up at the last meeting. Adding it for the next one18:29
nijabamathiaz: added for next meeting18:32
mathiaznijaba: well - we'll have to try to get it fixed earlier then that because next week is KernelFreeze18:40
nijabamathiaz: hmmm  right!18:41
nijabamathiaz: do you have room for it?  my prefered option would be to have both "minimal install" and "JeOS for virtual environements"18:42
mathiaznijaba: well - first the -virtual packages need to be fixed18:43
mathiaznijaba: once I can try to have a look at it.18:44
nijabamathiaz: according to pete, ben was supposed to be on it18:44
mathiaznijaba: but that may require some work to sort out which seed should installed and so on18:44
nijabamathiaz: bug 276292, marked as Fix released!18:46
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 276292 in linux-meta "Metapackages for virtual flavour are missing" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27629218:46
mathiaznijaba: right - but the -virtual package contains all the -server stuff.18:47
mathiaznijaba: I'm not sure how the -virtual package is supposed to work though.18:48
nijabamathiaz: should we bug soren for this?18:49
mathiaznijaba: I've asked in #ubuntu-kernel18:49
nijabamathiaz: ok, thanks18:50
sylvaingnijaba: what do you think about: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/obm/+bug/259776/comments/518:54
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 259776 in obm "MIR for obm" [Undecided,Incomplete]18:54
nijabasylvaing: looks good.  I'll reply that we don't intend to install by default18:55
sylvaingok, so I change packaging to set username/password by debconf, or not ( use default username/password)18:57
slicslaki dumped some scripts in /etc/cron.hourly but they don't seem to be running.  syslog does report: /USR/SBIN/CRON[21468]: (root) CMD (   cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)   what could be the issue?  the scripts are owned by root and are executable.19:07
slicslakahhh, they were named .bash and that's not allowed.  wierd.  ok.19:33
Lycan`serverhey everyone19:55
Lycan`serverHostname: ubuntu - OS: Linux 2.6.24-19-server/i686 - CPU: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 (1495.198 MHz) - Processes: 57 - Uptime: 20h 18m - Load Average: 0.00 - Memory Usage: 47.14MB/503.17MB (9.37%) - Disk Usage: 0.94GB/73.49GB (1.28%)19:55
slicslakcareful, you might start a record with that 20h uptime!19:55
* Nafallo wonders why we even care...19:55
LeChacalI have to modprobe my NIC drives right now every time my system boots what do i do to have them auto load upon boot? thank you19:57
KelebekTurkce787ý am sewrver19:58
slicslakLeChacal, configure your kernal to include them or include your modprobes in a system startup script.  the latter is probably easier although i don't know offhand which script would be best.20:00
robnycslicslak, ? record with 20h lol20:02
robnycits my first server ever and i put ubu20:02
robnycis there's a development release going on for ubuntu-serveR?20:02
LeChacalslicslak: how about putting it in /etc/modules?20:02
slicslakrobnyc, yes, it was my lame attempt at some humor.  :)20:02
robnycdo-release-upgrade -d :)20:03
slicslakLeChacal, or /etc/modprobe.d/ ?  here is where i'm too new to this distro.  but one of those is probably the solution.20:03
LeChacalslicslak: ok thank you ill try that20:04
KelebekTurkce787ADMÝN PASSWORD20:04
robnycslicslak, you running release or development =P20:07
slicslakrobnyc a mix but mostly release20:08
robnycoh ok20:09
robnycim upgrading to development now :)20:09
slicslakrobnyc, nice.  for what reasons?20:11
robnycslicslak, play20:12
robnyc|servernew kernel20:30
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stwestonhello, all. I seem to be having trouble installing Lynx on my new server install.20:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bind920:45
RediXeAnyone around that might be able to help me set up bind9? http://ulyssesonline.com/2007/11/07/how-to-setup-a-dns-server-in-ubuntu/ is the guide I'm following but it's failing to startup at the end.20:48
Gargoylestweston: You would probably get an answer if a. You asked a question, and b. gave a bit more details. (I assume you have tried sudo apt-get install lynx)20:49
stwestonyes. I have. How do I install Lynx without sudo apt-get install lynx?20:50
stwestonor is there not a way to work around this?20:50
Gargoylewhat do you mean without sudo... ?20:50
stwestonI don't know, frankly.20:50
stwestonIt's just saying "package lynx has no installation candidate"20:51
Gargoylestweston: OK, open a terminal window and type sudo apt-get install lynx20:51
stwestonI'm in Ubuntu Server, not a regular install.20:51
Gargoylewhat version of ubuntu?20:51
stwestonthat's what I just got20:51
GargoyleWorked straight up on mine, you tried updating the package list?20:53
stwestonno. not yet20:53
stwestonhow, exactly?20:53
Gargoylehang on20:53
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)20:53
GargoyleYou should read that...20:54
Gargoylebut the update command is sudo apt-get update20:54
stwestonI think I have the problem of no internet connection...20:56
stwestonbut it installed just fine with an ethernet20:56
Gargoyleah, ok. Dunno of lynx is on the cd!20:57
GargoyleI always have a working net connection!20:57
stwestonI think it should've worked fine, though20:58
stwestonit installed with the Ethernet that's plugged in20:58
stwestonjust half an hour ago20:58
Gargoyletry pinging google20:58
stweston(I'm a real newbie at the cmd line.)20:58
Gargoyleping www.google.com20:58
stwestonsays "unknown host"20:59
stwestonand the site, of course.20:59
Gargoyleok, pastebin your output from ifconfig20:59
stwestonwait -21:00
stwestonI can't pastebin because of no internet!21:00
Gargoyleok, do you have an eth0 device listed?21:00
stwestonit just has one line saying: "ping: unknown host www.google.com"21:00
Gargoyleno.. the output from "ifconfig"21:00
stwestonI don't know much about these commands you're talking about. I need to know the command to use it21:00
stwestonoh. I see now21:01
Gargoyleshould look something like http://pastebin.com/d7f373e9321:01
stwestonyes. I have eth021:01
RediXeTrying to restart bind9 and I get "rndc: connect failed: connection refused"   checking /var/logs/messages I find  [UFW BLOCK INPUT]:     I ran "sudo ufw allow 953" to try and open it up but no luck.21:01
Gargoylestweston: what does it say for inet addr?21:02
stwestonwhat does that have to do with this?21:03
Gargoylestweston: ok, is it on the same network as your computer?21:03
stwestonthis one? yes21:03
stwestonthe one I'm talking to you on.21:03
Gargoyledo you know the IP of your router?21:03
stwestonI don't think so...21:03
Gargoylewhat type of machine is it?21:03
stwestonbut I'm guessing that it's the same as my mac that I'm talking to you on - custom machine.21:04
stwestonit's connected by Ethernet with internet sharing applied21:04
GargoyleSo the server is connected via your mac?21:05
stwestonit has no other way21:05
Gargoyleok, open a terminal on your mac21:05
stwestonthe router's too far away for a wireless B adapter.21:05
Gargoyleand type netstat -rn21:05
stwestonand I'm looking for the gateway?21:06
Gargoyleit should say "default" in the first column21:06
stwestonit does21:07
Gargoyleand the ip?21:07
stwestonI think21:08
Gargoyleok, finally, on your mac - also run ifconfig21:08
GargoyleNow the ifconfig on a mac is different than linux, but you should have some addresses for 192.168.2.x and 192.168.0.x ?21:09
stwestonokay... I'll search21:09
GargoyleProlly just need the 2.x one?21:09
stwestonyeah. the 2.x one. the x is 121:10
GargoyleOK, from the linux machine, try ping
stwestongot [some number] bytes of data21:10
stwestonat the end.21:11
Gargoyleok, ctrl-c to stop it, and try again to
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stwestonstill working, though21:12
Gargoyleand finally, ping
stwestonstill the same21:13
stwestonis that good or bad?21:13
GargoyleGood, your linux machine can see the net, it just can't resolve names - your mac is not doing DNS proxy21:14
Gargoyleok, on your linux console, type sudo nano -w /etc/resolv.conf21:14
stwestonthat was supposed to be on the mac?21:14
Gargoyledid you do the pings from linux?21:15
stwestonbut they were all the same21:15
Gargoyleok, thats correct21:15
Gargoyleon your linux console, type sudo nano -w /etc/resolv.conf21:15
stwestondid that21:15
Gargoyleyou should just have two lines... search and nameserver?21:15
Gargoylewhat is the nameserver?21:16
stwestonsame as the thing on the mac -
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Gargoyleok, change it to
Gargoylepress ctrl-x21:16
Gargoyleanswer y to save21:16
Gargoyleand hit enter21:16
Gargoyleyou back to your console now?21:17
Gargoylestill in nano?21:17
stwestonstill says "modified" at the top-right, too21:17
stwestonmaybe the wrong key? I've got a weird key mix-up21:18
stwestonnot software, but where the keys are located21:18
stwestonctrl-x doesn't do anything21:18
stwestonjust a beep21:18
Gargoylewhen you press ctrl x does it change at the bottom?21:18
stwestonit did21:19
stwestonbut now it just gives beeps21:19
Gargoylewhat does it say at the bottom?21:20
stwestonfile name to write (path)21:20
stwestonthe (path) is the path to the conf file21:20
Gargoylehit enter21:20
stwestonthere we go21:21
Gargoylenow try ping www.google.com21:21
stwestonback in the Terminal21:21
stwestonlooks like nothing at this point, but I'll wait and see21:21
stwestonunknown host21:21
stwestonshould I try http?21:22
stwestonwhat would that do?21:22
stwestonjust, hypotheticaly21:22
Gargoylehttp:// is not part of a host name.21:22
Gargoyleit's the protocol21:22
GargoyleOn your mac, bring up your network preferences21:23
Gargoylejust list what you have for ip address, subnet, gateway and dns server for your ethernet21:24
stwestonip address is
stwestonsubnet mask is
stwestondns has nothing21:25
Gargoyleeh. Do you have more than one ethernet?21:25
stwestonI'm not directly connected to the router. it's a wireless thing21:26
GargoyleI thought we had from ifconfig before.... never mind. Change it to Manually21:26
Gargoyleset your IP to, subnet to
stwestonwait - which one?21:27
stwestonthe mac?21:27
Gargoyleyup. for your ethernet?21:27
stwestonyou mean for the ethernet sharing?21:28
stwestonthe mac is connected wirelessly21:28
Gargoylewhat version of mac os is it?21:28
GargoyleOn the internet sharing page, do you have share connection from wifi, to computers on ethernet?21:29
GargoyleHmm, then I am sure you need to set the ethernet up as
stwestonon which, and how?21:30
Gargoylein your mac, under the network settings21:31
stwestonthe DNS server?21:31
stwestonor what?21:31
Gargoyledns and gateway can be blank21:31
stwestonI don't have the option to edit it, I don't think21:31
GargoyleYou changed the dropdown at the top to Manually?21:32
stwestonoh! it has a self-assigned IP, for some reason21:32
stwestonit doesn't have that. it has Automatic and Edit21:32
stwestonedit locations21:33
GargoyleNot that one, next one down.21:33
stwestonthat's it21:33
GargoyleWhat values do you have for the wifi / aiport ?21:34
stwestonairport is still at max. connection21:34
Gargoyleyeah, under network settings, pick airport from the list on the left21:35
Gargoylejust wanna double check gateway and dns21:35
Gargoylerouter and dns21:35
stwestonadvanced, or what?21:35
stwestonwait - what, exactly?21:35
Gargoyleoh, crap... I dont have wifi... leme check my laptop21:35
stwestondoesn't list either21:35
stwestonso, does this mean you have a few macs at home?21:36
stwestonI'll be right back21:37
stwestongotta do a couple things21:37
Gargoylejust try pinging www.google.com from the linux box quick21:37
stwestonit works!21:38
GargoyleCool, you should be able to update apt, and install lynx now.21:38
stwestonshould I cancel?21:38
stwestonstill no installation candidate21:39
stwestoncould be that it's obsolete21:39
stwestonI dunno21:39
Gargoyledoes sudo apt-get update work?21:39
stwestonthank you so much!21:40
Gargoyleno problem21:40
stwestonI'll just wait until I get Lynx installed, then I'll go.21:40
stwestonsee ya, and thanks!21:40
RediXeAnyone want to help me tackle setting up DNS? I think I'm close but still rndc is still failing with connection refused21:42
RediXeAny dns guru's out there?22:12
trashguyi know the bind22:15
RediXeTrying to setup bind on an Ubuntu Server: http://ulyssesonline.com/2007/11/07/how-to-setup-a-dns-server-in-ubuntu/ is the guide I tried to follow. I managed to get it to restart and can run dig with the results: http://pastebin.com/d1202abad    If I assign my connection dns to my dns server I can't get to anywhere with www.domain.com. I can type in IP and get there just fine.22:15
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bogey-How would you configure syslog to take all messages from one host and send them to a file?22:45
uvirtbot`New bug: #280428 in openvpn (universe) "Prompted for VPN (openvpn) user info at boot-up" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28042822:51
[Solars]you can do tail -f <file> >> to shared directory/file (i think)22:58
trashguygrep the host name22:59
Andy80hi all23:06
Andy80I've installed Apache2, php5 ecc.... on my Ubuntu 8.04.1, when I try to visit http://localhost/mysite (it's located under /var/www/mysite and I've added/enabled site in /etc/apache2/sites-available/mysite ecc....) it want me do download a phtml file :( while if I visit http://localhost/mysite/index.php the page loads correctly... how can I fix this?thanks!23:08
bogey-Can anyone tell me how to set syslog-ng to send all messages FROM TO /var/log/pix.log?23:09
MatBoydoes someone know a good openfiler alternative with ubuntu /23:36
J_86how do i change the hosts name, using the command line, in ubuntu server?23:53
trashguyMatBoy, FreeNAS23:54
trashguyfreebsd based23:54
trashguyand pro23:54
J_86if i just edit /etc/hostname...will the break something? :)23:56

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