
The-Kernelhum...new install of xubuntu...hald takes 5 minutes to start on boot up00:46
The-Kernelnow, I get a fail to initlize hal when I load gdm00:48
BunnyRevolutionhi.  i'd like to play a dvd in xubuntu hardy.  is there something i'm not doing right?01:05
BunnyRevolutiondo i need extra codecs?01:05
ubottuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs01:06
homebrewcidercan someone help me access another computer on my lan please? I'm on my xubuntu box, the other is a heavily stuffed windows box currently runnung a live xubuntu cd. I can see the files I want to get with lanshark program but can't copy them across01:41
zoredacheone fairly easy method would be to install and start openssh-server on the livecd box.  Then simply use gftp-gtk to connect via ssh and copy stuff accross01:44
eranjhey guys02:06
cruzeryeah, i just installed xubuntu on an old laptop, the wifi works but my graphics card doesnt. the card isint a major card. is there anyway i cant get it to native res?02:17
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jean-louisit's not easy to add an application to the deskbar, hard find icons, no drag and drop possibility03:02
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tonysssssis it possible to install xubuntu while retaining the windows bootloader?04:04
Odd-rationaletonysssss: i believe so... see the !grub factiod...04:07
tonyssssswhats that04:08
ubottugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about factiod04:12
David-A,factiod is I am one04:13
David-A,forget factiod04:15
David-ADavid-A: no, I don't know what I am doing04:17
JinKazamahi all. when I type ./networking restart to restart my network interfaces, after restart command prompt stops and maybe keep waiting for some other command. I exit from that with Alt+C byt I don't know if that is right. ...  ? :-)05:48
Odd-rationaleJinKazama: try "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart"05:49
JinKazamayes. that I typing to restart. but after restart the command prompt stops ... and waits for somethin else. I don't know what to do then...05:51
Odd-rationaleJinKazama: does the command i posted do that?05:53
Odd-rationaleJinKazama: you should seee: netwoking        [stop]05:54
JinKazama * Reconfiguring network interfaces...                                   [ OK ]05:54
JinKazamasotirov@sotirov-laptop:~$  * Stopping NTP server ntpd05:54
JinKazama   ...done.05:54
JinKazama * Starting NTP server ntpd05:54
JinKazama   ...done.05:54
JinKazamaand then stops and waits ...05:54
Odd-rationalestops at sotirov@sotirov-laptop:~$ ?05:55
JinKazamathis is the code from terminal I paste it here05:56
Odd-rationaleJinKazama: well, that looks ok...05:58
JinKazamaafter second " ...done" I don't know hwt to do. btw the network works propertly. my question is if after restart I myst type Alt+C to exit ?05:58
JinKazama*what to do ...05:58
Odd-rationaleJinKazama: alt+c? or ctrl+c ?05:59
JinKazamayes ... sorry :) Ctrl+C05:59
Odd-rationalei don't think you should... but if it works... :P06:00
JinKazamaok. thanks Odd-rationale :)06:00
o7andrewhey guys, what version are you all using now?11:55
o7andrewoh crap11:56
o7andrewI'm on 7.1011:56
wormsxulla_hello. i'm running 7.10 on a eee pc, and i don't have a system beep, but sound does work. could anyone help?11:59
o7andrew've just installed xubuntu, and loved the fact that it found and connected my wireless card automagically >much like windows... I also used 'standby' and that worked like really fast > I loved that... but I'd really like to set up hibernation <after grub | as I'm dual-booting my friends windows box> and I was wondering if anyone here knows how to do that??12:00
o7andrewthinkmassive: cool name bro"12:02
o7andrewI'll be back in the next day or so, c.u.all12:03
zairohi. how to resize the icon on xubuntu desktop. i use compiz. before this is work like a charm using setting > setting manager > desktop.12:19
b3nwthere isn't a xubuntu+1 channel I assume?15:59
knomeb3nw, no16:08
knomeb3nw, #ubuntu+1 is for all "flavors"16:08
b3nwknome - thanks16:12
wormsxulla_hi. does anyone know about connecting an imode phone (used as a modem) to a pc with xubuntu?16:13
jalswhat app can i use to encode wav files to mp3?16:14
AhtenusI want to connect to shared folders on a windows computer, how do I do that?17:05
TheSheepAhtenus: using some smb client17:05
ubottufusesmb is a tool that allows easy access to shared folders (smb) on a network.  Links with more info: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FuseSmb17:06
TheSheepjals: sound converter, for example17:15
jalscheers TheSheep17:26
Awsoonnwhat is a good pdf reader for xubuntu?17:55
TheSheepthe default one17:56
AwsoonnI was hopeing for something that didn't rely on gnome.17:56
Myrttisince when has evince relied on gnome?17:57
AwsoonnIt's listed as a dependancy, let me look again maybe I made a mistake17:57
TheSheepon the contrary, I think xubuntu devs helped removing the gnome deps from it17:57
Myrttiplease do17:57
zoredachegtk != gnome17:57
TheSheep!info evince-gtk17:58
ubottuevince-gtk (source: evince): Document (postscript, pdf) viewer (gtk version). In component main, is optional. Version 2.22.2-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 855 kB, installed size 6248 kB17:58
Awsoonnlibgnome2-0 (>= 2.17.3) listed as a depends17:59
Awsoonnah ha! evince-gtk :)18:00
TheSheepit still relies on gnome-icon-theme, but I guess you'll have to live with that18:00
Awsoonnhmmm, I got to learn something today.  :)18:01
Awsoonnnext question is, what is dbus?18:01
AwsoonnI thought that was a gnome framework for messaging between programs and such.18:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dbus18:02
bytor4232D-Bus is a message bus system, a simple way for applications to talk to one another. In addition to interprocess communication, D-Bus helps coordinate process lifecycle; it makes it simple and reliable to code a "single instance" application or daemon, and to launch applications and daemons on demand when their services are needed.18:03
zoredachesimply strike the 'gnome' part of your statment and it sounds like you have a good idea18:03
bytor4232from http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/dbus18:03
bytor4232Hm.  It was developed by RedHat.  Interesting.18:04
Awsoonnright on, I am just rying to keep this machine as lean on the memory as possible is my goal. It's kinda old...18:04
bytor4232Turn off the gnome and kde sessions in "Sessions and Startup" in the settings manager.18:04
TheSheepreduce color depth and resolution18:05
bytor4232TheSheep: never thought about doing that.18:05
bytor4232TheSheep: My processor may be a tad on the slow side, but I have plenty of ram.18:05
Awsoonnbytor4232: session tip < - THANKS18:07
AhtenusI used this guide to set up fusesmb:https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FuseSmb but there is two problems;1. I can only see my one computer. pinging the other comuter works.2. My win comuter can read my share but not write to it.18:16
cody-somervilleAhtenus, hi18:19
Ahtenusyou read my problem right?18:20
bytor4232Ahtenus: Usually if noone answers, we don't know or don't have time.  You could always try in the #ubuntu channel since this is more of a core system issue, rather than xubuntu specific.18:21
cody-somervilleAhtenus, you probably didn't set your username and password correctly in the fusemb config18:21
zoredachefor the computer you are having problems with, make sure you are in the correct workgroup, make sure you aren't firewalling 'file and print sharing'.  Make sure computer name use the characters [-a-z0-9] only.18:22
AhtenusI souldn't enter my user password or?18:22
knomekaffeine can play dvd's, but gxine or vlc not.18:23
TheSheep!dvd | knome18:25
ubottuknome: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs18:25
knomeTheSheep, yes?18:25
knomedoesn't really help with my problem18:26
TheSheepknome: from what you described, should help18:27
knomecan you be more verbose, like how?18:28
cody-somervillegxine uses a different backend then what Xubuntu uses by default (gstreamer)18:29
knomeso would totem be the preferred player?18:29
knomeso it can't show the menus of this dvd, for example18:30
cody-somervilleYea, Totem doesn't support that :P18:31
cody-somervilleI use vlc myself18:31
knomemay i ask why totem is the default then?18:32
TheSheepbecause we cannot ship vlc because of legal resons18:32
TheSheepsome reactionary countries, like USA or Japan have laws against it :)18:33
ruif13i've a xubuntu server installed in a p3-550 machine18:56
ruif13but the distro have a lot of installed software i need to uninstall all.18:56
ruif13is anyway to put xubuntu like a fresh install or i need it to install it again?18:57
TheSheepruif13: you can just uninstall the programs you don't need...18:57
ruif13hum but i have some wrong configs i don't reemember like18:57
ruif13apache settings etc18:57
ruif13and zivios wrong setups18:58
ruif13and i need to setup xubuntu like a new one install18:58
TheSheepyou can purge the configs when uninstalling18:58
ruif13what is the best way?18:58
ruif13not bad idea18:58
ruif13and i can do a new fresh install over network?18:59
ruif13i've a good internet conection18:59
TheSheep/var/lib/apt/extended_states <-- contains information on whether a package was automatically installed as a dependency, or installed explicitly by you18:59
TheSheepyes, you can18:59
TheSheepwith the mini cd19:00
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate19:00
ruif13because i don't have cdrom in that machine :S and flopy disk too19:00
TheSheepthere are many options19:00
ruif13hey TheSheep you tell me the file extended_states have all installed sw?19:03
TheSheepruif13: not necessarily19:03
TheSheeponly the packages for which extended information needs to be saved19:04
TheSheepyou can get a list of all installed software with dpkg -l19:05
Sa[i]nTHow come I can't change my background image. Been trying for a while now.19:05
TheSheepSa[i]nT: what's the error?19:07
Sa[i]nTTheSheep, I don't have the desktop option in my settings. I'm guessing whichever one makes it to where I can change my desktop image. Is this something I did'nt download or something?19:08
TheSheepSa[i]nT: no, it should be in the default xubuntu installation19:08
TheSheepSa[i]nT: xfdsektop419:08
Sa[i]nTTheSheep, xfdesktop4 is already the newest version. Hmmm19:09
TheSheeptry xfce4-mcs-plugins and xfce4-mcs-plugins-extra19:10
Sa[i]nTTheSheep, They are the newest version as well.19:12
Sa[i]nTTheSheep, Is there some other way to invoke the desktop settings?19:12
TheSheepand you don't have 'desktop' entry in the settings manager?19:12
Sa[i]nTTheSheep, Exactly.19:12
TheSheepxfce-setting-show backdrop19:14
Sa[i]nTTheSheep, No such plugin19:15
TheSheeplet me check something19:16
TheSheepdpkg -S /usr/lib/xfce4/mcs-plugins/backdrop_settings.so19:16
TheSheepxfdesktop4: /usr/lib/xfce4/mcs-plugins/backdrop_settings.so19:16
TheSheepSa[i]nT: reinstall xfdesktop419:17
Sa[i]nTTheSheep, ok, trying.19:17
Sa[i]nTTheSheep, Still no desktop option. GAHH19:19
TheSheepSa[i]nT: do you have that file?19:19
TheSheepSa[i]nT: is this xubuntu?19:19
Sa[i]nTTheSheep, I have everything. I've been trying to get this to work forever.19:19
Sa[i]nTTheSheep, xfce, yeah.19:20
TheSheepSa[i]nT: I'm not asking about xfce, I'm asking about the ditribution19:20
jalssound converter doesn't seem to be ripping at the proper bitrate19:48
Genelykwhy xubuntu 8.10 beta, have  pidgin  and xchatirc ??22:23
zoredachewhy?  why not?22:25
Genelykxubuntu is  for  machine low power22:26
zoredacheso which do you have objections with?  I would be happen if both where dropped...22:28

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