
rsc-why on earth is the wiki immutable? :(16:09
thorwilrsc-: you surely do have an account and are logged in?16:24
kwwiirsc-: you should be able to change things16:27
kwwiirsc-: I am going to put cave3 in intrepid18:05
kwwii :-)18:05
thorwilhmm. http://kasrakeshavarz.wordpress.com/2008/10/04/روزشماری-تا-انتشار-بز-بی‌باک/19:45
kwwiiI for one, disagree completely19:46
kwwii(like I understand anything :p)19:46
thorwilnot? surprise! :)19:47
thorwili got links in 8 or 9 languages back to me for the countdown banner19:48
kwwiikiller! that is really cool19:48
thorwiland one hack of the banner to make it finnish: http://www.ubuntu-fi.org/19:50
thorwilkwwii: which made me wonder if these should offered with translations right away. of course, english alone has been enough work :)19:51
thorwilwell, just a thought thrown out for the far away next round19:51
kwwiiyeah, sonunds kinda crazy ot me20:09
thorwili am kinda crazy :)20:11
thorwilkwwii: looks like one might subscribe to pages blow a common root using regex for the list of subscribed pages as it appears in user prefs20:29
thorwilbelow, even20:30
kwwiihehe, oh well... I went through them all and subscribed to them last night20:31
kwwiiI didn't think about doing it that way20:31
thorwilthere's an example: WikiSandBox/.*20:31
kwwiiI was hoping for some simple command (subscribe to all linked pages or such)20:31
thorwilkwwii: i neither, even though i was on my prefs page before20:31
thorwilthose nerdy coders ;)20:32
kwwiilol, no doubt20:38

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