
administrator_hey all01:24
administrator_im thinking of grabbing 2.6.25 kernel for built in 8165 wlan support that i hear  rumors of01:25
administrator_is there an official 2.6.25 (k)ubuntu kernel package?01:25
crimsunno.  Do you mean 2.6.27?01:27
administrator_i didnt mean that01:28
administrator_crimsun: what if i mean that now01:28
crimsun(the only 2.6.25ish one is for -ports)01:30
administrator_crimsun: i didn't explain myself well.  i dont care what version the knerel is, so long as it has a module for the 8165 wlan chipset01:41
administrator_but i found some ubuntu docs01:41
mdzcking: I had a git tree from earlier in Intrepid, and just did a 'git pull'09:49
mdzthis gave me a bunch of conflicts, though I never modified by working tree. why is this?09:49
ckingmdz: I suspect it's because it's been rebased.09:49
ckingI see this occur when ever the latest rc patches are pulled in - if there are too many of these merge conflicts I just get the entire repo again from clean - which is probably not an efficient way of working buy my network connection is fast09:53
ckingI am sure amit has the necessary runes to resolve this efficiently09:53
amitkmdz: during development, git pull will almost never work09:53
amitkmdz: because we rebase, as cking mentioned09:53
mdzamitk: how do you keep your tree up to date?09:54
amitkgit fetch; git rebase origin09:54
mdz(I won't ask why we rebase...)09:54
amitkbut wait09:54
amitksince your tree is probably in a mess right now...09:54
amitkmdz: do you have any local changes you care about? or do you just need the latest kernel tree?09:55
amitkmdz: 'git fetch; git reset --hard origin' will restore you to a pristine tree if you don't have (or care about) local changes.09:57
mdzamitk: thanks09:59
munckfishHi I'm looking at bug 280451 raised by doko - is there any historic reason why the ports kernels builddep on gcc-4.1 specifically?10:12
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munckfishHi I'm looking at bug 280451 raised by d o k o - is there any historic reason why the ports kernels builddep on gcc-4.1 specifically?14:35
munckfishI just have this recollection that I saw a check in <kernel src>/Makefile ages ago that enforced use of gcc 4.1 for a certain arch but I can't see it14:36
munckfishthere now14:36
rtgmunckfish: some of the arches used to have compiler dependencies. dunno if they are still true.14:36
rtgcompiler version dependencies, that is.14:37
munckfishrtg: yep14:37
rtgif they no longer exist in Hardy, then they are probably not appropriate for the ports kernels.14:37
rtgmunckfish: propose a patch and get smb_tp to test build 14:38
munckfishrtg: yes will do14:38
smb_tpmunckfish, best mail to the kernel team list14:42
smb_tpmunckfish, if you are done and have something to pull14:43
munckfishsmb_tp: yep usual procedure.14:43
njpatelis there some news on the e1000 for module regarding the eeprom-corruption?15:39
rtgnjpatel: the EEPROM corruption is related to ICH{8,9,10} e1000e parts, and yes, it appears to have been resolved by marking mapped memory to be read-only.15:42
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njpatelrtg: anyway I can do that on my laptop right now? I am at the GNOME/GUI-hackfest without any network-access on my own laptop (just using a colleagues machine for the moment)15:44
rtgnjpatel: you can do what on your laptop? update? 2.6.27-5 and later should be fine.15:47
njpatelrtg: oh... hm... I already updated to 2.6.27-6 (via usb-stick) and that still does not give me back a working eth015:48
njpatelrtg: i am on a core 2 duo (using amd64 arch)15:49
rtgnjpatel: what NIC? lspci -vvnn15:49
njpatelrtg: using a Ubuntu 7.10 live cd ethernet works so the hardware is ok15:49
njpatel00:19.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: Intel Corporation 82566MM Gigabit Network Connection [8086:1049]15:51
njpatelSubsystem> Lenovo Device [17aa:20de]15:52
rtgnjpatel: hang on a sec...15:52
rtgnjpatel: ok, that is an ICH8 device. do you see any eth devices with 'ifconfig -a'15:54
njpatelrtg: I get lo and pan015:55
rtgnjpatel: look in dmesg, e.g., dmesg | grep -i e1000e15:55
njpateloh one sec15:56
rtgnjpatel: also, make sure its not still black listed in /etc/modprobe.d15:56
njpatelrtg: nothing shown from dmesg16:00
rtgnjpatel: check for black listing?16:00
njpatelrtg: there is blacklist-e1000e in /etc/modprobe.d still16:01
njpateljust delete that? and try to restart networking?16:01
rtgnjpatel: ok, then you're not completely up to date. 'sudo rm /etc/modprobe.d/ blacklist-e1000e; sudo update-initramfs -u'16:02
njpatelprobably due to me just updating the package manually and not via apt-get or synaptic (since I have not network) so some scripts were skipped16:03
njpatelrtg: manually loading e1000e now should work I assume16:04
rtgnjpatel: well, my first attempt at removing blacklist-e1000e in module-init-tools wasn't correct. Steve Langasek had to come along behind and clean up my mess.16:05
rtgnjpatel: yep - you should be able to just modprobe e1000e (or reboot)16:05
njpatelhm.. looks good sofar... trying to plug in a cable an see NetworkManager hopefully do its magic16:06
njpatelrtg: sweet works again16:07
njpatelrtg: you don't also happen to know a bit about iwl394516:07
rtgnjpatel: a bit, though I'm not sure I'll of much help.16:08
rtgs/of/be of/16:08
njpatelrtg: ok huge thanks at least ethernet is working again16:14
laga_aufs is broken *again*18:36
amitklaga_: in what way?18:41
laga_NFS branches18:41
laga_i'd like to blame kees cook commit (118463fa8236a123fdf6f81fb0c0176f7fd1caa7), but i can't tell for sure yet18:41
laga_i still wonder why i have to constantly explain funny changes to aufs to junjiro18:41
laga_kees cook re-introduced aufs_do_setattr which hasn't existed in a long time in aufs. although it looks like it's just a wrapper, so i'm not sure if it's to blame18:42
laga_amitk: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/18342118/DSC00183.JPG - this is what you get if you try to boot a mythbuntu-diskless client18:43
laga_i will set up a test system tomorrow and revert that commit. i'm glad someone noticed before the release :)18:46
amitklaga_: just talked to kees. If reverting that patch fixes the problem, could you possibly prepare a patch separating the vfs changes from the fsetattr changes?19:02
laga_yes, i think i could do that. i'll get back to you19:03
ogrado we have any way to support RT2700E wlan chipsets ? 19:03
ograapparently they are in the eee100019:03
mrxmikefollowing -> Intrepid crashes on my Intel D945GCLF + Atom 230 (its a Intel bundled mobo+processor)19:19
mrxmikedesktop / server (also tried alternative version)19:19
ograyou should mention that you try to run 64bit kernels on it, i doubt anyone will actually associate 64bit with atom (since thats the exact thing you ran into in the other channels ;) )19:22
mrxmikeim currently installing the 32bit version of Intrepid beta server (32bit), the installation is nearly completed19:22
mrxmikeogra: i wasnt done typing yet :P19:22
mrxmikeSo -> problem is, Intrepid (64) kernels do not work on the Atom 230 (probably not on the newer 330 either, i'll buy this as soon as possible)19:24
mrxmikebut i cannot test that yet19:24
mrxmikefunny detail, with acpi=off .. the kernel of the livecd's does work19:24
mrxmikeWhat can i do, how can i help with adding support / fixing what is broken?19:27
ograamitk, did you ever do any work with 64bit atoms yet ? 19:28
amitkogra: not yet... so what does 'crashed' mean here?19:29
mrxmikekernel segfaults, no CPU time for xxSeconds19:31
amitkmrxmike: It will be hard to debug or look into without detailed info. dmesg, lspci -vvnn, /proc/version_signature attached to a bug report would help a lot.19:33
amitkbut booting with acpi=off seems to suggest acpi bug in bios or kernel19:35
mrxmikeamitk: i will provide all those details as good as i can, its easy ...  as i can use the livecd for it...19:44
mrxmikebut i just installed 32bit server, and i do want to use my server as well .. (so i keep that on)19:45
amitkmrxmike: so it works just fine with 32-bit?19:46
mrxmikei think it does yes19:46
mrxmike(well quiet sure actually)19:46
lafeuilHi, on intrepid, why the current version of linux is not the 2.6.27 on powerpc ?22:22
munckfishlafeuil: because powerpc is now community supported and therefore uses the linux-ports kernel source not the standard one22:32
munckfishit's stuck 2.6.25 cause no one was motivated enough or had enough time to upgrade it22:33
munckfishI'm hoping that'll change in intrepid+122:33
munckfishcause I'm hoping to do something about it myself22:33
lafeuilmunckfish: Ok thanks for your answers22:35
munckfishlafeuil: np22:35
lafeuilWhen is intrepid+1 ?22:35
munckfishwell pretty much 6.5 months from now I guess22:36
munckfishlafeuil: is there a specific feature you're missing?22:36
lafeuilmunckfish: no, I understand now 22:37
lafeuilmunckfish: thank you22:38
Kanohi, did anybody test gspca with 2.6.27? in worst case it does not even boot with webcam connected...23:07
Kano2 ppl dont get the webcam working with it... with 2.6.26 old gspca it works23:09
administrator_hey all...  im reading the ubuntu custom kernel docs...  i dont want to use the git method on a production kernel, do i?  i basically want a kernel built the same way as the default kernel, + the 8159 wlan driver...23:14
Kanojust compile it externally,what the problem23:15
administrator_Kano: isnt there a certain kernel package out there just for (k)ubuntu?23:17
Kanoyou only need the headers + a driver that compiles against the kernel23:17
administrator_with whatever relevant patches that we use23:17
administrator_Kano: the driver is in the kernel id like to use23:17
administrator_so i just grab any linux-headers and kernel, and i dont worry about patches or anything like that?23:18
Kanowhich config option?23:18
administrator_Kano: its the wlan module for 8159 chipsets23:18
Kanoconfig option?23:18
Kanothere is no option with 8159 in the name..23:19
administrator_Kano: i dont know, i head someone say it was in there so i was gonna look through menuconfig23:19
Kanoi think you are dreaming23:19
administrator_check 815023:19
administrator_and pinch me23:19
Kanois already set23:19
administrator_does it add support for 8159 in the newest kernel or something?23:19
Kano /sbin/modinfo rtl815023:20
Kanoshows it, what i find problematic is that rt2500usb and rt73usb share the same ids23:20
administrator_that doesnt look like it supports the 8159 chipset anywya23:22
Kanothen you can check the id23:23
administrator_its not a usb nic23:24
Kanothen use lspci -nn23:24
Kanoand show the line23:24
administrator_Kano: im beginning to think i was misinformed..  sure, one sec23:24
Kano8150 IS usb23:24
Kanoalso wlan is very simple to use with ndiswrapper23:25
administrator_im a knuckle head, its 818523:25
administrator_and i have serious problems with ndiswrapper, which im certain constitute a bug23:26
administrator_which is why im here23:26
Kanoadministrator_: rtl8180 is already there, if you want to use ndiswrapper you have to blacklist it23:27
administrator_i dont have ndiswrapper, but i didnt have wlan0, so i assumed i needed it23:28
Kanoadministrator_: grep 10ec /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/modules.pcimap |grep 818523:29
administrator_sorry, i meant to say 'i dont want to use ndiswrapper, im only using it because i didnt have an interface for my wlan, so google searching seemed to imply i needed it_23:29
Kanondiswrapper is usually very good23:29
Kanobut in that case you would have to blacklist rtl818023:29
administrator_Kano: nothing returns from that grep23:30
Kanothen your kernel is too old23:30
administrator_i have 8139 and 8169, which are obviously wired drivers23:30
Kanoi use 2.6.27-623:30
administrator_Kano: and you have it  right?23:31
Kanoof course23:31
administrator_great, sorry for the confusion, my fault23:31
administrator_so i can just grab linux kernel sources from anywhere right?  there isnt any 2.6.27 *buntu specific-patched kernel that you would recommend i use23:32
Kanoin 8.10?23:32
Kanoit is23:33
administrator_these need to go into production, asap, or i would just use intrepid personally23:33
administrator_i need a kernel for use with 8.04.123:33
administrator__Kano: thanks, those .debs worked great23:51

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