[01:36] im trying to install some themes in xfce of xfce-look [01:36] and none of them show up in the user interface [01:36] any ideas anyone? [01:37] ? [01:40] Sl4y3r1: what theme? [01:40] LiNsta Black Plastic [01:40] [01:41] !changethemes [01:41] Themes for Xfce4 are simply GTK2+ themes which means Gnome themes are also compatible with your xfce4 desktop. To install themes, unpack it in ~/.themes/ To install icons, unpack them to ~/.icons/ - Visit http://www.xfce-look.org/ for all kinds of eyecandy for your Xfce4 desktop! - See also !themes for other GNOME theme sites [01:41] moved ive done this [01:41] repeatedly [01:41] -moved 0.) [01:42] and they never show up in the user interface thing [01:42] Sl4y3r1: do you have th link? [01:42] http://www.xfce-look.org/content/show.php/LiNsta+Black+Plastic?content=43023 [01:42] i havent gotten any themes to work [01:43] unzipping to the /.themes folder [01:43] k brb... [01:53] ? [01:58] Sl4y3r1: sry, had some troubles with our sink... [01:58] lol its ok [01:59] Sl4y3r1: so you have a folder called ~/.themes/ [58] [02:00] whoops... [02:00] Sl4y3r1: so you have a folder called ~/.themes/LiNsta-Black-Plastic [02:00] ? [02:00] yeah [02:00] it is a xfmw4 theme. not a gtk theme... [02:01] Sl4y3r1: so chek the wm settings... not ui settings... [02:01] not there either [02:02] hmm... [02:06] Sl4y3r1: try moving the LiNsta-Black-Plastic folder and all it's contents to /usr/share/xfwm4/themes [02:06] you need to do it as root... [02:06] sec [02:06] like: sudo cp -fdr ~/.themes/LiNsta-Black-Plastic /usr/share/xfwm4/themes/ [02:10] nope [02:10] nothing [02:11] Sl4y3r1: well, it doesn't look like you are the only one with issues... http://forum.xfce.org/index.php?topic=874.0 [02:11] yeah [02:12] ;s [02:12] just found that about 30 secs ago [02:12] XD [02:12] Sl4y3r1: tried #xfce ? [02:12] didnt know there was one [02:21] i need help with mouse cursor themes [02:22] on a previous install, i was able to change them easily [02:22] now, no matter what i do, i cant seem to find the website or technique i used to do it [02:22] didnt know you could install mouse themes XD im just trying to figure out why none of the desktop themes i use work [02:22] XD [02:23] LuYu: try looking in xfce-look.org [02:23] i have [02:23] they have tons of themes [02:23] but no explanation on how to get them to work [02:23] LuYu: extract it to ~/.themes [02:23] ive downloaded a couple of themes [02:24] LuYu: like which one? [02:24] i tried that, they didnt show up [02:24] blueillusion2 is the one ive been trying to make work [02:24] dont tell me . . . ive been working with a broken theme [02:24] LuYu: i'm sorry, my mistake. extract to ~/.icons [02:24] right [02:24] did that, too [02:24] didnt work either [02:25] umm. post the link to the cursos theme... and i'll take a look when i come back... [02:25] LuYu whats the link to blue illusion two [02:25] i need to fix this sink... [02:25] hold on [02:25] ill find it [02:25] i want a working theme! [02:25] XD [02:26] i cant get the theme to work, so if it works for you then thats one of us [02:27] http://www.xfce-look.org/content/show.php/BlueIllusion+2?content=88323 [02:27] today is your lucky day [02:27] i didnt configure galeon to delete all history yet [02:28] so, i still had the link [02:28] B-) [02:29] i think xfce-look.org really needs a tutorial section [02:30] many people may be unfamiliar with the quirks in its theme behavior [02:30] i still dont understand why mouse themes go in .icons [02:30] i finally got one theme to work [02:30] they arent really icons [02:31] :) [02:31] thats more than i have [02:31] but now all my icons i had place in the task bar remain diff colors [02:31] x.x [02:31] well, thats not true [02:31] the display themes all work [02:31] its the mouse cursors that dont [02:31] ive only had luck with 1 i downloaded [02:31] and thats the mac os x one [02:32] but my system info on my taskbar still stays the same color it was before applying the theme lol [02:32] so i get half of a real nice blue taskbar then boom shit off-white colored buttons [02:32] lol [02:35] hmmm [02:36] i dont get it [02:36] this just worked the first time [02:37] f#$@!ing suspend destroyed my good install, and now i cant figure out what i did [02:38] anyway, im out of time, so ill have to leave the addition of expletives off for another day [02:38] thanks for the help [06:04] hi all. how a I can to lock my screen when I desire. without wait screensaver . [06:04] JinKazama: gnome-screensaver-command -l [06:05] JinKazama: or xscreensaver-command -l if you are using xscreensaver... [06:06] is there some way to set thish command on keyboard shortcut ? [06:06] *this ... [06:07] ctrl+alt+l [06:07] JinKazama: yep, go to settings --> keyboard [06:07] yeah, it might already be set... [06:07] ctrl+alt+l not work here ... [06:08] JinKazama: or ctrl+alt+esc [06:09] yes I foud it ... its ctrl+alt+delete [06:09] xflock4 .. [06:09] thanks all :) [06:09] np [06:41] can you have 2 gmail email accounts per person or they only allow 1 gmail email account per person? === danopia_ is now known as danopia [13:57] hi all . how to add a shortcut icon in the menu? In the menu editor there is simply green text that says include and the command is listed as system. I won't to add shortcut in menu Other. how to do this ? [14:01] !.desktop [14:01] A desktop environment is what "puts the pieces of a !GUI together". The available desktop environments in Ubuntu are !GNOME (ubuntu-desktop), !KDE (kubuntu-desktop), !Xfce (xubuntu-desktop), IceWM, !Fluxbox, WindowMaker (wmaker), FVWM and others - See also !Flavors [14:02] not that [14:03] JinKazama, i can't think of any other way than creating a .desktop file [14:05] I found in forums something about this but it was very complicated explanation. I can get it :) . [14:05] I read for this problem here : http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/how-to-edit-xfce-menu-612491/ [14:06] JinKazama, so what do you want to add? an application icon? [14:07] JinKazama, if so, is the application available in the ubuntu repository? [14:15] its form repositiry , byt ntere is no icon in menu. the application is Gisomount [14:16] I installed it from the repository [14:17] i see [14:17] other would possibly not be the right place for it, though [14:18] let me make a .desktop file for it, i'll ping you back in a minute [14:18] ok :) [14:18] or actually check first if it's just hidden [14:18] how to find it ? [14:19] i'll check it [14:19] i just installed it [14:29] ok, the .desktop i ready [14:29] now just upload it [14:30] JinKazama, http://emonk.fi/open/gisomount.desktop [14:30] JinKazama, copy to /usr/share/applications [14:30] ok [14:31] the icon/menu item will be at "system" [14:35] just exelent !!!! thank you knome :) [14:36] is there some more simple way for this ? :) [14:38] not really, if you want to add it in the "normal" menu [14:38] but if you look at the file i sent you, it's really quite easy... [14:40] yes. I read it. I think that I will make by my self in future if needit :) [14:40] thanks knome :) [15:26] hola [15:26] !hi | maestrolinux [15:26] maestrolinux: Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu! [15:28] alguno habla español!!! [15:28] !es | maestrolinux [15:28] maestrolinux: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. [16:21] hi all [16:21] I need help with my gfx card [16:23] please [16:23] !ask | lxxlxxl [16:23] lxxlxxl: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [16:24] ok :) [16:24] i upgraded my old pc from 7.04 to 8.04 xubunut [16:25] everything is ok [16:25] expecpt the video playback [16:25] lxxlxxl: how did you upgrade from 7.04 to 8.04? [16:25] firsh install [16:25] fresh install? ok... good.. [16:26] the vido play pack was great in 7.04 [16:26] now when I use the fullscreen mode [16:26] it give me pixles [16:26] and flickers [16:27] I think i have problem with my x.org file [16:27] sounds like... [16:27] I didnt customize it when I used 7.04 [16:27] the new xorg relies more on autodetection... [16:27] but now i think I have to [16:28] lxxlxxl: if you still have a copy of your old xorg.conf, you might want to try using it in 8.04 [16:28] :( I dont [16:29] what if i used the 7.04 liveCD x.org file ? [16:30] lxxlxxl: that if it works, then you might want to try to copy it... [16:32] the Q is: I rembber that 7.04 x.org was ok with me; is it possible that during the instlation the x.org chnged from the intial one? [16:33] if it is the same. I can use the LiveCD one. [16:34] lxxlxxl: it is possible that th xorg file change after the install, but not always.... [16:35] if i gvre [16:35] my card {01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: ATI Technologies Inc Rage 128 PF/PRO AGP 4x TMDS [1002:5046]} [16:36] lxxlxxl: pastbin your current xorg.conf file please... [16:36] here? [16:36] no. pastebin [16:37] !pastebin [16:37] pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [16:38] http://paste.ubuntu.com/55684/ you can notice that I tried to edit it [16:39] ah, you are using the vesa drivers? [16:39] i tried r128 & ati [16:39] try running: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg [16:40] vesa is kinda slow... but rather failsafe... [16:40] xserver-xorg postinst warning: overwriting possibly-customised configuration [16:40] file; backup in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.20081009184029 [16:40] lxxlxxl: ok that's fine... [16:41] lxxlxxl: now pastebin your new xorg.conf file... [16:41] http://paste.ubuntu.com/55685/ [16:42] lxxlxxl: ok. now try restart x (log out) and see if it is any better... [16:42] this is the defulat one [16:43] it didnt work wwith me. so, i tried to chnage it [16:43] can I use emerald themes without using compiz? seems the only time they get mentioned is when people are using compiz [16:43] the resulaiton is ok after the change [16:43] ok. what are you using to play the video? [16:43] vlc [16:44] Belovedmonster: afaik, emerald is used only with compiz. [16:44] Belovedmonster, confirm [16:45] lxxlxxl: does this happen only with one certain video? have youtried other videos of other fomarts? [16:45] formats? [16:45] wow, serious typoing ;) [16:46] :-( bummer, i wanted to add the siki colors theme to my xubuntu as I love it on my gnome computer, but it needs emerald according to xfce look [16:46] divx xvid [16:47] this happen with all videos in the fullscreen mode [16:48] i use my old machine to download & watch videos [16:50] Belovedmonster, http://xfce-look.org/content/show.php/New+Wave?content=87134 [16:52] thats not as nice as siki, but as a next best thing its quite pretty :) thanks, i might give it a go [16:53] Belovedmonster, np. it's is/was candidate for the default xubuntu 8.10 look [16:53] *-s [16:53] lxxlxxl: have you tried mplayer? [16:54] i tried totem. mplayer didnt work with me [16:59] using default xorg can I be sure that the gfx card is confegred properly ? [17:00] usually, yes... [17:00] can I find the 7.04 default xorg online ? [17:01] lxxlxxl: i doubt it... [17:02] i dont think the problem is related to the codec or the palyer. [17:02] how can I know if my gfx card is conferged [17:02] is there any commands for cheking ? [17:08] *configured* [17:08] :-D [17:12] Hi All. I've just installex xubuntu-desktop , but can't manage to add more workspaces. Via properties, it shows that I have just one row, but nothing more. What could be the problem? [17:14] go to application > setting > setting manager > workspaces [17:14] mojjog: Go to Applications then Settings Manager then Workspaces [17:14] lxxlxxl: curses! I couldn't type fast enough! [17:14] hehe! [17:14] :) Thank you bytor4232 ! >:D< [17:15] Thank lxxlxxl too! [17:15] and lxxlxxl also thanks!!! [17:16] :P [17:17] too many thanks [17:20] Ralfi: from Sopranos ?! [17:22] I will leave now. thanks Odd-rationale for you help :) [17:23] lxxlxxl: k. soory i couldn't help more... [18:10] hi [18:11] hey, is it possible to install gnome without installing the ubuntu-desktop metabackage [18:12] Zero____--_: yes. just insall the gnome-desktop meta-package instead... :P [18:13] what packages does ubuntu-desktop have that gnome-desktop doesnt have, Odd-rationale ? [18:14] Zero____--_: sorry my bad. it is called the metapackage is called gnome... [18:14] compare: [18:14] http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/ubuntu-desktop [18:14] http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/gnome [18:15] thank you [18:16] Zero____--_: or this one: http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/gnome-desktop-environment [18:18] Zero____--_: but if you are going to install gnome without ubuntu, you might as well use debain, sidux, archlinux, slackware, or something instead... :P [18:20] yeah, i was just looking at the package difference, and i need ubuntu, i just dont need EVERYTHING in it, i just wanted to install gnome (using xfce currently) without all that bloated crap (such as openoffic) without manually getting rid of stuff [18:58] can you have awn in xubuntu? [19:01] sure [19:03] i wanna install xubuntu in my old HDD which has 4.3 GB space [19:03] and will i have an access to files in my other NTFS drive ? [19:04] sure [19:04] and do i need to do something special for that ? [19:04] or will i have this option defaultly ? [19:04] it'll work by default [19:04] tremendous [19:05] then its time to migrate ... [19:05] c u [19:12] I want the dock from Dreamlinux in Xubuntu, is this possible? [19:13] Its called AWN, yes. [19:26] hello. does anyone remember off-hand the location of the xubuntu "splashscreen" file (the first screen to show at boot)? [19:26] or can help me to find it [19:27] wormsxulla_, dpkg -L xubuntu-artwork-usplash [19:27] cody-somerville: thank you [20:09] hey, will desktop drapes work with xubuntu? [20:11] It's hard to say. [20:11] I'm not familiar with the project. [20:11] it says it's for gnome, so probably not? [20:12] sudo aptitude install drapes [20:12] Actually quite a few gnome programs work great in xubuntu. [20:12] I've never noticed a difference to be honest. [20:13] I think I'll look up drapes and see what it does. [20:17] I guess it's not compatible. [20:17] yeah [20:17] it doesn't seem to be working [20:17] :'( [20:17] Write your own ... [20:18] yeah, I thought about that [20:18] I don't really have the bash skills to do that [20:18] I guess I'm too much of a do it yourself-er. [20:19] Anyone know where/how to set your screen brightness. My laptop keeps dimming after x minutes of no activity, and I can't seem to locate it. [20:21] There's a box under screensaver power management that is unchecked, alas ... this doesn't stop it from dimming. [20:21] Oh well maybe I fixed it ... maybe I didn't. [20:24] man, getting network shares under xfce is a chore [20:24] why not woman? [20:25] ... [20:25] gotcha. [20:28] what are you doing nfs? [20:29] so is there an easy way to veiw my windows shares through thundar? [20:30] !fusesmb [20:30] fusesmb is a tool that allows easy access to shared folders (smb) on a network. Links with more info: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FuseSmb [20:30] i cant see my network [20:31] fusesmb is installed [20:32] I usually do all my ftp/sftp stuff through knoqueror I don't know if it works with smb:// though. [20:32] no it doesn't [20:33] ok, so what is the best file manager to use in xfce if i want to veiw my windows shares? [20:34] I just did a quick search on google, it appears that konqueror will do samba. [20:35] goddamnallthenic: Is your windows machine on the same subnet as your current machine? [20:36] Sometimes having and then for ips is enough to make windows crap out. [20:36] yes, its all on the same network, i just want to view my roomates shared vids [20:36] ok [20:36] Do you have his ip? [20:37] yeah [20:38] can you reach it with smbclient? [20:38] smbclient? [20:38] smbclient is a command line program with the samba package. [20:38] To be honest I just don't know enough about this. [20:39] It's been sooo lonng since I tried connecting to a windows share. [20:39] I usually just sftp in and copy stuff here. [20:39] But that's not going to do it. [20:41] http://grumpymole.blogspot.com/2006/10/xubuntu-and-browsing-samba-network.html [20:43] smbclient -L -I= [20:43] Seems to be all you need to do. [20:43] Then again I could be wrong. [20:44] From there you'll need to figure out how to mount them, after that you'll probably need to add something to fstab to mount them automatically. [20:44] or ... you could just sudo apt-get install konqueror; run konqueror then type smb:/ in the address bar. [20:47] maybe it's smb:// [20:48] i dont have konqueror, i have xubuntu [20:48] not kubuntu [20:49] goddamnallthenic: did you read that fusesmb guide? [20:50] yeah, it didnt work :( [20:53] des francais ? [20:53] hello world [20:53] I need help on xubuntu (xfce) [20:53] any on to help me ? [20:54] !ask [20:54] Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [20:58] ubottu> ok [20:58] You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-) [20:58] cody-somerville> ok, thanks [20:58] sorry for my bad english [20:59] i try to join shared folders on a W2000 server, in a domain, from xfce with thunar [20:59] I tried with fusesmb [21:00] it works well , i can see the W2000 domain, the server and can see the shared folders [21:00] but? [21:00] But when i try to access one of those shared folders [21:00] i get an error message [21:01] do you have the text of the error message? [21:01] like "folder unreachable : access refused, no permissions" ???? [21:01] like "folder unreachable : access refused, no permissions" ???? [21:03] you *could* try a program called pyNeighborhood. it scans and mounts network shares. I believe it is in Synaptic Package Manager [21:03] that is what I use to mount my shares anyway... [21:04] ok, thanks, I ll try [21:04] no promises, though remember to run it as root (as it involves mounting) [21:07] DFlame> ok [21:07] I really dont understand why the use of fusesmb doesnt works [21:08] neither do I. I go with what works and dont question why [21:11] hi all, how do I know status of sticky keys in xubuntu? [21:12] by by everybody [21:12] thanks a lot [21:13] what's the CL to change the desktop image? [21:43] can someone help me? [21:43] its just a quick question [21:44] !anyone [21:44] A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [21:44] It depends on the question [21:44] ask please [21:45] if you compile an app, to remove it, do you just delete the folder or remove threw terminal? [21:45] I don't know about compiling apps. [21:46] charlie-tca, I need to remember that one :) [21:46] DaveDixonII, you can do "make uninstall" I believe, but I recommend you to compile using checkinstall so you can remove it through Synaptic [21:48] k. ty [21:54] hello [21:55] any one use lxde in xubuntu ? [21:55] I have, for a moment [21:55] To give it a try [21:55] !anyone [21:55] A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [21:55] charlie-tca, ;-) [21:56] :) [21:56] It took me a long time to learn and remember it, vinnl [21:57] charlie-tca, I guess I'll recall it if I see the use of that word again, and if not, I might if you use it ;-) [21:57] * charlie-tca nods [21:57] i must say that pcmanfm is *bad* [21:58] * vinnl didn't like it either [22:32] hey, how do you make a shortcut or alias for a folder? [22:33] DCPom, right click, then select "Make link" [22:34] ah thanks [22:35] np :) [22:42] just installed xubuntu with wubi, and my headphones don't work, but my speakers do. Ideas? (yes I did google, and no that topic on the forums was of no help whatsoever0 [22:42] mini-man, did you plug in the headphones in the correct location? Have you tried the headphones with another OS or other device? [22:43] vinnl: they work perfectly on windows [22:43] OK [22:43] i checked alsamixer and they aren't muted, but I can't raise or lower the volume [22:43] mini-man, and they're plugged into the same thing as the speakers? [22:43] vinnl: no, i have speakers built in to my monitor [22:44] Right... Ehm, you could check using xfce4-mixer [22:45] I see no headphones there :o [22:46] That's odd... Perhaps you could run alsamixer as root and then edit them, but I have zero experience on this area so I'm probably not the right person to be giving advice... [22:49] well in alsamixer I do see headphones [22:49] but i'm unable to adjust it [22:49] and I do hear feedback in my headphones... [22:49] but the sound comes out the monitor speakers [22:49] Perhaps ubottu has some advice... [22:49] !sound [22:49] If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 [22:49] !headphones [22:49] Sorry, I don't know anything about headphones [22:49] :( [22:51] hmm wtf, reducing mic volume reduces the "volume" of the feedback in my headphones :D [22:51] <-- utter nub at this, in case you haven't noticed yet [22:56] brb dinner [23:03] * vinnl off, sleep [23:12] what bash command can you use to get an array of all the files (or file paths) in a folder? [23:12] ls [23:12] ls > VAR? [23:13] no, cd to the folder and type ls in a terminal. If you want a text file use ls > text_file_name [23:14] does that give the actual files or file paths, or just the name? [23:14] names* [23:15] just the names of files in that folder/directory [23:15] ah [23:15] ls --help gives all the options [23:17] thanks [23:18] np [23:48] can you have 2 gmail email accounts per person or do they only let you have 1 gmail email account per person? [23:52] anyone knows [23:53] You might need to check on google, but I thought the limit was one per person === miniman is now known as mini-man [23:54] oh ok [23:55] thanks [23:55] Good luck [23:56] :)