
fta[reed], do you know if fennec has an icon already?00:05
ftaseems fennec now wants xul 1.9.100:31
=== Sergeant_Pony is now known as KB1OHY
crimsunfta: just a note: your ppa alsa-lib builds are obsoleted; Luke's changes to alsa-lib and alsa-plugin [both packages required] obviate my branch's03:58
crimsunfta: i.e., you should be fine just using libasound2 and libasound2-plugins from current intrepid03:59
ftanope, all apps block each other04:01
ftastart rhythmbox, pause it, start mplayer, pause it, unpause rhythmbox, it is either frozen or silent04:03
ftasame if you play a flash video in side ff (instead of mplayer)04:03
ftasame with totem04:03
ftasame with prism04:04
ftaetc, etc, etc04:04
ftacrimsun, ^^04:04
crimsunfta: let me attempte to reproduce your symptom in current intrepid with just rhythmbox and Flash 10 RC 204:11
ftaok, let me know. i'm going to bed04:12
crimsunfta: I can't reproduce that symptom using your interleaved pause-unpause test case04:22
[reed]fta: it does07:46
gnomefreakasac: im waiting for a bug number on the sunbird bug from mozilla so i can patch it. I may wait until its fixed to have you push to debian09:13
=== asac_ is now known as asac
=== fta_ is now known as fta
fta[reed], yes, found it yesterday => https://edge.launchpad.net/fennec12:20
asacfta: for fennec: talk to persia he wanted to get involved (or someone else from the mobile team)16:56
asacfta: so while it might be easier to package on our own, it would be beneficial to have another developer know how to package xul apps :)16:57
ftaasac, i did, yesterday17:03
ftain fact, the request apparently came from lool17:03
asacfta: cool. what came out of it?17:04
ftayou can give it a try, it's in my ppa17:05
ftaproblem is, it's designed for touch screens, not mouse17:06
ftaso you have to guess where you are when you click17:06
ftabut the ui is kind of great17:06
asachmmm ... i have a touch screen device ;)17:21
asacprobably i should install latest ubuntu-mobile on it and then try17:22
asacfta: so we do fennec alone? e.g. without the mobile team getting involved :(17:23
ftai can give it to them, i don't care. i thought that if someone cared, it would have been done long ago17:24
ftathis is M9 already17:24
asacfta: yeah well. they now care ;)17:25
ftai wanted to ask them how to properly integrate this app into the mobile desktop, but it attracted no interest so far17:25
asacfta: the idea is not to give it away, but get them involved :)17:25
asace.g. bumping versions, adjusting eventual patches17:25
asacso they get used to the packaging we are doing17:25
asacfta: i think they were quite busy because they a) wanted to release something stable17:26
asacand b) prepared a new way of the mobile desktop that uses gnome17:26
ftanow they know we have something, they can come and ask if they really care17:26
asacfta: right.17:27
asacfta: its just when we are too proactive this might have the effect "well, all happens automatically. lets work on something else"17:27
ftamaybe i should start a blog17:27
asacfta: blogs are a good vehicle to get messages out and to overcome communication walls17:29
ftai just have no idea how to start17:29
asac"hello world" :)17:31
ftalol, no, i mean, which soft, or online service17:37
shirishasac: are you online buddy?17:41
shirishasac: if you are online, please see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/279262 and pardon my foolishness therein.17:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 279262 in network-manager "network-manager After reboot network is totally broken" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:43
ftaasac, ^^18:21
sebnerfta: the fox looks strange xD18:21
* sebner is scared18:21
ftait's a fennec18:21
ftanot a regular fox18:22
sebnerthese ears xD18:23
sebnerfta: thx18:24
ftatoo bad i don't own a device that could run that :(18:25
ftaasac, i've improved dquilt19:59
fta[reed], do you know if/when 3.0 and trunk will get nspr 4.7.2 Beta 4 ?20:08
ftaasac, something like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/56397/20:43
asacfta: quite nice ;)20:44
asacfta: cool. so it unpacks embedded now?20:46
asacfta: good thing. is that in -devscripts? or -tools?20:46
asacfta: ok. i think we need to add a transition package "firefox-2"20:48
asaci completely forgot about that20:48
ftathat will force user to upgrade.. some will complain20:48
asacfirefox-2 depends: firefox20:48
asacfta: no thats ok20:49
asacfta: it was a service to provide firefox-220:49
asacwe remove that package  ;) ... so we have to auto upgrade them ;)20:49
asacwe will do the same in hardy20:49
ftaasac, http://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/diff/dda85c54599d/xpcom/io/nsAppFileLocationProvider.cpp20:56
ftaasac, i mean20:57
[reed]fta / asac: again, why aren't your local patches upstreamed?21:21
ftagood question21:36
ftayou will probably reject most of them21:36
shirishasac, you up buddy?22:14
ftacrimsun, i think it has to do with streams "timeouting". With rhythmbox, there's no stop, just pause. I almost never kill it (except when i have to reboot or kill X, which i tend to avoid). I pause it when i'm not in front of the computer, or when i need to listen or watch something else. when i unpause it, it is frozen or silent23:09
ftacrimsun, well, sound no longer freeze with your old patch but it's no longer smooth like before.. it gets choppy in some cases23:40

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