
mini-manyes, but that reduces the normal 16x16 pixel icons for the menus and launchers00:01
mini-manmy panel is 24px, and everything but tray icons are 16px00:01
mini-manwith a nice amount of padding00:01
mini-manwhile tray icons are 24px00:02
Zamboliim in the middle of an ubuntu install on a new laptop00:58
Zambolii have not yet used windows, but can i partition it so i can seal off windows without losing it?00:59
Zamboliwait wait i have it01:02
cheeseboyi think opengl broke01:16
cheeseboyhow do i check for sure?01:17
cheeseboydont see any errors01:25
cheeseboythen why is desktop effects failing :(01:25
cephican anybody tel me how to get xubuntu to remember my WPA pword?  Currently, I have to enter it every time I connect.02:08
DarkTanis there a special install when using SCSI hard drives?02:37
charlie-tcaDarkTan: not to my knowledge02:38
DarkTani'm having issues02:38
charlie-tcaWhat kind of issues02:38
DarkTani have an old IBM Netfinity 5600 Server. 5 20gb SCSI Drives. Every time i try to run the install, it get errors saying the CD is curropted02:38
DarkTanthe CD or DVD works fine in another computer, so i tried swapping out CD drives02:39
charlie-tcaDoes the cd pass the "Check the CD for defects?02:39
DarkTandid so three times, same error02:39
DarkTanCd passes in a different computer02:39
charlie-tcaFails in this one, right?02:39
DarkTanso, i then fire up a different desktop, try to install, works fine02:40
DarkTantake that CD drive, put it in the IBM, same error02:40
charlie-tcaLast one I had do that, I had to burn another CD to install02:40
charlie-tcaSounds like that CD drive is bad.02:40
DarkTanhowever, when i try to access the CD drives in windows, everythings works fine02:40
DarkTanexcept the drive works great in a different comp02:40
DarkTanand under windows02:40
charlie-tcaTry burning a new install CD, then. That did work for me02:41
DarkTantried that as well, same error02:41
DarkTanAlso tried severl older version of live DVD's that i had lying around02:41
DarkTani get the menu, starts to load, fails02:42
DarkTanput the DVD in a different computer, using the same drive, and they work fine02:42
charlie-tcaGot another cd drive you could swap?02:42
DarkTani've gine through 5 so far02:42
charlie-tcaWhat about swapping the cables?02:43
DarkTanyou, know i never thought of that since they work under windows02:43
DarkTani'll try that02:43
charlie-tcaYea, I know.02:43
DarkTanhmmm....don't currently have a cable long enought02:49
DarkTanwuth have to obtain one and try that02:49
DarkTanthanks tho02:50
charlie-tcagood luck02:51
Mr_Fixitanyone awake????04:43
Mr_Fixiti can't figure out which folder contains the user's xfce settings... i need to re-install them??04:47
pist0l-fishhi all, I'm trying to install xubuntu and am using the manual partitioner and can't seem to find an option for keeping my present /home/ directory. Effectively, I'd like to install xubuntu on / and keep all my personal documents/media in /home/. Can anyone help?06:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xfburn07:18
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.07:18
ubottuCD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto07:18
wormsxulla_hello. i have found a bug in the clipboard function when i try to copy from abiword to firefox, where can i check if it has already been reported? (i guess it has)12:01
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots12:05
wormsxulla_thank you12:05
wormsxulla_is there an irc function for the bots to search inside bugs reports? :)12:06
wormsxulla_!search clipboard12:06
ubottuFound: klipper12:06
wormsxulla_!search bug klipper12:07
ubottuFound: debugging, bug-#ubuntu-devel, features, langpack, back, hardware, xmms, exploit, 3rdparty, upgradeproblem12:07
blabla2004i want to install the propietary ATI display driver, but it get a 404 error when it tries to download it :-( what to do?13:30
zianellosomeone can help me?13:36
zianelloi have just installed xubuntu 8.0413:36
wormsxulla_blabla2004: try to find the driver somewhere else?13:37
zianellomy wireless driver is an intel 150013:37
zianellobut xubuntu doesn't see it13:37
zianellowhat i have to do?13:38
blabla2004wormsxulla_: thanks, i figured it out myself13:41
wormsxullahello. i'm looking for a GUI to add an item to the system menu in xubuntu 7.10, and i just can't find it15:01
wormsxullathe closest i found  is "appfinder", but i can't find the "menu editor". is there one?15:02
knomewormsxulla, i'm not 100% sure, but creating a .desktop file isn't hard15:03
knomewormsxulla, (that's the way menu items are added to menu)15:03
charlie-tcaThere is no GUI to add to the menus, there is menu editor though15:03
charlie-tcaI am looking for it now15:04
wormsxullai'd like to avoid editing text files. i used ubuntu 5.10 in the past, i'm pretty sure there was a menu editor. could it had been removed in xubuntu?15:04
wormsxullathanks :)15:04
knomecharlie-tca, imho we should try to create the menu icons for every pkg in the repo rather than telling on how to add them, though15:04
knomewormsxulla, can you tell me which app it is, if it's one?15:05
wormsxullaknome: actually, i want to add a manually installed app15:05
knomewormsxulla, / which pkg in the repo15:05
charlie-tcaknome: agreed, this is 7.10 though15:05
wormsxullaseamonkey 2.a15:05
knomecharlie-tca, but there's a lot of apps w/o menu icons in 8.04 too15:05
knomecharlie-tca, don't know about 8.10...15:05
wormsxullayes, i do understand that i'm using an oldish 7.10, but it's not my own machine, i can't upgrade15:06
charlie-tcaknome: most of the .desktop files are created, in /usr/share/applications but for some reason are not added15:07
knomecharlie-tca, really?15:07
knomecharlie-tca, so they are hidden in the .desktop files?15:08
knomecharlie-tca, or...?15:08
charlie-tcawormsxulla: could you take a look in there and see if your app is listed15:08
charlie-tcaI don't know15:08
knomewell at least gisomount didn't have a .desktop file15:08
wormsxullahttp://forum.xfce.org/index.php?topic=2658.0 <--- that's the proper way to do it masochistically?15:08
charlie-tcaknome: I know when an item doesn't appear, I look in /usr/share/applications to see what to put in my menui15:09
wormsxullamaybe one need to be sudo to see the menu editor?15:09
wormsxulla(silly question, surely)15:09
knomecharlie-tca, sure... i do that as well, but there's just not files for every app in the repo15:10
charlie-tcaknome: no, usually they appear after adding the application15:11
knomecharlie-tca, yes usually15:11
wormsxullacharlie-tca: no, my application is not listed in usr/share/applications15:11
knomecharlie-tca, but even after adding app there is no file in /u/s/a15:12
wormsxulla(because i installed it manually by uncompressing the .tar?)15:12
knomehave to go15:13
knomecharlie-tca, let's continue this conversation later :)15:14
charlie-tcawormsxulla: still looking15:15
wormsxulla:) thanks, i am too15:15
wormsxullacharlie-tca: i found a "create launcher" by right-clicking in the desktop15:17
wormsxullacould it be it? :)15:17
charlie-tcaBut that won't put it in a menu.15:17
wormsxullaerf :-(15:17
charlie-tcaDoes right click Applications give edit menu?15:17
wormsxulla:) thank you!15:18
wormsxullawow. sometimes i just miss the obvious15:18
charlie-tcaHappy to help :)15:18
wormsxullanow to look for the icon :)15:23
=== leche_y_galletas is now known as leche
MrNazwhere do you change your timezone settings ?16:44
TheSheepsystem->time and date16:51
=== vinnl_ is now known as vinze
=== vinze is now known as vinnl
jalswhere am i likely to find default sounds on the system17:07
jalsi want to pick a new mail sound for thunderbird17:07
vinnljals, perhaps /usr/share/sounds?17:09
jalseh checked there, nothing interesting17:09
TheSheepI think that xubuntu doesn't have sounds by default17:10
* wormsxulla has a silly question about Thunar17:10
wormsxullawhy is there not a "search" function in thunar?17:11
vinnlwormsxulla, bring it on17:11
Odd-rationale!find ubuntu-sounds17:11
ubottuFound: ubuntu-sounds17:11
vinnlwormsxulla, because there's Catfish17:11
Odd-rationalejals: check that package: ubuntu-sounds17:11
Odd-rationale!info ubuntu-sounds17:11
jalscool, thanks Odd-rationale17:11
ubottuubuntu-sounds (source: ubuntu-sounds): Ubuntu's GNOME audio theme. In component main, is optional. Version 0.6 (hardy), package size 2265 kB, installed size 3308 kB17:11
* wormsxulla goes catfishing17:11
wormsxullaanother silly question17:14
wormsxullaCurrently find, (s)locate, tracker and beagle are supported as backends.17:14
wormsxullabut i've seen that many people use "grep". there is not front-end for grep?17:15
vinnlwormsxulla, well, if you just start typing while browsing a folder with Thunar, that has almost the same effect, and alternatively you could do Edit->Select by Pattern17:20
DCPomcan i partition my HD with ubuntu server then install it without harming xub?17:21
wormsxullaoh, i was wondering what "motif" in french was. it's a string pattern for a search?17:21
wormsxullacool then, thank you vinnl :)17:21
zizou03Hello, could anybody help me? How do I list only files starting with hda for instance? something like > ls hda*  or something17:33
zizou03Reason, trying to see what hda number my usb hard drive has, but when I ls in /dev/ I get a million files17:33
Odd-rationalezizou03: ls | grep hda ?17:33
zizou03Let me try17:33
Odd-rationalezizou03: easier hay to find what you want is "sudo fdisk -l"17:34
Odd-rationale(lowercase L)17:34
zizou03Ok, cheers odd-rationale17:34
zizou03I'll give it a shot right now17:34
zizou03I don't think I have fdisk installed? (Ubuntu server)17:35
Odd-rationalezizou03: you should...17:35
zizou03I see now, sorry, typo >_>17:36
zizou03Cheers :)17:36
zizou03got another question though, can I make my mounting point like in a shared folder ?17:36
zizou03Or do I need to make a diff share point for the usb hdd?17:37
Odd-rationalezizou03: you want to share the usb driveover the network?17:37
zizou03yea, that's the idea17:37
zizou03I have an old comp with a small hdd, but I have 500gb external drive which I'd like to hook up17:38
zizou03(and I'm relatively new to unix/linux/networking)17:38
Odd-rationalezizou03: i thing the easiest way would be to mount the drive to somthing like /media/share then share that folder...17:38
zizou03Hmm, yea, probably :)17:39
zizou03Yea, I think that'd be smarter (and it works, so lol)17:42
ron_alright, so I tried aptoncd, which is basically a way to include all your apps in your /var/cache/apt directory on cd so you can replace them and whatnot if need be, or use them on another computer17:43
ron_however, the cd/dvd doesn't appear to be appendable, so there could be potentially a lot of wasted space and such if you kept creating new ones.17:44
ron_but is aptoncd really necessary?17:44
=== mini-man_ is now known as mini-man
ron_couldn't you just copy all the files in /var/cache/apt to a dvd and run dpkg on them all? maybe as $ dpkg *.* ?17:45
ron_or dpkg *.deb ?17:45
ron_I think you could do the latter.17:45
ron_anyone ever tried dpkg on a whole directory?17:46
ron_and if you're missing some fricking libraries, I can see some really crazy things going on too with dpkg17:50
ron_dpkg is awesome and powerful, is has -R or --recursive which will do what I want.18:02
ron_aptoncd looks a bit unnecessary. dpkg probably won't install something if it's already installed.18:02
cephican anyone give me a hint about getting xubuntu to remember my WPA pwd?  Currently, I have to reenter it every time I log in.19:07
ron_cephi, I don't have wifi, but isnt' that a good thing?19:23
eirehackwhat is Xubuntu Hug Day?19:36
charlie-tcaThe day we try to triage as many bugs as possible19:37
cephino ron, it would be a bad thing to have no pwd.  i want to keep my pwd, i just want my laptop to remember the pwd rather than prompting me for it.19:37
eirehacki see, how can i help with that then?19:37
charlie-tcaDo you know how to triage already?19:38
eirehacknot yet19:38
charlie-tcaThen I guess you start learning; here is a place to start:19:39
charlie-tcanp :)19:40
shirishhi all, any idea how can I get the nm-applet in xfce/or in xubuntu?19:53
eirehackshirish: i believe you can find "network-manager" as well as "network-manager-gnome" in the repositories19:57
eirehackcheck synaptic19:57
eirehackthe GNOME frontend will also work for you in Xfce (i use it) if you have a systray on a panel19:58
kosmofieldhello, I have a old laptop with 128 mb memory and 20 gb hard drive, will xubuntu work ok? :/19:59
shirisheirehack: I have network-manager as well network-manager-gnome installed20:00
shirisheirehack: I dunno how to get the application in the systray/panel20:00
shirisheirehack: I dunno how to get the application in the systray on the panel20:00
eirehacki see. did you have to install those packages yourself?20:01
eirehacki believe you may need to add it to your Auto-started Apps20:02
shirisheirehack: yup, both the applications are there and they are installed20:02
shirisheirehack: how do I do that in xfce?20:02
eirehack"autostarted apps" should be found in the Settings menu20:02
eirehackor, on the Settings Manager20:03
shirisheirehack: I am in the xfce settings manager, I am not seeing any autostarted apps entry here20:03
shirishI see sessions and startup though, there GNOME services are clicked.20:04
eirehackis it in the menus? before you click to the Settings Manager. also, which version of Xubuntu are you running?20:04
eirehacksessions and startup may be what we're looking for20:05
eirehacksorry--my desktop is Xubuntu 8.04, but right now im on my eee laptop with Xubuntu 7.10, and from what i remember, the menus and settings interface have changed20:05
shirishI'm actually on 8.10 and using both ubuntu & xubuntu20:06
eirehackthank you20:07
shirishsessions and startup has a general and an advanced tab20:07
shirishin advanced tab if I go it just shows me 3 checkboxes20:08
eirehackokay, im in that tool as well. it looks like none of that will help. were you able to find "Autostarted Applications" in the 'Start' menu?20:08
shirisheirehack: nope, there isn't20:09
shirisheirehack: that's actually the xfce menu that you are talking about20:10
eirehackwhich menu are you using?20:10
shirisheirehack: there is one showing a mouse and its called Xfce Menu20:11
eirehackis that your menu?20:11
shirisheirehack: yup, that's it, is there any other menu as well?20:11
eirehackand you're using Hardy, correct20:11
eirehackno, not that im aware of unless you construct your own menu layout20:11
shirisheirehack: nope, this is 8.1020:12
eirehackohhh okay20:12
eirehackwooh haven't tried that yet, actually.20:12
shirisheirehack: but this mouse menu has been there since quite a long long time.20:12
eirehackyes it has20:12
eirehackim concerned that the way you adjust settings in xubuntu may have changed with that release20:12
shirisheirehack: ah ok, isn't there an CLI equivalent of "Autostarted applications", there should be, shoudn't it?20:13
eirehackthere may be, but i havent used it. i will try to find a way to add network-manager-gnome to a configuration file20:14
shirisheirehack: thanx20:15
eirehackshirish: no problem, hope i can help20:16
shirisheirehack: what do you think of this ~/.cache/sessions/xfce4-session-*20:21
eirehackive checked that, and for me it appears to contain some information about my current session and what applets started20:24
shirisheirehack: right20:24
eirehackdid you add xfce on top of an existing ubuntu 8.10?20:25
shirisheirehack: right, but this has been a machine which has seen constant updates and upgrades since feisty20:27
shirisheirehack: no clean installs20:27
shirisheirehack: foray into xfce/xubuntu has been recent though20:27
eirehacki see20:27
eirehacki would expect the Settings Manager to be complete and include Autostarted Applications, then :/20:28
eirehacki may have found a different way, with config files20:29
eirehackjust a moment20:29
shirisheirehack: sure20:29
eirehackGOT IT20:31
wormsxullahello. could anyone recommend a good tool with a decent GUI to compress/uncompress jar, xpi and other zip files?20:31
shirishcorrection, using xfwm4.5 I just checked in Window Manager20:31
shirisheirehack: cool20:31
eirehackoh okay20:31
TheSheepwormsxulla: file-roller20:31
wormsxullaTheSheep: thank you20:31
eirehackshirish: i believe /etc/xdg/autostart/ is what we're looking for20:31
eirehackthat contains, among other auto-started applets in my case, nm-applet.desktop20:32
shirisheirehack: it also says the same nm-applet.desktop at my end20:32
eirehackokay, looks like that should be autostarting then. do you have a "systray?" also, how many panels do you have on your desktop. what do they have on them20:33
shirisheirehack: I have 2 panels, one at the bottom and one on the top20:34
eirehackdo either of those panels have a systray? try adding to a panel this item: "System Tray"20:35
shirisheirehack: lol, its right there20:36
shirisheirehack: I just did system tray and it has network-monitor in it :)20:36
eirehackeverything work out for you then?20:36
shirisheirehack: lol, no one more for you20:36
eirehackno problem. what is it?20:37
shirisheirehack: know anything better looking than network-monitor, that is one of the ugliest utilities I ever saw.20:37
eirehackhaha! i havent come across others for the gnome/xfce environment. but like the network-manager-gnome, KDE's utility is supposed to work under xfce as well. perhaps it looks better. considering its a Qt program, it may look worse in xfce. give that a try?20:39
* DFlame is using WICD20:55
=== wormsxulla_ is now known as wormsxulla
charlie-tcaHelp? I seem to have lost my Applications menu in Xubuntu 8.04.01 with all updates21:20
charlie-tcaThat's what I thought, too21:21
wormsxullacharlie-tca: you helped me with the Applications menu earlier, now you lost it?21:21
charlie-tcaYea, it seems to be gone21:21
wormsxullahow odd!!21:21
charlie-tcaeven worse thatn odd! If I didn't have this on the panel, I couldn't use it.21:22
wormsxullacould you have moved it to another place by accident?21:23
oklinuxany one try archlinux ?21:27
charlie-tcaOkay, I added using left  click on panel, add item, XFCE menu21:27
wormsxullacharlie-tca: good to know :)21:30
wormsxulladisappearing menus are a bad thing (tm)21:30
wormsxullahttp://www.opera.com/download/linux/ is it ok to install opera 9.60 on xubuntu 7.10 with this?21:31
charlie-tcaI don't know. I use the Synaptic Package Manager myself21:34
charlie-tcaIs there a .deb file?21:34
wormsxullathere is a other/static .DEB package (but i'm a linux illeterate, so i don't know which is best for xubuntu, the ubuntu one or the .deb one)21:36
wormsxulladrawback of using a non-mainstream distro :)21:37
charlie-tcaUse the ubuntu app if there is one. Drawbacks: harder to uninstall; may not work with the distro version21:39
charlie-tcasupport only from the place you got it21:39
wormsxullaharder to uninstall, how so?21:40
charlie-tcaUsing the ubuntu repositories, you can do apt-get uninstall or use Synaptic to remove21:41
charlie-tcaIt won't usually work from other places21:41
wormsxullawell, the xubuntu repository only has opera 9.27, which is very old. and 9.60 being a snapshot, i want to be able to just replace it with a newer one when i want, without messing up synaptic21:43
charlie-tcadoes it tell you if it works on 7.10?21:45
wormsxullawell, i'll trust the opera guys on that. i selected the gusty version in the radio buttons thingie :) we shall see21:46
wormsxullai need to repair the file:///usr/share/xubuntu-docs/desktopguide/C/index.html link21:49
wormsxullaFile not found!!!!!!21:49
charlie-tcaThe file is there if you cd to it. To fix, you use the menueditor and change that line at help21:51
charlie-tcaI think it is without the /C/, but I don't remember.21:52
wormsxulla:) thanks. good that i haven't lost the menu editor!21:52
wormsxullaoh... might be a case of wrong uri format, right21:52
wormsxullais the right one21:57
charlie-tcathat's it.21:57
wormsxullaah, much better now21:59
bytor4232any here using intrepid? are there issues with adobe flash?22:24
bytor4232my flash video would only play for a few seconnds before freezing22:25
bytor4232audio was fine just video frozen22:26
AhtenusUsing FuseSmb i can only se my own computer,pinging the windows computer works. Does anyone know what i shuld do?22:26
AhtenusThe win computer can se me..22:27
bytor4232i downgraded to flash 9 and prob went away22:27
Ahtenusshared folders22:27
_evad_Hi, I have a few concerns about updates using the Fluxbox window manager. Will this environment still be able to notify me when new updates are available for my system?23:08
_evad_Hi, I have a few concerns about updates using the Fluxbox window manager. Will this environment still be able to notify me when new updates are available for my system??23:13
_evad_Never mind, I let xfce control my desktop and enabled the show desktop menu on right click...23:23

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