
Hobbseedanbh_intrepid: contentless pong00:30
danbh_intrepidHobbsee: I figured I would ask you on irc regarding bug 280497 since I was unsure what info you were looking for.  Or, if I should follow up at all00:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 280497 in clutch "please remove clutch package from intrepid, merged upstream" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28049700:54
Hobbseedanbh_intrepid: well, seeing as it's on the sponsorship queue, and transmission doesn't yet replace clutch, a diff for that would be good.01:15
Hobbsee(so we don't leave stale binaries on a user's system)01:15
Hobbsee(apart from that, you're perfectly correct - i used incomplete as a "this is not ready to be done / sponsored yet"01:16
Hobbseedanbh_intrepid: and i'd prefer not to approve the removal bug, until that debdiff is actually done and in the archive - just to make sure it actually does happen01:18
danbh_intrepidHobbsee: cool, sounds good01:20
Hobbseedanbh_intrepid: did you want to provide a patch, or do you want me to just do it?01:21
danbh_intrepidwell, I don't know how01:21
danbh_intrepidmaybe someday, I've looked at some packaging docs in the past...  regardless, anything thats done will have to be done by others.  I mainly wanted to provide the info clearly01:23
Hobbseeok, cool01:24
Hobbseedanbh_intrepid: fixed (well, the first half)01:31
Hobbseedrat, i can't unsubscribe bugs from u-u-s01:32
ScottKemgent: pong01:43
ScottKHobbsee: Is it the clutch one?  If so, I'll do it01:44
ScottKIf not, which bug?01:44
HobbseeScottK: yes, and i've already done it01:45
ScottKOK.  I guess I was confused by you saying you couldn't.01:45
HobbseeScottK: oh.  no, that was some java bug.01:47
Hobbseejhove, or something01:47
ScottKI see.01:47
emgentScottK: fast question, i know that it`snt a good time but.. i need your feedback for upload rapache "early eagle" in intrepid :)02:10
emgentthis release is very stable and include big features, now it`s in rapache-devel PPA (~1 month in testing)02:11
emgentScottK: if i open bug and I will write a report of it (new features, bug fixes ecc..) can i have some chances for include it in intrepid ?02:13
emgenti know that you are Server Team delegate.. :)02:14
emgentScottK: anyway i go to sleep now, feel free to reply via mail, thanks and good night.02:17
RAOFWoah!  Who felt the need to upload nouveau?02:42
wgrantRAOF: I think it was bryce.02:42
RAOFDoes it _work_?02:43
wgrantI heard that it doesn't build.02:43
RAOFI thought we (a) didn't have a libdrm that the kernel module will build against and (b) didn't have the kernel module?02:43
* RAOF is totally unsurprised02:43
wgrantSounds about right.02:44
RAOFAlso, still have the baddevice, but I'm doing stuff now.02:45
wgrantRAOF: It shouldn't be a baddevice any more.02:45
wgrantAnd I know approximately why it happens now.02:46
RAOFI may need to restart.02:46
RAOFI'm a bit busy now, I'll try later.02:46
wgrantSome part of the X client stack is sending structs in the wrong order.02:46
Hobbseeoh dear.02:46
wgrantI can debug it myself now anyway, because I can use a remote amd64 client.02:46
wgrant(it only affects amd64 clients, which was why none of us could reproduce it)02:47
wgrantRAOF: See bug #26761102:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 267611 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics "[intrepid] cannot see touchpad tab in mouse configuration" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26761102:50
wgrantThe comments near the end in particular.02:50
wgrantRunning gdb through things, it's sending out the struct verbatim.02:51
wgrantAnd nothing I can think of can convince gcc to be reorder it less.02:51
stgraberwgrant: oh, I just read your comments. Good you found the bug, now the problem is to find a fix :)03:11
wgrantstgraber: Yes - I'm very confused.03:15
wgrantThis is the first time I've dealt with internal X stuff...03:15
ajmitchRAOF: slightly surpised about nouveau? :)03:16
RAOFajmitch: Indeed.03:16
ajmitchah well, that's cooperation for you03:16
RAOFI'm not surprised that it failed to build, though.03:17
ajmitcheven if it builds, it likely won't work, right?03:18
* ajmitch wouldn't mind being able to use it one day, but until then it's not so useful03:18
RAOFYou totally can now, just not with the packages in the archive.03:19
ajmitchby 'use it', is that limited to just 2D?03:19
RAOFNot necessarily.03:20
ajmitchmost importantly, will it work with WoW? :)03:20
RAOFBut certainly not _supported_ 3d.03:20
RAOFNo.  Well, maybe.03:20
ajmitchthat's the only important 3D app I have03:20
* laga_ waves10:53
laga_\sh: lounge metal is awesome10:53
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slytheringeser: persia: Please tell me if I should log a bug for this. The binary for libxstream-java is not present on archive mirror anywhere.11:07
persiaslytherin, Does anything depend on it?11:08
slytherinpersia: I think cglib, I don't remember exactly.11:09
persiaslytherin, apt-cache rdepends tells me there are none (at least for amd64).  It's worth investigating: file a bug if you are certain it shouldn't be gone.11:10
slytherinpersia: here is what apt-cache rdepends tells me - W: Unable to locate package libxstream-java11:11
slytherinpersia: also check this - http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/debcheck/debcheck.py?dist=intrepid&package=groovy11:11
slytherinlooks like it was lost in moving to universe and then back to multiverse11:12
slytherinslangasek: Need your help please. Binary for libxstream-java is lost. Seems to be result of activity you did on bug #26853811:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 268538 in libxstream-java "Please move package to universe" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26853811:13
geserlooks like LP was hungry again11:14
slytherinnot result exactly, side-effect11:14
gesercprov: are you around? can you check why LP ate libxstream-java?11:14
geserslytherin: LP likes to eat arch:all packages when they are moved between components11:19
slytheringeser: I am wondering if I should check all other packages dealt under move to universe work.11:41
persiaslytherin, That's probably a good idea11:52
stefanlsdIs anyone familiar with how bugzilla in intrepid is packaged? It extracts to individual tar.gz (seems like different languages). How do patches get applied in this case?12:37
iahello, everybody. could you tell me please, if i would like to use some ppa repo from launchpad, where can i get *.asc key for such repo?12:48
RainCTia: PPAs are not signed12:48
iaRainCT: oh, thank you very much. that's why i can't find it. :-)12:49
james_wDktrKranz: hi, it seems like you missed an open sponsor request open for xapian-omega13:54
james_wDktrKranz: ah, no, you did know about it. Why did you keep it open?13:55
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DktrKranzjames_w, gah! ... I didn't remember to have uploaded it. Sorry13:59
james_wno problem14:00
slytherinpersia: cruisecontrol is going to be tough task. It has many build-deps which are not in Debian. :-)14:39
persiaslytherin, refresh me : why did we want that?14:39
slytherinpersia: not that we wanted it. It is one of the two packages on my radar. :-)14:40
persiaslytherin, Ah.14:41
slytherinand as I said I am going to package it directly in Debian14:41
persiaslytherin, You've a bunch to chase at m.d.o before DIF then :)14:44
slytherinpersia: Let's see. I have made a call for help on debian java list.14:45
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AnAntpersia: Hello, I'm reminding you of sl-modem15:11
persiaAnAnt, When I rebooted today, I specifically re-enabled the modem in the BIOS as the first step to testing :)15:14
slytherindoes anyone know off hand the url to be added in watch file for apache projects?15:17
persiaslytherin, I don't think there's a mirror proxy for apache set up.15:18
slytherinsilly question, all the packages that are needed for clean target should go in build-depends right?15:27
RainCTslytherin: yep15:27
* persia wants a Build-Depends-Source: header, but it would be Ubuntu-specific, and not very useful in most cases.15:32
slytherinis anyone having trouble with seahorse not accepting passphrase for gpg key?15:38
Yagisanslytherin, I did. I ended up disabling the gpg-agent in my gpg.conf15:40
* slytherin is doing same15:40
* Yagisan sighs. I wonder which bright spark decided to disable ifup -a15:42
Yagisanthere is a nice nasty surprise lurking in intrepid main now for anyone (such as me) foolish enough to be testing it on a server - last nights ifupdown update breaks networking.15:45
persiaIt works for me.15:46
Yagisanpersia, have network-manager installed ?15:47
persiaYagisan, Hrm.  Changelog looked like it was doing the intelligent thing.  Do you by any chance have network-manager installed?15:47
* laga_ blinks15:47
* persia sighs at timing.15:47
Yagisanpersia, not at all - hence bug #28198415:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 281984 in ifupdown "Updating ifupdown to 0.6.8ubuntu10 DISABLES STATIC IP ADDRESS BASED NETWORKING" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28198415:47
persiaslytherin, It's working for me.15:47
Yagisanpersia, I -er - wasn't impressed.15:48
persiaYagisan, understandably.15:48
YagisanI lost my kvm farm :'(15:49
persia0.6.8ubuntu9 worked fine?15:49
Yagisanif you must use network-manager - you'd think it would at least pull it in15:50
persiaMaybe just a logic error.  From looking at the changelog and associated mail, it appears like this was an attempt to unbreak ifupdown15:51
persiaYagisan, You don't happen to see what in http://launchpadlibrarian.net/18439221/ifupdown_0.6.8ubuntu9_0.6.8ubuntu10.diff.gz might cause the issue, do you?15:52
Yagisan+} else if (auto_disabled() != 0) {15:53
Yagisan+printf("WARNING: ifup -a is disabled in favour of NetworkManager.\n"15:53
Yagisan+"  Set ifupdown:managed=false in /etc/NetworkManager/nm-system-settings.conf.\n");15:53
Yagisan+exit (0);15:53
Yagisan }15:53
Yagisan^^ that stands out15:53
Yagisanso - if I search up from there15:54
Yagisanpersia, this looks like it may be it15:55
Yagisan+<<main functions>>=15:55
Yagisan+static int auto_disabled() {15:55
Yagisan+static int initialized = 0;15:55
Yagisan+static int auto_up_disabled = 0;15:55
persiaShouldn't "static int auto_up_disabled = 0;" mean it defaults to working unless specifically set to be broken?16:00
persiaIt *should* be broken for systems with network manager installed, or it exposes bug #25605416:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 256054 in network-manager "[intrepid] new 0.7 branch ignores /etc/network/interfaces" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25605416:01
persiaWait, no, I'm an idiot, and got caught by the same issue that probably caught the author.  0 is true.16:02
persiaOr, no, that's not it.  Ignore that last line16:03
james_w+int managed = iniparser_getboolean (ini_dict, "ifupdown:managed", -1);16:04
stefanlsdIs anyone familiar with how bugzilla in intrepid is packaged? It extracts to individual tar.gz (seems like different languages). How do patches get applied in this case?16:05
james_wthe -1 is what to return if not found, e.g. the file is not there presumably16:05
james_wisn't -1 == TRUE?16:05
Yagisanpersia, :/ it looks like it wants network-mager files - I don't have network-manager16:05
persiajames_w, That's one of the things that is language dependent.  In C, if I remember correctly, 0 is false, and non-zero (including -1, 17, 2432349827, etc.) are true.16:07
persiaYagisan, Yeah.  I think maybe that section needs to check for the existence of the file, and if the file is absent, presume that it should just work.16:08
james_wyeah, just checked, if it's not found "managed" will evaluate to true, so it will set auto_up_disabled to 116:08
YagisanI just want it to not break the servers - network-manager is not in ubuntu-minimal, and if I get shockers like this - I'm less comfortable even testing new releases16:09
james_wYagisan: I'll put together a fix, would you be willing to test it?16:09
Yagisanjames_w, sure. server is amd64. when do you want a report back ?16:10
james_wYagisan: actually, can you tell me if you have /etc/NetworkManager/nm-system-settings.conf16:11
persiaSoonest is best (despite the hour).  With luck, we can fix it before people in NZ upgrade on Monday morning ...16:11
* Yagisan is .au16:11
persiaYes, so you know exactly how soon some sysadmin is going to come in early to work on Monday and break the world :)16:12
persia(about 4 hours by my count)16:12
Yagisanjames_w, no16:13
james_wYagisan: then that's not the problem16:14
Yagisanpersia, that was me ~14 hours ago16:14
persiajames_w, Hrm.  So why would "managed" end up true on a server?  I'm sure there's a logic error somewhere, but don't see it.16:15
james_wthat's the code I'm looking at, just to check we're looking at the same thing16:16
Yagisanjames_w, when I removed that file you asked for (this morning) I got networking back. I just did a quick check by touching a blank file there - and networiking went down again16:18
persiaWhich file?16:18
persiaThat should only be there if network manager is installed.16:18
persiaIf `touch /etc/NetworkManager/nm-system-settings.conf` is enough to break it, the check is clearly wrong.16:19
Yagisanit was at one stage. long long ago.16:19
james_wYagisan: ok, so it is the issue16:19
james_wYagisan: are you happy to test from a PPA, or is a debdiff better?16:19
Yagisanjames_w, a ppa is fine16:19
james_wYagisan: cool, it will take me a few minutes16:20
james_wYagisan: would you adding the information that you have that file to your bug report?16:21
YagisanI gave up on network-manager long ago when it finished on doing dhcp for static connections16:21
Yagisanjames_w, editing it now16:21
james_wYagisan: and I would like it if you would remove some of the ALL CAPS parts as well, I don't think they are constructive.16:21
persiajames_w, I think I found it.  I think "int managed = int managed = iniparser_getboolean (ini_dict, "ifupdown:managed", 0);"iniparser_getboolean (ini_dict, "ifupdown:managed", -1);" should be "16:22
* persia tries that again16:22
persiaI think "int managed = iniparser_getboolean (ini_dict, "ifupdown:managed", -1);" shoud be "int managed = iniparser_getboolean (ini_dict, "ifupdown:managed", 0);"16:22
james_wpersia: yeah, that's the change I'm making16:23
Yagisanneither was getting to spend sunday morning fixing the dammed servers instead of the other things I had to do. I'd have been roasted alive if I were to try and send a package like that to revu.16:23
james_wYagisan: yes, I understand your frustration.16:24
Yagisansomeone may want to adjust the Depends line so it pulls in network-manager as well considering it depends on it.16:25
persiaNo, it specifically *shouldn't* depend on network manager.16:26
persiaIf it does, the code should be fixed to not do that.16:26
persiaThe problem looks like a bad default setting, but it could also be an issue with how dictionary.c handles a missing file.16:27
james_wno, it does the right thing if the file is missing16:27
Yagisanpersia, the message it states is that ifup -a is specifically  "disabled in favour of NetworkManager."16:27
Yagisanso a normal apt-get remove - not apt-get purge - will fail and hit this bug16:28
persiajames_w, OK.  Hadn't read iniparser_load yet.  Thanks for the confirmation.16:28
Yagisan(?? when did motu start fixing main ??)16:28
stgraberYagisan: the problem is that the current code "thinks" that NM is enabled for your device and then disables ifup as you don't want both ifup and NM messing with your NIC at the same time16:29
persiaWhen you started complaining about it here :p16:29
Yagisanpersia, I should do that more often - it's so much more productive ;)16:30
Yagisanstgraber, perhaps it should check for the network-manager binary as well as the config files ?16:31
persiaYagisan, You could have said something in #ubuntu-devel, which is arguably the more correct forum.16:32
persiaOooh.  That's a good idea.  Make sure the binary is installed, and *then* check the configuration.16:32
persialucas, wrong terminal, or escaped binary snippet?16:32
lucashanged terminal, but apparently what I was typing was still being sent16:33
james_wYagisan: you can see it building on https://edge.launchpad.net/~james-w/+archive16:35
james_wYagisan: please test once it is published, starting from a broken configuration16:36
persiajames_w, is that just -1 -> 0 ?16:36
james_wI've replicated the issue here, and tested the fix16:36
james_wpersia: yeah16:36
Yagisanpersia, I could but last time I reported a bug, I got blown off to launchpad and #ubuntu16:36
persiaWhat do you think about Yagisan's suggested guard against apt-get remove?16:36
james_wpersia: makes sense to fix the immediate problem now, we can have a discussion on making it more robust when people networking isn't at risk16:37
persiaYagisan, Depends on the bug.  This is fairly core, and easy to fix.  Ask something less important, and even here you'll get blown off.16:37
james_wpersia: it makes sense, but in theory this code should be robust enough to not need it. Defence in depth is reasonable though.16:37
persiajames_w, Well, considering that the default answer to "Network Mangler is broken" was "remove it" for quite a while, I wonder if it's really that uncommon that the config file is present without the binaries.16:38
james_wpersia: it actually breaks for those who upgrade ifupdown before network-manager currently, so we don't even need to look that far to find failure cases16:39
Yagisanit's not. When most of my hardy boxes go to intrepid, all of them will have the network-manager config files, but not the binary16:39
james_wpersia: but now I see what you are getting at, and so yes, I think we should make that change16:39
persiaYagisan, Yes, but you manage all those boxes, so it's only one data point.  james_w point that it will break for *everyone* is probably a better defense to get this sponsored.16:40
james_wI don't think we'll have trouble finding a sponsor for this fix :-)16:41
Yagisanpersia, if I have the wife complain - does that count as two data points ;)16:41
Yagisanhuzzah - it built16:51
james_wjust waiting for it to be published16:51
* Yagisan twiddles thumbs16:58
Yagisanjames_w, it's installed. I'll be back in a minute or two once the server reboots.17:01
james_wYagisan: cool, you are starting from a broken configuration?17:02
Yagisan/etc/NetworkManager/nm-system-settings.conf now exists.17:02
Yagisanhopefully eth0, tap0 and br0 all come up.17:02
Yagisanhmm - better idea17:03
Yagisanjames_w, sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart shows all interfaces up.17:05
Yagisanjames_w, it worked fine on boot17:09
james_wYagisan: thanks for the confirmation17:09
Yagisanthank you james_w and persia for looking at the problem17:10
* Yagisan won't push his luck and complain about kernel bugs yet ;)17:10
persiaFor those, you'll want to ask in #ubuntu-kernel : the likelihood any of us can solve them is a lot lower.17:12
Yagisanpersia, I wish I knew how to rebuild the intrepid kernel- I strongly suspect it's a libata problem - as the dvd-rw doesn't like the commands it's getting.17:14
persiaYagisan, apt-get source linux-image-2.6.27-7-generic should get you most of the way there.17:17
persiaYagisan, Also, please be more careful when filing bugs.  When finding a sponsor for the fix, th following comment was generated "the bugreport is a ranting chaos ..."17:20
persiaIt's a very important bug, and it's great to have it fixed, but better to avoid that :)17:20
* Yagisan shrugs. my ranting bugs get fixed - my non-ranting bugs don't. I've taken to fixing whatever I can and bypassing the bug reporting system.17:24
persiaYagisan, I guess, although in this case the rant *delayed* the fix.17:25
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persiajames_w, On another note : thanks for chasing jd.  I'm curious though: do you read Japanese?17:26
james_wpersia: nope17:26
persiaAh.  I had initially assigned that to myself, just because I figured I'd have an easier time testing, although on investgiation it turned out you had fixed it.  Fairly impressive, considering that there's a bug against it in Debian that the internals are in Japanese.17:28
james_wyeah, I grabbed the wrong source package, so the ancestry is wrong in the changelog.17:28
james_wluckily it didn't involve reading the comments :-)17:28
* Yagisan can read some, but not more than a 4 year old can.17:29
persiaOh, is some of that Heinrich's changes in Debian then?17:29
james_wno, it just no longer has the build1 entry17:30
james_wthere is an open sync request though17:30
persiaI saw that.  I'm planning to poke shibata about it when I next see traffic, but it's a holiday weekend, so it's probably not until Tuesday at the earliest.17:31
* james_w notes that there are a couple of jp-related sponsor requests open, perhaps good for someone with experience in that area17:32
persiaYeah.  I'll probably hit the sbackup one in the morning.  Any others worthy of specific note?17:32
james_wtimidity was the other I was looking at17:33
persiaAnd that's even a source package I've touched before :)17:33
persiaHrm.  I thought I fixed the init script already.  There's a fair bit of timidity work.  Thanks for the pointer.17:35
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emhI've adapted a workaround for an X server bug from kpowersave to xprintidle.18:17
emhThe debian/control file lists Milan Zamazal <pdm@debian.org> as the debian maintainer.18:17
emhI'll submit a patch to the author of xprintidle, Magnus Henoch <henoch@dtek.chalmers.se>, once I've tested it for a while.18:18
persiaemh, Is there a bug in launchpad also?18:18
emhpersia: I don't know.18:19
emhthere is a bug here: http://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=643918:19
ubottuFreedesktop bug 6439 in Lib/other "Idle time will get reset to 0 after 20 minutes" [Normal,New]18:19
persiaemh, OK.  So there are three places you can fix the bug to get it fixed in Ubuntu.18:20
persiaYou can fix it upstream, and Debian will get the new version, and then Ubuntu will get the new version.  It sounds like you're already planning to work with Magnus to do that.18:21
emhYes, that seems like a good plan.18:21
persiaYou can get it fixed in Debian, in which case you want to open a bug in the Debian BTS, and submit the patch, so Milan can look at it.  It may or may not be suitable for Lenny, but at least Milan can make that decision.  It probably won't get seen if it only goes to Magnus until after the next release.18:22
persiaYou can get it fixed in Ubuntu.  Submitting the patch (or preferably a debdiff including the patch) in a bug in Launchpad is the best way to request this.  Someone will evaluate, and maybe apply.18:23
persiaIf you do open a bug in Launchpad, linking to the freedesktop.org and Debian bugs would be best.18:23
persiaSo, the path to take depends on the urgency of the bug, and the amount of energy you have to spend on it.18:24
emhOk. Thank you. I currently have plenty of time and energy, so perhaps I'll pursue all 3 paths once I'm more confident that my changes work. It will be nice for learning about the processes involved.18:27
stefanlsdAnyone know any caveats about replacing libcgi-pm-perl with perl-modules?18:31
persiaemh, Once you have something that works, you can ask here for help with all three processes.  We're going to be best at explaining about getting it straight into Ubuntu, but since we also send patches upstream and to Debian, we can provide some advice with that.18:34
emhpersia: Ok. Another thing is that the code I adapted from kpowersave is GPL but xprintidle is BSD, so xprintidle will probably have to be relicensed under GPL?18:35
persiaemh, That would be Magnus' decision.  It's unlikely Milan or anyone in Ubuntu would be willing to relicense.18:37
persiaemh, I'd advise finding the solution, and letting Magnus know you have a GPL patch.  Ask if he wants the patch, or a description of the behaviour.18:37
persiaIf he doesn't want to relicense, he may want you to describe the solution in words, so he can reimplement it without having ever seen the other code.18:38
persiaThat way there's no license question.18:38
emhClever :)18:38
stefanlsdanyone care to sponser - bug #280641 - need to fix this before i can put a CVE into it.18:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 280641 in bugzilla "Broken package" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28064118:43
james_wstefanlsd: why is that stopping you from doing the update for the CVE?18:50
stefanlsdjames_w: i have the debdiff for the CVE already.  just it will need to be based on the updated version.18:51
james_wwhy not roll the fixes together?18:51
stefanlsdas far as i know, security fixes are just the security fix, no other changes.18:53
james_wstefanlsd: only for stable releases18:53
james_wstefanlsd: and a bug that prevented a security update from being installed would kind of nullify the point of the security update18:54
stefanlsdjames_w: ok, if i can do it in both, i'll fix the diff. thanks18:57
james_wstefanlsd: do you know when libcgi-pm-perl was removed?18:58
james_wwhat source package was it built from?18:58
stefanlsdjames_w: unsure.  but i suspect it was some time ago, from some of the other changelogs i've seen18:58
laga_james_w: it's probably in perl-modules now..18:58
stefanlsdlaga_: yeah, it is18:59
stefanlsdjames_w: fixed the diff to include the CVE19:12
james_wstefanlsd: what needs fixing in Debian?19:13
sebnerjames_w: sry, I was ill the last days. will prepare ssmtp updates back to dapper tomorrow :)19:13
james_wsebner: cool, thanks19:14
james_wget well soon19:14
sebnerjames_w: thx19:14
stefanlsdjames_w: what do u mean?19:14
james_wstefanlsd: I don't see links to Debian bugs for either of the changes19:15
stefanlsdjames_w: seems like libcgi-pm-perl is still in debian, so not an issue. http://security-tracker.debian.net/tracker/CVE-2008-4437  - best i can find on the cve.19:23
james_wstefanlsd: it might still be worth reporting19:23
james_wthe security issue is marked as fixed in unstable19:25
stefanlsdjames_w: will pass patches up to debian. yeah.19:25
james_wthey've got the fix then, so I don't think there is a need to forward it19:25
james_wmy dinner is ready now, I'll take a look after that19:25
stefanlsdjames_w: kk. thanks :)19:25
cbx33hey guys19:55
cbx33can I still fix bugs in a package or is it too late now19:55
cbx33sorry I've been a little out of touch lately19:55
stgraberfix only is fine, if it requires a new upstream that also introduces new features you'll need a FFe though19:55
cbx33it's only a tiny app19:56
cbx33I saw that some bugs were raised that I should ought to fix19:56
cbx33I don't intend to add any new features19:57
cbx33but i would be fixing these bugs upstream19:57
stgraberif the new upstream is bugfix only, that should be fine19:57
cbx33how long do I have to fix these bugs?19:58
stgraberwe'll enter RC freeze on Thursday IIRC, so best to have that fixed before then19:58
stgraberbut as I guess it's an universe package, it should be possible to send bugfix only even after that date (I don't upload in universe so I'm not quite sure about that though)19:59
cbx33I can upload to universe19:59
cbx33I think ;)19:59
james_wstefanlsd: "debian/maintenance"? bonkers20:20
james_wnot your fault of course20:20
stefanlsdyeah. first time i've seen that system also.20:20
james_wstefanlsd: why ubuntu2.1?20:33
stefanlsdjames_w: yeah. wanted to check about that.  was either 1.1 or 2.1.  i was under the impression that .1 would be just a security update.  wasnt sure what happened if it had another fix with it.20:35
james_wstefanlsd: that only applies for updates the stable releases. The reason it is done is so that it doesn't use a version number where the same version number would be in the next release, which would mean there wasn't an upload path. That doesn't apply here, so I've made it just ubuntu220:37
james_whey crevette20:37
crevettehello james_w20:37
stefanlsdjames_w: thanks. understood.20:38
crevetteI'd be interested if someone can review  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nemiver/+bug/26224620:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 262246 in nemiver "Sponsor request to update Nemiver to version 0.6.3" [Wishlist,Confirmed]20:44
james_wstefanlsd: doesn't work for me20:47
james_wChecking for          CGI.pm (v3.33)    found v3.2920:48
slytherincrevette: ping20:49
crevetteslytherin: hello20:49
slytherincrevette: nautilus-sendto seems to be broken for some people, showing error obex not supported. Any idea?20:50
crevettehmmm no20:50
crevetteIt tested with my deviceds ant it was working20:50
* crevette tries on its new phone20:51
slytherincrevette: It shows error for me too but then nothing is working on my side so Ican not say only nautilus-sendto is broken.20:51
slytherincrevette: does nautilus-sendto have depends on libbtctl?20:52
stefanlsdjames_w: what doesnt work for you?20:58
james_wChecking for          CGI.pm (v3.33)    found v3.2920:59
james_winstalling the package20:59
crevetteslytherin: do ypu have any error when you run the command from the terminal ?21:04
slytherincrevette: as I said bluetooth is not at all working for me. Probably hardware problem. So you will get no useful information from me.21:05
crevetteslytherin: it seems nautilus-sendto just use plain bluez dbus APoi21:10
slytherincrevette: Ok. I will let you know the bug tomorrow if I find it. Too late for me now. Got to go.21:12
crevetteokay good night slytherin21:12
stefanlsdwgrant: mm. bleh. just did it in vm and get the same error. sorry.  from what i've found. bugzilla does want 3.33. perl-modules doesnt have it.  debian recommends -  libcgi-pm-perl which replaces perl-modules CGI.pm with a later version (we dont have it)21:17
sebneremgent: \o/21:17
emgentsebner: :)21:17
stefanlsdbleh. james_w ^21:18
sebneremgent: did you also participate at the ubuntu-it meeting?21:18
james_wstefanlsd: yeah, you might want to find out why we don't have it21:18
emgentsebner: no21:19
stefanlsdjames_w: kk. thanks. will try find out.21:20
sebneremgent: what a pitty. Luca showed me the "I'm drunken because of the good wine" photos :P21:21
emgenti saw that.21:22
=== rn114_ is now known as rn114
rn114hi, i'm having a play with creating .deb packages, and have successfully created a couple. however, having updated the sources i'm working from and done a few tweaks of the packaging no binaries actually end up in the .deb following running pbuilder on the .dsc22:20
rn114could anyone think of an obvious reason?22:20
Elbrusrn114: cleaning up the debian/files during the process was an obvious one for me the other day22:23
Elbrusrn114: do you try to build multiple binaries from one source?22:24
rn114Elbrus, im certainly not trying to22:25
Elbrusrn114: maybe you can show your rules file in a pastbin22:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pastbin22:25
rn114yeah ill paste it up thanks22:25
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)22:25
Elbrusthats what I meant... :(22:26
rn114yeah :) here it is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/56800/22:26
rn114its quite simple, based off a dhbuild's production22:27
ElbrusI think you commented out the dh_install was that intensionally?22:29
rn114Elbrus, around line 79?22:31
rn114hmm, its a good point22:32
rn114i'm just going to diff with my old version to check if i missed that22:32
rn114thats the same as before, i think it should be handled by the dependency on install shouldnt it? that calls $(MAKE) install INSTALL_ROOT=$(CURDIR)/debian/mythtv and i think that should work22:34
rn114its strange because when i run pbuilder it does all the compilation and everything (and seems to do the install step as well) but then the .deb just doesn't contain any binaries!22:35
Elbrusrn114: I might be completely wrong, but either the install should be in DEBIAN instead of debian, or something like dh_install --sourcedir=debian/mythtv is needed (mind you I don't know the details of building yet).22:38
Elbrusrn114: maybe have a look at the man-page of dh_install22:40
rn114Elbrus, i think dh_install just copies a list of files and the make install command should handle that for me22:44
* Elbrus just tries to find out where the files are copied to for the build.. is that in debian/<package>?22:47
rn114heres an example line from the build log file: cp -f "mythfrontend" "/tmp/buildd/mythtv-robin-18380/debian/mythtv/usr/local/bin/mythfrontend"22:49
rn114this is were it copies it22:49
Elbrusrn114: maybe you can also pastebin the build log? Just to see if I see something obvious...22:58
rn114its almost a megabyte!22:58
rn114i just cant really see much of a difference annoyingly22:58
Elbrusrn114: sorry, I am out of ideas... Somebody else???23:04
Elbrusone thing, shouldn't the INSTALL_ROOT not be DESTDIR? See: http://www.gnu.org/software/automake/manual/html_node/DESTDIR.html23:07
emgentnorsetto_: o/23:11
norsetto_emgent: \o/23:11
sebnerhihu norsetto_23:14
norsetto_sebner, \\o//23:15
* sebner is scared. Why does norsetto has 4 hands ^^23:16
norsettosebner its the 2 heads which should be worrying23:16
ajmitchsebner: that's the legs flying up as he leaps in the air23:17
sebnernorsetto: ^^23:17
sebnerajmitch: flying ^^23:17
rn114thanks for your thoughts Elbrus23:23

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