
ago_cjwatson, evand I think we'll have to skip dm-loop for the time being: http://img205.imageshack.us/my.php?image=dmloop3pj5.png00:47
ago_I will have a quick word with cking tomorrow just in case00:47
cjwatsonyeah, that's similar to what I saw I think00:52
ago_strangely enough in the local code (which should be identical to the interactive commands that generated the kernel panic)  I can go past the dmlosetup stage (although I run in the other problems mentioned above)01:06
ago_local code = /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/local01:06
TheMusocjwatson: I'm trying to debug the failure to install grub on a dmraid array from netboot, and have found a couple of things. 1) the error only occurs when installing alongside windows. 2) installing via netboot onto standard disks, i.e no dmraid array alongside windows causes grub installation to hang.01:15
TheMusocjwatson: I'll ahve logs/more data to examine later today when you are around.01:15
cilkayHello. I asked a question on the forum and the Ubuntu Users list about preseeding dpkg-reconfigure console-setup but I didn't get any responses so I suspect it was the wrong place to ask.02:45
cilkayHere is the forum post: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=94366802:46
cilkayAny help would be appreciated.02:46
acochey guys, I'm having some trouble with debian-cd04:12
acocthe error is: mv: cannot stat `/home/acoc/projects/ubuntu_devel/cdimage/work/scratch/ubuntu/daily-live/tmp/hardy-i386/CD1/casper/filesystem.kernel-generic': No such file or directory04:12
acocmake: *** [/home/acoc/projects/ubuntu_devel/cdimage/work/scratch/ubuntu/daily-live/tmp/hardy-i386/bootable-stamp] Error 104:12
acocdoes anyone know what makes filesystem.kernel-generic or the initrd04:13
TheMusoacoc: livecd-rootfs I would think.04:19
TheMusoBut I don't know for sure.04:19
StevenKYes, livecd-rootfs04:20
StevenKIt's the kernel from whatever linux-generic installs04:21
acocsorry for the delay, I'm a big Phillies fan and they just came back04:25
acocthanks that helps, I probably should have been looking at that all along04:27
evandcjwatson: if you have a moment, can you look at bug 150872.  I suspect I'm missing something fairly obvious in my patch, but I'm not sure what.07:58
StevenKevand: So, I'm trying to install on the Jax. First error was: "ClockSetup failed with code 4", and then I tried again and got: "TimezoneApply with code 1"08:04
evandNoting your comment in the bug, but the code in question adds $device /cdrom udf,iso9660 user,noauto... so I'm still not sure what would be wrong with the patch.08:04
evandStevenK: Not entirely sure just based on that.  Can you stick set -x in the right places and post full logs to a bug report?08:05
StevenKHm. My set -x hackage didn't work as intended09:05
persiaStevenK, Does syslog have anything interesting?09:15
StevenKAh ha!09:16
StevenKcp: writing '/target/etc/localtime': No space left on device09:16
* StevenK kicks it09:16
StevenKevand: It's not a bug, it's running out of space09:17
* StevenK shuts the damn thing down09:17
* davmor2 lends StevenK his big hammer less painful on the foot09:17
cjwatsoncilkay: all the lines that begin "d-i console-setup console-setup/..." or "d-i console-terminus console-terminus/..." are completely broken and you should remove them (as in, they aren't in the right format for a preseed file and you shouldn't need them anyway)09:44
cjwatsoncilkay: the rest rings a bell, I'm just trying to find the relevant bug ...09:45
cjwatsoncilkay: try deleting console-setup/variantcode too? I'm wondering if having the empty string there is confusing console-setup09:48
cjwatsonevand: I commented on 15087209:51
cjwatsonevand: could you fix the way the timezone widget continues to scroll even after the mouse exits the widget for 8.10, please?13:51
cjwatsonwe don't have a lot of time left so I'd like that to land13:51
CIA-52partman-ext2r0: cjwatson * r786 ubuntu/ (check.d/nomountpoint_ext2r0 debian/changelog):13:56
CIA-52partman-ext2r0: * check.d/nomountpoint_ext2r0:13:56
CIA-52partman-ext2r0:  - Make $RET look for a boolean value (thanks, Nicolas Valcárcel;13:56
CIA-52partman-ext2r0:  LP: #256459).13:56
evandcjwatson: will do14:01
CIA-52partman-ext2r0: cjwatson * r787 ubuntu/debian/control: Maintainer and Vcs-Bzr for Ubuntu14:06
CIA-52partman-ext2r0: cjwatson * r788 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 1.15ubuntu114:24
cr3cjwatson: to follow up on sources.list.apt-setup from yesterday, I tried: 1. setting my proxy in mirror/http/proxy; 2. setting my local repo in local0; 3. setting archive.ubuntu.com in local1;14:53
cr3cjwatson: the problem is that I'm not getting a Broken package error relating to gimp, probably because it's getting some packages from mirror/http/hostname and some from local1: http://people.ubuntu.com/~cr3/syslog14:54
cjwatsoncr3: why aren't you setting mirror/http/hostname?14:54
cjwatsonthat seems like the obvious approach; putting the main mirror in local doesn't make sense14:54
cr3cjwatson: sorry, mirror/http/hostname is set to my repo taken from the alternate image14:55
cr3cjwatson: whereas local0 is set to a small repo of my own packages14:55
cr3cjwatson: previously, local1 and the proxy was being set by a custom udeb which created sources.list.apt-setup and a proxy file under /target/etc/apt/apt.conf.d14:55
cr3cjwatson: the repo taken from the alternate image is indeed the main mirror from which I want to grab packages14:56
cjwatsonI seem to be being unclear somehow. I think you should set your snapshot of archive.ubuntu.com in mirror/http/hostname and mirror/http/directory, not in local.14:56
cr3cjwatson: I'll upload the preseed too, one sec14:56
cjwatsonI thought that was what I'd said yesterday.14:57
cjwatsonapt-setup/local* is for things like your small repository of your own packages, not for the primary mirror that goes first in sources.list14:57
cr3cjwatson: I don't have a snapshot of archive.ubuntu.com though, I only have a copy of the alternate image in mirror/http/hostname which is just a subset of archive.ubuntu.com. so, that's why I set archive.ubuntu.com as local114:58
cjwatsonyou should put it in mirror/http/hostname anyway14:58
cr3cjwatson: here's my preseed: http://people.ubuntu.com/~cr3/preseed.txt14:59
cjwatsondo you ever actually want to retrieve any packages from archive.ubuntu.com?14:59
cjwatsonit seems like asking for trouble in your setup14:59
cr3cjwatson: yes, I need some packages from archive.ubuntu.com which are dependencies for my tests. however, I just want those dependencies from archive.ubuntu.com, the rest should come from the alternate image15:00
cjwatsonwhere do you install those dependencies?15:00
cr3cjwatson: pkgsel/include typically refers to my own package, which is available on local0 and which specifies dependencies in the package itself15:00
cjwatsoncr3: does that package depend on things that need to be retrieved from archive.ubuntu.com?15:01
cr3cjwatson: yes, because they're not available on the alternate image15:01
cjwatsonI see.15:02
cjwatsoncr3: The only way apt supports doing this reliably is using /etc/apt/preferences (which the installer has no built-in means of writing although it might be possible in a post-base-installer script). However, in this case I think it probably makes more sense just to append bits to sources.list in late_command and install the package there.15:03
cr3cjwatson: before, using that sources.list.apt-setup trick worked to cover my special case. however, since this was an undocumented feature, I would like to take this opportunity to reexplore my setup and perhaps come up with something more standard.15:03
cjwatsoncr3: You'd have had occasional problems in the old setup too if skew got large enough.15:03
cr3cjwatson: I might've has sporadic problems indeed, I will definately gain from having a more stable solution in the long run15:04
cr3cjwatson: ok, so I should handle everything in the post-install. but, I have to be careful, because grub is installed afterwards15:05
cjwatsonlate_command is done after grub15:05
cr3cjwatson: ah, but grub is done after sources.list.apt-setup is copied over, right? that might be why I'm confused15:06
cr3cjwatson: I'll have a quick look at /etc/apt/preferences before jumping into the late_command solution15:07
cr3cjwatson: where can I find documentation or examples for /etc/apt/preferences? I tried looking in busybox during installation, there's no /etc/apt/preferences nor under /target. I also tried grepping the installation-guide-i386 package on Hardy, but not there either.15:10
=== nxvl_ is now known as nxvl
cr3cjwatson: ok, so I'm thinking that a late_command script will be easier to maintain and more flexible than using /etc/apt/preferences. so, what's the difference between using in-target and chroot /target?15:28
cr3cjwatson: I think the difference is that in-target logs properly to /var/log/syslog15:32
persiacr3, It also takes care of some other accounting for you : it's essentially a convenience script to make your life easy.15:35
cjwatsoncr3: the main relevant difference is that in-target sets up debconf interaction15:35
cjwatsonoh, and mounts /proc15:35
cjwatsonstart with in-target but depending on exactly what you're doing you may find that you need to drop back to chroot /target15:35
ZelutI'm trying to create a custom ubuntu .iso but when I boot the mkisofs-created image in Vbox it errors on finding any of the kernels.17:03
Zelutbasically I'm trying to create a customized boot.iso with both 32 and 64bit netinstall kernel options at boot.17:03
Zelutcurrently I have all kernels and initrd in the root folder of the .iso, pointed to by the isolinux.cfg.17:06
persiaZelut, Does it fail to boot, or fail to detect a valid kernel for install?17:07
Zelutit says it can't find kernel <filename>17:18
Zelutno matter the boot option I select from my custom isolinux.cfg / boot.txt menu it can't find the file.17:18
=== cjwatson_ is now known as cjwatson
persiaZelut, Hrm.  That's an isolinux thing, about which I know very little.  Sorry.17:23
Zelutdoes the .iso not allow for renaming the kernel/initrd for some reason?17:43
cr3when I do a network install, I have debconf/priority=critical as a kernel parameter. however, that doesn't seem to be passed when running in-target apt-get install -y --force-yes in the late_command18:32
CIA-52ubiquity: evand * r2898 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/zoommap.py):18:34
CIA-52ubiquity: Stop scrolling the timezone map once the mouse is outside its18:34
CIA-52ubiquity: boundaries (LP: #251231).18:34
cilkaycjwatson: All that "d-i console-setup console-setup" stuff I put in my preseed file was because the "simplified" file as per the preseed example file provided in the docs did not work. I had the same issues. Once I went through a manual "dpkg-reconfigure console-setup", I paid attention to the questions and answers and found the "d-i console-setup console-setup/" strings in the file created using debconf-19:44
cilkayI'm at wit's end with preseed installation.19:45
cilkayIt seems much more complicated than kickstart.19:45
cilkayI tried using a GUI tool to generate a kickstart file too but when it came to the package selection section, there were no packages to select.19:46
cilkayIn case this has fallen off your scrollback, I asked a question on the forum and the Ubuntu Users list about preseeding dpkg-reconfigure console-setup but I didn't get any responses so I suspect it was the wrong place to ask.19:48
cilkayHere is the forum post: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=94366819:48
CIA-52ubiquity: evand * r2899 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/zoommap.py):20:18
CIA-52ubiquity: Iterate through a list of nearby timezones on click, rather than20:18
CIA-52ubiquity: selecting the absolute closest timezone to the pointer.20:18
CIA-52ubiquity: cjwatson * r2900 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/i18n.py): Fix translation of Quit button (LP: #277451).20:46
cjwatsonevand: are you planning a ubiquity upload today?20:47
evandcjwatson: yes, I was going to wait until later tonight though.20:48
Zelutok this is driving me nuts.  I've downloaded a second linux/initrd.gz and added it to the root of my mini.iso.  When I select that option at boot it can't find it.21:00
Zelutpermissions seem to be the same. ownership is the same. isolinux.cfg has been updated, using the same path syntax as the original..21:01
MadsRHHi. Can anyone tell me if there's any plans to update the GUI in the installer?21:10
cjwatsonMadsRH: in what way?21:11
cjwatsonoh, you were the person asking about slideshow the other day weren't you?21:11
MadsRHHi cjwatson - Yes, I was :-)21:12
MadsRHI've been looking in the wiki and the blueprintes, but there's no info about that21:12
evandIt's been deferred.21:13
cjwatsonMadsRH: the ubiquity-visual-refresh spec is the current plan of record, but it has largely been crowded out by other more urgent goals21:13
=== ago_ is now known as xivulon_
MadsRHSo I read the spec for the ubiquity-visual-refresh and it seems like the TODO task would be the next step here. I really want to see this ubiquity-visual-refresh happen and want to help out (if I may, as I'm not part of the installer-team).21:32
xivulon_hmm, something does not work in partman/wubi, I am thrown out with "No filesystem is defined"21:33
* xivulon_ investigating21:33
xivulon_"No root file system is defined"21:33
evandMadsRH: The mockup is done, it's just buried under a pile of papers on my desk.21:34
evandThe next step would be to investigate what format to use (animation needed) and how to best overlay translated text on it.21:34
MadsRHevand -> Okay, so I can't find in on the web (wiki, mailinglist...)?21:35
=== cjwatson_ is now known as cjwatson
evandMadsRH: No, it was hand drawn at UDS.  Let me see if I can find it, at which point I'll scan it and put it on that wiki page.21:35
MadsRHEvand -> Great :-) you say hand drawn. Perhaps I could do a mockup of it? But that sounds really good, thanks21:37
evandThat would be very helpful as my drawing capabilities, as evidenced by the notes I'm about to upload, are quite poor.21:44
evandhrm, hopefully he'll notice that I updated the wiki page.21:53
evandMy notes are not entirely helpful, but I suspect if he has questions he'll be back.21:53
charlie-tcaIs there a known issue with Daily-LiveCD crashing on Manual Partitioning? I just tried an install using22:23
charlie-tcatoday's CD, and got Partman failed with exit code 14122:24
evandcharlie-tca: yes22:26
evandit's fixed in tree, just awaiting a new ubiquity upload, which I'll be taking care of in a few hours.22:27
charlie-tcaOkay, I'll try this again in about 12 hours then22:27
kirklandevand: hey there, you still around?22:55
kirklandTheMuso: or you, perhaps?22:55
kirklandevand: TheMuso I'm hitting something strange in grub-installer22:55
kirklandevand: TheMuso: line 585 looks like:22:55
TheMusokirkland: Sure, whats up?22:55
kirklandif [ -z "$frdisk" ]; then22:55
kirklandTheMuso: hey!22:55
kirklandTheMuso: okay, so running grub-installer through set -x, I'm seeing that frdisk=found22:56
kirklandTheMuso: how and where is that getting set?22:56
kirklandTheMuso: specifically, i'm working with virtio devices, eg, /dev/vda22:56
TheMusokirkland: That gets set if the boot device is either mdadm, sataraid, or multipath if memory serves.22:56
kirklandTheMuso: yup, but it's also getting set when the boot device is vda, and that's breaking me :-)22:57
kirklandTheMuso: I'm trying to find the faulty logic, and I'm thinking it might not be in grub-installer, somehow22:57
TheMusokirkland: Right, well you will have to look and find what sets it for virtio devices, by following the execution path of the script.22:57
kirklandTheMuso: set -x output: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/57617/22:58
kirklandTheMuso: I'm bothered that that doesn't show any frdisk=...22:59
TheMusokirkland: oh so you want frdisk to be set? You may have to put another if stanza in to do that.23:00
kirklandTheMuso: ah, okay, that's easy enough to do23:00
kirklandTheMuso: below mdadm or some such23:00
TheMusokirkland: I guess so.23:01
kirklandTheMuso: cool, i have a fix, tested, works23:35
kirklandTheMuso: would you mind having a look and sponsoring, so that it makes it into the next daily build?23:35
TheMusokirkland: Sure.23:35
* TheMuso installs cia-clients again since he is using a fresh install...23:36
CIA-52partman-base: TheMuso * r113 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 121ubuntu823:37
=== ago_ is now known as xivulon_
CIA-52hw-detect: TheMuso * r88 ubuntu/ (debian/changelog debian/disk-detect.templates disk-detect.sh):23:40
CIA-52hw-detect: disk-detect.sh, debian/disk-detect.templates: If dmraid arrays are found,23:40
CIA-52hw-detect: ask the user if they want to use them. (LP: #279288)23:40
kirklandTheMuso: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub-installer/+bug/28149223:40
kirklandTheMuso: patch attached at the bottom, as well a bzr branch23:40
TheMusokirkland: Thanks, will attend to it as soon as I upload these two packages.23:41
kirklandTheMuso: cool23:41
xivulon_cjwatson, evand, I think that /lib/partman/check.d/proper_mountpoints creates issues with wubi23:41
CIA-52hw-detect: TheMuso * r89 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 1.63ubuntu423:42
evandxivulon_: are you sure about that?  It's existed as is since March.23:43
xivulon_evand doing some tests now, installation stops there with "No root file system is defined"23:43
cjwatsonwell, maybe it isn't.23:43
cjwatsonit's a warning message after all, sometimes its job is to fail23:44
evandI suspect it's failing elsewhere and just bubbling up there.23:44
cjwatsonthe no_root check is really, really simple. I agree with Evan23:44
xivulon_yep looks like that, looks for / in fstab.d23:45
james_wHi, when using usb-creator with a persistence file does it save all changes to the file system from the live image, or is there a certain location to save to?23:50
james_wor am I missing the intent? or the limits of what it can do?23:50
xivulon_have that both in vm and real hardware23:50
evandjames_w: it's broken so it does neither at the moment23:54
evandbut it will be all changes to the filesystem23:54
evandcasper affords two options, as I understand it23:54
evandone is to do the entire filesystem, the other is to do /home23:54
evandusb-creator opts for the former23:55
james_wah, good to know it doesn't work :-)23:55
james_wI thought I was being stupid23:55
evandjames_w: please do file any bugs you find in it without persistence enabled.  I am keen on getting as much testing as possible before release.23:58
james_wwith usb-creator?23:58
james_wyeah, I've been having trouble with it writing dud images, I can't work out what the cause is though23:58
james_wit's something to do with formatting23:59
evandboot flag not set?23:59
james_wIt could be, when I choose USB from the boot menu I get nothing more than a flashing cursor23:59

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