
LjLit's a zoo. seriously.00:04
LjLjrib, the man who can think "mind your own darn business" and type "thanks".00:09
LjLwho's this pesky lj4 that keeps quitting and rejoining00:17
jribban his subnet00:18
LjLi'd say kline just for good measure00:18
jriblet's just kline *.it to be safe00:18
LjLjrib: don't say that aloud, there are networks that could actually do that. easily.00:19
jribLjL: you know japanese?00:45
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, MenZa said: !icon255 is <reply> Instructions on how to use the Orange Icon 255 Wireless Internet Adapter (and others) can be found here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Icon255HowTo00:47
LjLjrib: no, i used babelfish00:48
LjLjrib: i had it already open in order to see what he was saying to me, so i just thought i'd respond to the "thank you" which he was so kind to give in two languages00:48
jribLjL: I see, well now instead of being impressed by your mastery of japanese, I'm impressed by babelfish :)00:49
LjLjrib: why, you do know japanese?00:50
jribLjL: no, but it's something I want to learn00:50
LjLi could have told him to sod off, for all i know00:50
LjLactually, when i checked by translating back into english, the translation was "how doing"00:50
LjL(i gave "you're welcome")00:50
LjLgoogle translate is usually better, but fails in konqueror and firefox takes time to start00:51
LjLalthough google translate is sometimes... quite... puzzling. it's probably because of the user-submitted translations, sometimes it really does some quite liberal renderings00:51
LjLjrib: i had indeed tried to learn some japanese anyway, but didn't put very much effort in it, there's basically only one hiragana character i can read =) i can say watashiwa itaria jin eru, though. maybe it's even right.00:52
LjLjrib: i should give you my PDA if you want to learn japanese, that's what got me started on it... a friend of mine had found it in the street, it's a cute Sharp Zaurus Something from 1994, with a built-in english<->japanese dictionary, and an IR interface not compatible with anything00:58
LjLjrib: the fun thing is that to get the dictionary to work, you have to draw the japanese characters in the right stroke order -- but not only that, you also have to draw *latin* latters in what it considers the "right" order00:58
LjLit never liked my E for one thing00:59
jribthat sounds... challenging01:00
LjLjrib: yes, quite. but it made for a lot of fun time while not listening to high school classes01:00
LjLjrib: also, i had my schoolmates learn a lot of impromptu created japanese insults and blasphemy.01:00
jribha, of course.  One of the best parts about learning a foreign language01:01
LjLjrib: but it was interesting really... to use the pda itself to try and understand what all the writings on the pda software even said01:01
jribLjL: adi's in a root prompt running sudo and getting "adi is not in sudoers"?01:02
LjLjrib: err... i've missed something, i admit01:03
LjLi hate that "sorry just 1 sek"01:04
LjLare you in the darn recovery mode or not, and if so, how the hell are you on irc01:04
LjLjrib: ok, he's in a root shell because he's decided to go to one, and he's getting that message probably because he still has his broken sudoers, where (for some reason of his own) he changed "root" into "adi"01:07
jribLjL: EDITOR=gedit sudo -E visudo     seems to work :)01:16
LjLjrib: how the hell did you figure that one out01:17
jribLjL: helping another user doing something similar a while ago of course01:17
LjLjrib: i was convinced that just wasn't possible, because the "visudo" manpage says that respecting $EDITOR is a security hole, so it's only done if a compile-time option is used (which i assumed wasn't used)01:18
jribLjL: man sudoers  says something about -E allowing commands with the SETENV tag.  Now I don't know how to determine if something has the SETENV tag, but visudo must be one01:20
jribman sudo  I mean01:21
LjLyes, of course i'm viewing man sudo right now... i just could never have found that option or related it to visudo myself.01:21
LjL"man visudo" doesn't mention setenv anywhere, fwiw01:22
jribmaybe it's a bug01:22
LjLjrib: well, don't report it please, so at least i know how to make people edit sudoers without learning that (/"¤&#¤ vim01:23
LjLi know two things about vi01:23
LjLone is how to exit from it01:23
LjLthe other is how not to start it01:23
jribI fell in love with vim after a couple of days to be honest01:24
jribhalf the fun is watching people watch you edit in it01:24
LjLjrib: i don't know, i just don't think editing text files should be something that takes days to learn (if you're smart, otherwise months). maybe i'm missing a whole exciting world, but i feel nano does its job after all01:25
LjLi don't quite remember when i changed the floodbots so they would mute after 6 messages, but doesn't that look like a bit too much?01:31
jribah, "If the command matched is ALL, the SETENV tag is implied for that command"01:31
LjLwhich is to say, it discards all your environment variables when you use sudo by default?01:33
jribRight.  And you can use -E to override that only on commands that have the SETENV tag.  But the above implies the default sudoers lets -E work with all commands a default ubuntu01:35
jribs/a/on a/01:36
LjLjrib: they should make manpages-simpleenglish, you know, like wikipedia has a simple english version.01:37
LjLor, even just manpages-english would do01:38
jribwell, someone needs to make writing documentation for endusers cool again01:39
LjLwas it ever?01:39
jribI'm waiting for the day the kernel documentation is a youtube video01:39
LjLjrib: hey, they should make a youtube video about installing flash, so i can finally... uuuh, nevermind.01:40
jribwell you could boot windows, watch the video, then go to ubuntu and install01:40
LjLwhy are you assuming i have a windows partition01:41
jribLjL: do you?01:41
LjLyes :P01:41
jribLjL: windows mohave?01:41
LjLjrib: sorry, i missed that (even after opening the wp article)01:43
jribWouldn't you think the bright people at microsoft would make their ads accessible to users of operating systems other than windows: http://www.mojaveexperiment.com 01:43
jribLjL: just some microsoft commercial about vista where they claim they told users to test "windows mohave" and it was really windows vista01:44
jriboh they have the html version, oops01:45
jribthat doesn't work.01:45
LjLjrib: yeah, was about to say that01:45
LjLyeah, was about to say that too01:45
LjLjrib: it loaded now for me... give it a couple of tries. as is often the case with ms software.01:47
LjLanyway, what a silly idea.01:47
LjLand anyway no, i have windows 200001:47
FlannelAnyone awake with -ot?03:06
FlannelApparently z_ is ban evading (I haven't verified personally)03:06
FlannelOh, and now I can.03:06
FlannelSo, someone with ops in -ot, re-enforce that ban03:07
FlannelMmm, that was six hours ago.  You're probably asleep.03:10
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, aubade said: !mind is <reply> Are you out of your Vulcan mind?03:11
snuxollsomeone mind getting rid of z_ in -ot?03:20
snuxollhe's ban evading03:20
jribsnuxoll: did you call !ops there?03:22
PiciLooks like he left to me. (z_ that is)03:23
snuxolljrib: I'm not going to call ops03:23
snuxollPici: ahh, it does seem that he did03:23
jribsnuxoll: why?  that's the whole point of !ops03:23
Flanneljrib: !ops is for emergencies03:23
jrib!ops is when you need an op03:23
ubottuBut ops already means something else!03:23
snuxolljrib: no, ops is for emergencies03:24
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!03:24
ubottusnuxoll called the ops in #ubuntu-ops ()03:24
Flanneljrib: No, it's for emergencies.  You come here and discuss when its not an amergency03:24
snuxollsee, channel emergency03:24
* Pici sighs03:24
Flannelsnuxoll: Did z_ come back?>03:24
* Hobbsee beats snuxoll with a rubber chicken03:24
snuxollFlannel: he did, but he doesn't seem to be in there any more03:24
snuxollFlannel: even though I don't see a /part or /quit in my scrollback ;(03:25
Pici22:08:40 <?z_> snuxoll: "ban evading isn't suggested" - don't know what do you mean03:25
Pici22:10:31 >>>> z_ (n=asus@ has left #ubuntu-offtopic []03:25
snuxollPici: hrm, I don't have that in my log03:26
snuxollPici: strange03:26
snuxollanyways, will /part here in a moment since he seems to have left03:27
snuxollbut it would probably be a good idea to keep an eye open03:27
PiciI revised the ban, I'm not sure if its too broad though.03:31
Flannelcould probably go down one more class and still be safe.  he only moved from 41 to 3903:32
PriceChildi wouldn't say that was too broad03:32
PiciI put comments in both bans regarding the revised masks.03:33
PriceChildwhats up?05:56
FlannelPeople refuse to believe that packages are packages, insist on troubleshooting the fact that they're "installed incorrectly" and now we get to listen to it for probably another 30 minutes or so in #u05:57
FlannelInstalled 3rd party OOo packages, and now that they're installed in /opt/ and have no menu entries, something is *obviously* wrong05:58
Flanneljust frustrating05:58
Flannelbecause as much as I'd love to ask them to take it elsewhere, that's not a decent thing to do.05:59
Hobbseewell, isn't it?  They're massively in the wrong, and they're disrupting the channel.05:59
Hobbseeif they won't listen to hwat they're being told, then why are they there?05:59
FlannelIf it gets to be too troublesome, I'll bring it up again.  I won't feel right forcing them out, since Im already involved in it06:04
PriceChildand the day is over woohoo06:51
=== dhrasmus is now known as dro
=== dro is now known as glowfish
Flannelglowfish: How can we help you?07:29
glowfishi'd like some help getting my nick back07:29
glowfishi haven't used it in such a long time, i have no recollection of the password07:30
Flannelglowfish: I believe #freenode is the place to go for those sorts of things07:30
glowfishflannel: ok, thank you!07:30
* jussi01 wakes up groggily07:44
elkbuntuwe have a potential 4chan invasion in process in #u09:06
elkbuntueatshrooms behaviour earlier, and snails behaviour more recently09:06
elkbuntusomeone wanna volunteer to head one of them off in PM while I take the other?09:08
jussi01sorry elkbuntu, was on the phone and then lunch. 09:33
ikoniafdoving: do you need anything ?09:53
elkbuntuikonia, i believe he's part of the furniture. cant say i've ever see him speak though :Þ09:55
ikoniaI've never seen him before09:55
ikoniaonly the netsplit highlighted him so I thought he may have been waiting for something and people missed him09:56
jussi01yeah, fdoving is furniture :P10:26
* ikonia eats off fdoving10:27
elkbuntupleia2, around?10:46
ikonia@bansearch Controversial11:02
ubottuNo matches found for controversial!n=min@cpe-124-185-11-216.qld.bigpond.net.au in #ubuntu-ops11:02
ikonia@bansearch Controversial #ubuntu11:02
ubottuMatch: *!*@CPE-124-185-11-216.qld.bigpond.net.au by ikonia in #ubuntu on Oct 14 2008 09:57:56 (ID: 5525)11:02
Hobbseeoh, him?11:07
Hobbseeis he back?11:07
Hobbseeikonia: was he flooding in #ubuntu too?11:08
ikoniajust an opening line of "hey shit bags"11:08
ikoniaI've seen him before so muted him11:08
Hobbseefrom his displays in -devel, id' say that's a wise idea.11:08
ikoniathen got abuse in PM11:08
ikoniajust updating BT11:08
ikoniaHobbsee: have you banned him before11:14
Hobbseeikonia: yeah, i dealt with him in -devel a few days ago11:14
ikonia mode/#ubuntu [+b Controversial!*@*] by ikonia11:15
ikoniathat should get him on a nick basis 11:15
ikoniaalready have his ip covered, but he's dhcp 11:15
Hobbseethat's true11:15
ikoniaI get the impression he likes to be caught, so will use the same nick11:16
Hobbseewill see if he tries to visit devel again11:16
ikoniashould I leave it at +b Controversial!*@* or +b Controversial%!*@*11:16
naliothikonia: what is the IP?11:16
Hobbsee[21:07] [Whois] Controversial is n=min@CPE-124-185-11-216.qld.bigpond.net.au (pee)11:16
ikoniaah dhcp11:17
jussi01damn aussies :P11:17
naliothikonia: you may safely ban CPE-124-185-*.qld.bigpond.net.au if you need to11:18
Myrttijussi01: you're fun11:18
ikoniaoh, ok, nalioth I was trying to avoid the ip range, but cool, thanks11:18
ikoniaI think the nick will catch him as he seems to like to be baught11:19
jussi01ikonia: whats his realname like? maybe a +d is in order?11:19
Hobbseeppp-70-247-119-16.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net  was his last address.11:19
ikonianot used +d before, let me have a quick goose at it11:19
ubottuThere are many different channel and user modes on !freenode. Here's a list: http://freenode.net/using_the_network.shtml11:20
naliothikonia: i ran a check.  he's the only one on that node on the whole network ( i don't think you'll block any legitimate users, iow )11:20
Hobbseei don't think your wide bans will really catch him11:20
Hobbseehe's a known mibbit user too11:20
ikonianalioth ahh handy, thank you11:20
naliothoh, a proxy troll.11:20
Hobbsee(not that he ever connected with the previous address, but that was the address listed as the real address, from mibbit.11:21
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)11:59
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)11:59
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)12:01
ikoniawho's got ops in -offtopic please. 12:13
ikoniajussi01: you there12:15
ikoniajpds: 12:15
jussi01I dont12:15
ikoniaahh just doing an access list now12:16
ikoniaHobbsee: nalioth yu there12:16
ikonia(they where awake earlier12:16
ikoniaok getting out of hand now12:17
ikoniaPriceChild: Hobbsee Mez nalioth nude please12:18
* Hobbsee looks12:18
Hobbseedo what now?12:18
ikoniaplease remove neil12:18
ikoniabe prepared for pm abuse12:19
Hobbseeweird bloke, too.12:19
Hobbseeikonia: are you aware he seems to be in ubuntu too?12:20
Myrttiikonia: you can always poke me12:21
MyrttiI'm always awake, remember12:21
Myrttiwell almost always12:21
* Hobbsee zaps him there too12:21
Hobbseehmmm.   does putting in a ban also stop htem being heard from +o people, if +z is set?12:23
ikoniaMyrtti: sorry - missed you12:25
Hobbseeah, and now the gem's in PM.12:25
ikoniaI got them earlier12:25
ikoniaenjoy :)12:25
ikoniaMyrtti didn't see you in the access list, my mistake/sorrry12:26
ikoniawasn't missing you on purpose12:26
Hobbseeikonia: ?12:26
ikoniaHobbsee: I didn't want him in there following any conversation12:26
Hobbseeikonia: ah, right.12:27
ikoniahe picks up on it once the mutes lifted12:27
Hobbseeikonia: who says i was going to lift the mute?  :)12:27
Hobbseei didn't in -offtopic12:27
ikoniano no, sorry, wasn't stepping on toes12:27
Hobbseeno problem, was just curious12:27
ikoniahe's been a pain for the last few hours, and I stepped aawy tog et a bite to eat and he started up again12:27
Hobbsee(I hadn't seen the context, so regarded the +q as relatively safe)12:28
ikoniahe looked like a lost new user at one point12:28
Hobbseeoh, here we go.12:28
ikoniathen started /whoi'sing me12:28
Hobbseenow he's just acting as an abusive user.12:28
ikoniaso not quite "that new"12:28
Hobbseeis knoppix drunk, or?12:29
ikoniaI think it's alanguage thing12:29
ikoniahe seems to just want to talk 12:29
* Hobbsee tries telling the guy that he needs to grow up before he can reenter.12:33
ikoniaooh he's pming me too12:33
Hobbseei'm not even sure why he's  here - school has gone back by now.12:33
ikonia"how do I get unabnned"12:34
ikoniaI've given him the coc and guideline links, but it won't matter in my view12:34
Hobbseeah yes, i got that a copule of times12:34
Hobbseehah!  apparently the guy is 8012:34
ikonia12:34 <neil> let me back in man12:34
Myrttiknoppix is going for a ride soon, if he continues12:35
ikoniaMyrtti: he was ok before, I think he has some language barriers that don't come across well12:35
Hobbseeyeha, i've been watching him.12:35
ikoniahe's changed his tone a lot12:37
ikoniaand seems to be speaking english quite well now12:37
Myrttioh dear god, now knoppix is on my pm12:46
Myrttithis has to be fun12:46
Hobbseei'd like to s/always/often/ in !o4o, btw.  Any objections?12:57
ubottuSome things are inappropriate for #ubuntu-ops. Controversial topics, which always turn into flame wars: war, race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality, drugs, questionably legal activities, suicide are not for here. Microsoft software in ##windows (Please note Freenode Policy)12:59
stdin"often" is probably a good change12:59
Tm_THobbsee: +112:59
ikoniaah, I didn't relise the channel name was a varible and got picked up from current channel12:59
Hobbseeikonia: hmmm.  That's a point.  How do I do an edit and keep that?13:00
Hobbseeneil: yes?13:00
stdinikonia: try it in /msg, it's fun :p13:00
ikoniastdin: cool13:00
neili need help13:00
jussi01Hobbsee: $channel iirc13:00
stdin$chan actually13:00
neili need to be unbanned13:00
jussi01well almost13:00
ikonianeil: it's not going to happen13:01
stdinHobbsee: or just use !o4o ~= /always/often/13:01
Hobbsee!o4o ~= /always/often/13:01
ubottuI'll remember that Hobbsee13:01
ikonianeil: please stop asking everyone. 13:01
Hobbseeneil: the answer is no.13:01
neili want be dumb again13:01
* Hobbsee has a feeling of deja vu here...13:01
neilwat am i meant to say to convince13:01
ikonianeil: too many chances have passed, you've been banned too many times today13:02
ikoniawalk way for a while as I suggested to you13:02
ikoniawalk away 13:02
neili been banned once13:02
ikoniano you've not13:02
neilwell i didnt know that13:02
Hobbseetwice, actually.13:02
ikoniaHobbsee: 3 2 in ubuntu, in offtopic13:02
ikonianeil: you did, as you where rude to me in a prive message when I explained it to you13:03
Hobbseeikonia: oh, even better.13:03
ikoniadon't lie13:03
neilok sorry13:03
Tm_Twhen you lie, myrtti makes a mitten13:03
Tm_TI mean, errr13:03
* Tm_T hides13:03
ikoniathis is going to go nowhere after having the same conversation in PM from about 30 minutes, so lets not waste any more time13:03
Hobbseeikonia: ++13:03
ikoniaTm_T: making mittens should be encouraged13:04
Tm_Tikonia: true, but it was so fitting13:04
Tm_Tneil: just take a break, learn your mistakes and come back later, way later13:04
christeli tend to find its a good thing when the mittens fit13:05
neilbut il be banned still13:05
Hobbsee!u | neil 13:05
ubottuneil: Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, or a government officer, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun.  If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you".  The same goes for "are", "why", "because", "anyone", and so on..13:05
ikoniachristel I tried to hold back from that gag13:05
christelikonia: :P13:05
neilman im always on msn sorry13:06
Tm_Tno excuses13:06
neilif you unban me then i will leave for a long time and if u see me again you can bann me for life13:07
neilyou* sorry13:07
ikoniadon't need to unban you for you to leave13:08
* Hobbsee wonders what the point of that would be...13:08
ikoniayou can leaev now while your banned13:08
Tm_Tneil: no, you wont negotiate this13:08
christelneil: from backlog in #ubuntu, it strikes me that you appear to be after somewhere to "chat" -- have you considered an irc network that actually, well, caters to "chatters" as opposed to one which brings together FOSS developers and users? 13:08
neilno im new13:08
Tm_Tneil: now shush, go son, I'm too old and tired for this all13:10
christelwell, my suggestion would be to peruse the list over at http://netsplit.de and find a less topical network13:10
Hobbseestill, telling people "fuck you" when they don't do what you want probably isn't appropriate on those networks either...13:10
neilwell i dont want to be on those because i need help with my ubuntu13:11
MyrttiHobbsee: are you still having ops at -ot for some purpose?13:12
christeli'd have to agree with Hobbsee there13:12
neiland i would like to get back on ubuntu channels13:12
HobbseeMyrtti: er, not apart from being unsure if this knoppix guy is going to get the boot soon.13:12
HobbseeMyrtti: (in truth, i'd forgotten.  Thanks :) )13:12
ikoniaHobbsee: don't ruin the mystique13:13
christelneil: ok, i fail to see why you would join #ubuntu and ask if it was a "chatting channel" if you were actually looking for help, more so, i fail to see how the foggiest you at any point thought the best approach to get help from other ubuntu users and ubuntus volunteers was by telling them to "fuck off"13:13
MyrttiHobbsee: I'll smack him if need be13:13
Hobbseechristel: ++13:13
ikoniaas I said earlier, having had this converation in pm for the last 30 minutes, it will go no-where13:14
neiljust let me back in please13:14
ikonianeil: waslk away - it's not going to happen today13:15
ikoniawalk away 13:15
Hobbseeneil: oh, for context purposes, christel is the head of the network.13:15
neilwat is context13:15
Myrttifor your information13:15
Myrttiso you know who you are talking with13:16
Hobbseechristel: you couldn't do us a favour, could you?  :)13:16
Hobbseechristel: something about tickets and trains?13:16
neilur funny13:16
Hobbseethis is clearly going nowhere.13:16
MyrttiHobbsee: shhhh. :-D13:16
Myrttineil: so, do you have any other questions?13:16
Myrttior requests?13:16
neillet me on13:16
MyrttiI think we've addressed most of them13:16
Myrttisorry, no13:16
Myrttianything else?13:17
neillet me on13:17
Myrttisee! didn't need k-train13:17
HobbseeMyrtti: he will come back, though.13:17
Myrttisure, then I'll ban13:17
Myrttijust for a few hours though13:17
christellets hope he hasnt worked out how to run proxies13:18
christelive given him a weeks holiday, with some luck he'll find the time to familiarise himself with our policies and your code of conduct 13:18
Hobbseesweet, thanks christel 13:19
christelnp :)13:22
ikoniahow many nicks does ljl need !13:22
Hobbseeikonia: 42.13:23
ikoniajpds: that guys amanu is back again after all the time spent with him yesterday trying to fix his broken wubi to partition install15:21
jussi01anyone around on intrepid?15:53
Myrttijust shutdown my laptop15:54
ikoniajussi01: I can be15:54
jussi01ikonia: just need a quick test if something is borked...15:54
ikoniago on15:54
jussi01ikonia: open this page in firefox - you need flash - http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/tv_and_radio/sports_personality_of_the_year/7668185.stm15:55
jussi01does it work or does it offer to download the flash plugin...15:55
ikoniaI suspect it works15:55
ikoniaI use bbc flash pages all the time15:55
ikoniayeah, works15:55
jussi01damn, means my pc is borked...15:56
jussi01wonder what i did...15:56
jussi01*scratches head*15:56
ikoniajussi01: I can try it on another install too if you want15:56
Myrttiit works even with swfdec15:56
jussi01weird, other flash works... (you tube)16:01
ikoniaodd odd odd16:01
jussi01ikonia: which browser you use?16:02
ubottuIn #ubuntu+1, urban_ryoga said: ubottu is a bot right? that is kinda creepy16:10
Picipoor ubottu16:31
PiciI'm on mibbit currently, so no quick access to my irssi aliases :(16:41
ikoniaboot Pici quick, he's a mibbet troll16:42
PiciI'm a training class, and they seem to block ssh out.16:43
ikoniainteresting course ?#16:44
Piciikonia: Its on Interface Administration, mostly regarding HL716:47
ikoniaHL7 ?16:48
Piciikonia: Its a standard for communicating healthcare information.  Here are some example messages: http://www.dt7.com/cdc/sampmsgs.html16:50
ikoniayou have shown me that before, sorry16:50
PiciI don't mind. 16:51
* Pici might disappear at times17:15
PiciThe instructor randomly takes control of our computers to show things.17:16
LjL[18:39:57] *** FloodBot2 sets mode: +e fserve!i=c881a311@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-4ef0ea310718f9ac <- don't like this nickname...17:40
jussi01!+1 is foo18:40
ubottuI'll remember that, jussi0118:40
jussi01!no, +1 is <alias>intrepid18:40
ubottuI know nothing about +1 yet, jussi0118:40
jussi01!+1 is <alias>intrepid18:40
ubottuBut 1 already means something else!18:40
LjLargh jussi don't do that18:40
jussi01LjL: why not?18:40
jussi01!forget +118:41
ubottuI know nothing about +1 yet, jussi0118:41
ubottuintrepid aliases: ubuntu+1, ibex, 8.10, interpid - added by Pici on 2008-02-21 01:19:06 - last edited by Pici on 2008-10-08 14:03:4918:41
LjLjussi01: non-alphanumeric characters at the start of factoids is not something it ever liked18:41
jussi01oh me18:41
ubottu1 is foo18:41
jussi01oh... evil thing18:41
ubottuIntrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - Warning lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, *NOT* #ubuntu18:42
jussi01!forget 118:42
ubottuI'll forget that, jussi0118:42
LjLjussi01: you could do it anyway and then just use !+1 in practice, but i think it can also break aliases and some nasty stuff19:17
naliothhow about "plus1" ?19:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about next19:26
MyrttiTm_T: ping?20:02
LjLPici: WOOF20:07
ubottubastid_raZor called the ops in #ubuntu (darklust)20:48
ompaulcare to remove my ops as per mail(S)?20:48
Tm_TMyrtti: yes, little one?20:52
Myrttidarklust: hello20:52
Tm_Tdarklust: how may we help you?20:52
Myrttidarklust: welcome to the humour corner20:52
LjLTm_T: was redirected here20:52
darklustYou may help me.20:53
Tm_TLjL: I know, still asking (:)20:53
Myrttidarklust: care to explain the roadshow you you just pulled at #ubuntu=20:53
darklustIt was just a line of bash code >.>20:53
Myrttijust a line of bash code, AAWWWWWW how cute20:53
LjLwell, now you've seen a little line of IRC protocol too20:54
Tm_TMyrtti: privaas mitä oli (;)20:54
darklustLike whathisname said, most people wouldn't run it as root anyways.20:54
darklustI couldn't have nailed that many people.20:54
Tm_Tdarklust: bad is bad, no matter how shiny wrapper it has20:54
LjLi don't see anybody saying that, anyway it would still remove /home wouldn't it20:55
darklustTm_T: Interesting anology.20:55
darklustNo, the root directory (/)20:55
Tm_Tdarklust: and true20:55
LjLand recursively the stuff that's in it. anyway.20:56
Myrttidarklust: which part of rm -rf leaves /home intact?20:56
darklustWhich part of my code told you only the /home directory would be removed?20:56
LjLwhich part of what we said told you that we thought only the /home directory would be removed?20:57
LjLanyway, this game is not very much fun20:57
darklust<LjL> i don't see anybody saying that, anyway it would still remove /home wouldn't it20:57
LjLdarklust: is there the word "only" in that sentence?20:57
darklustIn response to it being run by a normal user, no.20:57
* ompaul sits back will talk when your finished 20:57
* Myrtti huggles ompaul and gives a ginger snap20:58
LjLompaul: oh, i'm not talking to chanserv today anyway20:58
darklustAnd what's this crap about nelson mandela on my desktop, if you guys don't believe in giving people second chances?20:58
darklustIsn't ubuntu a lifestyle?20:58
ompaulLjL, hmmm k20:58
darklustOr have I misunderstood.20:58
LjLdarklust, enough crap already20:58
LjLwe give second chances to people who deserve them20:59
LjLyou're acting like a troll even right now20:59
Tm_Tdarklust: problem is, you don't use it as an excuse20:59
LjLso, no second chance for you today20:59
darklustWell there's not much I can do here now is there?20:59
LjLhe got at least this part.21:00
Tm_Thow droll21:00
LjL@mark #ubuntu-ops darklust21:00
ubottuThe operation succeeded.21:00
ompaulwell, I was serious, that has been coming a while, I feel no point in being an op, the idea that I was incoherent was strange for me21:01
ompaulas far as I know the removes / mutes made had justification, however I was really annoyed by the continual "why" or "that was a tad harsh" type comments21:01
LjLompaul, i suggest that you stop wit this bold "i'm leaving forever", "remove my ops" and crap, and just stay away from irc for a while, and see if in a while you feel like coming back21:02
Myrttiafter you left the channel I said that I take it as a personal insult if someone takes your ops away21:03
Tm_Tompaul: honestly, I would like to you to be around here, but not against your own will, so take a break and come hug us with fresh feels (:)21:03
Myrttiwell, not with those words21:03
ompaulI asked21:03
Myrttibut anyway21:03
Tm_Tompaul: even if you asked21:03
LjLompaul: and yes, i also personally believe some of your mutes and bans were a tad harsh. i suspect you, perhaps inconsciously, used them to make a point to other ops - i've done that too. think about it, but don't think about it right now, or you'll just convince yourself "it's all being done wrong"21:03
ompaulLjL, you know my opinion on that atm21:04
LjLompaul: "atm" is the key.21:04
ompaulI don't think it will change see your comment 21:04
ompaulI have always thought that Bob Geldof said it best when he said21:04
ompaulin a TV interview21:04
Myrttiompaul: just take a lil break, that's all21:04
Myrttiwe don't want to miss you forever!21:05
ompaulI am right and I reserve the right as a human being to change my mind21:05
LjLompaul: that's perfectly reasonable21:05
ompaulenjoy yerselvs21:05
* Myrtti huggles ompaul 21:05
ompaulthis time no grand gesture, just a 21:06
* Tm_T huggles ompaul tightly21:06
Tm_Ttoo late for this life21:06
* Myrtti loves you all21:13
* Tm_T huggles Myrtti with love and tender21:14
MTecknologyI found a spelling error on http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/mirror21:20
MTecknologyWhere can I mention that?21:20
PiciMTecknology: log a bug to the ubuntu-website project on launchpad.21:20
MTecknologyoh - coulda stayed in -offtopic - hu?21:20
LjLwhen people shouldn't be in this channel, they are, when they should be, they think they shouldn't21:22
Tm_TLjL: Roger Moore?21:24
* Tm_T hides21:24
LjLi never get any people references, anyway21:25
* Myrtti feels jittery21:29
LjL!staff | CGI324 in #ubuntu, previously ToBePriest in #freenode21:41
ubottuCGI324 in #ubuntu, previously ToBePriest in #freenode: Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel, tomaw, Gary, Vorian or PriceChild, I could  use a bit of your time :)21:41
jussi01what is it with people today...22:04
Myrttihello GM-Cosmo_PW22:07
Myrttigimme a sec22:07
* GM-Cosmo_PW gives Myrtti a 10mbit network card22:07
Myrttiyup yup22:07
MyrttiGM-Cosmo_PW: mind turning that off?22:07
LjLMyrtti, the fellow is a bot22:07
GM-Cosmo_PWsorry not sure why it is doing that22:07
LjLah wait, you know already22:07
LjLor you wouldn't have said "gimme"22:08
* GM-Cosmo_PW gives LjL a spoon22:08
GM-Cosmo_PWdidnt realize it was doing that22:08
Myrttino, we don't22:08
LjLGM-Cosmo_PW: well, if you don't manage to turn it off, you'll probably get a network-wide ban, so you better find out how to turn it off22:08
MyrttiLjL: yup22:08
GM-Cosmo_PWtrying to turn it off now22:08
LjLgimme a kick, gimme a ban22:08
LjLgimme a sec22:09
GM-Cosmo_PWreally sorry about that22:09
LjLGM-Cosmo_PW: i think you should be able to rejoin #ubuntu and speak now22:09
GM-Cosmo_PWsorry about that usually only look at the ubuntu channel if I'm having problems so didn t even notice it was doing that22:12
ubottuIn ubottu, epifanio said: ohh .. is not possible to remove gnome and instalkl a minimal xfce ?22:17
LjLGM-Cosmo_PW, you weren't doing that only in #ubuntu...22:17
LjLepifanio, ubottu is a bot22:17
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu-ops's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots22:17
epifanioohh .. is not possible to remove gnome and install a minimal xfce ?22:18
LjLepifanio, ask in #ubuntu, this is not the right channel22:18
epifaniothe installation process is really long time consuming22:18
epifaniohooops  sorry !22:18
Myrttithe answer would have been !purexfce22:34
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »22:34
LjLtoo late for that22:34
MyrttiLjL: as I said, would have been22:46
MyrttiPID USER      PR  NI  VIRT  RES  SHR S %CPU %MEM    TIME+  COMMAND                     6431 myrtti    20   0  228m  46m  17m S  153  1.2  55:34.25 skype22:55
LjLkillall -9 skype; find / -iname '*skype*' -delete22:58
LjLwait a moment, not only you're helping emma, but you're helping her with *debian*?23:02
ikoniaI thought she wanted ubuntu ?23:03
PiciI thought it was an Ubuntu question23:03
ikoniayes, me too23:03
LjLah, maybe maybe. she mentioned wanting or not wanting Lenny23:03
ikoniano problem helping her with any ubuntu issues23:03
ikoniajust wont engage with social interaction23:03
LjLgood luck with avoiding that :P23:03
ikoniaHmmm maybe a quick ps3 factoid required, explaining its a PPC and the link to linux/ubuntu on ps323:04
LjL*** You have kicked yourself from the channel (You know why!).23:22
LjLthat was wonderful.23:22
LjLikonia: -ot23:23
LjL(#ubuntu) [00:29:31] --> BigBear has joined this channel (n=John_Nel@c-98-216-40-179.hsd1.ma.comcast.net).23:29
PiciThat mask sounds familiar.23:30
LjLuh oh, joined -offtopic too23:30
LjLPici: quite familiar yes23:30
ikoniaI'm interested in administrator becoming techsupport he's known 23:30
LjLsay again?23:31
ikoniathe user "administrator" who just became the user "techsupport" in #ubuntu23:31
LjLhmpf, john_nel already started trolling -offtopic23:32
LjLikonia: well it's hard to say from the hostname23:33
ikoniathe nick administraot becoming techsupport is familier23:34
LjLwell, not to the bantracker... there's one "administrator" ban in #kubuntu but that's all23:35
PiciFeisty support ends soon... we should clean up some of those factoids in a few days23:35
LjLi'll fire up my random nickname generator to decide who does it23:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about roll23:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about aubade23:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dice23:38
LjLikonia: my (connected) logs have him joining as "techsupport" since start of September23:38
ikoniaLjL: Hmmm, maybe someone else then23:39
LjLikonia: he changed from Administrator_ to techsupport yesterday, as well as today23:39
ikoniahe's behaving fine, no problem, just rings a bell23:39
PiciThe user administrator is a common windows username, I don't put much faith in seeing that in an ident as a unique identifier.23:39
LjLa common windows username that shouldn't be used, but anyway23:40
PriceChildHas snuxoll always been an -ot regular?23:42
LjLfor quite some time PriceChild23:42
LjLalthough a moderately troublesome one for some time too23:43
PiciA few months at least.23:43
LjLmore, more23:43
Pici'at least'23:43
LjL[Tue Sep 25 2007] [16:27:16] Join       Snuxoll has joined this channel (n=stefan@71-34-222-236.spkn.qwest.net).23:44
LjL[Tue Sep 25 2007] [16:27:37] <Snuxoll>  Hey all (I'm FIRESIDE91....now you no longer need to shout my name :p)23:44
LjL[Tue Sep 25 2007] [16:28:11] <Pici>     SNUXOLL23:44
LjLso it seems23:45
Myrttisince ages23:46
LjL[00:46:45] *** BigBear is now known as Fartfurnace.23:47
LjLalright, can i ask him to change nicks? can i?23:47
Myrttiare you having problems with snuxoll? he's nowadays probably one of the most levelheaded ones23:47
LjL[ as for snuxoll, he wasn't fireside for very long, according to my logs. although i thought he was SNuxoll for a while)23:47
Myrttifor a loooooong time23:47
LjLMyrtti, so so. he's ok nowadays but i still have bad memories.23:47
PiciI didn't realize he was there for that long.23:47
MyrttiI've taught him well23:48
LjLand i wouldn't say "one of the most levelheaded ones"23:48
LjLhe's one of the regulars23:48
LjLyou can't be a regular if you aren't levelheaded *at all*23:48
MyrttiLjL: well in comparison to many23:48
LjLPici well it's a year, not a decade23:48
HobbseeLjL: actually, i don't know about that.  He's had some pretty interesting ideas, sometimes.23:48
PiciLjL: ...23:48
PiciHobbsee: Interesting good, or interesting bad?23:49
HobbseePici: interesting good, mostly.23:49
HobbseePici: i was slightly disappointed to see that some of them didn't get implemented.23:49
Hobbseehe also did pretty well against the unmentionable one.23:49
* nalioth also has bad memories of snuxoll23:49
Hobbseewhether he's been bad in the past though, i'm not one to comment23:50
PiciI remember some good things, some bad things.23:50
LjL[Thu Nov 15 2007] [23:50:21] <Tm_T>     even snuxoll were abusing the bot23:51
LjL[Thu Nov 15 2007] [23:50:59] <Seveas>   OldPink, snuxoll is on our radar as well23:51
LjL[Tue Nov 20 2007] [04:14:09] <mneptok>  22:06 < Snuxoll> mneptok: Bug off, people can do what they damn well please23:51
LjL[Tue Nov 20 2007] [04:14:09] <mneptok>  22:06 < Snuxoll> mneptok: You don't have to be an ass either23:51
LjL(then he was banned)23:51
PiciThat was #ubuntu iirc.23:52
LjLthat is from -ops23:52
PiciI know, but I think was regarding a situation in #u23:52
PiciPriceChild was this question regarding anything, or just to satisfy your curiousity?23:53
ikoniaFartfurnace in ubuntu....is that acceptable ?23:53
ikoniaI saw ljl ask but didnt see the answer23:53
LjLikonia: i suppose i could pretend i didn't see that, but considering *which* user that one is.23:54
ikoniais that snuxoll (I wasn't paying attention, sorry)23:54
LjLhe's already asked about filesystems allocating inodes dynamically before, by the way. don't remember if that was an attempt at trolling though23:54
LjLikonia, no, he's a fellow who was banned seeeeveral times (but not from #Ubuntu - yet)23:54
LjLikonia: search for john_nel in the bt23:54
LjLalways changes nicknames23:55
ikoniaok, I'll ask him to change it then23:55
Picigood luck23:55
PriceChildPici: unrelated curiosity23:55
ikoniathat was easy23:56
LjLpity, i'd rather have banned him23:56
LjLanyway mind, snuxoll is ok right now, i didn't mean to say he should still be "on the radar"23:59

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