
skorvi installed all00:07
skorvhow can i view gknome00:07
skorvsince the server doesnt go to x00:07
skorv(new guy to linux trying a server config = crazy)00:08
hadsskorv: A server doesn't typically have X installed.00:10
skorvi know00:10
skorvbut i feel more at ease using it00:10
skorvneed to install xampp and other stuff00:10
skorvgraphics interface will make things easy for me at this point00:11
hadsWell you would need to install it. Probably with the ubuntu-desktop meta package or something.00:12
skorvi tryed it00:12
skorvwill be nice to copy stull arround00:12
skorvstill have a ntfs volume...00:13
hadsYou'll likeley receive more help with GUI things from the #ubuntu channel.00:13
skorvafter i clean it how do i format it00:13
skorvi'm hopeless00:13
skorvjust newb :(00:14
hadsReading the server guide will help00:14
skorvwhere can i find it... ubuntu site?00:14
skorvto do this with little or no experience on linux is almost suicidal00:18
skorvbut.... that's just me00:18
skorvany idea how do i set the num lock status on at boot ?00:33
skorvanyone here runs xampp?01:41
skorvgot the virtual hosts working but now it adds a xampp/ to the url01:41
=== PrivateVoid_ is now known as PrivateVoid
slestakdoes harder server have a firewall enabled by default that would block incoming ssh?  I did install openssh and started it.  can ssh to locahost, but cannot port forward 2201 on a hrhel host to a hardy vbos gurst03:54
slestaki am using the 8.04.1 livecd install03:55
ropetinIt has ufw installed by default, but it's not enabled (at least it wasn't for me)03:55
slestaki saw that on reboot, said disabled but thought I would ask.  I am looking at server guide now03:56
slestaki have perfect outbound access, just get port refused on rhel host.03:56
slestaktrying to run HH in a vbox vm03:57
ropetinYou're connecting from the Ubuntu box to the RedHat one?03:57
ropetinHow's the networking for both configured, are they contactable in other ways?  I.e. can you ping one to the other?03:58
slestakbeen lurking #vbox for 3 days but no joy yet.  no, vice versa.  rhel 5.2 host trying to connect to HH server guest.  have port 2201 forwarded to port 22 on guest.  set it up using the VBoxManage command03:58
slestakwith nat + vbox, its documented that icmp will not respond.  i have perfect outbound connection with both boxes.03:58
slestaki dont want to use bridged tun0 setup for vm, the server is remote and im afraid i will bork sth03:59
ropetinOutbound to each other, or outbound to the world?03:59
slestakoutboud to world.  nothing inbound to HH vm03:59
slestaki eventually will setup lamp test, but ssh was supposed to be the easy case :)04:00
ropetinTrue :D04:00
slestaktrying to get ubuntu into my shop with tomcat to replace iis + servletexec04:00
slestakwheres our pastebin?  is 3 lines too much for this channel?04:01
jfscI installed the server kernel but the Update Manager wants to reinstall the generic04:18
uvirtbot`New bug: #283031 in openssh (main) "package openssh-server 1:5.1p1-3ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28303105:21
ganehow to check the kernel features enabled or not through make menuconfig05:55
sathishhi to all06:42
sathishhow to check performance of our DNS Server and dhcp server06:43
ganesathish, install some gui related packages06:44
ganehow to check the kernel features enabled or not through make menuconfig06:45
sathishany server performance tools is there ?06:51
sathishi want to monitor DNS & DHCP & Proxy server Performance06:52
sathishcan u give some suggestion ?06:53
lukehasnonameno idea from me06:55
antdedyetsathish: there are some round about way sto monitor bind's DNS performance using snmp with cacti and enabling query logs, but if you do A LOT of queries, this has a large potential to impact your service speed06:58
henkjansathish: have a look at munin07:05
henkjansathish: http://blog.gnist.org/article.php?story=MonitorBindWithMunin07:06
sathishhenkjan, no07:06
sathishi will see07:07
ganehow to check the kernel features enabled or not through make menuconfig07:07
ganehow to check the kernel features enabled or not through make menuconfig07:22
=== chmac_away is now known as chmac
TechnovikingI got a dapper server that is hanging after starting kernel log07:39
Technovikingany ideas what would cause that07:39
ganehow to check the kernel features enabled or not through make menuconfig07:45
=== chmac is now known as chmac_away
hendryleewhat is the minimum diskspace possible with ubuntu jeos installation?10:31
hadsDon't recall off the top of my head what the base is, a couple hundred meg from memory10:33
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uvirtbot`New bug: #281909 in samba (main) "gvfsd-smb crashed when accessing network drive" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28190912:00
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=== DragonBoulz is now known as AbracadabraBoulz
=== AbracadabraBoulz is now known as Abracadabra
uvirtbot`New bug: #282113 in samba (main) "gvfsd-smb crashed with SIGSEGV" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28211312:17
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uvirtbot`New bug: #283187 in apache2 (main) "package apache2.2-common 2.2.9-7ubuntu3 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28318713:02
ganeshow to test the squid , is there any tool13:41
ganeshow to test the squid performance , is there any tool13:41
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=== Abracadabr4 is now known as Abracadabra
=== Abracadabra is now known as Abracadabr4
=== Abracadabr4 is now known as Abracadabra
uvirtbot`New bug: #283239 in openldap (main) "objectclass filter bug in rwm overlay module of slapd 2.4.9" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28323914:41
slicslakanyone out there using ssmtp?  I have it on a number of servers.  i'm assuming it's still the best for what it does?  (get mail off system to a mail hub).14:59
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Koonslicslak: I'd say that, yes15:55
slicslakKoon, thanks.  just never know when the landscape has changed while I was busy elsewhere...16:14
Owner_hey can i use a 250gb drive on an ubuntu server as a share over the internet?18:02
mathiaznijaba: the "install minimal virtual machine" option leads to a 325 MB install18:58
mathiaznijaba: it works on i386 - but fails on amd6418:58
mathiazkirkland: do you have an intel x86_64 processor for you intrepid kvm host?19:00
mathiazkirkland: nevermind my question above - I've found the issue19:12
zuli seriously hate php19:27
kirklandmathiaz: yes, i almost universally use amd64 for hosts and guests19:30
kirklandmathiaz: unless i need to test something in i38619:30
Technovikingdo I need to install a 64 bit version of server to use more than 4 GB of memory21:52
Deepseither that or use PAE21:52
TechnovikingDeeps: is PAE instructions in the wiki?21:53
uvirtbot`New bug: #283431 in sysstat (universe) "sar, mpstat report extraneous CPU" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28343121:56
DeepsTechnoviking: no idea, have a look and see22:04
DeepsTechnoviking: if it's not, you'll probably find something on google22:05
slestakhi.  i have installed ubuntu hardy server in a vm for a demo lamp machine.  ive looked at the server guide but I cannot determine if the mysql5 has a root user by default.  most of the docs I see presume it will.22:15
slestakbut using mysqladmin with a -u just prints usage information.22:16
slestaki.e. /usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root22:16
slestaki vrified with init.d/mysql that it is running22:17
joebob777as7where can I add custom dns lookups? i Tried  adding te.foo.com to resolv.conf and the restarted networking with /etc/init.d/networking restart and it still can't find it...22:31
skorvthings are going nicely23:13
skorvone small question23:14
skorvhow do i run a program automaticly every boot (like windows service)23:14
hadsWho would you like to run it as and what type of program?23:15
skorvhas to be runned as root23:15
skorvits an echoserver23:15
skorvfrom echogent23:15
skorvit allows me better management over vnc (i do remote support a lot)23:16
skorvthats one reason i changed to linux... faster and much more stable23:16
hadsYou'd typically run a daemon from a script in /etc/init.d/ and update-rc.d23:16
skorvhow do i create the script23:17
lukehasnonameYou write a script file.. look up bash or zsh scripting on google23:18
skorvand it will run on boot....23:18
hadsYou can also run things from /etc/rc.local but an init script would be the preferred way23:18
lukehasnonameYou'll set it's "mode" to executable, include it in the /etc/init.d folder, and create a link to it in one of the rc.d folders.23:18
hads(using update-rc.d)23:18
skorvin linux everything appears to be deadly complicated23:19
hadsDepends what you're used to :)23:19
skorvso far i got apache to work with virtual hosts..... i know its basic but for me it feels like gold at the olimpics23:20
hadsGood stuff23:20
hadsHere's some results that should help; http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=creating+an+init+script+ubuntu&btnG=Search23:20
skorvi cna name the cript anything?23:21
skorvdamn keyboard23:21
skorv(fingers most likely to be guilty)23:21
skorvk thanks23:21
skorvyou ppl are trhe best... without your help i couldnt get this far23:22
docta_vi'm trying to add some module options for an ethernet driver (forcedeth)23:41
docta_vi added the line to /etc/modprobe.d/options23:41
docta_vbut it doesn't look like the options are taking effect23:41
docta_vis there something i'm missing?23:43

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