
vonkleistuh? how do I change display resolution on 8.10? vi xorg.conf ?00:11
ubottuAlpha Software: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for K/ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th 2008 - #ubuntu+1 for discussion. Kubuntu Intrepid will have KDE 4 as the default Desktop Environment - see  https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuIntrepidVersion | Warning lots of breaking software between now and October!00:12
sariroh bad bad bad00:13
vonkleistsure, but does that mean that there's no way by now? or only that you don't know how?00:14
sarirvonkleist, it's such a mess00:15
sarirforget about it00:15
vonkleistit's only 16 days 'till release...00:15
vonkleistwill it be ready??00:16
sariri hope so00:16
sariri am trying to update everyday..... and going back to vista :-O00:16
sariri should not say it.....00:16
sarir see  https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuIntrepidVersion | Warning lots of breaking software between now and October! see  https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuIntrepidVersion | Warning lots of breaking software between now and October!00:17
fabricio /msg iSLiFECORP invite i32x4q7bfeivxn7q00:17
sorush20plasma panels are only bing added to the top of the screen how to I solve this?00:17
sarirthis message scares me00:17
fabricio /msg iSLiFECORP invite i32x4q7bfeivxn7q00:18
itsatrickHow long does an update to kde4 usually take at a fairly fast connection speed?00:20
dsmith_kde4 ugly00:20
itsatrickIt's taking me 4 to 6 hours.00:20
dsmith_i like mint kde better00:20
sorush20itsatrick: to update kde or download 700mb for me it takes 30sec00:23
sorush20this is probably the only time I really would want to show off.00:23
sorush20I'm at uni and p2p is not allowed and blocked so everything is fact00:23
itsatrickI followed the directions online for "Lenny."  I added deb <mirror> <newline> deb-src <mirror> in /etc/apt/sources.list. Is that right?00:24
itsatrickThe mirror being http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian sid main00:25
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xwebitsatrick: Why are you using a debian mirror.00:29
itsatrickAh.  Thanks, xweb.  Just looked on the kubuntu site.00:31
itsatrickIt's almost done updating now.  A whole lot better than 4 hours. :)00:32
xwebYour wellcome! :D00:33
user__can anyone here help me with kde sound00:34
xwebuser__: Whats the problem?00:34
ryan_rohypnoli have a quick question about my webcam00:34
ryan_rohypnolif somone can private message me and help me find a solution that would be gladly appreciated00:35
itsatrickHm, still says it'll take about two hours.00:35
user__xweb, alsa is working, yet kde wont play sound00:35
ryan_rohypnolSo does anyone know how to make the Logitech Orbit work with Kubuntu?00:39
gecko_Ryan: as far as i know, there are some logitech cams that just simply wont work with unbuntu.. i had gotten myself one, and i was unable to use it, returned it for a different one, and it's simple plug and play..00:40
Ryan_Rohypnolyea but the UVC cam thing say it would work00:41
Ryan_Rohypnoli just need detailed instruction on how to get it to work 100%00:41
gecko_joing the Ubuntu channel, and they should be able to assist you more.00:42
gecko_as i do not have your answers, sorry00:42
Ryan_RohypnolThank you00:43
Ryan_Rohypnolwhat's the thing for ubuntus IRC00:47
gecko_ /join unbuntu00:48
josephI have just installed 8.04.1 64 bit and when I go to shut down, I cant .00:51
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josephIn the log off screen, I only get the logg off option00:52
josephIdont get 'restart' or 'shutdown'00:53
josephwhat do I do?00:53
gecko_i would say join the Ubuntu channel     /join ubuntu00:57
josephwhy? I have kubuntu00:58
gecko_i have never seen anyone talking on this channel..00:58
gecko_it's a defualt channel00:58
josephwell, usually in the PM (pm for me) I have almost always got great support here00:59
xwebjoseph: how are you starting kde?00:59
josephat boot up (auto)00:59
xwebthough kdm?00:59
josephduak boot00:59
gecko_and i stand corrected.... and i apologize..01:00
josephthis is a fresh install01:00
josephI never had to type anything to start kde01:00
josephgecko_:   :o)01:01
xwebjoseph: is this kde 3 or 4.01:01
joseph64 bit01:01
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elliottis there a dedicated chanel for intrepid?01:02
chriversHow can I make a folderview plasmoid take up the entire "desktop" area?01:02
chriversI really don't like having an extra border around everything01:03
josephxweb: any ideas?01:03
xwebjoseph: you mean like an old faction desktop?01:04
josephlike a shell or something01:05
josephI can only logout01:05
josephand then I have all the usual options in the login GUI01:05
xwebjoseph: where does logging out take you?01:05
josephto the login01:06
joseph(where you type your user name and PW)01:06
xwebyou might need to give your self permission to shut the system down.01:06
xwebjoseph: I can tell you how but i will need to check it on my other computer.01:08
josephanother person had this problem in a forum I was reading and that person said i t was a bad install01:08
josephI dont feel that is the case01:08
mrksbrddoes anyone know how to activate the s-video port on the side of the laptop so I can watch dvd on a TV?01:08
nejodejoseph: you could try K menu>systemsettings>advanced tab>login manager and look around there01:09
MrKenniemrksbrd: what graphics chip you got?01:09
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xwebmrksbrd: do "man randr01:11
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josephxweb: I am dual booting winxp 64 and Kubuntu 64 but in the Login Manager, the Boot Manager is set to 'none'.01:12
josephxweb: does that sound right?01:13
xwebmrksbrd: i mean "man xrandr"01:13
xwebin kde?01:14
xwebjoseph: in kde?01:14
josephshould i change it to grub and see what happends?01:15
josephI dont think that has anything to my prob though, but it still sounds weird01:16
xwebjoseph: i dont think that setting works. but your in the right place to give your self permission to shut down the system.01:16
josephbut local shutdown is set for 'everybody'01:17
mrksbrdxweb: sorry i have an nvidea video card01:17
xwebyou do know the 64 bit version lags behind  the 32 bit one in updates and support.01:17
josephthis is strange01:17
xwebI currently run 32bit linux on my 64bit computer.01:18
mrksbrdxweb: i ran the command....what did you need from the info or what should i be looking for?01:18
josephyeah I would too, but I had to go with 64 bit cause I have 4 gigs of ram01:19
josephkubuntu would only detect 3.5 gigs of it01:19
xwebmrksbrd: if you have nvidia use "nvidia-settings"01:19
josephwindows would only see 3 gigs01:19
josephI will experiment01:20
josephthank you01:20
mrksbrdxweb: where do i find them....I tried looking in display manager & nothing about a s-video01:25
xwebyou need to have some thing attache for it to show up.01:25
xwebit will show as a seccond screen.01:26
mrksbrdi have it attached to a 46" flatscreen via s-video cable01:26
xwebyou could always set it up in your xorg config.01:28
xwebmrksbrd: this will tell you how to do it. http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/169.04/README/index.html01:31
mrksbrdty i will check it out01:31
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xwebmrksbrd: im a litte old fashioned. i always set up svid in the xorg file.01:32
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seanhey, is it possible to shink a ext3 partion?01:34
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microchip420hey guys, my kicker is screwed up, I cant change the background image, or even enable transparency01:34
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mrksbrdxweb: not too good with editing some files yet01:35
xwebmrksbrd: let me take a look at how i did it. brb01:36
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elliottok, huuge problems trying tto ruun intrrrepid01:41
mrksbrdwhat is the command to get into x config file?01:41
elliottthe wooorst being that   my    keyboard   has     stoopped workiiiiinng01:41
geniielliott: #ubuntu+1 for Intrepid Ibex please01:42
geniimrksbrd: alt-f2   and: kdesu kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf            may do it01:43
elliotti can,t,               i'm  ussiiiiiingg               the on screen keyboard and shift won't  work soo  i  can't     enterr the  plus     characteer01:44
geniielliott: click your mouse button when your cursor is over the channel name of #ubuntu+101:45
geniielliott: Yer welcome01:46
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microchipv420hey guys, i need some help configuring flash in konqureor. I'm lost.02:08
geniimicrochipv420: Post #4 here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=16231302:09
microchipv420ok, ty, brb02:10
mu3enstill trying to enable suspend and hibernate buttons on the kdm login screen...02:10
microchipv420genii: hey thanks, that fixed it right up, any thoughts on how i can get java to behave as well?02:21
mini-manI installed kubuntu (on xubuntu, with sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop, just wanting to mess around) but I ended up with KDE 3.x, is there a .deb for 4.x?02:25
mini-mannvm, kubuntu-kde4-desktop02:26
Ahmuckis there a way to start *untu in safe graphics mode?02:29
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ServaHi. Anyone knows here lisp?02:29
xweblisp the programming language?02:31
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xwebthat should have its own chanel.02:32
ServaI have few qns regarding the A* search I am doing02:32
Servausing lisp02:32
Servaxweb, that channel is like all hi-fi02:32
Ahmuck /join #lisp02:32
Servai am a beginner in lisp02:32
Ahmuckah, ur low fi02:33
AhmuckA* = autocad?02:33
Servayes, very much02:33
Servanopes, heuristic search algorithm02:33
xwebServa: you trying to learn?02:33
ServaI am not exactly looking for an online tutor, just someone who could help me with few qns02:34
xwebdont know that language. if you need php, ruby, c++,java , im your man.02:35
mattrhi. where should I go to ask about what i think are some broken package dependencies?02:35
xwebshoot. I will help if i can.02:36
mattri can't install libsvn-dev because libaprutil1-dev requires libdb4.6-dev but librdf0-dev (which I need for building kdesupport from KDE SVN) needs libdb4.7-dev02:37
mattrso apt-get wants to remove libdb4.7-dev and replace it with libdb4.6-dev02:37
xwebmattr: you mixing versions.02:38
mattrxweb: hmm? i'm on intrepid and i'm not using any custom repos, so i don't understand your comment02:39
xwebmattr: i see02:39
xwebuse a newer version of libaprutil1-dev02:40
mattrwould i find one in intrepid-proposed or should I just change debian/control and build it myself?02:41
Level15offtopic: anyone here knows a lot about AI methods?02:42
Servatks xweb. :-) lisp is the first language that I am learning.02:42
Servaafter english, and a bit of german of course.02:42
xwebServa: how far allong are you?02:42
Serva4-5 lectures02:43
ServaI know the basic structure surrounded by parentheses..02:43
draikI have narrowed down my SSH issue to my Dell laptop02:59
geniiDamn Dells02:59
draikI have gotten my desktop and HP laptop to SSH into each other without an issue.02:59
draikgenii: I know. I just couldn't turn down a freebie02:59
draikI also encountered an issue with Opera. I go to crucial.com and it freezes Opera indefinitely.03:00
draikI can't use FF3 because that freezes for 2-3 minutes followed by a 5-10 second window of usage.03:01
draikKonqueror just doesn't work for me.03:01
geniiProbably their extensive use of flash is killing it03:01
draikgenii: All of a sudden? I've gone to crucial quite a few times in the past without this issue.03:02
geniidraik: The site works fine for me right now in ff303:03
draikI'm on my laptop with ff3 and it works fine, but the issue is that FF3 lags no matter what.03:03
geniilow system specs?03:04
draikSysinfo for 'Lair': Linux 2.6.24-21-generic running KDE 3.5.10, CPU: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.20GHz at 3216 MHz (6432 bogomips), HD: 539/766GB, RAM: 1299/3035MB, 130 proc's, 1.58h up03:06
Arlianini got a sad problem over here03:07
Ryan_Rohypnoldoes anyoen know anything about sound not working on Kubuntu?03:07
N_GhTArlianin: What's your problem ?03:07
Ryan_Rohypnolit's not working03:07
Ryan_Rohypnolat all03:07
Ryan_Rohypnoli have No clue why..03:07
Ryan_Rohypnoli just got it03:08
Ryan_Rohypnolsound never worked03:08
ArlianinI am trying to open a .xml file and when I select the file an error appears. The error is:03:08
N_GhTRyan_Rohypnol: Let me find a link for you, I had the same problem03:08
ArlianinThe desktop entry file        /usr/share/apps/d3lphin/servicemenus/amarock_addpodcast.desktop03:09
ArlianinI am trying to open a .xml file and when I select the file an error appears. The error is:03:09
ArlianinThe desktop entry file        /usr/share/apps/d3lphin/servicemenus/amarock_addpodcast.desktop03:09
N_GhTArlianin: Sorry, I have no clue03:10
geniiArlianin: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dolphin/+bug/19939303:11
draikOpera has now stopped working with my MySpace account.03:12
xwebArlianin: move  /usr/share/apps/d3lphin/servicemenus/amarock_addpodcast.desktop somewhere else.03:12
xwebArlianin: is does not work anyway.03:12
* draik can't wait till Christmas; 1TB HDD with a fresh install of Kubuntu 8.1003:15
Ryan_RohypnolHey everyone i wanted to mention <N_GhT> he is really nice have some respect for HIM!03:17
xwebN_GhT sucks... jk ;)03:17
N_GhTxweb is right :P03:18
* xweb wispers to N_GhT sorry dude but you where stealing the lime light03:19
draikHas anyone had issues with SSH having a segfault?03:20
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limcoredraik: I did not,  but if you have one, then better report it to proper bug trackers.03:22
limcorealso ask #ubuntu-bugs03:22
xwebdraik: that sounds bad.03:22
draiklimcore: Will do.03:23
draikxweb: How so?03:23
draikOther than it's a neusance (sp)03:23
xwebdraik: i have used ssh on 6 different distros and it never segfaulted on me.03:25
draikIt's awkward since it just happened last week out of the blue03:26
xwebin the news... it turns out that N_GhT is actuanly  awsome. xweb retracted his statement but could not be reached for comments.03:26
xwebdraik: have you gotten the latest updates?03:28
xwebdraik: does it give an error.03:29
draikYes; Segmentation Fault03:31
xwebdraik: i got nothing.  any one.03:33
MrKenniestart with dmesg03:34
draikMrKennie: ssh[2436]: segfault 00000046 eip b7dcble9 esp bfe782e8 error 403:34
MrKennieany errors just before that?03:35
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draikJust other ssh attempts03:36
MrKennietry ssh -v host03:36
MrKenniesee if anything stands out in the output03:37
draikMrKennie: http://paste.ubuntu.com/57704/03:42
MrKenniedraik: ah right after you enter the password?03:43
MrKenniedraik: can you ssh into the box by other means?03:43
draikI've tried fish, that didn't work either.03:44
MrKenniedraik: hm, do you have access to the machine?03:44
draikPhysically, yes.03:44
draikIt's about 2 feet away from my desktop and about 6 feet away from my other laptop03:44
MrKenniedraik: ok, check the logs on it03:44
draikSorry, how do I check the logs on the laptop?03:45
MrKennie dmesg, /var/log/auth03:45
MrKenniesorry, /var/log/auth.log03:46
draikYou want the log?03:46
MrKenniedraik: I have had this issue once myself, trying to remember what it was.03:47
MrKenniedraik: if it contains nothing sensitive then sure, pastebin it03:47
xwebdraik: have you tried sshing the other way?03:47
draikThis is strange03:48
draikIt appears that someone has been trying to ssh my computer all day03:48
geniidraik: Yes, that is quite commeon03:48
draikHow is someone trying to ssh my laptop common?03:48
NickPrestadraik, iptables, drop the IP03:48
draikLet me get you the log03:49
geniidraik: Because port 22 is well known port of ssh. So a lot of attacks trying logins there. Why it is a good idea to run ssh on some nonstandard port number03:49
MrKenniebearing in mind 99.9% are just bots03:50
draikOnce I get this figured out, I may need help on changing the port03:50
MrKennieit's really nothing to worry about03:50
draikI have changed the name of my laptop to *LAPTOP* and user on the laptop to *USER*03:51
MrKennieno ssh attempts in there at all03:52
geniiJust cron jobs03:54
john__pardon me.. warning.. dork question coming03:55
draikI figured the ones that are time stamped at 18:39 were my attempts.03:55
john__how does one go about find the version of kubuntu running on a system?03:55
xwebdraik: have your tried restarting the ssh server.03:55
MrKenniedraik: that's just cron, it's normal03:55
draikjohn__: lsb_release -a03:55
draikxweb: How so?03:56
MrKenniedraik: is this log from the machine your are trying to ssh into?03:56
MrKennieI see no ssh attempts at all.03:56
geniidraik: eg: sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart03:56
geniiMrKennie: Me either03:56
MrKenniedraik: try what genii suggested03:56
draikThat didn't work03:57
john__ty now for the newb one.. is there another way instead of the console?03:57
xwebdraik: on the computer your trying to connect to do. $ sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart.03:57
geniidraik: Did it give some message?03:57
draikxweb: I did.03:57
draikgenii: Yes.03:57
draikJust a moment while I get the error message on here. 3 lines.03:58
geniiProbably that it wasn't already running03:58
draikCould not load host key:  /etc/ssh/ssh_host_key03:58
MrKennieah heh03:58
draikDisabiling protocol version 1. Could not load host key03:58
draikMissing privilege separation directory: /var/empty03:58
draikThat's it03:58
geniiWhen you installed openssh-server it should have made a key03:59
draikgenii: I believe it should have as well. How can I get it to generate a new key?03:59
geniidraik: Simplest is just purge and reinstall it04:00
draikgenii: sudo apt-get remove --purge openssh-server && sudo apt-get install openssh-server      ?04:00
draikOn it04:01
MrKennieI think just removing all available keys and doing dpkg-reconfigure openssh-server will work too.04:03
mu3enanyone know how to enable suspend on the kdm login screen? is this a distro specific dead end for Kubuntu?04:03
draikErrors were encountered while processing: /var/cache/apt/archives/openssh-server_1%3a4.7pl-8ubuntu1.2_i386.deb04:03
draikE: Sub process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)04:03
MrKenniedraik: try sudo dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/openssh-server_1%3a4.7pl-8ubuntu1.2_i386.deb04:04
MrKenniedraik: you should get more info why it failed04:04
geniiThis might be why it failed install first time out04:05
draikUnablet o make backup link of `./usr/sbin/sshd' before installing new version: Operation not permitted04:05
draik*Unable to04:05
MrKennieusing sudo correct?04:06
MrKenniedraik: are you running some sort of security software?04:07
draikDarkShinigami: Is my laptop04:07
MrKennieoh heh, I got confused then04:07
geniiIf used purge then that file likely got wiped, nothing there to make abackup link of04:07
DarkShinigamiremove sshd?04:08
MrKenniethat's not /usr/sbin/sshd04:08
MrKennieits dpkg work directory of some sort. I don't know dpkg workings that well but it looks something like that04:09
MrKennieDarkShinigami: try sudo -i then dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/openssh-server_1%3a4.7pl-8ubuntu1.2_i386.deb04:10
DarkShinigamiOn it04:10
DarkShinigamidpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/openssh-server_1%3a4.7pl-8ubuntu1.2_i386.deb (--install):04:10
DarkShinigami cannot access archive: No such file or directory04:10
MrKennieah k, apt-get install openssh-server04:11
geniiWas network attached when you set this machine up?04:12
MrKennieerror msg?04:12
DarkShinigamidpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/openssh-server_1%3a4.7p1-8ubuntu1.2_i386.deb (--unpack):04:12
DarkShinigami unable to make backup link of `./usr/sbin/sshd' before installing new version: Operation not permitted04:12
MrKennieand that is using sudo -i ?04:13
MrKennieyour prompt should be like root@foo:~#04:14
MrKenniepastebin dmesg output04:14
geniiI'm starting to suspect corrupted filesystem04:18
MrKenniesomething definately isn't right04:19
MrKennieDarkShinigami: try dpkg --purge openssh-server and then try installing again04:20
DarkShinigamidpkg - warning: ignoring request to remove openssh-server which isn't installed.04:21
MrKenniels -l /usr/sbin/sshd04:22
geniiIf you install other things it will go out to internet to grab them?04:22
geniiIf so, delete the deb file and try install again04:22
geniiOr mv it somewhere04:22
geniiI had once in a while where a d/l breaks but it leaves a file remnant of the deb, then tries to install from that later failing miserably04:23
DarkShinigamiMrKennie: I did that. This is what I got...04:23
DarkShinigami-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 236456 2007-03-23 14:29 /usr/sbin/sshd04:23
DarkShinigamigenii: Where would I find the deb?04:24
MrKennieDarkShinigami: lsattr /usr/sbin/sshd04:24
DarkShinigamisu--ia------------ /usr/sbin/sshd04:24
geniiDarkShinigami: in /var/cache/apt/archives/04:24
MrKennieDarkShinigami: chattr -i /usr/sbin/sshd and try to reinstall openssh-server again04:25
* DarkShinigami crosses fingers04:26
DarkShinigamiSame error message04:26
MrKennieDarkShinigami: can you rm /usr/sbin/sshd04:26
MrKennieor better mv04:27
DarkShinigamiI did, but I wil do it again04:27
DarkShinigamiSorry, I didn't do that earlier. Thinking of something else.04:27
MrKenniemv /usr/sbin/sshd /usr/sbin/sshd.bak would be better04:27
DarkShinigamiI tried and it said that I cannot do it04:27
DarkShinigamirm: cannot remove `/usr/sbin/sshd': Operation not permitted04:27
DarkShinigamiYes, that was with sudo04:28
xwebstop ssh first.04:28
xwebsudo /etc/init.d/ssh stop04:28
DarkShinigamisudo: /etc/init.d/ssh: command not found04:29
MrKennieDarkShinigami: killall -9 sshd04:29
DarkShinigamisshd: no process killed04:30
DarkShinigamiWhat if I restart my laptop?04:31
MrKennieyou can try04:31
geniiWon't do anything for that04:31
DarkShinigamiI will reboot, just to say I did it.04:32
MrKennieI'm actually concerned it can't be deleted in the first place04:33
MrKenniecould be compromised04:33
MrKennielsattr shows an empty set for mine04:33
geniiHere too04:34
MrKenniemaybe compare md5sums04:34
geniiMrKennie: I'm suspecting as before corruption on either hd or the deb file it's installing from04:34
DarkShinigamiHello all04:35
DarkShinigamiLet me try to reinstall04:35
DarkShinigamiSame error04:38
MrKennieDarkShinigami: you runnng 64bit or 32bit?04:38
xwebDarkShinigami: sudo apt-get clean.04:38
xwebthis will clear out all your old deb file04:39
MrKennieDarkShinigami: md5sum /usr/sbin/sshd04:39
DarkShinigami77fc5d90723430d090144fcbaaacce7b  /usr/sbin/sshd04:40
MrKenniemine is f5e43bdf79235f04cfe09b2eb0e87a00  /usr/sbin/sshd04:41
geniiI'm getting on Gutsy db1cedea5afb653eb0ab3ad24cb489b7  /usr/sbin/sshd04:42
MrKennieI'm on hardy btw04:42
geniiOK lemme install sshd and check on this 8.04 box04:43
DarkShinigamiI'm on hardy, too04:43
geniif5e43bdf79235f04cfe09b2eb0e87a00  /usr/sbin/sshd04:43
geniiI highly recommend boot to recovery and running fsck04:44
jahbeezhey all04:45
MrKennieyea, I'll second that. But I wonder what the additional attributes are coming from04:45
DarkShinigamiRun into Recovery Mode and fsck the hd?04:46
jahbeezany 'nix networing gurus in here?04:46
NickPresta!ask | jahbeez04:47
ubottujahbeez: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)04:47
xwebwhat's up ( disclamer: not a real guru)04:47
jahbeezjust wondering how ubuntu handles networking versus kubuntu04:48
jahbeezon a simple home network with shared folders04:48
MrKennieDarkShinigami: can you lsattr /usr/sbin/sshd again.04:48
DarkShinigamisu---a------------ /usr/sbin/sshd04:48
MrKenniea shouldn't really be set on a bin04:50
jahbeezI've been using Kubuntu for a few years, and recently installed Ubuntu on my laptop04:50
DarkShinigamiMrKennie: What do you suggest?04:50
MrKennieDarkShinigami: chattr -a -u -s /usr/sbin/sshd and then try mv /usr/sbin/sshd /usr/sbin/sshd.bak04:51
jahbeezand Ubuntu accesses shared folders/files much easier and can play/view them04:51
DarkShinigamiMrKennie: Done04:51
MrKennieDarkShinigami: no errors?04:51
MrKennieDarkShinigami: install openssh-server04:51
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xwebjahbeez:  you have a couple option. samba lisa ssh.04:52
xweblisa is kde specific.04:53
jahbeezyeah, but do you know which uses which?04:53
xwebjahbeez:  i dont under stand?04:53
jahbeezmy beef is that in Kubuntu, I can't browse to a networked computer and click on a media file to play it04:54
jahbeezbut in Ubuntu I can04:54
jahbeezdo they use different protocols?04:54
DarkShinigamiMrKennie: Seems to be working :)04:54
MrKennieDarkShinigami: whew!04:54
MrKennieDarkShinigami: if all is well then you can rm /usr/sbin/sshd.bak04:54
DarkShinigamiMrKennie: Yup.04:55
genii DarkShinigami: After installation dblcheck the sshd file again to see if it's md5 matches the ones from earlier or not04:55
xwebjahbeez: configure lisa in system-setting  it will provide the same funtionality. samba will work the same.04:55
DarkShinigamif5e43bdf79235f04cfe09b2eb0e87a00  /usr/sbin/sshd04:55
DarkShinigamiWas that it from before?04:56
DarkShinigamiNot mine04:56
DarkShinigamiIt's the same as yours, MrKennie04:56
MrKennieDarkShinigami: both mine and genii's so you're good.04:56
MrKennieDarkShinigami: may I ask what you need sshd for?04:56
DarkShinigamiSegfault still04:57
MrKennieDarkShinigami: what I mean is are you using it just locally on your lan?04:57
DarkShinigamiI can't ssh into my desktop04:57
MrKennieDarkShinigami: so now it doesnt work the other way?04:57
DarkShinigamiYes. Just for my 2 laptops and 1 desktop04:57
jahbeezI can't find and lisa configuration in system-setting04:58
DarkShinigamiI can ssh from my desktop into my laptop04:58
DarkShinigamiI can't SSH out04:58
jahbeezin KDE 4, but I went all through system-settings when I was running KDE 304:58
jahbeezdon't remember seeing anything there either?04:58
MrKennieDarkShinigami: look into ufw and set it up so it only allows your local netblock.04:59
MrKennieDarkShinigami: for ssh that is.04:59
Omoikane_I have a little problem with my Kubuntu install.04:59
MrKennieDarkShinigami: maybe the same problem?04:59
DarkShinigamiSays that it's already installed and the latest on my desktop05:00
MrKennieDarkShinigami: sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart on your desktop work ok?05:00
xwebjahbeez: are your using kde4 or 3 now?05:00
Omoikane_I turned on the computer yesterday only to have it ask for my password over and over again. The password is correct and I can log in via tty cmd ln but I really need to log via the gui. Any ideas?05:00
jahbeezkubuntu 8.1005:01
MrKennie!ibex | jahbeez05:01
ubottujahbeez: Alpha Software: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for K/ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th 2008 - #ubuntu+1 for discussion. Kubuntu Intrepid will have KDE 4 as the default Desktop Environment - see  https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuIntrepidVersion | Warning lots of breaking software between now and October!05:02
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jahbeezI know, beta, but I've never gotten it to work in a few years of Kubuntu05:03
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MrKennieDarkShinigami: first I would verify if your problem is still the laptop or not05:03
DarkShinigamiI think it is05:03
DarkShinigamiI can SSH into the laptop, but not out05:03
MrKennieDarkShinigami: try sudo dpkg --purge openssh-client and then sudo apt-get install openssh-client05:04
DarkShinigamiIt won't let me05:05
geniiIf they were all from same CD install perhaps same issue with the openssh05:06
DarkShinigamiCheck error in PM05:06
MrKennieDarkShinigami: try sudo dpkg --purge --force-all openssh-client and then sudo apt-get install openssh-client05:06
MrKennieDarkShinigami: don't make the habit of using force-all btw. in this case I we can get away with it.05:07
DarkShinigamiMrKennie: I have never used prior to today. I am used to sudo apt-get remove --purge PACKAGE05:08
xwebjahbeez: use samba05:08
jahbeezthat's what I've been using05:08
DarkShinigamiMrKennie: Ok. Back to square one with openssh-client05:08
MrKennieDarkShinigami: error?05:08
jahbeezbut in KDE I can't just browse to a remote computer and play a file05:08
jahbeezis it the player or is it the protocol?05:08
DarkShinigamiMrKennie: Check PM05:09
MrKennieDarkShinigami: sudo lsattr /usr/bin/ssh05:09
xwebjahbeez:  is it the browsing thats not working or the playing.05:09
MrKenniesome players can't resolve things like smb:/05:10
jahbeezthe playing, I can browse remote computers fine05:10
MrKenniemost kde apps should though05:10
DarkShinigamiMrKennie: su--ia------------ /usr/bin/ssh05:10
MrKennieDarkShinigami: sudo chattr -i -a /usr/bin/ssh05:11
MrKennieDarkShinigami: sudo mv /usr/bin/ssh /usr/bin/ssh.bak05:11
MrKennieDarkShinigami: then reinstall client05:11
MrKennieDarkShinigami: if it works remove the .bak file05:11
DarkShinigamiLOL: No wonder I can't install right now; "insteal" is not correct (depending on context)05:12
DarkShinigamiNope. :(  Same error message as first PM05:12
xwebjahbeez: audio or video.05:12
DarkShinigamiSorry, 2nd PM, not first05:13
MrKennieDarkShinigami: did mv'ing ssh work?05:13
MrKennieand it still complains about /usr/bin/ssh?05:13
DarkShinigamiMrKennie: Check PM05:14
MrKennieoh my05:14
MrKennieDarkShinigami: for every file it complains about, you need to do the chattr -i -a thing to them and then back them up05:15
MrKenniethis time it is /usr/bin/scp it will probably complain about /usr/bin/sftp too05:16
DarkShinigamiDo it to scp?05:16
DarkShinigamisftp now?05:16
MrKennieretry install05:16
DarkShinigamiAnything else to chattr -i -a ?05:16
DarkShinigamiOk. Reinstalling05:16
MrKennieremove the backups05:17
DarkShinigamiWhat backups?05:17
DarkShinigamiKinda forgot that step05:18
DarkShinigamiSSH works05:18
MrKennieDarkShinigami: oh, ok no worries then05:18
MrKennieDarkShinigami: how old is this install?05:18
DarkShinigamiNow I can't SSH into it05:18
DarkShinigamiThat was my fault05:18
DarkShinigamiForgot to restart SSH05:18
MrKennieDarkShinigami: how old is the install?05:18
DarkShinigamiHow do I check?05:19
MrKennieDarkShinigami: well, how long ago did you install kubuntu?05:19
DarkShinigami The actual install was from 6.0605:19
DarkShinigamiI've just been doing the upgrades05:19
MrKennieDarkShinigami: ok. run sudo ssh-vulnkey05:20
DarkShinigamiI have 2 Not Blacklisted keys05:20
MrKennieDarkShinigami: ok, run without sudo too05:21
DarkShinigamiOk. Same keys, but ending is root@*LAPTOP*05:22
MrKennielong as they show as not blacklisted you should be ok05:23
MrKennieDarkShinigami: I suggest reading this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw05:24
mrksbrdxweb: u still here?05:24
MrKennieDarkShinigami: also as genii suggested earlier, reboot into recovery mode and do a fsck05:24
DarkShinigamiIs this the correct syntax: sudo fsck /dev/sda1   ?05:25
mrksbrdthis damn thing isn't working again05:25
MrKennieDarkShinigami: you can also do sudo touch /forcefsck and it will do a fsck on your next reboot.05:26
DarkShinigamiDo that now?05:26
MrKennieif you want.05:26
DarkShinigamiI do.05:26
DarkShinigamiMrKennie: Thank you SO MUCH.05:27
MrKennieDarkShinigami: I would also be tempted to investigate why your ssh binaries got messed up the way they did05:27
DarkShinigamiI will have to cancel the bug. How should I end the bug report?05:27
MrKennienot sure actually, lol05:27
MrKennieyou could just add a comment and say you solved it05:27
MrKennieI'm not sure if you can close it yourself, that's all.05:28
MrKennieDarkShinigami: I'm not sure how good rootkit scanners are but it wouldn't hurt to install something and run a quick scan.05:29
DarkShinigamiI'll get to it tomorrow when I have time to record everything for the bug.05:29
MrKennieDarkShinigami: read that url I pasted earlier, it explains how to setup ufw, it's pretty easy really.05:30
DarkShinigamiThanks. I will05:30
DarkShinigamiGoodnight all.05:31
DarkShinigamiMrKennie: Thanks a million!05:31
MrKennieDarkShinigami: you're welcome.05:31
DarkShinigamiMake it a million and one LOL05:32
MrKennieI'm still concerned why his bins got like that in the first place, but then, I'm paranoid. :P05:35
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microchipv420heys everybody. for some reason, everything i download opens with kate, how can i correct this?05:35
MrKenniemicrochipv420: what are you using to download?05:36
microchipv420MrKennie: konqueror05:37
MrKenniemicrochipv420: it's most likely file assocations05:37
microchipv420everything from kde-look.org, for example, everything, even emerald themes open with kate05:37
nicolas_hi, im using kubuntu hardy and i want to install opensuse in the same machine without unisntalling kubuntu, creating a partition for both distro, how can i do it?05:37
microchipv420MrKennie: how can i correct the file association, is in konqueror only?05:38
MrKenniemicrochipv420: tools -> Configure Konqueror05:39
MrKenniesorry, settings -> configure konq..05:39
microchipv420MrKennie: ok, i will try, brb05:40
Sifonnicolas: You don't want to format the drive?05:41
nicolas_no, i want to keep my actual system as it is, and install suse without touching kubuntu05:42
nicolas_can it be done?05:42
SifonNot to my knowledge.05:42
nicolas_creating a partition in my harddrive half for each distro05:42
SifonPartitions have to be created at the begining, there's no way to splinter one as far as I'm aware05:43
nicolas_but when im installing kubuntu it let me install the distro without touching the sistem05:43
SifonI believe it automatically creates the partition on the disk05:44
SifonThere's a tool called Hiro's boot disk, it has a partition editor on it, if you can create a new partition, that's probably your best bet05:45
Sifondownload the .iso and give it a shot05:45
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microchipv420MrKennie: are you still around friend?05:48
MrKenniemicrochipv420: sort of, was about to hit the sack :)05:49
microchipv420i need a little more help than i thought with correcting the file association issue05:49
microchipv420okay, get some rest :)05:49
microchipv420ty vm for your help05:49
microchipv420can anyone else help me sort out a file association issue? everything opens with kate for some reason, even emerald themes05:50
livinglegend912hello can someone help me, I'm at installing linux05:58
livinglegend912someone help please05:59
xweblivinglegend912: what do you need?06:00
livinglegend912yeah I just installed the beta of ubuntu and it say install windows so I did that06:00
xwebwas windows already installed?06:01
livinglegend912and I rebooted and its a dual boot so i choice ubuntu but it takes me to a dos promp06:01
livinglegend912yes windows was already installed06:01
xwebdid you install window or linux first.06:01
livinglegend912and I installed linux in inside of it because that was a choice in the ubuntu06:02
xwebcan you still get into windows?06:03
xwebvista of xp.06:04
xwebhave you tried reinstalling it.06:06
livinglegend912well it boots06:06
livinglegend912but i get no gui06:06
livinglegend912like i need to type something like sudo apt-get install unbuntu-desktop06:07
livinglegend912I just dont know what to typre06:07
xwebwhat does the prompt look like?06:08
livinglegend912it say a bunch of weird stuff06:09
livinglegend912its not like a dos prompt its like a ubuntu prompt06:09
livinglegend912it says something like User adminstrator "root"06:10
xweblike that?06:11
livinglegend912how do i get to the gui06:12
xwebtype $ startx06:12
xwebdont type the $06:13
livinglegend912i tried that06:13
livinglegend912and that didnt work06:13
livinglegend912said something like unknown06:14
livinglegend912i also tried sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop and that did something weird but didnt work06:14
livinglegend912i think thats for servers though06:14
xwebtype $ ls06:15
livinglegend912anything else?06:15
livinglegend912i have to restart my machine to try it06:16
xwebwhat did it do?06:16
livinglegend912anything else you can tell me to try before i reboot06:16
xwebthis is the problem. you need a network connection to install ubuntu desktop.06:16
xwebthe software is on the internet.06:17
livinglegend912i have the disc06:17
livinglegend912i downloaded the disc06:17
xwebit should have installed it. thats why i sujested your reinstall.06:17
livinglegend912it did but i just cant see the gui06:18
livinglegend912is there anyway to start up the gui06:18
livinglegend912like in that whole command promt06:18
xwebdid you get an error when your typed startx?06:19
mu3enno ideas about this kdm configuration question? is it really that tricky?06:24
xwebmu3en: what was it?06:26
mu3enxweb, adding/enabling a suspend button06:28
xwebkde 3?06:29
mu3enxweb, yeah06:29
mu3enxweb hardy06:29
mu3enxweb, i can suspend from inside my session, but not in kdm06:29
xwebinstall kpowersaved and the powersaved daemon06:29
mu3enwill that be safe for otherwise working setup?06:30
mu3ensince i have working suspend, processor stepping etc... already working good06:30
livinglegend912you there man06:34
xwebmu3en: have your tried $ sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm06:34
livinglegend912i tried ls and all it said was desktop in blue and took me back to the prompt06:34
xwebo you mean ls.06:35
livinglegend912what when I typed startx it said saw signal 11 server aboration06:35
livinglegend912or something06:35
xwebdid it list a lot of stuff befor aborting.06:35
mu3enxweb, will try that first. i see kpowersave and powersaved are both NOT installed right now.06:35
xwebmu3en: after you reconfigure logout and log back in and it should work.06:36
xwebwe are look ing for lines that start EE thats the error lines. It is probably your video card is not set up.06:37
xwebwhat card do your have?06:37
livinglegend912should I just reinstall06:37
mu3enjust to check, xweb, the dpkg-reconfigure should not reintroduce the kubuntu specific faceplating?06:37
mu3enahh well, at worst i can go back and rewrite the files again...06:38
xwebmu3en: are your using kdm or gdm?06:38
xwebmu3en: what do your mean  faceplating?06:39
xweblivinglegend912: yes. uninstall it in windows first and pay attentions to the options while installing.06:39
gkffjcsis there a kde equivalent to the .hidden file used by nautilus to hid non . files?06:40
mu3enkubuntu references a file kubuntu_default_setting_60 or something similar to 'theme' the login06:40
livinglegend912should it boot right into the gui?06:40
xweblivinglegend912: this is a whole os not a simple app06:40
livinglegend912i know06:40
xweblivinglegend912: yesy06:40
mu3ento get control over it with kcontrol module, that all has to be overwritten06:40
mu3enanyway, i've logged out, and i guess it has not changed the theme related setup06:41
mu3enand, still only have options to shut down or restart06:41
mu3enso maybe i should try to install kpowersave and powersaved06:41
xwebmu3en: backup the file and restore it later.06:41
mu3enxweb, no worries i have backups of this all anyway06:41
xweblivinglegend912: that was a yes.06:42
mu3enxweb, will kpowersave, etc... remove the default power manager, and if so, is that bad?06:42
xwebmu3en: get the buttons working first. you suing kde 3 or 4?06:43
gkffjcsis there a way to make kde hide non dot files?06:43
mu3enkde3, xweb, completely standard from kubuntu hardy cd install06:43
mu3enxweb, ked4 is on another box, and that's  whole 'nother world of pain06:44
xwebmake sure your using 4.1.206:44
mu3eni'll go and check that box out as soon as i get this suspend thing working...grin06:45
xwebthe one that came on the cd was like
mu3enhold on hold on, the kde4 distros are 'experimental', i'm using the official kde3 on this suspend in kdm issue06:45
mu3enand on the kde4 box, i'm pretty sure i've updated with the latest kde4 bits 'n pieces06:46
xwebi was just pointing it out because 4.0.1 is so incomplete. Not that 4.2 is ready for prime time.06:46
mu3enbut that's for #kubuntu-kde4...06:46
mu3enhe he he, true true06:47
mu3enso on this kde3, i should try kpowersave...?06:47
xwebit was busy last night06:47
xwebsucks today.06:47
xwebdo the reconfigure first.06:47
mu3enxweb, done the reconfigure, still only shutdown and restart after x restart06:48
mu3enso, no change06:48
xwebthe log out and log back in and to see if the options show up.06:48
metbsdi wanna install and use kubuntu4 from a 2G usb stick, is it ok?06:50
mu3enlogged out, restarted x server again, logged out, in, out restart x server, still only 'restart' and 'power off' under the shutdown popup06:50
mu3engonna restart the machine and see06:51
xwebtry $ sudo apt-get install powersaved kpowersave06:51
mu3enxweb, cool, it's already in the buffer, soon as the reboot confimrs this hasn't work06:51
xwebmmetbsd: it might be doable.06:51
metbsdhow doable06:52
xwebmu3en: k06:52
xwebstart here. http://www.pendrivelinux.com/2008/05/15/usb-kubuntu-804-persistent-install-via-the-live-cd/06:52
metbsdproblem is i canot even boot into live dvd06:53
metbsdsays SQUASHFS error: Unable to read page, block .. size f68806:53
xwebmetbsd: did you md5 the dvd?06:54
mu3enit will remove apmd and powernowd06:54
metbsdhow to md5 the dvd06:54
metbsdi can md5 the iso06:55
xwebmu3en: its a 1 for 1 replacement.06:55
xwebpowersaved does all of that on apm and acpi machines.06:55
mu3enchunky package06:55
xwebjust remember what your removed.06:55
mu3enand adept-manager gui says it's 'officially supported'06:56
xwebits the prefered kde3 power managment utility.06:56
xwebhas a functional tray icon and switch power profiles auto or manual.06:57
mu3enstrange it doesn't install by default06:57
xwebits primarily intended for laptop installs.06:57
xwebmost desktop installs won't use all its features.06:58
mu3eni get it...06:58
mu3enis there a meta package for laptops?06:59
xweblaptop-mode-tools - Scripts to spin down hard drive and save power06:59
xwebubuntu-laptop-mode - Support for reducing hard drive power consumption06:59
xwebthe second one.06:59
mu3encool, i'm rebooting now.07:00
xwebmetbsd: yes07:00
metbsdplz tell me how, im on windows07:00
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xwebthe original md5 sum can be found on the ftp servers next to the iso07:01
metbsdi mean the dvd md507:01
xwebthe cd has a self check when you boot it.07:01
metbsdhow to get it07:01
xwebstart here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes07:02
metbsdhow do i get md5 of a dvd?07:02
metbsdhow do i get md5 of a dvd? so i can compare md5 of dvd to md5 of iso?07:02
=== fReAky_t is now known as freaky_t
xwebhow did your download the dvd?07:04
metbsdno i didn't download dvd, i bought a blank dvd07:05
metbsdi dl a live iso07:05
metbsdiso for live cd07:05
metbsdfor kubuntu07:05
mu3enafter reboot, the option is still not on the login screen..07:05
mu3enstill just restart and power off07:08
rogannew to kubuntu have a few questions.. send me a pm if you dont mind answering a few ?s07:08
mu3enbut this is a nicer power manager, so no worries.07:08
xwebwhat is the name of the iso.07:08
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xweb957e8329f346543027a247b06cc58853 *kubuntu-8.04.1-alternate-amd64.iso07:11
xweb5de105f1e2acb0a7019a636c98454e0d *kubuntu-8.04.1-alternate-i386.iso07:11
xwebe171680df385cf07e6dbe339b59f2999 *kubuntu-8.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso07:11
xwebe0b9861df26c54acfd62bf35abe859f6 *kubuntu-8.04.1-desktop-i386.iso07:11
xwebthese are the md5 sums.07:13
xwebyour should be able  to find a windows sum checker online for free.07:13
mu3enxweb, unfortunately, virtually zero change in functionality, except that suspend to ram became hella slower.07:23
mu3endespite the nicer interface07:23
xwebit does a lot of check for different laptops features.07:24
xweblike vaios special powermangement07:25
xwebmore reliable across different hardware but slower bacause of it.07:26
* xweb looks at freaky_t suspiciously07:30
freaky_thello :D07:30
freaky_tim freaky_t and im on kubuntu intrepid ;D07:31
freaky_tSysinfo for 'loopy': Linux 2.6.27-7-generic running KDE 4.1.2 (KDE 4.1.2), CPU: Intel(R)Core2QuadCPUQ6600@2.40GHz at 1603 MHz (4788 bogomips), HD: 90/611GB, RAM: 1101/3038MB, 154 proc's, 28.58min up07:31
mu3enxweb, good good call07:31
mu3enthat applies, nvidia for me07:32
* xweb nods approvingly07:32
mu3eni'll give it a try07:32
mu3enthough i don't use compiz07:33
frozzenfiredid u ping me mate?07:33
xwebfreaky_t: how you liking it so far?07:33
frozzenfirexweb: did u ping me mate?07:33
xwebsorry t thought i lost my connection.07:34
freaky_tit's cool there are just a few problems eg. when i rightclick on a menu item (kmenu) and press add to favourites it displays a default icon under favourites (some gear) also kdevelop can't compile programs says command not found and i've installed build essential someone said, it was because my libtool was broken07:34
frozzenfirexweb: np i was just checking if u needed anything... anyways back to studies now07:34
mu3enxweb, damn, server-xgl is not installed07:34
freaky_tand mp3s can't be played since a few days07:34
freaky_tbut desktop effects and the nvidia driver are working ;D07:35
freaky_talso sometimes when i boot up my pc doesnt stop to beep i then have to restart it - then it works - i don't know it cant load some graphic buffers or smth. at boot time sometimes07:35
xwebthere is gonna be a lot of breakage in intrepid leading up to the release as they hash out the final.07:35
freaky_tyea and when they release the final versions hopefully they get a lot of more bugreports so they fix my stuff ;D07:36
xwebyou should definitly submit your complaints.  it would be a big help.07:37
freaky_tim too lazy07:37
mu3enweb, but thanks for trying...i feel it's a bit of a black hole, and i'm not even sure if it's a bug, i just don't think it's a feature07:37
freaky_twhen is intrepid going to be released again?07:38
xwebfreaky_t: just setup your pop email and install bugzilla.07:38
xweboct 30 i think07:38
freaky_tok 15 days07:39
freaky_txweb: why should i install bugzilla? oO07:39
xwebit pops up when stuff crashes an makes a email to submit a bug report.07:39
xwebi think thats the right app.07:40
freaky_tapport does the same i guess07:40
freaky_ti keep getting "an application crashed" messages like kwin crashes on my sigsegv07:40
freaky_tbut when i try to submit it asks me if it is one of the allready reported bugs, but i can't know so i just leave it alone07:43
xwebi got them mixed up bugzilla is for mozilla07:43
xwebyeah that sound like a lot of work.07:43
xwebwhy dont you just report bugs on one app or utility. that would reduce the work.07:44
freaky_twhat do you mean?07:44
xwebi know amaroke kde4 could use some bug reporting.07:44
xwebcrashed on me 6 times today.07:45
freaky_tare u on intrepid?07:45
xwebplay list no working well.07:45
xwebno but i do have the latest kde4.07:45
freaky_tim on intrepid and for me amarok can't play mp3 files says no demuxer plugin or whatever found07:45
xwebinstall lame07:46
xwebor the lates gstreamer.07:47
xwebdo you have the medibuntu repos?07:47
freaky_twhat medibuntu repos?07:48
freaky_tit should work07:48
freaky_ti installed kubuntu-restricted-extras07:48
xwebwhat version of amarok do you have?07:49
josh_who? me (btw im new)07:49
freaky_ti don't need medibuntu repos07:50
xwebim using 1.92.107:50
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xwebit has plasma integration.07:50
xwebjosh_: hey welcome to #kubuntu07:51
josh_it says 1.94.1 for me07:51
josh_hey hi!07:51
josh_good to be here07:51
freaky_txweb: i don't need it ;D07:52
freaky_tim happy with kubuntu07:52
jmodI'm loving the New Kubuntu 8.10 KDE 4.107:52
xwebjosh_: are you having trouble getting dynamic playlists to work right?07:52
freaky_tjmod: yea it's cool :D07:52
josh_never tryed it. hang on brb07:52
jmodfrickin rocks07:52
freaky_ti just don't like the window decorations and i have no desktop-effect for windowing/maximizing windows :(07:52
xwebfreaky_t: medibuntu is no another distro. it provides stuff like mp3 support that was take out of the official release.07:53
josh_no mine is cool play's real nice07:53
freaky_toh cool wait07:53
josh_i have medibuntu.07:53
dianneHi, I've got a new laptop (Dell Vostro) and I'm trying to get the wireless networking happening. I've followed the instructions athttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Hardy andhttp://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/b43 but still nothing... and I'm new to wireless networking07:54
Reed_Solomonso the driver isn't loading07:54
diannei don't think so07:55
jmodMedibuntu uh never heard of that07:55
josh_not supported yet maybe?07:55
diannei keep getting an error that it parse the XML07:55
xwebpre pakaged b43 drivers07:55
jmodI see beta?07:55
xwebdianne:  http://ubuntu.cafuego.net/07:55
josh_dianne: which model of Vostro07:56
freaky_txweb: i've added the repos07:56
josh_1000, 2510, etc07:56
freaky_txweb: still no demux plugin found07:56
xwebrefresh and enjoy07:56
josh_cool thx.07:57
xwebfreaky_t: are you using adept_manager07:57
freaky_tno im using the command line07:57
xwebfreaky_t: apt-get update07:57
freaky_tdid taht07:57
xwebapt-get install win32-codecs07:57
freaky_tcan i list only those files in the medibuntu repos in adept_manager?07:57
freaky_tdid that07:58
xwebnot sure.07:58
josh_ok from wat i can see here the wireless is an external device eg usb dongle is this true?07:58
diannenot in the laptop07:58
josh_so is the wireless builtin?07:58
dianneit's an internal broadcom07:58
xwebdianne: did you check out the b43xx drivers link?07:58
Reed_Solomonwell the question is, is the driver being loaded?  Where is the xml error coming from07:59
Reed_Solomonif the driver is loaded, the problem is with a script somewhere07:59
Reed_Solomonnetwork manager or whatever07:59
Reed_Solomonas far as i can fathom08:00
mrksbrddianne: do you need the driver?08:00
diannexweb: i think that's the one at "linux Wireless" isn't it?08:01
diannemrksbrd: i don't know exactly what i need at the moment08:01
dianneI've done a tail |dmesg08:01
mrksbrddid u install ndiswrapper yet?08:01
dianneand i get something about the firmware is too new08:02
xwebdianne: i have had 3 laptop including the one im using that user these driver08:02
mrksbrddianne: have u installed ndiswrapper?08:03
freaky_twhy do i have 3 package manager installed08:03
xwebwhich ones.08:04
xwebfreaky_t: synaptic will let you list only packages from a specific repo.08:04
freaky_thm, thanks08:05
jmodI am having one problem though I can't seem to get my ntfs drive to mount any more and that's where i keep my music any Ideas?08:06
jmodis dolphin the problem?08:07
mrksbrdjmod: do u have ntfs-3g installed?08:07
jmodhumm don't know I'll check08:08
mrksbrdgoto adept and search it, if checked already it is installed08:09
bentob0xis 8.10 beta is stable enough to use it on an everyday basis?08:09
mrksbrdnever made it past install08:10
bentob0xassuming that if I install it today, on the 30th it'll update to the full version08:10
bentob0xk might skip that one then08:10
mrksbrdi don't like the feel of kde 4, not sure if i will ever update08:11
jmodLooks like I didn't have that installed so i'm going to install NTFS Configuration tool and MountManager what do you think?08:13
=== MaMauntaMa is now known as bibekshrestha
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mrksbrdjust try ntfs-3g, should install everything u need08:15
vikkuHi all08:18
vikkuMy konqueror is crashing time and again http://pastebin.com/f50b4a53208:18
vikkuthats the backtrace08:18
vikkuany suggestions pls08:18
jmod"ntfs-3g" isn't an option but NTFS Configuration tool "ntfs-config" is that's what Adept is telling me they redid thee apt in 8.10 I think anyway thanks08:19
MariachiElfAnyone have any experience with xinit failing even in "Safe Graphics" mode08:22
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* MariachiElf is trying to install on Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 under Windows Vista Ultimate08:22
mrksbrdoh didn't know u were using 8.1008:23
jmodyeah I said it earlyer sorry for leaving that out08:24
diannei didn't know 8.1 was out yet08:24
jmodit's in beta08:24
baudthiefI have a folder named "--inrtest" that I'm trying to rename via shell, but the command keeps interpreting the double dashes as switches08:24
mrksbrdMariachiElf: windows is your prob08:25
baudthiefhow do I escape dashes?08:25
mrksbrdoh ok....didn't see that earlier.....my fault08:25
jmodjust testing it, seems ok so far08:25
jmodno prob08:25
mrksbrddianne: stil in beta08:25
mrksbrdsupposed to released @ end of month08:26
dianneand i just got settled into 8.0408:26
MariachiElfmrksbrd: I agree -- but unless my need for Windows changes -- I'm stuck with it08:26
mrksbrdstay with it for a bit08:26
jmodyeah I did to but then I was like what the h*ll why not08:26
mrksbrdwine can run some windows apps08:26
* MariachiElf is also going to try VMWare Server08:27
MariachiElfmrksbrd: It's more about being able to use the environment my end users use :)08:27
mrksbrdwhat r u trying to run?08:27
MariachiElfmrksbrd: Websites with ActiveX controls08:28
jmodyes i see I haven't got to trying that with this set up yet08:29
mrksbrdmake them or view them?08:29
MariachiElfmrksbrd: I've thought long and hard and Windows is here to stay08:29
mrksbrdgood luck especially with vista08:29
* MariachiElf nods.08:30
maurice_moin ^^08:30
mrksbrdthat POS os was my last straw08:30
MariachiElfIf I can't make any headway with MS Virtual PC then I'll try VMWare Server08:30
mrksbrdalmost threw my 1500.00 laptop out the window08:30
jmodyeah mine crashed hard I could even get it to restor and I said that's it never again!!! >?/08:31
MariachiElfdoh  - I'm out of time08:31
mrksbrdi know the feeling08:31
MariachiElfNeed to head to bed08:31
MariachiElfI'll try back later08:31
jmodyeah same here08:31
MariachiElfthanks all08:31
mrksbrddianne: still there?08:32
baudthiefSeriously, I cant believe nobody's had this problem before :P08:33
diannexweb is helping me.. and my internet connection is slow08:33
mrksbrddid u find the driver yet & install ndiswrapper?08:33
mrksbrdoh ok08:34
=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\
lain_wiredHiya all.08:40
lain_wiredI'm on a network with a Windows computer, which has a printer attached to it.08:41
lain_wiredHow do I use this printer?08:41
jmodI see08:41
lain_wiredSorry for being painfully vague.08:41
jmoduh ROFL08:41
lain_wiredI'm not sure what information to supply.08:41
lain_wiredI attempted to add the printer to the list of available printers - however thr driver I needed wasn't present.08:42
lain_wiredI used sane-find-scanner and it doesn't seem to see the printer.08:43
xwebthere was a guy here asking about escaping a -.08:43
xwebwho was that?08:44
jmodI know it's was ... brb08:44
jmodyep that's him08:45
mu3enany one else have any ideas about getting suspend option on kdm login screen?08:47
xwebthe login screen or the log out screen?08:48
xwebthat has to do with your theme08:49
mu3enxweb, still not i guess.08:49
mu3eni can't see any options in kdmrc for that08:49
mu3ennor in kcontrol08:51
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows08:52
diannexweb: it's worked THANK YOU08:54
xwebmu3en: i dont have it on the login screen in kde408:55
xwebdianne: your welcome08:55
mu3enxweb, no, i think it's kubuntu wide08:55
lain_wiredHi again.08:56
lain_wiredI'm using kubuntu, and I am on a network with several windows boxes. On of the XP boxes has a printer attached.08:56
mu3enxweb, but there is no real solution i can find, and very very few references generally08:56
lain_wiredKubuntu apparently can not see this printer, and as such, can not use it.08:56
xweblain_wired: you need samba install.08:57
lain_wiredThat's funny, I could have sworn I had installed it.08:57
lain_wiredOkay, got samba.08:58
lain_wiredWhat now?08:58
xwebwhat windows printer do you have?08:59
lain_wiredEpson CX390008:59
Saka_hi all09:01
lain_wiredOddly, the specific driver for that is missing09:03
lain_wiredsane still can't find the printer. :(09:03
xweblain_wired: http://openprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=Epson-Stylus_CX390009:04
xweblain_wired: you do know sane is scanner software?09:06
lain_wiredThat's why I used it to scan for attached printers.09:07
xwebyou attaching it directy to the linux box?09:07
lain_wiredNo, I assumed it would see them over the network, but judging by your question, I was wrong.09:08
jmodthis is getting interesting!09:10
lain_wiredIS it?09:10
lain_wiredAlso I've installed that particular driver twice and it does not appear in the list of available drivers, and to the best of my knowledge, Ubuntu can not see the printer.09:11
xwebhow is the printer attacged usb?09:15
jmodyeah and isn't atached to a WIN BOX09:16
xwebhow is the printer attached.09:16
xwebthen linux will never see it. just the print queue.09:17
xwebbrb i need to check a box with kde 3 on  it.09:17
lain_wiredOh right. kk09:17
xwebkmenu ->system settings ->printers09:19
xwebadd -> smb printer (windows)09:20
jmodwhat version of windows (xp 2000 yes!) is running on the computer that the printer is attached too?09:22
Brydennhey guys, ... what do i need to do to manually change my name server permenetly to ?09:23
Brydenni dont want my modem to find its own as its hacked hehe09:23
xwebyou mean your ip09:23
Brydennno i mean the name server... or DNS server09:24
Brydennwhatever you wanna call it09:24
xwebon the internet right?09:24
Brydennwell ya to get on the internet09:25
Brydenncuz if my modem trys to use my ISPs name server it wont get online09:25
Brydenni'll juts get the "welcome to comcast" screen09:25
lain_wiredjmod: XP09:25
xweblain_wired: when you get to the screen that asks for the driver click other and point it to the ppd file you downloaded from that link.09:26
lain_wiredI downloaded a ppd file? O_O09:26
Brydenni think i remember someone teling me about a little "hack" you could do in the resolv.conf to make it so it never changed09:26
xweblain_wired: http://openprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=Epson-Stylus_CX390009:27
lain_wiredYes, from there I downloaded a deb file. O_O09:28
lain_wiredNo ppd file though09:28
xweblain_wired: have you installed the deb?09:32
lain_wiredYes. Twice.09:33
lain_wiredhaha missed an step09:33
xweblain_wired: this is the driver Epson Stylus CX380509:33
lain_wiredIt still can't detect the printer09:34
lain_wiredOkay, just so we're clear, the driver is not an issue yet09:34
lain_wiredI can't even SEE the printer.09:35
xweblain_wired: kmenu ->system settings ->printers09:37
lain_wiredYes, and?09:37
lain_wiredI did all that.09:37
xwebclick add09:38
lain_wiredI've done this, just before09:38
lain_wiredIt has PDF as the only available option.09:38
xwebdid you install cups foomatic and ghostscript?09:40
sash__unreg(pardon for crossposting -_- ) I have /dev/sda [ /dev/sda1, /dev/sda5, /dev/sda6, /dev/sda7 ]. What n in (hd0,n) would /dev/sda6 correspond to?09:40
sash__unregGRUB's notorius for counting partitions the other way...09:40
jmodis the printer on!09:40
xweblain_wired:  did you install cups foomatic and ghostscript?09:41
xwebsash__unreg: (hd0,5)09:42
ActionParsnipyo yo yo09:43
sash__unregthanks xweb09:43
sash__unreghope you didn't miss :-P09:43
lain_wiredyes, I did install those.09:44
ActionParsnipwow theres some chat in here, im amazed09:52
mu3enso, any ideas on how to enable suspend at the login screen?10:00
ActionParsnipwhy would you want to10:02
ActionParsnipsuspend is a BIG pain in the ass to setup10:02
ActionParsnipand takes long to boot than a cold boot10:02
jmodwell it's been fun good night all10:02
=== jmod is now known as jmod_
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Tm_TActionParsnip: 2 seconds up from suspend?10:03
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ActionParsnipi dont use it but ive seen enough people moaning about it to know to avoid it10:10
ActionParsnipand how after coming back from suspend loads of stuff doesnt wake up10:10
ActionParsnipits just not worth the hastle and considering raid makes drive access faster, im sure i can wait an extra few seconds rather than bust my balls trying to get hibernate working10:11
needhelpFailed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy-security/main/source/Sources.bz2  Hash Sum mismatc10:17
needhelphi why am i gteting this when doing apt-get update10:18
ActionParsnipneedhelp: try browsing it in your favourite web browser to see if its there10:19
needhelpyep it is10:19
ActionParsnipneedhelp: guessing by Hash Sum mismatc, its not downloaded correctly. try sudo apt-get update10:20
sash__unregoh my. grub-install screwed up somehow and the kubuntu installer from the livecd died10:21
needhelpyup sudo apt-get update... that's how i get into this error10:22
ActionParsnipsash__unreg: surely you just need to install grub from the live cd10:22
sash__unregyep, did so.10:22
ActionParsnip!grub | sash__unreg10:22
ubottusash__unreg: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto10:22
sash__unregthough it didn't install menu.lst - was left on my own with the grub command prompt after rebooting. After 3 attemts, managed to boot into installed kubuntu ^_^10:24
ActionParsnipsash__unreg: sweet move dude10:24
sash__unregthough, I guess, it's not the proper way of installing a home/n00b-oriented system10:26
ActionParsnipsash__unreg: its the best way to learn10:26
sash__unregdo I "trust" or "always trust" my mouse?10:31
silsonI wanted to know when web apps like thinkfree save their java cache, how do I find it to clean it after I've decided not to use it after all (it's glacially slow) ?10:31
atcchi guys.. does anyone know how to use eeepc asus with sony ericsson mobile phone as a modem?10:31
ActionParsnipsash__unreg: why would you not trust your mouse10:31
silsonI tried this in ubuntu java but it seems to be avery quiet group :(10:31
ActionParsnipsilson: do you mean coding?10:32
sash__unregyep, but the bluez thingy asks about it =)))10:32
silsonActionParsnip  I'm not absolutely sure. Thinkfree says it has to save some stuff and then it loads10:32
atcceeepc asus has a default os of linux.. i dont know if its a ubuntu version of linux10:33
silsonI looked in .java but it's a complicated folder structure those Sun boys have there :(10:33
silsonTher eis about 50 subfolders in the cache10:33
silsonI suppose it wouldn't really hurt to remove it all?10:34
ActionParsnipatcc: its sabayon based distro10:34
ActionParsnipsilson: so you put what in that foldr, then what exactly loads?10:35
atccactionparsnip: so what will i do to use my mobile phone as modem in my eeepc asus notebook?10:35
silsonI'm hearing a lot about sabayon lately - never even heard the name last month - is this going to be the new trendy distro on the block :)10:35
silsonIt's afrench dessert isn't it10:35
silsonNever tasted it mind10:35
=== atcc is now known as eyzee
ActionParsnipsilson: its been around a while10:36
silsonsilson a java based office suite loads10:36
silsonWell at least the component you choose anyway10:37
ActionParsnipatcc: id jump over to the #eeepc room or read the eeepcuser forum10:37
silsonthen it saves docs in the .thinkfree/temp folder10:37
ActionParsnipsilson: you mean openoffice?10:37
silsonsilson no10:38
silsonMaybe you should look at thinkfree.com10:38
silsonI might not be explaining it very well10:38
silsonOr maybe it's just hard to explain10:38
silsonIf you have time I mean10:38
eyzeeactionparsnip: in the forum there's no topic that came up re: my probs10:39
ActionParsnipeyzee: then log a new post10:39
silsonIt's more like Google Docs actionparsnip10:39
silsonBut it's java based and has alot more features10:39
silsonWhen it first loads it says it has to save something to the Java cache10:40
ActionParsnipsilson: ive not used googledocs10:40
silsonI assumed this meant to /home/username/.java/deployment/cache/10:41
silsonBut that folder has too many folders to search through so I was hoping someone was familiar with it10:41
eyzeeactionparsnip: i think i'll do that tnx10:42
silsonIn fact it has 62 subfolders - which is a bit daunting :(10:43
sash__unregrm -rf won't do the trick?10:44
silsonactionparsnip is there no Java equivalent of?10:44
sash__unregdamnit. that kubuntu8.10/kde4.1.2 looks so nice, it makes me wish to forget what I wanted it for10:45
ActionParsnipsilson: im not that conversant with java. only got iced-tea on my 64bit rig to give me a plugin10:46
silsonIt does look good sash__unreg10:46
silsonI will stay with Hardy for now though.10:46
silsonActionParsnip Java don't document themselves very well10:46
ircleuserhi guys, im using kubuntu hardy heron and this morning there were some autoupdates and i allowed them, then it asked me to reboot. result> i cant get connected anymore, i was using wicd for a wifi connection with a router and i had installed the cvs driver to replace the rt73 that werent wrking, please help10:46
silsonThat's really annoying to me10:46
silsonActionParsnip: I'm new to Ubuntu/Kubuntu but I have used computers for a while and I like to get a mental map of where things are if you know what I mean10:48
ActionParsnipsilson: the gentoo would be ideal for you10:49
ActionParsnipsilson: you will know where everything is down to the file10:50
=== ircleuser is now known as ircleuserz
silsonActionParsnip  Idon't know that distro, although the name does ring a bell. I'll look10:51
ActionParsnipsilson: you compile source from repos using emerge rather than downloading binarys10:52
silsonActionParsnip I have a really good map in my head of where things are in XP - it will take time to transfer that knowledge to a new system.10:52
ActionParsnipsilson: it uses less bandwidth to download stuff but takes a while to compile a base system10:52
silsonActionParsnip  ah so I would decide more or less where to put things?10:52
silsonThat sounds good10:52
ActionParsnipsilson: if you choose to10:53
silsonI did want to get on this Ubuntu Bandwagon though :)10:53
silsonI was just looking. They don't recommend gentoo for new users like me?10:53
bazhanggentoo not for first timers, and ot here anyways10:53
silsonSee I'm thrown. I am a linux newbie, but I like to think I've built up a sound general knowledge of how computers work and I notice there is asort of standard map for folder structure in Linux which Ubuntu departs from more than most it seems.10:55
ActionParsnipsilson: most are standard in all *nix systems10:57
silsonsilson yeah I suppose I'm just expecting too much too soon. I just need to accept that I'm back to first base and start learning again.10:58
silsonI will stick with Ubuntu cos I think it performs very well10:58
silsonThe rest is down to me to strt reading and relearning what I used to know on Windows.10:59
ubottuWant to know the differences between Windows and Linux? This guide, called "Linux is Not Windows" is a pretty good read -- http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm10:59
silsonHell I did it once long ago when I moved from Acorn to Windows so I can do it again :)10:59
bazhangalso !rute10:59
ActionParsnipsilson: i think it performs poorly but i use it for an easy life11:00
silsonActionParsnip I suppose it depends what you're after. I did notice how fast the Fedora 10 beta boots. That is really fast.11:01
ActionParsnipsilson: exactly. thats why there is no BEST version of linux as everyones needs are different11:01
silsonOk I'll start reading those guides11:01
ActionParsnipsilson: you can speed it up by sacking off metacity and using fluxbox11:02
silsonActionParsnip  I looked at Fluxbox when I tried Vector - good distro - shame he can't decide whether it's free or not - keeps chaging his mind it seems :(11:03
ActionParsnipsilson: fluxbox is a window manager, not a distro11:03
silsonActionParsnip No it's just that Vector uses Flux by default - so does DSL it seems11:04
silsonActually Vector might use Enlightenment11:04
ActionParsnipsilson: many do, i think its awesome11:04
silsonAnyway it was very fast11:04
ActionParsnipsilson: i run it on my kubuntu as I think kwin is horrific11:05
silsonActionParsnip  yeah I'm not sure of the KDE win manager11:05
silsonI may move to Xfce11:05
ActionParsnipsilson: same kida deal11:06
silsonI have installed it this morning actually11:06
silsonI like Xfce it's simple like me LOL11:06
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silsonCan I still say I use Kubuntu if I don't use the normal mamager/desktop11:06
silsonWon't it make asking for help harder if I don't run the defaults?11:07
silsonSorry I'm firing off tooo many judgement questions. I'll read and think on it - thanks for you suggestions ActionParsnip!11:08
ActionParsnipsilson: np man11:09
ActionParsnipsilson: research is the answer to all question11:09
silsonWell I'll be back when I know enough to help someone else - or when I get really stuck - lets hope it's the first one!11:11
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=== fReAky_t is now known as freaky_t
pwbi have just put wubi on my pc to download and open windows programs do I install wine on windows or linux11:35
ircleuserhi everytime i reboot it stops, can someone help11:44
roganso how do you open a rar file that wont open :(???12:09
roganhave a 40 gig rar file that i cant open12:10
=== NikLP|awaaaay is now known as NikLP
dr_willisunrar x whatever.rar      perhaps?12:11
dr_willisOr try winrar.exe in wine and see if it can fix it12:12
roganill try winrar but unrar gives me an error12:14
dr_williscould be the rar file is currupted12:15
roganhope not12:15
rogani would prob cry12:15
dr_willisTheres a reason multipart-rar and par files were invented...:)12:16
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:18
ilokaasuAnyone know how to solve this problem: When using "intel" display driver the laptops screen goes blank and picture comes out from vga port _only_. Xorg.0.log fills up with intel(0): underrun on pipe B!12:32
ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!12:36
kerry_can anybody help me with kubuntu12:36
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)12:37
kerry_my kubuntu is all messed up12:37
kerry_and i don t know how to fix it12:38
Rioting_pacifistdoes anybody know where to look to find out about firefox-qt?12:39
dr_williskerry_,  you should tell the channel what the problem is, and how it happened.12:39
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dr_willisRioting_pacifist,  last i heard about that.. it was rather poorly done. I would have to say hit Google.12:40
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kerry_well the cube thing doesn t want to work anymore12:41
dr_willisI dont consider the cube not working to  be the same level as 'all messed up' :)12:42
kerry_ok sorry12:42
kerry_but can you help me fix it ?12:44
kerry_can you tell me how to reinstal the cube thing?12:44
dr_willisI normally turn off all the compiz stuff..  you must have your 3d drivers installed properly for it to work, then yoiu just enable compiz12:44
Rioting_pacifistgoogle seams to be sending me round in outdated circles (often not even about the new port) think ill just compile it from the hg tree and hope for the best12:44
dr_willisYou dont reinstall the cube.. you enable compiz :) and enavble the cube plugin12:45
dr_willisi hope you are not trying to use the cube in KDE412:46
kerry_wat is KDE4?12:46
ubottuKDE 4.1.2 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at  http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1.2 - Support in #kubuntu-kde412:47
dr_willisthe next kde.12:47
kerry_should i download it ?12:48
dr_willisIf you dont even know what it is.. i would say no.12:48
dr_willisUnless you want to test it out.12:48
dr_willisits the next release of kde. with a lot of big changes.12:48
dr_willisand its very much a work in progress12:48
kerry_oh it the next version of kubuntu12:48
kerry_ok i understand12:49
dr_williskde4 is the next version of KDE, it will be included in the next release of Kubuntu12:49
keyzekhi evry112:49
=== roger_roger is now known as roger_rogerc
keyzeki have problem12:50
keyzeka have mp3 and i can't run this file12:50
eagles0513875!ask | keyzek12:50
ubottukeyzek: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)12:50
eagles0513875morning dr_willis12:50
keyzekwhere i find drivers to play mp3 ?12:52
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:53
dr_willisDepends on the player, You may want to isntall the 'kubuntu-restricted-extras' package - it sould grab them12:53
roganhey willis12:55
keyzekthx :)12:56
roganwine > winzip  cured my "corupted" rar file12:56
=== roger_rogerc is now known as roger_roger
dr_willisi tend to use winzip a lot with wine. :)12:58
dr_willisor winrar12:58
=== roger_roger is now known as bugger_me
=== Nash is now known as Naish
=== Naish is now known as Nasj
eagles0513875KDE4 FTW13:03
dr_willisAnd here i though ti twas my irc client..13:06
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org13:08
bstandremorning kubuntu users13:08
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots13:09
Nasjkb^ :O13:09
=== karina is now known as skabet
=== |Aryn| is now known as aRyn
ServaHello. How do I check which packages in kubuntu are eating my precious hard disk space?13:15
Serva14 mb free out of 29.6 gb left13:16
liquidatServa: 29.6 gb is most certainly something else. Not the package, but generated content (log files, etc.)13:16
ServaI understand that but I want to free up at least 8gb's13:17
dr_willisi would check for .trash thats not been emptied and /var/cache the apt cache can get large also13:17
Tm_TServa: first, do "sudo apt-get autoclean" and then see "du -ch / --max-depth=2"13:17
liquidatServa: du -sh DIRECTORY shows you the space the directory needs. That way you can check all directories, starting at "/".13:19
ServaIt tells me that my home has like 25gig worth of stuff lying over13:19
dr_willisKDE has that graphical thing that can show space used in a graphical maner also..13:19
dr_willisbut i forget what its called. I dont think its installed by default13:20
liquidatSo, Serva, go to your home, and do the same there: du -sh .13:20
liquidatOr, better, list all directories and check the output of them.13:20
liquidatfor them, not of them.13:20
* dr_willis suspects a lot of video.. or trash that never got emptied. :)13:21
Servadr_willis, trash gets emptied atleast weekly13:21
liquidatServa:  The command13:21
liquidatdu -sch --exclude=.. .*13:21
liquidatshould help you.13:21
liquidatCalled in your home directory it will check for all directories there, will exclude the upper dir '..' and will also show the numbers in a human friendly way.13:22
rogani just converted from vista and i love it13:22
dr_willisI recall seeing someone that used the GUI as root.. and deleted a lot of stuff.. so it all went in roots trash.. that never got deleted. :) but its so,mtning to watch out for.13:22
Servahttp://paste.ubuntu.com/57860/ here're the du-sh results13:24
Servadu -sch --exclude=.. .*13:24
liquidatServa: 25G     .strigi13:27
liquidatI think that is the problem - strigi fills up the hard disk.13:27
dr_willisI recall hearing of that bug.13:27
liquidatFor now, kill strigi (Ctrl+Esc, pick strigi, kill it), delete the directory, and report the problem to the KDE guys.13:27
liquidatSeems to be the same.13:28
liquidatActually, that is just a dup, the real bug is here:13:29
Servayay! 24.7 gigs freed13:33
Servadanke everyone13:33
Servaany more known bugs, which like to eat space?13:33
dr_willisThats amost as much space as Windows 'system recovery' wants to use.. :)13:34
Servahow do you write like *Serva nods on the channel13:35
Servawith the /13:35
* dr_willis dosent know13:36
* Nasj doesnt know either13:36
* dr_willis likes to use the /me command13:36
* dr_willis burps13:36
* Serva laughs13:36
* Nasj farts13:36
* Linux4Armpits starts a small fire13:37
* rogan ./camp13:37
* Nasj is planning to start with linux13:37
* dr_willis starts singing campfire sonts13:37
* dr_willis starts singing campfire songs13:37
* Nasj stops13:37
gaetanociao a tutti13:40
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots13:40
Tm_Tgaetano: mansikkatutti?13:40
=== gaetano is now known as Tanazzo
riccardo_buongiorno a tutti13:41
riccardo_posso chiedere aiuto?13:41
Tm_Triccardo_: tutti suuhun ja menoksi13:41
Tm_T!it | riccardo_13:41
ubotturiccardo_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)13:41
matisseis there a mini program for the kde task line which shows my internet traffic ?13:46
matisse(is it actually called task line ?)13:49
Tm_Tmatisse: panel you mean?13:49
Tm_Tmatisse: and yes there is, if you talk about KDE313:49
matissetask panel13:49
matisseyes, kde 3.5 is installed on my computer13:49
Tm_Tmatisse: then, knetstats - network interfaces monitor for KDE's systray13:50
matissethx, I'll try it13:50
anthonyKDE crash handler receive 1 of many <36 0xb5d1c0fe in ?? () from /home/anthony/.mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so>13:51
anthonyany info on how to fix it13:52
Tm_Tanthony: well we cannot help much with that, I afraid, IIRC Macromedia (?) Flash is very closed source13:53
ubottuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de13:53
liquidatHa, funny.13:53
ubottuliquidat, please see my private message13:53
Tm_T!bot > liquidat13:54
anthonyok thanks Tm_T for a response back so quickly13:54
liquidatNice one.13:54
liquidatTm_T: Already got that, just wanted to know some basic working principles.13:54
Tm_Tanthony: np, there might be something but nothing that I would know, except for using packaged versions13:54
liquidatBut thanks anyway :)13:54
Tm_Tliquidat: it's all explained in its own website, son13:54
rajuhello guys13:56
rajui m new user of linux13:56
anthonyno biggie just enjoy to learn all i can about linux13:56
anthony and glad this is here for aqll13:56
rajuin my computer i have both opreating systems windows and linux, and now i want to remove windows13:57
rajubecouse it take lots of space13:57
rajuwhat can i do for this13:57
roganyes it does13:57
MitsuoDeshoDeshoQTreeView.. is there any expandAll method?13:59
MitsuoDeshoDeshowrong chan13:59
aleksi_how can i add more desktops i tried to go configure desktops but even if i choose 5 desktop and klik aply and ok nothinbg happens14:04
roganare you running compiz?14:07
roganthey dont mix14:07
roganlike what you trying to do .. cube?14:07
aleksi_yes :P14:08
rogansend me a pm14:08
=== Roy_Muzz is now known as Roy_M
ghoulsbladehi, i want to capture a video of the screen while playing a 3d game, i tried gtk-recordMyDesktop but it got stuck during encoding , any good alternatives around ? something with a bit of gui would be nice so i don't have to write a 5-line command14:17
=== david is now known as Guest89900
EarthUsGodgm all14:19
CQhi, i'm running 8.10 and trying to get firefox on the desktop... no problem with thunderbird and other apps, but firefox jsut allows a link and no copy...14:22
EarthUsGodany info on (nspluginviewer) from (SIGSEGV)14:22
CQany ideas on how to fix this?14:24
roganamarok wont start14:28
=== spargue is now known as Sam_uk
Nasjhi all14:51
=== Extrapan100 is now known as Extrapan100^BNC
=== quassel251 is now known as pthulin
Nasjive got a qeustion14:51
NasjI have 2 harddrives14:52
Nasj1 with windows installed14:52
Nasjsecond one for storage14:52
Nasjis it possible to partion the storage one and run linux14:52
Nasjand dual boot kubuntu14:53
Nasjlike that ?14:53
cuzntsure nasj14:54
cuznti have that on my pc14:55
cuznt40 windows14:55
cuznt80 gis 1/2 storgae and 1/2 kubuntu14:55
Nasjok good14:55
cuzntbut i am dumping the windows one soon14:55
cuzntwindows suxs14:55
Nasjive got a 80gig windows14:55
Nasjand a 500gig storage14:55
cuzntread up on partitioning14:56
cuzntso you do not waste drive space14:56
Nasjyeah well i wanna get comoftorable with linux first before totally dumping windows :P14:56
cuzntno i understand14:56
cuznti am 1 year into kde14:56
littleHey there, has anyone else done the linux-headers-2.6.24-21 updates today?14:57
cuzntand now can comfortably dump my windows14:57
Nasjok :P14:57
cuznti have not restarted yet though14:57
littleDid it work for you?14:57
cuznt[09:58] <cuznt> i have not restarted yet though14:57
littleI'm getting, "No suitable module for running kernel found" at boot and it hangs. I had to select 2.6.24-19 just to boot up.14:58
Nasjhow do you mean (15:56:20) <cuznt> so you do not waste drive space ?14:58
DexterFwhy can't things just keep working after an upgrade for a change?14:58
DexterFgod fscking damnit14:59
ubottuScanning software: XSane, the GIMP (GNOME), Kooka (KDE). For instructions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo and to see supported hardware: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners - See also !OCR14:59
littleYeah, hehe, it's an LTS!14:59
=== simon__ is now known as oo0
cuznti am not sure how to answer that Nasj15:00
cuzntbut you want adequate space for linux15:00
oo0I need to know howto change my volume scroll to react slower on my laptop15:00
DexterFgot an old scsi scanner here, Mustek Paragon MFS-8000SP, known to work alright and was fine in debian etch, Slackware 9-11, kubuntu 7.04, 7.10... now sane-find-scanners reports it on /dev/sg0 but xsane and others all say "no device"15:01
NasjI am sorry cuznt but english isnt my native language15:02
oo0I need to know howto change my volume scroll to react slower on my laptop!15:02
cuzntits ok Nasj15:03
Nasjadequate means sufficient ?15:03
cuzntjust read up on partitioning15:03
cuzntand you will get it i think15:03
cuzntthats correct15:03
cuznt<Nasj> adequate means sufficient ? yes.15:03
Nasjwell thanks for the help :D15:04
Nasjill go read up on partitioning15:04
daresombody Slovak Republik?15:09
=== michael__ is now known as mjs
=== David is now known as Guest99435
=== Guest99435 is now known as Davve
DavveHello guys15:13
livinglegend912were is the best place to get programs for ubuntu15:15
oo0I need to know howto change my volume scroll to react slower on my laptop!15:17
littleThe package manager (Synaptic in Ubuntu and Adept Manager in Kubuntu), Add/Remove Programs from the main menu, and then some external websites.15:17
littleooO: That might be in your BIOS settings.15:17
littleSo nobody else is having trouble with today's kernel update?15:18
=== michael__ is now known as spanky
Tm_Tlittle: in Hardy that is?15:18
littleTm_T: Yep.15:18
=== spanky is now known as do
Tm_Thmm, there should be trouble?15:19
littleOn reboot, I get, "No suitable module for running kernel found" and it hangs. I had to boot into 2.6.24-19.15:19
littleWhen I do a search with that error message, all the hits are for VirtualBox.15:19
littleI have VirtualBox installed, but I'm booting into Kubuntu Hardy Heron - not VirtualBox. It's strange.15:20
=== limcore is now known as limcore_
liquidatLittle - when is that error message given out?15:20
liquidatYou can certainly boot the machine, can't you?15:20
littleliquidat: As soon as I rebooted after installing the kernel update.15:20
=== ariel_ is now known as JillyBean
liquidatlittle: What means "as soon as I rebooted"? Where is that said? Right as the first message after grub?15:21
littleliquidat: I get past GRUB and the system begins loading different components. The error I told you about shows up with a red asterisk next to it (everything else is white text).15:21
littleliquidat: After the error message, the system continues loading other components (like NFS, etc.), and then it just hangs with a blinking cursor beneath all the text.15:22
littleliquidat: I cannot boot. I had to boot with to be able to boot.15:22
liquidatlittle: Nvidia or ATI card?15:23
littleliquidat: NVIDIA15:23
=== do is now known as bfife
littleliquidat: The graphics modules are loading just fine.15:24
liquidatIs there a module name given?15:24
liquidatAnd the machine booting up is definitely not booting on a virtualbox, xen, vmware or pcvirtualmachine?15:24
JillyBeanhola Blue15:24
littleliquidat: No, the entire error message is, "* No suitable module for running lernel found".15:24
biophysicsHi all, I was wondering why there is _no_ IRC available in kopete-kde4 ?15:24
littleliquidat: No. I am booting into Kubuntu Hardy Heron 8.04. I have VirtualBox installed, but it does not load on boot-up. I run it manually sometimes.15:25
JillyBeanbio, maybe you just have to add the package.15:25
DavveHello guys, someone know the command to show my IP?15:26
JillyBeanlittle:  I always have trouble downloading and booting actual Kubuntu...I just download regular Ubuntu and install KDE.15:26
Davvek, ty15:26
BluesKajhi JillyBean...looking at the MOTD but there's no official release date posted for Intrepid15:26
liquidatlittle: However, the kernel modules for virtualbox might be loaded right at the start. How about removing virtualbox and trying to restart again?15:26
littleliquidat: Someone else has a problem with this update, but it's different from mine: http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3098258.015:26
JillyBeanBlue,  I think it's October 31...is the actual release date for 8.1015:27
littleliquidat: Can I remove VirtualBox while in 2.6.24-19? And will that affect the new kernel when I try to boot it?15:27
BluesKajthx JillyBean15:27
JillyBeanBlue, sure. :) At least I knew the answer to that question.15:28
JillyBeanYou should just be able to upgrade 8.04 to 8.10 once it's released. That's my plan15:28
liquidatlittle: Sure, you can remvoe it if it's not running.15:29
BluesKajJillyBean:  hehe , you'll learn soon enuff :)15:29
littleliquidat: Okay, thanks, I'll try that. Do you think, if it works, I can try reinstalling it once I successfully boot with the new kernel?15:29
JillyBeanBlue, that's the plan. :)15:29
oo0I need to know howto change my volume scroll to react slower on my laptop!15:30
liquidatlittle: Depends a bit on how you installed it, but usually there is a way to simply rebuild the modules once you are booted up.15:31
liquidatSo, reinstalling should be fine.15:31
littleliquidat: I grabbed it from the package manager, so it would be an easy reinstall. Thanks! I have to go somewhere right now, but I'll try your suggestion when I get back, and come back in here and report how it went in case anyone else is having the same issue.15:32
* little hugs liquidat15:33
oo0how to kill a window15:33
oo0how to kill a window15:33
liquidatlittle: Good luck :)15:33
littleliquidat: Thanks. (:15:33
oo0how to kill a window15:33
JillyBeanooO : click the little x in the corner.15:33
oo0it dosn't work!15:33
JillyBeanOh...I just ps -aux | grep <progname>15:34
JillyBeanget the pid and then "kill pid"15:34
JillyBeanThough there may be an easier way.  I'm not very used to linux just yet15:34
geniioo0: For the scrolling thing you might find some help here: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/920015:35
JillyBeanIf just the "kill" command won't do it...you can kill -9 and that will force it to quit15:35
geniioo0: To forcibly kill a window, ctrl-alt-esc    then put the X on the offensive window and click.15:36
JillyBeanI love having a nice terminal window to do things in. :) Windows sucks sooo bad.15:36
JillyBeangenli: see I knew there was an easier way!! :)15:36
geniiJillyBean: There's always more than one way :)15:37
oo0what?? genii15:37
oo0dosn't work15:37
JillyBeangenli: Indeed.15:37
geniioo0: Then you will need to do it from the commandline.    sudo killall <name of application the window belongs to>15:38
DavveHello agan guys :D How do u check my mac adress?15:43
DavveNvm, found it15:45
roganwhat ya workin on there davve15:46
dioliquianohi there15:47
=== pvandewyngaerde is now known as Guest12195
geniidioliquiano: If you have some question, best just to ask the channel and see if there may be someone with a solution15:51
geniimartin__: Yes, we see you :)15:52
JillyBeanSo what kind of laptop do you guys recommend?  I need a new one so bad!!!15:52
JillyBeanIt has to run Ubuntu though. :)15:53
geniiJillyBean: The Lenovo Thinkpads work well with linux. Also most Toshibas15:53
martin__dell inspiron15:53
geniiJillyBean: You might want to check out the reports from the Laptop Testing Team15:53
JillyBeanI've been looking at the Dells.  Will check out the Thinkpad..15:53
medBonjour tout le monde15:53
JillyBeangenii...oh Laptop testing team...that sounds promising.15:54
geniimed: Anglais ici, svp15:54
medest ce qu'il y a quelqu'un pour m'aider a installer ubuntu sur mon pc15:54
medj'ai le problème de l'ACPI15:54
JillyBeanI have a macbook pro (one of the core duo machines) and it overheats any time I try to do any video encoding.15:54
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr15:55
JillyBeanSo I need a core 2 duo...and then I also have to have the nvidia graphics...I hate those intel graphics processors.15:55
geniiJillyBean: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam15:56
JillyBeanOh awesome!!! thanks genii.15:57
geniiJillyBean: You're welcome15:57
JillyBeanI was going through the Dell ordering thing the other day (for fun)...I think you have to have money to actually order one. :)15:58
JillyBeanBut anyway, I tried the option with the pre-installed ubuntu and it said it would take an entire month for them to get it here.15:58
JillyBeanI'm not liking that idea.15:58
geniiDell is linux friendly as a company but they still insist on using hardware that needs non-standard drivers. Conexant modems for instance15:58
JillyBeanHrm...yeah that's what I've heard.  Hopefully I can find something else.  I was looking at the system76 ones too...I like those.16:00
HexagownHello guys16:00
HexagownI really need help!16:00
JillyBeanHi hex.16:00
geniiHexagown:  If you have some question, best just to ask the channel and see if there may be someone with a solution16:00
Hexagownsomeone familiar with wireliess?16:00
HexagownI have a D-link DWA 547 wireless, i can't get it work.16:01
JillyBeanIs it a PCMCIA card?16:01
geniiThat one needs ndiswrapper16:01
HexagownIts a PCI16:02
Hexagownwhat is ndiswrapper?16:02
geniiHexagown: It lets you use the windows drivers for your card16:03
Hexagownah okay.16:04
Hexagownshall i download something or yust write a command?16:04
HexagownHow do i install ndiswrapper?16:05
geniiHexagown: See here for specific instructions: http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=490500    You will need internet connectivity through the regular adapter for instance to get the files, etc16:05
Hexagownye, i got htat16:06
HexagownBut how do i install ndiswrapper?16:07
ubuntubut who was phone?16:08
geniiHexagown: From Add/Remove Programs16:08
bugger_mesudo apt-get install ndisgtk16:08
=== ubuntu is now known as peer`
peer`I want to get kubuntu installed on my laptop but i don't have internal wireless and I need some help figuring out how to get my wireless card working16:09
martin_Hi i just installed kde 4.1.2 on my hardy heron, using adept.  nothing looks different is that normal16:09
Hexagownit says "could not find the package ndisgtk"16:10
Hexagowni couldent install whit sudo apt-get install ndisgtk16:11
JillyBeanmartin, you have to go into the session manager at the login screen and pick kde16:11
geniiHexagown: You don't need that one actually16:11
peer`I have an airlink101 AWLC3026 wireless card if anybody's wondering, please msg me if you guys have any advice16:11
Hexagownokay, how shall i do? :S16:11
geniiHexagown: Did you get the ndiswrapper installed already?16:11
Hexagownno, thats the one i need to install16:11
Hexagowni have the file... but what command shall i use?16:11
martin_JillyBean: yes i did that, but is it suppose to look different16:12
JillyBeanYep, kde should come up with a blue background.16:12
JillyBeanOh did you install the kubuntu-desktop package?16:13
peer`can anybody help me with my wireless issue?16:13
JillyBeanI just went through this...and you have to install "kubuntu-desktop"16:13
geniiHexagown: Ok, I'll just give you line by line instructions:  Close Adept firstly if it's open. Then open Konsole if it's not open yet. Then: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-utils-1.916:13
martin_JillyBean: I was using kubuntu hardy already16:13
geniiHexagown: Did you get the windows .inf stuff already ?16:14
JillyBeanMartin, so are you running the kde desktop?16:14
Hexagownok, i got it installed now16:14
Hexagownwhats next?16:14
geniiHexagown: Did you get the windows .inf stuff already ?16:14
martin_yes i am, I just thought that the GUI would be different that kde 316:14
Hexagownwell iv used sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-utils-1.916:15
JillyBeanIf you installed from kubuntu disc then you should already be running kde.16:15
JillyBeankubuntu *is* the distro with the kde desktop16:15
=== amit is now known as Guest64723
geniiHexagown: Get the windows driver files from http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=37973&d=1184235806 and put them someplace like in a folder on your desktop16:15
JillyBeanOh...Martin, I'm not sure about that...but you can go into the desktop settings and you have to turn on some of the fancy stuff.16:16
JillyBeanI haven't played with mine that much yet.16:16
Hexagownbrb, phone16:16
martin_JillyBean: ok i see16:17
peer`how would I install drivers on linux with windows driver files?16:18
HexagownIm back, when i download the DWA547 it says its a new format, witch program shall i use to open it?16:20
=== kam is now known as kam__
HexagownWhen i download http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=37973&d=1184235806 i cannot chose whare i shall put it, someon know whare it is?16:25
JillyBeanhex, check in your home directory.16:28
JillyBeanok guys gotta run. Have fun.16:29
Hexagownnope, its not there :S16:29
Hexagownok, cya16:29
Hexagownwell, i have the file now, what to do next?16:29
Hexagowncan someone answer me please?16:32
HexagownHow do I shut down Serch engines in firefox?16:36
jhutchins_wkWhy would you shut them down?16:37
jhutchins_wkHexagown: http://thelinuxnewbie.blogspot.com/2006/08/installing-wifi-wireless-c_115515845577896146.html16:38
Hexagownbecous it annoys me when I came to google evrytime try to go on to a page...16:38
Hexagownwell i know how to install it, almost, i have ndiswrapper and they told me to go here and download http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=37973&d=118423580616:40
Hexagownand then when i try to unpack it, it dosent work.16:40
Hexagowncan u unpack  it?16:41
Hexagownah got it work now...16:48
geniiHexagown: Apologies on lag, have not forgotten you just extremely busy at the moment16:49
Hexagownokay, its okay16:49
Hexagownwell, i have attachment.php now16:49
Hexagownthe link u sended me16:49
Hexagownwhat do i do next?16:49
geniiHexagown: rename it to have .zip extension, then extract it to a folder on your desktop16:50
jhutchins_wkHexagown: ok, a php file is just a server script that should have given you a zip file.16:50
geniijhutchins_wk: Hi16:51
jhutchins_wkHexagown: Yeah, it's annoying when it defaults to google if you mis-type a URL.  That doesn't happen to me on my system, so I don't know how to turn it off.16:51
Hexagowndone extract16:51
Hexagownyes i know, iv used it for 1 day, and im allready had it it16:51
Hexagownat it*16:51
Hexagownwell, iv extract the file now16:51
=== freaky_t is now known as fReAky_t
Hexagownwhat to do?16:52
Hexagownshall i start the ar5416.sys whit Wine?16:53
geniiHexagown: What is the name of the folder it is in?16:53
ServaHi. Is there any place on freenode, where I can discuss search algorithms?16:54
geniiHexagown: No, forget abut wine for te moment16:54
HexagownFolder name is DWA54716:54
geniiHexagown: OK. So in Konsole: sudo ndiswrapper -i ~/Desktop/DWA547/net5416.inf                        if the folder is directly on your desktop16:55
Hexagowncouldn't open /home/d/Desktop/DWA547/net5416.inf: No such file or directory at /usr/sbin/ndiswrapper-1.9 line 219.16:56
Hexagowncame when i tried that16:56
geniiHexagown: Your user is named "d"   "?16:56
Hexagownits short and simpe16:57
geniiHexagown: Does:    ls ~/Desktop/DWA547/       show that file or not?16:58
Hexagowni have a file named net5416.inf16:59
NasjIn the isntallation of kubuntu is there a option where you can partition your HDD ?17:00
Hexagowndo i need to restart my pc after installed ndiswrapper?17:01
HexagownWell, ill try restart my pc, brb17:03
arshamhi all , I have a problem with setting up a vpn connection to a pptp server17:03
arshamI receive this : not replacing existing default route via
Hexagownok, can u send me the command agan please?17:06
geniiHexagown: sudo ndiswrapper -i ~/Desktop/DWA547/net5416.inf17:06
geniiHexagown: I just went on lunch so will have a bit more time for here17:07
Hexagownwell sudo ndiswrapper -i ~/Desktop/DWA547/net5416.inf does not work :S17:07
arshamwhat is this message : not replacing existing default route via ?17:08
Hexagowncouldn't open /home/d/Desktop/DWA547/net5416.inf: No such file or directory at /usr/sbin/ndiswrapper-1.9 line 219.17:08
Hexagownthats the error17:09
geniiHexagown: What is result of:    whereis net5416.inf                    ?17:09
HexagownWhat do u mean with result?17:10
geniiHexagown: The result should show us the exact location of the file17:10
Hexagownits at desktop/DWA54717:10
geniiHexagown: When we use the directory you are saying, it is reporting it cannot find the file or directory. So we will use what the result of:   whereis net5416.inf              shows17:11
HexagownHmm, im not sure what u ment, but i might did it right now17:13
geniiHexagown: Try instead the full path, sudo may be making ~ wrong location:      sudo ndiswrapper -i /home/d/Desktop/DWA547/net5416.inf17:14
Hexagowni "reunpacked" it and tried agan, and now it says:17:14
Hexagowninstalling net5416 ...17:14
Hexagownforcing parameter MapRegisters from 256 to 6417:14
geniiHexagown: What reports now the command:   sudo ndiswrapper -l17:14
Hexagownis it working now u think?17:14
geniiHexagown: Not quite yet but we are closing in17:14
Hexagowndriver installed!17:15
Hexagownthanks dude!!17:15
Hexagownill try to get the cable out17:15
arshamanybody knows how to claim this :  not replacing existing default route via
HexagownHmm, dident work...17:16
Hexagownwell i have to go and get the mails, brb17:16
geniiHexagown: Some more steps here :)17:17
geniiHexagown: sudo modprobe ndiswrapper17:17
geniiHexagown: Now try connectivity17:17
geniiHexagown: If works then need to add name      ndiswrapper             to file /etc/modules          with Alt-F2    kdesu kate /etc/modules             add      ndiswrapper   on last line then save it17:19
geniiHexagown: Did you do the sudo modprobe ndiswrapper            ?17:25
Hexagownim back17:25
HexagownNothing happens when i do sudo modprobe ndiswrapper17:26
Hexagownand now i go alt+F217:26
geniiHexagown: Not yet17:26
Hexagownor whats next?17:27
geniiHexagown: Test the wireless now. Rightclick on network manager icon in bottom right and see if a list of access points shows up17:27
Hexagownall i can see is wierd connections17:27
Hexagownwell, when i left-klick in the icon down at the right.17:28
Hexagownit shall be there, right?17:29
geniirightclick = select with button on right-hand side of mouse17:29
pakusIs anyone using ssh 1:4.7p1-8ubuntu1 ?17:30
pakusI think I've found a bug.17:31
geniiHexagown: OK. When you issue:  iwconfig           do any adapters show up in the list that DON'T say "no wireless extensions"17:31
pakusor something strange is doing in my pc17:31
Hexagownnope, its yust 2 that says no wireless extrensions.17:32
geniiHexagown: Does:  lsmod | grep ndiswrapper                    show that it is loaded?17:34
Hexagownndiswrapper           243872  017:35
Hexagownusbcore               170288  5 ndiswrapper,usbhid,ehci_hcd,uhci_hcd17:35
Hexagownit says17:35
geniiOK so loaded17:35
geniiHexagown: Do the other instruction and then reboot17:36
geniiHexagown: EG: add name      ndiswrapper             to file /etc/modules          with Alt-F2    kdesu kate /etc/modules             add      ndiswrapper   on last line then save it17:36
Hexagownsorry, im stupid, shall i go alt+F2 and write? :S17:37
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Hexagownshall i go alt+F2 and write kdesu kate /etc/modules17:38
Hexagownshall i go to modules and add ndiswrapper after fuse, lp and rtc?17:39
Hexagownwell, i guess ill try that...17:40
Hexagownok, ill reboot now17:41
geniiHexagown: Yes after all those17:41
Hexxahello agan, had to change nick.17:45
Hexxawell I dont have wireless now eather... :S17:45
Hamraanyone noticed that the latest news page in kubuntu.org, the one about amarok 2 is not complete? look at the end "want to install Amarok 2 along the current stable version, " where is the rest?17:46
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Hamraso anyone know how to install amarok 2 alongside amarok 1.4 in intrepid?17:49
Sudisomeone here?17:52
* Hamra is deafened by the silence17:52
Sudii have a question about the knetworkmanger17:52
Sudicould it be that the manager is not really working?17:53
Hexxamy wireless dont work now eather :S17:54
Nitsudnick dustin217:55
geniiHexxa: OK. What interfaces does ifconfig show?17:55
=== Nitsud is now known as Dustin2
=== Dustin2 is now known as Dustin3
Dustin3Mornin guys17:55
Hexxaeth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:11:5b:6a:28:5c17:56
Hexxa          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
Hexxa          inet6 addr: fe80::211:5bff:fe6a:285c/64 Scope:Link17:56
Hexxa          UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1492  Metric:117:56
Hexxa          RX packets:8773 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:017:56
Hexxa          TX packets:7883 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:017:56
Hexxa          collisions:0 txqueuelen:100017:56
Sudiwell my problem is kinda bad it shows all the wireless networks but when itry to connect its not connecting17:56
Hexxa          RX bytes:10074043 (9.6 MB)  TX bytes:797957 (779.2 KB)17:56
Hexxa          Interrupt:23 Base address:0x800017:56
Sudiand the wep key is correct17:56
Hexxalo        Link encap:Local Loopback17:56
Hexxa          inet addr:  Mask:
Hexxa          inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host17:57
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ubottupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)17:57
Hexxa          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:117:57
Hexxa          RX packets:2 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:017:57
Hexxa          TX packets:2 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:017:57
Hexxa          collisions:0 txqueuelen:017:57
Hexxa          RX bytes:100 (100.0 B)  TX bytes:100 (100.0 B)17:57
Hexxahere u go...17:57
geniiHexxa: I did not mean to copy everything into the channel here17:57
Hexxahttp://paste.ubuntu.com/57958/ here u go17:57
Dustin3So I just installed Kubuntu and I ran into a problem17:57
Sudihey guys what about my problem...did anyone else has this too17:58
Dustin3the partition manager/installer didn't install GRUB17:58
Dustin3and I am too feeble to comprehend how to do it manually17:58
Dustin3Last time I installed it, it installed the bootloader automatically17:59
Dustin3but this time I didn't get the option and I didn't realize it till after..17:59
HexxaI have to eat now17:59
HexxaHave to eat, brb17:59
geniiHexxa: OK.  Does:   lsmod |grep ndiswrapper         show it loaded or just come back to command prompt?18:00
geniiHexxa: All right. I'll be around a while18:00
krashGreetings folks18:00
Sudihey genii do you have any idea about my problem?18:00
krashSudi what's your problem?18:00
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Dustin3I was here first Sudi ;)18:01
geniiSudi: Offand no18:01
Sudiwell when i try to connect to my wlan network its not working^^18:01
Sudiits showing the network and everything18:01
geniiWork needs me for a few minutes anyways. Hopefully someone else can try to assist18:01
Sudiand its the right wep key18:01
Sudioh and i can't open the manual config tab18:02
krashHrmm what kind of router/firmware?18:03
Sudino router18:03
Sudiits a wireless modem18:03
Sudiafter connecting i haveto use a ppoe dail in18:03
krasha wireless modem? *blinks*18:03
Sudito dail in18:04
krashis this through at&t?18:04
Sudii'm from germany18:04
krashahh *nods* and you're sure it's not a wireless router & modem? I never heard of just a wireless modem18:04
Sudiwell its not a router18:05
krashhow are you connected now?18:05
Dustin3Anyone here familiar with installing GRUB manually?18:05
Sudii'm on windows now18:05
krashSo windows connects to it, but when you dual boot into kubuntu it doesn't?18:05
Dustin3speaking of dual booting Kubuntu :P18:05
krashDustin3 I'm looking that up for ya now :)18:06
Dustin3I'm not sure why it didn't give me the option18:06
krashbeen a while since I did it manually18:06
Dustin3when I installed Ubuntu18:06
Dustin3it loaded it up right away18:06
Dustin3no hassle18:06
Dustin3this time, nothing...18:06
krashsudi what version/platform of kubuntu you use btw?18:07
Sudiwell the newest18:07
Sudijust downloaded it18:08
Sudiwith kde418:08
Sudishould i update the kde version to 4.1?18:08
Sudior is it something else18:08
krashSudi well to be honest I just switched from ubuntu 8.04 to kubuntu 8.10 but mine set up everything automatically for me18:09
Sudiwell 8.1018:09
Sudiis that actually out???18:09
krashit's the beta18:09
* krash shakes his head18:09
Sudiwell i'm using 8.0418:10
krash15 more days, I figured I'd get a jump start :)18:10
Dustin3I was considering that18:10
Dustin3but sinec I'm such a newb I figured go for a stable release18:10
Hexxaim back18:10
krashit seems to be working pretty good for me18:10
krashit's a whole different look though18:10
Sudiwell that doesn't matter here18:11
Dustin3I'm almost tempted to install BootMagic18:11
Dustin3or some awful program18:11
Dustin3just so I can get in18:11
Dustin3or just end up reinstalling Kubuntu again18:11
Hexxagenii: hell im back, are you there?18:11
krashDustin3 imo there is no better way to get out of the newb stage than to tinker and screw up and fix it hehe18:11
Hexxai have the result now18:11
Hexxandiswrapper           243872  018:11
Hexxausbcore               170288  5 ndiswrapper,usbhid,ehci_hcd,uhci_hcd18:11
Sudiso u guys have no idea how to fix that knetwokrmanager bug?18:11
Dustin3krash those days are long gone18:12
krashDustin3: You can use your kubuntu disc to install grub18:12
Dustin38 years ago I would have been right in there18:12
Dustin3Hmm really18:12
Dustin3boot from the disc?18:12
krashDustin3: Yeah it has the grub program on it, should be help files on it as well18:13
Dustin3ok I'll take a peek18:13
krashI'd check out18:13
krasha manual on grub first...18:13
* krash shrugs his shoulders18:13
krashokay Sudi, back to you, you're in windows now aye?18:14
Hexxagenii are u here?18:15
krashehhh not much experience with that, but should be mostly the same, what's your ip configuration set up for? dhcp or static?18:15
krashHrmm, and the kubuntu livecd didn't recognize your network either?18:16
Sudiwell i can see the network18:16
Sudibut i can't connect18:16
krashcan ping it?18:17
Sudii can't connect to the network18:17
Sudihow could i ping it18:17
Sudiwithout being connected18:17
Frekujust try it18:18
Sudibtw the option manual configuration18:18
Sudiis not working in the knetworkmanager18:19
Sudiwhen i click it nothing happens18:19
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geniiBack for a little while18:19
aleksi_wierd when i started kubuntu  and first tried to log in it said for sysytem maintance shutdown in 2min....18:19
aleksi_and after that when i  logged in now i have 16 desktop....18:20
Sudiwell i guess i found my problem on the ubuntuusers board18:21
Sudibut its not solved there18:21
Sudisomeone else just has the same problem^^18:21
geniiHexxa: Ok so it's loaded. Are you using 32 bit or 64 bit Kubuntu ?18:21
krashSudi yeah the modem you are using is what's making me curios18:22
Sudikrash : yeah maybe its that wireless device18:22
geniiHexxa: Might exlain it ehn18:23
Sudibc i think i remember me being online somewhere else18:23
Hexxaoh okay.. :S18:23
* genii smacks keyboard a bit18:23
krashSudi: That's what I'm thinking, your wireless card working, it should get an ip from the modem....18:23
Sudiits stopping on receiving the ip18:23
geniiHexxa: sudo apt-get install ia32-libs               please18:24
Sudibut like i said when trying to use manual setup18:24
Sudiits not doing it18:24
Sudibc manual setup is not working18:24
Sudiok trying once again18:24
thebornotakuis anybody here good at getting wireless cards to work?18:24
krashSudi: Yeah go try again check all settings18:24
geniiGeez. So many wireless issues today18:24
krashSudi: 9/10 times for me it's a silly mistake I made18:24
geniiHexxa: Reboot and see again18:25
HexxaDo you think that the wireless ill work after reboot?18:25
krashI'm just sitting at home sick as a dog, figured I'd try to help a lil' :)18:25
Hexxawell, ill reboot, brb18:26
thebornotakuI was told that my wireless card should be instantly recognized by kubuntu, i have a Airlink AWLC3026, any suggestions?18:26
krashthebornotaku: It should aye, what version of kubuntu?18:26
thebornotakulet me check18:26
krash7.04? Ehh can you get the 8.04?18:27
thebornotakuyeah, how would I update?18:27
thebornotakuI just installed it from an old disc I had18:27
thebornotakuI also want to upgrade KDE, would that happen at the same time as the 8.04 update or do I need to get KDE 7.1 seperately?18:28
krashwell if it's a fresh install just install over it with 8.0418:28
krashwell I'm using the kubuntu 8.10 beta disk...18:28
thebornotakukrash, is there any way to just patch to 8.04? I don't have access to a CD burner18:28
thebornotakuI do have access to a hard line and a place to let the computer sit undisturbed, so18:29
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krashthebornotaku: I believe you can mount it and run it without burning but I'd have to read up on that18:29
zer0odu guys know a good web development application for linux as dreamweaver for example?18:29
Hexagownstill not working18:30
krashI believe quanta is pretty good there zer0o18:30
zer0ook i'll check it out18:30
zer0ois it in the repos?18:30
thebornotakuKrash, so my wireless card should work fine on 8.04, or would I need to do something after that?18:30
kushoui think18:30
krashit's part of kde18:30
thebornotakukrash, cool18:31
thebornotakucrap, boss called, I have to leave18:31
Hexagown My wireless still wont work18:31
thebornotakukrash, how long will you be on?18:31
krashthebornotaku: Yes, most likely the wireless drivers should be alot newer18:32
thebornotakukrash, k, thanks18:32
krashquite a while I got time :)18:32
Hexagownspeaking whit me?18:32
Hexagownwould LOVE all the help I can get18:32
krashHexagown: What's the problem?18:32
HexagownMy wireless D-Link DWA547 PCI wont work, i got Linux 8.04 64bit. Help!18:33
krashEhhh is it detecting the card and inserting the correct module?18:34
Hexagownwell, iv got ndiswrapper18:34
Hexagowndid sudo ndiswrapper -i net5416.inf18:34
Hexagownthen sudo ndiswrapper -l18:35
Hexagownthen i did put ndiswrapper into /etc/modules'18:35
Hexagownstill wont work18:35
geniiHexagown: This card seems problemmatic. And ndiswrapper for it does not like 64 bit. An alternate way to get it working is described here http://ph.ubuntuforums.com/showthread.php?t=668272 in post #3 but it involves building the driver manually18:36
krashHexagown: Sorry but I am not familiar with that18:36
Hexagownok, ill check the link18:36
Hexagownok, thnx annyway crack18:36
krashgenii's good :)18:36
krashhehe n/p18:36
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Hexagownand linux-headers-$(uname -r), where $(uname -r) is the output of the "uname -r" command (it tells you what version of the Linux kernel you are currently running). I dont understand :S18:37
Hexagownwhit all the -$ and stuffs.18:37
krashI'm trying to get used to this kde 4.1 man they really tweaked it alot18:37
geniiHexagown: It will substitute the proper values18:37
krashdon't like how I can't right click on my desktop and change my screen saver and etc18:38
HexagownI'll yust get madWiFi, 1 sek18:38
geniiHexagown: You can just use even: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)                      and it will substitute it on the fly18:39
krashI do like the plasma though18:40
Hexagownhow do i install madWiFi?18:40
krashHexagown: google kubuntu madwifi?18:41
Hexagowni have the file allready.18:42
=== kerry is now known as Guest26745
Hexagownshall i do sudo apt-get install madwifi?18:43
krashHexagown: I'd consider that an obvious first attempt to get it yeah18:43
Hexagownbut it says could not find package.18:44
krashyou have the .deb?18:44
Hexagownits only bz and bz2 on sourceforge.18:44
Hexagownwell, ill google abit more hten18:45
MHz128hi all18:45
krashHexagown: Yeah I'm not familiar with that, would take reading on both our parts18:45
MHz128How do I install the latest verion of nm-applet (.7?) to support the use of a static IP ?18:45
jhutchins_wkubottu: madwifi?18:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about madwifi?18:46
jhutchins_wkubottu: madwifi18:46
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs18:46
MHz128I have tried to manually configure NM 0.6.6 with Static wireless IP, but not success18:46
MHz128jhutchins ill check it out18:47
krashHowdy MHz128, hrmm, what kind of router?18:47
Guest26745can a compiz  work on windows?18:47
MHz128krash: linksys wrt54gs18:47
krashMHz128 version?18:47
MHz128krash: WPA 1.... ummmm its running dd-wrt18:48
Hexagownthere is only .bz files.18:48
krashMHz128: ahh good, there should be an option in there, to use dhcp but give a static ip address in return18:48
krashMHz128: Not exactly sure where, but that's how mine's set up18:49
MHz128krash: dont have admin piveleges to router at the moment. But there is an IP assigned for me18:49
MHz128krash:  you using nm-applet? what version?18:50
krashMHz128: ahh nope, was just going to google that never heard of it18:51
MHz128krash: you connec via command line?18:51
MHz128krash:  its the defualt GUI wifi tool for gnome/ubunutu18:51
krashMHz128: ahh no I'm on a hard wire atm18:52
HexagownSomeone can send me a link to download MadWiFI as .deb file?18:52
krashMHz128: It's been a while since I used wireless with ubuntu sorry18:52
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MHz128krash: no worries, thanks for advice tho!18:52
krashMHz128: I'm running the kubuntu beta it setup everything for me I am quite impressed18:53
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MHz128krash: beta 8.1 or whatever?18:54
krashMHz128: Yeah 8.10, kde is ALOT different though18:54
Guest23813can the compiz be used on windows?18:55
krashGuest23813: you running ubuntu on an emulator?18:56
Guest23813 can the compiz be used on windows?18:56
=== Guest23813 is now known as kerry_
kerry_wats an emulator18:57
HexagownMy wireless only work with Gentoo x86 or says on madwifi.org18:58
=== fReAky_t is now known as freaky[t]
trenton_Hi, anyway I can get kernel 2.6.27 in hardy please?18:58
HexagownI'll it work with Kubuntu too annyway?18:58
krashkerry_: well it basically allows you to run other operating systems in windows...18:59
kerry_wats an emulator18:59
krashHexagown: that's what genii said, you have to manually compile the code which gentoo does automatically19:00
kerry_well my computer has  two prog. wimdows and kubuntu19:00
Hexagownoh okay.19:01
kerry_does that tell you anything ?19:01
universidadcomo edito los marcadores19:01
krashkerry_: ahh compiz is for kubuntu not for windows19:01
Hexagownwell I'v worked whit this for 6hours in streak not, so I'll take a break now, ill be back later19:01
krashHexagown: Yeah that helps, hard to fix stuff when aggrivated :)19:02
Hexagownyeah :D19:02
kerry_krash : so its impossible ?19:02
krashkerry_: It *may* be possible, if you run kubuntu INSIDE of windows via a program but don't hold me to it19:03
krashkerry_: and I forgot what program I used to do so as well, hrmm19:03
kerry_so how do you run kubuntu in windows?19:04
krashkerry_: there's OS emulator programs for windows that allows you to do trying to find the one I used...19:04
kerry_ok thanks19:06
kerry_krash: how to install compiz fusion19:06
Nasjkrash yoyu mean virtual machines ?19:07
krashNasj: Aye that's what I mean19:07
krashvirtualbox is the one I used last *nods*19:07
Nasjboth good ones19:08
=== kerry_ is now known as kerry
krashNasj thanks19:08
Nasjand if you ahve the time19:08
=== kerry is now known as Guest60283
Nasjset this up19:08
ncfi1013_why when i try to burn movies in k3b does it not go past preparing the data for burning19:08
=== Guest60283 is now known as kerry_
kerry_krash: how to install compiz19:09
ncfi1013_why when i try to burn movies in k3b does it not go past preparing the data for burning19:10
krashNasj: *laughs* nice strip19:10
Nasjset it up19:10
Nasjthan you can laugh :P19:10
keyzeki want compile program in C++19:12
krashNasj: Hrmm how do you set it up?19:12
keyzekhow i can use program gcc19:12
Nasjlots of virtual machines19:12
krashkeyzek: g++19:12
Nasjmake a virtual network between them19:13
krashNasj: Oh I get it haha19:13
Nasjamke sure they cant connetc with your main computer19:13
trenton_Hi, anyway I can get kernel 2.6.27 in hardy please?19:13
Nasjthan download all viruses you can xds19:13
krashNasj: that would be funny19:13
Nasjand evry once in a while19:13
Nasjscan a computer19:13
Nasjand delete19:13
sudiok back19:14
sudinow i'm on linux19:14
Nasjbe sure you scan every half hour19:14
Nasjto keep track of the birus movements :P19:14
sudibut wireless is still not working19:14
keyzekkrash thx ;)19:14
krashkeyzek: np :)19:14
sudinow i'm sitting next to the device with a cable19:14
NasjI should probably install linux too19:14
krashsudi: hardwired?19:14
Frekuwireless to dangerous anyway   use homeplug solution19:15
krashsudi: update your system?19:15
keyzeki'm beginner user ubuntu :)19:15
NasjI read a lot19:15
=== Imposible is now known as Alfonso
Nasjbut haven't installed linux yet19:15
krashNasj: Me too, too much at times19:15
Nasjecxept puppy linux19:15
sudii just did19:15
Nasjand DSL19:15
sudiinstalled like 79 upes19:16
ncfi1013_why when i try to burn movies in k3b does it not go past preparing the data for burning19:16
krashNasj: why are you in a kubuntu chatroom then? hehe19:16
sudibut still the knetwokmanager isn't working right19:16
Nasjcause im planning on installing kubuntu19:16
sudisomehow themanual config isn't working19:16
krashsudi: was any of them wireless tools?19:16
Alfonsohello everybody19:16
Nasjand kubuntu seems nice to start with :D19:16
Alfonsocan somebody help me19:16
Alfonsoi just cant install my video driver19:16
sudiany suggestions about wireless tools krash19:16
Frekuyeah  i went to kubuntu about half year ago19:17
Frekudont have any complaints19:17
Alfonsoi have a Compaq Presario v3418 with Nvidia 6500 GO19:17
Frekustruggled in beginning with videodrivers a bit but after that  :)19:17
krashsudi: I'm thinking still, but not coming up with anything19:17
Nasjlol @ http://xkcd.com/214/19:18
NasjI always end up at lesbiansim i nerotica19:18
krashAlfonso: You need proprietary drivers from nvidia, what kubuntu you running?19:18
keyzeki have g++ and how can i compile program ??19:19
krashAlfonso:  sudo aptitude search nvidia19:19
sudikrash: just installed wireless assitant19:19
sudican't find it now^19:19
Alfonsokrash: its version 8.0419:19
Alfonsokrash: ive try Envy package and didnt work19:19
krashkeyzek: I believe it's g++ -c test.c19:20
krashthen it'd be g++ -o test test.o19:20
krashthen ./test but don't hold me to that either also been a while19:20
krashAlfonso that's weird, because my card is either the same one or very similiar and mine works19:21
Nasjyou know a bit more bout partitiniong ?19:21
krashNasj: that I do frequently enough yeah19:21
Nasjcause i now have like a 80gig windows HDD19:22
Nasjand also a 500gig HDD for storage19:22
Alfonsokrash: could it be something with the compiz pakage??19:22
suditrying something be right back19:22
Nasjcan i partition like 25 - 50 gig of that storage HDD and install kubuntu on that ?19:22
krashAlfonso: I don't believe so, I believe the nvidia module has to be inserted on bootup...19:22
krashNasj: I'm running on a 35 gig kubuntu partition right now and yes you could19:23
krashNasj: HOWEVER... your computer boots from the 80 gig hdd right?19:24
krashYou'll need to install the bootloader there...19:24
Nasjdoes that mean19:24
Nasjlot of hassle ?19:24
Alfonsokrash: it worked almost properly once, with the 3d stuff, if i had 4 desktops it only recognized 2 of them19:24
keyzekkrash i have one question where i must save test.c ??19:24
krashNasj: unless your bios allows you to choose your boot hdd19:25
Nasjit does19:25
Nasjbut then verythime i want to switch i need to change that inm y BIOS ?19:25
Alfonsokrash: which driver worked for you??19:25
krashkeyzek: anywhere you want, usually your home directory ie. /home/keyzek/  should make a directory ie (mkdir src)19:26
krashAlfonso: one second I'll see which one I'm using19:26
sudimuhaha i tricked the connection19:27
sudikrash: i found a "solution"19:28
krashAlfonso: Okay to be noted, I'm using the beta version of kubuntu 8.10... I go to system, kmenu,apps,hardware drivers, and nvidia 17719:28
sudii used the Wireless Asisstent to connect the network19:28
Nasji never liked it when solution was within qoutation maks19:28
krashsudi: Nice :)19:28
sudii guess its bc the wireless "router" has no dhcp19:28
sudiand i was not able to use the knetworkmanager manual config19:28
Alfonsokrash: ok ill try it thanx19:28
sudibc the programm is not installed somehow19:29
geniiHexagown: Apologies. Today is extremely busy for me here at work and they keep calling me away from the computer.19:29
krashAlfonso: So it should still be in your kde 3.5 somewhere just don't know where offhand...19:29
Nasj(20:24:59) <krash> Nasj: unless your bios allows you to choose your boot hdd19:29
Nasj(20:25:11) * javi (n=javi@226.Red-83-44-155.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net) has joined #kubuntu19:29
Nasj(20:25:11) <Nasj> it does19:29
Nasj(20:25:27) <Nasj> but then verythime i want to switch i need to change that inm y BIOS ?19:29
krashNasj: Sorry, my bios has an option if i push f8 I can choose what to boot from...19:30
Nasjmine has that too19:30
Nasjbut i dont know if linux will show up in there19:30
krashlinux won't but if you can boot from the storage hdd then you'll be fine19:30
Alfonsokrash: ok, i find it, ill try what you just said.19:31
krashthe bootloader will install to the master boot record of the storage hdd19:31
krashAlfonso: Good luck :)19:31
sudithanks for all your help19:32
GSF1200Sdoes anyone in here know what the package is called for the Kubuntu control panel19:32
Alfonsokrash: guess ill need it :)19:32
Nasjthe storage hdd doesnt show uo19:32
krashAlfonso: but if you have a couple gigs free on the windows hdd, I'd install it there, and just make a partition on the storage hdd for well storage19:32
Nasjcause there isnt an os installed there ?19:32
Nasjwhen i press F819:33
Nasji get the option to chose WINDOWS safe mode19:33
Nasjor MS-DOS19:33
Nasjand that stuff19:33
Frekuthen you pressed F8 too late19:33
krashahh that's not the bios that's windows itself19:33
Alfonsokrash: actually i have 3 partitions, windows, storage, kubuntu19:33
krashAlfonso: I'm sorry that was meant to go to Nasj :P19:33
Alfonsokrash: lol19:34
Nasjill go and see how much i got left19:34
geniiGSF1200S: usually kcontrol19:34
Nasjis my windows isntallation save ?19:34
Nasjcause i believe i once fucked up bigtime19:35
Nasjwhile trying linux19:35
Nasjwhile trying to partition19:35
krashNasj: I've never messed up one yet19:35
Frekualways have a backup19:35
Frekubefore major changes19:35
Frekuyes ?19:35
geniiNasj: Please, watch the language :)19:35
Nasjall my files are on a diff HD19:35
krashNasj: but Freku gives good advice I'm wreckless :)19:35
Nasjok genii19:35
geniiNasj: Thanks19:36
GSF1200Sgenii: kcontrol is for KDE. I installed the kernel and installed kdebase on top of that- I need the kubuntu specific contol center for power management19:36
Nasjkrash can my storage hd be used for both linux and windows ?19:36
krashNasj: Aye :)19:37
krashNasj: Great thing about linux it can read/write to both, but windows can't :P19:37
stdinGSF1200S: kde-systemsettings19:37
Nasjbut my /home folder will be on the OS HDD ?19:37
Nasjlinux kicks19:37
GSF1200Sstdin: thanks alot19:37
krashNasj: However you're still going to want your linux running on an ext3 or reiserfs partition19:37
Nasjreiserfs ?19:38
krashNasj: You can make your home folder on your storage hdd19:38
Frekui thought reiserfs is no longer developed .  jailtime ?19:38
pteague_workis there any way i can default konqueror to tree view for directories?19:38
geniiGSF1200S: I think kde-guidance , or similar19:38
Nasjwont that be a hassle krash ?19:38
krashNasj: I'm not sure, I believe the partitioner will recognize both hard drives19:39
GSF1200Sgenii: you and stdin were both right.. thanks!19:39
krashNasj: should be easier than ya think19:39
Nasj16 gig free19:39
Frekupff not much19:40
Nasjout of 7619:40
krashFreku: what? no more reiserfs?19:40
NasjFreku thats on my OS HDD19:40
krashNasj: Move stuff to your storage hdd and defrag your os hdd :P19:40
Frekui read somewhere that the creator of reiser is in jail for killing19:41
Frekui thought his wife19:41
Nasjall that usage are fro minstalled programms19:41
krashNasj: that would be horrible if true, reiserfs4 was looking so promising :P19:42
Nasji think you mean Freku19:43
geniiIt is true but work on reiserfs continues.19:43
krashblah yep19:43
Frekuread it19:43
krashNasj: Anyway of clearing up more space on the OS hdd?19:43
Nasjim trying19:44
maggo79there are new ati-drivers (not yet linked)19:44
FrekuSan Quentin state prison19:44
geniimaggo79: Thanks for the link19:45
Nasjmaybe worht to mention19:45
Nasjive got an other partition19:45
Nasjcalled RECOVERY19:45
Nasjits for when i screw up badly19:45
stdin<warning> never trust an unofficial link </warning>19:45
Nasjand i mess windows up19:45
krashwow can't say I haven't ever felt like killing my wife but sheesh :P19:46
geniistdin: Actually the akamai.net is where ati does store their downloads19:46
Frekueasier to make an image with a tool like trueimage or ghost19:46
Nasjit rerutns C:\ back to fabric defaults19:46
Frekudell computer ?19:46
Nasjcompaq :p19:46
stdingenii: if it's not announced, it may not be the final version or could have other problems19:46
geniistdin: Ah, true19:47
stdinjust like when the ubuntu ISOs are being seeded on the servers before announced19:47
* krash sighs19:48
krashmother-in-law coming over...19:48
Tm_Tkrash: good reason to sing19:48
krashonly woman worse than my wife haha19:48
krashgood reason to get a bottle of jack :P19:48
Tm_Talso very offtopic19:49
Frekumaybe wait for ext419:49
krashanyone else using the beta version 8.10 of kubuntu?19:49
geniikrash: Probably a lot of people in the #ubunt+1 channel ... ;)19:50
genii#ubuntu+1    even19:50
krashI'm still trying to get the liquid weather++ to work :P19:50
* genii smacks his keyboard a bit19:50
krashgenii: Is that for the testers?19:50
geniikrash: It's for 8.10 period19:50
Nasjam i going to stay up all night and install kubuntu ?19:50
Tm_TNasj: sure you do19:51
Tm_TNasj: though it only takes 30 minutes19:51
Frekujust sleep on it19:51
Nasjthats what i tought19:51
krashNasj: *laughs* naww about 30 minutes to install it the rest of the night tinkering with it hehe19:51
Nasjyeah thats what i meant19:51
krashwell afk a bit guys ... :(19:52
maggo79announced: http://ati.amd.com/support/drivers/linux/linux-radeon.html19:52
NasjI just know that when i install kubuntu i cant be pulled away from my computer for at least another 12 hours19:52
Frekucu next week then19:52
krashI haven't used my windows boot on this comp in about a month :)19:52
mmarantegirl here?19:52
Frekuyeah  it grows on you19:53
maggo79<- is restating X to test the new ati drivers19:54
Freku<- cant wait for the results   :)19:54
itsatrickI'm trying to upgrade (an install now) KDE4 per these instructions: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1.2.  However, I have a lot of broken dependencies and when I do think I've installed KDE, everything's white except for a few icons that failed to load.  Anyone else having this problem?  Solutions?  thanks.20:01
maggo798.10 catalyst drivers running20:08
maggo79videos play without flickerung with kde4 desktop effect enabled20:09
mrksbrdhas anyone attempted printing thru a printserver that is on a windows system20:09
maggo79gamma is adjustable for each monitor seperatly20:10
bdizzlehi, I was wondering how to update the signatures on ClamTK (yes, I know Linux doesn't need virus scan, but I recently booted into windows this past weekend and wanted to be sure20:39
bdizzleI tried from GUI and it claims I need to be root to do it20:40
=== david is now known as Guest98347
NickPrestabdizzle, kdesudo clamav20:41
bdizzlek, thanks20:41
krashcancel that got more stuff to do20:46
MHz128hi all20:47
MHz128how do I search for a file using kubuntu?20:47
krashman find20:47
krasherr second20:47
krashMHz128: there should be a search or find in konqueror I believe20:49
spiroohello, I need help.20:50
MHz12810 4 thanks20:50
spirooI accidently removed my root user20:50
krashMHz128: Mine's under tools, find file...20:50
spirooafter that I should install the new kubntu beta, which removed everything, almost. Well, because of the lack of root, dpkg throw an error and I cannot install anything.20:51
=== luke is now known as Coggz
krashspiroo: If it's a fresh install, just reinstall20:51
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Coggzhi all, needing some assistance20:52
spirookrash: No it is not a fresh install20:52
mijagiyo, how live?20:52
spirookrash: I need to restore it without re-install whole kubuntu from cd.20:52
Coggzgot a problem with TightVNC, VirtualBox and Windows XP20:52
mijagiwho speak polish ??20:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about po20:53
krashspiroo: can you still use sudo?20:53
ubottuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl20:53
spirookrash: yes :P20:53
krashspiroo: then you have to sudo adduser root and give it proper privilages & groups20:53
fernando__coggz wich is your problem?20:53
spirookrash: Unfortunatly I cannot reinstall anything. Only have the console to work with. I think the adduser command is not available :D Because the package is removed I think, which make adduser possible.20:54
Coggzwell, im running Kubuntu 7.10 in a virtual machine on windows xp host. I want the linux machine to connectable from outside, eg elsewhere and for friends to get a taste of linux.20:54
krashspiroo: adduser should never be removed :P20:54
geniispiroo: It's a catch-22 situation.20:55
spirookrash: I know, BUT when I upgraded it apparantly did without my knowledge.20:55
spiroogenii: What do you mean?20:55
krashspiroo: I believe genii means you're SOL but I could be wrong :P20:55
geniispiroo: Eg: You need root user to make root user.20:56
spiroolol :D20:56
spirooWell, I have a root user account.20:56
krashCoggz: You behind a router?20:56
geniispiroo: Can you successfully run sudo with that user?20:57
spirooThe problem as I know it, my account refers to the root account, which does not exist.20:57
Coggzkrash: yes, but i have dyndns forwarding my dynamic ip20:57
spiroogenii: Yes, I think so. Problem goes when I am trying to install something in aptitude.20:57
krashCoggz: Okay you going to let them vnc yeah?20:58
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HexagownHello guys, now I have the 32bit vesion on Kubuntu20:58
geniispiroo: Does:  cat /etc/apsswd|grep root            show something like: root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash                      ?20:58
krashCoggz: and what virtual machine you using? vmware, virtualbox?20:58
Coggzkrash: yes, thats the plan20:58
Coggzkrash: virtual box20:59
spiroogenii: I do not know, I cannot test because I am in Vista for the moment.20:59
krashCoggz: Do you have a port forwareded to the machine for the vnc connection?20:59
geniiHexagown: Congrats :) The very first way that was tried on your card might work now20:59
spiroogenii: All GUI:s is gone! :D Because every single kde4 package was removed, almost ...21:00
mrksbrdanyone have anyidea wht i'm getting this error .....Bad device-uri "Lpd://"!21:00
HexagownYes, I did wrong before :D21:00
Coggzkrash: yes, to the virtual machine, or to the internet, I have port 5900 to the internet but nothing else21:00
ScorpKinggenii: and maybe grep passwd file for uid's above 1000? ;)21:00
mrksbrdtrying to config CUPS21:00
HexagownAnd now I have the OS at my language too :D21:00
mrksbrdto use with print server21:00
krashCoggz: port 5900 has to be forwarded <from> the net <to> the ip address of the computer running virtualbox...virtualbox should be able to open port 5900 unless it's used by another program21:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about uri21:01
spiroogenii: Do you know if it is possible to fix dpkg. I need to re-install those programs I lost.21:01
Hexagowngenii, can you send the drivers for DWA547 agan please?21:02
Coggzkrash: right, my pc, IP: has the virtual machine, Router is
Coggzkrash: i have forwarded the port 5900 to that IP too21:02
spirooThats the thing I hate with every single operative system. You cannot do a rollback .... Would be great if you could make every single setting goes to default values and it begins as it was when you installed it at the first time.21:02
krashCoggz: and you have a vnc server running in the ubuntu vm?21:03
Coggzyes, tightvncserver21:03
krashCoggz: can you connect to it from the windows machine?21:04
ryan_rohypnolI have a question about sound I got my sound to work but everytime I restart I have to re enter the reset command to maek the sound work any suggestions?21:05
Coggzkrash: no, i have tightvncviewer, but cannot seem to connect21:05
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows21:06
krashCoggz: can you connect inside the virtual machine?21:06
HexagownEhum, how do I start Envy, what command?21:07
krashCoggz: which is a bad idea btw, cause it'll go through an infinite loop but need to find out if it's running properly :P21:07
Coggzkrash: ill just try... how do i connect from linux?21:07
geniiHexagown: The instructions we originally tried http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=490500  from about post3     need also the inf stuff: http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=37973&d=1184235806  which rename to zip and extract somewhere that you specify path to ndiswrapper in the other commands from the 3rd post on there21:07
krashvncviewer <host>21:08
Coggzkrash: kk21:08
* Nasj back21:08
krashwb Nasj21:08
krashcrap I just realized I'm still marked away and remembered why... bbiab guys21:09
Coggzkrash: i think i may  need java21:09
Nasjkrash you gonna go ?21:10
krashWell I'm supposed to be doing work here hehe21:10
* krash coughs21:11
krashLet's just say I made a mess that I have to clean up :P21:11
krash...before the wife gets home and buries me in the forest :P21:11
krashCoggz: You shouldn't need java21:11
krashCoggz: I believe the port issue may be a problem, don't hold me to it though, try a different port like 590121:12
Coggzkrash: well, when i went to connect, it chucked up all kinds of java errors, and i realised 'I don't have java, dammit'21:12
Nasjkrash and your mother in law too21:12
krashNasj: *laughs* naww she left thankfully21:13
Coggzthat is the port i am using... but not the one i have forwardedd, doh21:13
krashCoggz: 9/10 times it's a simple mistake :)21:13
NasjI hate it21:13
Coggzill try that out21:13
Nasjwhen i need to rewrite my perform21:13
Nasjso useless21:13
Nasjwhy cnat i just add something to auto oin21:14
krashOkay afk a bit guys gotta get *something* done here21:14
* Nasj wonders what that *something* is21:15
NasjI am guessing we'll never know for sure21:15
Coggzkrash: okay, i still can't connect21:16
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jannikhpanyone know of any drivers(PN800 via intergraded) for ubuntu 8.04 ? :)21:18
nadohow can i change the entries in the application list?21:22
nadoi gotta get rid of those old gnome app entries that i have since i installed kde21:22
nadoand where can i set konqueror to be the standard application for browsing my filesystem?21:23
spirooIm back. Well, my root account is still intact.21:24
spirooThe problem is that the group root is missing :D21:24
ryan_rohypnolFuck this IRC rofl i'ma go make a botnet21:24
ryan_rohypnolPeacez :)21:24
spiroo"dpkg: syntax  error: unknown user group ´root´ in statoverride file"21:25
geniiryan_rohypnol: Please, watch the profanities21:25
Coggz!wtf > ryan_rohypnol21:25
ubotturyan_rohypnol, please see my private message21:25
spiroogenii: IS it possible to restore the root user group?21:25
geniispiroo: Probably. But I haven't had to do it before21:26
Coggzkrash: u still about/21:27
spiroogenii: Neither do I ... :P Ah annoying21:27
nadowhere can i set konqueror to be the standard application for browsing my filesystem?21:29
geniispiroo: You might be able to do it from livecd and adding manually into places like /etc/passwd   /etc/shadow   and /etc/group      but you'd need to know what to put there21:29
ryan_rohypnolperl udp.pl 650000 PEACE IRC :)21:29
spiroogenii: Well, I am not that pro ...21:30
Dustin3ok Kubuntu peoples21:31
Dustin3I really want to use it, I tried.. I really did21:32
Dustin3I'm failing at life21:32
Dustin3I'm having an issue with GRUB21:33
Dustin3it's either not installing or if it DOES install, it won't regonize my partitions21:33
geniiDustin3: Is it some RAIDed storage?21:34
mithrasis it possible to get the kipi-plugins into ubuntu without having the complete kdelibs5-dev tree installed?21:36
Dustin3genii no it's a standard SATA drive21:36
Dustin3160GB, partitioned for Windows and Kubuntu21:36
Dustin3I had it working fine with Ubuntu 8.0421:38
Dustin3but the Kubnuntu installer seems to be pooass :(21:38
Dustin3I'm downloading 8.10 beta to try it21:39
=== david is now known as Hexagown
ScorpKingDustin3: have you tried installing grub manually?21:39
Dustin3Honestly, I'm really pretty dumb21:39
Dustin3I did some research21:39
Dustin3but obviously I can't do it through Windows21:39
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:39
Dustin3Sorry, bad habit21:40
ScorpKingnp :)21:40
ScorpKingDustin3: you can boot from the livecd and fix grub21:43
Dustin3ok hmm21:43
ScorpKingDustin3: mount your root linux partition on /mnt while on the livecd. check that /mnt/boot/grub/device.map contains the correct drives and if you are happy run - sudo grubinstall --root-directory=/mnt/ hd021:46
geniiSorry for lag, work is quite busy right now21:46
ScorpKingDustin3: sorry that's supposed to be grub-install with the - in there21:47
* ScorpKing hands genii some fresh coffee and dougnuts..21:47
geniiYay coffee!21:48
* genii sips and munches21:48
Dustin3hmm ok21:48
Dustin3cheers guys21:49
Dustin3I'll give it a go21:49
davidWhat command do I use to install ndiswrapper?21:50
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geniisudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-utils-1.9                     for hardy21:51
geniiHexagown: np21:51
HexagownYES!! It works!!!!21:54
Hexagownhave to reboot! ty for helping me out! :D21:54
geniiHexagown: Glad it finally got sorted out21:54
HexagownI'm so extream happy dude, I really stupid and noobich, but I think iv leard ALOT today.21:54
geniiHexagown: You're welcome21:55
HexagownI'll reboot now, cya soon21:55
* ScorpKing smiles..21:55
chfwiggumgd evening irc!21:56
mithrassry for asking the same question, but is it possible to get the kipi-plugins into ubuntu without having the complete kdelibs5-dev tree installed?21:56
* genii hands chfwiggum a coffee21:56
chfwiggumgenii: thx a bunch21:56
geniichfwiggum: np21:56
chfwiggumis blue-ray already supported in ubuntu/linux?21:57
geniimithras: Have you tried to just sudo apt-get install kipi-plugins        ?21:57
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mithrasyea, it will remove the qt4 version of digikam, but i try to install the kipi-plugins for kde421:58
geniichfwiggum: As far as I know, yes. eg: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/BluRayAndHDDVD21:58
chfwiggumgenii: ty21:59
mithrasdigikam for kde3 is available with kipi-plugins. But they updated digikam to kde4-version and left the kipi-plugins out. Trying to compile from svn I need kdelibs5-dev, cmake sais21:59
geniiTime for me to logoff temporarily. See you all later22:02
HexagownWell guys, Iv learned alot today, but I have to go to bed now, but I'll join in tomorrow, Bye!22:03
DarkSmokehas yesterday's problem been fixed in intrepid?22:12
DarkSmokethe one that when you update the system there's no net ?22:12
dystopianrayDarkSmoke: you'd want to ask that in #kubuntu+122:14
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lockoutubuntu en force22:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about devices22:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about device22:25
sariri cant download pictures from my camera22:25
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sarirthrough the usb.....22:25
itsatrickAnybody having trouble installing KDE 4 in Ubuntu 8.10?  When I do and I log in via KDE4, I get a white screen, no kicker, and some icons that didn't load.22:26
sarirany idea how to solve the problem?22:26
sarircamera settings doesnt work22:26
sarirnothing to do22:26
Dirusis there a way to make the windows (meta) key bring up the app menu without removing the ability to make meta+KEY combos?22:30
Diruson google all I find is people renumbering the meta key to be F13, which gets rid of it's ability to act as a modifier22:30
dr_willis#kde may know Dirus , ive seen that question asked in here befor.. personally I dont want ti to open the menu. :)  I perfer it as a modifier only key.22:31
DirusI wouldn't use it as such either, but I'm just trying to set it up for a friend's mother and wanted to make the key bindings as close to windows as possible22:32
jhutchins_wkDirus: I like having the left key be Menu and the right key be Meta.22:33
jhutchins_wkI like my deadkey compose strings.22:33
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exalhi mrs, how are you in this beautiful day?23:02
=== Ardarandir1 is now known as Ardarandir
peer`does kubuntu 7.04 have a built in utility for mounting .iso files?23:27
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.23:29
peer`now, when the image is mounted (will be mounting the Kubuntu 8.04 iso to install the OS), would it be viable to reformat the drive with new partitions while running kubuntu 7.04 off of one of those partitions or should I reformat from a LiveCD? Keep in mind I plan on doing a dual boot kubuntu/winxp pro setup.23:31
peer`when doing a dual boot install, should I install winxp or kubuntu furst23:38
rickestpeer`: absolutey winxp23:38
peer`alright, and in the winxp partitioner should I format it as two ntfs parts or one ntfs part and one unparted23:39
rickestthe latter23:39
rickestyou don't really need to format it, just make sure an empty partition exists23:39
peer`well that's what I was asking23:39
rickestkubuntu will, I believe, recommend ext3 which should be good for you23:40
peer`yeah, it uses ext323:40
peer`i installed 7.04 earlier today23:40
peer`before realizing that23:40
peer`1. I could still need winxp, 2. there's a newer distro23:41
rickestheh.  if you ever do linux THEN XP, it can be fixed but you'll need a LiveCD again and a little knowledge on reinstalling grub23:41
peer`oh crap23:41
peer`I am pretty much23:41
peer`the definition of noob23:41
rickestwe all are about something  :)23:42
peer`in the terminal window23:42
peer`I can23:42
peer`man stuff23:42
peer`and xeyes23:42
rickestxeyes++  that one goes way back, you use a mac before?23:42
peer`yeah way back when23:43
peer`like Macintosh II23:43
peer`I still have my tetris and simcity floppies for the Mac II23:43
rickestlol sweet23:43
peer`tetris, super tetris and simcity23:43
peer`how stable is KDE4.1.2?23:44
rickesthave heard mostly good but haven't tried it personally23:44
peer`Is KDE 4.0 stable?23:45
peer`I want to run KDE 4.x but don't want to run an unstable environment23:45
rickestI'm still on 3.5.923:45
nelsonstreetAnyone get VLC player to work on Kubuntu yet?23:50
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PEAKTOPhow to completely remove kubuntu-desktop ?23:55
dr_Willisfire up the package manager, search for kde, start removing things. is one way23:56
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE packages and have a default !Ubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome »23:56
dr_Willisis another way. follow that guide.23:56
dr_WillisGood Luck23:56
=== NikLP|awaaaay is now known as NikLP

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