
darkmatterhttp://jimmac.musichall.cz/themesets.php <-- LOL... I love the 'less saturated' desciption for the SLE 11 theme. I'd call that 'more' saturated00:13
popeyI am of course in danger of asking a FAQ - has the dark "new human" theme been dropped? My intrepid no longer seems to have it, and I can't find it via a search of the repo..13:48
kwwiipopey: nope, it just got renamed to DarkRoom13:59
kwwiiwe did that to confuse you13:59
kwwii(in addition to the fact that the old name was stupid)13:59
kwwiiI should have renamed it to übermensch perhaps14:00
kwwiithere will be another update either today or tomorrow in which the tabs have more contrast, btw14:00
popeyah thanks14:07
=== njpatel is now known as njpatel_away
Guest85856I'm trying to do a modified Kubuntu version to write LaTeX live.19:31
Guest85856Do I need to modify all Kubuntu artwork in order to make clear this is not a official Ubuntu release if I want to distribute it?19:31
Guest85856If this is the case, are there precise directives on which files I should modify?                           __________________19:31
kwwiiGuest85856: not sure I get what you eman19:50
Guest85856well, I started from a Kubuntu19:51
Guest85856and modified something here and there19:51
Guest85856now before distributing it19:51
Guest85856I'd like to know what artwork should be removed19:52
Guest85856to avoid trademark problems20:00
kwwiihrm, I am not sure exactly how the rules are in this case...let me ask a couple of people20:19
kwwiiGuest85856: this might take a bit to figure out...have you tried asking on #kubuntu-devel?20:24
Guest85856no, i'll try there, thank you20:34
kwwiihow do you want to distribute it?20:34
kwwiiyou won't be allowed to use the logo with or without the name, that much is clear20:35
Guest85856yes, this is clear20:35
kwwiireally, the main things that say kubuntu in kubuntu are the menu and the default webpage20:35
Guest85856but where are hidden all the logos?20:35
kwwiithe menu pic, I mean20:35
kwwiiit is a package which does all the branding20:35
kwwiithe usplash has a logo as well20:36
Guest85856then there is the fact that many files have name containing *buntu, not to mention the packages version20:36
kwwiiif you go through kubuntu-default-settings package and replace everything you find there it should be pretty close to everything20:37
kwwiioh, the package names is not a problem20:37
kwwiiI assume that you will make a package which over-rides the settings and conffiles in k-d-s20:37
kwwiior make another package like kds with your stuff in it and install that instead20:37
kwwiinaturally, all your packages would have the name you pick for your variant20:38
Guest85856but there are a lot of default packages that I do not plan to replace20:39
Guest85856anyway, I'll try kds20:40
Guest85856thank you20:40
Guest85856I guess this debranding stuff may take more than making the actual distro... :(20:41
kwwiilol, only if you are not an artist :p20:42
kwwiiif you don't replace anything, why make your own stuff?20:42
Guest85856I realized that there are no live distro which allow you to write in LaTeX20:43
Guest85856so I tried to make one, and this was pretty simple20:43
kwwiiwell, if you have a livecd with a text editor you can do that...or do you mean the tools to actually produce/print stuff from it?20:43
Guest85856yer you cannot compile LaTeX from the live cd20:44
kwwiiright, that is what I meant20:44
Guest85856moreover you don't have editors specific for latex20:44
kwwiiso you add gs and such20:44
Guest85856and some service menus20:44
kwwiiso do you add emacs?20:44
Guest85856and some other tools20:44
Guest85856plus some guides20:45
Guest85856no, I used Kile and TeXmaker20:45
kwwiiand how do you fit all that on a livecd?20:45
kwwiiyeah, I forgot about teXmaker20:45
Guest85856removing everything which wasn't needed for writing LaTeX :)20:45
kwwiihehe, cool20:45
Guest85856I mean, it is meant to be used live if you are on somebody's else pc20:46
kwwiithere really isn't too much to do, as most of it is really simple20:46
kwwiithe usplash is probably the hardest part20:46
Guest85856yeah, I need to design a proper logo20:46
Guest85856anyway, thank you for your suggestion :)20:47
kwwiiglad to help20:48
kwwiiyou might get someone to help you...send an email to the mailing list20:48
Guest85856ok, I tried IRC first since it is more immediate20:50
kwwiisure, and it is the best place to start20:50

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