
ikonialadies, gents, bed time00:00
Myrtti♥ ♥ ♥ I LOVE YOU ALL ♥ ♥ ♥ 01:01
PriceChildmy unicode fail?01:02
FlannelPriceChild: works for me01:03
PriceChildyep, my unicode fail then01:07
* Hobbsee covers PriceChild in treesap.01:08
PriceChild:O how rude01:09
* PriceChild covers Hobbsee in fail01:09
Hobbseemmm, fail..01:09
PriceChildHi bunnyto, can we help?01:20
bunnytois this ubuntu?01:22
PriceChildbunnyto: nope, this is 01:23
PriceChildbah silly keyboard01:23
PriceChildThis is #ubuntu-ops01:23
bunnytooh i see, may i become op?01:23
PriceChildbunnyto: why would you like to be an op?01:23
bunnytoto abuse of people on the irc01:24
PriceChildAh yes that is always fun.01:24
HobbseePriceChild: i didn't think you were supposed to admit to that?01:25
PriceChildoh.... yeah... erm :/01:25
PriceChildbunnyto: So you're banned from 01:25
PriceChild#ubuntu, let me find out why.01:26
PriceChildand grrrr at stupid placement of return and # on this keyboard01:26
PriceChildbunnyto: what do you use #ubuntu for?01:33
bunnytoi've meet there a couple of girls01:33
Hobbseebunnyto: do you know the user "emma"?01:35
PriceChildHobbsee: excuse me?01:35
Hobbseei've seen the nick somewhere before, i'm trying to figur eout where.01:35
PriceChildhmm ok01:36
elky_workHobbsee, you're thinking of bunnyrevolution?01:37
Hobbseeelky_work: possibly, but i thought there were two bunnies in that sphere.01:37
tritiumGood evening.01:45
PriceChildbunnyto: Unfortunately I don't think we can make you an op. You see there are limits to the number of ops that can abuse users before publicity levels remove the joy from all of us.01:46
PriceChildbunnyto: as for your ban in 01:46
PriceChild#ubuntu, i'm afraid that's going to stay and you'll have to find these girls elsewhere.01:46
HobbseePriceChild: have you seen the bantracker yet?01:46
PriceChildHobbsee: I took a cursory glance.01:47
Hobbseeoh good :)01:47
PriceChildHobbsee: anything in particular I may have missed?01:47
bunnytooh dammit.. ok i guess i need to switch to #redhat01:47
HobbseePriceChild: not really.  Just that he doesn't appear to learn, from his last ban.01:47
Hobbseebunnyto: i doubt they support windows either...01:48
bunnytodo you know Mark Shutlelfork?01:49
naliothbunnyto: is there anything else we can help you with?01:50
bunnytowhats his name01:51
bunnytono thanks ,i think ill Idle here for the next year... 01:51
* Hobbsee has spoken to mark shuttleworth.01:51
PriceChildAnd I've spoken to you... which means... I've spoken to Mark Shuttleworth!01:52
mneptokMark Shuttleworth has called me "Uncle Kurt"01:54
PriceChildnalioth: is that your new standard remove message?01:54
mneptoki wonder what that means01:54
Hobbseemeans you'll be eaten by a grue.01:55
tritiummneptok: better than "Mistah Kurtz"01:57
naliothPriceChild: no.02:00
naliothi am in an exceptionally foul mood today, so must make up for it by being externally very nice02:01
PiciFlannel: Did I miss something in -ot? My connection here is a bit flaky...03:52
FlannelPici: Not that I can see, no.  I just got here though, what/who/whatever do you think's doing stuff?03:52
PiciFlannel: dunno, Mteck was asking wastrel not to swear (he said damn).  which I don't concider swearing so I didnt do anything.  Then I reconnected and he asked me to kick him.03:53
FlannelAh, I'll scroll up and take a gander03:53
PiciI figured something happened when I lagged out03:54
FlannelNot that I can see, no.03:58
macoFlannel: he was swearing before and pasting very long texts into the channel05:04
Flannelmaco: Who?05:04
macoFlannel: dryanta, i mean05:04
FlannelI'm seeing the issue right now, but I'll check my logs, thanks.05:04
macoyeah i saw you starting to try to get him behave, and so i figured id point out what was going on about 20 minutes ago05:04
Flannelaye, thanks.05:05
danrojoperadores de ubuntu-es en el canal esta un bot que incomoda mucho con su inteligencia artificial05:26
=== tritium_ is now known as tritium
elky_worknalioth, look, your bestest buddy06:50
* Tm_T hugggles Myrtti 09:17
* Myrtti huggles Tm_T 09:22
Myrttioh dear sweet jebus the pictures of me at the conference10:12
* Myrtti wants brain bleach10:13
ikoniapictures ?10:25
ikoniado share10:25
Myrttihell no10:29
ikoniago on, be a sport10:30
ikoniait's nice to put faces to people10:30
Myrttioh you can see lots of pictures of me in flickr10:30
ikoniaoh ?10:30
Myrttimy awful lardy tummy doesn't show in them10:30
ikoniaI think I've seen a picture of some of your pink stuff10:30
ikoniaand a hamster10:30
elkbuntuof her what?10:31
* elkbuntu torments ikonia10:31
ikoniaitems she owns that are pink10:31
ikonia(to clarify)10:31
ikoniaahhh 10:32
ikoniaso now I've seen pricechild, ompaul, and you10:32
ikoniaand gnomefreak I think10:33
ikoniathink I've seen a photo of you at a conference10:33
ikoniamaybe not then10:33
gnomefreaki would hope not10:33
ikoniathere is another guy I've seen 10:33
ikoniaat a USA get together10:33
ikoniapici maybe ?10:34
MyrttiI need brainbleach to get the picture of mneptok from my brain10:34
* ikonia trys to think of usa guys10:34
elkbuntumneptok is a yankadian10:34
Myrttiyou've probably seen Mez too10:34
ikoniaahhh yes, he had purple hair at one point10:35
ikoniaor wild hair of some sort10:35
ikoniaI remember a photo 10:35
Myrttihttp://www.flickr.com/photos/myrtti/2683571734/ <-- ewwww, smoking10:36
ikonianot how I remembered the picture of mez10:39
bazhangdarklust, how may we assist you10:55
bazhang!idle | darklust 11:00
ubottudarklust: Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only, and we ask you to part when you have no further business here, in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries.11:00
Hobbseeiirc that's a forward11:01
ubottuThe operation succeeded.11:01
ubot3`In ubot3`, knocternal said: what is irc11:44
ubot3`In ubot3`, knocternal said: what is a bot?11:44
Myrttioh god, I want a Bounty bar12:06
ikoniaI want a kitkat12:06
ikoniaor a mint aero12:06
ikoniaor a chocoloate orange12:06
* Dave2 wantrs bkreakfast12:06
Dave2...wants, breakfast.12:06
Tm_TDave2: you can do it, son, you can!12:06
elkbuntujaffas turned me off chocolate orange stuff12:14
ikoniaelkbuntu: wrong answer12:15
ikoniachocolate orange is one of the greatest gifts that can be given12:15
* ikonia prays to terry's for bigger versions12:15
elkbuntuikonia, jaffas are cheap and nasty tasting. kind of ruins the concept12:16
ubottuIn ubottu, ikonia said: ! howtoask is To ask a question state clearly the problem description, the ubuntu version you are running and any details you feel may aid the resolution of the problem12:17
ikoniaelkbuntu: are they "official" mcvitties jaffas or a diffent brand12:17
elkbuntuare you not an editor?12:18
ikoniaI think so 12:18
ikoniaI was 12:18
ikoniagot my ubottu notes somewhere12:18
elkbuntuikonia, i've got no clue what brand i ate 20 years ago12:19
ikoniawow, that long12:19
ikoniaif it wasn't mcvities, I can understand how it could put you off12:20
ikoniathere is only one jaffa12:20
Myrttithere's only one jaffa12:20
Myrttiand it's made in Finland.12:20
ikoniaMyrtti: I'm sorry but you are wrong12:20
ikoniaI apologise if this may change the way you look on things, but mcvities are the jaffa makers12:21
ikoniaso you may educate yourself in the way of biscuit confectionary12:22
Myrttia nasty webpage that fails to load decently12:27
* Myrtti doesn't bother12:28
ikoniaoh, worked ok here, how dissapointing12:28
ikoniaelkbuntu: as an aussie, are you aware of a famous majigian called "Ravine" (real name Peter Ravine)12:29
elkbuntuthe name is vaguely familiar12:30
Tm_Tsomething exploded13:03
Myrttiso it seems13:07
Myrtti1000€ come to mama!13:27
MyrttiI think I just recruited mord to work for Nomovok :-D13:32
ikoniaMyrtti mord, isn't he the big quiet guy of startrek deep sapce 9?13:32
Tm_Tikonia: mordicus13:32
Tm_TMyrtti: 1532.35 <@Tm_T> mord: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO13:33
ikoniaso not mord13:33
MyrttiTm_T: sshhhh13:33
Tm_Tikonia: could be that too13:33
Tm_TMyrtti: I didn't say more!13:33
ikoniait's morn, not mord13:34
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, magnetron said: ubottu, godwin is a law that says something funny about poor Nazi references on the internet13:46
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, magnetron said: ubottu, godwin is a law that says something funny about poor Nazi references on the Usenet13:46
Tm_TI'll get that one13:47
elkbuntui was already dealing with it13:47
Tm_Telkbuntu: ah then please do13:47
Tm_TU97418: hi how can we help you?13:48
elkbuntuhe's going around various channels saying something chinese, then giving up and leaving13:48
ikoniathats not like magnetron13:49
Tm_Tikonia: we were talking about this U23424563452452 fellow13:49
ikoniaI meant magnetron and teh natzi stuff13:50
Tm_Tikonia: ah13:50
Tm_Tnice to have "nazi" in hilight13:51
ikoniamagnetron is normally rally solid though, 13:51
ikoniaodd odd odd13:51
elkbuntueveryone slips up occasionally13:52
Tm_Texcept me, but hey, I'm semigod13:53
ikoniaof course13:53
Tm_Tikonia: good that you agree with me13:53
ikoniahow could I not13:53
Myrttinalioth: pingpong13:56
naliothMyrtti: hi14:01
Myrttiwe seem to be missing ubot5 from -fi14:02
naliothsounds like you need to poke the bots owner  :)  ( did you want ubot3 in the mean time ? )14:03
Myrttiwhich one of them was yours again?14:03
Myrttisorry, confused14:03
naliothi operate ubot314:03
Myrttiwell, we need ubot^n+114:04
=== ubot3` is now known as ubot3
naliothall these splits have played bloody hell with the bots, it seems14:05
ikoniamake the splits stop14:05
Tm_Tnalioth: also ubot3 is having some outdated factoids14:06
naliothTm_T: it updates hourly from the main db :(14:08
Tm_Tnalioth: but...14:09
Tm_Tubot3: kde414:09
ubot3KDE 4.1.1 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at  http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1.1 - Support in #kubuntu-kde414:09
Tm_Tubottu: kde414:09
ubottuKDE 4.1.2 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at  http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1.2 - Support in #kubuntu-kde414:09
ubottukde4 aliases: kde 4, kde4help, kde4support - added by apokryphos on 2006-06-18 20:48:00 - last edited by Tm_T on 2008-10-06 05:23:5514:09
Myrttiubot3: !-kde414:10
ubot3kde4 aliases: kde 4, kde4help, kde4support - added by apokryphos on 2006-06-18 20:48:0014:10
Myrttiit even comes from Finland ;-)14:12
elkbuntubackup might be needed in -ot soon14:12
naliothTm_T: i'll look into ubot3s guts in a minute14:13
Tm_Tnalioth: np14:16
Tm_Telkbuntu: me cannot14:16
naliothi don't understand why the factoids aren't up to date (unless the kde4 one has been updated in the past hour)14:17
Tm_Tnalioth: it hasn't14:19
Tm_Tnalioth: it's weeks old14:19
naliothTm_T: what time is there?14:19
nalioththe timestamp on the ubuntu.db is 15:56 on this day14:20
Tm_Tcannot be14:20
elkbuntuikonia, for added lols, the (non-magnetron) moron who tried to be funny by recycling seinfeld went on to attack me for defending that he did not invoke godwin14:20
Tm_Tnalioth: 1609.49 < ubottu> kde4 aliases: kde 4, kde4help, kde4support - added by apokryphos on 2006-06-18 20:48:00 - last edited by Tm_T on 2008-10-06 05:23:5514:21
Tm_Tnalioth: so something isn't right here14:21
naliothyeah, i'm fixing to attempt a fix14:22
naliothit wasn't identified, either14:22
naliothTm_T: give it a few minutes to sync and then give it a poke14:25
Tm_Tnalioth: will do, thanks14:25
naliothi don't think these supybots have the same uptime expectations as a linux server  :|14:26
Tm_Tnalioth: sync14:31
ikoniasync; sync14:40
Tm_Tnalioth: means, it's in sync, uptodate14:40
Tm_Tnalioth: danke sehr14:40
=== Pici is now known as Guest68202
jussi01someone hilight me? please...14:50
Tm_Tjussi01: hilight14:50
jussi01perfect. thanks14:50
Tm_Toh, sorry14:51
Myrttifacebook just made me lol14:51
Myrttihilight jussi01 14:51
Tm_Tthere you go, son14:51
* jussi01 has a new quad core :D14:51
Myrttijussi01: OH SHUTUP14:51
ikoniajussi01: very nice14:51
Myrttijussi01: oh14:51
Myrttithen you can use...14:51
Tm_Tjussi01: yeah, wanna see how I try to build your jaiku plasmoid?14:51
* Myrtti calculates14:51
ikoniaZarroBoogs: ?????????14:52
Myrttijussi01: then you can use 300% of your CPU to using skype14:52
Tm_TMyrtti: =)14:52
Myrttilike I used 150% using skype yesterday14:52
=== ZarroBoogs is now known as Pici
* Pici waves14:52
ikoniaI use two quad core boxes to do my video encoding, it's amazing how much the step up to 4 cores makes compared fo dual core for encoding, 14:53
ikoniamuch more than I'd hoped for14:53
Tm_TI can spend hald od my ram just for one compilation process14:53
Piciikonia: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/buglist.cgi?quicksearch=noooooooo14:54
ubottuThe operation succeeded.15:43
jussi01Hey everyone, genii is going to be an op in #kubuntu :) He is a konversation user, so all you konvi users plase give him your tips and tricks ... ie. aliases/scripts etc. 16:23
geniiHello all16:24
Seeker`best tip for a konvi user is to use irssi16:24
Seeker`hi genii :)16:24
PiciSeeker`: +116:24
* bazhang gives genii a big mug of coffee16:24
* Myrtti prods genii to #freenode to ask for an unaffiliated cloak16:26
geniiYay, coffee!16:26
Picigenii: I believe LjL uses konversation, maybe he can help you with some aliases/plugins.16:26
geniiPici: OK thanks for the tip, I'll bug him when next I see him16:27
Myrttiif not, then I think the ones that we use with irssi might be applicable, though I don't know16:27
jussi01Myrtti: already on it :D16:27
geniiHmm. If I have two names which have valid logins currently but one is a master name, is this the cloaking thing?16:28
Picigenii: A cloak is the thing that hides your hostname16:29
naliothgenii: best 'tip and trick' to give you is "use irssi"16:29
geniiAh just alternate nick then 16:29
Picigenii: See the hostname difference between my whois and yours. An unaffiliated hostname would be unaffiliated/genii16:30
Seeker`a cloak changes user@208.124... to user@ubuntu/member/genii if you are a member or user@unaffiliated/genii16:30
geniiDarn now I'll have to learn irssi16:32
Picigenii: Its something provided by Freenode, not client dependent.16:32
Seeker`genii: The two are unrelated, it just happens to be the case that irssi is the best client evar! :P16:33
jussi01quassel ftw!!16:33
geniiSorry for lag, work keeps needing me here so running back and forth from the computer....16:35
Picigenii: You can ask for a cloak in #freenode :)16:35
Seeker`genii: not a problem16:35
geniiThey apparently set my cloak now. [11:36] [Notice] -leguin.freenode.net- NickServ set your hostname to "unaffiliated/genii"16:37
Myrttigenii: I think most (all?) of us have been there16:37
Myrttigenii: and so you have16:37
geniiSo whenever I login now cloak takes auto effect, or do I have to do some nickserv/chanserv commands?16:38
Myrttiwhen you login16:39
PiciNope, just as long as you identify.16:39
jussi01autoidentifying is a "good idea" TM16:39
PiciOn freenode, you can put your account password in the server password field so you don't need to issue commands after you connect.16:39
stdingenii: have you joined the ubuntu-irc team on launchpad yet?16:43
jussi01stdin: dont think he can yet, can he? 16:44
Myrttisure he can16:44
stdinjussi01: he can attempt to, then be approved by an admin (IRCC member)16:44
geniistdin: I'm apparently not belonging to any groups there16:47
stdinassuming you have a LP account, which you should have ;)16:49
geniiYes I do16:49
geniiOK, pending approval there now16:50
stdinaww, no IRC nicks on your user page. now I have to remember how to add someone to the bot16:55
jussi01or genii could just add some there...16:56
geniistdin: Sorry to make you work there....16:57
stdinI need to look at the IRCLogin plugin again, not sure which one ubottu is running now16:57
jussi01genii: good idea to have your IRC nicks on your LP page ;)16:58
jussi01earlier today... http://lifematta.com/jussi01/event/14193/ 16:59
stdinshow off16:59
stdinyou can't be that excited, it's not on your blog :p17:01
jussi01stdin: not had time yet...17:02
jussi01been too busy playing... D:17:02
stdinapparently there is no way to register someone else with the bot :|17:05
geniistdin: Added genii to my irc names17:06
* stdin sometimes feels like he should rewrite supybot and release better-than-supybot into the world17:06
geniiDoes he say when finished? Just curious17:08
stdinyeah, but you're not approved yet apparently :p oh well, at least I'll know it doesn't explode17:08
ubottuupdateusers run complete17:09
ubottuping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore17:09
stdingood, I didn't break it again17:09
stdinnow, where's a council member when you need them?17:13
pleia2welcome genii :)17:15
geniipleia2: Hello17:15
geniistdin: Council member I presume? ;)17:15
stdingenii: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-irc-council/+members :)17:16
* genii puts on a pot of coffee for the channel17:16
jussi01stdin: any idea who james vergal is?17:27
stdinjussi01: never heard of them, why?17:28
jussi01stdin: look at your email... I decined though.. 17:28
stdinjussi01: that's the second person to do that17:30
jussi01stdin: yeah, I modeled my answer on yours :d17:30
jussi01anyway, Im about to leave on a trip, so wont be in for a while. See you! (and look after genii ) :D17:31
geniijussi01: Safe travels!17:32
stdinsee you later \o17:32
PriceChildstdin: what do you need?18:26
stdinPriceChild: genii is a new kubuntu op, can you approve membership to ubuntu-irc?19:18
stdinLP username: mystic-scientist19:18
Mezhmm, thought channel-specific ops weret in that?19:19
stdinMez: LoCo ops aren't, core-channel ops are19:21
LjLstdin, well not necessarily, we've had many ops there were only added to the team after a while19:24
PriceChildstdin: I don't think he meets requirements for that group yet, will ask others on the council.19:24
PriceChildstdin: is acceptance to that group required for bantracker etc. ? I've forgotten since it was last explained to me :$19:25
LjLi think it's not now...19:26
stdinPriceChild: it's not absolutely required, but it does make my life easier ;)19:27
* genii sips his coffee and contemplates requirements19:28
stdinfwiw, I was a member of ubuntu-irc when I became a #k op and before I became a k/ubuntu member19:28
LjLstdin: yeah that's absolutely possible19:28
LjLi'm going for dinner. for what i'm concerned i'd wait a little before adding new ops to the team, but if it makes your life much easier with the BT, then no big deal doing i suppose19:29
stdinthe way I see it is, he's now an op in #k, he's signed the CoC and is known and trusted in many ubuntu channels. but if the council decided to wait a while before approving then I have no problem :)19:31
stdinand it may not be a bad idea to make it policy to wait a while now that I'm thinking about it more19:32
geniiUsually prerequisite to be a member ?19:33
stdinI don't think so, no19:34
Myrttibazhang isn't19:37
MyrttiI wasn't19:37
MyrttiPici wasn't19:37
stdinSeeker` still isn't ;)19:37
* Myrtti nods19:38
PriceChildi wasn't either19:46
PiciI did not have access to the bantracker until I was an op for a while.19:46
MyrttiPici: that was only because of delay19:47
Myrttiif you're an op, you need to comment and check your bans.19:47
Myrttithere's no sane way of doing that without the bt19:47
geniiWhats the usual practice on ban checking?19:56
Mez@bancheck genii19:56
ubottuThe operation succeeded.19:56
Mez@bancheck genii19:56
Mez@lart Mez19:57
Myrtti@bansearch Fujisan #ubuntu19:57
ubottuNo matches found for fujisan!*@* in #ubuntu19:57
Myrtti@bansearch *!*@unaffiliated/exteris #ubuntu-offtopic19:58
ubottuMatch: *!*@unaffiliated/exteris by ompaul in #ubuntu-offtopic on Aug 16 2008 23:53:43 (ID: 3581)19:58
geniiAh. 19:58
Myrttior just simply login to the bot with @login and login to the bantracker with @btlogin19:58
Myrttito latter the bot replies with tossing you a url in PM19:59
Myrttiwhich I still prefer19:59
geniiSo ompaul had no comment when did that one?19:59
Myrttithen again20:00
Myrtti@bansearch slamFIST20:00
ubottuNo matches found for slamfist!n=xmaster@ in #ubuntu-ops20:00
Myrttihe has comments20:01
PriceChildstdin: could you get genii bantracker access please.20:01
* Pici thinks that bansearch when done in a channel should search all channels.20:02
MyrttiI think it shouldn't be used at all20:02
Myrttias this channel is logged20:03
Myrttior something20:03
MyrttiI don't know20:03
PriceChilddoes this function display comments?20:03
stdinMyrtti: what more information can it give than someone who does /mode =b #ubuntu ?20:03
PriceChildbans are logged in channel logs anyway20:03
stdinPriceChild: @comment can show/set comments20:04
* genii hands Myrtti some Advil20:09
stdin@config supybot.defaultIgnore False20:13
ubottuThe operation succeeded.20:13
stdingenii: please "/msg ubottu register genii <some password>" any password will do as we use @login20:14
genii"The operation succeeded"20:16
stdin@config supybot.defaultIgnore True20:16
ubottuThe operation succeeded.20:16
stdin@Admin capability add genii bantracker20:17
ubottuThe operation succeeded.20:17
stdingenii: try @btlogin20:17
stdinand meet the Bantracker :)20:18
geniiWe are supposed to clean out our bans every week/month/other ?20:20
Myrttigood point, I've got crud on #ubuntu20:21
LjLgenii, you're supposed to use your good judgement20:38
geniiLjL: OK. I guess much depends on how much banning you do20:38
Picigenii: Don't hesitate to ask if you aren't sure about something :)20:39
LjLgenii: i do tend to remove bans that are more than a month old, unless i remember it was something real bad. using the bantracker wisely imho is more important than that though, comment on bans if it isn't all painfully clear from the logs20:40
LjLit saves a lot of time when later checking out whether someone was the one who did this or that, etc20:40
naliothgenii: you should check your bans no more than every 24h20:45
naliothgenii: some shouldn't last that long20:45
geniiWhen /remove is used they can come back right away, yes?20:47
Pici /remove is like /kick, only it usually doesn't trigger auto-rejoin scripts. Plus its less distracting to other users since it looks like a quit message.20:48
LjLa part message20:48
geniiI'm just studying https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcTeam/OperatorGuidelines20:50
naliothyou would usually /remove someone and talk to them im PM20:51
LjLyeah those don't tell you much about the actual technicalities though20:51
geniiLuckily I have this channel to come and bug about the technicalities ;)20:51
LjLso we can argue about them for an hour while you're gone doing something else20:53
* Seeker` will get round to being a member eventually21:01
=== darklust_ is now known as Darklust
ubottudvorak is a keyboard layout that aims to be more comfortable and efficient alternative to the standard "QWERTY" pattern. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dvorak_Simplified_Keyboard23:14
LjLi find this gratuitous without an ubuntu guide linked, which i can find, so i'd rather just alias it to !layout23:14
Myrtti!idle | Darklust 23:28
ubottuDarklust: Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only, and we ask you to part when you have no further business here, in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries.23:28
* Myrtti shrugs23:28
naliothDarklust: can we help you?23:39
DarklustI thought I was in #ubuntu O.o23:39
DarklustGuess not.23:39
DarklustMy ban lasts more then a day?23:40
naliothif there is nothing we can do for you, please see the /topic23:40
MyrttiDarklust: so23:49
Myrttino, you're not on #ubuntu23:52
Myrttino, the ban hasn't yet been lifted23:52
Myrttino, it will not be lifted unless you can convince me that you will not repeat doing that again23:52
Myrttino, it will not be lifted unless you show some kind of understanding why it's not a good idea to suggest recursive removal magic23:53
MyrttiDarklust: so, do you have anything to say?23:54

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