
AliTabuger7newz2000, I believe you wanted my help on something about the new Ubuntu website, but you never emailed me back. Just reminding you, if you still would like help.02:54
newz2000AliTabuger7: I think we're stuck for the moment02:54
AliTabuger7In what way?02:55
newz2000The feature tour is going to stay like it is with updated images, the start page is under discussion amongst people with strong opinions.02:55
newz2000I think we'll have to resume more team activities after the release02:56
AliTabuger7So there's nothing you need aside from a decision/consensus?02:57
newz2000not at the moment02:57
newz2000there's a chance the start page will need some effort but I won't know until the last minute02:57
AliTabuger7ok. Well if you need any lat minute help, I'm usually free.02:58
newz2000ok, thanks AliTabuger702:58
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newz2000Hi mpt, I'd love your feedback on the download stuff if you get a chance15:25
mptnewz2000, ok15:45
mptI have a mountainous Inbox15:45
newz2000hre, I'll save you the trouble of reading through the incredibly long thread15:46
newz2000mpt: http://people.ubuntu.com/~mnuzum/tmp/downloadpage.html  and http://people.ubuntu.com/~mnuzum/tmp/downloadpage2.html15:46
newz2000I think I'll use the shorter tabs off the 2nd one regardless of the end result15:46
newz2000also alternate cd will be removed from the options15:47
mptoh, definitely the smaller tabs15:47
newz2000also will play with the colors, they confuse some people about which tab is active15:47
mptYes, I was just in the middle of typing that "Server Edition" looks much much more important15:48
mpt"Use this page to" -> ""15:48
newz2000mpt: no paragraph eh?15:48
mptoh, "click the button below"?15:48
mptActually I just had my eye on the "Use this page to" phrase, but ... yes, I confidently predict that paragraph won't help anyone15:49
mptCan you imagine someone reading that paragraph and then successfully using the form, who wouldn't have successfully used it without the paragraph?15:49
newz2000yeah, probably one of those things that's only purpose in life is to point to and say, "see, the instructions are right here" after they've already failed15:50
mptThe goal is percentage success, not righteous defense :-)15:51
newz2000Somethign I'm trying to do better is to indicate that they're going to be downloading a CD (vs. the firefox homepage where you get to install right away) and also that there is more help on the subsequent page15:51
mptMaybe the system requirements should be squarely above the download options then15:51
mptthough that increases the below-the-fold problem15:51
mptOne big step towards bringing the Download button above the fold would be nuking that "Get Ubuntu - Get Certified Ubuntu Training" banner15:52
mptIt almost looks as if we're so poor we're running banner ads on our own site :-)15:52
newz2000I'm not ready to make that big of a change yet, but when we staff up the art dept later this year I'm going to propose a redesign that uses a minimal header15:53
mpt"Use the list below..." is another not-particularly-useful paragaraph15:55
mptexcuse my mistyping, I need sleep15:55
newz2000hey, this is IRC15:55
newz2000axing those two paragraphs may get the button up to or at least near the fold15:55
newz2000and you're right, I think people will understand what to do based on the headings15:55
newz2000(btw, the orange dotted line is the fold)15:56
mptThat's all from me I think15:57
newz2000ok, tahnks for your feedback, awesome stuff15:57
newz2000I'm already hearing stuff trickle in from the gnome conf, sounds like you guys had a good meetup15:57

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