
bryliewhen I type 'lspci' this is the entry for the card:00:00
brylie01:02.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV280 [Radeon 9200 PRO] (rev 01)00:00
brylie01:02.1 Display controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV280 [Radeon 9200 PRO] (Secondary) (rev 01)00:00
carreraikonia, wouldn't marketing wanna promote RAID0 though?00:00
carreraikonia, s/RAID0/RAID5/00:00
carreraikonia, so they could sell more drives?00:00
=== gambi is now known as GaMbi
ikoniacarrera: raid controllers arnt drive makers00:01
recon69crxbonar: well as i have not been having many problems with booting since 8.04 I'm not even sure of the options anymore. try continue booting in rescue mode. you need to find you boot logs and see what the problem is.00:01
winridwhen i turn on my pc, i just get "GRUB"00:01
dulakiancarrera: if you are buying drives and the marketing message matters, you are not the person who should be buying drives00:01
winridI CAN'T BOOT00:01
ikoniacarrera: plus enterprises buy enough disks, raid0 is targeted at crazy home users looking to get one up on people00:01
KenBW2winrid: then what?00:01
DreamgliderDasEi, highest res is 800 by 60000:01
carreraikonia, yes, i know, then who would wanna put out inflated "sale" info00:01
KenBW2winrid: no error?00:01
postersanguitarHow do I find the version of a dependecy>?00:01
winridjust 'grub'.. no error message00:01
=== GaMbi is now known as GaMbi_DK
ikoniacarrera: people targeting home users00:01
winridi tried editing sources.list00:01
KenBW2winrid: i assume you've tried selecting an entry?00:02
carreraikonia, thanks00:02
winridi cant get to that screen00:02
DasEiDreamglider:another try : http://pastebin.com/m38191e0300:02
winridi dont have any options00:02
carreraikonia, are u around in 10 hours. it's 2:30 am over here00:02
KenBW2winrid: sources.list is nothing to do with grub :S00:02
ikoniaI will be just starting work00:02
ikoniaso yes00:02
DasEiDreamglider:the 9800 is well supported, mabe try also :00:02
postersanguitarHow do I get the version of a  dependency?00:02
winridKenBW2: well.. then i just waisted 2 hours lol00:02
carreraikonia, are in Germany?00:02
ubottuenvyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) we suggest you use envyng if every other (official/supported) method fails! it can have various results from works, to fails!!!  if you want the very latest drivers from the manufacturer you use them at your own risk00:02
ikoniacarrera: uk00:03
carreraikonia, was gonna say that00:03
winridkenbw2: what should i do?00:03
KenBW2winrid: what does /boot/grub/menu.lst look like00:03
winridwait a sex00:03
winridwait a sec00:03
DreamgliderDasEi, i tried envyng but that didnt work00:03
carreraikonia, u start work late then mate!00:04
carreraikonia, do u live in London?00:04
=== RandomCake_ is now known as RandomCake
dulakianenvyng worked great for my nvidia card00:04
postersanguitarExecuse me, but could I get some assistance?00:04
DreamgliderDasEi, and i had to reboot cos at logout the pc crashed somehow,00:04
winrid# menu.lst - See: grub(8), info grub, update-grub(8)00:04
winrid#            grub-install(8), grub-floppy(8),00:04
winrid#            grub-md5-crypt, /usr/share/doc/grub00:04
winrid#            and /usr/share/doc/grub-doc/.00:04
winrid## default num00:04
winrid# Set the default entry to the entry number NUM. Numbering starts from 0, and00:04
FloodBot2winrid: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:04
DasEiDreamglider:so gksudo /etc/X11/xorg.conf  , paste in the last pastebin and also : pastebinit /var/log/xorg.o.log00:04
compengi!paste > WildZeck00:04
ubottuWildZeck, please see my private message00:04
postersanguitarCan anyone here me, is my connection ok?00:05
KenBW2winrid: www.nomorepasting.com00:05
carreraikonia, do u live in London?00:05
bryliehi postersanguitar00:05
docta_vah looks like i need to build a new initramfs00:05
compengiWildZeck, sorry. that wasn't for you :)00:05
ShiftyPowersanyone know if it is possible to expand the underlying partitions in a RAID 5 array to a new size00:05
postersanguitarBrylie, do you know how tind the version of a dependency?00:05
ShiftyPowersonce the array is already created?00:05
DasEi postersanguitar: not at all00:05
KenBW2compengi: god bless tab-complete, eh?00:05
carrerahi brylie00:05
winridim sorry kenbbw200:05
ikoniacarrera: no, not far though, and funny enough I will be in london tommorow00:05
winridhehe :)00:05
DreamgliderDasEi, Unable to read from: /var/log/xorg.o.log00:05
compengiKenBW2, yeah. ;)00:05
ShiftyPowersi'm trying to move my data slowly into a RAID5 array but don't want to lose it at hte same time00:05
gecko_im stuck in the middle of a problem some one was helping me with, trying to get my drivers for my Nvidia car i guess, when i boot up Nvidia it says You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.00:05
dulakianShiftyPowers: you can only grow most filesystems, never shrink00:05
GaMbi_DKHi guys.. just got my ubuntu up and running again.. gotta love it over microsoft.. -_-... anyways, I cant get my TV-our to work as it should.. it runs now.. and I can move the cursor to the TV.. but I CANT move my videos and windows to it :S anyone who can help me? :)00:05
dulakianShiftyPowers: it depends on the filesystem you are using on the partition00:06
carreraikonia, I used to live in London and Windsor00:06
DasEiDreamglider    zero, not o00:06
ShiftyPowersdulakian, growing is fine, just want to make sure that it can be done00:06
ShiftyPowersdulakian, i would be using ext3 most likely00:06
postersanguitarWhere can I get xlibmesa00:06
bastid_raZorpostersanguitar; sudo apt-cache policy packagename00:06
winridkenbw2: what can i do?00:06
compengiKenBW2, because winrid left when i was trying to tab his nick. that's why mistaked ;)00:06
postersanguitarbastid: thanls00:06
DreamgliderDasEi, Unable to read from: /var/log/xorg.0.log00:06
dulakianShiftyPowers: it usually can be done, adding drives to an array and growing the partition and filesystem is something I've done a couple times00:06
KenBW2winrid: paste /boot/grub/menu.lst into www.nomorepasting.com00:06
winridtab me?00:07
ShiftyPowersthis wouldn't be adding new drives00:07
f|ukeWill we be able to upgrade to intrepid? Or will that break stuff00:07
ShiftyPowersdulakian, it would be increasing the partition that was used to create the array00:07
KenBW2compengi: oh, i thought you do my trick of "wi<Tab>"... oh crap00:07
compengiwinrid, what ever.00:07
GasFurnacedo i need drivers for my wifi adaptor with wubi00:07
dulakianShiftyPowers: should work the same, you grow the partition, then grow the filesystem, you can't do it live though00:07
r00t_How would I go about adding my graphics card to the whitelist for Compiz Fusion?00:07
carreraikonia, so do I have to create 2 partitions on my first drive -- for /boot and RAID?00:07
gecko_How do i run nvidia-xconfig as root??00:07
bryliepostersanguitar, in Synaptic it lists the dependencies under "properties" for any package you are trying to install.00:07
ShiftyPowersgotcha, thanks man00:07
KenBW2GasFurnace: wubi should make no difference00:07
DasEiDreamglider: pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log00:07
ShiftyPowersdulakian, thanks for your help00:07
winridcompengi: what does tab me mean?00:07
dulakianShiftyPowers: np00:08
Pici!tab | winrid00:08
ubottuwinrid: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.00:08
f|ukesudo nvidia-xconfig ?00:08
bastid_raZorgecko_; in a terminal sudo nvidia-xconfig00:08
GasFurnaceit needs ndiswrapper would it use my windows xp driver?00:08
DasEiDreamglider: even case sensitiv, muharr00:08
winridnwo how do i boot? lol00:08
=== r00t_ is now known as K4z3
K4z3How would I go about adding my graphics card to the whitelist for Compiz Fusion?00:08
KenBW2winrid: if you type the first few letters of someone's nicjk, then hit Tab, it auto-completes the rest00:08
winridi just get "GRUB" no error message00:08
LjLK4z3: well, if it's in the blacklist, there's probably a good reason00:08
carreraikonia, thanks for your help mate. see u tomorrow00:08
runemaste644Is there any way to install KDE on Ubuntu without it changing my boot splash or login screen?00:08
winridKenBW2: nice00:08
KenBW2winrid: paste /boot/grub/menu.lst into www.nomorepasting.com00:08
DreamgliderDasEi, http://pastebin.com/f7e6328f100:09
winridKenBW2: why?00:09
LjLrunemaste644: i don't know, but you most certainly can restore the boot splash later. the login screen won't change if you don't tell it so.00:09
KenBW2runemaste644: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop i believe00:09
blip-hi,  my machine has 4GB of ram and 2.5GHz duoCore2 CPU.    I'm thinking of installing 64 bit ubuntu for the performance benefit.  Are there any downsides in terms of development of packaged behaviour ?    I will be developing things to run on a 32bit ubuntu 8.04 machine... so i want my own development machine to mimic that as much as possible in terms of packages00:09
compengiK4z3, try to read this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=7600:09
K4z3LjL: I understand, but I would like to at least attempt to using Compiz.00:09
KenBW2winrid: ill be able to look at what your grub is doing00:09
RediXeIs there a way to view and print a *.doc file? If I open it with open office the documents formatting doesn't look like it should so trying to find a way to view this document so I can print it like it does on a windows machine.00:09
gecko_how do i make a pastebin?00:09
blip-will i not be able to find some packages that are available for 32,  in 64 bit ?00:09
LjL!compizblacklist | K4z300:09
ubottuK4z3: Desktop Effects are supported on graphics cards that use the default Intel and ATI drivers and the restricted !NVIDIA drivers, except for the following, which are blacklisted due to stability/compatibility issues: Intel 965, ATI Rs480 and Rv350, ATI Mobility x300, x600 and x700 - Join #compiz-fusion for anything not officially supported by Ubuntu00:09
LjL!pastebin > gecko_    (gecko_, see the private message from Ubotu)00:09
ubottugecko_, please see my private message00:09
GaMbi_DKI use NVTV and edited my xorg.conf so that it runs dualview: LeftOf screen(0) (my tv is the the left of my monitor) but cant drag windows and videos between em.. could it be my desktops swap that blocks ?00:10
runemaste644Yes, but due to previous experiences i think it will change the bootsplash and login manager00:10
postersanguitarAnyone know how to get all the EVE dependencies?00:10
winridKenBW2: http://www.nomorepasting.com/getpaste.php?pasteid=2109200:10
DasEiDreamglider: didn't u say it was hardy? first two lines of x-log : This is a pre-release version of the X server from The X.Org Foundation.00:10
DasEiIt is not supported in any way.00:10
KenBW2runemaste644: iirc it just gives you a new option under Options00:10
LjLrunemaste644: well, the login manager is very easy to fix: "sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm". for the bootsplash, i think you can just remove the package "kubuntu-artwork-usplash"00:10
K4z3LjL: All NVIDIA graphics cards are blacklisted? Compengi: Will check it out here soon00:10
runemaste644I was able to change the login manager back but i dont like messing with the bootsplash and other system things like that00:10
LjLK4z3: err, no, read it again00:11
DreamgliderDasEi, im using 8.0400:11
winridKenBW2:  I used to get error 15, but i reinstalled, and it didn't happen anymore :P00:11
KenBW2runemaste644: whats wrong with changing them?00:11
blip-who on earth came up with the name "Hardy Heroin"  ?? seriously...  8.04 is just fine :D00:11
LjLrunemaste644, usplash isn't really a system thing00:11
LjL!ot | blip-00:11
ubottublip-: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!00:11
KenBW2winrid: it wont boot from a fresh install?00:11
runemaste644I just dislike messing with that stuff00:11
Pici!codenames > blip-00:11
ubottublip-, please see my private message00:11
K4z3LjL: I do not see my card on there.00:11
winridKenBW2: correct00:11
KenBW2!codenames > KenBW200:11
ubottuKenBW2, please see my private message00:11
gecko_when i run nvidia-xconfig it gives me this, i dont understand it. http://paste.ubuntu.com/00:11
winridKenBW2:  I installed to a pendrive00:11
oxeimo2when I "rm -f" something, is it possible to get it back?00:11
KenBW2winrid: does grub even show up?00:12
jrib!recover | oxeimo200:12
ubottuoxeimo2: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although a method that might work in some cases is described at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html00:12
jriboxeimo2: not really00:12
bdunlapoxeimo2: anything you use commandline to rm something, its gone for good.00:12
winridKenBW2:  No... All i see is black screen with "GRUB" in the top right hand corner00:12
LjLK4z3: then it's probably not blacklisted (or the bot's not updated, but i didn't think nvidias were blacklisted)00:12
KenBW2winrid: i believe youre looking at BIOS settings rather than Grub00:12
KenBW2winrid: you should be*00:12
runemaste644Well where can i find a list of packages that kubuntu-desktop has00:13
DasEiDreamglider: is alright then, from 2007, was afraid it was xorg 7.4 of ibex00:13
kitchegecko_: where's your paste at?00:13
winridBios settings? what should i change/00:13
postersanguitarCan anyone here help me get EVE online installed?00:13
blip-thanks Pici,  that's the strangest thing i've ever seen... adjective and animal names :/00:13
LjL!offline | runemaste644, use that site00:13
ubotturunemaste644, use that site: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://apt.alturl.com/ (now with Gutsy and Hardy support)00:13
K4z3LjL: Well, I get an error saying it isn't on the whitelist. How would I go about adding it to the list? :/00:13
juliancan anyone help with gnucash? i keep getting a negative balance. its adding my assets and liabilities and giving me a negative total00:13
winridKenBW2:  It worked fine until i reinstalled00:13
gecko_sorry, just goyt off work.. forgot to hit paste .. :(00:13
Piciblip-: Sure, why not ;)00:13
LjLK4z3, i don't really know about that, sorry00:13
KenBW2runemaste644: http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/kubuntu-desktop00:14
dulakianjulian: rofl00:14
K4z3LjL: Ok, thanks for the help.00:14
winridposeranguitar: use wine00:14
julianlol what00:14
dulakianjulian: that means you're in debt00:14
DasEiDreamglider: (II) VESA(0): Not using built-in mode "1280x1024" (width too large for virtual size)00:14
KenBW2what OS are you running atm?00:14
LjLrunemaste644: (or for that matter, you could just type "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop", but without hitting yes... that will give you the list)00:14
juliannah but im not00:14
RHorseoxeimo2, best thing is to rename /usr/bin/rm to /usr/bin/shred and make an alias rm that moves files into a trash can of your choosing00:14
Scunizijulian: I think that gnucash is double entry accounting proceedures.. if it aggravates you try kmymoney .. it's in the repos..00:14
hunthunthunt_How long should I expect it to take PHP to compile?00:14
DasEiDreamglider: try again with modified xorg then00:14
dulakianjulian: you have something on the wrong side of the equation then00:14
winridubuntu needs to send a free bottle of vodca :)00:14
LjLhunthunthunt_: uh? PHP is an interpreted language...00:15
runemaste644well i need all packages minus the usplash00:15
hunthunthunt_LjL: the package00:15
julianwell checking i put in deposit00:15
winridor canonical...00:15
DreamgliderDasEi, the one you gave me just a min ago ?00:15
KenBW2LjL: surely that'd only list the packages it needs to install, not all of its dep's00:15
hunthunthunt_LjL: Building the package00:15
LjLrunemaste644: no can do00:15
julianwhich is much higher than liability and it just adds both values and give me a negative00:15
gecko_kitche: http://paste.ubuntu.com/57638/00:15
DasEiDreamglider: yes, paste it to your xorg00:15
LjLKenBW2: surely, it lists all the packages it needs to install, including the dependencies that you don't already have00:15
winridKenBW2: did you get anything? am i screwed? shal i use a dif os??00:16
LjLhunthunthunt_: the package *what*?00:16
blip-Pici: at least i know where it comes from now :D    I was infinitely confused and annoyed every time i read the word Hardy or Gutsy Gibbon ...    ;ppl00:16
LjLhunthunthunt_: the PHP package? why would you compile it?00:16
hunthunthunt_LjL dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot00:16
DreamgliderDasEi,   yes will do, ill have to reboot tho00:16
KenBW2winrid: you didnt answer my question00:16
blip-looks like we have grumpy Groundhog in the works  lol00:16
brockcan anybody tell me how to close an x server00:16
LjLhunthunthunt_: that will probably take quite a while, PHP is most certainly big00:16
winridKenBW2: what question?00:16
LjLbrock: ctrl+alt+backspace00:16
dulakianjulian: not sure honestly, mine doesn't do that00:16
hunthunthunt_LjL: While as in mins or hours00:16
winridKenBW2: Im running hardy server00:17
KenBW2winrid: what OS are you on atm?00:17
LjLhunthunthunt_: more hours than minutes00:17
KenBW2winrid: ah00:17
hunthunthunt_is 12 am here - shoudl I go to bed?00:17
kitchegecko_: looks like for that section you need to add a line that says driver00:17
juliani guess i can just flip my assets to withdrawals00:17
acuI want to record video and audio from a webcam - xawtv does not work - luvcview captures video and the frame rate is screwed - can anyone direct me to another option of capturing video from a webcam ?00:17
juliandoesnt make sense but i guess that a work around00:17
KenBW2winrid: the grub i need to look at is the one stored on your memory stick00:17
winridKenBW2: right now, im on puppy linux ( macpup )00:17
hunthunthunt_LjL: Bed it is then - thanks :)00:17
LjLhunthunthunt_, i don't know, i don't even know what computer you have!00:17
LjLhunthunthunt_: why do you need to compile it anyway00:17
runemaste644Can i install kde without the login manager or will it mess up00:18
winridKenBW2: How do i get it?00:18
hunthunthunt_LjL: as the version of GD library in Ubuntu's PHP is out of date00:18
dulakianjulian: it's double entry, you are debiting a credit account or crediting a debit account when you need to do the opposite00:18
DreamgliderDasEi, no change00:18
winridKenBW2: Where is it stored in puplinux?00:18
gecko_kitche: in what way? messing around with things got me in trouble in the first place :)00:18
LjLrunemaste644: it won't mess up... but it's seriously easier to just install kubuntu-desktop. that also makes it very much easier if you want to remove it later00:18
compengiLjL, ctrl+alt+backspace would restart it, won't it? i think /etc/init.d/gdm stop after ctrl+alt+f1 would stop it00:18
KenBW2winrid: look under /boot/grub/menu.lst on the memory stick00:18
LjLcompengi: no, ctrl+alt+backspace *closes* the X server. then if there's something (like a display manager) that wants to restart it as soon as it sees it being closed, that's another matter00:19
winridKenBW2: That is the /boot/grub/menu.list on the memory stick :|00:19
DasEiDreamglider: pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log00:19
julianeverything looks fine except the imbalance entry00:19
KenBW2winrid: the one you pated me?00:19
runemaste644206 mb to download and 744 mb of space to be used-looks like this will take a while00:19
winridKenBW2: yes, the one i pated you.00:19
dulakianjulian it's not like quicken00:19
LjLrunemaste644: well, it's a whole desktop environment after all00:19
=== r00t_ is now known as K4z3
juliannever used00:20
compengiLjL, i see.. but i think he was meaning the gdm stop one :)00:20
julianil figure it out. trial and error00:20
DreamgliderDasEi, http://pastebin.com/f66396cd300:20
dulakianjulian: I think you probably just need to reverse your credits and debits00:20
LjLcompengi: *shrug* well i can't know that, he asked how to close "an" X server. he could have started it with "X", or "startx", or whoknowswhat00:20
KenBW2winrid: i can't see a problem sorry, but im far from an expert00:21
compengiLjL, never mind :)00:21
dulakianjulian: it's not on topic for this channel though, I suggest you read up on debit account and credit accounts00:21
winridKenBW2: UGGG00:21
KenBW2winrid: ?00:21
winridKenBW2: Thanks anyway00:21
winridKenBW2: I am frusterated00:21
compengiLjL, have you see gnomefreak around?00:21
GaMbi_DKI use NVTV and edited my xorg.conf so that it runs dualview: LeftOf screen(0) (my tv is the the left of my monitor) but cant drag windows and videos between em.. could it be my desktops swap that blocks ?00:21
winridcan anyone else help me with grub?00:21
KenBW2winrid: i had a memory stick install and it worked ok00:22
winridKenBW2: Huh. i guess i will try it at home00:22
LjLcompengi: not very recently00:22
winridKenBW2: If ubuntu doesn't work, what os do you reccomend?00:22
KenBW2winrid: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent worked for me00:22
compengiLjL, i hope he's doing okay with his injury recovery00:23
FreshPrincegn8 @ all00:23
KenBW2winrid: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/ is focussed on it00:23
juliani know didnt find gnucash channel00:23
julianthanks anyways00:23
kitchegecko_: by using sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf and just add a driver line under the video section then rerun nvidia-xconfig00:23
winridKenBW2:  I'm not using ubuntu with a gui here. Ubuntu-desktop wont fit on my 1gb flash00:24
dulakianxubuntu fits in 1g00:24
KenBW2winrid: are you using the server ed only because it wont fit?00:24
winridKenBW2: I would like to install icewm... but i cant get passed the bootloader :-(00:24
winridKenBW2: Correct00:24
DasEiDreamglider: cant believe it, lets try once more : https://a248.e.akamai.net/f/674/9206/0/www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/ati-driver-installer-8-9-x86.x86_64.run00:24
KenBW2winrid: dulakian beat me to it - try xubuntu00:24
DasEiDreamglider:dld it to desktop, alright to pm you ?00:25
winridxubuntu wont fit into a gig either00:25
dulakianI beg to differ, I have all my servers running xubuntu in 800 megs00:25
winridthe site says 1.5gb00:26
KenBW2dulakian: are you sure you can fit xubuntu in 1GB?00:26
DreamgliderDasEi, sure thing00:26
dulakianYou just don't do the default install, and leave off all the crap you won't use00:26
winridis that with another wm?00:26
KenBW2dulakian: i have xubuntu on my eeepc and i dont remember it being <1GB00:26
KenBW2dulakian: ah rigjht00:26
dulakianI'm using xfce, firefox, thunderbird00:26
KenBW2dulakian: removing OOo frees up a lot iirc00:26
winridHow do you use this other method?00:26
winridIs it listed on the cd menu/00:27
DanskmandHowdy :-) - I am trying to install the fcpci (Fritzcard PCI) driver. So I run the ./install command. But it quits with this error:00:27
Danskmandmake: Entering directory `/usr/src/fritz/src'                                                              make -C /lib/modules/2.6.24-19-server/build SUBDIRS=/usr/src/fritz/src modules00:27
Danskmandmake[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.24-19-server'                   make[1]: Makefile: No such file or directory00:27
Danskmandmake[1]: *** No rule to make target `Makefile'.  Stop.00:27
gecko_kitche: ok so i put in what you said and a selected area i wanted it to go, then this came up..http://paste.ubuntu.com/57645/.00:27
FloodBot2Danskmand: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:27
dulakianwinrid: you can get really really stripped down using server and installing fluxbox00:27
gregbradyI used to know a good audio stream capture program but I've forgotten it.  It used to be able to get streaming radio stations from shoutcast and save the songs by artist and title.  Anyone know of a program like that.  IT was a very simple program.00:27
dulakianwinrid: you can get a system down to like 550-600megs easy that way00:27
DanskmandSorrry :-)00:28
winriddulakian: thats what i wanted to do and use ice instead of fluxbox. But i cant get passed grub00:28
RHorsegregbrady, lastfm has a program but only works on that site00:28
winridKulakian:I am using the server edition :)00:28
kitchegecko_: yep now you need to find the place for your video driver and add a line that says driver "nvidia"00:29
=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\
gregbradyRHorse: no, not that one!  It used to work form any shoutcast broadcast.  Hmmm.00:29
winridthe library here closes in 20min00:29
dulakianwinrid: I wish I could help but I have never had good luck with usb booting, I usually just get frustrated and dd a copy drive to drive using my workstation00:29
DanskmandThe directory /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.24-19-server has a link thats called Makefile: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root     35 2008-10-14 12:11 Makefile -> ../linux-headers-2.6.24-19/Makefile00:29
gecko_kitche: ok, i'll give it a try, never done this before..00:29
winriddulakian: what is a copy drive?00:30
postersanguitarAn out of control driver updater somehow removed massive amounts of sofware. I'm not entirely sure what they were.00:30
DanskmandSo it looks like its referencing to itself.....Is that ok ?00:30
winriddulakian: does that mean that my usb would be exactly like my desktop?00:30
dulakianwinrid: where you install into a partition that is the same size as your target then dd it over to the target00:30
dulakianwinrid: dd is a direct data copy, byte for byte copy00:30
winriddulakian: sweet. So, if i install dsl on an old hdd, and dd it over to my pendrive, it's work?00:31
dulakianwinrid: but it probalby won't help you since it's booting usb you are having problems with00:31
postersanguitarI need to figure out exactly what damage an out of control driver updater did. Is there a way to look a t alog of actions by prgrams?00:31
dulakianwinrid: you still have to get grub on the pen drive and configured right00:31
Schuenemanndulakian, so dd can copy a write protected disk?00:31
winriddulakian:Its  a grub problem. It never happened before. Plus, this isnt even my pc :)00:31
Schuenemannlike a cd or dvd with those silly copy protections00:31
dulakianSchuenemann: can copy from a write protected disk yes00:32
postersanguitarI think it removed some pretty important things.00:32
winriddulakian: would you like to see my grub?00:32
Schuenemannhmmm nice00:32
postersanguitarWhat should I do?00:32
dulakianwinrid: you can show me but like I said I never have good luck with usb00:32
Schuenemannpostersanguitar, you should describe the important things00:32
gecko_kitche: ok, found the nvidia stuff.. and it's marked as driver.. what do i need to do with this? i think i'm a little confused on this part.00:32
winridthats my grub00:33
winridon the usb00:33
postersanguitarSchunenemann: I don't know I was reactivating a video card driver I accidentally disabled, and suddenly this window popped up saying removing this and that. I only caught two names: compiz and audacity. A bunch more went by before I managed to force quit it.00:33
KenBW2Schuenemann: could he try installing ubuntu-desktop?00:34
ParabolaI'm having an issue with pulse audio in 8.10 dying00:34
winriddulakian: could it be the usb drive itself?? its actually supposed to be a mp3 player00:34
Parabolaif i pause a song, and the screensaver kicks on, it seems to kill it00:35
soundrayParabola: ask in #ubuntu+1 please00:35
KenBW2Parabola: #ubuntu+100:35
logivisionHow do you extract a tarball ?00:35
Parabolaoh sorry guys00:35
Parabolai didnt read the topic00:35
Schuenemannpostersanguitar, they aren't "important"00:35
winridlogivision: double click ti00:35
sravan_how to install sql in linux..?00:35
winridbye all00:35
logivisionwinrid: there's a command to run from terminal though, whats that00:35
dulakianwinrid: did you copy the stage files into /boot on the usb drive and then install grub onto it?00:35
Schuenemanncompiz is eye candy and audacity is for audio editting00:35
soundraysravan_: the lamp help page has instructions:00:35
postersanguitarIt seems the update maanger noticed my fate00:35
soundray!lamp > sravan_00:35
ubottusravan_, please see my private message00:35
postersanguitarSueneman: I like the eye candy00:36
winriddulakian: no, just ran the install00:36
postersanguitarHow do I use the broken filter?00:36
Schuenemannpostersanguitar, then reinstall it :-)00:36
dulakianwinrid: grub has these stage files it uses to boot into the OS, I think those are missing00:36
DanskmandI can ask in a different way: How do I install fcpci on Ubuntu ?00:36
techsupporthi. question. i get network drive is no longer available error , but only when copying large files with drive that i shared with samba00:36
postersanguitarSchuenemann: What I'm worried about are the things I didn't get the names of00:36
winridno, they are there00:36
dulakianwinrid: so it gets grub up, but doesn't have the files it needs to go further00:36
postersanguitarI need a way to find out what. Is there a way to look at a log of software changes00:37
winriddulakian: correct, but stage 1 and 2 are there. so are some othere00:37
dulakianwinrid when the grub prompt comes up can you hit 'e' to edit it?00:37
winridit just locks up00:37
sravan_how to install MS sql server in linux../00:37
logivisionWhat is the command to extract a tarball from termina?00:37
Picisravan_: You cannot.00:37
winridill try it at home on my pc00:37
winridok dulaian?00:37
KenBW2sravan_: i think you mean "how do i install..."00:38
Picisravan_: MSSQL is only for Windows.00:38
winridsee you again sometime. bye00:38
Parabolathank god.00:38
Parabolasravan_ if you must use MSSQL you will need to VM it00:38
Picisravan_: There are other SQL packages that you can install though.00:38
sravan_kenBW2: yes00:38
Parabolapost or mysql00:38
KenBW2postersanguitar: there is a log like that, don't know where though00:38
postersanguitarHow do I look at a log of uninstalled software?00:38
Parabolawould be the two best bets00:38
KenBW2sravan_: sorry, was just a grammarnazi moment00:38
luisp797What is the best ftp server for ubuntu?00:39
soundrayDanskmand: is this for ISDN?00:39
KDE4000will the next ubuntu 8.10 include a kernel greater than 2.6.27-git3?00:39
postersanguitarNow when I tried to install a few updates, it srtarted deleting more!00:39
soundray!best > luisp79700:39
ubottuluisp797, please see my private message00:39
dulakianlogivision: tar xvf filename.tar00:39
KenBW2postersanguitar: what happens if you sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop?00:39
nixblicker76hi there ... i just installed the 8.10 beta and now I'm running into problems. My Notebook can't suspend to ram anymore. The option in the gnome-power-manager vanished. Any Idea how to reactivate that?00:39
soundray!intrepid > KDE400000:39
ubottuKDE4000, please see my private message00:39
falstaffPidgin doesn't seem to be running ... I have tried re-creating the account.00:39
GasFurnacehow do i set da dirty bit in ext3?00:40
soundray!intrepid > nixblicker7600:40
ubottunixblicker76, please see my private message00:40
Danskmandsoundray: Yes it is...00:40
Parabolafallore what od you mean running?00:40
Parabolado you not have the GUI?00:40
dcomxxhi ! i got a question about the mouse wheel .. i looked in the xorg.conf and dont have a protocol option there .. and adding one does help ! how do i get that wheel enabled ?00:40
soundrayDanskmand: the server kernel should include the module. What's the issue?00:40
postersanguitarkenBW2: Now tha'ts irrelevant. The update manager is trying to delete all my software when I try to install updates.00:40
Paraboladcomxx depends on the mouse00:40
Parabolawhat mouse is it00:40
KenBW2postersanguitar: eh? why?00:40
DanskmandSoundray: I am tying to install the capisuite as a fax-server on my fritzcard.00:40
postersanguitarkenBW2: I'd like to know00:41
KenBW2falstaff: running or connecting?00:41
falstaffI can't get pidgin to work with yahoo ... it was working but now I can't even get it to show my buddy list.00:41
the_dudemy screen res. changed for 800x600  by itself, and i cant chang it to 1280... what should i do?00:41
melwtech35baldur_, was i speaking to you before?00:41
Parabolathe_dude manually edit your xorg.conf file00:41
DanskmandRight now I am compiling the driver for my ISDN-card (fritzcard PCI)00:41
Parabolato only allow the resolution you want00:41
Parabolathen restart X00:41
soundrayDanskmand: why?00:41
the_dudeParabola, whre's it?00:41
postersanguitarWhat can cause an update manager to go haywire and delete things00:41
falstaffI think it it isn't even connecting.00:41
Parabolathe_dude, i think its in /etc/X11/Xorg.conf00:42
Parabolathe x may not be caps00:42
KenBW2falstaff: but Pidgin is running?00:42
falstaffpidgin is running ...00:42
Parabolathe_dude its pretty easy, you will see sections for each color depth , with resolutions, just remove all you dont want00:42
dcomxxmm i guess the wheel doesnt work with ps200:42
Parabolathe_dude and that should take care o fit00:42
DanskmandWell, is there another way to make the ISDN-card work with CAPI20 ?00:42
soundrayDanskmand: a compiled module is in (e.g.) linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-21-server00:42
KenBW2falstaff: i assume youve checked username/password00:43
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zetherooever since I compiled and installed the latest version of ALSA my system volume is super low ... and all the programs are also low in sound ... how do I restore the previous ALSA that cam with Ubuntu Hardy?00:43
soundrayDanskmand: actually, it's in the generic one, too00:43
falstaffYes I have tried that several times re-created the accounts00:43
Parabolazetheroo: please open a terminal and type "alsamixer" and make sure nothing is stuck on low00:44
biouserhow can I see what directories are in my search path and how can I add/change?00:44
Parabolazetheroo: i've found the GUI programs to not work so well00:44
DanskmandHmm...what is in the generic one ?00:44
soundrayDanskmand: fcpci00:44
gecko_kitche: not sure if you had gotten my last message, i found Nvidia, but unsure as what exactly to do with ithttp://paste.ubuntu.com/57649/00:45
zetherooParabola : verything is up ...00:45
DreamgliderDasEi, back00:45
Shanix_does anyone has the mini 9 device and get their wireless or internal mic working ????00:45
Parabolagecko_ fix the http link00:45
melwtech35http://paste.ubuntu.com/57651/ can somebody please help me with this :)00:45
the_dudedoing it...00:45
Parabolazetheroo oh hmm00:45
soundrayDanskmand: have you got linux-restricted-modules installed?00:45
Parabolazetheroo your best bet might be to remove it, and compile your own00:45
Parabolathe alsa project page does have old releases00:45
gecko_kitche: http://paste.ubuntu.com/57649/00:45
Parabolagecko_ okay, whats not working?00:46
the_dudeParabola, whres the resolution man...00:46
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soundraybiouser: 'echo $PATH' to see it. Edit /etc/environment to change it system-wide00:46
the_dudeParabola, Identifier"Default Screen"00:46
the_dudeMonitor"Configured Monitor"00:46
the_dudeDevice"Configured Video Device"00:46
Parabolathe_dude yeah man chancge them all00:46
Parabolayou won't hurt anything00:46
Danskmandsoundray: Looks like I havent....But I am installing it right now through apt-get...00:47
gecko_parabola: well it started with a simple, reselution problem, everything is way to huge and cant get my norm settings back, so the idea was to reinstall nvidia i guess.00:47
airdogghow do i add this route in ubuntu?? Destination netmask gateway interface metric 100:47
zetherooParabola  : the original Hardy version is not in the repos?00:47
gecko_Parabola: and then that guy left me half way through it.. and im now.. here ..00:47
airdoggmore info here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=94791700:47
RediXeIs there a way to view and print a *.doc file? If I open it with open office the documents formatting doesn't look like it should so trying to find a way to view this document so I can print it like it does on a windows machine.00:47
biousersoundray, awesome, thanks00:47
Parabolazetheroo if you got your update from the repos then no, unless a mirror is out of date, you "could" change your sources.list to reflect like 7.10 or another older version of ubutnu00:47
Parabolazetheroo and see if it wasnt updated :-\00:47
the_dudeMonitor"Configured Monitor"00:48
zetherooParabola : by the way ... the KDE app, Kopete, has loud sound .... louder than Exaile . ....00:48
the_dudeParabola, to 1280x1024?00:48
KenBW2RediXe: you need to open is in the real MS Office00:48
Parabolathe_dude yep00:48
Parabolathe_dude remove the other entries, and the "," between them00:48
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KenBW2RediXe: welcome to the problems of closed formats00:48
zetherooParabola : no .. I downloaded it myself ... and compiled it00:48
Parabolathe_dude then once you have saved it, hold CTRL+ALT and hit BACKSPACE, it will restart X00:48
kitchegecko_: what about it? it looks fine00:48
soundrayRediXe: if OOo can't cope with the formatting, try abiword, kword, Google Docs or zamzar.com00:48
Parabolazetheroo then do the same thing over again :)00:48
draeathAnyone know a good way to back up my installed packages list and statuses in such a way that, on reinstall, I can easily install everything and keep package status (ie, auto-install vs install)00:48
Parabolazetheroo sorry I don't know of another way, doesnt mean there isnt one!00:48
zetherooParabola : ummm do what? ....00:49
soundray!clone > draeath00:49
ubottudraeath, please see my private message00:49
Parabolazetheroo if you installed from sources and broke the package, then remove it, and install from REPOS00:49
airdoggCan someone compare these routing tables one from windows one from ubuntu and tell me what is different?00:49
gecko_kitche: and that's the thing, if everything seems to be fine, why can't i change my reselution settings back to a norm size??00:49
draeathsoundray: thanks00:49
Parabolaif you got an updated package ferom the REPOS then you're screwed and will have to manually do it00:49
draeathsoundray: between that and my apt sources, that should be everything I would need?00:49
RediXeKenBW2: soundray: Thanks I guess I'm just sol - abiword and google docs both failed .. I'll check out the zamzar.com00:50
zetherooParabola : can I uninstall ALSA from Synaptic and then reinstall it ? ... that way it should revert to the repo version ... right?00:50
soundraydraeath: to reproduce your package installation, yes00:50
Parabolazetheroo correct00:50
sravan_how to install VM wear in linux?00:50
Parabolazetheroo that should work just fine00:50
mannytuanyone in virtualBox now?00:50
histomannytu: yes00:50
kitchegecko_: do you have the resoultiosn in your xorg.conf?00:50
Parabolamannytu not this machine, but yes why00:50
draeathsoundray: ty again00:50
zetherooParabola : besides alsa-base ... what else should I uninstall?>00:51
the_dudeParabola, wait a sec00:51
melwtech35I am having trouble installing a program on Ubuntu, can anyone help?00:51
Parabolazetheroo that should be fine, the alsa tools shouldnt matter00:51
Parabolathe_dude i'm here00:51
gecko_kitche:... uhmm.. not that i can see... mind if i send you the whole thing?00:51
KenBW2RediXe: in future if poss youre best saving in .odt format00:51
soundray!vmware > sravan_00:51
ubottusravan_, please see my private message00:51
zetherooParabola : when wanting to uninstall alsa-base Synaptic wants to take ubuntu-desktop with it ... thats no good ..00:52
Parabolazetheroo no its not :-\00:52
Parabolatheres a way using the apt CLI to remove somthing without removing its deps..00:52
Parabolai dont remember how though00:52
RediXeKenBW2: Yeah, my gf runs XP on her laptop and it's her resume - it just so happens we are at my job with nothing but linux machine's and she doesn't have access to our printer so tried to email it to me to print00:53
kiamohow do i remove a group from a user?00:53
Danskmandsoundray: Now. its installed....But when I run the ./install, I still get the same error-message....Shall I paste the whole error.log in paste.ubuntu.com ?00:53
zetheroolike I said though ... my KDE apps have good sound ... like Kopete has good volume ... its very odd ...00:53
the_dudeParabola, Man. i cant find the option display to modify00:53
gecko_kitche: http://paste.ubuntu.com/57655/00:53
Parabolathe_dude upload your config to pastebin or somthing00:53
Parabolathe_dude i'll take care o fit00:53
soundrayDanskmand: is this for capisuite?00:53
KenBW2RediXe: tell her if she loves you she'll install Ubuntu :P00:53
Parabolaworked for me00:54
Parabolathe misses here has 8.10 on her lappy00:54
RediXeKenBW2: lol00:54
Parabolashe loves it.00:54
kitchegecko_: sure enough you don't have any resolutions00:54
airdoggShould be a simple problem i am over looking - Can someone compare these routing tables one from windows one from ubuntu and tell me what is different? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=94791700:54
millertime_018hey man, when i move files to my external hard drive the transfer rate is really slow, like 2 mb per second, but in windows it moves at like... 19 mb per second00:54
millertime_018wats the deal?00:54
gecko_kitche: ok so really dumb question then, but how would i add one?00:54
DanskmandSoundray: No, this is for the Fritzcard-driver....The capisuite I allready installed with apt-get....(why isnt there any for the fritzcard ?)00:55
millertime_018how come ubuntu can't copy as fast as windows?00:55
mrpocketsbecause of your mother00:55
zetheroodoes anyone know how I can SAFELY revert to the original Hardy version of ALSA? ...00:55
techsupportso after doing multiple installs with apt-get install, what happens to the downloaded packages after they get isntalled ?00:55
luisp797Anyone uses gOS?00:55
the_dudeParabola, now i gotta wait a sec00:55
soundrayDanskmand: the fritzcard driver is already installed. You don't have to compile anything now.00:55
airdoggtechsupport apt-get clean00:55
KenBW2millertime_018: you kidding? i transfgerred some files to a USB stick with ubuntu in seconds, took 5 mins on Vista00:55
airdoggmillertime_018 what is the filetype?00:56
airdogger partition type00:56
soundrayDanskmand: you should reboot after install linux-restricted-modules. When you've done that, capisuite should work.00:56
ParabolaKenBW2 if you don't have SP1 on your vista box then yes it would00:56
millertime_018you mean the partition on the external drive? ntfs00:56
ParabolaKenBW2 SP1 fixed the copying performance issues00:56
millertime_018i believe...00:56
KenBW2Parabola: no, it has SP1. it took 20 mins pre-SP100:56
airdoggand u mounted with mount_ntfs ?00:56
ParabolaKenBW2 oh nice00:56
Danskmandsoundray: That would kinda be too easy :-) - But I'll happily try ;-)00:57
ParabolaKenBW2 at least it was faster!00:57
mannytusorry, I just got my my screen to 1024x768... at last :-)00:57
Parabolamannytu did you install the additions?00:57
KenBW2Parabola: note i refuse to use Windows00:57
Parabolawindows isnt bad00:57
ParabolaXP is a great product00:57
Parabolavista just sucks00:57
Parabolaxp springboard* that is00:57
soundrayParabola: please, this channel isn't for advocacy00:58
soundrayespecially for Windows00:58
millertime_018airdogg: no, when i plug it in, it mounts automatically00:58
Parabolasoundray funny, i see you guys doing it for linux00:58
ink1hey, I currently am under a 64 bit rig, and have a "server" (kind of old) 32 bit computer. I am needing to put my game server on my "server", but I get errors from bash that is cannot execute the binary.. I have tried the -m32 option on g++ and ld, but to no avail00:58
ink1Desktop - Running Ubuntu Hardy Desktop 64 bit00:58
soundrayParabola: it does happen unfortunately, but it is strictly offtopic here00:58
ink1Server - Running Ubuntu Hardy Server 32 bit00:58
the_dudeParabola, man i cant save the changes damn!00:58
KenBW2techsupport: /var/cache/apt/archives/00:58
isilionhi! i got problems installing drivers for ati9800 radeon00:58
Parabolasoundray okay00:58
Parabolathe_dude you have to be root!00:58
Parabolathe_dude goto a terminal and type the following "sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf"00:59
Parabolaput in your password00:59
Parabolamake the changes and hit CTRL+O00:59
isilionopenarena hangs in menu so i suppose 3d is no supported00:59
Parabolathat outputs the file00:59
melwtech35I am having trouble installing a program on Ubuntu, can anyone help?00:59
airdoggmillertime_018 two things one in linux your usb might not be in 2.0 mode... or ntfs is not 100% fully supported so could be a issue00:59
Parabolamelwtech35 we can try00:59
isiliondrivers installed are privative from ubuntu00:59
KenBW2melwtech35: explain00:59
Parabolawhat do you need00:59
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)00:59
Parabolaor they will charge you prior to answering01:00
melwtech35Parabola, KenBW2 , i have pasted the error, http://paste.ubuntu.com/57651/01:00
zetherooanyone know of a good how-to for installing the latest ALSA in Ubuntu Hardy?01:00
millertime_018airdogg: how do i put my usb in 2.0 mode? and why would it not be in 2.0 already?01:00
Parabolazetheroo lol01:00
brtbhi all... got a php issue that's supposed to be a really easy fix that's driving me crazy. if you set 'output_buffering = On' in /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini, it's still not enabling it when you look at the phpinfo()01:00
airdoggShould be a simple problem i am over looking - Can someone compare these routing tables one from windows one from ubuntu and tell me what is different? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=94791701:00
zetherooParabola : whats funny?01:00
KenBW2melwtech35: im yet to successfully sompile an app, so i probably cant help01:01
Parabolazetheroo just remove your copy and use APT to install the one in repo01:01
isilioni have troubleshooting with openarena. it hangs. i suppose its because my new graphic card. its a radeon 9800 (ati, with privative drivers installed)01:01
ink1any one have suggestions?01:01
the_dudeParabola, ^O to save right?01:01
Parabolaisilion i have a machine with a 9800 in it01:01
melwtech35KenBW2, thanks anyway :>01:01
Parabolathe_dude yep CTRL O01:01
Parabolathen hit enter on the filename (dont change it)01:01
ink1isillion: the private drivers are outdated, use EnvyNG to install the latest01:01
airdoggmillertime_018 not sure google it ;)01:01
Parabolaand then CTRL+X or Q to quit01:02
Parabolai dont remember which01:02
the_dudeParabola, now restart01:02
isilionwhats EnvyNG?01:02
GodfatherofEir1Slight OO.o problem, under the options menu, there should be an online update sub-menu, but its missing, any ideas?01:02
isilionmust i download from synaptic?01:02
freezerburn hey guys, is there anything wrong with hoping some kind of natural disaster happens that put's us in a road warrior scenario?01:02
Parabolathe_dude yeah01:02
Parabolaor restart X01:02
Parabolathat should do it01:02
brtbit's like ubuntu is ignoring certain php.ini settings. things like log_errors and error_log get set properly, but variables like magic_quotes_gpc or output_buffering won't change no matter what I do01:02
ink1isillion: It is an app written in python that dls the latest compiled driver for your card and installs it01:02
zetherooParabola : seems like there is a newer version available ..01:02
ink1isillion: very easy to use01:02
soundrayGodfatherofEir1: you should use Ubuntu mechanisms for updating01:02
GodfatherofEir1Tried that01:02
brtbany ideas? banging my head against the keyboard on this for far too long now01:03
isilionits in synaptic?01:03
GodfatherofEir1For some reason, some packages are in the repository, others arent01:03
ink1isillion: yep01:03
soundrayGodfatherofEir1: specifically?01:03
GodfatherofEir1Tryin to get OO.o 3.0 up and running01:03
isilionenvygn installed. how i run it?01:04
GodfatherofEir1No luck with the tar.gz files, cause I cant seem to find the executable file for any of the programs (yes, I know, there's no .exe files in linux, but the still self-execute)01:04
Parabolaofftopic: I HATE WOMEN01:04
Parabolathey are so passive01:04
Parabolaand sneaky01:04
Parabolait pisses me off to no end01:04
FloodBot2Parabola: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:04
FlannelParabola: Please take it elsewhere01:04
ink1isillion: should be under System Tools01:05
soundrayGodfatherofEir1: are you on hardy or intrepid?01:05
GodfatherofEir1I'mma wait a while before switching to intrepid01:05
GodfatherofEir1Bad luck with being on the cutting edge01:05
ink1isillion: did you install envyng-gtk too?01:06
soundrayGodfatherofEir1: stick with 2.4 then. Intrepid will be released 30/10, then you can safely update your entire installation and get OOo 301:06
mannytuIs intrepid the new Ubuntu?01:06
millertime_018airdogg: dude i couldn't find anything out!01:06
soundray!intrepid > mannytu01:06
ubottumannytu, please see my private message01:06
creeedhello friends, my box has an Intel Core 2 Duo T7300 Processor with 64Bit performance but works with x86 chipset, my question is, does my box work faster with an amd64 architecture OS?01:06
millertime_018can anyone help me? my external drive in ubuntu is very slow. what's the deal?01:06
ink1creeed: yes, in most circumstances01:07
GodfatherofEir1Alright Soundray, I'll try gettin bein on the cuttin edge again01:07
soundraycreeed: for most uses, no. If you do numbercrunching, video encoding, then yes01:07
GodfatherofEir1Question though, downgradable w/o partition?01:07
soundrayGodfatherofEir1: backup so you can "downgrade"01:07
ink1creeed: for virtual machines, emulation, scientific calculation, and other purposes, 64 is the way to go01:07
melwtech35Parabola,  i have pasted the error, http://paste.ubuntu.com/57651/ any ideas?01:07
BaryonHelp! Having trouble connecting to my Ubuntu 7.10 server from XWin via cygwin.  It worked last week, then stopped following an upgrade. Any ideas on where to look for the problem?01:08
GodfatherofEir1Luckily I got another Ubuntu box I can use01:08
GodfatherofEir1Well, thanks for the help01:08
garutachiNeed help getting my ATi card to work on my HP laptop.  I have already installed the restricted driver.01:08
ink1garutachi: use EnvyNG01:08
ink1garutachi: EnvyNG usues much more recent drivers, and does most the work for you01:09
garutachiEnvyNG ?  what exactly is that?01:09
ink1garutachi: EnvyNG is an app written in Python that dls and installs the LATEST drivers01:09
ink1the restricted ones are quite old01:09
mrocok.  so.  i'm working on a system that's returning Error Code 0F00:0244 "Uncorrectable data error or media is write protected." using the dell provided utility.  it's a dual boot xp and ubuntu machine.  i deleted the linux partition and that's just unpartitioned space at the moment.  is there any way this is *not* a mechanical issue?01:10
garutachiI think this ati mobility is an older card.  Not 9xxx series, is that a prob?01:10
ink1garutachi: sudo apt-get install envyng-core envyng-gtk01:10
garutachilspci shows it as RS200M01:10
wilderhello someone know hot to install flashplayer i already download the program and extract but when i go to TERMINAL and go to the directory and execute it is say no such file or directory01:10
ink1not sure, nvidia user... srry01:11
soreaugarutachi: What is the output of 'lspci|grep VGA' exactly?01:11
garutachithanks I'll try the envy and see what happens01:11
jribwilder: just go to http://www.badgerbadgerbadger.com and click on the yellow bar.  Or install the flashplugin-nonfree package.  Nothing to download manually.01:11
soreaugarutachi: Don't use envy01:11
garutachihold on I'll try01:11
soreaugarutachi: What is the output of 'lspci|grep VGA' exactly?01:12
ink1soreau: ?01:12
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=== Guest90567 is now known as suffer_well
soreauink1: Why are you recommending envyng?01:12
garutachihere is the output01:12
garutachi01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon IGP 330M/340M/350M01:12
millertime_018hey my external drive runs really slow in ubuntu but is fast in vista01:13
=== suffer_well is now known as im_not_gay_ok
soreaugarutachi: And how did you install your drivers already?01:13
millertime_018I really want it to fun fast01:13
ink1soreau: many problems are caused by old drivers01:13
soreauink1: Many? Like what?01:13
the_dudeParabola, man it didnt worked, at the login screen it says that it cant find the video board, and it is working in low res. ... fuc*!!!101:13
garutachihuh?  I tried installing the restricted ati one on package manager01:13
im_not_gay_okcan anyone tell me about linux viruses or malware?01:14
soreaugarutachi: And you rebooted?01:14
millertime_018Soreau: can you help me?01:14
bobertdoswilder: If you're going to manually install, you might as well use flash 10.01:14
soreaugarutachi: Ok, what does Sys>Admin>Hardware Drivers say?01:14
soreaumillertime_018: No, sorry01:14
soreaumillertime_018: I don't know what can be causing that problem01:14
the_dudeat the login screen it says that it cant find the video board, and it is working in low res ???what should i do???01:14
soreauthe_dude: Which graphics card?01:15
DasEiati-driver installer.run  : what is to be done that xorg loads the driver instead of claiming on the old vesa ?01:15
the_dudesoreau, nvidia mx44001:15
wilderok thanks01:15
Ryuhodoes anyone know a good video podcast organizer? (auto download, keeps tracks of what I haven't seen, auto delete)01:15
the_dudesoreau, at this morning man everything was alright01:15
garutachiit just list my wireless card driver01:15
soreaugarutachi: So you have linux-restricted-modules installed?01:16
soreauthe_dude: Did you update your kernel?01:16
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soreaugarutachi: Hmm.. maybe you will need to use envyng, but I don't like that option01:16
the_dudesoreau, no.01:17
garutachiwell what is a better way ?01:17
soreauthe_dude: How did you install your drivers in the first place?01:17
=== Panzerfaust is now known as Craighghney
Craighghneyhas anyone had experiences with any linux virus or malware AT ALL? i download torrents heavily01:17
kiamois there a way/tool to sync files between a windows folder on 1 computer and a folder on my ubuntu box? ie: i want to sync my documents on windows and my users home folder whenever their are changes made and the 2 machines are connected.01:17
soreaugarutachi: What package did you install exactly when you said you installed your drivers?01:17
bobertdos!virus | Craighghney01:17
ubottuCraighghney: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2101:17
millertime_018can someone please help me?01:17
the_dudesoreau, didnt installed man, it was just workin man...01:17
BogaurdI have a couple of ubuntu boxes here - when i run 'host domain.com' on one, it lists MX servers as well as the ip address for the A record matching domain.com... on the other, MX servers are not listed - looks like 2 different versions of host or something. Is there a way I can standardise the behaviour?01:17
millertime_018ubottu: external drive in ubuntu is slow01:18
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:18
Craighghneyi didnt ask if antivirus software was available01:18
garutachicrap I don't remember he name.... something that said ATi in the description01:18
Mecha25anyone know how I can get a file off a machine I can ssh into but don't have smb access to?01:18
soreauthe_dude: Well, something is wrong with your driver install. /var/log/Xorg.0.log should tell you what is going wrong. You might just need to reinstall your nvidia drivers01:19
bobertdosCraighghney: but you did ask for an explanation of viruses and malware in the wild, which is for all practical purposes, non-existent for Linux01:19
BaryonMecha25: FTP?01:19
Mecha25Baryon: only access I have is ssh, heard of something called sshfs, used it to get files to/from my iphone, can I do so with a computer too?01:19
garutachiI'll see if I can find it again   hold on01:19
Craighghneynot according to this article: http://ubuntulinuxhelp.com/does-ubuntu-linux-really-need-antivirus-software/01:19
ubottuA/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2101:19
soreaugarutachi: The alternative is to download the ati driver installer for your card from ati.com and install manually following this guide:  http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Hardy_Installation_Guide#Method_2:_Manual_Method_.28installing_Catalyst_8.8_or_8.9.2901:20
Craighghneyhas anyone had experiences with any linux virus or malware AT ALL? i download torrents heavily01:20
Mecha25Craighghney: I can guarantee you no01:20
CorbinFoxis there a way to get a control panel on my desktop to control Amarok? play/pause, stop, forward/back, etc, all on a desktop panel?01:20
the_dudesoreau, just installed the nvidia driver wait a sec ill restart the pc01:20
RHorseCraighghney, I have never gotten *anything* in two years. But I use a wireless router.01:21
mrocgarutachi: maybe someone asked you this already...are you running 8.04 or 8.10?01:21
Mecha25CorbinFox: yes, there's a pannel applet you can get from Synaptic01:21
BaryonMecha25: I don't know that package.  Do you know ftp?01:21
luiteCraighghney: with linux, you don't get malware by downloadng torrents but by installing an old phpbb version, or running an old bind, sendmail or openssh daemon01:21
Craighghneywhat difference does a wireless router make, may i ask01:21
jribCraighghney: that article just says you may pass on windows viruses to windows users if you don't scan files.  Anyway, most webmail scans attachements anyway01:21
Mecha25Baryon: sorta, can I setup FTP on a remote box through terminal without root access?01:22
CorbinFoxMecha25: would you know the name? or would it be posted somewhere i can look for it myself01:22
BaryonCraighgney:  Take Mecha25 up on his guarantee. But get it in writing :^)01:22
Craighghneyit says over 500 viruses exist for linux01:22
Mecha25CorbinFox: search for Music Panel01:22
Parabolaoh he left01:22
Parabolaif the_dude comes back, he needs to install proper video drivers01:22
Mecha25Craighghney: yeah, proof of concepts, none of which actually work/have been released01:22
Parabolahes using VESA or somthin01:22
gecko_really stupid question to most im sure, but i really dont know.... need to add my reseloution somewhere in here http://paste.ubuntu.com/57655/  not only do i not know where, but how to either...01:22
Mecha25Craighghney: there's several million (in comparison) in the wild for Windows01:23
bobertdosCraighghney: and that is really the main reason for AV in Linux, is to safeguard your Windows users. Otherwise, it's just like anything else, the same good security habits that apply to Windows apply to any computer system.01:23
KenBW2Mecha25: am i right in thinking a virus is the same as an application, only with malicious intent?01:23
garutachiThe package I installed was fglrx-control01:23
jribKenBW2: virus implies it spreads01:23
Craighghneyhow about for malware?01:23
luiteCraighghney: most of those probably are not actually viruses, but maybe exploits, or root kits01:23
Mecha25KenBW2: there's malicious applications, sure, rm can be malicious if you use it wrong01:23
ParabolaCraighghney your best bet is to use an appliance01:23
ParabolaCraighghney of setup PFsense, or untangle01:24
KenBW2Mecha25: ergo a proof of concept is meaningless01:24
Craighghneylike a toaster?01:24
Parabolaand have it do that for you01:24
Mecha25Craighghney: the short answer is: "no" to any spyware/virus/malware concerns01:24
netsurf3can someone help me pidgin has just become an unkillable process (even with kill -9)01:24
ParabolaCraighghney yes like a toaster.01:24
mrocgarutachi: are you running 8.04 or 8.10?01:24
jribnetsurf3: reboot?01:24
Mecha25netsurf3: killall pidgin01:24
netsurf3Mecha25, i tried killall -9 pidgin01:24
netsurf3it wount die01:24
netsurf3at all01:24
Craighghneyyou said there were rootkit concerns?01:25
Mecha25netsurf3: I've had that happen, log out and back in again01:25
Mecha25Craighghney: no01:25
Craighghneythere are no security concerns whatsoever becides the normal internet concerns?01:25
jribCraighghney: the biggest security in ubuntu is that you install software from the repositories.  Of course if you go around executing random files you find on the internet you expose yourself01:25
Mecha25Craighghney: pretty much, unless you're testing Proof of Concept viruses, which is dumb on any OS01:26
Craighghneywhat about third party repositories?01:26
CorbinFoxMecha25: it doesnt appear to support amarok, is there something im missing?01:26
jribCraighghney: you are *trusting* them01:26
ParabolaCraighghney not in a prod enviroment01:26
Mecha25Craighghney: if they're infected, they won't stay up, usually01:26
Aggrav8dhi!  I've asked in apache but no response:  i have many virtual hosts.  reverb-marketing.com is pulling up the abcd. subdomain when it should be pulling up www. subdomain.  anyone know why?01:26
Parabolayou shouldnt01:26
ericjungis there any other way to determine if a USB device is recognized besides lsusb?01:27
Mecha25CorbinFox: possibly, I don't use amarok, I just know that app exists and supports a few players.  I use banshee, and media keys01:27
Parabolaif you're using a box in PROD you dont want to have third party repos in there01:27
Craighghneywhat is a production environment?01:27
isilionhi again. EnvyNG installed the drivers, but troubleshooting continues. display freezes launching whatever 3d application. i got a radeon 9800 pro, just bought today01:27
dliwhen is 8.10 due?01:27
ParabolaCraighghney nevermind01:27
warriorforgodDoes anybody know how to erase an ipod without a pc?01:27
jribdli: #ubuntu+101:27
Parabolawarriorforgod you can't01:27
Parabolayou can cold boot the device, thats it01:27
RHorsewarriorforgod, drop it from 25 feet01:27
ericjunghow can i list all usb devices? lsusb?01:27
Craighghneyno please explain01:27
bobertdosdli: fifteen days, and counting :)01:27
Mecha25Parabola: reformat it01:27
warriorforgodok.  thx.01:27
sceohow can i get this particular ubuntu install to re-take-over grub?  I installed Ubuntulite and now when this ubuntu (the real ubuntu) updates kernels I don't get them; and I don't want ubuntulite any more01:27
Mecha25Parabola: use gParted01:27
tdawgedoggubuntu is starting in low graphics mode...can someone help me?01:27
=== Craighghney is now known as Craighney2
jrib!grub > sceo01:28
ubottusceo, please see my private message01:28
soreautdawgedogg: Which graphics card?01:28
Craighney2please explain01:28
Danskmandsoundray: THANK YOU !! - I feel soooo stupid now ;-) - It works like a charm ! - now I just have to config capisuite :-)01:28
ericjunghow can i list all usb devices? lsusb?01:28
the_dudenow ive fixed the screen problem, but my panel is all object outta order01:28
tdawgedoggsoreau: let me look real fast01:28
tdawgedoggits an nvidia for sure01:28
=== Craighney2 is now known as Craighney
Mecha25Craighney: I told you, unless it's a webpage that hacks firefox (of which there are extremely few and OS is irrelevent to) you're safe01:29
sceojrib thanks i'll see01:29
the_dudeim fixing iut01:29
soundrayDanskmand: glad I could help a bit. Don't feel stupid -- Ubuntu takes a bit of getting used to.01:29
the_dudeThx for hep guys, see ya!01:29
dlibobertdos, thanks, I wonder whether I should upgrade now, I think I need better xrandr support from X 7.401:29
sam555is there a way to get to the paritioner within Ubuntu, or do I need to use the cd?01:29
ParabolaCraighney watch out dude, you might get ms.blaster01:29
soreautdawgedogg: You might try simply reinstalling your drivers01:29
tdawgedogg 01:29
tdawgedogg    BFG Tech BFGR76256GTOCE GeForce 7600GT 256MB 128-bit GDDR3 PCI Express x16 SLI Supported Video Card01:29
soreauthe_dude: Works now?01:29
melwtech35make file error anyone? i have pasted the error, http://paste.ubuntu.com/57651/ any ideas?01:29
isilionhi again. EnvyNG installed the drivers, but troubleshooting continues. display freezes launching whatever 3d application. i got a radeon 9800 pro, just bought today01:29
Mecha25sam555: yes, but you can't change the partitions while they're in use01:29
tdawgedoggsoreau: i have envy01:29
sam555Mecha25: I think I got it01:29
ParabolaCraighney yep01:30
dlisam555, gparted should do it01:30
sam555Mecha25: I'm gonna boot to the cd and use manual to partition the one I need to get to01:30
Danskmandsoundray: How could I have found out that it was allready installed ?01:30
Parabolaisilion 9800 doesnt work well with Linux01:30
Parabolai know, i had one for 4 years01:30
geniimelwtech35: sudo make install01:30
soreautdawgedogg: That sucks. envy could have already caused irreversible damage :/01:30
Parabolathe version of xorg matters01:30
tdawgedogglol na...ive used it before and everything worked01:30
Parabolahalf the shit you try to do will freeze01:30
sam555dli: for furture reference, how do I get to gparted in the gui?01:30
bobertdosdli: I wouldn't recommend it. The Beta IS getting pretty stable, but I'd be apprehensive to try any advanced X footwork with it yet.01:30
ericjungcan anyone recommend a good, free multiplayer game for ubuntu?01:31
isilionthere is nothing i can do?01:31
tdawgedogghow do i download nvidia drivers then soreau?01:31
tdawgedoggare they in the respitories01:31
soreautdawgedogg: I don't know how envy works, or what it may have already done so I can't say :P01:31
dlisam555, check your menu, I just use command: gparted to launch it01:31
geniiericjung: Americas Army, OpenArena01:31
garutachii'm downloading that ati installer now for the manual install.....01:31
tdawgedoggwell where do i get nivida drivers01:31
ericjunggenii: thanks!01:31
soreautdawgedogg: But since your drivers aren't installed correctly, you need to figure out a way to reinstall them01:32
sam555dli: that's what I thought, mahalo!01:32
geniiericjung: np01:32
sceojrib - so if I don't need to boot the live CD can I follow some of these directions without?01:33
tyso1does anyone have a suggestion for a chat program aside from pidgin that allows the user to customize the look of the windows and also works with multiple accounts?01:33
corinthAre there any drawbacks from switching from ext3 to jfs?01:33
melwtech35genii, thats what i tried01:33
jribsceo: yeah01:33
soreaugarutachi: Make sure to read that entire guide, especially the part about DISABLED_MODULES, since it can be a tad bit confusing01:33
the_dudesoreau, yeah man, it works with the graphic card, but i dont know what happened man...01:33
dlicorinth, ext3 is the default, jfs doesn't shrink, if you ever want to resize it01:33
* rocknlnx I have a program I downloaded on my desktop call ddnsd. It is a Linux exe. file. How to I start it using the terminal?01:33
the_dudesoreau, very strange01:34
danhsdoes /etc/sysctl.conf get loaded on every boot?01:34
geniimelwtech35: From your paste: "****@****-desktop:~/Desktop/heirloom-sh-050706$ make install"         <-- please note lack of sudo there01:34
soreauthe_dude: You probably updated your kernel without realizing it or something01:34
corinthdli: Thanks. I've heard that jfs is faster, is that true? And, is ext4 stable enough for use yet?01:34
soreaugenii: Keep reading, he used sudo after that01:34
Craighneyparabola I forgot to ask is there any need for a firewall01:34
danhsI followed instructions to get bridged networking going (involves modifications to /etc/sysctl.conf) works fine when I manually reload from CLI, but doesn't work when I reboot01:34
danhsI need to run manual CLI command every time....01:34
geniisoreau: Ah, true01:34
soreaugenii: The problem is in /usr/5bin <- that's obviously wrong01:34
simoneI nedd help01:35
the_dudesoreau, sorry man but whats kernel, im a noob on linux...01:35
danhserrr I should say need to run  "sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.conf" every time.....01:35
simonecan somebody help me??01:35
Craighneycould anyone tell me if there's any need for a firewall in linux?01:35
RHorsesimone, depends01:35
geniisoreau: Looks suspiciously like should be sbin instead of 5bin01:35
dlicorinth, I guess ext4 is not finished yet. I doubt you can see the speed difference between ext3 and jfs. if you want speed, test reiser401:35
bobertdosCraighney: There's not a huge need for one with basic surfing. It becomes more important if you're running any sort of server. Even so, it never hurts.01:35
soreauthe_dude: Ha, then why did you tell me you hadn't updated your kernel when I asked lol01:35
rocknlnxsimone: just ask your question01:35
simonedeoends on what?01:35
soreau! kernel01:35
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages01:35
danhsCraighney: prolly....depends01:35
RHorsesimone, on what your question is01:35
simonesorry for my poor english01:36
corinthdli: What are the cons to reiser4?01:36
simoneI'm running Ubuntu Hardy01:36
danhscorinth: it's less stable, less supported....etc01:36
dlicorinth, reiser himself in jail currently01:36
Craighneydo firewalls consume much processing power and memory01:36
simoneand I have problems with Remote folders01:36
the_dudesoreau, because i didnt know hehehehehe, and i didnt update anything recently01:36
mrocis there any possible way ubuntu could have caused the following error:  Error Code 0F00:0244 Uncorrectable error or media is write protected01:36
danhsdli: *currently*, you don't get out of jail for murder too fast01:36
simonethat's it01:36
the_dudehelp - my zsnes doenst have any sound01:37
simoneRhorse are you still there?01:37
Moorsalin3what does the remote folders not do?01:37
mnIn general, is Ubuntu upgraded in small increments or is everything upgraded on the day of the release of the new OS?01:37
simoneI have 2 Pcs01:37
simoneone running Windows01:37
soundray!enter | simone01:37
ubottusimone: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:37
simoneand this one running Ubuntu01:37
RHorsesimone, sri I don't know about that, mebbe someone else knows01:37
bobertdosCraighney: Well, if you get a hardware firewall, no because the hardware handles it. Software will take a certain amount of resources, but nothing too excessive if you do it right.01:37
bombshelter13Anyone remember how Ubuntu used to have a splash/progress popup after GDM, in gnome, that would indicate as various bits of gnome were started? What's the name of that package, and can I get it for hardy?01:38
simoneoh my gawdddd....ok01:38
Craighneyhmmm this sounds like you have to know what you're doing01:38
mrocbombshelter13: gnome-splashscreen-manager01:38
RHorse!patience | simone01:38
ubottusimone: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines01:38
danhsDoes anyone know why I need to manually run sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.conf to have modifications load?01:38
soundraysimone: this is a very busy channel. We need to have rules. Not swearing is one of them, too01:38
danhsI figure that it should load on reboot automatically01:39
bombshelter13mroc: nice! thanks. :)01:39
jribbombshelter13: just set /apps/gnome-session/options/show_splash_screen to true in gconf-editor01:39
mrocbombshelter13: no problem.01:39
=== RandomCake__ is now known as RandomCake
simoneswearing? I didn't swear....anyway, ok, I'll be patient01:39
init_xsimone :)01:39
rocknlnxsimone: what is the exact nature of your problem01:40
soreau! ask | simone01:40
ubottusimone: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)01:40
ericjunghow can i configure the shell/terminal to auto-paste when i right-click?01:40
simoneI read the official forum... For what I understood there's a bug in ubuntuhardy with SMB client, related to Nautilus01:40
soundrayericjung: middle click not good for you?01:40
ericjungsoundray: no middle click on this portable keyboard01:40
ericjungsoundray: also want to auto-copy when selecting in the terminal01:41
simonemt problem is....I use the "pc server with win" to listen to music...I've got tons of files in it...01:41
soundrayericjung: it does that. Try clicking left and right simultaneously, that usually emulates a middle click01:41
soreauericjung: There should be middle click emulation when you press right and left buttons together01:41
dliericjung, gnome-terminal has "Ctl-Shift-C/V"01:41
soreauThat too ;)01:42
DocUSN-USMCanyone care to tell me how to change my video ram from 32 to 128 ram usage?01:42
ericjungthanks guys !01:42
garutachitrying to use the manual method to install ATi drivers.  I used this command          sudo apt-get install build-essential cdbs fakeroot dh-make debhelper debconf libstdc++5 dkms linux-headers-$(uname -r)       and got this error: E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)01:42
garutachiE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?01:42
ericjungcntrl-shift c/v rocks01:42
ericjungdli: thanks !01:42
simonebut the server often falls...It doesn't work anymore, not to mention the pain with the Players like Exaile or amarok to handle a Remote Playlist coming form another Pc ....in wifi01:42
soundrayDocUSN-USMC: if it's shared, you set this in the BIOS setup01:42
dliDocUSN-USMC, "change"?01:42
DocUSN-USMCsoundray nope. i tried that. thiers no option lol01:43
mrocgarutachi: do you have synaptic or another package manager open (update-manager?)01:43
RHorsegardar, it's a lock file you need to rm, possibly01:43
soundrayDocUSN-USMC: then you can't change it. Are you sure it's shared?01:43
garutachiwhy yes I do LoL01:43
DocUSN-USMCyep im sure. its a intel gma 95001:43
soreaugarutachi: You have to close update manager and synaptic01:44
dliDocUSN-USMC, it's a setting option in BIOS01:44
RHorsegarutachi, lock file you possibly7 neecd to rm01:44
BaryonXDCMP/GDM?  I could login to Ubuntu 7.10 server last week via XWin (in cygwin).  This week I cannot. I can see them talking (via syslog), but XWin shows only a grey (cross-hatched) screen and the cursor. No login windwo.  Xwin works with other servers.  May be a firewall issue.01:44
DocUSN-USMCgrrr i went to the bios and it wasnt a choice :(01:44
BaryonNeed XDCMP or GDM help.01:45
RediXeWhat lib can I install to be able to install x86 on AMD64? lib32a or something?01:45
BaryonXDMCP or GDM help (oops)01:45
geniiRediXe: ia32-libs01:45
fistanda1delusi have a problem with typing in a network key, when i try to type it in, none of the keys are responsive except the "e" key...and my keys do work, anyone ever have a problem like this01:45
RediXegenii: Thanks01:46
geniiRediXe: Welcome01:46
garutachithanks....  working now01:46
dliDocUSN-USMC, does "free -m" shows correct system RAM size?01:46
soreaugarutachi: Yay ;)01:46
DocUSN-USMCnope dli lol... it shows 3033 but im 32bit, my chips not 64bit capable01:46
rybotskycan anybody tell me how to get my resolution to 1920x108001:47
soundrayrybotsky: System-Preferences-Screen Resolution. If it's not offered there, configure your display with 'gksudo displayconfig-gtk'01:47
dlirybotsky, xrandr01:47
dliDocUSN-USMC, it sounds "3072 - 32 -8"01:48
rybotskywhen i try change it the highest i can go is 1200 something01:48
dliDocUSN-USMC, so, bios setting is for 32MB vRAM01:48
mnwhat is package "dbus"?01:49
DocUSN-USMCMem:          3033       1791       1242          0        195        61601:49
tritiummn: in the terminal, type "apt-cache show dbus"01:49
rybotskydli   whats xrandr01:49
DocUSN-USMCthats total, used, free, shared, buffers, and cached01:49
geniimn: http://freedesktop.org/wiki/IntroductionToDBus for an explanation. Essential package anyways01:49
melwtech35make file error anyone? i have pasted the error, http://paste.ubuntu.com/57651/ any ideas?01:51
redshift1972hi all01:51
redshift1972have a question01:51
rybotskycan anyone help me change my maximum resolution from 1280x1024 to 1920x108001:52
tamerplease i wanna setup sreamtuner01:52
dlimelwtech35, I don't what you are doing, but "make && sudo make install"01:52
dlirybotsky, what video card?01:53
mroclooking for someone with a good hardware background to help with this one:  drive diagnostic is showing Error 0F00:1344 Uncorrectable data error or media is write protected.  is there any way ubuntu could have caused this??01:53
redshift1972the ut 2004 demo doesnt have the right extention installer thingy..so how do i download from one of the gentoo files i have the link ....01:53
rybotskynvidia geforce fx 5600    it's kinda old01:53
dlirybotsky, do you see the right modes when you type in the command: xrandr01:53
tamerany buddy have that code01:53
rybotskythe resolution i want isn't listed when i go to it01:53
dlirybotsky, that card supports 1920x1080?01:53
tritiumtamer: streamtuner is in the repositories01:53
rybotskyim not sure01:54
tamerso what i have to do ?01:54
tritiumtamer: sudo apt-get install streamtuner01:54
soundrayrybotsky: I told you what to do. What was wrong with my reply?01:54
redshift1972any help?01:54
rybotskysoundray, i tried what you told me but my resolution wasn't displayed there01:55
bastii aksed some hours ago, but k9copy is not really what i am looking for. i just need some tool, that rips a dvd (like dvddecrypter) 1:1 on my harddrive. any hints?01:55
soundrayrybotsky: I also told you what to do if that was the case.01:55
tamertnx alot01:55
rybotskysoundray, when i go to that the highest resolution displayed is 1280x102401:56
redshift1972anybody know how to download something from the terminal +link01:56
redshift1972tdownload from internet01:57
Developer08I'm using the mingw32 compiler. I like to compile some script which uses the ShellExecute function. It doesn't work. So I decided to use the system function but when it runs, it displays a black window. What can I do to hide the black window?01:57
jribbasti: I use dvdbackup01:57
Developer08(I'm doing cross compiling)01:57
jribredshift1972: wget01:57
rybotskydli, when i use vista that resolution works so im pretty sure my video card supports 1920x108001:57
soundrayrybotsky: go back and have a look at what I said to you.01:58
melwtech35dli, tried, it doesn't work its almost asif i cannot run the sh file01:58
tdawgedoggcan someone help me with nvidia drivers...its booting into low graphics mode right now01:58
bastijrib, does it get rid of css?01:58
tdawgedoggenvy is what i use using to install the drivers01:58
RHorserybotsky, linux driver may not go as high. 8 (01:58
tdawgedogg 01:58
tdawgedogg    BFG Tech BFGR76256GTOCE GeForce 7600GT 256MB 128-bit GDDR3 PCI Express x16 SLI Supported Video Card01:58
MowkHey can somone help me out with  a partition issue?01:58
tdawgedoggis the video card i have01:58
FloodBot2tdawgedogg: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:58
dlirybotsky, then, can you specify the mode in xorg.conf?01:59
rybotskyRhorse, can i get one that does?01:59
dlirybotsky, and try the newest nvidia-drivers01:59
jribbasti: don't know01:59
minhtuanmkpasswd -H md501:59
mib_mkjis0woi need some help in installing ubuntu01:59
mib_mkjis0woi am this point where it cannot find disk..."detect disk"01:59
mib_mkjis0woso i need to find the driver of my disk02:00
mib_mkjis0wowhich i dunno02:00
MowkHey guys, I booted up in ubuntu and i clicked install, to see what it was then i didnt really want to partition my drives. so i used 20 gigabites of my hardrive but i diddnt evenm install it jsut resized them, is there a way to put them back to normal?02:00
RHorserybotsky, sure, as soon as nvidia releases one! 8 )02:00
dlirybotsky, to test, leave the line with the mode only: Modes "1920x1080"02:00
mib_mkjis0wocan anyone help me please/02:01
rybotskydli, how do i get into xconf? again02:01
mroc! patience | mib_mkjis0wo02:01
ubottumib_mkjis0wo: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines02:01
AshkoreSo I'm using Synaptic Package Manager to add packages for gnash, and I added them "successfully" but it appears youtube still doesnt work is there something I am missing?02:01
redshift1972will "wget" download to whatever directory your terminal is in?02:02
dlirybotsky, the file is /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:02
jribredshift1972: yes02:02
MowkHey guys, I booted up in ubuntu and i clicked install, to see what it was then i didnt really want to partition my drives. so i used 20 gigabites of my hardrive but i diddnt evenm install it jsut resized them, is there a way to put them back to normal?02:02
mib_mkjis0woi need some help if anyone can spare few minutes thanks02:02
RHorse!ask | mib_mkjis0wo02:02
ubottumib_mkjis0wo: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)02:02
MetalHeadDeadthe new openoffice.org 3.0 is out, and im trying to upgrade and i cannot find a way to move from 2.4 to 3.0, do i have to d/l 3.0?02:02
jribAshkore: you're aware that adobe flash is available?02:02
=== sgallinger is now known as anom01y1
mib_mkjis0woi am in this stage of installation where the ubuntu cannot detect my disk drive and it has asked me to select the driver from the list. i do not know the driver of my disk. what should i do?02:02
AshkoreI'm on my PS302:02
wartalkerhow to patch XXXX.patch02:03
mib_mkjis0woi am in this stage of installation where the ubuntu cannot detect my disk drive and it has asked me to select the driver from the list. i do not know the driver of my disk. what should i do?02:03
jribwartalker: just like that.  See 'man patch'.  It's very readable02:03
mib_mkjis0woi am in this stage of installation where the ubuntu cannot detect my disk drive and it has asked me to select the driver from the list. i do not know the driver of my disk. what should i do?02:03
jribAshkore: might want to try swfdec02:03
=== genii-2 is now known as genii
dliwartalker, usually, cd to the origin source folder: patch -p1 </path/to/your.patch02:03
rybotskydli, it says i do not have the necessary permissions02:03
mib_mkjis0woi am in this stage of installation where the ubuntu cannot detect my disk drive and it has asked me to select the driver from the list. i do not know the driver of my disk. what should i do?02:04
wartalkerthanks all02:04
MetalHeadDeadand for ubuntu do i d/l a Linux RPM or Linux DEB?02:04
dlirybotsky, of course02:04
PhQumib_mkjis0wo, I had this problem, enabling achi (I think that was what it was called) solved the problem (setting is in bios)02:04
mib_mkjis0wophqu , can you explain more?02:04
MowkHey guys, I booted up in ubuntu and i clicked install, to see what it was then i didnt really want to partition my drives. so i used 20 gigabites of my hardrive but i diddnt evenm install it jsut resized them, is there a way to put them back to normal?02:05
MetalHeadDeadand for ubuntu do i d/l a Linux RPM or Linux DEB?02:05
rybotskydli, how would i become root to modify that file02:05
K-Richhey all, so ya know seems the new kernel update breaks sound again (at least on dell e1505)02:05
mrocMetalHeadDead: ubuntu is debian based, so deb.02:05
MetalHeadDeadmroc: thx i didnt know that02:05
mib_mkjis0woi am in this stage of installation where the ubuntu cannot detect my disk drive and it has asked me to select the driver from the list. i do not know the driver of my disk. what should i do?02:06
dlirybotsky, sudo -i02:06
mrocMetalHeadDead: you're welcome.02:06
EatShroomsI keep adding Read and Write for permissions on my folder but it keeps reverting to no read or write, what's the problem?02:06
PhQumib_mkjis0wo, originally no hard-drives would appear in Ubuntu at all, not in the install program, fdisk, anything, enabling AHCI made it work02:06
okidogihi,I'm compiling emacs23, and here is it's warning:02:06
okidogiAssuming /var/mail is really the mail spool directory, you should02:06
okidogirun lib-src/blessmail /usr/libexec/emacs/23.0.60/i686-pc-linux-gnu/movemail02:06
okidogias root, to give movemail appropriate permissions.02:06
okidogiDo that after running make install.02:06
FloodBot2okidogi: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:06
okidogiwhat's that mean?02:06
redshift1972is it safe to pull files from other debian based depositories? more chance of bugs?02:06
MetalHeadDeadmroc:  do you know how to updat openoffice.org?  i have 2.4 and 3.0 just came out and i want the latest release b/c i use it for work, and i cannot find a simple way to upgrade02:06
PhQumib_mkjis0wo, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AHCI02:06
mib_mkjis0wophqu, where would i find AHCI??02:06
PhQumib_mkjis0wo, it is a setting in the BIOS02:07
sammyFhey there. Any idea whether Gimp2.6 will end up in the repositories soon? Or should I just compile it?02:07
mib_mkjis0wohow can i access the setting in the bios?02:07
mib_mkjis0wowhat button should i press?02:07
jribredshift1972: no.  It's a very good way to bork your install though02:07
MowkHey guys, I booted up in ubuntu and i clicked install, to see what it was then i didnt really want to partition my drives. so i used 20 gigabites of my hardrive but i diddnt evenm install it jsut resized them, is there a way to put them back to normal?02:07
AshkoreWhen I try to install swfdec-mozilla it has a billion broken dependences, what should I do? The package manager keeps sending me on a goose chase through dependencies02:08
mrocMetalHeadDead: well, you could probably download and install the deb package.  depending on how patient you feel, it probably will end up getting updated automatically though the repositories (hardy-backports eventually i'd guess)02:08
garutachidamn how long is this process suppose to take?  I'm installing the ati driver manually and it at this point: ATI Technologies Linux Driver Installer/Packager02:08
garutachiGenerating package: Ubuntu/hardy02:08
jribAshkore: pastebin02:08
FloodBot2garutachi: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:08
sammyFmib_mkjis0wo: _depends on your bios, good guesses are DEL, F2 or F1102:08
mib_mkjis0wophqu what button should i press or where is the setting found in the bios?02:08
okidogihi, I'm compiling emacs and encounter this:02:08
okidogihttp://paste.pocoo.org/show/88033/  what should i do?02:08
brightboyhey i currently have two laptops running ubuntu connected via ethernet.  One currently has wireless access while the other does not.  how do I get the one withoutwireless to receive internet via the ethernet chord?02:08
MetalHeadDeadmroc:  thats what i was thinking, so i'll just d/l it thx for the help02:08
mib_mkjis0woi access the setup bios on f202:08
mib_mkjis0wobut i am in it02:08
dliAshkore, it sounds like a package for another release02:08
mib_mkjis0woi cannot find AHCI02:08
mrocMetalHeadDead: welcome.02:09
Ashkorewhats paste bin02:09
PhQumib_mkjis0wo, its possible you are experiencing a different problem that what I did02:09
dlimib_mkjis0wo, like hard drive access mode02:09
rybotskydli, after i sudo -i what do i type to get the file02:09
MowkHey guys, I booted up in ubuntu and i clicked install, to see what it was then i didnt really want to partition my drives. so i used 20 gigabites of my hardrive but i diddnt evenm install it jsut resized them, is there a way to put them back to normal?02:09
RHorsemib_mkjis0wo, next time copy down the choices it gives you and print them here.02:09
PhaseAny ideas for a business form maker (for paper forms, not html/etc)02:09
MowkHey guys, I booted up in ubuntu and i clicked install, to see what it was then i didnt really want to partition my drives. so i used 20 gigabites of my hardrive but i diddnt evenm install it jsut resized them, is there a way to put them back to normal?02:10
dlirybotsky, like: vi /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:10
Ashkore@jrib what's pastebin02:10
mage__Mowk: look into something called gparted02:10
brightboyanyone able to help me with the ethernet thing? i think it has to do with firewall and the ports02:10
mage__!repeat | mowk02:10
ubottumowk: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience02:10
mroc!pastebin | Ashkore02:10
ubottuAshkore: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)02:10
MowkMage___ whats that program do?02:10
mib_mkjis0wophqu is it because i disable the diskette drive in the bios setting?02:10
Phasepartitions your drives.02:10
gam3r111how can i run an excutable file?02:11
dliMowk, I can see nobody answers your question, probably, you didn't provide enough info02:11
PhQumib_mkjis0wo, I doubt that has anything to do with it02:11
soreaugam3r111: Very carefully02:11
Mowki want to put my drives back to normal02:11
mage__dli: I !repeat -ed him since he repeated it like 5 seconds later02:11
mib_mkjis0wophqu is it because i turn off my primary hard drive?02:11
Phaseyou can't recover lost data that easily if thats what you mean Mowk.02:11
PhQumib_mkjis0wo, I don't know02:11
gam3r111soreau no i mean i just downloaded floola but cant start the file02:11
mage__Mowk: theres no undo button for partitioning, you're going to have to figure out what its supposed to be and put it like that, gparted will do what you want02:11
mib_mkjis0wook phqu i'll try again02:12
soreaugam3r111: How did you download it?02:12
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MowkNo, i mean i split my hardrive into a partition i dont even want to use, i want to add that partition back t my main partition so it can be usefull.02:12
gam3r111off the website02:12
soreaugam3r111: Did you install it, or is it a binary?02:12
mage__Mowk: so?02:12
mage__Mowk: that sounds like a use for a partition editor that resizes things :p02:12
mno hai userbn02:12
MowkSo gparted will be easy to put it back?02:12
sudobashso can people redistribute ubuntu ISO on their own website?02:13
Mowkyou know what i mean tho? like in the install.. it asks how much u want to split the partition and it split it without even verfifiying that i wanted to.02:13
gam3r111it says on the website just tho click the file that it comes with02:13
dlisudobash, of course02:13
mage__sudobash: why not?02:13
soreauMowk: That is gparted02:13
sammyFMetalHeadDead: Did you check at getdeb whether Open Office 3.0 isn't there?02:13
brightboyI have two toshiba laptops, both have the heron installed.  used the same method installing both.  One had full wireless capabilities when booted, the second did not and will not come up.  The one that does I have connected to the wireless network and connected via ethernet connection to the second. the one with wireless and eth0 says wired connection with the icon showing two comps with...02:13
brightboy...blue.  the second has two comps with black.  Internet works on the first and does not on the second.  Any suggestions?02:14
sudobashanyone use Google Apps/02:14
mage__Mowk: theres an option for manual partition messery in the installer.02:14
MetalHeadDeadsammyf: what is getdeb?  im a fairly new ubuntu user02:14
mib_mkjis0wophqu it is still not able to detect disk drive..should i continue without disk driver being selected?02:14
mage__Mowk: look for a button that says Manual or "I'm hardcore"02:14
gam3r111it says on the website just tho click the file that it comes with, soreau02:14
AshkoreHow can I fix broken dependencies? Pakcage Manager doesnt see anything broken but when I try sudo apt-get install swfdec-mozilla I get very wierd messages either broken depencies or a broken filepath thats in use02:14
mib_mkjis0woi am in this stage of installation where the ubuntu cannot detect my disk drive and it has asked me to select the driver from the list. i do not know the driver of my disk. what should i do?02:14
Mowki know i used use part guide and i clicked use 20 gigs, but i dditn click install so i thought it wouldnt actually split my partition up but it did.02:14
mib_mkjis0woi am in this stage of installation where the ubuntu cannot detect my disk drive and it has asked me to select the driver from the list. i do not know the driver of my disk. what should i do?02:15
sudobashUbuntu is the ultimate Virus cure so I am going to offer an Ubuntu Mirror at theviruscure.com02:15
sammyFMetalHeadDead: it's a site from which you can get software that isn't necessary in the repository. The URL is http://www.getdeb.net/02:15
mage__Ashkore: you should !pastebin some of that specific error messages02:15
MetalHeadDeadsammyf:  thanks, i'll check that out02:15
mage__sudobash: rock on02:15
mib_mkjis0woi am in this stage of installation where the ubuntu cannot detect my disk drive and it has asked me to select the driver from the list. i do not know the driver of my disk. what should i do?02:15
sammyFMetalHeadDead: but I just checked. Open Office 3.0 for Hardy 32bit ain't there (yet). Gimp 2.6.1 is though :)02:15
mib_mkjis0woi am in this stage of installation where the ubuntu cannot detect my disk drive and it has asked me to select the driver from the list. i do not know the driver of my disk. what should i do?02:15
gam3r111does anyone know how to install floola??02:16
RHorsemib_mkjis0wo, copy down the choices it gives you and type them in this channel. capiche?02:16
soreaugam3r111: Well, you can run an executable or script from bash with 'sh /path/to/file.ext' or02:16
mage__!repeat | mib_mkjis0wo srsly02:16
ubottumib_mkjis0wo srsly: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience02:16
wall-ecan anyone help me with how to get the Synaptic Package manager on my system administration? it went missing02:16
mib_mkjis0woits a big list!02:16
rybotskydli, sorry man im kind of a newb but when i open it thers no save button to saver it02:16
Mowki know i used use part guide and i clicked use 20 gigs, but i dditn click install so i thought it wouldnt actually split my partition up but it did.02:16
mib_mkjis0worhorse , its a big list02:16
MetalHeadDeadsammyf:  ok, thx for the heads up, btw an op should take care of userbn it's a spambot spamming me like crazy02:16
sudobashhas anyone ever maybe an ubuntu live cd geared towards virus scanning and removal maybe with ClamAV or something/02:16
mage__I've had to thwack people with that twice in a row02:16
mib_mkjis0woi dont want to copy everythign down on ehre rhorse02:16
AshkoreMy problem is that I am on mIrc on my PC-Vista while I am on ubuntu on my PS302:16
MetalHeadDeadyou have ubuntu on your ps3?  wow02:17
mage__Mowk: really? in 8.04 it only does things when you hit install, and it tells you very clearly its going to edit things02:17
dlirybotsky, I think you may try other editors: nano, gvim, gedit02:17
sammyFMetalHeadDead: put him/it on your ignore list. I'm no op btw :)02:17
RHorsemib_mkjis0wo, how big? how many drivers?02:17
AshkoreBut the error message is Depends: libswfdec0.5-1 it is not going to be installed02:17
sudobashI have installed it on the PS3 it works pretty well02:17
mib_mkjis0woalot rhorse02:17
MetalHeadDeadsammyf: i know your not ;)02:17
mib_mkjis0woit gave me a list to select rhorse02:17
mage__mib_mkjis0wo: anything odd as far as your hard drive? like trying to boot off of a drobo?02:17
mib_mkjis0woi do not know which driver i have rhorse02:17
tritiumMowk: it would have double-checked that you wanted to perform that action.02:17
Mowki dont know, i jsut know i didnt click install:( will gparted put them back together to form one big partion again?02:17
dliAshkore, libswfdec0.5-1 sounds very old:(02:17
mib_mkjis0wowhat mage_?02:17
wall-eyeah a friend of mine but ubuntu on his ps3! i use yellowdog02:17
RHorsewhat computer do you hv, mib_mkjis0wo ?02:18
mage__Mowk: you'll want to delete the second partition and then expand the one with your stuff02:18
mib_mkjis0worhorse, dell 430002:18
mage__how new is it?02:18
MowkSO dleete the one i jsut made and then thats it?02:18
mib_mkjis0woive had it since 9th grade mage_02:18
Mowkwill i half to like format it with ntfs or aanyhting\02:18
mage__Mowk: read the other half of my sentance02:18
RHorseabout how many choices, mib_mkjis0wo ?02:18
mib_mkjis0womore than 40 choice rhorse02:19
Mowkexpand the one with your stuff, not understanding sorry,02:19
mib_mkjis0woshould i type my bios setting in here rhorse?02:19
rybotskydli, i removed all the other modes except the one i want   and save it but nothing happens02:19
RHorsethat's not many, mib_mkjis0wo copy them down and paste them here.02:19
tritiumMowk: the original partition02:19
Robb_MIs the ubuntu minimal cd able to create Encrypted File Systems and things like the alternate cd?02:19
mib_mkjis0woim on my mac right02:19
mage__Mowk: gparted is a gui program that'll make the partition bigger and then make the partition all better by running ntfsresize02:19
mib_mkjis0wothe installation is on the desktop rhorse02:20
dlirybotsky, you have to test it, quit X, and test with the new config file02:20
mib_mkjis0woi am on a mac right now rhorse02:20
rybotskydli, and how do i do that02:20
Bakkan\msg NickServ identify byzantine02:20
mib_mkjis0woim using a different computer rhorse02:20
sammyFMowk: think of gparted as the equivalent to partitionmagic02:20
dlirybotsky, Ctl-Alt-F1 to console, login, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop02:20
mib_mkjis0woshould i continue without disk driver rhorse?02:20
Craighneycould anyone tell me how best to use tor with firefox in ubuntu?02:21
blakexcept gparted is better02:21
kiamoi have my filepermissions set to 770 for a folder, but for some reasons other users in teh same group cannot access it? i must be missing something but im not sure what... any ideas?02:21
Mowkoh gosh i probably sound like an idiot.  im Very new with partitions and diddnt exactly knwo what i was doing, i jsut want to know a straight ansswer of how to put the blank partition and add it onto my large partition with windows on it,.02:21
wall-eanyone know how to install Synaptic Package manager??02:21
tritiumdli: sudo invoke-rc.d gdm restart would be more efficient02:21
dlirybotsky, after you shut down X, sudo X -config /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:21
AshkoreAha! I think I needed to add additional repositories for the package manager02:21
mroccould ubuntu have done anything to create a "Uncorrectable data error or media is write protected" message?  message is from a drive utility program.02:21
RHorsemib_mkjis0wo, what I said... 8 )02:21
wall-ein ubuntu 802:21
tritiumwall-e: it's installed by default02:21
Craighneywall-e its under system02:21
Robb_MNobody is "stupid" in here Mowk :D02:21
wall-eit went missing02:21
blahblahxi seem to have messed something up in my hardy install, because when i open graphical programs nothing happens. when i do it from the commandline, i get errors (no matter the program) which all say something like: no protocol specified, cannot open display02:21
blahblahxi think i messed up with xauth on the commandline02:22
tritiumwall-e: System -> Administration02:22
mib_mkjis0worhorse i am on a different computer talking to you...i cant copy and paste from another computer onto this one02:22
RHorsemib_mkjis0wo, you can pastebin them. !pastebin | mib_mkjis0wo02:22
Mowkmay not be stupid but, new;)  but still anyone have an answer?02:22
blahblahxoh and some errors specify with : :0.0 after the cannot open display02:22
blakMowk: what exactly do you mean "blank" can you clarify02:22
wall-enope completely gone!02:22
AshkoreAlright now I am a C++ developer, what packages should I apt-get to make the most of Ubuntu? For the purposes of programming with C++02:22
Mowkcause i jsut split up the partition i diddnt put anyhting on it02:22
sammyFMowk: your windows partition is formated with NTFS I suppose?02:22
tritiumAshkore: build-essential02:22
Mowkyes sir02:23
blakAshkore: I might search the ubuntu forums on that one... probably a lot of great info there I would think02:23
Robb_Myou want to merge partitions Mowk?02:23
sammyFAshkore: code:blocks in my opinion02:23
tritiumwall-e: I find that *highly* unlikely.  Please check the output of "apt-cache policy synaptic"02:23
Ashkoresudo apt-get build essential?02:23
sammyFAshkore: and then whatever libs you need02:23
aerosolim having a problem with my wireless connection on my ubuntu laptop02:23
Robb_MAshkore: sudo apt-get install build-essential02:23
sammyFAshkore: think so, yes02:23
tritiumAshkore: sudo apt-get install build-essential02:23
Chubbz@aerosol whats the output of ifconfig02:23
tritium(note the "-")02:23
blahblahxi seem to have messed something up in my hardy install, because when i open graphical programs nothing happens. when i do it from the commandline, i get errors (no matter the program) which all say something like: no protocol specified, cannot open display. i think i messed up with xauth on the commandline. oh and some errors specify with : :0.0 after the cannot open display02:24
aerosoli get lo, eth0, wlan0, and wlanmaster02:24
MowkRobb_M yes i would like to merge partitions02:24
* sammyF is wondering whether he should have removed gimp 2.4 before installing 2.6 :/02:24
wall-e  Installed: 0.61ubuntu902:24
wall-e  Candidate: 0.61ubuntu902:24
wall-e  Version table:02:24
wall-e *** 0.61ubuntu9 002:24
FloodBot2wall-e: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:24
wall-e        500 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com hardy/main Packages02:24
Craighneycould anyone please tell me how best to use tor with konqueror in ubuntu linux02:24
mage__sammyF: i wouldn't have personally02:24
Robb_M!pastebin | wall-e02:24
ubottuwall-e: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)02:24
tritiumwall-e: good, it's installed, as you can see.02:24
aerosolive been using using hardy on my desktop for 4 months now and i can use the wireless adapter fine on my desktop02:24
garutachiwhen using this command : sudo aticonfig --initial -f        I get a Segmentation Fault02:25
MowkHow will i merge my partitions?02:25
sammyFmage__: installed 2.6.1 or removed 2.4 ?02:25
RHorsemib_mkjis0wo, you'll have to hand copy them to pastebin02:25
* Robb_M has to look it up Mowk, i know it can be done......but i forgot exactly how...02:25
bpat1434Is there  a way I can move something that is off the screen without clicking and dragging on it?02:25
blahblahxanyone not tied up who could answer my question?02:25
aerosolbut i have connected to my router and i cant update or get on with firefox\02:25
Robb_Mjust have some patience blahblahx :)02:25
AshkoreOdd, I got an error message "E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 resources currently unavaliable) and E: Unable to lock admin directory )/var/lib/dpkg) is another process using it?"02:25
Mowkwill do02:25
ech0dishhi yall02:25
blahblahxRobb_M: yeah just wondering02:25
=== simo is now known as Guest19364
blahblahxRobb_M: more than asking02:25
Craighneycould anyone please tell me how best to use tor with konqueror in ubuntu linux02:25
Chubbz@ashkore use sudo02:26
blakMowk: you right click the partition that isnt blank and click merge from the list that should come up under your cursor I think02:26
AshkoreI did use sudo02:26
mage__sammyF: I'd have left the old gimp just in case, since i'm lazy, Run -> gimp-2.4 if needed02:26
brockdli, thank you for the help    i got it to work02:26
blakblablahx: you might have to re-install, not that bad to do is it?02:26
blahblahxRobb_M: i knever know if im being ignored or just not heard. (i really dont mean that in a rude way)02:26
tritiumAshkore: the update-manager may be running at the moment02:26
myk_robinsonneed some help with USB support in VirtualBox, anyone able to assist in private chat?02:26
aerosolChubbz: any ideas?02:26
blahblahxRobb_M: i mean i understand that its a busy channel and that people can't answer everyone02:26
Robb_Mblahblahx: its ok, we never really try to ignore people..but if your question doesnt get answered in say...10 minutes or so...just repeat it :)02:26
tritium!es | Ubuntu02:26
ubottuUbuntu: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.02:26
Ashkoreaha thanks02:26
Mowkblak      click it from where:O?02:27
Chubbz@aerosol can u pastebin the output of ifconfig wlan002:27
sammyFmage__: yep. THat's what I was thinking too.02:27
blakmowk: do you have gparted open in gui form?02:27
rafalhow to use 2.6.27 kernel? Im on 8.04 amd6402:27
Mowkblak no i will dl it.02:27
Craighneycould anyone please tell me how best to use tor with konqueror in ubuntu linux02:27
Ashkorenow its asking for the CD-Rom for Gutsy Gibbon, cant it just look online what do I do hit enter and hope for the best?02:27
blakmowk: what OS are you using right now?02:27
tritiumrafal: it's not packaged for 8.04, so you'd have to compile it yourself02:27
Mowkblak vista sir02:27
aerosolim  not on my laptop right now or else i would. i remember it though. it says ive sent out 1.1mb of packets and 6.2mb recieved. if that helps02:27
rafaltritium: does ubuntu use vanila kernel?02:28
blakMowk: oooo do you have an optical drive?02:28
tritiumrafal: no02:28
rafaltritium: so some speciall drivers etc can stop working?02:28
Craighneysitting waiting02:28
mage__Mowk: get the livecd or run it off ubuntu livecd02:28
Nazarahi have a fresh instalation of ubuntu...when i goto the network window its not showing the wireless option...(ive read all the help guides and they havnt helped at all) using a hp pav labtop02:28
Robb_MAshkore: you can tell synaptic to quit looking for your cd..that way it goes straight for the online repositories :)02:28
Mowkblak   whats an optical dirve:P02:28
Chubbz@Ashkore is your dns set up correctly?02:28
Ashkorethe internet works02:28
dliblahblahx, do you have XAUTHORITY set?02:28
Ashkoredunno if the DNS is correct02:28
tritiumrafal: yes, why do you need .27 on 8.04?02:28
blahblahxdli: what do i do?02:28
Mowkwhy do you want em to do that?02:28
blakMowk: Download the ubuntu hardy heron .iso and burn it then boot form CD (Live CD) and you can install from that or it will have gparted come up for you and you can do this that way02:28
tritiumAshkore: you need to configure your repos properly, and comment out the CD-ROM.02:28
sammyFoh bliss! Gimp2.6.1 :D02:29
rafaltritium: laptop overheats02:29
mage__kidding --> hey I want to install linux but I dont have a floppy, usb, working cdrom, and I dont want it to be too hard <-- kidding02:29
dliblahblahx, like: printenv|grep X02:29
Ashkore@Tritium how do i do that?02:29
ReaverbotI need help!02:29
garutachiI et a Segmentation Fault when I run this command: sudo aticonfig --initial -f02:29
Robb_Mthats what i just said tritium, heh.02:29
MowkWell i already was running on the live cd when i made this mistake haha02:29
ReaverbotPlease, help me with a 7zip encripted file.02:29
tritiumrafal: I'd suggest waiting for Intrepid, then, or using the beta02:29
Mowkis gparted already on the livecd?02:29
blahblahxdli: sorry im new to xauthority stuff. do you want me to do what you just listed?02:29
Robb_MMowk: yes it is02:29
blakMowk: yes02:29
tritiumrafal: aye02:29
Craighneycould anyone please tell me how best to use tor with konqueror in ubuntu linux02:29
mage__Mowk: you can install it if its not02:29
tritiumAshkore: System -> Administration -> Software Sources02:29
Mowkwhats the irc program in ubunto?02:29
rafaltritium: how to install that beta?02:30
leachim_6I just turned on compiz in xfce4 and I only have 2 virtual desktops02:30
leachim_6how can I get more ?02:30
tritiumMowk: there are several.02:30
blakMowk: I mean you could get gparted live cd  ithink it is but you can just use the ubuntu live cd...02:30
Ahmuckis there a way to start *untu in safe graphics mode02:30
tritium!intrepid | rafal02:30
ubotturafal: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - Warning lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, *NOT* #ubuntu02:30
bldfreakI installed ubuntu 8.04, then I booted into it and it gave abunch of fsck errors, then I restarted the computer and Grub gave Error 15, so I booted into a livecd and the directory structure of my ubuntu partition is a bunch of directories like #4424524. What the hell happened and how can I fix it?02:30
Nazarahi have a fresh instalation of ubuntu...when i goto the network window its not showing the wireless option...(ive read all the help guides and they havnt helped at all) using a hp pav labtop02:30
Mowkcould i not jsut use vista?02:30
Ashkorehmm how do i cancel a apt-get job?02:30
dliblahblahx, I don't know how you messed up, but want to help troubleshooting02:30
tritiumrafal: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/intrepid/beta02:30
sammyFCraighney: you need to install priivoxy. check the tor site, it has a walk-through I think02:30
aerosolNazarah: that takes a minute to recognize your wireless hardware02:30
dliAshkore, no need :( or Ctl-C02:31
tritiumAshkore: Ctrl-C02:31
blahblahxdli: thanks. when i did that, i got /home/fred/.Xauthority02:31
ShakedownWhat's the name of the advanced visual effects compiz config package?02:31
blahblahxdli: now what?02:31
Craighneyi thought privoxy was redundant with the introduction of foxyproxy02:31
dliblahblahx, try to unset it: unset XAUTHORITY02:31
rafalShakedown: simple- something02:31
Mowktalk to you guys on ubuntu.. thanks tty soon02:31
=== rafal is now known as limcore
blakmowk: i don't know that there is a windows port for gparted... you could use partition magic in vista i guess02:31
Shakedownrafal: ...02:31
tritiumShakedown: compizconfig-settings-manager02:31
blahblahxdli: that didnt give errors02:32
Shakedowntritium: thanks02:32
Mowkblak i will talk to you in a minute i will get onto ubuntu for you.02:32
dliblahblahx, test X applications now02:32
bldfreakinstalled ubuntu 8.04, then I booted into it and it gave abunch of fsck errors, then I restarted the computer and Grub gave Error 15, so I booted into a livecd and the directory structure of my ubuntu partition is a bunch of directories like #4424524. What the hell happened and how can I fix it?02:32
hvgotcodeshey i just did an apt-get update and upgrade and its saying 4 packages are being kept back; they are all the kernel related packages (linux-generic linux-headers-generic linux-image-generic linux-restricted-modules-generic)02:32
Robb_Mgparted has a live cd blak :)02:32
blakmowk: sounds good02:32
d4t4min3rquestion.. if i want to install usplash screen finger print.. whats the proccess like?02:32
leachim_6I just turned on compiz in xfce4 and I only have 2 virtual desktops02:32
leachim_6how can I get more ?02:32
lambfrierhi - I updated my Hardy kernel from 2.6.24-19 to 2.6.24-21 as per the update provided by aptitude this morning.  I suspect update-grub wasn't called after this.  I had some Nvidia problems - am using Nvidia's driver and tried to update the driver.  I manually ran update-grub (which ran fine) and booted into 2.6.24-21, then was able to install the nvidia driver fine.  Cannot find any logs telling me whether update-grub was run when the ke02:32
limcoreI ment it is called simple..... , Shakedown02:32
hvgotcodeshow do fix this -- i dont want to get into a situation where my machine doesn't boot02:32
blahblahxdli: same error02:32
Robb_Mblak: its also on the ubuntu cd-rom....but they do have a seperate live cd dedicated JUST to gparted...02:32
sammyFleachim_6: you can set the number of desktop in the compiz config panel02:32
blakRobb_M: yea that's what i was talking about earlier .. but i think though that he should just use the ubuntu live cd he already made right.. has gparted as well correct?02:32
leachim_6sammyF, under what ?02:33
Robb_Mblak: correct :D02:33
Shakedownlimcore: what are you talking about?02:33
* blak nods02:33
blahblahxdli: with gedit (on user account) i get: no protocol specified, cannot open display02:33
rporterhow do I change channels?02:33
albuntud4t4min3r: i think i have seen that and you have instructions included in a txt file inside02:33
Robb_Mblak: you are going about it the right way, making yet another cd would be overkill.02:33
Shakedownrporter: /join #<channel>02:33
blahblahxrporter: "/join #channel"02:33
blakRobb_M: ok, yea, that's what i suggested.. he should be fine :P lets hope02:33
rporter /join #python does nothing for me02:33
blahblahxrporter: are you sure the channel is on this network?02:33
blahblahxrporter: freenode?02:34
limcoreShakedown: that thing you asked, is called also simple-something02:34
blahblahxdli: whats next?02:34
leachim_6yeah, that's definately a real channel02:34
rporterah do I need to change networks?02:34
Shakedownrporter: is #python hosted by irc.freenode.net?02:34
jrib!register | rporter02:34
ubotturporter: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode02:34
leachim_6rporter, no02:34
blahblahxrporter: if its on another one, yeah02:34
jribrporter: you need to register to enter #python02:34
albuntublahblahx: yes the channel exists02:34
leachim_6you need to be identified to be in#pyton02:34
bldfreakinstalled ubuntu 8.04, then I booted into it and it gave abunch of fsck errors, then I restarted the computer and Grub gave Error 15, so I booted into a livecd and the directory structure of my ubuntu partition is a bunch of directories like #4424524. What the hell happened and how can I fix it?02:34
jribyes, what leachim_6 says is more accurate02:34
limcoreShakedown: simple-ccsm is its name02:34
sammyFleachim_6: start ccsm02:34
dliblahblahx, can you get X with ssh X forwarding? like: ssh root@localhost02:34
tritiumbldfreak: watch the language, please, and keep it family-friendly02:34
leachim_6sammyF, k02:34
AshkoreAside from build-essential what was the other package I could use for developing in C++, someone recommended code::build or something? What was it again and how do I install it.02:35
dliblahblahx, or: ssh localhost02:35
sammyFleachim_6: should be in the settings, or just type ccsm in a terminal02:35
blahblahxdli: localhost being what?02:35
Shakedownlimcore: so what is compizconfig-settings-manager02:35
leachim_6it's open02:35
blahblahxdli: my computers ip?02:35
leachim_6I know02:35
leachim_6I mean where in ccsm02:35
blahblahxdli: or anothers?02:35
tritiumAshkore: what is it you need, exactly?02:35
rporterthanks for the help02:35
blakbldfreak: you may want to run some tests on your hard-drive, obviiously through some bootable media... or you could try again with install if you haven't already... but yea you are right something is really wrong with that...02:35
hvgotcodeswhy do packages get held back on upgrade02:35
sammyFleachim_6: in the general properties, Desktop size :)02:35
aim1159http://bugs.archlinux.org/task/8691 anybody check if this applied to 8.10 kernel?02:36
leachim_6...that doesn't exist in mine02:36
blahblahxdli: when i type ssh localhost i get: connection refused02:36
aim11598.04 have the same bug02:36
blahblahxdli: but im guessing thats not an X thing02:36
leachim_6ohh, nevermind02:36
leachim_6I misunderstood02:36
sammyFleachim_6: horizontal virtual size is what you need02:36
Ashkorewell i was wondering for development what was the other thing someone suggested to get02:36
=== rporter is now known as rporter_
limcoreShakedown: dunno, read the description. I use that simple-...02:36
sammyFleachim_6: oh .. you got the ~basic~ ccsm I suppose02:36
blakintrepid @ aim115902:36
blak!intrepid @aim115902:36
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:36
* blak sighs02:37
=== rporter_ is now known as rporter
sammyFleachim_6: you found it?02:37
AshkoreShould I upgrade to 8.04 LTS it says I can or is that not recommended until a full stable release?02:37
blakaim1159: try the channel in the topic for intrepid related questions. i bet they know02:37
leachim_6sammyF, yeah, thanks02:37
blahblahxdli: the whole message is "ssh: connect to host localhost port 22: connection refused02:37
tritiumAshkore: it's not recommended until it goes stable.02:37
sammyFleachim_6: you're welcome02:38
sammyFAshkore: 8.04 IS stable though02:38
sammyFAshkore: or did you mean 8.10 ?02:38
blakAshkore: yep 8.04 has been stable02:38
sammyFAshkore: 8.04 is Hardy. It's stable02:38
tritiumAshkore: in 10 days, 8.10 will be released.02:39
* sammyF is in love. Gimp2.6 is really really nice :)02:39
isilionhi again. EnvyNG installed the drivers, but troubleshooting continues. display freezes launching whatever 3d application. i got a radeon 9800 pro, just bought today02:39
* blak chuckles at sammyF02:39
blahblahxdli: you still there?02:39
mrocstill hanging around looking for an answer to the following:  is it at all possible for ubuntu to have caused the following error in a drive utility "Uncorrectable data error or media is write protected" ?02:39
blakmroc: that is more a permissions or hardware issue02:40
RHorsemroc,  is driver mounted as read/write?02:40
sammyFmroc: is it a NTFS drive?02:40
crazy2kI want to know if I'm using a 32-bit or 64-bit kernel.02:40
crazy2kpablo@dell-desktop:~$ uname -a02:40
crazy2kLinux dell-desktop 2.6.24-19-generic #1 SMP Wed Aug 20 22:56:21 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux02:40
dliblahblahx, can you get: xauth list02:40
DigitalFizmroc, do you like pizza?02:40
mib_mkjis0wothats the just the gist of the list02:40
mib_mkjis0wothere are MORE rhorse and im not gonna type them all02:41
mrocsammyF: it's a drive with an ntfs partition, a small fat partition, and unpartitioned space (deleted ubuntu partition)02:41
mib_mkjis0woi am in this stage of installation where the ubuntu cannot detect my disk drive and it has asked me to select the driver from the list. i do not know the driver of my disk. what should i do?02:41
sammyFmroc: and none of the partitions appear?02:41
isiliontrouble wit ati radeon 9800 pro: i installed ati drivers and computer hangs launching games in 3d02:41
blahblahxdli: it says "xauth: creating new authority file /home/fred/.Xauthority02:41
Chubbz@mroc which partition are you trying to mount?02:41
dliblahblahx, does it work now?02:41
mib_mkjis0woi am in this stage of installation where the ubuntu cannot detect my disk drive and it has asked me to select the driver from the list. i do not know the driver of my disk. what should i do?02:42
blahblahxdli: same errors02:42
nicknullis the linux kernel all written in C? or C++ too?02:42
mrocsammyF: well, since i deleted the ubuntu partition (don't ask...) it's not bootable.  but the drive won't mount in a live cd, and the installer seems to go into some infinite loop at loading the partitioner02:42
mib_mkjis0woi am in this stage of installation where the ubuntu cannot detect my disk drive and it has asked me to select the driver from the list. i do not know the driver of my disk. what should i do?02:42
RHorsemib_mkjis0wo, it would help if you knew the mfg of the drive you are trying to find. Do you know that or can find out?02:42
mib_mkjis0wono..rhorse, can you tell me how i can?02:42
Chubbz@mib_mk... are your drives IDE or SATA>02:42
MowkHey its mowk again02:42
Mowkim on ubuntu now02:42
mib_mkjis0woide cd-rom02:42
blakmroc: you should check the integrity of the live cd02:43
dliblahblahx, find the X cmdline: sudo ps fx|grep X02:43
Ashkorewait a second does 8.04 work with the Playstation 3?02:43
mib_mkjis0wochubbz, i am not sure..but i keep seeing the word ide cd-rom02:43
blakMowk: are you using Gnome?02:43
mib_mkjis0wowhenever it ask me to boot02:43
mrocsammyF: it's a good live cd...this happens with both 8.04 and 8.10 daily image02:43
sammyFmroc: tried booting in windows (if you can) and then shutting restarting your comp?02:43
Mowkim using pigen isntstant messanger02:44
sammyFmroc: there's an issue with NTFS drives when they weren't properly shut down afaik02:44
nicknullis the linux kernel all written in C? or C++ too?02:44
AshkoreWikipedia says its incompatible to what degree should I trust wikipedia?02:44
RHorsemib_mkjis0wo, does it boot at all, or it is trying to find the drive to boot from?02:44
mrocsammyF: forgive me if this is a dumb question, but how would i go about booting into windows?  grub took over as the bootloader, and the linux partition was deleted02:44
blahblahxdli: that spits out: "1700 tty7 Ss+ 0:36 \_ /usr/bin/X :0 -br -audit 0 -auth /var/lib/gdm/ :0.Xauth -nolisten tcp vt7"02:44
sammyFmroc: do you have access to a CD burner? if yes, create a supergrub CD02:44
nicknullis the linux kernel all written in C? or C++ too?02:44
Mowkblak i am using pigen messanger02:44
tritiumnicknull: assembly and C02:45
nicknullanyone need a particular program?  want to write something in python for ubuntu...02:45
blakMowk: in x windows right, what desktop manager are you using?02:45
mrocsammyF: i do.  i've never heard of that.  any more info, or should i google it and learn on my own?02:45
sammyFmroc: one sec..  looking for the url02:45
mib_mkjis0worhorse, it does boot and it give me xp os02:45
mrocsammyF: thanks.  i can dig it up if needed.02:45
bldfreakUpdate: blak - All my files and stuff are intact in the # folders in my lost+found folder.02:45
RHorseBut it doesn't boot from the ubuntu disk, correct?02:45
bldfreakSo I guessed it just renamed them?02:45
nicknullhow big is the kernel now? i read it was onky 10K lines when Linues released in 9102:45
sammyFmroc: http://www.supergrubdisk.org/02:45
blakbldfreak: something went awry with the install that is for sure.. i guess it is good it saved your files though02:46
Mowkblak i am in ubuntu02:46
mib_mkjis0woi am installing ubuntu rhorse02:46
sammyFmroc: you shouldbe able to reboot windows using that02:46
mib_mkjis0wowhen i boot from startup02:46
sammyFmroc: if you have it on one of your drive02:46
mib_mkjis0woit gave me installation site rhorse02:46
blahblahxdli: that any help?02:46
dliblahblahx, sudo xauth -f /var/lib/gdm/ :0.Xauth nlist| xauth -f ~/.Xauthority nmerge -02:46
blakMowk: goto administration and then partion editor02:46
blakMowk: that will be gparted02:46
RHorsemib_mkjis0wo, I am still not sure what the problem is? Does it boot off of the disk in the cdrom?02:47
Mowkyes i have no idea how to use it:O02:47
mib_mkjis0woya rhorse02:47
blakMowk: you want to merge the ntfs partition with the blank one, correct?02:47
mrocsammyF: i'll look into it.  windows still exists, i could see it using the recovery console on a windows disk.  i was just concerned about running fixmbr if there was a mechanical problem with the disk causing these errors.02:47
alvarusi want to set NVIDIA X server settings02:47
dliblahblahx, it doesn't mean I know how you messed up02:47
Mowkit says unallocated 17.8 gigs02:47
blakmroc: i would run fixmbr02:48
Mowkand then my regular one02:48
RHorsemib_mkjis0wo, ok, then what drive is it trying to find a driver for? the hard drive?02:48
dliblahblahx, you still have to troubleshort for that02:48
mib_mkjis0woi dunno rhorse02:48
MetalHeadDeadhow do install files from a .bin (google earth)?02:48
blakMowk: ok what do you want to do with the unallocated 17.8 (free space)02:48
sammyFmroc: yep. I understand that. Thus supergrub. it doesn't install anything. It just bypasses your disks bootloaders and so on02:48
blahblahxdli: uh when i did what you asked i got: xauth (argv):1: unknown command ":0.Xauth"02:48
Mowkmerge it with my vista partition02:48
PoisonArrowcan you partition a usb stick?02:48
sammyFmroc: one of the must-have boot cds ;)02:48
mrocblak: what's the word on fixmbr if there's a possible mechanical issue with bad blocks on the drive?  because there are some rather dire warnings against such things and i don't understand hardware on a low enough level to know what the danger really is02:48
blahblahxdli: and then "xauth: (argv):1: unable to read any entries from file "(stdin)02:48
josephhi people02:49
blakMowk: right click on the vista partition then you should get some options.. hopefully you see merge or resize?02:49
RHorsemib_mkjis0wo, well, you need to write down exactly what the error message says. Ubuntu is usu. good in provinding info to solve a problem. ( unlike some other os's).02:49
Chubbz@PoisonArrow yeah, ive done it in gparted before02:49
MetalHeadDeadi just d/l google earth it's a .bin file and when i open it it gives me an error02:49
dliblahblahx, looks like you typed the command line02:49
blahblahxdli: what?02:49
blahblahxdli: sorry i dont quite follow you02:49
dliblahblahx, you typed it wrong?02:49
blakmroc: i personally wouldn't worry about it... but i think supergrub is a good idea and then you don't have to worry at all.. i would do that if you really are wanting to be totally safe02:49
blahblahxoh maybe02:49
PoisonArrowChubbz: ok so it is possible? the livecd or while on ubuntu? also, you think fdisk would work?02:49
Mowki clicked resize blak... now im confuuzed haha02:49
josephdo you speak spanish?02:49
blahblahxdli: the computer with the problem cant open any programs, so...02:50
alvarushow set the resolution in the NVIDIA X server Settings?02:50
blahblahxdli: ill try re-giving it to you02:50
mrocsammyF: thanks for the help, it's very much appreciated.  i'll probably try to find you again if i run into questions (if that's all right).02:50
blakMowk: you should be able to take up all the free space now with that... will it let you make the partition the entire size of the disk now?02:50
dliblahblahx, sudo xauth -f /var/lib/gdm/:0.Xauth nlist| xauth -f ~/.Xauthority nmerge -02:50
tritiumjoseph: not in this channel.  /join #ubuntu-es for spanish02:50
icedwaterHello! I'm having some trouble adjusting the brightness on my monitor.02:50
mrocblak:  thanks for your input as well.  also appreciated02:50
icedwaterIt doesn't seem to be supported.02:50
blakmroc: no problem you are very welcome i hope it helped02:50
sammyFmroc: well . I'm not a regular here ;) I only come whenever I have a uestion/problem .. and then I usually end up helping where I can02:51
Mowkblak i dont even know:O  is there a remote assistance tool maybe you could help me with?02:51
blahblahxdli: ahh that worked i got: xauth: creating new authority file myhome02:51
sammyFmroc: but you're welcome :)02:51
mrocsammyF: ah, i see.  i do the same thing.02:51
blahblahxdli: that worked02:51
blakMowk: i have a good url for you.... give me a minute i will link you to it, it will really help you visualize this process02:51
dliblahblahx, as I said, you still have to troubleshoot how it messed up02:51
MowkI really appreciate the help blak. thank you very much02:52
blahblahxdli: okay, what now?02:52
blahblahxdli: thanks though for getting that to work02:52
sammyFmroc: yep. astounding, but the system seems to work. So far I've always received quite usefull help, and I hopefully gave some02:52
dliblahblahx, I'm not sure, is this something related to changing hostname?02:52
blakMowk: http://gparted.sourceforge.net/screenshots.php02:52
blahblahxdli: i think i messed it up by following an outdated guide02:52
sammyFanyway .. I'm off to play with this awesome gimp release :D02:52
sammyFnighty/noon/evening everybody :)02:53
blakMowk: look at the rezie closer look image down the page a bit02:53
blahblahxdli: there was this guide for doing something that actually wasn't a problem02:53
blahblahxdli: so i messed up xauth by following it (it was for gutsy)02:53
blakMowk: Make the "new size" = the "maximum size"02:53
blakMowk: then you will apply and this will make it take the entire disk up with that one partition02:53
dliblahblahx, oh, you messed up with xauth, then, no worry, try to restart gdm, see whether it works from now on02:54
blahblahxdli: but i have to go now02:54
blahblahxdli: ok ill restart it and if it doesnt work, see you later :)02:54
blahblahxdli: bye02:54
Mowkblak one think im worried is it will tkae over my recovery partion too:O  cause my gateway has one02:54
Mowkblak i think the recovery may be a serperate drive though02:55
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blakno it will not take it over as that will not be called unallocated space02:55
Mowkokay thanks\02:56
blakMowk: if all you see is the unallocated space and the one partition then that recovery one will not be affected02:56
nate_Okay Here is my situation. I have Ubuntu Studio 8.04, but I have decided that all these extra programs are really not for me. What do i need to do to "downgrade" to Hardy Heron but keep the theme? are there repositories that i need to delete and if so what ones?02:56
wartalkerhow to let system auto load a module when reboot02:57
tritiumwartalker: append the module name to /etc/modules02:57
blakMowk: yes I would say it is on a partition that is not being shown or is on another drive... or doesn't really exist, worse case it would show the partition as something or definitely as "unknown disk area" or somethinglike that02:57
dlinate_, I think you can just remove applications you don't want, no point to downgrade02:57
Mowkblak it is expanding now and i think it will work. we will see though02:57
nate_okay thanks :)02:58
blakMowk: awesome, those screenshots on that link i gave you should be helpful as well for seeing all the different screens that can come up... i have to be going, but i think you have it right now! i wish you the best of luck and take care!02:58
tritiumnate_: you can probably "sudo apt-get remove ubuntustudio-dekstop", and "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop"02:58
davidi have ubuntu installed now and i wanted to add xp now. how do i go about that?02:58
mib_mkjis0wochubbz im at the install dialog02:58
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tritiumdesktop, even02:59
Guest51413i have ubuntu installed now and i wanted to add xp now. how do i go about that?02:59
Mowkblak i think its done im going to boot up in windows now and its greatly apreciated:) im going to donate to ubuntu for your help thanks02:59
oOarthurOoGuest51413: Do you have a spare partition for XP to be installed to?02:59
blakMowk: you didn't have ubuntu on this machine did you... because if you use maxium size.. you make the ntfs take up the whole disk.. ubuntu will no longer have anywhere to be.. just making sure?02:59
Dreamglideris it possible to mount ubuntu 8.04 and install it within ubuntu running of the harddisk ?02:59
blakMowk: awesome, they will appreciate it! you are very welcome.03:00
Guest51413oOarthurOo, no i dont, i can create it easily though. my question regards installing grub after installation03:00
chaddyDreamglider: you mean in a fakeroot?03:00
Mowkblak, no i jsut wanted to use the live cd to try it out untill i gain further knowladge and buy a external hardrive to run it off of:)03:00
Dreamglideri have no idea what a fakeroot is !03:00
jdevelcan anyone explain to me really quick something with this chat...03:00
blakMowk: excellent I hope it works for you, if you need further help i will private message you my e-mail03:00
Mowkblak, thank you, have a good day:)03:01
Mowkslash night:P03:01
jdevelwhen you answer someone, how do you make the text red?  is it just by typing username: message?03:01
chaddyDreamglider: chroot is worth a look, for you, I think03:01
tritiumjdevel: yes03:01
* blak slashs night as well03:01
chaddyDreamglider: you can install multiple instances of linux within your main install03:02
Dreamglideri mean mount an image of ubuntu 804 and install it while ubuntu 8.04(Messed up) running from the harddisk03:02
AlbinoClockSo I've got a machine with an nvidia geforce4 video card that is showing a load screen on both the monitor and the svideo-connected TV but once it gets past that the TV is all garbage.03:02
jdevelis there a quick method for putting their name there other than copy & paste, or simply typing03:02
chaddyDreamglider: I don't know about that03:02
chaddyDreamglider: which bit is messed up?03:02
Dreamgliderthe screen res03:02
oOarthurOoGuest51413: Ah. Well, not too hard. A grub rescue disc makes it easy enough if you like. Otherwise, I'd just google "reinstall grub ubuntu". This is one thread that pops up, has some good tips (skip number 1(03:02
der|kunstlerhi, I just compiled gimp 2.6.1 and I would like to create a .deb file.. any ideas ?03:03
jdevelnever mind, seems like double click, ctrl+c - ctrl+v is the quickest.03:03
Dreamglideri cant get the ATI drivers installed and im running in 800 by 600 mode03:03
redshift1972im installing ut 2004 demo...it says do you want to install symbolic links to a directory in your path? what should i do03:03
chaddyder|kunstler: checkinstall can build a deb for you, iirc03:03
der|kunstlerchaddy, great! thanks03:03
AlbinoClockHow do I get svideo working with a second desktop?03:04
AlbinoClockor a cloned desktop for that matter03:04
AlbinoClockjust functioning03:04
ubottuXRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1203:04
GevaudanHello all...can twinview be enabled with a single 9800gx2 (i.e. two gpus)...nvidia-settings currently has the twinview radio button disabled03:04
oOarthurOoAnyway, Guest51413 my advice is don't reinstall XP and Ubuntu in the "proper order". Just go ahead an install Xp, then use your google from the XP partition and your install disc to figure it out03:04
redshift1972could someone help me with  running through to ut 2004 demo install choices03:05
oOarthurOoGuest51413: And have no fear... you'll break things temporarily but it's easily fixable, and you'll learna  few things along the way03:05
csilki just installed apache, php, mysql and for some reason the mysql extension isnt loaded by default, i thought this extension was always included by default?03:05
redshift1972anybody ?03:06
gusxis there a signal to redirect the standard stdout of a running procces ??03:06
Gevaudancsilk: there is a separate extension03:07
Gevaudancsilk: did you install php5-mysql ? that is the extension03:07
csilkGevaudan,  every other time I've done the amp installation that extension has always been loaded by default03:07
redshift1972im installing ut 2004 demo...it says do you want to install symbolic links to a directory in your path? what should i do?03:07
csilkGevaudan,   libapache2-mod-php503:08
csilkoh wait03:08
csilki've never had to install the php5-mysql before03:08
chaddyredshift1972: what do you want to do?03:08
GevaudanI'm not sure what amp is, but I just recently configured an apache/php/tomcat box from scratch and by installing that package it was loaded03:08
csilkI literally did this 2 weeks ago03:08
redshift1972install ut2004 demo i have the installer up  its asking me questions03:08
redshift1972i dont know how to answere them and if ubuntu will only want me to install  in particular areas03:09
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chaddyredshift1972: symbolic links in your path are probably a good thing03:09
=== Mordocai_distrac is now known as Mordocai_HW
chaddyredshift1972: are you following a how to?03:09
robbakCould someone tell me where to go to set up a ppp connection in the new network manager?03:09
Gevaudancsilk: in any case, make sure it exists in /usr/lib/php5 ...in one of the subfolder should be mysql.so03:10
csilkGevaudan,  ok i think i know what happened, the php package will look to see if mysql is installed, if yes it will install the php extention automatically, if not then it wont, i forgot to install mysql first, lesson learned, thanks for the help anyway03:10
redshift1972no im running the instraller from the  terminal and it has a gui installer thing im just wondering what directories to install  etc03:10
bpat1434how can I force the rest of my sata disks to mount at boot and stay mounted rather than doing this "on access" junk?03:10
chaddyredshift1972: don't take this as gospel, I'd run the installer under sudo and let it write where it wants03:11
badfishhow do i view/kill open processes?03:11
Gevaudanbpat1434:  what file system, ntfs?03:11
badfishspecificlaly firefox03:11
bpat1434Gevaudan, ext303:11
smil3yredshift1972>  whats the default install directory?03:11
Mordocai_HWbadfish: pa -A, kill <process #>03:11
Mordocai_HWbadfish: ps -A*03:11
redshift1972how do you do that?03:11
smil3yredshift1972>  should show it already and just press enter03:11
bpat1434Gevaudan, I used gparted to format the disks, but they won't automount and stay mounted.03:12
=== david is now known as Guest72179
Gevaudanbpat1434: i can't remember the exact syntax for ext3...but you need to edit /etc/fstab and add a line for the partition you want mounted03:12
Ademananyone here lucky enough to get a Lenovo IdeaPad s10 care to describe their thoughts on it? especially the keyboard, and performance with ubuntu03:12
bpat1434I have that03:12
bpat1434Gevaudan, /dev/sdc1/media/storageext3defaults0003:13
bpat1434Gevaudan, however the disk icons don't show up on the desktop until I try to access them initially, and then once I do access them there is a long dely03:13
Gevaudanbpat1434:  try /dev/sda1/media/repository ext3 defaults 0 0   ....but replace /dev/sda1 with whatever partition you are trying to mount...then type sudo mount -a and see if it appears...make sure you create /media/repository or whatever you want to mount it to first03:13
redshift1972usr/local/bin thats where it wants the symbolic links03:13
bpat1434Gevaudan, delay*.03:13
Guest72179hi everyone?03:13
AshkoreI am trying to install WINE on my Playuntu 3 but I got an error E: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored or old ones used instead. Before that Failed to Fetch http://wine.blahblahblah/Hardy/Release unable to find expected entry main/binary-powerpc/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed release file?)03:13
bpat1434Gevaudan, yeah, done that already....03:13
redshift1972on a side not i tried to install it before but it would not launch at all03:13
Guest72179is my firts day with ubuntu?03:14
badfishps -a only shows my ps process03:14
badfishif i do ps -u logan it shows it03:14
redshift1972i figured the install directory it installed to wa s wrong03:14
tritiumGuest72179: is that a trick question?03:14
Gevaudanbpat1434: not sure what could be the issue then...i did the exact same thing earlier tonight with an ntfs file system (an internal hard drive)03:14
badfishbut ps kill 6526 doesn't do anything03:14
Guest72179no ..03:14
Dreamglidercan someone help me install my ATI graphic card driver and get it to work ?03:14
Guest72179I need help03:14
GevaudanDreamglider: did you install envy? sudo apt-get install envy03:14
danhsAnyone have experience with sysctl.conf not loading?03:14
danhsor fully loading?03:15
emmaAnyone have a favorite light terminal emulator?03:15
tritium!envy | Gevaudan03:15
ubottuGevaudan: envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) we suggest you use envyng if every other (official/supported) method fails! it can have various results from works, to fails!!!  if you want the very latest drivers from the manufacturer you use them at your own risk03:15
Guest72179can anyone help me /?03:15
DreamgliderGevaudan, i did, it didnt work03:15
danhsI put the whole description into forum post here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=94807603:15
bpat1434Gevaudan, one of my external drives (USB) is auto-mounted (it's NTFS); however, the other (eSATA) is not auto-mounted03:15
gusxis there a signal to redirect stdout of a current running proccess ?03:15
badfishi got it03:15
bpat1434well, it is but it's that "on access" junk03:15
smil3yGuest72179>  what do you need help with, just ask question, no need to ask permission03:15
danhsbut I was hoping someone could tell me *how* to reload sysctl.conf a second time (first time isn't working, obviously)03:15
Mordocai_HWGuest72179: Please just ask your question, people don't know if they can help you until you explain the problem.03:15
badfishthx mordicai03:15
danhsand bug report I cited, is prolly issue03:15
liza0have you guys ever felt that you want to go back to windows after using ubuntu  for a week even if everything you normally use except games are available in ubuntu03:16
Mordocai_HWbadfish: Np, you can also use killall <process name> but it will kill EVERY process with that name.03:16
badfishgood to know03:16
damiencan anyone help with installing Beryl03:16
danhsliza0: some stuff annoys me....learning curve stuff.....I use windows virtualization.  there are simply some things I *need* windows for03:16
danhscalc and gnumeric are good, but sometimes I really need excel03:16
badfishliza0: i've gotten ubuntu to do everything i want it to with more stability03:16
CMD_L1N3my printer just stopped working after the kernel upgrade03:17
qb_sleepdanhs same here03:17
qb_sleepwindows is necessary for some things03:17
danhsbadfish: you ever have firefox crash when you leave it overnight?  my entire machine comes to its knees if I leave firefox on overnight03:17
qb_sleepfor one.. photoshop pwns gimp03:17
smil3ydamien>  is beryl still in existence??  i thought it was compiz fusion03:17
qb_sleepdanhs: firefox is a memory sucker03:17
badfishi wake up in the morning with the same screen all the time03:17
danhsqb_sleep: I agree.....03:17
Gevaudanliza0: i keep windows around but rarely boot into it...i mainly use my computer for development thought so I don't miss any of the memory leaks with eclipse on windows...even with 4gb of ram, it would grind to a halt after leaving the IDE up for a few hours with a server or two running03:17
Ashkoreanyone familiar with installing WINE?03:17
Guest72179I have installed succesfully ubuntu as a partition with windows, then the wireless didn't work so I did all this stuff (specifieded on the webpage https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC/Fixes) and then it works. but then I restarted the laptop and get the same problem i did it all over again and now its working.03:18
qb_sleepfirefox has crashed on me while im using it... let alone leaving it on all night03:18
badfishashkore: sudo apt-get install wine03:18
danhsI find I can leave ubuntu on no problems usually, but firefox crashes it......03:18
badfishthat's what i mean03:18
danhsqb_sleep: I just meant leaving system locked but with firefox "running"03:18
badfishfirefox gives me no problems03:18
danhsthat's guaranteed to crash my machine03:18
qb_sleepahhh, i see danhs03:18
badfishi never lock my machine03:18
Ashkorekk but i think it said it couldnt find that packagae and i added everything as a depository03:18
badfishcan't help you there03:18
badfishapt-cache search wine03:18
danhsbadfish: other issue I've had with ubuntu that needs resolving, and sometimes I need windows for it, is the constant problems with flash03:18
damienhas anyone installed Beryl here?03:18
badfishi laughed a little too03:18
danhsthat's firefox related too03:18
Guest72179I need to know how to get this fix, because I don't want to make this all again when I turn on the laptop03:19
danhsdamien: have you tried to apt-get compiz?03:19
CMD_L1N3any help????03:19
danhscompiz-fusion has subsumed beryl03:19
Joesephokay. So let's say I want to set up a web server.   What would you say the pre-requisites for being able to install and run ubuntu server edition for a simple web site?03:19
tritiumdamien: it's now compiz-fusion03:19
geniidamien: beryl is now part of compiz-fusion03:19
* genii hands tritium a cookie03:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about model03:19
redshift1972./ut2004-bin: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory03:19
redshift1972freedom@freedom-desktop:~/Desktop$ this is what i get  when trying to run  installed  gam,e demo03:19
Chubbz@Joseeph Apache03:19
smil3ydamien>  beryl is no longer a project03:19
danhsJoeseph: try lighttpd or apache03:19
badfish!specifics > CMD_L1N303:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about specifics03:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lighttpd03:20
GevaudanCMD...: is cups started? sudo /etc/init.d/cupsys start03:20
tritiumgenii: :)03:20
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)03:20
Joesephdanhs: So you would suggest a tias approach?03:20
Guest72179please help me somebody03:20
danhsJoeseph: huh?03:20
AshkoreOkay heres my problem "E: Package wine has no installation candidate" whats my problem here?03:20
CMD_L1N3badfish: hey, my printer just stopped working after the new kernel update03:20
smil3ydamien>  beryl merged with compiz and is now fusion03:20
danhsGuest72179: ask whateer questoin you want03:20
Joesephdanhs: Try it and see.03:20
damienany opinions on compiz-fusion?03:20
Guest72179i already did it!!!!03:20
danhsJoeseph: what's a "tias" approach mean?03:20
badfishCMD_L1N3: in firefox, type localhost:63103:20
chaddydamien: any particular opinion you want?03:21
danhsJoeseph: I don't understand your question03:21
Joesephdanhs: try it and see approach03:21
tritiumdamien: try it -- it's installed by default03:21
geniiAshkore: Go to http://www.winehq.org/site/download-deb  and follow the instructions there03:21
CMD_L1N3badfish: yes. then03:21
Guest72179i already did it!!!!03:21
Guest72179 I have installed succesfully ubuntu as a partition with windows, then the wireless didn't work so I did all this stuff (specifieded on the webpage https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC/Fixes) and then it works. but then I restarted the laptop and get the same problem i did it all over again and now its workin03:21
badfishCMD_L1N3: can you see your printer from there?03:21
Ashkore@Genii I did and I got an earlier problem.03:21
danhsJoeseph: I've never heard that before.  I'd read about lighttpd and apache and figure out which makes sense for you.03:21
redshift1972./ut2004-bin: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory   how do i fix this?03:21
AshkoreI am trying to install WINE on my Playuntu 3 but I got an error E: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored or old ones used instead. Before that Failed to Fetch http://wine.blahblahblah/Hardy/Release unable to find expected entry main/binary-powerpc/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed release file?)03:21
Megalodonhey there, I'm on a fresh install (8.04) and would like to update my source.list, I was just wondering wich souce.list generator you guys would recomment to me03:21
CMD_L1N3badfish: yes i see the printer03:21
yao_ziyuanhow do i fix my apt? E: Archive directory /var/cache/apt/archives/partial is missing.03:21
Guest72179 I have installed succesfully ubuntu as a partition with windows, then the wireless didn't work so I did all this stuff (specifieded on the webpage https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC/Fixes) and then it works. but then I restarted the laptop and get the same problem i did it all over again and now its working How can i fix it permanently03:22
badfishwhat's the terminal command for printer management?03:22
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geniiAshkore: You are on a PS3 or so?03:22
Joesephdanhs: What do I need is basically what I'm asking--- what kind of knowledge, hardware, etc.03:22
smil3ydamien>  all you have to do to use it is have a supported video card and turn it on in system> preferences> appearance> visual effects tab03:22
Ashkoreyes i am on a ps303:22
danhsJoeseph: google and a linux computer :)03:22
redshift1972./ut2004-bin: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory03:22
damiensorry what do I type in terminal apt-get I forget the syntax03:22
redshift1972how do i solve this?03:23
CMD_L1N3badfish: you asking me?03:23
danhsJoeseph: If I were you, I'd prolly read about apache and lighttpd, maybe play with webmin to get you up and running fast and you should be good to go pretty fast03:23
badfishbut try this03:23
badfishsudo oowriter03:23
tj83redshift1972, sudo apt-get install libstdc++5 will fix03:23
badfishand try printing that way03:23
FloodBot2badfish: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:23
badfishtype a line and hit print03:23
badfishsorry floodbot03:23
redshift1972thx tj03:23
geniiAshkore: Wine will not work on a PS303:24
GevaudanJoseph: if all you want is a simple website just install apache2... and then edit your files in /var/www03:24
Guest51413how do i reinstall grub? i jsut installed xp and it removed it03:24
Joesephdanhs: have you set one up before?  I have a spare computer here, but no direct connection to internet, but I can ethernet over to this one which is over wireless.....I guess it works for a non-commercial website.  But yes, I'll go read about apache for a while.  and webmin too.03:24
Megalodonok I'm a noob lol, but I'd like to know a good source.list generator to begin with please03:24
jrib!grub > Guest5141303:24
ubottuGuest51413, please see my private message03:24
Dirusis there going to be a "beta 2" for intrepid?03:24
badfishCMD_L1N3: and if you can't print as a sudoer, i'd go to the forum and make sure you include the model number, the fact that you can still find it in cups, and any other information that could help03:24
Guest72179how can I install adobe shockwave?03:25
RHorsejdevel, use your tab key to autocomplete03:25
CMD_L1N3badfish: CUPS sees it and says it is processing it but nothing03:25
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:25
CMD_L1N3badfish: thanks03:26
WereyWho is there to chat ?03:26
tj83Guest72179, to my knowledge you cant... there might be a substitute. then again.. i might be wrong altogether... you can get adobe flash tho03:26
robbakHow do we configure ppp connections with the new Network Manager?03:26
GevaudanAnyone on slicehost?  I don't work for them but I can't help to promote their business...they offer full VPS hosting with a default install of ubuntu server 8.04?  It's the only company I've seen offer Ubuntu as their server platform03:26
RHorseMegalodon, best to google your distro and the keywork source.list03:26
jrib!shockwave | Guest7217903:26
ubottuGuest72179: Shockwave is currently only available for Windows. To run it under !Wine, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Shockwave03:26
tj83TY for clarification jrib03:26
MegalodonRHorse: well thanks, but I would have preferred if someone could have suggested me  a source.lift generator for 8.0403:27
chaddyrobbak: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=13803:28
RHorseMegalodon, sri, i didn't know such a thing existed. As a newbie< I always just cpy from the net.03:28
robbakchaddy: thanks.03:28
MegalodonRHorse:  well thats the point, I'm looking for the best source.list to copy from ;)03:28
chaddyrobbak: all I did was google the keywords from your question and give you the top link03:28
chaddyrobbak: if it's no use you'll find more links the same way03:29
jribMegalodon: the best one is the one you get from System -> Administration -> Software Sources03:30
=== pedro_ is now known as euzao
DittoheadJust got a Dell Mini9 and when I try to pair my phone to the computer, I put in the pass key and the desktop locks hard. I have the latest updates. I've searched but only found closed bugs that claim the issue is fixed and forum posts that say it isn't but with now clear fix.03:31
riegersnhow can I find out what storage devices are currently attached to the system from the command line?03:31
jribriegersn: sudo fdisk -l03:31
Megalodonjrib: thanks03:32
ubottuLove is like racing across the frozen tundra on a snowmobile which flips over, trapping you underneath. At night, the ice-weasels come.03:33
jribMegalodon: those and medibuntu should be all one needs really03:33
birdwinis popey around?03:34
jaxali need help with my wifi03:35
supert0nesanyone know where i can get a deb of firefox 3.1 beta 1?03:36
Dittoheadubottu, clever. :)03:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about clever. :)03:36
RezagratsI'm trying to rip a video with k9copy, how do get the video to only be 700MB ?03:36
DittoheadAhh. Bot. Now I feel just dumb.03:36
DittoheadIt passed the turing test...03:36
titanshort question. What is the delete command so I can sudo it and get rid of this file?03:36
tritiumtitan: rm03:36
=== titan is now known as Guest63463
Guest63463Thank you tritium03:36
danhstitan: rm03:36
danhsGuest63463: it's rm03:37
Guest63463thanks guys :)03:37
DittoheadGuest43804, man rm for more info03:37
danhsGuest63463: be careful though, rm is really powerful.....03:37
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal03:37
Mordocai_HWthe terminal is like... uber mode :P03:37
jaxalhi...i need help with the wifi connectivity03:37
geniiMordocai_HW: Yes. Use with care03:38
danhsGuest63463: you might want to use rm -i for interactive mode to make sure you don't accidentally delete stuff.  or use ls in place of rm to list out everything you're going to delete03:38
Guest63463how do I delete a directory? I just converted my other HDD from ntfs to ext3 and need to remove this lost+found directory03:38
tj83jaxal, you'll have to give more information someone might know03:38
RHorsedanhs, best to rename rm to smash, and make an alias 'rm03:38
jaxali am seeing a WEP protected network and even with the password i am unable to connect to the internet...do you guys have any suggestions?03:38
tj83Guest63463, sudo rm -r directoryname03:38
meyoshello, ive been trying to get my wireless network to work on my laptop, i can see my network signal, i type in my network key, the sognal shows 100%, but the network doesnt connect. what can i do?03:38
Guest63463thank you03:38
liza0is ubuntu 64bit much faster than 32 bit ubuntu?03:39
jamesish1Guest63463: rm -rf directoryname isn't as safe as rm -r but can be less irritating.03:39
afallenhopeif I have a full duplex soundcard (nvidia) how can I use jackd to work with it.. because it doesn't seem to want to work... and it always mess up03:39
tritiumliza0: no03:39
ilovefedoraanyone use cpanel?03:39
danhsRHorse: in my bash.alias file (or whatever it's named) rm is an alias for rm -i03:39
Guest63463It worked! Thanks guys :)03:39
afallenhopeilovefedora, I do..03:39
georgy_28Guest63463, : rm -R directory03:39
ilovefedorahow do i add my domains?03:39
losherGuest63463: leave the lost+found directory alone03:39
jamesish1Liza0: not ona  32 bit processor.03:39
jaxalmeyos seems to have the same problem as me03:39
Guest63463losher... too late >><03:39
danhsRHorse: for a while, I was hoping to make rm move stuff to trash, but it seems like it's a bit tricky and not worth the trouble03:39
Guest63463it's gone =P03:39
liza0i mean on a 64bit processor03:39
* Mordocai_HW wonders why ilovefedora is in ubuntu channel.03:39
jamesish1He DID say lost+found, you're right. Oh dear, oh dear.03:39
jamesish1Ah well, too late now.03:40
meyosjexal:frustrating, huh?03:40
tritiumliza0: still no03:40
liza0Mordocai_HW:may be is loking for a new love03:40
RHorsedanhs, it's not really hard, but a small script might be better than typing all on one line in the .bashrc03:40
jaxalmeyos: verrrrry!!03:40
tj83jaxal, meyos sure your using the correct encryption type? hex? 128 bit? WPA?03:40
losherGuest63463: probably doesn't matter: fsck will recreate it if needed (I think)03:40
Guest63463kk thanks losher03:40
losherGuest63463: it's a normal part of an ext3 filesystem03:40
jamesish1losher: that's right; it's just if anything was orphaned in there, then it's gorn forever instead of being recoverable.03:40
Mordocai_HWliza0: Yeah, possibly :P. I, myself, haven't settled on one distro.03:40
danhsRHorse: you don't know how to give sysctl a kick so it reloads sysctl.conf a second time do you?03:40
Mordocai_HWlosher: He's gone...03:40
jaxaltj83: i am sure abt the encryption i am using its a WEP hex 128-bit03:40
brockcan anybody tell me how to get a trash icon on my desktop03:40
losherjamesish1: true that...03:41
Melwasulhey, my resolution on my screen seems to be messed up. the bottom toolbar isnt even visible.. Can someone help me?03:41
danhsI'm having problems with bridge networking cause settings in sysctl.conf don't get loaded on boot03:41
danhsI need to run them in shell in order to take effect03:41
danhsI even put up a message on ubuntuforums.com http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=94807603:41
mrocbrock: open gconf-editor and it's a check-box option under apps -> nautilus -> desktop i think03:41
jamesish1danhs: I was just reading this: http://www.linux.com/feature/12597703:41
RHorsedanhs, sri, that's a new one to me!  I'm a recovering newbie 8 )03:41
danhsjamesish1: yea, I've heard of upstart too....it's a bit over my head on how to use upstart like that03:42
naknomikare there any more themes for gnome desktop I can download for ubuntu, besides the defaults that ship?03:42
tj83jaxal, i dont have any other suggestion.. other than to try changing your router to 64 bit and try that03:42
jamesish1danhs: upstart is what you're using in either case, it manages all the stuff on ubuntu.03:42
jaxaltj83: thanks!03:42
mrocnaknomik: sure.....gnome-look.org has many options (as a place to start looking)03:42
danhsjamesish1: hmmmm oka03:42
jamesish1nakmonik: take a look at gnome-look.org03:43
Melwasulcan someone help me?03:43
thebossuthello all03:43
kerami'm trying to connect my ubuntu box to a newly installed debian router. the router doesnt have any dhcp features so the ubuntu box has to pick a static ip03:43
meyostj83: let me try them all, i didnt think of trying them all, oops. lol thanks03:43
thebossuti am new to linux tho have done installs, and got it up and running, I am looking to do a web server, for my wife she is trying to get in to photogrhy sorry if spelling is off03:43
keramhere is my interfaces file: http://rafb.net/p/KLlP4I72.html. is there any directive that i should add?03:44
losher!ask | Melwasul03:44
ubottuMelwasul: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)03:44
thebossutany one have on what might be good to install to make it easy for her to manage the website and post a portfolieo03:44
Melwasuli did, no one listened03:44
Melwasulhey, my resolution on my screen seems to be messed up. the bottom toolbar isnt even visible.. Can someone help me?03:44
jamesish1Melwasul: No. You're doomed to die lonely, wondering why we don't assist. Oh woe, woe is all.03:44
keramMelwasul, look into xrandr03:44
Melwasulsuch a lovely group of people03:44
jamesish1Melwasul: try using your monitor screen resize menu, might help out ;)03:44
Melwasulyou think i havnt?03:45
Melwasulquit being an ass and try to help.03:45
mrocMelwasul: we have no way of knowing what you've tried.03:45
thebossutnot gonna get much help that way03:45
Melwasulwell, then it could be said much nicer.03:45
jamesish1Melwasul: Y'know, I was about to private message you letting you know I was just joking, and seeing if there was some way to help you out.03:45
losherMelwasul: you catch more flies with honey that vinegar03:45
keramyou are the only one being an ass...03:45
georgy_28! language03:46
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.03:46
losherMelwasul: you catch more flies with honey _than_ vinegar03:46
Melwasulthats a lie actually, vinegar works better03:46
meyosIt worked! it was hex key thanks tj.03:46
ds[de]haha I just read the xkcd comic about this earlier :D03:46
Melwasulso, any other ideas on this problem?03:46
KyoukipichiIs there a way to install the command mkfs.ext from Ubuntu's repository? I'm bored and want to mkfs the original ext onto a 2-gigabyte file.03:46
mrocMelwasul: well, regardless...have you looked into xrandr?03:46
ds[de](honey/vinegar thing)03:46
tj83meyos, :) np03:46
Melwasulill look now.03:46
Kyoukipichiand imo, vinegar is easier to smell than honey03:46
Kyoukipichithat'd attract more flies03:47
Sn007akeI need some major help maybe it's something simple.........I had EVERYthing working in ubuntu and today i did the Update and rebooted now my GFX won't work and my wireless is not working as well......... I had to fight with it just to get back in a decent resolution..... I've tried to reinstall my gfx driver and it's saying it's not working properly Whats the deal?03:47
thebossutany one at least see me talking : ?03:47
Fishywhen i try to edit file permissions it says im not the owner03:47
donavan_ok I have a serious newbie question here ... how in the world do I make a shortcut or what ever its called in linux everytime I try it yells about it not being a vaild command03:47
geniithebossut: Yes03:47
Mordocai_HWSn007ake: Might be the kernel update broke them? just a guess, but i'd rollback the kernel.03:47
thebossutthank you03:47
userwaldodoes anyone know how to read data from an interactive CD sometimes called an enhanced cd or a CD Extra?  Ubuntu 8.4 mounts is as an audio cd, and I can't read the data portion03:48
tj83Fishy, are you using sudo?03:48
Sn007akeHow do i do that mordocai?03:48
cdm10donavan_: you want to do this from the command line? use ln -s (read up on the exact syntax with "man ln")03:48
tritiumis a Microsoft game03:48
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots03:48
jamesish1donavan: what're you trying?03:48
thebossut i am new to linux tho have done installs, and got it up and running, I am looking to do a web server, for my wife she is trying to get in to photogrhy sorry if spelling is off any one have on what might be good to install to make it easy for her to manage the website and post a portfolieo03:48
Fishytj83 no03:48
jimbo2008hi is there a command line or a way to tell what color depth ubuntu 8.04 is running at? (eg 16 bit or 24 bit)03:48
keramthebossut, to get a web server running you need to install a web server and forward ports through your router. then you have your own website.03:48
thebossutyea i know how to do that03:49
thebossutbut woundering if anyone knows a good front end03:49
keramthebossut, most people use apache because. you can just apt-get install apache then you are off to the races03:49
derrick1123question, is it normal for the terminal to freeze?03:49
thebossutthat is easy for her to use03:49
cdm10derrick1123: when doing what? Sometimes it can hang when running long commands...03:49
keramthebossut, ah like a CMS.. there are lots of free things lke wordpress and drupal that you could install on the webserver03:49
jamesish1thebossut: well, apt-get install apache will get a web server. configuring that is best done with a how-to open. Then log in to your router and forward port 80 to the relevant IP address.03:49
donavan_cdm10: I am just trying to get a link to a game I play to appear on the desktop or toolbar03:49
jamesish1Ooh, WordPress is fun.03:49
userwaldodoes anyone know how to read data from an interactive CD sometimes called an enhanced cd or a CD Extra?  Ubuntu 8.4 mounts is as an audio cd, and I can't read the data portion03:50
derrick1123cdm10: im installing my wifi stuff, and it keeps freezing when adding something to the black list03:50
cdm10donavan_: oh. Is the game in the applications menu? Just right click on its particular entry and you'll see something like "create launcher on panel"03:50
thebossutwhat would wordpress let her do03:50
cdm10derrick1123: can you be more specific as to what you're doing?03:50
keramthebossut, if you google around for 'free', 'content management systems', 'linux', 'ubuntu' you are bound to find something03:50
Fishytj83, i got it! :) thanks for answering03:50
Sn007akeHow do i roll back to a previous kernel?03:50
jamesish1thebossut: make a free account on wordpress.com and take a look at what it can do. If you like it, install wordpress for her. If not, ten minutes lost.03:50
tritiumjamesish1: most people use apache2 now03:50
keramthebossut, /join #wordpress, #drupal03:51
donavan_cdm10 yeah I wish it were that easy ... its urban terror and there is no installed just extract and play so it never puts it on the menu03:51
thebossutthanks guys big help03:51
keramsure thing03:51
jamesish1tritium: I actually normally install it in freebsd, where it's the apache22 port. I just didn't know what the name was, sorry :P03:51
tritiumjamesish1: no worries :)03:51
cdm10donavan_: how do you start the game? You can create a launcher that runs a command.03:51
the_dudemy login screen is outta resolution, whre i write my login is outta screen, damn!03:53
derrick1123cdm10: well i can give u a link03:53
cdm10derrick1123: sure03:54
donavan_cdm10: well thats what I was trying but everytime I do I get some crap about it not being a vaild command I have even tried making links from the folder its in and moving it and even editing it to run Im sure Im over looking something simple .... know of a good howto on stupid crap like this03:54
the_dudemy login screen is outta resolution!03:54
derrick1123cdm10: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/ubuntu-help/113460-install-wifi-acer-4315-atheros-ar5007eg.html#post55030703:54
cdm10donavan_: what's the command you use?03:54
cdm10derrick1123: your wifi doesn't work out of the box? That's weird... what's the command at which it freezes?03:55
the_dudecan someone help me here plz?03:55
Melwasulok, got it to work. thanks03:55
Melwasuland try that vinegar thing03:55
=== Mordocai_HW is now known as Mordocai
cdm10the_dude: ask your question...03:55
jamesish1Worker for you ;)03:55
jamesish1Um, worked, sorry.03:55
Melwasulhave a nice..night? bye03:56
derrick1123cdm10: freeze up at line 703:56
derrick1123cmd10: well part 703:56
the_dudecdm10, today i had some problemns with the resolution, and i installed the nvidia mx440 driver, and fixed it at the desktop, but now my login screen is out of resolution that is 1280x102403:56
donavan_cmd10: ok now I feel like a complete idiot I just made a link again and drug it to the desktop and it worked ... I know I tried exactly that before with other things and it was a no go03:56
pawanwhen is the new version coming out03:56
cdm10derrick1123: how does it freeze? nano should work fine... just hit enter after you hit Y, I think they left that out.03:56
cdm10donavan_: heh, well, looks like you're all set :)03:56
tj83pawan, oct 3003:57
Pici!ibex | pawan03:57
ubottupawan: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - Warning lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, *NOT* #ubuntu03:57
derrick1123cdm10: Thats what im saying I can't do anything. I have tried everything.03:57
Sn007akeHEY the guy who just helped me with the KErnel   THats what it was03:57
the_dudetoday i had some problemns with the resolution, and i installed the nvidia mx440 driver, and fixed it at the desktop, but now my login screen is out of resolution that is 1280x1024, what should i do/????/03:57
derrick1123cdm10: I am going to try to upgrade to the newest version. But its hard without WIFI03:57
HalyconDoes anyone have any experience getting the ATI Remote Wonder working in hardy with lirc?03:57
cdm10derrick1123: so use a different editor. Hit alt-f2, and type "gksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-common" and hit enter.03:58
Halyconit seems to be detecting the reciever wrong03:58
cdm10Then just amke the change it suggests, and save and close.03:58
derrick1123ah ok03:58
donavan_cdm10: well sort of I really want it on the toolbar but I get the could not launch error when I try to move it ... does the toolbar care where programs come from ... as it do I need to change the command so that it shows the path from ./ all the way up ?03:58
derrick1123i g2g lol i really need to update this pc03:58
derrick1123thanks for all the help03:58
eightyeighti just setup autofs, yet everytime i enter my directory, it wants to run an fsck.ext3. what's going on?03:58
cdm10donavan_: try using an absolute path rather than a relative path03:59
dftanyone else run into issues with cd/dvd burners not identifying blank media installed?03:59
izinucsdft, yep.. happened to me with a HP lightscribe cd/dvd burner.. replaced and all is well.04:00
dftI have two ide burners, one dvd on cd and neither will work under hardy04:00
dftas burners04:00
eightyeightanyone know why i'm being forced to do an fsck on an external disk with autofs?04:01
loshereightyeight: autofs mounts filesystems. A filesystem that isn't "clean" needs to be fsck'ed before mounting. Try fsck'ing it manually04:01
cdm10eightyeight: perhaps it needs to be fscked? Run the fsck, and see if it still bothers you about it.04:01
izinucsdft, you might try k3b as the burning software . .. I never really liked brassero04:01
dfti need to run some test maybe with cdrecord from the cli04:02
pinkeyI'm trying to install, but while booting the install CD, it hangs at "Running local boot scripts" (/etc/rc.local).  Is this common?  I've used this same CD to install on two other machines without any issues.04:02
Visitor15dft, I'm guessing it's detecting non-blank cd's fine?04:02
eightyeightlosher: cdm10: i've done a 'tune2fs -c 0 -i 0 /dev/sdc1' so i don't have to be bothered with it (this drive gets plugged in several times a day)04:02
geniipinkey: Hit enter key04:02
donavan_cdm10: I tried this and I am still getting the same error  /home/me/Games/ioUrbanTerror.i386 can you see anything wrong ?04:02
dftVisitor15, I believe so, I'll dbl check04:02
pinkeygenii, is that a joke?04:02
geniipinkey: Sadly no04:02
pinkeygenii, I've done that many times.04:03
pinkeygenii, it just makes the cursor move down one row, but otherwise has no effect.04:03
eightyeightlosher: cdm10: clean.04:03
loshereightyeight: it still has to be clean before it will mount. If you ever dismount it improperly, it will need to be re-fscked04:03
cdm10eightyeight: it might be unclean, which means it needs to be fscked. That means it was uncleanly disconnected while not in journaling mode, usually.04:03
tj83donavan_, not sure.. but i dont think that is the executable file?04:03
geniipinkey: OK. How long is the longest you've waited on it so far?04:03
cdm10eightyeight: you sure about that? It can't hurt to try fscking...04:03
eightyeightlosher: you're talking to a linux instructor. i don't pull devices from the system without umount04:04
cdm10eightyeight: also, afaik, Ubuntu auto-mounts external drives, and ignores the fsck requirements most of the time.04:04
pinkeygenii, it has been about 10 minutes now.  CPU is idle, HD and CD are both quiet too.04:04
eightyeightcdm10: this is an external drive04:04
loshereightyeight: what does fsck -p <device> say about it?04:04
geniipinkey: abort the rc.local then with ctrl-c04:04
donavan_TJ83: yeah I made it executable who ever put this game pack together didnt make it easy to understand04:04
=== Mordocai is now known as Mordocai_HW
geniipinkey: Should continue to the next thing04:04
cdm10eightyeight: so why do you need automount, when Ubuntu will do it for you out of the box?04:04
eightyeightlosher: just ran 'fsck -f /dev/sdc1' to force it04:04
pinkeygenii, I've tried that too, and it doesn't respond.04:04
eightyeightcdm10: gnome will do it out of the box. i'm not running gnome04:05
loshereightyeight: ok. so does it mount ok now?04:05
donavan_OK I got it I didnt have the complete path ... man I feel stupid04:05
robbakOK. I am trying to get my mobile 'broadband' operating after the upgrade to intrepid and the new Network Manager. I need to find out how to specify the device (/dev/rfcomm0) and how to get it listed in the menu so I can connect to it. Does documentation exist for this new Manager?04:05
eightyeightlosher: no. still going through the fsck04:05
eightyeightlosher: on Pass 104:05
loshereightyeight: ok. standing by04:05
geniipinkey: Are all 3 keyboard lights blinking on and off?04:05
eightyeightlosher: when it finishes, if i still have the problem, i'll keep bugging. :)04:05
pinkeygenii, I can get a console login if I Ctrl-Alt-F104:06
cdm10eightyeight: is there anything in the automount documentation that would suggest a special option to avoid this? And, does this happen when you run "mount" normally?04:06
pinkeygenii, no keys blinking04:06
eightyeightcdm10: i couldn't find it in the man page, and running mount normally does not cause this04:06
the_dudehow do i open xorg.conf at the terminal04:06
geniipinkey: OK good no kernel panic then. What process is at top of list when you issue command:   top04:06
izinucsthe_dude, do you want to edit it or just look at it?04:06
donavan_Are there any icon packs in ubuntu besides gnome-panel-launcher.svg and if not what it the easiest way to get extra icons?04:06
the_dudeizinucs, edit it04:06
GodfatherofEireQuick question, on my desktop, I have several icons with bubbles with the name in them, instead of just the name, how do I get it back to just the names04:07
izinucsthe_dude, gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:07
the_dudeizinucs, my login screen is outta bounds man04:07
cdm10donavan_: you can change the icon set in System>Preferences>Appearance04:07
cdm10donavan_: and you can download new ones at http://gnome-look.org04:07
pinkey genii, that would be init, but it's using 0% CPU.04:07
cdm10donavan_: you'll usually get a tar.gz file, which you can drag right into the Appearances box to install.04:07
donavan_cdm10: yeah I went there but honestly there directions made no sense to me04:07
jamesish1the_dude: vi /path/to/xorg.conf04:07
pinkeygenii, it's only at the top due to most memory usage.04:07
cdm10donavan_: went where? gnome-look?04:08
the_dudejamesish1, im already on it, whats dat?04:08
jamesish1the_dude: what's what?04:08
the_dudei wanna put my login screen at 1280 man04:08
donavan_cdm10: yeah04:08
izinucsjamesish1, your going to tell a noob to use vi?  you like torture don't you :)04:08
jamesish1I learned on vi. Anyone can.04:08
geniipinkey: Hmm. Nothing else immediate comes to mind right now to check04:08
cdm10donavan_: it's up to the publisher of the theme to make the file properly installable... can you send me a link to the page of the particular theme you're talking about?04:08
jamesish1My first vi session was just as painful as you can imagine. Forty minutes after I started, I managed to close the bugger.04:09
pinkeygenii, I guess I'll poke around, but thought this might be something with a stock answer.  :(04:09
robbakOK. I am trying to get my mobile 'broadband' operating after the upgrade to intrepid and the new Network Manager. I need to find out how to specify the device (/dev/rfcomm0) and how to get it listed in the menu so I can connect to it. Does documentation exist for this new Manager? (Oh, and vi is just great!)04:09
donavan_cdm10: well Im not so much looking to change the theme as get extra icons for programs that dont have any04:09
izinucsjamesish1, yea.. but he just wants to get something done.. not get lost learning something else...04:09
geniipinkey: I've had it happen before but usually the Enter or ctrl-c  would bypass04:09
RezagratsI'm having trouble getting k9copy to rip a video at 700MB. any ideas ?04:10
pinkeygenii, interestingly, the only thing that /etc/rc.local does is exit with a comment (by default this script does nothing.)04:10
cdm10donavan_: well, if it's just an executable in a folder like the game you were mentioning, it probably won't happen automatically... although you can manually change the icon of a launcher.04:10
liza0i must be crazy i am using ubuntu  with postgresql (uploading 2GB of data to it) ,apache, deluge downloading and firefox with a couple windows on the screen and streaming audio and ram usage hasn't gone over 1GB04:10
pinkeygenii, so it's probably actually hung on whatever would be the next step.04:10
jamesish1izinucs: where's your sense of adventure? ;)04:10
the_dudemy login screen is too big, help plx04:10
liza0with 3GB to spare04:10
pinkeygenii, starting X?04:10
dftVisitor15, doesn't look like they'll mount from the cli with standard disk in them04:10
izinucs!resolution | the_dude04:10
ubottuthe_dude: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto04:10
geniipinkey: Maybe the video is going to a different output than what you are seeing04:10
mrocdonavan_: most icon themes at gnome-look.org will be packaged as .tar.gz files.   usually, you download and save those.  then just drag the .tar.gz file directly into the theme tab on the appearances window.04:11
geniipinkey: onboard video or second head of dual-head card, etc04:11
donavan_cdm10: yeah that much I have figured out but what I cant figure out is how to actually get more icons that I have currently none of the icons really fit some of my programs and I want change them with out changing the whole theme04:11
geniipinkey: Yes, next thing should be gdm that it loads04:11
GodfatherofEireOk, on my desktop, the icons are using bubbles with the file names inside em, any idea how I shut that off?04:12
the_dudeizinucs, thx04:12
cdm10donavan_: afaik, there's no way in the GUI to simply change the icons of some programs.04:12
cdm10donavan_: wait, I take that back... if you right click on the menubar at the top, and go to Edit Menus, you can change the icons for the menu items.04:12
izinucsthe_dude, np.. did you install the drivers from the nvidia site or use the restricted driver manager?04:12
the_dudeizinucs, at the ubuntu manager04:12
the_dudeizinucs, man it was everything alright and then that happened04:13
izinucsthe_dude, weird04:13
the_dudeizinucs,  yes, i thinks its my hardware, its dying man...04:14
izinucsthe_dude, mx440 is an old card.. I've got a couple in use myself..04:14
izinucsthe_dude, you might try reseating it.. sometimes that helps.. do it a couple of times.. in .. out.. in ... out.. and see what happens04:15
pinkeygenii, thanks.  I have been able to run sudo gdm restart, and it asks for resolution and allows me to configure it ... but after that it just goes back to a console and "hangs".  Ctrl-alt-delete performs a normal shutdown, killing processes, etc.04:15
badfishanybody use dosbox?04:15
the_dudeizinucs, should i do dat?04:16
donavan_cdm10 & mroc: I think maybe I have explained this wrong... I have an application launcher the one I was talking about earlier I want to change the icon from the spring board thing to something else however I do not have any suitable icons to change it to... now I know that I can change it to something that is in the *.svg file but there is nothing there that looks right so I want a new icon/library/archive of icons that I can choos04:16
donavan_e from without changing my whole theme... this should be doable being that there is a browse button04:16
losherAny dvd::rip users around?04:16
izinucsthe_dude, if it's been in for a while.. ya never know.. I've done that with different cards that I thought were failing and viola!  they worked again..04:16
the_dudeizinucs, how do i do it?04:16
noriyukiis anyone using intrepid already (ubuntu 8.10)? WHAT happened with the "hidd" command!!?? I installed bluez-utils already and it keeps saying it is not found and I need to install bluez utils any help???04:16
GodfatherofEireAny idea what settings I might've messed up to have bubbles around the icon names on my system?04:17
izinucsnoriyuki, check #ubuntu+1 for intrepid04:17
cdm10noriyuki: see #ubuntu+1 for Intrepid help04:17
cdm10izinucs: you win :P04:17
EarthpigStartUp Manager Problem: hello, ubuntu people smarter than me.... i think i got myself in trouble: i changed some stuff around in 'startup manager' and then saved/closed it.... and the "Performing post-configuration tasks" window thing has been doing its thing for about 5 minutes. i didn't start it from a terminal, so i cant say what the terminal output is..... kinda worried about closing it and screwing up my grub.04:17
mrocdonavan_: oh.  when you click the spring icon to change it, at the top of that icon selection window there's a browse option.  just point it to the image you'd like to use04:17
donavan_mroc: any image ?04:18
the_dudeizinucs, how do i do it?04:18
mrocdonavan_: i'm not exactly sure of the restrictions...04:18
moontigerhi :)04:18
moontigerdoes anybody know if the firefox 3 font issues will be resolved in 8.10?04:19
ubottuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs04:19
moontigerdvd95 is also good for dvd backups04:19
Flannelmoontiger: #ubuntu+1 for Intrepid questions, thanks.04:20
loshermoontiger: thanks04:20
GodfatherofEireSo, no one has any idea what I messed up?04:20
moontigersorry thnx04:21
losherGodfatherofEire: when all else fails, try google?04:21
GodfatherofEireTried that, but all I get from my search is error-bubble related problems04:22
donavan_mroc: Thanks I got it figured out04:22
GodfatherofEireI did recently modify the Gnome color chooser settings, and it was fine before that, but I looked over the settings and they're the same as they were before04:22
donavan_cdm10: thanks for your help04:22
cdm10donavan_: no problem, sorry I couldn't get you through everything.04:23
mrocdonavan_: didn't do much...but you're welcome.04:23
the_dudecan someone help me?04:23
pinkeygenii, weird.  I was able to switch to the console, and just startx and it just worked fine.  From there I could click install and it's going from there.  Strange that it couldn't do that on its own.04:23
owhHiya, never done this, so I thought I'd ask before I break some stuff seriously. Have a ubuntu server in production that is running samba without domain logons. All users are connected as guests. I want to migrate to it being a domain server, but I don't want to break everything immediately...04:23
owhI want to turn domain logons on, but before I do, will this kill all the clients, require accounts or any such major impact, or can I just turn it on and the clients will be able to connect as they have as a guest?04:23
* owh is slowly bringing this network into the 21st century :)04:23
owhWhere might I locate a process that will allow me to migrate from this essentially peer-to-peer environment into one where the server is a pdc?04:24
geniipinkey: Sounds like some issue with gdm setup or installation04:24
izinucsthe_dude, well if it is a seperate card in a agp slot then open the case of the computer and locate it.  check to see if there is a tab or something at the back end of the card to help release it.. gently pull it straight out04:24
the_dudeizinucs, i dont think so man, id like to restart it like you said man, what do you think?04:24
izinucsthe_dude, restart it?  how do you mean04:25
the_dudeizinucs, you said, i could restart the driver or something...04:25
izinucsthe_dude, you might be better off installing nvidia-settings.. sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings04:26
the_dudeizinucs, you mean, disable the actual driver?04:27
pinkeygenii, it definitely is a problem with installation!  (I'm booting from the live install CD when this happens, trying to install it.)04:27
izinucsthe_dude, no.. nvidia-settings gives you better control over the driver allowing you to change resolution and other things.04:27
geniipinkey: Try vga mode04:27
robbakOK. I am trying to get my mobile 'broadband' operating after the upgrade to intrepid and the new Network Manager. I need to find out how to specify the device (/dev/rfcomm0) and how to get it listed in the menu so I can connect to it. Does documentation exist for this new Manager?04:28
the_dudeizinucs, so whre can i find that on ubuntu04:28
mrocrobbak: have you asked in ubuntu+1?  because that's for intrepid questions04:28
izinucsthe_dude, Applications/accessories/terminal  once open type sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings.. after it's installed you'll find it under System/admin/Nvidia x server settings04:29
the_dudeizinucs, thanks man, installing04:30
Dirusis there going to be a beta 2 or do only alphas get versioned releases?04:31
the_dudeizinucs, man everything is 1280x1024, should i restart the pc now to see the login screen?04:32
macvrhi all .... anyone having problems after updating the new kernels?04:32
cdm10Dirus: er, "Alpha 2" refers to the second alpha, not Alpha, version 2. There isn't a Beta 2 planned.04:32
izinucsthe_dude, ctrl+alt+backspace04:32
mrocDirus: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IntrepidReleaseSchedule04:32
macvr!interpid | dirus04:33
ubottudirus: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - Warning lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, *NOT* #ubuntu04:33
the_dudeizinucs, thx man it worked!04:34
scunizithe_dude, good.. changed nic04:34
owhJust out of interest, are my comments actually getting to the channel?04:34
the_dudescunizi, change my nick name?04:35
Ninjaraowh: Yes.04:35
Ninjaraowh: It's just a cold, cold, cruel world :(04:35
owhNinjara: That's a relief :)04:35
scunizithe_dude, izinucs  reverse it.. scunizi04:35
the_dudescunizi, hahaha good one man04:35
owhNinjara: (And that it's a cold, cold, cruel world, I knew :)04:35
the_dudescunizi, hey man, wht do you think dat happened to me at my resolution?04:35
scunizithe_dude, not sure.04:36
ubottunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.04:36
the_dudescunizi, man, do you know some good tutorial to learn thos terminal commands, im a linux noob man...04:36
scunizithe_dude, Barns and nobel.. online.. ubuntu books.. hanging out here.. looking on www.ubuntuforums.org and lots of practice..  basically I learn as I need to do something...04:38
the_dudescunizi, hmm ubuntu books, thats a good way... ill search over here man...04:38
Flannel!terminal | the_dude04:38
ubottuthe_dude: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal04:38
jeeves_Mossis there a php code checker for bluefish?04:40
the_dudethx guys!04:40
the_dudethats why im lovin linux man04:40
owhthe_dude: You mean the free support?04:40
bpat1434Is it possible to have *.localdomain.tld point to 192.168.1.{some#} ?04:41
scuniziowh, or maybe just support..04:41
the_dudeowh, the free support, the commuty, all those things man, everybody is a friend you know what i mean, like a connection between everbody04:41
owhthe_dude: You know that it only works if you then help others right?04:41
CorbinFoxya rly04:42
jamesishNo wai04:42
scunizithe_dude, true. when you learn something here.. it's like pay it forward.. help some other out later.04:42
the_dudeowh, yes im helpin too, saturday, ill give a ubuntu cd to my friend, and im on the BR forum helpin some dudes04:42
the_dudescunizi, yes man, at my college, im like teaching people to use ubuntu, but not everyone is gonna get it...04:43
jamesishI heard that ubuntu is good because you don't have to learn vi any more. Is that true?04:43
owhjamesish: No :)04:43
scunizijamesish, only if you want.04:43
the_dudeam i right guys?04:43
scunizithe_dude, yep04:44
owhjamesish: Ubuntu is good, but it has nothing to do with vi :)04:44
the_dudescunizi, :)04:44
Dryantavi > *04:44
melaniecan i pause /etc/fstab somewhere?  it seems like my bind mounts aren't working because the NFS mounts have not come up yet...04:44
=== melanie is now known as Guest93508
Dryantai hope emacs gets assraped by a walrus with 8 dicks04:44
CorbinFoxwow, #ubuntu is raunchy tonight04:44
maco!ohmy | Dryanta04:44
ubottuDryanta: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.04:44
FloodBot2Dryanta: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:45
* CorbinFox reaches for the ignore button04:45
jsoftwDryanta: FloodBot2 wants you to stop flooding.04:45
owhGuest93508: No, but you can change where the network comes up. I'm pretty sure that what you're describing isn't supposed to happen.04:45
Guest93508owh, ok... what can i do then?  it's not even on wifi.04:46
tarelerulzI used  paa for banshee to get some new features ,but  how to tell the different between the version in Ubuntu's normal repository and the new version in paa ?04:46
owhGuest93508: The nfs mount you're bringing up isn't something strange like root or var is it?04:46
scunizitarelerulz, Help/About look at version number04:46
Guest93508owh, there's 3.  /var/www, /media/500GB and /media/200GB04:46
geniitarelerulz: apt-cache policy <packagename> lists the repos they are in as well04:47
Guest93508owh, and then a couple of bind mounts from /var/www to user's desktops.04:47
macogenii: rmadison lists the versions in each official repo in each ubuntu release04:47
owhGuest93508: I'm looking at a gutsy machine atm, and I'm seeing /etc/init.d/waitnfs.sh04:48
Guest93508owh, what is that?04:48
owhGuest93508: That seems to indicate that it waits for the mount until the network is up.04:48
DryantaCorbinFox: I have put you on a permanent ignore, public and private. I have found you disturbing, rude and generally not worth talking to. According to the channels you hang on, it strengtens the effect of wanting to put you on ignore because of my lack of interest in you as a person. This message is not meant to be rude to you, just to inform you that i won't see anything of what you type from now on.04:48
Guest93508owh, well the nfs mounts are fine, it's the bind mounts that are dependent on the nfs mount that's a problem.04:48
owhGuest93508: Ah, lemmie guess, they don't look like nfs mounts because you're mounting something from a mounted tree onto another tree, or am I misunderstanding what you're saying?04:49
Guest93508owh, i'm guessing the nfs mount being the problem, i can't really think of another reason why the bind mounts wouldn't be working.04:49
Guest93508owh, i don't know what you mean..04:50
tarelerulzHow do you keep  Ubuntu version of the program and the version of the program the makes  straight ? Once you get into adding paa and so on.04:50
jamesishBut isn't vi necessary for system startup?04:50
jamesishHow will I boot my ubuntu if I don't know it?04:50
macoDryanta: from what i can see, he's only in this channel.  and you broke channel rules with your language. so...i'd say you were the one in the wrong04:50
owhGuest93508: So, your nfs mount mounts a big disk, and the home directories are mounted from the mounted tree?04:50
scunizijamesish, vi is an editor.. not it's not necessary04:50
jamesishAre you sure? I thought that to do something to the startup, I needed vi?04:51
Dryantamaco: Did You Know? After maintaining a vow of silence for almost 7 years, Red Hat Linux founder Marc Ewing now freely admits that he named Red Hat Linux after Limp Bizkit frontman Fred Durst's trademark red New York Yankees baseball cap. Durst and Ewing met in Ewing's hometown of Raleigh, North Carolina (Durst was raised in Gastonia, NC), where they became fast friends, sharing the same passion for low-level system programming. Durst collaborated wit04:51
owhjamesish: That makes no sense.04:51
the_dudesince i installed ubuntu, my ubuntu games dont have sound, ive already fixed once, but the sound just turned off automaticly, i have here, zsnes and abe's adveture, ive tried some terminal commands, and hardware test....04:51
=== mcasadevall is now known as NCommander
jamesishSeriously? I thought I was told that if I wanted the system to startup without graphics, I needed vi?04:52
macothe_dude: aplay /usr/share/sounds/login.wav04:52
Dryantajamesish: thats because vi is not a gui editor04:52
titanHow do I create a directory in my /home directory?04:52
macothe_dude: does that work?04:52
bruenigtitan: mkdir04:52
Dryantatitan: mkdir ~/lulz04:52
titanlol thanks guys04:52
=== titan is now known as Guest32563
owhGuest93508: ?04:52
jamesishDryanta: so I can start up my system without vi being installed?04:52
Guest32563I am still a bit fresh on linux commands04:52
jamesishThen why is it in the base system?04:52
Dryantajamesish: well vi is part of the posix standard04:52
Dryantaso i dont think so04:52
geniijamesish: Because visudo and vipasswd use it as backend04:53
the_dudemacd, no man, i my sound is turned on man...04:53
jamesishSounds like I need it to start up, then.04:53
Dryantajamesish: yeah vi /etc/master passwd04:53
jamesishI mean, doesn't posix tell unix how to be unix? Seems necessary.04:53
the_dudemaco, no man, i my sound is turned on man...04:53
Dryantathen tyoe ]]04:53
dhngI have /boot in a separate partition, and I deleted some files in that directory while in GNOME.  Are the deleted files deleted or just put in the recycling bin?04:53
owhdhng: Look in ~/.Trash04:54
macothe_dude: run "alsamixer" and make sure master, front, pcm, ...pretty much everything, is up and nothing has MM at the bottom of its slider04:54
Guest32563ok, now what's the move command? >.<04:54
macoowh: i think that directory is gone now04:54
mage__how can i see what arch the package system is using? I've got a dell mini9 laptop and i cant use i386 packages with it04:54
macoGuest32563: mv04:54
dhngowh: that directory doesn't exist.04:54
owhmaco: Hmm, dunno.04:54
jsoftwWhy is vi nessisary to start the system?04:54
jsoftwI need to know this.04:54
Dryantaand type dryanta::0:0::00:/usr/bin/bash04:54
mage__lol what04:54
macojsoftw: huh? it's not04:54
mage__jsoftw: do tell04:55
owhjsoftw: It is not.04:55
jsoftwMy bad.04:55
jamesishUm, yeah it is.04:55
scunizijsoftw, it's noot04:55
jamesishI uninstalled it and my system wouldn't start.04:55
dhngowh: the boot partition is supposed to have 200MB, but currently it shows 193 MB being used and it's already full04:55
crimsundngr: check ~/.local/share/Trash/04:55
macojamesish: did you uninstall other stuff?04:55
crimsundngr: sorry.04:55
owhjamesish: That's not because you need it, it's because the system needs it.04:55
jamesishmaco: no. I just uninstalled it the normal way.04:55
mage__whys the system need vi?04:55
macocrimsun: saw me trying to help someone with sound and decided to pop up, did ya?04:55
jamesishI did a sudo rm -rf /bin/04:55
crimsundhng: check ~/.local/share/Trash/04:55
owhmage__: Because it's a dependency.04:55
macojamesish: that's the normal way? news to me...04:55
owhjamesish: That's very, very foolish.04:56
jamesishmaco: it uninstalled it nicely.04:56
dhngcrimsun: nothing in there04:56
macoi'm gonna go with04:56
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!04:56
jamesishowh: system wouldn't start without vi any more.04:56
scunizijamesish, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vi04:56
mage__owh: well i mean what uses it?04:56
Dryantajsoftw: did you do this yet?04:56
* owh thinks jamesish is trolling.04:56
Guest32563Is there any way I can give myself permissions to this folder so I can move files into it? The folder is /home/.pystromo04:56
jamesishYeah, wihtout vi I had no screen any more.04:56
jamesishIt's the screen editor.04:56
jsoftwDryanta: do what04:56
Dryantaits important for me to know04:56
crimsunmaco: no, feel free to handle that one.04:57
dhngI had to be a superuser to delete stuff from /boot, and I'm not sure if it's deleted or just sent somewhere04:57
* scunizi thinks there is a troll in our presence04:57
mRCUTEOhow can i search for a string in a folder?04:57
Dryantajamesish: yeah vipwd04:57
the_dudemacd, what you said is turned up04:57
owhjamesish: No, it is nothing to do with the fact that you removed vi, it's because you removed all the other applications in the /bin directory.04:57
dngryea nothing in the trash!!04:57
Dryantathen tyoe ]]04:57
macodhng: if its done with rm, it's gone-gone04:57
owhscunizi: Yup.04:57
jsoftwubottu: what command?04:57
Dryantaand type dryanta::0:0::00:/usr/bin/bash04:57
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:57
jamesishowh: then why did it only happen when I removed vi?04:57
Dryantaits important for this to be done04:57
the_dudemaco, and abe's has no sound, neither zsnes04:57
dhngmaco: it's done within gnome04:57
owhmRCUTEO: Using the grep command.04:57
macojamesish: because you're a troll and the command you just said deletes vi and a whole TON of other very important system binaries04:58
jamesishmaco: seriously?04:58
Guest32563what is the command to give myself permissions on a directory?04:58
dhngmaco: I want it to be gone so that it doesn't take up space in /boot04:58
Highlander1I need help with a virtual box issue on ubuntu... I have that channel open but no one is responding .....04:58
Dryantascunizi: you mean like the dudes who hang out under bridges that are unsavory and collect tolls with riddles and the like?04:58
fluffycloud12345holy moly there is a bunch of you04:58
mage__jamesish: its like del C:\windows\* ;)04:58
jamesishmaco: how do I remove vi, then? I mean, what the hell?04:58
macodhng: check for hidden files in /boot then04:58
scuniziowh, good too... started out innocent enough then accelerated into unbelieveability04:58
mRCUTEOowh: is this correct : grep "myname" <myfolder>?04:58
mage__jamesish: apt-get remove vim04:58
macojamesish: with apt, as any sane person would do it04:58
jamesishmaco: but I didn't install it with apt.04:58
scuniziDryanta, or some dirivitive thereof04:58
dhngmaco: how do I do that?04:58
macojamesish: of course you did. how do you think it got installed to begin with?04:58
the_dudemaco, now turned up everything04:59
jamesishmaco: it wasn't really vi anyway, it was some stupid tiny version. I wanted to replace it with something powerful, like notepad++04:59
owhmRCUTEO: Well, you probably want to use -r to get all the files, or put an asterisk after the folder name.04:59
Dryantai think you mean derivative04:59
argoshola amigos04:59
jamesishmaco: it was there by default!04:59
argoshay alguien que hable español ?04:59
macojamesish: would you delete C:\Program Files\ to get rid of Firefox on Windows?04:59
owhscunizi: Yeah, right until the bit where it wouldn't boot :)04:59
Dryantaargos: hola, como estas, buenos noches. esta muey bien?04:59
macojamesish: yes, it was there by default because the defaul system uses apt04:59
jamesishmaco: seriously, check it out. Install ubuntu, then type in "vi somefile". It's right there.04:59
genii!es | argos04:59
ubottuargos: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.04:59
macojamesish: and Notepad++ is a windows app, i believe04:59
macojamesish: vi is also a symlink to vim04:59
jamesishmaco: no, course not. That'd be a stupid thing to do.04:59
macojamesish: and vim-full was available for instal04:59
jamesishmaco: you sure?04:59
the_dudehelp - my games doest have any sound04:59
argosy si es que nesesito un poco de orientacion04:59
macojamesish: well deleting /bin/ is the same as deleting C:\Program Files\04:59
argospero de todas maneras gracias por responder04:59
Guest32563When I try to copy a directory from one location to another, I get "cp: omitting directory `/home/titan/.pystromo' " what does that mean?04:59
Dryantaargos: no nesesito me amigo05:00
maco!es | argos05:00
ubottuargos: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.05:00
Flanneljamesish: check out SciTE, its similar to notepad++ (they both use Scintilla)05:00
RHorse!audio | the_dude05:00
ubottuthe_dude: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP305:00
tarelerulzHave any of you used Banshee for videos and songs?05:00
scunizimaco, stop.. egging.. him.. on05:00
crimsunjamesish: vim-tiny is present because it's seeded by default in ubuntu-minimal.05:00
owhFlannel: Don't feed the troll.05:00
jamesishmaco: SERIOUSLY? What the hell???05:00
macothe_dude: #ubuntu-audio-help05:00
the_dudeRHorse, thx05:00
jamesishmaco: no wonder it wouldn't boot!05:00
jamesishmaco: I didn't realise vi was that important! That it shouldn't be erased!05:00
RHorsethe_dude, np05:01
macojamesish: that's not vi, you troll05:01
jamesishmaco: makes sense now. vi is like c:/program files!05:01
macojamesish: no, vi is a text editor, and /bin/ is a directory05:01
bauer77there are still trolls...lol05:01
Ven]nive created a usb key with ubuntu and ext3. i then figured i wanted to split it into two partitions, so i used gparted to make 500mb of the usb key to fat32.. problem is that windows cant read that partition.. any ideas?05:01
dhngmaco: thanks, I found the .Trash-0 directory and deleted it05:01
jsoftwAhh right05:01
OmoikaneI turned on the computer yesterday only to have it ask for my password over and over again. The password is correct and I can log in via tty cmd ln but I really need to log via the gui. Any ideas?05:01
Flannelowh: In the future, stop by #ubuntu-ops and let us know theres people causing trouble05:01
owhdhng: By deleting it, you removed any chance of recovering any files that were in it.05:01
Dryantabauer77: you mean like the dudes who hang out under bridges that are unsavory and collect tolls with riddles and the like?05:01
Dryantaand from time to time eat children?05:02
bauer77yea those Dryanta05:02
dhngowh: good riddance05:02
owhFlannel: It was only just getting to become a problem, but yeah.05:02
Dryantahey i liked him05:02
Dryantahe is nice05:02
Guest32563Oh... crap... when I tried to move that folder, it gave me this " cp: omitting directory `/home/titan/.pystromo'" error and now I don't have that directory I was trying to move anymore. Any help please? I need the files that were in that folder back.05:03
Dryantahahahahaha rofl sad`panda05:03
chmacAnyone notice firefox locking up more since upgrading to 3.0.3?05:03
Dryantasexual harassment panda hahah05:03
FlannelDryanta: eh?  Please keep this channel on topic.05:03
DryantaFlannel: i cant laugh at a funny username?05:03
Dryantathis is a CHANNEL OF TYRANNY!!!!!05:03
FlannelDryanta: Do so in #ubuntu-offtopic05:03
owhGuest32563: Which actual commands did you run?05:04
Dryantachmac: firefox is garbage05:04
geniiDryanta: And don't forget it05:04
Dryantasure it cool if you have 150mb a tab05:04
Dryantagenii: forget wat?05:04
Dryantau wana be my fren?05:04
geniiDryanta: That this is a channel of tyranny05:04
Guest32563 sudo cp /home/titan/.pystromo /home/.pystromo05:04
croddyany way to make xchat start hidden in the notification area?05:05
Guest32563but then I used " sudo cp /home/titan/.pystromo /home/.pystromo"05:05
Guest32563and now it's not in it's old location or the one I was trying to move it to05:05
dhngwhat's the ideal size for the /boot partition?05:05
macoGuest32563: cp -r ...r for recursion05:05
RHorsecroddy, Settings, Preference, Chatting, alerts has a check box in Version 2.8.7c05:07
Guest32563maco, I don't understand05:07
macoGuest32563: cp is for single files. to copy a directory *and everything in it* you need "cp -r"05:07
Guest32563oh ok05:08
croddyRHorse, thanks, i am on 2.8.6, i'll build the later version05:08
RHorsecroddy, np05:08
fluffycloud12345I just read today that U has a certification, called UCP. Pretty cool.05:12
bauer77so does microsoft called MCP..jk05:12
bauer77sorry I am feeling fresh tonight05:13
fluffycloud12345it happens05:13
macofluffycloud12345: requires LPIC-1 first05:13
upgrdmanwhen i use my scroll wheel on my desktop it switches my workspace. i want to disable this, and found a post of the forums saying to go to "ccsm -> viewport switcher -> actions -> desktop-based viewport switching -> move next & move prev" ... where is ccsm??05:13
macofluffycloud12345: i missed the chance at getting LPIC-1 this weekend because i overslept :(05:13
fluffycloud12345one sec05:14
macoupgrdman: its compizconfig-settings-manager ...install it if you dont have it05:14
kr00lI need help mounting an image file05:14
HalyconDoes anyone know how to change the default soundcard I am trying to use a Plantronics USB Headset and the sound comes out of my regular speakers and also the recording doesn't work05:15
upgrdmanmaco: thanks05:15
dhnghow do I generate a new xorg.conf file?05:15
macoHalycon: the volume applet should let you choose05:15
tarelerulzBanshee is great.  It does  videos and music  library management . You can search your movies like you would songs .  The play back is bit bugy ,but you can get it to work.05:16
crimsunmaco: s/volume applet/sound control center applet/05:16
Halyconmaco: I am not quite sure what to set everything too05:17
macocrimsun: s/volume applet/the speaker button on the panel thingy/05:17
Halyconmaco: I tried to change it to the plantroincs thing05:18
Halyconand it still didnt work05:18
dhngif my xorg.conf file is messed up, how do I generate a new file?05:18
zoid01just did some updates, new kernel.. poof, no more wireless. device eth1 not found05:18
crimsunHalycon: if you're using pulseaudio, then install pavucontrol, and use that.05:18
geniidhng: If you remove or rename it a new one should be created05:18
Halyconzoid01: that happend to me once05:19
fluffycloud12345Maco: sorry about that, I had a phone call. So you need LPIC-1 before you can test for UCP?05:19
HalyconI think I just did that update as well05:19
macofluffycloud12345: yes. LPIC is a distro-agnostic junior sysadmin-level exam05:19
zoid01Halycon: its iwl3945 so problematic anyway, but for the device to not even be recognized is a little wacky05:19
macofluffycloud12345: er, LPIC-1 is junior sysadmin level05:19
wall-ei just successfully installed ubuntu. the problem is that i am not about to establish a network connection on the desktop directly attached to a router. How can i get network connection on the desktop??05:20
macofluffycloud12345: -2 is intermediate/senior sysadmin, and 3 is expert in a particular field05:20
zoid01tho it shows up in lspci...05:20
Halyconcrimsun: how do I tell if I am using pulseaudio. I saw some stuff for it but there is ALSA and a whole bunch of other stuff, currently I am playing music in Rhythmbox and it is coming from my speakers05:20
wall-ei just successfully installed ubuntu. the problem is that i am not able to establish a network connection on the desktop directly attached to a router. How can i get network connection on the desktop??05:20
ubuntu_toddhow to set  set the focus policy to "focus follows mouse"?05:20
maco!patience | wall-e05:20
ubottuwall-e: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines05:20
crimsunHalycon: in a Terminal, type:  pgrep -c -x pulseaudio05:21
wall-eok sry05:21
crimsunHalycon: tell me what number is printed05:21
wall-ei just successfully installed ubuntu. the problem is that i am not able to establish a network connection on the desktop directly attached to a router. How can i get network connection on the desktop?05:21
fluffycloud12345Maco: thats awesome... I did not know about that.... So LPIC-1 is needed b4 you test Ubuntu 199 and become Ubuntu Certified Professional? Sorry to sound redundant but I am not familiar with this exam schedule.05:21
DCPomwall-e, DUDE05:21
wall-eim just putting the question out there if anyone wants to read05:22
wall-ei am just waiting05:22
Halyconcrimsun: the number one is printed05:22
macofluffycloud12345: right. lpic-1 is two tests for 1 cert. there are about 18 topics covered, i think05:22
DCPomyou aren't, you repeated it 3 times in 3 minutes05:22
wall-eoh k05:22
crimsunHalycon: then you're using it, so you probably want to install pavucontrol05:22
fluffycloud12345Maco: where could I get study material on it?05:22
croddywall-e, could you repeat what you said three times earlier please? my xchat is highlighting it for some reason, along with a lot of other things. i've changed my alert list and i would like to test to see whether it worked.05:22
croddy(i am serious)05:22
macofluffycloud12345: lets go to PMs to stop messing up the channel05:23
wall-edo you have any info that you can help dcpom?05:23
wall-eno croddy05:23
DCPomwall-e, is it a wireless connection, and did you read the ubuntu docs on it?05:23
croddyor could someone else repeat it? i'd do it myself, but it won't highlight me05:23
wall-edcpom my macbook is connected through wireless. the desktop computer is connected to a ethernet cable which is connected to a router.05:24
DCPomwall-e, i have the same set up05:24
DCPomwall-e, except with an ibook05:24
croddy2i can't believe it's come to this.05:25
wall-eok dcpom, can you try and help establish a network connection on my desktop that is connected to an ethernet directly?05:25
croddy2i just successfully installed ubuntu. the problem is that i am not able to establish a network connection on the desktop directly attached to a router. How can i get network connection on the desktop?05:25
croddyproblem solved05:25
DCPom!spam | croddy05:25
ubottucroddy: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubottu <keyword>): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !Caps, !NickSpam, !PM, !English - And most importantly, use common sense...05:25
croddyit's not spam, as i said earlier, i was testing a problem with spurious xchat highlights.05:25
DCPomwall-e, it's probably something to do with your system prefs on the macbook05:25
DCPomcroddy, it IS spam, it's not related to ubuntu05:25
croddyit is, because i am running xchat on ubuntu.05:26
wall-ewell my network name has a password that comes to it05:26
wall-ebut the ubuntu is not on my macbook05:26
wall-eit is on the desktop05:26
wall-econnected to a ethernet05:26
DCPomwall-e, that's not important, do you want to go to a PM?05:26
wall-eyes please05:26
Theebhello, is it possible to have the new openoffice.org 3.0 on ubuntu? because the one in add/remove is 2.405:27
ToddEDMquick question... anyone here play COD4 on linux?05:27
mrocTheeb: well, you could wait and see if it shows up in the backports repository, or you could download and install the .deb at openoffice.org05:28
x264Hi... how do I match two or more conditions in regex? For example a sentence that contains both the words "linux" and "windows". I checked the manual but I see only an operator to match either one of the strings, but not both05:28
jamesishTheeb: you can install it from the deb files if you download them from openoffice.org, but it's better to wait for them to show up in the repos; last time I did that, I ended up actually breaking a few things on my box.05:28
jamesishx234: does the logical or operator exist in the language you're using?05:28
Theebya i will wait, hope it will be there soon :p05:28
Theebwhen did the 3.0 come out?05:29
jamesishA couple of days ago05:29
x264jamesish, I'm not sure05:30
jamesishx264: what are you writing this in?05:30
RHorsewow, i've never seen the group get so slow. let me savor the moment!05:32
x264jamesish: Uh.. no language in particular.. I was reading about regex and didn't see an AND operator, which seemed strange05:32
wartalke1when i use aireplay-ng -9 wlan0, system freeze. my wireless driver is iwl3945, help05:32
jamesishx264: I think it's just the normal | that'll do it. Try it out somewhere.05:33
x264jamesish: I tried | in a program that tests Regex expressions. It matches either one of the strings, not both05:33
wall-erhorse i got it installed successfully05:34
wall-ethanks for ur help earlier05:34
wall-eright now im dealing with the network connection, i am not able to establish it rhorse05:34
jamesishOh, you wanted AND, sorry. I'm apparently blind.05:34
RHorseah, that's sometimes a rough one, wall-e05:34
x264yeah, AND05:34
wall-eya ...can you help me with that rhorse/05:35
CRASH69wich was the command to see free HD space and such?05:35
marupa_Here's a stumper...I had five drives in my desktop a little while ago, one wasn't working (tick of death) but was still being powered.  Just had unplugged the sata leading to it.  I have a 500w thermaltake powersupply.  I take out the bad drive and add another, for a total of six working drives.  I have added one fan and a fan controller.  When I boot up everything seems normal, but I seem to be experiencing intermittent lag on X.  I'm not05:35
marupa_sure what's causing it.  Any suggestions?05:35
RHorsewell, I'm a recovering newbie myself, but willing to try....05:35
wall-ei just successfully installed ubuntu. the problem is that i am not able to establish a network connection on the desktop directly attached to a router. How can i get network connection on the desktop??05:37
RHorseIs it a wireless, wall-e ?05:37
wall-ecan i pm u rhorse?05:38
=== asdffdsa is now known as SeeknDestroy
RHorsewall-e, sure05:38
marupa_Any ideas?05:38
SeeknDestroyOK folks... trying to run Wine with various programs, and also ies4linux installation... it seems everything I run with Wine is killing X-server and forcing me to re-login.... googling on the issue says to reinstall latest nvidia driver... I'd do that, but this comp has built-in Intel graphics05:39
DCPommarupa_, i can't answer your question, but I'm confused with your math. 5 drives - 1 bad one = 4 plus 1 good one = 6?05:40
marupa_DCPom, I added two drives.05:40
=== tritium_ is now known as tritium
wartalke1RHorse: yes05:41
=== kasuga is now known as zasuga
marupa_Is there any way to check voltages of everything?  Drives, GPU, CPU, etc?05:42
macomarupa_: voltmeter?05:42
marupa_maco, Software.05:42
macomarupa_: oh.05:42
macomarupa_: didnt think that was possible05:42
DCPommarupa_, apt-cache search volt  <--though i can't reccommend the best one...05:44
marupa_DCPom, I'll check05:44
zasugaIn Ubuntu 8.08,what file controls the screensaver?  I picked "molecule" but I have video card issues and it's locking up everything now.  If I could delete the "molecule" selection, that would be great.05:44
SeeknDestroy2nd time... trying to run Wine with various programs, and also ies4linux installation... it seems everything I run with Wine is killing X-server and forcing me to re-login.... googling on the issue says to reinstall latest nvidia driver... I'd do that, but this comp has built-in Intel graphics05:44
DCPommarupa_, i do like the looks of libsensor3 and 405:45
marupa_DCPom, those are just libraries though05:46
wartalke1how to extract xxxx.bz2, not .tar.bz205:48
crdlbwartalke1: bunzip205:48
bruenigcome on now05:49
marupa_...that was wierd.05:49
travisivartwhat's the best way to setup iso mounting with nautilus? i saw a couple of scripts that could be used, is there a more streamlined recent way? (i'm not opposed to the script method, just if there's something easier i'm interested)05:50
SeeknDestroy3rd time... trying to run Wine with various programs, and also ies4linux installation... it seems everything I run with Wine is killing X-server and forcing me to re-login.... googling on the issue says to reinstall latest nvidia driver... I'd do that, but this comp has built-in Intel graphics05:52
wartalke1give me an address, for the linux kernel 2.6.27, thanks05:52
goldmetalwhich software will allow me to remote into my ubunut box with gui interface?05:52
whileimherehi can anyone tell me how to improve my wireless signal? Ever since I did the 8.04 to 8.10 upgrade my signal meter has says i get nothing more than 2 o four bars. I had 3 or four of four bars before the upgrade.05:52
SeeknDestroyUbuntu version has nothing to do with wireless signal strength05:52
microchipv420heys guys, i need help sorting out a file association issue. it is in kubuntu, and i know, i know, but i cant get an answer in the kubuntu channel, can someone help me out?05:52
SeeknDestroyPErhaps a different algorhythm in how to display your connection strength05:52
marupa_OK, that was really weird.05:53
Ven]nive created a usb key with ubuntu and ext3. i then figured i wanted to split it into two partitions, so i used gparted to make 500mb of the usb key to fat32.. problem is that windows cant read that partition.. any ideas?05:53
SeeknDestroyLook at the percentages, not the bars... try adjusting antennae as well, but different OS/version has on impact on signal strength05:53
whileimhereSeeknDestroy I seem to get a weaker signal and the only change is the os not the hardware.05:53
DCPomSeeknDestroy, lol05:53
marupa_I hear one of my fans shut down to very low speed, and all of a sudden, it doesn't lag any more, but my heat's still going down....what the heck?05:53
=== _Kwitschibo is now known as Kwitschibo
SeeknDestroywhileimhere, signal strength, percentage... try in terminal "iwlist ath0 scan"... shows signal strength in decibels... I assure ya, your signal has not changed and is only being displayed differently05:54
whileimhereSeeknDestroy I can see that it has changed when I download files.05:55
SeeknDestroyVen]n, easy route : clear both partitions, create *one* partition that's fat or fat32 that can be read by both linux and windows = no more problems05:55
microchipv420heys guys, i need help sorting out a file association issue. it is in kubuntu, and i cant get an answer in the kubuntu channel, can someone help me out?05:55
thomasiteRecently I installed Eclipse into my laptop. But when I looked for it in the Applications menu, I couldn't find it. How do I add it there?05:55
diskinthomasite, system -> preferences -> main menu -> new item05:58
ReaverbotHello, I need helo.05:58
ReaverbotSomeone could help me with a .ecm file05:58
jim_pgood morning05:58
DCPom!someone | Reaverbot05:59
ubottuReaverbot: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?05:59
DCPom!private > Reaverbot06:00
ubottuReaverbot, please see my private message06:00
n-iCehello I hope someone could help me here:06:01
n-iCehello I really need help, login as root, there is a proccess called: sshd: mazatlan@ttyp0 , and when someone tried to login via  ssh appears, this:06:01
AnthraxDreamHow do I switch my default sound to a usb device?06:01
n-iCePTY allocation request failed on channel 0 and stdin: is not a tty06:01
n-iCeOnce I kill that proccess, works, why? and how can I solve it06:01
n-iCeis getting me crazy06:02
ReaverbotHow I can transform .ecm files to .iso or .bin files?06:02
chmac`firefox -safe-mode` produces nothing in a terminal, and no windows open. Any suggestions?06:03
chmac`firefox -h` or `firefox -v` produce the usual output06:03
jim_pchmac: double dash. firefox --safe-mode06:04
chmacjim_p: Not according to `firefox -h`, but it doesn't make any difference :)06:04
DCPomjim_p, single dash works in my terminal06:04
chmacBoth work on Firefox I believe06:05
losherReaverbot: I googled it and found http://www.neillcorlett.com/ecm/. Looks like you need to download and compile ecm, or run it on windows06:05
jim_pchmac: firefox must be also compiled with the safe mode option to work. to have a look, open firefox and go to about:buildbonfig06:05
DCPomchmac, try a killall firefox first06:05
chmacReaverbot: You PM'ing me? What for?06:05
jim_pDCPom: i need double06:05
chmacDCPom: Yeah, did that06:05
AnthraxDreamHow do I switch my default sound to a usb device?06:05
DCPomjim_p, PARADOX ;)06:06
chmacI'm guessing I could reboot to resolve, but that seems oh so very Windbloze! ;)06:06
jim_pDCPom: hahahahhaha06:06
ReaverbotI am PM'ing you for a question about .ecm files06:06
jim_pAnthraxDream: what is that  usb device?06:06
=== patrick is now known as Guest99946
chmacReaverbot: Ok, probably better to ask on the appropriate channel06:06
chmacOff the top of my head, I know nothing about .ecm files... :(06:06
n-iCe00:02 < n-iCe> hello I really need help, login as root, there is a proccess called: sshd: mazatlan@ttyp0 , and when someone tried to login via  ssh appears,  this:06:06
n-iCe00:02 < n-iCe> PTY allocation request failed on channel 0 and stdin: is not a tty06:07
ReaverbotI am a rookie here, where is the channel?06:07
n-iCe00:02 < n-iCe> Once I kill that proccess, works, why? and how can I solve it06:07
n-iCe00:02 < n-iCe> is getting me crazy06:07
chmacOk, here's a thought, and it might be nonsense, but could Firefox not like large pids?06:07
chmacMine are up around 28000+06:07
DCPomchmac, i don't think that would matter?06:07
wartalke1how to use patch-2.6.27, for the linux kernel, i am newer06:07
chmacDCPom: I'd guess not, but I just have a sneaking suspicion for some reason...06:08
chmacSounds like witchcraft to me :)06:08
chmacreboot, brb06:08
thomasiteProblem: Recently, Firefox has been closing itself. :(06:08
r2s1what is the easiest way to lock my firefox for certain websites?06:09
sadpandahow can i use sysctl to get my cpu temp?06:09
r2s1or controlling which site allowed to be browsed?06:09
jim_pr2s1: depending on how much they are, /etc/hosts06:10
jim_p*how many06:11
r2s1 jim_p: is there any way I can incorporate like those dansguardian with simple steps?06:12
chmacIt was a system problem, new windows wouldn't open. Weird. I click the shut down icon on the task bar, no response.06:12
jim_pr2s1: what is dansguardian?06:12
chmacThen my menus lock up, my task bar locks up, log in / out probably would have resolved it06:13
=== NetEcho__ is now known as NetEcho
r2s1jim_p: well its like a proxy server to filter content to be viewed or controlling them.. we use this in our gateway in office06:14
r2s1but at home I wish there is for a single pc06:14
jim_pr2s1: cant you configure it for a single pc?06:15
Lartza_Hello, I can't get Java to work. Firefox says additional plugins required, but i have gcjwebplugin and gcj installed06:18
r2s1jim_p: I could but.. it take so much resources06:19
ToddEDManyone here use ubuntu ultimate?06:19
ubottuThe following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes, please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), Ubuntu Ultimate06:19
billybigriggerif i were to go install vmware what are the differences between server and workstation? i will be installing on a dual core laptop with 4g ram, and will be putting windows xp on it, am i better off with vmware server 2 or should i go with workstation? i only really need to run skype and my wireless 3g usb modem06:20
crwebi can't get my files on my nfs share to stop being nobody:nogroup owner ship.  /home/user *(rw,sync)06:20
billybigriggeroh i have hardy install atm06:20
Lartza_Hello, I can't get Java to work. Firefox says additional plugins required, but i have gcjwebplugin and gcj installed06:21
jim_pr2s1: i cant find something that has a gui. all i found was moblock06:21
Ven]nive created a usb key with ubuntu and ext3. i then figured i wanted to split it into two partitions, so i used gparted to make 500mb of the usb key to fat32.. problem is that windows cant read that partition.. any ideas?06:22
tarelerulzjim_p look up ip blocking on ubuntu in google and I will find ipblock  or iplist as it is called for Ubuntu . It is an ipblocking program with a great gui on it .  Better then moblock to me06:23
AllNewToMeWhat's the cmd to check if my firewall is on please?06:23
DCPomis there a way to check recently installed packages>06:24
DCPomspecifically recently updated?06:24
AllNewToMeAnyone know how to tell if my firewall is on?06:25
jim_pDCPom: sudo cat /var/log/dpkg.log | tail06:25
Lartza_Hello, I can't get Java to work. Firefox says additional plugins required, but i have gcjwebplugin and gcj installed06:26
jim_pAllNewToMe: the firewall is on. i cant remember the command that checks06:26
jim_pLartza_: you need suns java06:26
AllNewToMeDoes anyone else know?06:26
Lartza_jim_p: i need java06:26
tarelerulzJim_P : Sorry I did not make that clearer .  What you need to do is  put " ip blocking on Ubuntu" into google's search box and it will come up with iplist which is the name of an ip blocking program . It has great gui and it is easy  to use .  It is better then mobock with a gui .06:27
Lartza_i installed gcj-java-compat and gcjwebplugin(from firefox) and it complains about missing plugins06:27
jim_pLartza_: install suns java, thats what firefox wants06:27
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository06:27
Lartza_but it should wokr with gcj too!06:27
AllNewToMeAnyone know how to tell if your firewall is on please?06:28
Lartza_AllNewToMe: In default i think it's not06:28
jim_ptarelerulz: the program is not for me. and the guy wants to block certain sites06:28
AllNewToMeThats no help at all, thanks??06:28
Lartza_AllNewToMe: or something like that, ubuntu's firewall is tricky to congfigure06:28
Lartza_why do oyu need to know?06:29
AllNewToMeThat doesnt help either??06:29
Lartza_why do you need to know?06:29
AllNewToMebecause I dont know if the firewall is on or not!?06:29
wartalke1zjkuipc: ubuntu-cn06:29
Lartza_Does that matter???06:30
Lartza_i dont know if mine is on or not06:30
tarelerulzjim_p I hope it helps him.  I had hard time find ip blocking program that are easy to use .  Most the time  I would get told about firewalls or something like that .   Peer Gardian is good program ,but not for Linux .  Moblock is as good and for Linux . Iplist is better then moblock and easy gui to feature out.06:31
DCPomis there a way to revert to an old version of a package?06:32
Lartza_DCPom: yes06:32
jim_ptarelerulz: thanks06:32
DCPom:) long answer?06:32
Lartza_I know the synpatic way not command line06:33
jim_pDCPom: what package?06:33
DCPomjim_p, java, i think there's a problem with the new updates06:33
Lartza_select package from synaptic then go: Package > force version06:33
DCPomjim_p, so that's sun-java-jre sun-java-plugin, etc06:33
Lartza_How do i get my java to work? i have gcj installed, then firefox begs the missing plugins i chose gcj it installed gcjwebplugin and still begs missing plugin if i choose gcj from firefox again says gcjwebplugin already installed and then the success screen06:34
kr00lcan someone help me fix recordMyDesktop?06:34
jim_pDCPom: have a look in here/var/cache/apt/archives/06:34
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Lartza_is it true all prots blocked on ubuntu default?06:35
Lartza_but i havent needed to modify the ubuntu firewall to run apache06:36
AllNewToMe If my firewall is running should this command --> "sudo /etc/init.d/firestarter status" tell me? Thanks06:36
Lartza_if you dont have firestarter installed06:36
marupa_Is there any way to show VUs in Alsa?06:37
Lartza_you should get command not found06:37
AllNewToMeHow do I know or find out what firewall is installed?06:37
Lartza_its the ubuntu one06:37
Lartza_iptables and ufw06:38
Lartza_i think06:38
Lartza_firestarter is graphical way to modify ubuntu's firewall06:38
HatahHey all, I got a query // everytime I log onto my machine, my local disk is always mounted (icon on my desktop), so I have to constantly do umount -v /dev/sda1 | anyway to perm make it unmounted?06:38
Hatahif I try and do it manually, not through console, I get "you don't have permission" never used to be like that06:39
jim_pHatah: is it an internal drive?06:39
HatahYa, my laptop hdd06:39
AllNewToMeSo I have know way of knowing if a firewall is running or if there is which one?06:39
Lartza_i was going to ask same06:39
Bobbinodefault firewall in ubuntu is iptables as far as I know06:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about firewalol06:40
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).06:40
Bobbinoand you can get something like Firestarter so you have a gui interface for it...06:40
Bobbinomeh ;)06:40
DCPomlook at bobbino, with him we don't even need this old bot06:40
ubuntoRoxxI want to install sshfs, so I go to http://fuse.sourceforge.net/ and download the stable the release. But am I meant to compile it myself?06:40
Lartza_so what is ufw for on ubuntu then?06:40
jspp_ubuntoRoxx: nope06:41
Lartza_ubuntuRox: install it from repository?06:41
jspp_Just install sshfs and fuse-utils06:41
ubuntoRoxxjspp_: But where do I find it?06:41
Bobbinohaha, no DCPom , You'll still need the bot... I've only had ubuntu a week... Only knew about the firewall as I had to do some stuff on it for myself :P06:41
jspp_It's in the repos06:41
jspp_ubuntoRoxx:use apt-get or synaptic06:42
DCPomLartza_, thanks your thing worked...at least my java is working now06:42
ubuntoRoxxjspp_: I did a search for fuse in my synaptic packet manager.....But a lot of things show up06:42
Lartza_my isnt :(06:42
Lartza_DCPom: well not in browser06:42
ubuntoRoxxjspp_: So i am not which one to choose06:42
jspp_ubuntoRoxx: just type 'apt-get install sshfs fuse-utils'06:42
DCPomLartza_, have you done sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin?06:43
AllNewToMeI have a windoze blista machine that cant see my Ubuntu box. I get "you may need to configure your firewall settings"?  any ideas?06:43
Lartza_gcj should work06:43
Bobbinoanyone got any experience with mouse scroll rates? I want to turn mine down as it's far too fast and sensitive atm06:43
badfishhow do i check my uptime in terminal?06:44
HatahGuys - when I try to access places/local disk it says "you are not priveledge to mount volume "Local Disk" any help?06:44
jim_pAllNewToMe: this advice is on the windows machine? then its vistas firewall. plus you have to install samba to share files between them06:44
Lartza_Bobbino: SYtem > Settings > Mouse06:44
Hatahbadfish: type, uptime06:44
badfishdon't i feel smart06:45
Hatahhaha :P06:45
ubuntoRoxxjspp_: Hmm okay some things happend...And I now can write sshfs in the console...seems to be okay06:45
BobbinoLartza_, - nothing about the wheel in there though06:45
jspp_ubuntoRoxx: Yeah06:45
ubuntoRoxxjspp_: How could I ever have figured that out if it wasen't for you?06:45
AllNewToMeI have turned off the Vista FW and made sure that samba was installed. I can see all other comps on network (Win 98, XP, Mint, Debian, OpenSuse.)06:45
jim_pAllNewToMe: is samba configured?06:46
AllNewToMeYes as I can see and interact with all others. only Vista refuses either way.06:47
termitorwiki ralink rt2500pci make me cracy06:48
ubuntoRoxxjspp_: How could I ever have figured that out if it wasen't for you?06:49
termitor2.6.22 gutsy detect my ap , 2.6.24 hardy no , 2.6.26 and 2.6.27 intrepid no , ndiswrapper NO , i'm cracy !!!!06:49
DCPomBobbino, there's no current ubuntu solution for that as far as i can tell06:49
omkar_how to get doom 3 setup for linux?06:50
=== passbe_ is now known as passbe
Hatahvery stranger, I'm prt of the admin group and I still can't mount my local disk06:51
badfishtried this?http://ohioloco.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=59936006:51
tarelerulzHere is my problem , I just download and install Banshee via synaptic and  it is great ,but it don't orgazine videos as well as I hoped and I am trying to find some information about how it manages videos ,but I can't find anything other then it does and not much else.  Have any of you try that feature ?06:51
termitorwho i do kill for my wifi work fine ?06:52
balroganybody know of any foss (or just free as in beer) lens design software?06:52
badfishomkar_: http://ohioloco.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=59936006:53
balrogtermitor: broadcom06:53
Fear_cultis it possible to switch ethX names around like my box has onboard NIC it was eth0 i added a secondary to hookup to my xbox and it became eth0 my onboard is eth1 is there a way to swap that06:54
KartagisHatah, maybe it's borked?06:54
termitorbalrog: but , the rt2x00 driver work on 2.6.22 , no on the >2.6.22 (sensitivity trick)06:55
Lartza_how do i get java to work on firefox, gcj06:55
badfishshould work as long as you have jre installed06:56
goldmetali have 10 pdf files, how to combine it into a single pdf file?06:56
Lartza_badfish: i htink06:56
Lartza_but firefox complains missing plugins06:56
Lartza_but the gcjwebplugin is installed06:56
DCPomgoldmetal, http://www.debianadmin.com/combine-multiple-pdfs-into-one-file-in-ubuntu-linux.html06:57
badfishlartza_: url about:plugins06:57
Lartza_no mention about java there06:57
badfishlartza_: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin06:58
goldmetalDCPom, thx06:58
andresmhi removed the wifi selector gnome panel item. I tried adding it again but it's not in the list of items to be added. Any ideas how I can recover it?06:58
Jakob_the_liaranyone use amule?06:59
Jakob_the_liarits telling me im firewalled but i dont have one on06:59
badfishi used to but we sold the farm a few years back06:59
PoisonArrow_How can I update my kernel to 2.6.27?07:00
Bassettshello, I just upgraded and new kernel was available although it appears there are no headers available for the new kernel and I need to recompile my wireless driver, any ideas why there are no headers for the new kernel?07:00
=== freaky_t is now known as fReAky_t
PoisonArrow_Bassetts: Im doing the exact same thing. how did u upgrade to .2707:01
badfishhow do i check my kernel version?07:01
jspp_uname -a07:01
IcemanV9badfish: uname -rs07:01
BassettsPoisonArrow_: I just upgraded to .2407:01
PoisonArrow_Bassetts: oh :)07:01
badfishis there really a point in upgrading from 2.6.24?07:01
=== amazin is now known as am4zin
jay-menonHello Everybody07:02
DCPomhow do you find out kernel version?07:02
badfishuname -rs07:02
jay-menonFlash Player is not working with Firefox 3.0.3 and ubuntu 8.0407:03
badfishflash hates linux07:03
badfishit works07:03
jay-menonany idea?07:03
badfishwhat's it doing?07:03
=== fReAky_t is now known as freaky_t
badfishif you go to a youtube page07:03
jay-menonbadfish....simply nothing07:04
badfishbig white space?07:04
badfishbig grey space?07:04
jay-menonyes exactly07:04
badfishopen firefox07:04
badfishtype url about:plugins07:04
DCPomjay-menon,  sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree07:04
kmmHey does anyone here know OCAML?07:05
nightis anyone familar with opengeu?07:05
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?07:05
Lartza_badfish: I knew installing sun java does nothing to gcj but still did and suprise! no difference on gcj07:05
jay-menonDCPom... I tried 3 different ways07:05
nightcan cinelerra work in opengeu07:05
DCPomLartza_, what's the difference between gcj and legitimate java07:05
nightcan cinelerra work in opengeu07:05
macojay-menon: is youtube all you need flash for? if so, try swfdec-mozilla07:05
nightcan cinelera work in opengeu07:05
Lartza_DCPom: gcj is open07:06
PoisonArrow_so is there no way to upgrade to the new kernel 2.6.27?07:06
DCPomi thought sun made java open recently07:06
Lartza_and this is also kinda principal thing07:06
jay-menon1. sudo apt-get 2. Manual install 3. by installing "ubuntu restricted extras"07:06
Lartza_how do i get gcj to work in firefox???07:06
badfishi missed the gcj part07:06
macoLartza_: why not use openjdk?07:07
macoLartza_: its much more up to date than gcj07:07
macoLartza_: gcj is still stuck on java 407:07
nighti installed cinelerra in opengeu07:07
nightbut it doesnt quite open07:07
Lartza_so openjdk?07:07
nightubuntu restricted has java07:08
jay-menonMaco.. are you talking about installing Mozilla browser?07:08
nightand works with youtube on firefox07:08
acp_is openjdk much stable than java(jdk)? are they the same?07:08
nightso no one has used opengeu?07:09
l3dwhich music player is small in resource usage?07:09
Lartza_!anyone | night07:10
ubottunight: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?07:10
macojay-menon: no, swfdec is an open source flash library, and swfdec-mozilla is the plugin for firefox.  it's not as good at random flash as adobe's is, but it works well with pulseaudio so you dont have to hack about for working audio, and it works for youtube. also doesnt auto-play flash ads, so its like flash block extension rolled in07:10
night!anyone | lartza07:10
ubottulartza: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?07:10
macoacp_: openjdk works very well07:10
jay-menonMaco---Can you test www.adidas.com07:11
tyberionhello guys ))07:11
DCPomjay-menon, what is on your about:plugins page?07:11
tyberionive got a question, maybe anyone can help currently, I am running a notebook with 1280x800 resolution, but since Im going to get a docking station on friday, id like to ask, how to use 1280x800 when Im using laptop, and automatically use 1920x1200 when I put my notebook on the docking station, any Idea?07:12
jay-menonDCPom currently i removed Shockwave flash player07:12
acp_maco, I'm testing a application that requires jre or jdk if you gona develop so its ok to use openjdk than the java from sun?07:12
nighthello famailur with opengeu someone?07:13
DCPomjay-menon, you'll probably think this is a dumb question, but did you quit firefox after isntalling?07:13
jay-menonyes...I even restarted07:13
Lartza_if i ignore people why do i see chan messages with ALL07:13
paul68!ask |tyberion07:14
nighttrying to install cinelerra07:14
ubottutyberion: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)07:14
macoacp_: yes, i think its partly developed by sun, actually. it was icedtea before, but since sun opened up....07:14
DCPompaul--_, he did ask the question on one line...07:14
DCPomwrong paul07:14
macoacp_: i dont know for sure that anyis written by sun, but ive never had a compatibility issue, and most of my programming is java07:14
tyberionpaul68: yeah, thanks, but I guess I put the question right there07:14
jay-menonmaco: is www.adidas.com working for u? its flash based site07:14
paul68tyberion and DCPOM sorry my mistake07:15
acp_maco, ic k i might give it a try. thanks07:15
macojay-menon: no, most full-flash sites are buggy with it07:15
nightopengeu + cinelerra who knows?07:15
andresmhi removed the Wireless Network selector from my gnome panel. How can I recover it?07:15
andresmhit's not in the list of panel items to add07:16
macojay-menon: i'm rather "baah!!!!" on flash though since it's bad for accessibility. youtube's the only purpose it serves in my mind07:16
macoandresmh: how did you remove it?07:16
jay-menonwhat about Google Talk Gadget?07:16
macoandresmh: did you remove the entire notification area?07:16
macojay-menon: the what?07:16
andresmhright click > remove :(07:16
macojay-menon: i just use pidgin...07:16
andresmhi think i idid maco07:16
macoandresmh: you removed the whole notification area. just re-add that07:17
DCPomjay-menon, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash07:17
Fear_cultwhere is network interface information kept e.g eth0 = dhcp eth1 = static07:17
nightopen geu is ubuntu based07:17
andresmhmaco, thanks! i didn't know it was called "notification"07:17
IcemanV9tyberion: what version? hardy? if hardy, then it will work.07:17
macoandresmh: your pidgin icon and such will go in there as well07:17
IcemanV9Fear_cult: /etc/network/interfaces (make a backup if you're planning to fiddle with it)07:18
andresmhmaco: by the way, how do i configure pidgin so it doesn't show the notifications about people entering/laving the room?07:18
tyberionIcemanV9: yeah, hardy...07:18
jay-menonDCPom,, Mine is Dell Inspiron 1525 laptop.07:18
tyberionIcemanV9: is there any guide for that?07:18
Fear_cultIcemanV9 theres nothing in there but lo07:18
nightcinelerra someone know?07:19
jay-menonDCPom...even i did a Manual installation by downloading from Adobe site07:19
macoandresmh: there's a plugin i think, but you're using pidgin for IRC? it's not very good for that. try xchat07:19
andresmhmaco: ah, yeah, i am using for irc07:20
macoandresmh: pidgin's a sorta half-arsed IRC client07:20
andresmhi'll check out xchat, i just hate having to add yet another app07:20
andresmhmaco: i was also using firefox's irc07:21
andresmhit's not bad07:21
IcemanV9tyberion: help.ubuntu.com is a good place to start with07:21
navsterhi, i'm using ubuntu server 8.04 and can't connect to the net07:22
navsterhavent got a GUI, any specific files I need to edit to get net access?07:22
goldmetalfor gs, how to combine pdf files without typing all the file names?07:23
navsterI edited interfaces file with eth0 set on a static IP....no such luck connecting07:23
DCPomgoldmetal, you can drag them to the terminal07:23
navsterany help would be appreciated...real n00b here07:23
DCPomgoldmetal, they'll be added automatically with a space inbetween07:23
goldmetalgs -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=zresult.pdf 1.pdf 2.pd 1000.pdf07:24
tdawgedogghow do i force a i386 .deb to install using an amd64 architecture?07:24
DCPomjust drag the files from the desktop to the terminal07:24
goldmetalDCPom, i am on ssh. can't drag07:24
Halycon1hey is anyone around I am running into problems setting up LIRC I have a ATI Remote Wonder(the first edition of it) and I have the device plugged in and as far as I can tell the ati_remote and lirc_atiusb modules are loaded and in the gnome-lirc properties I do the autodetect and for my IR Reciever it detects a Linux Input Device HID 044e:3013 with the device /dev/input/event11. However when I do a lsusb command I believe this is my07:25
Hatahi installed unbuntu on a dual boot, now when I go to load other os I get NTLDR not found07:25
DCPomwell you can try tab completion, but that's the only possibility i think07:25
bakarathi, i have a realtek rtl8111 and having connection problems (apparantly a driver-related issue), anyone know a fix for this?07:25
ibrahim_Hello, The system updated itself , linux-image-2.6.24-21 is using anymore but I am getting white screen after login screen. Previous kernel works fine and I am using it right now.07:26
goldmetalDCPom, i am thinking "ls > txt.txt" and remove return keys07:26
goldmetalDCPom, but it's not alphabetical07:26
goldmetalten 10 vs one 107:27
ibrahim_Hello, The system updated itself , linux-image-2.6.24-21 is using anymore but I am getting white screen after login screen. Previous kernel works fine and I am using it right now.07:28
geremyquick question: is there a way to do ssh forwarding between two ports that already have servers bound?07:29
andresmhfor some reason GnomeDo shows Home Folder but it never opens.07:30
andresmhany ideas why?07:30
andresmh(shows home folder after typing home folder, of course)07:30
jim_ptadaaaaaa ... i am back!07:31
AussieGuyany package that installs everything you need for c/c++ compiling/development?07:31
crwebAussieGuy:  build-essentials07:32
crwebmaybe with or without the s07:32
l3dok let me ask you this  if i was to put in cron this * */2 * * * command here this should run every two hours right07:32
jay-menonMaco: i did a swfdec-mozilla07:34
jay-menonstill its youtube is not coming07:34
BronzeWallai'm trying to install ubuntu on dell studio laptop and everything seemed to load fine, but when i reboot without cd, it stops on a white screen and slowly starts to display vertical bars on the screen. can anyone help?07:34
BronzeWallau read somewhere that the drivers for hardy don't support the motherboard, but i find that hard to believe07:35
DCPomBronzeWalla, did you check the CD?07:36
jay-menonDCpom, I tried "sudo apt-get install swfdec-mozilla"07:37
DCPomis flash-nonfreeplugin installed?07:38
jay-menonyes its07:38
DCPomwhat do you see when you load a youtube video?07:38
jay-menonNothing...not even error also07:38
goldmetalhow to print out my files alpha-numberically? file10.txt comes before file1.txt07:38
DCPomis there a grey box there?07:39
goldmetalregards to ls command07:39
DCPomjay-menon, is there a grey box there?07:39
BronzeWallaDCPom, it happened with two different CD's, one of them is a free mailed ubuntu cd07:39
jay-menonDCpom, Only the video is not showing...07:39
BronzeWallaa hardy version and an edgy version07:39
CyberBirdhow can I find out what type of processor I have, 32-bit or 64-bit?07:40
DCPomjay-menon, what does about:plugins say?07:40
jay-menonDCPom.. i dont understand your question?07:40
DCPomjay-menon, in the firefox browser put about:plugins as the URL07:41
jay-menoncan u plz explain more07:41
jointmanHello I need help with regards to upgrading Xubuntu to version 7.10.07:41
nighthello im trying to get cinelerra running on opengeu 8.04.107:41
jointmanI downloaded 7.10 and burned it as an ISO to disc. I currently have an older version of Xubuntu. Do I need to erase my current Xubuntu or will that process be covered in the partition section of the installation process?07:41
nightafter installing07:41
jay-menonDcpom...ya put the URL and page opened07:42
night its in my video audio menu07:42
nightwhen i click on it to load it07:42
nightall i get is a 2 inch by 2 inch blank window07:42
nightthat is how i insstalled it07:42
psicobrahi all07:43
node357hi psicobra07:43
psicobrahi node35707:43
cishpixjointman, why u download 7.10? u can download 8.04 or 8.10 beta07:43
psicobrai am just fitting my new 1TB drive07:43
DCPomjay-menon, can you put that page on pastebin?07:43
psicobrafor my media server07:43
psicobramythtv kicks ass07:43
node357never used mythtv before...07:44
psicobradude it's sweet kicks the crap out of windows stuff07:44
Splorti had a process called /usr/bin/alacar running, and i killed it. i googled it and only got one link which is in german. what is alacar?07:44
jay-menonDCpom... i can u plz tell me how i can do that07:44
DCPom!paste | jay-menon07:44
ubottujay-menon: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)07:44
jointmancishpix: 7.10 is what i have in the moment07:44
cishpixjointman, I suggest u download 8.04.1 coz it's newer than 7.1007:45
AtaxHi all, when placing a text-file in ~ I can open it by pressing ALT+F2 and typing in the name of the text file. If I however place that same text file in ~/Music or ~/Documents it won't open anymore (via ALT+F2). Why is that?07:45
cishpixjointman, or u can wait until 8.10 release in this month07:45
alanbshepard77I need help setting up SSH. My SSH client needs the private id_rsa key file and my Ubuntu desktop is supposed to have the ascii public key. How do I go about making the key and making sure I give the right part to the right half?07:46
psicobraactually i do have a question i have 2 x sata drives sometimes when copying i can get 40-50 MB a sec but most of the time it will only transfur at between 10 and 14 MB/sec any ideas why?07:46
KartagisAtax, probably ~/Music or ~/Documents aren't in $PATH07:46
CernexYo' simple question: is the RaLink RT2561/RT61 802.11g PCI compatible with Hardy?07:46
CernexSo far so good, it has been compatible with Gutsy and Feisty out-of-the-box07:47
CernexBut I'm not sure about Hardy07:47
KartagisCernex, if it's compatible with Gutsy and Feisty, it's compatible with Hardy07:48
jay-menonDCpom, !paste | jay-menon07:48
jay-menonwhere should i put this07:48
DCPomdid you read the bot message?07:48
DCPom!paste | jay-menon07:48
ubottujay-menon: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)07:48
jay-menonyes i opened the URL07:48
nightanyone hear me?07:48
DCPom!attitude | night07:49
ubottunight: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines07:49
CernexKartagis: The same I thought about my old SMCWPCI-G card, and it wasn't07:49
paul68!anyone |night07:49
ubottunight: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?07:49
DCPomjay-menon, so paste your about:plugins page there then give me the URL it spits out07:49
nighti have asked nicely and respectfully07:49
CyberBirdI have typed cat /proc/cpuinfo but I see a lot of stuff, where can I find the architecture07:50
CyberBirdI have typed cat /proc/cpuinfo but I see a lot of stuff, where can I find the architecture?07:50
CyberBirdsorry for double post07:50
[[thufir]]where are vidoe,07:50
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jay-menonDcpom, http://paste.ubuntu.com/57763/07:51
[[thufir]]where are video, flash videos, cached? /tmp?  download helper, firefox plugin, isn't downloading the vid07:51
DCPomjay-menon, it's about:plugins  no .com07:51
psicobraguys i just installed a new 1 tb drive it is /dev/sdc i have partitioned and formatted as ext307:53
jay-menonDcpom, when i typed aboutplugins, its redirected to http://erfurtwiki.sourceforge.net/AboutPlugins07:53
DCPomabout COLON plugins07:53
lodderwell done psicobra07:53
psicobrai type sudo mount /dev/sdc /home/username/media07:53
psicobrabut it says  you must specify the filesystem type07:53
psicobrait is ext307:53
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lodderpsicobra: well try mount -t ext3 /dev/sdc $HOME/media07:54
KartagisCernex, http://www.ubuntuhcl.org/07:54
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DaCapnRead the manpage. It tells you to do what lodder just said.07:54
lodderDaCapn: thx07:54
psicobraudo mount -t ext3 /dev/sdc /home/andrew/media07:54
psicobramount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdc,07:54
psicobra       missing codepage or helper program, or other error07:54
psicobra       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try07:54
psicobra       dmesg | tail  or so07:54
jay-menonDCpom, http://paste.ubuntu.com/57764/07:55
nighthello im trying to get cinelerra running on opengeu 8.04.1, i installed it this way http://backports.ubuntuforums.com/showthread.php?s=9dec62c759a8b0f7c287337aed4d8b2c&t=820836&page=2 it installed fine but when i open it all i get is a 2 inche square, what is wrong? how can i fix it, can anyone help? what more info is needed to help?07:55
lodderpsicobra:  to paste stuff use pastbin07:55
psicobrabut any ideas07:55
lodderpsicobra: wat does dmesg | tail says07:55
lodderbut I think you shoudl mount /dev/sdc1 if you have a partition07:56
AtaxWhere does one edit the variable PATH permanently?07:56
CernexKartagis, my PCI isn't there07:56
psicobra[ 1046.006335] VFS: Can't find ext3 filesystem on dev sdc.07:56
KartagisCernex, then you're out of luck07:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about intel07:56
jim_phow do i ask the bot about intel gpus?07:57
jay-menonDCpom, http://paste.ubuntu.com/57764/07:57
DCPomjay-menon, i read it, did you relaunch after you installed it?07:57
lodderpsicobra: but I think you should mount /dev/sdc1 if you have a partition07:57
go_beep_yourselfjim_p-> check the factoids?07:57
go_beep_yourselfwhats a flood bot?07:58
psicobralodder, think that worked07:58
psicobrawhy would it tho07:58
psicobragparted recons the drive is called /dev/sdc07:58
lodderwel /dev/sdc = the HDD07:58
Kartagis!intel gpu07:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about intel gpu07:59
Kartagis!gpu intel07:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gpu intel07:59
zetheroomy wifi was working and then there as a kernel update and its not working any more .... what happened?07:59
lodderpsicobra: /dev/sdc1 <-- the partition that is formated as ext307:59
jay-menonDCPom, any idea to solve this07:59
soreauzetheroo: Atheros?07:59
DCPomjay-menon,  not yet...07:59
dulakianpsicobra: fdisk -l /dev/sdc would show you the partitions you can mount07:59
zetheroosoreau : yes ... ar242*08:00
dulakianpsicobra: you mount the partition, not the drive08:00
psicobragotcha nice 108:00
soreauzetheroo: Then you need to reinstall your drivers.. how did you install them in the first place?08:00
psicobrahow do i set it to auto mount08:00
lodderpsicobra: add it to fstab08:00
zetheroosoreau : gosh .. I don't recall ....08:00
dulakianpsicobra: sudo nano /etc/fstab08:00
go_beep_yourselfpsicobra-> man fstab08:00
jay-menonThanks DCPom... I am completely new to linux world... so sorry for any inconvenience caused by me08:01
soreauzetheroo: Well, check Sys>Admin>Hardware Drivers unless you installed them manually08:01
zetheroosoreau : this is so frustrating!!!08:01
DCPomjay-menon, it's okay i struggled with flash for awhile too08:01
DCPomjay-menon, are you using firefox 3?08:01
lodderfglrx already available in 8.10?08:01
zetheroosoreau : yes... I had to do it manually becasue Hardy is bugged over this card08:01
jay-menonDCpom, Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008092510 Ubuntu/8.04 (hardy) Firefox/3.0.08:02
zetheroosoreau  : but I already tried installing the latest madwifi... and its still not working08:02
soreauzetheroo: Ok, where do you have the source located in your file system?08:02
zetheroonot sure08:02
zetheroosoreau: not sure08:02
crdlblodder: nope, but #ubuntu+1 would be the place for questions about intrepid08:02
soreauzetheroo: Look at the topic in #madwifi08:03
zetheroosoreau: yeah I am there ... nobody is answering08:03
psicobrai typed this in fstab /dev/sdc1/home/andrew/mediaext308:04
psicobrathat right?08:05
psicobralooks like that08:05
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jim_ppsicobra: you miss options there08:06
tony_anyone here know iptables?08:08
Willwork4foohullo all... does anyone here have much experience working with Vinagre in Ubuntu?08:08
Willwork4fooI'm trying to get desktop sharing working with Vinagre onto an OSX computer08:09
Frogzoo_!anyone | tony_08:09
ubottutony_: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:09
Willwork4fooEverything looks right, but I'm still getting a "Connection Failed" message from the mac when clicking on "Share screen..."08:09
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines08:10
Willwork4fooI've followed this guide: http://www.zaphu.com/2008/04/29/ubuntu-guide-configure-vinagre-to-share-the-screen-with-mac-os-x/ and I've triple-checked that every step has been done correctly...08:10
r2s1in xorg.conf.. how can I configure the refresh rate of monitor.... currently I have to use KRandRTray to fix this... from 65Hz to 60Hz08:11
Willwork4foor2s1: vertrefresh is the parameter08:11
r2s1hmm ok08:12
r2s1Willwork4foo: current VertRefrest is 50-120... how do I fix ??08:13
Willwork4foor2s1: erm.... change it to what you want?08:13
Willwork4fooso... anyone got any experience at all with sharing desktop via vinagre over to an OSX computer?08:14
jim_phas anyone ever used launcy or gnome-do? are they worth it?08:16
Willwork4foognome-do is quite groovy08:16
Willwork4fooI use it08:16
jim_pWillwork4foo: how does it work basically? like an application launcher that pops up throu a keyboard shortbut?08:18
psicobrahi i think my hard drive auto mounted ok after i edited my fstab but when i try and copy stuff to it it tells me i don't have permission08:20
psicobrai tried chown /dev/sdc108:20
binMonkeyhey, guys.08:20
Willwork4foojim_p:  that's pretty much it08:20
Ademananyone here have a lenovo ideapad s10?  I wanna know how the keyboard is... I had the opportunity to check out a recent lenovo of a similar shape/design and i thought the keyboard felt mushy, although the keys were large enough... The mushiness could have been because it was a floor model and had suffered through some abuse... so I'd like to hear some first hand stuff08:20
jim_pWillwork4foo: is it 1 keyboard shortcut or more?08:20
solrizewhat is gnome-keyring-d and why is it using 14% of a cpu on my laptop?08:21
binMonkeyif i'm using one of the f2, f3, etc consoles how do i copy and paste?08:21
solrizeit's used 10+ cpu hours08:21
solrizewhich sounds crazy08:21
Willwork4foojim_p: I've got mine mapped to the same as the key combination for launching spotlight on my mac08:21
Willwork4foosince they work similar08:21
[[thufir]]is 47 celsius too hot for the CPU?08:21
Willwork4foo[[thufir]]:  no08:21
psicobradepends on cpu but probably not08:22
Willwork4foomine's sitting at 43 at the moment (macbook) and it's fine08:22
figohow can i shut down samba on my pc?08:22
* [[thufir]] has some no-name/amd desktop08:22
jim_pare you kidding me ? mine is on 28oC now!!!08:22
jim_pfigo: sudo /etc/init.d/samba stop08:23
binMonkeyhow do i select text,copy, and paste on a console?08:23
jim_p[[thufir]]: is is a laptop?08:23
figostart to get ir on again?08:23
jim_pfigo: sudo /etc/init.d/samba start08:23
figok got it08:23
jim_pfigo: u r welcome08:24
vikkuhi alll.......... My konqueror is crashing time and again http://pastebin.com/f50b4a53208:24
vikkuany suggestions pls08:24
jim_pbinMonkey: cant you select with mouse? ctrl+insert=copy shift+insert=paste08:24
figoworks like a charm08:24
Willwork4fooanyone at all have experience with vinagre screen sharing?08:25
binMonkeyjim_p: no.  i'm using one of the function key, tty consoles.08:25
jim_pvikku: do you use konq as a browser?08:25
baudthiefHow do you rename a folder via a shell, when the folder's name starts with two dashes?08:26
baudthiefit keeps thinking the name is a switch08:26
Willwork4foobaudthief: escape out the dashes with \08:26
jim_pbinMonkey: then i dont know how to select. try shift + arrows or ctrl+arrows08:26
figoany nmap user around?08:26
alarmgoodmorning,is there any image recovery application like acronis or norton ghost for linux ?08:26
baudthiefWillwork4foo: doesnt work, exact same thing08:27
Willwork4foobaudthief: don't know then.08:27
error404notfoundmy system is stuck at "Running local boot scripts (/etc/rc.local)" for 20 minutes. Its Ubuntu 8.04LTS Server standard install without lvm...08:27
jim_pbaudthief: if you do this: ren "--folder" newfolder ?08:27
baudthiefjim_p: same thing, "unrecognised option --folder"08:28
jim_perror404notfound: do you have any removeble drives?08:28
DCPombaudthief, try quotes08:28
error404notfoundjim_p: nope...08:28
baudthiefDCPom: nope, don't work, both single and double :P08:28
vikkujim_p: yes Jim08:28
baudthiefwow this is quite a pickle lol08:28
DCPomuse mv08:28
baudthiefDCPom: I am using MV08:29
baudthiefmv "--folder" folder208:29
DCPomhow did it get two dashes in the first place??08:29
baudthiefvia Konqueror belive it or not, manually renamed08:29
Hatahhey, deleted grub when typing "fixmbr" in rec console for windoz // how do I get it back?08:29
jim_palarm: norton ghost and acronis are not for restoring data! anyway, look at testdisk08:30
jim_p!grub | Hatah08:30
ubottuHatah: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto08:30
alarmi havent said that they are for restoring data ? they are for creating an image of a partition or a an entire disk08:30
alarmthats kind of application i am looking for in ubuntu as well08:30
jim_pvikku: i have heard of some konq bug with certain sites with ajax, i am not sure if this is it.08:31
jim_palarm: clonezilla then. its a live cd08:31
hateballalarm: Tried Clonezilla?08:31
hateballGreat minds think alike jim_p !08:31
alarmnot really08:31
alarmcause i did not know about it08:32
jim_palarm: well... you know now about clonezilla08:33
DCPombaudthief, i have your solution08:33
baudthiefDCPom: ?08:33
DCPombaudthief, mv ./--newfolder newfolder208:33
DCPomthe ./ makes it a path08:33
jim_pvikku: i dont use konq at all08:33
usicowI've got a question about permissions. I have a user that is a member of 2 groups. One group is the same as his username, and the other group is called 'Mongrel'. Then how come that user cant write files to this directory: drwxrwxr-x 2 mongrel  mongrel  4096 Oct 14 09:58 log08:33
binMonkeyjim_p: sorry.  i am using the virtual terminals, ctrl + alt + f1, f2, etc.  is there any way to copy and paste without a mouse?08:34
vikkujim_p: hmmmm .... if i tried installing seamonkey, that would replace a lot of stuff , which i dont want to get replaced....so ny way out of this ?....is there ny option i can use to disable the sites trying to utilize some function in my browser (if i understand it rightly !!)...i  have kubuntu , u c...08:34
baudthiefDCPom: Dude, I could kiss you!08:34
DCPomi'd kiss me too08:34
baudthiefcool, do that and we'll call it even :p08:34
jim_pbinMonkey: copy and paste can be done, selecting text however ... :(08:35
baudthiefbut seriously, thanks, that was driving me crackers lol08:35
DCPomheh any time08:35
=== duckers is now known as neuratix-
jim_pbinMonkey: can you dump what you need in a text file, open it with nano and select?08:36
jspp_Me <3 Ubuntu on Acer Aspire One08:36
jspp_Works pretty damn well.08:36
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jim_pvikku: i have no idea about how konq really works. ask at #kde08:37
error404notfoundeven though its stuck at my system is stuck at "Running local boot scripts (/etc/rc.local)", I can still ssh it... and rc.local just contains exit 0, any way to troubleshoot my system?08:37
vikkuOk thnks08:37
jim_perror404notfound: can you post thet fstab? i am sure the lack of a drive that is listed in fstab delays the system08:38
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=== Indoctrine is now known as Doc|Shower
binMonkeyjim_p: something like "aptitude search > search.txt"?08:41
jim_pbinMonkey: yes08:41
binMonkeyjim_p: how did people do it before using a mouse?08:41
Halycon1guys I am really having problems with getting my ATI Remote wonder configured using LIRC. I cannot get it to work at all and I have been trying everything I can find on the internet. Does anyone have any magical tricks they could use to enlighten me?08:41
jim_pbinMonkey: i think there is a pachage that enables mouse outside X08:42
Halycon1I have a ATI Remote Wonder(the first edition of it) and I have the device plugged in and as far as I can tell the ati_remote and lirc_atiusb modules are loaded and in the gnome-lirc properties I do the autodetect and for my IR Reciever it detects a Linux Input Device HID 044e:3013 with the device /dev/input/event11. However when I do a lsusb command I believe this is my reciever Bus 003 Device 002: ID 0bc7:0004 X10 Wireless Technolo08:42
lakhraGood morning! I've got a sort-of serious problem -- I do not have a working DNS resolve anymore (last evening it worked just fine). Could someone please tell me where I can find out what DNS server my system is currently using, how I could find another working DNS server and how to change which is used?08:44
Blue112Bonjour, je vous parle avec IRSSI et c'est pas de gaite de coeur08:44
Blue112Mon ubuntu refuse de derrarer, l'est pas gentil.08:44
DCPom!fr | Blue11208:45
ubottuBlue112: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr08:45
jim_plakhra: give me a sec to search. i had found it a month ago08:46
lakhrajim_p: thank you :)08:47
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk08:47
jim_p!chinese | m__08:48
ubottum__: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk08:48
daywalkerhey guys my brother bought a new laptop and he connected to our network with no wires. I bought a laptop a yr ago for the same thing but it didn't work i had to use the Network card/cable to the router.08:49
daywalkerMy laptop has a wirenelss network wizard and he's one is different (VAIO)08:49
daywalkery is that pls tell me i can connect like him or i will be burning08:49
jim_pbinMonkey: I GOT IT. its gpm08:49
DCPomjim_p, he said thanks08:49
lakhraDCPom: *g*, for me due to stupid charsets it all just was lots of question marks ;)08:50
binMonkeyjim_p: thanks!!!  i just installed it and am trying to figure it out08:50
jim_pDCPom: who said thanks?08:51
DCPomjim_p, the chinese guy08:51
DCPomafter you gave him the chinese channels08:51
DCPom<m__> 谢谢08:51
jim_plakhra: since i cand find the file, can we go the gnome way?08:52
lakhrajim_p: uh, yeah as long as the programs for that are already installed (no DNS, no apt-get ...)08:52
jim_plakhra: no gui?08:52
jim_pDCPom: lol! are you chinese?08:53
lakhrajim_p: fluxbox08:53
DCPomno i guessed it was, then used google lol08:53
jim_plakhra: let me search more08:53
lakhrajim_p: but i think i did not remove all the gnome programs08:53
bz /join #winehq08:54
jim_plakhra: sudo network-admin08:55
jim_plakhra: does it work?08:55
error404notfoundjim_p: http://pastebin.com/m23e0526108:55
lakhrasort of. it says "otp-md5 404 be0794 ext, Response:"08:56
lakhraah. pressing enter leads to the standard sudo password: prompt08:56
lakhrai was on the wrong machine08:56
lakhra*shakes head*08:56
FloodBot3lakhra: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:57
lakhrajim_p: yes, does work08:57
jim_plakhra: there you go then08:57
jim_perror404notfound: your fstab is clean08:57
lakhrajim_p: just, everything is grayed out. i do see the currently used DNS and everything -- i simply can't change it :(08:57
jim_plakhra: not even with sudo?08:57
lakhraah never mind, sorry08:58
* baudthief fstabs jim_p08:58
lakhrathere is a special "Unlock" button inside that program08:58
error404notfoundjim_p: yes.. but then what could be problem..08:58
error404notfoundjim_p: its still stuck there...08:58
lakhranow, can anyone tell me a good reliable working DNS server in germanya? :)08:58
jim_perror404notfound: you can remove the "quiet" and "splash" options from the kernel booting line and check where it stops08:58
lakhraah, and preferably open for the public ;)08:58
error404notfoundjim_p: okay...08:59
jim_perror404notfound: or you can install bootchart and lose 30 minutes for a reboot so as to have it make a chart that shows the delays08:59
error404notfoundjim_p: sorry?08:59
jim_perror404notfound: bootchart is an app that records to an image all activity done during boot. you will see tha image and figure out where the huge delay is. eg http://www.bootchart.org/images/bootchart.initial.png09:01
abby87hello, i had a question , when one upgrades from 7.10 to hardy does ubuntu automatically update menu.lst?09:01
jim_pabby87: yes09:01
jim_pabby87: because a new kernel is added09:02
abby87jim_p: i am triaging this bug http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=770449 here09:02
abby87jim_p: sorry wrong link wait09:02
abby87jim_p: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/20655709:02
abby87jim_p: could it be a case where the distro is upgraded but it shows the wrong version in menu.lst?09:03
jim_pabby87: can you add it on your own?09:03
jim_pabby87: what kernels appear there?09:04
abby87jim_p: well its not my case but the user who has reported that bug09:04
usicowhow do I change the timezone of my server if my timezone isnt listed in /usr/share/zoneinfo (Im in Denmark)09:04
abby87jim_p: my question was that whether this can be a bug or something ...say that the menu does not show the right version09:05
bullgard4Totem Movie Player 2.22.1 does not play a video which I have downloaded from youtube. I can see the outset frame. The status bar reports: "Playing 0:00/3:35" but it actually is not playing. How to troubleshoot?09:05
ubuntu_toddwhere is the folder for downloaded files after i use wget something?09:05
jim_pabby87: what does it show? if it says 2.6.24-.... you are fine with it, even if it says "Jim OS v9"09:06
abby87so i'll comment and ask that user :P09:06
=== croppa is now known as croppa_
ubuntu_toddany hints09:08
b-relaxedubuntu_todd, same directory where you typed wget09:08
lakhrajim_p: ok,  thanks, at least i now have semi-working dns again with dns.uni-trier.de09:09
ubuntu_toddb-relaxed: Thanks09:09
lakhraas trier is at the other end of germany from here, that is not perfect, but it will do09:09
* lakhra wonders where to find local DNS servers09:09
jim_plakhra: ok then09:10
lakhra(and this is better than any help-desk support phone line!)09:10
jim_plakhra: i use my isps dns servers. is there any difference?09:10
lakhrajim_p: well, dunno, i dont even know what their dns is ;) never used it, dunno why09:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about youtube09:11
jim_plakhra: i used it so as to be 100% sure that i have done every single step the isp support may ask me to09:11
jim_pbullgard4: there is a library that allows playing flv files. i dont remember the name. it is installed with mplayer though09:12
jmodsudo apt-get install mplayer maybe?09:13
jim_pjmod: yes09:14
jmodGod I love Linux09:15
slowlearnerhi is there anyway i can mirror the apt-sources to a hdd?09:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about apt-mirror09:19
jim_pslowlearner: apt-mirror09:20
lakhrajim_p: interestingly, though, this other dns server seems to block some sites09:20
slowlearnerjim_p apt-mirror wont work.. because then the sources should still then be on a network to work09:21
bullgard4jim_p: Do you imply that Totem Movie Player 2.22.1 is not able to play a .flv file?09:22
ech0dishtry sudo apt-get install *09:22
jim_pbullgard4: i dont use totem09:22
sentieceis there any way to burn a cd while using the live cd???09:23
ech0dishor better yet do, sudo apt-get remove *09:23
sentiecei downloaded a cd while not thinking about that conundrum09:23
sentiecei know it prevents eject09:24
ech0dishyou'll need another cd-rw09:24
ech0dishexternal usb if on a lappy09:24
sentiececant i move it to swap or something09:24
ech0dishif you have a usb jump drive just stick it on their09:24
jim_pech0dish: can you boot the live cd to ram?09:24
ech0dishor perhaps send it over your local network to another machine09:24
sentiecemy 64 bit mothboard died so i cant boot my 64 bit os09:25
sentiececant i move the live os to swap or something?09:25
ech0dishupload it to megaupload perhaps, no you can't put it in the swap09:25
ech0dishperhaps you can use a partition tool and make a storage partiton and put it on there09:27
ech0dishthe music cd that is09:27
sentieceno its a ubuntu cd09:27
AlmightyTCan someone help me fix my video settings in terminal? with the nvidia X driver ubuntu 8.0.409:27
sentiecei want to boot to it so i can upgrade from 8.04 beta to 8.10 beta to try it out and see if i want to upgrade when my motherboard comes back09:27
=== Doc|Shower is now known as Indoctrine
sentieceno way i can just stop everything umount my root partition and run the cdburn cause the cd is not on the live cd, it is on the harddrive09:28
AlmightyTpls PM me if you can help edit conf file properly for 1900x1200 usinga nvidia card, x driver not working right09:29
brunnerhi all09:29
ikonia!nvidia > AlmightyT09:29
ubottuAlmightyT, please see my private message09:29
brunnerwould anyone here be willing to call me on skype so that I can test something?09:29
brunneryou don't have to speak09:30
ech0dishwhats your phone number09:30
ikoniabrunner: there is a test call on skype09:30
brunnerikonia: that won't do what I need09:30
olskolircim a few days new to the gimp.  I clicked paintbrush and I don't see where i can pick my size brush.  Also, where did all of those panels go that came on first run of the gimp program?09:30
ikoniabrunner: what do you need09:30
brunnerI just need it to ring09:30
brunnerI can't get echo123 to call me09:30
ikoniabrunner: the test call rings09:30
jointmanHello. I just installed Hardy Heron 8.04. I originally had Xubutu Feisty 7.04 and Windows XP. When I installed Xubuntu Hardy Heron I chose the option "guided partitition" and let it do it's thing. It seems that my Windows partition was deleted in the process. What happened here?09:30
brunnerI need my end to ring09:30
ikoniabrunner: teh test call rings your end09:30
brunnerikonia: how?09:31
ikoniabrunner: use the test call, it will ring and then speak to you09:31
brunnerech0dish: chris.brunner09:31
brunnerikonia: I'm starting to get frustrated.  I need it to call *me*.09:31
sentiecei dont see the cd in my mtab09:31
ech0dishhe wants to test a custom ringtone ikonia09:31
Werdnabrunner: you use skype?09:31
ikoniaech0dish then this is not the channel for that09:32
trilobit`jointman: You might have chosen the option to use entire disk for your installation.09:32
ech0dishi have to install one second brunner09:32
brunnerWerdna: why would I ask for someone to call me on skype if I wasn't a skype user?  how would I even get the call?09:32
MrColorserver irc.onlinebg.biz09:32
sentiecehow can i forcibly unmount the livecd09:32
WerdnaI didn't know that you werent' a skype user :)09:32
ikoniasentiece what do you mean, mouont it09:32
brunnerech0dish: you don't need to go to all that trouble.  surely there is someone who would be willing to punch in my username and hit call.09:32
sentieceunmount it09:32
brunnerwho already has it installed09:32
jointmantrilobit: I know I chose Guided Partition. Perhaps it has something to do with my GRUB program?09:33
sentieceso i can burn a cd bit the drive09:33
ikoniasentiece are you using the livecd ?09:33
ech0dishwell i could use my nokia n800 but i dont' feel like turning it on09:33
ikoniasentiece then it's in use, so you can't unmount it09:33
sentiecebut i wont load anything off it while it is unmounted09:33
sentiecei really dont care if it crashes after09:33
ikoniasentiece it's in use you can't unmount it09:33
sentieceit not in use if i dont load anything off it09:33
brunnerikonia: it's not for a ring tone test.09:33
ikoniasentiece it is09:33
ikoniabrunner: what do you want to test09:34
brunnerI just want to know how long skype will ring before it gets counted as a missed call.09:34
brunnerif voicemail is not setup09:34
ikoniabrunner: this isn't really the best palce to canvaas for testers09:34
dontchokeYou have new mail in /var/mail/root09:35
trilobit`jointman: wait, you said you can't see the windows partition at all. Normally grub doesn't have much to do with it, unless the entry for the windows system is deleted. So do you miss the partition or just the entry in grub ?09:35
dontchokehow do i get rid of that?09:35
ikoniadontchoke read the mail as root, or remove the contents of /var/mail/root09:35
brunnerikonia: I really did think that *surely* there'd be someone here who would be willing to type my username and click a button... I had no idea it was such a huge demand that would require begging.09:35
sentiececomeone someone has to know of a way to forcibly unmount it09:35
carrerai've set up a 255 MB RAID1 on 3, 500 GB drives and RAID0 on the rest of 499.5 GB but can't mount /boot09:35
ikoniabrunner you've asked 4 times - there is not09:35
ikoniasentiece you can't - it's in use09:35
ech0dishfew times09:35
brunnerikonia: yeah, I get it09:35
jointmantrilobit`: both, i can't find my windows media folder in /media either using Xubunty09:35
brunnerikonia: where do you suggest I ask?09:35
sentieceor remount it from a copy of the iso on the harddisk09:35
ikoniabrunner don't know09:36
ikoniacarrera: how are you doing raid 1 on 3 disks ?09:36
ech0dishi'm going to call09:36
ech0dishwhats the name again09:36
brunnerikonia: why would one not be able to do raid 1 on 3 disks?  that's very common.09:36
trilobit`jointman: does the partition show up when you check with "fdisk -l"  ? Or with gparted, the partition utility ?09:36
brunnerech0dish: chris.brunner09:36
carreraikonia, when it asked me for number of volumes or disks, I changed the default 2 to 3 and it accepted09:36
ikoniabrunner a 3 way mirror09:37
HariharanHello, I've just installed Ubuntu on my Acer Aspire 4715z and most ov the hardware is working, sound is workin (but very low maxvolume) but mic is not working (it worked before,  with xp) Is there anyone that can help me or point me in the right direction?09:37
brunnerikonia: right09:37
carreraikonia, I think I tried with 2 as well, to no avai09:37
brunnerikonia: it's great for read performance.09:37
ikoniabrunner thats not very common, 2 mirrors and spares is the more common raid 1 configuration09:37
brunnerikonia: well, I'm doing it on a database server09:37
ikoniacarrera: I was just curious to what your setup was09:37
ikoniabrunner: "great"09:37
ikoniacarrera: so what happens when you try to boot ?09:38
sash__unregI have /dev/sda [ /dev/sda1, /dev/sda5, /dev/sda6, /dev/sda7 ] WHat n in  (hd0,n) would /dev/sda6 correspond to?09:38
carreraikonia, still says there's no / partition09:38
ech0dishuser busy09:38
ikoniacarrera can you pastebin your menu.lst please.09:38
jointmantrilobit`: nothing happened when i typed at terminal09:38
carreraikonia, that is I can't even finish the disk partitioning step09:38
xjohnthomasxhi all -- ubuntu intrepid keeps losing my internet connection. it's completely unpredictable, and i need help figuring out what it could be! my signal and router are fine, because i can connect with other computers. i can also connect to it with the 8.10 computer immediately upon restart or starting up a session.. however, after a while, it just cuts out, and then won't reconnect, even though the card is still responding to the netwo09:38
xjohnthomasxrkmanager and the iwlist commands -- and it shows the various available wireless nets.. just tries to connect, gets the good signals, and then in the end doesn't connect!!! what is going on??? i have tried finding bugs, and there seem to be some similar, but none exactly the same... i need to hear some feedback from some experts in here :)09:38
sentiecehow can i remap the live cd to use a iso instead of the cd while it is running?09:39
ikoniaxjohnthomasx: join #ubuntu+1 and try to make your posts shorter09:39
ikoniasentiece: you can't09:39
ikoniacarrera: so you've not actually managed to install yet ?09:39
trilobit`jointman: try this:  sudo fdisk -l  (will ask your own password)09:39
jointmantrilobit`: how do i use the automount command in terminal? i forgot but it automatically reads mounted partitions09:40
ikoniacarrera: I wonder if the installer is trying to use fakefaid rather than software raid.09:40
dontchokeare emails sent by deafult for crons?09:40
ikoniadontchoke: yes09:40
carreraikonia, i don't think so. I've disabled RAID in my MB bios09:40
trilobit`jointman: I don't know that actually. Hehe.09:40
dontchokeikonia how do i disable?09:40
ikoniacarrera: ok, so that seems right09:40
carreraikonia, and the installer shows the 3 drives09:41
ikoniadontchoke: alter the scripts09:41
dontchokeikonia is there a config file somewhere to tell it not to send emails?09:41
ikoniacarrera: so talk me through your disk layout in the installer, how many meta devices ?09:41
ikoniadontchoke: the mails are normally sent frmo the scripts09:41
dontchokeikonia i dont have any mails sent09:41
carreraikonia, what are meta devices?09:41
WIGGMPkHi, im using Hardy Heron and I ran updates today and this is happening... http://pastebin.com/d4289be20 I ran into this problem before and I forgot how this was resolved.. Any help is appreciated.09:41
jointmanTrilobit this is what came out  Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System09:41
jointman/dev/sda1   *           1       19080   153260068+  83  Linux09:41
jointman/dev/sda2           19081       19457     3028252+   5  Extended09:41
jointman/dev/sda5           19081       19457     3028221   82  Linux swap / Solaris09:41
ikoniacarrera: the raid arrayys09:41
FloodBot3jointman: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:41
trilobit`jointman: use a pastebin for pasting next time please.09:42
paul68!ibex |xjohnthomasx09:42
ubottuxjohnthomasx: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - Warning lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, *NOT* #ubuntu09:42
carreraikonia, well, it still shows 3 x 500 GB drives but I now have partitions under each09:42
trilobit`jointman: so that's all it shows?09:42
jmodyou don't makeany sense09:42
xjohnthomasxpaul68, thanks i go tthe msg already : P09:42
trilobit`jointman: sadly you have erased your windows partition.09:42
trilobit`jointman: you have chosen Guided Partition - Use entire disk09:43
ikoniacarrera: ok - so you have partitions, but you then need to create the meta devices as you don't write data to the raw partitions09:43
jmodbut you backed up right09:43
lakhraok, thanks for your help, goodbye !:)09:43
thomasiteHello, everyone. Is anyone here using R (the statistics software)?09:43
ActionParsnipthomasite: not heard of it, sorry09:44
paul68!everyone |thomasite09:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about everyone09:44
carreraikonia, right. do I create meta devices with Manage softwareRAID?09:44
ikoniacarrera I can't quite picture the installer from memory so I don't know the options09:44
thomasiteOkay. Thanks, anyway. :)09:45
carreraikonia, thanks. That's exactly where I get stuck09:45
ActionParsnipthomasite: try a little later09:45
ikoniacarrera: but you basically asssign 2 disk partitions (eg: /dev/sda1 /dev/sda2) to a meta device (eg: /dev/md0) you then put the file system on /dev/md0 and tell the installer that the /dev/md0 partition is where you want to install09:45
ikoniacarrera: so all your partitions should be /dev/md0, /dev/md1, etc etc09:45
ikoniacarrera: for example, my boot parttiion looks like this09:46
ikoniacarrera: /dev/md0              243M   26M  206M  12% /boot09:46
carreraikonia, thanks. I can't find an option where I can do that09:46
ikoniacarrera: tell me what you see on screen09:46
ikoniacarrera: better still, take a screen shot if you can09:47
Hariharanis there anyone that can help me with my mic/audio/problem?09:47
ActionParsnipHariharan: ask away09:47
carreraikonia, I've to put my lapt top beside my server display. I also have to reboot after today's security update. bbl09:47
ikoniacarrera ok09:47
carreraikonia, how can I take a screen shot, digicam?09:48
WIGGMPkCan anyone help me with this http://pastebin.com/d4289be20 im using Hardy Heron amd64 build, and im also using gfxboot grub. I ran into this problem before and dont remember how it was fixed. Please help09:48
ikoniacarrera there is an application in "application" on the menu09:48
carreraikonia, oh, i'm using the alternate CD09:48
ikoniacarrera ahh of course you are09:48
carreraikonia, should I use the Live CD and just download mdamd09:48
ikoniacarrera no, your right to use the alternative cd, shout when your back and I'll talk you through it09:49
GroozerHi all, i'm trying to run a desktop entry from the session manager (to launch at startup), but just putting the path+filename of the entry doesn't work,09:49
HariharanActionParsnip: I've just installed Ubuntu on my Acer Aspire 4715z and most ov the hardware is working, sound is workin (but very low maxvolume) but mic is not working (it worked before,  with xp)09:49
GroozerI can put the path to the app itself, but then the tray icon is missing.09:49
carreraikonia, thands dude... you're awesome09:49
GroozerAny ideas?09:49
ActionParsnipHariharan: ubuntu isnt xp, the fact it works in xp is completely moot09:49
ActionParsnipHariharan: is it an inbuilt mic?09:50
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HariharanActionParsnip: Yes, but it removes the hardwareissues out of scope09:50
trilobit`WIGGMPk: have you tried issuing:  sudo apt-get -f install09:50
HariharanActionParsnip: Yes, it's an builtin mic, but I've tried with an external mic aswell09:51
ActionParsnipHariharan: is the mic input muted?09:51
WIGGMPktrilobit`: not yet, should i go thru each package or can i pass the force with "sudo apt-get upgrade"?09:52
trilobit`WIGGMPk: just type "sudo apt-get -f install" first and nothing else09:52
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trilobit`WIGGMPk: it seems you have some packages unconfigured and that can fix it.09:53
WIGGMPktrilobit`: same outcome09:53
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jointmantrilobit`: how can i reinstall my Windows?09:53
HariharanActionParsnip: I don't think so, I've doubbleclicked the speakericon i top right and changed device to "Capture: Monitor Source of ALSA PCM on front:0" and it is marked on full volume and not muted09:54
trilobit`WIGGMPk: I'd be stuck as well at that point.09:54
HariharanActionParsnip: should I check anywhere else aswell?09:54
WIGGMPktrilobit`: well thanks for taking a look09:54
ActionParsnipHariharan: let me check if theres a tweak for acers on linux09:54
WIGGMPkCan anyone help me with this http://pastebin.com/d4289be20 im using Hardy Heron amd64 build, and im also using gfxboot grub. I ran into this problem before and dont remember how it was fixed. Please help09:54
ActionParsnipHariharan: sure, cant hurt09:54
trilobit`jointman: first you have to make space in your disk. You do that with gparted09:54
geniushow to create separate x session to connect XDMCP inside my LAN?09:55
jointmantrilobit`: do i need to delete the Xubuntu i have now?09:55
trilobit`jointman: not really. You run gparted from that xubuntu install09:55
HariharanActionParsnip: where else can I check for audiosettings in Ubuntu?09:55
trilobit`jointman: you want to keep both systems I presume09:56
scuserhi all, does any one know which package should I install to have nss_ldap.so ?09:56
angelo3 /msg ubottu etiquette09:56
ActionParsnipHariharan: im not familiar with gnome, alsamixer is all i can suggest09:56
ActionParsnipHariharan: make sure your Sound Capture in System-->Preferences-->Sound is set to ALSA09:57
zirodayscuser: I think libnss-ldap09:57
ActionParsnipHariharan: is that set?09:58
ActionParsnipHariharan: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=385739&highlight=HOWTO+microphone09:58
Kartagiswhere can i get a post-it program with alarm and everything?09:58
jointmantrilobit`: how do i partition from gparted?09:59
trilobit`WIGGMPk: what happened to have you experience that ?09:59
trilobit`jointman: it's very similar to partitionMagic09:59
WIGGMPktrilobit`: it only happens when linux-image-'uname -r' and linux-ubuntu-modules, image, etc are updated09:59
ActionParsnipjointman: if you wanna dual boot id install xp first then leave space unallocated for ubuntu, the istaller will offer to us it and your dual bootingness will be automatically handled09:59
HariharanActionParsnip: yes, the settings are set to ALSA09:59
WIGGMPktrilobit`: its directly related to gfxboot grub but i dont remember why10:00
CyberBirdhow can I find out what type of processor I have, 32-bit or 64-bit?10:00
ActionParsnipHariharan: if its ALSA, try OSS10:00
ActionParsnipCyberBird: cat /proc/cpuinfo10:00
ikoniaCyberBird look in your machine bios10:00
CyberBirdI have typed cat /proc/cpuinfo but I see a lot of stuff, where can I find the architecture?10:00
ikoniaCyberBird and give use the model of the cpu10:00
illusionhello? can i ask some question to u guys?10:01
ikoniaillusion please do10:01
ActionParsnipask away10:01
HariharanActionParsnip: OSS does not work, silent when testing on the test-button and Skype can't dial at all10:01
WIGGMPktrilobit`: take a look at line 4, 5, & 6.. its running /sbin/update-grub and running into a problem10:02
illusionhum when i close some windows, they ask me minimize to tray? so i clicked it.10:02
illusionand also i did ps still there the process10:02
illusionbut i cant find the tray icon in my bar.10:02
error404notfoundhow can I permanently set my eth0 mtu to 1492 instead of setting it manually on every boot?10:02
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ikoniaerror404notfound the old tcik is an init script10:03
menardosomebody got information for dtv1800h10:03
HariharanActionParsnip: when I use ALSA it's silent in on the test-button and and Skype can dial (echo123) but I does not hear my self when the service echoes back10:03
Frogzooerror404notfound: system mtu 149210:03
error404notfoundikonia: ahan.. got it :D10:03
illusionany try icon dont place on my taskbar...10:03
WIGGMPktrilobit`: can you pastebin your contents of /sbin/update-grub for me?10:03
Frogzooerror404notfound: oops no guess again...10:03
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illusionsomebody help me out of it !! T_T10:03
ActionParsnipHariharan: is skype set up correctly for your audio setup?10:03
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Frogzooerror404notfound: set "mtu 1492" in /etc/network/interfaces10:04
olskolircim trying to download but im getting this error what should i do?: There is not enough room on the disk to save /tmp/iGQHSblw.part.10:04
olskolircRemove unnecessary files from the disk and try again, or try saving in a different location.10:04
HariharanActionParsnip: Skype is set to use default settings (auto/systemdefault)10:04
olskolircoh never mind ill move the location10:05
ActionParsnipHariharan: defaults suck, tell it whats what and who's who10:05
ActionParsnipHariharan: autodetect sucks harder than dyson10:05
SteveHillDoes anyone else have problems when taking a video player to full screen, and having it green/blue/black out, and requiring reboot?  I've used kernel 2.6.24-21 (and -18 and -19) with similar results.10:05
SteveHillSame hardware works fine in Vista.10:06
trilobit`WIGGMPk: I wouldn't want to update grub right now. The machine I have ubuntu installed is functioning as a file server...10:06
chris4585SteveHill, full screen works perfect for me10:06
WIGGMPktrilobit`: i just need a file to reference my update-grub to10:07
SteveHillIt used to work, chris, but I don't remember when it stopped working.10:07
trilobit`WIGGMPk: hold on I did it.10:07
SteveHillChris, are you using FS video on a desktop or laptop?10:08
trilobit`WIGGMPk: http://pastebin.com/m6425825310:08
sanguisdexso I installed kde just to see what it was like an now on my shut down menu for gnome there are no options for shutting down or restarting.  how do I restore  this?10:09
WIGGMPktrilobit`: no, dont acctually run update-grub... do this.. "gedit /sbin/update-grub"10:09
WIGGMPktrilobit`: then copy and paste the contents of the file10:09
WIGGMPktrilobit`: using pastebin of course10:10
trilobit`WIGGMPk: http://pastebin.com/m132cfa7e10:10
WIGGMPktrilobit`: thanks mate, i appreciate it10:11
trilobit`WIGGMPk: no mention10:11
ActionParsnipWIGGMPk: could install pastebinit ;)10:12
WIGGMPkActionParsnip: eh? whats pasteinit?10:12
ActionParsnip!pastebinit | WIGGMPk10:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pastebinit10:13
crisp1I am trying to do a net-install from usbstick using the mini.iso image. I have followed this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/installation-guide/i386/boot-usb-files.html 'the flexible way' and added the mini.iso to the directory root. This to my understanding should result in a boot to install (i get to the install screen fine) and continue to install as if i had the mini.iso burned to a cd (this doesnt happen, the system searches for an ubuntu image o10:13
ActionParsnip!info pastebinit10:13
ubottupastebinit (source: pastebinit): command-line pastebin client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 8 kB, installed size 84 kB10:13
HariharanActionParsnip:  do you have any other tips or ideas for how to get the mic working?10:14
ActionParsnipWIGGMPk: eg $ pastebinit /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:14
ActionParsnipHariharan: did you read the link i gave?10:14
WIGGMPkActionParsnip: ill have to check that out.. thanks10:14
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HariharanActionParsnip: yes, I'm reading it now10:14
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olskolircim trying to 'make' and im getting an error make stop.  how do I do the prefix/user thing?10:15
chillmanhey guys! i just activated my restricted drivers so that ubuntu supports my graka, but after i have restarted my computer the status says "not in use" and the activation-box is not clicked ... whats that??10:15
chillmansorry, after the restart the activation-box is clicked, but the status is "not in use"... and i can't imagine why he doesnt apply the restricted drivers after the restart10:15
ActionParsnipWIGGMPk: or cat /proc/cpuinfo | pastebinit10:16
ActionParsnipWIGGMPk: just means you can pastebin without a browser10:16
linuxiushi! how can I connect to a USB-device that is recognized but not active in vmware? (http://img262.imageshack.us/my.php?image=usbex0.jpg)10:16
WIGGMPkActionParsnip: cool10:16
ActionParsniplinuxius: is it in device manager?10:18
ActionParsniplinuxius: looks like a winxp VM10:18
linuxiusActionParsnip: it is WinXp...10:18
linuxiusActionParsnip: will check that, second10:18
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linuxiusActionParsnip: the two that are checked on the image are there (without name though... unknown device) but the 3 others arent...10:19
ActionParsniplinuxius: if you swap usb ports round does it switch in the VM (id shutdown the vm first)10:21
jointmandoes anyone here know the automount bash program?10:21
ActionParsniplinuxius: are you using hubs? does it work if you connect direct10:21
ScreaminIkeso whenever i click a FOLDER from my Places menu, it tries to launch it with vlc. wtf?10:22
ScreaminIkehow do i fix that?10:22
ScreaminIkewould nuking my .gnome* dirs help?10:22
tony403router question here? on ddwrt, are any ports open by default? sorry, other rooms are empty10:22
Frogzoojointman: automountd isn't bash - fuserd maybe?10:23
linuxiusActionParsnip: ok, no hubs, directly connected to the laptop. they don't switch in the VM...10:23
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linuxiusActionParsnip: the two checked devices aren't used by the laptop though... they are too new to be supported... (dvb card...)10:24
tynar_someone experienced multiboot manager?10:24
ActionParsniptynar_: grub is a multiboot manager, or is multiboot manager a program10:25
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corpi'm using intrepid, and it has ruby 1.8.7. I want to grab the source package for 1.8.6 and repackage it with my own patch. what would be the best approach for that?10:26
ikonia!ibex > go_beep_yourself10:26
ubottugo_beep_yourself, please see my private message10:26
ikonia!ibex > corp10:26
ubottucorp, please see my private message10:26
HariharanActionParsnip: THANKS ALOT =) =)   My mic is working now10:27
ActionParsnipHariharan: what was the thing that got it working?10:27
HariharanActionParsnip: "Mic Boost" was set to zero volume10:30
ScreaminIke... no one?10:31
ActionParsnipScreaminIke: wassup10:32
HariharanActionParsnip: the recorded audio act very strange, because it has very bad quality and it seems to only  work when micboost is set to max.. >S10:32
ActionParsnipScreaminIke: have you been trying to make a custom menu for media files?10:32
ScreaminIkewhenever i click a FOLDER from my Places menu, it tries to launch it with vlc. how do i fix that? would nuking my .gnome* dirs help?10:33
ScreaminIke... no.10:33
Hariharan* :S10:33
ScreaminIkeno i have not10:33
ActionParsnipHariharan: try with a proper mic, inbuilt mics are utter garbage10:33
ScreaminIkeutter garbage? bad milk?10:33
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HariharanActionParsnip: I am doing just that, and this (external) mic is workin very well with my other computer10:34
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ActionParsnipScreaminIke: what have you changed before the behaviour happened?10:35
ScreaminIke:) upgraded to alpha, then beta, and installed ubuntustudio-desktop on top of ubuntu-desktop10:36
ScreaminIkelets say i nuke .gnome2, .gnome2private, .gnome, .gconf, and .gconfd... would that halp? what would that do?10:37
cleatonhow can i use more then 4.8bg ram in ubuntu?10:37
ScreaminIkecleaton, get a second mobo/processor10:38
HariharanActionParsnip: Ive fixed the quality now.. it must be something with the boost, because I must have the boost on max volume ( = alot of disting ), but when I allow Skype to adjust the volume the quality becomes very good and clear10:38
cleatoni got 6gb ram but ubuntu seems to only recognize 4.810:38
ActionParsnipScreaminIke: reset your gnome settings to defaults10:38
Frogzoocleaton: bios issue?10:38
ActionParsnipHariharan: smooth move dude, if we get any skypevolume issues, you are the man to ask10:38
ScreaminIkeActionParsnip: is that... would that nuke my mail?10:38
cleatonvista shows 6gb10:38
ActionParsnipScreaminIke: what do you use for mail?10:38
cleatonand bios too10:39
ScreaminIkecleaton: but it's lying. it cant actually use all that.10:39
Frogzoocleaton: you're running 64bit of course10:39
ActionParsnipcleaton: did you install 32bit linux by any chance?10:39
ScreaminIkeActionParsnip: Evolution10:39
Sarujihello room nice to be here10:39
cleatoni am running 64bit of course, otherwise i wouldn't see 4.8gb10:40
SarujiHow is everybody doing?  Looks like a lot of questions are poping up10:40
HariharanActionParsnip: Skype is only changing the volume on the "Capture"-recordingdevice, not the "Mic Boost"-device10:40
ActionParsnipScreaminIke: if you find out what folder evolution uses and make sure its not a subfolder of those folder10:40
cleatonScreaminIke: what did you mean that i have to get a second mobo/processor?10:40
ActionParsnipScreaminIke: id rename instead of deleting so you have a fallback10:40
ScreaminIkeActionParsnip: is that the suggested method for fixing this? nuke everything?10:40
ScreaminIkecleaton: no consumer processor on the market can actually UTILIZE more than 4.8 gb of ram10:41
ActionParsnipScreaminIke: its worth a test, you can always roll back10:41
ScreaminIkecleaton: so even if your os says it's there, it's NEVER going to use the extra 1.2gb10:41
HariharanActionParsnip: now I just have to fix the weebcam and then this computer is fully compatible with Ubuntu 8.04 :)10:41
cleatonoh ok10:41
ActionParsnipScreaminIke: do you mean a single core? please be more specific10:41
Hariharanbut that's another story10:41
ScreaminIkeActionParsnip: no processor. period.10:42
cleatoni guess i have to check my specs10:42
ActionParsnipScreaminIke: what about 64bit CPUs10:42
ScreaminIkeActionParsnip: 64bit doubled the capability of 32bit.10:43
ScreaminIkeso 32 bit could only use 2.4gb10:43
SarujiHey everybody I have a question.  I'm downloading the Ubuntu 8.04 LTS and was wondering what kernel it uses10:43
ActionParsnipScreaminIke: so it has 64bit memory address registers?10:43
HariharanActionParsnip: do you have any hints on webcam problematics? Skype can testrun the cam, and it is started (the green led is lit) but the testscreen is all black10:43
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ActionParsnipHariharan: ive not seen much success with webcams10:44
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ScreaminIkeActionParsnip: wait... i think i was unclear when i said that 64bit doubled the capability of 32bit. i meant it HAS twice teh capability.10:44
PavillionI used https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HP_Pavillion_dv6000_(dv6604nr) to get wifi working on that specific model of laptop except I'm using 8.04 64-bit rather than 7.10 64-bit but it did include extra tips for hardy users. My wifi still does not function, any recommendations?10:44
ActionParsnipScreaminIke: yes allowing much more data to be accessed and giving 64bit address registers and data busses10:45
ScreaminIkeActionParsnip: but still limited. just because you can buy 2 bleeding edge ramsticks with your bleeding edge processor doesn't mean that your processor can actually address the entire memory.10:46
ActionParsnipScreaminIke: if you have a single 64bit cpu in a server mobo you cn address 8Gb10:46
ScreaminIkeActionParsnip: i think you are mistaken.10:47
PavillionI have also tried the 32-bit version of 8.04 with the same result, does anyone know anything about getting ndiswrapper working?10:48
mrxmikehow do i check what version i got installed? :D:D10:48
Kian84hi guys! need help to install openoffice.org 3! i downloaded the tar.gz file for linux (ubuntu), extracted it, found the right deb that satisfied all dependencies and installed it. but now openoffice doesn't show up in my main menu... how can i do?10:48
erUSUL!version | mrxmike10:48
ubottumrxmike: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -rc » in a !shell10:48
mrxmikei got (k)ubuntu on this box, with .. kde .. but i wanna move to gnome10:48
mrxmikeim a bit fed up with kde atm10:48
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pure10:48
ActionParsnipScreaminIke: its offtopic10:48
cleatonScreaminIke: hmm i can find no such limitation from the hardware, the only info i can get is that my motherboard can't have more then 8gb ram10:48
mrxmikethanks erUSUL10:48
erUSUL!puregnome | mrxmike10:49
ubottumrxmike: If you want to remove all !KDE packages and have a default !Ubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome »10:49
bazhangmrxmike, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop10:49
ActionParsnip!ndiswrapper | Pavillion10:49
ubottuPavillion: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:49
mrxmikeerUSUL: muchos gracias10:49
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erUSULmrxmike: no hay de que (es "muchas" )10:49
PavillionActionParsnip: does this guide https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HP_Pavillion_dv6000_(dv6604nr) not cover ndiswrapper setup well enough?10:49
mrxmikeerUSUL: i dont speak spanish or something ::D10:50
ActionParsnipPavillion: the bit starting from cabextract is where you wanna start10:51
mrxmikehow is intrepid doin fellas?10:51
ActionParsnipmrxmike: its out on 30th10:51
ScreaminIkecleaton and ActionParsnip: if the mobo says it supports 8gb... then it may be me who is mistaken... if that's the case... then i honestly don't know, except that you may be using a 32-bit ubuntu10:52
bazhangmrxmike, #ubuntu+1 for info and discussion10:52
ScreaminIkeActionParsnip: also, nuking the dirs didn't halp10:52
mrxmikeis it released10:52
PavillionActionParsnip: I followed that guide exactly and my wifi remains non-functional10:52
mrxmikeor will it be on the 30th?10:52
cleatonthis is weird...10:52
bazhang10/30 mrxmike10:52
mrxmikeahhh well, then ill upgrade my hardy already....10:53
HariharanActionParsnip: I have found one more strange issue with my audio..10:53
ActionParsnipPavillion: did you add ndiswrapper to /etc/modules10:53
mrxmikeim always early... ; ) .. takes down a little pressure from the server as well.. :)10:53
PavillionActionParsnip: yes10:53
ActionParsnipHariharan: is there a thing to switch it on like a switch or FN + hotkey?10:53
ScreaminIkeActionParsnip: but uhm... right-clicking a folder and choosing "Open Folder" as the default application did. i'm so stupid.10:53
mrxmike!upgrade intrepid10:54
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:54
ActionParsnipPavillion: are you using hardy?10:54
PavillionActionParsnip: yes10:54
ActionParsnipScreaminIke: you got a result so you arent :)10:54
HariharanActionParsnip: when I use the mute-key on my keyboard I mute my mic, not my mastervolume, and the OSD shows the volume of the mic instead of the master output..10:54
PavillionActionParsnip: I've tried both 32-bit and 64-bit10:54
ActionParsnipdid you do the "Note for hardy users" bit?10:54
HariharanActionParsnip: yes, its Fn+F810:55
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PavillionActionParsnip: if the guide was not to work for hardy, what is the point of the hardy users section?10:55
ActionParsnipPavillion: its the next section10:55
mrxmikedo i just need to add the 8.10 repos and then run dist-upgrade to upgrade from hardy to intrepid?10:55
FirewingGreetings, I have a Dell Laptop with a Intel ICH8 Chipset and after updating the kernel modules today the sound-device is broken. (no driver loaded and I can't find it in /lib/modules/<kernelversion>) Got any advice, except to compile my own kernel? ^^10:55
ActionParsnipPavillion: as there are a few releases of ubuntu previous to hardy (?)10:55
HariharanActionParsnip: The button itself is woking, as I am toggleing mic recording, but the map is wrong, as it should mute master output10:56
ActionParsnipHariharan: you could assign a hotkey to capture it and make it mute something else10:56
ActionParsnip!keyboard | Hariharan10:56
ubottuHariharan: To switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard (GNOME) - KDE: K -> System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout (KDE) - Xfce: see https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html - See also !Shortcuts10:56
HariharanActionParsnip:  do you know where to change the map for OSD/Hotkeys?10:56
ScreaminIkeone more thing: my gnome-menues are PWNED. completely. there is no Games menu, and Add/Remove Applications is in the Other submenu... as are all the apps which should be in Games. is there a way to ONLY reset the menubar?10:56
PavillionActionParsnip: I followed the Hardy notes as well and I do not understand your last statement, will you rephrase?10:56
carreraikonia, are u around?10:57
ScreaminIkejust let it rebuild? cuz it doesn't have this error for NEW users.10:57
ActionParsnipPavillion: which one?10:57
PavillionActionParsnip: "as there are a few releases of ubuntu previous to hardy (?)"10:57
ActionParsnipScreaminIke: you can arrange it as you see fit. i dont use gnome myself but im sure there are guides10:58
ActionParsnipPavillion: there have been previous releases of ubuntu like dapper, gutsy, breezy. Hardy is not the first release and the otehrs are still supported, so they have taken that into consideration10:58
ActionParsnipPavillion: its like having a guide only for windows server 08 when 2003 and 2000 still exist and are massively used. They are covering all releases10:59
HariharanActionParsnip: The keyboardshortcut is correct, "Mute" points to 0xa0 (which is Fn+F8) but the mute-mapping is wrong because I toggle mute on mic instead of mute on master10:59
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PavillionActionParsnip: so how should i go about getting my wifi to work?11:00
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ActionParsnipHariharan: then change the action that occurs when its pressed11:00
mrxmikehow do i upgrade hardy to intrepid?11:00
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HariharanActionParsnip: do you know where I change that action?11:00
ActionParsnipPavillion: run through the hardy extra bit11:00
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ActionParsnipHariharan: no idea dude11:00
PavillionActionParsnip: I did O_O11:00
ActionParsnipPavillion: and then did you reboot?11:01
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PavillionActionParsnip: yep11:01
ActionParsnipPavillion: and still no success with scanning?11:01
PavillionActionParsnip: correct11:01
Martiinivlc video opens in a separate window for me ... anyone know how to fix this ??11:01
ActionParsnipPavillion: maybe there is another guide you can check11:02
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ScreaminIkemartiini the NEW vlc? no. i think that's a default functionality, now.11:02
PavillionActionParsnip: should i try madwifi?11:03
ActionParsnipPavillion: cant hurt to try, it can always be uninstalled11:03
ActionParsnipPavillion: id install the restricted extras as well (if only to test)11:03
PavillionActionParsnip: tried those first attempt, no success11:03
ActionParsnipPavillion: welcome to broadcom hell11:04
PavillionActionParsnip: lol11:04
zetheroohow can I get the wifi LED working?11:04
Kartagisturn it on11:05
constrictoranyone know what package provides kdialog11:05
Kartagiswhere can i get a post-it program with alarm and everything?11:05
zetherooturn what on?11:05
MartiiniScreaminIke:  how do i get older version of vlc in intrepid11:06
nadoi got problems mounting a partition11:06
Kartagiszetheroo, use madwifi or ndiswrapper11:06
Kartagis!madwifi | zetheroo11:06
ubottuzetheroo: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs11:06
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kdialog11:07
zetherooKartagis : the wireless is working fine ... just not the LED ..11:07
Kartagisoh, no idea about that zetheroo11:07
GabbrieL_GNUHi, im from Brazil, more anyone here?11:07
zetherooKartagis : yeah thanks ... like I said the card is working fine ...11:07
zetheroono worries then11:08
tarelerulzI converted some movies into mpeg 4  xvid  and mp3 aac and totem can play the sound ,but it seems to mess up on the video part . Like the sound will play normal ,but the video don't movie and play .   What can I do11:09
nadoi got 3 partitions. one is mounted as root, the second is ntfs and the third one is ext3. both last ones are mounted automatically as soon as i select them under media, without any entries in fstab. but while the ntfs partition is writable for me then, the ext3 partition is read only11:09
nadocan anybody help?11:09
GabbrieL_GNUAlguem fala portugues aqui?11:09
ActionParsnipnado: you need to add a umask to the fstab so its user writable11:10
bazhang!pt | GabbrieL_GNU11:10
ubottuGabbrieL_GNU: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.11:10
poontHi, I just did that crucial update that  appeared last night and now I cannot set my screen resolution and all my settings have dissapeared... Help!11:10
ActionParsnipnado: websearch for mount usb user writable and you will get the mount options you need11:11
nadoActionParsnip: would that look like this? /dev/sda1       /home/nado/backup ext3 defaults,noauto,users,rw 0 211:11
GabbrieL_GNUubottu: are you a man or a AI ?11:11
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:11
ActionParsnipnado: back up your fstab and try it11:12
GabbrieL_GNUubottu: bot = AI, ok?11:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bot = ai, ok?11:12
ActionParsnipGabbrieL_GNU: he's ok11:12
nadoActionParsnip: did it with that line. does not work. suddenly the folder becomes accessible for root only11:13
poontbecome root?11:13
ActionParsnipnado: try uid=0000 on the end11:13
ActionParsnipnado: have a wesearch11:14
nadoActionParsnip: simply add it to the end of the line?11:14
nadoActionParsnip: yup, i'm on it... thanks anyways11:14
ActionParsnipnado: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/misc/48196-can-someone-explain-writable-partition-becomes-read-only.html11:15
nadoActionParsnip: thanks, i'll have a look11:15
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Martiinihaha .. firefox 3 crashed my whole gnome gnome desktop 3 mins ago11:18
scuserhi all, what changes should I make in the nss-ldap.conf to force the system go through kerberos authentication ?11:19
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poontArgh something has gone very wrong! not only have I lost my old settings, and my ability to set a decent widescreen resolution, when i click on "system" "places" and so on random programmes load. Now my keyboard is set to american.11:22
waanHow can I find out what my touchpad scroll up/down buttons are called, I'd like to bind them to volume up/down11:23
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firsmwaan: xev11:25
waanfirsm: thanks11:26
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waanfirsm: Hmm the only problem now is, how to separate them from the touchpad scrolling, because they report as the same buttons11:27
olskolirchey guys how do I dock my tools in gimp 2.4.6 please?11:28
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mO_oRlaunching "ffmpeg -r 60 -g 600 -s 1024x768 -f x11grab -i :0.0 -vcodec qtrle screencast.mov" i recieved "Unknown input or output format: x11grab" what's wrong? ffmpeg was compiled with "--enable-x11grab" option11:29
Orbixx-eeeMy laptop keyboard has the pipe character on the 'Z' key, but I cannot get it to print the pipe char, how can I configure it so it does?11:30
Orbixx-eeeLike, alt+z11:31
hiptobecubiccan the -exclude flag of rsync be used to avoid entire directories? even if the files inside don't match the pattern?11:31
Orbixx-eeehiptobecubic, Yes.11:31
hiptobecubicso if i want to exclude a directory called kde and kdei    -exclude=kde*/ ?11:32
Orbixx-eeeyou should create a file  with a list of stuff to exclude11:32
Orbixx-eeebetter way to do it11:32
aaronwhat command can I run to see what hardware my system picked up?11:32
Orbixx-eeehiptobecubic, I think there's an --exclude-file11:33
Orbixx-eeeor something11:33
hiptobecubicOrbixx, yes i see that... ok11:34
Frogzooaaron: you can run dmesg, cat /var/log/messages or lshw11:35
Orbixx-eeehiptobecubic, you may have to see if a trailing slash is required or not, or whether it matters, I cannot remember11:35
Justcamerondoes anyone know which command I should use to switch users in ubuntu?11:35
ikoniaJustcameron same as every other linux11:35
ikoniaJustcameron what user do you want to switch user to11:36
Justcameronikonia: Cameron11:36
ikoniaJustcameron: what user are you now11:36
ikoniaJustcameron: so su - Cameron11:36
ikoniaJustcameron: or sudo -c Cameron $command to execute a command as cameron11:37
aaronmy vlc won't play dvd's....can someone help?11:38
Justcameronikonia: sorry I should have been more specific, I want to switch the desktop (I think it's called an x session?) - similar to Quit -> Switch User11:38
ikoniaJustcameron thre is a fast switch applet, but I don't rate it, so the correct way would be to log out and back in as that user11:38
poontHey I am having resolution problems since resetting after the update last night. I want to set it to widescreen but the best offered is 600x480?11:38
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BonezAUHi, is there any way in Ubuntu to activate the middle mouse click button in Firefox so that I can scroll up and down the page? Every time I click the middle mouse wheel currently I get an error message saying the URL is invalid. THanks11:40
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ink1hey, I currently am under a 64 bit rig, and have a "server" (kind of old) 32 bit computer. I am needing to put my game server on my "server", but I get errors from bash that is cannot execute the binary.. I have tried the -m32 option on g++ and ld, but to no avail11:41
ink1Desktop - Running Ubuntu Hardy Desktop 64 bit11:41
ink1Server - Running Ubuntu Hardy Server 32 bit11:41
ikoniaink1 what game is it11:42
ikoniaink1: you want to move the game from your 64bit desktop your 32bit server yes/no ?11:42
ink1ikonia: I game I am developing11:42
ikoniaink1: are you compiling it on the 64bit host or the 32bit host ?11:43
hathiwalahow to install gtk 2.10.13 in ubuntu 6.0611:43
ink164 bit host with the -m32 option to compile a 32 bit exe11:43
ink1well w/e11:43
ikoniaink1: I'm not sure 64bit gcc wil support -m32 on ubuntu as it's not multilib11:43
ikoniaink1: compile it ont he 32bit host11:43
ikoniaink1: also keep in mind the path differences on the libraries11:44
ink1well, the project is set up to be compiled on an IDE11:44
hathiwalais it possible to install gtk 2.10.13 in ubuntu 6.0611:44
ink1unless I have a GUI isntalled on the server...11:44
ikoniaink1: ide doesn't make a difference if the compiler is not multi-lib11:44
ink1I installed the multilib packages11:44
ink1that is how I got it to -m3211:44
ikoniaink1: do gcc -v11:44
hathiwalais it possible to install gtk 2.10.13 in ubuntu 6.0611:44
ikoniacheck it out11:45
ikoniahathiwala: stop asking every 5 seconds11:45
ikonia!patience | hathiwala11:45
ubottuhathiwala: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines11:45
ink1hathiwala: should be...11:45
ikoniaink1 that doesn't look multi-lib to me11:46
ikoniaink1: do an ldd on the binary and see what it's linked against11:46
ink1ikonia: so how do I use the multilib I installed?11:46
ikoniaink1: I don't think gcc is built multi-lib11:47
ikoniaink1: I'm pretty confident it's not11:47
ink1ldd: exited with unknown exit code (139)11:47
ikoniaink1: doesn't look like the binary built properly11:47
ink1that is on the 32 bit machine11:48
ink1sorry, did you want 64?11:48
ikoniaink1: LOOKS 64BIT11:48
ikoniasorry, didn't mean to hit caps11:48
ikoniaink1: run "file executable" where executable is the name of the game11:48
error404notfoundhow can I check how much swap I have from commandline?11:48
ikoniaerror404notfound: free11:49
ink1-bash: run: command not found11:49
error404notfoundikonia: free, yup :D11:49
ikoniaink1: run is not a command11:49
ink1what did you want??11:49
ikoniarun the command "file" against the executable11:50
ink1ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), statically linked (uses shared libs), stripped11:50
ikoniaHmmm not what I expected11:50
ikoniathe only thing I can think of then is that it's 32bit but looking in the wrong place for the 32bit libs it's linked against11:51
ink1hmmm, maybe11:51
kianhow do i restart eth0 ?11:51
ikoniakian define restart11:51
trigpinneed help network aplet gone =(11:51
kianwell i want to renew its ip11:51
ikoniakian it will do that on it's own when the lease expires11:51
ink1ikonia: just a side note, that 32 bit version still runs under 6411:52
ikoniaink1 you said you had installed the multi-lib stuff, so thats why11:52
ikoniaink1: but that also may expalin the problem11:53
kiani just reserved its ip and restarted the dhcp server. should it not have updated itself then?11:53
ikoniaink1: the 32bit libs on the 64bit host are not in the same place as the 64bit host11:53
ink1yea, it wouldn't compile w/o them11:53
ikoniakian: it will when the lease expires11:53
ikoniaink1: so you need to cross-compile it, or built it on a native 32bit host11:53
ink1c ya11:53
chaddykian: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart11:54
kianikonia: how long does that take usually, its been 5 minutes already and i want my server to come back online lol11:54
BonezAUHi, is there any way in Ubuntu to activate the middle mouse click button in Firefox so that I can scroll up and down the page? Every time I click the middle mouse wheel currently I get an error message saying the URL is invalid. Thanks11:55
kiancool thanks chaddy :)11:55
chaddyBonezAU: do you have a mouse with a wheel?11:55
trigpinneed help network applet its gone =(11:55
chaddyBonezAU: if so roll the wheel11:55
chaddytrigpin: alt + f2, nm-applet11:56
strAlan_is there a decent guide for integrating an LDAP network into Active Directory?11:57
trigpinchaddy,  no luck11:57
chaddytrigpin: with which part?11:57
trigpinchaddy,  it does not appear in panel11:58
rockyrocki'm a C programmer and i want to write C programs in Ubuntu, what do i need to do that?11:59
erUSULrockyrock: build-essential for a start then a text editor ;)11:59
chaddytrigpin: try alt + f2, gnome-panel, alt + f2, nm-applet11:59
erUSUL!info anjuta | rockyrock11:59
ubotturockyrock: anjuta (source: anjuta): A GNOME development IDE, for C/C++. In component universe, is optional. Version 2:2.4.1-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 1777 kB, installed size 4540 kB12:00
strAlan_can someone help me w/ my LDAP/AD question ?12:00
rockyrockerUSUL: so all i need is anjuta?12:00
OsamaKWhat the command (or tool or way) to clean up all "filename.xx~" files? And what is it called?12:00
chaddystrAlan_: /join #openldap12:00
kianis there a system crash log in ubuntu server 8.04? and if so where can i look at it12:01
chaddyOsamaK: clean up? do you mean delete?12:01
strAlan_chaddy, thanks I'll check it out12:01
OsamaKchaddy: yeah12:01
trigpinchaddy, found it , right click , add to panel , drag notification on to it12:01
chaddyOsamaK: rm12:02
trigpinchaddy, works now12:02
chaddytrigpin: cool12:02
chaddytrigpin: sounds like you killed your notification area12:02
rockyrockerUSUL: i want to use Netbeans, so do i need to install anything else?12:02
trigpinchaddy, yep , been playing round with panels =)12:03
tonohow make resolution in ubuntu12:03
OsamaKthis is the most basic way, chaddy.. I'm talking about removing all "temp (filename.txt~)" files12:03
chaddyOsamaK: I think you probably want rm -rf *.xx*, but check with ls first12:03
tonohello any body here12:03
tonoi need help for resolution12:04
chaddyOsamaK: are you asking for regex advice, or what?12:04
tonoin ubuntu12:04
dontchokehow doi run a start up shell script?12:04
OsamaKchaddy: this is very basic, what about removing these files for all filetypes.12:04
ikonia!init > dontchoke12:04
ubottudontchoke, please see my private message12:04
chaddydontchoke: chmod +x to make it executable then, sh /path/to/script.sh12:04
tonoi need advice \12:04
OsamaKchaddy: No, I am not. It is about removing "temp" files.12:04
ikoniatono: you've said12:04
trigpintono, top left , system > screen resolution12:04
ikonia!patience > tono12:04
ubottutono, please see my private message12:04
Ven]nis http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/intrepid/beta#Download daily builds?12:05
tonoi install ubuntu in my computer but the resolution screen to big12:05
chaddyOsamaK: I don't understand you, it's clearly so basic that you're not making yourself clear ;-P12:05
ikoniaVen]n: there are no deaily builds, it's a beta12:05
Ven]nwhen was that beta released?12:05
chaddyOsamaK: you may want rm -rf /tmp/*12:05
ikoniaVen]n: week ago or so12:05
Ven]ni read somewhere that rc1 was gonna be released 10th12:06
ikoniaberry: weill, it's not12:06
j4manybody with python knowledge12:06
ikoniaj4m: loads of people in #python12:06
chaddyj4m: lots of people in #python12:06
BonezAUchaddy, very funny. I want to be able to click the wheel and then scroll up and down with speed, like I can on Windows.12:06
aaronvlc will not play dvds...can someone help?12:07
chaddyBonezAU: you'd be surprised12:07
j4mcan anybody help me with how to load indexes on RAM12:07
chaddyBonezAU: aiui that's a microsoft intellimouse feature12:07
spidlaaaron : dou you have necessary codesc / libraries ?12:07
BonezAUchaddy, yes that does work, but very slow. I want to be able to click and scroll a huge page fast12:07
BonezAUchaddy, it used to work on my previous ubuntu install, just not now12:07
chaddyBonezAU: you can change the scroll speed in firefox preferences12:08
aaroncan you specify which ones and where to check?12:08
ikonia!codecs > aaron12:08
ubottuaaron, please see my private message12:08
spidlaaaron : some Dvds needs special libraries beacuse of some kind of encryption or something12:08
vipulis it possible to install gtk 2.10.13 on ubuntu 6.06 ?12:08
spidlaaaron : libdvdcss i think12:08
spidlaaaron : eait12:08
ikoniavipul: not from the ubuntu repos12:08
aaronyes it is installed12:08
vipulfor that where should i go ?12:08
BonezAUchaddy, thanks for your help, but you really are just trying to give me a workaround. I want to know if it's possible to use the feature that I'm enquiring about12:09
ikoniavipul: ubuntu has not packaged it for 6.0612:09
wpI have to copy a LARGE amount of text from a text document into a dialog box inf forefox (into the SQL dialog box in phpAdmin). I have found a method for copying the text without problems, but when i paste it into the dialog my computer will chrash... any ideas?12:09
spidlaw32codecs are usefull and you need libdvdcss2 exactly12:09
aaronlibdvdnav: Can't read name block. Probably not a DVD-ROM device.12:10
aaronlibdvdnav: Unable to find map file '/home/aaron/.dvdnav/.map'12:10
tonohow change resolution screen in ubuntu12:10
chaddyBonezAU: this might help: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-244465.html12:11
trigpintono, top left , system > screen resolution12:11
spidlaaaron : looks like libdvdnav is for supporting DVD menus12:11
tono640x480 to 1024x78612:11
BonezAUchaddy, thanks, I will read12:11
tonoin screen resolution only high 640x48012:11
aaronhow do I install it or upgrade it12:12
spidlaaaron : it seems like wrong configuration od libdvdnav .. try dpkg-reconfigure12:12
trigpintono, you need to install driver probally12:12
ikoniaaaron: read the PM ubottu sent you12:12
BonezAUchaddy, lol, it was autoscrolling that I had to enable, nothing other than that :P thanks for the assistance12:12
tonoyes all ready install driver12:12
ikoniatono: what card do you have and how did you install the driver12:13
spidlaaaron :actually I dont have this library and DVDs are working12:13
spidlamaybe you should uninstall libdvdnav12:13
tonobut still like that n no change12:13
ikoniatono: what card do you have and how did you install the driver12:13
chaddyBonezAU: sorry I didn't work out what you were after quicker, never realized you could do that on ubuntu ;)12:13
spidlait should be package libdvdnav412:13
tonomy card nvidia12:13
ikoniatono: and how did you install the drivers12:13
tonon i install from synapticepakage12:14
ikoniatono: which package did you install12:14
BonezAUchaddy, no problems mate... i am really happy now that it is working... and thank you again!12:14
aaronthanks ikonia...but I have tried that...and nothing works12:14
ikoniatono: and which card do you have exactly12:14
chaddyno worries, BonezAU, I now know it's called auto-scroll, so you've taught me a lesson12:15
tonomy card is nvidia12:15
BonezAUchaddy, inadvertently you have also taught me a lesson, so it's cool. :)12:16
aaronsince the upgrade my dvd player won't mount...how can I test this?12:17
spidlaaaron: and other players are working ?12:17
aaronno none12:18
aaronk3b is not working either ...it trys to open the dvdrom but brings back an error....this was working fine before the upgrade12:19
dr_williscould be the  links in /dev/dvd are wrong.12:19
chaddyaaron: what error does k3b report?12:19
spidlalokk in dmesg12:19
spidlaand try to find some errors about that12:20
spidlaor in syslog12:20
aaron(K3bDevice::ScsiCommand) failed:12:20
aaron                           command:    READ (10) (28)12:20
aaron                           errorcode:  7012:20
aaron                           sense key:  HARDWARE ERROR (4)12:20
aaron                           asc:        812:20
FloodBot3aaron: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:20
aaron                           ascq:       312:20
dr_willisTime to learn about Pastebin arron12:20
dr_willisoops aaron12:20
dr_willis!pastebin | aaron12:20
ubottuaaron: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)12:20
dr_willisaaron,  also install/use the pastebinit command.12:20
Halyconhey everyone is it possible to have multiple shortcut keys assigned to something using gnome? I want to have my remote control and my keyboard multimedia keys assigned to the same function12:21
dr_willisHalycon,  shoudl be able to do that.  Dependign onhow the remote  works12:22
Halycondr_willis: how would I go about it? The keyboard shortcut doesnt seem to let me set more then one shortcut key12:23
scuserhi all, does anyone know how to modify simple authentication in ldap ?12:23
dr_willisHalycon,  depends omn how the remote works..  some use  that lIRC protocoll - you could set their keys to send the same keypress as the mediakey perhaps.12:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lirc12:24
Halycondr_willis: Yeah right now the remote is just set as a HID it doesn't use LIRC I wasn't able to figure out how to get it to work right12:24
dr_willisNo idea on that then Halycon  theres dozens of kinds of remotes..12:25
stwange__hey, I'm having trouble installing ubuntu, it keeps bringing me to busybox after the initial menu. I've tried two different ISOs and 3 CDs burnt from 3 operating systems/two computers. I've also noticed that BIOS/GRUB is taking 10-15 seconds to load now, could this be related? Is it possible bad RAM is causing this?12:25
Halycondr_willis: Yeah it is a ATI Remote Wonder it is supposed to work with LIRC but I have no idea how, I have been messing around with it all day trying to get stuff to work12:25
dr_willisHalycon,  the mythbuntu forums i recall having a lot of info on remotes. I only have 2 remotes.. and i dont even use them any more12:26
aaronis there a gui device manager in ubuntu?12:27
wpIf i want to write "year" into a new document like ("year" >> year.txt) how do I do that?12:28
vallhalla81aaron: what device do you need to manage?12:28
dr_willisaaron,  to do what task exactly?    There is a hardware driver control tool, and some other tools..12:28
wpfrom the terminal of course12:28
dr_williswp,  echo year >> year.txt12:28
dr_williswp,  you may want to read a few bash starter guides. :)12:28
aaronI want to see if my cdrom has been installed properly?12:28
=== GaMbi_ is now known as dasdsda
dr_willisaaron,  pop in a cd.. and see if you can mount the thing manually12:29
aaronperhaps that is where the problem is with not being able to mount dvds12:29
aaronI can't12:29
wpdr_willis thank you.... I have done that... just ages since i used echo and forgot about it ;)12:29
aaronI tried with mount command12:29
dr_willistheres not a lot to 'installing' a cd/dvd..  the links in /dev/  may be incorrect and you may need touse /dev/scd0 or /dev/sd##12:29
vallhalla81aaron: in a terminal type lshw12:29
vallhalla81then pastebin it12:29
dr_williswp,  echo is handy. :) with wildcards its even handier.. :) try 'echo *' some day for a cheap mans  'ls'12:29
dasdsdawhat is the full command to be identifyed? I cant change name to the one i maid last night (GaMbi_DK)12:30
kianhow do I check for updates in ubuntu server 8.04?12:30
dasdsdanormaly i can change name and it just asks me to do /nickserv identify password12:30
vallhalla81kian: sudo apt-get install update12:30
dr_williserr.. 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade' I thought.12:31
cratukiWhat's a good way to test if my network is being hammered? I'm expecting it will be something like iostat, netstat.12:31
stwange__can anyone suggest why I'm getting a BusyBox terminal when I try to install ubuntu? I don't think the disk is corrupt (it's not the first attempt), I've tried it with two different hard drives and two different ISOs12:32
wpdr_willis ahhh... he he... how do I use tabulator in echo??12:32
dr_williswp,  Huh?12:32
jribstwange__: did you run "check the cd for defects"?12:32
aaronok I ran lshw12:32
aaronwhat am I looking for?12:32
dr_willisstwange__,  try the cd's in vmware/virtualbox also :) see if they isntall properly there.12:32
stwange__jrib - I get the busybox client if I do that12:32
wpdr_willis the button with the 2 arrows pointing in oposit direction12:33
underwraps_2kstwange__: which Ubuntu and do you ever see 'Ubuntu' ?12:33
hsa2is there any gtk application to show special chars12:33
jribstwange__: did you check the md5sum of the iso?12:33
dr_williswp,  you mean the Tab Key?12:33
vallhalla81aaron: cn you paste the results in pate bin12:33
zirodayhsa2: yes, character map12:33
wpdr_willis yep12:33
stwange__dr_willis I tried that with the ISO I'm currently using, I haven't tried the CD though, one second12:33
hsa2ziroday: charactar map? is it its name?12:33
stwange__jrib - no, but again the iso worked with vmware12:33
tyberionis anyone using an external monitor here?12:33
jribhsa2: gnome-character-map12:33
zirodayhsa2: you can find it in Applications > Accesories > Character Map12:33
dr_williswp,  the tab charcter is control-t if i rember properly. and theres some special way you can 'echo' it to a file.. if thats what you are asking.12:33
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)12:33
Orbixx-eeeHow do I get my webcam working?12:33
zirodaytyberion: what is your question?12:33
stwange__underwraps_2k 8.04 and yeah I see the ubuntu menu, and then I see a ubuntu loading screen before BusyBox comes up12:34
jribstwange__: you need to actually check md5sums12:34
dr_willisstwange__,  could be that pc has some weird hardware thats confusing the  installer/disrto.12:34
=== ubuntu_ is now known as CyberBird
wpdr_willis I want to echo it, yes...12:34
tyberionziroday: is there a guide on howto set up the use of external monitors12:34
zirodayOrbixx: I presume for the eee12:34
zirodaytyberion: what graphics card?12:34
hsa2ziroday: i am using xfce actually :)12:34
hsa2i am looking for a similar app12:34
tyberionziroday: since Im getting a dockstation this friday12:34
jribstwange__: if that's ok, I would try the alternate cd12:34
Orbixx-eeeziroday, yes.12:34
tyberionziroday: nvidia geforce go 740012:34
stwange__dr_willis - the hardware is identical to the last time I installed ubuntu (7.04), apart from an extra hard drive, which I've tried removing12:34
zirodayOrbixx: one sec12:34
dr_williswp,  time to check bash guides for printing  'whitespace'  charcters I think. :) i dont recall how.  you could set the tab character ins ome variable then echo the variable.12:34
stwange__dr_willis is it possible the RAM/motherboard is dying? Grub also takes 10-15 seconds to load12:35
dr_willisstwange__,  that does sound weird.12:35
zirodaytyberion: you might want to install the package nvidia-settings it contains an easy application for configuring externel monitors12:35
FUNSOOFER08Hello guys i have a problem please12:35
dasdsda7nick GaMbi_DK12:35
stwange__wp do CTRL+V then <TAB> and try that12:35
wpjrib: hay... I did not thank you for helping med with the xclip problem monday... my computer chrashed... but now I am able to say "thank you" ;)12:35
zirodayOrbixx: please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC/Fixes#Webcam12:35
dr_willisstwange__,  i have an issue with a machine takintg a long time to get to GRUB also.. since i added a new hard drive.. try removeing the new HD and see if it changes things.12:35
FUNSOOFER08Anyone can help me ? :s12:35
dr_willisstwange__,  im not sure why it causes a delay on my machine. but the machine does work once i do boot up12:35
zirodayFUNSOOFER08: what is your question?12:35
tyberionziroday: alrihgt, thanx, should an external monitor be working as soon as I plug it in, DVI output that is?12:36
jribwp: heh, no problem.  Did it crash before or after you were able to paste the text?12:36
stwange__dr_willis I've tried removing each hard drive separately, same issue - I'll try this CD in a VM and if it works, I'll try replacing the RAM. worst case scenario I end up with a ram upgrade12:36
zirodaytyberion: if that is the only monitor then it "should" but sometimes may not12:36
=== dasdsda is now known as GaMbi_DKk
aaronok I pasted in pastebin12:36
wpjrib: in the pasting process... And I have not found a way to do it yet :(12:36
zirodaytyberion: make sure you have the nvidia drivers installed12:36
jribaaron: you need to give the url12:36
* Orbixx-eee sighs.12:36
vallhalla81aaron: whats the link please12:36
FUNSOOFER08Ziroday, thx, i have install the 177.80 drivers on my unbuntu, when i restarted xserver it worked, but when i got reboot no more driver and low resolution12:36
wpdr_willis: I found it \t horisontial tab :D12:36
dr_willisstwange__,  i had some weird machine for a friend.. it dident like ubuntu, or kubuntu cd' but it did like the xubuntu cd..12:36
jribwp: hack a script together to do it instead of using copy and paste12:36
dr_willisstwange__,  could alsy try the alterntive installer cd.12:37
Orbixx-eeeSecond question, my bios is EFI based and my ubuntu-eee installation seems to have prevented the EFI bios from booting. Any ideas?12:37
tyberionziroday: I have...12:37
Orbixx-eeethanks for the link anyway ziroday12:37
wpjrib... how Do i make it paste it into a dialog box in firefox??12:37
zirodayFUNSOOFER08: how did you install the drivers?12:37
zirodayOrbixx: no problem, have fun12:37
zirodaytyberion: you have what sorry?12:37
FUNSOOFER08with the sudo sh NVIDIA-Linux.........run12:37
stwange__dr_willis will the alternative installer require a lot more work to get gnome etc. installed?12:37
dr_willisstwange__,  not at all.12:38
GaMbi_DKkreally.. now im identifyed as GaMbi_DK the nick i registered last night.. how come i cant change name to it? I can change to "GaMbi_DKk" etc.. what gives?12:38
FUNSOOFER08After reboot, no more drivers12:38
dr_willisstwange__,  its just the installer thats text based12:38
zirodayFUNSOOFER08: okay, thats not the correct way to install the drivers which is why you now have an issue with the new kernel. You need to rerun the installer for the new kernel. If you insist on using nvidia instead of prepackaged drivers you might want to use envy12:38
julianneed some help. i can only play audio from one appliication at one time12:38
zirodayGaMbi_DKk: ask in #freenode12:38
jribwp: you avoid firefox altogether. Read the source of the page or use something that shows you what POST vars are set when you click "submit".  Then use python or even just wget to submit the longer content.  Checkout --post-data in 'man wget'12:38
tyberionziroday: nvidia drivers installed, else I wouldnt be able to use compiz... so I just have to plug in my laptop to my dockingstation, connect the ds with the monitor via DVI, and select nvidia-settings in order to change to external?12:39
AbracadabraI have installed a utility, but cannot find where it has been installed, what is the command to find it? (I tried find / filename, or grep filename, or locate filename, but I get no results). it has been installed though, as I doenloaded the filename.deb file, double-clicked on it, the package manager launched, and installed it.12:39
vallhalla81aaron: am i correct in thinking you aded this cd drive after install?/12:39
zirodaytyberion: yep, its that easy :)12:39
aaronno it was running fine before I upgraded to 8.0412:39
wpjrib: sounds advanced, but I will chek it out... thank you again12:39
aaronis there information there that saids it does not see the dvd drive?12:40
tyberionziroday: will it automatically use 1280x800 for laptop and 1920x1200 for external?12:40
=== strAlan is now known as Chris_Britton
aaronI'm trying to understand the report from lshw12:40
aaronI dont' see any lines about my dvd drive12:40
zirodaytyberion: if you configure it so in the nvidia-settings then yes12:40
vallhalla81aaron: does it run any disk at all or just dvd?12:40
=== strAlan_ is now known as Peter_Bye
tyberionziroday: alright thank you lotsa12:40
aaronit does not at all12:40
aarondoes not mount anything12:40
olskolircwhat is a good desktop video recorder please?12:40
zirodaytyberion: no problem, have fun12:40
karoogahi, how do i get rid of an  "incomplete startup packet" error message from postgres?12:41
SpudzI'm pretty sure I've unearthed a bug in the Ubuntu CD writer s/w.  It fails on a folder with 6000 files in it.  Where to take it?12:41
vallhalla81aaron: ok give me a moment i will get you a link12:41
zirodayolskolirc: gtk-recordmydesktop works fine and is in the repos, there is also instabul12:41
aaronthanks vallhalla8112:41
hateballIs there a way to exit fullscreen in Vinagre? :đ12:41
ziroday!bug > Spudz12:41
ubottuSpudz, please see my private message12:41
FUNSOOFER08ZIRODAY i downloaded 177.80 drivers on nvidia website. I pressed CTRL+ALT+F1 to go console, i stoped x server and i typed the syntax to install nvidia drivers. It built the kernel and said to me nvidia drivers are installed. I restarted the x server and drivers worked fine. After reboot no more drivers ...12:41
wpdr_willis: I found out that horizontal tab is \t, but when I write \t ino my echo command it ignores \t??12:42
olskolircthanks ziroday12:42
aaronvallhalla81....does the report from lshw confirm that there is a problem with the kernel picking up the drive?12:42
aaronI don't know how to analyse the report.12:42
jribwp: echo -e   to "enable interpretation of backslash escapes"12:42
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit12:43
zirodayFUNSOOFER08: I have explained this to you, because you have installed the new kernel the old drivers don't work on it. If you install the drivers from the repo's then everything will work automatically. Otherwise you have to rerun the nvidia installer, which we _don't_ support12:43
Spudzziroday: thx12:43
zirodaySpudz: no problem, good luck12:43
zirodayolskolirc: no problem, have fun12:43
SimoneBHi. What's the right plugin for firefox to get java applets working?12:44
jribSimoneB: what arch?12:44
dr_williswp,  \t is special formating used in special cases..  its an excape character.12:44
FUNSOOFER08ZIRODAY i downloaded 177.80 drivers on nvidia website. I pressed CTRL+ALT+F1 to go console, i stoped x server and i typed the syntax to install nvidia drivers. It built the kernel and said to me nvidia drivers are installed. I restarted the x server and drivers worked fine. After reboot no more drivers ...12:44
dr_williswp,  you could combine what jrib just said and do a  echo -e "\t\  > some sort of variable. then just echo the $VARIABLE12:44
dr_williswp,  i belive the advanced bash scripting guide gives examples of this with whitespace and color codes12:44
FUNSOOFER08Need i to re install my 177.80 ?12:44
wpdr_willis: I found out that horizontal tab is \t, but when I write \t ino my echo command it ignores \t??12:44
wpdr_willis: ups.... I write echo -e Trækølle\t1H\t1T6\t1\tL\t1\t2\t7 >> Trækølle.txt12:44
aaronvallhalla I did not recieve your last mesage12:45
SimoneBjrib: 64 bit12:45
zhaozhouHere's an odd problem for you. I have this x268-movie, around 6gig big. Mplayer cannot seek in this file at all, and when it gets to around 1 minute, it sais 'end of movie', but it sais it's 2 hours and something minutes long. VLC on the other hand CAN seek, but after the same time it simply segfaults.12:45
stwange__wp - did you try ctrl+v and then a tab? It *might* be a putty trick I'm not sure12:45
zirodayFUNSOOFER08: yes, or uninstall the current drivers and use the prepackaged drivers (made by ubuntu developers) that make everything work automatically12:45
FUNSOOFER08Ok but i gonna have old drivers ?12:45
jribSimoneB: sun does not provide a java plugin for 64bit.  You will need to use one of the open java plugins like gcjwebplugin12:46
aaroncan someone have advice about how to learn how to analyse lshw command12:46
SimoneBjrib: and iced tea?12:46
jribSimoneB: sure12:46
SimoneBjrib: i just removed it because it didn't work right :(12:46
stwange__dr_willis just an update, the CD works fine in a VM. I'm downloading the alternate CD now but I may go and get some more RAM seeing as it's my lunch break and I only get one chance :)12:46
jribSimoneB: you can install 32bit firefox if you really need sun's12:46
zirodayFUNSOOFER08: yes the prepackaged drivers are slightly older, if you have to have the new ones you can use a program called envy12:46
wpstwange_: nope did not work12:46
jrib!flash64 > SimoneB12:46
ubottuSimoneB, please see my private message12:46
ziroday!envy > FUNSOOFER0812:46
ubottuFUNSOOFER08, please see my private message12:46
=== GaMbi_DKk is now known as GaMbi_DK
FUNSOOFER08I have no pm from ui12:47
ziroday!envy | FUNSOOFER0812:47
ubottuFUNSOOFER08: envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) we suggest you use envyng if every other (official/supported) method fails! it can have various results from works, to fails!!!  if you want the very latest drivers from the manufacturer you use them at your own risk12:47
FUNSOOFER08i have it12:47
zirodayFUNSOOFER08: great, use that program to install the drivers then. Uninstall the old ones and then use this12:48
FUNSOOFER08drivers are 173.14.12 ?12:48
zirodayFUNSOOFER08: they are the latest, yes12:49
FUNSOOFER08Ok, 1 month ago i downloaded these drivers on nvidia website they worked fine, and now the news dont work after one reboot .... why12:49
zirodayFUNSOOFER08: I have explained this _twice_ to you, the new kernel broke the old drivers12:50
FUNSOOFER08arent 177.80 newest than 173 .. ? :s12:50
zirodayFUNSOOFER08: how new they are doesn't matter, the new kernel always breaks the drivers, the old drivers have to be reinstalled12:51
pageoldhello guys12:52
zirodayFUNSOOFER08: and the prepackaged drivers as well as the envy one's do this automatically for you12:52
pageoldgot question here12:52
zirodaypageold: sure, what is it?12:52
FUNSOOFER08Cant i build a other kernel for these 177.80 ?12:52
pageoldjust now, i've plug-in the fusb flash own by my friends12:52
dr_willisaaron,  i just do a 'dmesg | less' then look for lines that mention the cd.  use the less search feature   /CD   , and look for some lines lilke..   69.403214] sr 1:0:0:0: Attached scsi CD-ROM sr0  [   69.403403] sd 1:0:1:0: [sdc] Write Protect is off   <------- the [sdc] tells me the cdrom is on /dev/sdc12:52
pageoldin ubuntu, but clearly inside the usb flash a lot of virus12:53
zirodayFUNSOOFER08: you just need to reinstall the drivers of your graphics card for every single new kernel release. No matter how old or new the drivers are12:53
pageoldhow can i know my ubunt not infected by those viruses?12:53
zirodaypageold: ubuntu cannot be infected by windows viruses, they simply do not run12:53
wpI have writte the man pages on echo and it says that if i write echo -e it will accept \t as an horozential tab.... but nothing happens, because echo -e year\tyearagain just outputs as yeartyearagain... what do I have to write before it works?12:53
pageoldhow do we know the viruses purposely for win user not linux?12:54
ubuntu_linux is virus-proof12:54
gnarihello. does anyone know what is the source of ssh disconnections like: $ Read from remote host foo.bar: Connection timed out\nConnection to foo.bar closed.12:54
ubottuA/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2112:54
kFjhi. how can i install network manager 0.7 in ubuntu when i dont have access to the internet with the computer that needs it installed? i need support for the 802.1x over eth on it in order to get it online12:54
pageoldcan i say, my ubuntu free from viruses 100%?12:54
dr_willisgnari,  after a period of time with no activeity (a timeout) it hangs up.12:54
zirodaygnari: are you sshing into a server far away, or are you connected to a slow connection?12:54
FUNSOOFER08Ok sry im new in linux im a pain :s :s :s, then i need to reinstall a clean ubuntu, install envyng and install 173 drivers right ?12:54
weichong78hello, im trying to rebuild kernel for Ubuntu and UME, most of the documentation I found online are for packaging custom kernel using make-kpkg. can anybody point me to some guidance on how to rebuild Ubuntu specific kernel for specific build12:54
zirodaypageold: yes12:54
pageoldok thnx12:54
pageoldlove Ubuntu!12:54
dr_willispageold,  go find a virus for linux.. the only ones ive ever seen are just 'test' cases.. that are not really viruses12:55
gnarirelatively good connection12:55
FUNSOOFER08ZIRODAY Ok sry im new in linux im a pain :s :s :s, then i need to reinstall a clean ubuntu, install envyng and install 173 drivers right ?12:55
zirodayFUNSOOFER08: no. You can uninstall the current drivers you have, install envy and then have the latest drivers. You do not need to reinstall ubuntu12:55
gnarithis does not happen if I have an editor open in the terminal, but does if I am on the prompt12:55
zirodaygnari: basically thats caused by you losing connection with the server12:55
gnariso I was wondering if this is a ssh config or a bash config or what?12:56
FUNSOOFER08Then why it uninstall me everytime something12:56
abe3khi, in earlier versions of ubuntu there was a device manager with a nifty GUI , is there any one for hardy 8.0412:56
gnariziroday, oh. so it is because of my ISP maybe?12:56
dr_willisgnari,  yes.. it is a ssh config.. and a sshd config.. I dont recall it being bash specific...12:56
FUNSOOFER08cleaning doesnt work ?12:56
zirodaygnari: one sec, lemme find you some documents12:56
zirodayFUNSOOFER08: you can reinstall ubuntu, or you can just uninstall the nvidia drivers, it is your choice12:57
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gnariziroday, come to think of it, this ossibly started when i switched ISP12:57
attacker_Hi all!12:58
abe3kis there any device manager for ubuntu 8.04 with a GUI ?12:58
zirodaygnari: basically it due to your internet connection, does this happen immediately or after long periods of use?12:58
zirodayabe3k: what do you mean by device manager?12:58
sia-eXtremewhat am i losing if i install new ubuntu without deleting /home ?12:58
gnariziroday, after long periods of nonuse12:58
abe3kziroday: a program that shows me my computer hardware and their drivers12:58
zirodaygnari: alright, take a look at this http://madphilosopher.ca/2005/07/an-ssh-keep-alive-tip/ it a dirty hack but should work12:59
dr_willissia-eXtreme,  customized settings in /etc/ normally. and dont for get any files in /root/12:59
gnariziroday, thanks.12:59
sia-eXtremedr_willis: what about my softwares12:59
zirodayabe3k: take a look at the program hardinfo, its in the ubuntu repo's13:00
zirodaygnari: no problem, have fun13:00
blip-hi all,  i installed kubuntu 8.04 and noticed that the glx isn't installed.    Google tells me i need to use alien to convert the rpm driver installer to deb for ubuntu... is that correct ?  or is there a better way to install AGP driver for "Intel Corporation 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics Device (rev 02)"...  thanks13:00
abe3kziroday : ok will do thanks13:00
codyzappwoah mass exodus13:01
geniushow to create second gnome x session?13:01
paul68busy server :-)13:01
sia-eXtremeWTF is going on?13:01
blip-lets wait for them to come bac13:01
codyzappwoah.. mass join lol13:02
Abracadabra[12:39] <Abracadabra> I have installed a utility, but cannot find where it has been installed, what is the command to find it? (I tried find / filename, or grep filename, or locate filename, but I get no results). it has been installed though, as I doenloaded the filename.deb file, double-clicked on it, the package manager launched, and installed it.13:02
blip-hi all,  i installed kubuntu 8.04 and noticed that the glx isn't installed.    Google tells me i need to install by AGP driver..use alien to convert the rpm driver installer to deb for ubuntu... is that correct ?  or is there a better way to install AGP driver for "Intel Corporation 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics Device (rev 02)"...  thanks13:02
zirodayAbracadabra: what program?13:02
abe3kziroday : cool stuff thanks man13:02
blip-Abracadabra: i think which <prog name> does that13:02
weichong78anybody build an ubuntu stock kernel before?13:03
zirodayblip-: I am looking for you know, gimme a sec13:03
Pavilliongot broadcom wireless working perfectly ^_^13:03
blip-thanks ziroday13:03
zirodayblip-: have you installed the package xserver-xorg-video-intel13:03
blip-ziroday: yes synaptic shows it installed13:03
blip-(its a laptop btw)13:04
zirodayblip-: well thats all you should need installed for that card, where does it say glx is not enabled?13:04
Spudzglitch in the matrix13:04
soenkehi dudes13:04
Abracadabrablip-, ty :)13:05
ziroday!netsplit > sia-eXtreme13:05
ubottusia-eXtreme, please see my private message13:05
SpudzIt would be nice if xchat filtered netsplits13:05
PavillionI use 1 panel on the right side at 32 pixel size and the window list wont extend very far, is their a way to have it extend the full length of the panel like when it's on the bottom or top? or can i just get a different window list that only shows icons?13:05
blip-ziroday: glxinfo shows http://rafb.net/p/kMBgta56.html13:05
zirodaySpudz: you can hide all join/part messages, you can ask more about that type of feature in #xchat13:05
soenkedo you know when the new nvidia driver will be releases in hardy - maybe through envy?13:05
dr_willissia-eXtreme,  what about them? software you ahve installed to the system are not saved in home.. thus they will not be 'saved'  You will need to reinstall whatever packages you had installed beforhand.. its eays to make a list of those and restore from that list.13:05
dr_willis!clone | sia-eXtreme13:05
tj83woa netsplit!13:05
ubottusia-eXtreme: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate13:05
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit13:05
blip-Abracadabra: you are welcome :)13:05
* codyzapp drinks his coffee and enjoys the irc show13:06
blip-wierd stuff is happening here.  FloodBot unbanned me !!??13:06
dr_willisit likes you blip-13:06
SpudzI'm looking at my sysmonitor.  (1) Why is the memory graph flatlining?  I'm doing loads of stuff?  (2) why is the cpu averaging 50+?  I'm doing nothing demanding.  I wonder how much cpu these pretty graphs take...13:07
zirodayblip-: don't worry about it13:07
zirodaySpudz: they take a few, you may prefer top or htop13:07
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dr_willishtop is nice.13:07
zirodayblip-: have you ever modified your xorg.conf?13:08
blip-ziroday: no13:08
blip-ziroday: default from install13:08
zirodayblip-: can you pastebin you xorg.conf?13:08
blip-sure 1 sec13:08
CyberBirdis there any program that can detect whether a processor is 32-bit or 64-bit?13:08
FrogzooCyberBird: lshw probly13:09
blip-ziroday: http://rafb.net/p/sfv2eX97.html13:09
zirodayblip-: thanks13:09
blip-ziroday: thank you for taking the time13:09
DASPRiDhttp://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/wikipedia-moving-400-servers-to-ubuntulinux.html <313:10
SpudzI bet it is because ubuntu isn't using my graphics card, but is trying to do it all on the cpu.  I had to download a lenovo patch for windows to fix that.  anyone know where to look to fix it for linux?13:10
zirodayblip-: no problem, just not familiar with the new drivers method, want to make sure I don't stuff something up :)13:10
zirodayDASPRiD: share the news in #ubuntu-offtopic13:10
zirodayblip-: whats you card again?13:10
Bigmack83running a php script from the cli i get "command not found" what app do i need to apt to be able to run them from the cli13:11
blip-ziroday: "Intel Corporation 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics Device (rev 02)".13:11
abe3khi , is there a program that shows and manages my currently shared files and folders for Ubuntu ?13:11
JulioNetoWhen I try to access my MP4 it always is in "only read" How can I fix/change it?13:12
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Spudzziroday: thx, am:13:12
pageoldIf you are going to trade files in a Windows world, you'll need to scan those fies for viruses. You won't get infected, but you may help infect someone else. There are two ways to do this: <-- i love this statement!! love ubuntu!13:12
DASPRiDziroday, ke :x13:12
HaguMonHi there everyone, I have an issue with the gnome-power-manager, can somebody help?13:13
abe3kIs there a program that shows and manages my currently shared files and folders for Ubuntu ?13:13
mozjonathanHi, setting ht=on in menu.lst still doesn't enable HT on my pentium 4 (which has the ht flag) : do I need the server kernel ?13:13
mozjonathanHaguMon: you can try13:14
zirodayblip-: from what I can tell the new -intel drivers should have glx and all that sorted out automagically. I have a feeling your getting a false negative13:14
HaguMonin the tray icon there is t2o batteries13:14
stwange__what's the easiest way to format a drive (all partitions) if a live cd isn't working but I have a linux install?13:15
HaguMonand there's only one version of the gnome-power-manager13:15
mozjonathandid you manually add gnome-power-manager in your system > preferences > sessions ?13:15
mozjonathanstwange__: use gparted13:15
HaguMonIt went by 'itself'13:15
kFjwhen will the network manager 0.7 be out in the official repos?13:15
abe3kIs there a program that shows and manages my currently shared files and folders for Ubuntu ?13:16
blip-ziroday: hmm, so would it help if i re-installed that package in synaptic ?13:16
zirodayblip-: I doubt it, but I am not stopping you :)13:16
jeremiahabe3k: How are you sharing them? Via Samba or NFS?13:17
HaguMonshould I disable the gnome-power-manager manually from 'sessions'?13:17
abe3kjeremiah : samba13:17
jeremiahabe3k: If it is NFS look in /etc/exports13:17
blip-ziroday: ok i'll try that out.  but what is the tool in ubuntu that configures video card drivers ?  Is there something like xfdrake on mandriva, or aticonfig for ati cards ?13:17
blip-ziroday: or is it raw xorg.conf editing by hadn13:18
abe3kjeremiah : I ment a program to view a list of my shared files and folders.13:18
dr_willisblip-,  for my nvidia cards i use the nvidia-settings and nvidia-xconfig tool. :)13:18
zirodayblip-: nope, there is the screen resolution app, there is the hardware drivers app and there used to be displayconfig, but not sure where that went13:18
jeremiahabe3k: Loot at /etc/samba, see what that says.13:18
dr_willis!info samba-doc13:18
ubottusamba-doc (source: samba): Samba documentation. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.28a-1ubuntu4.5 (hardy), package size 6844 kB, installed size 14788 kB13:19
dr_willissamba-doc packagte  has whole books on configuring samba. :) Over kill.. but a good read.13:19
zirodayblip-: take a look at the program called displayconfig-gtk13:19
HaguMonthe tray icon shows two batteries, there seems to be a duplicated gnome-power-manager, but there's only one version13:19
abe3kjeremiah : what should it say ?13:19
chaddyHaguMon: ps aux|grep power, then kill -9 the pid you don't want?13:20
jeremiahabe3k: http://www.samba.org/samba/docs/13:20
HaguMonAnd when I want to control the brightness, it up/down twice when I press once13:20
jeremiahabe3k: Sorry, I don't use windows so I don't know samba well.13:20
abe3kjeremiah : I want a Program to view a list of the files and folder that are being shared13:21
TokoronaQuick question. If I want to update my packages, is it dist-upgrade or ...?13:21
abe3kjeremiah : and manage them13:21
chaddyTokorona: upgrade13:21
Tokoronathank you13:21
jeremiahabe3k: well you may have to write that yourself. :)13:21
chaddyTokorona: update first to get the latest list13:21
abe3kIs there a program that shows and manages my currently shared files and folders for Ubuntu ?13:21
TokoronaDid that, wasn't sure about the next step and didn't want to jump from gutsy jjuust yet.13:21
jeremiahNautilus is a file browser and may do what you want.13:22
HaguMonchaddy: http://paste.ubuntu.com/57859/13:22
HaguMonwhat sould I kill?13:22
TokoronaSo.. have a good uh.. morning , I guess. Thanks for helping!13:22
chaddyHaguMon: the one running under root13:22
HaguMonoh, thank you13:23
HaguMonand how can that be permanent?13:23
HaguMonperhaps it will be shown next time after reboot13:23
chaddyHaguMon: are you starting another through saved session settings?13:24
HaguMonabsolutely not13:24
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chaddyin that case you should be fine, HaguMon13:24
HaguMonok, I'll reboot then and I'll check it out13:25
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HaguMonI'll be back if anything comes wrong.13:25
HaguMonthank you!13:25
r0achGuys, I installed Ubuntu again. Now, I'm trying to mount my Windows partition (precious data in there). But, I can't. It doesn't even show its existence. I checked Gparted and it says that its "Unknown type" instead of NTFS. Is there anyway to recover those files ?13:25
chaddyyou're welcome13:25
M-a-r-kIs it my imagination or did packages installed from tar files used to be installed to the system?13:25
chaddyr0ach: from your backups, perhaps?13:26
chaddyr0ach: otherwise perhaps dd and grep13:26
r0achI even tried - "mount ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /media/disk"13:26
r0achchaddy: No backups man13:26
chaddyr0ach: lesson learnt, then13:26
dr_willisI recall some  way that i saw ntfs filesystems get shown as somthing else...  but i forget how/why. :(13:26
r0achchaddy: Whats dd and grep ?13:26
dr_willisI woulkd try accessing the stuff from a windows install.13:27
chaddyr0ach: don't you have google there?13:27
chaddyr0ach: dr_willis's plan is well worth a try13:27
r0achchaddy: yeah. sorry i'll google it13:27
abe3kIs there a program that shows and manages my currently shared files and folders for Ubuntu ?13:27
r0achMy Windows isn't working13:27
dr_willisencrypted ntfs? perhaps?13:27
NeurologicI've heard Ibex fixes a problem with laptops not being able to connect using Intel Wireless WiFi Link 4965AGN cards, any word on this?13:27
chaddyNeurologic: #ubuntu+113:28
dr_willisabe3k,  theres tools that shopw the shares, and theres tools that manage samba..13:28
r0achSee I installed Ubuntu again. It didn't recogize my Windows install13:28
dr_willisabe3k,  i just manually edit my smb.conf :)  however.13:28
ubottuebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox13:28
r0achWOw, its u Ubottu13:28
abe3kdr_willis : can I have the names of the tools for managing pls13:28
r0achI read ur msg btw !13:29
zzattackubottu: is it better than webmin?13:29
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:29
dr_willisabe3k,  as i said.. i manually edit my smb.conf :)  there is ebox and swat - however i feel its BEST to learn how to read what smb.conf says/does13:29
abe3kdr_willis : thanks13:30
r0achSo is there anyway to force the system to show the files in my Windows partition ?13:30
dr_willisabe3k,  the 'samba-doc' package has some books/guids that make for a good read.. and show how amazing 'samba' really is. :)13:30
dr_willisr0ach,  try mounting it manally with the ntfs-3g tool perhaps. or mount command. I would suggest mounting it read only.13:30
abe3kdr_willis : thanks I'll take a look at it :)13:30
HaguMonHi there again... I have an issue with the brightness in my laptop. There seems to be moved twice up/down when I press the key once13:30
zzattackanyone else wanna compare webmin and ebox?13:31
r0achif its "mount ntfs-3g blah blah" thing u talking abt, I tried it man :(13:31
dr_willisr0ach,  and what did it say?13:31
dr_williszzattack,  from what i hear.. dont use webmin any more.. use ebox.13:31
dr_williszzattack,  but ive not used either in ages13:31
slapcan someone tell me where I can find the translation files for GDM?13:32
r0achdr_willis: It said "mount: unknown filesystem type 'fs'"13:32
zzattacki put webmin on yesterday, i sort of like it13:32
zzattackbut i hve never tried ebox13:32
dr_willisr0ach,  that sounds weird..  what was the exact command you used to  mount it?13:32
dr_williszzattack,  yea - i liked webmin.. but since i know how to maniually edit my smb.conf now. :)  i dont need it13:32
Manacimwhat's webmin?13:33
r0achdr_willis: Here it is :- "mount ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /media/disk-1 -o force"13:33
AdvoWorkhi there, how can i find the name of my ubutnu pc lol?13:33
dr_williszzattack,  webmin has allways been considred a security risk. be sure to set it to only allow local access. :) or other wise lock it down.13:33
zzattackManacim: its a control panel for ubuntu servers13:33
Manacimclick system > preference > about me13:33
dr_willisr0ach,  you did use a sudo with that command?13:33
zzattackdr_willis: i only enable it when i need webmin13:33
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HaguMonI have something bubby with the brightness in my laptop. The brightness "bar" is moved twice up/down when I press the key once. Anyone has the same problem?13:34
r0achdr_willis: Yeah man. I was root login.13:34
dr_willisr0ach,  could try sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sda1 /media/MOUNTPOINT13:34
unitedpotsmokerswhat is a new stable version of gyachi for hardy heron?13:34
r0achdr_willis: I13:34
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r0achdr_willis: I'll try it right now13:34
HaguMonthat happened yesterday when Ubuntu updated a few packages I forgot their names13:35
adacMy server is router at the same time. Does sombody know a tool where I can see which of the clients connected to the server use how much bandwdith?13:35
r0achdr_willis: It shows the same error :(13:35
dr_willisHaguMon,  at onetime the ubuntu forums had a specal forum for laptops.  may want to check there..13:35
AdvoWorkManacim all it says is my username though?13:35
HaguMonok thank you, I'll check it out right now13:35
dr_willisr0ach,  sounds bad.. could be the filesystem is really buggered..  I would get it scanned by a windows machine  asap.13:35
ManacimAdvoWork: what did you wanna check again?13:35
AdvoWorkManacim im sure when i built it, i gave it a name like ubuntuSOMETHING but i cant remember?13:36
HaguMonI'll be asking here again if there doesn't seem to be a solution.13:36
chris-dreamshareany suggestions on getting my sound card working in ubuntu?13:36
Manacimyou mean a name for yoru computer?13:36
r0achdr_willis: So anyway to do it under linux ? Cuz I don't have Windows right now :(13:36
Manacimlike if you have a desktop it'd be <name>-desktop13:36
dr_willisr0ach,   theres varioys tools to scan/fix ntfs filesyst4ems under linux.. but it depends on how much RISK you want to take..13:37
dr_willisr0ach,  what filesystem type does 'sudo fdisk -l' say it is?13:37
r0achdr_willis: It says HTFS/NTFS13:37
zzattackfor webmin/ebox comparison, webmin seems liked a little better http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=79032313:38
ManacimAdvoWork: you know if you open terminal, your computer's name is displayed =]13:38
AdvoWorkManacim yeah the name for the comp13:38
dr_willisr0ach,  i would do some googling on that HTFS bit.. this is sort of raising a red flag with me.. as some special case/thing of ntfs..13:38
linusT   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System13:38
AdvoWorkMana hmm terminal shows mynameinshort@myname13:38
linusT   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System13:39
Manacimit should've said something like cim-laptop13:39
AdvoWorkcan i rename my pcname then? i think its called myname for somereason13:39
linusTroot@localhost:~# /dev/sda5             744         784      329301   82  Linux swap / Solaris13:39
r0achdr_willis: Googling more details under progress... I'll tell u when I'm done ;)13:39
Manacimis what mine says13:39
hateballAdvoWork: edit /etc/hostname13:39
r0achdr_willis: Sorry. It was "HPFS/NTFS"13:39
AdvoWorkhateball Manacim ive changed it to ubuntu_firstname.secondname  prefs > about me still doesnt show it?13:41
linusT 08:44:25 up 69 days,  6:28,  9 users,  load average: 1.46, 1.74, 1.3613:41
Manacimtry restarting13:41
ManacimAdvoWork: try restarting13:41
hateballAdvoWork: Settings in /etc/hostname are read on boot. If you want to change it at once, type: hostname <desired name>13:41
ubottuUse hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at System > Administration > Networking on the "General" tab13:43
dr_willisbe very carfull when setting your hostname. :)13:43
AdvoWorkhost name is set to firstname_surname13:44
AdvoWorkas is /etc/hosts if that isnt the same thing13:44
AdvoWorketc/hosts shows13:44
AdvoWork127.0.1.1  firstname.surname.ubuntu  firstname13:45
r0achWhen I install Windows, will it erase the whole C: partition ? (I find thats the only way)13:45
AdvoWorkis that just a mass mix up?13:45
AdvoWorkso etc/hosts needs to be firstname_surname too?13:45
ikoniaAdvoWork /etc/hosts is for hostnames, not names13:46
AdvoWorki thought they both had to be the same13:46
AdvoWorksystem > admin > network > general shows host name as firstname_surname.  /etc/host shows:  firstname.surname.ubuntu  firstname13:46
BleSShow to get ubuntu version? 'uname -a' doesn't shows it13:49
phaidroswhich package is necessarry to have sun java in firefox?13:49
phaidrosicedtea sucks :)13:49
[BD]Oricsudo lsb_release -a13:49
r0achGuys, how reliable is NTFSProgs in repairing an NTFS partition ?13:50
chaddyBleSS: if you look in /etc/apt/sources.list it will say13:50
ikoniar0ach: I don't trust any of the non-native tools13:50
jim_pphaidros: sun-java-jre (i miss a "6" somewhere)13:50
phaidrosuhm, is tehre a problem with java/firefox on amd64?13:50
phaidrosjim_p: I have, but about:plugins says no jave :(13:50
BleSSphaidros: I have it installed on amd64, and I have not any problem13:51
jim_pBleSS: cat /proc/version13:51
drguildohi is there any way to do a clean install of intrepid from within hardy? i.e. without booting from cd/usb13:51
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r0achikonia: I don't have any choices anyway. :(13:51
jim_pphaidros: there is a dpgk-reconfigure command that configures java13:51
ikoniar0ach: so why ask13:51
chaddydrguildo: update-manager -d13:52
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BleSSjim_p: that doesn't show ubuntu version, rather lsb_release as pointed [BD]Oric13:52
r0achikonia: Sorry man. Was desperate.13:52
phaidrosjim_p: thanks that seems to be the missing hint :)13:52
drguildochaddy, i would rather do a clean install13:52
ikoniar0ach: seems pointless to ask if you have no choice and your going to do it anyway13:52
chaddydrguildo: you want a netinstall?13:53
XiXaQin dot-releases for LTSes, will there be included "special" updates too? I mean, do Evolution get upgraded for instance? I love Evolution, but it's too buggy, and it's annoying if I can't use the LTS versions because of it.13:53
phaidrosjim_p: question is, qhich package .. java-common its not :(13:53
jim_pBleSS: there is definitely something in /etc that tells the same. your version can be also found by the running kernel13:53
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository13:53
orly_owlWhat drivers are available for the ATI Mobility FireGL V5200?13:53
ikoniaorly_owl: ati.com - take a look13:53
orly_owlAre there any free drivers?13:54
drguildochaddy, any way to install it without having to burn a cd or use a usb drive (which doesn't even work with my mac mini)13:54
ikoniaorly_owl: yes the ones that ship with xorg13:54
jim_pphaidros: sudo update-alternatives --config java13:54
ikoniaorly_owl: keep in mind not all drivers with word card/kernel combination13:54
chaddydrguildo: is your macmini not booting linux from cd at all?13:54
BleSSjim_p: it's true but I don't remember its name, it's also in debian13:54
phaidrosjim_p: ack, that was it .. to much fedora last months here :)13:54
orly_owlikonia: This is on a ThinkPad T60p13:54
drguildochaddy, no i'd just rather not burn yet another linux installer cd if it can be avoided13:55
HaguMonOk. I'm here again because I didn't find a solution after half an hour searching in the forums. I have something buggy with the brightness in my laptop. The brightness "bar" is moved twice up/down when I press the key once. Anyone has the same problem?13:55
chaddydrguildo: netinstall is probably your best option, then13:55
ikoniaorly_owl: that doesn't meatter, I said driver/kernel versions13:55
jim_pBleSS: cat /etc/debian_version  ????13:55
phaidrosdrguildo: there is a script for making a usb stick from install cd .. so no burning necessary ;)13:56
AdvoWorkso should /etc/host firstname_surname match network settings hostname firstname_surname?13:56
drguildophaidros, i just said that booting from a usb drive doesn't work for me unfortunately13:56
phaidrosdrguildo: oh sry :)13:56
haptiKanyone know what umask 22 is off the top of their heads?13:56
drguildochaddy, thanks. i think i'll try just updating :-/13:57
HaguMonAnyone can help me?13:57
phaidrosdrguildo: mac? if so, all those macs can do target mode.13:57
kaencielyes,i can help you13:57
BleSSjim_p: I thinked that it had ubuntu version but not => lenny/sid13:57
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jim_pBleSS: oddly, mine says the same!13:58
MrD1Hi can any one help please i updated ubuntu and now my usb wireless does not work is there any way of getting back to my old driver by black listing some thing.. thanks in advance13:58
jim_pBleSS: what kernel are you on?13:58
phaidrosBleSS: jim_p .. same here, lenny/sid13:58
HaguMonOk, my problem is ... when I press the Fn key to make the brightess going up/down, it levels twice rather than once.13:59
BleSSjim_p: 2.6.24-21-generic13:59
HaguMonthat's pretty annoying13:59
BleSSupdated today13:59
justin_Is the new update to Open Office the 3.0 release?13:59
jim_padobe released flashplayer 10 final. it even made it into a .deb!!!13:59
jim_pBleSS: then you are on ubuntu 8.0413:59
phaidrosbtw jim_p: 'No candidate version found for sun-java5-plugin', same for java6 .. on amd6414:00
BleSSjim_p: as open source?14:00
MrD1Hi i updated ubuntu today and now my wireless does not work is there any way of blacklisting the new driver14:00
phaidrosBleSS: not.14:00
jim_pi dont care about the .deb, i will download the tar.gz and go the old fashion way14:00
phaidrosBleSS: just distributing it as .deb ;)14:00
jim_pBleSS: not opensource14:00
IdleOneHaguMon: same here. seems it is default behavior14:00
chris-dreamshareany suggestions for getting an intel 7.1 surround sound card to work?14:00
HaguMonBut that changed when I updated yesterday!14:00
phaidrosso question again: is there a chance for sun java in mozilla with amd64 ?14:01
jim_pMrD1: what is the name of the module?14:01
atiszhello everyone can somebody help me with setting up a thin client network?14:01
jim_pchris-dreamshare: what is the exact model of the card?14:01
ikoniaatisz: what part are you stuck on14:01
HaguMonIt was fine until I updated... I don't know that thing... but now it changes that way...14:01
jim_pphaidros: let me look it up14:01
chris-dreamshareIntel® High Definition 7.1 Audio is the posted name on it-_-14:01
chris-dreamshareI can try to get more information but it's on my laptop14:01
jim_pchris-dreamshare: lspci | grep Audio14:02
atiszikonia: we have trouble to get the gui14:02
phaidrosjim_p: http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/sun-java6-plugin .. only i38614:02
MrD1jim_p, i have a alfa network sorry i did not explain very well befor i have a usb wireless it works but i can not packet inject any more i had a driver installed which worked fine but now after the up date i can not packet inject its alfa network  rtl8187 driver, i14:02
phaidrosso I'm not sutpid *phew*14:03
MrD1jim_p, just wont to get it back to befor14:03
jim_pphaidros: wait then14:03
snitkowhat could be the most common reason that cron doesn't do cronjobs for the user (besides wrong user rights)?14:03
HaguMonWhen I press the Fn key to make the brightess going up/down, it levels twice rather than once. That happened last time I went and Ubuntu updated something I didn't notice already.14:03
chris-dreamshareIntel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02)14:03
chris-dreamsharesound doesn't work at all14:03
jim_pchris-dreamshare: give me a sec to look it up14:04
jim_pphaidros: there seems to be an executable provided by sun for 64bits. are your repos correct?14:05
phaidrosjim_p: have a look at the packages.ubuntu.com link above .. there is no sun java6 plugin package for amd64 ..14:06
jim_pchris-dreamshare: do you use the snd_hda-intel module?14:07
phaidrosjim_p: it is even launchpad bug :) https://bugs.launchpad.net/sun-java/+bug/10451214:07
MrD1HI if i install an older kernel does it effect the new one14:08
jim_pchris-dreamshare: snd-hda-intel14:08
jribphaidros: sun doesn't make one.  The bug on their tracker is several years old.  use an open java plugin like gcjwebplugin or install 32bit firefox (see !flash64)14:08
phaidrosso, any hint how to get a remote kvm java console running in browser without having sun java ? (icedtea doesn't do)14:08
chris-dreamshareI have no idea, I  just installed the newest Ubuntu release yesterday on my laptop after leaving linux for like a year14:08
emmado we have a web source of the information available in apt-cache search for any given release?14:08
phaidrosjrib: hm, I actually have flash running on an amd64 desktop *wondering*14:08
jribphaidros: I just know the facoid's name as !flash64, it's not specific to flash14:09
phaidrosjrib: npwrapper.libflashplayer.so Shockwave Flash 9.0 r12414:09
phaidrosjrib: ah :)14:09
jribphaidros: apparently !java64 is the same :)14:10
kaencielhi how are you ol?????????14:10
phaidrosjrib: is 32bit firefox complicated issue?14:10
phaidrosjrib: like, having alot to tweak?14:10
jribphaidros: not really, you just download the tarball, extract somewhere and copy whatever plugins you want, and create some symlinks14:10
Kartagisany idea when openoffice 3.0 Turkish will be in repos?14:10
phaidrosjrib: thats not tithin package management .. as I like to run machines over years just upgrading thats not a solution :)14:11
magnetronKartagis, did you install the Turkish Language support in ubuntu?14:11
chris-dreamsharejim_p:I think I may have found a solution14:11
chris-dreamsharelet me try it14:12
jribphaidros: there's no other way that I know of14:12
phaidrosjrib: ic, thanx :)14:12
Kartagismagnetron, yes14:12
phaidrosjrib: I gonna try this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=117443514:12
emmaI think there is a web based source of the information found in apt-cache search for any given release. Does anyone have the url off hand?14:13
Kartagismagentar, I am using Ubuntu in Turkish14:13
jribphaidros: that's not going to get updated when you upgrade either14:13
phaidrosjrib: but it is within apt at least :)14:13
phaidrosjrib: ez removing then14:13
jim_pchris-dreamshare: please wait14:15
Skiessiis it possible to choose which network interface to use when connecting to a certain url?14:17
Skiessior site14:17
chaddynot sure about such things, Skiessi, but I suspect you want a proxy of some sort14:17
jim_pSkiessi: i think not14:18
phaidrosSkiessi: man iproute2, look for policy routing. but usually network settings have *one* default gateway . .that makes it more diffcult14:18
chris-dreamshareapparently I don't have root access on my own computer-_-14:18
phaidrosSkiessi: or iptables could be your new friend14:18
geniushow to start a different login window on second display?14:18
jim_pchris-dreamshare: have you done sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel ?14:18
favioyou can use FireStarter14:18
phaidrosfavio: firestarter can do policy routing / iptables ??14:19
chris-dreamsharedoing that does nothingsnd-hda-intel14:19
SkiessiI just want to maximize the download speed with apt-get, when both of them are connected to internet14:19
phaidrosSkiessi: you could set a host route to the apt mirror using the default gateway of your faster interface14:20
jim_pchris-dreamshare: you mean returns nothing? then it works!14:21
jim_pchris-dreamshare: linux only prompts you for errors14:21
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chris-dreamsharestill no sound though14:21
bullgard4Is a storage consumption of 2,3 MB/min normal with a 320x240 pixel video and 25 Fps? (Sorenson Video Codec)14:22
jim_pchris-dreamshare: is there any chance of the channel to be muted?14:23
phaidrosbullgard4: maybe ask at #ubuntustudio, media ppl there might know14:23
chris-dreamshareshouldn't be, everywhere I look it's enabled14:23
bullgard4phaidros: I will give it a try. Thank you.14:23
phaidroschris-dreamshare: did you try asoundconf list ?14:24
Luig1Hello! My problem is that I seem to be using about twice as much RAM right now (having just logged on) as the System Monitor would lead me to believe I *should* be using. I'm wondering how I can find out why.14:24
phaidroschris-dreamshare: and asoundconf reset-default-card ?14:25
der|kunstlerIs it possible to let's say, add a device entry in the Computer:/// section of nautilus, so that it shows when a specific folder is mounted ?14:25
chris-dreamshareIntel is the available sound card14:25
phaidroschris-dreamshare: uhm i suppose alsamix is nowhere muted.14:25
frybyeHi - my system apparently has a corrupt magic number (= superblock?) can sbdy tell me step by step how to repair..?14:25
der|kunstlerlet's say, I want the CD-X to show when /mnt/something is mounted14:25
phaidroschris-dreamshare: tried mpöayer with different -ao ? (like sdl, alsa, ... -ao help shows all)14:26
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chris-dreamshareI'm not even trying music yet, just trying to get any sound at all out of my computer14:26
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phaidroschris-dreamshare: thats what I suggested by trying mplayer with different -ao ;)14:27
ghoulsbladehi, i want to capture a video of the screen while playing a 3d game, i tried gtk-recordMyDesktop but it got stuck during encoding , any good alternatives around ? something with a bit of gui would be nice so i don't have to write a 5-line command14:27
phaidroschris-dreamshare: does alsaplayer give *any* sound?14:28
magnetronghoulsblade, encoding will take a while. did you let it finish?14:28
chris-dreamshareI don't have alsaplayer on this install, want me to get it?14:28
ghoulsbladeit didn't use any processorpower14:28
kane77I downloaded and installed the new oo.org, but I cannot find any executable for it, where are they?14:29
monostoneim using k9copy to backup a dvd to iso, using the copy DVD option. For some reason the ouput varies significantly in size then the original DVD? I thought that the copy option makes an exact copy? The movie is complete, so it isn't getting cut anywhere, the different titlesets are sometimes up to 500MB less in the output, why is this?14:30
SlimeyPetekane77: executables are generally found in /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin14:30
__tom__short question: If I install the beta-version of kubuntu or ubuntu14:31
__tom__will it automatically be upgraded14:31
kane77SlimeyPete, I know that, but what are they called for new OO.org (3.0)?14:31
__tom__to the full version once they get released=14:31
kane77__tom__, yes14:31
phaidroschris-dreamshare: just trying to give you hints for finding the problem .. ;)14:31
kane77__tom__, it will be, and please keep your questions on one line..14:31
chris-dreamshareI have alsa installed, it now shows my volume when I move it with the wheel, and still no sound from the speakers14:32
__tom__ahh sorry kane7714:32
__tom__ was still used to my IM :)14:32
phaidroschris-dreamshare: pls look in alsamixer if there is nothing muted14:32
phaidroschris-dreamshare: pls try alsaplayer14:32
chris-dreamsharenothing is muted in alsaplayer14:32
phaidroschris-dreamshare: pls try mplayer -ao help and some of the possible outputs if it give sound ..14:32
Skiessithere something like /etc/hosts, which does it's thing for network interfaces too :P like "foo.bar wlan0::foo.bar"14:32
OicemanOwhat is the geman channel for ubuntu14:33
phaidrosSkiessi: no14:33
ubottuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de14:33
Skiessi*there should be14:33
phaidrosSkiessi: hehe, yeah :P14:33
marnanelWhat's the way to get apt-get remove to remove a package which has a broken script so won't remove?14:33
CyberBirdit may seem a bit silly question but I wonder, does a beta version of firefox affects the downloaded files? I mean is there a chance to have a bad file after downloading because 9of the beta version (of firefox)?14:33
jim_pphaidros: are you there?14:33
phaidrosSkiessi: try ip route add IPofAPTmirror/32 via dev wifi014:34
phaidrosjim_p: yes14:34
phaidrosSkiessi: or eth0 whatever ..14:34
kane77CyberBird, I'd say in general this should not happen.14:34
marnanelI thought there was a "force remove" option somewhere14:34
marnanelbut I can't see it in the man page14:35
legendataHi, does the latest version of ubuntu has drivers for Realtek RTL8187 Wireless USB 2.0?14:35
jim_pphaidros: http://www.java.com/en/download/manual.jsp here is the 64 bit java14:35
CyberBirdI'm using now firefox 3 beta 514:35
HaguMonHi there guys (again)... I upgraded ubuntu with the latest kernel and... wifi didn't load at all. Do I need to reinstall it?14:35
frybyeCyber - why use a beta..??14:35
monostonewhen using k9copy to do a DVD copy, no shrinking, why does the final iso file ouput weigh less than the original DVD?14:35
jim_pHaguMon: lspci ?14:36
phaidrosjim_p: it is not java for amd64 which is missing, it is the missing firefox plugin .. but thanx anyway!14:36
CyberBirdthat's the default browser after the installation14:36
jim_pphaidros: i thought it was in there. is it some other package?14:36
frybyedo your updates and i guess you will get the full now or..? - assumeing you enable the extended repos..14:36
legendatadoes the latest version of ubuntu has drivers for Realtek RTL8187 Wireless USB 2.0?14:36
knuthow can i kill a running process in ubuntu/kde 414:36
HaguMonDo I have to show that log when I'm at the new kernel necessarily?14:36
phaidrosjim_p: lemme try, their text besiddes the download suggests, that it is in tthis package ..14:37
|Dreams|hi i just updated ubuntu hardy and now flash doesnt work in firefox14:37
chris-dreamsharephaidros: mplayer says its playing but no sound14:37
HaguMonjim_p: ?14:37
__tom__knut: Ctrl + Esc14:37
__tom__will start task manager lke in winxp14:37
frybyeknut - do control+esc to get window with runn- processes listen - there is a kill button..14:37
knut__tom__: thanks14:37
phaidroschris-dreamshare: tried sdl? alsa? pulse?14:37
HaguMonAtheros Communications Inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01)14:38
jim_pHaguMon: how is the card identified in lspci? did it work straight away the previous tume?14:38
HaguMonIt doesn't load in that kernel version14:38
frybyeDreams - perhaps if you get snaptic to reinstall flash-nonfree ...?14:38
legendataany one can help me?14:38
phaidrosh jim_p: below the downloads: * Please use the 32-bit version for Java applet and Java Web Start support.14:38
jim_pHaguMon: ok. but what is the card?14:38
Xcercai have this sysmonitor screenlet that loads everytime i get into gnome  ... i deleted the screenlet from the sessions dialog and removed the screenlets from the startup...  is there any other reason it would start everytime ?  i used to have it so all of my running programs would be saved when i reboot but i even took that off. is there another file that says what programs start with gnome ?14:38
phaidrosjim_p: so it seems there is no amd64 firefox/mozilla plugin14:39
jim_plegendata: did it use to work?14:39
|Dreams|yeah i am using 64bit too... will try synaptic reinstall flash14:39
legendatajim_p: i haven't installed ubuntu yes, thats why Im asking14:39
jim_pguys GUYS! i am a bit upset now and i want to go have lunch. can you wait?14:40
HaguMonjim_p: I don't understand ... your question14:40
sAnimationsis it normal for my /etc/network/interfaces file to only have 2 lines when I'm connected to 2 networks?14:40
frybyephaidros: I use mplayer moz plugin - amd64 intrepid - but it also worked on hardy kubuntu14:40
phaidrosjim_p: just don't answer *any* question when not solved others already ;)14:40
HaguMondo you want me to show up the lscpi when I log into with the new kernel version?14:40
erUSULsAnimations: yes is normal if those connections are managed by network manager14:40
jim_pHaguMon: open a terminal and type lspci. pm me the output if you can so i xan see it later14:40
phaidrosfrybye: yeah, but sun java ?14:40
sAnimationserUSUL: Ah, thanks. I'll look further :)14:41
HaguMonthanks in advance jim_p!14:41
jim_plegendata: do the same thing i asked HaguMon to do but with lsusb14:41
frybyephaid .. as far as I know - nothing has complained...14:41
frybyephaidros: how to check... eh - but as I say - I am using intrepid now..14:42
phaidrosfrybye: uh? I'm talking about sun java6 mozilla, where is the relation to mplayer? *wonder*14:42
mrbig4545hi, im using ubuntu with xen, no problems there14:42
monostonewhen using k9copy to do a DVD copy, no shrinking, why does the final iso file ouput weigh less than the original DVD?  Could this be due to the removal of the protection schemes on the original by libdvdcss? but that doesn't make sense since I thought it was on the fly decryption when playing14:42
frybyephaidros: I got things mixed up...14:42
mrbig4545but i want to sue virtualbox inside dom014:42
phaidrosfrybye: np :)14:42
scunizican the new Oo exist side by side with the default Oo install ? or do I need to uninstall the Ubuntu version14:42
mrbig4545theres not virtualbox-modules-xen package, so i figured id build them myself14:42
legendatajim_p: ok, I will install ubunto now, will come back later for help..... see u14:42
sAnimationserUSUL: So how can I check on interfaces with NetworkManager?14:42
phaidrosscunizi: usually try to handle software via apt.14:42
erUSULsAnimations: what do you want to check?14:43
mrbig4545but i dont know where to get the linux-2.6.24-12-xen kernel source from14:43
mrbig4545any ideas?14:43
phaidrosmrbig4545: apt-get source package ?14:43
* phaidros wonders if that gives acutally kernel source :)14:43
mrbig4545i did a apt-cache search for source, and all i can find is linux-source14:43
{E}Someone can help me?14:43
sAnimationserUSUL: IP, subnet, etc. I'm trying to get OpenVPN going and I'm not sure the TAP/TUN interface is properly configured14:43
scuniziphaidros, yea.. I know.. however .. that dooms me to 12 mths of waiting for the new version to be incorporated.14:44
|Dreams|will i have to reinstall anything else since i had to reinstall flash since the kernel update14:44
mrbig4545or similar, but its not the same version as the xen kernel image14:44
phaidrosmrbig4545: i believe it is the same source, but diff patchsets and .config ..14:44
erUSULsAnimations: ifconfig -a14:44
mamo_noobhow to read japanese or chinese character on mozilla for reading emails14:44
mrbig4545its much easier to do this in gentoo :p14:44
DESiBELiAnyone tried installing Ubuntu or any other Gnu-distro to Scaleo Li, or know if there's any site with list of Linux-ok-hardware?14:44
phaidrosscunizi: no 3rd party repo already packaged the new version?14:44
phaidrosmrbig4545: ino, but even way more time consuming ;)14:44
scuniziphaidros, haven't checked.. it is available as a deb off the Oo site..14:44
phaidrosscunizi: heh, kewl :)14:45
mrbig4545phaidros: its not that bad on my new quad core :D14:45
scuniziphaidros, enough changes to it that there is some major interest... took the servers down in the last day or so.14:45
mrbig4545so how do i apply the xen patches to the kernel source?14:46
phaidrosscunizi: which version? can they handle now more than 64000 lines in calc??14:46
deusI'm looking for a command I can't recall: Using this command you can run a program for a specified amount of time. after that time, the program terminates independent whether the program is finished or not.14:46
amanullai have a puppy linux i want to install it on my usb stick is there a room for that to chat ?14:46
amanullaabout it here?'14:46
phaidrosmrbig4545: ubuntu has its own way of kernelhandling. sadly I never understood ..14:46
frybye Hi - my system apparently has a corrupt magic number (= superblock?) can sbdy tell me step by step how to repair..?14:46
DESiBELiIs there any list of hardware known to work with Ubuntu or Gnu in general?14:47
phaidrosamanulla: try #linux14:47
mrbig4545damn this ubuntu, if i wasnt at work id use gentoo, but it'll take far too much time to setup14:47
Lartza_Sohuld I install games sdl or gtk+ client?14:47
amanullaphaidros:ok thank you14:47
scuniziphaidros, 3.0  not sure about the calc side.. but I know that there were some positive changes there. http://www.linuxtoday.com/news_story.php3?ltsn=2008-10-15-010-35-NW-DT-RL14:47
deusfrybye: can't recall there was a nice fix for that. there are several tutorials on it though14:47
erUSULfrybye: fsck with the -b option?14:47
afallenhope|workIs there a way of getting: VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV515 [Radeon X1300] to work with compiz?14:48
PillowSoftwow this does have a lot of ppl14:48
phaidrosmrbig4545: IIRC it is a nice way of kernelhandling, but I never was able to understand .. to much precondition from gentoo :D14:48
erUSULfrybye: "e2fsck  -b  32768 /dev/whatever"14:48
frybyeerUSUL: I have tried so much I can remember what I have already done.. hmmm ..14:48
phaidrosPillowSoft: it does :)14:48
erUSULfrybye: that tells fsck to use the backup superblock instead of the main one14:48
Lartza_Sohuld I install game's sdl or gtk+ client?14:49
HaguMonI upgraded ubuntu with the latest kernel (2.6.24-19 to 2.6.24-21) and... wifi didn't load at all. Do I need to reinstall it?14:49
frybyeok give it a go..thanks..14:49
baldurGreetings people. I am having alot of trouble with my browser... i just set up ubuntu a week ago ur sum and my browser (firefox) seams to crash when there is alot of action14:49
baldurlike alot of flash and java on sites14:50
HaguMonI have an atheros  AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express14:50
balduranyone here that can help me with that14:50
Manacimbaldur: are you using a desktop or laptop14:50
baldurManacim:  desktop14:50
Manacimis your 3d enabled?14:51
Manacimdefault video drivers just wont' cut it when browsing14:51
PillowSoftAny one know what hardware i need to set up say 5 virtual machines?14:51
ManacimPillowSoft: 5? whoa! that's a bit too much lol14:51
baldurManacim: what do you mean i need to get new video drivers ??14:51
deusI'm looking for a command I can't recall: Using this command you can run a program for a specified amount of time. after that time, the program terminates independent whether the program is finished or not. Any idea's?14:52
monostonewhen using k9copy to do a DVD copy, no shrinking just dvd backup to iso file, why does the final iso  weigh less than the original DVD? I was expecting an exact duplicate, could i be losing something by video or sound compression even though i am selecting backup dvd?14:52
HaguMonI upgraded ubuntu with the latest kernel (2.6.24-19 to 2.6.24-21) and... wifi didn't load at all. I have an atheros  AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express... Do I need to recompile that?14:52
Manacimbaldur:  open up termainl and type in glxinfo | grep direct14:52
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Manacimif it says direct rendering: yes14:52
Manacimthen you're good14:52
scunizimonostone, could be stripping subtitles, french language, spanish, trailers etc.14:53
baldurManacim:  direct rendering YES14:53
mamo_noobguys how to read japanese and chinese emails on ubuntu14:53
scunizimamo_noob, from bottom to top14:53
Manacimdid you try updating your system?14:53
baldurManacim: everything is up to date14:54
Manacimwhat's your gfx card?14:54
Manacimnvidia or ati?14:54
mamo_noobscunizi: i mean i can read it its like diamond shaped no kanji or katakana or hiragana14:54
Manacimor intel accelerated?14:54
Ganandorfhi some help please my resolution was fine since yesterday my sis shut down the pc badly now when i boot its at 640x something pretty low14:54
Ganandorfwhat do i do14:54
monostonescunizi: but i'm making sure to select all titlesets, that's what is bugging me, I'm trying to make an exact backup, not a rip, for safekeeping, and although all the options seem intact, languages, etc... it simply weighs less (800MB to be precise) than the original.14:54
balduri got some nvida card14:55
Ganandorfi am running ubuntu 8.04 64bit nvidia card14:55
scunizimonostone, have you tried any other rippers to compare?14:55
Manacimbaldur: any website will make your browser lag?14:55
HaguMonI upgraded ubuntu with the latest kernel (2.6.24-19 to 2.6.24-21) and... wifi didn't load at all. I have an atheros  AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express... Do I need to recompile that?14:56
scunizi!resolution | Ganandorf14:56
ubottuGanandorf: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto14:56
baldurManacim:  no not every but like bif websites with alot of flash wont lag much but they crash14:56
scuniziHaguMon, report it on the bug list as a regression.. in the mean time.. boot to the old kernel14:56
Manacimbaldur:  are you using firefox?14:57
Manacimthat's natural then14:57
Manacimmy firefox crashes too14:57
Manacimwhen i'm on sites like yotuube14:57
HaguMonOk, I'll do that scunizi14:57
FloodBot2Manacim: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:57
HaguMonthank you14:57
deusnobody knows the command i'm looking for? :(14:57
Manacimit's a glitch that firefox needs to fix14:57
baldurManacim:  relly becuz on my windows laptop everything works great with firefox14:58
CyberBirdyes, my firefox also crashes on sites like youtube14:58
PiciManacim: Its a known issue with Firefox, Flash and Pulseaudio.14:58
Manacimit's a known issue like pici said14:58
baldurManacim: any other browser i can use untill firefox fixis the error ??14:59
Manacimthere's really nothing you can do unless you code a fix for it14:59
Manacimi don't really use any other browsers14:59
Manacimjust firefox or load up my vmware and use IE lol14:59
mrbig4545sorry had to do some work14:59
baldurManacim: ok but also like on youtube i cant hear any sound why is that ???15:00
Manacimyou need to install a sound library15:00
jribbaldur: remove the libflashsupport package.  You won't be able to hear more than one sound if flash is playing but your browser won't crash15:00
Manacimvia synaptec manager15:00
mrbig4545i think ill read up on ubuntu's kernel handeling,15:00
Lartza_can ubuntu break my powerline ethernet adaptor?15:00
baldurjrib:  how do i remove that packege ???15:00
Manacimjrib, his FF crashes without the libflashsupport15:00
jim_pback on track15:01
jribbaldur: what does this command return: dpkg -l libflashsupport | grep '^ii'15:02
Manacimjrib, i'm pretty sure he doesn't have that package installed because he doesn't hear any sounds from youtube15:02
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Manacimor any flash movies15:03
jribManacim: that's why we are checking :)15:03
baldurjrib: i just innstalled that package and sound started to work with my browser lol15:03
Manacimtold you15:03
frybyere: re corrupt magin number - am in live system now - it cannot find   e2fsk??? tried to sudo apt-get install e2fsk - also - cannot find..15:03
balduri looked it up and found it was not installed and i did and then it worked :)15:03
baldurthanks tho15:03
frybyee e magic number I mean - superblock...15:04
baldurbut i'm gonna see how my browsers handels after this15:04
Manacimmy browser crashes after a few new videos i watch15:04
frybyehow to get/use e2fsk in a ubuntu live session???15:04
bytecodeManacim: baldur: jrib: - Hi Guys, I have to say that PulseAudio is a bit troublesome at first - but it's a fantastic package, it lets me send my audio from 1 PC to the other and then out thru a shared soundsystem - it's fantastic!15:05
jribfrybye: you mean e2fsck?15:05
edmondneed help15:05
edmondi download a file in internet n y cant copy to my external hardisk15:05
baldurat first clymps after i installed this packade my browser seams to be working better than ever15:05
DexterFgot an old scsi scanner here, Mustek Paragon MFS-8000SP, known to work alright and was fine in debian etch, Slackware 9-11, kubuntu 7.04, 7.10... now sane-find-scanners reports it on /dev/sg0 but xsane and others all say "no device"15:06
edmondcopy out file from external hardisk or copy in also cannot y ?15:06
jribedmond: what filesystem is on your external hardisk?15:06
edmondany idea15:06
frybyeah ha - that was perhaps my mistake.. ok thanks...15:06
edmondfat 3215:06
jribedmond: pastebin the output of 'mount'15:06
justin_Is the latest update to Open Office the 3.0 release?15:06
baldurAhh it crashed15:06
Manacimit was inevitable15:07
edmondteach me15:07
baldurwell i did a rough check opend a flash game and then a couple of big myspace sites15:07
jribedmond: open a terminal and type 'mount'.  Then go to paste.ubuntu.com, paste, submit, and give us the url15:07
icarus-chow to shut down X?15:07
jribedmond: huh?15:07
edmondi already download a file15:07
baldurbut the lag seams to have gone15:07
jrib!who | edmond15:07
ubottuedmond: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)15:07
edmondi means movie15:07
frybyeit says - permission denied - i must have r/w or root priv. for the file system??15:07
edmondwanna copy to my external hardisk only15:08
Manacimuse sudo =]15:08
edmondyes frybye15:08
edmondsudo then15:08
jribbaldur: it's supposed to be fixed in intrepid.  So if you can endure for 2 more weeks, you can upgrade then15:08
baldurjrib: yeahh like this it will be ok and i'll wait :) thanks for all the help15:09
Manacimwell baldur15:09
GamingXCan someone suggest an alternative for Multisim in Ubuntu?15:09
Manacimi'm glad we could be of some help =]15:09
Azhi_Dahaka_Ican't playback anything with audacity... tried every possible config and neither work... anyone has experienced something like that?15:09
Manacimlol GamingX, i haven't used multisim15:09
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Manacimare you in ITT tech?15:09
frybye it says it is mounted or used by another programme??15:10
jrib!who | frybye15:10
ubottufrybye: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)15:10
edmondit mount15:10
icarus-cManacim: excuse me, how to shutdown X?15:10
frybyeif i do - sudo umount /dev/sda1 ??15:10
jrib!pl | panda_15:11
ubottupanda_: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl15:11
edmondin /media/disk-915:11
quilbyif i need to burn something to a cd will it work if i burn it to a dvd?15:11
quilbya .iso15:11
frybyeedmond: will sudo umount /dev/sda1 do the trick or ..?15:11
GamingXManacim: No, I am an electronics student15:12
CyberBirdyes, it will15:12
Manacimicarus-c: try shutdown -h now15:12
panda_opuścił dołączył hah15:12
frybyeedmond: is there another anothe parameter/option that needs to be in there..?15:12
usicowwhat cron syntax can I use to run something once an hour between 9am and 5pm? I'm trying * 9-17/59 * * * /var/test.sh, but that doesnt work for some reason.15:12
quilbycyber are u talking to me?15:12
ManacimGamingX: oh, i used to major in eletronics at itt tech and they let us used a program called multisim15:12
icarus-cManacim: i mean shutdown X15:13
quilbyalso what im trying to burn is a windows recovery console so is that ok?15:13
icarus-cManacim: and get to a tty15:13
quilbyit said burn to cd im burning to dvd?15:13
usicowor should I use: 0 9-17 * * * /var/test.sh?15:13
Manacimicarus-c: you want to shutdown the gnome desktop?15:13
ubottuIntrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - Warning lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, *NOT* #ubuntu15:13
icarus-cManacim: you may say so?15:14
Manacimyou want it to be a non gui command line environment?15:14
CyberBirdhm... command line may not be well dvd-compatible (for recovery console of windows)15:14
icarus-cManacim: yes15:15
Manacimicarus-c: type sudo init 1 to go to a single user text mode15:15
Manacimicarus-c: and then sudo init 2 to go back to a GUI mode15:15
icarus-cManacim: .....  i need multiple user15:15
fsufitch_hi. I have a problem with "cheese". my laptop has an integrated webcam located on /dev/video0, and skype can use it just fine, but cheese doesn't even display the image preview on the photo or video mode. it also proceeds to freeze after about 30 seconds. is cheese currently broken?15:15
icarus-cManacim: iirc there is something like  /etc/init.d/xyz stop15:15
Manacimicarus-c:  try ctrl+alt+f1 thru f6, ctrl+alt+f7 goes back to the GUI mode15:16
jribicarus-c: why do you want to shutdown X?15:17
icarus-cjrib: i need to15:17
jribicarus-c: why do you need to...?15:17
bytecodeicarus-c: but what for?15:17
icarus-cfor fun15:17
Manacimanybody wanna see my desktop screen shot?15:18
EinonHi! When using Places -> Documents menu for example (all other folders does the same...) ubuntu launches rhythmbox, or stops playing in case it already runs. I use an up-to date intrepid .15:18
Arch3Angelhey all - anyone got experience with the HP Mini-Note 213315:18
jribicarus-c: right.... suit yourself.  'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop' will shutdown X15:18
bytecodeicarus-c: FYI: you can also use CTRL + ALT BACKSPACE to restart the gui too, for picking up changes to your xorg.conf15:18
Arch3Angeli am really wanting to get Ubuntu on this system15:18
ManacimArch3Angel: you can put ubuntu on any box15:18
icarus-cjrib: thanks15:18
icarus-ci'm not new to linux but new to ubuntu15:19
Arch3Angeli was reading it has problems with the broadcom wifi card15:19
jribicarus-c: I'm not sure why you're hesitant to tell us the real reason.  A lot of times people ask that question trying to do things that are done in better ways15:19
ManacimArch3Angel: that's true but the drivers for broadcom cards comes with ubuntu now15:19
ManacimArch3Angel: all you need to do is install ubuntu and do a complete update via update manager15:19
icarus-cjrib: i don't have a reason really... but just for exploring15:20
farciarz84hi guys, help needed15:20
Arch3Angelany luck with bluetooth?15:20
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jribicarus-c: k15:20
DocalI am running Hardy, and am running into a situation where frequently (but not always) when my wife selects the option to "change user" and login as herself my session is terminating rather than staying active. Normally I'm able to simply switch back and all my programs are still running, but on occassion this isn't the case and I'm not sure where to start in terms of investigating this. I don't see anything in /var/log/messages - can15:20
Docalanyone offer any suggestions?15:20
ManacimArch3Angel: never tried bluetooth15:20
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amenadoArch3Angel--> you can try using the liveCD first and get a feel15:20
aliciapgokay can someone help me, i updated and now i have no sound15:21
Manacimaliciapg: you might wanna look up the forums for an answer15:21
amenadoDocal--> does she press ctrl+alt+F8 or F9 to get another login window?15:21
Arch3Angeli am thinkin of doing a full boot into ubuntu15:22
ManacimArch3Angel: what kind of computer is it?15:22
legend2440aliciapg: kernel updated?15:22
amenadoArch3Angel--> you can try using the liveCD first and get a feel first, then you can go forward after15:22
farciarz84I make sth like this: cp text_file dev/sda7, which muff my hard disk and now nothing can see it, it has a 'raw' file_system instead of ntfs15:22
Arch3Angelwonder if i will run into problems doing it off my usb flash drive since i have the xforcevesa flag15:22
farciarz84help please15:22
Arch3Angeli am running off usb flash drive now15:22
jribfarciarz84: reformat it?15:22
farciarz84jrib: wow15:23
aliciapgi'm not sure15:23
mopheadHey guys.  I was wondering if anyone's has issues using the new OO.o 3 with current Ubuntu15:23
farciarz84jrib: there is a data15:23
farciarz84jrib: I want to change the file_system only not format it15:23
jeeves_Mossis there a simple way if I have 2 servers to dynamically update a DNS A record is the servers are on a dynamic IP?15:23
Docalamendo - She is either choosing her name from the Userlist in the top panel (Running gnome) or she is clicking on the Log off/switch user/shutdown button in the far top right corner and choosing switch user.15:23
ManacimArch3Angel: if you feel like you want to install the actual ubuntu then go for it15:23
amenadofarciarz84--> thats not how you copy files, the destination must be a directory not a raw device15:23
legend2440aliciapg: open system>synaptic >file >history and you can see what was updated15:23
jribfarciarz84: I doubt there is anymore.  You can try the links in !recover I guess15:23
afallenhope|workis there any way of getting dual desktops/3d effects with VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV515 [Radeon X1300]15:23
jrib!recover > farciarz8415:23
ubottufarciarz84, please see my private message15:23
aliciapglooks like just packages15:24
amenadoDocal--> she should press those button to get another login windo15:25
aliciapgi do get an error msg15:25
junaidhow to access files between ubuntu host and xp guest (virtual box)15:25
Docalamenado, Yes, she has been using those buttons, and sometimes it is completely logging me out.15:25
amenadoDocal--> i meant the ctrl+alt+F815:26
jribjunaid: if you click on "help" in the vbox menu, it has a manual that explains the details of sharing.  Try #vbox for specific questions about it15:26
legend2440aliciapg: no sound at all?15:26
farciarz84ubottu: tnx15:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tnx15:27
amenadoDocal thats because you probably only have one entry in your gdm.conf or gdm/custom.conf  <--not sure which file as i dont have ubuntu up right now15:27
attickidcan I format a hard disk from Ubuntus live cd? from the live's console?15:27
aliciapglegend2440: no none at all15:27
aliciapgit gives me an error msg15:27
legend2440aliciapg: whats the error message?15:28
aliciapglegend2440: um should i paste it in here...15:28
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)15:28
Docalamenado - I have my gdm.conf open, by chance do you know what I should be looking for in there?15:28
amenadoDocal--> in the aforementioned file, there should be at least two entries under  [servers]15:28
attickidcan I format a hard disk from Ubuntus live cd? from the live's console?15:29
sparkflagrationhi, all. I was wondering if someone could help me with my wireless.15:29
amenadoattickid--> yes you can15:29
Manacimsparkflagration: post your question and someone will answer it15:29
farciarz84another things, I want to change my ubuntu look, can I instal same addons (system performance, mac ox doc, or sth like this) ?15:29
attickidamenado: whats the command, format?15:30
aliciapglegend2440: http://pastebin.com/d4d99f2f715:30
farciarz84recommend me please some site15:30
jadedotoYes sure15:30
jadedotocheck out mac4lin15:30
Manacimfarciarz84: if you want to change your ubuntu look, google ubuntu themes15:30
bakrjoin #ubuntu-sa/15:30
jadedotothis is what mine currently looks like jadedoto/net/mike/Screenshot.png15:30
jadedotoand for the dock thing, look for something called awn or avant window navigator15:30
jadedotoit's in the repos15:30
amenadoattickid--> sudo fdisk /dev/sdxx  or maybe sudo sfdisk /dev/sdxx15:31
farciarz84Manacim: thx15:31
jim_pjadedoto: although i hate macs, your top bar is awesome!15:31
Pici!themes | farciarz8415:31
ubottufarciarz84: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy15:31
mopheadHave a lot of  users been here saying they've had problems with OO.o3?15:31
bakrالسلام عليكم هل يوجد احد يتكلم العربية لاني اول مرة ادخل15:31
Manacimfarciarz84: np15:31
Manacimmpalatnik: what is OO.o3?15:31
jim_pjadedoto: what theme is this?15:31
Pici!sa | bakr15:31
ubottubakr: For the Saudi Arabia team : /join #ubuntu-sa : للانظمام الى قناة الفريق السعودي - For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية15:31
jadedotoIt's a theme off of gnome-look15:32
Docalamenado, Previously (on a different machine - also running Hardy) i had three users setup, and we were able to switch back and forth between all three via the users menu in the top panel without anyone ever being logged out - I was expecting/hoping to be able to use things that way again here. Is that menu not designed to allow "hopping" back and forth between users?15:32
jadedotohold on I'll find it15:32
attickidamenado: does the live cd have a partition utility?15:32
Manacimfarciarz84: here's a my ubuntu theme15:32
maniheerManacim, OpenOffice.Org 315:32
Manacimfarciarz84: http://img390.imageshack.us/img390/249/screenshotlv4.png15:32
ubottua free and open source office suite, including word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components.  To install: "sudo apt-get install openoffice.org". User help available in #users.openoffice.org15:32
Manacimmaniheer: oh sorry15:32
Manacimmaniheer: i know what it is =]15:32
amenadoDocal--> compare their gdm.conf files to see if there are differences15:32
jadedotojim_p: here's a step by step on how I did ithttp://www.howtoforge.com/mac4lin_make_linux_look_like_a_mac15:32
amenadoattickid--> yes, i already gave you the command15:32
rubydiamondhow do I bulk rename image files in ubuntu15:33
Docalamenado, Ok, I will give that a go once I have access to the other machine again. Thank you for your assistance.15:33
jim_pjadedoto: thanks15:33
attickidamenado: yeah but Im wonder whether I can run partition editor from the live version?15:33
amenadoDocal--> okay, good luck15:33
jim_pdo we show screenshots of our desktops?15:33
legend2440aliciapg: have you rebooted since the updates?15:33
amenadoattickid--> did I not say yes you can?15:33
aliciapglegend2440: yes i have15:33
Prettorubydiamond, using nautilus?15:34
legend2440open system >preferences>sound and try different settings in dropdown boxes ie Alsa15:35
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aliciapglegend2440: it works for none of them15:36
rubydiamondPretto, that can be good.. but shell can work too15:36
Lartza_if i play something fulscreen desktop effects on15:36
legend2440aliciapg: in terminal type    aplay --list-devices    and see if your sound card is detected15:36
Lartza_it blinks black15:36
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Lartza_pieces of it on time15:37
aliciapglegend2440: nope15:37
Prettorubydiamond, one solution here http://jrfonseca.blogspot.com/2006/05/mass-renaming-in-nautilus.html15:37
legend2440aliciapg: sound worked fine before the update?15:37
farciarz84ok so when on ubuntu will be a real-games? blizzard games for ex15:38
farciarz84macbook is a unix freindly and has such as things15:38
Picifarciarz84: Ask Blizzard.15:38
aliciapglegend2440: yes it did15:38
Tankadocan anyone give me a d/l link so i can use with "wget" for vmware workstation, as i cant find one on there website that actually work and i dont have the desktop env ?15:38
aliciapglegend2440: ah well, i gtg15:38
legend2440aliciapg: ok15:38
farciarz84j# Blizzard15:38
aliciapglegend2440: thanks anyway15:38
]K[^Omegadoomfarciarz84: You can play wow like I am doing right now15:38
Lartza_on fullscreen with desktop effects on the screen blinks annoyingly15:39
farciarz84for sure its complicated15:39
farciarz84to install it15:39
Prettorubydiamond, onether one is using Purrr15:39
legend2440aliciapg: if you enter that error in google it may help15:39
farciarz84and has worse performance then on windwos/mac os15:39
aliciapglegend2440: alright thanks i will15:39
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.15:39
legend2440aliciapg: ok good luck15:39
CyberBirdfor sure, linux supports more games than mac os x15:39
GanandorfGuys i am getting no luck with my screen resolution problem its still pretty low with no options to go higher could it be a problem with compiz fusion cause i have that running15:40
legendatacan't get airmon-ng to work ..... just typed: sudo apt-get install aircrack-ng, it downloaded some beta version i guess..... aircrack-ng , aireplay-ng ...etc... are working but when I type airmon-ng it returns: Run It As root. .... What should I do?15:40
farciarz84]K[^Omegadoom: does it has a comparable performance that on windows?15:40
christroHi! How can I remove the Harddisk-Item from the Gnome desktop?15:40
]K[^Omegadoomfarciarz84: Better15:40
indian_munndachristro: just unmopunt it15:40
indian_munndachristro: *unmount15:40
christroindian_munnda: i dont wanna unmount it. i just want to get rid of the icon.15:41
farciarz84]K[^Omegadoom: how? wine is an emulator so it has to be worse15:41
wftlQuick question. Is there no dialup modem configuration in Ibex (8.10)?15:41
Manacimfarciarz84: wine isn't that bad =]15:41
Picifarciarz84: Wine is not an emulator.15:41
wftlRunning from the Beta DVD15:41
]K[^Omegadoomfarciarz84: Wrong it runs better for me under openGL15:41
Pici!ibex | wftl15:42
ubottuwftl: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - Warning lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, *NOT* #ubuntu15:42
Arch3Angelwhelp here goes the ubuntu install15:42
wftlThanks, Pici.15:42
indian_munndachristro: sorry for that. :)15:42
Pici!appdb | farciarz84 check the appdb for the application you plan on running15:42
ubottufarciarz84 check the appdb for the application you plan on running: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org15:42
CyberBirdemulator doesn't mean necessarily worse performance15:42
Lartza_how do i get desktop cube15:42
]K[^Omegadoomand as Pici said it is not really a emulator15:43
Lartza_i have ccsm15:43
ManacimLartza_: you use compiz for that15:43
Lartza_and enabled it from there15:43
ubottuCompiz-Fusion (and the older Compiz and Beryl) are window managers that employ the "composite" extension of X to draw windows using graphics cards' 3D hardware. They can additionally provide "desktop special effects" (such as the "cube") by means of plug-ins. Join #compiz-fusion for help and support with advanced features. See also « /msg ubotu compiz » and « /msg ubotu effects »15:43
indian_munndaLartza_: use coimpiz settings manger15:43
joaopintofarciarz84, wine is not an emulator15:43
Lartza_i did use the settings manager15:43
Lartza_its enabled15:43
Lartza_and wont work15:43
Manacimis your 3d enabled?15:43
ManacimLartza_: is your 3d enabled15:43
unitedpotsmokershi, where can i find hp webcam driver?15:43
Lartza_i can play 3d games and direct rendering works15:44
Manacimtry checking and unchecking cube deskto15:44
Manacimthat worked on my friends laptop15:44
indian_munndaunitedpotsmokers: in the repositories itself15:44
Sylphid|workLaggyware, cube only works with horizontal workspaces it does not work with vertical15:44
ManacimLartza_: oh yeah i forgot, you need at least 4 workspaces15:44
unitedpotsmokersin the repositories? where? but i cant view my webcam bro15:45
ManacimLartza_: to make the work cube, need at least 4 workspaces15:45
Lartza_how to add more workspaces?15:45
Pici!webcam | unitedpotsmokers15:45
ubottuunitedpotsmokers: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras15:45
indian_munndaunitedpotsmokers: use synaptic packages manager in that you will find that15:45
unitedpotsmokersi really need a software can view a webcam when im online15:45
amanullaManacim:yes after checking that box of cube in order to see it is there any shortcut key?15:45
jadedotosudo apt-get install cheese15:45
Arch3AngelWhelp I am done with SLED here comes Ubuntu15:45
jadedototo unitedpotsmokers15:45
Manacimamanulla: yes15:45
Manacimamanulla: the default shortcut for cube is ctrl + alt + mouse 115:46
Manacimand then move the mouse around15:46
amanullamouse 1 means?15:46
Lartza_got it15:46
Manacimleft mouse click15:46
indian_munndaunitedpotsmokers: hear jadedoto15:46
Lartza_now trying to enable cube15:46
Docalamenado, are you still there?15:46
jadedotounitedpotsmokers: if you're looking for something like to see yourself and whatnot, try Cheese. If you are looking for using it in chats try Kopete. Or Skype15:46
mopheadhmm.  Is there an official page that explains how to isntall oo.o3 on ubuntu or other debian based distros?15:46
unitedpotsmokersi cant hear, i can see15:46
indian_munndaunitedpotsmokers: yup exactly. :)15:47
amanullaanacim>:mouse 1 means?15:47
amanullasoory Manacim15:47
Manacimit's ok15:47
Arch3Angelok here is a odd one - due to the chrome video driver my screen is all white15:47
amenadoDocal--> yes15:47
Lartza_umm it doesnt work15:47
Prettoamanulla, your left mouse buttom15:47
unitedpotsmokersyes, im using cheese software, it able to view it... but the problem is, when i online using a gyachi, it cant view it... i got a msg error15:47
Dreadproftpd, pureftpd or vsftpd for a simple home dir jailed ftp server?15:48
Arch3Angeland once it is installed any suggestions as to how to keep it from rebooting to a white screen15:48
Lartza_if i press ctrl alt down it gives me black on top, three workspaces on center and black on bottom of the screen15:48
bonez45I have Via Openchrome drivers for my video.. on 8.04.. it's working, but I wonder.. will the update manager let me know if any new OpenChrome drivers come out?15:48
jadedotounitedpotsmokers: what does the error say?15:48
Picibonez45: If you installed them from the repos, then yes.15:48
Arch3Angeldid you install ubuntu stadnard15:48
ManacimLartza_: press and hold ctrl alt left mouse click and then move your mouse for the cube15:48
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)15:48
bonez45Pici: from the 'repos'?15:48
Docalamenado, I had someone boot that other PC (it's at a remote location) and I logged in via SSH and compared my gdm.conf to the one on it - they are identical. It is probably worth mentioning that oftentimes simply switching users via the users menu in my top panel does *not* log me out, but keeps me logged in and my apps running in the background. This is only a situation that I'm running into a portion of the time.15:48
bonez45Pici: I believe I ran apt-get to install them.. can't remember now15:49
DocalCan you (or anyone else) suggest anything else I might look into?15:49
Lartza_Mancim: doesn work15:49
Dreadproftpd, pureftpd or vsftpd for a simple home dir jailed ftp server?15:49
Picibonez45: 'repos' is just another way of referring to the package repositories, i.e.: apt-get15:49
Lartza_it starts to rope files if i hold left click and move15:49
ManacimLartza_: while holding ctrl and alrt?15:49
unitedpotsmokersjadedoto, it say an error accoured at 'ioctlVIDIOCSPICT' could not set camera properties15:49
Manacimhmm weird15:50
Lartza_ctrl alt down looks like cube like 1 second15:50
amenadoDocal that gdm.conf should have a [servers] entry and you can have several terminals specified for it, the format, i dont remember off hand, have to google for it15:50
Lartza_between switching from workspace wall looking thing(but not the effect kind) and the one workspace view15:50
EinonHi! When using Places -> Documents menu for example (all other folders does the same...) ubuntu launches rhythmbox, or stops playing in case it already runs. I use an up-to date intrepid15:50
amanullato install compiz to see cubic effect any suggested command to run it in terminal?15:50
jadedotounitedpotsmokers: is there a setting menu in gyachi to tell it what video device is the webcam? it may be trying to access something that isn't actually a camera15:51
FlyingSquirrel31I just updated my kernel, but my menu.lst is a little different, so I told the installer to leave my copy.15:51
unitedpotsmokersi set a new numbers like 1,2,3,4 at web cam device...  '/dev/video015:51
RidingDefmoin, wie kann ich unter ubuntu im firefox die backspace taste zum seiten zurück gehen einstellen, geht das überhaupt, da das ja eig. eine windows funktion ist15:51
Pici!de | RidingDef15:51
ubottuRidingDef: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de15:51
indian_munndaLartza_: use ctrl+alt+grab mouse left key and move15:51
ubottu#ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes15:51
CyberBirdamanulla: run "compiz" on a terminal15:51
ManacimLartza_: did you enable cube reflection?15:51
jadedotounitedpotsmokers:  is /dev/video# that you have your camera? as in is it the same one that cheese is using?15:51
unitedpotsmokersthe default value is /dev/video0 but i try 1,2,3,4,5 like that but not working bro...15:51
FlyingSquirrel31Could someone tell me what the new lines are that I need to add to mine to boot into the most recent kernel installed?15:52
jim_phow come there is not an xubuntu-gr channel?15:52
callkalpa1I have a camera phone15:52
ManacimLartza_: did you enable cube reflection and rotate cube ?15:52
unitedpotsmokersim not sure brother... how to see in cheese?15:52
Lartza_where cube reflection?15:52
jadedotoI'm looking and it doesn't seem like it15:52
callkalpa1when I connect it to my PC a file is created in /dev15:52
ManacimLartza_: under effect category15:52
callkalpa1with a file name video015:52
Lartza_i didnt now i did15:52
CyberBirdjim_p: are you greek?15:52
indian_munndaLartza_: i mean just have a left click on mouse and don't release it15:52
Docalamenado, i've just switched to my wifes log in, and then back over to mine - it did not log me out. Would that not indicate that my gdm.conf is working correctly and perhaps something else is causing this behaviour?  I almost suspect something is crashing or terminating my login due to an error as in my testing, I can usually switch back and forth between my acct and hers without issue. It's only some of the time that it's fully loggi15:52
Docalng me out.15:52
callkalpa1But I can't use my camera in skype15:53
ManacimLartza_: ok and now is rotate cube clicked?15:53
callkalpa1please help me15:53
Manacimthere we go !15:53
indian_munndaLartza_: like moving filed on the desktop15:53
jim_pCyberBird: 27 years now, yes15:53
Lartza_its cool!15:53
unitedpotsmokersbut in cheese software everything is fine bro...15:53
jadedotounitedpotsmokers: Hold on15:53
CyberBirdjim_p: giati, ego ti eimai? :p15:53
ManacimLartza_: if you put 6 workspaces, the top and bottom are used =]15:53
jim_pCyberBird: hahahaha15:53
amenadoDocal--> i have experienced those too, am pretty sure if you modify that gdm.conf  [servers] entry to add a terminal, that would resolve it15:53
sparkflagrationsorry, connection interrupted. anyone have any suggestions for my wireless issue?15:53
unitedpotsmokersif u teach me how to see a device location in cheese, tell me broo, im sick here15:53
Lartza_manacim: nice!15:53
ManacimLartza_: np15:54
Manacimwell i am going to bed, it's 8 am15:54
Lartza_well how could i get cube rotated when mouse without grab on edge of screen?15:54
unitedpotsmokersi really want to have a gd time with my girl friend.. plssss15:54
callkalpa1anyone to help with a issue with a camera in Ubuntu ...............................................?15:54
BeBeLuShuLdoes anyone how to make it work the sendmail ? i use ubuntu 8.0415:54
sparkflagrationhow do you connect to wireless from a command line?15:54
Manacimgnite everyone15:54
wattzgood morning all15:54
Docalamenado, Ok, i'll try that and see how that treats me over the coming days.15:55
arrrghhhok so i'm tryin to figure out why my bind mounts aren't working... i have them in fstab, and the bind mounts work when i create them but not from fstab.  i have a feeling the nfs mounts aren't up yet, and the bind mounts are failing.15:55
DB]Oricnite and morning :)15:55
Lartza_how can i get rotate cube just by moving mouse to the edge of screen?15:55
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wattzwondering if anyone here has tinkered with Xorg + evtouch on an elo15:55
jim_pcallkalpa1: which camera?15:55
stwange__ok I'm having trouble here. I tried the ubuntu live cd install but it gives me busybox every time. I've tried the alternative CD but it can't detect my hard drives (2 SATA drives, not in a RAID). Any ideas?15:55
PiciLartza_: Specific Compiz help is in #compiz-fusion15:55
sparkflagrationLartza_ it's in advanced effects config, under desktop cube15:55
indian_munnda!who | lartza15:55
ubottulartza: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)15:55
BeBeLuShuLdoes anyone how to make it work the sendmail ? i use ubuntu 8.0415:55
jadedotounitedpotsmokers: if you are using /dev/video0 and that is the device node of the webcam, I am really at a loss as to why you're getting that error... I'm not familiar enough with gyachi to help you much further and google isn't helping me much...15:55
Lartza_Pici: ok15:55
arrrghhhstwange__, either you have a hardware problem, or your system does not like ubuntu.  my friend's system was doing the same thing, turned out to be a bad video card.15:55
PillowSoftdamn it i saw a video the other day and i cant find it. It was a college humor kinda vid where a guy starts installing linux on everything including the front door, and toilet15:56
Lartza_indian_munnda: i wasn't15:56
stwange__arrrghhh I've had ubuntu installed before on this machine. Could it be the RAM?15:56
Pici!ot | PillowSoft15:56
ubottuPillowSoft: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!15:56
arrrghhhstwange__, you can test ram with memtest+86.  comes with the ubuntu cd.15:56
sparkflagrationanyone know how to start a wireless connection from a command line15:56
arrrghhhstwange__, did any hardware change since you installed ubuntu?15:56
arrrghhhsparkflagration, read about iwconfig15:57
stwange__arrrghhh only an extra drive, but I've tried removing it15:57
RonzOhey hey, how do i put a terminal window for my background picture?15:57
wattzi have evtouch working, and the touch is pretty close, but as I slide my finger from left to right, it slowly get's a little a head of my finger15:57
jrib!devilspie > RonzO15:58
ubottuRonzO, please see my private message15:58
arrrghhhstwange__, hrm.  i'm not quite sure then.  i'd do a consistency check on the disc & run memtest to be sure.15:58
jribRonzO: you can probably do that with devilspie.  Or wmctrl15:58
sparkflagrationarrrghhh: do you have any suggestions other than googling it (which I will be sure to do)? i read the manpage and it did not help at all...15:58
RonzOty jrib15:58
unitedpotsmokersai yai yai yai yai15:58
jribRonzO: you also probably need to tell nautilus not to draw the desktop disable show_desktop in gconf-editor15:58
arrrghhhsparkflagration, well wireless connections from the command line aren't exactly easy...15:58
RonzOjrib, aight, thank ya15:58
trigpinim gonna dual boot ubuntu - win i install win first right ?15:58
indian_munndaunitedpotsmokers: :)15:59
unitedpotsmokersjadedoto : thanks..15:59
Azhi_Dahaka_Ican't playback anything with audacity... tried every possible config and neither work... anyone has experienced something like that?15:59
joaopintotrigpin, right15:59
unitedpotsmokersindian_munnda : thanks15:59
trigpink thnaks15:59
sparkflagrationarrrghhh: is there any way to get the gnome net applet to run on KDE?15:59
theBishopis there a channel for FreeType?15:59
arrrghhhsparkflagration, uh probably, what's wrong with kde's wireless?  always worked great for me.15:59
shubbarwho know how to use Avidemux?16:00
armageddonAzhi_Dahaka, di u install ubuntu-restricted16:00
arrrghhhshubbar, there are a TON of guides online for avidemus16:00
arrrghhher avidemux16:00
sparkflagrationdon't know. it just refuses to connect.16:00
arrrghhhsparkflagration, it can see the networks tho?16:00
shubbararrrghhh, so this is not the place to ask16:01
unitedpotsmokersbe right back.. i ll take a shower... who want to join?16:01
indian_munndacan anyone tell me nay software package for reducing the size of a *.wmv video????16:01
arrrghhhsparkflagration, well i don't think the gnome one would have any better luck.  there's a #kubuntu room.  you could just try gnome.  install ubuntu-desktop and switch to gnome from the signon screen.16:01
amenadoarrrghhh--> may i suggest you create your own cheatsheet so in case you forget the command you can refer back to that cheatsheet16:01
mopheadI'm using this instruction to install open office 3.  does it look kosher? : http://openofficedocs.wordpress.com/2008/10/14/install-openoffice-30-on-ubuntu/16:02
arrrghhhamenado, wha?16:02
amenadoarrrghhh--> may i suggest you create your own cheatsheet so in case you forget the command you can refer back to that cheatsheet <--difficult for you to understand?16:02
sparkflagrationthe other thing i think is wierd is that it (kde net manager) asks for 104/48 bit wep keys, not 128/6416:02
indian_munndacan anyone tell me nay software package for reducing the size of a *.wmv video????16:03
arrrghhhamenado, i just don't understand what you mean.  cheatsheet?  i don't forget commands.  i think you're msging the wrong person.16:03
djedaydid anyone use 8.10 ? it's stable enought for home ?16:03
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arrrghhhdjeday, i'd wait.  you have like 2 weeks.16:03
thiebaudedjeday:it's stable for me16:03
BeBeLuShuLdoes anyone how to make it work the sendmail ? i use ubuntu 8.0416:04
arrrghhh*usually* the beta is a good example of what the final will be, maybe missing some polishing.16:04
indian_munndaBeBeLuShuL: explain your problm as deep as u can16:04
amenadoarrrghhh--> you're right, i mistyped the nick, sorry16:04
trigpinfor making ubuntu live cd i burn at maximum speed ?16:04
v4vijayakumarI have installed ubuntu 8.04. LTS. Is it possible to upgrade to upcoming ubuntu 8.10 (?) via update manager, or, I have to download through torrent, burn into dvd, install again...??16:04
PillowSoftYou want to burn it at slow.16:04
arrrghhhv4vijayakumar, update-manager -d16:05
trigpinPillowSoft,  thanks16:05
joaopintov4vijayakumar, but it's still beta16:05
unitedpotsmokersno maximum, u will get a error msg sometime...16:05
thiebaudearrrghhh:i've been getting updates everyday between 20 -40 mb on 8.1016:05
arrrghhhv4vijayakumar, will always give you the next version of ubuntu (sometimes when you don't want it.)16:05
arrrghhhthiebaude, that'll happen!16:05
arrrghhhthat's why i just wait till it's final.16:05
arrrghhhespecially for my server.16:05
amenadov4vijayakumar--> before you upgrade, understand why you really need to upgrade, usually upgrades are problematic, a fresh install of the new  is easier16:05
thiebaudei do suggest people wait until Oct 3016:06
knutin #ubuntu-de16:06
unitedpotsmokersfresh install? no need to update untill final?16:06
v4vijayakumararrrghhh, so it is possible to upgrade via upgrade manager, reinstall is not required.. :)16:06
derdonhi knut!16:06
indian_munndathiebaude: oct 30 is the date of new release. right?16:06
amenadounitedpotsmokers--> if you feel you are up to it in chasing errors, go for it16:06
joaopintov4vijayakumar, but reinstalling is most of the times a better option :)16:07
thiebaudesudo apt-get update-manager -d, for the upgrade16:07
arrrghhhv4vijayakumar, yes, and i told you the command to use.16:07
modpauperv4vijayakumar: watch out if you have an older nvidia and want to use compiz, though :)16:07
thiebaudeyes, indian_munnda16:07
tv7497guys help me with this this is troubling me for a week i try to install oracle 11g in ubuntu from this tutorial http://www.pythian.com/blogs/968/installing-oracle-11g-on-ubuntu-804-lts-hardy-heron the problem is i am not able to set the display variable i have tried every thing all i get this is this someone please help http://paste.ubuntu.com/57921/16:07
arrrghhhthiebaude, the apt-get is unnecessary :P16:07
cmdlnHas anyone noticed an issue with evince and firefox when opening pdfs? When I click on a pdf I am asked if I would like to open it with Document Viewer (evince) many times when I say yes evince launches and I only get a Loading screen. However if I download the pdf and then open it with evince it displays without issue.16:07
thiebaudearrrghhh:just bring up update manager?16:07
arrrghhhthiebaude, you can simply run sudo update-manager -d16:07
=== eric is now known as Guest30399
v4vijayakumarok, thanks #ubuntu16:07
sportmananyone have any issues16:08
sportmanwith vga out on their laptops?16:08
unitedpotsmokerssome people said to me dont need to format my laptop again, but i only need to update via update manager... im confuse man16:08
modpauperunitedpotsmokers: maybe it's the pot16:08
modpauperunitedpotsmokers: :P16:08
Azhi_Dahaka_any issues with Flash 10?16:08
unitedpotsmokerspls tell me the true16:08
=== c0de1 is now known as c0de1|off
thiebaudethe reason I upgraded to 8.10, is ubuntu is always good to my intel 81516:09
unitedpotsmokersthis is a computer man dont make a joke16:09
joaopintotv7497, erm, you are not expected to exit after setting the display variable16:09
joaopintotv7497, and if you are doing a graphical login with the oracle user, you do not need to set the display var16:10
derdonknut: ich kann nicht #ubuntu-de joinen, deswegn bin ich hier16:10
ubottuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de16:10
derdonokay, okay16:10
knutderdon: /join #ubuntu-de16:11
tv7497joaopinto: okiee will try that and let you know in a minute sir but graphical login you mean gksudo ???16:11
joaopintotv7497, since you are logging int with root (which is BAD), it will probably be easier to ssh -X oracle@localhost, that will take care of setting up the display var16:11
joaopintotv7497, no, i mean, like, when logging into the system, using the oracle user16:11
derdonknut: doesn't work! :(16:11
kushalsejwalGreeting everybody, I am having a dual boot between XP and Ubuntu. I want to format my XP partition after which I my grub would disappear, in the past I was not able to recover it and ended installing a resh copy, now I dont want the same. is there anyways by which I can save my grub? or easy way to get it back after I reinstall XP16:12
joaopintotv7497, and there was a repository for Oracle XE, much easier to install16:12
joaopinto!grub > kushalsejwal16:12
ubottukushalsejwal, please see my private message16:12
tv7497joapinto well sir the password set i dont know it was from that tutorial i just followed it blindly16:13
knutderdon_ for me that worked fine ..16:13
indian_munndakushalsejwal: install XP and then install grub16:13
joaopintotv7497, su - oracle, then "passwd"16:13
joaopintoand set the user's password16:13
tv7497joaopinto: ok sir16:13
Dreadanyone know how to change a chroot directory?16:14
joaopintoand you really should play with OracleXE first :)16:14
joaopintoDread, which chroot directory ?16:14
thiebaudewhat is OracleXE?16:14
joaopintotheBishop, it's a light version of Oracle RDBMS16:14
knuti installed kde 4.1 next to gnome.. now i cant start the virtual windows machine in virtualbox. it freezes at "spawing session"16:14
joaopintolighter and free, but limited16:14
Dreadsorry, should explain better, its vsftpd, i want to chroot the user bob to /home/webserver/bob/ instead of /home/bob16:14
joaopintoops, was thiebaude16:14
thiebaudeOracle RDBMS16:15
ayan4m1Anyone know if the linux-image packages are currently being messed with in intrepid's apt sources?16:15
joaopintoDread, I have experience with pureftp, with it, you could create a virtual user and sets it's home dir to whatever path you want16:15
jribayan4m1: #ubuntu+1 for help with intrepid16:15
ayan4m1jrib: Thanks16:16
tv7497joaopinto: http://paste.ubuntu.com/57925/16:16
tv7497joaopinto: well what to do now sir ?16:17
vbabiyIs there a fix for todays update if you are using nvidia-glx-new-envy and you upgrade to 2.6.24-21-generic it breaks X?16:20
Lartza_how to quickly change between compiz-fusion and not?16:21
tv7497joaopinto: sir trying to enter through the login screen it says the admin has disabled your account16:21
Lartza_how to quickly change between compiz-fusion and not?16:22
peer`Hi there. I want to install this distro of Kubuntu on to my laptop but don't want to install it if I can't get my external wireless card. It's a PC card, Airbus101 AWLC3026. I heard somewhere that I can update linux drivers with windows drivers files? how?16:22
Lartza_with not i mean something like metacity16:22
joaopintotv7497, I am sorry, but you really need an introduction to linux/unix before installing Oracle on a *nix system16:22
joaopintoplease search for some linux tutorial, there is a lot of documentation for beginners16:22
tv7497joaopinto: willing to learn sir :) i may be foolish though but whats the wrong i am doing sir16:23
danbh_intrepidpeer`: you can use ndiswrapper16:23
adacis 60 KB/s upload speed to lesss for a x11 connection to that server?16:23
=== Chris_Britton is now known as Charles
=== Charles is now known as Charles_Spurgeon
peer`what is ndiswrapper?16:23
faucheurI need some help plz :)16:24
joaopintotv7497, don't have enough time for a step-by-step tutoring right now, sorry :\16:24
peer`okay, I see what NDISwrapper is now16:24
faucheurI think my session is dead16:24
tv7497joaopinto: okiee sir :)16:24
CalvinDKWhat is the keybord shutcut to clear to desktop16:24
peer`how would I download and install it? or what can I search for on google to find a tutorial?16:24
faucheurI can't access to my session with : KDE/Gnome/failsafemod16:25
adacpeer`, If there are no drivers for a wireless card for ubuntu or another wireless card you can use the windows driver with ndiswrapper to make your card work with linux16:25
faucheurcan someone help me?16:25
peer`adac is there a guide on how to do this?16:25
amenadopeer`--> google  for  ndiswrapper tutorial16:25
adacpeer`, sure just a moment16:25
peer`adac, thanks16:25
=== Charles_Spurgeon is now known as Ed_Skoudis
mopheadCalvinDK: http://www.google.com/search?q=ubuntu+keyboard+shortcut+clear+to+desktop&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=com.ubuntu:en-US:unofficial&client=firefox-a16:25
Justcameronhi. can anyone estimate how much I would have to download to upgrade from hardy to intrepid?16:26
adacpeer`, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper16:26
joaopintoJustcameron, it should be as much as your current OS install16:26
CalvinDKWhat is the keybord shutcut to clear the desktop in ubuntu.16:26
joaopintosince everything will be upgrade16:26
Justcameronjoaopinto: surely some software will remain at the same version?16:27
peer`adac, does that guide apply to kubuntu as well? apparently I have KDE 3.5, does that make a difference?16:27
chfwiggumhi all!16:27
joaopintojussi01, don't think so :)16:27
joaopintoerm, justafish16:27
joaopintoops, Justcameron16:27
Lartza_can i tweak metacity somehow to be more lightwieght?16:27
Lartza_and what program i can see running processes again?16:28
adacpeer`, no I think it makes no difference since you have to install and work on command line for this16:28
joaopintoLariri, you can use "ps -ef" on the terminal16:28
peer`adac, does the guide outline what I need to type in to the command line? I am pretty inexperienced with command lines16:28
jm_kelkun parle francais ici?16:28
DB]Orichow come my ubuntu is 8.10 intrepid while my kernel is still 2.6.2416:28
jm_kelkun parle francais ici??16:29
joaopintoDB]Oric, for intrepid ask on #ubuntu+116:29
joaopinto!fr | jm_16:29
ubottujm_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr16:29
adacpeer`, I thinbk more or less every step should be explained in it (every command)16:29
peer`adac, awesome, thanks for the help. Gonna install Kubuntu now. no more WinXP on my laptop. ;)16:29
Pimpinhello every1, who tried to install proprietary ati drivers on ubuntu 8.10?16:29
vbabiyIs there a fix for todays update if you are using nvidia-glx-new-envy and you upgrade to 2.6.24-21-generic it breaks X?16:29
chfwiggumis there any kind of limitation with ubuntu or the kernel regarding the support of a resolution of 2500x1400?16:30
adacpeer`, probably youfirst read through the document once bfore you start install it16:30
spiritssighthow do I run a file with the ext of .run from the term16:30
adacpeer`, What wireless card do you have?16:30
joaopintochfwiggum, that should be related to the Xorg video driver16:30
peer`Airbus101 AWLC302616:30
joaopintospiderz, sudo sh file.run16:30
bastid_raZorspiritssight; ./file.run16:30
chfwiggumjoaopinto: thx. ill have a look16:30
Arch3Angelwhat is the kernel on the Ubuntu 8.04 LTS CD Rom16:31
tv7497joaopinto: sir well could you just say what did i do wrong not a step by step tutorial rather a line of wisdom :d16:31
Arch3Angeltrying to figure out what drivers i will require after the install16:31
peer`adac, Airbus101 AWLC302616:31
user_are there anyone who knows about aMSN int ubuntu16:31
joaopintotv7497, you are doing too many mistakes because you just doing copy/paste from a tutorial without understanding, nothing I can fix with a single line, sorry16:31
joaopintouser_, you need to be more specific16:32
bastid_raZorArch3Angel; you'll be asked to upgrade to the latest kernel by the time you're done installing/updating16:32
adacpeer`, are you sure airbus not airlink?16:32
AdvoWorksounds a silly question, is there any way to speed up a standard ubuntu boot up?16:32
bastid_raZorArch3Angel; i think it is 2.6.24-16 though16:32
jzhanghi everyone16:33
Arch3Angelk - i am trying to see if i boot this mini-note if i will get a screen up screen on boot16:33
Arch3Angeltrying to avoid it16:33
peer`er, yeah, airlink16:33
peer`adac, yesh, airlink16:33
adacAdvoWork, install bootchart and see there which process takes how long on booting. then probably uninstall that program. This is one way16:33
adacpeer`, So I thin you don't even need ndiswrapper, Your card should be recognized by kubuntu/ubuntu itself16:34
jzhangwhat is a fast & simple web gallery creator like iphoto & .mac website?16:34
bastid_raZoradac; that is insane advice16:34
peer`adac, alright, I'll keep that in mind. I have an ethernet cable handy (how I'm online right now ;) ) so it should be a non-issue16:35
adacbastid_raZor, well I forgot to say: if he know what he is doing mean AdvoWork16:35
superbobyx_y5ciao a tutto il canale16:35
adacpeer`, cool, so then try it out! good luck!16:36
peer`adac, thanks for all the help! Can't wait to get Kubuntu installed!16:36
adacpeer`, you're welcome16:36
legend2440Pimpin: i dont think ati has fglrx drivers that work with intrepid yet because intrepid uses  X.Org 7.416:39
DB]Oricit does work16:40
DB]Orici'm using ati drivers16:40
Pimpinlegend2440, ic thanks16:40
LimCorewhat was that repository with multimedia stuff?16:40
LimCorecodecs etc16:40
Pici!medibuntu | limcore16:41
ubottulimcore: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org16:41
DB]Oricdunno why,but it does work,i'm using the latest ati driver16:41
DB]Oric& for linux16:41
Pimpinhow did u install it?16:42
=== faucheur is now known as Newb`s
spiritssightYes how?16:42
DB]Oricthen it works16:42
LimCorewhy medibuntu-keyring can not be authenticated?16:43
Pimpinbut it says " Error: ./default_policy.sh does not support version"16:43
jribLimCore: because you need to install the keyring first16:43
DB]Orici didn't meet that kind of problems16:43
LimCorejrib: why not sign medibuntu's keyring with official ubuntu.org key16:43
Pimpinhmm, that's strange then16:43
jribLimCore: how do you propose medibuntu does that?16:44
beautifulsnowAnyone know what <pass> 0 0, 0 1, 0 2, in /etc/fstab   mean?16:44
LimCorejrib: put medibuntu's pgp key into a package,  and put that package (with ONLY the key, nothing more - so its fully legal in all countries) into ubuntu.org repo16:44
peer`I accidentally said NDISraptor16:44
jribLimCore: sure, that works I guess16:44
LimCorejrib: lets do it then \o/ ?16:45
jribLimCore: contact the folks behind medibuntu and see what they think16:45
jribbeautifulsnow: is that a line?16:46
jamiejacksonwhere does one to see the changelog for a new ubuntu kernel release (my machine just pulled down 2.6.24-21 today)16:46
LimCorejrib: if I want to put above idea also to ubuntus lunchapd bugtacker, then agains what package etc?16:46
jamiejacksonwhere does one [go] to see...  that is16:46
LimCoreok found it16:46
jribLimCore: you would be requesting a new package in ubuntu.  And in the medibuntu bug tracker, you would put it against the keyring package16:47
jrib!packaging > LimCore16:47
ubottuLimCore, please see my private message16:47
vertexoflif1so anyone willing to help on a strange keyboard/mouse problem that might be an xorg problem now?16:47
jamiejacksonthink i found it: http://kernelnewbies.org/Linux_2_6_2116:47
h4cx3rcould someone help me bout wireless network??16:47
beautifulsnowjrib, like this: /dev/sda3  /home ext3 relatime 0 2    (I'm just wondering what numbers I need to put under <pass>  to add my sda4 (other linux distro root) ^^16:47
jribjamiejackson: aptitude changelog PACKAGE16:47
beautifulsnowh4cx3r,  what problems are you having? (please explain all in one line so its easy to follow)16:48
tv7497iguys i tried to install oracle11g on linux i get this erro any idea ????16:48
jribbeautifulsnow: 1 if it's /, 2 if it's not (see man fstab)16:48
beautifulsnowoh. simple  ^^; Thanks16:48
jamiejacksoncool, jrib, thx16:49
^Cheekyis it possible to do ALT F2 and type in sudo gedit .. and that should open up my text editor with sudo enabled so i can edit files ?16:50
jrib^Cheeky: use: gksudo gedit16:50
vertexoflif1everyone buys with something else? tragedy. :-P I don't know what I'm going to do, maybe a reformat might work it out? seems to be an xorg problem, which tends to get fucking messy.16:50
Arch3Angelanyone ever use preload on their ubuntu systems to speed up the load process16:50
^Cheekyjrib, oooooh yeah thanks16:50
legend2440Pimpin: i ahve ati radeon 9600 and havent tried intrepid yet. if for some reason i couldnt get ati proprietary drivers to work are the ubuntu drivers any good?16:51
oarion7whats the difference b/w using gksudo and sudo ?16:51
ubottuIntrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - Warning lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, *NOT* #ubuntu16:51
jrib!gksudo | oarion716:51
ubottuoarion7: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)16:51
Pimpinlegend2440, nope they are only open version available16:51
oarion7oh handy!16:51
^Cheekyjrib, hey i did do that but nothing shows up16:51
Pimpinand I can't even install fglrx from repositories16:52
edlvany irc client ?? please help.16:52
jrib^Cheeky: does it work from a terminal?16:52
vertexoflif1legend2440: stay away from intrepid right now, the ati drivers are fucked with xorg-input-all so I cant use mouse or keyboard right now. I have a card like yours.16:52
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.16:52
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jrib!irc | edlv16:52
ubottuedlv: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines16:52
=== ubuntu_ is now known as CyberBird
^Cheekyjrib, nope .. i tried just goes to the next prompt line16:52
jrib^Cheeky: does 'sudo echo hi' say "hi"?16:52
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.16:52
edlvthanks jrib and ubottu16:53
poopuserhi guyz.lets say i did 'tar -xvjf' but it was mistake.how do i trace directories/files that was extracted and how to erase them in one move?16:53
^Cheekyjrib, yeah16:53
ubottu日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい16:53
lexrupyhello people16:53
^Cheekyit does . i can seem to open gedit through my main main menu but when i try to save files it does not let me as iam not root16:53
lexrupyplease somebody can help me with dual monitors in laptop?16:54
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr16:54
jribpoopuser: tar tf16:54
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat16:54
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.16:54
legend2440Pimpin: this is dated yesterday it mentions a package called fglrx-installer that looks like it will install the fglrx propritary drivers(unless i'm reading it wrong}  https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/intrepid-changes/2008-October/008671.html16:54
master_help me for ubuntu 8.04 Lirc remote programing install16:54
poopuserthank u jrib16:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ch16:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cy16:54
jribdavismj: stop please16:54
jrib!msgthebot | davismj16:54
ubottudavismj: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".16:54
beautifulsnowdavismj,  if you want to play with ubottu  please message him  /msg ubottu   hello16:55
lexrupyIam having thoubles after disconnect the secondary monitor16:55
jrib^Cheeky: hrmm, weird.  Did gksudo ever work for you?16:55
indian_munnda!factoids > davismj16:55
ubottudavismj, please see my private message16:55
Pimpinlegend2440, I don't know then, because when I have tried to install this package the day before, it said that my xorg-core package is broken16:56
^Cheekyjrib,  yeah man been using it to do my java files and worked like a clean whistle .. i dunno i was messing with vmware earlier and it did tell me to play around with user accounts and what not to log into vmware 2.0 .. but iam pretty cluless \16:56
beautifulsnowCyberBird,  so how do you do that ^.^16:56
Pimpinand I have up on this16:56
eggressive/msg ubottu   hello16:56
Pimpin*I gave up16:56
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)16:56
CyberBirdbeautifulsnow: do you like it?16:56
legend2440Pimpin: oh ok like i said i havent tried intrepid yet16:56
beautifulsnowCyberBird,  yes, I do. I don't like the cube. But that "globe" sure is interesting16:57
jrib^Cheeky: does 'gksudo echo hi' do anything?16:57
Pimpinlegend2440, k16:57
master_help me for ubuntu 8.04 Lirc remote programing install16:57
eggressive/msg ubottu how do I use gnome.do?16:57
CyberBirdwell, except cube you have 2 more choices: sphere and cylinder16:57
^Cheekyjrib, nope16:58
jrib^Cheeky: run 'sudo -K' then try 'gksudo echo hi' again16:58
^Cheekyjrib,  nothing16:58
beautifulsnoweggressive,  do you have an icon for gnome-do on your icon bar? If not, i think you can summon gnome-do with alt-space, windows-space, alt-esc   ( i forgot which one is the default >.<)16:59
DB]Orichow can i make my xchat much more cool?16:59
^Cheekyjrib,  hey man i have class will be back in a horu \16:59
vertexoflif1beautifulsnow: default is windows space16:59
jrib^Cheeky: bye16:59
beautifulsnowoholiks, /me wonders why she had to change it then ^^;16:59
master_pls help me for ubuntu 8.04 Lirc remote programing install17:00
indian_munndaDB]Oric: isn't it cool now. :)17:00
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots17:00
master_ı have skystar2 .6D dvb card17:00
master_help me for ubuntu 8.04 Lirc remote programing install17:00
DB]Oricmine is not very cool at the moment17:00
beautifulsnowDB]Oric,  go to preferences and adjust as you like17:01
allblacksi have a question i have downloaded a tar.gz file after i have extracted the file MIME for the file says application/x-executable how do i run it17:01
arshamhi all , I have problem with setting up a vpn ( pptp )17:01
eggressive@beautifulsnow: Win-key+Space activates it. Thx!17:01
h4cx3ris anyone know bout wireless?? i can't connect to the internet...17:01
beautifulsnoweggressive,  np, hope you get to love Do as much as I do hehe_17:01
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs17:01
arshamI receive : not replacing existing default route via
legendatai cant watch youtube videos with mozilla? I installed adobe flash player, but still no luck... any suggestions?17:02
lexrupyplease somebody can help me with dual monitors in laptop?17:02
jriblegendata: what exactly happens when you try?17:02
DonaldShimoda i format my home partition and lose my private key setting under.gnupg17:02
beautifulsnowh4cx3r,  how come you cant connect to the internet? What errors do you get? What happens? You must provide us with this info so we can help you17:02
trilobit`allblacks: what do you mean? The file.tar.gz was attached in an email ?17:02
DonaldShimodai have the private key files17:02
DonaldShimodahow to restore then?17:02
legendatait says u dont have adobe flash player or it is too old17:02
jribDonaldShimoda: just copying back your ~/.gnupg should work17:02
jriblegendata: pastebin the output of 'apt-cache policy flashplugin-nonfree'17:03
DonaldShimodajrib: then is in a diff format17:03
kohnrad1982I have a 37gb Hard drive formatted as ext3.  It has only 12gb of files on it but reports that it only has 5.6gb free. How can I correct that?17:03
jribDonaldShimoda: how can that be?17:03
DonaldShimodajrib: -----BEGIN DSA PRIVATE KEY-----17:03
DonaldShimodaProc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED17:03
DonaldShimodaDEK-Info: DES-EDE3-CBC,AEA6851679DCD34817:03
DonaldShimodastart in that way17:03
ivan_bciao a tutti17:04
jribDonaldShimoda: if your .gnupg worked before, why would it not work now?17:04
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)17:04
ivan_boki'm sorry17:04
DonaldShimodajrib: i format my HD17:04
jribDonaldShimoda: I know.  I mean once you copy it back17:04
indian_munndalegendata: install flashplugin-nonfree17:04
DonaldShimodajrib: i need to know if that private key file, i bet transformed by putty, will fit on my linux gnupg17:05
DonaldShimodajrib: ?17:05
allblacksno i went to this site pbxtelecom.ro its a software for watching tv online and now they made it for linux also17:05
jribDonaldShimoda: ah.  So you do not have the original .gnupg directory?17:05
kohnrad1982I have a 37gb Hard drive formatted as ext3.  It has only 12gb of files on it but reports that it only has 5.6gb free. How can I correct that?17:05
legendatajrib it says that it is not installed17:05
jribkohnrad1982: how are you determining those numbers?17:05
jriblegendata: install it17:05
trilobit`allblacks: where do you see the message "application/x-executable" ?17:06
legendatawhats the command?17:06
=== aktas is now known as Daelkite
legendataapt-get install flashplugin??17:06
allblacksproperties MIME17:06
kohnrad1982right clicking on the drive icon as its mounted on the desktop17:06
beautifulsnowh4cx3r,  is it a password protected network?17:06
jriblegendata: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree, or use Synaptic17:06
indian_munndalegendata: sudo apt-get install flashplugin17:06
indian_munndalegendata: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree17:06
jrib!who | kohnrad198217:07
ubottukohnrad1982: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:07
trilobit`allblacks: so you want to get what's inside the file.tar.gz which you already have, right ?17:07
indian_munndalegendata: have you updated yoiur apt repos?17:07
allblacksi did got in the file i have extracted the tar.gz but now i have a file that has that MIME17:07
paul68I want to modify my dhcp[.conf in order to create seperate ip ranges for the wireless and for the cable connected computers how can I do this the most clean way?17:07
legendata10x its working now17:08
jribkohnrad1982: does it say "some contents unreadable" under the number that tells you how much is used?17:08
DonaldShimodajrib: no idont have the original .gnupg folder17:08
h4cx3rbeautifulsnow: my college gave my the IP,DNS, gateway but i can't connect to the internet17:08
kohnrad1982jrib: I got those numbers by right clicking on the icon for the drive as its mounted on teh desktop and selecting properties17:08
kohnrad1982jrib: let me see17:08
paul68and let my server work as router and dhcp server and firewall17:08
jribDonaldShimoda: then I don't know if putty translates the file somehow and how to make it work17:08
trilobit`allblacks: I don't understand. What exactly was inside the .tar.gz file ?17:08
DonaldShimodajrib: ok, thanks then17:08
kohnrad1982jrib: nope, doesnt say that17:09
beautifulsnowh4cx3r,  is it a password protected wireless connection? I imagine you using network-manager to connect? (If you're not right, right click the system icon and pick "About" )17:09
jribkohnrad1982: pastebin the output of 'df -h'17:09
chocohoofgood evening17:09
VvWolverinevVhi, i have 3 HDD's but grub/boot/device.map and gparted seem to label them differently; device.map says hd0=/dev/sda, hd1=/dev/sdb, hd2=/dev/sdc and apparently hd0=linux, hd1=windows;  however, gparted shows sda=windows, sdb=linux, sdc=storage17:09
VvWolverinevVdoes anyone know why this is?17:09
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto17:10
chocohoofany ideas why frets on fire is running very very slowly ang laggy?17:10
VvWolverinevVthanks jim_p, i've been through those, i was looking for someone with a lot of experience17:10
kohnrad1982jrib: how do i use pastebin?17:10
allblackssorry i m an idiot the file is running after i had installed couple of libraries17:10
chocohoofsometimes it crashes too17:10
jribVvWolverinevV: why does it matter?17:10
trilobit`allblacks: so all is good now ?17:11
h4cx3rbeautifulsnow: it is unsecure wifi..now i'm using windows17:11
allblacksthank you for the help17:11
trilobit`cheers then :)17:11
paul68I want to modify my dhcp[.conf in order to create seperate ip ranges for the wireless and for the cable connected computers how can I do this the most clean way?17:11
paul68and let my server work as router and dhcp server and firewall17:11
jrib!pastebin | kohnrad198217:11
ubottukohnrad1982: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)17:11
VvWolverinevVjrib: because, for one i have to manually change menu.lst everytime it is automatically updated, also i am having sleep/reboot issues that i think are related17:11
lexrupyplease, somebody uses dual monitors for presentations with ubuntu?17:12
jribVvWolverinevV: menu.lst should be using UUID17:12
lungrenIm trying to dual boot ubuntu and windows xp but when i installed ubuntu, it deleted vista.  is there a way i can use proof of purchase of my pc to get xp or vista back?17:12
kohnrad1982jrib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/57944/17:12
chocohoofplease somebody can help me with frets on fire?17:13
VvWolverinevVjrib: hmm, good idea, but automatic updates will still change it back to hd0,etc17:13
jribkohnrad1982: says 27G used there17:13
h4cx3rbeautifulsnow:any ideas??17:13
=== CyberBird is now known as WAntilles
jribVvWolverinevV: hmm, not for me.  Are you sure?17:13
trilobit`h4cx3r: have you verified your wifi card works properly under linux ?17:13
VvWolverinevVnot 100% i guess, would you mind sending me your menu.lst so i can see the format, jrib?17:14
kohnrad1982jrib: yeah, i see that. its different if i select its properties from the desktop or if I highlight the files and choose properties from within the drive17:14
beautifulsnowh4cx3r,  sorry, I'm trying to think of what the cause might be. You haven't told us 1) how you went about setting up wireless 2) if it gives you any errors when you try to connect (other than not connecting)17:14
gladideg_I'm trying to build vlc , but the ./configure just stops, and cpu is 100%. It stops at random places... Right now it stopped at: checking for atoll... yes17:14
jribVvWolverinevV: sure, http://pastebin.com/f5b8f34b917:14
VvWolverinevVty :)17:14
lungrenanyone know if i can get windows xp by using proof of purchase or something?17:14
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft Windows, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents17:14
guestwhat is a good UI framework for Linux that has good support for international languages for localization purposes...17:14
stankilsVvWolverinevV, read the "comments" in menu.lst, you can specify what will be set up for each entry on update17:15
h4cx3rtrilobit: yes, before this i can connect to internet but after i plug-in wired broadband the problem start17:15
jribkohnrad1982: what if you do: du -sh /media/disk17:15
indian_munndalungren: try it in #windows17:15
VvWolverinevVjrib: that file still specifies (hd0,3)...17:15
lungrenthank you17:16
kohnrad1982jrib: 27G/media/disk17:16
RickZillaIf I install something using "sudo apt-get install ~something~", can I also uninstall it using "sudo apt-get uninstall ~something~"?17:16
beautifulsnowHow do you all feel about recommending wicd for those having issues with wireless? :P Installing it seems to fix a looooooot of issues17:16
noodlesgcRickZilla yes17:16
kohnrad1982jrib:  could there be hidden files in there taking up room?17:16
noodlesgcRickZilla use apt-get remove17:16
indian_munndaRickZilla: use remove instead of uninstall :)17:16
RickZillanoodlesgc and indian_munnda:  Thanks for the help17:16
indian_munndaRickZilla: ur welcome17:17
trilobit`h4cx3r: so it was working before you connected to broadband, nothing else has changed, right? Do you provide the broadband settings by hand or automatically ?17:17
h4cx3rtrilobit: auto17:17
bonesawdudeg' evening17:18
paul68I want to modify my dhcp[.conf in order to create seperate ip ranges for the wireless and for the cable connected computers how can I do this the most clean way?17:18
paul68I want to modify my dhcp[.conf in order to create seperate ip ranges for the wireless and for the cable connected computers how can I do this the most clean way?17:18
paul68and let my server work as router and dhcp server and firewall17:18
trilobit`h4cx3r: does the wireless interface still get the ip address correctly?17:18
jribVvWolverinevV: I though you said /dev/sd* was getting changed, so I assumed it was the root= parameter not being set with UUID.  However, upgrading changes root in terms of hd* for you in your menu.lst?17:18
paul68sorry for the double post17:18
indian_munnda!repeat | paul6817:18
ubottupaul68: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience17:18
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines17:18
jribVvWolverinevV: as I understand it that is just set to whatever #groot= says17:18
paul68indian_munnda: I know that thanks17:19
jribkohnrad1982: yes, that's a possibility17:19
VvWolverinevVjrib: yes, i did some complicated shuffling and reinstalling of HDD's while setting up dual booting, long story short it would be awesome to completely reinstall grub (with OS detection) without reinstalling ubuntu17:19
scampbellpaul68: I would put the wireless on a another lan or vlan with another ip address space and just have different scopes for them.17:19
h4cx3rtrilobit: yes, my college gave my the ip, dns, gateway17:19
jose__hi, everybody17:20
jribVvWolverinevV: can you pastebin your menu.lst?17:20
beautifulsnowDoesn't update-grub do that?17:20
paul68scampbell: that is what I have in mind don't know how to realise this17:20
kohnrad1982jrib: ill just make it easy and copy the 12gigs I have in the only folder there onto the 1st hard drive. then reformat the 2nd before copying them back.  should work right?17:20
h4cx3ri think better we continue other time coz i'm getting to close my pc..sorry to all of you and thankz17:20
Pimpinwhat does mscoree.dll do?17:21
jribkohnrad1982: you want to just keep those 12G?  Did you delete stuff from the drive?  It goes into the trash when you do that17:21
scienteswtf i was able to create a pgp key with 2416 bits strength17:21
Pimpinmiss type17:21
scampbellpaul68: Is your wireless a router or a bridge?17:21
paul68scampbell: the situation is like this ispmodem router server and I want to change it into ispmodem server router which can be modified to be an accesspoint17:21
joshritgerI just had to reinstall the video driver provided by envy because the kernel update today didn't like it, tried to use envy to reinstall and it didn't work. I rolled back to the old kernel and reinstalled envy which worked, but I don't have the nvidia configuration utility. Can anyone tell me what I should install to get this back?17:22
paul68scampbell: it's the wrt54gs from linksys17:22
kohnrad1982jrib: i do have stuff in the trash,  never really thought about that taking up room on the drive but i suppose it would... let me empty the trash and look again17:22
jim_phas anyone seen a WD velociraptor for real? is it a 2.5 inch drive inside a 3.5 inch casing?17:22
paul68scampbell: have 2 accesspoints 1 is going to be the linksys and the other is a airport express17:23
VvWolverinevVjrib: it constantly wants to return the linux root to (hd1,0)17:23
jribVvWolverinevV: because that is what groot is set to17:23
paul68scampbell: also a wifi printer17:23
jribVvWolverinevV: line 7417:23
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VvWolverinevVo, sorry i thought # was a comment17:23
indian_munndaPimpin: http://www.file.net/process/mscoree.dll.html17:23
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scampbellpaul68: okay, if they the waps are in routing mode then you just stamp on address on the wireless side, add a helper address to the wap pointed at your dhcp server and create a scope in your dhcp server for the wireless side's address space.17:24
jribVvWolverinevV: yeah, it's confusing.  It's comments for grub, but one # is for the program that generates the new grub entries, and ## is comments for that17:24
Pimpinindian_munnda, thanks a lot17:24
indian_munndaPimpin: heheh17:24
scampbellpaul68: if you are bridged then you need to go to separate nics or vlans or (ick) multiple network on one layer 2.17:24
VvWolverinevVjrib: wow good to know, thanks!17:24
tobiaxAnyone here have experience with the Intel 92801G ICH7 audio chip? I have an odd issue in that I can't changing volume below 50% does nothing17:25
VvWolverinevVjrib: btw, do you know if supergrub does a complete reinstall of grub with OS detection?17:25
jribVvWolverinevV: nope, don't know17:25
paul68scampbell: I was thinking of creating a wired range of IP adresses and then a seperate one for the known wifi computers and a range of the ones that are unknown17:26
haptiKwhen im having sex with women, i think of ubuntu17:26
josh_hey guys17:26
tobiaxlol @ haptiK17:26
jribhaptiK: let's try to keep it related to support in this channel17:26
haptiKok sorry17:26
netsurf3haptiK, i'm drinking ubuntu!17:26
haptiKnetsurf3: win! \o/17:26
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sorsiswhat is newest stable version of ubuntu and when is going to be next ubuntu released?17:27
scampbellpaul68: your dhcp server just sees which network address the request came from so you can't quite do that. You could however, create dhcp reservations for your known computers and dhcp range for the rest17:27
josh_i just installed ubuntu and need graphics drivers but dont know how to get them can anyone help?17:27
kohnrad1982jrib: emptying the trash did the trick.  boy i feel dumb now... lol17:27
jribsorsis: 8.04 (gutsy) is the latest stable.  8.10 (intrepid) is scheduled to be released in about 2 weeks17:27
peterjkany apache experts about17:27
joshritgerI had to reinstall the nvidia driver using envy and now the config utility is gone, what do I need to install to get it back?17:27
Heaven_Deztroyeri need help with ATI drivers, can anyone?17:28
paul68scampbell: I was looking at this page where I saw several subranges for the known and unknown devices http://www.daemon-systems.org/man/dhcpd.conf.5.html17:28
josh_i need ati drivers too :D17:28
Heaven_Deztroyerjosh_ you can find them on ATI website17:28
Heaven_Deztroyerbut they're not working, for me :(17:29
josh_yeah i have the file but i dont know how to install them :S17:29
scampbellpaul68: each of those subnets is a different lan or vlan though17:29
josh_im new to linux17:29
Heaven_Deztroyerme too17:29
sorsisI'm having problems with uploading files to www pages. it could be because of new firewall. wheres the problem?17:29
indian_munndajosh__: install envy17:29
paul68scampbell: can you help me through the process to make this work in the dhcpconf file?17:29
Heaven_Deztroyerjosh_ which is your ghaph card?17:29
ralphothe directions to install it is on the ati site too17:30
SpudzCan anyone help me with some udev scripting, to dial the internet when I plug my Wireless modem in?  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=94747417:30
kohnrad1982jrib:  Thanks for your help jrib!  Have a nice day. :)17:30
SkyrailRight, although I can upgrade some updates using the updater (GUI), when I do apt-get upgrade it holds the 4 packages back, any idea why? I know I could just install them but I'm interested to know why it doesn't work17:30
scampbellpaul68: the known/unknown stuff below is based on mac address, ie, it's really just reservation's anyway.17:30
jribkohnrad1982: no problem.  You too17:30
FlannelSkyrail: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade17:30
Heaven_Deztroyerjosh_ i've a guide for you, but it's in italian language -_-17:30
FlannelSkyrail: what packages were held back?17:30
SpudzI think it could be useful to a lot of people in India so I'd like to do it properly and offer it to the internet provider company.17:30
SkyrailAh, that may be it, linux-generic and it's friends17:31
josh_:S unfortunatly i cant read italian :p17:31
paul68scampbell: I see but how would I set this up? <---- newby still learning a lot everyday17:31
josh_im installing that envy thing now17:31
LimCoreApplication nm-applet wants accessss to the default keyring, but it is locked.  wtf is that?  I dont remember setting up keyring password.. I have user password only17:31
SkyrailThat'll be it Flannel, thank you :D I guess that makes sense seeing as it's updating the core heh17:31
indian_munndajosh__: right choice. :017:31
paul68scampbell: build my server with basic dhcp and dns but that is as far my knowledge goes at this point17:31
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pakusIs anyone using SSH (client) 1:4.7p1 I've seen strange behavour from yesterday17:32
josh_i have the 1gb ddr4 version aswell :D17:32
jribpakus: best to just ask the channel your question17:32
indian_munndapakus: what the problm with that?17:33
scampbellpaul68: The easy thing to do is to create 'host' statements for you known computers, you might as well assign them a fixed Ip address as well, why have them move around on you.   You need to know the mac address of the nic to create the host statement.  The others will come out of the address pool.17:33
pakusWhen I try to connect "ssh leis.upc.es" (IP= 147.83.198,104), ssh connection is initiated to As you can see reverse IP! ?¿?¿?17:33
GuraXsomebody here who knows how to create device files with mknod ? and where I can get the Major and Minor values ?17:33
scampbellpaul68: the example you are looking at is a bit more complex but IMHO kinda useless.  You would create the host statement but assign no ip address but rather let them grab an address out of the dhcp 'known' pool.  Like I way, I don't really want my known hosts to change ip address ever anyway.17:34
pakusSee an example: http://paste.ubuntu.com/57951/17:34
josh_ive installed envy but it wont install the drivers :S17:34
paul68scampbell: the mac adress part is no problem neither the fix IP adresses but don't know how to put this the correct way in the dhcp.conf17:35
sqawerlzI'm having a problem using Go>Connect to server. It says when I attempt to connect to an smb share "Can't display locations smb://server17:35
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josh_i have the drivers off the ati site on my desktop and its a .run file how do i install that?17:35
sqawerlzit also said "no application is registered to handle this:".17:35
indian_munnda!who | pakus17:35
ubottupakus: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:35
Lartza_why do ati drivers suck so much?17:36
Lartza_i ahve two issues in one day17:36
paul68scampbell: I see what you mean but I'm a copy cat (sorry for that) need to see it first in order to see how its done17:36
jribSpudz: try to instead write a small shell script that executes what you want.  Then just do: RUN+="/path/to/shell/script"17:36
Lartza_opengl games dont wokr with compiz-fusion17:36
Lartza_and maniadrive is unplayable17:36
FlannelSkyrail: upgrade only upgrades the versions on packages you have installed, dist-upgrade will bring in new dependencies on the packages you have installed if they change (new kernel, etc)17:36
indian_munndapakus: r u using ubuntu in GUI?17:36
SkyrailFlannel: ah okay, 'tis cool :) thanks17:36
paul68scampbell: I suppose I have to configure the eth0 from the server as dhcp, and the eth1 as local dhcp distributer17:37
scampbellpaul68: look at http://pastebin.com/m75802c2e  this example give us for 'unknown' computer but also serves several fixed ip addresses to known computers.17:37
pakusindian_munnda: I'm running kubuntu17:37
pakusindian_munnda: I think last update has broke my resolution17:37
indian_munndapakus: gud, then goto places -> connect to server17:37
scampbellpaul68:yes, you want to configure your dhcp server for the inside interface (actually, because it won't have a scope for the outside it wouldn't answer a request from there anyway).17:37
indian_munndapakus: done?17:38
scampbellpaul68: and your outside interface can be a dhcp client.  no problem with that at all17:38
en1gmawhen i use checkinstall to install something how do i remove the pkg if i want to...the pkg i installed with checkinstall is not showing in synaptic17:38
indian_munndapakus: done?17:38
Flannelen1gma: it should, under "local and obsolete packages", you can also verify it with dpkg: dpkg -l | grep name17:38
pakusindian_munnda: Same behavour17:39
eeeehi all, my ubuntu in GUI session hangs just after login. How should I fix this ?17:39
jribpakus: what happens if you give the correct ip instead of the hostname?17:39
lukas123hello, when i want to install kubuntu beside windows, do i have to use the alternate cd to not delete windows?17:39
sqawerlzI'm having a problem using Go>Connect to server. It says when I attempt to connect to an smb share "Can't display locations smb://server". It also said "no application is registered to handle this:".17:40
Spudzjrib: I'll need to wait a few seconds, then execute 'wvdial blahblah'.  ideally I'd like to put an icon in the tray, with a few options - disconnect/reconnect, show byte usage stats, show console output (wvdial spews a lot of stuff into the console).  What do oyu reccomend?  Can I script this or do I need to write a binary?17:40
jribSpudz: script it, but start with just making it connect17:40
Spudzjrib: Can eg python hack something like that?17:40
jribSpudz: of course17:40
paul68scampbell: I see but I want to be the range of the unknown computers limited to 2 or 3 different IP's17:40
paul68scampbell: then I need to adapt it from
Spudzjrib: cool - I'm fresh in from windows, which would require a binary to do the same.  so all this stuff is new to me!17:42
eternal_phey all quick question..I found a bug in a problem and a solution was posted to bugzilla with a .patch extension, when I try and do a ./file.patch it does not work...is there another way to incorporate said patch?17:42
sqawerlzI'm having a problem using Go>Connect to server. It says when I attempt to connect to an smb share "Can't display locations smb://server". It also said "no application is registered to handle this:".17:43
jribeternal_p: you need to rebuild the package, applying the patch17:43
eternal_pjrib: thanks..which I have no idea how to do :)17:43
paul68scampbell: does it also mean that I have to add the accesspoints seperately in here or is that useless since the linksys is directly connected to the server and the airport express is connected to the linksys17:43
jrib!source > eternal_p17:43
ubottueternal_p, please see my private message17:43
indian_munndalukas123: just install kde packages17:44
jribeternal_p: that's how to rebuild a package.  'man patch' tells you how to apply a patch (it's very readable)17:44
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paul68scampbell: do I also need to adapt the interfaces file and add the wlan in there or is that useless?17:44
scampbellpaul68: You can add the accesspoints if you want them to get their ip address from the dhcp server, they would be 'hosts' then.  Otherwise you can just give them ip address.17:44
SpiritSightI need help geting my system to boot again, grub giving error 15 this is after I del a parts that had ubuntu on it also17:44
ReaverbotHow I unzip an encrypted 7z file?17:44
scampbellpaul68: I don't grok the last question really, which wlan do you speak of?17:44
eternal_pjrib: ty17:45
selysay i want to kill process 5555 and all its child processes, is there a parameter to the kill command that will do that17:45
jribsely: doesn't that happen automatically?17:45
MrD1hi i have sysmonitor installed from screenlets and at the bottom it says BAT0 89% is that normal and what is bat0 thanks17:45
milliganIs there any easy way of turning my wireless laptop into a cabled router? (I have wifi.. and I have a unit that only supports cabeled. I want to connect my cabled united to the internet, thought my wifi enabled laptop).17:46
scampbellReaverbot: apt-get install p7zip17:46
ReaverbotHow I unzip an encrypted 7z file?17:46
h4cx3rhi... wanna ask bout wireless...17:46
trilobit`Reaverbot: I don't know but I'm sure I can find that with google.17:46
paul68scampbell: well in the interfaces file you have the eth0 and eth1 declaration like Iface eth1 inet static with the Ip range and stuff do I need to add the wlan inhere aswell17:46
SpiritSightany one able to help, I am in live-cd now I need help geting system to boot again17:46
selyjrib: no, i have a system info script that pipes to dzen (which displays an information bar) if i kill the info script the dzen instance and the child processes that the info script spawns still exist17:46
AlexMaxI'm having trouble with GNOME.  If I click on the date/time in the upper right hand corner of the screen, I used to get a calendar.  Now all it does is lock up the entire taskbar and i have to kill X and relogin to get it working again.  Help!17:46
trilobit`h4cx3r: sorry to discontinue your issue. I had to go afk17:47
Grim76__SpiritSight: did you delete your ubuntu partitions?17:47
scampbellReaverbot:  7z e whateverfile17:47
SpiritSightnot the one I am using but a different one17:47
selyjrib: so when i want to kill the info script i have to manually kill all the child processes17:47
Reaverbot7z e or 7z -e17:47
indian_munndaSpiritSight: what u did to the partitions?17:47
h4cx3rtrilobit: ok...so shall we continue to my problem17:48
Grim76__SpiritSight: If you deleted the partitions there is nothing to boot to at that point.  Sounds as though this is a dual boot system?17:48
indian_munndaSpiritSight: goto grub17:48
indian_munndain terminal17:48
trilobit`h4cx3r: I'll do what I can. I might leave soon but yes we go on.17:48
scampbellReaverbot: 7z e  or  7z x      x uses pathnames, e does not.  man 7z tells you all about it.17:48
SpiritSightYes its a dual booting system17:48
Grim76__SpiritSight: I assume that you wanted to get rid of Ubuntu, but get back to your windows system?17:48
ReaverbotIs my second day with ubuntu :P17:48
MaxHavocHello everyone, I'm having an issue with one of the NICs on an Ubuntu server of mine. It has a statically configured eth1 that will not work. I  have pasted the results of ifdown, ifup and my /etc/network/interfaces file here: http://pastebin.ca/1227961 in case anyone can help. If you think you can please open a private chat with me. thank you very much17:49
trilobit`h4cx3r: so you had the wifi working and only after the broadband connection you have problems with wifi. The problem persists all the time or only when you're connected via broadband at the same teme ?17:49
SpiritSightNo, I had two ubuntu system one with 8.04 and other with 8.10 I am geting ride of the 8.10 partion17:49
scampbellReaverbot:  man  is very usefull command.   It pulls up the manual page for a give command.    'man man'  will bring up it's own man page to get you started :)17:49
scampbeller, for a given command that is.17:50
h4cx3rtrilobit: could we pm..because i kinda dizzy with all this chat =)17:50
scampbellMmm, lunch at mongolian... back later17:50
jribsely: well pkill has a -P option which should let you kill the children, but not children of children17:50
trilobit`h4cx3r: but others might be interested in the same issue.17:50
paul68scampbell: well in the interfaces file you have the eth0 and eth1 declaration like Iface eth1 inet static with the Ip range and stuff do I need to add the wlan inhere aswell17:50
Grim76__SpiritSight: Sounds like you will need to re-install grub to the partition that has your 8.04 installed.17:50
sqawerlzI'm having a problem connecting to windows servers. It says when I attempt to connect to an smb share "Can't display locations smb://server no application is registered to handle this:".17:51
trilobit`h4cx3r: it's fair they read as well.17:51
jribsely: I think17:51
indian_munndascampbell: ubuntu generation is growing at a gud rate. :)17:51
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selyjrib: ok thanks, i'll give it a try17:51
paul68scampbell: thanks for the help17:51
h4cx3rtrilobit: ok then..my college provide the ip,dns,gateway but i can't connect to the internet17:51
succohi all17:52
succohas anyone else had usb problems with latest restricted drivers?17:52
trilobit`h4cx3r: Have you checked if you have two default gateways ?17:52
ajriondo everyone get redirected to a chechoslovakian site when u enter www.skype.com ????17:52
SpiritSightGrim76__: how do I do this, I am using a live cd17:53
h4cx3rtrilobit: they only support me with one gateway..
jribajrion: no17:53
sqawerlzajiron, I do not. I think you may have a host problem or a dns issue17:53
MaxHavocajrion, Check your /etc/hosts file17:53
ajrionsqawerlz: what do u mean?17:54
ajrionMaxHavoc: it is same on my other computer on windows17:54
sqawerlzajiron, what MaxHavoc said. what is in your host file?17:54
selyjrib: oh, i guess i am an idiot...i was using kill -9 in stead of kill -1...kill -1 seems to kill child processes17:54
trilobit`h4cx3r: I know. but you might end up in a situation like that. I have a laptop that has ethernet which I connect to a dsl modem. I also have wifi card. I configure the ethernet manually, wifi is automatic. Now, when I want to use wifi, I have to disable the ethernet, otherwise wifi won't work for me.17:54
Willwork4fooHiya! I'm having a bit of a nightmare using Vinagre to share my Ubuntu desktop with my OSX macbook... has anyone else got any knowledge / experience using this?17:55
Grim76__SpiritSight: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-24113.html - this is a link that I have used before to fix a grub problem like this.17:55
h4cx3rtrilobit: hmm..but when i use my vista..it went ok with the wifi..but when i use my linux..i can't connect to the internet17:56
Willwork4fooI've used the guide at http://www.zaphu.com/2008/04/29/ubuntu-guide-configure-vinagre-to-share-the-screen-with-mac-os-x/ and I'm getting an error message when clicking the "share screen" button, saying Connection Failed17:56
sqawerlzDoes anyone have a problem browsing Windows shares? I can't display them, but Ican manually connect and mount them.17:56
ajrionMaxHavoc: i cant make out what this means.. is tehre something i should look for?17:57
indian_munndacan anyone tell me what is the roll of samba in windows network?17:57
trilobit`h4cx3r: Can you ping your wifi gateway when you use wifi ?17:57
EugenMayeranybody has an xfi soundcard working under ubuntu hardy / intrepid. I used a kernel.org kernel (27) but i cant compile the current drivers.17:58
MaxHavocajrion, Sometimes viruses change the /etc/hosts file to redirect common sites to infected ones, so see if there are any entries in there that look weird17:58
h4cx3rtrilobit: there is no response17:58
MaxHavocajrion, Really there should be no entries in there except for localhost
ajrionthere are17:58
Danialhi all17:58
indian_munndacan anyone tell me what is the role of samba in ubuntu and windows networking?17:58
Danialwhen i use the driver for D-link DFM-562IS and install that my sound card being useless...(hardy)17:58
trilobit`h4cx3r: how many default gateways appear? use  "route -n" to check.17:58
MaxHavocindian_munnda, Samba is a Linux version of the SMB protocol which Windows uses for NetBIOS file shares and such17:59
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indian_munndaMaxHavoc: but we can access windows partions in ubuntu by mounting also then why would we need samba17:59
h4cx3rtrilobit: now i'm not using linux..i'm using vista..but currently i'm at cc..not in my college17:59
ajrionMaxHavoc: can  i send you a private message pleas?18:00
MaxHavocindian_munnda, That's completely different, mounting NTFS shares can only be done locally without samba18:00
trilobit`h4cx3r: Does the wifi interface show up when you do "ifconfig"  ?18:01
CyDhey guys, got kind of a crazy question. i made an ubuntu-server vm in vmware infrastructure, then exported it as an appliance. when i import it back in, eth0 doesn't work, i have to go to eth1. i was wondering if it is some problem with the nic getting a new mac address, any ideas?18:01
indian_munndaMaxHavoc: u mean samba is used over a network of computers or on the net?18:01
MaxHavocindian_munnda, Samba is used when you connect to Windows network shares, so yes it's over a network18:01
h4cx3rtrilobit: i think so..i can't check right now18:01
der|kunstlermy lexmark printer / scanner is detected, I can scan without problems, but when I send something to print, it says it is, but nothing happens on the printer... any ideas ?18:02
trilobit`h4cx3r: ... and I must get offline now anyhow. We can discuss it tomorrow though, if you don't solve it till then.18:02
indian_munndaMaxHavoc: u mean we can't mount partitions remotely. right?18:02
h4cx3rtrilobit: ok sure no problem..thnx for everything..looking forward our next disscussion18:03
MaxHavocindian_munnda, Not without Samba18:03
indian_munndaMaxHavoc: now got it completely, thank you sir. :)18:04
trilobit`h4cx3r: in the meantime, you check if the wifi interface is brought up, and also how many default gateways appear. Also, you might have to see the /etc/resolv.conf at several moments to see what nameservers are configured. Sometimes the wifi will try to use the broadband nameserver and that won't do.18:04
trilobit`I'm off now. Good luck.18:04
MaxHavocindian_munnda, No problem18:05
MaxHavocHello everyone, I'm having an issue with one of the NICs on an Ubuntu server of mine. It has a statically configured eth1 that will not work. I  have pasted the results of ifdown, ifup and my /etc/network/interfaces file here: http://pastebin.ca/1227961 in case anyone can help. If you think you can please open a private chat with me. thank you very much18:06
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techsupportquestion. i need to extract a binary .so.gz package, how cai i do it in terminal18:07
CyDeh guess that was an easy google search18:07
RickZillaAny security tips for using ubuntu right out of the box?  Should I look for some linux-based anti-virus software out there, or does that come included with the ubuntu distro?  Any other thoughts about security on ubuntu?18:07
phaidrostechsupport: gunzip $file ?18:07
MaxHavocRickZilla, Security for Ubuntu is much like security for other OSes, turn off unneeded services/protocols/etc... keep your software up to date and don't go to dodgy websites18:09
MaxHavocRickZilla, Use Firefox with the noscripts plugin and whitelist good sites, disable all scripts by default18:09
dethstaris it possible to enable compiz with my dual monitors display using the nvidia driver on hardy?18:09
l337ingDisorderis there any way to download .deb files from the repos but not install them?18:09
RickZillaMaxHavoc:  Good info to have, thanks a ton18:10
conny263hi everyone - how can i tell ubuntu to play all available audio formats with rhythmbox?18:10
RickZillaAlso, when 8.10 comes out, should I upgrade right away, or just wait out the 3 years support on 8.04?18:10
dethstarconny263, get the non-free codecs18:10
conny263newbie here - how18:10
jribconny263: you have to set it for each type of file18:11
jrib!restricted > conny26318:11
ubottuconny263, please see my private message18:11
MaxHavocl337ingDisorder, Try apt-get source ?18:11
jrib!defaultapp > conny26318:11
conny263ok got it - where would i do that?18:11
l337ingDisordermaxhavoc i need the .deb file, would that be inluded with the source?18:11
MaxHavocl337ingDisorder, Not sure18:11
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FloodBot2h4cx3r: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:11
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Chubbz@dethstar should be possible18:13
defrexdid the most recent hardy kernel update break anyone elses machine? I'm gettign eror 17 at grub...18:13
epifaniohi, i've a strange question .. do not know if is off topic here , sorry :-/18:13
MaxHavocIs there anyone that can help me with a networking issue in Ubuntu? I have a statically configured eth1 and ifdown tells me it's not configured, ifup gives me weird errors, please PM if you can help, thank you.18:13
^Cheekyjrib, hey man you there18:13
ReaverbotHow I burn into a cd a .bin - .cue file?18:13
dethstarChubbz, whenever I try to enable the effects... it says "the composite extension is not available"18:14
MaxHavocReaverbot, You need an image burning  software, not sure what's out there for Linux, do a google search for linux image burning18:14
Chubbz@Reaverbot I had to use a program called magiciso in windows18:14
dethstarnever seen it before... I used envy to install the driver for my 8800GTS18:14
Chubbzit wont burn with a normal iso burning program18:14
jrib^Cheeky: yes18:14
epifanioi've these joipad : http://www.commentcamarche.net/guide-achat/trust-dual-stick-gamepad-gm-1520-pc-630390-caracteristiques-techniques  i want connect it to linux ... and see in a terminal what i'm pressing on the joipad ... can you point me on what channel or docs  need i to read ?  i'm using ubuntu and i've a little python knowledge18:15
jrib!iso | Reaverbot18:15
ubottuReaverbot: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.18:15
dethstaralso, whenever I go to change screensavers... X crashes18:15
ReaverbotYeah, I have a program in Debian... but I tried use it, but nothing.18:15
MaxHavocepifanio, Why would you need a joystick in a command shell?18:15
ReaverbotI mean, I have a .bin file, I need to transform it to a .iso file so I could burn it.18:16
FloodBot2eMCu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:16
^Cheekyjrib, hey bro just got back; and it works fine as i had to reboot my computer; coz my mouse charged fully and for some reason once its charged the mouse doesnt work or move so i had to reboot the machine and i tried running gksu gedit and it worked !18:16
Chubbz@reaverbot did you try brasero?18:16
epifanioi need to use it to send message to an application that receive message trough tcp connection18:16
jrib^Cheeky: hmm, ok18:16
Reaverbotbrasero, I will search for it now.18:17
=== DB]Oric is now known as Oric
en1gmawhen i do 'sudo checkinstall' does it create a .deb somewhere18:17
Tommmmmo mierda18:17
Chubbzits part of the default instal18:17
en1gmaor does it just install18:17
^Cheekyjrib, so iam not sure .. what happened here18:17
CpuWhizReaverbot: i don't know of a gnome app, but k3b does cue images18:17
RickZillaWhen 8.10 comes out, should I upgrade right away, or just wait out the 3 years support on 8.04?  I'm not sure what goes into the upgrading process without starting everything over from scratch.18:17
Tommmmmspanish channel????plis?18:17
Oricoric 89271818:17
Pici!es | Tommmmm18:17
ubottuTommmmm: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.18:17
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en1gmadoes 'sudo checkinstall' actually install the files or does it create a .deb somewhere18:18
Reaverbotk3b? I will see, brasero failed with .cue, but works in .iso, thats why I want to transform the file into .iso18:18
jribReaverbot: did you read what ubottu told you about converting image files?18:18
noodlesgcRickZilla at least wait a few weeks, so the servers wont be overloaded18:18
zeeeeehelp, i just got a bunch of auto-updates, had to restart, and now networking is broken. "sudo /etc/init.d/networking start" gives me "eth0: Error while getting interface flags: no such device". i can see my broadcom netxtreme bcm5751 gige controller in lspci, though. please help!18:18
PiciRickZilla: Update Manager will prompt you to install an upgrade to 8.10 when it is released.  You won't have to start from scratch.18:18
MaxHavocIs there anyone that can help me with a networking issue in Ubuntu? I have a statically configured eth1 and ifdown tells me it's not configured, ifup gives me weird errors, please PM if you can help, thank you.18:18
misteralexanderReaverbot:  Have you tried "ISO-Master"?18:19
RickZillanoodlesgc and Pici:  Thanks for the info18:19
en1gmadoes 'sudo checkinstall' actually install the files or does it create a .deb somewhere18:19
thebornotakuI was informed about an hour ago that my wireless card, an Airlink101 AWLC3026, would work on my Kubuntu installation without the need for NDISwrapper, anybody got any guides how to install drivers for it?18:19
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Reaverbotiso master didn´t work.18:19
Picien1gma: It installs by default, I beleive you can tell it not to though with a switch.18:19
ReaverbotOh, thats the problem18:19
epifanioMaxHavoc: i've a program (like google heart) in it is possible to move the world using tcp signal ... so if can i decode the joipad message (maybe using python-serial? or other tools, i do not know) i can use the joipad instead of gui18:19
en1gmaPici thanks18:19
Reaverbothere is "cdrecord has no permission to open the device"18:19
Picien1gma: But, FYI, checkinstall debs are *not* for distributing to other users.18:19
unitedpotsmokersRickZilla, they said to me just now, we need format and make a fresh install18:19
en1gmaPici yea thats fine18:20
ReaverbotPermission for "sudo" means? How I can give it permission?18:20
en1gmaim just trying to figure out why opencv isnt working18:20
RickZillaunitedpotsmokers:  I'll let you keep smokin' that stuff :-)18:20
noodlesgcPici Why should we not distribute checkinstall debs?18:20
thebornotakuor would the drivers for my wireless card come with the adept updates?18:20
zeeeeehelp! i just got a bunch of auto-updates, had to restart, and now networking is broken. "sudo /etc/init.d/networking start" gives me "eth0: Error while getting interface flags: no such device". i can see my broadcom netxtreme bcm5751 gige controller in lspci, though.18:21
Reaverbothere is "cdrecord has no permission to open the device"18:21
d-bnoodlesgc: its probably in 8.1018:21
MaxHavocReaverbot, Your user account might not have permissions to use sudo18:21
misteralexanderHey guys . . . how do I make an "image" of my system.  I need to Re-Install Ubuntu, but don't want to have to wait through the updates & redownload all my programs and file settings.  Any Ideas?18:21
Chubbz!sudo > Reaverbot18:21
ubottuReaverbot, please see my private message18:21
ericjungwhat is the name of the first-person shooter game for Linux that is based on doom? It is called Open Something ?18:21
en1gmawell why isnt my checkinstalls showing up in synaptic under the catagory "CHECKINSTALL"18:21
unitedpotsmokersyea, i ask people how to enable webcam but nobody cant help i think...18:21
thebornotakualso is there a default password for the su command in the terminal or the sudo command, I tried my account password, password, admin, null and administrator and nothing worked18:21
d-bmisteralexander: yep. easy but why do you need to reinstall misteralexander18:21
Pici!root | thebornotaku18:21
ubottuthebornotaku: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo18:21
ericjunganyone know the name of shooting game for Ubuntu that is like Doom?18:21
noodlesgcd-b I'm not really interested in distributing, or even packaging, I just wanted to know why18:21
jribthebornotaku: sudo uses your user's password18:21
costreping ...18:22
en1gmaPici, well why isnt my checkinstalls showing up in synaptic under the catagory "CHECKINSTALL"18:22
Chubbz!gpl > noodlesgc18:22
ubottunoodlesgc, please see my private message18:22
d-bnoodlesgc: let me check for you.18:22
thebornotakuso lets say my password is hunter2, if I type in hunter2 for a sudo it'll work?18:22
jribthebornotaku: if your user is in the admin group (the first one is by default), yeah18:22
=== Oric is now known as oric
geniithebornotaku: Yes. Unless you're not in the group of adm18:22
misteralexanderd-b:  I want to re-locate my "/home" directory to a different HD.  I have 2 internal HD's in my Sony Vaio Laptop.  I was told previously, the only way to do that is through the partition manager during a fresh install.18:22
noodlesgcChubbz, how does a checkinstall package violate the gpl?18:22
Picithebornotaku: Only if your user is in the admin group or explicitly listed in the sudoers file.18:22
d-bit is in hardy. checkinstall....18:22
d-bwell theoretically you could reboot to a live cd and tar the contents of your disk or use dd.18:23
thebornotakucan anybody help me out with getting a wireless card's drivers and getting it configured?18:23
zeeeeeoh, a second reboot made my problem disappear. *shrug*18:24
misteralexanderd-b:  So, just zipping it up will do it?  There isn't some crazy "Backup Wizard" I need?18:24
mint I have /boot, /home and / on different partitions, can I just reinstall / from a live cd without messing anything up?18:24
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.18:24
d-botherwise just copy /var/cache/apt (the contents ) and the configuration files you have edited from /etc - you might also want to export your apt /package selections.18:24
MaxHavocIs there anyone that can help me with a networking issue in Ubuntu? I have a statically configured eth1 and ifdown tells me it's not configured, ifup gives me weird errors, please PM if you can help, thank you.18:24
d-bmisteralexander: you might want to look up https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupPC ...  and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem18:26
SpiritSightGrim76__: you there18:26
hoarycrippleI am using a laptop with two different external monitors.  At work, I have  a 1440x900 external monitor and at home I have a 1600x1200 monitor.  Is there a way to configure xorg and twinview to detect these monitors and automatically use the resolution?  Right now I have to keep messing with the xorg.conf file each time I want to use a different external monitor.18:26
d-bwho ever told you, that you need to re do the wizard is wrong. it might be less userfriedly but it works.18:26
nikeplektrumWhat is the easisest way of getting a static ip in 8.10, and that is still static after reboot?18:27
misteralexanderd-b:  Okay, great . . . THANKS!  I'll give it a whirl.18:27
MaxHavoc2Is there anyone that can help me with a networking issue in Ubuntu? I have a statically configured eth1 and ifdown tells me it's not configured, ifup gives me weird errors, please PM if you can help, thank you.18:27
d-bnikeplektrum: you might want to see #ubuntu+118:27
lucaxdoes anyone know how to make gnome-main-menu wider?18:28
Picinikeplektrum: Because #ubuntu+1 is the 8.10 support channel. Not #ubuntu.18:28
PhoulDOes anyone know if flash10 is gona be in any of the repos18:28
nikeplektrumPici, meanth to say "ty" :D18:28
ReaverbotDoes anyone know how to use kchunk? to transform .cue to .iso?18:28
* DB]Oric 晕倒18:28
d-bwell. 8.10 is not out yet is it ? it is still in beta.18:28
Picinikeplektrum: Ah, nevermind me then.18:29
jribReaverbot: do you mean bchunk?18:29
Reaverbotbchunk, yeah18:29
Justcameronif I update a program using a backport (ie. I use hardy which has firefox 3, suppose that intrepid has fx 3.1 (I know it won't) and it gets backported to hardy, and I install it because I want to have the latest version of Firefox. then when I upgrade to intrepid, does the world explode, or will the update manager handle that?)18:29
outbrid-b: still in beta18:30
techsupportquestion. i need to extract a binary .so.gz package, how cai i do it in terminal18:30
jribReaverbot: did you look at the man page?  It looks pretty straightforward, but I've never used it myself18:30
noodlesgcJustcameron upgrade will take care of it18:30
Justcameronnoodlesgc: thx18:30
techsupportjrib, question. i need to extract a binary .so.gz package, how can i do it in terminal18:30
ReaverbotI do this "bchunk /home/diggerreaverbot/Desktop/a/a/image.bin /home/diggerreaverbot/Desktop/a/a/.image.cue /home/diggerreaverbot/Desktop/a/a/image.iso18:31
d-boutbri: are there any plans to delay it. i have heard and from my own tests not seen great things from this beta.18:31
liza0|wrkdo any of you guys have issues with flash in 64 bit where you go to certain sites and the flash doesn't load properly ?18:31
ReaverbotAnd did not work.18:31
jrib!doesn't work | Reaverbot18:31
ubottuReaverbot: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.18:31
jribtechsupport: do you just want to gunzip it?  Or are you asking more?18:31
karoogahi, anyone been able to get ldap with tls working in hardy?18:31
livinglegendcan someone help me18:31
livinglegendI cant change the resolution on ubuntu18:31
techsupportjrib, just unzip18:31
jribtechsupport: use gunzip then18:32
livinglegendwith graphics card18:32
Justcameronlivinglegend: what happens when you try to change resolutions?18:32
livinglegendI need help with my graphics card drivers18:32
livinglegendi cant change it18:32
jrib!enter | livinglegend18:32
ubottulivinglegend: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:32
chickenfuego2livinglegend, try to type "xrandr" on a console, what can you see?18:33
SpiritSightAny one here able to help with grub, no one is responsive in the #grub list18:34
techsupportjrib, how can i reattach to this screen session http://pastebin.com/m7b7794d018:34
noodlesgcSpiritSight just ask the question18:34
SpiritSightI need help with geting my partition booting18:35
liza0|wrkthe web nets a some standard application to replace flash18:35
jribtechsupport: detach it first (-d or -D, I forget) or use -x instead of -r18:35
liza0|wrkdon't you all agree18:35
jrib!ot > liza0|wrk18:35
ubottuliza0|wrk, please see my private message18:35
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/18:36
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SpiritSightI have boot on sda1 and my ubuntu on sda218:36
knuthi i need help with vbox.... i installed kde4 and now i cant start my virtual windows xp anymore18:36
liza0|wrkjrib:i am having problems with flash in ubuntu 64 bit were the app tries to load but is unsuccessful18:36
jim_pis there an app similar to putty but with a pretier interface?18:36
Arch3Angelit does not appear to have setup the drivers for the broadcom wireless card after to 143 updates18:36
jribliza0|wrk: flash works pretty good for me on amd64.  Sometimes npviewer dies and I need to restart my browser though.  Are you using adobe's flash (not gnash)?18:37
LuYuis firefox 3.0 really faster?  or is it slower?18:37
liza0|wrkadobe flash18:37
LuYui have two users telling me it seems slower18:37
LuYui didnt really notice myself18:37
JustcameronLuYu: than Fx 2?18:37
jribliza0|wrk: does it load when you restart your browser (completely)?18:38
noodlesgcLuTu I think its faster18:38
LuYuim getting lots of complaints18:38
Justcameroncertainly shouldn't be slower - YMMV though18:38
Justcameronmaybe they have some botched add-on which is making it slower?18:38
LuYumaybe its slower for scripts18:38
d-bLuYu: its faster.18:38
LuYuor something like that18:38
d-bgo look up some benchmarks18:38
Justcameronit should be faster for javascript too18:39
Arch3Angeldoes anyone know how to get this broadcom wireless card working on this HO Mini-Note18:39
CpuWhizReaverbot: bchunk a.bin a.cue a <- this would give you a file called "a01.iso". that third argument is a basename it tacks onto, not the full output iso filename as it outputs 1 per track it seems18:39
LuYumaybe i should go get flamed on the #firefox channel18:39
livinglegendI need a tutrial for nvidia graphic card18:39
JustcameronLuYu: I think you need some more specific complaints :)18:40
LuYuwell, i just see it taking up a lot of processor time18:40
livinglegendI need tutrial for nvidia graphic card18:40
liza0|wrkjrib:ok what i am realizing it loads now for most sites but not for some other sites which i had sucess loading in windows18:40
livinglegendanyone help me18:40
bakarati'm looking for a system to add metadata to all my files, anything like that around?18:40
LuYuand the user is complaining that it locks up all the time18:40
jribliza0|wrk: example?18:40
Justcameronlivinglegend: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia ?18:41
bakaratit doesn't actually have to be physically (ie on filesystem level) attached to the file (preferably not even), but a plugin for nautilus or the likes would be sweet18:41
LuYushe says "the computer is locking up", but really it is only the browser that is stalling18:41
bakaratanyone know anything that does that?18:41
jribbakarat: right click -> properties -> notes, or do you want something else?18:41
LuYui cant be more specific, though, cause it is not my experience18:41
SpiritSightI need help with geting my partition booting, I have boot on sda1 and my ubuntu on sda218:41
wendicohello, may I boot windows installed on a logical partition with grub?18:41
JustcameronLuYu: sounds like an add-on problem to me18:41
bakaratjrib: preferably with specific fields depending on the "type" of file18:41
JustcameronLuYu: irc.mozilla.org/#firefox18:42
LuYuso, you figure if i delete the addons, it might speed up?18:42
haushaMy hd says "click" and everything hangs... Should I toss it away?18:42
jribbakarat: sounds like a worthy thing to hack on to modify the notes feature.  But I don't know18:42
bakaratjrib: btw, is it possible to do (advanced) searches on the "notes" field?18:42
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)18:42
jribbakarat: no idea18:42
livinglegendcan you help me do this18:42
JustcameronLuYu: key word "might" but it's definately something work trying18:43
bakaratjrib: (and is the notes feature a nautilus one or linux-wide?)18:43
ubottu日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい18:43
LuYuon the ubuntu side, the system i built (hardy) is still using 50% of the processor time when idle18:43
jribbakarat: pretty sure it's just nautilus.  I don't know if there is some sort of standard it's using.  You would have to look into that (maybe check freedesktop.org)18:43
davismjthats because of tracker, i think18:43
LuYuif the proc is 50% utilized normally, that doesnt leave much for apps18:43
JustcameronLuYu: is that using gnome-system-monitor?18:43
bakaratjrib: will do, thanks for the feedback :>18:44
techsupportjrib, gunzip gamei386.so.gz produces no output, and nothing is changed, no files are added18:44
citybirdwhat is the name of that app that puts your pc stats on the desktop for you??18:44
JustcameronLuYu: try using top instead - I find that gnome-system-monitor uses a load of CPU (I think it's from drawing the graphs) or you can reduce the interval it updates the data at18:44
* MHz128 does Network Manage (nm-applet) have its own IRC channel?18:44
LuYuwith firefox running, it was between 98% and 100%18:45
jribtechsupport: it should have renamed your file from gamei386.so.gz to gamei386.so18:45
LuYunow its hovering around 50%18:45
LuYufair enough18:45
LuYuit does use a lot18:45
techsupportjrib, oh yeah it did :) what do i do next ?18:45
danihi i need help18:45
jribtechsupport: I don't know what you are trying to do18:45
LuYubut that still shouldnt account for 50% of the CPU, right?18:45
daniwhat does it mean when it says i need to make something on ubuntu18:46
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liza0|wrkjrib:i'll just make do with the flash problem and try to find a work around18:46
techsupportjrib, now i need to install the game.so ?18:46
jribtechsupport: why?18:46
Justcamerondani: probably not that you should make it18:46
techsupportjrib, its a server for quake 218:46
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Guest88703thats what it says18:46
techsupportjrib, i did it before i just need to do it again, cause the server binaries / version was updated18:46
Guest88703i'm trying to get my wireless router sorted18:46
psicobrahi any one here any good with samba18:46
jribtechsupport: don't you have a README or INSTALL file?18:47
Guest88703and its meant to be using madwifi18:47
jribpsicobra: best to just ask the channel your question18:47
wendicoIs it posible to boot windows instalation from a logical partition?18:47
techsupportjrib, nope lol18:47
JustcameronLuYu: exit gnome-system-monitor, open a terminal and run top, then see how much cpu your computers uses when idle18:47
macvrhi all...i'm trying to use this thread to install drivers for my texas 5-in-1 card reader>> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3726886#post3726886 << but everytime i try to 'make' it installs into my "make -C /lib/modules/2.6.24-19-generic/build M=/home/" old kernel... i'm now using 24-21... how do i make it install into the new kernel?18:47
LuYui did that18:47
jribtechsupport: try 'locate gamei386.so' and see where the old one is I guess18:47
Guest88703so what does it mean to make18:47
LuYunow im just trying to figure out what im seeing with top18:47
Justcameronoh yeah it's not as beautiful and pretty as gnome-system-monitor :)18:48
psicobrak i have shared a folder using samba and i have made it writable but when i acsess it from the new work i can view it copy from it but not to it any ideas18:48
citybirdfuck http://www.gdesklets.org/ expired and has been sucked up by an ad pirate18:48
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about swear18:48
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.18:48
stinger05hello there , i have a compaq presario CQ50 laptop, ubuntu boots but freezes completely when it logs in, why is that ?? im using ubuntu 8.04.118:48
Guest88703is noone able to help?18:49
citybirdhttps://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/desktop-tips.html needs to be updated. specificly the link to https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/desktop-tips.html18:49
citybirdthe link to http://www.gdesklets.org/18:49
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/18:50
JustcameronLuYu: in the 3rd row it shows Cps(s) %us is used and %id is idle18:50
LuYuwell, thats about 5% in use18:50
LuYuand about 91% idle18:50
Justcameronmuch healthier :)18:51
LuYui would say i have too many idle processes going on18:51
pbnHello, can someone running Ubuntu 8.04 tell me what md5sum he has for /etc/init.d/kdm18:51
LuYuor am i wrong about that?18:51
pbn... I suspect mine is broken18:51
SpiritSightnoodlesgc: I need help with geting my partition booting, I have boot on sda1 and my ubuntu on sda218:51
JustcameronLuYu: no I think linux just has lots of processes going on which aren't actually doing anything18:52
macvr hi all...i'm trying to use this thread to install drivers for my texas 5-in-1 card reader>> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3726886#post3726886 << but everytime i try to 'make' it installs into my "make -C /lib/modules/2.6.24-19-generic/build M=/home/" old kernel... i'm now using 24-21... how do i make it install into the new kernel?18:52
magnetronhi, are any programs for generating random passwords available in ubuntu?18:52
Justcameronthey just kind of sit there in the background18:52
LuYuwell, starting firefox puts it up past 85, and then it drops to about 50%18:52
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto18:52
stinger05 i have a compaq presario CQ50 laptop, ubuntu boots but freezes completely when it logs in, why is that ?? im using ubuntu 8.04.118:52
LjLmagnetron: yeah, there are a couple, moment18:52
Justcameronhowever I don't really know - I'm pretty new to linux18:52
d-bmagnetron: yes use /dev/uradom18:52
d-b/dev/urandom *18:52
magnetrond-b, it needs to be typeable and finite-length18:53
LjLmagnetron: pwgen, apg, gpw, otp18:53
* DB]Oric :)18:53
LjLmagnetron: some of those try to generate "rememberable" passwords18:53
magnetronLjL, ty18:53
macvr hi all...i'm trying to use this thread to install drivers for my texas 5-in-1 card reader>> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3726886#post3726886 << but everytime i try to 'make' it installs into my "make -C /lib/modules/2.6.24-19-generic/build M=/home/" old kernel... i'm now using 24-21... how do i make it install into the new kernel?18:53
JustcameronLuYu: definately shouldn't be using that much - try uninstalling some add-ons18:53
LjLmagnetron: i'd try pwgen for a start18:53
wendicoHello, somebody  help me plz. Im trying to boot my Windows XP with grub but i get error 12: invalid device requested. Windows is installed in a logical partition. Is it posible to boot a logical partition with grub?18:53
LuYuthere arent too many, though18:53
LuYuthere are a few language packs, though18:54
Justcameronmacvr: perhaps try posting in that thread? I don't think anyone here knows18:54
LuYuor maybe this is a chinese language problem18:54
stinger05 i have a compaq presario CQ50 laptop, ubuntu boots but freezes completely when it logs in, why is that ?? im using ubuntu 8.04.118:54
macvrJustcameron: its now an archive!!! :(    k...  will try starting 118:54
d-bstinger05: we need more information if you want help.18:54
LuYuis it possible that it behaves this way in the zh_TW locale?18:55
stinger05i get the mouse cursor and orange background, it just stops there18:55
Reenenhi all... I have a question... I have: fpc 2.2.0 installed (default Feisty ubuntu), I also have the svn of fpc 2.2.2+, but this one doesn't compile.  So I got the latest compiler's .deb file, to compile the svn version... then last I want my svn version to be my "default" version... I'll gladly break it down into smaller chunks...18:55
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)18:55
d-bstinger05: that is odd. does windows work ?18:55
unitedpotsmokerssomebody can help me, how to enable webcam using gyachi? i'm using ubuntu hardy, and i configure at setup menu but nothing happen and i got a problem msg when i try use the webcam. I really need your help guys...18:55
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stinger05sure, its brand new with vista18:55
cybaner whats the installer again? not Yum in Ubuntu but the one it uses18:56
ubottu日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい18:56
LjL!apt | cyban18:56
ubottucyban: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)18:56
cybanapt, thanks18:56
JustcameronLuYu: I wouldn't have thought language packs would be a problem, but maybe.18:56
LjLdavismj, what are you doing, pray tell?18:56
d-bso wh at exactly happens ? stinger05 it just stops ?18:56
JustcameronLuYu: does your homepage use any plugins?18:56
LuYui dont know either18:56
LuYuim just guessing18:56
JustcameronLuYu: http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Firefox+consumes+a+lot+of+CPU+resources18:56
stinger05d-b: the "whole computer" freezes18:56
LuYushes using yahoo18:56
livinglegenddamnit I cant figure out how to get my graphics card working18:57
livinglegendI wish someone could walk me through it I'm new at ubuntu18:57
davismjlivinglegend: did you try envy?18:57
misteralexanderOkay, so I read some "help.ubuntu" articles on backing up my stuff, but I'm wondering, if I just boot into a LiveCD & "copy" my entire file system to an external, can I format & just overwrite my new data with my old & will that be the same as a "restore"?18:58
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cyixanyone getting hung up at loading after the new kernel patch?18:58
cybanwhats the help command for apt? apt--18:59
LjLcyban: apt-get --help, or apt-cache --help18:59
misteralexanderI will have all my current updates, patches, programs, programs settings & configurations?18:59
stinger05d-b: what do u suggest my friend?18:59
isleshocky77I'm trying to install mx5000-tools (http://home.gna.org/mx5000tools/) which requires that I compile the software.  The installation just says to do the normal ./configure && make && make install.  But when I do ./configure, I get "No such file or directory".18:59
Arch3Angeli just did an lspci on this mini-note and got this line returned19:00
Arch3Angel02:00.0 Network Controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11 a/b/g (rev02)19:00
Arch3Angelit appears to me the driver is installed19:00
Arch3Angelor am i mistaken19:00
d-bstinger05: i have no idea. its odd. shouldn't be happening - your hardware might be too new i can't do anything from here.19:00
cyban.... that change recently? seem to remember there being like clean all etc19:00
isleshocky77It has an autogen.sh file, so I try running that ./autogen.sh and I get the following http://isleshocky77.pastebin.com/d20f35b5d19:00
isleshocky77Any help would be appreciated.19:00
psicobrak i have shared a folder using samba and i have made it writable but when i acsess it from the network i can view it copy from it but not to it any ideas19:01
LuYuJustcameron: that page seems to suggest that all the plugins be up to date19:01
stinger05d-b: well, yeah, its quite new:)19:01
LuYuJustcameron: i dont think that is an option19:01
LuYushe definitely needs flash19:01
cybanok for instance, add/remove programs dont display thing that are in synaptic, do I need to do like apt-update or clean all etc or something19:02
LuYui cant turn a college girl into RMS overnight19:02
=== webtech is now known as webtech_m33
d-bLuYu: ROFL. um. there are a few tweaks you can do to firefox google for them.19:03
LuYui did19:03
d-bLuYu: dont work ?19:03
=== erle64- is now known as erle-
davismj!msgthebot | LuYu19:03
ubottuLuYu: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".19:03
Arch3Angelok who has experience with broadcom drivers and this new linux driverf19:03
LuYubut having her selectively disable scripts or flash commercials on websites is onerous at best19:03
jribdavismj: stop abusing the bot please.19:03
unitedpotsmokershi, just want to know, can we request a free cd from ubuntu now? i want to order ubuntu interpid ibex...19:04
jrib!caps | ncfi101319:04
ubottuncfi1013: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.19:04
d-bLuYu: you can still use adblock.19:04
ncfi1013sorry didnt shout accidentally hit caps19:04
B3z3rk3rsaved by ubottu again19:04
davismjjrib: SORRY!19:04
JediMasterhey guys, how do I change the volume from the command line?19:05
unitedpotsmokersis interpid is available for request a free cd?19:05
ncfi1013why when i try to burn movies in k3b does not go past preparing the data for burning19:05
livingdaylightwhat time is Intrepid ready?19:06
jim_punitedpotsmokers: not now, it will be when its released19:06
scampbellJediMaster:  I like aumix   apt-get install aumix19:06
ubottuIntrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - Warning lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, *NOT* #ubuntu19:06
davismjJediMaster: gnome-volume --YOU-ARE-TOO-LOUD19:06
LuYuyeah, im just in a funky position here (admission:  my fault).  she is comparing ubuntu directly with the windows boxen of her classmates, and i think i am losing the battle19:06
Mixed_--_anyone expert that know how to configure ATI video cards?  I am trying to configure an old ATI Rage 128 Xpert on my xubuntu box with hardy heron19:06
LuYui think it would be hard to ask her to disable anything that was enabled in IE19:06
JediMasterdavismj: ta19:06
AlexMaxI'm having trouble with GNOME.  If I click on the date/time in the upper right hand corner of the screen, I used to get a calendar.  Now all it does is lock up the entire taskbar and i have to kill X and relogin to get it working again.  Help!19:06
davismjAlexMax: are you wearing a red cap19:07
misteralexanderAlexMax:  I had the same problem.  I had to reinstall gnome-applets  "sudo apt-get install gnome-applets"19:07
Arch3Angelok i did modprobe bcm43xx and now i see broadcom items doing lsmod | grep bcm19:07
Arch3Angelhowever i still dont see it doing ifconfig19:08
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots19:08
AlexMaxmisteralexander: Did nothing19:08
AlexMaxI'm assuming I have to remove it first?19:08
AlexMaxAnd isn't it a dependency of ubuntu-desktop?19:08
misteralexanderAlexMax:  Yes, remove it first, then reinstall it.19:08
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ncfi1013why when i try to burn movies in k3b does it not go past preparing the data for burning19:09
isaacj87hey all, I have a pcmcia HDD...is it possible to install Ubuntu on it and boot from it?19:09
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misteralexanderncfi1013: How big is your swap drive?19:09
AlexMaxmisteralexander: I can't remove it, ubuntu-desktop depends on gnome-applets19:09
jclbrthey... so this is my first time trying to run ubuntu on a macbook pro19:09
misteralexanderAlexMax:  That's fine, it's a meta-package, it'll survive, especially if you're going to reinstall.19:10
jclbrti have two problems... one i may have fixed, but i havent restarted to find out19:10
jclbrtthe trackpad seems to be a bit slow19:10
=== Pen is now known as pen
AlexMaxactually aptitude is giving me an option to downgrade it19:10
ncfi1013_why when i try to burn movies in k3b does it not go past preparing the data for burning19:10
AlexMaxfrom 22.2 to 22.119:10
jclbrtwell not always slow but it will work fine for a sec and then it just stops suddenly and starts moving again19:10
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto19:10
isaacj87jclbrt: you can adjust the trackpad speed in Preferences->Mouse19:10
jclbrtany idea why this is happening19:10
jclbrti did19:10
jclbrtbut it seems to still not work isaacj8719:11
LuYuis the "itunes application detector" a linux app?19:11
AlexMaxdidn't work19:11
davismjalexmax wears a cap!19:11
LuYui dont think it is19:11
jclbrti have had about 5 years of experience with ubuntu19:11
isaacj87LuYu: No19:11
jclbrtbut this is my first time installing it on a macbook pro19:11
misteralexanderAlexMax:  Didn't Work?19:11
=== DB]Oric is now known as DarkOric
LuYumaybe she just installed a bunch of crap19:12
AlexMaxActually my methodology is faulty19:12
theshadowAlright I did the kernel update with the ndvidia driver update and now the resolution is borked. I went and tried to find the restricted drivers manager and I can't find it and if I open the hardware manager nothing is listed. Anyone have an idea?19:12
AlexMaxI downgraded without restarting X19:12
LuYuone more reason to disallow installation of software by users19:12
AlexMaxand I already upgraded back (because of a noficiation that said i was out of date)19:12
AlexMaxbut it should be 'reinstalled' in that case19:12
AlexMaxso let me try again19:12
davismj!alexmax wears a cap19:12
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:12
jclbrtalso the graphics card does not seem to be fully supported... i installed the nvidia-glx-new package from synaptic package manager but i havent restarted so i dnt know if it works yet19:12
SpiritSightI need help with getting my system to boot again, any one here can help?19:12
buck-25can someone tel me what the devil 'Roaming Mode' is in networking?19:12
misteralexanderAlexMax:  I'm sorry . . . I'm still learning with Ubuntu & that fixed it for me . . . sorry.19:12
AlexMaxdont apologize19:12
jclbrtSpiritSight what is it doing?19:12
AlexMaxthe only other guy talking to me is spouting nonsense19:12
misteralexanderbuck-25:  I don't think anyone REALLY knows.19:13
SpiritSightit gave code error 1519:13
advi need some serious help19:13
davismjAlexMax: what the heck, don't name yourself after a nickelodeon character and then not fulfill the persona. you wear a red cap and melt when you need to slip under doors!19:13
LuYuis there a quicktime plugin for linux?19:13
jclbrtSpiritSight: grub error 15?19:13
SpiritSightit doing this because I had del a partion it had a OS on (ubuntu) and I did not need two OS of the same19:13
buck-25misteralexander: awesome, thanks19:13
davismjLuYu: did you try mplayer?19:13
LuYuthat shouldnt be there either19:13
AlexMaxmisteralexander: Wow19:13
misteralexanderbuck-25:  No prob.19:14
AlexMaxApparently when I restarted X, now my gnome taskbar doesnt want to start at all19:14
LuYuim talking about stuff thats installed currently19:14
paul68!aditude davismj19:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about aditude davismj19:14
misteralexanderdavismj: That's Alex Mack, NOT Alex Max . . .19:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about spelling19:14
AlexMaxSo now my gnome taskbar no longer works19:14
kusha1friend I used "auto_super_grub_disk_1.0" to restore my grub after installing XP. its worked fine detected my grub but then for 1/2 hour it get stucked at this command Running "embed /boot/grub/e2fs.stage 1_5 (hd0)"...19:14
LuYuif its part of the dirty/ugly packages, then ill leave it in19:14
paul68!atitude davismj19:14
LuYubut i think the system is trying to run the quicktime windows plugin19:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about atitude davismj19:14
misteralexanderAlexMax:  No longer works, or is no longer visible?19:14
=== DarkOric is now known as BD]Oric
davismj!attitude | paul6819:15
ubottupaul68: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines19:15
kusha1please help I want my ubuntu grub back :(19:15
jclbrtSpiritSight: you should reinstall grub19:15
SpiritSighthow do I do this19:15
SpiritSight jclbrt: how do I do this19:15
LuYuso, am i correct in assuming that there is no official quicktime plugin for firefox on ubuntu?19:15
advcan someone help me with a broadcom wifi card?19:15
LuYui should be right about that19:15
FinnishHow do I see what chipset is in my laptop motherboard?19:15
mongolaiLuYu: right.19:15
SpiritSightcan you pm me os I can read what you say easier19:15
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AlexMaxmisteralexander: Well, when i start GNOME now I get a working desktop, but the top and bottom bar dont appear at all19:15
kusha1I used "auto_super_grub_disk_1.0" to restore my grub after installing XP. its worked fine detected my grub but then for 1/2 hour it get stucked at this command Running "embed /boot/grub/e2fs.stage 1_5 (hd0)"...19:16
LuYuman, college students can certainly make a mess quick19:16
ncfi1013_why when i try to burn movies in k3b does it not go past preparing the data for burning19:16
amenadoFinnish--> try these commands  lshw; hwinfo; lshal19:16
isaacj87jclbrt: Generally speaking, it seems the trackpad is a bit troublesome with Ubuntu. This guy posted his custom xorg.conf settings...maybe it could be helpful? http://lijamez.wordpress.com/2008/06/07/ubuntu-804-hardy-heron-experience-on-a-macbook-21/19:16
LuYui didnt know this was possible with linux19:16
jclbrtSpiritSight: do u have the live CD19:16
jclbrtthanx isaacj8719:16
misteralexanderAlexMax:  Again, I had the same issues before, here's how I solved them . . .19:16
jclbrti will take a look at that19:16
SpiritSightI am in it now19:16
jclbrtoh ok19:16
jclbrtopen a terminal window SpiritSight19:16
paul68LjL thanks19:16
jclbrttype grub19:16
misteralexanderAlexMax:  "sudo apt-get install gnome-panel"19:17
SpiritSightok did it19:17
SpiritSight jclbrt: ok did it19:17
misteralexanderAlexMax: and it came back when I restarted X19:17
macvrhi all... my uname - says that i have>>> UBUNTU-laptop 2.6.24-19-generic #1.... but i updated to 2.6.24-21 am i missing something? i restarted also after updating ... how do i check the version my initrd.gz???19:17
advcan someone help me with a broadcom card?19:17
jclbrtok... type "root (hd0,x).... replace x with what ever partition your boot parition is19:17
jclbrtSpiritSight:  ok... type "root (hd0,x).... replace x with what ever partition your boot parition is19:18
LuYuwhy in the world would firefox allow windows plugins to be installed in linux?19:18
unitedpotsmokershow to order interpid cds and sent it immediately? i live in asia, how much a cost will i pay?19:18
advno one?19:19
SpiritSight jclbrt: it says  that Error 21: Selected disk does not exist I know it does19:19
macvrunitedpotsmokers: cds via ship are sent for free19:19
SpiritSightsda1 would be hd0,0 right19:19
AlexMaxmisteralexander: noi change19:19
danbh_intrepidunitedpotsmokers: you cant get it immediately19:19
isaacj87unitedpotsmokers: https://shipit.ubuntu.com/ it's free, but could take a couple weeks.19:19
macvr!intrepid | unitedpotsmokers19:19
ubottuunitedpotsmokers: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - Warning lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, *NOT* #ubuntu19:19
jclbrtSpiritSight:  ok.... type "find /boot/grub/stage1"19:20
jclbrtSpiritSight: you should get a response like (hd0) or in my case (hd0,3)19:20
jclbrtuse whatever the computer gives you19:20
SpiritSightit says File not found / its there as I have seen it19:20
misteralexanderAlexMax:  It seems like you have greater issues than I had . . . reinstalling "gnome-panel" & "gnome-applets" fixed my issues.  It's frustrating these fixes are not working for you . . . UGH!19:21
AlexMaxwell now I'm worse off than where i stared19:21
bakaratanyone know of a good metadata-for-files system? :>19:21
AlexMaxis there anyhwere I can look for a log at whats going on?19:21
macvrhi all... my uname -a says that i have>>> UBUNTU-laptop 2.6.24-19-generic #1.... but i updated to 2.6.24-21 am i missing something? i restarted also after updating ... how do i check the version my initrd.gz???19:21
DreamgliderAlexMax, i am too worse of then when i started, it sux.19:22
jclbrtSpiritSight: try these directions http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22435119:22
amenadoAlexMax--> what logs are you looking for?19:23
cybantrying to use X Server for Nvidia and have the new drivers installed, but it cant seem to save to the xorg.conf file, would chmod fix it or is their a better way19:23
jclbrtSpiritSight: you may have removed grub by accident when deleting the partition19:23
jclbrtwhat partition did you delete?19:23
AlexMaxamenado: Well, I'm not 100% sure.  However, I'm willing to bet that the fact that gnome-panel is refusing to load is being logged somewhere19:23
danbh_intrepidmacvr: where is initrd.gz?19:23
cybannm, su -- worked19:24
amenadoAlexMax--> how much are you willing to bet? not all events are logged, depends on the configs19:24
AlexMaxWell why would GNOME's desktop load but not the menu bars19:24
macvrdanbh_intrepid: /boot/initrd.gz19:24
AlexMaxI know they're two different processes, but how would i even begin to figure out what's going wrong?19:24
bakaratcome on lads, i've asked this question at irregular intervals, are you really telling me there are no meta-data-for-regular-files systems in linux? :|19:25
Dreamglideri guess a reinstall is the only option left for me. :/19:25
AlexMaxI've already tried safe mode too19:25
unitedpotsmokersdanbh_intrepid, isaacj87, macvr, thanks for the info.. i thought we have a second choice to get a final interpid cds..19:25
AlexMaxor rather GNOME safe mode19:25
assargadonMmm...do someone know some place with documentaion about ndiswrapper? I mean, I installed driver of my GPRS-modem, ndiswrapper -l show it to me as installed. But how can I use it? Maybe some devise should appear in /dev ?19:25
unitedpotsmokersermm, can we request a final cd of interpid now?19:26
danbh_intrepidmacvr: well, sorry, I'm on intrepid.  Looks like they got rid of that.19:26
VladimirHello. How i can view some information about my machine? e.g. CPU % use or RAM % use..19:26
amenadotry   metacity --replace &19:26
unitedpotsmokersor we must wait untill in the end of the month?19:26
macvrdanbh_intrepid: :(19:26
danbh_intrepidunitedpotsmokers: there is no way to get the cd quickly other than using bittorrent, or download19:26
amenadoVladimir--> top; free19:26
Vladimirthanks :)19:27
LuYulooks like getting rid of those plugins solved the problem19:27
AlexMaxWell, I sorta solved the problem19:27
macvr hi all... my uname - says that i have>>> UBUNTU-laptop 2.6.24-19-generic #1.... but i updated to 2.6.24-21 am i missing something? i restarted also after updating ... how do i check the version my initrd.gz???19:27
AlexMaxI created a new user account19:27
AlexMaxand the new user account works great19:27
mongolaiVladimir: there should also be a GUI "System Monitor" in the system menu19:27
unitedpotsmokersdanbh_intrepid,  yea... but can we start order now?19:27
AlexMaxso, how do I wipe my gnome config?19:27
isaacj87unitedpotsmokers: yeah, you can go ahead and request the cd now. I think they've already started to take "pre-orders"19:27
macvrdanbh_intrepid: how is intrepid?19:28
amenadoAlexMax--> try deleting those ~/.gnome directory?19:28
isaacj87macvr: it's decent19:28
danbh_intrepidmacvr: still buggy and bumpy19:28
Vladimirmongolai: server edition.19:28
isaacj87danbh_intrepid: are you having trouble with it as well?19:28
mongolaiVladimir: OK, gotcha. There's also htop as a seperate install19:28
macvrdanbh_intrepid: isaacj87 : k...19:28
danbh_intrepidisaacj87: lets keep it to +119:29
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unitedpotsmokersthanks isaacj87 ... u know i just worry, if we just update or upgrade via update manager, and some people said to me, i will have many error soon or maybe i ll get a hardware failure. so their advice is- make a clean install of interpid..19:29
AlexMaxamenado: Doesn't gnome store things in other places too?19:30
ZoohouseHello everyone19:30
investorany egyptian here ?19:30
isaacj87unitedpotsmokers: I recently did an upgrade to the Intrepid beta. The upgrade went pretty smoothly, but I prefer a clean install19:30
unitedpotsmokersi also used the interpid before, but i got a problem when my laptop made a noise (buzz) before i log in ubuntu19:30
amenadoAlexMax--> possibly, i dont know it in-depth19:30
mongolaiAlexMax: try creating another user, log into that and see if things are all well19:31
AlexMaxmongolai: I did19:31
AlexMaxi created another user19:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about crt19:31
AlexMaxand everything is fine19:31
ZoohouseQuick question, what is the command to run diff apps in various languages? I remember it was LANG="eng" <name of app> but I can't remember correctly19:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about monitor19:31
AlexMaxso now I want to wipe my settings19:31
unitedpotsmokersahh.. i see thank a lot isaacj87 , u really help me tonite.. before this i'm very confuse what to do.. and i knew many people here bored to answer my question bro... thanks again isaacj8719:32
tulasla aint working.19:32
mongolaiAlexMax: just to confirm: something is wrong in your personal gnome settings?19:32
LuYurealplayers install doesnt kid around19:32
tulcome in and see!19:32
sluimersHi, my sound itsn't working19:32
AlexMaxIf i create a new user, the settings are fine19:32
keystr0kI am using subversion on a website I am building. The client updates the pages using contribute, so before I make changes to the code, I have to download the files then commit any changes.  Is there an easy way to sync the local directory with the folder on the server (via SSH preferably)? This way I don't have to tar the folder on the server, download it to the desktop, untar, etc...19:32
macvr hi all... my uname -a says that i have>>> UBUNTU-laptop 2.6.24-19-generic #1.... but i updated to 2.6.24-21 am i missing something? i restarted also after updating ... how do i check the version my initrd.gz???19:32
sluimersI just get no sound19:32
AlexMaxif i try logging into my current user, everything is how it was, i.e. my settings are borked19:32
LuYui wish they would release an ubuntu "non-free" package19:33
mongolaiAlexMax: OK. Makes perfect sense.19:33
Zoohousenevermind, it was LANG="eng" <app> haha not sure why it didn't work before19:33
danbh_intrepidLuYu: what would that be?19:33
sluimersI'm not getting any sound, can someone help me with this problem?19:33
tuli wish they released the 2.6.27 already19:33
LuYuwhat could realplayer be using selinux for?19:33
Dreamgliderreinstall back in a bit.19:33
LuYui dont know19:33
AlexMaxrm -rf ~/.gnome2 and ~/.gnome2-private did not work19:33
tul2.6.24 suck shit.19:33
isaacj87unitedpotsmokers: no problem man :)19:33
AlexMaxand i hope i didnt blow away my sticky notes in the process19:33
AlexMaxeven though i probably did19:33
LuYubut they force the installation of about 15 packages19:33
xbxbIs it possible to deinstall Apache & PHP cleanly so that no traces of the software are left and I can reinstall them from scratch?19:33
mongolaiAlexMax: just a sec. I'm looking up something that might help19:34
LuYuit might be better if they made something that played better with a standard ubuntu install19:34
thebossuthey guys iam stuck, i got ubuntu server install, had apache2  working and now i broke it, also using webmin19:34
unitedpotsmokerssorry for a stupid question, how to set a name while using xchat? like if i want to ask something to someone here, it will start like this " isaacj87:  blablablabalbalbala  "19:34
thebossuti just need to reinstall all over again config files too19:34
danbh_intrepidthebossut: have you tried to remove with --purge?19:35
mongolaiAlexMax: have you tried gnome-reset  ?19:35
unitedpotsmokersi mean how to set a user's name.. sorry for my bad english19:35
thebossuti think so19:35
thebossutso apt-get remove --purge apache219:35
ePaxWith this latest kernel update i can not find/install build essential. Is it possible to install it some other way if it exists for 2.6.24-21-386?19:35
macvrhi all .... anyone using the latest 2.6.24-21? how u u log in? do u have to select the kernel 24-21 or default?19:35
AlexMaxmongolai: no19:36
danbh_intrepidthebossut: well, that may only be the meta package19:36
macvrunitedpotsmokers: which messenger are u using?19:37
mongolaiAlexMax: look that up and give it a shot. Try creating a new, new user first and mess up the settings, then try it19:37
danbh_intrepidthebossut: maybe apache2.2-common    and maybe all the apache packages.19:37
AlexMaxmongolai: It's worthless.  gnome-reset only works in a GUI19:37
thebossutyea i need every thing re-installed19:37
AlexMaxi can't access a gui when I'm logged into my user account19:37
AlexMaxbecause i cant load a terminal19:37
AlexMaxbecause i can't access the menu bar19:38
bullgard4What program is suitable to concatenate 4 .flv videos?19:38
unitedpotsmokersmacvr, now im using xchat v2.8.4 brother19:38
misteralexanderAlexMax:  alt+F1 . . . i think, it'll send you to a terminal interface . . .19:38
frankihttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/215284 <--does anyone have any idea if there's _anything_ i can do to get around this?? :\19:38
thebossuttrying it now19:38
AlexMaxmisteralexander: no no no, I'm in a termianl interface RIGHT NOW19:38
AlexMaxit needs access to the gui19:38
=== macvr is now known as macvre
AlexMaxthose ctrl-alt-f1 through f6 terminals are not attached to a GUI19:39
frankihmm, i thought that it would say what the link was, but it's about ubuntu not recognising canon powershot a460s19:39
thebossutseems it might be working19:39
AlexMaxthey're attached to their own dumb terminals19:39
AlexMaxctrl-alt-f7 is not a dumb terminal19:39
AlexMaxwhich is where i need it19:39
mongolaiAlexMax: not quite. you know that you can hit alt+f2 in a borked gnome to get a one shot command-line, right?19:39
unitedpotsmokerscan someone answer my question?19:39
macvreunitedpotsmokers: /nic desiredusername19:40
misteralexanderAlexMax:  Boot into a liveCD & copy XTERM to your desktop folder.  When you reboot (with no panels) it'll be there and let you interact in a GUI with a terminal interface.19:40
=== macvre is now known as macvr
magnetronmacvre: unitedpotsmokers: don't you mean /nick The_Riddle19:40
thebossutdanbh_intrepid: thanks i think it worked19:40
macvrunitedpotsmokers:  oops: /nick uname19:40
danbh_intrepidthebossut: np19:41
AlexMaxmongolai: did NOT know that19:41
thebossutvery new to linux19:41
thebossuttho learning fast i think19:41
AlexMaxthere is a failsafe terminal that i just found out about19:41
AlexMaxalt-f2 aint working19:41
mongolaiAlexMax: cool beans. getting closer19:41
macvr hi all .... anyone using the latest 2.6.24-21? how u u log in? do u have to select the kernel 24-21 or default?19:42
unitedpotsmokersi dont want to change nick bro.. but i just want to call the name people here... like this "thebossut: np "  "mongolai: did NOT know that" <-- i want call the name19:42
AlexMaxand i cant tell whats going on because it only loads an xterm, no window manager19:42
misteralexanderAlexMax:  alt+f2  . . . then type "xterm"19:42
IdleOneunitedpotsmokers: use TAB key19:42
danbh_intrepid!tab | unitedpotsmokers19:42
ubottuunitedpotsmokers: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.19:42
jharknsorry, 2.6.27 here ;)19:42
isaacj87unitedpotsmokers: yeah, the TAB key19:42
unitedpotsmokersoh... i ll try19:42
macvrunitedpotsmokers: type part of name and then <tab>19:42
misteralexanderAlexMax:  quicker and easier than my idea, achieving the same results.19:42
AlexMaxthat does nothing19:42
thebossutwhat about my nick unitedpot19:43
unitedpotsmokerswait.. i want to test19:43
danbh_intrepidAlexMax: try this, type danbh <tab>19:43
misteralexanderAlexMax:  Alt+F2  then typing "xterm" does nothing?19:43
danbh_intrepidAlexMax: oops, that wasnt for you19:43
=== isaacj87 is now known as isaacj87_away
unitedpotsmokersthemolester,   theclaw19:44
unitedpotsmokersok i done.19:44
=== isaacj87_away is now known as isaacj87
macvranyone using kernel 2.6.24-21?19:45
unitedpotsmokersunderwraps_2k, unitedpotsmokers , UnionPivo , Kitar|st19:45
unitedpotsmokersi got it.. thanks... for help19:45
mongolaiAlexMax: bummer about the alt+f2. try the other alt key if you have one, and if that dosen't work it suggests that something went wrong with a previous attempt at fixing the original problem19:45
mini-manI'm trying to get flash working on firefox64...and I do have nspluginwrapper, and firefox does list it as active in about:plugins, but flash doesn't work. Ideas?19:45
AlexMaxmisteralexander: I loaded fluxbox and from there was able to get myself into gnome-reset19:45
unitedpotsmokerssorry guys, i'm asked a lot19:45
AlexMaxhowever, that still did nothing19:46
unitedpotsmokersim new with linux19:46
LuYubuenas noches all19:46
macvr anyone using kernel 2.6.24-21?19:46
misteralexanderAlexMax:  whatever your problem is, it seems to be far, far beyond a Gnome issue . . .19:46
chfwiggummacvr: whats ur problem,sir?19:46
misteralexanderAlexMax:  Perhaps an X issue . . .19:47
macvrchfwiggum:  my uname -a says that i have>>> UBUNTU-laptop 2.6.24-19-generic #1.... but i updated to 2.6.24-21 am i missing something? i restarted also after updating ... how do i check the version my initrd.gz???19:47
mongolaimisteralexander: IMO it's only a gnome problem. probably caused from a mangled attempt at a fix.19:47
macvrchfwiggum:  how u u log in? do u have to select the kernel 24-21 or default?19:47
AlexMaxmisteralexander: I doubt it, it's just a matter of figuring out what settings I need to delete19:48
chrisf_this channel help with the new dkms packaging system for kernel stuff?19:48
unitedpotsmokersbut it is ok, many people are friendly here.. i just addicted to use ubuntu.. before it is make my life different, i need to explore a command, type something when to do semething, i like that, and one more thing, i very like the GUI, the interface of ubuntu. It looks great, and beautiful compare to XP and Vista... :)19:48
misteralexandermongolai:  Perhaps so, he's having allot of the same issues I did once, and all my fixes aren't working for him, that's why I thought it was a higher level problem, beyond gnome.19:48
chrisf_i cant compile 96.43.03 of the nvidia drivers and my card is specific for this driver version19:48
chfwiggummacvr: u can pick either.did u compile it yourself?if not chose the default-my best guess19:48
chrisf_96.43.05 i mean19:49
mongolaimisteralexander: yea, i gotcha :)19:49
mongolaiAlexMax: http://linuxfud.wordpress.com/2007/02/14/how-to-reset-ubuntugnome-settings-to-defaults-without-re-installing/19:49
mongolaiit's old but might help you anyway19:50
bullgard4What program is suitable to concatenate 4 .flv videos?19:50
macvrchfwiggum: are u using kernel 24-21? no i didnt compile ... my 24-19 got updated to 24-21... now i checked in the initrd.gz... looks like it has 24-19 kernel? is the default always the old first installed kernel?19:50
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.19:51
ubottuIru al #ubuntu-eo, Bonvole.19:51
chfwiggummacvr: just restart that thing-worst might be a kernel panic, then u chose the other one19:51
rhombusI want to use a package that's in the intrepid tree, but I'm running gutsy. I've added the intrepid repositories to /etc/apt/sources.list and done aptitude update...19:52
w0ls0nhello all. How do I mount an smbfs volume? I tried /usr/sbin/mount_smbfs -N //wolson@Nelson/backups /data it said mount_smbfs didn't exist19:52
jharknsounds like macvr's menu.lst maybe wasn't updated?19:52
rhombusWhen i specify the package I want to update, it wants to update libc6 as well. Is that going to totally break my system?19:53
macvrchfwiggum: i did the restart. i'm not sure if the new update got installed properly! did u get the update? what kernel are u using?19:53
spiritssightis there a problem updating right now with 8.10 I don't get response on #ubuntu+119:53
c4r1oi have a volume problem on Dell 1530, any tip?19:53
=== alberto is now known as Guest6985
macvrjharkn: i checked the menu.lst i have 3 options.> default, 24-21, 24-19 ... default points to initrd.gz which has kernel 24-19 is this normal?19:54
mongolaiAlexMax: sorry. I just realized you might not be able to see the link. It's about how to reset gnome settings. basically you can do a "rm -rf .gnome .gnome2 .gconf .gconfd .metacity" and should be good. I don't know about compiz, nor do I know if this actually works, but it's worth a shot19:54
Jacobbsbe careful about using rm lol19:54
macvrjharkn: what kernel are u using?19:55
chfwiggummacvr: did u try cat /proc/version ?19:55
chfwiggummacvr: or uname -r19:55
macvrchfwiggum:  Linux version 2.6.24-19-generic (buildd@terranova) (gcc version 4.2.3 (Ubuntu 4.2.3-2ubuntu7))19:55
Fastlyi recently installed 8.10 beta and can't seem to find most programs listed in synaptic, including php, apache, mysql etc...19:56
chfwiggummacvr: so, now u know whats up19:56
macvrchfwiggum: which kernel are u using?19:56
penis it possible to have drawer style in some apps?19:56
Fastlydo i need to enable another repo?19:56
jharknmacvr: sounds like you need to change your menu.lst to me, I'm on arch though personally, not ubuntu (well I do have ubuntu on a partition)19:56
chfwiggummacvr: y? :)19:56
penlike in mac you have drawer style19:56
AlexMaxmongolai: Whelp, that didn't work either19:57
macvrchfwiggum:  i know what is up... but not sure the update is fine?19:57
AlexMaxthat article19:57
AlexMaxsettings are being stored SOMEWHERE but i cant figure out where19:57
balzUsers can be in multiple groups, correct?19:57
geniibalz: Correct19:57
jharknmacvr: when I updated my ubuntu kernel last the menu.lst update was interactive and I could choose to do it manually.  maybe you did that by accident?19:58
chfwiggummacvr: if u dont know about kernel u better dont change anything, u best do your updates via the repos and be happy your box is running19:58
macvrchfwiggum: if u are using kernel 24-21 did u select the option 24-21 or  default in grub? if u selected default could u check the initrid.gz19:58
Fastlyis there another channel for ibex?19:58
unitedpotsmokershey, i just want to know, i heard openoffice has a new final version. the problem is u had update ubuntu via update manager just now, but when i open open office, it still an older version.. how to update open office to version 3.0?19:58
jharkn!ibex | fastly19:58
ubottufastly: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - Warning lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, *NOT* #ubuntu19:58
AberrantEvening all - got an issue with LiveCD not seeing any of my hdds to install onto (fdisk -l returned nothing).  Thoughts/Ideas?  Using 8.04 liveCD19:59
macvrjharkn: i didnt get the gurb update :( are using 24-21?19:59
Fastlythanks jharkn19:59
AlexMaxon top of that, I probably lost everything important i had in my gnome sticky notes19:59
chfwiggummacvr: what changed from 24-19 to 24-21?19:59
unitedpotsmokershey, i just want to know, i heard openoffice has a new final version. the problem is i had update ubuntu via update manager just now, but when i open open office, it still an older version.. how to update open office to version 3.0?19:59
macvrchfwiggum: i dont ... thats what i'm trying to find out!19:59
macvrchfwiggum: i want to use my card reader... seems that it works in24-2120:00
jharknmacvr: just update your menu.lst manually, that's what I'd do. no I'm not, I'm on 2.6.27-ARCH.20:00
chfwiggummacvr: so either u learn about kernel or u just leave it be20:00
mongolaiAlexMax: well, I'm fresh out of suggestions to fix. As a last resort, you can create a new user, then transfer your personal files over and chown them, or something like that... Good luck!20:00
AlexMaxmongolai: That's what I'm probably going to have to do20:00
macvrjharkn: do u have a /boot/initrd.gz file?20:00
jharknmacvr: I'll check my /boot now for ya20:01
mongolaiAlexMax: or totally remove gnome-desktop (i think it's called), then reinstall it, but that might put you back to square 120:01
chfwiggummacvr: for ur card reader-did u try to find a module to append to your 24-19 kernel?20:01
TankadoI try to convert an .rpm file to .deb file using fakeroot alien --scripts VMware-workstation-6.0.*.rpm    but i get /usr/bin/fakeroot: 166: alien: not found20:02
Tankadowhat should i do?20:02
macvrchfwiggum: i did but nothing worked... are u using ubuntu 24-21? i updated only via the regular updates? how come i got the kernel update as system required?20:03
* Saisher LOL20:03
misteralexanderTankado:  Stupid question, I know, but you have alien installed, right?20:04
jharknmacvr: on my ubuntu /boot I have no initrd.gz but I'm not up-to-date either20:04
chfwiggummacvr: do u run 8.10?20:04
Tankadoi installed fakeroot, i am tring to install it now so i guess that was the problem ;)20:04
jharknmacvr: but I'd guess you shouldn't have one unless you did it yourself20:04
bullgard4What program is suitable to concatenate 4 .flv videos?20:04
misteralexanderalien '/location/of/your/rpm/file.rpm' 'place/you/want/deb/dropped.deb'20:04
macvrjharkn: i think that newer versions dont have /boot/initrd.gz i heard that intrepid doesnt have that file too...20:05
misteralexanderTankado:  alien '/location/of/your/rpm/file.rpm' 'place/you/want/deb/dropped.deb'20:05
unitedpotsmokershey, i want to install some software at appnr website, some of the buttons are orange color. the name of button is 'medibuntu'.. but i cant install that software.. what is medibuntu and how to install software with "medibuntu" type...20:05
magnetronbullgard4, maybe ffmpeg, i'm not sure. i'm sure ffmpeg supports the flv format20:05
Tankadoyeah its working now, thanks20:05
bullgard4magnetron: Thank you.20:05
macvrchfwiggum: no i use 8.04... are u using 8.04 kernel 24-21?20:05
jharknmacvr: initrd.img-2.6.24-19-generic is what I have20:05
macvrjharkn: i have that too..20:06
spiritssightI get this error when I try and do updates for 8.10: It was not possible to authenticate some packages. This may be a transient network problem. You may want to try again later. See below for a list of unauthenticated packages.20:06
magnetronhi! how do i make sure that all the logs in irssi are disabled?20:06
macvrjharkn: thats my third option..20:06
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)20:07
ShurezЛююдии, тут такое дело... настраивал дисплей (карта Ati radeon 9600) откуда нивозмись появилась вторая видеокарта (в настройках) и второй монитор! что делать?? как удалить??20:07
Int0h_Is it possible to install the PHP5 package in Ubuntu 8.04 Server without getting all the apache2 dependencies?20:07
balzHow can I restrict a particular user to a single directory when he accesses my server via sftp?20:07
SeamaeSI did an apt-get update on my 8.04 server and it showed a kernel upgrade to 21.  Why isn't this upgrade on the USN list?20:07
SkyrailA recent automatic kernel update on Ubuntu Hardy has screwed up and it won't boot into ubuntu now and just leaves be with a shell, it gives me two revalidation failed messages (errono=-5) before giving me a bit of info and logging into shell20:08
jharknmacvr: do you have an equivalent file for the latest kernel?20:08
jharknmacvr: and a vmlinuz of course...20:08
six2onei upgraded to the new kernel as well...all seems fine on my end20:08
sjeawhat programs better then wine?20:09
six2onei did it on 2 machines and both are solid20:09
sjeasorry hello all20:09
chfwiggumsjea: vmware20:09
sjeathank you chfwiggum20:09
happosadesjea: cedeka20:09
macvrjharkn: i have the /boot/initrd.img-2.6.24-21-generic and else... i could toggle the options... but i dont know if it is normal to hav the default option to remain at the older kernel after an update?20:09
happosadeor how jo write it20:09
Azhi_DahakaShutdown from the cli does a regular shutdown of the system?20:09
sjeathx hap20:09
six2onecrossover is alright as well..20:10
six2onebut its not free20:10
macvranyone has recently updated the kernel to 24-21 from 24-19 via the regular updates?20:10
jharknmacvr: no it isn't otherwise it wouldn't bother updating ;)20:10
mongolaiAzhi_Dahaka: it can. It can also do other things like reboot, etc20:10
SkyrailMhm, I've no idea why it messes up, I've updated macvr20:10
six2onemacvr: i did20:10
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org20:11
Azhi_DahakaI mean, if i use shutdown from the cli for a timed shutdown, the internal process is the same that happens when I close via the Quit Button?20:11
macvrSkyrail: six2one : how do u choose in grub? do u toggle to option 24-21 or the default option?20:11
vrivettwhen I type ----- apt-get install -f  --------- I get the following20:12
SkyrailWell mine's is borked at the moment, so I couldn't help sorry macvr20:12
vrivettThe following extra packages will be installed:20:12
vrivett  libmono-system-data2.0-cil libmono2.0-cil libndesk-dbus1.0-cil20:12
SkyrailAzhi_Dahaka: as far as I know it goes through the same shutdown process20:12
mongolaiAzhi_Dahaka: well, that's getting a little bit tricky. gnome seems to first check certain programs if there's unsaved data and will prompt the user to save. I don't think the CLI shutdown program does this20:12
six2onemacvr: my grub is set to default to the newest, which is selected to -2120:12
vrivettthen ...... Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code20:12
vrivettThe following extra packages will be installed:20:13
vrivett  libmono-system-data2.0-cil libmono2.0-cil libndesk-dbus1.0-cil20:13
vrivettThe following packages will be upgraded:20:13
vrivett  libmono-system-data2.0-cil libmono2.0-cil libndesk-dbus1.0-cil20:13
vrivett3 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 46 not upgraded.20:13
FloodBot2vrivett: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:13
vrivettNeed to get 0B/559kB of archives.20:13
Azhi_Dahakahow can i do a timed gnome shutdown?20:13
jharknmacvr: if you have both of: /boot/initrd.img-2.6.24-21-generic vmlinuz-2.6.24-21-generic20:13
Arch3Angelok someone has to know what the heck is going on20:13
jharknmacvr: then update your grub.lst manually20:13
macvrsix2one: when i choose the default option it loads 24-19! my initrd.gz file has 24-19 ... though i have the option to toggle to 24-21... is this normal?20:13
six2onemacvr: it depends on your grub conf i think. let me check something on my end for you..20:14
Arch3Angeli got ubuntu 8.04 lts installed on that hp mini-note and iwconfig displays info for a wireless device however the switch will not turn on (blue) and only stays orange which is off20:14
Arch3Angelsuggestions please20:14
jharknmacvr: paste your menu.lst20:14
jharkn!pastebin | macvr20:14
ubottumacvr: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)20:14
rhombusI have a gutsy server, and I need to run OpenSSH 5 on it (for the chroot support). It's not in backports. What's the best way to do this?20:14
vrivettcan someone tell me what I need to do here is a paste of what is happening http://paste.ubuntu.com/57998/20:14
mongolaiAzhi_Dahaka: shutdown will work, there is just a risk of losing unsaved personal data. Im not really sure of any way around this for a timed shutdown20:14
plamarwhat C++ editor do you guys use? What editor also supports find in files?20:15
macvrsix2one: jharkn  http://paste.ubuntu.com/57999/20:16
rhombusplamar: vi20:16
vrivettI am having trouble running apt-get and have been up all night trying to fix it20:16
jharknplamar: check out geany though I havn't really used it for programming yet personally20:16
balzHow do I restrict a user to a single directory on a drive?  The drive is umasked to 002 and the user does not belong to the group that owns the drive, he is in a group by himself.20:16
rhombusbalz: one way to do that would be chroot the user. OpenSSH 5 supports that.20:17
rhombusbalz: what version of Ubuntu are you running?20:17
balzrhombus hardy20:17
six2onemacvr: we have a difference20:17
balzrhombus:  what is chroot exactly?20:17
macvrsix2one: ?20:18
rhombusbalz: then you're in the same boat that I am. I need OpenSSH 5, but it's not in hardy (or gutsy) and it's not in the backports.20:18
six2onemacvr: http://paste.ubuntu.com/58003/20:18
rhombusbalz: It makes a directory of your choice appear as root to the logged in user.20:18
balzrhombus:  and this can't be done without openssh 5?20:18
six2onemacvr: i think order matters20:19
rhombusbalz: not easily. You can chroot with any ssh, but OpenSSH 5 has some tools to make it easy20:19
rhombusbalz: or rather, it integrates an easy method20:19
macvrsix2one: k... could u check something else out? do u have a /boot/initrd.gz file?20:19
six2onemacvr: checking20:19
rhombusbalz: so the challenge is to find an OpenSSH 5 package that is going to work.20:19
balzrhombus:  gotcha.  that's a pain... do you know where i can find more information?20:19
balzyeah or to figure out how to chroot under whatever version of ssh i have...20:20
rhombusbalz: If I did, I wouldn't be here :)20:20
paul68amenado:  are you here?20:20
balzrhombus:  right =)20:20
rhombusbalz: don't waste your time -- focus on upgrading to OpenSSH 520:20
balzrhombus:  okay.  well intrepid should be coming out soon, anyway20:20
six2onemacvr: not in that location, where should it be?20:20
rhombusbalz: oh -- well, OpenSSH 5 is *in* intrepid20:21
SkyrailI presume there is no easy way to roll back a dist-upgrade command easily, right?20:21
rhombusbalz: but that doesn't help you if you have a production system running an older Ubuntu, does it?20:21
macvrsix2one:  /boot/initrd.gz << i have the file in boot! how did i get this file!!! could u search if u have an initrd.gz file?20:21
balzrhombus:  production is a strong word. it's a mythtv box20:21
rhombusbalz: Well, in my case I have a production server :)20:22
balzrhombus:  so if anything it lowers my productivity. but i love it anyway =)20:22
rhombusbalz: i've tried adding the intrepid repositories, but then it pulls in all these scary dependencies, like libc620:23
rhombusbalz: I can just see this breaking everything20:23
balzhaha yeah it's never simple, is it20:23
balzrhombus:  well hopefully when intrepid rolls out officially it shoudl be plenty stable20:23
balzrhombus:  i still don't think i'll be touching it within the first 30 days20:24
rhombusbalz: that still doesn't help someone running an older Ubuntu.20:24
six2onemacvr: looking....20:24
macvrsix2one: k...20:24
rhombusbalz: they're not going to do an upgrade on a running server20:24
beejay77welcome enerybody20:24
xlizardhelp! iwlagn: iwlwifi-4965-2.ucode firmware file req failed: Reason -220:25
balzrhombus:  you're talking about your server, right?  or will i not be able to upgrade to intrepid?20:25
beejay77anybody have "phun"?20:25
strangehey guys i just bought a new tb hdd, what is the best program to check if it has no faults?20:25
balzbeejay77:  man phut =)20:25
rhombusbalz: One doesn't normally do in-place upgrades on working servers.20:25
six2onemacvr: didnt find anything20:25
thebossutok i am back apache2 fixed20:26
thebossutnow to get php working20:26
six2onemacvr: i think its some ramdisk thing? or netboot? i just searched my LTSP server for it and came up short20:26
geniistrange: The Ultimate Boot CD has manufacturer-specific diagnostics on it, very useful20:26
balzrhombus:  what do you mean?  sorry i'm very very new to the ubuntu realm20:26
thebossuti have installed the package and set it up i think but if try to run test.php it wants to d/l the file20:26
thebossutso i know it is not handling it correctly20:26
SkyrailSo, I did apt-get dist-upgrade to update the kernel as the auto updater wanted to, I restarted and now it won't boot into ubuntu, the loading screen stays for a while but then it logs into the shell and stays at that, I can't even look in my /boot/ folder as it doesn't seem to exist on the shell20:27
macvrsix2one: well i dont know how i got the file!!! ok... how do i edit my menu.lst? should i just comment out the first options? how do i make 24-21 the default?20:27
macvrto start ?20:27
rhombusbalz: Are you new to Linux?20:27
balzrhombus:  eeh.  I've been toying around with it for about 2 years... nothing advanced.  I'm just confused as to what you're saying exactly... is it not a good idea to apt-get dist-upgrade?20:28
xlizardSkyrail: that sounds you are in busybox ... you forgot to load storage or filesystem module20:28
Chubbz@macvr sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst its pretty self explanatory after that20:28
six2onemacvr: you should be able to just move things around20:29
Skyrailxlizard: erm, I don't even know what busybox is :/20:29
macvri noticed that u have menulst which ends with >>> vga=773 what does this option do?20:29
sjeavmware fusion is that the one i use?20:29
rhombusbalz: It's not generally advisable to do that on a system that's stable and running, no.20:29
Chubbz@macvr I woulnd't mess around with it unless your trying to fix something20:29
six2onemacvr: or better yet...copy the one you want to start and then plop it down on the top of the list and COMMENT the other one out20:29
vrivettroot@vrivett-laptop:/media/cdrom1/pool/main/m/mono# apt-get install -f20:29
vrivettReading package lists... Done20:29
vrivettBuilding dependency tree20:29
rhombusbalz: Sometimes you have no choice, but...20:29
xlizardSkyrail, an mini mini mini linux tpo rescue if something is bad ...20:29
limitedwisdomI'm setting up a cron job and trying to delete any files older than 4 days...This is what I'm using - and it doesn't appear to be working http://paste.ubuntu.com/58009/20:29
vrivettReading state information... Done20:29
balzrhombus:  gotcha, okay.  i guess dependencies get all mucked up20:29
vrivettCorrecting dependencies... Done20:29
vrivettThe following extra packages will be installed:20:30
FloodBot2vrivett: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:30
vrivett  libmono-system-data2.0-cil libmono2.0-cil libndesk-dbus1.0-cil20:30
six2oneand first off you might want to cp it to a .bak20:30
geniiSkyrail: busybox is like a small set of commands that it dumps you to when it can't find actual system to load20:30
limitedwisdomany thoughts?20:30
balzrhombus:  is it possible to downgrade?20:30
rhombusbalz: Things rarely go smoothly, let's just put it that way20:30
balzi see20:30
mongolaibalz: it's usually ok to do that, but as rhombus said, production servers are a whole different game.20:30
rhombusbalz: that I don't know. I haven't used Ubuntu much.20:30
thebossuti have installed the package and set it up i think but if try to run test.php it wants to d/l the file20:30
thebossuti have installed the package and set it up i think but if try to run test.php it wants to d/l the file20:30
mongolai...or can of worms as it were20:30
Skyrailgenii: xlizard: yeh, that's probably what it is, all lines start with (initramfs), all I did was install the update it wanted heh20:30
Chubbz@thebossut edit your httpd.conf to include the php mime type20:31
balzmongolai:  okay.  I guess i can afford to have issues on a mythtv box =)  I'll probably wait a few months after intrepid comes out though20:31
rhombusbalz: Yeah, it sounds like mongolai has been there. When there are paying customers at the other end of a machine, extra rigor is called for20:31
macvrsix2one:  Chubbz: i'm looking at the file... i have setup the such that the grub selects in 1 sec after the timeout? does it just recognize the first entry? or does it look for anything else20:31
xlizardSkyrail, THATS buybox ;) ... boot with a boot-cd into rescue mode und reinstall kernel image ... with some luck initramfs will be created correctly20:31
balzrhombus:  yeah that makes absolute sense.  I probably wouldn't even want to stray from LTS versions20:31
thebossutI  AM USING WEBMIN20:32
thebossutsorry caps20:32
Skyrailxlizard: right, I'll see what I can do :)20:32
PhantomasCan anyone help me configure my tv card? I have tried many times with no result .... It's an Avermedia Hybrid A16AR20:32
balachmarI want to use sbackup and I want it to make quite frequent backups, but I am right in thinking it doesn't start automatically? Because I set it up earlier today and rebooted, but it didn't continue to make backups. How can I make it start automatically?20:32
rhombusSo, does anybody have any suggestions for how I can get an OpenSSH 5 package that will work safely in Gutsy?20:32
thebossutapplication/x-httpd-php      .php .phtml .php3        application/x-httpd-php-source         .phps20:33
xlizardanybody knows why iwlwifi-4965-2.ucode has been removed?20:33
xlizardin interrepid20:33
geniiSkyrail: You can go into livecd, then mount the old / partition and then chroot there to reinstall linux-image-<whichever kernel version failed>        and it should rebuild the initramfs20:33
sqawerlzI want to make my own themes for gnome, how do I do that?20:33
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy20:33
xlizardintrepid ... baahh ;)20:34
Phantomaslspci shows 03:03.0 Multimedia controller: Philips Semiconductors SAA7131/SAA7133/SAA7135 Video Broadcast Decoder (rev d1)20:34
azhar27Does anyone know a good backup software for Ubuntu ?20:34
Phantomasplease help me configure it20:34
balachmar@azhar27: sbackup20:34
xlizardgenii: thank you for translating ;=)))20:34
ichbinesderelchazhar27: yes, "cp -r ~/ /backupfolder :P20:34
Skyrailgenii: okay, thanks, I'll see what happens, it will be fiddly with my dodgy SATA support as well20:35
balachmarAzhar: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem/SimpleBackupSuite20:35
azhar27@ichbinesderelch - I was asking more of scheduled backups.20:35
azhar27@balachmar - Thanks.20:35
limitedwisdomany help with the cron job question?20:36
xlizardazhar27, rsync is nice ;)20:36
meoblast001wtf is up with CUPS... i deleted a printer off of my local system and it deleted my pritner off my server20:36
j0nrwhen i run ndiswrapper -m it tells me: * The update-modules command is deprecated and should not be used!20:36
j0nrdoes this mean it isnt working?20:36
balzrhombus:  i found a tutorial for installing this... is this something that could be useful?  http://sublimation.org/scponly/wiki/index.php/Main_Page20:36
meoblast001i told it i wanted printers not to be listed on my laptop20:36
meoblast001i didnt want to delete the damn pritner from my print server20:36
azhar27xlizard : Will check out rsync and sbackup, Thanks.20:36
meoblast001i dont have time to deal with this crap20:36
sharrellI am getting an odd error when trying to install new packages on hardy: Setting up tzdata (2008g-0ubuntu0.8.04) ...20:37
sharrelldpkg: error processing tzdata (--configure):20:37
jharkncups is strange on ubuntu20:37
balzmeoblast001:  CUPS can be a royal pain in the ass...  try #CUPS20:37
rhombusbalz: Some people like it. Personally, I think one should be doing it with the sshd that's already running20:37
jharkncups is obfuscated in ubuntu too though20:37
DigitalFizwhat would i use to convert a xvid to a divx?20:37
geniilimitedwisdom: Perhaps you want to specify full path in rm line20:37
balzoh so this sets up a completely different service?  different ports and all?20:37
Phantomasany ideas about my tv card?20:38
meoblast001blaz: thanks i just told them their software is retarded20:38
meoblast001balz rather20:38
rhombusbalz: it's a wrapper20:38
limitedwisdomI think that is the full path isn't it? (sorry I'm a noob)20:38
limitedwisdomI mean, it's not the specific files, but those will change every day20:39
meoblast001balz: now i have to remember how to add this printer again... i didnt plan a 2 hour printer install in my plans for the day20:39
balzrhombus:  what's a wrapper?20:39
balachmar@DigitalFiz: you can using mencoder, or ffmpeg or even pitivi20:39
j0nrwhen i run ndiswrapper -m it tells me: * The update-modules command is deprecated and should not be used!20:39
meoblast001balz: a scanner wont work on monday, a printer wont work on wednesday... if i have to spend my whole life maintenanceing these things i'll throw all my computers out the window20:39
DigitalFizbalachmar, ty forgot about ffmpeg20:39
meoblast001i spent 6 hours setting up a scanner20:40
balachmarDigitalFiz: You're welcome20:40
rhombusbalz: A wrapper is a program that intercepts connections and passes them on to a subordinate program20:40
balzmeoblast001:  welcome to linux.  honestly i wouldn't recommend flipping out at people in a channel though20:40
rhombusbalz: It "wraps" around the subordinate program.20:40
balzrhombus:  i see.  so what does scponly do exactly?20:40
meoblast001balz: so what options do i have? an OS where everything is slow and you never get done what you want to.... an OS where every problem takes a whole day to fix... or an OS where you have to have thousands of dollars just to buy it20:41
meoblast001i hate computers20:41
rhombusbalz: I haven't looked that closely, i'd rather not do this with a wrapper20:41
balzrhombus:  fair enough20:41
balzrhombus:  time for some google-fu!20:41
balzmeoblast001:  yeah that's the bottom line... computers are a b*tch.20:42
balzmeoblast001:  are you running ubuntu-desktop or server?20:42
meoblast001balz: desktop20:42
balzmeoblast001:  there *should* be a relatively straightforward graphical app for printer sharing in gnome20:43
balachmarmeoblast001: Truly dude, I haven't had much problems using printers and scanners on Ubuntu, much less problems really then on windows...20:43
balzi've always used config files and such though20:43
meoblast001balz: i shut GNOME off usually on my server.. only turn it on sometimes20:43
meoblast001balachmar: i bought all my hardware when i had windows.. havent bought any hardware since.. so that tells a lot20:43
balachmarmeoblast001: You can share printers through samba if you want20:43
balzmeoblast001:  yeah i do too.  well here's the graphical method, JIC.  http://www.funnestra.org/ubuntu/hardy/#ipp20:44
balachmarmeoblast001: often the older the hardware the better on linux20:44
AkazawaHow do I install nautilus scripts?20:44
meoblast001balachmar: why isnt it that way on windows?20:45
meoblast001shouldnt it be equal on both20:45
meoblast001if you can do it on windows cant you do it in linux too20:45
limitedwisdomit is working :s I didn't notice that there weren't any files in there older than the date (there were a lot more than I expected!)20:45
limitedwisdomsorry for the silly question20:45
epochwhat is the shell command to show all the stuff loaded into /dev/*20:45
meoblast001what's the point of drivers.. cant we just have a standard for all hardware?20:45
balachmarakazawa: http://g-scripts.sourceforge.net/20:45
Tundrayeti312epoch: cd /dev && ls20:46
epochTundrayeti312, no20:46
Grey_Lokimeoblast001, perhaps, if all hardware was standard20:46
ichbinesderelchmeoblast001: that would be kinda boring though20:46
epochi plugged in a usb device20:46
epochbut i dont know which /dev/* its on20:46
Pittohi ppl..i'm triing to copy all mi home in the home of another user...but i have to "sincronize" the permissions...how to do?20:46
meoblast001ichbinesderelch: boring to have things that work?20:46
balachmarmeoblast001: Because on windows more hardware manufacturers make drivers. And sometimes hardware manufacturers discontinue support for a specific windows version20:46
kansani'm getting the workspace is still in use message on ubuntu hardy & grannymede.  there are no instances of eclipse open, i just restarted my computer... help? ;p20:46
epochmaybe i shouldnt ask this in ubuntu...since everything is GUI...20:46
mongolaiPitto: chown20:47
ichbinesderelchepoch: dmesg | tail in terminal and watch out for some /dev/ line20:47
ShinobiTenohello! I have a problem: since last update of kernel:(2.6)19 to 21 on ubuntustudio, i get GRUB Error 15 everytime and unable to boot into new(21) kernel. Anybody have this problem?20:47
balachmarmeoblast001: unfortunately some hardware vendors neglect linux, but their number is declining20:47
ichbinesderelchmeoblast001: making things work is actually the funniest thing on computers, they are boring when tey are running completly flawlessly :P20:47
meoblast001Waiting for mysticgalaxiesserver.local...20:47
meoblast001why is it waiting20:47
ShinobiTenomenu.lst is ok btw. files present. I force reinstalled all *21. no change. 19 boots ok.20:47
epochichbinesderelch, wrong20:47
LykkefeenI tried to install xmms2, but it seemed not to have any GUI and it was hard to implement a GUI, so my question is: Which lightweigth mp3 player with GUI can you recommend?20:48
fwaokdahow do I make it so that my fonts in my desktop panels are white and not black?20:48
Pittomongolai: i tried say cp -R home/mastroirmo home/murphy.... but it gives me error (access to mastroirmo denied)20:48
ShinobiTenoLykkefeen: if you need player-only> audacious20:48
Skyrailgenii: so how do I go about installing the newest stable kernel for ubuntu?20:48
ichbinesderelchepoch: marmalade?20:48
mongolaiPitto: you may need to be sudo to do that.20:48
Pittoyes but if i'm sudo20:49
Pittoit will not create the files like Murphy...and murphy is not "porpietary"20:49
geniiSkyrail: Usually the     sudo apt-get upgrade           will do this, if one is available20:49
balachmarLykkefeen: I don't know if it is lightweight enough, but banshee is pretty nice20:49
mongolaiPitto: i don't understand "Murphy"20:49
spiritssightwhere do I get help with installing themes20:49
Pittomy new user name20:49
unpossiblemy new username20:50
Pittoif i use sudo...the files owner becomes Root.. not Murpy20:50
mongolaiPitto: OK.20:50
balachmarfwaokda: I assume that that is a theme thing20:50
Skyrailgenii: it gives me 0 upgrades/dist-upgrades, do I have to delete anything first?20:50
Lykkefeenbalachmar: I'm searching a equivalent to the old winamp :) Just for mp3's I'll give audacious a try now :)20:50
ShinobiTenoPitto: sudo chown -R Murphy *20:50
geniiSkyrail: You are currently chrooted from livecd into the old / or such?20:50
ShinobiTenoPitto: sudo chgrp -R Murphy *20:50
Arch3Angeli guess no one has an answer to the wireless broadcom issue20:50
spiritssightHow do I get a theme installed, I have downloaded a couple from gnome-looks.org20:50
Pittook.this 2 after the copy as sudo...20:51
PittoTHX a lot :)20:51
Picispiritssight: Just drag them onto the themes window in System>Preferences>Appearance.20:51
Pici!changethemes > spiritssight20:51
ubottuspiritssight, please see my private message20:51
Skyrailgenii: yeh, I mounted the / partition and chrooted to it, I'm at it now (it shows all the right files when I ls -l)20:51
ShinobiTenoPitto: of course you must do it right in the folder you need rights to change20:51
cybanspiritssight, depends, using emerald theme manager or just the default?20:51
mongolaiPitto: copying files from one user to another requires permissions - either root (which sudo provides) or user or group. The easiest way is "sudo cp (whatever)" then "sudo chown (whoever)"20:51
balachmarLykkefeen: Then you should try beep media player -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beep_Media_Player20:52
ShinobiTenoPitto: you can use rsync for copying. It keeps permissions if "-a" is used.20:52
mongolaiShinobiTeno: that's a better solution!!20:52
PittoShinobiTeno: keep permissions or sync permissions?20:52
Crusader_TechCould someone tell me why my Ubuntu desktop will play music on the hard drive, but when I try to play off of a flash drive, totem just opens, then closes.20:53
Pittoi've Grsynk... i'll try20:53
geniiSkyrail: OK. So just:   apt-get install --reinstall linux-image              should grab latest and reinstall20:53
=== dani is now known as Guest51733
mongolaiCrusader_Tech: can you access other files on the flash drive?20:54
ShinobiTenoPitto: rsync is a very powerfull copy and sync command. There are plenty of GUIs for it too. It can copy, sync or filter. do "man rsync" or get some GUI with "google rsync gui")) I use it to sync 1:1 my 500Gb disk.20:54
Guest51733guys i need your help, i'm trying to install madwifi but it tells me i need to make something, and i haven't a clue what to do20:54
balzrhombus:  when you said you didn't want to use a wrapper, why is that?20:54
Lykkefeenbalachmar: Thanks, I'll give that a try after testing audacious :)20:54
balachmarCrusader_Tech: It should just play them normally if you can acces the files correctly20:54
spiritssightI tryed to drag the folder and or the xml file that is in the theme folder that I downloaded and it does not seem to work20:54
Crusader_Techmongolai: Yes, I can open documents, and whatnot.  It's also not limited to any particular flash drive.20:54
Guest51733can someone help20:55
rhombusbalz: Because I don't trust it. I use OpenSSH because security is important to me. If I introduce a wrapper, I jeopardizing that security20:55
cognitiaclaevesIs it possible to install a .deb package into an alternate location?  ( I'm looking into creating a chrooted environment. )20:55
balachmarGuest51733: With what?20:55
Crusader_Techmongolai: well, I take it back.  Now it wont play an MP3 off of my desktop either.  one sec while I check my codecs20:55
rhombusbalz: i jeopardize, sorry20:55
ShinobiTenoPitto: you can also try GNOME Commander if you do much file operations)20:55
Shortguy109Hey guys. My sound has stopped working on my Dell Inspiron N 1525 after the latest update. This came with Ubuntu pre-installed.20:56
balzrhombus:  how serious of a security risk is it?  is this something I should be concerned about?20:56
beejay77anybody have experience with phun?20:56
rhombusbalz: I don't know of any bugs in scponly that would make it vulnerable, but then I haven't really looked for any20:56
beejay77phun - Phun is a free game like 2D physics sandbox where you can play with physics like never before.20:56
Lorelei-Shortguy109: mine too, I wonder if its something to do with the Dell set up?20:56
balachmarShortguy109: Any extra information, besides sound doesn't work?20:57
rhombusbalz: If you're just using it for a machine in your living room, then it's probably fine -- but that's not what I need this for20:57
beejay77i have video card without 3d acceleration20:57
kansanhow do i look file a file named .lock recursively in ~/workspace20:57
Guest51733balachmar: with terminal i think20:57
balzrhombus:  okay that's exactly what I was wondering.  I know you work for a company, so it's a totally different ballpark20:57
PittoShinobiTeno: i just looking in rsyink...to understand how to tell it to "change and update" permissions (i'm not anglophone...and have some troubles translate manuals :) )20:57
Shortguy109No sound devices or GStreamer plugins found"20:57
beejay77in win it work ok, in ubuntu it is not20:57
spiritssightcan some one help with instaling threms from gnome-looks.org20:57
Shortguy109Sorry, "No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found."20:58
Shortguy109That happens whenever I try and change the volume.20:58
balachmarGuest51733: What do you want to do?20:58
scarfaceIs there a way to boot the Live CD with sound disabled?  The login sound is very loud here at work and I need a way to silence it.20:58
ShinobiTenoPitto: plz tell me this: is it one time operation or regular. 2nd: copy(add), do 1:1(sync), backup,.. what exactly do you want to have?20:58
Tundrayeti312beejay77: graphics card? and u probably have to enable and install proprietary driver for 3D20:58
macvrhi... my system sounds dont work! but i'm able to get sound from vlc player and rhythom box20:58
Lorelei-I got the same message when I just tried to change my volume too20:58
balachmarkansan: Something like grep -r lock .20:58
Pittoi need to copy all my home to another user home20:59
Pittojust changing user20:59
Pittoand have SAME pc and config20:59
ShinobiTenoPitto: does "another" home contains files you need to keep?20:59
beejay77Tundrayeti312: there is no driver for 3d, my cardjust do not support 3d acceleration20:59
Pittonot..it's just created20:59
Guest51733balachmar: i need to install madwifi as ubuntu isn't allowing me to go wireless20:59
ShinobiTenoPitto: 1:1 or add?20:59
Tundrayeti312beejay77:  hmm.. thought you said it worked in win nvm21:00
Pitto(i would rename primary home..but someone said me to not to do that)21:00
beejay77Tundrayeti312: nvm?21:00
danbh_intrepidGuest51733: what wifi card?21:00
Shortguy109audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Failed to connect stream: Invalid argument21:00
Tundrayeti312beejay77: nevermind21:00
Shortguy109That happens when I run a sound test.21:00
beejay77Tundrayeti312:it works in regular windows on the same hardware21:00
balachmarShortguy109: Maybe reinstall gnome-media21:01
NecrosanThere were 2 people on a boat: /hop and /quit. /hop got off, who's still on the boat?21:01
ichbinesderelchNecrosan: thats so dumb21:01
King_Kickassdid the latest update mess up something?21:01
NecrosanIt's funny, man!21:01
PiciNecrosan: Please don't.21:01
Necrosan3 people21:01
Shortguy109Yes, the latest update has messed things up for three of us.21:01
balachmarGuest51733 Then install madwifi through the synaptic package manager21:01
Shortguy109- at least.21:01
King_Kickassbecause after restart of the latest update, i got an error and now ubuntu is running on low graphic mode21:01
King_Kickassand now i dont know what to do, reinstall the graphic drivers?21:02
Guest51733danbh_intrepid: its antheon something21:02
Shortguy109Reinstall of gnome-media did not work.21:02
danbh_intrepidGuest51733: atheros?21:03
King_Kickassmaybe upgrade to inrepid helps, thats running fine on my other machine21:03
ddmI just did mv command and overwrite a file21:03
ddmis there any way to undo it21:03
balachmarShortguy109: Maybe reinstall gstreamer pulseaudio?21:03
Guest51733danbh_intrepid: yeah atheros-5007eg21:03
Shortguy109balachmar: Okay, I'll give that a shot.21:03
balachmarddm: nope21:04
beejay77Tundrayeti312: any clue?21:04
madmartiananyone know why all my apps menus would disappear?21:04
balachmarddm: sorry, we all did that sometime in our life I guess... Just be sure to be carefull with rm as well21:04
danbh_intrepidGuest51733: atheros is supported in intrepid, which is coming out in 2 weeks21:04
aaron_how I check my kernel version?21:04
Odd-rationaleaaron_: uname -a21:04
dulakianaaron_: uname -a21:04
Guest51733balachmar: how do i do that? i can get into the spm but can't find anyway to install madwifi21:04
ichbinesderelchaaron_: i think uname -a :P21:05
Tundrayeti312beejay77: I don't understand your problem.. You card doesn't have 3D acceleration, but it ( 3D acceleration ) worked in Windows w/ same hardware? It that what u r saying?21:05
scientesubiquity just froxe on Configuring apt:Scanning the mirror---------am i safe just to kill it and reboot?21:05
Shortguy109balachmar: Pulseaudio reinstall did not work. Finding an appropriate gstreamer package to reinstall.21:05
Guest51733danbh_intrepid: is that the new software version of ubuntu?? is there anyway i can use wifi at the mo then?21:05
balachmarGuest51733: Maybe I see them because I am on intrepid. Or maybe you don't have multiverse and universe repositories?21:06
King_Kickassshould I do these commands? : sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new21:06
King_Kickasssudo nvidia-xconfig21:06
King_Kickasssudo reboot now21:06
Lorelei-It told me I already had the latest pulseaudio but that it couldn't find the gstreamer package21:06
danbh_intrepidGuest51733: well, I have a new atheros card, and the only thing that worked for me was ndiswrapper, but it worked very poorly.  Worked, just poorly.21:06
unitedpotsmokersmagnetron,  can u show me how to use wine?21:07
balachmarShortguy109: Then I am out of options...21:07
Tundrayeti312King_Kickass: Why are u in low graphics mode?  Did it fail to find your driver? or did it overwrite your xorg.conf?21:07
unitedpotsmokersi want to use Yahoo Messenger21:07
aaron_can I upgrade to gutsy? to the latest kernel that will be released in Intrepid21:07
danbh_intrepidaaron_: upgrade to hardy first21:07
joaopintoaaron_, no21:07
magnetronunitedpotsmokers, first thing you should do is to go to the WineHQ AppDB and check if your app works in Wine21:08
Shortguy109Thanks anyway, balachmar. :) See ya!21:08
magnetron!appdb | unitedpotsmokers21:08
ubottuunitedpotsmokers: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help21:08
balachmarShortGuy109: Good luck!21:08
King_KickassTundrayeti312 it said it cant load X21:08
=== fluugh is now known as flugh
unitedpotsmokersok i got it21:08
pderis it possible to install ubuntu on a computer?21:09
Guest51733thanks for all your help guys, i think i'll just have to wait for intrepid21:09
beejay77Tundrayeti312: phun is rendering, in windows it is wokring slow, but in ubuntu it is not working at all21:09
aaron_i'm sorry I have hardy....is it possible to upgrade my kernel to latest21:09
magnetronpder, yes21:09
ichbinesderelchpder: yes21:09
geniiSkyrail: Apologies on lag, work. Able to install the linux-image from the chrooted environment there?21:09
chaddypder: I hear, in theory, yes21:09
Tundrayeti312King_Kickass: yeah... but why?21:09
pderthanks all21:09
rhombusCan i install a package and have it ignore all its dependencies?21:10
Tundrayeti312beejay77: I don't know anything about Phun sorry21:10
danbh_intrepidaaron_: yes, when intrepid is released in two weeks, you will be able to upgrade and get the latest kernel21:10
legendatai got problem.... heres what I do: opening terminal, then used these commands: airmon-ng stop wlan1 , ifconfig wlan1 down , macchanger --mac 00:11:22:33:44:55 wlan1 ........ and as soon as I hit ENTER my ubuntu is goin' insane..... like i am pressing the ENTER without stopping, and I need to shutdown the system..... any suggestions?21:10
LjLaaron_, it's possible but not supported, it's difficult, and risks breaking stuff possibly badly. why do you need to?21:10
SkiddyFiskhow come a bunch of my updates will only install with update-manager and not apt-get?21:10
King_KickassI am a noob, I dont know why the update messed up my graphics i just want it back as it was21:10
ichbinesderelchrhombus: think with --force option21:10
haushaI've installed ubuntu for the 15th time today, but booting up still doesn't work: The message in boot says: "Booting from local disk..." and nothing more... The boot is on /dev/sdb1 and I have a file system at /dev/sda1 (not mounted)21:10
amorphouscould anyone help me out with what I think is a dbus problem?21:10
Skyrailgenii: not yet, 'tis a pain but I'm working on it, I presume I need to select the exact image to install right? Need to make sure I install the right one21:10
rhombusichbinesderelch: thank you, I'll try that21:10
balachmarrhombus: I don't think so, because probably it wouldn't work anyway21:10
joaopintoSkyLeach, they will if you use dist-upgrade21:10
joaopintoops, was SkiddyFisk21:10
flughhowdy all. been a long time. looking for a pointer in the right direction. I need to modify a header in the kernel source via patch to get my modem working. what/how do i reboot from the new kernel, do i need to make a new kernel (getting panic when trying to reboot with new kernel). gotta faq , something NOT Git?21:11
aaron_pioneer dvr 108 is not working when I went form Gutsy to Hardy21:11
LjLrhombus: no, you can't. you can manage to in some ways you probably should avoid, but it will be uninstalled at next update anyway.21:11
Tundrayeti312King_Kickass: Ok goto System->Administration->Sytem Log ( i think ) and check the Xorg.log it should give you some info as to what went wrong21:11
fwaokdawhere do i go to make it where removable media doesn't create a shortcut on the desktop when inserted?21:11
rhombusichbinesderelch: maybe you have an idea where/how I can get a package for OpenSSH 5 that will work in Gutsy?21:11
legendatahelp me please :[21:11
Arch3Angeldoes anyone know how to get my kernel of ubuntu that is 8.04 lts and kernel 2.6.24-19 to 2.6.24-4 or later21:11
LjLflugh: uhm, which modem is that?21:11
aaron_its a known issue in Launchpad and there is no sudo apt-get command to upgrade from the kernel I'm in....I want to see it it was fixed in the latest kernel...but I hear your warning21:11
unitedpotsmokersmagnetron,  i must register at wine website to view a list of application?21:11
beejay77Tundrayeti312: i get: ERROR: Exception caught in main: Couldn't set video mode, SDL-error: Couldn't find matching GLX visual21:11
LjLArch3Angel, the current kernel is 2.6.24-2121:11
Arch3Angeli cant use broadcom without upgrading the kernel21:11
magnetronunitedpotsmokers, no.21:12
ichbinesderelchrhombus: no package in the repos?21:12
flughLjl: USBCOnnect 881, usb modem for connection to AT&T21:12
danbh_intrepidArch3Angel: do you have linux-generic installed?21:12
beejay77Tundrayeti312: it is not a problem of phun,but it work on both os so i can compare21:12
rhombusLjL, balachmar: why wouldn't it work? I tried using the OpenSSH 5 package from the intrepid repository, but it wants to pull in a bunch of terrifying deps like libc621:12
rhombusichbinesderelch: Not for Gutsy, no21:12
Arch3Angeli am trying to use my broadcom wireless card working and the chan has this as a topic21:12
Arch3AngelEverybody (especially bcm4311 users) please use or later21:12
rhombusichbinesderelch: Nothing in backports, either. Totally useless.21:12
LjLrhombus: and of course you shouldn't do that! but, just about as clearly, you really shouldn't install packages from Intrepid on Hardy.21:12
joaopintorhombus, you can't use an intrepid package on a previous version !!21:12
balachmarrhombus: Because the package DEPENDS on the other packages. It needs functionality from those packages to work21:13
danbh_intrepidArch3Angel: did you see my question?21:13
rhombusLjL joaopinto: Yeah, that's why I didn't proceed21:13
legendatai got problem.... heres what I do: opening terminal, then used these commands: airmon-ng stop wlan1 , ifconfig wlan1 down , macchanger --mac 00:11:22:33:44:55 wlan1 ........ and as soon as I hit ENTER my ubuntu is goin' insane..... like i am pressing the ENTER without stopping, and I need to shutdown the system..... any suggestions?21:13
unitedpotsmokersmagnetron, there is no yahoo messenger support21:13
flughi have an unsupported howto from sierra wireless, and a patch, instructions, can follow their instructions ok, but on the module and kernel install, i'm hinky about mucking up the stock 7.04 stuff (if it ain't broke dont fix it),21:13
magnetronunitedpotsmokers, too bad.21:13
LjLrhombus, what you can try is to get the *source* package for intrepid, and build it for your version.21:13
Arch3Angelall i did was install ubuntu and update using update manager21:13
rhombusbalachmar: man -- the dependencies are already met for the previous version of the package I want to install. There are only version differences21:14
dulakianrhombus: if you absolutely have to do it, install build-essential and compile openssh from source, don't mix and match packages21:14
ichbinesderelchrhombus: i would recommend compiling it from source then21:14
balzWhen editing the permissions of a directory, do i need to enable the exectue bit for directories?21:14
balachmarrhombus: And maybe it needs stuff that where added in later versions21:14
geniiSkyrail: just "linux-image"  usually is a synonym for the latest kernel which is available. However you can also specify the exact one if you like as well. Examining the old contents of the previous /boot/grub might help21:14
rhombusLjL: Is there an established procedure for this?21:14
Tundrayeti312beejay77: It sounds like a driver issue of not supporting 3D... I would assume that you would need a 3D graphics card for any modern day physics simulation app... so I'm not sure how it worked on Windows if your graphics card isn't... that's all I can really say : /21:14
halyconHey everyone what is the difference between something that is userspace & kernel? I am trying to configure LIRC and am going through the dpkg-reconfigure lirc and it is asking me what remote configuration I want to use and I am not sure what one to use. I have a ATI Remote Wonder(1st edition) and have blacklisted the ati_remote module in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist and now am trying to get everything setup with LIRC.21:14
flughbut kernel needs patch, recognizes modem as a storage device. the patch adds something to unusal_dev.h so it's seen as a modem, uses a different driver. unless i can build the driver against existing source, and FORCE the kernel to use the new module somehow21:14
LjLrhombus: add the source repository, do a "sudo apt-get update", type "sudo apt-get build-dep packagename" to install the build-time dependencies, then do "sudo apt-get --build source packagename"21:14
rhombusdulakian: build-essential? Can you point me to a docs URL?21:15
aaron_uname -a21:15
aaron_Linux Christian 2.6.24-19-generic #1 SMP Wed Aug 20 22:56:21 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux21:15
aaron_  is the latest hardy kernel21:15
balachmarrhombus: Else they should have made it like depend on libc > 1.521:15
unitedpotsmokersok magnetron , i want to try internet explorer 7, its located in my drive c (ntfs).. how to get start? what should i do 1st?21:15
beejay77Tundrayeti312: my main question is: why on win i can run simple games,but on ubuntu i have problems becaause of 3d21:15
LjL!build-essential > rhombus    (rhombus, see the private message from Ubotu)21:15
legendataHelp please! :[21:15
ubotturhombus, please see my private message21:15
LjLaaron_: no, it isn't.21:15
aaron_how do I upgrade21:15
LjL!info linux | aaron_21:15
ubottuaaron_: linux (source: linux-meta): Generic complete Linux kernel.. In component restricted, is optional. Version (hardy), package size 25 kB, installed size 52 kB21:15
King_Kickassi found that in my xorg.log, what should I do? : (EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found)21:15
LjLaaron_: if you have the updates repositories enabled (like you should), you should get an automatic notification of the available upgrade.21:15
joaopintobeejay77, because just like on windows, games do not run with 3d unless you install the proper video driver21:15
aaron_I don't have it21:16
rhombusbalachmar: the system already has libc6 in it21:16
magnetronunitedpotsmokers, you should find an installer file. everything in wine should be installed to the virtual C: drive that WIne makes21:16
rhombusbalachmar: but the package was built for intrepid, so it looks for intrepid version numbers21:16
aaron_how do I proceed to enable them21:16
balachmarrhombus: Well if it has the correct version it doesn't get installed twice21:16
unitedpotsmokersoh i see...21:16
beejay77Tundrayeti312: but my card does not support 3d - phisically21:16
balzwhat is the command to change a directory's permissions to 644?21:16
rhombusbalachmar: the odds of it not working are small -- or I wouldn't even be considering this as an option21:16
beejay77Tundrayeti312: so in windows i  do not have driver supporting hardware acceleration 3d21:17
joaopintorhombus, you must build from source, packages having the same names does not mean they are compatible with whatever requires them21:17
JediMasteris there any way to figure out how much bandwidth different programs are using?21:17
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balachmarrhombus: Then you could also compile it yourself21:17
unitedpotsmokerswait i have a installer.. so what i need is copy the install into wine folder?21:17
massmcnew update seems fine, graphics with nvidia look allot crisper21:17
LjL!kernel | flugh21:17
ubottuflugh: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages21:17
geniibalz: man chmod21:17
balachmarrhombus: You are aware that you are trying to do advanced stuff, so you might have to go beyond the paved roads...21:17
balzgenii:  i'm looking at man chmod, but i can't find the proper syntax...21:17
LjLaaron_: pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list please21:17
joaopintobalz, read it carefull, is jut there21:17
n-iCehow can I set all the .bash_history to the user can't delete/modify it, and the os write on it to know what they do21:17
balzgenii:  is that under synopsis?21:18
LjLbalz: chmod permissions filename21:18
balzLjL thanks21:18
King_KickassI wanna go sleep , tomorror i expect an update that undoes the damage of the previous one21:18
LjLbalz: and yes21:18
n-iCeLjL: but what permission would be good21:18
geniibalz: chmod 644 /path/name               if username logged in can't normally write there use sudo in front21:18
SkyLeachsomeone msg me?21:18
LjLn-iCe: he said he wanted 64421:18
beejay77Tundrayeti312: i just want to not what is different -is it -driver is better in win than in ubuntu?21:18
n-iCe644 ?21:18
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)21:19
n-iCechown won't work?21:19
balzgenii:  thanks it worked!21:19
legendatasomeone can u help??21:19
LjLSkyLeach: use #test for testing irc please21:19
Arch3Angeli thought all i had to do was install ubuntu and then update it and the wireless would work21:19
geniin-iCe: No21:19
geniibalz: Yer welcome21:19
LjLn-iCe: chown changes a file's owner, chmod changes the permissions (modes). as the names say21:19
SkyLeachLjL, I'm not testing, my pager just went off :-/21:19
balachmarrhombus: Check this page for instructions: http://www.openssh.com/portable.html21:19
aaron_how do I pastebin?  I'm so sorry I did this just yesterday21:19
LjL!pastebin | aaron_21:19
ubottuaaron_: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)21:19
LjLaaron_: copy, paste, and give me the resulting url21:19
balzIn terms of permissions what is the purpose of adding the execute bit to directories?21:20
SkiddyFiskoh god a paste LYNCH MOB TIME21:20
LjLSkiddyFisk: ?21:20
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rhombusbalachmar: thank you.21:20
LjLbalz, you can't traverse directories if the execute bit isn't set on them21:20
LjLbalz: you can't "ls", in other words21:20
flughLjL: thanks for the links. i'm under the impression (been a while since i did C coding) that if i modify a header file, i need to rebuild any source files referencing that .h. given that this patch mods a single .h file in the drivers/usb/ dir, do i need to recompile the kernel image? or should make modules have me covered?21:20
balzLjL:  meaning the user is restricted to a single directory?21:20
dulakianbalz: execute on a directory allows something or someone to see inside the directory21:20
Tundrayeti312beejay77: The driver for you card is probably a proprietary/binary/closed source one for windows that has all the functionality you need.  People have written drivers for your card w/ some or almost the same functionality but can't know everything that the windows driver does, so you lose some functionaility... So you can try to install the binary driver in linux if it is an option21:20
n-iCegenii: 664 allow them to write/edit21:21
balachmarrhombus: Good luck! :) Most of the times it is doable, but sometimes compiling from source can be pretty hard...21:21
Skyrailgenii: I think I may have a problem, my root partition and boot partition are separate21:21
fsanluhey guys. does anyone know i can configure my soundcard for one of its connectors to act as output. right now when i installed ubuntu it just the basics.. where the green is main output and pink is microphone. but i got a 4 speaker system and need one of the connectors to act as an output too21:21
unitedpotsmokersmagnetron,  where are you..21:21
beejay77Tundrayeti312: what do you mean binary driver?21:21
LjLflugh: depends what exactly it patches, but to me it looks like you need to recompile the kernel21:21
unitedpotsmokerssomeone can help me to install IE7 using wine?21:22
balzLjL, dulakian:  i'm confused.  I just created a new user and made his home directory on a separate drive... the X bit for directories is not enabled by default.  will tihs be a problem?21:22
geniiSkyrail: Then when in chrooted old /    mount the partition which is normally /boot      into /boot again before running the apt-get install linux-image21:22
Tundrayeti312beejay77: If you open the file it says " 101011010101011101010101" instead of readable code in C++ or whatever language21:22
dulakianbalz: it's like this: read means they can see the contents of the directory, execute means they can get into the directory21:23
LjLaaron_, you have the repositories correctly enabled. try typing "sudo apt-get update" and see if the update appears - otherwise, it might just be that your mirrors weren't yet updated. this kernel update was out just today.21:23
dulakianbalz: which execute bit wasn't set?21:23
LjLbalz: not enabled for *who*?21:23
Skyrailgenii: okay, so I've mounted / to /mnt/root, so I can just mount /boot/ to /boot/ and run it all?21:23
dulakianbalz: cuz if it's the other column, then it doesn't matter for that user21:23
balzdulakian:  right. the "add x to directories" isn't set21:23
flughLjL: bleh, then that leads to a modified source tree/headers for everything else. the maker states 2.6.20+ doesn't need patching. i may just try to upgrade the kernel package, a build-from-source thing that was just being put into apt back when i floated away :)21:23
Tundrayeti312beejay77: So there is no way to tell what is inside or what it does.. which makes it difficult for people who want to have/create drivers for the card in question21:23
LjLbalz: what does "ls -l thatdirectory" say exactly21:23
dulakianbalz: there is 3 x bits21:23
aaron_thank LjL21:23
aaron_I see it21:23
LjLbalz: what does "ls -l -d thatdirectory" say exactly (sorry, correction)21:23
dulakianbalz: there is x for owner, x for group, and x for other21:24
aaron_do you think it will effect my 8800 GT NVIDIA card....I might have to install it again after the kernel update21:24
scienteshow do i make a encrypted partition without too much trouble and back up the key someohow?21:24
jadedotounitedpotsmokers try this http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Beta21:24
Tundrayeti312beejay77: So you can either use the open source one w/ limited functionality or you can install the binary one from your card vendor ( this is normally the options )21:24
esayK3B eject to CD ,after K3B doesn't check writing data ,21:24
LjLflugh: wait, if 2.6.20 doesn't need patching, then why would you need to do anything at all with the kernel?21:24
geniiSkyrail: If you are still in chroot then you can do like    mount /dev/sdX# /boot      like normal. If not chrooted then mount it to /mnt/root/boot        or such21:24
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balzdulakian:  i understand that.  I purposely disabled execute for user/group/other ... but there's a 4th option" enable X for directory" i'm wondering what that is?21:25
Skyrailgenii: okay, cool stuff, I'll give it a try :)21:25
unitedpotsmokersthanks jadedoto21:25
balzLjL:  just a second for that command21:25
dulakianbalz: you are losing me, there is no 4th x bit21:25
LjLaaron_: if you installed its driver via unsupported means, then maybe. if you just used the restricted drivers manager, it shouldn't.21:25
flughfiesty, i'm at 2.6.17 i think21:25
esayK3B eject to CD ,but after K3B doesn't check writing data21:25
dulakianbalz: there are 3 r bits, 3 w bits and 3 x bits for any file21:25
haushaWhats wrong. I've tried to install ubuntu on 3 different harddisks... And there is always an error. Now the install stops while "configuring update manager". It just stops... Is probably not my hdd, what else can it be? My PSU ?21:26
LjLbalz: X is not x21:26
tobiasubalz: X is for setting the x bit only on directories21:26
balzLjL:  oh maybe that's it. yeah it's X21:26
balzLjL:  drw-r--r-- 2 brunot brunot 1 2008-10-15 15:45 /media/500gb/brunot21:26
flughnot far from it. maybe they said 2.6.23, can't recall. i'll look into it though. maybe this weekend i can push up to 7.10. not enough bandwidth available now to get an upgrade done right now21:26
tulhausha: maybe a defected installation cd.21:27
aaron_you are correct....the restricted drivers manager actually worked but did not get the cards full capacity until using the one from NVIDIA21:27
balztobiasu:  so what does setting the x bit only directories change?21:27
aaron_Thanks so much LJL....you have been a great help21:27
haushatul, I had the same thought... It may also be my cdrom... Does it excist a MD5 checksum file for the ubuntu iso?21:27
rgreeningbalz: x bit on dir allows on to cd (change into) the dir if set for the proper user/group21:28
balzrgreening:  so why would a user's home directory not have xbit on dir enabled?21:28
esaySysinfo for 'qqq-desktop': Linux 2.6.24-21-generic running KDE 3.5.9, CPU: Intel(R)Pentium(R)4CPU2.60GHz at 2612 MHz (5229 bogomips), , RAM: 738/757MB, 116 proc's, 1.1h up21:28
LjLbalz, with the directory set that way, nobody (included the owner) will be able to "ls" it21:29
esaynew kernel21:29
balzrgreening:  i set this user up manually with a custom home directory location so i want to be srue that he'll be able toa ccess it21:29
tulhausha: didnt rly understand the question..21:29
balzLjL:  what's the diffference between ls and cd again?21:29
rgreeningbalz: user should have x bit, bur group and world should be unset21:29
LjLbalz, err, "ls" lists the contents of a directory, "cd" moves you to that directory - they're really pretty different21:29
haushatul, is there a way to verify the ISO image I downloaded?21:29
LjL!cli | balz21:29
ubottubalz: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal21:29
tulofcourse, md5 sum it.21:30
LjLbalz, in other words, it's a terribly bad idea, unless you really know what you're doing, for a directory's owner not to have +x on it21:30
Skyrailgenii: it gave me an error to writing to a paticular log, but besides that it looks like it worked, but is there anything I can check to see if it'll work before rebooting?21:30
tulhausha:  after that you could check cd itself at the bootine menu.21:30
haushatul, yup doing it right now21:30
balzLjL: okay so i guess i goofed up lol.  How do I set the X bit to dir with the CLI?21:31
geniiSkyrail: See if initrd.img  for a kernel exists in the chrooted /boot    dir21:31
joaopintobaldur_, chmod u+x dir21:31
tulhausha: i always burn it on slow speed to generate quality copy21:31
balzLjL:  wait disregard that last statement.21:31
simone_Salve a tutti21:32
balzLjL:  this user is only going to be using his home directory via sftp to back up files, so a lack of x bits shoulndn't be a problem right?21:32
Skyrailgenii: yeh, two do, the old and the new, I presume it's right for all of the files (nearly all) to be -rw-r--r-- right?21:32
joaopintobalz, it is a problem, because sftp will try to chdir to the dir21:33
tarelerulzCan meta tags be added to .mp4  ?  If so is there program that support meta tagging for other contianer formats like , avi , ogg , mkv21:33
geniiSkyrail: Yes those are correct permissions21:33
Baldrciao a tutti21:33
haushatui, the disc seems to be full of errors... sigh.. .burning a new copy ay 4x now :)21:33
joaopintobalz, and please be advised that an sftp user will also be able to ssh :)21:33
LjL!it | baldr21:33
ubottubaldr: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)21:33
BaldrOps sorry21:33
geniiSkyrail: You should be able now to select one of those initrd kernel versions from grub to boot the system into21:34
BaldrI thought this was an italian one :)21:34
Skyrailgenii: right, so I guess the final thing is to restart and cross my fingers21:34
LjLbalz: maybe it wouldn't, not sure, but i really don't see why a directory owner shouldn't have +x on it...21:34
geniiSkyrail: Yup21:34
balzjoaopinto:  yeah, this is all part of a very convoluted attempt to restrict a user to his home directory via sftp... i'm not doing so wel =)21:34
hos1hello is there any program like evernote for linux ?21:34
hos1or maybe onenote ?21:34
beejay77Tundrayeti312: my card is sis650 and there is no vendor made driver for lin21:34
blueeyezany one in here using a anti virus program in ubuntu?21:35
joaopintobalz, use ftp with chroot :)21:35
dulakianbalz: use scponly shell and stick to sftp21:35
joaopintobalz, the proper way to restrict an user to a particular dir is using a chroot enabled service21:36
ShinobiTenoblueeyez: no need for linux systems.) only to check windowze passthru traffic...21:36
andresjhey, how can I run an X (java) program as user "test", in the display belong to user "andresj"?21:36
balzjoaopinto:  ftp can use chroot?  i assumed it couldn't since sftp apparently can't do it very well21:36
andresjif i remember well, it gives an error of permissions21:37
Tundrayeti312beejay77: That's unfortunate... You may need to buy a different card for full windows functionality on linux21:37
underwraps_2kyes, I'm using Norton AV21:37
blueeyezyes but im wondering if im in a windows network does the anti virus programs know of windows trojans?21:37
joaopintobalz, yes it can, if you use a chroot capable ftpd21:37
ShinobiTenoandresj: make sure test is in andresj group.21:37
balzjoaopinto:  can you suggest one?  btw, ftpd is an ftp daemon, right?21:37
joaopintobaldur_, yes, pure-ftpd21:37
andresjShinobiTeno: is that all? :O seems much easier that I thought it would have been! haha. and are there any side effects on that?21:38
joaopintobaldur_, you can even have virtual users, ftp users without a system account21:38
joaopintoops, was balz21:38
eugeI'm trying to log into a Hardy gnome session without a monitor attached for testing.  Will Login Automatically work with that setup?21:38
rabhaving a problem with mysql-server-5.0 starting on boot by default, what init scripts should i be checking?21:38
joaopintorab, /etc/init.d/mysql ?21:39
eugeI have a script that's supposed to run in the startup session, but it's not running.21:39
Dreamglidercan i read floppy disks that were formated on a pc with windows ?21:39
balzjoaopinto:  okay thanks!  just to be clear though, if i wanted to, i could restrict it to a user?21:39
joaopintobalz, yes21:39
Skyrailgenii: failed to boot again :|21:39
ShinobiTenoandresj: actually no. For every file, you add permissions for all,.. or add group permissions and put users into this group..21:39
rabjoaopinto, i run that manually with sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start and all is fine ... just doesnt happen on startup ... what calls that on startup (im looking for that line)?21:39
balzjoaopinto:  okay cool thank you so much21:39
ekinplektrumOk. I have an apache webserver running and it's sharing /var/www/ and I want /www/ to link to my desktop, so I shade my desktop. How do I link those directories?21:39
balzthanks to everyone who helped!  sorry i'm so n00bish today!21:39
beejay77Tundrayeti312: for laptop? that is my problem,but thanks anyway,i was just wondering is there any solution21:40
andresjShinobiTeno: what? I have no idea what you're talking about... lol. I am in display :0 as andresj. I want to run a program as user test, in this same display.21:40
joaopintorab, have you checked /var/log/daemon.log ?21:40
andresjShinobiTeno: (inside the pogram, only files belonging to test would be writable, etc.)21:41
Tundrayeti312beejay77: double-bummer.... good news is there are some really cheap linux laptops u can buy these days21:41
joaopintoandresj, you do not need touch groups to do that, it's just a matter of setting the DISPLAY session21:41
ShinobiTenoandresj: well, i dont know that specific things) but UNIX permissions work that way)21:41
wall-ehi. i just installed ubuntu 8.04 desktop last night. today i am trying to configure the network connection because i am not getting any internet. My desktop is connected to an ethernet cable to a router. the router is connected to the cable modem box through another ether cable. the cable modem box is connected with a dsl cable from the wall. I am on my macbook that is connected wirelessly. i want to set up my network conne21:41
joaopintoand assigning acces from the X running session, with xhost +21:41
DreamgliderWhy does only one floppy drive show in ubuntu when i have two installed ?21:42
joaopintoShinobiTeno, he is not asking about permissiones, he is asking about exporting a graphical window21:42
andresjyes, exactly, that's what I wanted to know, joaopinto, how do i do that?21:42
joaopintoandresj, on the X session, open a terminal and: xhost + or safer, xhost +IP21:43
joaopintoto set the output display, just export DISPLAY=display_ip:0 (or whatever display nr is used), and run the app21:43
rabjoaopinto, ah nice i see an error condition after doing a cat /var/log/daemon.log | grep mysql ... i get unable to bind to 330621:43
andresjjoaopinto: will xhost +test@localhost work?21:43
wall-ehi. i just installed ubuntu 8.04 desktop last night. today i am trying to configure the network connection because i am not getting any internet. My desktop is connected to an ethernet cable to a router. the router is connected to the cable modem box through another ether cable. the cable modem box is connected with a dsl cable from the wall. I am on my macbook that is connected wirelessly. i want to set up my network conne21:43
joaopintorab, ;)21:43
rabjoaopinto, the question is why tho what else would be bound to that tcp/ip port on a clean startup?21:44
angusthefuzzdoes anyone know any good tips for debugging a hardlock that doesnt even respond to sysrq?21:44
beejay77Tundrayeti312: ;) i do not want ot buy new laptop, but there was driver for my card madeby sis for redhat in 2002 and i guess it wasopensource, so actual driver for ubuntu is based on that21:44
lisa_i installed ubuntu using crypt encryption.  If someone steals my PC, will they be able to access my Ubuntu?21:44
flughLJL: thanks for the assistance, going to afk and piddle with git21:44
joaopintorab, nothing21:44
aaron_upgraded to the latest kernel....my Nvidia Card not working and the latest kernel Linux Christian 2.6.24-21-generic  did not fix my drive....arg21:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about crypt21:44
KenBW2wall-e: how do you want to cnnect?21:44
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs21:45
lisa_aaron_, Jesus is the truth21:45
rabjoaopinto, i mean i dont mind putting a call to /etc/init.d/mysql in /etc/rc.local but that just seems unclean21:45
wall-ekenbw2 i want to connect my desktop to an ethernet cable that is already connected to my router and my cable modembox21:45
Jason2gsHi guys. Recently, my computer has started acting up. It'll freeze up at random when I'm trying to load an unusually busy webpage. Like Yahoo Finance with its constant stock ticker updating. Or when I have need to visit a MySpace page. Is there any way I can diagnose this? It's quite annoying. It hasn't happened before, and I built this computer quite a while ago. It's a quad core, four gigs of RAM... It's definitely not too slow to handle these pages21:45
Jason2gs :S Please help, thanks :)21:45
lisa_aaron_, try loading with old kernel?21:45
KenBW2wall-e: plug n play i should think21:45
wall-ei am not trying to connect through wifi. i want to be connected directly21:45
geniiSkyrail: Did you hit ESC at grub prompt and then choose from the list given the kernel name which matched one of the initrd names you saw in the /boot directory?21:46
wall-eplug and play? that sounds vague kenbw221:46
lisa_aaron_, what exactly is the  kernel Linux Christian ?21:46
ortsvorsteherwall-e: did you try to check network settings under system?21:46
KenBW2wall-e: as in plug it in and it should work21:46
aaron_its the latest one21:46
aaron_for Hardy21:46
wall-eortsvorsteher i am not sure where to look for and what to look out for21:46
lisa_aaron_, theres a Christian version?21:46
aaron_no no21:46
aaron_thats the name of my system21:47
joaopintorab, sudo fuser -n tcp 330621:47
ortsvorsteherwall-e: try click on system, then on the second end then on network21:47
geniilisa_: Ther is however. Ubuntu CE21:47
wall-eok then?21:47
joaopintorab, starting mysql on rc.local is not a solution, you need to find what is binded to that port21:47
wall-ecan we talk in pm ortsvorsteher21:47
lisa_genii, ok ty,21:47
joaopintoor, you have the wrong IP address set on the mysql conf ?21:47
ortsvorstehersury wall-e21:47
KenBW2ortsvorsteher: "Stand-in-front-of-places-er"?21:49
aaron_how do I get a command terminal so I can run a package script from Nvidia21:49
rabjoaopinto, the thing is nothing because if i run the script manually after clean boot it succeeds21:49
aaron_ctrl something something.....man I should right things down21:49
dethstarso is there a way to manage songs and such on my iphone via ubuntu?21:49
angusthefuzzaaron_: ctrl+alt+F1?21:49
joaopintorab, that is something broken on your startup :P21:49
dethstarI have not jailbroken it21:49
penanyone know why this happen?21:50
Grey_Loki!ipod | dethstar21:50
ubottudethstar: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod21:50
rabjoaopinto, i am binding to my nated ip address ... maybe i dont have that address until after the first attempt happens?21:50
Grey_LokiOh, you said iPhone21:50
pen** (gnome-appearance-properties:2160): WARNING **: Invalid borders specified for theme pixmap:21:50
pen        /usr/share/themes/DeviantArt/gtk-2.0,21:50
penborders don't fit within the image21:50
Grey_LokiHrm, don't know then21:50
ortsvorsteherKenBW2: sorry? stand in what please?21:50
KenBW2ortsvorsteher: your nick21:51
ortsvorsteherKenBW2: something like mayor of a little city it means ;)21:51
lisa_i installed ubuntu using crypt encryption.  If someone steals my PC, will they be able to access my Ubuntu?21:51
k0deubuntu server edition, how do i upgrade to the latest version of php using apt-get or can i?21:52
KenBW2ortsvorsteher: ah, im doing too much literal translation lol21:52
lisa_k0de, excuse me?21:52
pen** (gnome-appearance-properties:2160): WARNING **: Invalid borders specified for theme pixmap:21:52
pen        /usr/share/themes/DeviantArt/gtk-2.0,21:52
penborders don't fit within the image21:52
lisa_pen, we cannot seee u21:52
FloodBot2pen: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:52
joaopintorab, that maybe the case21:52
k0delisa_: which part was unclear?21:52
Skyrailgenii: well my grub is automatically set to do that while I tried to fix something a month or two ago, so I picked the normal one but no luck, I'll try booting into the older kernel21:52
lisa_k0de, the part about upgrade to the latest version of php using apt-get21:53
penlisa_, you see me21:53
ortsvorsteherno KenBW2 :) i translate with babelfish :D21:53
Jason2gsHi guys. Recently, my computer has started acting up. It'll freeze up when I'm trying to load an unusually busy webpage. Is there any way I can diagnose this?21:53
lisa_pen, now I do21:53
penlisa_, you know anything about gtk?21:53
k0delisa_: how do i upgrade to the latest version21:53
lisa_pen, sorry no21:53
lisa_k0de, you dont, unless it tells you an upgrade is available21:53
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joaopintorab, if the port was already in use you should get such error "already in use", so most likely the address is not yet available21:53
KenBW2ortsvorsteher: i translate with my head21:54
brabus2008REGISTER ermicio apvbsl@hotmail.com21:54
angusthefuzzJason2gs: i might be having the same problem...does it require you to hit the reset button?21:54
penanyone know gtk+?21:54
DCPom!gtk | pen21:54
ortsvorsteherKenBW2: this will be the next step for me :)21:54
ubottupen: GTK is the !GIMP toolkit, which forms the base of !GNOME and is used by many applications to provide a !GUI21:54
Jason2gsangusthefuzz, yup =] And can you still move the mouse around while the screen is frozen?21:54
DCPomwell that's not very helpful21:55
ShinobiTenoDoes 1024 cylinder limit still present in modern BIOSes? I mean should you make first "/boot" partiton to prevent "error 15" in grub, or it doesnt matter anymore?21:55
KenBW2ortsvorsteher: are you german or english?21:55
angusthefuzzJason2gs: no, my mouse is locked too...you should be able to reset yours with ctrl+alt+bksp21:55
rabjoaopinto, so my fix is to stop using dhcp and maybe switch to static?21:55
pen DCPom then do you know the solution to me problem?21:55
penDCPom, nah...go away   :)21:55
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Jason2gsMeh. I'll try that.21:55
ortsvorsteherKenBW2: i am german21:56
Jason2gsStill don't like losing all my applications :p21:56
angusthefuzzJason2gs: flashblock should help you, if you use firefox21:56
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KenBW2ortsvorsteher: so youre speaking english - i assume youre not translating everything with babelfish :P21:56
ortsvorsteherKenBW2: yes, its for learning english here for me :)21:57
joaopintorab, oh, mysql with dchp :P ?21:57
ShinobiTenoDoes 1024 cylinder limit still present in modern BIOSes? I mean should you make first "/boot" partiton when doing linux install from scratch to prevent "error 15" in grub, or it doesnt matter anymore?21:57
joaopintorab, that's a rare combination21:58
KenBW2ortsvorsteher: ill have to try ubuntu-de then for the same purpose :P21:58
rabjoaopinto well i have it setup so my dhcp server gives the same everytime but thats a hack21:58
rabjoaopinto based on MAC requesting the dhcp address from dhcpd21:58
Jason2gsangusthefuzz, alrighty. Thanks for the help =]21:58
joaopintostatic DCHP based ;)21:58
ortsvorsteherKenBW2: yes, and after short time we speak in german ;)21:58
angusthefuzzShinobiTeno: it was my understanding that all modern bioses support LBA22:00
ShinobiTenoppl, do you make 200Mb "/boot/" partition or map 500Gb drive solely as / (one big partition) ?22:00
angusthefuzzShinobiTeno: and therefore wouldnt be susceptible to the 1024 cylinder limit22:00
alexandrebonsoir quelqu'un me recoi?22:01
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ShinobiTenoangusthefuzz: I have 2004 board and updated kernel recently... it doesnt boot "error 15" old kernel version boots... 40Gb / partition.22:01
CyberBird!fr > alexandre22:01
ShinobiTenoangusthefuzz: you sure of this?..22:02
Guest49277Hi im on ubuntustudio and i do not see a option to enable desktop effects,is this not built in?22:02
KenBW2ortsvorsteher: ich spreche schon Deutsch, aber noch nicht perfekt22:02
angusthefuzzShinobiTeno: no, i am not sure.  I always make a separate boot partition at the start of the drive22:02
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr22:02
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aaron_ok I installed the nvidia driver...my 8800 GT back to normal...but still not working is the PIONEER DVR 10822:02
k0delisa_: well, nessus reports that an ubuntu server edition box is vulnerable due to not having the latest version of PHP, and this server was just compromised today22:03
aaron_what is the GUI ubuntu device manager?22:03
ortsvorsteherKenBW2: but you write it perfect :)22:03
Guest49277how do i see what my graphics card is?22:03
jerndoeHi, my firefox 3.0 just crashed and I cannot start a new instance cause the old one still running, i tried to kille the process but nothing happens?22:03
rhollencampjerndoe: just log out and back in22:04
KenBW2ortsvorsteher: yay!22:04
angusthefuzzjerndoe: if the process is Defunct you may need to restart the entire computer22:04
jerndoerhollencamp: just restarted gnome but that didn't help22:04
dlijerndoe, pkill -9 firefox-bin22:04
angusthefuzzjerndoe: that just happened to me as well, the process does not respond to kill -922:04
jerndoeangustthefuzz: yeah the process i labelled defunct22:05
jerndoewell hoped that I didn't had to restart22:05
KenBW2ortsvorsteher: where you from?22:05
ortsvorsteherstep by step KenBW2:)22:05
dlijerndoe, then, just remove the lock file in your profile folder22:05
ortsvorsteheri am from near nuernberg KenBW2. from where you are?22:05
angusthefuzzdli: removing the lockfile didnt help me either22:05
angusthefuzzjerndoe: you can start firefox with -P option to make a new profile, if you are unwilling to restart22:06
dliangusthefuzz, the process is defunct, right?22:06
flughjerndoe: i know netscape used to leave a .lock file in some .dir in your home directory that woudl cause that problem22:06
angusthefuzzdli: yeah, the process is defunct and wont respond to any kill signal from root or the user22:06
jerndoedli: Hey pkill -9 firefox-bin worked !!!22:06
KenBW2ortsvorsteher: Preston, NW England22:06
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angusthefuzzjerndoe: :-)22:06
dliangusthefuzz, if it's defunct, then, you can safely remove the lock file, and restart firefox22:07
KenBW2ortsvorsteher: do you know Regensburg?22:07
dethstarGrey_Loki, you think that'll work the iphone as well?22:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about zombie22:07
ortsvorstehersure, it is about 60 miles from here KenBW222:07
jimcooncatwhat should I use for an intranet domain name? .local isn't good, right? There's .localhost but that sounds like one machine, not a 10.x.x.x network. Maybe .lan?22:07
KenBW2ortsvorsteher: i went on holiday to there once22:07
dliangusthefuzz, a defunct process already exited, it doesn't exit anymore, therefore, no need to kill it22:07
ortsvorsteherhow it was? funny there right? KenBW222:07
angusthefuzzdli: thanks for the info22:08
|Dreams|has anyone done the Comptia Linux+ here?22:08
angusthefuzzdli: I must not have tried to restart firefox after deleting the lockfile, because the process ID was still present22:08
dliangusthefuzz, if you don't want to see the zombie, just kill/close it's parent process22:08
ChrisBookwoodhello, i'm having quite a problem ... When i boot i, i'm going straightly to BusyBox. I'd succeded in booting up an older kernel and i'm on it right now, but thats not a fix, especially since i'm going straight to BusyBox when i restart22:08
subdoluswhat's a flag/switch for the copy command (cp) to not over-write duplicates already in a dir?22:08
dliangusthefuzz, ps l should show PPID (parent), kill the id, if it's not 122:09
aaron_will scary things happen if I upgrade to latest kernel version for hardy that is not in the updates...is it possible to install kernel version from intrepid22:09
dliangusthefuzz, after that you won't see the defunct process22:09
angusthefuzzdli: is that an L or an i...i seem to not have serifs22:09
KenBW2ortsvorsteher: erm, i cant remember to be honest :D22:09
DCPomsubdolus, -i should do it, check the man page22:10
steinarAnyone got that wlan fix after last uptate today screwed up my wlan caard ??22:10
dliangusthefuzz, pid digit "1", since you couldn't kill process "1", I don't really know how to remove zombies under process 122:10
KenBW2ortsvorsteher: unless im thinking of a different Regensburg22:10
ortsvorsteherKenBW2: so i think it was really good :)22:10
angusthefuzzdli: thanks22:10
ortsvorsteherthere is only one regensburg... nearly munich... KenBW222:10
Guest49277is there a place i can disccuss gaming on ubuntu on freenode?22:11
dliangusthefuzz, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zombie_process22:11
ChrisBookwoodAnybody who knows how to fix my problem?22:11
=== fsufitch_ is now known as fsufitch
KenBW2ortsvorsteher: unless it was Regensberg22:12
subdolusanyone? is it possible without getting prompted for every file with -i ?22:12
ortsvorstehertry nürnberg too KenBW2, it is a nice old castle :)22:12
steinarAnyone got that wlan fix after last uptate today screwed up my wlan caard ??22:12
subdolusI just dont want to overwrite existing files of the same name, using cp or scp22:13
fsufitchhi. my gnome sounds (login, logout, clicks, etc) just won't play, even in the "preview" in the sound options. my sound generally works otherwise. what's going wrong here? gstreamer?22:13
IRONHIDEim new at this will some one assistme22:13
unopsubdolus, see the cp manpage - it has an option to 'update'22:13
KenBW2ortsvorsteher: the only reason i doubt yself is because i dont think ive ever been to Bavaria22:13
KenBW2ortsvorsteher: oh wait, i have22:13
ortsvorsteherKenBW2: did you drink the german beer? ;)22:14
fsufitchIRONHIDE: what do you need?22:14
KenBW2ortsvorsteher: oh no, i met a bavarian in croatia22:14
IRONHIDEi install ubuntu hardy heron in a dell22:14
ortsvorsteherin split on a little boat? KenBW222:14
KenBW2ortsvorsteher: right, this is annoying me lol22:14
IRONHIDEand i cant find the graphics drivers22:14
KenBW2ortsvorsteher: in split?22:14
fsufitchIRONHIDE: what card is it?22:14
ortsvorsteheryes KenBW2 in split croatia...22:14
KenBW2ortsvorsteher: what do you mean by "in split"?22:15
IRONHIDEis a intel chipset graphics controller 8281522:15
Guest49277anyone know of a free mmorpg for ubuntu? or a real good rpg?22:15
ortsvorstehersplit is a very old city at the sea in dalmatia croatia KenBW222:15
lisa_i installed ubuntu using crypt encryption.  If someone steals my PC, will they be able to access my Ubuntu?22:15
KenBW2ortsvorsteher: oh sorry, no i havent22:15
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!22:16
lisa_k0de, u find a solution yet to PHP?22:16
happosadehow I can get bigger resolution whit xrandr?22:16
dlihapposade, if your hardware supports it22:16
spastic_teapotI am having a problem with stereo sound on a Thinkpad X60.22:16
fsufitchIRONHIDE: ubuntu comes shipped with a free driver for it called xserver-xorg-video-intel22:16
flughGuest: i haven't found any yet, haven't looked real hard though. Got Warcraft running smoothly though22:16
fsufitchyou shouldn't have to go get your own driver22:16
lisa_fsufitch, really? its free? ;-)22:16
spastic_teapotSound appears to be playing only in mono through headphones on my X60, and speaker-test only shows one usable channel - "left".22:16
fsufitchlisa_: free as in free beer22:17
fsufitchi doubt it's free as in free speech22:17
ortsvorsteherKenBW2: cause i met there an new zealand guy last year....22:17
lisa_fsufitch, i dont drink alcohol. i wouldnt know22:17
ortsvorsteheri thought maybe its you ;) KenBW2 where are you from?22:17
lisa_i installed ubuntu using crypt encryption.  If someone steals my PC, will they be able to access my Ubuntu?22:17
fsufitchlisa_: it's a figure of speech. does "free cookies" sound better?22:17
lisa_anyone know?22:17
lisa_fsufitch, yes, much better ty :-)22:17
IRONHIDEwell im trying to install the cube and the other feautures22:17
black_pkoi vous parlez pas français bande de larves lol22:17
KenBW2ortsvorsteher: well, your chances are quite low :P. I'm from England22:17
lisa_black_, are u racist?22:17
IRONHIDEand i cant22:18
black_racist ?22:18
black_pkoi tu me dis ça toi22:18
lisa_black_, u like white ppl too? :)22:18
bobertdoslisa_: Well, they can always try to crack it.22:18
black_espece de vielle foll22:18
ortsvorsteherKenBW2: yes, he told me that he lives in england...22:18
fsufitchIRONHIDE: so what happens when you go to System > Appearance > Desktop Effects and select Normal or Extra?22:18
lisa_bobertdos, what program would a person use to crack it?22:18
black_live france22:18
unop!fr | black_22:18
ubottublack_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr22:18
black_ah ah ah22:18
KenBW2ortsvorsteher: were you on a campsite?22:18
lisa_black_, :P22:18
angusthefuzzlisa_: rainbow tables? or a quantum computer22:18
lisa_angusthefuzz, define rainbow tables22:19
DCPomangusthefuzz, yeah i have one of those in my garage22:19
black_ok whezre the room talking frenchi22:19
GMWeezelanyone have any idea why i would need to run alsaconf to get my sound working each time i reboot?22:19
bobertdoslisa_: We can't discuss stuff like that here, but just know, it's always a risk, especially if your key isn't very strong.22:19
lisa_angusthefuzz, what application would a person need to try to crack the ubuntu crypt?22:19
angusthefuzzDCPom: who doesnt22:19
IRONHIDEDesktop effects could not be enabled22:19
lisa_bobertdos, prove it22:19
DCPomlisa_, it's unlikely that it would be cracked22:19
ortsvorsteherKenBW2: no, we where in an apartment, 20 kilometers in the south of split...22:19
lisa_DCPom, yeah22:19
fsufitchIRONHIDE: i see...22:19
KenBW2ortsvorsteher: probably wasnt me then :P22:19
lisa_DCPom, how would they even try? using what?22:19
DCPomlisa_, i don't know , i'm not hacker22:20
fsufitchIRONHIDE: let's try this: get a shell up, and type "compiz" into it22:20
DCPom!google | lisa_22:20
ubottulisa_: google is the helpers' friend; many newer users dont have the google-fu yet; For GNU/Linux:  http://google.com/linux22:20
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happosadewhat packet to need install to get NVIDIA 8000-series video-card to action whit closed drivers22:20
lisa_DCPom, define hacker22:20
angusthefuzzlisa_: i dont think i am allowed to tell you22:20
lisa_angusthefuzz, PM me pls22:20
DCPomlisa_, a person that wants to decrypt your files that isn't you22:20
fsufitchIRONHIDE: to get the shell, go to Applications > Accessories > Terminal ;) just making sure22:20
angusthefuzzlisa_: lets just say, at this point AES crackers are custom22:20
DCPomlisa_, this sounds like you WANT the program22:20
lisa_DCPom, thats not a hacker, thats a cracker22:20
sachaeldoes anyone know of a program similar to zenity, but one that creates menus?22:20
lisa_DCPom, seems you confused about hacker and cracker22:21
DCPomlisa_, schemantics22:21
KenBW2ortsvorsteher: raar, this is annoying me, why cant i remember regensburg22:21
DCPomlisa_, schematics*22:21
wall-ehey. i need help. i have another internal harddrive. before i installed linux. i use to have xp. and my mom unplugged the computer by mistake and i lost that second harddrive. now i have the linux on the primary harddrive. how can i access the 2nd harddrive?22:21
unopsachael, dialog, gdialog22:21
lisa_DCPom, no its not schemantics, its improper term usage :)22:21
ortsvorsteherKenBW2: i thought the planet is not so big ;)22:21
* MrKennie sighs22:21
angusthefuzzDCPom: maybe lisa is a security researcher who wants to academically break into truecrypt22:21
IRONHIDEChecking for Xgl: not present.22:21
IRONHIDEBlacklisted PCIID '8086:1132' found22:21
IRONHIDEaborting and using fallback: /usr/bin/metacity22:21
IRONHIDEWindow manager warning: Log level 16: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "ubuntulooks",22:21
FloodBot2IRONHIDE: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:21
lisa_MrKennie, did your gf leave you again? lol22:21
ortsvorsteherKenBW2: may you try to much beer there? ;)22:21
wall-ehey. i need help. i have another internal harddrive. before i installed linux. i use to have xp. and my mom unplugged the computer by mistake and i lost that second harddrive. now i have the linux on the primary harddrive. how can i access the 2nd harddrive?22:21
fsufitchlisa_ , DCPom: it's *semantics* not schemantics. just to contribute ;)22:21
DCPomangusthefuzz, and maybe she wants to bank accounts22:21
lisa_fsufitch,  lol22:21
IRONHIDEit says not present22:22
KenBW2ortsvorsteher: perhaps :P22:22
ubottuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.22:22
angusthefuzzDCPom: not without my quantum processor she cant22:22
fsufitchIRONHIDE: i'm looking into it22:22
lisa_angusthefuzz, u cant tell me can you :) u dont know :P22:22
KenBW2ortsvorsteher: i might be getting mixed up with Rheinsburg near Berlin, but i dont think so22:22
Helminthewall-e: the ntfs driver will refuse to mount a "dirty" partition. boot a windows disk and run chkdsk on the volume22:22
flughregensburg was an urban warfare training area at ft lewis back in my day if that helps :)22:22
lisa_angusthefuzz, if I gave you my ubuntu HDD that is encrypted. I doubt you would even know where to start in decrypting it :)22:22
wall-ewhat windows disk?22:22
DCPomalso lisa_ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Security_cracking22:23
ortsvorsteherKenBW2: if you have been in regensburg, you never will forget it ;)22:23
lisa_DCPom, that link is irelevant to breaking ubuntu crypt22:23
wall-ehelminthe what windows disk?22:23
angusthefuzzlisa_: i dont think I would bother, but this article is relevant: http://www.internetnews.com/infra/article.php/146435122:23
Helminthewall-e: maybe i misunderstood your problem, can you give more details?22:23
wall-ehelminthe can i pm u?22:23
itsatrickAnybody having trouble installing KDE 4 in Ubuntu 8.10?  When I do and I log in via KDE4, I get a white screen, no kicker, and some icons that didn't load.22:23
KenBW2ortsvorsteher: Regensberg*22:23
Helminthewall-e: *sigh* go for it :)22:23
sachaelunop: thanks, but I'm looking for something like this that creates *menus*, menus which look like the menus you would find in nautilus, f.e.22:23
DCPomlisa_, right you are22:23
KenBW2ortsvorsteher: Rheinsberg i mean22:24
michaelremember the alamo22:24
ortsvorsteherKenBW2: oh, rheinsberg i dont know... must be near nordreihn westfalen22:24
lisa_angusthefuzz, I have read 100's of articles claiming that AES can be cracked!  But none of the authors has video taped proof breaking someones encrypted drive lol22:24
lockoutfrench here ?22:24
KenBW2ortsvorsteher: no, it's north of Berlin22:24
unopsachael, i guess you'd have to start programming with the Gtk api then - i am not aware of anything like zenity or gdialog that does actual drop down menus22:24
lisa_angusthefuzz, its all talk, no action.22:24
unopplease take this cracking/hacking discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic22:24
ortsvorsteherKenBW2: okay. i never have been there ...22:25
angusthefuzzlisa_: the weakness is the fact that you need to pick a password to unlock the drive yourself22:25
lisa_angusthefuzz, but notice the webpage says. however, there is no evidence the weakness is great enough cause panic yet.22:25
angusthefuzzlisa_: with enough time I could randomly try every conceivable password22:25
unop!ot | lisa_ angusthefuzz22:25
ubottulisa_ angusthefuzz: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!22:25
lisa_angusthefuzz, see? ALL talk, no action or proof22:25
tyberionhello, owell i got some trobule with firefox in ubuntu, how can I find out why a certain plugin which is listed under /usr/lib/firefox/plugins aint loaded and not shown in about:plugins in firefox, please.... :(22:25
ortsvorsteherKenBW2: is our discussion somethin for #ubuntu-offtopic?22:25
lisa_angusthefuzz, how much time?  3 billion yrs? lol22:25
MrKennielisa_: angusthefuzz take this to an offtopic channel please22:25
=== Administrator is now known as zack__
unoportsvorsteher, yes22:25
ed0n0nWhen I use sudo it displays this: "sudo: unable to resolve host my-linux". It happens since I upgraded from gutsy to hardy. And sometimes I even get: "hostname: Unknown host". How can I fix this?22:26
KenBW2ortsvorsteher: i dont think it's related to Ubuntu at all ;). Private message?22:26
unop!hostname | ed0n0n22:26
ubottued0n0n: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at System > Administration > Networking on the "General" tab22:26
ortsvorsteherokay KenBW222:26
fsufitchIRONHIDE: try "sudo apt-get install xserver-xgl" and tell me if it returns that it installed it, or doesn't tell you anything22:26
ed0n0nthankx unop22:27
juakinhello, anyone can help with multipath routing? i have it setup tho i don't know very well how to test if it's working22:27
MiescoHi im trying to set up a pptp tunnel: http://pastebin.com/m710d41a122:28
dsepulvedawhere is a pfsense imagine for xen22:28
MiescoAny help would be appreciated22:28
juakinhello, anyone can help with multipath routing? i have it setup but i don't know very well how to test if it's working22:29
spmccannany recoomendations doe an external hard drive that works well with ubuntu22:30
dr_willisjuakin,  i would have to suggest googling for some guides/howtos on it - that may have some 'testing/troubleshooting' tips then.22:30
dr_willisspmccann,  most any of them should.22:30
dr_willisspmccann,  those with fancy 'features' may not have support for their fancy features. (one button backups, and so forth)22:30
chaos1hello. i have a curious thing happening with my updates. i have an update for k3b that is categorized as a backport but it is not letting me select it. does anyone know why? i have all the boxes checked in the software sources manager.22:31
ToznoshioHi community, I want to add the user "myuser" to the group "www-data" and also the user "www-data" to the group "myuser" - is it ok to edit the file /etc/group directly?22:31
unopjuakin, ping can be used to send ICMP echo requests from a particular interface - if ping is successful on all paths, i guess your setup works.22:31
unopToznoshio, no, never do that - use  adduser or usermod, etc instead22:32
spmccanndr_willis:  i was just wondering if anyone had any rexperience, i think the more features yo have the lees likely to work,22:32
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about digitalvaldosta22:32
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Toznoshiounop, ok, thanks, I'll look into usermod22:32
spmccanndr_willis:  i haven't seen any that claim to work with linux and theres a lot of horror stories22:33
HaSHhmm on this last kernel update on my server i rebooted and it didnt boot into the new kernel.22:33
angusthefuzzHaSH: did you update your menu.lst and update grub?22:33
HaSHangusthefuzz, nope. thought ubuntu did that.22:34
chaos1:-?Does anyone know why i would have an update listed in the updates but cant select it?:-&22:34
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto22:34
ubottuext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org22:34
HaSHhmm..anyone know that article on removing old kernels from boot?22:35
chaos1!remove kernel22:35
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about remove kernel22:35
Grey_LokiHaSH, you can do that by removing the entries from menu.lst22:35
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages22:35
MiescoMy campus has a server where you can do like \\knas01 to get files from the server, what type of file sharing server is that?22:35
HaSHok....what about removing the kernel image too?22:35
Grey_LokiDon't know, sorry22:35
HaSHMiesco, id guess smaba22:35
MrKennieHaSH: uninstalling old kernels will also remove them from grub menu for you22:35
zack__this question is about 8.04 even though i am using 8.1. in 8.4 is the xorg.conf suppose to be empty? its like that in 8.1 but i dont know where to add custom resolutions22:36
fsufitchIRONHIDE: network problems?22:36
chaos1:D I would like make a GDM with a user list. how do i code this properly?22:36
IRONHIDEwhe i run the command it froze22:36
flughthanks again for the help folks. good to see #ubuntu again /wave22:37
fsufitchIRONHIDE: whoa... the one i told you to?22:37
fsufitchthat's bad...22:37
=== drunky is now known as Gjoko
IRONHIDEim gona tryit again22:37
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chaos1GDM anyone?22:37
fsufitchIRONHIDE: allright. there is nothing there that should be crashing, unless your ubuntu packaging  stuff is broken, which is way more serious than Compiz not working ;)22:38
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chaos1Or maybe a GDM room?22:38
IRONHIDEit says command not found22:38
* chaos1 would like to know if anyone can help?22:38
fsufitchIRONHIDE: which command wasn't found? apt-get?22:39
IRONHIDEyes  "sudo apt-get install xserver-xgl"22:39
fsufitchIRONHIDE: did you use the quotes? that could cause it to do that...22:40
* chaos1 wonders if anyone has came here for Ubuntu help but was logged into the wrong dual boot system? :-? that'd be crazy22:40
IRONHIDEthe only thing that says is command not found22:40
chaos1HELP, please. =:) I have an alien update. k3b update is not selectable.22:41
fsufitchIRONHIDE: okay, then, here's an alternative22:41
trippssjust over the last few weeks since some software updates, I've found it almost impossible to play streaming music with any reliability, either in movie player, audacious, etc. each app has a different symptom, but none work. ideas?22:41
chaos1trippss: i have the same problem with audacity22:42
DjVipertripps: might be a problem with pulseaudio22:42
fsufitchIRONHIDE: http://wiki.compiz-fusion.org/Intel with AiGLX22:42
trippssDjViper, how would I tell?22:43
angusthefuzztrippss: if you run moblock, one of the lists contains many of the streaming servers?22:43
yeus_i got a question: if I use a debian package from the 8.04 repository... will it automatically be updatet, once it get added to the 8.10 repository?22:43
chaos1i can't seem to edit sound files. it says it can't connect to my sound device22:43
fsufitchIRONHIDE: those spaces are supposed to be part of the url... weird... but anyway, since you're on hardy, skip to the section on starting compiz22:43
fsufitchsee if that command does anything22:43
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP322:43
woddf2I just installed KDE 4. How do I remove GNOME?22:43
usr13Just did updates and lost driver for my GeForce4 MX 44022:44
chaos1woddf2, just type 'apt-get remove gnome'22:44
usr13Can no longer achieve resolution above 800x60022:44
angusthefuzzwoddf2:  http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde22:44
chaos1or woddf2, you can type 'apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop'22:45
IRONHIDEok give me a sec bro22:45
trippssangusthefuzz, I don't think it's that the problem. 1 time out of 20, they will play for a while and then die (i.e., stop playing music)22:45
usr13to-me: just type 'apt-get remove ubuntu' ?22:45
LjLyeus_: a *debian* package, that is a package somehow taken straight from *debian*? no22:45
ScuniziI need to add java to the options portion of OpenOffice Writer.. java is already installed in my system.  Where will I find it so I can provide the link to Oo?22:45
usr13to-me: just type 'apt-get remove widescreen-display'22:45
fsufitchIRONHIDE: i'll be here. if i log off randomly though, it means i screwed up *my* compiz from messing around with it, but i'll be back asap if that happens :)22:45
woddf2chaosl: >>Package gnome is not installed, so not removed22:45
mcquaidneed flash help.  Flash 9 via the nonfree repository package worked fine.  The deb adobe provides is not working for me.22:45
mcquaidabout:plugins show no flash installed22:46
angusthefuzztrippss: is your ISP providing solid internet, that happens to me when my internet gets flakey22:46
woddf2chaosl: I also tried removing ubuntu-desktop, but it did nothing.22:46
mcquaidI tried anohter user to make sure it isn't something borked with my mozilla profile still no go22:46
HaSHhmm i dont think the new kernel showed up in the menu.lst22:46
usr13I guess no one has seen my particular problem yet.  Tnx anyway...22:46
trippssangusthefuzz, now this is across the board with varying connections at varying places. it's something to do with software22:47
IRONHIDEit says xgl not present22:47
HaSHit said it installed ..but there is no entry for that in the menu.lst...22:47
fsufitchIRONHIDE: again?! hm...22:47
IRONHIDEit say using fallback metacity22:47
angusthefuzztrippss: shoutcast changed its layout recently and borked a lot of stream parses, specifically for mythtv?22:47
angusthefuzztrippss: are you getting the streamlist from shoutcast?22:48
trippssangusthefuzz, this is even happening to streams outside of shoutcast22:48
chaos1woddf2, did you install the kde core package or the kubuntu package?22:48
fsufitchIRONHIDE: yeah, metacity is the default window manager that gnome uses22:49
spmccannmcquaid:  i had same issue had to install via adobes instructions  here http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash&P2_Platform=Linux22:49
usr13I see in the logs that I upgraded "nvidia-glx" and "linux-restricted-modules"22:49
jc2itIs there a way to only blank the screen instead of allowing the screen saver to operate?22:49
yeus_LjL: ahh no I mean ubuntu packages, sorry :)22:50
mcquaidyes spmccann there's where I grabbed the deb and installed it: sudo dpkg -i adobeblablah.deb22:50
spmccannmcquaid:  use the install script22:50
LjLyeus_: then yes22:51
mcquaidspmccann, do you the apt url link?22:51
mcquaiddo you mean...22:51
chaos1woddf2, if you installed the kde core package you will have to install all of your packages for office etc again after removing gnome. see this >>http://howtoforge.com/creating-a-kde-live-cd-dvd-using-kubuntu-p422:51
spmccannmcquaid:  no the install instruction for the tar file, the deb package is broken22:51
mcquaidhmm, i've read others installing from the deb without issue22:52
yeus_kk thx..  the reason is:  I installed the kubuntu interped beta today and it is still lacking some "vital" packages for me22:52
mcquaidi assumed it was something on my end22:52
usr13How to reconfigure X server?22:52
yeus_LjL ...22:52
spmccannmcquaid:  worked for me22:52
IRONHIDEwhat can i do bro22:52
mcquaidspmccann, the deb?22:52
spmccannmcquaid:  no the install script, the dep package tried to download from an ftp sire that was not working22:52
chaos1woddf2, this will tell you what you need to install with the kde core package. if you installed the kubuntu package then you probably won't have to do much. just type 'sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop'22:53
mcquaidspmccann, hmm, the deb installed fine for me. i didn't chose apt. i chose the deb and manually installed without issue. it just doesn't work22:53
=== alberto is now known as Guest6352
Pittoi'm italian and have some trouble understand what -d, --home HOME_DIR  in USERMOD MAN do...can someone help me understand?22:55
Pittoi'm triin to change my home directory name..22:56
Willwork4foohi all - does anyone have any experience using vinagre to natively share an Ubuntu desktop onto OSX Leopard?22:56
ortsvorsteher!it | Pitto22:56
ubottuPitto: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)22:56
fsufitchIRONHIDE: from my searches it seems that your system does have hardware acceleration support for graphics (using AIGLX) but that it doesn't support the GLX that we've been trying to get and that Compiz needs to work22:56
mcquaidspmccann, tryihng the script. it asks Please enter the installation path of the Mozilla22:57
mcquaidi enter /usr/lib/mozilla22:57
mcquaidWARNING: Please enter a valid installation path.22:57
frankihmm, does anyone know why  sudo ift-extract -a /lib/firmware/AppleUSBVideoSupport gives this error? ** ERROR **: Unable to read driver /lib/firmware/AppleUSBVideoSupport. i.e. my isight doesn't work since this morning's updates :)22:57
IRONHIDEso i need to buy a video card22:57
mcquaidhas anyone here installed the flash 10 deb package successfully from adobe?22:58
Frijolieis there a way to reset your themes/windows/icons/fonts back to defaults?22:58
fsufitchIRONHIDE: if you're on a PC, then yeah. what are your other specs, since those might influence the running of Compiz too?22:58
angusthefuzzmcquaid: i have installed flash 10 deb successfully, but I used the GDebi system22:59
IRONHIDE512 mb 40gigs22:59
angusthefuzzmcquaid: it didnt ask me for any input at all22:59
fsufitchIRONHIDE: and processor?22:59
IRONHIDEto tell you the truth i have no idea23:00
IRONHIDEi didint check it23:00
fsufitchIRONHIDE: System > Administration > System Monitor > System23:00
fsufitchshould show it there23:01
tyberionhmm, arrrrrrg, what can I do if my firefox is messing around, bookmarks all gone, and current page is not displayed in the url bar;(23:01
greedybSo whats the deal with the new flash? Do we try it or not?  I heard its got some issues already23:01
IRONHIDEpentium 3 coppermine23:01
BlueEagleFor some reason screen doesn't recognize backspace. I'm using the xfce4-terminal. Anyone got any good pointers where I can get that fixed?23:01
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jvmhi. i installed a nvidia graphics card as replacement for a damaged ati radeon, drivers were automatically installed by ubuntu. it didnt work fine, so i changed back to a radeon card. i deinstalled the nvidia drivers, and got my old xorg.conf from a backup, but still, compiz & high resolution does not work anymore, even while it worked before the nvidia card was installed in the first place. any hint what else couldve changed, in spite of the xorg.23:02
jvm(same ati radeon graphics card now as before.)23:02
ray_vaughanis there any body in there?23:02
redboxjvm: try updating the drivers for the radeon?23:03
spmccannmcquaid:  check you got the path right i had to do the same23:04
jvmredbox, i never deinstalled them or something, and everything was set up fine automatically by ubuntu previously.23:04
jvmthen i changed to nvidia, everything again set up automatically, and changed back.23:04
ray_vaughanhow i configure usb modem?23:04
jvmthen it didnt work again.23:04
ray_vaughanhelp please?23:04
leytonsimmondsdo you know a ubuntu 64bit will work on a macbook..?23:04
IRONHIDEwhat can i do if something23:04
MethodOne!ask | ray_vaughan23:04
ubotturay_vaughan: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)23:04
fsufitchIRONHIDE: the processor might struggle some with the effects once you do get them running. i can tell you this though: i have a setup with a AMD Athlon XP 2000+,  1 GB ram, and an okay-ish *not* integrated graphics card, and it runs the basic effects just fine23:04
onthefence9281where do i find teh options for how my gnome handles resizing? (the handles for the mouse specifically)?23:05
leytonsimmondsdo you know a ubuntu 64bit will work on a macbook..?23:05
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IRONHIDEwell igona have to update then23:05
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fsufitchIRONHIDE: your current hardware can't run compiz, so you will need a better gfx card, some memory, and maybe a better processor23:05
ray_vaughancan you help me te conigure my usb modem?23:06
fsufitchIRONHIDE: yeah, sorry i couldn't do more23:06
IRONHIDEwell thank you very much bro23:06
fsufitchi hope you get your stuff working! :) good luck23:06
IRONHIDEthanks bro23:06
redboxjvm: most likely the radeon drivers were uninstalled during the nvidia install.  you may need to install xserver-xorg-video-ati23:06
fsufitchIRONHIDE: np23:06
MethodOnewhat type of modem is it, dsl or dial-up23:06
Simmodnsdo you know a ubuntu 64bit will work on a macbook..?23:06
jvmredbox, 'xserver-xorg-video-ati is already the newest version.'23:07
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jvmredbox, i also tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, without success.23:07
redboxjvm: try to remove and reinstall. also make sure there are no nvidia packages installed anymore. dpkg -l | grep nvidia23:08
MethodOnesimmodns, only if your macbook has a core 2 duo processor23:08
MethodOnecore duo is only 32-bit23:08
Dethrayis there a way to boot unbuntu without a boot partition at the front of the drive?  I'm trying to dual boot with windows.23:08
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs23:08
mlabI am trying to run SVN23:08
mlabHow to get a list of the directories in my SVN repos?23:09
jvmredbox, thanks a lot. due to no irssi here ive to leave for testing ;)23:10
Simmodnsthanks method23:10
MethodOnesimmodns, you welcome23:10
bnovci read that "setxkbmap dvorak" would switch me to dvorak in ubuntu but that doesn't seem to do anything with no warnings or errors, suggestions?23:12
kingrayrayif i install 64bit ubuntu, how hard is it to get 32bit apps to work? like games and stuff23:12
LjLbnovc, why don't you just switch to dvorak using the keyboard layout preferences?23:12
=== Andrijeski is now known as andrijeski
silokoHi when I login to my Ubuntu server via ssh and type the who command it *always* says two users . . . anyone know why?23:14
ARCKEDAsiloko: Are you counting the different X11 displays?23:14
LjLsiloko: because there is the ssh user, and the one you're logged in from locally?23:14
* ARCKEDA probably has no idea as to waht he is talking about.23:15
bnovcLjL: i was hoping to bind it to ctrl+ctrl to switch between them23:15
silokothere is no local login23:15
bnovcthe UI doesnt work either23:15
bnovci select "USA Dvorak" and it doesnt do anything23:15
silokonoone is logged in locally - there is no X11 session - just the ssh session23:15
LjLbnovc, well i use KDE, and i can certainly switch layout using a shortcut (not sure ctrl+ctrl would work though), i'm not sure about gnome but it should be very much possible23:15
LjL!layout | bnovc23:15
ubottubnovc: To switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard (GNOME) - KDE: K -> System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout (KDE) - Xfce: see https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html - See also !Shortcuts23:15
bnovcthat's what i did23:16
bnovcsetxkbmap -layout dvorak,us -option grp:ctrls_toggle is what i had originally tried to no avail23:16
silokoif i logout of my ssh session and login directly to the machine it just shows one user - it seems that the ssh session is spawning two users . . .23:16
urthmoveris there a solution similar to GoToAssist (desktop sharing) that I can run myself for our customers?  I'm looking for a oneclick install solution that does desktop sharing over HTTP23:17
LjLsiloko: well, what does "who" say exactly? the terminal name might give a hint23:17
urthmoverto see/control the customers PC23:17
silokoLjL: The who command only lists one user - me via ssh23:17
riegersni install all the 7zip packages along with squeeze which is supposed to suport 7zip, but its not working. any ideas?23:18
amrikurthmover: what do you mean by desktop sharing?23:18
silokoLjL: but above the list along with uptime - it says two users just before the load average stats23:18
LjLsiloko: err, then what was saying there were two?23:18
attickidey Ive been using ubuntu for a while, I want to give atry to xfce if I move to xfce all the programs will still work?23:18
LjLsiloko: ah, i see, with uptime...23:18
amrikurthmover: perhaps vnc could be useful if you just want to be able to remote control their pcs23:18
silokoljL: or 'w' :)23:18
amrikattickid: they should all still work fine xfce comes with glibs i think23:18
amrikattickid: so all the gnome programs should be fine23:19
urthmoveramrik: I want to run my own gotoassist/webex solution23:19
misteralexanderI want to take a "Snapshot" of my system . . . all updates, patches, installed programs, program settings, etc, etc . . . what is the quickest & most effcient way of doing this?23:19
ubuntu_toddI am using ubuntu disk in my new bought laptop. but I cannot get the desktop. I am always in the black command modes. I am not installing the ubutu, I am just running ubuntu without installation. Any help of suggestion?23:19
urthmoveramrik: so that my callcenter can see our customers desktops23:19
KenBW2ubuntu_todd: do you have the alternate install disc?23:19
bnovci am stuck in a non-QWERTY and non-dvorak layout now and all i have listed is USA23:19
MethodOneubuntu_todd: what laptop do you have?23:19
silokoljl: I have checked out ps aux but nothing obvious . . .23:19
urthmoveramrik: thoughts?23:19
ubuntu_toddThinkpad T40023:20
amrikurthmover: are you familiar with vnc? because i am not familiar with gotoassist and i want to see how much in common we have here so i can help23:20
KenBW2ubuntu_todd: are you using the alternate install disc?23:20
ubuntu_toddBut I can do that in my dell laptop23:20
ubuntu_toddthe one I download from ubuntu website23:20
wall-eguys i hate this! i need to configure my network connection. anytime i type website, it takes time to load.23:20
wall-ei tried pinging in terminal23:20
wall-eand it responds back with unknown host23:21
wall-ewhat can i do ?23:21
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KenBW2yea, it might be the CLI install disc23:21
ubuntu_toddI can use that one working in my dell laptop before.23:21
urthmoveramrik: yes I'm familiar with vnc and the like.  I want something VERY easy for the customer to just click on a webpage and through HTTP (any firewalls) I have control over the system or at least just view23:21
KenBW2ubuntu_todd: oh23:21
ubuntu_toddNo. It is not.23:21
wall-ei have two network devices. one is wired connected to my router. but it doesnt work fine. browser dont get google.com23:21
KenBW2ubuntu_todd: what happens when you run the disc?23:21
LjLsiloko: so "w" says 2 or 1?23:21
misteralexanderwall-e:  Other than your movie being great . . . can you ping the gateway?23:21
wall-ehow misteralexander?23:21
urthmoveramrik: I want vnc functionality without having to forward ports on a customers system23:22
amrikurthmover: hmm i see. i know tightvnc can be used with a web interface but that runs on a different port and might need forwarding23:22
silokoljl: w lists the same as who i.e. one user but says two users next to the uptime stats23:22
ubuntu_todddisplay at low quality23:22
wall-emisteralexander how can i ping the gateway23:22
MethodOneubuntu_todd: you should wait until 8.10 is released23:22
ubuntu_toddI cannot get to the laptop23:22
greedybAnyone know why I get this when using dvdrip? STDIN player command: xine not found : NOT Ok23:22
beejay77anybody has a clue why simple games and apps are sllugish on ubuntu and no problems on win? i have sis650 graphic card23:22
ubuntu_toddI like 8.0423:22
misteralexanderwall-e:  going into your network utility (System > Admin > Network Tools) and choose the tab "Ping"23:22
KenBW2ubuntu_todd: what's the last thing that appears on the screen23:23
ubuntu_toddcommand mode23:23
wall-eok and then what misteralexander?23:23
misteralexanderwall-e:  using your wired connection, type in --
silokoljl when I say lists I mean it just shows details of my ssh login even though it says 2 users . . .23:23
misteralexanderand hit "Ping".23:23
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KenBW2ubuntu_todd: thats strange23:24
KenBW2ubuntu_todd: theres the gdm you need to load, lemme find the command23:24
amrikurthmover: your customers are windows or linux based?23:24
ubuntu_toddI can use alt+F7 to back to my desktop. But it doesn't work in my T40023:24
LjLsiloko: well, i really don't know. i can only confirm that, here, ssh doesn't generate more than one user23:24
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misteralexanderwall-e:  What happens?  It shouldn't take THAT long.23:24
wall-enothing happened23:25
wall-eit sent23:25
silokoljl i'm connecting via an unpriviledged port - i wonder if that affects anything . . .23:25
wall-ebut nothing received23:25
wall-eit says packet transmitted23:25
KenBW2ubuntu_todd: try /etc/init.d/gdm start23:25
misteralexanderwall-e:  Okay, it couldn't ping the gateway, which usually means your router isn't configured correctly.  Your signal isn't getting to the internet, because your computer can't even talk to your router.23:25
wall-eok can i pm u?23:26
BlueEagletmsnc sais "protocols don't match". Is there anything I can do about that? Has anyone got a suggestion for an alternative terminal-based msn-client?23:26
silokoljl the wierd thing is if i login to the box and ssh into the box it still only says two users, listing them both, but when i logout of the box and keep the ssh session it lists only the ssh user but still says 2 users - wierd23:26
comicinker1how do I discard stderr and stdout in the bash? command 2>&1 /dev/null ?23:27
ubuntu_toddKenBW2: You are genius. It works!!!!23:27
KenBW2ubuntu_todd: im not genius, ive just been in this channel far too long :P23:27
BlueEagle!shout | regeya23:27
ubotturegeya: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.23:27
KenBW2ubuntu_todd: basically your problem is the login manager (Gnome Display Manager, or gdm) wasn't loading, although i don't know why23:28
regeyaI bet you never forget to turn off your caps lock, mr. perfect BlueEagle23:28
jclift26greetings back atcha23:28
silokoljL thanks for having a look anyway . . .23:28
HelmintheBlueEagle: not sure what you have tried before, centerim works quite well for me23:28
afallenhopewhat's the new STA wireless drivers?23:29
BlueEagleHelminthe: I did try one way back when, but I've not used any of them in a while.23:29
peer`Does Kubuntu 7.04 have a built in utility for mounting .iso files? If it does, would it be viable to install an OS from the mounted image?23:29
BlueEagleHelminthe: I'll try it. Thanks for the suggestion. :)23:29
jclift26new kernel has lost my sound? can any1 help?23:30
PEAKTOP/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lltdl collect2: ld returned 1 exit status make: *** [libphp5.la] Error 1 ?23:30
Helminthejclift26: boot old kernel :)23:30
Palma77ajj ktos tu mowi/pisze po polsku ?23:30
jclift26already there, but that old one was crashing a lot23:30
BlueEaglepeer`: You can mount an .iso-file just as you mount any other filesystem. What you want is to specify the type as iso9660 and the option as loop. That will give you mount -t iso9660 -o loop /path/to/image.iso /path/to/mountpoint23:31
ubuntu_toddhow to run a single long command in terminal. I mean I wanner continue my command in the next line23:31
jclift26have it in grub to use, but had to do a lot of hard resets...so unsure whether that way to go23:31
Helminthejclift26: debugging kernel drivers is a tedious task, you will be better of submitting a bug report in launchpad23:31
BlueEaglepeer`: You can mount it to where linux usually sees cd-drives and linux won't know the difference.23:31
jclift26ok what info do i need there?23:31
PEAKTOPhow to completely remove kubuntu-desktop ?23:32
zzattackhey, im trying to compile and link against some boost libraries (-lboost_regex), which only seems to work if i specify the full library filename. can I prevent this and instead just use -lboost_regex?23:32
amrikubuntu_todd: try putting a backslash \ and pressing enter to continue23:32
amrikubuntu_todd: so command arg1 arg2 \ [enter] arg3 arg4 \ [enter] arg5 would expand to command arg1 ... arg523:33
peer`for the sake of updating kubuntu to 8.04 with a new install and partitioning the drive for a dual boot with winxp as the second OS, what should I do? Currently I have a 35gb root partition and a 5gb swap, both linux parted. Should I just burn the iso to a CD (which I can do here), format/install XP, then in the remaining partition, install 8.04?23:33
Helminthejclift26: just go to bugs.launchpad.net and start a new thread/issue providing as much information as you can23:33
KenBW2can you use a remote DVD drive using NFS?23:33
jclift26awesome thanks for that23:34
jclift26will do23:34
T2hi, whats a good alternative to limewire on ubuntu23:34
peer`I would suggest just using torrents23:35
lakitu2how do i share cpu between computers? i saw a friend do it23:35
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HelmintheT2: limewire? :) they have a fully working linux client23:35
Grey_LokiPEAKTOP, if you want to completely remove kubuntu-desktop, since it's a metapackage you should just be able to run sudo apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop23:36
bastid_raZor!info frostwire | T223:36
ubottut2: Package frostwire does not exist in hardy23:36
bastid_raZor!info frostwire23:36
azhar27T2 : Try Frostwire, it is good too.23:36
BlueEagleHelminthe: centerim doesn't appear to handle utf-8 characters very well. :/23:36
T2azhar27: where can i download the linux version of limewire23:36
HelmintheBlueEagle: you are right, this has been a constat source of frustration for me too..23:36
unopbastid_raZor,  just !frostwire :)23:37
unop!frostwire | T223:38
ubottuT2: frostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire23:38
azhar27While on this topic, Does anyone know a good torrent client for Ubuntu, I am currently using utorrent on wine ?23:39
thinkmassiveazhar27, transmission is good23:39
unoprtorrent - if you prefer a command line client23:40
thinkmassiveI just switched from xubuntu and I'm trying to customize the panel... how can I remove the text from the App menu?23:40
cybanI dont think there is such a thing as a good torrent client23:40
azhar27thinkmassive, I used transmission, didn't like ti much. Anything good and not blocked by torrent sites.23:40
thinkmassiveand is there a window switcher panel applet that uses only icons, not text?23:40
azhar27cyban , What i mean by good is simple to use, option for feeds, using less memory etc.23:41
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cybandont like the default bittorrent?23:42
Helmintheazhar27: for feeds support, you might be stuck with azureus. this rules out the "low resources" requirement23:43
azhar27Helminthe , totally, azerues is a resource hog. What is everyone else using here ?23:44
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ad_hey can someone help me, I just upgraded my kernel using the updates and now I cannot boot Uuuntu normally as it GRUB gives me error 1823:45
ad_I have to select old kernel for it to boot23:45
Helmintheazhar27: for what you want, the only answer I have is "more RAM" :)23:46
ad_who me?23:46
ad_oh ok23:46
jinad_, pop in a windows cd and install windows23:46
ad_why would i want windows23:46
jinad_, jk, here is what you can try23:46
ad_no windows!! please hehe23:46
DanskmandHowdy :-) - After -a-lot- of work and searching and trial-and-error I found out that the driver fcpci is part of the kernel of my 8.04 Ubuntu. So finally I got capisuite to work with fcpci....But when sending a fax, I see in capisuite.error "controller doesnt support fax-services". Is that true ? - the pre-installed driver doesnt support faxing ?23:47
jinad_, boot with the old kernel, then do sudo grub-install23:47
DanskmandAnd how can I change that ?23:47
ad_what wil that do23:47
frankihey, there were updates this morning that caused my isight webcam to stop working, i've reinstalled the firmware, but no luck... any help?23:47
jinad_, that will reinstall grub on your hd23:47
ad_what if that messes up y old kjernel too23:48
azhar27Helminthe , ya, but how come we Ubuntu users still don't have a good replacment for utorrent, i am kinda curious.23:48
ad_then i wont be able to boot23:48
jingrub is the tool that manages your installed kernels23:48
cybanweird, 64bit Ubuntu wont find my WiFi card but 32bit will......23:48
ad_if i reinstall grub can i still boot my old kernels23:48
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geniicyban: Thats pretty common23:49
Helmintheazhar27: there are at least a dozen very good replacements for utorrent in linux. you asked for something else, the most important part being "not blocked by whoever hosts my torrents"23:49
LimCoreif I would want to start a project to improve ubuntu23:49
LimCoreI would want to start a project to improve ubuntu.   how to?23:49
LimCorethe aim would be to  1) write more examples for man pages;  2) perhaps invent some separate man-page-alike things23:50
PEAKTOPGrey_Loki> kubuntu-desktop is one package. and kde their lot, how to remove all the packages kde?23:50
jinad_, when you run grun-install, it installs all available kernels, that means your old kernel + new kernels23:51
azhar27Helminthe , yup. Thanks anyway. Will stick with utorrent on wine :)23:51
cybanya not enough 64 bit drivers23:51
Grey_LokiPEAKTOP, sorry, I thought kubuntu-desktop was a generic package you could use instead of worrying about all the individual packages within the Kubuntu desktop. I don't know the answer to your question - perhaps the people in #kubuntu could help?23:53
* dr_Willis missed the question.23:54
dr_WillisIm in #kubuntu also. :) ask in there.23:54
PEAKTOPGrey_Loki> OK, thank you :)23:54
frankihey, there were updates this morning that caused my isight webcam to stop working, i've reinstalled the firmware, but no luck... any help?23:54
ad_can someone help me with the command to install GRUB23:54
ad_im trying sudo grub-install --root-directory=/boot sda123:54
ad_but it gives me error on format23:55
jinad_, what is the error?23:57
dr_Willisad_,  thers other ways to install grub. I dont recall ever ysing grub-install,23:58
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto23:58
ad_format unrecognised or something23:58
jinad_, ^^ read those links23:58

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