[05:04] mouse still not working :( i tried to do a dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg but to no avail [17:57] thorwil: hi [17:58] hi xivulon [17:59] xivulon: i started with the window but worked on other things the last days [17:59] xivulon: should be able to get it done this weekend [18:00] brb, gotta kill compiz before it eats the rest of my memory [18:02] and now it's dinner time :) bbl [18:04] thorwil: looking forward to it :) [18:06] you think you could make distro-specific versions? [18:06] http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-installer/wubi/intrepid/files/512?file_id=images-20070323003246-kfymva6ngvn1pjt3-1 [18:07] basically each wubi dialog has 2 images a largish vertical one http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Eubuntu-installer/wubi/intrepid/annotate/512?file_id=kubuntukde4vertical.-20080228003518-tqfen30v2gxl2gl0-3 [18:07] and a header one http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Eubuntu-installer/wubi/intrepid/annotate/512?file_id=kubuntukde4header.bm-20080228003518-tqfen30v2gxl2gl0-1 [18:07] the current masterpieces are my own [18:07] ...so they'd better be disposed of... [18:08] background is white [18:37] xivulon: the window will not hint a hint at ubuntu vs. kubuntu, except if you take a brown window frame as such [18:39] xivulon: plus the window will not work for the vertical format [18:39] xivulon: i think you should just remove the drop shadows and go with the plain logos [18:40] "hint at hint", arg, give a hint of course [18:52] hi guys [18:59] Cimi: Hi Sir! [19:00] lol, now I'm sir =) [19:00] Cimi: Yes Sir! [19:00] lol [19:01] thorwil ok hopefully I kept the svg somewhere [19:14] Noobish question - why i should use svg instead of png or jpg? [19:18] Nece228, svg is a vectorial image [19:18] basically, it's an xml [19:18] you can open a svg with gedit, nano, vim, what you want (notepad) [19:18] Cimi: i heard that [19:19] being vectorial, it can be easily scaled [19:19] Cimi: hmm, so this is main difference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Bitmap_VS_SVG.svg [19:19] Cimi: svg preserves shapes [19:20] Cimi: but svg of course is much slower [19:20] did you do some math/physics at school? [19:20] Cimi: yeah sure [19:20] the svg has vectors [19:20] for example [19:20] draw a line from x to y [19:21] Cimi: yeah [19:21] while a png has pixel: pixel (x=10, y=250) is red, pixel (x=10, y=251) is blue, pixel (x=10, y=252) is purple ... [19:22] so when you load a svg you can specify x, y, width height [19:22] with a png you can rescale, but you don't have precision [19:23] svg is useful to draw big icons (128x128, 256x256 [19:23] or drawing projects [19:23] Cimi: im getting your mind [19:24] Cimi: thats why when im zooming nautilus icons to 400% icons are still pretty [19:24] exactly [19:25] x and y are the same [19:25] width and height changes from 48x48 to 256x256 (for example) [19:25] Cimi: well thank you for your useful information [19:25] the lines automatically are drawn correctly [19:25] from x to width [19:25] for example ;) [19:26] but at the same time, even the colors are stored in the xml file [19:26] you can change those colors on the fly, or you can set a palette shared by icons [19:27] with gimp you can't specify colors, while with inkscape you can play with every single line [19:28] http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4643787796978610202 [19:28] see this video [19:28] it's more than what I could try to explain here [19:29] Cimi: thanks