
=== emma is now known as joe-the-plumber
=== joe-the-plumber is now known as emma
albuntuhello to all03:10
albuntucan anyone tell me how to add a localized ubuntu channel to the list here : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat and to make it show in the list here in freenode03:12
aim1159albuntu: Just edit that page by yourself04:01
aim1159albuntu: and before make sure you channel is registered, moderated and all ops understands the content of the CoC04:01
albuntuaim1159: thanks. i did that04:13
=== Rafik_ is now known as Rafik
=== ceqDnorp is now known as LjL
=== fetova_ is now known as fetova
=== Rafik_ is now known as Rafik
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/22:45
PiciOh, no wonder it wasn't replying. I thought this was my ubottu window.22:48
PiciI thought I lagged out22:49
* LjL rolls eyes22:49
naliothlooks like ubottu sure has eaten a lot of us  :P22:51
Randal1anyone there?23:04
PriceChildRandal1: hey23:05
Randal1I was wondering if i could get some help23:06
LjLwhat about23:06
Randal1well my restricted drivers menu thing seems to be broken23:06
Randal1when i click it. it tells me i need to install a certain package to make it run. It doesn't show up in synaptic either23:07
Randal1any ideas?23:08
LjLRandal1, wrong channel23:08
LjL#ubuntu is the technical support channel23:08
Randal1oh ok thanks23:08

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