
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 16 Oct 12:00: Ubuntu Mobile Team | 16 Oct 13:00: Desktop Team | 16 Oct 14:00: Ubuntu Java | 16 Oct 20:00: EMEA Membership Board | 16 Oct 23:00: Americas Membership Board | 17 Oct 19:00: Tunisian LoCo Team IRC
=== emma is now known as joe-the-plumber
=== joe-the-plumber is now known as emma
=== asac_ is now known as asac
=== Rafik_ is now known as Rafik
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: Ubuntu Mobile Team Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 16 Oct 13:00: Desktop Team | 16 Oct 14:00: Ubuntu Java | 16 Oct 20:00: EMEA Membership Board | 16 Oct 23:00: Americas Membership Board | 17 Oct 19:00: Tunisian LoCo Team IRC
MootBotMeeting started at 07:00. The chair is lool.13:00
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]13:00
loolhey folks13:00
loolvisiting last weeks action items13:00
lool[topic] ogra to make sure a quirk or a blacklist entry is prepared to fix Q1U's wifi13:00
MootBotNew Topic:  ogra to make sure a quirk or a blacklist entry is prepared to fix Q1U's wifi13:00
loolOh wait13:00
lool[topic] roll call13:00
MootBotNew Topic:  roll call13:00
ograwell, forwarded to amitk who currently dies under load13:01
loolSo who do we ahve?13:02
loolStevenK: hey13:02
* StevenK waves13:02
looldavidm: you here?13:02
lool[topic] ogra to make sure a quirk or a blacklist entry is prepared to fix Q1U's wifi13:02
MootBotNew Topic:  ogra to make sure a quirk or a blacklist entry is prepared to fix Q1U's wifi13:02
lool14:01 < ogra> well, forwarded to amitk who currently dies under load13:02
loologra: What's the bug again?13:02
loolLP #13:02
ogranot sure we have one13:03
loolWe need one13:03
* ogra quickly files one 13:03
loolPlease milestone for intrepid13:03
loolamitk: hey13:03
loolamitk: we were discussing ath5k/madwifi on q1u13:03
loolamitk: Is any lp # open for this?13:03
amitklool: no lp # AFAIK. I am short of time on debugging this.13:04
loolamitk: Should we look at assigning someone to the bug, perhaps someone not busy like you are with lpia/iwl3945, to make sure we get it for intrepid?13:04
loolamitk: At this point, I'd say we should give up debug of ath5k and just use madwifi for the q1u's pci id13:04
davidmlool i am here13:04
loolhey davidm13:05
amitklool: Just file a bug. Tim is going to do a wireless backport very soon that should fix some of ath5k's problems.13:05
loolamitk: ogra is filing one as we speak13:05
amitkthat is why I stopped looking at it. ath5k in 2.6.27 has known deficiencies.13:05
loolamitk: I also got some aufs issues when fs is full with the new aufs, but didn't reproduce reliably13:06
loolbut I'm only mentionning this to try to make your brain explode13:06
loolwill file a bug if I reproduce13:06
ograbug 28435413:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 284354 in linux "ignore ath5k on samsung Q1" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28435413:07
loolthanks ogra13:07
amitklool: very few fs handle getting full reliably :)13:07
amitklool: if you try too hard, my brain will go into shutdown13:07
loolamitk: Note that I filed the fs, then freed some space, and it remained broken13:07
loolamitk: ah, thermal protection13:07
loologra: + also affects linux-lpia13:08
* ogra adds13:08
ograLP moans13:09
lool[topic] persia to make sure lpia/mid installs with trunk versions of seeds and ubiquty13:09
MootBotNew Topic:  persia to make sure lpia/mid installs with trunk versions of seeds and ubiquty13:09
loolpersia: so these were uploaded as well I think13:09
amitklool: ok. that should probably be an upstream aufs bug.13:09
persiaYeah, that's been working since last Thursday.13:09
persiaWell, there were some broken days, but not mid-specific.13:09
loolpersia: I had reports of things going wrong on CB with daily MID of a couple of days ago, but couldn't reproduce these particular issues13:09
loolI think it was because of prior partitioning confusing partman13:10
persialool, In a way that things didn't go wrong on i386?13:10
loolI personally crashed due to kernel lockup no high IDE load13:10
persiaYeah, there's little ubiquity or debian-installer components can do about that.13:10
loolAnd I heard from StevenK that he installed fine at the beginning of the week13:10
StevenKThat was on my Jax13:11
loolSo, that's done, thanks; moving on13:11
lool(but please continue testing and filing bugs as appropriate)13:11
lool[topic] StevenK to make sure lpia-lrm reaches archive and is installable13:11
MootBotNew Topic:  StevenK to make sure lpia-lrm reaches archive and is installable13:11
StevenKlool: I tested the install on my Q1 before the Jax, that worked even better13:11
loolStevenK: great13:11
StevenKlool: That was done before the meeting finished, I think13:12
StevenKIt's moot, anyway, we're waiting for -413:12
persiaPlus linux-firmware integration.13:12
loolOk; does that make it in the dailies?13:12
StevenKlivecd-rootfs install linux-lpia13:13
loolamitk: What's eta for getting latest linux and lrm bits in the lpia flavors?13:13
amitklool: i suspect after the critical bug list is squashed. So not this week.13:14
loolamitk: aha13:14
lool[topic] amitk - any kernel issues?13:14
StevenKThat worries me a little13:14
MootBotNew Topic:  amitk - any kernel issues?13:14
loolamitk: (that's from agenda)13:14
loolamitk: So anything else kernel related for intrepid?13:14
amitkmeta needs to be changed to add linux-firmware13:15
loolStevenK: It does worry me as well; that said, we have a general issue about merging linux/linux-lpia13:15
loolKeeping the trees in sync will remain on the shoulders of the ubuntu kernel team whether we get new linux-lpia/lrm-lpia or not13:15
loolWhat matters is that we release with working images13:15
loolamitk: lpia-meta?13:16
amitkthere is one major change in the tree right now - uvesafb -> vesafb13:16
amitklool: yes13:16
loolamitk: If this is intrepid-critical, pelase file a bug with milestone13:16
loolamitk: severity >= high, milestone 8.10, nominate for intrepid13:17
persiaThere were *lots* of uvesafb issues.  Moving to vesafb would be nice.13:17
loolI can say that the current dailies boot on CB, jax10, and Q1U; need to retest kvm13:17
amitklool: BenC will look at it (or already has). I will just rebase lpia tree on top of it.13:18
loolI have no wifi on jax10 and q1u13:18
StevenKThat's odd.13:18
StevenKWifi works on my Q!13:18
loolamitk: Unless this happens as we speak, I'd be more confortable with a milestoned bug13:18
StevenKEr, Q113:18
amitkfor now, ath5k should be blacklisted (unfortunately) until backports is available13:18
ograamitk, generally ?13:19
StevenKI've finally discovered which driver the Jax needs13:19
amitkogra: for lpia13:19
persiaStevenK, Something includable short-term, or a release note?13:19
StevenKThe driver is included13:19
StevenKIt's firmware for it that's problematic13:19
amitkStevenK: yeah.. jax needs sd8686 firmware or libertas or some combination thereof13:20
cgreganIs there anything I can help with when it comes to binaries for Jax?13:20
StevenKlibertas_sdio is in the kernel as a module13:20
lool[action] amitk to make sure we get new meta{,-lpia} pulling linux-firmware or file a milestoned bug for intrepid release13:20
MootBotACTION received:  amitk to make sure we get new meta{,-lpia} pulling linux-firmware or file a milestoned bug for intrepid release13:20
amitkthe problem is that we can't redistribute sd8686 firmware.13:20
loolI'd prefer the bug to make release team aware of this action being needed, but if what matters is that it gets done :)13:21
loolpff gnome-keyring has locked my screen with two modal dialogs13:22
lool[topic] persia to write spec for jaunty on providing iso images or vm support or how to write mobile images for end users13:22
MootBotNew Topic:  persia to write spec for jaunty on providing iso images or vm support or how to write mobile images for end users13:22
persiahttps://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/mobile-iso-images is registered, but not drafted13:22
loolOk; moving to current items13:23
loolbasically status reports and blockers for intrepid13:23
lool[topic] amitk's status13:23
MootBotNew Topic:  amitk's status13:23
loolamitk: Hey anything else you'd like to mention on intrepid or blocking your work?13:23
loolamitk: Perhaps you need a delivery of coffee to stay up all nights?  ;-)13:24
* lool think we need more amitks13:24
ian_brasilin finland day is night anyway13:25
StevenKI'm happy to provide heavy metal to keep amitk and his neighbours awake13:25
loolStevenK: Correction, wifi works on Q1U now; was the password not being recorded properly13:25
loolian_brasil: and night is night sadly13:25
loolOk, I guess amitk is actually busy doing stuff13:25
lool[topic] StevenK's status13:26
MootBotNew Topic:  StevenK's status13:26
loolStevenK: wazzup13:26
StevenKI have been distracted by my Jax13:26
StevenKMy plan for tomorrow is to fix Contacts and then look at release bugs13:26
loolStevenK: If you poke contacts, would be nice to investigate why dates doesn't have icons; installing hildonèicons doesn't help13:27
loolI suspect it's a theme path issue in some env var or some such13:27
StevenKlool: File a bug and assign it to me? :-)13:27
loolStevenK: anything blocking your work?  any intrepid critical bugs you'd like to mention?13:27
loolStevenK: (bug filed and assigned)13:29
StevenKlool: Nope13:29
lool[topic] persia's status13:29
MootBotNew Topic:  persia's status13:29
loolpersia: w0àt13:30
lool*w00t even13:30
persiaWell, the installer works.  I still need someone to push lp:~persia/casper/trunk, but so far nobody seems very interested.13:30
loolI am!13:30
loolI'm sure StevenK is as well13:30
* persia is happy about renewed enthusiasm13:30
loolWe're in freeze though, blah will need approval13:31
persiaI still have no networking on my D4 (wired, USB wired, USB wireless, built-in SDIO wireless), so my testing is a bit cramped.13:31
loolpersia: Can you poke me tomorrow on merigng this branch and uploading?13:31
persiaOther than that, things are good.13:31
loolI'd like to continue chasing xorg stuff today13:31
persialool, Sure, happy to poke you about it :)13:31
loolpersia: Weird that you don't get usb wired13:32
amitkumm... sorry. was filing bug for linux-lpia-meta13:32
loolamitk: thanks13:32
amitknothing new to report here13:32
persiaYeah.  The adapter shows up, but I can't get it to actually carry a signal : it always fails DHCP.13:32
loolamitk: Ok, thanks for confirming13:32
=== mdz_ is now known as mdz
StevenKHow to get the touchscreen going on the Jax would be good, too13:32
loolpersia: Here NM picks it up after the module gets autoloaded when I plug it, and manages to connect just fine13:33
loolStevenK: Can you spend time with ogra to chase this?13:33
loologra has good touchscreen overview and is in contact with upstream but has no jax1013:33
cgreganI sent the package list to lool. I'm not sure of the licensing on the touch driver though13:33
davidmSeteenK unlikely13:33
looldavidm: Perhaps it's close enough to an existing touchscreen that we can get it to work with some poking13:34
davidmlicense  does not work currently13:34
loolcgregan: We'd like to get a free driver for it working13:34
davidmwe need to be careful since OEM team had customer version13:34
cgreganlool: Hmmm....I will ask around to see if anything ever came close to working13:34
loolcgregan: Using the proprietary version is only possible for people having access to it   :-/  it's ok for Canonical employees as a fallback though13:35
loolcgregan: If you have any info, that's great; poke ogra and StevenK if you do :)13:35
ogradavidm, the question is if we can get the kernel side to work with any free driver, the Xorg side should be possible to cover as long as input events come in13:35
lool[topic] lool's status13:35
MootBotNew Topic:  lool's status13:35
persiaEven just clear instructions would be good.  Many users have reported that they can download incompatible drivers from their original SW vendors.13:35
loolpoked xorg / psb stuff this week; helped OEM and desktop teams as well13:36
loolnothing particular to report; I'm chasing Xvfb not coming up on some arches13:36
loolWhich breaks builds using xvfb-run13:36
loolBut I don't have the hardware, and qemu-system-sparc and -ppc don't work as much as I'd like13:37
loolI have other small universe bugs to tackle before release as well13:37
lool[topic] ogra's status13:37
MootBotNew Topic:  ogra's status13:37
loologra: What's up13:37
ogra* evtouch13:37
ogra  * added a bunch of new .fdi files13:37
ogra  * supports six device classes now13:37
ogra  * changed install location and sequence numbers of .fdi files13:37
ogra  * open issues: bug 22216413:37
ogra* lots of ltsp cleanup13:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 222164 in xf86-input-evtouch "evtouch works incorrectly when the screen is left or right rotated" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22216413:37
ogra  * worked out fixes to the new logout model of gnome desktop13:37
ogra  * merged in all upstram changes into intrepid packages13:37
ogra  * hunted down several ldm UI bugs13:37
ogra  * fixed various regressions vs hardy13:37
ogra* adjusted ubuntu-mobile-default-settings to new artwork naming scheme13:37
ogra* tried to get linux-lpia over its abi check bound FTBFS13:37
ogra* worked on various distro related release bugs13:37
ogra* fixed pm-utils to ignore blacklisted modules on resume13:37
ogra* hal-info Q1 keyboard mapping merged upstream13:38
ogra* general ubuntu-mobile image tests13:38
ogra* bluetooth 4.x tests (3 out of four devices work now here)13:38
ogra* various Xorg related tasks (bug hunting etc)13:38
loolcool; could you copy that to email as well?   :)13:38
loolthanks for the details13:38
ogralool, already sent :)13:38
lool[topic] cgregan's status13:39
MootBotNew Topic:  cgregan's status13:39
loolcgregan: if you like :)13:39
cgreganThe biggest item is hiring13:39
cgreganI have a new tester starting in Lexington so I should have more time for helping out here13:40
loolCandidates for QA jobs at Canonical, poke cgregan!13:40
loolcgregan: Ok; anything intrepid critical or any blocker you'd like to mention?13:40
cgreganNo intrepid related issues yet13:40
cgreganwe are still based on Hardy in OEM13:41
lool[topic] davidm's status13:41
MootBotNew Topic:  davidm's status13:41
looldavidm: w00t13:41
looldavidm: We would like lots of details, very long phrases to type with your tiny kbd muaahahah13:41
davidmworking on 945 bug13:41
davidmreviewed resumes for qa position13:42
davidmreview SoW issues13:42
davidmand now no lappy.......13:43
davidmoff tomorrow swap day13:43
loolAny other business for today?13:43
* lool pokes around13:43
* ogra feels tickled13:44
loolIt's soon my birthday, you're welcome to send me gifts!13:44
davidmjust to focus on Intrep bugs please Jax and others can wait13:44
loolAnd don't forget thanksgiving and xmas13:44
loolOk; thanks everybody13:44
* cgregan heads to amazon.fr13:44
MootBotMeeting finished at 07:44.13:44
loolcgregan: heh just kidding!  :)13:45
loolI was lying, my birthday was almost a year ago13:45
cgreganhehe....mine too!13:45
loolhaha the desktop folks didn't have a chance to press our meeting this week13:46
pittiah, my interweb tube works again, right on time13:58
seb128hey pitti14:00
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: Desktop Team Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 16 Oct 14:00: Ubuntu Java | 16 Oct 20:00: EMEA Membership Board | 16 Oct 23:00: Americas Membership Board | 17 Oct 19:00: Tunisian LoCo Team IRC
Keybukmy internets appear to be broken too14:03
Keybukwiki just took ages to load up14:03
* mvo waves14:04
Keybukah, Ken14:04
Keybuknice of you to join us ;)14:04
pittiit didn't break at home, somewhere in the middle14:04
kwwiisorry, kid was screaming14:04
Keybukno outstanding actions from last meeting14:04
Keybukso let's jump straight into Ken's agenda items14:04
Keybukkwwii: Status of splitting of gnome-themes package14:04
kwwiiKeybuk: sooo...I was supposed to check up on this and report back14:05
kwwiiwe need to figure out how to get that done :-)14:05
ograwill shipit send out rust converter with the CDs for the desktop ? :)14:05
kwwiiseb128, mvo: any news?14:06
kwwiiand/or plans?14:06
mvonot from my side14:06
Keybuktoday is too late for making changes like this14:06
tedgkwwii: Are you talking about the prompt for upgrade?14:06
seb128not from mine either, but as said the changes are easy to do if required14:06
kwwiitedg: nope, I am talking about the gnome-theme package now14:06
pittiso, that's about shipping some themes in a new package, poke it through unpproved and NEW, and change the seeds to only pull in gnome-themes-thosewelove?14:07
* Keybuk puts the brakes on14:07
Keybukwe are in release freeze14:07
seb128the discussion on listed showed no strong reason to do that this cycle though if we have no other theme to list instead, especially than some users still run ugly themes because they are not so slow14:07
Keybuksplitting packages and changing seeds is something that should have been done weeks ago14:07
kwwiithe point is to remove everything but the high-contrast themes (putting the others in another package for upgraders)14:07
persiaCan that not be done?  It's non-ideal for other flavours14:07
kwwiiKeybuk: well, sabdfl wanted this done and we did talk about it weeks ago14:08
persia(because of the package split, and tracking that)14:08
seb128persia: other flavor can still depends on gnome-theme if required14:08
Keybukkwwii: sabdfl has not talked to me about it14:08
Keybukso I do not consider it a priority14:08
kwwiiKeybuk: erm, it was discussed by quite a few people14:08
seb128honestly the change is quick to do, the hard part is to decide on the naming14:08
Keybukkwwii: yes, I'm aware of the discussion14:08
Keybukthe point is that the discussion took too long14:08
Keybukit's now too late to do for this release14:08
pittiSeb should handle 2.24.1, so I'm ok with doing the split; shouldn't take more than two hours14:09
Keybukyou may continue the discussion and decide what to do for jaunty14:09
kwwiiKeybuk: ok, so I can tell mark that you veto'd it?14:09
Keybukthe fact that today is release freeze veto'd it14:09
kwwiiok, that wraps up that then14:09
kwwiiI honestly do not think he will be happy with that but I can live with that as well14:10
kwwiithe other agenda items I brought up have been taken care of already14:10
ograhe still has his super cow powers to force such a change14:10
kwwiiI get to tell mark "no" three times14:10
seb128let's not create issues over that, the changes are easy if he really wants that14:10
kwwiiogra: this change should have been done weeks ago14:11
ograkwwii, i know14:11
Keybukseb128: if they are easy, why have they not yet been done?14:11
ograbut the d in sabdfl gives him the extra power if he feels strongly for it14:11
persiaIf they are changed, please verify that it works with Ubuntu Studio, Ubuntu Mobile, and Edubuntu before uploading.14:11
seb128Keybuk: because there was no real point to do this change so we started a discussion on why on the list14:11
Hobbseeseb128: hasn't it been discussed in the past 2 meetings?14:12
KeybukI'm strongly concerned that there are hidden repercussions here14:12
Hobbseepersia: exactly.14:12
Keybukand after release freeze is not the time to find them o ut14:12
seb128persia: gnome-themes would still install everything so that should be no issue14:13
Keybukwe will defer this to jaunty unless I say otherwise14:13
Keybukif Mark talks to you, refer him to me14:13
Keybukhe's supposed to include me in the loop if he has priority requests14:13
kwwiiKeybuk: you'll be in cc14:13
kwwiiKeybuk: then you should be in on our weekly calls14:13
persiaseb128, I'm concerned about Replaces: but OK.14:13
Keybukso I am reading this as a non-priority request14:13
Keybuk(not all of Mark's requests are priority, many are would-be-nice :p)14:14
seb128persia: those are in gnome-themes, that's just a binary split so it impacts on nothing else14:14
Keybukok, moving on14:14
Keybukthat has totally crashed my browser14:15
seb128still using webkit? ;-)14:15
seb128pitti has been rocking on the sponsoring list14:15
Keybukseb128: no14:15
Keybuknone of these are High or Critical or Release Targeted14:15
Keybukso they are all for jaunty now14:15
Keybukseb128: crashing seems to be related to flash :-/14:16
seb128Keybuk: you just downgraded your libtool bug? ;-)14:16
Keybukseb128: yes, I'm so not getting a chance before intrepid14:17
Keybukerr, I've lost the agenda because the wiki has crashed :p14:17
Keybukpitti: Release Status ? :)14:17
Keybukoh, his network connection died14:18
Keybukany other business today? :)14:18
kwwiione thing14:18
* Riddell wibbles about language packs14:18
HobbseeRelease status:  We're in the RC freeze, all main uploads need approval by the Ubuntu release team.  Universe is as normal.14:19
kwwiiseb128: did you see the human icon theme and human theme package update I sent you per email? will those make it in?14:19
tedgOne small thing, I don't think it should be fixed, but at least well known.  Turns out that GPM isn't using PolicyKit.  I didn't notice until last night.  Probably not important for Intrepid, but may cause other issues if people expect it to respond to PolicyKit messages.14:20
seb128kwwii: been lagging behind on mail, would be nice if you could open sponsoring request bugs so anybody can sponsor those and it makes easier to keep track, will do if pitti didn't look at those yet14:20
seb128tedg: what sort of messages exactly?14:21
kwwiiseb128: ok, I can do that...is there more info on what I should put in that bug?14:21
tedgseb128: I believe, and I haven't looked completely, it would be something like if HAL required an authentication dialog for shutdown.  GPM doesn't know how to show that.14:21
seb128kwwii: don't bother for this one, will talk to pitti when he's back14:23
seb128tedg: ah, ok14:23
kwwiiok, from now on I will make sure to file a sponsoring bug for everything14:23
* ogra guesses PK only is relevant with the new GDM for the power manager14:24
kwwiiand bug you guys as a last resort :-)14:24
Keybukone last item for today14:24
Keybukfarewell to mvo14:24
seb128kwwii: thank14:24
mvoI will just be in the office next door14:25
seb128mvo: you can come drink tea at the desktop team office whenever you want ;-)14:25
kwwiimvo: we'll be screaming at you through the walls14:25
Keybuknext week, we'll have four new team members14:26
Keybukasac, ArneGoetje, bryce and calc14:27
Keybuksince this gives us a bit of a new timezone spread, we may want to adjust the meeting day and time14:27
* asac waves14:27
* ArneGoetje waves too14:27
kwwiiKeybuk: any news when I will be leaving the team?14:28
* ArneGoetje is happy with the current meeting time14:28
* tedg guessing bryce is not :)14:28
Keybukkwwii: I have heard that Julian will be joining us on November 3rd - so you and mpt will change teams on or after that date14:28
KeybukRiddell: visual designer, who will report into the marketing team14:29
* Keybuk wants an RSS feed for the org chart ;)14:30
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: Desktop Team Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 16 Oct 14:00: Ubuntu Java | 16 Oct 20:00: EMEA Membership Board | 16 Oct 23:00: Americas Membership Board | 17 Oct 19:00: Tunisian LoCo Team IRC | 18 Oct 13:00: Xubuntu Community
Keybukother than that, unless there's any other business, let's finish early for the day14:31
Keybukwell done everybody on the release so far14:31
Keybukwe have the lowest RC bug count of all the teams ;)14:31
Keybuk(unless you count community <g>)14:31
* tedg doesn't have a RSS feed reader that will refresh on units less than an hour :(14:31
HobbseeKeybuk: I can fix that, if you'd like...14:32
Keybukok, adjourned14:33
Keybukthanks all14:33
seb128thanks Keybuk14:33
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: Ubuntu Java Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 16 Oct 20:00: EMEA Membership Board | 16 Oct 23:00: Americas Membership Board | 17 Oct 19:00: Tunisian LoCo Team IRC | 18 Oct 13:00: Xubuntu Community
KoonWho's here for the java meeting ?15:06
* persia is here15:07
persiaOK.  Nobody else.15:09
persiaAgenda is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JavaTeam/Meeting15:09
persiaWell, the page isn't coming up for me now.15:11
persiaOh, there it is :)  Only item is Roadmap review.15:11
persiarobilad is absent15:11
persiaslytherin is absent15:11
persiaKoon, Anything to report about maven?  My memory is that we're waiting for Jaunty open.15:12
Koonpersia: yes -- also I'm still chasing openweek dates15:12
Koonto see if I could do a packaging session then15:12
persiaNo feedback from that team?15:13
persiadholbach: any guess on when openweek will be scheduled?15:13
dholbachpersia: no, I'm sorry - not yet, I'll talk to Jono about it our call later on and notify Koon15:13
persiadholbach, Thanks.15:14
persiaOK.  Anyone have anything else for the Java meeting?15:14
Koonjust a note15:16
Koonwe start being bitten by "default-jdk building at java6-level bytecode by default" bugs15:17
Koonsee bug 283875 for instance15:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 283875 in tomcat5.5 "tomcat in intrepid no longer supports java5" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28387515:17
persiaThere was some talk about that in the foundations meeting.  My understanding is that there will be a release note telling people not to use older JREs.15:17
persiadoko, Am I remembering correctly, or do you have something else planned?15:18
Koondoko told me to fix tomcat 5.5 and libs to support lesser level15:18
dokoyes, there will be a release note, but if you do want to fix that, just rebuild the package with the minimum required -source and -target options15:18
persiaOK.  So we should target "important" packages for an update, and expect the rest to be covered by the release note?15:19
dokoI do understand that people still use 1.515:19
dokosure, that would make sense, but imo, it's not first priority15:19
Koonyes, my fear here is people upgrading a sun-jdk5+tomcat5.5 package and having it broken in intrepid15:19
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
Koonanyway, if the release notes encourage usage of java 6 that should cover us15:20
Koonbut i'll still try to target 1.5 for tomcat 5.5 :)15:20
persiaKoon, Makes sense.  I think it depends on the definition of "important", and which use cases we want to support.15:21
persiaPersonally, with hardy being LTS, I'm mostly happy telling people to upgrade.15:21
Koonanyway, that was just a remark, something to keep in mind when converting those gcj-built libs to default-jdk.15:25
persiaOK.  Well, thanks for starting the meeting :)  Let's do it again next week.15:27
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: Ubuntu Java Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 16 Oct 20:00: EMEA Membership Board | 16 Oct 23:00: Americas Membership Board | 17 Oct 19:00: Tunisian LoCo Team IRC | 18 Oct 13:00: Xubuntu Community | 21 Oct 11:00: Asia Oceania Membership Board
huatsnxvl: the meeting won't be long16:19
huatsbut I really think it is a good think to have one (from time to time)16:19
huatsnxvl: how are you bt w?16:19
huatsgreat :)16:20
nxvli was just making some coordinations16:20
huatsno pb16:20
nxvland really busy at work16:20
nxvlworking for free software isn't as great as it looks, is still funny and a better work than other, but not as great as it appears16:21
nxvlreally busy time16:21
huatsI understand16:21
nxvli've a lot of fun at it, but you need to run against the clock16:21
nxvlok, we are all set16:22
porthoseIm here16:23
huatshere is the long waiting agenda :)16:23
huats0. Actions from last meeting16:23
huats1. Status of new requests16:23
huats2. Status of mentors16:23
huats3. Mailing list16:23
huats4. Any other topic ?16:23
huatsis it ok for everyone ?16:23
huatslet's start16:25
huats0. Actions from last meeting16:25
huatsporthose: you have matched the open applications you were asked to16:26
huatsI have contacted slomo and jcorbier : slomo asked to be removed for some time of the list of available mentors.16:26
huatsBut if needed we can ask him again when we lack mentors.16:26
huatsjcorbier told me he has withdrew all his involvments in Ubuntu teams a while back, mentoring included.16:26
huatsand the other remaining points were for norsetto16:27
huats(and he did them before he left the team...)16:27
huatsnxvl: or porthose : anything you wanted to say here ?16:28
nxvlnot from me16:28
porthosehuats: yes I have matched all open application that I was asked to16:29
porthoseand a few more :)16:29
huatssure :)16:30
huatsporthose: but in the pending actions they were 2 that you had to match (that is why I mention that ones)16:30
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 16 Oct 20:00: EMEA Membership Board | 16 Oct 23:00: Americas Membership Board | 17 Oct 19:00: Tunisian LoCo Team IRC | 18 Oct 13:00: Xubuntu Community | 21 Oct 11:00: Asia Oceania Membership Board | 21 Oct 11:00: Community Council
huatsso next point16:30
huats1. Status of new requests16:31
huatsit is simple : None is curently pending ! We rock :)16:31
huatsthanks persia :)16:31
* nxvl dances16:31
* persia never remembers the mentoring queue being empty since it started16:31
huatspersia: that is the advantage of being a team16:32
huatsi think we can advance to the next point : 2. Status of mentors16:32
huatsWe will soon face a lack of mentors for the junior program16:33
nxvlpersia: yes, we keep it empty regulary16:33
huatsI will send an email to all mentors asking them the status of their mentee, and telling them to think if none of them is able to step to the senior program, this might free some slots...16:33
nxvland give more work to the motu council \o/16:33
huats(I think it might be interesting to remind mentors that the junior program is just one step, since it is the beginning of the process)16:34
huatsnxvl: exactly16:34
RoAkSoAxcan i ask if there are any free mentors for the Junior Program?? (Since I'm thinking about re taking my mentoring program)16:34
RoAkSoAxor if my mentor (vorian) still free16:34
nxvli think we should hold fire on that for 2 weeks16:34
huatsnxvl: sure....16:34
nxvlmotu council is really busy this days16:34
huatsit was so clear that I haven't mentionned that16:35
nxvland applications are taking an eternity to be processed16:35
huatsRoAkSoAx: vorian still have an empty slot16:35
huatsI think you can contact him and ask him if he agrees to continue your mentoring :)16:36
huatsRoAkSoAx: the thing is that now there are 2 steps16:36
huatsso may be we should discuss that later :)16:36
huatsok ?16:36
RoAkSoAxok :)16:36
nxvlhuats: just ignore RoAkSoAx, he doesn't deserve it16:37
* nxvl HUGS RoAkSoAx 16:37
* RoAkSoAx slaps nxvl :P xD16:37
huatsI will contact each new u-u-c or motu to ask them if they want to mentor some people. (I'll search all the guys since the last meeting).16:37
huatsin order to avoid that shortage of available mentors16:38
* porthose considers applying for uuc16:38
huatsask your mentor :)16:38
huatsnext point to be treated is the mailing list16:39
nxvli can support you application16:39
huats(porthose:  I will support it too)16:39
nxvlstill no news on that topic?16:39
huatsyes and NO !16:40
porthosenxvl huats thanks16:40
huatsthe mailling list has been approved16:40
huatswhich is great16:40
huatsthe thing is that the need to create it16:40
huatsI went to ask and find some on IRC to try to fasten stuff16:40
huatsbut no luck so far...16:40
huatsbut it is just a matter of time16:41
huatsand so far the mailing list I am hosting is working :)16:41
huatsso let's cross fingers :)16:41
porthosewho needs to be contacted ?16:41
huatssome canonicals sysadmin16:41
nxvlIS can be really slow sometimes16:41
huatsi know...16:42
huatsany other topic you want to be dealed ?16:42
porthosenone that I can think of :)16:43
nxvli've find some problems lately with the mentoring program16:43
nxvlsince we have new contributors jumping in, but never showing, or just contributing 2 days16:43
nxvland then they are gone16:44
huatsi know that16:44
huatsI have noticed that16:44
huatsI think it is the mentor responsability to deal with that16:44
nxvlfor example: i accepter my first mentee some time ago, we coordinate to meet us on the IRC the day after that16:44
nxvlbut he never showed16:44
huatshave you try to ping him by email ?16:44
nxvli think we should give mentors to people that are already contributors16:44
nxvland has demostrate a real interest in ubuntu development16:45
huatsnxvl: I won't be like that16:45
huatssince people might find difficult to start without someone who is mentoring16:46
huatsI really think it is something that we have to live wih16:46
nxvlwell, with that i don't mean to be almost a uuc, but to have 2 weeks to a month around16:46
nxvlnot a guy that finds ubuntu and ask for a mentor right away16:46
huatsof course we should try to face it16:46
nxvljust to see if h like it16:46
huatsso why not ask any applicant if he has already work on fixing bugs/triagging and stuffs...16:47
nxvlwe should ask for at least some bug comments, a launchpad account16:47
nxvland maybe a patch16:47
nxvlhuats: works for me16:47
huatsI would be strongly against the patch16:47
nxvlif he is not, instead of saying: ok dude, come back later16:47
porthosethat should already be on their wiki page16:47
nxvlwe just wait a couple of weeks to process his/her application16:48
nxvlto see is the interest is real16:48
nxvlhuats: that's why the maybe is inthere16:48
huatsbut LP account and bugs comments/triagging is a great basis16:48
huatsI know :)16:48
huatsregarding the delay of application, I am not too sure16:49
huatsI'd rather say someone : can you work a bit more, instead of not saying anything...16:49
nxvlok, then we are all for asking for at least bug triagging/comments or delay the processing of the application?16:49
huatsI would be in favor of telling the applicant that he need to work a bit before applying again...16:50
nxvlor we can say: "ok, we are processing your application, in the meantime can you work on this by your own"16:50
huatsthat sounds better to me16:50
huatsso we need a new file with pending applications :)16:50
nxvlthe thing is that in those cases we will be the face of the ubuntu development community16:50
huatswith the date of communication16:51
nxvlsince we will be the first step into it for the new developer16:51
nxvland thinking as a new contributor, if they tell me "ok work a little more se we take you in account" is even rude16:51
nxvland they will just go16:51
nxvlwhich is not what we want16:52
huatsWe need to explain our policy16:52
nxvlwe are like salesmans16:53
huatsbut it is not rude16:53
nxvland we need to sale16:53
nxvland the new contributor is our costumer16:53
nxvland we want to make the sale16:53
huatsto say : "we are about to put a lot of time/effort to help you.... and we need to be sure you are interested..."16:54
porthoseyea but we need to look at the quality of the contibutor, we don't want any joe smo who just figured out how to turn on his computer to get a mentor do we?16:54
porthoseIMHO that's a waste of resources16:56
nxvlok, i still find the "you can do this while we process your application" better16:56
nxvlbut yes, i'm ok with your suggestion too16:56
huatsI agreee with you nxvl16:59
huatsand may be add something like : doing that will fasten your application :)16:59
nxvlpoint closed then17:00
nxvlhuats: any other points?17:01
huatsnope for me17:01
huatsnxvl: ? porthose ?17:01
nxvlim ok17:01
porthoseIm good :)17:01
huatsso meeting over17:02
porthoseoh one more17:02
huatsdoes anybody can take care of the minutes ?17:02
huatsporthose: sure17:02
porthosewhen will the next meeting be17:02
nxvlporthose: are you going to UDS?17:02
porthoseafraid not :-(17:03
nxvlthen not at UDS17:03
huatslet's say around the 20th of november ?17:04
huatsI'll send both of you a doodle17:05
porthosecool will mark the calender :)17:05
huatswith some proposals :)17:05
huatsok ?17:05
porthoseok now I'm done :)17:06
huatsgreat !17:07
huatsthanks guys :)17:07
huatsanyone can do the minutes ?17:07
porthosedo you want it on a wiki page?17:09
seancarlgrech_membership meeting?17:14
seancarlgrech_is the emea membership meeting going to be held?17:20
persiaseancarlgrech_, It appears to be scheduled to start in about 150 minutes.17:22
seancarlgrech_:o thanks a lot persia... i've terribly miscalculated than!17:23
persiaseancarlgrech_, I may be miscalculating : /topic says 20:00 UTC.17:23
persiaHmm.  And Americas Membership Board at 23:00.  Somehow I think one or both of those times would do well to shift so they would be more widely distributed.17:24
seancarlgrech_all i intended was to see if i'm eligible to become a member17:28
seancarlgrech_but seems that i'll have to wait till next time17:29
=== seancarlgrech_ is now known as seancarl
seancarlno meeting then?17:37
persiaIsn't it 16:39 UTC?17:38
seancarlin malta it's 18.3917:42
seancarli supposed that utc is maltese time -2hrs17:42
seancarlit could be +2hr ... not sure...17:43
seancarli'm confused now..17:44
seancarlpersia: thanks... i got to leave, as i have another meeting (not online)17:45
seancarlwhich i was going to loose in order to be present here :S17:45
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=== Mamarok_ is now known as Mamarok
Burgundaviahighvoltage: Burgertime?19:36
highvoltageBurgundavia: sorry, there was a pizza ad on tv where they said 'pizzatime', and right at that moment you joined. I couldn't help myself.19:40
* emgent waiting meeting20:05
emgent@schedule rome20:05
ubottuSchedule for Europe/Rome: 16 Oct 22:00: EMEA Membership Board | 17 Oct 01:00: Americas Membership Board | 17 Oct 21:00: Tunisian LoCo Team IRC | 18 Oct 15:00: Xubuntu Community | 21 Oct 13:00: Asia Oceania Membership Board | 21 Oct 13:00: Community Council20:05
* emgent hugs stefanlsd20:10
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=== riot_lr is now known as riot_le1
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=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: EMEA Membership Board Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 16 Oct 23:00: Americas Membership Board | 17 Oct 19:00: Tunisian LoCo Team IRC | 18 Oct 13:00: Xubuntu Community | 21 Oct 11:00: Asia Oceania Membership Board | 21 Oct 11:00: Community Council
riot_le1msg NickServ IDENTIFY ser45620:53
riot_le1ups forgot /20:53
riot_le1i dont know why i cant rename my nick today20:55
=== riot_le1 is now known as riot_le_
=== riot_le_ is now known as riot_le1
philwyettTime for a password change then riot_le1 ;-)20:57
riot_le1:phylwyett: i dont like IRC, i will change password soon20:58
riot_le1i dont like pidgin i wrote just simply a message without a smiley or the code of this smiley, crazy20:59
riot_le1i try to login with my normal account but nothing happens, thats a reason more to hate IRC ;-)21:00
=== riot_le1 is now known as riot_le_
emgent@schedule rome21:01
ubottuSchedule for Europe/Rome: Current meeting: EMEA Membership Board 17 Oct 01:00: Americas Membership Board | 17 Oct 21:00: Tunisian LoCo Team IRC | 18 Oct 15:00: Xubuntu Community | 21 Oct 13:00: Asia Oceania Membership Board | 21 Oct 13:00: Community Council21:01
riot_le_so i rename it21:01
emgentmeeting time..21:01
philwyettI have never used pidgin for IRC. xchat-gnome all the way.21:01
emgentsomeone up ?21:01
emgentSeveas ?21:01
riot_le_i use pidgin for all protocols i need: Jabber, ICQ and so on21:02
SeveasI don't think that time is very correct21:02
Seveas'cause meeting should be now :)21:03
emgentSeveas: why not ?21:03
phanaticyep, it's meeting time21:03
Seveaslaunchpad is being slow as usual, not helping21:03
Seveaspopey, prod21:04
Seveasforumsmatthew, prod21:04
phanaticPriceChild, stgraber: are you here, guys?21:04
Seveasstgraber, prod21:04
Seveaswell, without a functioning launchpad our job will be quite difficult...21:05
PriceChildedge seems to be up?21:05
=== riot_le_ is now known as riot_le1
=== riot_le1 is now known as riot_le_
riot_le_i hate IRC!!!21:06
popeylaunchpad.net works here21:06
Seveasyeah, it's back21:06
Seveasbut it's happened twice already tonight that it gave errors21:06
Seveasriot_le_, behave...21:06
forumsmatthew I'm here21:06
emgentnice :)21:07
popeylooking good21:07
emgentstefanlsd: pinghe :)21:07
emgentnice :)21:07
Seveasall candidates: please prepare a 3-line intro about yourself in a text editor and paste it in here when you're up21:07
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riot_le_what should be include in the intro?21:08
popeyarc riley can be removed - he was approved by another team21:08
Seveashunmaat, are you there?21:08
Seveasplease paste your intro21:09
Seveaswhile we check wikipage etc.21:09
hunmaati'm writing it...21:09
Seveasare there other hungarian locoteam members here who want to vouch for hunmaat ?21:10
jernstMy name is Jonathan Ernst (jernst).21:10
jernstI'm 27 and live in Geneva, Switzerland. I'm a computer scientist and I'm using Linux since 1999.21:10
jernstI'd like to be an Ubunut member because I feel I belong to this community and can contribute something back.21:10
jernstYou can get more informations about me here : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/jonathanernst21:10
riot_le_Hi, i'am Martin Kaufmann. I work for the Ubuntu Events Team,21:10
riot_le_i also organize the Meetings of the Ubuntuusergroup Leipzig (the City where21:10
riot_le_i live). I also involved with the Linux4Afrika-Projects which sends21:10
riot_le_Terminalserver-Thincliens-Solutions to Afrika, based on Ubuntu21:10
Seveasjernst, it's not your turn yet. Wait please21:11
SeveasDO NOT PASTE until it's your turn21:11
riot_le_ok sorry21:11
jernstSeveas: sorry about that I didn't know there were turns21:11
stgraberI'mhere, sorry for being late21:11
Seveashi stgraber121:11
hunmaatI'm a Hungarian student. I'm a web developer and community member of ubuntu-hu since it's birth. I contribute regularly to localisation. I'm working now on our new website.21:12
riot_le_hi stgraber21:12
Seveashunmaat, can you give me a link to your profile page on the ubuntu-hu forum?21:12
torosSeveas: I fully support the membership of Mate. He has been a very active member of the hungarian community on many fields for many years. I think, nobody knows better our site (ubuntu.hu), than him.21:12
popeyi am seeing quite an effort in translation by hunmaat since 200621:12
phanatici support hunmaat's membership, since he is a key member on our loco team.21:12
Seveasah, that settles it then :)21:12
forumsmatthewThis is an easy one for me...21:12
popeyyeah, +121:13
phanatic+1 from me obviously :)21:13
Seveasphanatic, couldn't you have said that before I tried to understand hungarian :P21:13
emgenthunmaat: can i see your launchpad profile ?21:13
PriceChildemgent: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership/RegionalBoards/EMEA21:13
SeveasPriceChild, your vote please21:14
phanaticwelcome on board, hunmaat :)21:14
hunmaatthank you21:15
popeykeep up the good work hunmaat !21:15
emgentok nice work hunmaat21:15
Seveaswelcome hunmaat!21:15
Seveasamireldor, you're up next21:15
stefanlsdgrats hunmaat!21:15
Seveasamireldor appears idle/missing. Moving on to stefanlsd. amireldor, poke me in a pm if you return21:16
Seveasstefanlsd, your intro please :)21:16
stefanlsdMy name is Stefan Lesicnik. I am 27, living in South Africa and run a Linux Consulting company (also Canonical Partners!). I am part of the Ubuntu ZA Loco team, and working towards becomming a MOTU. (emgent is my mentor).  I have uploaded through sponsors 20 packages into Intrepid (http://thc.emanuele-gentili.com/utu/utu_intrepid.php) and worked on a bunch of others.21:16
emgentI`d like support stefanlsd (my mentee)21:16
PriceChildemgent: how come?21:16
emgentHim help me and other people in the security team in bugfixing and research21:17
PriceChildWouldn't this then be better judged by an application to ubuntu contributing developer? (i believe that's the right term)21:17
Seveas-1 from me. No documentation on the wiki and I don't feel comfortable judging MOTU-hopefuls without contributions in other areas21:18
stefanlsdSeveas: which documentation are you referring too?21:18
SeveasI agree with PriceChild, the MOTU would be a more appropriate route21:18
Seveasstefanlsd, before you apply for membership, you must document your contributions on your wikipage21:18
popeyi can "only" see 27 bugs that stefanlsd has contributed to and many of those are dupes..21:18
forumsmatthewI'm going to have to agree. It sounds like you are doing some good things, but they would be better evaluated by others than us.21:18
Seveaswhich you have not done21:18
emgentPriceChild: it`snt really correct, first to became MOTU is possible join ubuntu members.21:19
popeyemgent: you can get your membership through MOTU, you dont have to get it from us first21:19
emgentSeveas: stefanlsd work in ubuntu community, him is very active21:19
stefanlsdSeveas: http://people.lsd.co.za/wiki/stefan/MOTU21:19
emgentalso working in developement and security21:20
Seveasemgent, I appreciate that but if most contributions are in MOTUland, then the MOTU path is the path to follow to become member, not the locoteam path21:20
PriceChildemgent: prospective developers can become an "ubuntu contributing developer", granted by the MOTU council I believe. Being in this team gives membership.21:20
emgentSeveas: him dont work only in developement, him i very active in community too.21:20
popey-1 from me too based on a lack of detail on his wiki page and a lack of development detail shown in launchpad21:21
Seveasemgent, I see no documentation/evidence of that. Such documentation must be prepared *before* the meeting21:21
=== rainct is now known as RainCT
popeyI'd also recommend that stefanlsd go via the MOTU route.21:21
stefanlsdSeveas: again - http://people.lsd.co.za/wiki/stefan/MOTU  ?21:21
forumsmatthewI'm sorry, I can't approve in good conscience right now. Perhaps with better documentation, or better yet, go through the MOTU people.  -121:21
phanaticthere is no documentation about community work, i'm afraid21:22
stefanlsdthanks. will work thru UUC21:22
popeyand the documentation should be on the ubuntu wiki for MOTU too :)21:22
Seveasphanatic, stgraber, PriceChild: Please give a +1/0/-121:23
forumsmatthewI think you are headed in the right direction, and I hope to see you as a member later.21:23
PriceChildI think I've explained why.21:23
stefanlsdjust to check, linking from the ubuntu wiki to another wiki site - is not allowed?21:24
SeveasAnd I think stefanlsd understands why too. stefanlsd please keep up the good work and good luck going the MOTU route!21:24
Seveasstefanlsd, the ubuntu community prefers to have all such documentation to be in the ubuntu wiki21:24
forumsmatthewThe link was less of a problem than the emptiness of the page you linked to, although having it on the official ubuntu wiki is much better21:24
forumsmatthew*relative emptiness21:25
Seveasarcriley will be skipped21:25
Seveasschakenberg seems to be missing21:25
Seveasseancarl, are you there and are you sean carl grech? :)21:25
Seveasyour intro please21:26
popey(for future reference, i wonder if we should send out a courtesy mail to all potential new members, 24 hours before the meeting - something to think about)21:26
Seveaspopey, +121:26
forumsmatthewpopey, +121:26
seancarlHi i'm SeanCarl Grech, I've been using ubuntu since 7.10 Desktop was released. Now I distribute Ubuntu CDs and promote Ubuntu. I offer free support for Ubuntu users in Malta. I'm helping out other users on ubuntuforums.org. I create wallpapers in order to share with other Ubuntu users. I'm also spending some time translating to Maltese. I've started the Malta LoCo team, joined linuxmalta.tk and curently we're also planning to meet soon.21:26
Seveasare ther other maltese people to vouch for seancarl ?21:26
Seveasif so, speak up now :)21:27
seancarlno, no one....21:27
popeyi like the loco logo :)21:27
seancarlwe are quite few at the moment21:27
seancarland only have 2 or three developers21:27
PriceChildbtw launchpad still seems to be having troubles, but plonk an "edge." before it if you've got acces and that looks fine21:27
popeyi see 4 translations within the last month21:28
Seveaswhich country is malta part of?21:28
popeynone before21:28
seancarlmalta is a country21:28
popeyit's an island country21:28
seancarlsmall island21:28
phanaticit is a country :)21:28
Seveaswhat's the main language?21:28
popeymaltese :)21:28
ogramaltesian :P21:28
seancarli'd like to know if there are members already (didnt find anyone yet... :(     )21:28
forumsmatthewSeveas, lol21:29
emgentapt-get install brain21:29
Seveasso anyway...21:29
SeveasI like to see locoteams emerging everywhere :)21:29
seancarlare you maltese seveas?21:29
Seveasbut I'm not too convinced yet that seancarl should already be an Ubuntu member21:30
popeyi see the MT loco is quite new21:30
PriceChildSeveas: looking at the google map, looks like nobody in the group claims to be from there.21:30
Seveasseancarl, no, I'm absolutely ignorant about malta as you saw :)21:30
popeyindeed, I'd like to see a more sustained effort over the next 2-3 months21:30
seancarli'd like to have more help...21:30
popeyso far I see very little activity within the team21:30
forumsmatthewI've only known one other person in Malta using Ubuntu. He kind of disappeared a while ago21:30
Seveasseancarl, help doesn't fall out of the sky, you've got to recruit people :)21:30
seancarlwe are still recruiting in fact21:31
forumsmatthewI would like to see a little more evidence of contribution, but I think this is a good beginning and I am hopeful21:31
popeykeep at it!21:31
seancarlbut in malta there are few people21:31
popeyseancarl: what's the population of Malta?21:31
forumsmatthewabout 40000021:31
seancarli convinced some developers to start learning linux coding... and thy will join21:31
popeywow, that is small21:32
seancarl402668 in 200421:32
Seveasseancarl, I'm quite pleased to see that you are trying to be active and start a locoteam. I think continue building the team for a few more months and gather "evidence" of what you are doing for the community (presentations, photos of demonstrations, testimonials)21:32
seancarlvery small...21:32
popeyI would encourage you to contact the Locos near you for support21:32
seancarlcould i get help and tips organising?21:32
popeyitaly, spain, greece/turkey?21:32
seancarla ok thanks21:33
PriceChildI think there's a LoCo mentoring process isn't there?21:33
forumsmatthewtunisia, if your French or Arabic is up to it21:33
popeyI'd love to see you back in 2-3 months with a bigger team!21:33
emgentuhm one question..21:33
seancarlwe've already got contact with libya21:33
seancarlbut i'm not sure if they have a loco team21:33
emgentseancarl: why you joined all team in 2008-10-2 ?21:33
seancarlsry :S what do you mean?21:34
Seveasseancarl, the italians have an excellent locoteam, they might be able to help you get started21:34
popeyi dont think Lybia does have a loco21:34
Rafikpopey, no loco in Lybia yet21:34
emgenti dont understand massjoin argh21:34
popeyyes, I agree, contact the Italian LoCo - they have been around a long time, and may well have good advice for you21:34
seancarlseveas, thanks... will surely contact them then!21:34
popeyemgent: i think that's a by-product if being new21:34
Seveasok, let's do the votes now even though it's mostly formality21:35
Seveas-0 from me21:35
seancarlhonestly i'd also love to see the team functioning before becoming a member21:35
popeythats the best way to do it seancarl21:35
popeyseancarl: means you have people who can come and support you when you _do_ go for membership :)21:35
emgentseancarl: if you work in the team is good, but for me it`s a little early to request membership21:35
phanatic0 from me21:36
popeyplease do keep up the good work!21:36
seancarli supposed so...21:36
Seveasstgraber, ?21:36
forumsmatthewI hope to see you back in a few months, with a Maltese cheering section21:36
emgentseancarl: anyway i'm italian :)21:36
seancarlwanted the membership just to have more contacts, i just didnt think about contacting other locos...21:37
torosseancarl: I help you if you want in building community...21:37
seancarlthanks for your help and tips!21:37
emgentseancarl: why ? you can contact anyway other locos21:37
Seveasriot_le_, you're up now21:37
riot_le_Hi, i'am Martin Kaufmann. I work for the Ubuntu-Events Team (Germany),21:37
riot_le_i also organize the Meetings of the Ubuntuusergroup Leipzig. I am working with Ubuntu since 5.04.21:37
riot_le_I also involved with the Linux4Afrika-Projects which sends21:37
riot_le_Terminalserver-Thincliens-Solutions to Afrika, based on Ubuntu21:37
seancarlno, it just didnt pop in my mind of doing so!21:38
Seveasriot_le_, did you bring a cheering section?21:38
riot_le_no, lux who become Member last time isnt avivable today cause anyone prepare for the Ubucon tomorrow21:39
seancarlwill return in a few months, hopefully with a well functioning team :) , if i wont come, will encourage some one who'd be more qualified in the team...21:39
forumsmatthewriot_le_, tell me more about Linux4Afrika21:39
forumsmatthewthat sounds interesting21:39
emgentgood job riot_le_21:39
riot_le_Linux4Afrika sends about 600 PCs (Thinclients) and 20 Server to Tansania at this time21:40
riot_le_we also looking forward to Aethopia and Mozambique21:40
forumsmatthewhow do you find the people/schools that you send them to?21:40
riot_le_where the next projects will taking place21:40
riot_le_we are searching for thrustworthy partners in this Area21:41
popeyhttp://martin-kaufmann.net/blog/?p=18 I have seen this picture somewhere - I think stumbleupon took me to your blog once :)21:41
SeveasYour community work looks good, but I'm only seeing a list. I'd much rather see some pictures, testimonials or a cheering section21:41
riot_le_thats the Pics from 1 Year Ubuntu Leipzig: http://nasi.nowhere.ws/galery/21:42
stgraberSeveas: sorry, that'd have been a 0 too (I'm quite busy at work now :( )21:42
riot_le_the gallery was down but was upped the last days so i dont included in the wiki-page21:43
Seveasstgraber, fair enough21:43
popey\o/ beer and laptops21:43
Seveasriot_le_, do you work a lot with dholbach or juliux?21:43
forumsmatthewand bratwurst!!21:43
emgentpopey: and cisco linksys!21:43
Seveashey juliux :)21:44
juliuxhow can i help?21:44
riot_le_yes i changed some emails with dholbach about his UDW-Talks21:44
amireldorhello all21:44
Seveasjuliux, this is EMEA membership approval board. riot_le_ (Martin Kaufmann) is up and I'm missing a cheering section21:44
riot_le_i started bugfixing after his Talks about it21:44
Seveasriot_le_, that's only 22 bugs touched so far, not enough activity to warrant membership21:45
juliuxSeveas: he is doing a good job leading the local ubuntu team in leipzig21:45
Seveasjuliux, good enough for membership?21:45
juliuxSeveas: i think yes21:45
Seveas+1 from me then21:45
popeyand there's the cheer21:46
juliuxSeveas: he is doing it now more then one year and he is coming to all ubuntu events in the region and helps there witht the booth21:46
forumsmatthewI like what I see, and that tipped me over to a +121:46
riot_le_seveas: i just started bugfixing ;-)21:46
Seveasforumsmatthew, well said21:46
PriceChildCheers are invaluable.21:46
juliuxSeveas: he is also coming and helping at ubucon this weekend21:46
popeyriot_le_: join 5-a-day :)21:46
popey+1 from me for sustained community commitment21:46
juliuxyeah join the ubunt-de 5 a day team;)21:47
juliux7window 2621:47
Seveasjuliux, join less channels :P21:47
SeveasPriceChild, your vote please21:47
* popey hands juliux a shift key21:47
riot_le_popey: 5-a-day is cool but i dont have any day time to do it21:47
popeyriot_le_: it's not easy, that's true21:47
juliuxSeveas: busy with ubucon:(21:47
juliuxpopey: thanks21:47
PriceChildYup I'm going to go +1 too!21:48
Seveasjuliux, you can leave here again if you wish, riot_le_ is now approved ;)21:48
Seveascongrats riot_le_ !21:48
Seveasamireldor, you're up21:48
amireldorhello then21:48
riot_le_thank you very much21:48
juliuxcongratulations riot_le_21:48
juliuxriot_le_: see you soon;)21:48
forumsmatthewcongratulations, riot_le_21:48
juliuxSeveas: thanks;)21:48
emgentriot_le_: welcome in ubuntu family :)21:48
Seveas(amireldor, if you want amir@ubuntu.com, you'll need to have the launchpad account amir ;))21:49
riot_le_thank you Julix see you tomorrow21:49
amireldorSeveas can't there be an exception this time?21:49
forumsmatthewSeveas, and some evidence of community involvement... amireldor your wiki page is pretty sparse21:50
Seveasamireldor, well, I don't think it'll be necessary yet. Launchpad karma is low and I see no evidence of a sustained and significant contributions on your wikipage21:50
Seveas-1 from me21:50
amireldormaybe it's too early for me to become an official ubuntu member21:50
forumsmatthewamireldor, probably. Do more, document it, and then come back and we will look with interest.21:51
popeyyes, I'd come back in 2-3 months with a more fleshed out wiki page21:51
Seveasamireldor, then please continue contributing (and documenting those contributions :)) and apply later. The -1's we're throwing now don't mean you are not welcome :)21:51
forumsmatthewSeveas, +121:51
amireldoryes i understand, thanks21:51
phanatic-1, a more detailed wiki page would help a lot when you re-apply21:51
amireldori'll take it into account phanatic21:51
SeveasMoving on, sianis is up next21:51
sianisHi. I am István Nyitrai. I am 22 years old, living in Hungary. I am working with Ubuntu since 5.04 beta. I am active member of Hungarian LoCo, Ubuntu Hungarian Translators and developer of nightmonkey.21:51
Seveasphanatic, can you save me some time this time and voice your opinion? :)21:52
kelemengaborsianis: what's that nightmonkey thing? :)21:52
phanaticplease don't blame me for the hungarian horde of ubunteros :) these guys do an amazing job...21:52
hunmaatAs a new member, I support the membership of Sianis. His work is essential in localisation.21:53
sianiskelemengabor: you know it well :)21:53
=== riot_le_ is now known as riot_le1
Seveasphanatic, hordes of ubunteros should be praised, not blamed :)21:53
popey102 translations..21:53
kelemengaborsianis: but they don't21:53
popey..all in the last 3 months21:53
sianispopey: not all on launchpad21:54
forumsmatthewThis helps with nightmonkey...  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DdtpLpHtml21:54
phanaticpopey: he's helping with his tools a lot21:54
PriceChildmvo gives a nice cheer on the wiki page for that21:54
Seveasso, where can we see results/stats of nightmonkey?21:54
popeyhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DdtpLpHtml Seveas under "In Actino"21:55
sianisSeveas: http://people.ubuntu.com/~mvo/nightmonkey/21:55
popeywow, thats an impressive tool, i like it21:56
emgentnice job sianis21:56
forumsmatthewI like it when people do things. I like it even better when people do things that make it easier for others to help21:56
popeyi can see how that would be helpful in translations21:56
forumsmatthewa good tool is a wonderful contribution21:56
sianisthank you21:56
Seveaswhen was nightmonkey created?21:57
sianisSeveas: at this summer21:58
PriceChildThat looks quite shiny, I'm going for +1 too.21:58
emgentall bzr commit by sianis21:59
SeveasI'm going for -1. You're obviously doing lots of good work, but it's all very recent. I'd like to see this continue for a bit longer21:59
phanaticSeveas: he was one of the original members of our loco back in 200521:59
emgentMember since:  2005-06-1521:59
Seveasphanatic, I see no documentations of contributions that go back more than a few months22:00
kelemengaborSeveas: actually, I founded ubuntu-l10n-hu team with him!22:00
kelemengaborthat was before breezy, and he was always around22:00
phanaticthe people cheering for him are here to fill in those tiny undocumented gaps :)22:00
kelemengabormostly with translations22:00
kelemengaborand he only recently started to code cool stuff22:01
Seveasphanatic, 3 years of gap followed by 2-3 months of activity isn't shiny. It's not that I don't trust you but I'd like to see it documented22:01
sianisSeveas: I don't remember everything, kelemengabor has better memory22:01
phanaticSeveas: sure, i understand your concern.22:01
popeyok, PriceChild / stgraber ?22:02
SeveasPriceChild, had a +122:02
Seveasphanatic, can I assume +1 from you?22:02
popeyoh yes22:02
phanaticyes, +1 from me22:02
Seveasstgraber, is probably busy at work again22:03
PriceChildI knew I'd regret the use of "shiny".22:03
Seveaslet's move on to njpatel while we wait for stgraber's vote22:03
njpatelHey guys, my name is Neil J. Patel and I live in Northwood, UK. I'm am user interface designer/application engineer working at Canonical. Currently my major two projects are Ubuntu Netbook Remix and Avant Window Navigator. I'm also involved in upstream GNOME and am working on/helping out on various UI stuff (like the recent hackfest) and also on things like desktop-wide progress notifications, some of which will hopefully land in Jaunty.22:04
njpatelwoops, that's longer than three lines, sorry22:04
forumsmatthewdude! I love AWN22:04
Seveasnjpatel, when did you join canonical?22:04
njpatelSeveas: end of Feb this year22:04
njpatelforumsmatthew: heh, thanks :-)22:04
emgentnjpatel: uhm i dont see community work22:04
emgentonly devel work, same to stefanlsd22:05
njpatelemgent: yeah it's mostly devel work22:05
phanaticthat's correct22:05
Seveas+1 from me. For canonical employees that work in this area, sustained and significant contributions are almost guaranteed.22:05
njpatelemgent: community aspect is really just helping people get started with UNR, helping get it on old laptops and netbooks that don't some preinstalled with Ubuntu22:06
emgentnjpatel: yep it`s usual for all ubuntu lovers :)22:06
Seveasemgent, contrary to stefanlsd's application, njpatel documents what he works on and his LP karma is evidence of work22:06
emgentSeveas: i dont understand your vote at this point22:06
njpatelwe've made some nice headway with the Acer Aspire One and eeePC community, lots of them are switching over. Awesome to see :-)22:07
emgentSeveas: it`s an devel work, not community work..22:07
Seveasemgent, so I'm comfortable voting +1 here22:07
forumsmatthewI think part of community participation is making ubuntu accessible to more people...22:07
Seveasemgent, but it's development work that is easily verifiable by us.22:07
forumsmatthewI'm +122:07
popeyemgent: it doesn't have to be pure communty work22:07
popey+1 from me22:07
emgentSeveas: by stefanlsd too IMHO22:08
emgentask kees and jdstrand if you like.22:08
PriceChildemgent: we should ask those two for evidence of stefan's work?22:08
emgentsorry but i dont understand this decision..22:08
Seveasemgent, then he should bring kees and jdstrand here to vouch for him.22:08
jdstrandI am here22:08
jdstrandwe are talking about stefanlsd? for what?22:09
njpatelI'm hoping to do some more community work in-and-around London by attending some lugs to see if I can get more people interested in developing. Hopefully starting at the end of this month22:09
Seveasanyway, we're now talking about njpatel, not stefanlsd22:09
phanatic+1 for njpatel22:09
jdstrandok, ping me if you need me22:09
SeveasPriceChild, stgraber: your vote on njpatel?22:10
emgentfor me it`snt correct, i love njpatel devel work in ubuntu && canonical, but stefanlsd working in devel too.22:10
PriceChild-1 from me. I said earlier that I don't feel we're the people to assess development contributions and I think that still.22:10
emgentplease see:22:11
popeyhmm, tricky22:11
SeveasPriceChild, we've done so before though, for people were we felt comfortable with judging their contribution22:11
PriceChildSeveas: the times I can remember, there was usually other community work around it, and I see little of that here.22:12
emgentand njpatel and stefanlsd are in the same status, not documented work in the community.22:12
PriceChildemgent: We've read and understand your concerns.22:12
stgraberSeveas: +122:12
PriceChildSeveas: regardless, despite my evilness I think there is a decision :)22:12
Seveasstgraber, was that for njpatel or sianis? :)22:12
stgraberSeveas: njpatel22:13
stgraberSeveas: +1 for sianis too22:13
stgraberand I need to run now ... sorry22:13
SeveasPriceChild, the person who wrote the windows ubuntu installer22:13
SeveasI think we approved him on dev-only22:13
Seveas(grepping mail for details)22:14
popey"wubi guy"22:14
Seveasthat one yeah. I'm terrible with names :)22:14
phanaticthat means sianis got accepted?22:14
Seveashang on a sec phanatic22:14
popeyAgostino Russo == Wubi Guy22:15
njpatelhe's a cool dude, met him at UDS prague22:15
emgentago in launchpad if i remembe rwell22:15
SeveasPriceChild, from my june 4 mail to the counculs:22:15
SeveasJudging MOTU achievements22:15
SeveasIn the first meeting we rejected an applicant because we thought MOTU22:15
Seveasachievements should be judged by the MOTU. We refined that statement a22:15
Seveasbit since we do feel comfortable approving members if we feel we can22:15
Seveasjudge their MOTU contributions appropriately, which imho we indeed could22:15
emgents/remembe rwell/remember well/22:15
Seveasnot for Mantas but we could do for some of this weeks candidates.22:15
Seveasanyway: sianis and njpatel, both congrats on membership!22:16
popeynjpatel: see you at UDS Jaunty :)22:16
sianisthank you22:16
forumsmatthewcongrats, you two22:16
forumsmatthewwith that, I have to leave...sorry22:16
njpatelwow :-)  Seveas, all, thanks!22:16
phanaticcongratulations to both of you22:16
Seveaslast candidate for today is jernst22:16
njpatelpopey: see you there :-)22:16
jernstHello, My name is Jonathan Ernst (jernst). I'm 27 and live in Geneva, Switzerland. I'm a computer scientist and I'm using Linux since 1999. I'd like to be an Ubunut member because I feel I belong to this community and can contribute something back. I'm member of Ubuntu Swiss Users and Ubuntu French Translators. I'm mostly working on French l18n (I translate most GNOME packages upstream too), Wine, advocacy, user support, system adminis22:16
Seveashmm, we lost two people now22:16
popeywe're over time too22:17
Seveaspopey, phanatic, PriceChild: shall we 'interrogate' jernst but leave the decision for later? Let forumsmatthew and stgraber vote by mail?22:17
jernstI'm ready to be interrogated ;-)22:17
popeywell.. given jernst only added himself today22:17
popeyI think he should wait :)22:17
Seveaspopey, seeing the wikipage I think that's a good idea. But we shouldn't wait 2 months with the next meeting :)22:18
phanaticindeed :)22:18
popey:S yes22:18
popey2 weeks?22:18
Seveasjernst, what I meant was: you've seen how valuable we think testimonials are. Please collect a few and bring some people to the next meeting to cheer for you22:19
PriceChildSilly lag. Hmm 4 is still enough of us.22:19
popeyi would _like_ to go, I have some testing to do..22:19
SeveasPriceChild, technically yes, but I'm not too comfortable with that. We're usually able to gather 6 council members :)22:19
jernstSeveas: ok will do. As you checked the wiki page already, do you want me to add something for the next meeting ?22:20
popeyjernst: would you mind if we "bumped" you to the next meeting?22:20
jernstpopey: I was quite excited to participate in this meeting. But if I have to wait, I'll wait22:21
Seveasjernst, you've now seen how it works, you'll be the best prepared candidate in the next meeting and might pass with flying colors :)22:21
jernstSeveas: I think vuntz could "cheer" for me but he seems to be idle22:21
PriceChildSounds like a plan.22:21
Seveasjernst, get him to cheer on your wikipage. A cheer from vunts is worth at least +0.5 from me :)22:22
Seveasok, meeting adjourned22:23
* Seveas hammers22:23
phanaticshall we settle on the next meeting now, or we'll do that on the mailing list?22:23
jernstok thanks22:23
Seveas(will summarize and bump launchpad tomorrow)22:23
popey2 weeks today?22:23
Seveasphanatic, could you get a doodle up and mail the list?22:23
phanaticSeveas: sure.22:24
persiaCould I make a short post-meeting request of board members?22:24
jernstyou can put me back in the list for the next meeting22:24
Seveaswe're missing 2 people, so we can't really decide now22:24
Seveaspersia, please do22:24
persiaWould it be possible to move the meeting an hour or two earlier?  Currently there's only three hours difference between EMEA and Americas, and I suspect that makes timing difficult for some applicants.22:24
persiaI know Asia/Oceania has been getting some applicants from both Americas and EMEA, and wonder if the closeness of the times isn't part of the reason behind that.22:25
popeyi suspect part of the reason was our slackness22:25
popeythe fact that we hadn't had a meeting for a while22:25
Seveaspersia, I think the 2 months between the last meeting and this one is the reason for that22:25
persiaWell, surely that's a factor too :)22:26
popeyi know arc riley bumped his membership application around until he got a team that met22:26
Seveasbut I also wouldn't say no to starting a bit earlier ;)22:26
popey(which is fair)22:26
popeyi could start 1 hr earlier22:26
popeyany earlier and I'll be cycling back from the train station22:26
* Seveas off, the wife is whining about why I haven't given her any attention for over an hour22:27
popeyget you, bandying about the word "wife" :)22:28
popeybecause you can22:28
Seveaswife went to bed now, the whining stopped22:28
=== Rafik_ is now known as Rafik
Rafikcan I say something ?22:32
jernstok bye everyone, see you in two weeks22:32
RafikSeveas, popey, persia : what about a membership mentoring concept ? it will make the work of approval boars much easier22:33
SeveasRafik, I tried that a while ago and it took too much of my time. If you want to start a mentoring project, feel free to do so :)22:34
persiaRafik, I don't have any objection, although I'm not likely to have any time to assist in coordination.  I'd strongly recommend focused mentoring, based on area of interest though.22:34
RafikSeveas, persia, it can be at least a pre-application review to avoid getting -1 because if an empty wiki page ... and it will be great if it's another Ubuntu member from the LoCo who mentor the candidate22:37
Rafiks/because if/because of22:37
SeveasRafik, the guidelines for wikipages are on the wiki, a link can be found on the agenda22:37
Seveasit's almost harder to miss it than to see it, which is why I often think that people with an empty wikipage just aren't really motivated enough to apply properly22:38
RafikSeveas, +122:39
RafikSeveas, that's why the monitoring can help in.22:40
SeveasRafik, mentoring will help in the 'not enough information, but getting there' cases. For completely empty wikipages, my only answer is -1 ;)22:41
RafikSeveas, thanks :)22:44
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 16 Oct 23:00: Americas Membership Board | 17 Oct 19:00: Tunisian LoCo Team IRC | 18 Oct 13:00: Xubuntu Community | 21 Oct 11:00: Asia Oceania Membership Board | 21 Oct 11:00: Community Council | 21 Oct 14:00: Technical Board
lfaraoneHey, is it OK if I'm a bit late for the meeting?23:08
persialfaraone, Which meeting?23:08
lfaraone(Like say arriving at 23:20 or 23:30 UTC)?23:08
lfaraonepersia: Americas board.23:08
persiaIt's usually OK, unless you're first on the list.  If you miss your turn, you'll be unhappy.  Just make sure you come further down in the agenda before the meeting.23:09
persiaPersonally, I'd recommend trying to be in the top 5, but remember that you're not supposed to push yourself above anyone who put their name in earlier (although choosing to push yourself down in the list oughtn't be an issue)23:10
lfaraonepersia: There are only 4 peopel today.23:10
lfaraonepersia: and apollock never shows up (so I've heard).23:11
lfaraonepersia: which brings it to 3.23:11
persiaThen put yourself last, and try for 23:20 :)  I suspect last will be later than that, but it's playing safe.  4 candidates in a meeting oughtn't be too many, but it depends on the candidates and the questions from the board.23:12
lfaraonepersia: Thanks. (/me is away, be back hopefully before I'm called)23:12
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: Americas Membership Board Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 17 Oct 19:00: Tunisian LoCo Team IRC | 18 Oct 13:00: Xubuntu Community | 21 Oct 11:00: Asia Oceania Membership Board | 21 Oct 11:00: Community Council | 21 Oct 14:00: Technical Board
eightyeightright in time. didn't get dinner though.23:58
=== eightyeight is now known as atoponce

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