
aenthey... I'm not too familiar with upstart currently, but I'm currently working on a project where I need something to manage running processes from the project, start them, do dependency management, basically what upstart does, but on a higher level04:32
aentis upstart's code suitable for that? or is it tightly integrated into being specifically for init? is there something better for what I'm trying to do?04:33
aentits basically needs to monitor processes to make sure they don't die, if they do, bringing down the dependencies and bring them back up on the proper order after the other processes have started, allow different processes to be started and stopped, etc04:34
sadmacaent: upstart doesn't do dependencies in the traditional sense. monit might be more what you need05:02
aenthmm ok05:02
=== juergbi_ is now known as juergbi
sadmac2Keybuk: what is the purpose of the allocater being pluggable in nih_alloc?16:40
Keybukfuture stuff16:43
sadmac2Keybuk: I was toying with rewriting nih_alloc, and that would have to go16:44
Keybukrewriting it how?16:45
sadmac2Keybuk: replace malloc + header with mmap + free list + trailer16:46
sadmac2basically re-implementing malloc inside libnih (in such a way that we get information out of it that lets us cull most of the header overhead)16:46
nottingis there a reason to not use the system malloc? desperately needed in signal handlers?16:47
Keybukis the header overhead really that worrysome?16:48
sadmac2Keybuk: for smaller strings it can be16:48
sadmac2Keybuk: I think I can get it down to 1 or 2 bytes for most blocks16:49
sadmac2and I can do the multi-parent deal16:50
Keybukthis doesn't seem worth optimising at this point? :p16:53
sadmac2meh. prolly not16:53
sadmac2Keybuk: I think in libnih head you somehow reverted the dbus timeout change by mistake20:50
sadmac2that'd explain why reverting looked so weird20:51
Keybukit's entirely possible20:52
Keybukin fact, I think you're right20:52
sadmac2it'd also explain why the timeout issues seemed to be resurfacing20:52
sadmac2also build RPM packages.21:07
sadmac2wrong window/button/appendage21:07
sadmac2general desk disaster21:07
sadmac2Keybuk: are you thinking about rolling another libnih? I think what we have now in terms of foreach is far better than what's there21:10
sadmac2it does something a little unexpected, but nothing idiotic.21:10
sadmac2also I think a 0.5.1 upstart might be welcome, if only to update the manpages21:10

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