
MHz128hello world!01:19
MHz128Can anyone recomend a web browser for use on an old pc with little ram? Firefox uses upwards of 200mb with multiple pages...01:20
charlie-tcaWhat about epiphany? I show about 75 MB with 8 tabs open01:24
charlie-tcaThat is, epiphany-gecko01:25
zoredachemidori seems ok, but there are sites and things it doesn't support01:28
MHz128charlie-tca, cool, ill give it a whirl01:36
* charlie-tca nods01:37
MHz128charlie-tca, how is Epiphany? will it display most everything?01:37
charlie-tcaI don't do much video or such, so I don't know. It works with flash and javascript, though01:37
Odd-rationaleepiphany uses geck, so it will display exactly like mozilla firefox...01:38
MHz128how do I edit the default xfce 'start' menu layout01:38
Odd-rationalethe main difference is that ephany uses a gtk interface... Firefox uses xul...01:38
MHz128ooh gtk is much better01:39
charlie-tcaOdd-rationale: thanks for that; I didn't know the difference01:39
Odd-rationalewell, the cool thing about xul is that it is more portable... same code on windows, mac, and linux...01:39
Odd-rationalehowever, epiphany will be switching to webkit instead of gecko, probably in the next gnome release...01:40
charlie-tcaso if you use windows, firefox is easier, ?01:40
MHz128what is webkit?01:40
Odd-rationalewebkit is what midori uses...01:40
MHz128and safari, correct?01:40
Odd-rationaleit branched out of khtml.01:40
Odd-rationaleMHz128: yeah...01:40
MHz128is it better?01:40
Odd-rationaleMHz128: depends who you ask... :P01:41
MHz128there must be a reason epiphany is switching01:41
MHz128gecko/FF seems rock solid01:41
Odd-rationalesupposedly, webkit is lighter....01:41
MHz128what does opera use?01:42
Odd-rationalethis is what i read. webkit is lighter than gecko on first startup... but then, once you used it a lot the memory useage increases faster than gecko's mem usage...01:42
* wormsxulla_ doesn't recommend opera 9.60 on xubuntu01:43
Odd-rationaleopera has there own engine... forgot the name...01:43
Odd-rationalePresto is the name... just looked it up...01:43
Odd-rationaleOh, and google chrome uses webkit too...01:44
Odd-rationaleie8 is going to suck... so i hear...01:47
MHz128hmm, how do I install Midori?01:50
MHz128cant find it in the package manager01:50
Odd-rationale!find midori01:50
ubottuFound: midori, midori-dbg01:50
Odd-rationale!info midori01:50
ubottumidori (source: midori): Fast and lightweight web browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.0.17-1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 60 kB, installed size 232 kB01:51
Odd-rationalesudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install midori01:51
MHz12810 4 thanks Odd-rationale01:51
=== emma is now known as joe-the-plumber
=== joe-the-plumber is now known as emma
FordPrefcanyone install xubuntu on a imac g3?03:16
crystalmathHey I need help with my desktop settings -- both the top and bottom panels have disappeared and I need to know how to get them back04:15
crystalmathHello? I need help with getting the top and bottom panels back onto my desktop, please.04:20
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines04:21
crystalmathSorry I wasn't aware of that. I was just told to come here.04:22
crystalmathThanks for the link.04:22
DCPomcrystalmath, can you open a terminal?04:28
crystalmathI just fixed it. . . just did a search. Bye04:28
attickidhow can I change my keyboard layout? I change it but when I click in close then it returns to it default "use X configuration"04:37
owen1function+f7 (video out) doesn't work on vaio. any ideas?04:50
ballDaviey: hey, this Xfce thing is somewhat tolerable!04:50
ballI imagine he's in bed, but there you go.04:51
billykan3hi, i have an video file and i want to change its format (container) from xyz to mp4. i also need to resize the original video file, anyone can tell me wich software i do need to make those changes?05:23
JinKazamagood morning05:55
=== JinKazam1 is now known as JinKazama
llllhow do i edit a file in for some error i cant sudo?10:40
Ben_Cshi guys10:51
Ben_Cswanted to share with you: i just installed LINUX MINT XFCE CE, and man! it doesn't let me do things that i did without a problem in xubuntu. It's like it's strangling you. I'll stick to xubuntu :)10:53
tyberion_ne1body knows of a way to make thunar be able to be browsed with jkih vimlike? :D:D10:59
tyberion_hi btw10:59
MispinovI managed to break my computer's Master Boot Record while installing Xubuntu on a mobile hard drive - it just says "grub - error 21" and does nothing.11:45
MispinovI'm attempting to use 'Super Grub Disk' to make a bootable USB super grub disk.11:46
MispinovHrm. Im currently running Xubuntu from the desktop CD and I've used the partition tool to make an ext3 partition on my USB drive, however I don't seem to have the permissions necessary to actually access it :s12:04
MispinovAny tips on that one would be really helpful :s12:07
Ben_Cswhat's the command to get the advanced gui options? The option i'm looking for is disabling lag when entering password into synaptic. i get the lag when enabling xfce compositor13:42
TheSheepBen_Cs: it's not an option, it's a bug14:04
Ben_CsTheSheep: i found it:14:12
Ben_Cschange the "grab mode" to disable14:13
Ben_Csi always forget it14:13
Ben_Csi guess it is a bug, but it's a nice workarround too14:13
victor__sorry to interupt, but I some help14:14
Ben_CsTheSheep: tried the new LINUX MINT XFCE CE today. It's a too much strangling distro IMO. I doesn't let me do the things i do naturally in xubuntu, unless i go into the guts of it to find where's it constraining me. ahrrr!14:15
TheSheepnalioth: for example?14:16
TheSheepnalioth: sorry14:16
TheSheepBen_Cs: example?14:16
Ben_CsTheSheep: don't remember exactly, there were some with printer stuff, and other configurations. Never mind that. I'll stick to Xubuntu :)14:17
victor__is there a quick way to reformat a flashdrive in xubuntu?14:19
SolenoideHi, i've downloaded the xubuntu 8.04 livecd i386 disk, but it doesn't boot on my system, i'm using an old version of xubuntu14:31
viddSolenoide, what are the stats of your system?14:44
viddIm mostly concerned with ram14:45
Solenoide230 mb or something like that14:46
Solenoidea duron 1.0 or something like that, really, it isn't my rig lol14:46
viddthe new live cd is a bit ram intensive14:46
Solenoidei installed the old xubuntu with the old livecd lol14:46
viddif you are up and running with an older version, you can update via apt, or you can use the alt cd to install fresh14:47
viddwhich "old version" did you use?14:47
Solenoideno, i had done that in the past and i got lots of broken packages14:47
viddyou have a seperate /home partition?14:48
viddget the alt cd14:48
viddwhen you install, set the partitioner to "manual"14:48
Solenoidei'm trying to burn the livecd again. if it doesn't work i will use the alt14:48
viddthis way you can save your /home,14:49
Solenoideyes, i always install with manual partitioning14:49
viddSolenoide, i will guarentee the live wont work with less then 256 mb of ram14:49
Solenoideit's already burning, so it doesn´t matter lol14:49
WooWhere can I submit a bug?16:20
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots16:21
charlie-tcaI gotta remember that one, Odd-rationale16:21
WooThere is no adress I can send it to? =/16:21
WooIt looks like a beetle, but I think it is unknown.16:22
viddWoo, you want to email a bug?16:22
WooNo, mail.16:22
viddWoo, what did you find?16:22
WooI don't like touching it :S16:23
Odd-rationaleif it is a real live animal bug, then the best place to put it is under you shoe...16:24
* charlie-tca nods at Odd-rationale 16:24
viddsoooo.... Woo is it a software glitch?16:27
WooWell, yeah16:28
viddok...what is the issue?16:28
WooOh I'm reporting it now16:28
Odd-rationalepaste the launchpad url in here, when you are done...16:28
viddhave you checked to see if it has already been reported?16:28
WooYes, none of the suggestions matched16:29
viddpost the link when submitted?16:29
WooHere it is: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=87889516:30
viddlooks like issue one would be a bug against samba16:32
vidddunno what the second bug would be against16:32
viddalthough...i would personally set up FTP server on your linux box rather then use samba shares (but that is just me)16:34
charlie-tcaShouldn't they both be samba? They are both windows/ubuntu transfers16:34
charlie-tcaDepends on what the network is using, though. Could be NFS?16:34
viddcharlie-tca, i never streamed video...so i dont know if its samba related or not16:35
viddbut i would think that streaming video would be related to his apache server16:35
charlie-tcaGot it.16:36
viddcan you even stream video thru samba?16:36
* charlie-tca going back to my own bugs16:36
* vidd doesnt use samba16:36
Wooi just drag and drop something from browsing the shared folder in windows explorer16:36
* vidd tries very hard to keep the virus-magnets away from direct access to his linux machines16:37
Wooi haven't had a virus since like 200416:37
vidd*that your aware of*16:37
Woowell i wouldn't be more aware if my linux box had either16:38
viddsure you would...16:38
viddif your linux box had a virus, you'd have to make it exicutable....16:38
viddand then run it as root16:39
Wooi enter my password for anything that asks in ubuntu16:39
Wooi do it too many times already IMO, it's like UAC in Vista16:39
viddyou chmod anything?16:39
Wooyes, once16:39
viddits rare to have to chmod something16:40
Wooby the way, ubuntu is mainly powered from one guys fortune for selling his internet company. i heard he went to space as well. what happens when he runs out of money?16:40
viddunless you are working with servers16:40
Woothat's what i reckoned reading wikipedia, i'm not super certain.16:41
viddif im not mistaken, ubuntu is powered by the comunity16:43
Wooyeah, but canonical, the servers etc.16:43
viddwith generous donations from the company you mentioned16:44
Woowhat happens if they run out of money?16:44
viddthey go out of business16:44
viddbut ubuntu will continue on without them16:44
Wooand ubuntu?16:44
Woowill you support the usermass?16:45
viddpeople will donate time/serverspace16:45
Mixed_--_anyone knows of multiplayer network games that work on xubuntu and that does not consume a lot of resources?16:56
Mixed_--_warcraft?  that's boring!  I prefer stellar crisis over that, i'll ask my nieces if they like the game though, thanks16:59
Mixed_--_anyone knows of multiplayer network games that work on xubuntu and that does not consume a lot of resources?17:09
Woowhy not just install windows and select from millions of titles? :)17:09
Mixed_--_woo, i do have windows installed, it is extremely slow on this PIII machine with dual processors and I would have to shell out a lot of $$$ for any game17:14
Mixed_--_woo, plus there is one requirement for the game that automatically rules out wintendo, "that does not consume a lot of resources"17:14
* Markimus has killed his MBR, currently running Xubuntu from the DesktopCD, could really use a hand fixing this poor puppy :<17:17
WooHehe Mixed :P17:31
WooThat's got to suck17:31
WooI was actually playing with a PIII processor I had on the shelf just now17:31
Wooare you in the usa with the fiancial crisis and all?17:33
Woohow about defcon?17:36
Wooor multiwina?17:36
=== wormsxulla_ is now known as wormsxulla
Mixed_--_woo, im in the financial crisis capital, ny17:53
viddMixed_--_, are you looking for MMORPG?17:54
Mixed_--_vidd, no, i am looking for multiplayer network games that run on xubuntu and that does not consume a lot of resources so i can play with the family :-)17:55
viddMixed_--_, can you give a windows-based game as a "for example"?17:56
viddbecause i have no idea what you might possibly mean17:57
Mixed_--_vidd, a game like a racing game where 2 players can play at the same time, or shoot 'em, or basically any game where 2 players or more can play at the same time18:00
viddnothing rings a bell....but i dont really play those types of games18:01
Mixed_--_vidd, thanks anyway18:01
Wootry to go to a gamer site from 2001 or something using the web archive18:02
viddMixed_--_, have you seen this thread? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4236818:04
Mixed_--_vidd, i just found 2 excellent games in "add/remove", battleship and "jump 'n bump"18:07
Wooin norway you would find computers like that on the dumpster18:08
Mixed_--_vidd,  I shouldve googled those terms! LoL thanks!!!!18:08
Woobtw mixed. how much does a kw hour cost in NY?18:08
viddMixed_--_, happy i could help18:09
viddi may not know games...but i know google =]18:09
Mixed_--_woo, youre a wintendo user, what else do i need to say?18:09
Mixed_--_vidd LoL18:09
Woodo you have a server mobo? it amazes me it lasts so long. mine only lasts 3-4 years18:11
Mixed_--_woo, i have a PIII that's lasted me for about 7 years, i pulled it out of the closet because I began learning linux and now im going to use that PIII as a SERVER, try doing that with your beloved wintendo system O_o18:12
Woowell, i would have less problems if i ran windows server 2003 rather than ubuntu 8.04 on my "server" box18:14
Wooi don't mind linux in general, just that things seem to work better in windows. like drivers and other annoyances. be it whoevers fault. i'm thinking of getting a macbook to replace my laptop in a few years, once it has the portable i7 and SSD as standard.18:16
Woobut how much is it per kw/H?18:16
TheSheep!ot | Woo18:17
ubottuWoo: #xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!18:17
Wooyeah, i was leaving here anyway18:18
viddwrong window!18:18
TheSheepvidd: the nuber you are trying to reach is imaginary, please rotate your phone by pi/2 and try again18:19
* charlie-tca hates doing that, vidd18:20
MHz128hello world19:18
MHz128I have an older Toshiba laptop running xubuntu, is there a solution for switching the video output from laptop LCD to VGA output?19:19
MHz128Fn+F5 used to work with windows that it originally came installed with19:20
MHz128TheSheep, could you show me a quick example?19:22
viddMHz128, if the Fn+F5 worked in windows, it should work in linux19:22
TheSheepMHz128: how can I show you?19:23
viddits a function of the bios and not the OS19:23
MHz128vidd, Id like to think so, but it doesn't.....19:23
viddthen install xrandr19:23
viddas TheSheep suggested19:23
MHz12810 419:23
MHz128is xrandr a built in linux tool? or specific to ubuntu?19:24
vidddunno about that....19:24
TheSheepit's pretty common, but it's not part of the kernel, if that's what you mean19:24
viddbut sudo apt-get install xrandr brought it up 4 me19:24
MHz128xrandr --output XID19:24
TheSheepI think it's part of xorg19:25
MHz128how do I determine what the XID for VGA output?19:25
MHz128TheSheep, cool19:25
TheSheepMHz128: if you have the monitor connected, xrandr --auto should just work19:25
MHz128is there a way to switch it back, incase it doesn't work?19:25
TheSheepdisconnect the screen and run xrandr --auto again -- that's what I do anyways19:26
TheSheepMHz128: man xrandr and xrandr --help will give you much more detail, also google19:27
MHz128ya but how can I run it, if I cant see the lcd?19:27
TheSheepMHz128: well, you have to remember what keys you are pressing without looking at the screen. you can use a piece of paper and make notes if you can't remember19:27
TheSheepMHz128: in the worst case, alt+ctrl+backspace will restart X19:28
MHz128could I make a script triggered by a keystroke?19:28
TheSheepI have it bound to alt+f319:28
TheSheepin the keyboard settings19:29
MHz128ohhhhh i get it19:29
MHz128I didn't know I could add command lines to keyboard settings19:29
MHz128TheSheep, interesting! While using VLC to play a video, it only gets displayed on the LCD and not the monitor19:41
MHz128any ideas?19:41
TheSheepMHz128: it uses overlay19:43
TheSheepMHz128: you can somehow set which display is the "main" one and gets the overlays displayed19:43
TheSheepMHz128: it's a hardware video acceleration19:43
MHz128set that option in vlc?19:44
TheSheepMHz128: the video is actually overlaid by the card itself in the proper place19:44
MHz128thats werid, some files work automaticall19:44
MHz128while others dont19:44
TheSheep"files work"?19:45
MHz128some video files are displayed on both screens, while others are only displayed on the LCD19:45
TheSheepthe ones that can be accelerated are only displayed on one, I guess19:46
MHz128I dont quite understand how to fix this issure19:46
MHz128TheSheep, you are the man19:49
* TheSheep can google ;)19:49
MHz128I can google too, but I have a hard time figuring out what to search for! ahhaha19:50
TheSheepyes, knowing the right words help19:51
MHz128TheSheep, why are you running xfce and not gnome?19:52
TheSheepMHz128: I like it more19:52
TheSheepMHz128: there is a million of tiny details19:53
MHz128good answer19:53
MHz128which web browser do you use?19:53
MHz128This machine can barely run Firefox... uses up to much memory19:53
TheSheepMHz128: you could try epiphany with webkit, but it's still experimental and not everything works19:54
TheSheepMHz128: (opening links with middle click and sites that prompt for passwords, in particular)19:54
MHz128when will the epiphany/webkit project be finished?19:55
TheSheepwhen it's finished ;)19:55
MHz128webkit is better than gecko?19:55
MHz128or the opera one19:55
TheSheepit's a volunteer project, you see19:55
TheSheepMHz128: it's different, allegedly faster and less memory-hungry19:55
TheSheepMHz128: google has decided to use it in their browser19:56
MHz128did Apple copy/use webkit for safari? thats the story I keep hearing19:56
TheSheepwbkit is for safari what gecko is for firefox19:56
TheSheepwebkit was developed for safari19:57
TheSheepthen they opensourced it and ported to qt for konqueror and to webkit-gtk for gtk apps, but the work goes slowly19:57
TheSheepand by "they" I don't mean only apple guys19:58
MHz128The story I heard was that Safari was copied from konqueror?19:58
TheSheepMHz128: they cooperated for some time19:58
MHz128so, are there any browsers currently using webkit? for linux?19:58
TheSheepMHz128: I think it's similar to how OSX is 'copied' from BSD19:59
MHz128it is copied...... isn't it?19:59
TheSheepMHz128: epiphany, midori, and probably konqueror (not sure)19:59
MHz128midori doesn't seem to work very well, wont even display the Google logo19:59
TheSheepIt's extremely hard to write a web browser. I know, I tried.20:00
MHz128I understand, I am not a coder20:00
TheSheepif you don't need css, you can try dillo20:01
TheSheepor even w3m20:01
TheSheepit has a plugin to display images20:02
TheSheepdepends on your needs20:02
MHz128are they even faster?20:02
TheSheepw3m is basically text-based20:02
MHz128epiphany with gecko runs fine. opera is too much java for me20:02
TheSheepopera is not java, it's qt20:03
MHz128QT is what GTK is correct?20:04
MHz128GUI api?20:04
TheSheepgui toolkit, yes20:05
MHz128all KDE apps are written with QT and Gnome with GTK?20:06
TheSheepqt, gtk, wx, tcl/tk, java swing, etc.20:06
MHz128which is better?20:06
TheSheepapples and oranges20:06
TheSheepthey are different, one is better in one thing, other is better at other things20:07
MHz128QT has an ugly default font20:08
TheSheepMHz128: it's all ugly by default, KDE has some nice themes and default settings that make it nicer20:11
TheSheepMHz128: you can install qt-config and the polymer theme, that will make it look a little better20:11
MHz128I'll have to try it out!20:12
TheSheepI think they are working on qt theme that allowsy ou to use gtk themes in it20:13
TheSheepthere is such a thing for gtk already20:13
MHz128that would be cool! there doesn't seem to be a lot of compatibility between qt/gtk... When I run gnome apps in KDE they appear 'ugly'20:15
TheSheepMHz128: you can use that gtk-qt theme20:16
MHz128will that work for KDE apps in Gnome? that would be the best of both worlds20:16
TheSheepnope, there was some work on that, but can't find it20:17
TheSheepit's for gtk apps in KDE20:17
MHz128Im currently using xfce/gnome/kde.... cant figure out which I like best yet20:17
jarnosIs there a way to see how big portion of updating process is done when (security) updating is done automatically? Is there a way to pause (automatic) updating possibly even over a reboot? Is there a way to see which application is downloading or uploading somthing from network?20:30
MHz128sudo -r Videos gives me the error "Read only file system"20:33
MHz128whats going on?20:33
MHz128its a flash drive!20:33
MHz128nevermind, if you boot with the drive it recognizes it as root20:36
joe_Hello all21:17
joe_Is there a util to configure screen res and monitor in XFCE?21:18
DFlameApplications > Settings > Settings manager > Display ?21:20
TheSheepjoe_: sudo gtk-displayconfig21:24
TheSheepoops, sorry21:24
TheSheepsudo displayconfig-gtk21:24
joe_I will give it a shot.  Thanks21:25
ballDaviey, wake up! :-)22:20
Flare183danopia_: ?22:48
Flare183I didn't know you were in here?22:49
blackangelhow are your23:29
blackangelmy name is23:29
Ultraputzso I'm looking at "Window manager tweaks" and noting the "key to grab and move windows" box...23:45
Ultraputzmeta, hyper, super, modX ?23:45
Ultraputzwhere are these assigned?23:45
Ultraputzand also, where is the setting that causes window-shading via mouse clicks?23:45
scru1Can anyone tell me how to turn off xserver? I need to fiddle with graphics drivers23:48
Ultraputzwhat do you mean 'turn it off' ?23:49
Ultraputzprevent it from launching when you log in?23:49
Ultraputzlogin in maintenance mode23:50
Ultraputzreboot the box, hit esc to enter grub23:50
Ultraputzand select the option to boot to shell23:50
Ultraputzmaintenance mode or whatever it's called.23:50
scru1alrite thanks23:51
Ultraputzgood luck -- graphics drivers for x are a pain in the ...23:51
DCPomUltraputz, Super is the windows key; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meta_key ; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyper_key ;23:52
scru1Also, how can I search for files in xfce? I can't see an option anywhere23:55
Ultraputzdo you have any kind of search tool enabled, like beagle?23:55
Ultraputzif so, you can right-click on a panel and 'add new item'23:56
Ultraputzin teh list of items should be a search tool of some kind or another.23:56
UltraputzDCPom - tanks!23:56
Ultraputzer, thanks. i doubt you need a tank. :-)23:56
scru1Doesn't seem to be one by default in that case, will just have to install one. Thanks.23:57

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