
wpgmbdarn. Still having trouble with port forwarding between two nics. I disabled onboard nic, removed pci nic and installed a dual nic card I had lying around. Edited the necessary file, reboot, and both nics work fine. However - portforwarding is still not okay. I can ssh into eth1 (the "dhcp" side of the ubuntu ltsp server) and ping a system on the same subnet as eth0 (the backbone gateway of the ltsp server). However - that is only a01:24
wpgmbedit: the backbone gateway is not eth1, but eth001:25
chri1hi all10:50
chri1I have an Ubuntu prob was hoping someone could help with.10:50
chri1I installed ubuntu 8.  now it keeps asking to reboot so i want to fresh reinstall. But i cant figure out how to boot from the cd again now that im in ubuntu10:51
=== nubae1 is now known as Nubae
sbalneavMorning all17:02
nubaehi sbalneav17:04
sbalneavHey nubae17:05
sbalneavSo, ready to "solve absolutely any problem that stops hundreds,17:06
sbalneavthousands, hundred of thousands, or even millions of boys and girls around17:06
sbalneavthe world to completely finish a primary schooling because of the high17:06
sbalneavWe've got our work cut out for us.17:06
nubaewe advance though... and rather fast... too17:12
=== jarias_ is now known as jarias
=== jarias_ is now known as jarias
LaserJockanyone seen pips1 lately?19:53
highvoltagenot besides that email20:07
ograLaserJock, !20:12
ograyes, he was here on wed.20:13
LaserJockhighvoltage: still around?20:13
ograLaserJock, sbalneav was looking for you s well20:13
LaserJockogra: hi20:13
LaserJockogra: I'm getting us a ubuntu-style download page for edubuntu.org20:13
LaserJockogra: it looks like Ubuntu is further downplaying the Ubuntu Alternate .iso on the download page20:18
LaserJockso I'm going to put it in  our download page20:18
LaserJockso it will list both Ubuntu Alternate and Edubuntu Addon20:18
LaserJockwith some helpful wording :-)20:18
=== jarias_ is now known as jarias
=== jarias_ is now known as jarias
LaserJockstgraber: around?21:20
stgraberLaserJock: sort of, not for long. I'll likely be leaving the office in 30min or so21:29

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