
xv6800any1 can help me setting up my mythtv ?05:34
tgb_Hello, I've got a newbie mythbuntu question if someone has some time to answer it.10:16
ZinnPlease don't ask if anyone is around or if it is alright to ask a question.  Many people check back periodically and may answer your question when they see it.  IRC is not normally an instant fix so check back often for an answer.10:16
tgb_nods nods... just tryinng to be polite10:17
hadsSure :)10:17
tgb_briefly then10:17
tgb_Everything's workinng almost perfect10:17
tgb_If I play a recording on a mythfrontend, works great10:17
tgb_however, if I play another recording ("Watch Recording") I get a "black" screen.10:18
tgb_Audio is just fine10:18
tgb_Running mythfrontend from the console gives no evidence of any difference.10:18
tgb_If I restart mythfrontend everything works fine, once.10:18
hadsSo some recordings work but not others?10:18
hadsOh, it works once.10:18
hadsHave you compared the logs?10:19
tgb_I've been using MythTV for 2 years with Slackware, haven't' seen this before10:19
directhexi know this.10:19
directhexopengl video renderer?10:19
tgb_I have compared the output on mythfrontend's console.  Is there anywhere else I should look?10:19
tgb_It's default.  Change to QT?10:19
tgb_... trying that now...10:19
directhexthat's the painter (for the menus), the video renderer is set separately10:20
hadsYeah, console logs unless you have redirected them10:20
tgb_looking for opengl10:20
tgb_then logs... where would they be?10:20
hadsIf you're starting it from a console that output is fine.10:21
ZinnMythTV logs are stored in /var/log/mythtv/10:21
tgb_Can't seem to find the opengl render setting, will look for logs now10:21
hadsdirecthex sounds like maybe he's seen it before10:22
directhexcommon enough problem with some 3d drivers if you use the opengl renderer10:22
directhexother causes, i can't help10:22
tgb_Interesting.  Likely an X problem10:23
hadsYeah, I was thinking a driver issue.10:23
hadsMyth seems to make a lot of them visible10:23
tgb_when I alt-tabbed out, X windows behaved strangely10:23
tgb_First let me check for log differences10:23
tgb_I don't see a difference.10:24
tgb_Logs appear near identical for both playbacks10:25
tgb_some subtle order issues10:25
tgb_I'm running the Nvidia driver10:25
tgb_with an onboard GeForce 615010:25
hadsThat's usually okay10:25
tgb_No issues with other programs like MythVideo or mplayer10:25
tgb_Something weird happened with X. Lemme try that again10:26
tgb_If I alt tab out, then alt tab back, it's not "in front"10:26
tgb_That is to say that the alt tab window is still visible10:27
tgb_Also notice that if I bring up program guide, that comes up10:27
tgb_I'm guessing it's not capturing the window.10:27
tgb_Getting a lot of dropping back audio_buffer_unused errors, presuming that's a root priority issue and unrelated10:28
tgb_How do I access the MythTV render again?10:28
tgb_Someone mentioned opengl...10:30
tgb_Yadif deinterlace showing up in logs, I doubt it's that.10:33
tgb_nothing in X logs...10:35
tgb_Again, can someone direct me to the renderer opengl setting that directhex just mentioned?10:37
tgb_I can't find it10:37
tgb_I see it10:39
tgb_Playback Profiles...10:39
tgb_thanks for help10:40
=== will__ is now known as realopty
realoptyhow can i use another box as a backend slave????12:43
realoptystream from one backend to the other :O?12:51
realoptyur all dead :(12:51
jphilliprealopty I believe there is a checkbox for secondary backend in MCC, do that then when you setup this backend you put the IP of the masterbackend14:03
realoptyjphillip, can i sync from the master to the slave over the net?14:13
jphilliprealopty they stream files on the fly14:14
htc_nickany1 up for fixing my problems?14:20
realoptyjphillip, know how to transcode the files before the sync?14:21
mpagewhat sort of quality should i expect if my video card is hooked up to my tv via hdmi?14:38
mpageim running the latest nvidia drivers (via envy) but the quality still seems quite poor14:39
=== wjs_ltop_ is now known as wjs_ltop
smil3yhi, using intrepid mythbuntu 8.10, upgraded yesterday, and having a problem now with live tv.  get sound all the time, but video craps out like 4 or 5 seconds into playing17:01
smil3ynot using any nvidia drivers or anything like that,  and using using slim for playback17:02
=== tritium_ is now known as tritium
wilberfanI'm curious:  why would a downloaded .avi occasionally have audio that's a second or two behind the video when played back in myth--but seems fine when played with VLC?18:07
wilberfanand is there a way to re-sync the sound in myth?18:10
=== dashcloud is now known as szakulec
xv6800how long it taks for myth_scanner to do scanning for 3 satellites?20:26

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