
mxiiahave I been banned in #ubuntu, if so why?00:23
LjLyes, you have. let me check on the "why" part00:23
PriceChildLjL: spam.00:24
LjLthat's... correct! though you win no prize.00:24
mxiiaoh... when do i get unbanned... I dont remember spamming00:25
LjLmxiia, saying "SPAM" three times in a row isn't a very subtle way to spam00:25
LjLmxiia, did you check the fine print in Mibbit, which said you're *not* anonymous?00:25
mxiiaprolly was my sister on my account, though not blaming others..00:25
LjL2008-10-12T19:40:29 <MXII4> SPAM00:26
LjL2008-10-12T19:40:31 <MXII4> SPAM00:26
LjL2008-10-12T19:40:32 <MXII4> SPAM00:26
mneptokthis is why screensavers have passwords, son00:26
PriceChildmxiia: You are responsible for the connections you make.00:27
mxiiaYes, i know, how long am I banned?00:27
PriceChildMimi: outbri: Can I help either of you?00:27
LjLmxiia: you or your sister joined, then after being banned, attempted to join again for 2 hours. for some reason that seems to me uncomfortably much to believe it was an accident00:28
outbriWow, this channel gets quite a bit of attention. ;) No, I just heard about the channel in a reply to mxii #ubuntu and thought I'd check it out.00:28
PriceChildoutbri: could you reword that last bit please, I didn't quite understand.00:29
outbriIn a reply to mxii *in* the #ubuntu channel.00:29
LjL#ubuntu+1, even00:30
outbriErr, yeah. In other words, you don't have to waste any time on me, I didn't need anything.00:30
LjLoutbri: ok, but we'd prefer this channels' discussion to remain private between the ops and the people involved00:31
outbriSounds good to me, even if it is 50 ops to each person. :P00:32
LjLif you have someone in -proxy-users who you feel comfortable joining #ubuntu, you can "exempt nick!ident@host" in -ops-monitor from now on01:43
LjLan exempt will be added by the bots, and removed when the user parts or is kicked (just like with mibbit)01:43
naliothexcellent :)  grazi, LjL 01:45
LjLgrazie* ;)01:46
PriceChildautomatic mibbit one still done?01:49
LjLsure PriceChild01:53
LjLunless i've introduced bugs in the process, but i checked briefly and it still worked01:53
LjLon the other hand01:53
LjLafter today's quite unpleasant flood that the floodbots managed to do almost nothing about01:54
LjLi've tightened the flood triggers a little01:56
LjLthat means, however, that if a bot gets very lagged, it *could* go berserk and set +rR without any actual attack01:56
LjLhope it never happens but if it does well, let me know01:56
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)02:06
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)02:06
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)02:06
LjLPriceChild: didn't fail, that was someone testing the bots02:11
PriceChildsorry, i was thinking the evil person was failing02:11
LjLPriceChild: look at "Expl0ited"02:11
LjL(also, the exploitER had an unaffiliated cloak, by the way)02:12
LjLPriceChild: well, it's weird that someone whose nickname is "Expl0ited" would fall victim of an exploit... no?02:13
LjLmight just be me being overly suspicious of course.02:14
PriceChildvery odd02:14
StonewallJacksonI am stonewall Jackson03:01
StoneWallJacksonI am StoneWallJackson03:11
jussi01Morning all!08:43
jussi01hrm... Stonewall jackson... right...08:43
FlannelHowdy jussi0108:47
jussi01Morning flannel08:48
FlannelI can't decide whether A|}EEL is trying to cause problems, or just... being himself09:17
=== elky_work is now known as elky
=== elky is now known as elky_work
=== LjL-Temp is now known as LjL
Tm_Thi LjL && Mez 14:04
Mezhey Tm_T 14:25
* Mez wonders why the < and > round a user are now unreadable14:25
jdongMez: did you switch from a black to white terminal or vice-versa and forget to update your theme? :)14:31
Meznope... still same theme, same terminal14:32
Mezit's just the ones around nicks are purple, and hard to see, they werent earlier14:32
Mezinfact, It's still the same session as when they were visible14:33
* jdong blames it on compiz.14:36
* Mez doesnt use compiz14:36
Mezwhat happened to Myrtti?14:41
Tm_TMez: he's on duty elsewhere14:43
Tm_Tshe, bah14:43
Mez"on duty"?14:43
Tm_Tdunno details14:44
* Mez sends an SMS14:44
Tm_TI hope he can receive one, as she stated that he cannot take calls14:44
Tm_Tbah, she's more he than I am14:45
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -rc » in a !shell16:10
LjL!no version is <reply> To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -dc » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »16:10
ubottuI'll remember that LjL16:10
MezLjL: ??16:39
Mezwhy dc instead of rc?16:40
LjLljl@ljlbox:~$ lsb_release -rc16:40
LjLRelease:        8.0416:40
LjLCodename:       hardy16:40
LjLljl@ljlbox:~$ lsb_release -dc16:40
LjLDescription:    Ubuntu 8.04.116:40
LjLCodename:       hardy16:40
Mezyeah, I know the difference16:40
LjLbut, "-r" doesn't give you the real version.16:40
MezDescription:Ubuntu intrepid (development branch)16:40
LjLfor that matter, i don't know why that's been changed from "lsb_release -a" to begin with16:41
ubottuThe operation succeeded.16:41
LjLMez: well that's correct16:41
LjLIntrepid doesn't really have a version number yet16:41
LjLit might be delayed (it won't, but)16:41
Mez!version =~ s/lsb_release -dc/lsb_release -a/16:42
ubottuI'll remember that Mez16:42
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »16:42
LjLgood call, i'm pretty sure nobody will be bothered by the couple more informative lines that outputs.16:42
Mezand er, why use policy, policy is a bit confusing right?16:43
LjLwhat else would you use? it's the command virtually everyone gives in #ubuntu to check package version, both installed and available, and just where it came from16:43
Mezmadison ?16:43
LjLdoesn't even tell you whether the package is actually installed16:44
Mezdpkg -l ? :P16:44
LjLwhat's wrong with apt-cache policy? it's just what that command exists for16:45
MezIt's not very readable to be used in a factoid like that16:45
LjLnot sure i see why16:46
Mezwell, do you understand what16:46
Mez        500 http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com intrepid/main Packages16:46
Mez        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status16:46
LjLthe output of dpkg -l, on the other hand, is far from readable16:46
LjLof course i do16:46
LjLthe version is available from intrepid's main repository, british mirror, with priority 50016:47
LjLit's known to the local status file16:47
Mezpriority ?16:47
LjLyes, the repository's priority is 50016:47
Mezwhat do you mean "priority"?16:47
LjLi mean that if APT has to choose between two packages, it will choose the one with the higher priority16:48
LjLthe security repository has a high priority16:48
LjLlocally installed packages have a low priority16:48
Meznot neccessarily16:49
LjLanyway, no one can mistake the part where it says "Installed: <version>, Candidate: <version>"16:49
MezIt's actually the pinning priority ;)16:50
stdinMez, LjL: it was changed to -rc because people often paste all of "lsb_release -a" to the channel16:50
Mezstdin: all 4 ?16:50
LjLMez: what other priority there is?16:51
FlannelLjL: Any?16:51
stdinMez: why 4 when 2 will do16:51
LjLFlannel: hm?16:51
Mezstdin: why 2 when 1 will do?16:51
FlannelLjL: You can specify arbitrary priorities16:51
stdinand it'll probably print 5 actually16:51
LjLstdin: because they don't really16:52
FlannelThe important thing about -a vs the others is it also has the codename16:52
Flanneloh wait16:52
LjLFlannel: -c gives the codename16:52
FlannelLjL: see above16:52
Mezwhy not lsb_release -c16:52
FlannelMez: because that's not the actual release name?16:53
LjLMez: because a lot of people know their codenames but not their version numbers, and vice versa16:53
stdin-a == -virdc16:53
* Flannel is torn between -d and -r16:53
Flannelwell, with -c16:53
LjL"description" (-d or -a) will let us know whether they're actually using ubuntu16:53
LjLor a derivative16:53
LjL"release" won't16:53
Flannelactually, thats sometimes important16:53
LjLyes, it is, given the amount of Mint etc. users who sneak in16:54
Flannelso, lets just leave it as -a, most people know not to paste, etc.16:54
Flannelsocial fixes for social problems, etc.16:54
stdindo all derivatives change the description?16:54
LjLFlannel: and if they don't, they'll find out one way or another anyway16:54
Mezecho /etc/lsb-release 16:54
FlannelLjL: but it makes it easier for us ;)16:54
LjLstdin: well, maybe the stupid ones don't, but there's only so much i can do about it16:54
LjLMez, that's what the factoid used to say (well, it said /etc/issue) years ago16:54
FlannelLjL: that's not acceptable!  you need to go change all of the derivative's descriptions.16:55
LjLFlannel: i will certainly bug them if i find out, you can bet on that16:55
LjLFlannel: the trademarks department of canonical would normally also like to hear about that16:55
LjLFlannel: anyway with "they'll find out one way or another", i meant to say that, if they don't paste all the five lines of -a but just two of them, then 5 minutes later they'll paste their entire xorg.conf16:57
LjLso if someone doesn't know they should use the pastebin, it's even better they start finding out while pasting something small16:58
ubottuIn #ubuntu, d-b said: ubottu: ufw is ubuntu or uncomplicated firewall. see  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuFirewall . there is also gufw.17:42
ubottuIn ubottu, d-b said: ubottu: ufw is ubuntu or uncomplicated firewall. see   https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuFirewall . there is also gufw.17:43
* Flannel is the reason for the double post17:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ufw17:51
geniiGood morning, afternoon or evening.17:56
FlannelHowdy genii17:56
geniiI'm on today with Konversation but tonight after work I'll return for more irssi practice...17:57
PiciHeh ;)17:58
PriceChildgenii: You don't have to switch.18:00
Picigenii: Obi-wan never told you what happened to your father.18:00
geniiPriceChild: I figure I should probably know how it works anyways since the scripting features which make moderating easier, etc18:01
geniiPici: Yes, he was a fellow full of secrets18:01
=== tritium_ is now known as tritium
PriceChildgenii: time so far been at all eventful?18:03
geniiPriceChild: As far as moderating #kubuntu , no. One fellow spamming some which I thnk mneptok took care of18:04
PriceChildGood good.18:04
geniiThey are generally well behaved in there :)18:04
Mezgenii: indeed, :D thats why I prefer the kubuntu channels, less ops calls ;)18:23
geniiHow often does a mass bot attack like yesterday happen ?18:24
Picigenii: In #ubuntu?18:27
Mezdepends on how evil the spammers are feeling18:27
geniiPici: Yeah there were what looked like maybe 6-10 different sites with botname variations18:28
Picigenii: Not too often, but often enough that we have the floodbots in place to handle mass joins and such.18:29
LjLwidely depends on the time of the year, mostly18:47
Mez!eee is <alias> eeepc18:50
ubottuI'll remember that, Mez18:50
* Mez is surprised it doesnt have info about nbr18:51
Mezmy eeePC isnt booting18:54
Mezah, left it on and knocked out power cable :D18:55
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, magnetron said: !aubade is <reply> <aubade> snuxoll: elephant penis <319:05
Tm_Thi kids19:06
ikoniamagnetron appears to be going off the rails19:07
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, magnetron said: !elephant is <reply> <aubade> snuxoll: elephant penis <319:07
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, aubade said: !magnetron is <reply> goodjobgoodjobgoodjobgoodjobgoodjob19:08
* Mez rolls eyes19:10
* Mez wonders how the research team into FSOE is getting on19:11
LjLnext time short ban, can't lead them to believe they can get this cruft through19:11
ubottuIn ubottu, Ktron_ said: rickroll is <reply>Never gonna give you up!20:38
LjL!botabuse > ktron_    (ktron_, see the private message from Ubotu)20:38
ScottKmaestrolinux has been popping in and out of Ubuntu IRC channels and link spamming.  He was just in #ubuntu-server.20:56
ScottKRiddell banned him in #kubuntu-devel, but I guess it needs doing on a wider basis.20:56
christelScottK: klined, thanks20:56
ScottKThank you.20:57
ubottuIn ubottu, Some_Person said: ffmpeg is a cross-platform command line video encoder for linux. To install, type "sudo apt-get install ffmpeg". For help, type "ffmpeg -h"23:26
ubottuIn ubottu, drog said: ubottu, is there a god?23:59

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