
mptDouble dagger!16:55
mptIt's been a while since I've seen one of those16:55
newz2000asterisks are so 200716:57
LaserJocknewz2000: around?19:52
newz2000hey LaserJock19:58
LaserJocknewz2000: do you remember us discussion an Edubuntu download page a while back?19:59
newz2000yes I do19:59
LaserJockhow hard is it on your end to do something like that?19:59
newz2000Not too hard, but will there be a traditional CD image download like in the past?20:00
LaserJockEdubuntu is kind of a different situation than Kubuntu in that we don't have the same set of disks20:00
LaserJockhow do you mean by "traditional"?20:00
newz2000will there be an ISO?20:00
LaserJockoh, sure20:00
newz2000will it be on the same set of servers as kubuntu and ubuntu?20:01
LaserJockwhat I'd love to have though is a way to download the Ubuntu Alternate CD and the Edubuntu Addon CD from the interface20:01
LaserJockyes, they're on the same server20:01
newz2000oh, interesting, you want the ubuntu alternate cd?20:01
LaserJockwe actually *don't* want the Ubuntu Desktop CD20:02
LaserJockso it's a bit different20:02
LaserJocknot sure if that'd mess you up20:02
newz2000I just removed the alternate CD from the download page for intrepid20:02
LaserJockoh no!!20:02
newz2000ironic isn't it20:02
LaserJockEdubuntu *specifically* needs the Alternate CD20:02
LaserJockour users are toast without it20:02
newz2000well, it's still there, just not as prominant20:02
LaserJockyeah, but that's causing us problems unfortunately20:03
newz2000having an edubuntu specific download page is actually a good idea in this case then20:03
LaserJockwe tell people to go get the Ubuntu Alternate CD and often they just get the Desktop CD20:03
newz2000we could make it prominant for you and less so for us20:03
LaserJockbecause the Ubuntu download page doesn't really show the Alt disk well20:04
newz2000well, there will be a new page or section just for alternate20:04
newz2000so www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloadoptions#alternate20:04
newz2000(as a contrived example)20:04
LaserJockwell, here's another question20:05
LaserJockis it possible to start multiple downloads at the same time?20:05
newz2000good question, yes, I think so20:05
LaserJockI was thinking if our download page had a checkbox rather than radio button20:05
LaserJockso people could either choose to get the Ubuntu Alternate CD and Edubuntu Addon at  the same time20:06
LaserJockor if they already have the Ubuntu .iso they could just pick the Edubuntu .iso20:06
newz2000I wonder how well that would work downloading two isos at once20:06
LaserJockyeah, for bad connections it might suck :-)20:07
newz2000"might" :-)20:07
LaserJockanyway, I was just looking for linking between the two CDs20:07
LaserJockbut I think the page can be worded sufficiently clearly20:07
newz2000is there just one edubuntu cd image?20:08
LaserJockwe have actually fairly easy requirements, they're just non-standard and not clear20:08
newz2000I'd say lets do this... create the download page that starts the download of the edubuntu CD and then while they're waiting for their download show them a page that explains that they *MUST* have the alternate CD20:08
newz2000including a link to that cd20:08
LaserJockYou want either Ubuntu Alt + Edubuntu Addon or just Edubuntu Addon20:08
LaserJockok, so bottom line is can this be done for Intrepid and is there anything I can do to make it work?20:09
LaserJockI have a fairly clear idea of wording, etc.20:10
newz2000Well, it's not hard to do for intrepid, basically I'll copy the kubuntu page and tweak the styles for your iframe20:10
newz2000then you embed the iframe in your site20:10
newz2000the landing page is on the ubuntu.com website20:10
newz2000we're going to revamp that for intrepid and make it cleaner20:10
newz2000we'd need to work on the conditional wording for the edubuntu users20:11
newz2000so if($edubuntu) { ?>Show something just for your users<?php } ?> everyone sees this20:11
newz200013 days to release20:12
newz2000i think we can do it20:12
newz2000why don't you go to the kubuntu download page and check out their iframe code and copy it to some hidden area of your site so you're comfortable with how it works20:12
LaserJockso if you could get a quick mockup I can send you wording20:12
LaserJockah, good idea20:13
newz2000I will be able to do a mockup but it will not be until Monday or Tuesday of next week20:13
LaserJockno problemo20:14
LaserJockI'll get familiar with the stuff on my end with the kubuntu page20:14
LaserJockand then it should be a matter of getting the wording and options right20:14
newz2000yeah, and just changing a link to the edubuntu iframe when its ready20:14
=== huayra_ is now known as huayra
alex121so i heard about this project and i was wondering if you needed another web/PHP developer21:57
newz2000alex121: the web presence team or one of the specific projects we're working on?21:58
alex121the ubuntu wanted project21:58
newz2000I've not heard much chatter on that here on IRC, mostly on the list.21:59
newz2000alex121: are you on the email list?21:59
huayramm... The ubuntu wanted project could actually be a subset of the spreadubuntu project...22:03
huayrahi newz2000!22:03
huayra(hubuntu here)22:03
newz2000hi huayra!22:03
huayraI am working in the site now22:04
huayrait's not moving quick, but we are working a lot in the LP setup22:04
huayrawe may have some release ready stuff around the 22th22:04
newz2000ah, that's awesome22:04
huayrathe 0.1 release will be the 30th22:08
huayrabut as we spoke, I would really appreciate some help in optimizing the server22:08
huayraIt's a LAMP Ubuntu 8.0422:08
huayrarunning drupal 522:08
newz2000what help do you need optimizing the server?22:09
huayrawe are expecting some heavy load from the 22th and one or two weeks after that22:10
newz2000how much ram do you have?22:10
huayrayou said you had some cache tricks22:10
huayraI can buy the double for a period if that's all that helps22:10
newz2000I'll let you decide that, but here's a couple things22:11
huayraI use a Xen slice from SliceHost22:11
newz2000I mentioned limit the number of apache child process22:11
newz2000this is because each process uses ram22:11
newz2000so 25 - 40 is probably ideal22:11
huayraI put them down to 40 already22:11
huayrashall I just go 25?22:12
newz2000huayra: wait and see22:12
newz2000do you have drupal set to make images and media files private (i.e. served via drupal) or public (i.e. served by apache)?22:13
newz2000public is easier on the server22:13
huayraI think drupal is controlling it, since we use heavily some imagemagick stuff22:13
newz2000not necessarily. Go into your settings and check if it's private or public22:14
newz2000that will be a big help, to go the next step you'd put a cache in front. Change your port on apache/drupal site to some high port (8080 for example) and then use squid or apache's mod_proxy to listen on 80 and proxy content for port 808022:16
newz2000I'd say wait and see if you have problems before you go that route.22:17
newz2000since you're on hardy definitely install xcache22:17
newz2000that'll give you about a 7x speed improvement for dynamic content22:17
hubuntuMy machine hang up, but I have your message in the logs22:22
hubuntuthx newz2000 :)22:22
newz2000my pleasure.22:22
hubuntuI'll iinstall xcache22:22

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