
UltraputzDCP - this is the 5 buttoned mouse of the 70s! http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/47/Space-cadet.jpg (re: bonus keys)00:00
Ultraputzhey there00:01
milesonwheelzI need some help00:01
Ultraputzoh. most people come here for the free pizza. :-)00:01
milesonwheelzDo you know anything about wifi and macbooks with ndswrapper and ndisgtk00:02
Ultraputzeek, i do not know anything about ndswrapper.00:03
milesonwheelzI been trying to solve this issue for several hours00:03
Ultraputzjust state your problem and with luck, someone will eventually answer :-)00:03
=== danopia__ is now known as danopia
DCPomUltraputz, cool i want one :D00:08
Ultraputzthat thing is probably as wide as a car.00:08
ubottuTorrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P00:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ekiga00:09
Ultraputzwhat's up about ekiga?00:10
DCPomlol, sorry i usually keep a query open with ubottu as my last tab, but i didn't have it open, so i thought this was a query00:10
DCPomsomeone was asking about it in another channel00:10
Ultraputzoh, like keeping a browser ready on google. :-)00:11
Ultraputzdcpom - know anything about xchat?00:14
Ultraputzhow one might go about changing the font, or having a channel uselist appear in the side pane?00:15
DCPomthe channel uselist?00:15
DCPomfor font it's Settings > Preferences00:16
Ultraputzthis is the gnome version.00:18
Ultraputzthat's what's wrong.00:18
oklinuxis xubuntu a rolling realease ?00:22
DCPomevery 6 months with LTS every 1800:28
oklinuxso a new version come out every 6 months ?00:29
zoredachemost of the time yes... there was one time where the release was delayed a bit00:33
oklinuxso is it better then rolling realease00:37
Ultraputzoh much better.00:42
=== wormsxulla_ is now known as wormsxulla
Mopmanthats an opinion :p00:43
Ultraputzi had the gnome version of xchat installed. it's crippled00:43
Ultraputzit's now sane00:43
Ultraputzquestion: i've noticed that certain mouse click patterns, like left-right on the title bar will shade it... how do you configure that?01:02
Ultraputzturn it off, turn it on, change the behavior?01:02
SuperMario1776I want to install xubuntu on to a G3 iBook (FireWire), but I can't seem to get it to boot from CD. I've tried holding down C, D, and Option (individually) during boot. I push the button, then hit power and continue holding down the button. I can hear the CD reading, but then Mac OS just boots up. I am using PowerISO on a Windows XP pc to burn the CD's at 4x speed.01:03
R[a]ndomleft/right doesn't shade for me01:03
zoredacheSuperMario1776: you used a iso for PPC right?01:04
R[a]ndomleft/right sends windows to back on my comp running compiz.  if youre running compiz, check the settings there Ultraputz01:04
zoredachedid you check the md5sum of the file you downloaded?01:04
SuperMario1776I have been trying xubuntu-7.10-desktop-powerpc.iso,  I just downloaded xubuntu-7.10-alternate-powerpc.iso and am going to burn it now01:05
SuperMario1776I haven't checked the hash01:05
zoredacheit would be a good idea to do that.  Are you sure the CD drive is good?  Can you boot of your OS9/X disks?01:06
SuperMario1776If I had OS disks I'd prob install them. Got the laptop out of the trash...01:07
R[a]ndomnice find01:07
SuperMario1776when MAC OS comes up it recognizes theres a cd and what to convert it or initialize it01:08
zoredacheso it sounds like the answer is, no, you are not certain the hardware is 100% working... :|01:08
SuperMario1776*and wants to01:08
zoredachea linux iso should be readable without any converting01:08
zoredacheor a cd made from a linux iso anyway01:09
SuperMario1776what would be the simplest way to check the iso?01:10
zoredacheOn windows?  I kinda like md5summer (http://www.md5summer.org/)01:11
Ultraputzcompiz? on this thing? BWAHAHAHAHAHA :-)01:14
Ultraputz833mhz, 133mhz bus, 256 megs of ram :-)01:15
Ultraputzthis is totally short-bus computing.01:15
SuperMario1776the site where I downloaded the iso from doesn't list md5's (http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/ports/releases/gutsy/release/)01:17
SuperMario1776how do I check the iso without an .md5 file to check it against?01:20
SuperMario1776btw, is xubuntu-7.10-alternate-powerpc.iso the most up to date? I tried looking for 8.04 but couldn't find anything?01:23
SuperMario1776strike the last question mark.01:24
* SuperMario1776 listens to crickets chirp01:24
zoredachecreate a sum with md5summer, then look at the md5sum file that is on the site you downloaded the file from01:25
SuperMario1776there is no md5sum file on the site I got the iso from01:25
zoredacheno, that is not the most up to date...  ppc is pretty much been abandond by Ubuntu I believe...01:26
zoredacheYou might be better off trying to go with Debian01:26
Ultraputzor yellow dog01:27
SuperMario1776I hear yellow dogg sucks01:28
Ultraputzi hear ppc sucks :-)01:28
Ultraputz(i have a g4 behind me, don't punch me. :-) )01:28
SuperMario1776hey, I have no love for macs, and this bull is making me dislike em even more, I'm just trying to make use of some free junk01:29
Ultraputzthe problem with ppc is that basically, all that uses it now are a console gaming system, afaik.01:29
Ultraputzwhat kind of mac?01:29
Ultraputzi personally love macs, i just hate crapple.01:29
SuperMario1776that makes no sense...01:30
Ultraputzthe hardware is great, the os is good, but the proprietaryness and the you-can't-change-the-desktop-font stuff is screechingly annoying.01:31
SuperMario1776ah, I see01:32
ballCan't change the desktop font of what?01:33
Ultraputzos x01:33
ballWhy not run Ubuntu on it?01:33
Ultraputzwhere's 8.04 ppc?01:33
Ultraputzand, in my case, where's a functional solid modelling package?01:34
ballI'm not sure, perhaps nobody's built it yet.01:34
ballUltraputz: ooh, dunno about modelling.01:34
ball...they tend to keep me away from models01:34
Ultraputzthere's some weird ancient military thing called BRL, there are a few commercial packages, and then there's just basic 3d modelling, like blender.01:35
ball...restraining orders etc.01:35
SuperMario1776An off topic question. In Windows (XP for example) I can start out with a pc that has xp installed, no license key and no install CD. With two free apps I can retrieve the license key, create a new install CD from the exisiting installation and go and do a clean install. Is that remotely possible with Mac OS? OS 8? OS 9? OS 10?01:37
SuperMario1776*sorry, when I said no license key, I meant no sticker on the side of the pc01:38
* SuperMario1776 waits to get banned for accessing an off topic question01:40
SuperMario1776debian powerpc info is kinda dense... having trouble figuring out what the hell I'm supposed to do01:44
DCPomI can't resize my firefox window because the bottom is off screen, how can i make it smaller?01:46
ballFor those people who /have/ to use MacOS X for some reason, I recommend X11.app01:48
ball(lets you run X clients on another computer (e.g. Ubuntu)01:48
SuperMario1776dcpom: try changing the resolution01:49
ballDCPom: can you see the top, left corner of the window?01:50
ballTry alt+space followed by x01:50
ballNot bad for someone who's been using Xfce for about one day01:51
DCPomthanks ball01:51
ballNo problem01:51
ballI suppose I should try Xubuntu then.02:03
SuperMario1776huh, why do you say that?02:10
ballSuperMario1776: because I've discovered that Xfce is quite nice.02:10
ball...and I know the Ubuntu people are helpful.02:10
ball...Xubuntu seems like a good combination.02:11
SuperMario1776what are you using currently?02:11
ballI have a machine here that might be up to the job.02:11
ballSuperMario1776: NetBSD mostly.02:11
ballI do have one Ubuntu box, but I've been too busy to use it.02:11
SuperMario1776considering the xubuntu chatroom I presumed...02:11
* ball grins02:13
ballI often loiter in #ubuntu-uk02:13
ball...and I'm not in the U.K. either ;-)02:14
* SuperMario1776 gasps02:14
ballhello David-A02:14
David-Ahello ball02:14
ballI should look for a .torrent file for Xubuntu02:14
ballIs there a Beta out?02:15
SuperMario1776personally I prefer KDE, but I'm usually using hardware out of the garbage that is not to powerful02:15
SuperMario1776for what hardware02:15
ballSuperMario1776: most of my kit is donated too.02:16
ballI'm typing this on one of the few boxes I bought02:17
ball...think I paid US$ 20 for it.02:17
ballcpu0: Intel Pentium III (686-class), 797.45 MHz, id 0x68602:19
linko47hey guys02:23
linko47any super awesome wallpaper proposals for the new xubuntu?02:23
ballI don't know, but I would like a pink theme for my daughter.02:24
linko47if sure you can get one from freshmeat02:24
linko47or xfce-look02:24
linko47how old's your daughter?02:25
David-Ais animated wallpaper allowed? animated lemming02:25
* ball clicks on the big mushroom02:26
linko473 year old using a computer?02:26
SuperMario1776thats the world we live in02:26
linko47sounds advanced02:26
balllinko47: she likes Neko02:26
ball...plus she won't be three for long.02:26
ballbrb, shoes.02:26
SuperMario1776surprised the iCrib isn't out...02:27
linko47me too02:27
ballAnyone happen to know what the File System icon is supposed to be?02:28
charlie-tcaexternal disk drive, ain't it?02:29
ballLooks a bit like a betamax tape02:30
ballOh well.  The folders make sense to me at least.02:31
ballAh, just figured out what the polo does.02:32
ballI can't seem to find the .torrent file02:41
Ultraputzemma from #gothic/efnet?02:43
charlie-tcaball: are you looking at the beta?02:46
ballcharlie-tca: I would happily try the Beta, but I can't even find a .torrent for Hardy02:50
charlie-tcaIntrepid 8.10 beta with .torrent is http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/intrepid/beta/02:51
charlie-tca.torrents for hardy 8.04 are http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/8.04/releases02:52
ballExcellent, thank you.02:52
charlie-tcathat should be releases/02:52
ballrelease/ perhaps02:53
charlie-tcayou're right02:54
charlie-tcastrange, intrepid is releases/ but hardy is release/02:54
charlie-tcaI'm downloading the live cd for intrepid daily right now.02:55
ballI'm downloading an Intrepid desktop Beta03:23
DCPomhow is it different?03:24
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ballDCPom: don't know, I haven't got it yet.03:27
ballI imagine there are a few more bugs, but that's the point of a Beta.03:27
DCPomhave any new features been announced?03:27
charlie-tcadifferent from what?03:27
charlie-tcaDCPom: are you asking intrepid vs hardy?03:28
charlie-tcaLet me get the info03:29
charlie-tcaDCPom: here's some information:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/IntrepidIbex/BetaAnnouncement03:31
DCPomthank you03:31
DCPomhow do you tweak themes in xub?03:35
milesonwheelzDoes anyone know how to get the wifi to work on a macbook with ubuntu installed?03:37
milesonwheelzI been trying all day03:37
charlie-tcaDCPom: Applications -> Settings -> Settings Manager -> User Interface03:38
charlie-tcamilesonwheelz: don't know wifi, sorry03:38
DCPomhow do you adjust it though, can you change colors of various things manually?03:38
milesonwheelzNobody seems to know wifi03:38
charlie-tcaYes, with some knowledge and effort. I usually edit the themes directly03:39
DCPomwhat's the path?03:39
charlie-tcaYou asked! /usr/share/themes/03:40
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:41
ball231 Mb downloaded of 605 Mb so far.04:02
DCPomhow do i relaunch the xub GUI without losing the windows i have open?04:04
DCPomwhat is the Xfce windows manager?04:05
David-Axfwm4 sounds like a window manager04:06
Ultraputzprobably you're using it :-)04:07
Ultraputzps ux | grep xfwm04:07
DCPomwhat does that do?04:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xfwm404:08
David-Aman xfwm4 -> Upstream documentation in /usr/share/xfce4/doc/C/xfwm4.html04:09
Ultraputzit lists all the processes you're running and searches for any with "xfwm" , if it finds them, it prints them04:09
Ultraputzif you see something, you're running it.04:09
Ultraputzother than "grep xfwm" which it will always find04:09
ballon my box is xfwm4 (the binary is, but the package is called xfce4-wm-4.4.2)04:11
Ultraputzbut that doesn't mean the process would have the same name.04:11
ballfwiw I'm not yet running Xubuntu though.04:12
ballUltraputz: ah, good point.04:12
Ultraputzxfce is a "desktop" -- it has a lot of components, like thunar (the file manager.) it shows up in the job list as "thunar" :-)04:12
ball792 ttyp0- S     0:59.71 xfwm404:12
ballUltraputz: interestingly it's also possible to run Xfwm without the rest of Xfce.  That's how I started out.04:13
Ultraputzit's just the window manager.04:13
Ultraputzi was running metacity (what comes with gnome)04:13
Ultraputzbut i couldn't stand it anymore, so i switched over to the parts of xfce i liked.04:13
Ultraputzdesktop, window manager.04:14
ballI exited Blackbox (with all my X clients still running ;-) and launched Xfwm04:14
ball...sure enough Xfwm claimed all the windows that were previously managed by Blackbox04:14
Ultraputzball, congratulations. you've witnessed one of the only two good things about x windows. :-)04:15
DCPomwhere do i make it so workspaces switch when the mouse is on that edge of the screen?04:18
Ultraputzsettings > settings manager04:19
DCPomand then...04:19
Ultraputzgimme a second04:19
Ultraputzthis thing is a slow piece of shit04:19
Ultraputzworkspaces and margins04:19
ballUltraputz: I routinely use it across a LAN too ;-)04:20
Ultraputzdo you have the xfce settings manager open?04:20
charlie-tcaWindow Manager, last tab04:20
Ultraputzball - that's the other one :-)04:20
* ball grins04:20
Ultraputzat the bottom, workspaces and margins?04:20
DCPomoh bingo thanks charlie-tca04:20
ballI'm off to watch telly anyway.04:20
Ultraputzpoor man's omnimax projector.04:42
CompuHackerIs anyone there?05:18
CompuHackerHello. I just connected to this channel from a livecd instance of Xubuntu. I'm using a 1.6 GHz Intel Celeron processor with appx 768 of RAM. Does anyone see any problem with that setup?05:19
CompuHackerI know many people on IRC are AFK but this is ridiculous.05:20
JinKazamagood morning05:31
Ultraputzgood morning05:42
JinKazamaUpdate Manager rising a error ..05:43
JinKazamaE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)05:43
JinKazamaE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?05:43
JinKazamaE: _cache->open() failed, please report.05:43
JinKazamawhat its mean ?05:43
Ultraputzthat means you have something else, like synaptic, open05:44
Ultraputzapt, synaptic, package manager, add/remove programs are the same thing, basically, and only one of those can run at a time05:44
JinKazamano. I havet open anything else. only Pidgyn05:44
Ultraputzthat's odd...05:45
Ultraputzwere you using synaptic earlier?05:45
Ultraputzbetter question: do you have terminal open?05:45
JinKazamano. nothing else05:46
JinKazamaonly pidgin05:46
Ultraputzopen terminal and try tthis: ps ux | grep synaptic05:46
Ultraputzsee if you get anything other than "grep synaptic" back05:47
Ultraputzit's also possible that update manager is checking fo updates05:47
Ultraputzif it is05:47
Ultraputzthen that would also lock up the database...05:47
JinKazamayes. maybe is that. its runs automatic and in same time I try to open it again ...05:49
Ultraputzanyone know anything about themeing xfce splash screen?05:51
ballUltraputz: I know there's a menu option for it.  Were you looking to create one of your own?05:54
Ultraputzjust figured it out :-)05:55
Ultraputzcreated it, had it in the wrong place05:55
ballWhat file format did it have to be?05:55
Ultraputzi'm using balou to drive it, it takes several. png is what i used.05:56
Ultraputzi *heart* the alpha channel.05:56
* ball grins05:56
ballI heart the AlphaServer 2100 if that counts ;-)05:56
Ultraputzi had one, do not remember which model, until quite recently. it died in '04, and served as a plant stand until '07 :-)05:57
Ultraputzwas running openbsd.05:57
Ultraputzpoor man's wopr :-)05:58
* ball chuckles05:58
ballWe used to routinely have 200 horny freshers all pounding away on their interactive sessions05:58
ballNice little box that.05:58
Ultraputzlittle? did someone move yours around for you? :-)05:59
ballIt was little compared to the VAXen 6000 that was had sitting around06:01
ballIt replaced one of those.06:01
ball...though we had others.06:01
Ultraputzdo you live in a warehouse?06:01
Ultraputzor just aboard a really big boat?06:01
ballThat wasn't at home.06:01
Ultraputzok. thank you. :-)06:02
ballI worked in the I.T. department of a university.06:02
ballI may buy myself a 2100 one day, just for the craic06:02
* Ultraputz does presently.06:02
ballUltraputz: which country?06:02
Ultraputzunited states.06:02
ballAh, I was in Britain.06:03
ballWhich state, out of interest06:03
Ultraputzand where are you now?06:03
Ultraputzindiana. which university, " " "06:03
ballI'm in Illinois.06:03
UltraputzIU-Bloomington here.06:03
Ultraputzpreviously in madison, wisconsin (UW)06:03
ballUltraputz: do you babysit Big Red?06:03
Ultraputzwhich uni in britian ?06:03
ballThe University of Glamorgan06:04
Ultraputznope, but i'm in the same building.06:04
ballDo you work with AIX at all?06:05
Ultraputzi have a much less glamorous job -- interactive courseware and assistance systems. (www/interactive, not phone.)06:05
Ultraputznot in the last 5 years.06:05
ballI was front-line tech support at Glamorgan... also moonlighted as a tape monkey06:05
ballDo you use Blackboard at all?06:06
Ultraputzour department does not.06:06
ballOur AlphaServer 2100 was on castors.  istr it moved fairly easily.  It was a pedestal, about the size of the small fridge you get in a hotel room06:07
Ultraputzthe one i had at home was slightly smaller than a hotel fridge, but it would fit under a (tall) desk with no drawers.06:07
* ball nods06:08
Ultraputzhad disc array in the front, lcd, etc.06:08
ballDid you try Linux on it?06:08
Ultraputzi don't use linux for exposed servers.06:08
* ball nods06:08
Ultraputzthough i like working with ubuntu server for internal stuff a lot better than open.06:09
ballHow well does that support the hardware in your AlphaServer?06:09
* maxamillion decides if its worth having this flame war or just leaving it alone06:09
Ultraputzit was hit or moiss.06:09
maxamillionand ubuntu is a horrible server choice06:09
Ultraputzdepends on what you're serving, max.06:09
Ultraputzhere at the house, it does a different job that an exposed frontline server does.06:09
Ultraputzeasy and "don't bother me" matters a lot at home.06:09
ballI have to go anyway, I have two chapters of biology to read and I have to be up at 05:3006:10
wormsxullahello. i've used kppp to launch a connection, and for some reason the application disappeared from the bottom bar, although it's still running in the background. how do i get it back (or switch to it?)08:22
zoredacheis it on another workspace perhaps?08:28
wormsxullai don't see anything in the other workspaces ô_ö08:29
wormsxullathe system monitor is lacking a "switch to it" button - if that would make sense on xubuntu08:31
wormsxullait _was_ in another workspace!08:32
albertommyou can use the window list to search for apps on other workspaces08:33
wormsxullathe window list?08:34
albertommclick with the middle button on the desktop08:34
albertommthere's also an applet for the panel that do the same08:34
wormsxullameh, i got a touchpad on the eee pc. the middle button is kinda hard to achieve08:34
albertommits like the window list on a mac08:35
wormsxullaapplet for the panel08:35
wormsxullai'll look for that. thank you08:36
jarnosCan you install Grub (1st stage) on other place than MBR by the desktop CD?08:40
o7andrewhowto view application commands used in the xfce menu?09:04
jarnoso7andrew: Do you mean the automatically inserted items?09:09
o7andrewjarnos: yep09:12
jarnoso7andrew: I have wondered it myself, too. I guess there is a file somewhere.09:12
o7andrewhehe oh.k09:13
PE-sweHello. Dunno if this is correct forum for this question, but here goes: I've recently bought a new toy, asus eee, and installed xubuntu. Runs ok, but I'm trying to slim it down even further and so wonder if syslogd really is important? For this type of machine I mean. I'm never going to check logs on this one, is syslogd doing anything important else than keeping logs?09:31
wormsxulla(interesting question)09:34
TheSheepno, but logs are important09:34
TheSheepand it's not taking much resources for it09:34
wormsxullai was wondering what was the proper way to see the total disk space used by the system, by the applications, and by user's files09:35
wormsxulla(in order to strip down stuff)09:35
TheSheepwormsxulla: there is no distinction between 'system files' and 'application files'09:37
PE-sweyes, and I wouldnt dream of it on my "normal-sized" laptop, but on this baby I'd like to try and get it as slimmed down as possible (for fun) to check if it's possible to get bootup times similar to asus org. linux09:37
TheSheepwormsxulla: user files are usually only in /home09:37
TheSheepwormsxulla: there is that command 'du' with lots of useful command line options09:37
wormsxullaso "man du" :)09:37
TheSheepwormsxulla: also df if you have /home on a separate partition09:38
PE-sweisn't here a really nice tool for checking diskspace in ubuntu? graphical09:38
wormsxullanah. i have a single 4gb partition on the eee pc09:38
wormsxullaPE-swe: there is a tab in the system monitor09:38
TheSheepPE-swe: yes, baobab09:39
TheSheepit doesn't display in teh menu because of an old bug09:39
* wormsxulla hopes baobab takes the size of a bonsai09:39
PE-swesimilar to throwing-out-syslogd, would I be amazingly stupid to shut down anacron and cron in services?09:41
TheSheepPE-swe: I'd leave anacron09:41
TheSheepPE-swe: it only runs on startup and shutdown anyways09:42
PE-sweok, but if im not interested in logs, what else would the cron-jobs do for me?09:42
TheSheepPE-swe: cleanup09:42
TheSheepPE-swe: updateing of locate database09:43
TheSheepPE-swe: deleting old temp files09:43
PE-swetemp-files goes to remfs anyway09:43
TheSheepPE-swe: this kind of stuff09:43
TheSheepsome unix apps rely on you having some kind of a cron daemon09:43
TheSheepthat's why anacron was invented09:44
PE-sweok, thanks09:44
TheSheepPE-swe: btw, http://www.slashgear.com/five-second-boot-mod-for-asus-eee-pc-0618430/09:45
TheSheepPE-swe: gdm is one nasty huge beast09:47
PE-sweaah, is this just for graphical login?09:50
wormsxullaTheSheep: i'm sorry to ask a stupid question, but i see in synaptic that baobal belongs to a gnome toolset. but i thought xubuntu was using xfce, not gnome?09:50
TheSheepwormsxulla: xubuntu is using the best lightweight gtk applications out there. Gnome is using some of them too.09:51
wormsxullaah ok09:52
wormsxulla(i was just asking because i see people saying "x looks ugly with gnome/kde/xfce...", so just checking)09:53
wormsxullax not being THE x09:53
TheSheepgnome apps look good with xfce, they use the same gui toolkit and themes09:53
wormsxullaah, ok09:54
wormsxulla:) that answers my question, thank you09:54
wormsxullaso "du -a -h" is a valid command?09:57
wormsxullanow where is the command to output the result of a command to a file? something like du -a -h > result.txt ?09:59
TheSheeppersonally I like  du -Sk | sort -n10:00
wormsxullameh :)10:00
* wormsxulla tries this one10:00
wormsxullacool one!10:01
wormsxullawould disabling the disk cache for browsers help on small systems?10:04
Ben_Csis there an easy way to make an install cd of my current state xubuntu?10:24
jarnosMight be hard to fit all in one CD.11:26
jarnosAnybody tried Puppet?11:26
The_Sorrowhi there... i would need some help with my soundcard12:10
The_Sorrowuhm, i cannot get a sound-input, my mics not working... could anybody give me a helping hand with the problem?12:11
homebrewciderHi all, I have a micro sd card in a sd adapter, in a USB card reader, it shows up automatically on plugging in, as vfat, my user comes up as owner, with "read and write" access, but I can't write to it. What do I need to do please?12:13
homebrewciderthe USB reader shows up as read only12:39
homebrewciderI need to write to it12:39
KingOfDosDoes someone know a SIP proxy which can rewrite my SIP headers from Asterisk? This is needed because Asterisk can't handle a double NAT env (he thinks that the SIP ATA behind NAT1 is "internet", and asterisk only supports the "externip" inside the [general] block of the sip.conf.13:07
KingOfDos(wait, this is Xubuntu, not ubuntu main. so i'll hope that someone here knows something about voip ;) )13:13
TheSheepmaybe try #voip or something13:16
floatinganyone know whats up with my mp3 files that have japanese charachters encoded with utf-8. When i try play them in vlc player or amarok or maybe other players too, the filename gets scrambled14:17
floatingthe filename itself displays correct, and in win xp they appear right14:17
TheSheepreport a bug to the authors of these players14:17
floatingno its not the player14:17
floatingi think14:18
floatingsome setting has to be changed i think, but what14:18
knomefloating, in amarok, if the file is *really* properly tagged/encoded, it shows right.14:18
floatinghow can i check that ?14:18
TheSheepthere are some programs that can fix these things14:19
TheSheepI think quodlibet had a plugin for that14:19
TheSheepor was it exfalso?14:19
floatingim not sure if my fstab has put utf-8 to sda714:22
knomefloating, i think the easiest way to fix tags is to rewrite them in [insert_utf8_capable_editor_here] and copypaste them into tags.14:23
floatingfor ext3 drives, my fstab has no "utf8" tag in there14:23
floatingcopy-paste manually all mp3 files info to some program ?14:24
floatingbut the files are already in proper utf-8, if i take "ls" command and see the filenames appear correctly14:25
floatingbut when i see the filename in a music player i see14:25
TheSheepthat's an url, and it's url-encoded properly14:26
floatingok, how can i check the filename in amarok14:26
floatingah, i can see that correctly14:27
floatingbut the tags are correct in foobar2000 in win xp14:28
floatingthe files are on a windows drive. i wonder if it is safe to modify the tags from linux ?14:29
TheSheepthe tags are saved inside the file, filesystem has nothing to do with it14:31
=== Idzme_ is now known as Idzme
viddfloating, just for S&G...what happens if you rename the file?14:33
viddfloating, if the files are on a windows drive, try copying the file to your local system and see if the issue remains14:37
floatingi tried, remains14:38
floatingi can rename the tag manually in amarok edit tag14:38
floatingthen it appears correctly14:38
floatingjust soo many files14:38
floatingi tried reading quodlibet documentation but dont see a clear referance for fixing encodings14:40
TheSheepmaybe it was cowbell14:43
floatinghmm, are the "web" repositories important ?14:43
TheSheepfloating: what do you mean?14:44
floatingi had to remove those because there was this bug14:44
floatingThe following packages have unmet dependencies: easytag: Depends: libid3-3.8.3c2a but it is not installable14:44
floatingE: Broken packages14:44
floatingi dont know what those web repositories are for14:44
floatingso now when i cant install something like easytag, i thought that maybe i need those repositories14:44
TheSheepfloating: I have no idea what are you talking about14:45
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories14:46
floatingthat will take me another hour or so to read all those information14:46
floatingso guess i'll just forget that easytag :P14:47
TheSheepfloating: then maybe ask a more precise question14:47
floatingis being unable to install the program called easytag related to not having "web" repositories ?14:47
TheSheepno idea what those "web" repositories you are talking about are, maybe try to pastebin the whole message you get when trying to install easytag14:48
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)14:49
floatingall i got i pasted here, 3 rows or so14:49
TheSheepthat's all?14:50
floatingif i google that libid, i find some feisty files14:50
TheSheepwhat if you try to install it explicitly?14:50
floatingah, not14:50
TheSheep!info libid314:50
ubottuPackage libid3 does not exist in hardy14:50
floatingokay, so maybe i try that cowbell ^^14:51
TheSheepwhat happens when you do 'sudo apt-get install libid3-3.8.3c2a' ?14:52
floatingit gives lot of non-installable files too!14:52
TheSheepmaybe fix your repos14:53
TheSheepsee here14:53
floatingcant install, no installation candidates14:53
floatinghmm is that synaptic package manger14:54
floatingfor xubu14:54
TheSheepsynapptic has similar option, yes14:55
TheSheepthat's the 'software sources' dialog though14:55
TheSheepyou can use one or the other, it doesn't matter14:55
floatingokay, if i follow the instructions on that site, i come back to my problem that i had before14:56
floatingsomeone mentioned me to remove some tags14:56
floatingnow i had to retag them, and i get now14:57
floatingFailed to fetch http://fi.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hardy-updates/Release  Unable to find expected entry  web/binary-i386/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)14:57
floatingFailed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hardy-security/Release  Unable to find expected entry  web/binary-i386/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)14:57
floatingbut.. maybe i try main server instead of finland14:57
floatingthat i not tried yet14:57
floatingsame problem..14:58
floatingFailed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hardy-security/Release  Unable to find expected entry  web/binary-i386/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)14:58
floatingFailed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hardy-updates/Release  Unable to find expected entry  web/binary-i386/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)14:58
floatingSome index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.14:58
floatingand i cant tag anything on the updates tab14:59
ciapsadmWho add applications to desktop?15:09
viddciapsadm, click and drag the binary to the desktop15:11
viddfor example...if you want to run the game gnome-sudoku from the games menu....15:12
ciapsadmNot move15:15
viddopen the folder holding the executable15:15
viddnot the menu15:15
viddor you can create a launcher with the executable name15:17
ciapsadmI have successful15:32
ciapsadmHow block desktop?15:41
ciapsadmAdd block desktop to panel 115:42
ciapsadmAnd not go15:42
oklinuxany here try archlinux15:50
Kre|Shi everybody16:13
viddhello Kre|S16:13
ciapsadmWhat useful things can make Xubuntu?16:21
vinnlciapsadm, sorry?16:21
nutriahi guys. i'm, trying to boot Hardy Heron of a usb drive and i got stuck. After booting it says "Busybox" and i have a very limited shell. any ideas?16:34
vinnlnutria, which method did you use?16:35
nutriait is a fat16 partition16:35
vinnlnutria, how many machines have you tried it on? I get the same with mine using Xubuntu 8.10, but only on my own computer16:35
nutriaonly 1 machine16:36
nutriait's an amd6416:36
nutriai'm trying hardy heron i38616:36
vinnlWell, if you can, I'd recommend you to give it a try somewhere else to see if the problem is related to the hardware16:36
vinnlWhat I did with my problem is report a bug,  but there's not much activity on that :(16:36
nutriawell....it boots fine from the CD....also, i managed to boot Damn Small Linux of the same flash on the same machine16:37
vinnlSame here... Well, not the DSL thing, but I managed to run other versions16:37
nutriawelll....in my understanding, my computer gets stuck in initrd and doesn't load the full kernel16:38
vinnlAlso, when doing all the manual stuff like pendrivelinux.com suggested it works, however, not using usb-creator16:38
vinnlYou might give that a try16:38
vinnlYeah something like that I suppose16:38
nutriai'm not using usb-creator16:38
vinnlPerhaps you should :P16:38
nutriai'll give it a shot16:38
hensonIs there an easy way to update from 8.04 to 8.10 without reinstalling my system?16:50
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes16:50
vinnlIn short: yes :)16:51
hensoncool, that simple!  I thought it'd be harder going into beta16:53
viddxchat-systray depends on xchat >2.0.4 and I have xchat 2.8.4-0ubuntu7 installed .... anyone know why it will not install?16:59
viddsynaptic only says it requires xchat, but its not going to be installed17:00
TheSheepvidd: what about apt-get?17:00
viddThe_Kernel, same17:01
viddTheSheep, the same17:01
TheSheepvidd: you have xchat or xchat-gnome?17:05
viddxchat 2.8.4-0ubuntu7 installed17:06
TheSheepPackage: xchat17:06
TheSheepReplaces: xchat-common (<< 1.6.0-1), xchat-systray17:06
oklinuxany one here try archlinux ?17:07
TheSheepvidd: I guess it exp,ain it17:07
TheSheepoklinux: try #archlinux or #archy17:07
Odd-rationaleoklinux: i use it... but for archlinux talk /join #archlinux...17:07
Odd-rationalevidd: i dont thing this will help, but have you tried aptitude?17:08
oklinuxok thanks Odd-rationale17:08
viddTheSheep, i have xchat-common 2.8.4-0ubuntu717:08
viddOdd-rationale, trying now....17:08
TheSheepvidd: basically, xchat-systray is already included in that xchat package17:09
TheSheepvidd: xchat replaces xchat-systray17:09
TheSheepvidd: you don;t need it17:09
viddbut it doesnt work17:09
TheSheepthen file a bug17:09
oklinuxOdd-rationale, do you use xubuntu too ?17:12
Odd-rationaleoklinux: i used to17:12
oklinuxubuntu ?17:13
Odd-rationaleyeah, i used to use that too, before i used xubuntu...17:13
oklinuxso you on arch now ?17:16
Odd-rationaleyeah. ot. pm if you wish...17:17
viddcan anyone recommend a guide for removing all traces of ubuntu after installing xubuntu-desktop?17:57
TheSheepvidd: remove ubuntu-desktop and run apt-get autoremove17:58
TheSheepvidd: should work as long as you didn't use aptitude17:58
Odd-rationalevidd: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce17:58
TheSheepnote that yelp is, in fact, in xubuntu intrepid17:59
TheSheepfor example17:59
viddim installing via the ubuntu alt-cd18:03
oklinuxwhat does that do Odd-rationale ? the link18:03
Odd-rationaleoklinux: take a look :D removes all of the ubuntu or kubuntu packages, and leaves you with a pure xubuntu-desktop18:04
oklinuxbut if you run xubuntu then you dont need to do that correct ?18:06
TheSheepyou don't need to do that even if you don't run it18:07
* vidd just wants to free up the wasted space18:07
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »18:09
Odd-rationaleoklinux: suppose you had ubuntu installed. then you wanted to try out xubuntu. so you sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop. then you really liked xubuntu, and wanted to get rid of gnome... that would be a good time to run those commands...18:09
=== zoredache_ is now known as zoredache
viddand if there were an even lighter desktop environment, id use that18:10
Odd-rationalevidd: tried lxde?18:10
viddbut upgrade to 8.10 killed it18:11
Odd-rationaledefinetely lighter than xfce...18:11
viddi was very impressed18:11
zoredachewhat do you need to do?  If you want really light you could just start an xterm18:11
TheSheepratpoison :)18:11
Odd-rationaleyeah, or you could just go with a wm...18:12
Odd-rationalei use openbox18:12
viddin 8.10, it pulls in a mountain of gnome stuff18:12
* vidd wishes he had the expertise to built the DE from the ground up18:13
Odd-rationaleand if i ever decide to go back to gnome or xfce, i would probably continue to use openbox as the wm...18:13
oklinuxwhat about fvwm18:13
Odd-rationalenever tried fvwm18:13
viddhello slow-motion18:49
slow-motionhi vidd18:49
viddis it possible to install a cli-only system from the alt cd?18:50
viddor do you need the server disk?18:51
vinnlThe latter, I think18:51
vidd=\ ya usta-could18:51
charlie-tcaIf you did an expert install and did not install the right items, maybe?18:51
viddwell...once this install finishes, ill restart and try that18:52
zoredacheIt seems like you should be able to nstall a cli-only system from the alt cd... you might have to get the preseed file and host it on a http site...18:57
zoredachethen provide the correct boot option to load the preseed18:57
NillerzHas anyone here set up a local intranet for file-sharing between a windows PC and a xubuntu box?19:32
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?19:32
Nillerznot looking for samba, want something faster19:32
Nillerzlike HTTP  or BitTorrent19:32
Nillerz\for file sharing19:32
zoredacheSetup apache for webdav perhaps?19:33
The_Kernelor FTP19:33
zoredacheapache *with* webdav rather19:33
NillerzI'm actually wanting to do it with a small DNS setup19:33
TheSheepNillerz: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21863019:33
NillerzThe apache setup I can do, I just want to do some dns stuff first19:33
zoredachedns has nothing to do with file sharing, but installing DNS may be useful on an intranet19:33
TheSheepzeroconf works well as a dns replacement in a local network19:34
TheSheepit's apple's bonjour protocol19:34
NillerzYeah, I can figure the networking out later I just want my computer set up as a nameserver right now19:34
TheSheepNillerz: that link I gave you explains how to do it19:35
zoredacheinstall bind, make up a random name you will use for your private zone, and setup bind for that zone19:35
Nillerzokay, thanks19:36
Nillerzwhat about bittorrent, while we're on the subject? How does that fare, speed-wise, compared to FTP and HTTP?19:37
NillerzAny other protocols that might do pretty quick?19:37
zoredacheif you only have 2 points communicating, it should be almost identical... It may be worse since it has overheadto do lots of checksumming19:37
Nillerzbut on the plus-side, you get to continue transfers if interrupted...19:38
NillerzI'll have to do some experimenting19:38
TheSheepNillerz: ftp and http can also continue19:38
zoredachehttp, and ftp can continue transfers if the server and clients are configured correctly19:38
viddNillerz, for an intranet, ftp would be better then bit torrent19:38
TheSheepNillerz: and don't forget about nfs19:38
Nillerzso FTP is the best?19:39
viddfor an intranet...yes19:39
NillerzI'll set up an HTTP/FTP server on both computers (luckily the other computer has this area pretty well charted) so that it's easy for other users19:39
zoredacheI prefer http because it is easy to get it outside through an SSH tunnel19:39
viddnot too shabby for internet either19:39
zoredachegetting ftp/nfs/smb through an SSH tunnel is pretty difficult19:40
NillerzOkay, let's say it's a LAN party and I need to get an .iso file across several computers, in theory wouldnt' bitTorrent be better?19:40
=== tuna-fish is now known as tuna
viddon a lan....no...ftp is better19:40
NillerzBut you got multiple peers, so I'm thinking since you have several people...19:41
zoredachethe transfer may be faster... but getting all the computers access to the torrent server may be a pain19:41
Nillerzright, 'd need to streamline that19:41
zoredachegiven the speed of a lan it probably wouldn't worth the effort19:41
NillerzI might need to experiment a bit...19:41
TheSheepespecially with 1Gb ethernet cards19:41
NillerzWell, usually the files take a good 6 or 7 minutes19:42
NillerzAt any rate, still better than accessing a shared windows folder19:42
zoredachethere are many reasons smb sucks, but when properly configured it isn't significanly different from anything else19:43
NillerzI'm on wireless.19:43
zoredacheMy expereinece that the speed of the hard drives is the biggest bottle neck ona  LAN19:43
NillerzI know my card can do faster but SMb times out, so I'm going to test other protocols19:44
viddNillerz, the only reason bittorrent would be better then ftp is the "no login needed" factor....19:44
zoredachetorrents would be far worse on wireless probably...19:44
Odd-rationalethere is a pretty easy script here called ShareMe: http://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=5662319:44
Nillerzthen the multiple peer thing19:44
Odd-rationalewhich is simply a python script that sets up an ftp server...19:44
viddeasily compensated by a web page with the file on a download page or ftp w/ annonomous configured19:45
zoredachebut on a wireless network every peer sees everythign anyway...  You would almost want to use a custom multicast protocol19:45
NillerzI'm going to have to set up HTTP anyway, maybe PHP too, so my users will be able to choose the torrent to download.19:48
NillerzThis isn't just for basic home networking but I'm going to stress test it as a LAN party server19:48
viddNillerz, then can i recomend torrentflux?19:48
Nillerzat a LAN party, it'll all be hard-line though19:48
NillerzTorrentflux... let me google that19:48
viddNillerz, http://tf-b4rt.berlios.de19:49
viddits what i use19:49
NillerzOoh, a small bit-torrent file manager19:49
NillerzOkay, so TorrentFlux to be a tracker19:51
viddNillerz, you go to the link i posted?19:51
Nillerzthat's what it is right?19:51
Nillerzhttp://www.torrentflux.com/ not this?19:51
viddNillerz, if you want the limited version19:51
viddNillerz, http://tf-b4rt.berlios.de19:51
viddMUCH better19:52
Nillerzokay, thanks19:52
NillerzNow, all I need to do is at an event simply set my computer up with its external (which'll probably be wiped afterwards) and set up a bittorrent tracker19:53
Nillerzperhaps even set up some google-ads just to be a prick19:53
Nillerzthen once that's set up it's the DNS that's the problem19:53
viddNillerz, dns is a snap19:54
NillerzI might just skip that since techies go to lan parties and write the 192.168.1._ on a big piece of paper...19:54
viddinstall bind19:54
NillerzIs it too much to ask for bind to come in a .deb?19:54
viddsudo apt-get install bind919:55
viddcant get any easier then that19:56
NillerzI'm gonna get greedy19:56
Nillerzdoes it... have a GUI?19:56
viddNillerz, im looking for one19:58
NillerzI don't need one, I would just laugh if it did19:58
viddsudo apt-get install gbindadmin19:58
Nillerzruh roh20:00
Nillerzeverything is crashing! zomg!!11one20:00
viddNillerz, check this out:
viddmost are in the repo's (i believe)20:08
NillerzI plan to have this thing available as a webserver and bittorrent tracker and nameserver by the end of the day20:08
viddheh...you can make it an entire ISP by then!20:09
NillerzRight, but this BEAST only has 380 mb of ram so yeah...20:10
* vidd personally recomends FTP server as well20:10
Nillerzand usenet access might be a bitch...20:10
NillerzBy the way, is there a way to do that without going through your ISP?20:10
zoredachethere are providers you can pay to get access to usenet20:11
Nillerzhow do those providers access usenet?20:12
viddthere are providers giving access away20:12
vidddunno...havent used usenet for over 10 years20:12
TheSheepgoogle groups, for example20:12
TheSheepor http://news.motzarella.org/20:13
NillerzThat's not really usenet is it? I mean, it's just an archive of usenet posting20:13
zoredacheit is a bit like a p2p system...  you have links to a few peers and pull changes from them20:13
TheSheepNillerz: no, you can post too20:13
Nillerzoh, hmm20:13
TheSheepNillerz: but you have to use their ugly web client20:14
TheSheepwhich sucks20:14
Nillerzah, well, a tear shed for the death of usenet, anyway, back to my networking stuff20:14
NillerzBy the way, there is a pre-wedding party going on right now in my house and I'm doing this instead. :320:16
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.20:29
=== Nillerz is now known as Nillerzz
=== Nillerzz is now known as Nillerzzz
=== Nillerzzz is now known as Nillerz
_dbd_l12hi, i've turned of the 'show icons in menu' in the xfce menu (which works) but it still shows the icons when right-clicking the desktop to turn up the xfce menu. Any way to also disable these icons? I'm on xubuntu 8.04.22:48
_dbd_l12ok, i've found the answer here: http://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/xfdesktop/branches/xfce_4_4/README22:52

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