
_AndrewI think my bzr upgrade is borked I started it hours ago and it's not finished00:38
_Andrewbzr upgrade sftp://andrewfenn@bazaar.launchpad.net/~hardwar/hardwar/trunk/00:38
_AndrewI it's still at making backup of tree history00:38
spm_Andrew: does strace show any activity?00:52
_AndrewI never used strace before01:01
spmit will show if any activity, loosely, is happening - ie via system calls. #1 debugging tool for all sysadmins.01:02
spmso in your case: a Q&D use would be: strace -p <bzr PID> ;; any scolling output means stuff is still happening.01:04
mtaylorpoolie: are you the distcc Martin Pool ?01:04
pooliemtaylor: yes01:07
lifelessmtaylor: hi01:08
lifelessmtaylor: how did you go with that plugin; I saw your query but you had logged01:08
mtaylorpoolie: (sorry to bug you in the wrong place...) is there a way to pass an option to distcc so that the preprocessor run gets it, but it doesn't get sent to gcc on the build hosts?01:09
mtaylorlifeless: I'm getting Unable to load plugin 'repodetails' from '/home/mtaylor/.bazaar/plugins'01:09
lifelessmtaylor: CPP_FLAGS perhaps ?01:09
mtaylorlifeless: hm. the env var?01:09
lifelessmtaylor: yah01:09
pooliemtaylor: no problem, though i should say i'm not working on it very actively at the moment01:09
lifelessmtaylor: the plugin requires my repository branch01:10
pooliemtaylor: the client has some hardcoded knowledge about which options should be seen by cpp01:10
mtaylorlifeless: yup. I installed that too01:10
poolieor you could use that variable lifeless mentioned01:10
lifelessmtaylor: to make it be exclusive to that branch, just put it in bzrlib/plugins/repodetails of that branch01:10
poolieit's probably a bug that distcc doesn't specifically handle it01:10
lifelessmtaylor: then when you run that branches bzr it will find it, but other ones won't01:10
mtaylorI'm having problems specifically with -Wunusued-macros01:10
mtaylorlifeless: ah, good call01:10
mtayloror, -Wunused-macros, rather01:11
mtaylorlifeless: the error I'm getting from the import is ImportError: cannot import name chk_map01:11
mtaylorlifeless: so perhaps my bzr is too old?01:13
lifelessmtaylor: that file is only present in my 'repository' branch01:13
* mtaylor groks your repository branch better now01:14
lifelessconcretely - bzr branch http://people.ubuntu.com/~robertc/baz2.0/repository repo01:17
lifelessbzr branch http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~lifeless/+junk/bzr-repodetails repo/bzrlib/plugins/repodetails01:17
lifelessrepo/bzr repository-details repo01:18
mtayloryes. now it's making sense01:18
mtaylorI was assuming repository was a plugin :)01:18
_AndrewThat's what I get for strace01:26
spm_Andrew: ok. so what would that suggest to you?01:42
spm_Andrew: eg, by way of comparison with say: strace wget http://google.com01:45
_AndrewIt would suggest I just screwed up my launchpad project?01:47
spm_Andrew: heh. no. the read system call is nicely 'wedged' attempting to read from id #6.01:48
spmwhy? is unknown at this stage.01:49
spmyou could lsof against that pid, and see if you can see what #6 refers to. If network, or filesystem.01:49
lifeless_Andrew: did it get beyond 'backing up' at all ?01:50
lifeless_Andrew: if not, I suspect a bug and a hung server on the lpside01:50
lifeless_Andrew: in that case please file a question on the bazaar-launchpad product listing your branch01:51
_Andrewshould I just stop and restart?01:51
lifeless_Andrew: and the symptoms; quote this conversation too01:51
lifeless_Andrew: I doubt that stopping and restarting will magically fix it01:51
persiapastebin is transient : best to attach the pastebin as a file rather than by reference01:52
_AndrewHow do I revert my launchpad repo back to the .backup?01:56
lifeless_Andrew: if it never got past doing the backup, then it is unaltered01:59
_Andrewbzr: ERROR: File exists: '/~hardwar/hardwar/trunk/backup.bzr': mkdir failed: unable to mkdir02:00
_Andrewbzr disagrees with you02:00
_AndrewSo is there a way to get rid of the .backup folder so I can try again02:01
lifeless_Andrew: not trivially; please file that question I asked you to02:20
_AndrewI already filed a bug02:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 286180 in launchpad-bazaar "Error on upgrade of bzr repo" [Undecided,New]02:25
zookoHello, folks!  How's the launchpad<->trac integration coming?02:45
zookoI set up the plugin on my trac instance -- http://allmydata.org -- and then this revealed a bug in session mgmt (or some such) in the launchpad side, and then that bug was fixed, and then we were waiting for the fix to make its way into the deployed launchpad instance.02:45
zookoIf I understand correctly.02:45
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zookoOops, familytime!02:52
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lifelesszookoafk: most recent rollout was late last week, give it a shot it may be fixed02:54
_AndrewWhy aren't all bzr repos just upgraded locally..02:55
_AndrewI remember Launchpad being down either last week or the week before that.02:55
persia_Andrew, Some are very large, and want to be upgraded by someone with not so much bandwidth.02:55
_Andrew... anyway what can I do now?02:57
lifeless_Andrew: just keep using it03:01
cjwatson01:56 <_Andrew> How do I revert my launchpad repo back to the .backup?03:02
cjwatson_Andrew: right now it sounds like it's unaltered *except* for the presence of backup.bzr03:03
cjwatsonso as lifeless says you can keep on using it as normal; it's just that upgrade won't work03:03
cjwatson_Andrew: they aren't just all upgraded locally because upgrading drops compatibility with older versions of bzr, which not everyone finds desirable03:04
persiaOr if you *really* want to upgrade, pull the latest revision, delete the backup, upgrade it locally, and push with --overwrite : the problem with doing this is that it destroys the information required to fix the issue you've encountered.03:05
spivpersia: push --overwrite doesn't upgrade the remote branch.03:11
jamesh"push --overwrite" won't actually delete existing revision data at the remote end either.03:12
spiv--overwrite means "make the remote branch's tip revision be the same as local, even if the local one is earlier than or has diverged from the remote one".03:12
persiaspiv, Hrm?  I thought that if I upgraded locally, and pushed, it would upgrade the remote, under normal circumstances.03:12
jameshit'll update the head revision pointer even if the new head isn't descended from the old head03:12
spivpersia: no, the only operation that upgrades an existing branch (or repo, or working tree) is "bzr upgrade".03:13
jameshspiv: when are we getting a smart server verb for upgrade? :)03:13
persiaAh, so running bzr upgrade locally can never change a remote branch?03:13
spivBecause silent/automatic upgrades would make it dangerous to use new bzr versions on branches than are intentionally in older formats (which you may want because you want older clients to keep being able to use them).03:14
jameshpersia: "bzr upgrade sftp://..." will upgrade a remote branch, but it is slow03:14
spivpersia: right; you have to explicitly upgrade the remote location.03:15
persiaOK.  My mistake.  Thanks for the clarification.03:15
* persia will probably use bzr upgrade more often as a result03:15
spivjamesh: when we figure out a sensible scheme for discussing formats in the smart protocol, I guess.03:15
spivAnyway, food time!03:15
* spiv -> food03:15
jameshpersia: if you're working with bazaar.launchpad.net, I've found the quickest way to do an upgrade is to use lftp to connect via sftp, then do a recursive delete of the branch data03:17
jameshthen use "bzr push --use-existing-dir" to push a copy in the new format03:17
jameshat a minimum, "bzr upgrade" over the network will involve downloading all the branch data an uploading it again03:18
cjwatsonjamesh: at least twice, IIRC03:26
jameshcjwatson: right.  What I gave was the lower bound03:27
jameshso if you've already got all the data locally, you can easily beat the time "bzr upgrade" would take03:28
_Andrewlifeless: if I commit and push branches up will it screw up finding the error (since that's what you're concerned in finding)03:32
lifeless_Andrew: no, I don't rhink it will make difficult03:34
_Andreweh... think?03:36
StevenKHi, I'm trying to reassign bug 285508 from project ubuntu-mobile to ubuntu, and LP is telling me "Enter a project name"06:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 285508 in ubuntu-mobile "User ubuntu must be present for MID install to work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28550806:27
HobbseeStevenK: you can't change it.  You need to change the URL (take out the -mobile), then load the page, then click on the option that comes up, to affect it there.  Then you can mark the mobile one as invalid06:29
persiaHobbsee, Isn't there a way to just change it?  Leaving it invalid leaves the implicit subscribers subscribed.06:30
Hobbseepersia: don't think so, because ubuntu isn't a project - it's a distribution06:31
Hobbseepersia: actually, there might be a bogus project - registry admins or something?06:31
jameshyou can reassign it to some other unrelated project06:31
jameshthat way it is their problem rather than yours06:31
spivHobbsee: btw, why prefer URL hacking over clicking "Also affects distribution"?06:31
persiajamesh, That's not very nice.06:31
Hobbseespiv: because those pages confuse me06:31
Hobbseespiv: and because i wasn't sure if it'd work06:32
* spiv nods06:32
jameshpersia: no it isn't.06:32
persiaspiv, URL hacking is faster, and usually more reliable06:32
Hobbseei can figure it out for other packages inside ubuntu, but not otherwise06:32
Hobbseepersia: and you know it's actually going to do what you want, whether you know the terminology or not06:32
jameshthere is no way to convert a distro bug task to a project bug task or vice versa06:32
jamesh(at least not last time I checked)06:32
Hobbseejamesh: correct.06:33
persiaSo if reporters file things in the wrong place, there's no way to safely move them without annoying the bug contacts for the project that was spammed?06:33
persiaHobbsee, Also, most of the time it skips the business logic for the buttons, so you can do things that might otherwise not work.06:35
Hobbseepersia: right.06:35
jameshpersia: what sort of business logic do you expect to bypass by hacking URLs?06:40
persiajamesh, I haven't done it in a while because I have the necessary rights now, but task nomination was something I used to abuse that way all the time.06:41
persiaI know it still works to file bugs against closed projects.  Dunno what else.06:41
wgrantEmail works for that too.06:41
wgrantIt's great to work around some stupid LP bugs.06:41
persiaIt's the same issue : the business logic is triggered by the UI, rather than being triggered during the commit.06:42
Hobbseeah, yes,  that's what it always get to used for, for people without rights - the task nominations06:43
persiaI think mpt filed a bug about it in Edgy, but don't remember the number.06:43
persiaThe problem is that fixing it either means rewriting massive chunks of LP, or duplicating the business logic for each interface.  There are plenty of more annoying bugs.06:47
jameshthere are multiple layers at which business logic is defined.06:47
persiaOh good, so it's only exposed for some things.06:47
jameshideally the checks at the UI layer would only prevent the user from hitting fatal errors06:48
jameshand have the important checks done at the model layer and protected by the security proxies06:48
wgrantI'm slightly concerned at how little seems to be checked by the securitypolicy.06:49
persiaRight.  That's a little bit of duplication, but probably worthwhile to avoid users being annoyed about being able to press buttons that don't work.06:49
wgrantLots of things are read-only in the API that shouldn't be.06:49
jameshfile bugs?06:50
wgrantWhich means the checking is being done outside the usual security infrastructure.06:50
jameshwgrant: for some interfaces inside LP, the security proxies make certain data read only and require modifications to go through particular methods06:51
jameshwgrant: I haven't played with the API stuff much, but I wouldn't be surprised if the read only attributes get exposed automatically but the methods need special handling to expose06:51
jameshi.e. it doesn't sound like evidence that the layering is being bypassed06:52
wgrantjamesh: I noticed that with status transitions and the like.06:52
wgrantBut thinks like Person.{latitude,longitude}.06:52
jameshbug status transition is definitely an example of this kind of thing.06:52
wgrantThere's no special handling needed for location, except for the permissions specialcasing.06:53
wgrantBut they are read-only in the API.06:53
lifelessI'd suggest filing bugs06:54
wgrantI've done enough of that to know it doesn't work too often.06:54
lifelesslp exposing apis is making layering more important than ever, and now there are multiple people driving it06:54
jameshwgrant: statistically, it is more effective than not filing bugs06:55
wgrantjamesh: Only slightly.06:56
spivwgrant: where does complaining on IRC fall on that spectrum? :)06:57
persiaActually, although I file bugs, I find that discussion on IRC runs about even with filing bugs towards a resolution.06:57
wgrantspiv: For Launchpad it's surprisingly high.06:58
jameshIRC might be good for things that can be fixed quickly, but it is easy to lose such reports06:59
persiajamesh, Very true.06:59
Hobbseespiv: if a LP developer files the bug, it seems to tend to get done faster.  IRC tends to get LP devs to filde them.06:59
persiaThat's what makes it both surprising and impressive that IRC is such an effective forum in LP.07:00
jameshand it won't be that effective if the person who can fix it lives in the wrong time zone ...07:00
spivHobbsee: correlation is not causation...07:01
Hobbseespiv: sure, that's true.  It's just interesting that it often seems to happen that way07:03
spivHobbsee: it's certainly interesting, but by itself it doesn't really tell us much.07:06
persiaAnyway, this discussion is getting hopelessly -meta.  Can we either discuss things about launchpad (rather than launchpad development habits) or not discuss so much?07:08
jameshHobbsee: I'd expect you'd have better luck with your bugs than many people -- you know who to ask in many cases.07:08
spivHobbsee: and it definitely isn't an argument for not filing bugs yourself.   (And I wonder... if users filed more bugs, would the correlation decrease?)07:08
Hobbseejamesh: that's true.  That doesn't translate to them actually getting fixed, unless they're critical.07:09
jameshI'd imagine that is one of the things that favours bugs filed by insiders.07:09
Hobbseetheoretically.  Maybe we then file more bugs than most others, so see a smaller percentage actually get fixed.07:09
jameshHobbsee: I've filed bugs that have sat round for a long time but were low importance07:09
Hobbseealthough I was pleased to see the turn around time for the breakage yesterday - well done guys!07:09
Hobbseespiv: interesting experiment.  I do need to file some more bugs, so we'll see.07:10
* Hobbsee goes off to file that rotten advanced search bug07:11
Hobbseehm, nope, surprisingly it's not reported.07:14
wgrantWhat is it?07:15
Hobbseewgrant: do an advanced search (say, search for all bugs with u-u-s subscribed), hit search, then do a reorder.07:16
Hobbseeit drops the advanced search term, shows you all the open bugs that you had, without the advanced search criteria in place.07:17
wgrantI haven't noticed that for years... I just take it as a given.07:18
Hobbseei keep getting caught by it.07:19
Hobbseei mean, by the same logic, i don't expect to suddenly get all bugs, globally, if i do a reorder on all ubuntu bugs.07:19
Hobbseewhat's the plural of criteria?07:21
Hobbseeoh, that is the clural.  criterion is the singular.  interesting.07:22
Hobbseeright.  Filed the LP bug for the day.07:24
HobbseeI won't do a wgrant, and file 15.07:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 286249 in malone "Ordering after an Advanced Search drops the search criteria" [Undecided,New]07:24
wgrantI haven't followed 15-a-day for a while now.07:26
Hobbseenext up will be that buildd crazy UI bug.07:28
Hobbseespiv: seeing as you're advocating me filing bugs myself, does bugs with the +builds/ and related pages go under soyuz, or?07:28
wgrantThat would be Soyuz.07:29
spivHobbsee: I'm (blissfully) ignorant of the answer to that question ;)07:29
Hobbseespiv: hehe, OK07:30
Hobbseespiv: how long do you think a bug about "please remove these two pages because they're duplicated" will take to fix?07:30
wgrantI'm a bit confused about where the line between Foundations and Registry lies, but I'm fairly sure of other things.07:30
wgrantHobbsee: Until you can slip an rm in on someone's laptop.07:30
spivHobbsee: "it depends" :)07:30
wgrantie. UDS.07:30
beunoHobbsee, all launchpad developers are in london for a 2 week sprint, so, "longer than usual"  :)07:30
beunoI'm actually having breakfeast there right now07:31
spivHobbsee: potentially quite fast, but who knows what terrors lurk in dark corners...07:31
Hobbseebeuno: no, usual is at least 6 months, as it's not a critical bug.  :P07:31
Hobbseespiv: hehe, OK07:31
spivHobbsee: That said, *probably* it is actually quick to fix.07:31
wgrantConsidering that a separate bug was needed for removing the actions menu from each of the bug pages, I don't hold much hope.07:31
wgrant(and most of them slipped from 2.1.10... wtf)07:32
beunoHobbsee, is this something in soyuz?07:32
Hobbseespiv: that's what I would have thought, but I would have thought the same of adding headers to mails07:32
Hobbseebeuno: which?07:32
beunoHobbsee, this bug you want to report07:32
Hobbseebeuno: i've already reported https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/malone/+bug/286249, and am about to report one in soyuz, yes.07:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 286249 in malone "Ordering after an Advanced Search drops the search criteria" [Undecided,New]07:32
beunoHobbsee, all listings will be redeisgned to fix all those problems07:33
beunoand, as for soyuz, I have a UI sprint planned for around january, so the more bugs I have to work on, the better07:33
wgrantbeuno: "will be" in which timeframe?07:33
beunowgrant, in the launchpad 3.0 release cycle07:34
beunowhich is until july next year or so07:34
wgrantbeuno: Do we get customisable columns?07:34
persiaSo filing these bugs is largely useless, and it's better to talk to you about it on IRC?07:34
wgrantOr s/IRC/UDS/ for Soyuz stuff?07:35
beunowgrant, I haven't figured out all the details, but, the more I know about what you guys find useful, the more chances it has of landing  :)07:35
persiaUDS is probably more effective than IRC07:35
beunoright, I will be doing some soyuz research during UDS especially07:36
beunopersia, wgrant, bugs are vey useful so I don't forget07:36
wgrantSounds good, considering your users will be there.07:36
beunoI'm happy to discuss it on IRC/UDS, but bugs help me focus  :)07:36
beunoI'm really looking forward to talking to you guys in UDS07:37
wgrantI think the way to fix Soyuz navigation is a big rm followed by rethinking it.07:37
wgrantOr maybe just lots of portlet abolition.07:37
beunoI've been working on navigation proposals a lot lately07:37
beunoall of launchpad needs a re-think07:38
wgrantIt is a nasty thing to design, particularly in Soyuz land.07:38
beunoI won't really decide until I understand all LP apps07:38
wgrantWhen you have things like DASBPR, you know you're in trouble.07:38
beunoand do extensive testing07:38
Hobbseesoyuz, and navigation?07:38
Hobbseebeuno: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/soyuz/+bug/286253 for you07:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 286253 in soyuz "mass duplication in buildd administration" [Undecided,New]07:39
Hobbseeonly way to navigate soyuz from one section to another effectively is through bookmarks.07:39
beunoHobbsee, feel free to subscribe me to UI bugs when you file them07:39
persiaHobbsee, No, URL hacking works too.07:39
Hobbseebeuno: you're on it now, thanks.07:39
Hobbseepersia: i don't remember hte magic URL bits07:40
persiaOh.  Then URL hacking works for me :)07:40
wgrantURL hacking works for me too.07:40
persia(but I don't do nearly as much buildd stuff as you)07:40
Hobbseesome parts it does for me07:40
wgrantBut I have some bookmarks that take arguments for the really common things.07:41
Hobbseebuildds aren't really teh problem - it's finding the queue, or the build queues07:41
persiawgrant, I suspect the magic bits are part of Hobbsee's magic power07:41
Hobbseeer, upload queue, or the build queues can get interesting.07:41
Hobbseeparticularly if you're looking for a particular release.07:41
Hobbseerather than globally07:41
wgrantbeuno: Try to find binary download links from https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux07:41
Hobbseewgrant: *snort*.07:42
Hobbseewgrant: for a past binary...07:42
Hobbseewgrant: throw him in the deepend, why don't you?  :)07:42
wgrantIt's the same as a current binary.07:42
persiawgrant, That's an especially evil example though.07:42
Hobbseepersia: it's one that gets used a lot, though07:42
wgrantBut you have to notice the portlets and realise that you have to go through the build.07:42
persiaHobbsee, True, actually.  Probably gets used more than anything else.07:43
Hobbseepersia: i doubt it's bookmarkable either - that's the real pain07:43
persiaHobbsee, Depends on the automation of your bookmarks : you can get it iff you have the correct versions.07:44
persiaIt's not like build logs, where you have to collect the buildID from somewhere first.07:44
Hobbseepersia: sorry, i meant generically enough that you didn't need to know the version07:44
persiaOh, no, you can't do that.07:45
* Hobbsee --> lecture07:51
wgrantHobbsee: Late!07:53
wgrant(says he who is still in a workshop)07:53
Hobbseewgrant: i know!  I have to drive there still!07:53
Hobbseeat least i'm driving away from the traffic!07:54
spivHobbsee: evening lecture?  suck.07:55
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bugabundo_workanyone here in charge of bzr?11:51
persiabugabundo_work, bzr as software, or the bzr server used in launchpad?11:51
bugabundo_workhumm again no one responsible for the # help? I must live in strange timezone lol11:51
bugabundo_workbzr software11:51
persiaTry #bzr11:51
bugabundo_workI started using it as a TimeMachine11:52
* bugabundo_work checks #bzr11:52
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Hobbseespiv: yup.  3 hours on compilers.  Usually it makes sense, but this was programming a bit close to the metal for my liking12:50
cjwatsonI always liked compiler theory at university13:02
* wgrant isn't up to such interesting stuff, unfortunately.13:03
Hobbseecjwatson: it's certainly interesting...but the code generation part's just a bit...too far.13:04
zookoafkHm, how do I test whether launchpad is now poking ticket updates into my trac?13:14
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sps_bris this channel to discuss bugs in intrepid too?15:04
persiasps_br, No.  This channel is to discuss launchpad.  For intrepid bugs, you probably want either #ubuntu-bugs or #ubuntu+115:04
sps_brpersia: thanks, but, isn't launchpad a bug discussion area?15:05
persiaLaunchpad is a suite of software for managing bugs, code, user support, distribution, package building, translations, and lots of other stuff.15:06
persiaUbuntu uses most of the launchpad services, including the bugtracker service.15:07
sps_brah ok, thanks!15:07
Magillaanyone having any issues tonight? It seems to be /really/ slow here...15:20
mrevell-sprintMagilla: What actions are you finding slow? General browsing of Launchpad?15:24
Magillamrevell-sprint: editing my profile15:24
MagillaI'm waiting 60s+ for each page load15:25
mrevell-sprintMagilla: It's slow for me too but I'm on a ropey connection right now. Let me check if there are any known issues.15:26
MagillaI started loading the current page before joining the channel15:26
Magillaand it's still going15:26
MagillaPlease try again15:26
MagillaSorry, there was a problem connecting to the Launchpad server.15:26
Magilla Try reloading this page in a minute or two. If the problem persists, let us know in the #launchpad IRC channel on Freenode.15:27
MagillaI'm currently trying to finish registration of my gpg key15:28
MagillaOh, and the instructions on launchpad for setting up a gpg/OpenPGP key are missing a vital piece of information15:29
beunoMagilla, we're checking to see if there are any problems15:29
Magillahmm, the information seems to be there now15:33
beunoMagilla, what's missing in the gpg help?15:33
Magillamaybe it was the Bazaar docs that were missing info15:33
Magillawhatever setup guide I was following, it said to run gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --send-keys15:34
Magillabut neglected to point out that you need to put the key ID on the end15:34
mrevell-sprintMagilla: Performance should be improved now15:34
Magillamrevell-sprint: thanks15:35
* Magilla clicks "Continue"15:35
beunoMagilla, doesn't that command send all of them?15:35
Magillait didn't do anything15:35
Magillaat all15:35
Magillajust returned me to the cli15:35
Magillano feedback, and the key never appeared on the server15:36
Magillaepic frustration until I found another howto15:36
beunoMagilla, I'll look into it and get the wiki corrected15:36
beunothanks for the tip15:36
Magillabeuno: I've had another look at the docs, and it appears to be there15:37
Magilla(now, at least)15:37
beunoah, cool15:37
Magillathe failure may have been on the Bazaar site15:37
MagillaI'll try to find it and let them know15:37
Magillathanks for the help15:37
MagillaAh, I remember what happened15:41
Magillain the profile, where you add your key, it says to do this:15:42
Magillagpg --send-key key-id15:42
Magillabut I couldn't figure out what the key id was15:42
Magillait just didn't work15:43
wgrantbeuno: LP seems to be broken.15:43
MagillaI didn't realise you shouldn't use the 1024/ prefix before the key15:43
wgrantGot a request through then.15:43
wgrantBut it's slow and intermittent.15:43
Magillaso I went looking for other howtos, and thats where I got the other command, but it omitted the key-id bit15:44
* wgrant waits for kwwii to complain.15:44
wgrantDear god.15:44
wgrantLaunchpad is very sick.15:44
kwwiiwgrant: nahhh, I was going to wait 5 min to see if anyone else has problems15:44
Magillaif anything, maybe a quick "this is what your key id is" in there would be great15:45
wgrantkwwii: It's damn slow for me.15:45
kwwii*then* I will scream like only an artist can15:45
wgrantAnd I just got 7 alerts on the one page to tell me that I had filed a bug.15:45
wgrantBut I haven't filed a bug for hours.15:45
wgrantSomething is broken.15:45
kwwiiwgrant: well, I cannot even connect "Sorry, there was a problem connecting to the Launchpad server."15:45
kwwiiw00t, it finally worked15:46
MagillaMy first bazaar push has successed!15:50
* nijaba agrees the lp is having speed issues ATM...16:02
oubiwann(that link is for rockstar)16:08
ToyKeeperHmm, bad weather on launchpad today...  I'm getting server-side timeouts sometimes trying to edit bugs (returns a 'please try again' page), and when pages do load it takes several minutes.16:18
mwhudsonyes :(16:18
rockstarToyKeeper, hi there!16:23
ToyKeeperGremlins hiding in the latest release?  Unusually high load today?  Flu going around the data center?  :)16:23
rockstarToyKeeper, it's probably because we're all in London.  :)  Murphy's Law or something.16:25
ToyKeeperYeah, must be something which happens whenever you get too close together.  :)16:26
* ToyKeeper saw Hancock, maybe Canonical works the same way16:26
cwmorning ! :D16:28
cwSorry, there was a problem connecting to the Launchpad server. Try reloading this page in a minute or two. If the problem persists, let us know in the #launchpad IRC channel on Freenode. Thanks for your patience16:28
cwI'm just letting you know :D16:28
ToyKeeperAnyway, I'm probably the zillionth person to mention it, but I figured I should say something just in case.16:28
cwawsome work by  the way16:28
Rinchen-sprintincw yeah we're having some disruptions today16:29
cwoh and I got pidgin working with intrepid since libpurple0 and libperl were messed up16:30
Rinchen-sprintinwe've got folks diagnosing the issue16:30
cwjust had to manually recompile pidgin16:30
cwjust fyi16:30
cweverythings working great otherwise..and thanks for the response Rinchen, i do aqppreciate that.16:31
ToyKeeperA note in the /topic might help.  :)16:31
Rinchen-sprintinno worries cw .. we're all sprinting today in London but our admins notified us of the issues16:31
Rinchen-sprintinso we're diagnosing logs and also beating up the servers to recreate the issue16:31
cwlol no probs.. at your own time.. everythings working again for me at least "workable" in a running environment16:32
cwi know you probably have your hands full, so I'll just say thanks and let you get back to what-ever it was you were doing to make the world a better place :D16:32
persiaRinchen-sprintin, You can't recreate?16:32
Rinchen-sprintinwe installed some code on Friday to help us diagnose this odd behaviour16:33
Rinchen-sprintinso we're trolling through new logs and also following up on some suspicions16:33
Rinchen-sprintinpersia, not consistently which is darn frustrating16:33
cwwell if you see my email in the logs..  cw will make sense ;)16:33
cw<< coder :D16:34
Rinchen-sprintinpersia, the moon phase changes and we get data and then suddenly....no problem.16:34
cwanyways, you fine people have an awsome morning and thanks again for all your help16:34
Rinchen-sprintinThanks cw16:34
persiaRinchen-sprintin, Ah, yeah.  The things that break all work the second or third time for me, which I prefer to not working at all, but I can see how it might be frustrating.16:34
Rinchen-sprintinsorry for any inconvenience.16:34
cwI have to get to work. again no probs.. I'm just glad someones "on the ball" so to speak lol16:35
cwTake care, I'll check back in later.16:35
andrea-bsHello! Please take a look at https://help.launchpad.net/YourAccount/Branding?action=diff&rev1=10&rev2=12 and rollback the page :)16:59
persiaandrea-bs, /+me/ can be useful in URLs17:03
Rinchen-sprintinthanks andrea-bs17:03
Rinchen-sprintinI'll get that fixed and locked17:04
persiaandrea-bs, Nevermind.  Sorry.17:04
Rinchen-sprintinmrevell-sprint, ^^17:04
mrevell-sprintandrea-bs: Thanks for letting us know, I rolled that back already. Strange what some people will put on a wiki page!17:05
mrevell-sprintthanks Rinchen-sprintin17:05
=== zookoafk is now known as zooko
DBOlaunchpad slow, make bug day cry... please give the bandwidth17:29
beunoDBO, we're working on it17:30
DBOdo you have an ETA on a fix17:31
DBObecause we can get pizza or something while we wait17:31
beunogo for pizza, we don't want our users to be hungry17:34
micahis launchpad down?17:35
mwhudsonit's working somewat17:36
DBOit gives enough response to let your browser not time it out?17:36
DBOthats about all I get really17:36
anewsonhey all, i'm plugging my problem in ubuntu but so far no dice... hardy isn't recognizing my partition table correctly at boot time, if that sounds fixable to anyone, take a gander: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/4850717:59
teratornfor several minutes now I've been getting a "please try again" message when editing a project description. "Sorry, there was a problem connecting to the Launchpad server"18:29
=== elmo changed the topic of #launchpad to: LP app servers having issues - engineers are investigating | https://launchpad.net/ | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | https://help.launchpad.net/HelpRotation | Community help contact: -
Rinchen-sprintinteratorn, we're experiencing service disruptions18:33
Rinchen-sprintinteratorn, we have several people doing diagnosis18:33
Rinchen-sprintinthanks elmo for the topic18:34
teratorngood luck :)18:34
anewsonhey all, i'm plugging my problem in ubuntu but so far no dice... hardy isn't recognizing my partition table correctly at boot time, if that sounds fixable to anyone, take a gander: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/4850718:49
csilkis LP on a go slow today?19:10
mwhudsonyes :(19:10
mwhudsonworking hard on fixing it19:10
csilkOh rite19:10
Kruxerhi all19:28
Kruxerwhat's wrong with launchpad?19:28
beunoit's slow, it's being fixed19:29
hawke_I take it someone set the LP server on fire?21:02
LarstiQthat seems to be the case21:02
JediMasterI take it by the subject that the servers have been having issues for a few hours?21:14
kikoJediMaster, yeah, still on it21:15
JediMasterseems to be ok now21:16
JediMasteryeah, I was getting error pages for some time and now I'm browsing and replying to bugs without much problem, a bit slow, but working21:19
cjwatsonseveral people have reported variable results over time21:26
cjwatsonso working-for-one-person-now doesn't necessarily mean it's fixed21:26
kikocjwatson, yeah, we are pretty much aware but have NFC what is wrong21:27
kikoeven after staring at megs of logs21:28
* LarstiQ resists the temptation21:28
cjwatsonI'll trade you that for the grub/LVM bug of doom I've been working on for several hours :-)21:28
cjwatson(actually, no I won't because it's almost fixed now. But two hours ago ...)21:29
* LarstiQ quickly goes back to http://learnyouahaskell.com/21:29
=== michael__ is now known as madmickeyson
angelicaoi que passa22:07
kikothe appservers are upset22:09
mwhudsonedge should be fine22:15
wgrantLP seems happy this release.22:15
kikowgrant, edge is happy. prod is not!22:16
wgrantkiko: Edge isn't running 2.1.10, so ha!22:16
wgrantIs it likely to be related to the collapse a couple of days ago?22:18
wgrantOr is 2.1.10 just particularly good?22:18
kikoit's something weird happening on lpnet only. not edge.22:20
wgrantHow odd.22:21
* Sidnei feeds some tea to the appservers22:21
wgrantTea solves everything.22:21
wgrant1/win 4622:24
Sidneihey kiko, having fun over there?22:25
kikono :)22:25
* wgrant bets spm is glad it's not in his TZ yet.22:29
spmwgrant: would be wrong on the TZ part :-)22:29
wgrantspm: It's not even 0830!22:29
ajmitchfar too early in the morning to be awake22:32
spmwgrant you do cut it fine: :-) [21/10/08 08:29:59] <wgrant> spm: It's not even 0830!22:34
wgrantspm: I made sure I managed to slip it in before 0830.22:34
wgrantI was hoping that lag wouldn't break it.22:34
spmwgrant: fwiw I start around 7.30am - blame it on too many years of doing swimming training @ 5.30am as a kid. And having 3am wakeups for a small boy...22:36
wgrantspm: Oh, fun.22:36
wgrantAt least you know where to find every LP person conceivable this time...22:37
spmindeed! :-)22:38
spmwgrant: anyway - aren't you a uni student? I asume you're still up from Monday, and not actually already awoken? :-P22:39
=== jaypipes is now known as jaypipes-afk
kikostuff should be good to go now23:11
kikoif it's not please ping mthaddon who knows how to get a hold of us23:11
=== kiko is now known as kiko-zzz
mthaddonor if it's more than two hours from now, please ping spm :)23:11
kiko-zzzis it that late? gar23:12
wgrantThanks guys.23:12
kiko-zzzsorry for the inconvenience23:13
=== herb changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | https://help.launchpad.net/HelpRotation | Community help contact: -

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