
Nece228ubuntu dust should be included by default in intrepid12:27
Nece228its highest rated theme in gnome-look, and it looks radically different than the current12:29
nandthorwil: hey!12:58
thorwilhi nand12:58
nandI found a good opportunity for your widget to become famous :)12:58
* thorwil looks12:59
thorwilnand: that's ... interesting. thanks for the info!13:03
nandthorwil: will you try to participate?13:03
thorwilnand: i have no clue how to work with qt designer and the prices don't interest me one bit :)13:04
nandthorwil: I was not expecting the price to be your motivation factor :)13:05
nandBut well, you have some ideas and will to change our interaction with the UI, it's the occasion to actually show it :)13:06
nandQt is not that hard, their docs is pretty clear. I have seen much worse!13:07
* thorwil just received his first, or maybe second, fan-mail13:14
nand:) kyudo?13:16
thorwilnand: guess i should check if that qt stuff is better suited for demos / test implementations than py-gtk, anyway. atm, i'm a bit swamped, though13:16
thorwilnand: no, countdown banner13:17
thorwilnand: so far only like 5 people showed actual interest in kyudo13:18
* nand would really like to have "only" 5 contributor to ideatorrent 13:19
nandthat's a good start, I'd say!13:19
thorwilheh, i said interested, not contributors ;)13:19
nandand did you started something concrete to show to the list? Having some concrete material can help gathering more interested people sometimes13:20
nandlike your new fans :)13:21
thorwilwith 5 somewhat competent people, we could run the entire show ...13:21
thorwilnand: it's just now in a state where i can move towards something more concrete13:21
thorwilbut i have artwork for wubi and mudlet on my list first. interest might heat up after intrepid release, anyway13:24
thorwilnand: how are things going for you?13:33
rsc--hi folks13:35
thorwilhi rsc--13:36
nandthorwil: soso, work is not that interesting, and I don't find time anymore for my online hobbies13:37
nandhi rsc--13:37
nandhopefully that'll get resolved soon13:37
thorwilrsc--: tell you what, you should work on a countdown banner for next release instead of a wallpaper. much more rewarding, no shitty comments at all ;)13:37
thorwilnand: the interest of the hobbie part? hope at least the pay is ok :)13:38
nandthat part is fortunately ok :)13:38
kwwiihi rsc--, thorwil, nand13:40
thorwilhello kwwii13:40
Cimikwwii, please update murrine for intrepid17:01
kwwiiCimi: I am afraid that it is too late for that kind of change :-(17:17
kwwiiCimi: you might want to talk to pitti if you think you can convince him17:18
Cimikwwii, first of all remove any kind of style line in ALL the gtkrcs17:18
Cimiso that people won't take those as a base (and spread the style = MURRINE option)17:19
Cimido you know what you've done? you've introduced a broken development snapshot in a distro release17:20
thorwilooh, drama!17:26
Cimithorwil, if people will make themes using the version in intrepid, they will be completely (windows 95 look) in 9.04 or just when murrine will be updated17:28
Cimi*completely broken17:28
Cimibecause the engine does not parse style = MURRINE option17:29
Cimiand it won't load17:29
Cimiexpecting a lot of bugreports to your launchpad17:29
Cimi*latest update broke my theme*17:30
Cimi*updating murrine makes my themes look like...*17:30
Cimietc etc17:30
kwwiiwe just won't update it until intrepid+118:04
kwwiikinda silly to be changing the api anyway18:04
kwwiiand if I updated it now, all upgraders would say "latest update broke my theme"18:05
kwwiiin fact, it would break all themes out there, wouldn't it?18:05
Cimikwwii, only dust I guess18:12
Cimiyou just need to remove that line18:13
Cimibut if you wait april 0918:13
Cimithere wil be muuuch more themes that will broke18:13
zniavresed -i 's!style[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*MURRINE!profile = MURRINE!' /usr/share/themes/DarkRoom/gtk-2.0/gtkrc19:40

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