
copprohm... 11 days till release... should I start upgrading now?00:37
fmarierwould anybody be willing to sponsor a sync to fix this fairly serious bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/docvert/+bug/28614600:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 286146 in docvert "Please sync docvert 3.4-6 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Undecided,New]00:49
ScottKfmarier: I'll have a look at it.01:02
fmarierScottK: thanks01:02
ScottKfmarier: Thanks for taking interest in a downstream project.01:02
fmarierone question though: when should one subscribe motu-release to a bug?01:03
fmarierwould that be for an SRU?01:03
ScottKIf it's post feature freeze and the change adds a new feature or after the RC is release, we'll approve all uploads.01:04
jdongfmarier: SRU is motu-sru, btw01:04
ScottKUntil RC for Universe we trust developers to do bug fix updates.01:04
fmarierok, thanks, that clears things up01:04
ScottKFor packages in Main, ubuntu-release is approving all uploads now.01:05
fmarierso if my fix had come after the 23rd, then i would have had to go through motu-release?01:07
ScottKfmarier: Yes.01:14
ScottKfmarier: Looks like persia already gave it sponsors approval, so it's in the archive admins hands to sync (probably tomorrow).01:15
fmarierScottK: wow, that was fast! :)01:15
ajmitchhello fmarier01:16
fmarierhi ajmitch01:16
ScottKfmarier: Myself I'll tend to pay more attention to sponsorship requests when it's the Debian maintainer suggesting it.  I'm not alone in that.01:16
ajmitchScottK: yeah, you'd generally expect a very good knowledge of the package in question in that regard01:18
ScottKajmitch: Yes.  Plus I like to encourage repeat business.01:19
ajmitchoh, google gadgets released, I wonder when we'll see the first packages pop up01:28
ajmitchor it's probably old01:29
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* NCommander is finally glad the gnat-4.2 transition is nearly done06:28
dholbachgood morning07:13
iulianMorning Daniel.07:17
dholbachhi iulian07:18
dholbachwarp10: there's another Colangelo that commented on your behindmotu interview :)07:18
warp10dholbach: oh, looks like we are "relatives", in a certain manner. Ubuntu helps genealogy too: cool! :D07:21
slytherinanyone using openvpn here? I am looking for someone to try reproducing a bug and mark it as confirmed.07:36
slytherinThe bug is in openvpn plugin of network manager07:37
Koonslytherin: which bug is it ?07:37
slytherinKoon: bug 28513807:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 285138 in network-manager-openvpn "Does not import certificate and key settings" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28513807:38
Koonslytherin: I confirm it does not import the certificates/keys07:40
Koonslytherin: i'm marking it as confirmed07:40
slytherinKoon: Thanks. :-)07:41
persiaslytherin, Although this worked for you, in general you may find that the population of #ubuntu-bugs has more people willing to test things quickly.07:41
slytherinhmm. Will keep in mind. :-)07:42
slytherinpersia: I have files the bug we discussed. 286095 and 286226. I have made sure that packages compile with intrepid pbuilder chroot.07:44
\shany thoughts on bug #250425 ?07:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 250425 in zsnes "zsnes crashes with buffer overflow on startup" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25042507:44
persiabugs #286095 and #28622607:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 286095 in statcvs "Please sync statcvs 1:0.4.0.dfsg-3 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28609507:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 286226 in jta "Please sync 2.6+dfsg-1.1 from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28622607:45
persiaslytherin, This means we can drop the duplication in libjdom-java, right?07:46
slytherinpersia: yes07:47
persiaslytherin, Have you already filed the removal bug?07:47
slytherinpersia: No. I will do that once these syncs are done.07:47
persiajta is already ACK'd.  verifying statcvs now.07:48
stochastichello, I'm new to packaging/bug fixes/etc... but this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/debian/+source/cecilia/+bug/236251/ has been hanging around for a while now and has a fix ready to be applied08:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 236251 in cecilia "Cecilia Locks up on start" [High,Triaged]08:46
stochasticanyone want to give me some direction on this?08:53
persiastochastic, Sure.08:53
lagabah. i was already looking at it :)08:54
persialaga: go ahead then :) I have other stuff to do, but I like cecila08:54
stochasticthanks guys08:55
lagastochastic: is the fix in that bug everything that's needed to get cecilia up and running on debian?09:01
lagaerr, ubuntu.09:01
stochasticlaga: yes, that one change successfully fixed it on my machine09:03
stochasticit needs to be applied in the .deb, before it's installed to the system; editing the /usr/share/cecilia/lib/prefs.tcl file directly does nothing09:04
didrocksmorning o/09:08
lagaokay. i hear that cecilia is broken with csound 5.x, that's why i'm wondering09:08
YokoZarIs a minor upstream bugfix update better as an SRU or a backport?09:10
YokoZar(wine 1.0.1)09:10
stochasticlaga: I haven't extensively tested it, I could do a couple quick tests09:10
lagastochastic: yes, please do that09:10
stochasticlaga: I just successfully played a file with cecilia & csound 5 - I'll keep running some tests to see if any issues pop up but everything seems to work as expected09:13
stochasticlaga: cecilia itself does throw some errors every now & then, but none of them are fatal, and it looks to be more to do with it's code than any csound5 interaction09:21
lagaokay. if it's usable, then we can proceed with the debdiff09:22
lagadoes the cecilia package have a patch system?09:22
stochastic??? I'm brand new to packages I don't know what you're asking09:23
lagawell, we need to introduce a change to the package which is not in the orig.tar.gz - the orig.tar.gz is the compressed file we get from upstream09:24
lagausually, you will add a patch system which will apply the necessary changes during the build process09:24
stochasticwell all the cecilia packages are numbered with ubuntu1 in the repos if that means anything to you09:26
stochasticand I see a .diff.gz file on the packages site09:26
lagayeah, the .diff.gz holds debian/09:26
lagaah, it has a patch system. debian/patches exists09:27
lagaand it uses dpatch.09:28
lagastochastic: you need to add the patch to the patch system and generate a debdiff09:29
stochasticcan you point me to a howto on this, I'm really a newbie around packaging/maintaining09:29
lagastochastic: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Recipes/Debdiff?action=show&redirect=MOTU%2FRecipes%2FDebdiff09:30
lagastochastic: that guide does not show you how to use dpatch09:30
stochasticis there one around that does?09:31
lagahttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Howtos/Dpatch - it's as simple as that. just run dpatch-edit-patch my-new-patch.dpatch and it will create a copy of the package. apply your patch inside that copy, hit ctrl+d and a new patch will have been created (verify that it's correct by looking in debian/patches/)09:32
lagadon't forget to add your patch to  debian/patches/00list09:32
lagaall instructions assume that you are in the top level directory of the package09:32
stochasticlaga: I really am over my head here, it's 1:40am here, and I've got homework that needs my attention09:42
stochasticI'm not even getting very far with registering a GPG key09:43
stochasticnevermind the diff file09:43
persiastochastic, You don't need a GPG key.09:46
stochasticthe fist step in the first howto warned me that I did09:46
persiastochastic, If you don't have one, you get a warning about being unable to sign the package.  This is only important if you were going to upload it to a restricted-access repository.09:46
persiaWhich HOWTO?  I'll fix it.09:46
lagastochastic: then do it tomorrow :)09:47
stochasticthanks, I'll still read through that stuff eventually, it's good for me to learn09:48
persiastochastic, Does https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Recipes/Debdiff look better now?09:51
persiadholbach, What is the point of setting environment variables and configuring GPG for debdiffs?09:51
dholbachpersia: environment variables for dch09:52
persiadholbach, OK.  Makes sense.09:52
stochasticthat's clearer, but still looks a little latin, I guess I just need to do some reading to orient myself with all this stuff.  thanks.09:53
lagastochastic: feel free to ping me when you're having problems. i'm in GMT+2.10:00
lagaand i gotta run now :)10:00
didrocksI have a question on build-stamp best practice. I see often a "rm build-stamp" on the clean target, but never a touch "build-stamp" to create it. Does doing "build: build-stamp" create it automatically?10:19
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persiadidrocks, It depends on how make is configured.  By default, no.10:20
didrockspersia: can you give me a tip for this rules file, please? http://paste.ubuntu.com/60044/10:22
persiadidrocks, I think it's probably useless in that case.  Try running debuild in the package directory, and then debian/rules clean.  This should result in no changes.10:35
persiaFor extra safety, do this in a temporary directory.10:35
persia(as it will overwrite the source package)10:36
didrockspersia: yes, you're right :) But I still can't see how the flag file "build-stamp" is created (I see the rm in clean1 target, but not its creation)10:53
persiadidrocks, Is it created?  Maybe dpatch.make does it.10:56
didrockspersia: don't this that dpatch.make creates it (it deals with patch/unpatch target only apparently)10:58
persiadidrocks, Could you rephrase?  I couldn't parse that.10:59
didrocksoupss, sorry :)10:59
didrockspersia: I don't thing that dpatch.make creates the build-stamp file flag, this one seems to deal only with patch/unpatch target11:00
persiadidrocks, OK.  Does it get created when you run debuild ?11:00
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didrocksI must confess that I do not know/can't remember where those flag files are created when building11:02
persiadidrocks, They would be created in the base directory usually.  In any case, the rm line would tell you where they would be.11:03
didrockspersia: oh, my bad, touch $@ touched it :(11:10
persiadidrocks, There you go.  Sorry I missed that.11:11
didrockspersia: thanks a lot for your time :)11:11
AnAntwhen is superm1  available ?11:15
persiaAnAnt, Variable, but typically in relatively sane times for UTC+511:16
persia(at least according to LP : no guarantee that's the right timezone)11:16
AnAntwell, I duno what to do11:34
AnAntoops, wrong window11:35
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persiaDoes anyone happen to know why I get a pan0 network device on a machine *without* bluetooth?14:12
Laneypersia: I appear to have one too, odd14:16
persiaLaney, And this is with no bluetooth hardware support, right?14:17
sistpoty|workhi folks14:17
Laneypersia: Correct. This machine has never seen bluetooth hardware14:18
Laneyhi sistpoty|work14:18
sistpoty|workhi Laney14:18
persiaHmm.  I suspect that's a bug.14:18
directhexpan0's labyrinth.14:20
Laneyho ho14:20
G__81hi all15:16
persiaG__81, Hey.  Did you find something on which to work yet?15:17
G__81persia, yeah i have started with bug triaging yesterday earned some points. I have installed Ibex so could do some testing and triage today too :) and then get in the bug fixing mode too15:17
persiaG__81, Excellent!  Good luck.15:18
G__81persia, thanks :)15:18
G__81and wish you the same15:18
G__81persia, can you give me the link for the bugs to be triaged ?15:20
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persiaG__81, #ubuntu-bugs is the place to get that answer :)15:20
G__81hmm ok i am on that channel too lets see if i get there15:21
jcastroStill looking for volunteers!16:25
G__81hi jcastro i am new but i dont know how i could help16:27
G__81hi jcastro i could help if there is something that i could do :)16:28
jcastroI don't know, what is it you can do? :D16:28
G__81i am currently into triaging. I have been doing contributions to fedora so i am kind of new to ubuntu's processes :)16:28
jcastroah no worries then, you'd probably be a better target as a participant than someone running a session then16:29
jcastroG__81: openweek is basically designed to be sessions for people like you16:30
G__81oh ok there are many things that ubuntu does extra when compared to fedora so these things are new :)16:31
G__81yeah thanks16:31
G__81where do people get this information are these communicated in some mailing lists16:31
G__81saying that an open week is gonna happen16:31
G__81so that i could subscribe ?16:31
jcastroyeah, it hasn't been announced yet but it will be on ubuntu-devel-announce16:31
jcastroI am still gathering people so that when it is announced the schedule isn't empty. :D16:32
jcastroyou'll want to subscribe to ubuntu-devel, and ubuntu-motu as well16:32
G__81yeah i am in motu but heard that ubuntu-devel is moderated16:33
persiaG__81, That it's moderated only means you can't post : you're encouraged to read.16:33
G__81oh :) i didnt know that16:34
G__81then i could subscribe :)16:34
G__81right now16:34
james_wsmarter: congratulations16:36
smarterjames_w: thanks :)16:40
RainCTsmarter: congrats!17:11
smarterhey RainCT, thanks :)17:11
G__81hi smarter congrats17:13
G__81hi RainCT17:13
RainCTHi G__8117:14
smarterthanks too G__81 (:17:15
RainCTfabrice_sp: I don't think you need the .dirst file for itsalltext (and one of the entries is wrong, btw, which confirms that it isn't necessary)17:17
RainCTfabrice_sp: beside that it looks OK to me, but better wait for asac or someone else to answer if you want a reliable opinion :)17:18
asacRainCT: yes. the .dirs should be removed imo17:29
asacunless a package wantes to provide an empty dir there is no need for it17:29
asacat least thats my understanding of this ;)17:29
* sistpoty|work calls it a day ... cya17:30
RainCTasac: Yep, the .dirs isn't necessary (it may be useful in other cases beside wanting an empty dir, like when files are moved manually with install/mv/etc, but definitely not with dh_links/dh_install). I told him to ask you for the case there's some other problem (though I doubt it, extensions are rather straightforward) :)17:31
persiaasac, RainCT .dirs is also useful to work around broken upstream install rules.17:33
persiaRainCT, When files are installed with install, one can provide the right arguments to create the directory.  mv shouldn't be used : cp is marginally better, and install generally preferred (whether wrapped in dh_install or alone)17:34
RainCTpersia: yep, the mv was a lapsus :)17:35
G__81Hi RainCT i am working on triaging and i am enjoying it, apart from that how else can i contribute17:50
G__81in addition to that i mean17:50
RainCTG__81: Yeh, I remember those days when I started triaging... :).  Well, beside that there is of course packaging, bug fixing, etc.18:08
RainCTG__81: and then more unrelated stuff like translating Ubuntu to your language, writing documentation and all that18:08
pochugo dfiloni and nxvl! :)18:09
dfilonithanks pochu :)18:10
\shRainCT: you forget coding some weired python cruft ,->18:11
G__81Have not done packaging at all :(18:11
* G__81 is nervous about packaging stuff18:11
sebner\sh: \o/18:12
\shpackaging is very handy, especially when your devs at work are coming to you with requests for newest crack for ubuntu....*grmpf*18:12
RainCT\sh: that's implicit ;P18:12
* \sh wants to code again...18:13
* sebner feels slightly ingored by \sh :P :P :P18:13
\shsebner: dude, start fixing crossfire-client-gtk2 please on x86_64...it gives me two chars instead of one in inputboxes...i386 does the right thing ,-)18:13
* RainCT hugs \sh 18:14
\shsebner: nanana18:14
G__81RainCT, how do i start off with packaging18:14
RainCTsebner: and fix my GNOME ^^18:14
\shRainCT: ^518:14
sebnerRainCT: you can't fix GNOME. It has to be b0rken. It has to be insane! GNOME FTW! :D18:14
G__81RainCT, some starting point and then some team where in i could join and package something and send it for review18:14
G__81is that a simple process18:14
sebner\sh: lol, haven't seen you for a while now. how are you mate? :)18:15
\shsebner: busy with RL work :(18:15
\shsebner: I feel like that I'm some kind of Ubuntu Server entrepeneur for real commercial apps18:16
\shbleeding edge usage of ubuntu yay ,->18:17
RainCTG__81: Uhm, didn't I tell you already? Just find somethin easy to fix (either from https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=bitesize or anywhere else, or even some bug which annoys you and you think is easy to fix) and try to get a fix ready for it following the info on the wiki, then attach the debdiff to the bug and subscribe ubunut-universe-sponsors or ubuntu-main-sponsors (depending if the package is in universe or main).18:17
sebner\sh: what can be better ;P18:17
RainCTG__81: If you think you need some more help than just the wiki then you could join the mentoring programme18:17
\shincluding running windows server + windows powershell under vmware-server on ubuntu ,->18:17
sebner\sh: oh dear, what can be worse ^^18:17
\shsebner: adobe flash media server on RedHat Enterprise Linux18:18
\shsebner: windows never crashed for me while running under vmware-server ,_>18:18
aos101If I want to do a SRU for a package in main, do I just subscribe ubuntu-sru and they can upload the debdiff to -proposed, or do I need to also subscribe ubuntu-main-sponsors to first get it uploaded to -proposed?18:25
RainCTaos101: you'll need both18:26
aos101RainCT: Shall I subscribe ubuntu-main-sponsors first to get it uploaded, or just subscribe both at the same time?18:28
* RainCT is not sure18:29
AnAntsuperm1: ping18:38
aos101RainCT: Ok Thanks.  I'll probably subscribe both at the same time, and they can see what I'm trying to do.18:38
POXoh, MIR bug means a package will be included in Ubuntu's main (/me wondered what doko wants from him ;)18:53
POX"good maintainance in debian" hehe ;)18:54
dokoyes, looking at component mismatches18:54
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POXdoko: btw, you want to sync pyenchant with Debian if it was build with enchant 1.4.1 or later18:56
dokotoo late, that's for jaunty then18:56
POXdoko: please try this in Ubuntu: python -c 'import enchant'18:58
POXif it will fail you *need* to sync18:58
dokoPOX: doesn't crash on amd6418:59
POXok, so I guess it was built with one of previous versions19:00
dokotrying to rebuild ...19:01
POX(actually enchant is the one with fixes, pyenchant has to be rebuilded only)19:04
POXversion in Ubuntu probably has broken shlibs19:05
csilkHI, would it be possible for somebody to take a very quick look over the 2nd section of this license and help me decide if it's suitable for the Ubuntu repositories or not?19:06
csilk*Section 2 Restrictions19:06
ScottKdoko: Since pyenchant is in Universe it's not actually too late.19:07
doko$ python -c 'import enchant'19:07
dokoTraceback (most recent call last):19:07
doko  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>19:07
doko  File "enchant/__init__.py", line 90, in <module>19:07
doko    import _enchant as _e19:07
dokoImportError: No module named _enchant19:07
dokoScottK: but we have to be quick before pitti approves the MIR ;p19:08
POXdoko: just sync echant19:08
POXand then rebuild pyenchant19:08
ScottKEnchant is already in Main, so that'll need release team approval.19:10
james_wcsilk: "Distribution of the Program or any work based on the Program by a commercial organization to any third party is prohibited if any payment is made in connection with such distribution,"19:11
csilkjames_w,  that's the bit I was concerned about19:11
csilkTo me, that looks like a big no no19:11
POXall latest NMUs in enchant (Ubuntu is missing 2 of them) were aproved by Debian's RMs so I guess Ubuntu ones will not mind19:11
james_wcsilk: yeah, me too, but I'm no expert.19:11
ScottKPOX: We've already got the non-matching dicts patch.  Was there something else that was important in Enchant?19:11
james_wcsilk: also, does the app link against anything GPL?19:11
csilkjames_w,  no it's all under that one license as far as I can see19:12
dokoScottK: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pyenchant/+bug/28654219:12
POXScottK: see enchant's changelog, you need all of them19:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 286542 in pyenchant "sync-request" [Undecided,New]19:12
ScottKjames_w and csilk: Such restrictions are acceptable in Multiverse.19:12
csilkScottK,  is there a written policy I can refer to for future reference?19:13
ScottKPOX: So it looks like except the shlibs bump we have everything already.19:13
ScottKcsilk: Not that I've found.  Bottom line is that as long as it's generally distributable it can go into Multiverse.  No commercial distribution is one standard reason to get stuck there.19:14
csilkScottK, but there is a possibilty that app could end up being distributed commerically if it's in multiverse19:15
csilk*that the app19:15
POXScottK: if you rebuild pyenchant with current Ubuntu's enchant version, it will not work, see doko's traceback19:15
ScottKPOX: Right.  I think I got that now.19:15
RainCTcsilk: but then that's the problem of the person distributing it, not Ubuntu's19:15
ScottKcsilk: It's distributable by Canonical/Ubuntu and that's what matters.19:16
ScottKcsilk: Any Ubuntu derivative REALLY needs to review licenses in multiverse before distributing packages from there.19:16
csilkYeah I see your point RainCT, ScottK. Any derivative being distributed is not Canonicals problem therefore the app is fine for inclusion in multiverse. fantastic, thanks for the help :)19:17
superm1AnAnt, pong19:18
ScottKcsilk: One final piece of advice: Multiverse is not Free software and so tends to be a low priority for inclusion.  Just because it could be included doesn't mean MOTU will be motivated to review and upload it.19:18
ScottKOdds are significantly better if the license is fixed.19:19
RainCTomg Ubuntu just got mad.. /me restarts19:19
csilkScottK,  yeah I understand, having a mentor really helps in that situation though.19:21
RainCTweird.. aptitude broke :'(19:23
RainCTsebner: I think I'm starting to support your theory :)19:24
sebnerRainCT: well, I use apt :P19:25
Simpson_Penner_ihr seid alle idioten19:27
RainCTThat *really* weird.. Epiphany freezed, half a minute later I killed it, then when I tried to start it again it complained about some missing bonobo thing (about which Google doesn't know anything), I did sudo aptitude reinstall epiphany-browser and now aptitude segfaults (but epiphany works again after restarting) o_O19:27
RainCTHobbsee: kick him ^19:28
Simpson_Penner_jo tu das xD19:28
Simpson_Penner_nur dumm das das hier keiner kann haha19:29
RainCTsebner: now I can add a weird troll to my list LOL19:29
ubottuHelp! Hobbsee, Riddell, sladen, fbond, mneptok, gnomefreak, Seveas, dholbach, elkbuntu, PriceChild, or jpatrick!19:29
ScottKPriceChild: Thank you.19:30
sebnerBad german troll19:30
AnAntsuperm1: I need your help with dkms !19:37
AnAntsuperm1: I added dkms support to sl-modem, but it only compiles one module (slamr) , but fails to compile ungrab-winmodem19:38
AnAntsuperm1: and make.log doesn't give any useful info19:38
superm1AnAnt, normally when you compile it, do you use the same make command for building both modules?19:38
AnAntsuperm1: no, another make command19:38
superm1AnAnt, well then you'll need to specify that other command in your dkms control file too19:39
AnAntsuperm1: I did, http://pastebin.com/mfc4262219:39
superm1by using several MAKE directives, eg MAKE[0], MAKE[1]19:39
AnAntthat's what I've done, please look at pastebin url19:40
superm1AnAnt, do you possibly need to be pushd'ing in your second directive then?19:40
superm1i'm not sure the structure of sl-modem's stuff19:40
AnAntsuperm1: I tried that, but it was of no use19:41
superm1AnAnt, well the easiest method to debug then, switch into the directory that's being used for building, and then run that make command as you see there19:41
superm1make sure that it spits out the module properly19:41
AnAntsuperm1: done that, and it worked !19:42
superm1AnAnt, then are you sure the second directive is being actually called in the first place when it fails?19:42
AnAntsuperm1: how would I know ?19:43
POXf*ck, pyenchant fails in unstable as well19:43
superm1AnAnt, well that make.log should show, and/or when you do dkms build you may see it19:43
AnAntsuperm1: dkms says: Error!  Build of ungrab-winmodem.ko failed for: 2.6.27-7-generic (i686)19:43
AnAntConsult the make.log in the build directory19:43
AnAntsuperm1: make.log says: DKMS make.log for sl-modem-2.9.11~20080817 for kernel 2.6.27-7-generic (i686) Mon Oct 20 20:41:43 EET 200819:44
AnAntand that's it !19:44
superm1AnAnt, maybe try just putting it all in the first MAKE directive ,like this : "pushd ${dkms_tree}/sl-modem/2.9.11~20080817/build; make -C drivers KERNEL_DIR=$kernel_source_dir KVERS=$kernelver ; make -C ungrab-winmodem KERNEL_DIR=$kernel_source_dir KVERS=$kernelver; popd"19:44
AnAntsuperm1: that worked !19:46
superm1AnAnt, those different MAKE directives are intended to be used when trying to do different make commands for different kernels usually, i don't believe they are sequentially executed in any case, but i'd have to double check19:47
AnAntso I should just keep it like that ?19:47
AnAntI mean both in same MAKE directive ?19:48
superm1AnAnt, just remove the second MAKE directive19:50
sebnersuperm1: btw, does your ipod-convience also works with the new ipod touch2? if yes, *how* good?19:52
superm1sebner, if someone will trade me their touch2 for my touch, i'll tell you :)19:54
sebnersuperm1: hrhr ^^, /me is thinking about getting one for christmas but you know .. touch and phone with ubuntu ... :\19:54
superm1sebner, surely if you can jailbreak the touch2, it should work19:54
sebnersuperm1: /me is wondering what's your magic behind jailbreaking19:55
superm1sebner, i'm personally really pissed about the nike stuff being built into touch219:55
sebnersuperm1: why?19:56
superm1sebner, well now I either have to go buy a touch2, or buy a nano to use nike+19:56
superm1i was hoping to just spend 30 bucks on the dongle when they released the ipod touch software for it19:56
superm1sebner, well the ipod-convenience stuff only works if you jailbreak it, so you'll have to read about that stuff19:56
fabrice_spHi RainCT: does it mean that if I delete the dirs file for itsalltext, it would be ok ;-) (by the way, it comes from debian packaging)19:58
RainCTfabrice_sp: yep19:58
sebnersuperm1: kk, well I'm thinking about nano or touch. nano would clearly the easier decision ^^19:58
fabrice_spRainCT: great! I'll change that and upload now (and also the change for vimperator)19:59
POXdoko: wait with that sync, looks like after latest changes in enchant I need to fix something in pyenchant as well19:59
dokoPOX: I don't think we can have a sync for enchant before the RC, but you should point this out to seb12820:00
POXdoko: I'll fix it in Debian and then we'll see if it will be enough for Ubuntu20:01
POXlooks like .so file is in wrong dir now, I'll check why20:01
AnAntsuperm1: thanks a lot !20:04
superm1AnAnt, no prob.20:04
AnAntsuperm1: btw, sl-modem supports both module-assistant & dkms20:05
superm1AnAnt, neat.  i'll have to take a look at how you implemented the combination of both when it lands in a source package in the archive at some point20:06
AnAntsuperm1: I can upload to debian mentors if you want20:06
superm1AnAnt, my time to give it a good look is low now, so i'll look later :)20:07
fabrice_spasac: what do you you mean with your last comment on bug #286225?20:29
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/286225/+text)20:30
fabrice_sp(this one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vimperator/+bug/286225)20:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 286225 in vimperator "[intrepid] iceweasel-vimperator: Depends: iceweasel (>= 3.0~) but it is not instalable" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:31
ScottKsuperm1: Thanks for jumping in on the brightness related bugs.20:32
superm1ScottK, unfortunately that one kernel bug causes it to be very difficult to debug the functionality of the rest of them.  i really hope the kernel bug is fixed or this is going to be a very bad situation20:34
ScottKsuperm1: Right.  Well at least you understand the situation.  All I could do if fix guidance-power-manager not to crash in response.20:34
superm1ScottK, yeah i've been aware of it for a while, wgrant pointed out a lot of the details for me, so i've assembled at least what i know about it20:35
ScottKsuperm1: I think it's potential SRU material if you can get it sorted.20:35
ScottKsuperm1: Speaking of SRU, how's bluetooth going?20:36
superm1ScottK, well kernel guys should be looking at this already to try to fix before 8.10 is live.20:40
superm1ScottK, as for bluetooth, upstream's accepting a majority of my patch20:40
superm1ScottK, still has missing pieces for the integration, so at the going rate it will likely be a post release SRU20:40
ScottKsuperm1: That's not horrible.  Nothing until Jaunty would have been horrible.20:41
ScottKsuperm1: Thanks for working on it.20:41
ScottKsuperm1: We are planning on fielding KDE 4.1.3 in intrepid-updates so anything there we will automatically get.20:41
superm1ScottK, well i'm not sure how close to releases KDE trunk is, but automatically getting it would be awesome20:42
ScottKsuperm1: Trunk is towards 4.2 now.  We can probably try to backport it.20:42
ScottKSo you might discuss how much of this they'll allow into the 4.1 branch.20:43
POXScottK: I have pyenchant fixed in DPMT repo now, could you check if it works in Ubuntu?20:43
superm1ScottK, once it's all stable we'll see.  backporting it will be very easy in any case20:43
ScottKWith our current enchant or the one from Debian?20:43
ScottKPOX: ^^20:44
POXUbuntu's enchant, I know it works with Debian's20:44
ScottKPOX: Is build, install, import enchant a sufficent test?20:44
ScottKPOX: 1.4.2-1 "UNRELEASED"?20:46
POXno, lenny branch20:46
ScottKPOX: Bulding now.20:48
zookoFolks, I think there is a problem in the way Ubuntu packages the Crypto++ library and the way Ubuntu's version of Python dlopen's it.20:50
zookoI'm not sure exactly where the problem lies, yet.20:50
zookoBut symbols exported by libcryptopp.so dpon'20:51
ScottKPOX: It wants libenchant-dev > 1.4.2-3.3 and I don't have that here.20:51
zookodon't get resolved properly when they are also used by a Python module that I wrote.20:51
POXScottK: lower it to .3.1 and check if it works20:52
* POX needs to update his Ubuntu chroot20:55
ScottKPOX: Works20:58
POXhmm... so why when I builded it with -3.1 without the patch I created today, it worked in Debian?20:59
ScottKPOX: Because 3.1ubuntu1 has the patch from 3.3?20:59
POXbut it doesn't have the more important one from 3.221:00
POXanyway, I will upload pyenchant -3 with enchant -3.3 in B-D and then create a version for Ubuntu21:00
ScottKDunno.  Don't have the mental bandwidth currently to deal with it.21:01
ScottKPOX: I can do the Ubuntu one.  It's what I just built with a bit of changelog futzing.21:01
ScottKDktrKranz: Would you please approve Bug #286542.  I've confirmed it works, but it's more of a merge now.  I'll upload after approval.21:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 286542 in pyenchant "sync-request" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28654221:06
* DktrKranz looks21:07
POXScottK: I've changed changelog (added more info) if you want to have as small delta as possible21:08
* POX is commiting21:09
ScottKPOX: OK.  I'll look.  I'm calling this 1.4.2-2ubuntu121:09
DktrKranzScottK, POX: speaking about rdepends, do new APIs break anything?21:10
POXpyenchant's rdepends? no (at least when I tested it last time)21:10
ScottKDktrKranz: Go with what POX said.  It's totally broken now in any case.21:11
POXand most important rdependency - gaupol - is working fine (gaupol is mine as well :)21:11
ScottKPOX: Did you commit your change?21:12
POXwait a sec21:12
DktrKranzScottK, done.21:12
RainCTIf someone here knows GTK, how can I get the absolute position (x,y) of an Allocation object?21:16
ScottKPOX: Got it.  Thanks.21:17
ScottKDktrKranz: Thanks.21:17
ScottKPOX, doko, DktrKranz: pyenchant uploaded.21:21
* DktrKranz grumbles at italian {Ubuntu,Debian} mirrors...21:25
sebnerDktrKranz: it's italian ones. what do you expect :P21:26
DktrKranzsebner, borrow them some bandwith21:26
sebnerNOOOOOO. All the 16mbit are mine mine. My treasure, my treasure, MIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNEEEEEEEEEEE21:27
txwikingerDon't use British ones, or your assets might be frozen due to the Anti-Terrorsim Act 200121:27
DktrKranzsebner, they're located at "GARR", pronounce it "GRRRRRR"21:27
sebnerDktrKranz: btw, no SRU for feisty anymore !!!!! :D :P :D21:30
DktrKranzsebner, have you ever prepared one for feisty?21:31
DktrKranzIIRC, my first upload as MOTU was a SRU21:32
sebnerDktrKranz: nope xD but I start preparing for the others tomorrow ^^21:32
DktrKranzErr ftp://ftp.it.debian.org unstable/main libwww-perl 5.813-121:32
DktrKranz  Data socket timed out [IP: 21]21:32
sebnerDktrKranz: well, you are the born boring stable guy :P21:32
* DktrKranz starts to load his guns21:32
sebnerDktrKranz: what about using us?21:33
DktrKranzmuch better ftp.sebner.debian.org21:33
sebnerTIME OUT21:33
DktrKranzI guess you won't time out very often21:33
sebnerbecaus I won't be running very often? ^^21:34
* DktrKranz is going to own sebner's box one of these days21:35
* sebner runs away and hides 21:35
DktrKranzdebian 50235321:43
ubottuDebian bug 502353 in jhead "jhead: Security issues fixed in 2.84" [Grave,Closed] http://bugs.debian.org/50235321:43
NCommanderWhen using CDBS, is there a hook before dh_install is called?22:04
RainCTNCommander: yep22:09
NCommanderRainCT, that would be?22:09
RainCTNCommander: mkbuilddirs or something like that22:09
RainCTlet me check22:09
RainCTNCommander: makebuilddir is it22:12
RainCTthat's the first thing to be called22:12
NCommanderThat's made after debian/tmp is populated, but before dh_install is run, right?22:13
* NCommander needs to rm -r some files22:13
RainCTbut perhaps you don't need to get that far. configure, build, etc. may be enough22:13
DktrKranzNCommander, if you need some rm -fr, try installing slack (<< 0.15.2-3) ;)22:24
=== psusi_ is now known as psusi
lfaraoneHey, how do you patch a binary file in a package? (example-content)23:00
james_wlfaraone: I don't think you do for that package23:01
james_ware you trying to propose a change?23:02
lfaraonejames_w: yes, in bug 208561 the reporter emailed me a superior (and smaller) version of the speex file.23:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 208561 in example-content "Speex Audio file is a non-ideal bit-rate" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20856123:03
james_wlfaraone: I imagine that package is in bzr23:03
lfaraonejames_w: uh, how would I find that out, the repo isn't publicized anywhere that I can tell...23:05
ajmitchNOTICE: 'example-content' packaging is maintained in the 'Bzr' version control system at:23:06
lfaraoneajmitch: I found it.23:06
lfaraonejames_w: so what, I open another branch on lp, fork, replace, commit, push, apply for merge?23:08
james_wlfaraone: yeah23:10
james_wlfaraone: I'd subscribe the sponsors to your bug and add a pointer to your branch23:10
lfaraonejames_w: do I set it to "in progress"?23:11
james_wdoesn't really matter for sponsorship23:12
=== zooko is now known as zookoafk
james_wit would just make sure no-one else works on it23:12
lfaraonejames_w: odd, bzr seems to have frozen on `| [=====================================================================                                    ] Copying content texts 3/523:15
james_wprobably copying some large binary files23:16
ajmitchit's not a small package23:16
lfaraonewoot, done23:20
lfaraonejames_w: you wouldn't happen to be a main sponsor, would you? :)23:21
james_w'fraid not23:22
james_wsubscribe the sponsors, and speak to dholbach tomorrow, he touched the package last23:22
james_wand he'll love me for saying it :-)23:22
lfaraonejames_w: lol.23:22
=== zookoafk is now known as zooko
ScottKjames_w: For your everything in bzr project, the special case of packages maintained in a external repo now has a live case.  The current Ubuntu clamav uploads are in the alioth pkg-clamav Git repo.23:39
james_wScottK: ok, thanks. Keep doing that then, and I'll talk to you when we can look at interesting cases.23:40
ScottKjames_w: Will do.  Having a common repo with Debian is doing wonders for cooperation and I'd hate to lose that.23:41
james_wyeah, I would never ask you to, active co-operation with Debian is going to gain you far more than having the packages in bzr, and having them in git on alioth is almost as good as fitting in with the rest of the packages for many use cases of having them available the same way as other packages23:43
james_wit will just be to work out how we can mirror the git repo in bzr in the best way that gives the consistency without any hassle23:43

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